Rules Relating to the Operations and Activities of Commodity Pool Operators and Commodity Trading Advisors and to Monthly Reporting by Futures Commission Merchants
ICR 202312-3038-002
OMB: 3038-0005
Federal Form Document
⚠️ Notice: This information collection may be outdated. More recent filings for OMB 3038-0005 can be found here:
Rules Relating to the
Operations and Activities of Commodity Pool Operators and Commodity
Trading Advisors and to Monthly Reporting by Futures Commission
Revision of a currently approved collection
Previously Approved
36 Months From Approved
The disclosure, filing, and
recordkeeping requirements within part 4 of the Commission’s
regulations were established to assist customers, to facilitate the
Commission and the National Futures Association (NFA) in monitoring
compliance with the part 4 rules, and to enable the Commission to
better monitor the market risks posed by the Commission’s
registrants. The information collections are necessary to enable
the Commission and NFA to accomplish the purposes of the compliance
regime set forth in part 4 of the Commission’s regulations. The
Commission is proposing amendments to Regulation 4.7, which
provides exemptions from the disclosure, periodic reporting, and
recordkeeping requirements discussed above, with respect to those
registered CPOs and CTAs who solicit and offer their commodity
pools and advisory programs solely to financially sophisticated
individuals and entities referred to by the regulations as,
“qualified eligible persons” (QEPs). Currently, such CPOs and CTAs
must file a claim for each pool or trading program they offer and
operate, pursuant to Regulation 4.7(d), that also specifies which
of the exemptions the intermediary wishes to utilize. Since its
adoption over thirty years ago, the Commission has only
occasionally amended Regulation 4.7 to update its provisions so
they remain fit for purpose and to enhance the usability of the
regulation. It is the Commission’s view, however, that certain
aspects of Regulation 4.7 have become outdated. As a result, the
Commission is considering the amendments described herein. This
Supporting Statement explains the proposed revisions to this
information collection, to ensure the burden hour estimates for the
disclosures, reporting and recordkeeping under this clearance are
consistent with the proposed amendments to Regulation 4.7 described
below. The NPRM proposes increases to financial thresholds in the
QEP definition currently found in Regulation 4.7(a), to reflect
impacts of inflation since its original adoption in 1992.
Additionally, the proposed amendments would establish minimum
content and usage requirements under Regulation 4.7 regarding the
offering memoranda and trading brochures CPOs and CTAs routinely
provide to their prospective and actual QEP pool participants and
advisory clients (QEP Disclosures). Accordingly, the Commission
proposes to revise this information collection to include reporting
burden associated with this proposed QEP Disclosure requirement
that, if adopted, would apply to CPOs and CTAs operating pools and
trading programs under Regulation 4.7. These added reporting
burdens would be based upon those already associated with
Regulations 4.21/4.26 and 4.31/4.36 below, but would be
proportionate to the more limited scope of disclosures that the
Commission is proposing to require from CPOs and CTAs relying on
Regulation 4.7. The proposed amendments would also require CPOs and
CTAs to maintain the proposed QEP Disclosures as business records
of their registered CPO and CTA activities subject to Commission
oversight. Therefore, the Commission is revising this collection to
include the burden associated with this proposed recordkeeping
requirement, reflected in small increases to the existing burden
calculations for Regulations 4.7(b)(5) and (c)(2).
The attached NPRM proposes
multiple amendments to Regulation 4.7, the reporting and
recordkeeping burdens of which are reflected in Attachment A. In
connection with these proposed amendments, the Commission is
revising its estimate of the number of respondent CPOs and CTAs
subject to the information collection requirements under this
clearance. This revision would reduce the estimated number of
respondents from 3,900 respondents in total, to 2,000 respondents,
consisting of 1,000 registered CPOs and 1,000 registered CTAs.
These updated figures are based on the Commission’s review of data
from fiscal year 2022 collected and provided to it by NFA,
which—through authority delegated by the Commission—administers and
implements significant portions of the Commission’s registration
and compliance regulations for intermediaries, including CPOs and
CTAs. Based on these proposed amendments, and its analysis of
recent data regarding the usage of Regulation 4.7 exemptions by
registered CPOs and CTAs, the Commission is revising this
information collection as follows: (a) reducing the total
respondents for Regulation 4.7 and its various subparagraphs to
2,000 respondents, or 1,000 CPOs and 1,000 CTAs and adjusting the
number of pools or trading programs per respondent; (b) adding a
reporting burden to recognize a monthly alternative account
statement schedule that would become available to CPOs of Fund of
Funds pools relying on Regulation 4.7(b)(3); and (c) adding
reporting and recordkeeping burdens to account for the proposed
minimum content and use requirements for QEP Disclosures provided
by CPOs and CTAs utilizing Regulation 4.7. As amended below, the
Commission believes that the burden calculations presented in this
Supporting Statement are an accurate estimate of the total burden
hours under this information collection, as impacted by the
proposed amendments in the attached NPRM.
On behalf of this Federal agency, I certify that
the collection of information encompassed by this request complies
with 5 CFR 1320.9 and the related provisions of 5 CFR
The following is a summary of the topics, regarding
the proposed collection of information, that the certification
(i) Why the information is being collected;
(ii) Use of information;
(iii) Burden estimate;
(iv) Nature of response (voluntary, required for a
benefit, or mandatory);
(v) Nature and extent of confidentiality; and
(vi) Need to display currently valid OMB control
If you are unable to certify compliance with any of
these provisions, identify the item by leaving the box unchecked
and explain the reason in the Supporting Statement.