Form CSS2 Core Customer Satisfation Survey

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

3206-0236_Core Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer Satisfaction Survey

OMB: 3206-0236

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OPM Core Customer Satisfaction Survey

[Welcome letter]

General Survey Instructions


Caution: If you click the browser's Refresh or Reload buttons you will clear your latest responses from the page you are on. To ensure your survey responses are not lost, please Save survey if you cannot complete the entire survey in one sitting. On the Last page of the survey there is a Send/Submit button. Send/Submit send/submits a copy of the survey to be included in the agency results. Once you click on Send/Submit, you will not be able to access your survey again for any reason.

Buttons that are available on the bottom of each survey page are:

  • Previous takes you to the previous page in the survey,

  • Next takes you to the next page in the survey,

  • Save saves the survey on the system so you can continue at a later time,

  • 1 | 2 | 3...Last takes you to that page of the survey,

  • Quit allows you to quit the survey and gives you the option to Return and continue with the survey, Quit the system, or Save your current survey (after which you may continue with the survey or exit the system).

Privacy Act Statement

Collection of this information is authorized by Section 4702 of Title 5, U.S. Code and Executive Order #12862, Setting Customer Service Standards.

Your responses to this survey are voluntary and there is no penalty if you choose not to respond. However, maximum participation is encouraged so that the data will be complete and representative.

The principal purpose in collecting this information is to gather input from customers about the quality of service provided by [client agency]. Routine uses are identifying customer service strengths and challenges and identifying strategies that will help improve the quality of service [client agency] provides.

In any public release of survey results, no data will be disclosed that could be used to match your responses with your identity because there will be no individual identifiers associated with the data. All email addresses will be stripped and discarded automatically when the completed survey is submitted.

Public Burden Statement

We think providing this information takes an average of seven minutes per respondent to complete, including the time for reviewing instructions, getting the needed data, and reviewing the completed survey. Send comments regarding our estimate or any other aspect of this survey, including suggestions for reducing completion time, to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Reports and Forms Officer, Paperwork Reduction Project (3206-0236), Washington, D.C. 20415. The OMB number 3206-0236 is currently valid. OPM may not collect this information, and you are not required to respond, unless this number is displayed.

Customer Experiences

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

No Basis to Judge

  1. The XYZ staff are courteous.

  1. The XYZ staff are competent.

  1. XYZ provides consistently good service.

  1. XYZ policies and procedures are customer friendly.

  1. I have adequate access to XYZ staff for advice and assistance.

  1. The XYZ staff keep me informed of conditions and changes that affect me.

  1. XYZ works with me to ensure I get what I need.

  1. XYZ products & services are delivered in a timely manner.

  1. XYZ products are accurate and error-free

  1. XYZ products are well designed and easy to use.

  1. XYZ products and services meet my needs.

Very Dissatisfied




Very Satisfied

No Basis to Judge

  1. How satisfied are you with the following products and services:

  1. How satisfied are you with the way XYZ handles problems or errors?

    • Not Applicable: I have not experienced any problems.

    • Very Dissatisfied

    • Dissatisfied

    • Neither

    • Satisfied

    • Very Satisfied

Overall Satisfaction and Comments

  1. Overall, how satisfied are you with the customer service provided by XYZ?

    • Very Dissatisfied

    • Dissatisfied

    • Neither

    • Satisfied

    • Very Satisfied

  1. Overall, how satisfied are you with XYZ products and services?

    • Very Dissatisfied

    • Dissatisfied

    • Neither

    • Satisfied

    • Very Satisfied

  1. How do all your experiences with XYZ over the last year compare to what you expected?

  • Much worse than expected

  • Worse than expected

  • As I expected

  • Better than expected

  • Much better than expected

  1. XYZ products and services are a good value for the money.

    • Strongly Disagree

    • Disagree

    • Neither

    • Agree

    • Strongly Agree

  1. Will you use XYZ again?

    • Yes

    • No

    • Not Sure

  1. Use the following space to describe what XYZ is doing well.

  1. Use the following space to describe what you would like to see XYZ change.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleOPM Customer Satisfaction Survey -- 2011
AuthorSteve Burnkrant
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-21

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