30688 Q_SSARetirementEstimator_Web_AccountManagement_20160614

E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys


Mapping and Questionnaire Documents IA 30688 A4 (SSA)

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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v4 Model Qsts (EE)
v4 Model Qsts (SP)
v4 Custom Qsts EE
v4 Custom Qsts SP
v4 CQs EE (7-1-16)

Sheet 1: v4 Model Qsts (EE)

Model Instance Name:

SSA Retirement Estimator v4


Partitioned (Y/N)?

Element rotation scheme has been added

FPI Included(Y/N)?


SSA Retirement Estimator v4
Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)



MQ Label

MQ Label

MQ Label

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)


Apply in office for Benefits (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)

Look and Feel - Appeal Please rate the visual appeal of this online Retirement Estimator.
Satisfaction - Overall What is your overall satisfaction with the online Retirement Estimator? (1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied)
Apply in Office How likely are you to apply for Social Security Benefits in the field office?

Look and Feel - Balance Please rate the balance of graphics and text in this online Retirement Estimator.
Satisfaction - Expectations How well does the online Retirement Estimator meet your expectations? (1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)

Apply online for Benefits (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)

Look and Feel - Readability Please rate the readability of the pages in this online Retirement Estimator.
Satisfaction - Ideal How does the online Retirement Estimator compare to your idea of an ideal online process? (1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close)
Apply Online How likely are you to apply for Social Security Benefits online?

Site Performance
(1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)

Site Performance - Loading Please rate how quickly pages load in this online Retirement Estimator.

Recommend How likely are you to recommend this online Retirement Estimator to someone else?

Site Performance - Consistency Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page in this online Retirement Estimator.

Return (if applicable) (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)

Site Performance - Errors Please rate the ability to load pages without getting error messages in this online Retirement Estimator.

Return How likely are you to return to the Retirement Estimator?

Plain Language (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Use Other SSA Applications (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)

Plain Language - Clear Please rate the clarity of the wording in the online Retirement Estimator.

Use Other Online Services How likely are you to use other Social Security online services?

Plain Language - Understandable Please rate how well you understand the wording in the online Retirement Estimator.

Plain Language - Concise Please rate the online Retirement Estimator on its use of short, clear sentences.

Sheet 2: v4 Model Qsts (SP)

Model Instance Name:

SSA Retirement Estimator v4


Partitioned (Y/N)?

Element rotation scheme has been added

FPI Included(Y/N)?


SSA Retirement Estimator v4
Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)



MQ Label

MQ Label

MQ Label

Apariencia y función (1=Mala, 10=Excelente, No sé)

Apply in Office Visitar la oficina local para solicitar los beneficios (1=Muy improbablemente, 10=Muy probablemente)

Look and Feel - Appeal Por favor califique la apariencia del Calculador de beneficios de jubilación por Internet.
Satisfaction - Overall ¿Cómo calificaría su satisfacción en general del Calculador de beneficios de jubilación por Internet? (1=Totalmente insatisfecho, 10=Totalmente satisfecho)

¿Cuáles son las posibilidades de que visite la oficina personalmente la oficina local del Seguro Social para solicitar los beneficios?

Look and Feel - Balance Por favor califique el equilibrio entre gráficas y texto del Calculador de beneficios de jubilación por Internet.
Satisfaction - Expectations ¿Con cuánta exactitud el Calculador de beneficios de jubilación por Internet satisfizo sus expectativas? (1=No llenó mis expectativas, 10=Totalmente satisfecho)
Apply Online Solicitar los beneficios de Seguro Social por Internet (1=Muy improbablemente, 10=Muy probablemente)

Look and Feel - Readability Por favor califique la fluidez del texto del Calculador de beneficios de jubilación por Internet.
Satisfaction - Ideal ¿Cómo se compara el Calculador de beneficios de jubilación por Internet con lo que se imaginaría que sería su programa de computadora ideal? (1=No se asemeja, 10=Se asemeja)

¿Cuáles son las posibilidades de que solicite los beneficios de Seguro Social usando la Internet?

Rendimiento del sitio de Internet (1=Mala, 10=Excelente, No sé)

Recommend Recomendar (1=Muy improbablemente, 10=Muy probablemente)

Site Performance - Loading Por favor califique la rapidez con que suben las páginas el Calculador de beneficios de jubilación por Internet.

¿Cuáles son las posibilidades de que le recomiende el Calculador de beneficios de jubilación por Internet a otra persona?

Site Performance - Consistency Por favor califique la consistencia de la rapidez para moverse de una página a la otra del Calculador de beneficios de jubilación por Internet.

Return Regresar (si procede) (1=Muy improbablemente, 10=Muy probablemente)

Site Performance - Errors Por favor califique la capacidad para subir las páginas sin que reciba un error del Calculador de beneficios de jubilación por Internet.

¿Cuáles son las posibilidades de que regrese a usar el Calculador de beneficios de jubilación por Internet?

Simpleza del vocabulario (1=Malo, 10=Excelente, No sé)

Use Other Online Services Usar por Internet otros programas de computadora del Seguro Social (1=Muy improbablemente, 10=Muy probablemente)

Plain Language - Clear Por favor califique la claridad de las palabras usadas en el Calculador de beneficios de jubilación por Internet.

¿Cuáles son las posibilidades de que use otros programas de computadora en este sitio de Internet del Seguro Social?

Plain Language - Understandable Por favor califique su comprensión de las palabras usadas en el Calculador de beneficios de jubilación por Internet.

Plain Language - Concise Por favor califique el Calculador de beneficios de jubilación por Internet basado en el uso de oraciones cortas y claras.

Sheet 3: v4 Custom Qsts EE

Social Security Administration

red & strike-through: DELETE

SSA Retirement Estimator v4

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: dwYM9t9olVlhBdRVhFxhIw4C


Date: 10/6/2010 blue + -->: REWORDING

SSA Retirement Estimator v4 CUSTOM QUESTION LIST
QID Skip From Question Text Answer Choices Skip to Type (select from list) Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
How did you connect to SSA today? Desktop
Radio button, one-up verticalb Y
How Connected with SSA




From where did you connect to SSA today? At home
Radio button, one-up verticalb Y Skip Logic Group From Where Connected with SSA

In office / place of employment

At a friend or relative's place

Public library A

Social Security Office

Social Security Kiosk B

Other agency

Other, please specify C

JAC0123859 A Did you connect through a unique Social Security icon featured on the computer's desktop? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Use SSA Icon


JAC0123862 AA How did you link to the SSA website?

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_How Linked to SSA (library)
JAC0123856 B Please describe the location.

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_Location of Kiosk
JAC0123854 C Please tell us how and from where you connected with SSA during your visit today.

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OPS_How Connected with SSA
How did you first learn about the Retirement Estimator? Social media (e.g., Blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Learned about RE

Online search engine or other website (e.g., Google)

Linked from another website C2

An online ad (Banner/Image)

A newspaper or magazine article

A newspaper or magazine ad

An email from Social Security

My Social Security Statement

Social Security employee

Relative or friend

Social Security event

My employer or Human Resources department

My financial advisor

Word of mouth

Other, please specify C

BJL2255 C Please specify how you first learned about the Retirement Estimator.

Text field, <100 char N Skip Logic Group Other learned about
STE0050206 C2 Please specify the website that led you to the Retirement Estimator

Text field, <100 char N Skip Logic Group OE_Website
How often do you use the Retirement Estimator? This was the first time
Radio button, one-up vertical Y

Every few months or less often


I use the Retirement Estimator more than once a month

When do you expect to file for retirement benefits? Within 6 months
Radio button, one-up vertical Y
Expect to File

Within 12 months

Within 1 to 3 years

More than 3 but less than 6 years

Don't know at this time

How do you plan to file for retirement benefits? Online
Radio button, one-up vertical Y
How to File

Online with telephone or in-person assistance

By telephone interview

At my local Social Security office

Don't know at this time

Did you review your Social Security Statement before using the Retirement Estimator? Yes, I reviewed my paper Social Security Statement.
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Review SS Statement

Yes, I reviewed my online Social Security Statement A

No B

LIV0073005 A Did you have difficulty navigating between your online Social Security Statement and the Retirement Estimator? Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Difficulty Navigating Between RE and Statement


LIV0073006 C Please describe the difficulty you had navigating between your online Social Security Statement and the Retirement Estimator.

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_Difficulty Navigating Between RE and Statement
LIV0073008 B Do you plan to review your online Social Security Statement next? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Plan to Review SS Statement


Did the Retirement Estimator provide you with all the benefit estimates you were seeking today? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Accomplish Goal

No F

BJL2266 F What other benefit estimates were you trying to obtain?

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_Did not accomplish
Do you believe the retirement estimate(s) provided to you was/were based on your entire Social Security earnings record? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group RE Based on Earnings

No G

STE0057597 G Please explain why you think that the retirement estimate(s) was/were not based on your entire Social Security earnings record?

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_Not based on earnings
How would you describe your navigation experience on the SSA site today prior to arriving at the Retirement Estimator? (Please select all that apply) I had no difficulty navigating/browsing to the Retirement Estimator
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Navigation Experience

I had difficulty finding the links to the Retirement Estimator

I had difficulty because the links did not take me where I expected

I had difficulty because I experienced technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.)

I had a navigation difficulty not listed above: A

BJL2268 A Please describe your navigation difficulty and identify where on the Social Security website this problem occurred

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group Other Difficulty
Have you used any other SSA resources for your retirement planning? (Please select all that apply) Your Online Social Security Statement in the my Social Security pages
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Other Resources

Social Security’s Online Retirement Planner

Other Social Security Calculators offered on ssa.gov

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on ssa.gov

Other resources on the SSA website

I used resources outside of ssa.gov A

I did not use any resources to prepare at this time

Mutually Exclusive
JAC0123897 A Please describe what other resources you used to help prepare/plan for your retirement.

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OPS Other Resources
After visiting the Retirement Estimator today, what do you plan to do next? Nothing, the Retirement Estimator provided what I needed
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Do Next Y/N

Try the Retirement Estimator again (at a later time)

I am ready to file for Social Security Retirement Benefits

Browse the SSA website

I will call Social Security’s 1-800 number

I will visit my local Social Security Office

I do not know what I will do next at this time

Have you registered for a my Social Security account? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Have mySSA Account

No A

STE0061400 A What is the main reason you have not registered for a my Social Security account? I plan to register for a my Social Security account today.
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Why Not Have mySSA Account

I plan to register for a my Social Security account in the near future.

I tried to register for a my Social Security account, but was unsuccessful.

I am not sure why I need a my Social Security account.

I do not want a my Social Security account.

Other, please specify AA

STE0061424 AA Please tell us why you have not registered for a my Social Security account.

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS_Why Not Have mySSA Account
What is your age? 40 and under
Drop down, select one N

41 to 50

51 to 61

62 to 64

65 to 67

68 to 70

Prefer not to answer

What is your current marital status? Married
Radio button, one-up vertical N OPS Group Marital Status

Significant Other/Partner




Never Married/Single

Prefer not to answer

Other, please specify x

BJL2279 X Other marital status

Text field, <100 char N OPS Group Other Marital
Do you have any suggestions for improving the online Retirement Estimator application?

Text area, no char limit N

Sheet 4: v4 Custom Qsts SP

Social Security Administration

red & strike-through: DELETE

SSA Retirement Estimator v4

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: p00IdwE4ssR1MA9UUtZ5Ng4C


Date: 10/6/2010 blue + -->: REWORDING

SSA Retirement Estimator v4 CUSTOM QUESTION LIST
QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
¿Cómo se comunicó hoy con la Administración del Seguro Social (SSA, por sus siglas en inglés)? Computadora de escritorio
Radio button, one-up verticalb Y
Cómo se comunicó con la SSA

Computadora portátil



¿Desde dónde se comunicó hoy con la SSA? Desde mi hogar
Radio button, one-up verticalb Y Skip Logic Group Desde dónde se comunicó con la SSA

Desde la oficina/lugar de trabajo

Desde la casa de un amigo o familiar

Desde la biblioteca pública A

Desde la oficina del Seguro Social

Desde un quiosco del Seguro Social B

A través de otra agencia

Otra opción (indique cuál) C

JAC0123859 A ¿Se conectó a través del ícono propio del Seguro Social que aparece en el escritorio de la computadora?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Usó ícono de la SSA


JAC0123862 AA ¿Cómo llegó al sitio web del Seguro Social?

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_Cómo llegó a la SSA (biblioteca)
JAC0123856 B Describa la ubicación.

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_Ubicación del quiosco
JAC0123854 C Díganos cómo y desde dónde se comunicó con el Seguro Social durante su visita de hoy:

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OPS_Cómo se comunicó con la SSA
¿Cómo se enteró del Calculador de beneficios por jubilación? Redes sociales (por ejemplo, blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Learned about RE

Motor de búsqueda en línea u otros sitios web (por ejemplo, Google)

Un enlace de otra página de Internet. C2

Anuncio por Internet (banner / imagen)

Artículo de periódico o revista

Anuncio de periódico o revista

Correo electrónico del Seguro Social

Mi estado de cuenta del Seguro Social

Un empleado del Seguro Social

Un familiar o un amigo

Un evento del Seguro Social

Fue sugerido por mi empleador o por el Departamento de Recursos Humanos

Fue sugerido por mi asesor financiero

Alguien me lo comentó

Otro, especificar C

BJL2255 C Por favor, especifique cómo se enteró del Calculador de beneficios jubilación.

Text field, <100 char N Skip Logic Group Other learned about
STE0050206 C2 Por favor, especifique el sitio web que llevó a la Calculador de beneficios por jubilación.

Text field, <100 char N Skip Logic Group OE Website
¿Con qué frecuencia se utiliza el Estimador de la jubilción? Esta fue la primera vez
Radio button, one-up vertical Y

Cada pocos meses o con menor frecuencia


Uso el Calculador de beneficios de jubilación más de una vez por mes

¿Cuándo espera solicitar beneficios por jubilación? En un plazo de 6 meses
Radio button, one-up vertical Y
Espera solicitar

En un plazo de 12 meses

En un plazo de entre 1 y 3 años

En más de 3 pero menos de 6 años

En este momento, no lo sé

¿Cómo piensa solicitar sus beneficios por jubilación? En línea
Radio button, one-up vertical Y
How to File

En línea con ayuda telefónica o en persona

Por entrevista telefónica

En la oficina del Seguro Social de mi zona

En este momento, no lo sé

¿Sabía usted revise su Declaración del Seguro Social antes de utilizar el Estimador de jubilación? Sí, he revisado mi papel Declaración del Seguro Social.
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Review SS Statement

Sí, he revisado mi Declaración del Seguro Social en línea (que se encuentra en su mi cuenta de la Seguridad Social). A

No B

LIV0073005 A ¿Tuvo dificultades para navegar entre su Declaración del Seguro Social en línea y el Estimador de jubilación? C Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Difficulty Navigating Between RE and Statement


LIV0073006 C Por favor, describa la dificultad que había navegar entre su Declaración del Seguro Social en línea y el Estimador de Retiro.

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_Difficulty Navigating Between RE and Statement
LIV0073008 B ¿Tiene planes para revisar su Declaración del Seguro Social en línea ahora?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Plan to Review SS Statement


¿El Calculador de Beneficios por Jubilación le proporcionan todas las estimaciones de beneficios que estaban buscando hoy?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y
Accomplish Goal

No F

BJL2266 F ¿Qué otras estimaciones de beneficios estabas tratando de obtener?

Text area, no char limit N
OE_Did not accomplish
¿Cree usted que la estimación de la jubilación previsto para que el se basó en todo su registro de ganancias del Seguro Social?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group RE Based on Earnings

No G

STE0057597 G Por favor, explique por qué piensa que la estimación de la jubilación no se basó en todo su registro de ganancias del Seguro Social?

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_Not based on earnings
¿Cómo describiría su experiencia navegando el sitio de Internet del Seguro Social hoy antes de llegar al Calculador de beneficios por jubilación? (Por favor seleccione todo lo que aplique.) No tuve dificultad navegando hacia el Calculador de beneficios por jubilación.
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Navigation Experience

Tuve dificultad encontrando los enlaces hacia el Calculador de beneficios por jubilación.

Los enlaces a veces no me llevaban a donde esperaba llegar.

Experimenté dificultades técnicas (mensajes de error, enlaces rotos, etc.).

Tuve una dificultad navegando el sistema que no está listada arriba: A

BJL2268 A Other navigation difficulty

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group Other Difficulty
¿Ha usado algún otro recurso o recursos de la SSA para planear su jubilación? (Seleccione todas las opciones que correspondan.) Mi estado de cuenta del Seguro Social en las páginas del Seguro Social
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Otros recursos

Planificador en línea de beneficios por jubilación del Seguro Social

Otros Calculadores del Seguro Social que se ofrecen en ssa.gov

Sección de Preguntas frecuentes en ssa.gov

Otros recursos del sitio web de la SSA

Usé recursos que no pertenecen a ssa.gov A

En esta ocasión, no usé ningún recurso para preparar la solicitud

Mutually Exclusive
JAC0123897 A Describa que otros recursos usó para preparar/ planear su jubilación:

Text area, no char limit N
OPS Otros recursos
Después de visitar el Calculador de beneficios de jubilación, ¿qué planea hacer a continuación? Nada, el Calculador de beneficios de jubilación me proporcionó todo lo que necesitaba
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Próximo paso S/N

Volver a intentar usar el Calculador de beneficios de jubilación (más tarde)

Estoy listo para solicitar los beneficios por jubilación del Seguro Social

Navegar por el sitio web de la SSA

Llamar al 1-800 del Seguro Social

Visitar la oficina del Seguro Social de mi zona

En este momento, no sé lo que haré a continuación

¿Ha abierto una cuenta del Seguro Social?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Have mySSA Account

No A

STE0061400 A ¿Cuál es el motivo principal por el que no ha abierto una cuenta del Seguro Social? Planeo abrir hoy una cuenta del Seguro Social
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Why Not Have mySSA Account

Planeo abrir una cuenta del Seguro Social en un futuro próximo

Intenté registrarme para abrir una cuenta del Seguro Social hoy, pero no lo conseguí

No estoy seguro de por qué necesito una cuenta del Seguro Social

No quiero una cuenta del Seguro Social

Otra opción (indique cuál) AA

STE0061424 AA Díganos cuál es el motivo principal por el que no ha abierto una cuenta del Seguro Social.

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS_Why Not Have mySSA Account
¿Cuál es su edad? 40 años y menos
Drop down, select one N

41 a 50

51 a 61

62 a 64

65 a 67

68 a 70

Prefiero no responder

¿Cuál es su estado civil? Casada/o
Radio button, one-up vertical N OPS Group Marital Status

En pareja/ Compañero




Nunca contraje matrimonio/ Soltero

Me reservo el derecho a contestar la pregunta

Otro (especifique) x

BJL2279 X Otro estado civil

Text field, <100 char N OPS Group Other Marital
¿Tiene alguna sugerencia para mejorar el Calculador de beneficios de jubilación en línea?

Text area, no char limit N

Sheet 5: v4 CQs EE (7-1-16)

Social Security Administration

red & strike-through: DELETE

SSA Retirement Estimator v4

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: dwYM9t9olVlhBdRVhFxhIw4C


Date: 10/6/2010 blue + -->: REWORDING

SSA Retirement Estimator v4 CUSTOM QUESTION LIST
QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
Please tell us how and from where you connected with SSA during your visit today? Desktop computer/laptop from my home
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group How Connected with SSA

Desktop computer/laptop from a friend or relative's home


Desktop computer/laptop from my place of employment

Public computer workstation in a library A

Public computer workstation in some other agency/social organization (e.g., social services, Motor Vehicle Administration, housing agency, hospital, etc.)

Public computer workstation made available at my local Social Security office

SSA Express kiosk located in a public space or governmental office B

Other (please specify) C

Anchor Answer Choice
STE0076431 A Did you connect through a unique Social Security icon featured on the computer's desktop? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Use SSA Icon


STE0076432 AA How did you link to the SSA website?

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_How Linked to SSA (library)
STE0076433 B Please describe the location.

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_Location of Kiosk
STE0076434 C Please tell us how and from where you connected with SSA during your visit today?

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OPS_How Connected with SSA

How did you connect to SSA today? Desktop
Radio button, one-up verticalb Y
How Connected with SSA


Smart Phone


From where did you connect to SSA today? At home
Radio button, one-up verticalb Y Skip Logic Group From Where Connected with SSA

In office / place of employment

At a friend or relative's place

Public library A

Social Security Office

Social Security Kiosk B

Other agency

Other, please specify C

A Did you connect through a unique Social Security icon featured on the computer's desktop? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Use SSA Icon


AA How did you link to the SSA website?

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_How Linked to SSA (library)

B Please describe the location.

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_Location of Kiosk

C Please tell us how and from where you connected with SSA during your visit today:

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OPS_How Connected with SSA
How did you first learn about the Retirement Estimator? Search engine
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Learned about RE

SSA publication

Newspaper, magazine or other media

Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, blog, etc.) (e.g., Blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

Online search engine or other website (e.g., Google)

Linked from another website C2

An online ad (Banner/Image)

A newspaper or magazine article

A newspaper or magazine ad

An email from Social Security

From my Annual Social Security Statement My Social Security Statement

From an SSA representative Social Security employee

Relative or friend

Social Security event

My employer or Human Resources department

My financial advisor

Word of mouth

Other, please specify C

BJL2255 C Please specify how you first learned about the Retirement Estimator.

Text field, <100 char N Skip Logic Group Other learned about
STE0050206 C2 Please specify the website that led you to the Retirement Estimator

Text field, <100 char N Skip Logic Group OE_Website
How often do you use the Retirement Estimator? This was the first time
Radio button, one-up vertical Y

Every few months or less often


I use the Retirement Estimator more than once a month


Several times a week

Daily/more than once a day

When do you expect to file for retirement benefits?

Radio button, one-up vertical Y
Expect to File

Within 12 months

1 to 3 years

More than 3 but less than 6 years

6 years or more

Don't Know

When do you expect to file for retirement benefits? Within 6 months
Radio button, one-up vertical Y
Expect to File

Within 12 months

Within 1 to 3 years

More than 3 but less than 6 years

Don't know at this time

How do you plan to file for retirement benefits? I prefer to file my retirement application online Online
Radio button, one-up vertical Y
How to File

Online with telephone or in-person assistance, if needed

By telephone interview

Face-to-face in my local SSA field office At my local Social Security office

Don't Know Don't know at this time

Did you review your Social Security Statement before using the Retirement Estimator? Yes, I reviewed my paper Social Security Statement.
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Review SS Statement

Yes, I reviewed my online Social Security Statement (located in your mySocialSecurity account). A

No B

LIV0073005 A Did you have difficulty navigating between your online Social Security Statement and the Retirement Estimator? Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Difficulty Navigating Between RE and Statement


LIV0073006 C Please describe the difficulty you had navigating between your online Social Security Statement and the Retirement Estimator.

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_Difficulty Navigating Between RE and Statement
LIV0073008 B Do you plan to review your online Social Security Statement next? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Plan to Review SS Statement


Did the Retirement Estimator provide you with all the benefit estimates you were seeking today? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Accomplish Goal

No F

BJL2266 F What other benefit estimates were you trying to obtain?

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_Did not accomplish
Do you believe the retirement estimate(s) provided to you was/were based on your entire Social Security earnings record? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group RE Based on Earnings

No G

STE0057597 G Please explain why you think that the retirement estimate(s) was/were not based on your entire Social Security earnings record?

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_Not based on earnings
How would you describe your navigation experience on the SSA site today prior to arriving at the Retirement Estimator? (Please select all that apply) I had no difficulty navigating/browsing to the Retirement Estimator
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Navigation Experience

I had difficulty finding the links to the Retirement Estimator

I had difficulty because the links did not take me where I expected

I had difficulty because I experienced technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.)

I had a navigation difficulty not listed above: A

BJL2268 A Please describe your navigation difficulty and identify where on the Social Security website this problem occurred

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group Other Difficulty
Prior to visiting the Retirement Estimator, have you used any of the following resources to prepare for your application for retirement?  (Please select all that apply) Social Security’s Online Retirement Planner
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Other Resources

SSA Home Page

The Online Social Security Statement in  the my Social Security section

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Instructional video on the online application page

Other resource on the SSA website A

I did not use any resources to prepare

MAD0043084 A Please describe what other resources you used to help prepare for your retirement application

Text area, no char limit N
OPS Other Resources

Have you used any other SSA resources for your retirement planning? (Please select all that apply) Your Online Social Security Statement in the my Social Security pages
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Other Resources

Social Security’s Online Retirement Planner

Other Social Security Calculators offered on ssa.gov

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on ssa.gov

Other resources on the SSA website

I used resources outside of ssa.gov A

I did not use any resources to prepare at this time

Mutually Exclusive

A Please describe what other resources you used to help prepare/plan for your retirement:

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OPS Other Resources
What do you plan to do next on the Social Security website to continue your pre-retirement preparations? Nothing, the Retirement Estimator provided what I needed
Radio button, one-up vertical Y
Do Next

Call Social Security's 800 number

Call my local Social Security office

Visit my local Social Security office

Try finding the answers on the Social Security website

Try the Retirement Estimator again

Don't Know

Other A

MAD0043085 A Please describe what you plan to do next to continue your pre-retirement preparation

Text area, no char limit N
OPS Do Next

After visiting the Retirement Estimator today, what do you plan to do next? Nothing, the Retirement Estimator provided what I needed
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Do Next Y/N

Try the Retirement Estimator again (at a later time)

I am ready to file for Social Security Retirement Benefits

Browse the SSA website

I will call Social Security’s 1-800 number

I will visit my local Social Security Office

I do not know what I will do next at this time

Have you registered for a my Social Security account? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Have mySSA Account

No A

STE0061400 A What is the main reason you have not registered for a my Social Security account? I am currently trying to register for a my Social Security account. I plan to register for a my Social Security account today
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Why Not Have mySSA Account

I plan to register for a my Social Security account in the near future

I tried to register for a my Social Security account, but was unsuccessful.

I am not sure why I need a my Social Security account

I do not want a my Social Security account.

I am unaware of what a my Social Security account is.

Other (please specify): Other, please specify AA

STE0061424 AA Please tell us why you have not registered for a my Social Security account.

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS_Why Not Have mySSA Account
What is your age? Under 30
Drop down, select one N

30 to 39

40 to 49

50 to 54

55 to 59

60 to 61

62 to 63

64 to 65

66 and over

Prefer not to answer

What is your age? 40 and under
Drop down, select one N

41 to 50

51 to 61

62 to 64

65 to 67

68 to 70

Prefer not to answer

What is your current marital status? Married
Radio button, one-up vertical N OPS Group Marital Status

Significant Other/Partner




Never married          

Never Married/Single

Prefer not to answer

Other, please specify x

BJL2279 X Other marital status

Text field, <100 char N OPS Group Other Marital
Please tell us if there are any improvements/changes you would make to the Retirement Estimator. Do you have any suggestions for improving the online Retirement Estimator application?

Text area, no char limit N
File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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