Noridian Redeterminations Feedback Survey FCG IA number: 30628 |
Question Text |
Answer Text |
Q1. Rate your experience with the redetermination process. |
Start rating ( 5 stars) |
Q2. In the last six months, have you submitted a redetermination (appeal) request? |
Yes |
No |
Q2a. Approximately how many requests have you submitted during this timeframe? |
None |
skip logic to target only those answering "yes" |
Less than 50 |
51-250 |
250 or more |
Q3. Redeterminations (Appeals) recently implemented a new process to call for additional documentation. Do you feel this initiative increased the ease of redeterminations and/or reduced provider burden? |
I have not received a call. |
I have not received a call, but I feel this would reduce provider burden. |
I have received a call, and I do find them valuable/helpful. |
I have received a call, but I do not find them helpful/valuable. |
Q3a. Why are they not helpful/valuable? |
(Open ended question) |
Skip logic. If previous question was answered with "I have received a call, but I do not find them helpful/valuable" ask: |
Q4. Rate the clarity of redetermination (appeal) decision explanations. |
Start rating ( 5 stars) |
Q5. Rate your redetermination functionality experience within Noridian Medicare Portal (NMP). |
Start rating ( 5 stars) |
Q6. What additional redetermination functionalities would you like to see offered within the Noridian Medicare Portal (NMP)? |
(Open ended question) |
Q7. Overall, you are satified with your experience using the "INSERT APPLICABLE WEBSITE SECTION HERE" section of our website. |
Start rating ( 5 stars) |
Q7a. Provide suggestions on how it could be improved. |
(Open ended question) Apply skip logic feature |