I-20 M-n Certificate Of Eligibility For Nonimmigrant (m-1) Studen

The Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS)

DHS_Form_I-20_M-N[1] (1)

Management of Student Data (I-20)

OMB: 1653-0038

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Page 1

Please read Instructions on Page 2
This page must be completed and signed in the United States by a designated school official.
1. Family Name (surname):
First (given) Name:

OMB NO. 1653-0038
Expires 08/31/2018

For DHS Official Use

Student’s Copy

Middle Name:

Country of birth:

Date of birth (mo/day/year):

Country of citizenship:

Admission number:

2. School (School district) name:

School Official to be notified of student's arrival in U.S. (Name and Title):
Visa issuing post

Date visa issued

School address (include ZIP code):

School code (including 3-digit suffix, if any) and approval date:
_________________________________________ approved on _______________

Reinstated, extension granted to:


This certificate is issued to the student named above for:


Level of education the student is pursuing or will pursue in the United States:


The student named above has been accepted for a full course of study at this
school, majoring in _____________________________________________.
The student is expected to report to the school no later than _____________
and complete studies not later than _______________. The normal length of
study is ______________ months.


English proficiency:


This school estimates the student’s average costs for an academic term of
________ (up to 12) months to be:
a. Tuition and fees
$ __________________
b. Living expenses
$ __________________
c. Expenses of dependents (
$ __________________
d. Other (specify):
$ __________________
$ __________________


This school has information showing the following as the student’s
means of support, estimated for an academic term of __________
months (Use the same number of months given in item 7).
a. Student’s personal funds
$ __________________
b. Funds from this school
$ __________________
Specify type: _____________________________________
c. Funds from another source
$ __________________
Specify type: _____________________________________

$ __________________

9. Remarks: _______________________________________


10. School Certification: I certify under penalty of perjury that all information provided above in items 1 through 9 was completed before I signed this form
and is true and correct; I executed this form in the United States after review and evaluation in the United States by me or other officials of the school of
the student’s application, transcripts, or other records of courses taken and proof of financial responsibility, which were received at the school prior to the
execution of this form; the school has determined that the above named student’s qualifications meet all standards for admission to the school; the student
will be required to pursue a full course of study as defined by 8 CFR 214.2(m)(9); I am a designated official of the above named school and am
authorized to issue this form.
Name of School Official

Signature of Designated School Official


Date Issued

Place Issued (city and state)

11. Student Certification: I have read and agreed to comply with the terms and conditions of my admission and those of any extension of stay as specified on
page 2. I certify that all information provided on this form refers specifically to me and is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I
seek to enter or remain in the United States temporarily, and solely for the purpose of pursuing a full course of study at the school named on page 1 of this
form. I also authorize the named school to release any information from my records which is needed by DHS pursuant to 8 CFR 214.3(g) to determine
my nonimmigrant status.
Name of Student

Name of parent or guardian
If student under 18

DHS Form I-20 M-N (06/10)

Signature of Student

Signature of parent or guardian

Address (city)


(State or Province) (Country)
For Official Use Only

Microfilm Index Number


Page 2
FORM I-20M-N. The first time you enter the United States, you must present
a Form I-20M-N. It will be returned to you endorsed with an admission
number. You must have your Form I-20M-N with you at all times. You must
not surrender it when you leave the United States. Failure to have it with you
when you apply to reenter the United States will delay your entry into the
United States. (If you lose your Form I-20M-N, you must request a new one
from a designated school official at your school.
ADMISSION. You must give this Form (I-20 M-N) to the American
Consular Officer at the time you apply for a visa (unless you are exempt from
visa requirements), and to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Officer
with evidence of ability to support yourself while pursuing a full course of
study when you arrive in the United States. If you are exempt from visa
requirements, and you are applying for admission to the United States as an
M-1 student, you must give the DHS Officer this form and evidence of your
ability to support yourself while pursuing a full course of study.
SCHOOL. If you are applying for entry to the United States for the first time
after being issued an M-1 visa, you will not be admitted unless you plan to
attend the school specified in that visa. If, before you enter the United States,
you decide to attend another school, you will present Form I-20M-N from the
new school to an American Consular Officer to have that school specified in
your visa.
EMPLOYMENT. You are not permitted to work except for practical training
or to engage in business. You may apply for permission to work for practical
training only after completing the educational program. Your alien spouse or
child (M-2 classification) may not work in the United States.
PERIOD OF STAY. You are permitted to remain in the United States only
while maintaining nonimmigrant student status. You must also maintain a valid
passport. You may not stay longer than authorized on your Form I-20M-N
unless you apply to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
Form I-539 accompanied by Form I-20M-N for an extension, between 15 and
60 days before the date that your authorized stay expires. You may stay while
the application is being processed and, if it is approved, until the expiration of
the extension.
SCHOOL TRANSFER. You will not be granted permission to transfer to
another school within 6 months of the date you first become an M-1 student,
unless you are unable to remain at the school to which you are first admitted
due to circumstances beyond your control. If you want to transfer to another
school, you must apply on Form I-539 accompanied by your Form I-20M-N.
The application must be submitted to DHS USCIS office having jurisdiction
over the school from which you wish to transfer. After filing your application,
you may attend the new school subject to approval or denial of your
application. Your application will be denied, however, if you have not been
taking a full course of study at the school you were last authorized to attend.
EDUCATIONAL. You are not permitted to change your educational
REENTRY. If you want to reenter the United States as a nonimmigrant
student after a temporary absence, you must be in possession of the following:
(1) a valid student visa; (2) a valid passport and either a new Form I-20M-N or
your current Form I-20M-N properly endorsed for reentry if the information on
the Form I-20M-N is current.
NOTICE OF ADDRESS. If you move, you must submit a notice within 10
days of your change of address to USCIS office on Form AR-11 (available at
any USCIS office).
ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE. When you depart from the United States, you
must give your "Arrival Departure Record" (Form I-94) to a representative of
the steamship or airline if you leave via a seaport or airport, to a Canadian DHS
Officer if you leave across the Canadian border, or to a United States DHS
Officer if you leave across the Mexican border. However, you may keep your
Form I-94 for reentering United States from Mexico or Canada if you return to
the U.S. within 30 days.
PENALTY. If you do not register at the school named in your Form I-20M-N,
stop attending school, take less than a full course of study, or accept
unauthorized employment, you fail to maintain your status and may be
deported from the United States.

DHS Form I-20 M-N (06/10)

Failure to comply with the law provides severe criminal penalties for you and your
school for failure to comply with the regulations and instructions governing issuance of
this form. Failure to comply with 8 CFR 214.3(k) may subject you and your school to
criminal prosecution. If you issue this form improperly, provide false information, or
fail to submit required reports, DHS may withdraw its approval of your school for
attendance by nonimmigrant students.
It Is Your Responsibility:
A. To complete Page 1 for any alien you have accepted for a full course of study in
your school, if that person:
(1) Intends to apply for admission to the United States as a nonimmigrant under
Section 101(a)(15)(M)(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (M-1
(2) Is in the United States as a M-1 nonimmigrant and has applied for transfer to
your school; or
(3) Is in the United States and will apply to change his/her nonimmigrant
classification to M-1.
B. To endorse Page 3 of this form for any alien you have accepted for a full course of
study in your school if that person:
(1) Is in the United States in M-1 classification and is departing temporarily from
the United States, and there has been no change in the information in items 3, 4,
7, and/or 8 on page 1. If there has been a change in items 3, 4, 7, and/or 8 on
Page 1, a new Form I-20M-N must be issued for reentry after a
temporary absence.
(2) Has a spouse or children who wish to join the student in the United States and
acquire nonimmigrant (M-2) classification, and there has been no change in the
information in items 7 and/or 8 on Page 1. If there has been a change in items 7
and/or 8 on Page 1, a new Form I-20M-N must be issued.
C. To establish that any student to whom you issue this form:
(1) Is able to pay all expenses incurred (and those of any dependents with the
student) while in the United States.
(2) Meets all requirements for admission to your school. If you want assistance in
determining the student's proficiency in English, contact the Cultural Affairs
Officer at the Embassy of the student's country.
D. To be sure that each Form I-20M-N is signed and issued in the United States by a
designated school official of your school as defined in 8 CFR 214.3(l). A
designated school official who may be authorized by the school to issue this form
must be a regularly employed member of the administration whose office is located
at the school and whose compensation does not come from commissions for
recruitment of foreign students. Individuals whose principal obligation to the school
is to recruit foreign students for compensation may not be authorized to issue this
E. To endorse Page 3 of this form at least every 6 months when the student leaves the
United States for a temporary absence, if the student will be enrolled in your school
immediately after reentry.
F. To retain all evidence which shows the scholastic ability and financial status on
which admission was based, as long as the student is attending your school.
G. To comply with requests from DHS for information concerning the student's
immigration status.
AUTHORITY FOR COLLECTING. Authority for collecting the information on this
and related student forms is contained in 8 U.S.C 1101 and 1184. The information
solicited will be used by the Department of State and DHS to determine eligibility for
the benefits requested. The law provides severe penalties for knowingly and willfully
falsifying or concealing a material fact, or using any false document in the submission
of this form.
REPORTING BURDEN. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is collecting
this information as a part of its agency mission under the Department of Homeland
Security. The estimated average time to review the instructions, search existing data
sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of information is 30 minutes (.50 hours) per response. An agency may not
conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to an information collection
unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. Send comments regarding
this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including
suggestions for reducing this burden, to: Office of the Chief Financial Officer/OAA/
Records Management Branch, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 500 12th
Street S.W. STOP 5705, Washington, D.C. 20536-5705.

Page 3
FAMILY NAME: __________________________________________ FIRST NAME: ________________________________
Primary Major: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Student Employment Authorization:
Employment Status:
Duration of Employment - From (Date):
Employer Name:
Employer Location:

Student’s Copy

To (Date):


Event History (Past 2 years)
Event Name:

Event Date:

Current Authorizations:

End Date:

Start Date:

This page, when properly endorsed, may be used for reentry of the student after a temporary absence from the United States. Each certification
signature is valid for 6 months.
Name of School:
Name of School Official

Signature of Designated School Official


Date Issued

Place Issued (city and state)

Name of School Official

Signature of Designated School Official


Date Issued

Place Issued (city and state)

Name of School Official

Signature of Designated School Official


Date Issued

Place Issued (city and state)

Name of School Official

Signature of Designated School Official


Date Issued

Place Issued (city and state)

DHS Form I-20 M-N (06/10)

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2018-03-27
File Created2018-03-27

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