Case Management Intake

Military OneSource Case Management System (CMS) - Intake


Case Management Intake

OMB: 0704-0528

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Call Center User Guide

Military OneSource CMS
Call Center User Guide

Incoming Calls ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Quick Tracker ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Working with Participant Records .......................................................................................................... 8
Search for a Participant ......................................................................................................................... 9
The Participant’s Record Screen......................................................................................................... 11
Creating a Participant Record ............................................................................................................ 20
Editing a Participant ............................................................................................................................ 26
Crisis / Duty to Warn / Mandated Report ............................................................................................ 27
Logging a call........................................................................................................................................ 27
Postpone Associating a Crisis Call to a Participant ........................................................................ 30
Associating a Crisis / Duty to Warn / Mandated Report Call to a Participant’s Record ........... 32
Associating a Crisis Call to a New Participant ................................................................................ 36
Program Referrals .................................................................................................................................... 39
Non-Medical Counseling .................................................................................................................... 46
Document Translation ......................................................................................................................... 62
Adding a Contact Note to a Case........................................................................................................... 66


Military OneSource CMS
Call Center User Guide


A Login/Logout link is available at the top of every page within the Military OneSource
CMS site.


Users log in using their username and password.


If a user forgets his/her username and/or password, a “Forgot your password?” link is
available on the Military OneSource CMS home page (Figure 1.1).


Once this link is clicked, the user must enter the email address that is associated with
his/her user account.


An email is sent to the entered email address containing the username and a “Click
Here” link that the user can utilize to change his/her password.


If the user is unable to follow the “Click Here” link, the email also contains the web
address that the user can copy and paste into his/her browser address bar to change
his/her password.

Figure 1.1

CAC/ECA Registration

Users also have the option to register a CAC or ECA certificate. A username and
password must first be established in order to associate the CAC or ECA.


To associate a CAC/ECA to an account, click on the “CAC Login” button on the login
page (Figure 2.1).


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 2.1


Enter in your username and password and click on the “Register CAC Card” in order to
associate your CAC/ECA to your account.


If you forgot your username and password, you may register your CAC/ECA by
entering your email and clicking on the “Send Email” button. An email will be sent to
you that will contain a link that will allow you to easily register your CAC/ECA (Figure


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 2.2

Updating Profile

To update your profile, please click on the “Profile” link in the far upper right corner of
any page (Figure 3.1).

Figure 3.1


Next, click on “Edit your Profile” (Figure 3.2).

Military OneSource CMS
Call Center User Guide

Figure 3.2


Make the appropriate changes and select “Save.”

Incoming Calls
The steps for logging an incoming call will differ based upon the purpose of the call. Once you
determine the caller’s purpose, refer to the applicable section in this document.
Purpose of call
 Quick information requests such as directions for
local fast food, contact information for base
resources, or caller dialed the wrong number


Refer to

Quick Tracker

Emergency calls—crises, duty to warn, mandated
reports, or adverse incidents


Crisis / Duty to Warn /

Requests for program assistance (SECO, NonMedical Counseling, Specialty Consultation, Health
& Wellness, Financial Counseling, Tax Services,
and/or Recovering Warrior), OR a request for
information that will require additional research or


Mandated Report


Program Referrals

Military OneSource CMS
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Purpose of call
time (such as assistance with child care or non-bulk
fulfillment requests).

Refer to


Caller is following up regarding their pre-existing

a Case

Quick Tracker

Adding a Contact Note to

Go to the Search screen.

To access the Search
screen click on SEARCH
in the navigation bar at
the top of the page from
anywhere in the system.
Figure 4.1

2. Click on the Quick Tracker tab.
When clicked, the Quick
Tracker drawer will slide

Figure 4.2


Military OneSource CMS
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3. Select the applicable category/ies, and then click Done.
Your selected categories
will be saved to the
system and the drawer will
The counts for the
selected Quick Tracker
categories will be
incremented by one
(Figure 4.3).
No contact information is
captured for Quick
Tracker calls.
The Quick Tracker will
reset the next time you
open the drawer and all
boxes display unchecked.

Figure 4.3

Working with Participant Records
The majority of activities you will be doing in the system will be interacting with the
participants’ records. This section will cover the most important actions with participant

Searching for a participant


Viewing the participant’s details and related cases


Creating a new participant


Editing a participant


Military OneSource CMS
Call Center User Guide

Search for a Participant
1. Go to the Search screen.
To access the Search
screen click on SEARCH
in the navigation bar at
the top of the page from
anywhere in the system.
Figure 5.1

2. Enter criteria and click Search.
You have the choice of searching for the participant by their personal information, OR you can search
by entering their Participant ID or Case Number in the system (if known). You can locate a participant
by entering just a portion of their name as opposed to entering their entire name (Figure 5.2).
At least one search field must be populated in order to execute the search.

Figure 5.2


Military OneSource CMS
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3. Select the participant.
Open the participant’s
record by clicking on their

Figure 5.3
The participant’s details page will appear (Figure 5.4).


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 5.4

The Participant’s Record Screen
4. Participant’s Demographic Information
The center of the page contains the participant’s personal and demographic details such as their contact
and eligibility information (Figure 6.1). Click Edit to make changes to the participant’s information.


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 6.1

5. Crisis / DTW / MR Tab
Clicking on the Crisis / DTW / MR will open the Crisis Call drawer with the participant’s personal
information defaulted (Figure 6.2 and Figure 6.3). See Crisis / Duty to Warn / Mandated Report for
instructions for logging crisis calls.


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 6.2


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Figure 6.3

6. Program Referrals
Clicking on the Program Referrals tab will display the various programs that the participant can be
referred to (Figure 6.4 and Figure 6.5). See the Program Referrals section of this document for
instructions on creating program referrals.


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 6.4


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Figure 6.5

7. Related Cases
The Related Cases
section displays the
participant’s most recent
active cases (up to five).

Figure 6.6


Military OneSource CMS
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To view all of a
participant’s cases, click
on the Related Cases tab.

Figure 6.7
Clicking on a case will display its details (Figure 6.8 and 6.9).


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 6.8


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Figure 6.9


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Creating a Participant Record
Before you can create a new participant, the system will require you to first search for the
person to verify that they don’t already have a record. Once you have performed a search, the
Add New button on the search page will appear (Figure 7.1).
1. After verifying that the participant doesn’t already exist on the search page, click Add New.

Figure 7.1

2. Enter the participant’s information.
Required fields are designated by *
Begin by entering their personal information such as their name, date of birth, address(es), gender,
marital status, and phone numbers and email address (Figure 7.2).
The Confidential checkboxes next to the phone and email address fields signify that the provided phone
number/email address is private, and therefore safe for contacting the participant regarding private
matters (Figure 7.2).


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 7.2
Continue entering their personal information.

If the participant requires interpretation assistance, select the Requires Interpreter checkbox and
then select their language from the dropdown list (Figure 7.3).


Select how the participant heard of or was referred to MOS in the Referred By list. If you select
‘Other’, type the referral source in the textbox (Figure 7.3).


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 7.3
Then, complete the eligibility information for the sponsor. Indicate if the sponsor is a Recovering Warrior
or has an upcoming retirement by selecting the checkboxes (Figure 7.4).


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 7.4

3. Enter the participant’s closest installation.
Begin by entering either the full name or partial name of the installation. Once the installation appears,
click on its name. The installation name will then populate into the Closest Installation field (Figure 7.5).


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 7.5


Military OneSource CMS
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4. Click Done to save and close the participant’s record.
The system will check to
see if all required fields
were entered and display
any errors it finds (such as
a phone number in an
invalid format or leaving
the email address blank).
You will need to fix the
errors and click the Done
button again until all errors
have been resolved.
Then, the participant’s
record will be added to the
Figure 7.6


Military OneSource CMS
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Editing a Participant
1. Select the participant from the Search screen.
Click on the participant’s
name to open their record.

Figure 8.1

2. Click Edit

Figure 8.2
The participant’s information will become editable (Figure 8.3).


Military OneSource CMS
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3. Make the desired updates, and then click Done.
If the required information
for the participant is
complete, the system will
save the updates.
If any errors display,
correct the issue and then
click Done again until all
errors are corrected.

Figure 8.3

Crisis / Duty to Warn / Mandated Report
Logging a call
When a crisis, duty to warn / mandated report, or adverse incident call (“crisis call”) comes in,
the primary goal is to capture as much information as possible about the call. Then, you will
attach the crisis call to the participant’s record in the system.


Military OneSource CMS
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1. From anywhere in the system, click on the red CRISIS / DTW / MR tab.
tab appears along the
right-hand side of every
page within the system.

Figure 9.1
When clicked the drawer
will slide out to the left.

Figure 9.2

2. Enter any available information about the call.
Select the categories applicable to the nature of the call, and try to enter as much information as you can
about the caller (Figure 9.3). If you opened the Crisis / DTW / MR drawer from a participant’s screen,


Military OneSource CMS
Call Center User Guide
their information will default in the form. You can clear or update the caller’s information if needed.
Add a summary of the issue and any relevant notes in the Notes textbox.
Finally, enter the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of any points of contact for the incident, if

Figure 9.3

3. Click Save
When you have entered all available information for the call, click the Save button (Figure 9.4). The
drawer will close and the crisis call will be saved in the system.


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 9.4
The next step will be to associate the crisis call to a participant’s record. You can do that immediately
after saving the call (see Associating a Crisis / Duty to Warn / Mandated Report Call to a Participant’s
Record), or you can postpone for a later time if needed by following the next steps.

Postpone Associating a Crisis Call to a Participant
The process for postponing a crisis call will be slightly different depending upon whether you were on the
participant’s screen or the search screen when you created the crisis call.

1. If you were on the participant’s screen, click No to return to the search page. If you were
already on the Search screen, skip to the next step.
If you were on the
participant’s screen when
you created the crisis call,
a banner will display at the
top of the page asking if
you would like to attach
the call to the current
participant. Click No.
The search screen will
then display.

Figure 10.1

2. Click Not Now in the search screen banner
Click Not Now in the banner at the top of the search screen (Figure 10.2).


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 10.2

The crisis call will display
in the Unattached Crisis
Calls dashboard on the
search page until the call
can be attached to a
participant’s record.

Figure 10.3
Clicking on the link in the dashboard will bring you to the details page for that call (Figure 10.4).
Click Done to exit the page, or click Attach when you are ready to associate the crisis call to a


Military OneSource CMS
Call Center User Guide
participant’s record. See Associating a Crisis / Duty to Warn / Mandated Report Call to a Participant’s
Record for instructions.

Figure 10.4

Associating a Crisis / Duty to Warn / Mandated Report Call to a Participant’s
When the crisis call is saved, the CRISIS / DTW / MR drawer will close. The system will then ask if you
would like to associate the call to a participant’s record. Depending on which page you were on when
you clicked on the CRISIS / DTW / MR tab, there will be a couple of different ways to do this:

If you clicked on the CRISIS / DTW / MR tab from a participant’s page, skip to Step 4 below.


If you were on the search page, continue with the following steps.


Military OneSource CMS
Call Center User Guide
1. Associating a crisis call to a participant from the search screen
If you were on the Search
page when you clicked on
tab, you will now see the
caller’s name (if entered)
displaying in the
Unattached Crisis Calls
Dashboard on the lefthand side of the screen.
The caller’s name will
remain in the dashboard
until they are associated
to a participant’s record
(Figure 11.1).
To associate the call to a

Figure 11.1

participant, first check to
see if the participant
already exists (Figure

2. Search for the participant.
The system will automatically execute a search using information about the caller if provided. If no
records are returned at first you may need to update/remove some of the prepopulated information (such
as the phone number) and re-execute the search in order to correctly determine if the caller already has a
participant’s record or not (Figure 11.2).


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 11.2

3. If the participant is found, select them from the search results. Otherwise, you will need to
create the participant’s record in the system. See Associating a Crisis Call to a New
Participant for instructions.
If the participant is found
in the system, select their
record in the search
results by clicking on their

Figure 11.3


Military OneSource CMS
Call Center User Guide
4. Click Yes to attach the crisis call to the participant.
The participant’s details page will display. Click Yes at the top of the page to associate the call to that

Figure 11.4
Once the call is associated to the participant’s record it will appear among that participant’s Related

Figure 11.5


Military OneSource CMS
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Associating a Crisis Call to a New Participant
1. Click Add New on the search screen
If you were not able to
locate the participant’s
record on the search
page, the participant will
need to be added to the
Click the Add New button
at the bottom of the page.
This button will only
appear after a search has
been completed.

Figure 12.1


Military OneSource CMS
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2. Enter participant’s information, and then click Done
For guidance in creating a
new participant’s record,
see Creating a Participant

Figure 12.2

3. Click Yes in the Crisis Case Call banner

Figure 12.3
The crisis call will now be associated to the participant’s record. You can view the crisis call in the
participant’s Related Cases.


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 12.4


Military OneSource CMS
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Program Referrals
1. Open the participant’s record
Locate the participant on
the search screen (see
Search for a Participant)
and click on their name to
open their record.

Figure 13.1


Military OneSource CMS
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2. Click on the Create Case button.

Figure 13.2
All the program referral case types will display at the top of the page (Figure 13.3).

3. Select the applicable case referral type.
If at any point the call turns into an emergency situation create a Crisis Call record.
Select Non-Medical to conduct an assessment on the participant and refer them to a Military and Family
Life Counselor (MFLC) or a counselor within the MOS Network, or to another agency if you determine the
participant to be outside the scope of non-medical counseling. See Financial Counseling

1. Select Financial.


Military OneSource CMS
Call Center User Guide
Select Financial to select a referral type and enter in counseling information.

Figure 14.1
First, select all the Referral Options that apply. Next, use the drop down menu to select Counseling
If the participant does not wish to be contacted for follow-up, please check the box next to “Participant
prefers not to be contacted for follow-up.”


Military OneSource CMS
Call Center User Guide
Next, fill in the Counseling information including the Company name, Counselor name, Address, Phone
number, and email address.
Finally, select the Handoff Type and Assign to a particular case manager (if applicable).
Indicate if an interpreter was required in order to create the referral for the participant and select their
language. Select the Urgent checkbox if the case came in during non-business hours. Then, click Done
to close the referral.

Non-Medical Counseling for additional assistance with the Non-Medical Counseling Referral form.
Select Info & Referrals if the participant is requesting information that will require additional research or
time that is not directly related to any of the other programs (such as assistance with child care or nonbulk fulfillment requests).
Select Specialty to refer the participant to a Specialty Consultant for assistance regarding special needs,
elder care, education, adult disability, adoption, work life, or bulk fulfillment.
While entering the referral information, click the Save button to save the referral at any point, or click the
Done button to save and close the referral.

Figure 13.3

2. Enter information about the nature of the referral. (Not applicable for referrals to SECO)
The process for entering referral information will be similar across most of the case referral types, but they


Military OneSource CMS
Call Center User Guide
all will collect different information specific to their type. Non-Medical Counseling and Document
Translation requires additional information compared to the other case types, so refer to the Financial

3. Select Financial.
Select Financial to select a referral type and enter in counseling information.

Figure 14.1
First, select all the Referral Options that apply. Next, use the drop down menu to select Counseling


Military OneSource CMS
Call Center User Guide
If the participant does not wish to be contacted for follow-up, please check the box next to “Participant
prefers not to be contacted for follow-up.”
Next, fill in the Counseling information including the Company name, Counselor name, Address, Phone
number, and email address.
Finally, select the Handoff Type and Assign to a particular case manager (if applicable).
Indicate if an interpreter was required in order to create the referral for the participant and select their
language. Select the Urgent checkbox if the case came in during non-business hours. Then, click Done
to close the referral.

Non-Medical Counseling and Document Translation sections for specific instructions with completing
these referrals.
Begin by entering additional information regarding the participant’s referral in the fields provided.
Referrals to SECO will not require any additional information aside from the handoff fields—skip to step 5

Figure 13.4


Military OneSource CMS
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4. Indicate if the participant does not want a followed-up.
If the participant does not want to be followed up with by a case manager regarding their progress with a
Health & Wellness, Financial Consulting, or Non-Medical Counseling case, select the checkbox.

Figure 13.5

5. Enter Handoff details.
Then, enter information about the handoff. The Handoff and Assigned to fields will not display for all
referral types (Figure 13.6).
If you performed a warm handoff between the receiving case manager and the participant, select ‘Warm
Handoff’ from the Handoff Type and then select the name of the case manager in the Assigned to list.
Otherwise, select ‘Left Voicemail’. If you would prefer a supervisor to assign the case to one of the case
managers leave the Assigned to field set to ‘Please Select’. The referral will appear in the supervisor’s
queue for them to delegate to their team (Figure 13.6).
Enter details about the handoff in the Handoff Notes textbox.


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 13.6

6. Indicate if an interpreter was required for the referral.
If interpretation assistance was needed in order to conduct this referral, select the Interpreter Requested
checkbox (Figure 13.7). Then, select the participant’s native language from the Language list.

Figure 13.7


Military OneSource CMS
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7. Select the Urgent box if applicable.
Selecting the Urgent
checkbox will display the
case as a high priority in
the case manager’s
Only referrals that come in
during non-business
hours should be flagged
as Urgent.
These referrals will display

Figure 13.8

in the Unassigned Cases
queue for case manager’s
to see and delegate.

8. Click Done.
Once the referral is saved it will display in the Current Referrals section in the Dashboard along the lefthand side of the page (Figure 13.9). To make any corrections click on the referral’s link.
If you need to create additional referrals for the participant repeat steps 2 through 8 as needed. Each
additional referral (up to five) will display in the Current Referrals section.


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 13.9

9. Click Done.
At the end of the phone
call after all case referrals
have been saved for the
participant, click the Done
button on the View
Participant screen (Figure
The referrals will be sent
to the applicable case
manager or to the
supervisors to assign.

Figure 13.10

Financial Counseling
10. Select Financial.
Select Financial to select a referral type and enter in counseling information.


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 14.1
First, select all the Referral Options that apply. Next, use the drop down menu to select Counseling
If the participant does not wish to be contacted for follow-up, please check the box next to “Participant
prefers not to be contacted for follow-up.”
Next, fill in the Counseling information including the Company name, Counselor name, Address, Phone


Military OneSource CMS
Call Center User Guide
number, and email address.
Finally, select the Handoff Type and Assign to a particular case manager (if applicable).
Indicate if an interpreter was required in order to create the referral for the participant and select their
language. Select the Urgent checkbox if the case came in during non-business hours. Then, click Done
to close the referral.

Non-Medical Counseling
1. Select Non-Medical.
Select Non-Medical to conduct an assessment on the participant and refer them to a Military and Family
Life Counselor (MFLC) or a counselor within the MOS Network, or to another agency if they are
determined to be out of scope for non-medical counseling.

Figure 15.1


Military OneSource CMS
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The Non-Medical Counseling referral assessment screen will display.

Figure 15.2

2. Read the Limits of Confidentiality text to the participant, and then select the checkbox
(Figure 15.3).


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 15.3


Military OneSource CMS
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3. Select the Presenting Problem.
a. If an interpreter is required, select the Interpreter Requested checkbox and select a
Language from the drop down menu.

Figure 15.4


Military OneSource CMS
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4. Assess the participant and select the applicable issue(s) (if any).

Figure 15.5


Military OneSource CMS
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5. Determine if the referral is In Scope for Non-Medical Counseling or Outside Scope for NonMedical Counseling. Select the checkbox if the participant was cleared by FAP.
6. Follow the steps below according to the scope determination selected.

Figure 15.6

7. If the participant is outside scope for non-medical counseling:
Select any agencies that you refer the participant to. Then, indicate whether the participant has
insurance, if they declined the referral, or if they terminated the call. Click Done to complete the referral
(Figure 15.7).


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 15.7

8. If the participant is within scope for non-medical counseling:
If the referral is In Scope for Non-Medical Counseling, Research Study questions will be displayed.

Figure 15.8

If the referral is In Scope for Non-Medical Counseling, select the Counseling Preference and Type of
Counseling (Figure 15.8).


Military OneSource CMS
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If the participant is interested in in-person counseling select the checkbox if the are within 40 miles of an
MFLC installation. If they are within 40 miles of an MFLC installation, select the checkbox if they accept
MFLC services. Then, select the applicable Referral Type—MFLC, or MOS Network.
If you are not sure whether or not they are within 40 miles of an MFLC installation, select MFLC as the
Referral Type and then follow the MFLC instructions below to search for installations. You can change
the Referral Type and unselect the checkboxes if a nearby installation isn’t found.

Figure 15.8


Military OneSource CMS
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a. If the referral is for MFLC:
Select the Open MFLC
Locator link to search for
MFLC installations near
the participant.
The MFLC Locator
search screen will open in
a new window.

Figure 15.9
Enter the participant’s postal code and click Search to see all installations that are within 40 miles. Or,
select the participant’s state, country, or the installation at which they are located to see which MFLC
locations are nearby (if any).

Figure 15.10
If multiple MFLC locations are found, choose one that has a Primary Category specialization applicable to
the participant’s issue. Choose a second MFLC location as a backup if desired.


Military OneSource CMS
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Then, in the referral form select the MFLC Category for the participant’s issue. Click the + icon next to
each POC to select a search result for the first and second (if applicable) MFLC locations you choose
from the MFLC Locator (Figure 15.11). If the MFLC Location isn’t at an installation leave the field blank.
Finally, click the Done button to close the referral (figure 15.11).

Figure 15.11

b. If the Referral Type is for the MOS Network (Figure 15.12):
If the Referral Type is MOS Network, enter the participant’s reason for requesting counseling.
Enter the provider’s name, phone number, location, and authorization number. Select the
checkbox if the participant does not want to be contacted at a later date to check on their status
for non-medical counseling.
If you would like to schedule a follow-up reminder for the specialty consultant that will be
overseeing the progress of the case, enter the due date and a small note. The follow up will be


Military OneSource CMS
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sent to the responsible people within the system.
Finally, enter the Handoff Type and Notes and click the Done button to close the referral form.

Figure 15.12

1. Select SECO
Enter the Handoff Type and Notes and click the Done button to close the referral form (Figure 16.1).


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 16.1

Information and Referrals
1. Select Information and Referrals
Check the boxes next to the appropriate referrals. Enter the Handoff Type and Notes and click the Done
button to close the referral form (Figure 17.1).

Figure 17.1


Military OneSource CMS
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1. Select Tax
Select the Tax Referral option and enter in a point of contact name and phone number. Next, enter the
Handoff Type and Notes and click the Done button to close the referral form (Figure 18.1).

Figure 18.1

1. Select Specialty
After selecting Specialty, you are prompted to choose which type of specialty consult you would like to
open. Your choices include Special Needs, Elder Care, Education, Adult Disability, Adoption, Work Life,
and Bulk Fulfillment (Figure 19.1).
The process for entering specialty consult referral information will be similar across most of the specialty
consult types, but they all will collect different information specific to their type.


Military OneSource CMS
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After selecting your Specialty Consult type, check the boxes for referrals given. Enter the Handoff Type
and Notes and click the Done button to close the referral form.

Figure 19.1

Health and Wellness Coaching
1. Select Health and Wellness
Fill in Coaching Referral Option, Coaching Delivery, Coach Name, Phone and Email Address. Enter the
Handoff Type and Notes and click the Done button to close the referral form (Figure 20.1).


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 20.1

Recovering Warrior
1. Select Recovering Warrior
Check the boxes for any referrals needed for the participant. Enter the Handoff Type and Notes and click
the Done button to close the referral form. (Figure 21.1).


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Figure 21.1

Document Translation
1. Select Document Translation


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Figure 22.1

2. Enter information for the document to be translated.

Figure 22.2

3. If more than one document needs to be translated, click the Add Document button and enter
the details for the additional document. Repeat for each additional document to be


Military OneSource CMS
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Figure 22.3


Military OneSource CMS
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4. Select the type of handoff and the person that the case will be assigned to. Enter additional
notes about the handoff in the textbox.

Figure 22.4


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Call Center User Guide
5. Indicate if an interpreter was required in order to create the referral for the participant and
select their language. Select the Urgent checkbox if the case manager should treat the
case as a priority. Then, click Done to close the referral.

Figure 22.5

Adding a Contact Note to a Case
To add notes to a case for the case manager, such as if the participant were to call you after
hours requesting information regarding their ongoing case, create a contact note by following
these steps:


Military OneSource CMS
Call Center User Guide
1. Open the participant’s record.
Locate the participant on
the search screen (see
Search for a Participant)
and click on their name to
open their record.

Figure 23.1

2. Click on the Related Cases tab.

Figure 23.2


Military OneSource CMS
Call Center User Guide
3. Select the applicable case.

Figure 23.3

4. Click on Add Contact Note

Figure 23.4


Military OneSource CMS
Call Center User Guide
5. Enter the note’s details and click Done

Figure 23.5
The note will be added to
the Contact Notes section
of the case for the case
manager to read.
Your name and the date
and time that you entered
the note will automatically
be added to the entry.

Figure 23.6


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleCall Center User Guide
File Modified2018-12-10
File Created2014-01-29

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