The RETAIN Demonstration Projects are
a collaborative effort led by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office
of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) in partnership with DOL’s
Employment and Training Administration (ETA) and the Social
Security Administration (SSA). RETAIN—Retaining Employment and
Talent after Injury/Illness Network—projects will test the impact
of early intervention strategies that improve
stay-at-work/return-to-work (SAW/RTW) outcomes of individuals who
experience work disability while employed. “Work disability” is
defined as an injury, illness, or medical condition that has the
potential to inhibit or prevent continued employment or labor force
participation. SAW/RTW programs succeed by returning injured or ill
workers to productive work as soon as medically possible during
their recovery process and by providing interim part-time or
light-duty work and accommodations, as necessary. The RETAIN
Demonstration Projects are modeled after promising programs
operating in Washington state, including the Centers of
Occupational Health and Education (COHE), the Early Return to Work
(ERTW), and the Stay at Work programs. While these programs operate
within the state’s workers’ compensation system and are available
only to people experiencing work-related injuries or illnesses, the
RETAIN Demonstration Projects provide opportunities to improve
SAW/RTW outcomes for both occupational and non-occupational
injuries and illnesses of people who are employed, or at a minimum
in the labor force, when their injury or illness occurs.
Pub.L. 115 - 245 79 Name of Law: Department of Defense and
Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Act,
David Rosenblum 202 693-7840
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with 5 CFR 1320.9 and the related provisions of 5 CFR
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