Form 251 2019 251 Desktop Informational 201

E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2019 251 Desktop Informational 2019_12_20.xlsx

2019 251 Desktop Informational 2019_12_20

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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Welcome and Thank You Text
Model Questions
Custom Questions

Sheet 1: Welcome and Thank You Text

The text you see here will appear at the top and bottom of your survey, examples below.

Default text is included and you may modify this text as needed.

Welcome and Thank You Text

Welcome Text
Thank You Text

Thank you for visiting NOAA's National Ocean Service. You've been randomly chosen to complete a short survey to help us improve this website.

If you have a few minutes, we'd like to ask you a few questions about your online experience to help us improve.

Thank you for taking our survey — and for helping us serve you better.


Sheet 2: Model Questions

Model Name Desktop Informational

Red & Strike-Through: Delete
Model ID

Underlined & Italicized: Re-order
Yes - 2MQ

Pink: Addition

Blue: Reword
Model Version

Label Satisfaction Questions
Label Element Questions
Label Future Behaviors


Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

(1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Satisfaction - Overall What is your overall satisfaction with this site?
(1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied)
4 Site Performance - Speed Please rate the speed that pages and content loaded for you. 16 Return How likely are you to return to in the future?
2 Satisfaction - Expectations How well does this site meet your expectations?
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)
5 Site Performance - Completeness Please rate the consistency of complete loading of pages and content.

(1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
3 Satisfaction - Ideal How does this site compare to an ideal website?
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close)
6 Site Performance -Responsiveness Please rate the responsiveness of the pages to your actions. 17 Recommend How likely are you to recommend to someone else?

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Primary Resource
(1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)

7 Look and Feel - Appeal Please rate the visual appeal of the pages that you visited. 18 Primary Resource How likely are you to use as your primary resource for obtaining information about oceans?

8 Look and Feel - Spacing Please rate the spacing between items on the pages that you visited.

9 Look and Feel - Readability Please rate the legibility of the pages that you visited.

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

10 Navigation - Ease Please rate the ease of finding what you were looking for.

11 Navigation - Layout Please rate the page layout on displaying content and links where you could find them.

12 Navigation - Links Please rate the links on taking you where you needed to go.

Site Information (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

13 Site Information - Relevance Please rate the relevance to your interests of the information that you found.

14 Site Information - Thoroughness Please rate the thoroughness of the information that you found.

15 Site Information - Readability Please rate the readability of the information that you found.

Sheet 3: Custom Questions

Model Name Desktop Informational

Red & Strike-Through: Delete

Model ID

Underlined & Italicized: Re-order

Yes - 2MQ

Pink: Addition


Blue: Reword

QID Skip From Question Text Answer Choices Skip To Required
Type Special Instructions CQ Label

How frequently do you visit this site? This is my first visit
N Radio button, one-up vertical
Visit Frequency

Every few months or less



Several times a week

Daily/more than once a day

What is your primary reason for visiting this site today? Learn more about link found on social media/followed link on social media to read news story
N Drop down, select one Skip Logic Group* Primary Reason

Find educational resources

View ocean facts

View images

Access data by topic (ecosystems, hazards, navigation, etc.)

Learn about Ocean Service

Contact Ocean Service



Find or get to other NOAA resources B

Other, please specify: A

JHR8334Q003 B Which NOAA resources were you hoping to get to?

N Text area, no char limit Skip Logic Group* OE_NOAA Resources

JHR8334Q004 A Please specify your primary reason for visiting the site today:

N Text area, no char limit Skip Logic Group* OE_Primary Reason

What do you plan to do next? Visit another site to find what I need C N Radio button, one-up vertical Skip Logic Group* Do Next

Come back to the site later

Contact Ocean Service

Research another NOAA organization


Other, please specify: D

JHR8334Q006 C What other site are you planning to visit to find what you need?

N Text field, <100 char Skip Logic Group* OE_Other Site

JHR8334Q007 D What specifically do you plan to do next?

N Text area, no char limit Skip Logic Group* OE_Do Next

Which term best describes your role as it relates to your visit today? Industry employee
N Drop down, select one Skip Logic Group* Role



Federal agency employee

NOAA or Ocean Service employee

General public

Educator (K - 12)


Other, please specify: A

JHR8334Q009 A What other term best describes your role?

N Text field, <100 char Skip Logic Group* OE_Role

What brought you to this site today? Social media
N Radio button, one-up vertical Skip Logic Group* Acquisition



Public event/conference

Another website C


Other, please specify: A

JHR8334Q011 A What other source brought you to this site today?

N Text field, <100 char Skip Logic Group* OE_Acquisition

JHR8334Q012 C What other website brought you to this site today?

N Text field, <100 char Skip Logic Group* OE_Origin Other Site

How did you primarily navigate around the site today? Search feature B, C N Radio button, one-up vertical Skip Logic Group* How Navigate

Top navigation bar

Links in the center of the page

Links at the bottom of the page

Site map

Other, please specify: A

JHR8334Q014 A How else did you navigate around the site today?

N Text area, no char limit Skip Logic Group* OE_How Navigate

JHR8334Q015 B Did you use the navigation tools (e.g., navigation bar, quick links) before using the search feature? Yes, I navigated first
N Radio button, one-up vertical Skip Logic Group* Use Nav Tool

No, I went straight to the search feature

Don’t recall

JHR8334Q016 C Please tell us about your experience with the site's search feature today. (Please select all that apply.) Search results were helpful
N Checkbox, one-up vertical Mutually Exclusive Search Experience

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Skip Logic Group*

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results D

Returned NO results D

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): E

JHR8334Q017 E Other search issue:

N Text area, no char limit Skip Logic Group* OE_Search Issue

JHR8334Q018 D What specific search terms did you use to try to find the information you were looking for?

N Text field, <100 char Skip Logic Group* OE_Search Terms

How would you describe your navigation experience on this site today? (Please select all that apply.) I had no difficulty navigating on this site
N Checkbox, one-up vertical Mutually Exclusive Nav Experience

Links often did not take me where I expected B

Skip Logic Group*

Had difficulty finding relevant information

Links/labels are difficult to understand C

Too many links/navigational options to choose from

Had technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.)

Could not navigate back to previous information

Other, please specify: A

JHR8334Q020 A Please tell us what other navigational experiences you had today:

N Text area, no char limit Skip Logic Group* OE_Nav Experience

JHR8334Q021 B Please describe any specific navigation links or paths that did not take you where they should have:

N Text area, no char limit Skip Logic Group* OE_Links Unexpected

JHR8334Q022 C What specific links/labels were difficult to understand?

N Text field, <100 char Skip Logic Group* OE_Links Understand

While on the site today, did you attempt to download or view any PDF files/images? Yes A N Radio button, one-up vertical Skip Logic Group* PDF


Were you able to successfully view these files/images? Yes
N Radio button, one-up vertical Skip Logic Group* PDF_View Successful

No B

JHR8334Q025 B Please tell us why you were not able to successfully view the images/videos?

N Text area, no char limit Skip Logic Group* OE_PDF View Successful

How useful was the information you found on this site? Very useful
N Radio button, one-up vertical

Moderately useful

Slightly useful

Not at all useful

Don’t know

Is there any additional information you would like to have available on this site?

N Text area, no char limit

What topical areas would you like to see NOAA's National Ocean Service focus on when producing new content for the website? (Select your top three choices.) Life Science
Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Allow no more than 3 choices Topical areas

Physical Science

Oceanography/Marine Science

Earth Science


Liberal Arts related topics (literature, history, art, etc.)

What type of new content would you like NOAA's National Ocean Service to produce more of for the website? (Select your top three choices.) Infographics
Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Allow no more than 3 choices New content



Short videos

Recorded and live webinar experiences with scientists.

Ocean facts

News items

Was any information on this site unclear to you? Yes A N Radio button, one-up vertical Skip Logic Group* Info Clarity


Don't recall

JHR8334Q029 A What information was unclear to you?

N Text area, no char limit Skip Logic Group* OE_Info Clarity

Which of the following age category contains your age? Less than 25 years
N Drop down, select one

25-34 years

35-44 years

45-54 years

55-64 years

65 and older

Prefer not to answer

Please specify your geographic location: North America
N Drop down, select one


Asia, Australia, and Pacific Islands


South America, Central America, and the Caribbean


Prefer not to answer

What is one improvement you would recommend for the site?

N Text area, no char limit

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
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