30 Day FRN OE-417

30 Published FRN OE-417.pdf

Electric Emergency Incident and Disturbance Report

30 Day FRN OE-417

OMB: 1901-0288

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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 10, 2018 / Notices
Washingtonian Boulevard, Gaithersburg,
MD 20878.
Samuel J. Barish, Acting Designated
Federal Officer, Office of Fusion Energy
Sciences (FES); U.S. Department of
Energy; Office of Science; 1000
Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
DC 20585; Telephone: (301) 903–2917.
Purpose of Meeting: To provide
advice on a continuing basis to the
Director, Office of Science of the
Department of Energy, on the many
complex scientific and technical issues
that arise in the development and
implementation of the fusion energy
sciences program.
Tentative Agenda Items:
• DOE/SC Perspective
• FES Perspective
• Approval of the FESAC Report on
Transformative Enabling Capabilities
• New Business
• New Charge on the Committee of
• Update on the National Academies
Study of U.S. Burning Plasma
• Public Comment
• Adjourn

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Note: Remote attendance of the FESAC
meeting will be possible via Zoom.
Instructions will be posted on the FESAC
website (http://science.energy.gov/fes/fesac/
meetings/) prior to the meeting and can also
be obtained by contacting Dr. Barish by email
at: [email protected] or by phone
at (301) 903–2917.

Public Participation: The meeting is
open to the public. If you would like to
file a written statement with the
Committee, you may do so either before
or after the meeting. If you would like
to make an oral statement regarding any
of the items on the agenda, you should
contact Dr. Barish at 301–903–1233 (fax)
or [email protected] (email).
Reasonable provision will be made to
include the scheduled oral statements
during the Public Comments time on the
agenda. The Chairperson of the
Committee will conduct the meeting to
facilitate the orderly conduct of
business. Public comment will follow
the 10-minute rule.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting
will be available for public review and
copying within 30 days on the Fusion
Energy Sciences Advisory Committee
Issued at Washington, DC, on January 4,
LaTanya R. Butler,
Deputy Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2018–00246 Filed 1–9–18; 8:45 am]

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Environmental Management SiteSpecific Advisory Board, Savannah
River Site
Department of Energy.
Notice of open meeting.


This notice announces a
meeting of the Environmental
Management Site-Specific Advisory
Board (EM SSAB), Savannah River Site.
The Federal Advisory Committee Act
requires that public notice of this
meeting be announced in the Federal


Monday, January 22, 2018, 1:00
p.m.–5:00 p.m.; Tuesday, January 23,
2018; 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
ADDRESSES: Beach House Hotel, 1 South
Forest Beach Drive, Hilton Head, SC


Susan Clizbe, Office of External Affairs,
Department of Energy, Savannah River
Operations Office, P.O. Box A, Aiken,
SC 29802; Phone: (803) 952–8281.
Purpose of the Board: The purpose of
the Board is to make recommendations
to DOE–EM and site management in the
areas of environmental restoration,
waste management, and related
Tentative Agenda
Monday, January 22, 2018
Opening, Chair Update, and Agenda
Agency Updates
Administrative & Outreach Committee
Facilities Disposition & Site
Remediation Committee Update
Nuclear Materials Committee Update
Strategic & Legacy Management
Committee Update
Waste Management Committee Update
Draft Recommendation Discussion
Public Comments
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Agenda Review
• Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
• Status of Liquid Waste Operations
Lunch Break
• Status of Nuclear Materials
• Integrated Priority List
Topics for Consideration:
• Facilities Disposition & Site

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• Nuclear Materials
• Strategic & Legacy Management
• Waste Management
Public Comments
• Committee Chair Election
• Close Recommendation
• Draft Recommendation
Public Participation: The EM SSAB,
Savannah River Site, welcomes the
attendance of the public at its advisory
committee meetings and will make
every effort to accommodate persons
with physical disabilities or special
needs. If you require special
accommodations due to a disability,
please contact Susan Clizbe at least
seven days in advance of the meeting at
the phone number listed above. Written
statements may be filed with the Board
either before or after the meeting.
Individuals who wish to make oral
statements pertaining to agenda items
should contact Susan Clizbe’s office at
the address or telephone listed above.
Requests must be received five days
prior to the meeting and reasonable
provision will be made to include the
presentation in the agenda. The Deputy
Designated Federal Officer is
empowered to conduct the meeting in a
fashion that will facilitate the orderly
conduct of business. Individuals
wishing to make public comments will
be provided a maximum of five minutes
to present their comments.
Minutes: Minutes will be available by
writing or calling Susan Clizbe at the
address or phone number listed above.
Minutes will also be available at the
following website: http://cab.srs.gov/
Issued at Washington, DC, on December 27,
LaTanya R. Butler,
Deputy Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2018–00277 Filed 1–9–18; 8:45 am]

U.S. Energy Information
Agency Information Collection
Extension With Changes
U.S. Energy Information
Administration (EIA), U.S. Department
of Energy (DOE).
ACTION: Notice.

EIA has submitted an
information collection request to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for extension under the




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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 10, 2018 / Notices

provisions of the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995. The information collection
requests a three-year extension of its
Form OE–417 Electric Emergency
Incident and Disturbance Report, OMB
Control Number 1901–0288. The form
collects information on electric
emergency incidents and disturbances
for DOE’s use in fulfilling its overall
national security and National Response
Framework and other energy
management responsibilities.
DATES: Comments regarding this
information collection must be received
on or before February 9, 2018. If you
anticipate that you will be submitting
comments, but find it difficult to do so
within the period of time allowed by
this notice, please advise the DOE Desk
Officer at OMB of your intention to
make a submission as soon as possible.
The Desk Officer may be telephoned at
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be sent to the DOE Desk Officer: James
Tyree, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget, New
Executive Office Building, Room 9249,
735 17th Street NW, Washington, DC
20503, [email protected].
And to Matthew Tarduogno, U.S.
Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
DC 20585, Fax: 202–586–2623, Email:
[email protected].
Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
instrument and instructions should be
directed to Matthew Tarduogno, U.S.
Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
DC 20585, phone: 202–586–2892, or
email it to matthew.tardugono@
hq.doe.gov. Form OE–417 and its
instructions are available on the internet
at https://www.oe.netl.doe.gov/
information collection request contains:
(1) OMB No. 1901–0288;
(2) Information Collection Request
Title: Electric Emergency Incident and
Disturbance Report.
(3) Type of Request: Three-year
extension with changes;
(4) Purpose: The U.S Department of
Energy uses Form OE–417, Emergency
Incident and Disturbance Report, to
monitor emergencies and incidents that
affect U.S. electric power systems,
including events such as the power
outages caused by hurricanes Harvey,
Irma, Nate and Maria during the 2017
Hurricane Season. The information
gathered allows DOE to conduct postincident reviews examining significant

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interruptions, or potential interruptions,
of electric power or threats to the
national electric system. Form OE–417
enables DOE to meet the Department’s
national security responsibilities and
requirements as the lead agency for
Emergency Support Function (ESF)
#12—Energy under the National
Response Framework and the SectorSpecific Agency for energy under
Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 21
and PPD 41. The information may also
be shared with other non-regulatory
federal agencies assisting in emergency
response and recovery operations, or
investigating the causes of an incident
or disturbance to the national electric
system. Public summaries are posted to
the Form OE–417 website on a monthly
basis to keep the public informed.
(4a) Changes to Information
1. The main change to Form OE–417
is to incorporate questions that are or
will be included in the North American
Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)
EOP–004 Reliability Standard Event
Reporting Form. With the changes to
Form OE–417 if a respondent elects to
have the form submitted to NERC, the
entity does not need to file an EOP–004
Event Reporting Form. Form OE–417
will now collect the same information
as EOP–004. By incorporating the same
information, and aligning language
across these two forms, entities will
only be required to submit Form OE–
417. This will reduce the reporting
burden for the electric power industry.
Additional changes to Form OE–417
clarify and improve the flow of
2. The instructions include a note that
‘‘NERC has determined that, for U.S.
NERC reporting entities, the revised
Form OE–417 meets NERC’s submittal
requirements’’ (i.e. Form EOP–004).
3. Reintroduced Email submissions;
however, online submissions will
remain the preferred method.
Rewording of descriptions describing
the criteria and timing for when a report
should be filed.
4. Named the three categories of
submission: Emergency Alert; Normal
Report; System Report to provide better
clarity and easy reference under
‘‘Criteria for Filing’’.
5. Aligned alert criteria 5 and 6 with
EOP–004 Reliability Standard
6. Under ‘‘Criteria for Filing’’ section:
12 new data elements are added to
collect the additional information that
NERC collects or will collect on under
the EOP–004 Reliability Standard. The
additional questions are in a new
category of submission called ‘‘System
Report’’ and include:

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• Damage or destruction of a Facility
within its Reliability Coordinator Area,
Balancing Authority Area or
Transmission Operator Area that results
in action(s) to avoid a Bulk Electric
System Emergency;
• Damage or destruction of its Facility
that results from actual or suspected
intentional human action;
• Physical threat to its Facility
excluding weather or natural disaster
related threats, which has the potential
to degrade the normal operation of the
Facility. Or suspicious device or activity
at its Facility;
• Physical threat to its Bulk Electric
System control center, excluding
weather or natural disaster related
threats, which has the potential to
degrade the normal operation of the
control center. OR suspicious device or
activity at its Bulk Electric System
control center;
• Bulk Electric System Emergency
resulting in voltage deviation on a
Facility; a voltage deviation of equal to
or greater than 10% of nominal voltage
sustained for greater than or equal to 15
continuous minutes;
• Uncontrolled loss of 200 Megawatts
or more of firm system loads for 15
minutes or more from a single incident
for entities with previous year’s peak
demand less than or equal to 3,000
• Total generation loss, within one
minute of: greater than or equal to 2,000
Megawatts in the Eastern or Western
Interconnection or greater than or equal
to 1,400 Megawatts in the ERCOT
• Complete loss of off-site power
(LOOP) affecting a nuclear generating
station per the Nuclear Plant Interface
• Unexpected Transmission loss
within its area, contrary to design, of
three or more Bulk Electric System
Facilities caused by a common
disturbance (excluding successful
automatic reclosing);
• Unplanned evacuation from its
Bulk Electric System control center
facility for 30 continuous minutes or
• Complete loss of Interpersonal
Communication and Alternative
Interpersonal Communication capability
affecting its staffed Bulk Electric System
control center for 30 continuous
minutes or more;
• Complete loss of monitoring or
control capability at its staffed Bulk
Electric System control center for 30
continuous minutes or more.
7. Line numbers 1 through 20 were
relabeled as letters A through T to
prevent confusion between line
numbers and alert criteria.



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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 10, 2018 / Notices
8. An Alert status category ‘‘system
report,’’ was added which shall be filed
by the later of 24 hours after the
recognition of the incident OR by the
end of the next business day. This
change aligns with the EOP–004
Reliability Standard. 4:00 p.m. local
time will be definition for the end of the
business day.
9. The Electric Emergency Incident
and Disturbance Report section, lines J,
K, L were reorganized into ‘‘Cause,
Impact, and Action Taken’’ for clarity
and ease of use and additional items
were added to align with NERC’s EOP–
004 Reliability Standard.
10. The burden per response for
completing Form OE–417 is reduced
from 2.16 hours to 1.8 hours based on
findings from the results from cognitive
research conducted by the U.S. Energy
Information Administration.
11. The form and instructions were
updated to specify maintaining the
continuity of the ‘‘Bulk Electric System’’
versus ‘‘the electric power system’’ in
the ‘‘Criteria for Filing’’ section Line 8.
This change is based on a comment
provided during the 60-day comment
12. The words ‘‘lines 13–17’’ were
replaced with ‘‘lines M–Q’’ under the
‘‘Response Due’’ section, to match
updated line labels on the form. This
change is based on a comment provided
during the 60-day comment period.
13. A section was added to allow
respondents to select whether the
information provided in the Form is
submitted to the North American
Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)
and/or the Electricity Information
Sharing and Analysis Center (E–ISAC).
14. EIA amended its data protection
policy for information reported on
Schedule 2 of Form OE–417. Currently
this information is protected from
public release to the extent that it
satisfies the criteria for exemption under
the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA),
5 U.S.C. 552, the DOE regulations, 10
CFR 1004.11 implementing FOIA, and
the Trade Secrets Act, 18 U.S.C. 1905.
EIA will use the Critical Energy
Infrastructure Information (CEII)
regulations as set forth by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
to implement the requirements of the
Fixing America’s Surface Transportation
(FAST) Act, Pub. L. 114–94, pursuant to
section 215A(d) of the Federal Power
Act, as amended, to protect information
reported on Schedule 2 in addition to
continuing to apply FOIA exemptions
and using the Trade Secrets Act. This
change strengthens DOE’s ability to
protect information reported on
Schedule 2 of Form OE–417 and
provides additional authority for DOE to

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withhold company identifiable
information from public release.
15. The new data protection provision
for Form OE–417 is as follows:
• The information reported on
Schedule 1 will be considered ‘‘public
information’’ and may be publicly
released in company or individually
identifiable form.
• Information reported on Schedule 2
of Form OE–417 will not be disclosed to
the public to the extent that it satisfies
the criteria for exemption under the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5
U.S.C. 552, the DOE regulations, 10 CFR
1004.11, implementing the FOIA, the
Trade Secrets Act, 18 U.S.C. 1905 and
Critical Energy Infrastructure
Information regulations as defined by
the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission pursuant to section
215A(d) of the Federal Power Act, as
In accordance with the Federal Energy
Administration Act, DOE provides
company-specific protected data to
other Federal agencies when requested
for official use. The information
reported on this form may also be made
available, upon request, to another
component of DOE; to any Committee of
Congress, the U.S. Government
Accountability Office, or other Federal
agencies authorized by law to receive
such information. A court of competent
jurisdiction may obtain this information
in response to an order. The information
may be used for any non-statistical
purposes such as administrative,
regulatory, law enforcement, or
adjudicatory purposes.
(5) Annual Estimated Number of
Respondents: 2,395.
(6) Annual Estimated Number of
Total Responses: 300.
(7) Annual Estimated Number of
Burden Hours: 5,315.
(8) Annual Estimated Reporting and
Recordkeeping Cost Burden: $391,503.
Statutory Authority: Section 13(b) of the
Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974,
Pub. L. 93–275, codified as 15 U.S.C. 772(b)
and the DOE Organization Act of 1977, Pub.
L. 95–91, codified at 42 U.S.C. 7101 et seq.
In addition, 15 U.S.C. 772(b); 764(a); 764(b);
and 790a, of the Federal Energy
Administration Act of 1974 (FEA Act), Pub.
L. 93–275, as well as the Public Utility
Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C.
2601, Pub. L. 93–275.)
Issued in Washington, DC, on January 3,
L. Devon Streit,
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Infrastructure
Security and Energy Restoration, Office of
Electricity Delivery & Energy Reliability, U.
S. Department of Energy.
[FR Doc. 2018–00258 Filed 1–9–18; 8:45 am]

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U.S. Energy Information
Agency Information Collection
Extension With Changes
U.S. Energy Information
Administration (EIA), U.S. Department
of Energy (DOE).
ACTION: Notice.

EIA submitted an information
collection request for extension as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995. The information collection
requests a three-year extension of its
‘‘Generic Clearance for the Collection of
Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service
Delivery’’ under OMB Control No.
1905–0210. This generic clearance
enables EIA to collect customer and
stakeholder feedback in an efficient,
timely manner, in accordance with our
commitment to ensure that our
programs are effective, meet our
customers’ needs, and receive feedback
on improving service delivery to the


EIA must receive all comments
on this proposed information collection
no later than February 9, 2018. If you
anticipate any difficulties in submitting
your comments by the deadline, contact
the DOE Desk Officer at 202–395–4718.
ADDRESSES: Written comments may be
submitted to: James Tyree, Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget, New
Executive Office Building, Room 9249,
735 17th Street NW, Washington, DC
20503, [email protected] and
to Jacob Bournazian, U.S. Energy
Information Administration, 1000
Independence Avenue SW, EI–21,
Washington, DC 20585, Email
[email protected].
Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
instrument and instructions, send your
request to Jacob Bournazian, U.S.
Energy Information Administration,
1000 Independence Avenue SW,
Washington, DC 20585, phone: 202–
586–5562, or email it to
[email protected].
information collection request contains
(1) OMB Number: 1905–0210.
(2) Information Collection Request
Title: Generic Clearance for the
Collection of Qualitative Feedback on
Agency Service Delivery.
(3) Type of Request: Renewal with
changes; Purpose: The proposed
information collection activity provides



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File Modified2018-01-10
File Created2018-01-10

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