Attachment B Burden Narrative: Estimate of the Information Collection Burden (narrative) for the 7 CFR Part 225 Summer Food Service Program (OMB# 0584-0280)

Attachment B Narrative for 7 CFR Part 225 8.26.docx

7 CFR Part 225, Summer Food Service Program

Attachment B Burden Narrative: Estimate of the Information Collection Burden (narrative) for the 7 CFR Part 225 Summer Food Service Program (OMB# 0584-0280)

OMB: 0584-0280

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Estimate of the Information Collection Burden (Narrative) for the

7 CFR Part 225 Summer Food Service Program (OMB #0584-0280)

This document explains the calculation of the information collection burden for the Summer Food Service Program under OMB #0584-0280 as submitted for the renewal of the existing regulation. A 60-day notice was published in the Federal Register on April 19, 2019 (Volume 84, Number 76, pages 16455-16456).



  1. Section 225.3(b) requires that each State agency must notify the Department by November 1 of each fiscal year regarding its intention to administer the Summer Food Service Program. The agreement shall contain an assurance that the State agency will comply with policy, instructions, guidance, and handbooks issued by FNS.

FNS estimates that each of the 53 State agencies will file 1 report annually for a total of 53 responses (53 × 1=53). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 36 hours resulting in an estimated total burden hours of 1,908 (53 × 36=1,908). FNS has included review of policy, instructions, guidance, and handboks as reporting burden hours. This adjustment was made to ensure that the burden of operating SFSP is correctly captured in this Information Collection Request. FNS estimates that on average, each State agency will spend 3 hours per month reviewing FNS policy, instructions, guidance, and handbooks, thus, increasing the number of reporting burden hours for State agencies. This program adjustments results in an increase of 1,895 burden hours, raising the total burden hours from 13.25 to 1,908 due to an adjustment.

  1. Section 225.4(a) requires that no later than February 15th of each year, each State agency shall submit to the FNS Regional office (FNSRO) a Program Management and Administration Plan for that fiscal year.

FNS estimates that each of the 53 State agencies will file 1 Management and

Administration Plan annually for a total of 53 responses (53 × 1=53). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1 resulting in an estimated total burden hours of 53 (53 × 1=53). There is no change in burden.

  1. Section 225.8(d)(1) requires that by May 1 of each year, State agencies must submit to the FNSRO a list of potential private nonprofit organization sponsors for each site, the first day of operation, and the estimated daily attendance.

FNS estimates that there will be audits of 53 State agencies and each will file 1

(average number of potential private nonprofit sponsors/State agency) report annually for a total of 53 responses (53 × 1=53). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1 hour resulting in estimated total burden hours of 53 (53 × 1=53). There is no change in burden.

  1. Section 225.8(d)(2) requires that State agencies within 5 days of approval of sponsors, must notify FNSROs of sponsors, approved sites, locations, and days of operation and estimated daily attendance.

FNS estimates that each of the 53 State agencies will file 104 (5,524 sponsors ÷ 53 State agency = 104 reports) reports annually for a total of 5,512 responses

(53 × 104=5,512). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1 hour resulting in an estimated total burden hours of 5,512 (5,512 × 1=5,512). The number of sponsors increased from 5,317 to 5,524, thus increasing the number of reports State agencies would have to submit. This adjustment results in an increase of 212 burden hours, from a total burden hour of 5,300 to 5,512 hours.

  1. Section 225.9(b)(2) requires that the State agency prepare and submit a list of sponsors eligible to receive commodities and the daily number of eligible meals to be served by each sponsor not later than June 1 of each year.

FNS estimates that the 53 State agencies will each file 1 report annually for a total of 53 responses (53 × 1=53). The estimated average number of burden hours peR response is 1 hour resulting in estimated total burden hours of 53 (53 × 1=53). There is no change in burden.

  1. Section 225.9(d)(4) requires that the State agency shall forward reimbursement

within 45 days of receiving valid claims.

FNS estimates that of the 53 State agencies, 312 (104 × 3=312) reports will be filed annually for a total of 16,536 (53 × 312=16,536) responses. The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 30 minutes (0.5 hours) resulting in estimated total burden hours of 8,268 (16,536 × 0.5=8,268). The number of sponsors increased from 5,317 to 5,524, thus increasing the number of reports State agencies would have to submit. This change resulted in an increase of 318 burden hours, from 7,950 to 8,268 hours, as a result of an adjustment.

  1. Section 225.12(a) requires that the State agency shall disallow any portion of a claim for reimbursement and recover any payment to a sponsor not properly payable.

FNS estimates that 53 State agencies will each file 10 (10% of the average number of sponsors ÷ State agency) reports annually for a total of 530 (53 × 10=530). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 4 hours resulting in an estimated total burden hours of 2,120 (530 × 4=2,120). The number of sponsors increased from 5,317 to 5,524, thus increasing the number of reports State agencies would have to submit. This change resulted in an increase of 212 burden hours, from 1,908 to 2,120, as a result of an adjustment.

  1. Section 225.18(b)(2) requires that the State agency shall terminate a sponsor’s participation in the program by written notice whenever it is determined by the State

agency that the sponsor has failed to comply.

FNS estimates that of the 53 State agencies, each will file 5 reports (average number of terminated sponsors per year) annually for a total of 265 (53 × 5=265). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 265 (265 × 1=265). There is no change in burden.

  1. Section 225.7(d)(2) requires that the State agency review sponsors and sites to ensure compliance with program regulations. Per policy guidance, State agencies must validate 100% of claims for sponsors under review The burden associated with this process was zeroed out in the 2016 renewal of OMB 0584-0280; however, the requirement at 7 CFR 225.7(d)(2) for State agencies to conduct meal claim validation reviews remained. FNS is publishing a rule entitled Streamlining Program Requirements and Improving Integrity in the Summer Food Service Program (OMB 0584-NEW) that will propose a new meal claim validation procedure. This new process prompted FNS to re-evaluate the burden associated with the existing process,, under which information was collected without OMB approval. As a result, FNS is re-introducing the meal claim validation burden calculation into the burden chart to ensure this ICR accurately captures the hours required to implement the Program.

FNS estimates that 53 State agencies will each validate 467.24 claims per year, resulting in a total of 24,764 annual records. The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 5 minutes (.08 hours) resulting in an estimated total burden hours of 2,055.39 (24,764 × .08=2,055.39). This program change resulted in an increase of 2,055.39 burden hours.

  1. Sections 225.6(c)(1), 225.6(c)(4), 225.14(a), and 225.14(c) require that sponsors submit written applications to State agencies for participation in the SFSP. The sponsor must demonstrates financial and administrative capability for Program operations and accept final financial and administrative responsibility for total Program operations at all sites at which it proposes to conduct a food service. In order to do so, sponsors must comply with policy, instructions, guidance, and handbooks issued by FNS .

FNS estimates that there are 3,314 Local and Tribal Government sponsors that will each file 1 report annually for a total of 3,314 responses (3,314 × 1=3,314). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 39 hours and 30 minutes (39.5 hours) resulting in an estimated total burden hours of 130,903 (3,314 × 39.5=130,903). FNS has included review of policy, instructions, guidance, and handboks as reporting burden hours. This program adjustment was made to ensure that the burden of operating SFSP is correctly captured in this Information Collection Request. FNS estimates that on average, each State agency will spend 36 hours per month reviewing FNS policy, instructions, guidance, and handbooks, in addition to the 3.5 hours included in the previous collection for submitting a written application. This results in a total of 39.5 hours, thus increasing the number of reporting burden hours for State agencies. This program adjustment results in an increase of 120,056 burden hours, raising the total burden hours from 10,847 to 130,903.

  1. Section 225.6(c)(2) requires that new sponsors and sites, and, as determined by the State agency, sponsors and sites which have experienced significant operational problems, submit site information for each site where a food service operation is proposed.

FNS estimates that of the 5,524 sponsors, 19.31% are new. Therefore, there are 1,066 (5,524 × .1931=1,066) new sponsors and sites, and sites which have experienced significant operational problems. FNS estimates that this includes 640 Local and Tribal Government sponsors, which will each file 1 report annually for a total of 1,066 responses (640 × 1=640). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1 hour resulting in estimated total burden hours of 640 (640 × 1= 640). The number of new and experienced sponsors were combined in the previous renewal, this inflated the numbers of sponsors who actually have to complete this reporting requirement. Since this requirement only pertains to new sponsors and sites, FNS has separated 225.6(c)(3) and 225.6(c)(2). This change resulted in an increase of 640 burden hours due to an adjustment.

  1. Section 225.6(c)(3) requires that experienced sponsors and sites submit site information for each site where a food service operation is proposed.

FNS estimates that there are 4,458 experienced sponsors and sites that will each file 1 report annually for a total of 4,458 responses (4,458 × 1=4,458). FNS estimates that this includes 2,675 Local and Tribal Government sponsors. The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1 hour resulting in an estimated total burden hours of 2,675 (2,675× 1= 2,675). The number of new and experienced sponsors were combined in the previous renewal. Since this requirement only pertains to experienced sponsors and sites, FNS has separated 225.6(c)(3) and 225.6(c)(2). This change resulted in a decrease of 515 burden hours, from 3,190 to 2,675 as a result of an adjustment.

  1. Sections 225.6(e) and 225.14(c)(7) require that sponsors approved for participation in SFSP enter into written agreements with State agencies to operate the program in accordance with regulatory requirements.

FNS estimates that there are 552 sponsors (10% of the 5,524 sponsors) that will each file 1 report annually for a total of 552 responses (552 × 1 = 552). FNS estimates this includes 332 Local and Tribal Government sponsors. The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 7 minutes (.12 hours) resulting in estimated total burden hours of 41 (332 × .12=41). This change, due to a change in the number of sponsors, resulted in an increase of 2 burden hours, from 39 hours to 41 hours as a result of an adjustment.

  1. Section 225.6(h)(2)(iii) requires that sponsors provide food service management

Companies (FSMC) with a list of approved sites, along with the approved level for the number of meals which may be claimed for reimbursement for each site.

FNS estimates that approximately 1,929 sponsors (34.93% of 5,524 sponsors) contract with FSMCs. Of these, FNS estimates 1,157 are Local and Tribal Government sponsors that will each file 1 report annually for a total of 1,157

(1,157 × 1=1,157). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 30 minutes (.5 hours) resulting in estimated total burden hours of 579 (1,157 × .5=579). This change due to a change in the number of sponsors resulted in an increase of 53 burden hours, from 526 to 579 hours as a result of an adjustment.

  1. Section 225.6(h)(3) requires that all meals prepared by a food service management company be unitized unless the sponsors submit requests to State agencies a request for exceptions to the unitizing requirements for certain components of a meal

FNS estimates that 1% of sponsors that have contracts with FSMCS will submit 1 of these requests. FNS estimates that 1,157 Local and Tribal Government sponsors hire food service management companies and of these, FNS estimates, 1% of that would file 1 report annually for a total of 11.57 (11.57 × 1=11.57). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 30 minutes (.5 hours) resulting in estimated total burden hours of 5.785 (11.57 × .5=5.79). The previous collection incorrectly calculated the burden hours for this requirement as 16. Therefore, this change resulted in a decrease of 10 burden hours, from 16 to 5.785 hours as a result of an adjustment.

  1. Sections 225.6(h)(5) and 225.6(h)(2) require that sponsors submit to State agencies copies of the contracts with food service management companies, the bids received, and the reasons why the food service management company was chosen.

FNS estimates that there are approximately 1,157 FSMC contracted with Local and Tribal Governments for SFSP and that sponsors submit 1 report annually for a total of 1,157 annual responses (1,157× 1 = 1,157). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 20 hours resulting in estimated total burden hours of 23,140 (1,176 × 20 = 23,140). The number of sponsors who contract with an FSMC increased, resulting in an increase of 2,092 burden hours, from 21,048 to 23,140 hours as a result of an adjustment.

  1. Section 225.16(a) requires sponsors to submit to the State agency a copy of their letter advising the appropriate health department of their intention to provide a food service during a specific period at specific sites.

FNS estimates that approximately 3,314 Local and Tribal Government sponsors will submit a copy of their letter to the health department and will each file one report annually for a total of 3,314 (3,314 × 1=3,314). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 15 minutes (.25 hours) resulting in estimated total burden hours of 1,381 (3,314 × .25=1,381). The number of sponsors increased from 5,317 to 5,524. This change, due to a change in the number of sponsors resulted in an increase of 32 burden hours, from 797 to 829 hours as a result of an adjustment.


  1. Sections 225.6(c)(1), 225.6(c)(4), 225.14(a), and 225.14(c) require that sponsors submit written applications to State agencies for participation in the SFSP. The sponsor must demonstrates financial and administrative capability for Program operations and accept final financial and administrative responsibility for total Program operations at all sites at which it proposes to conduct a food service. In order to do so, sponsors must comply with policy, instructions, guidance, and handbooks issued by FNS .

FNS estimates that there are 2,210 non-profit instiutiton/ camp sponsors that will each file 1 report annually for a total of 2,210 responses (2,210 × 1=2,210). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 39 hours and 30 minutes (39.5 hours) resulting in an estimated total burden hours of 87,295 (2,210 × 39.5= 87,295). FNS has included review of policy, instructions, guidance, and handboks as reporting burden hours. This adjustment was made to ensure that the burden of operating SFSP is correctly captured in this Information Collection Request. FNS estimates that on average, each State agency will spend 36 hours per month reviewing FNS policy, instructions, guidance, and handbooks, in addition to the 3.5 hours included in the previous collection for submitting a written application. This results in a total of 39.5 hours, thus increasing the number of reporting burden hours for State agencies. This program adjustment results in an increase of 80,064 burden hours, raising the total burden hours from 7,231 to 87,295.

  1. Section 225.6(c)(2) requires that new sponsors and sites, and, as determined by the State agency, sponsors and sites which have experienced significant operational problems, submit site information for each site where a food service operation is proposed.

FNS estimates that of the 5,524 sponsors, 19.31% are new. Therefore, there are 1,066 (5,524 × .1931=1,066) new sponsors and sites, and sites which have experienced significant operational problems. FNS estimates this includes 426 non-profit instiutiton/ camp sponsors, which will each file 1 report annually for a total of 426 responses (426 × 1=426). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1 hour resulting in estimated total burden hours of 426 (426 × 1= 426). The number of new and experienced sponsors were combined in the previous renewal, this inflated the numbers of sponsors who actually have to complete this reporting requirement. Since this requirement only pertains to new sponsors and sites, FNS has separated 225.6(c)(3) and 225.6(c)(2). This change resulted in an increase of 426 burden hours due to an adjustment.

  1. Section 225.6(c)(3) requires that experienced sponsors and sites submit site information for each site where a food service operation is proposed.

FNS estimates that there are 4,458 experienced sponsors and sites that will each file 1 report annually for a total of 4,458 responses (4,458 × 1=4,458). FNS estimates that this includes 1,783 non-profit instiutiton/ camp sponsors. The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 1 hour resulting in an estimated total burden hours of 1,783 (1,783× 1= 1,783). The number of new and experienced sponsors were combined in the previous renewal. Since this requirement only pertains to experienced sponsors and sites, FNS has separated 225.6(c)(3) and 225.6(c)(2). This change resulted in a decrease of 344 burden hours, from 2,127 to 1,783 as a result of an adjustment.

  1. Sections 225.6(e) and 225.14(c)(7) require that sponsors approved for participation in SFSP enter into written agreements with State agencies to operate the program in accordance with regulatory requirements.

FNS estimates that there are 221 sponsors (10% of the 2,210 non-profit instiutiton/ camp sponsors.) that will each file 1 report annually for a total of 221 responses (221 × 1 = 221). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 7 minutes (.12 hours) resulting in estimated total burden hours of 27 (221 × .12=27). This change due to a change in the number of sponsors, resulted in an increase of 1 burden hour, from 26 hours to 27 hours as a result of an adjustment.

  1. Section 225.6(h)(2)(iii) requires that sponsors provide food service management

Companies (FSMC) with a list of approved sites, along with the approved level for the number of meals which may be claimed for reimbursement for each site.

FNS estimates that approximately 1,929 (34.93% of 5,524) sponsors contract with FSMCs. Of these, FNS estimates that 772 FSMCs will each file 1 report annually for a total of 722 (722 × 1=722). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 30 minutes (.5 hours) resulting in estimated total burden hours of 386(722 × .5=386). This change, due to a change in the number of sponsors, resulted in an increase of 35 burden hours, from 351 to 386 hours as a result of an adjustment.

  1. Section 225.6(h)(3) requires that all meals prepared by a food service management company be unitized unless the sponsors submit requests to State agencies a request for exceptions to the unitizing requirements for certain components of a meal

FNS estimates that 1% of sponsors that have contracts with FSMCS will submit 1 of these requests. FNS estimates that 722 non-profit institutiton/ camp sponsors sponsors hire food service management companies, 1% of that would be 7.22 would file 1 report annually for a total of 7.22 (7.22 × 1=7.22 ). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 30 minutes (.5 hours) resulting in estimated total burden hours of 7.22 (7.22 × .5=3.86). The previous collection incorrectly calculated the burden hours for this requirement as 11. Therefore, this change resulted in a decrease of 7 burden hours, from 11 to 4 hours as a result of an adjustment.

  1. Sections 225.6(h)(5) and 225.6(h)(2) require that sponsors submit to State agencies copies of the contracts with food service management companies, the bids received, and the reasons why the food service management company was chosen.

FNS estimates that there are approximately 722 food service management companies doing business with non-profit institutiton/ camp sponsors in the SFSP and that sponsors submit 1 report annually for a total of 722 annual responses (722× 1 = 722). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 20 hours resulting in estimated total burden hours of 15,440 (722 × 20 = 15,440). This change, due to a change in the number of sponsors resulted in an increase of 1,408 burden hours, from 14,032 to 15,440 hours as a result of an adjustment.

  1. Section 225.16(a) requires sponsors to submit to the State agency a copy of their letter advising the appropriate health department of their intention to provide a food service during a specific period at specific sites.

FNS estimates that approximately 2,210 non-profit institutiton/ camp sponsors sponsors will submit a copy of their letter to the health department and will each file one report annually for a total of 2,210 (2,210 × 1=2,210. The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 15 minutes (.25 hours) resulting in estimated total burden hours of 553 (2,210 × .25=553). This change, due to an increase in the number of sponsors resulted in an increase of 23 burden hours, from 530 to 553 hours as a result of an adjustment.

  1. Section 225.6(c)(5) requires that camps submit copies of hearing procedures.

FNS estimates that 333 camps participate in the SFSP. Each camp will file 1 report annually for a total of 333 responses (333 × 1=333). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 15 minutes (.25 hours) resulting in an estimated total burden hours of 83.25 (333 × .25=83.25). The number of camps and other sites decreased from 662 to 333. This change resulted in a decrease of 82.25 burden hours, from 165.50 to 83.25 hours as a result of an adjustment.


  1. Section 225.15(f) requires households enrolled in camps or closed enrolled sites to read instructions, complete free meal applications, and return to camps and sites.

FNS estimates that 58,365 households participate in SFSP camps or other sites where applications are used to determine the eligibility of individual children. Each household will file 1 report annually for a total of 58,365 responses (58,365 × 1=58,365). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 30 minutes (.5 hours) resulting in estimated total burden hours of 29,182.50 (58,365 × .5=29,182.50). The number of households required to read instructions and complete a free meal application decreased from 100,589 to 58,365. This change resulted in a decrease of 21,112 burden hours, from 50,295 to 29,182.50 hours as a result of an adjustment.

  1. Section 225.15(j) requires households to provide written consent for sponsors to use or disclose information.

FNS estimates that 58,365 households participate in SFSP sites where written consent from children’s parents or guardian are required. Each household will file 1 report annually for a total of 58,365 responses (58,365 × 1=58,365). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 15 minutes (.25 hours) resulting in estimated total burden hours of 14,591.25 (58,365 × .25=14,591.25). After reviewing the number of households at sites that obtain consent information from households, FNS estimates that the number does not reflect the reality of the program. More than half of SFSP sites are open sites and do not require households to complete any forms. Therefore, FNS decreased the number of households from 100,589 to 58,365. This change resulted in a decrease of 10,556 burden hours, from 25,147 to 14,591.25 hours as a result of an adjustment.



  1. Section 225.8(a), 225.7(d)(5) and 225.13(d) require state agencies to maintain accurate accounting records for reviews, appeals, and accounting.

FNS estimates that 53 state agencies will maintain 39 records for reviews resulting in 2,067 total records (53 × 39=2,067). The estimated average number of burden hours per each record is 5 minutes (0.08 hours) resulting in 165.36 hours (2067 × .08=165.36). Similarly, FNS estimates that 53 state agencies will each maintain 2 appeal records resulting in 106 records (53 × 2=106) and estimated average number of burden hours per each record is 5 minutes (0.08 hours) resulting in 8.48 hours (106 × 0.08=8.48). For accounting records 53 state agencies will each maintain 104 records resulting in 5,512 (53 ×104) and estimated average time per each record is 5 minutes (0.08 hours) resulting in estimated total burden hours of 440.96 (5,512 × 0.08=440.96). Note that the increase in sponsors from 5,317 to 5,524 affected the accounting burden and therefore resulted in an increase of 16.96 burden hours, from 424 to 440.96 hours as a result of an adjustment.

  1. Sections 225.15(a), 225.15(c), and 225.15(g) require sponsors to maintain records that justify all costs and meals claimed.

FNS estimates that 3,314 Local/Tribal Government sponsors will each maintain 1 record for a total of 3,314 records. The estimated average burden for each record is 5 minutes (0.08 hours) resulting in a total of 265 burden hours (3,314x 0.08=265). This change due to an increase in the number of sponsors, resulted in an increase of 10.12 burden hours, from 255 to 265 hours as a result of an adjustment.


  1. Sections 225.15(a), 225.15(c), and 225.15(g) require sponsors to maintain records that justify all costs and meals claimed.

FNS estimates that 2,210 sponsors will each maintain 1 record for a total of 2,210 records. The estimated average burden for each record is 5 minutes (0.08 hours) resulting in a total of 176 hours and 48 minutes (.80 hours) burden hours (2,210 x 0.08=176.80). This change, due to an increase in the numbers of sponsors resulted in an increase of 6 hours and 48 minutes (.80 hours) burden hours, from 170 to 177 hours as a result of an adjustment.

  1. Section 225.16(b)(1) requires camps and sponsors to maintain copies of the documentation establishing the eligibility of children receiving meals and all other meal service requirement information.

FNS estimates that 840 non-profit institution/camp sponsors will each maintain 104 records resulting in 218,296 (840x 104=87,360) records. The estimated average burden hours for each record are 5 minutes (0.08 hours) resulting in a total of 6,989 hours ( 87,360 x 0.08=6,989). Sponsors who collect eligibility forms are required to maintain copies of the documentation. Of the 2,210 non-profit institutions/camp sponsors in SFSP, FNS estimates that 38% are closed enrolled sites or camps and therefore collect income eligibility documents. These changes resulted in a decrease of 35,547 burden hours, from 42,536 to 6,989 hours as a result of an adjustment.

  1. Section 225.6(c)(5)(xii) requires that camps maintain records of hearings for three years.

FNS estimates that 333 camps participate in the SFSP. Each camp will maintain 1 record of hearing annually for a total of 333 responses (333 × 1=333). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 18 minutes (.3 hours) resulting in estimated total burden hours of 99 hours and 54 minutes (.9 hours) (333 × .3=99.9). This change is a result of a decrease in the number of camps from 662 to 333 and this resulted in a decrease of 99 burden hours, from 199 to 100 hours as a result of an adjustment.



  1. Section 225.15(e) requires sponsors to annually announce in the media serving the area from which it draws its attendance the availability of free meals. Per FNS policy guidance SFSP 07-2014, Expanding Awareness and Access to Summer Meals, November 12, 2013, FNS encourages State agencies to complete this requirement for all sponsors in their State through an all-inclusive statewide media release. This burden is recorded under previous burden in use without OMB approval. Therefore, FNS is including this burden to ensure this ICR accurately captures the hours required to implement the Program.

FNS estimates that approximately 53 State agencies will make an announcement in the media once a year for a total of 53 (53 × 1=53). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is .25 resulting in estimated total burden hours of 13 (53 × .25=13). This resulted in a total of 13 burden hours as a result of a program change.

  1. Section 225.15(e) requires sponsors to annually announce in the media serving the area from which it draws its attendance the availability of free meals.

FNS estimates that approximately 3,314 Local/Tribal Government sponsors will make an announcement in the media once a year for a total of 3,314 (3,314 × 1=3,314). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 15 minutes (.25 hours) resulting in estimated total burden hours of 829 (3,314 × .25=829). This change, resulting from an increase in the number of sponsors resulted in an increase of 32 burden hours, from 797 to 829 hours as a result of an adjustment.


1. Section 225.15(e) requires sponsors to annually announce in the media serving the area from which it draws its attendance the availability of free meals.

FNS estimates that approximately 2,210 non-profit institution/camp sponsors will make an announcement in the media once a year for a total of 2,210 (2,210 × 1=2,210). The estimated average number of burden hours per response is 15 minutes (.25 hours) resulting in estimated total burden hours of 553 (2,210 × .25=553). This change, due to an increase in the number of sponsors resulted in an increase of 21 burden hours, from 532 to 553 hours as a result of an adjustment.


There are no burden hours associated with public disclosure requirements for the households.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleEstimate of the Information Collection Burden for the
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-15

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