
Rules Relating to the Operations and Activities of Commodity Pool Operators and Commodity trading Advisors and to Monthly Reporting by Futures Commission Merchants

Form CPO-PQR and instructions

Part-4 Commodity Pool Operators and Commodity Trading Advisors

OMB: 3038-0005

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OMB No.: 3038-0005



Instructions for Using the Form CPO-PQR Template


This document is not a reporting form. Do not send this document to NFA. It is a template that you may use to assist in filing the electronic reporting form with the NFA at: http://www.nfa.futures.org.

You may fill out the template online and save and/or print it when you are finished or you can download the template and/or print it and fill it out later.



Words that are underlined in this form are defined terms and have the meanings contained in the Definitions of Terms section.



Read the Instructions and Questions Carefully

Please read the instructions and the questions in this Form CPO-PQR carefully.

In this Form CPO-PQR, “you” means the CPO.

Call the CFTC with Questions

If there is any question about whether particular information must be provided or about the manner in which particular information must be provided, contact the CFTC for clarification.



1. All CPOs Are Required to Complete and File the Form CPO-PQR

All CPOs are required to complete and file a Form CPO-PQR for each Reporting Period during which they satisfy the definition of CPO and operate at least one Pool. If a pool is operated by Co-CPOs, the CPO with the higher total AUM, aggregated across all pools operated by the CPO should report for that Pool. Further, if a pool is operated by Co-CPOs and one of them is an Investment Adviser, the non-Investment Adviser CPO must file relevant section(s) even though a Form PF was filed for that pool by the Investment Adviser CPO.

2. Only Certain Schedules of this Form CPO-PQR Are Required of Certain CPOs

Only certain Schedules of this Form CPO-PQR are required to be completed and filed by certain CPOs.

Schedule A

Schedule A must be completed and filed by each CPO for every Reporting Period during which they satisfy the definition of CPO and operate at least one Pool. Large CPOs must complete and file a Schedule A within 60 days of the close of the most recent Reporting Period during which they satisfied the definition of Large CPO. All other CPOs must complete and file a Schedule A within 90 days of the close of the calendar year. The information provided herein should be as of the last business day of the reporting period.

Part 1 of Schedule A surveys basic information about the reporting CPO. Part 2 of Schedule A asks for more specific information about each of the CPO’s Pools, including questions about the Pool’s key relationship and about the Pool’s investment positions.

Substituted Compliance for Schedules B and C

To the extent that a CPO is a dual registrant and is required to file Form PF with the SEC, then it may elect to file Form PF for all pools it, or any related person as defined for purposes of Form PF, may operate.

Schedule B

Schedule B must be completed and filed annually by Mid-Sized CPOs. Mid-Sized CPOs must complete and file a Schedule B within 90 days of the close of each calendar year during which they satisfied the definition of Mid-Sized CPO and operated at least one Pool. A CPO that qualifies as a Mid-Sized CPO at any point during the calendar year must complete and file a separate Schedule B for each Pool that it operated during the calendar year.

Schedule B must be completed and filed quarterly by Large CPOs. Large CPOs must complete and file a Schedule B within 60 days of the close of the most recent Reporting Period during which they satisfied the definition of Large CPO and operated at least one Pool. A CPO that qualifies as a Large CPO at any point during the Reporting Period must complete and file a separate Schedule B for each Pool that it operated during the Reporting Period.

Schedule B Substitution

Any Mid-Sized CPO or Large CPO that is: (i) registered with the SEC as an Investment Adviser; and (ii) operated only Pools that satisfy the definition of Private Fund during the calendar year or Reporting Period, respectively, will be deemed to have satisfied its Schedule B filing requirements by completing and filing Sections 1.b. and 1.c. of Form PF for each Pool that it operated during the calendar year or Reporting Period, respectively, in question.

2. Only Certain Schedules of this Form CPO-PQR Are Required of Certain CPOs (cont’d)

Further, to the extent that any Mid-Sized CPO or Large CPO is: (i) registered with the SEC as an Investment Adviser; and (ii) operated any Pools that do not satisfy the definition of Private Fund during the calendar year or Reporting Period, respectively, and does NOT elect to file Form PF under the substituted compliance provisions of Form PF, they will be required to complete and file a Schedule B for each Pool that it operated during the calendar year or Reporting Period, respectively, that did not satisfy the definition of a Private Fund. Schedule B will need to be completed in addition to the Mid-Sized CPO’s or Large CPO’s filing Form PF requirements.

Schedule B asks for information about each Pool’s creditors, counterparties, borrowings, and clearing mechanisms.

Schedule C

Schedule C must be completed and filed only by Large CPOs. Large CPOs must complete and file a Schedule C within 60 days of the close of the most recent Reporting Period during which they satisfy the definition of a Large CPO and operate at least one Pool. A CPO that qualifies as a Large CPO at any point during the Reporting Period must complete and file a separate Part 2 of Schedule C for each Large Pool that it operated during the Reporting Period.

Schedule C Substitution

Any Large CPO that is: (i) registered with the SEC as an Investment Adviser; and (ii) operated only Pools that satisfy the definition of Private Fund during the Reporting Period will be deemed to have satisfied its Schedule C filing requirements by completing and filing the applicable Sections 1 and 2 of Form PF for the Reporting Period in question.

Further, to the extent that any Large CPO is: (i) registered with the SEC as an Investment Adviser; and (ii) operated any Pools that do not satisfy the definition of Private Fund during the Reporting Period and does NOT elect to file Form PF under the substituted compliance provisions of Form PF, they will be required to complete Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule C with respect to the Pool(s) that it operated during the Reporting Period that did not satisfy the definition of a Private Fund. For these Large CPOs, Part 1 of Schedule C will need to be completed with respect to all Pools that they operated during the Reporting Period that did not satisfy the definition of Private Fund, and Part 2 of Schedule C will need to be completed with respect to all Large Pools that they operated during the Reporting Period that did not satisfy the definition of Private Fund. These Schedule C filings will need to be completed in addition to the Large CPO’s filing Form PF requirements.

Part 1 of Schedule C asks for information about the aggregated portfolios of the Pools that were not Private Funds that the Large CPO operated during the Reporting Period.

Part 2 of Schedule C asks for certain risk metrics about the Large Pools that were not Private Funds that the Large CPO operated during the Reporting Period.

3. The CPO May Be Required to Aggregate Information Concerning Certain Types of Pools

For purposes of determining whether a CPO meets the reporting thresholds for Schedules B and/or C of this Form CPO-PQR, the CPO must: (i) aggregate all Parallel Pool Structures, Parallel Managed Accounts and Master Feeder Arrangements; and (ii) treat any Pool or Parallel Managed Account operated by any of its Affiliated Entities as though it was operated by the CPO.

For purposes of determining whether a Pool qualifies as a Large Pool for Schedule C of this Form CPO-PQR, the CPO must: (i) aggregate all Pools that are part of the same Parallel Fund Structure or Master-Feeder Arrangement; (ii) aggregate any Parallel Managed Accounts with the largest Pool to which that Parallel Managed Account relates; and (iii) treat any Pool or Parallel Managed Account operated by any of your Affiliated Entities as though it was operated by the CPO.

However, for the parts of Form CPO-PQR that request information about individual Pools, you must report aggregate information for Parallel Managed Accounts and Master Feeder Arrangements as if each were an individual Pool, but not Parallel Pools. Assets held in Parallel Managed Accounts should be treated as assets of the Pools with which they are aggregated.

4. I advise a Pool that invests in other Pools or funds (e.g., a “fund of funds”). How should I treat these investments for purposes of Form CPO-PQR?

Investments in other Pools generally. For purposes of this Form CPO-PQR, you may disregard any Pool’s equity investments in other Pools. However, if you disregard these investments, you must do so consistently (e.g., do not include disregarded investments in the net asset value used for determining whether the fund is a “Qualifying Pool”). For Schedule A, Question 11, even if you disregard these assets, you may report the performance of the entire Pool and are not required to recalculate performance in order to exclude these investments. Do not disregard any liabilities, even if incurred in connection with these investments.

Pools that invest substantially all of their assets in other Pools or funds. If you are the CPO for a Pool that: (i) invests substantially all of its assets in the equity of Pools or Private Funds for which you are not the CPO; and (ii) aside from such Pool or Private Fund investments, holds only cash and cash equivalents and instruments acquired for the purpose of hedging currency exposure, then you are only required to complete Schedule A for that Pool. For all other purposes, you should disregard such Pools. For example, where questions request aggregate information regarding the Pools you advise, do not include the assets or liabilities of any such Pool.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, you must include disregarded assets in responding to Schedule A, Question 0).

5. I am required to aggregate funds or accounts to determine whether I meet a reporting threshold, or I am electing to aggregate funds for reporting purposes. How do I “aggregate” funds or accounts for these purposes?

Where two or more Parallel Pool Structures or Master-Feeder Arrangements are aggregated in accordance with Instruction 3, you must treat the aggregated funds as if they were all one Pool. Investments that a Feeder Fund makes in a Master Fund should be disregarded, but other investments of the feeder fund should be treated as though they were investments of the aggregated fund.

Where you are aggregating dependent parallel managed accounts to determine whether you meet a reporting threshold, assets held in the accounts should be treated as assets of the Pools with which they are aggregated.

Example 1.

You advise a master-feeder arrangement with one feeder fund. The feeder fund has invested $500 in the master fund and holds a foreign exchange derivative with a notional value of $100. The master fund has used the $500 received from the feeder fund to invest in corporate bonds. Neither fund has any other assets or liabilities.

For purposes of determining whether the funds comprise a qualifying Pool, this master-feeder arrangement should be treated as a single Pool whose only investments are $500 in corporate bonds and a foreign exchange derivative with a notional value of $100. If you elect to aggregate the master-feeder arrangement for reporting purposes, the treatment would be the same.

Example 2.

You advise a parallel pool structure consisting of two pools, named parallel pool A and parallel pool B. You also advise a related dependent parallel managed account. The account and each fund have invested in corporate bonds of Company X and have no other assets or liabilities. The value of parallel pool A’s investment is $400, the value of parallel pool B’s investment is $300 and the value of the account’s investment is $200.

For purposes of determining whether either of the parallel pools is a qualifying Pool, the entire parallel fund structure and the related dependent parallel managed account should be treated as a single Pool whose only asset is $900 of corporate bonds issued by Company X.

If you elect to aggregate the parallel fund structure for reporting purposes, you would disregard the dependent parallel managed account, so the result would be a single Pool whose only asset is $700 of corporate bonds issued by Company X.

6. I advise a Pool that invests in entities that are not Pools, or are exempt. How should I treat these investments for purposes of Form CPO-PQR?

Except as provided in Instruction 4, investments in funds should be included for all purposes under this Form CPO-PQR. You are not, however, required to “look through” a Pool’s investments in any other entity unless the Form CPO-PQR specifically requests information regarding that entity or the other entity’s primary purpose is to hold assets or incur leverage as part of the Pool’s investment activities.

7. The Form CPO-PQR Must Be Filed Electronically with NFA

All CPOs must file their Forms CPO-PQR electronically using NFA’s EasyFile System. NFA’s EasyFile System can be accessed through NFA’s website at www.nfa.futures.org. You will use the same logon and password for filing your Form CPO-PQR as you would for any other EasyFile filings. Questions regarding your NFA ID# or your use of NFA’s EasyFile system should be directed to the NFA. The NFA’s contact information is available on its website.

8. All Figures Reported in U.S. Dollars

All questions asking for amounts or investments must be reported in U.S. dollars. Any amounts converted to U.S. dollars must use the conversion rate in effect on the Reporting Date.

9. Use of U.S. GAAP

All financial information in this Report must be presented and computed in accordance with GAAP consistently applied; provided however, that a CPO that has filed a notice under Regulation 4.22(d)(2)(iii) to claim relief permitting the CPO to present and compute financial statements in its pool’s Annual Report according to alternative accounting principles, standards or practices may use such alternative accounting principles, standards or practices in presenting and computing financial information in this Report.

10. Oath and Affirmation

This Form CPO-PQR will not be accepted unless it is complete and contains an oath or affirmation that, to the best of the knowledge and belief of the individual making the oath or affirmation, the information contained in the document is accurate and complete; provided however, that is shall be unlawful for the individual to make such oath or affirmation if the individual knows or should know that any of the information in this Form CPO-PQR is not accurate and complete.


Affiliated Entity: The term “Affiliated Entity” means any entity is an affiliate of another entity. An entity is an affiliate of another entity if the entity directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under common control with the other entity.

Assets Under Management or AUM: The term “Assets Under Management” or “AUM” means the amount of all assets that are under the control of the CPO.

BP: The term “BP” means basis points.

Broker: The term “Broker” means any entity that provides clearing, prime brokerage or similar services to the Pool.

CDS: The term “CDS” means credit default swap.

CCP: The term “CCP” means a central counterparty or central clearing house, such as, but not limited to: CC&G, CME Clearing, The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (including FICC, NSCC and Euro CCP), EMCF, Eurex Clearing, Fedwire, ICE Clear Europe, ICE Clear U.S., ICE Trust, LCH Clearnet Limited, LCH Clearnet SA, Options Clearing Corporation and SIX x-clear.

Commodity Futures Trading Commission or CFTC: The term “Commodity Futures Trading Commission” or “CFTC” means the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

Commodity Pool or Pool: The term “Commodity Pool” or “Pool” has the same meaning as “commodity pool” as defined in section 1a(10) of the Commodity Exchange Act.

Commodity Pool Operator or CPO: The term “commodity pool operator” or “CPO” has the same meaning as “commodity pool operator” defined in section 1a(11) of the Commodity Exchange Act.

Commodity Trading Advisor or CTA: The term “commodity trading advisor” or “CTA” has the same meaning as “commodity trading adviser” as defined in section 1a(12) of the Commodity Exchange Act.

Feeder Fund: See Master-Feeder Arrangement.

Financial Institution: The term “financial institution” means any of the following: (i) a bank or savings association, in each case as defined in the Federal Deposit Insurance Act; (ii) a bank holding company or financial holding company, in each case as defined in the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956; (iii) a savings and loan holding company, as defined in the Home Owners’ Loan Act; (iv) a Federal credit union, State credit union or State-chartered credit union, as those terms are defined in section 101 of the Federal Credit Union Act; (v) a Farm Credit System institution chartered and subject to the provisions of the Farm Credit Act of 1971; or (vi) an entity chartered or otherwise organized outside the United States that engages in banking activities.

Form CPO-PQR: The term “Form CPO-PQR” means this Form CPO-PQR.

Form PF: The term “Form PF” refers to the Form PF.

GAAP: The term “GAAP” means U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

Investment Adviser: The term “Investment Adviser” has the same meaning as “investment adviser” as defined in Section 202(a)(11) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940.

Large CPO: The term “Large CPO” refers to any CPO that had at least $1.5 billion in aggregated Pool Assets Under Management as of the close of business on any day during the Reporting Period.

Large Pool: The term “Large Pool” means any Pool that has a Net Asset Value individually, or in combination with any Parallel Pool Structure, of at least $500 million as of the close of business on any day during the Reporting Period.

Master Fund: See Master-Feeder Arrangement.

Master-Feeder Arrangement: The phrase “Master-Feeder Arrangement” means an arrangement in which one or more funds (“Feeder Funds”) invest all or substantially all of their assets in a single fund (“Master Fund”). A fund would also be a Feeder Fund investing in a Master Fund for the purposes of this definition if it issued multiple classes or series of shares or interests and each class (or series) invests substantially all of its assets in shares (or other interests in) a single underlying Master Fund.

Mid-Sized CPO: The term “Mid-Sized CPO” refers to any CPO that had at least $150 million in aggregated Pool Assets Under Management as of the close of business on any day during the Reporting Period.

National Futures Association or NFA: The term “National Futures Association” or “NFA” refers to the National Futures Association, a registered futures association under Section 17 of the Commodity Exchange Act.

Negative OTE: The term “Negative OTE” means negative open trade equity.

Net Asset Value or NAV: The term “Net Asset Value” or “NAV” has the same meaning as “net asset value” as defined in Commission Rule 4.10(b).

Non-U.S. Financial Institution: A “non-U.S. Financial Institution” means any of the following Financial Institutions: (i) a Financial Institution chartered outside the United States; (ii) a subsidiary of a U.S. Financial Institution that is separately incorporated or otherwise organized outside the United States; or (iii) a branch or agency that resides in the United States but has a parent that is a Financial Institution chartered outside the United States.

OTC: The term “OTC” means over-the-counter.

Parallel Managed Account: The term “Parallel Managed Account” means any managed account or other pool of assets that the CPO operates and that pursues substantially the same investment objective and strategy and invests side-by-side in substantially the same assets as the identified Pool.

Parallel Pool Structure: The term “Parallel Pool Structure” means any structure in which one or more Pools pursues substantially the same investment objective and strategy and invests side by side in substantially the same assets as another Pool.

Private Fund: The term “Private Fund” has the same meaning as “private fund” as defined in Form PF.

Positive OTE: The term “Positive OTE” means positive open trade equity.

Reporting Date: The term “Reporting Date” means the last calendar day of the Reporting Period for which this Form CPO-PQR is required to be completed and filed. For example, the Reporting Date for the first calendar quarter of a year is March 31; the Reporting Date for the second calendar quarter is June 30.

Reporting Period: The term “Reporting Period” means any of the individual calendar quarters (ending March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31) for Large CPOs and the calendar year end for all other CPOs.

Trading Manager: The term “Trading Manager” means any entity or individual with sole or partial authority to invest Pool assets or to allocate Pool assets to other managers or investee Pools (including cash management firms). CTAs and other CPOs can be Trading Managers; however, a CPO should not identify itself as a Trading Manager.

Secured Borrowing: The term “Secured Borrowing” means obligations for borrowed money in respect of which the borrower has posted collateral or other credit support. For purposes of this definition, repos are secured borrowings.

Securities and Exchange Commission or SEC: The term “Securities and Exchange Commission” or “SEC” means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

Side Arrangements and Side Letters: The term “Side Arrangements” or the term “Side Letters” means any arrangement that is extended to less than 100% of the Pool’s participants.

U.S. Financial Institution: The term “U.S. Financial Institution” means any of the following Financial Institutions: (i) a Financial Institution chartered in the United States (whether federally-chartered or state-chartered); (ii) a subsidiary of a Non-U.S. Financial Institution that is separately incorporated or otherwise organized in the United States; or (iii) a branch or agency that resides outside the United States but has a parent that is a Financial Institution chartered in the United States.

Unsecured Borrowing: The term “Unsecured Borrowing” means obligations for borrowed money in respect of which the borrower has not posted collateral or other credit support.

VaR: The term “VaR” means value at risk.


Every CPO is required to complete and file Schedule A of this Form CPO-PQR. This Schedule A must be completed for every Reporting Period during which the CPO operated at least one Pool. Part 1 of Schedule A asks for information about the CPO. Part 2 of Schedule A asks for information about each individual Pool that the CPO operated during the Reporting Period. CPOs must complete and file a separate Part 2 for each Pool they operated any time during the Reporting Period.

Unless otherwise specified in a particular question, all information provided in this Schedule A should be accurate as of the Reporting Date.




Provide the following general information concerning the CPO:


a. CPO’s Name:


b. CPO’s NFA ID#:


c. Person to contact concerning this Form CPO-PQR:


d. CPO’s chief compliance officer:


e. Total number of employees of the CPO:


f. Total number of equity holders of the CPO:

Shape22 Shape21

g. Total number of Pools operated by the CPO:


h. Telephone number and email for person identified in c. above


Provide the following information concerning the amount of Assets Under Management by the CPO:


a. CPO’s Total Assets Under Management:


b. CPO’s Total Net Assets Under Management:



REMINDER: The CPO must complete and file a separate Part 2 for each Pool that the CPO operated during the Reporting Period.


Provide the following general information concerning the Pool:


a. Pool’s name:


b. Pool’s NFA ID#:


c. If the Pool is operated by Co-CPOs the name of the other CPOs


d. Under the laws of what state or country is the Pool organized:


e. On what date does the Pool’s fiscal year end:

f. Is this Pool a Private Fund? Yes No

g. List the English name of each Foreign Financial Regulatory Authority and the country with which the Pool is


Foreign Financial Regulatory Authority Country

Shape33 Shape32

Shape35 Shape34

h. Is this a Master Fund in a Master-Feeder Arrangement? Yes No

If “Yes,” provide the name and NFA ID# of each Feeder Fund investing in this Pool:

Shape36 Shape37

Feeder Fund NFA ID#

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Shape41 Shape40

i. Is this a Feeder Fund in a Master-Feeder Arrangement? Yes No

If “Yes,” provide the name and NFA ID# of the Master Fund in which this Pool invests:

Master Fund NFA ID#

Shape43 Shape42

Shape44 j. If this Pool invests in other Pools, a) what is the maximum number of investee pool tiers?

Shape45 i. What is the value of this Pool’s investments in equity of other Pools or private funds?


Provide the following information concerning the Pool’s third party administrator(s):

a. Does the CPO use third party administrators for the Pool? Yes No


If “Yes,” provide the following information for each third party administrator:

  1. Name of the administrator:

  2. NFA ID# of administrator:

  3. Address of the administrator:

    Shape50 Shape49
  4. Telephone number of the administrator:

  5. Starting date of the relationship with the administrator:

  6. Services performed by the administrator:

Preparation of Pool financial statements:

Calculation of Pool’s performance:

Maintenance of the Pool’s books and records:

Other ______________________________:


b. What percentage of the Pool’s Assets Under Management is valued by a third party administrator, or similar

entity, that is independent of the CPO? %


If the number entered is greater than “0,” provide the following information:

Name(s) of the third party(-ies):


Provide the following information concerning the Pool’s Broker(s):

a. Does the CPO use Brokers for the Pool? Yes No


If “Yes,” provide the following information for each Broker:

  1. Name of the Broker:

  2. NFA ID# of Broker:

  3. Address of Broker

  4. Telephone number of the Broker:

  5. Starting date of the relationship with the Broker:

  6. Services performed by the Broker:

Clearing services for the Pool:

Prime brokerage services for the Pool:

Custodian services for some or all Pool assets:

Other ______________________________:


Provide the following information concerning the Pool’s Trading Manager(s):

a. Has the CPO authorized Trading Managers to invest or allocate some or all of the Pool’s Assets Under

Management? Yes No


If “Yes,” provide the following information for each Trading Manager:

  1. Name of the Trading Manager:

  2. NFA ID# of the Trading Manager:

  3. Address of the Trading Manager:

  4. Telephone number of the Trading Manager:

  5. Starting date of the relationship with the Trading Manager:

  6. What percentage of the Pool’s Assets Under Management does the Trading Manager have authority to invest or allocate? %


Provide the following information concerning the Pool’s custodian(s):

a. Does the CPO use custodians to hold some or all of the Pool’s Assets Under Management?

Yes No


If “Yes,” provide the following information for each custodian:

  1. Name of the custodian:

  2. NFA ID# of the custodian:

  3. Address of the custodian:

  4. Telephone number of the custodian:

  5. Starting date of the relationship with the custodian:

  6. What percentage of the Pool’s Assets Under Management is held by the custodian? %


Provide the following information concerning the Pool’s auditor(s):

a. Does the CPO have the Pool’s financial statements audited? Yes No

If “Yes,” provide the following information:

  1. Is the audit conducted in accordance with GAAP? Yes No

  2. Name of the auditing firm:

  3. Address of the auditing firm:

  4. Telephone number of the auditing firm:

  5. Starting date of the relationship with the auditing firm:

b. Are the Pool’s audited financial statements distributed to the Pool’s participants?

Yes No


Provide the following information concerning the Pool’s marketer(s):

a. Does the CPO use the services of third parties to market participations in the Pool?

Yes No


If “Yes,” provide the following information for each marketing firm:

  1. Name of the marketing firm:

  2. Address of the marketing firm:

  3. Telephone number of the marketing firm:

  4. Starting date of the relationship with the marketing firm:

  5. Address of any website used by the marketing firm to market participations in the Pool:



Provide the following information concerning the Pool’s activity during the Reporting Period. For the purposes of this question:

  1. The Assets Under Management and Net Asset Value at the beginning of the Reporting Period are considered to be the same as the assets under management and Net Asset Value at the end of the previous Reporting Period, in accordance with Commission Rule 4.25(a)(7)(A).

  1. The additions to the Pool include all additions whether voluntary or involuntary in accordance with Commission Rule 4.25(a)(7)(B).

  1. The withdrawals and redemptions from the Pool include all withdrawals or redemptions whether voluntary or not, in accordance with Commission Rule 4.25(a)(7)(C).

  1. The Pool’s Assets Under Management and Net Asset Value on the Reporting Date must be calculated by adding or subtracting from the Assets Under Management and Net Asset Value at the beginning of the Reporting Period, respectively, any additions, withdrawals, redemptions and net performance, as provided in Commission Rule 4.25(a)(7)(E).

  1. Shape81 Pool’s Assets Under Management at the beginning of the Reporting Period:

  2. Shape82 Pool’s Net Asset Value at the beginning of the Reporting Period:

  3. Shape83 Pool’s net income during the Reporting Period:

  4. Shape84 Additions to the Pool during the Reporting Period:

  5. Shape86 Shape85 Withdrawals and Redemptions from the Pool during the Reporting Period:

  6. Shape87 Pool’s Assets Under Management on the Reporting Date:

  7. Pool’s Net Asset Value on the Reporting Date:

  8. Shape88 Pool’s base currency:


Provide the Pool’s monthly rate of return for each month that the Pool has operated. The Pool’s monthly rate of return should be calculated in accordance with Commission Rule 4.25(a)(7)(F). Provide the Pool’s annual rate of return for the appropriate year in the row marked “Annual.”






















Provide the following information concerning subscriptions to and redemptions from the Pool during the Reporting Period.

  1. Shape89 Total Pool subscriptions by participants during the Reporting Period:


b. Total Pool redemptions by participants during the Reporting Period:

c. Are any Pool participants or share classes currently below the Pool’s high water mark?

Yes No

If “Yes,” provide the following information:

  1. What is the percentage of participants below the Pool’s high water mark as of the Reporting Date?

Shape91 %

  1. Shape92 What is the weighted average percentage of participants below the Pool’s high water mark as of the Reporting Date? %

d. Provide the following information regarding the Pool’s restrictions on participant withdrawals and redemptions.

(For Questions iv. and v., please note that the standards for imposing suspensions and restrictions on withdrawals/redemptions may vary among funds. Make a good faith determination of the provisions that would likely be triggered during conditions that you view as significant market stress.)

i. Does the reporting fund provide participants with withdrawal/redemption rights in the ordinary course?

Yes No

(If you responded “yes” to Question 12(d)(i), then you must respond to Questions 12(d)(ii)-(v).)

As of the data reporting date, what percentage of the Pool’s net asset value, if any:

  1. Shape93 May be subjected to a suspension of participant withdrawals/redemptions CPO (this question relates to a CPO’s right to suspend and not just whether a suspension is currently effective)

  2. Shape94 May be subjected to material restrictions on participant withdrawals/ redemptions (e.g., “gates”) CPO (this question relates to a CPO’s right to impose a restriction and not just whether a restriction has been imposed)

  3. Shape95 Is subject to a suspension of participant withdrawals/redemptions (this question relates to whether a suspension is currently effective and not just a CPO’s

right to suspend)

  1. Shape96 Is subject to a material restriction on participant withdrawals/redemptions (e.g., a “gate”) (this question relates to whether a restriction has been imposed and not just a CPO’s right to impose a restriction)

e. Has the Pool imposed a halt or any other material limitation on redemptions during the Reporting Period?

Yes No

If “Yes,” provide the following information:

  1. Shape97 On what date was the halt or material limitation imposed?


  1. If the halt or material limitation has been lifted, on what date was it lifted?

  1. What disclosure was provided to participants to notify them that the halt or material limitation was being imposed? What disclosure was provided to participants to notify them that the halt or material limitation was being lifted?


  1. Shape100 On what date(s) was this disclosure provided?

  1. Briefly explain the halt or material limitation(s) on redemptions and the reason for such halt or material limitation(s):


This Completes Schedule A of Form CPO-PQR


A CPO is only required to complete and file Schedule B of this Form CPO-PQR if at any point during the Reporting Period the CPO qualified as a Mid-Sized CPO or Large CPO.

Schedule B must be completed and filed annually by Mid-Sized CPOs. Mid-Sized CPOs must complete and file a Schedule B within 90 days of the close of each calendar year during which they satisfied the definition of Mid-Sized CPO and operated at least one Pool. A CPO that qualifies as a Mid-Sized CPO at any point during the calendar year must complete and file a separate Schedule B for each Pool that it operated during the calendar year.

Schedule B must be completed and filed quarterly by Large CPOs. Large CPOs must complete and file a Schedule B within 60 days of the close of the most recent Reporting Period during which they satisfied the definition of Large CPO and operated at least one Pool. A CPO that qualifies as a Large CPO at any point during the Reporting Period must complete and file a separate Schedule B for each Pool that it operated during the Reporting Period.

Notwithstanding the above paragraph, certain Mid-Sized CPOs and Large CPOs that are also registered as Investment Advisers with the SEC may be deemed to have satisfied their Schedule B filing requirements by completing and filing Sections 1.b. and 1.c. of Form PF. Whether a Mid-Sized CPO or Large CPO has satisfied its Schedule B filing requirements will depend upon the type of Pools it operated during the calendar year or Reporting Period, respectively. Refer to the instructions of this Form CPO-PQR to determine whether you are required to complete this Schedule B and, if you are, how frequently you are required to file.

Unless otherwise specified in a particular question, all information provided in this Schedule B should be accurate as of the Reporting Date for all Large CPOs and accurate as of December 31 of each calendar year for all Mid-Sized CPOs.

REMINDER: A CPO that qualified as a Mid-Sized CPO at any point during the calendar year or Large CPO at any point during the Reporting Period must complete and file a separate Schedule B for each Pool that it operated during the calendar year or Reporting Period, respectively, if not filing Form PF with the SEC in lieu thereof.




Provide the following general information concerning the Pool:


a. Pool’s name:


b. Pool’s NFA ID#:

c. Does the Pool have a single primary investment strategy or multiple strategies?

Single Primary Strategy

Multiple Strategies

d. Indicate which of the investment strategies below best describe the reporting fund’s strategies. For each strategy that you have selected, provide a good faith estimate of the percentage of the reporting fund’s net asset value represented by that strategy. If, in your view, the reporting fund’s allocation among strategies is appropriately represented by the percentage of deployed capital, you may also provide that information.

(Select the investment strategies that best describe the reporting fund’s strategies, even if the descriptions below do not precisely match your characterization of those strategies; select “other” only if a strategy that the reporting fund uses is significantly different from any of the strategies identified below. You may refer to the reporting fund’s use of these strategies as of the data reporting date or throughout the reporting period, but you must report using the same basis in future filings.)

(The strategies listed below are mutually exclusive (i.e., do not report the same assets under multiple strategies). If providing percentages of capital, the total should add up to approximately 100%.)


% of NAV


% of capital


Equity, Market Neutral

Equity, Long/Short

Equity, Short Bias

Equity, Fundamental

Macro, Active Trading (high frequency trading)

Macro, Commodity

Macro, Currency

Macro, Global Macro

Relative Value, Fixed Income Asset Backed

Relative Value, Fixed Income Convertible Arbitrage

Relative Value, Fixed Income Corporate

Relative Value, Fixed Income Sovereign

Relative Value, Volatility

Event Driven, Activist

Event Driven, Distressed/Restructuring

Event Driven, Risk Arbitrage/Merger Arbitrage

Event Driven, Equity Special Situations

Event Driven, Private Issue/Reg D

Credit, Fundamental

Managed Futures/CTA


Investment in other funds


e. Provide the approximate percentage of the Pool’s portfolio that is managed using quantitative trading algorithms

or quantitative techniques to select investments. Do not include the use of algorithms used solely for trade execution:








f. Provide the following information concerning the Pool’s participant concentration. Beneficial owners of Pool participations that are Affiliated Entities should be treated as a single participant:


  1. Shape108 Total number of participants in the Pool:

  2. Percentage of the Pool that is beneficially owned by the five largest participants:

g. During the reporting period, approximately what percentage of the Pool’s net asset value was managed using high-frequency trading strategies?

(In your response, please do not include strategies using algorithms solely for trade execution. This question concerns strategies that are substantially computer-driven, where decisions to place bids or offers, and to buy or sell, are primarily based on algorithmic responses to intraday price action in equities, futures and options, and where the total number of shares or contracts traded throughout the day is generally significantly larger than the net change in position from one day to the next.)

0% less than 10%

10-25% 26-50%

51-75% 76-99%

100% or more


Provide the following information concerning the Pool’s borrowings and types of creditors. Include all Secured Borrowings and Unsecured Borrowings, but not synthetic borrowings. The percentages entered below for questions 2.b., 2.c., 2.d. and 2.e. should total 100%:

  1. Shape110 Shape109 Shape111 Shape112 Shape113 Total Borrowings (dollar amount):

  2. Percentage borrowed from U.S. Financial Institutions:

  3. Percentage borrowed from non-U.S. Financial Institutions:

  4. Percentage borrowed from U.S. creditors that are not Financial Institutions:

  5. Percentage borrowed from non-U.S. creditors that are not Financial Institutions:


Provide the following information about the Pool’s counterparty credit exposure. Do not include CCPs as counterparties and aggregate all Affiliated Entities as a single group for purposes of this question.

Your responses should take into account: (i) mark-to-market gains and losses on derivatives; (ii) margin posted to the counterparty (for subparagraph 3.b.) or margin posted by the counterparty (for subparagraph 3.c.); and (iii) any loans or loan commitments. Your responses should not take into account: (i) assets that the counterparty is holding in custody on your behalf; (ii) derivative transactions that have been executed but not settled; (iii) margin held in a customer omnibus account at a CCP; or (iv) holdings of debt or equity securities issued by the counterparty.


  1. Provide the Pool’s aggregate net counterparty credit exposure, measured in dollars:

  1. Identify the five counterparties to which the reporting fund has the greatest mark-to-market net counterparty credit exposure, measured as a percentage of the reporting fund’s net asset value.

(For purposes of this question, you should treat affiliated entities as a single group to the extent exposures may be contractually or legally set-off or netted across those entities and/or one affiliate guarantees or may otherwise be obligated to satisfy the obligations of another. CCPs should not be regarded as counterparties for purposes of this question.)

(In your response, you should take into account: (i) mark-to-market gains and losses on derivatives; and (ii) any loans or loan commitments.)

(However, you should not take into account: (i) margin posted by the counterparty; or (ii) holdings of debt or equity securities issued by the counterparty.)

Legal name of the counterparty
(or, if multiple affiliated
entities, counterparties)

Indicate below if the
counterparty is affiliated with
a major financial institution

Exposure (% of reporting fund’s net asset value)

[repeat drop-down list of creditor/counterparty names]


[Not applicable]

[repeat drop-down list of creditor/counterparty names]


[Not applicable]

[repeat drop-down list of creditor/counterparty names]


[Not applicable]

[repeat drop-down list of creditor/counterparty names]


[Not applicable]

[repeat drop-down list of creditor/counterparty names]


[Not applicable]

  1. Identify the five counterparties that have the greatest mark-to-market net counterparty credit exposure to the reporting fund, measured in U.S. dollars.

(For purposes of this question, you should treat affiliated entities as a single group to the extent exposures may be contractually or legally set-off or netted across those entities and/or one affiliate guarantees or may otherwise be obligated to satisfy the obligations of another. CCPs should not be regarded as counterparties for purposes of this question.)

(In your response, you should take into account: (i) mark-to-market gains and losses on derivatives; and (ii) any loans or loan commitments.)

(However, you should not take into account: (i) margin posted to the counterparty; or (ii) holdings of debt or equity securities issued by the counterparty.)

Legal name of the counterparty
(or, if multiple affiliated
entities, counterparties)

Indicate below if the
counterparty is affiliated with
a major financial institution

Exposure (in U.S. dollars)

[repeat drop-down list of creditor/counterparty names]


[Not applicable]

[repeat drop-down list of creditor/counterparty names]


[Not applicable]

[repeat drop-down list of creditor/counterparty names]


[Not applicable]

[repeat drop-down list of creditor/counterparty names]


[Not applicable]

[repeat drop-down list of creditor/counterparty names]


[Not applicable]

d. Identify the three types of unregulated entities to which the Pool has the greatest net counterparty exposure, measured as a percentage of the Pool’s Net Asset Value:

Hedge Fund ________%

Private Equity Fund ________%

Liquidity Fund ________%

Venture Capital Fund ________%

Real Estate Fund ________%

Securitized Asset Fund ________%

Other Private Fund ________%

Sovereign Wealth Fund ________%



Provide the following information concerning the Pool’s use of trading and clearing mechanisms. For purposes of this question: (i) a trade includes any transaction, irrespective of whether entered into on a bilateral basis, on exchange, or through a trading facility or other system, and (ii) transactions for which margin is held in a customer omnibus account at a CCP should be considered cleared by a CCP.

Trading and Clearing of Derivatives

a. For each of the following types of derivatives that are traded by the Pool, estimate the percentage (in terms of notional value) of the Pool’s activity that is traded on a regulated exchange as opposed to over-the-counter. The percentages entered for each row should total 100%:

Traded on a Regulated Exchange

Traded Over-the-Counter

Credit derivatives:

Interest rate derivatives:

Commodity derivatives:

Equity derivatives:

Foreign exchange derivatives:

Asset backed securities derivatives:

Other derivatives:

b. For each of the following types derivatives that are traded by the Pool, estimate the percentage (in terms of notional value) of the Pool’s activity that is cleared by a CCP as opposed to being transacted bilaterally (not cleared by a CCP). The percentages entered for each row should total 100%:

Cleared by a CCP

Transacted Bilaterally

Credit derivatives:

Interest rate derivatives:

Commodity derivatives:

Equity derivatives:

Foreign exchange derivatives:

Asset backed securities derivatives:

Other derivatives:

c. For each of the following types securities that are traded by the Pool, estimate the percentage (in terms of market value) of the Pool’s activity that is traded on a regulated exchange as opposed to over-the-counter. The percentages entered for each row should total 100%:

Traded on a Regulated Exchange

Traded Over-the-Counter

Equity securities:

Debt securities:

d. For each of the following types securities that are traded by the Pool, estimate the percentage (in terms of market value) of the Pool’s activity that is cleared by a CCP as opposed to being transacted bilaterally (not cleared by a CCP). The percentages entered for each row should total 100%:

Cleared by a CCP

Transacted Bilaterally

Equity securities:

Debt securities:

Clearing of Repos

e. For the repo trades into which the Pool has entered, estimate the percentages (in terms of market value) of the Pool’s repo trades that are cleared by a CCP, that are transacted bilaterally (not cleared by a CCP) and that constitute a tri-party repo. Tri-party repo is any repo where the collateral is held at a custodian (not a CCP) that acts as a third party agent to both repo buyer and the repo seller. The percentages entered should total 100%:

Cleared by a CCP

Transacted Bilaterally

Tri-Party Repo

Shape116 Repo




Provide the aggregate value of all derivative positions of the Pool. The value of any derivative should be its total gross notional value, except that the value of an option should be its delta adjusted notional value. Do not net long and short positions.


Aggregate value of derivative positions:


Provide the Pool’s investments in each of the subcategories listed under the following seven headings: (1) Cash; (2) Equities; (3) Alternative Investments; (4) Fixed Income; (5) Derivatives; (6) Options; and (7) Funds. First, determine how the Pool’s investments should be allocated among each of these seven categories. Once you have determined how the Pool’s investments should be allocated, enter the dollar value of the Pool’s total investment in each applicable category on the top, boldfaced line. For example, under the “Cash” heading, the Pool’s total investment should be listed on the line reading “Total Cash.” After the top, boldfaced line is completed, proceed to the subcategories. For each subcategory, determine whether the Pool has investments that equal or exceed 5% of the Pool’s Net Asset Value. If so, provide the dollar value of each such investment in

the appropriate subcategory. If the dollar value of any investment in a subcategory equals or exceeds 5% of the Pool’s Net Asset Value, you must itemize the investments in that subcategory.

Shape120 CASH

Total Cash


At Carrying Broker


At Bank


Shape125 Shape126 Shape124 Shape123

Total Listed Equities


  1. Shape128 Shape127 Energy and Utilities

  2. Shape130 Shape129 Technology

  3. Shape132 Shape131 Media

  4. Shape133 Shape134 Telecommunication

  5. Shape135 Shape136 Healthcare

  6. Shape137 Shape138 Consumer Services

  7. Shape139 Shape140 Business Services

  8. Shape142 Shape141 Issued by Financial Institutions

  9. Shape143 Shape144 Consumer Goods

  10. Shape145 Shape146 Industrial Materials

Shape148 Shape147

Exchange Traded Funds

Shape150 Shape149

American Deposit Receipts

Shape151 Shape152 Other

Shape153 Shape154

Total Unlisted Equities

Shape155 Shape156

Unlisted Equities Issued by Financial Institutions


Shape157 Shape158

Total Alternative Investments

Shape159 Shape160

Real Estate

  1. Shape161 Shape162 Commercial

  2. Shape163 Shape164 Residential

Shape166 Shape165

Private Equity

Shape167 Shape171 Shape170 Shape169 Shape168

Venture Capital





  1. Shape174 Total Metals

    Shape176 Shape175
    1. Gold

  2. Shape177 Shape178 Total Energy

    Shape180 Shape179
    1. Crude oil

      Shape182 Shape181
    2. Natural gas

      Shape184 Shape183
    3. Power

  3. Shape185 Shape186 Other

Shape187 Shape188

Loans to Affiliates

Shape191 Shape192 Shape189 Shape190

Promissory Notes

Shape193 Shape194


  1. Shape196 Shape195 Total Metals

    Shape198 Shape197
    1. Gold

  2. Agriculture

  3. Shape199 Shape200 Total Energy

Shape202 Shape201
    1. Crude oil

      Shape204 Shape203
    2. Natural gas

      Shape206 Shape205
    3. Power

Shape208 Shape207



Shape212 Shape210 Shape211 Shape209

Total Fixed Income

Shape213 Shape214

Notes, Bonds and Bills

  1. Shape216 Shape215 Corporate

    1. Shape218 Shape217 Investment grade

    2. Shape220 Shape219 Non-investment grade

  2. Municipal

  3. Shape222 Shape221 Government

    1. Shape224 Shape223 U.S. Treasury securities

    2. Shape226 Shape225 Agency securities

    3. Shape228 Shape227 Foreign (G10 countries)

    4. Shape230 Shape229 Foreign (all other)

  4. Shape234 Shape233 Shape232 Shape231 Gov’t Sponsored

  5. Shape236 Shape235 Convertible

    1. Shape238 Shape237 Investment grade

    2. Non-investment grade

Shape240 Shape239

Certificates of Deposit

  1. Shape242 Shape241 U.S.

  2. Shape244 Shape243 Foreign

Shape246 Shape245

Asset Backed Securities

Shape248 Shape247
  1. Mortgage Backed Securities

    Shape250 Shape249
    1. Commercial Securitizations

  1. Shape251 Shape252 Senior or higher

  2. Shape253 Shape254 Mezzanine

  3. Junior/Equity

Shape256 Shape255
    1. Commercial Resecuritizations

  1. Shape258 Shape257 Senior or higher

  2. Shape260 Shape259 Mezzanine

  3. Shape262 Shape261 Junior/Equity

Shape264 Shape263

Shape266 Shape265
    1. Residential Securitizations

  1. Shape268 Shape267 Senior or higher

  2. Shape270 Shape269 Mezzanine

  3. Junior/Equity

Shape271 Shape272

Shape273 Shape274
    1. Residential Resecuritizations

  1. Shape276 Shape275 Senior or higher

  2. Shape278 Shape277 Mezzanine

  3. Junior/Equity

Shape279 Shape280
    1. Agency Securitizations

  1. Shape282 Shape281 Senior or higher

  2. Shape284 Shape283 Mezzanine

  3. Shape286 Shape285 Junior/Equity

Shape288 Shape287
    1. Agency Resecuritizations

  1. Shape290 Shape289 Senior or higher

  2. Shape292 Shape291 Mezzanine

  3. Shape294 Shape293 Junior/Equity

Shape296 Shape295
  1. CDO Securitizations

  1. Shape297 Shape298 Senior or higher

  2. Shape299 Shape300 Mezzanine

  3. Shape301 Shape302 Junior/Equity

Shape304 Shape303
  1. CDO Resecuritizations

  1. Shape305 Shape306 Senior or higher

  2. Shape307 Shape308 Mezzanine

  3. Shape310 Shape309 Junior/Equity

Shape312 Shape311
  1. CLOs Securitizations

  1. Shape313 Shape314 Senior or higher

  2. Shape315 Shape316 Mezzanine

  3. Shape318 Shape317 Junior/Equity

Shape320 Shape319
  1. CLO Resecuritizations

  1. Shape321 Shape322 Senior or higher

  2. Shape323 Shape324 Mezzanine

  3. Shape326 Shape325 Junior/Equity

Shape327 Shape328

  1. Credit Card Securitizations

  1. Shape329 Shape330 Senior or higher

  2. Shape331 Shape332 Mezzanine

  3. Shape333 Shape334 Junior/Equity

Shape336 Shape335
  1. Credit Card Resecuritizations

  1. Shape337 Shape338 Senior or higher

  2. Shape339 Shape340 Mezzanine

  3. Shape341 Shape342 Junior/Equity

Shape343 Shape344
  1. Auto-Loan Securitizations

  1. Shape345 Shape346 Senior or higher

  2. Shape347 Shape348 Mezzanine

  3. Shape349 Shape350 Junior/Equity

Shape351 Shape352
  1. Auto-Loan Resecuritizations

  1. Shape353 Shape354 Senior or higher

  2. Shape355 Shape356 Mezzanine

  3. Shape357 Shape358 Junior/Equity

Shape360 Shape359
  1. Other

  1. Shape361 Shape362 Senior or higher

  2. Shape363 Shape364 Mezzanine

  3. Shape365 Shape366 Junior/Equity

Shape367 Shape368


Shape370 Shape369

Reverse Repos


Shape372 Shape371

Total Derivatives

Shape374 Shape373


Shape375 Shape376
  1. Indices

    1. Shape377 Shape378 Equity

    2. Shape380 Shape379 Commodity

    Shape381 Shape382
  2. Metals

    1. Shape384 Shape383 Gold

    Shape385 Shape386
  3. Agriculture

    Shape390 Shape389 Shape388 Shape387
  4. Energy

    1. Shape392 Shape391 Crude oil

    2. Natural gas

    3. Shape394 Shape393 Power

    Shape398 Shape397 Shape396 Shape395
  5. Interest Rate

  6. Currency

  7. Shape400 Shape399 Related to Financial Institutions

  8. Shape401 Shape402 Other

Shape404 Shape403 Forwards

Shape406 Shape405


Shape408 Shape407
  1. Interest Rate Swap

    Shape410 Shape409
  2. Equity/Index Swap

    Shape413 Shape414 Shape411 Shape412
  3. Dividend Swap

    Shape416 Shape415
  4. Currency Swap

    Shape418 Shape417
  5. Variance Swap

    Shape420 Shape419
  6. Credit Default Swap

    Shape422 Shape421
    1. Single name CDS

      1. Shape424 Shape423 Related to Financial Institutions

      Shape426 Shape425
    2. Index CDS

      Shape428 Shape427
    3. Exotic CDS

    Shape430 Shape429
  7. OTC Swap

    1. Shape432 Shape431 Related to Financial Institutions

    Shape433 Shape434
  8. Total Return Swap

  9. Other

OPTIONS Long Option Value Short Option Value

Shape435 Shape436

Total Options

Shape440 Shape439 Shape438 Shape437


  1. Indices

    Shape441 Shape442
    1. Equity

      Shape444 Shape443
    2. Commodity

    Shape445 Shape446
  2. Metals

    1. Shape448 Shape447 Gold

    Shape450 Shape449
  3. Agriculture

    Shape452 Shape451
  4. Energy

    1. Shape454 Shape453 Crude oil

    2. Shape455 Shape456 Natural Gas

    3. Shape458 Shape457 Power

    Shape459 Shape460
  5. Interest Rate

  6. Currency

    Shape463 Shape464 Shape462
  7. Related to Financial Institutions

    Shape466 Shape465
  8. Other

Shape467 Shape468


  1. Shape470 Shape469 Related to Financial Institutions

Shape471 Shape472


Shape473 Shape474


Shape476 Shape475
  1. Metals

    1. Shape478 Shape477 Gold

    Shape480 Shape479
  2. Agriculture

    Shape481 Shape482
  3. Currency

    Shape483 Shape484
  4. Energy

    1. Shape486 Shape485 Crude oil

    2. Shape488 Shape487 Natural gas

    3. Shape490 Shape489 Power

    Shape491 Shape492
  5. Other



Total Funds

Shape494 Mutual Fund

  1. U.S.

  2. Foreign


NFA Listed Fund


Hedge Fund


Equity Fund


Money Market Fund


Private Equity Fund




Other Private funds


Funds and accounts other than private funds (i.e., the remainder

of your assets under management)


a. If the dollar value of any investment in any subcategory under the heading “Equities,” “Alternative Investments” or “Fixed Income” equals or exceeds 5% of the Pool’s Net Asset Value, itemize the investment(s) in the table below.


Description of Investment




Fair Value


Gain (Loss)

b. If the dollar value of any investment in any subcategory under the heading “Derivatives” or “Options” equals or exceeds 5% of the Pool’s Net Asset Value, itemize the investment(s) in the table below.


Description of Investment






Gain (Loss)

c. If the dollar value of any investment in any subcategory under the heading “Funds” equals or exceeds 5% of the Pool’s Net Asset Value, itemize the investment(s) in the table below.


Fund Name

Fund Type

Fair Value


Gain (Loss)


In the space below, provide explanations to clarify any assumptions that you made in responding to any question in Schedule B of this Form CPO-PQR. Assumptions must be in addition to, or reasonably follow from, any instructions or other guidance provided in, or in connection with, Schedule B of this Form CPO-PQR. If you are aware of any instructions or other guidance that may require a different assumption, provide a citation and explain why that assumption is not appropriate for this purpose.

Question Number


This Completes Schedule B of Form CPO-PQR


A CPO is only required to complete and file Schedule C of this Form CPO-PQR if at any point during the Reporting Period the CPO qualified as a Large CPO.

Schedule C must be completed and filed only by Large CPOs. Large CPOs must complete and file a Schedule C for every Reporting Period during which they satisfy the definition of a Large CPO and operate at least one Pool. A CPO that qualifies as a Large CPO at any point during the Reporting Period must complete and file a separate Part 2 of Schedule C for each Large Pool that it operated during the Reporting Period.

No Schedule C Filing Requirements

Any Large CPO that is: (i) registered with the SEC as an Investment Adviser; and (ii) operated only Pools that satisfy the definition of Private Fund during the Reporting Period will be deemed to have satisfied its Schedule C filing requirements by completing and filing Section 2 of Form PF for the Reporting Period in question.

Limited Schedule C Filing Requirements

However, any Large CPO that is: (i) registered with the SEC as an Investment Adviser; and (ii) operated any Pools that do not satisfy the definition of Private Fund during the Reporting Period may choose to file the relevant sections of Form PF with respect to those funds. For Large CPOs that do not choose to file Form PF for Pools that are not Private Funds, Part 1 of Schedule C will need to be completed with respect to all Pools that they operated during the Reporting Period that did not satisfy the definition of Private Fund, and Part 2 of Schedule C will need to be completed with respect to each Large Pools that they operated during the Reporting Period that did not satisfy the definition of Private Fund. These Schedule C filings will need to be completed in addition to the Large CPO’s Form PF filing requirements.

Refer to the instructions of this Form CPO-PQR to determine whether you are required to complete this Schedule C.

Part 1 of Schedule C asks the Large CPO to provide information on the aggregated investments of all Pools that are not Private Funds that were operated by the Large CPO during the most recent Reporting Period. Any Large CPO who has completed and filed Section 2 of Form PF for the Private Funds it operated during this Reporting Period, and who is choosing to file Part 1 of Schedule C for Pools that are not Private Funds, must answer Part 1 only with respect to the Pools that are not Private Funds.

Part 2 of Schedule C asks the Large CPO to provide certain risk metrics for each Large Pool that is not a Private Fund that was operated by the Large CPO during the most recent Reporting Period. A Large CPO must complete and file a separate Part 2 of Schedule C for each Large Pool that is not a Private Fund that the Large CPO operated during the most recent Reporting Period. Any Large CPO who has completed and filed Section 2 of the SEC’s Form PF for the Private Funds it operated during this Reporting Period, and who is choosing to file Part 2 of Schedule C for Pools that are not Private Funds, should be sure to complete and file a Part 2 only for its Large Pools that are not Private Funds.

Unless otherwise specified in a particular question, all information provided in this Schedule C should be accurate as of the Reporting Date.


  1. Provide a geographical breakdown of the investments (by percentage of aggregated Assets Under Management) of all Pools that are not Private Funds that were operated by the Large CPO during the most recent Reporting Period. Except for foreign exchange derivatives, investments should be allocated by the jurisdiction of the organization of the issuer or counterparty. For foreign exchange derivatives, investments should be allocated by the country to whose currency the Pool has exposure through the derivative. The percentages entered below should total 100%.

(i) Africa

(ii) Asia and Pacific (other than the Middle East)

(iii) Europe (EEA)

(iv) Europe (other than EEA)

(v) Middle East

(vi) North America

(vii) South America

(viii) Supranational

b. Provide the value of investments in the following countries held by the hedge funds that you advise (by percentage of the total net asset value of these hedge funds).

(Exclude interest rate derivatives and foreign exchange derivatives from both the numerator and denominator.)


% of NAV

(i) Brazil

(ii) China (including Hong Kong)

(iii) India

(iv) Japan

(v) Russia

(vi) United States


Provide the turnover rate by volume for the aggregate portfolio of all Pools that are not Private Funds and that were operated by the Large CPO during the most recent Reporting Period. The turnover rate should be calculated as follows:

Divide the lesser of the amounts of the Pools’ purchases or sales of assets for the month by the average of the value of the Pools’ assets during the month. Calculate the “monthly average” by totaling the values of Pools’ assets as of the beginning and the end of the month and dividing that sum by two.

      1. Do not net long and short positions. However, in relation to derivatives, packages such as call-spreads may be treated as a single position (rather than as a long position and a short position).

      1. The value of any derivative should be its total gross notional value, except that the value of an option should be its delta adjusted notional value

      1. Purchases” include any cash paid upon the conversion of one asset into another and the costs of rights or warrants.

      1. Sales” include net proceeds of the sale of rights and warrants and net proceeds of assets that have been called or for which payment has been made through redemption or maturity.

      1. Include proceeds from a short sale in the amount of sales of assets in the relevant subcategory during the month. Include the costs of covering a short sale in the amount of purchases in the relevant subcategory during the month.

      1. Include premiums paid to purchase options and premiums received from the sale of options in the amount of purchases during the month.

First Month

Second Month

Third Month

Open Positions:



REMINDER: A CPO that qualified as a Large CPO at any point during the most recent Reporting Period must complete and file a separate Part 2 of Schedule C for each Pool that is not a Private Fund that the Large CPO operated during the most recent Reporting Period.


Provide the following general information concerning the Large Pool:


a. Large Pool’s name:


b. Large Pool’s NFA ID#:


c. If the Pool has a Co-CPO, or Co-CPOs provide the name of CPO reporting the Pool’s information:

d. Total unencumbered cash held by the Large Pool at the close of each month during the Reporting Period:

First Month

Second Month

Third Month

Unencumbered Cash:

e. Total number of open positions (approximate) held by the Large Pool at the close of each month during the Reporting Period:

First Month

Second Month

Third Month

Open Positions:


Provide the percentage of the Large Pool’s portfolio (excluding cash and cash equivalents) that may be liquidated within each of the periods specified below. Each asset should be assigned only to one period and such assignment should be based on the shortest period during which such asset could reasonably be liquidated. Make good faith assumptions for liquidity based on market conditions during the most recent Reporting Period. Assume no “fire-sale” discounting. If certain positions are important contingent parts of the same trade, then all contingent parts of the trade should be listed in the same period as the least liquid part.

Percentage of Portfolio Capable of Liquidation in:

1 day or less:

2 days – 7 days:

8 days – 30 days:

31 days – 90 days:

91 days – 180 days:

181 days – 365 days:

longer than 365 days:


Provide the following information about the Pool’s counterparty credit exposure. Do not include CCPs as counterparties and aggregate all Affiliated Entities as a single group for purposes of this question. For purposes of this question, include as collateral any assets purchased in connection with a reverse repo and any collateral that the counterparty has posted to the Large Pool under an arrangement pursuant to which the Large Pool has loaned securities to the counterparty. If you do not separate collateral into initial margin/independent amount and variation margin amounts, or a trade does not require posting of variation margin, then include all of the collateral in initial margin/independent amount.

a. For each of the five counterparties identified in question 3.b. of Schedule B, provide the following information regarding the collateral and other credit support that the counterparty has posted to the Large Pool.

  1. Provide the following values of the collateral posted to the Large Pool:

Initial Margin/ Independent Amounts



Value of collateral posted in the form of cash and cash equivalents:

Value of collateral posted in the form of securities (other than cash /cash equivalents):

Value of all other collateral posted:

  1. Provide the following percentages of margin amounts that have been rehypothecated or may be rehypothecated by the Large Pool:

May be


The Large Pool has Rehypothecated

Percentage of initial margin/independent amounts that:

Percentage of variation margin that:

  1. Provide the face amount of letters of credit or other similar third party credit support posted to the Large Pool:

b. For each of the five counterparties identified in question 3.c. of Schedule B, provide the following information regarding the collateral and other credit support that the Large Pool has posted to the counterparty.

  1. Provide the following values of the collateral posted by the Large Pool to the counterparty:

Initial Margin/ Independent Amounts



Value of collateral posted in the form of cash and cash equivalents:

Value of collateral posted in the form of securities (other than cash /cash equivalents):

Value of all other collateral posted:

  1. Provide the following percentages of margin amounts posted by the Large Pool that have been rehypothecated or may be rehypothecated by the counterparty:

May be


Percentage of initial margin/independent amounts that:

Percentage of variation margin that:

  1. Provide the face amount of letters of credit or other similar third party credit support posted by the Large Pool to the counterparty:

c. Did the pool clear any transactions through a CCP during the reporting period?

Yes No


Provide the following information concerning the Large Pool’s risk metrics during the Reporting Period:

a. Did the Large CPO regularly calculate the VaR of the Large Pool during the Reporting Period:



b. If “Yes,” provide the following information concerning the VaR calculation(s). If you regularly calculate the VaR of the Large Pool using multiple combinations of confidence interval, horizon and historical observation period, complete a separate question 4.b. of Part 2 of Schedule C for each such combination.

Shape514 Shape513
  1. What confidence interval was used (e.g. 1 – alpha) (as a percentage):

  2. What time horizon was used (in number of days):

  3. What weighting method was used:





If “exponential” provide the weighting factor used:

  1. What method was used to calculate VaR:

Historical simulation


Monte Carlo simulation




  1. Historical look-back period used, if applicable:

  2. Under the above parameters, what was VaR for the Large Pool for each of the three months of the Reporting Period, stated as a percent of Net Asset Value:

First Month

Second Month

Third Month

Shape519 VaR:



c. Are there any risk metrics other than (or in addition to) VaR that you consider to be important to the reporting fund’s risk management?


(If none, “None.”)

d. For each of the market factors specified below, determine the effect that each specified change would have on the Large Pool’s portfolio and provide the results, stated as a percent of Net Asset Value.

You may omit a response to any of the specified market factors that the Large CPO does not regularly consider (whether in formal testing or otherwise) in the Large Pool’s risk management. If you omit any market factor, check the box in the first column indicating that this market factor is “Not Relevant” to the Large Pool’s portfolio.

For each specified change in market factor, separate the effect on the Large Pool’s portfolio into long and short components where (i) the long component represents the aggregate result of all positions with a positive change in valuation under a specified change and (ii) the short component represents the aggregate result of all positions with a negative change in valuation under a specified change.

Observe the following regarding the market factors specified below:

      1. A change in “equity prices” means that the prices of all equities move up or down by the specified change, without regard to whether the equities are listed on any exchange or included in any index.

      1. Risk free interest rates” means rates of interest accruing on sovereign bonds issued by governments having the highest credit quality, such as U.S. Treasury bonds.

      1. A change in “credit spreads” means that all credit spreads against risk free interest rates change by the specified amount.

      1. A change in “currency rates” means that the value of all currencies move up or down by the specified amount.

      1. A change in “commodity prices” means that the prices of all physical commodities move up or down by the specified amount.

      1. A change in “implied options volatilities” means the implied volatilities of all the options that the Large Pool holds increase or decrease by the specified number of percentage points; and

      1. A change in “default rates” means that the rate at which debtors on all instruments of the specified type increases or decreases by the specified number of percentage points.

Not Relevant

Relevant/not formally tested

Market Factor:

Equity Prices

Effect on long component of portfolio (as % of NAV)

Effect on short component of portfolio

(as % of NAV)

Equity prices increase 5%

Equity prices decrease 5%

Equity prices increase 20%

Equity prices decrease 20%

Not Relevant

Relevant/not formally tested

Market Factor:

Risk Free Interest Rates

Effect on long component of portfolio (as % of NAV)

Effect on short component of portfolio (as % of NAV)

Risk free interest rates increase

25 bp

Risk free interest rates decrease 25 bp

Risk free interest rates increase 75 bp

Risk free interest rates decrease 75 bp

Not Relevant

Relevant/not formally tested

Market Factor:

Credit Spreads

Effect on long component of portfolio (as % of NAV)

Effect on short component of portfolio (as % of NAV)

Credit spreads increase 50bp

Credit spreads decrease 50 bp

Credit spreads increase 250 bp

Credit spreads decrease 250 bp

Not Relevant

Relevant/not formally tested

Market Factor:

Currency Rates

Effect on long component of portfolio (as % of NAV)

Effect on short component of portfolio (as % of NAV)

Currency rates increase 5%

Currency rates decrease 5%

Currency rates increase 20%

Currency rates decrease 20%

Not Relevant

Relevant/not formally tested

Market Factor:

Commodity Prices

Effect on long component of portfolio (as % of NAV)

Effect on short component of portfolio (as % of NAV)

Commodity prices increase 10%

Commodity prices decrease 10%

Commodity prices increase 40%

Commodity prices decrease 40%

Not Relevant

Relevant/not formally tested

Market Factor:

Options Implied Volatility

Effect on long component of portfolio (as % of NAV)

Effect on short component of portfolio (as % of NAV)

Implied volatilities increase 4 percentage points

Implied volatilities decrease 4 percentage points

Implied volatilities increase 10 percentage points

Implied volatilities decrease 10 percentage points

Not Relevant

Relevant/not formally tested

Market Factor:

Default Rates for ABS

Effect on long component of portfolio (as % of NAV)

Effect on short component of portfolio (as % of NAV)

Default rates increase 1 percentage point

Default rates decrease 1 percentage point

Default rates increase 5 percentage points

Default rates decrease 5 percentage points

Not Relevant

Relevant/not formally tested

Market Factor:

Default Rates for Corporate Bonds

Effect on long component of portfolio (as % of NAV)

Effect on short component of portfolio (as % of NAV)

Default rates increase 1 percentage point

Default rates decrease 1 percentage point

Default rates increase 5 percentage points

Default rates decrease 5 percentage points


Provide the following information concerning the value of the Large Pool’s borrowings for each of the three months of the Reporting Period, types of creditors and the collateral posted to secure borrowings. For the purposes of this question, “borrowings” includes both Secured Borrowings and Unsecured Borrowings. For each type of borrowing specified below, provide the dollar amount of the Large Pool’s borrowings and the percentage borrowed from each of the specified types of creditors. The percentages entered in each month’s column should total 100%.

a. Unsecured Borrowing:

First Month

Second Month

Third Month

Total Dollar amount:

Percentage borrowed from U.S. Financial Institutions

Percentage borrowed from Non-U.S. Financial Institutions

Percentage borrowed from non- U.S, creditors that are not Financial Institutions

Percentage borrowed from U.S creditors that are not Financial Institutions

b. Secured Borrowing:

Classify Secured Borrowings according to the legal agreement governing the borrowing (e.g., Global Master Repurchase Agreement for repos and Prime Brokerage Agreement for prime brokerage). Please note that for repo borrowings, the amount should be the net amount of cash borrowed (after taking into account any initial margin/independent amount, “haircuts” and repayments). Positions under a Global Master Repurchase Agreement should not be netted.

  1. Via prime brokerage:

First Month

Second Month

Third Month

Total Dollar amount:

Value of collateral posted in the form of cash and cash equivalents

Value of collateral posted in the form of securities (not cash/cash equivalents)

Value of other collateral posted

Face amount of letters of credit (or similar third party credit support) posted

Percentage of posted collateral that may be rehypothecated

Percentage borrowed from U.S. Financial Institutions

Percentage borrowed from Non-U.S. Financial Institutions

Percentage borrowed from creditors that are not Financial Institutions

  1. Via repo. For the questions concerning collateral via repo, include as collateral any assets sold in connection with the repo as well as any variation margin.

First Month

Second Month

Third Month

Total Dollar amount:

Value of collateral posted in the form of cash and cash equivalents

Value of collateral posted in the form of securities (not cash/cash equivalents)

Value of other collateral posted

Face amount of letters of credit (or similar third party credit support) posted

Percentage of posted collateral that may be rehypothecated

Percentage borrowed from U.S. Financial Institutions

Percentage borrowed from Non-U.S. Financial Institutions

Percentage borrowed from creditors that are not Financial Institutions

  1. Other Secured Borrowings:

First Month

Second Month

Third Month

Total dollar amount:

Value of collateral posted in the form of cash and cash equivalents

Value of collateral posted in the form of securities (not cash/cash equivalents)

Value of other collateral posted

Face amount of letters of credit (or similar third party credit support) posted

Percentage of posted collateral that may be rehypothecated

Percentage borrowed from U.S. Financial Institutions

Percentage borrowed from Non-U.S. Financial Institutions

Percentage borrowed from creditors that are not Financial Institutions


Provide the following information concerning the value of the Large Pool’s derivative positions and the collateral posted to secure those positions for each of the three months of the Reporting Period. For the value of any derivative, except options, should be its total gross notional value. The value of an option should be its delta adjusted notional value. Do not net long and short positions.

First Month

Second Month

Third Month

Aggregate value of all derivative positions:

Value of collateral posted in the form of cash and cash equivalents

As initial margin/independent amounts:

As variation margin:

Value of collateral posted in the form of securities (not cash/cash equivalents)

As initial margin/independent amounts:

As variation margin:

Value of other collateral posted

As initial margin/independent amounts:

As variation margin:

Face amount of letters of credit (or similar third party credit support) posted

Percentage of initial margin/independent amounts that may be rehypothecated:

Percentage of variation margin that may be rehypothecated:


Provide the following information concerning the Large Pool’s financing liquidity:

  1. Shape523 Provide the aggregate dollar amount of cash financing drawn by or available to the Large Pool, including all drawn and undrawn, committed and uncommitted lines of credit as well as any term financing:

  1. Below, enter the percentage of cash financing (as stated in response to question 7.a.) that is contractually committed to the Large Pool by its creditor(s) for the specified periods of time. Amounts of financing should be divided among the specified periods of time in accordance with the longest period for which the creditor is contractually committed to providing such financing. For purposes of this question, if a creditor (or syndicate or administrative/collateral agent) is permitted to unilaterally vary the economic terms of the financing or to revalue posted collateral in its own discretion and demand additional collateral, then the line of credit should be deemed uncommitted.

Percentage of Total Financing:

1 day or less:

2 days – 7 days:

8 days – 30 days:

31 days – 90 days:

91 days – 180 days:

181 days – 364 days:

365 days or longer:


Provide the following information concerning the Large Pool’s participants:

  1. As of the Reporting Date, what percentage of the Large Pool’s Net Asset Value:

Percentage of Large Pool’s NAV

Is subject to a “side pocket” arrangement:

May be subject to a suspension of participant withdrawal or redemption

by the Large CPO or other governing body:

May be subject to material restrictions of participant withdrawal or

redemption by the Large CPO or other governing body:

Is subject to a daily margin requirement:

  1. For within the specified periods of time below, enter the percentage of the Large Pool’s Net Asset Value that could have been withdrawn or redeemed by the Large Pool’s participants as of the Reporting Date. The Large Pool’s Net Asset Value should be divided among the specified periods of time in accordance with the shortest period within which participant assets could be withdrawn or redeemed. Assume that you would impose gates where applicable but that you would not completely suspend withdrawals or redemptions and that there are no redemption fees. Base your answers on the valuation date rather than the date on which proceeds are paid to the participant(s). The percentages entered below should total 100%.

Percentage of Total Financing:

1 day or less:

2 days – 7 days:

8 days – 30 days:

31 days – 90 days:

91 days – 180 days:

181 days – 365 days:

365 days or longer:


Reporting fund exposures.

(Give a dollar value for long and short positions as of the last day in each month of the reporting period, by sub-asset class, including all exposure whether held physically, synthetically or through derivatives. Enter “NA” in each space for which there are no relevant positions.)

(Include any closed out and OTC forward positions that have not yet expired/matured. Do not net positions within sub-asset classes. Positions held in side-pockets should be included as positions of the hedge funds. Provide the absolute value of short positions. Each position should only be included in a single sub-asset class.)

(Where “duration/WAT/10-year eq.” is required, provide at least one of the following with respect to the position and indicate which measure is being used: bond duration, weighted average tenor or 10-year bond equivalent. Duration and weighted average tenor should be entered in terms of years to two decimal places.)

1st Month

2nd Month

3rd Month







  1. Listed equity




  1. Issued by financial institutions

  1. Other listed equity

  1. Unlisted equity



  1. Issued by financial institutions

  1. Other unlisted equity

  1. Listed equity derivatives




  1. Related to financial institutions

  1. Other listed equity derivatives

  1. Derivative exposures to unlisted equities



  1. Related to financial institutions

  1. Other derivative exposures to unlisted equities

  1. Corporate bonds issued by financial institutions (other than convertible bonds)

  1. Investment grade




Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. Non-investment grade



Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. Corporate bonds not issued by financial institutions (other than convertible bonds)

  1. Investment grade

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. Non-investment grade

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. Convertible bonds issued by financial institutions



  1. Investment grade

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. Non-investment grade

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. Convertible bonds not issued by financial institutions

  1. Investment grade

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. Non-investment grade

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds



  1. U.S. treasury securities

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. Agency securities

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. GSE bonds

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. Sovereign bonds issued by G10 countries other than the U.S.

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. Other sovereign bonds (including supranational bonds)

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. U.S. state and local bonds

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. Loans

  1. Leveraged loans

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. Other loans (not including repos)

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. Repos

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. ABS/structured products

  1. MBS

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. ABCP

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. CDO/CLO

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. Other ABS

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. Other structured products

  1. Credit derivatives



  1. Single name CDS

  1. Index CDS

  1. Exotic CDS

  1. Foreign exchange derivatives (investment)

  1. Foreign exchange derivatives (hedging)


  1. Non-U.S. currency holdings

  1. Interest rate derivatives


  1. Commodities (derivatives)

  1. Crude oil

  1. Natural gas

  1. Gold

  1. Power

  1. Other commodities

  1. Commodities (physical)

  1. Crude oil

  1. Natural gas

  1. Gold

  1. Power

  1. Other commodities

  1. Other derivatives

  1. Physical real estate

  1. Investments in internal private funds



  1. Investments in external private funds

  1. Investments in registered investment

  1. Cash and cash equivalents

  1. Certificates of deposit

Duration WAT 10-year eq.

  1. Other deposits

  1. Money market funds

  1. Other cash and cash equivalents (excluding government securities)

  1. Investments in funds for cash management purposes (other than money market funds)

  1. Investments in other sub-asset classes


In the space below, provide explanations to clarify any assumptions that you made in responding to any question in Schedule B of this Form CPO-PQR. Assumptions must be in addition to, or reasonably follow from, any instructions or other guidance provided in, or in connection with, Schedule B of this Form CPO-PQR. If you are aware of any instructions or other guidance that may require a different assumption, provide a citation and explain why that assumption is not appropriate for this purpose.

Question Number


This Completes Schedule C of Form CPO-PQR



BY FILING THIS REPORT, THE UNDERSIGNED AGREES THAT THE ANSWERS AND INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN are complete and accurate, and are not misleading in any material respect to the best of the undersigned’s knowledge and belief. Furthermore, by filing this Form CPO-PQR, the undersigned agrees that he or she knows that it is unlawful to sign this Form CPO-PQR if he or she knows or should know that any of the answers and information provided herein is not accurate and complete.

Name of the individual signing this Form CPO-PQR on behalf of the CPO:


Capacity in which the above is signing on behalf of the CPO:



This document is not a reporting form. Do not send this document to NFA. It is a template that you may use to assist in filing the electronic reporting form with the NFA at: http://www.nfa.futures.org.

You may fill out the template online and save and/or print it when you are finished or you can download the template and/or print it and fill it out later.



Words that are underlined in this form are defined terms and have the meanings contained in the Definitions of Terms section.



Read the Instructions and Questions Carefully

Please read the instructions and the questions in this Form CTA-PR carefully. A question that is answered incorrectly because it was misread or misinterpreted can severely impact your ability to operate as a CTA.

In this Form CTA-PR, “you” means the CTA.

Call CFTC with Questions

If there is any question about whether particular information must be provided or about the manner in which particular information must be provided, contact the CFTC for clarification.



1. All CTAs Are Required to Complete and File the Form CTA-PR Annually.

2. The Form CTA-PR Must Be Filed Electronically with NFA

All CTAs must file their Forms CTA-PR electronically using NFA’s EasyFile System. NFA’s EasyFile System can be accessed through NFA’s website at www.nfa.futures.org. You will use the same logon and password for filing your Form CTA-PR as you would for any other EasyFile filings. Questions regarding your NFA ID# or your use of NFA’s EasyFile system should be directed to the NFA. The NFA’s contact information is available on its website.

3. All Figures Reported in U.S. Dollars

All questions asking for amounts or investments must be reported in U.S. dollars. Any amounts converted to U.S. dollars must use the conversion rate in effect on the Reporting Date.

4. Use of U.S. GAAP

All financial information in this Report must be presented and computed in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles consistently applied.

5. Oath and Affirmation

This Form CTA-PR will not be accepted unless it is complete and contains an oath or affirmation that, to the best of the knowledge and belief of the individual making the oath or affirmation, the information contained in the document is accurate and complete; provided however, that is shall be unlawful for the individual to make such oath or affirmation if the individual knows or should know that any of the information in this Form CTA-PR is not accurate and complete.


Commodity Futures Trading Commission or CFTC: The term “Commodity Futures Trading Commission” or “CFTC” refers to the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

Commodity Pool or Pool: The term “Commodity Pool” or “Pool” has the same meaning as “commodity pool” as defined in section 1a(10) of the Commodity Exchange Act.

Commodity Trading Advisor: The term “commodity trading advisor” or “CTA” has the same meaning as “commodity trading adviser” as defined in section 1a(12) of the Commodity Exchange Act.

Direct: The term “Direct” as used in the context of trading commodity interest accounts, has the same meaning as “direct” as defined in CFTC Rule 4.10(f).

Form CTA-PR: The term “Form CTA-PR” refers to this Form CTA-PR.

GAAP: The term “Generally Accepted Accounting Principles” refers to U.S. GAAP.

National Futures Association or NFA: The term “National Futures Association” or “NFA” refers to the National Futures Association, a registered futures association under Section 17 of the Commodity Exchange Act.

Reporting Date: The term “Reporting Date” means the last calendar day of the calendar year for which this Form CTA-PR is required to be completed and filed.

Trading Program: The term “Trading Program has the same meaning as “trading program” as defined in CFTC Rule 4.10(g).




Provide the following general information concerning the CTA:


a. CTA’s Name:


b. CTA’s NFA ID#:


c. Person to contact concerning this Form CTA-PR:


d. Total number of Trading Programs offered by the CTA:


e. Total number of Trading Programs offered by the CTA under

which the CTA Directs Pool assets:


Provide the following information concerning the amount of assets Directed by the CTA:


a. Total assets Directed by CTA:


b. Total Pool assets Directed by CTA:

Shape552 Shape553

c. Name(s) of Pools advised by the CTA:

d: Name of the reporting CPO for each Pool identified in 2.c. above:



BY FILING THIS Form CTA-PR, THE UNDERSIGNED AGREES THAT THE ANSWERS AND INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN are complete and accurate, and are not misleading in any material respect to the best of the undersigned’s knowledge and belief. Furthermore, by filing this Form CTA-PR, the undersigned agrees that he or she knows that it is unlawful to sign this Form CTA-PR if he or she knows or should know that any of the answers and information provided herein is not accurate and complete.

Name of the individual signing this Form CTA-PR on behalf of the CTA:


Capacity in which the above is signing on behalf of the CTA:



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