
privacy_pia_tsa_004_vms 2006.pdf

Security Appointment Center (SAC) Visitor Request Form and Foreign National Vetting Request


OMB: 1652-0068

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Privacy Impact Assessment
for the

Visitor Management System 

July 14, 2006

Contact Point

Russell Appleyard 

Office of Security/Physical Security Division 

Transportation Security Administration 

(571) 227-3659

Reviewing Officials
Peter Pietra 

Director, Privacy Policy and Compliance 

Transportation Security Administration 

(571) 227-3654 

Maureen Cooney 

Acting Chief Privacy Officer 

Department of Homeland Security 

(571) 227-3813 

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Headquarters Buildings and the
Transportation Security Operations Center (TSOC) have been designated as Level IV federal
facilities pursuant to the guidelines established in the 1995 Department of Justice directive
entitled, “Vulnerabilities of Federal Facilities.” Pursuant to direction from the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) Chief Security Officer (CSO), the security requirements applicable to
Level IV facilities require TSA’s implementation of certain security procedures to ensure a safe
and secure work environment for TSA Headquarters employees and visitors. TSA’s Office of
Security has established a Security Appointment Center (SAC), which will utilize a Visitor
Management System (VMS). The VMS is a system by which computerized visitor logs will be
generated and temporary self-expiring paper badges will be issued for all visitors entering the
TSA Headquarters Buildings and the TSOC.
The SAC and the VMS will generate temporary badges providing a safe and secure work
environment for TSA employees, contractors, and visitors by ensuring that badges are only
issued to those individuals authorized to be in the TSA facility on a given day. The SAC will
collect the names of visitors to the TSA Headquarters Buildings and the TSOC prior to the date
of the visit by means of an online form. This information will not be used to perform vetting of
any kind or to run criminal, immigration or other checks on visitors.

Section 1.0
Information collected and maintained
1.1 What information is to be collected?
The personal information that will be collected by the SAC, through the online form, is
the visitor’s first and last name. The TSA employee that is hosting the appointment will be
required to provide date of visit, time of visit, location of visit, name of the employee to be
visited, and employee office phone number.


From whom is information collected?

The TSA employee scheduling or hosting the appointment will provide the SAC with the
visitor’s name subsequent to obtaining the information from the visitor. In the event a visitor
arrives to either TSA facility without a pre-scheduled appointment, the visitor will be asked to
wait while the TSA employee the visitor wishes to meet completes and submits the visit request
form to the SAC. Upon entry in the VMS, the security officer will be informed that he or she
may proceed with confirmation of the visitor’s identity and issuance of a self-expiring badge.



1.3 	 Why is the information being collected?
TSA is collecting the names of visitors to the TSA Headquarters Buildings and the TSOC
in order to confirm the visitors’ appointment and issue them a temporary badge. The information
will not be used to perform threat assessments of any kind.
Maintaining the names of visitors in the VMS allows the Office of Security to: (1) issue a
self-expiring paper badge which allows for the immediate identification of a visitor and
eliminates the need for generic serialized plastic badges which are costly to replace, (2) ensure
that an unauthorized individual does not gain access to the TSA Headquarters Buildings or the
TSOC, (3) eliminate the use of hand-written visitor logs, (4) account for the visitors on the
premises at any given time during the day, as the VMS can be used to generate a report
identifying the visitors present in either TSA facility and allow the security guards to account for
those individuals during an emergency, (5) generate statistical reports concerning visitors to the
TSA Headquarters Buildings and the TSOC.

1.4	 What specific legal authorities/arrangements/agreements define
the collection of information?
TSA Management Directive 2800.7, “Issuance of TSA Headquarters Photo Access Pass,”
and TSA Management Directive 2800.6, “Transportation Security Operations Center Access
Control,” address the collection of information for the VMS.
Pursuant to these Management Directives, the Office of Security, Physical Security
Division, is responsible for creating and maintaining an access control program. The access
control program requirements stipulate that each visitor must be issued a valid temporary access
pass in order to be granted access to the TSA Headquarters Buildings or the TSOC.
Privacy Impact Analysis
TSA chose to collect the minimum amount of information necessary to confirm the
identities of visitors to TSA Headquarters and the TSOC and issue them self-expiring paper

Section 2.0
Uses of the system and the information



2.1 	 Describe all the uses of information.
The information will be used to register the visitor in the VMS for his or her upcoming
appointment at the TSA Headquarters Buildings or the TSOC. It will allow the TSA security
officer to verify the existence of an appointment and the TSA point of contact, and to print and
issue a self-expiring paper badge.

2.2	 Does the system analyze data to assist users in identifying
previously unknown areas of note, concern, or pattern (Sometimes
referred to as data mining)?

2.3 How will the information collected from individuals or derived
from the system be checked for accuracy?
TSA expects visitors and employees setting up appointments to provide accurate
information about themselves.
Visitors arriving for appointments are processed through the Visitors Center, the lobbies
of the TSA Headquarters Buildings, or the TSOC. The visitor provides the security officer with
an approved form of government issued photo identification (e.g., state driver’s license, passport,
military identification, or credentials). The security officer then matches the identification with
the appointment information in the VMS and a self-expiring paper badge is issued to the visitor.
Inaccuracies will be manually corrected in the VMS database by either the security
officer or SAC personnel prior to the issuance of the badge. For example, if a visitor’s first name
on his or her photo identification does not match the first name stored in the VMS database due
to a misspelling, the error will be corrected in the computer and a self-expiring badge will be
issued. In the event an error is discovered subsequent to the issuance of the badge, the error will
be corrected in the VMS database and a new badge will be printed.
Privacy Impact Analysis
The name of the visitor is provided only to TSA employees and contractors who need
access to this information in the performance of their official duties. The SAC program manager
will monitor use of the VMS to ensure that personally identifiable information is protected and
used solely for the purpose of allowing access to the TSA Headquarters Buildings or the TSOC.

Section 3.0


3.1	 What is the retention period for the data in the system?
Hard copy versions of the records in the system are printed on a daily basis and will be
destroyed two years after final entry or two years after date of document in accordance with
General Records Schedule 18. Data will be stored in the VMS database in order to compile a
statistical report which allows TSA to track the number of visitors it processed in a given day,
week, and month for 30 days before being deleted.

3.2	 Has the retention schedule been approved by the National
Archives and Records Administration (NARA)?
Yes. Specifically, the VMS system records are covered by GRS 18, section 17: Visitor
Control Files, which has been approved by NARA for use throughout the government.
Privacy Impact Analysis

 By following NARA’s approved General Records Schedule 18, which requires agencies

to retain visitor control files for two years, TSA ensures that personally identifiable information
about visitors is kept for the shortest possible retention period.

Section 4.0
Internal sharing and disclosure
4.1 	 With which internal organizations is the information shared?
As part of the operational component of VMS, personal information is shared internally
with personnel in the Office of Security. Pursuant to TSA’s mission, the Office of Security,
Physical Security Division, is mandated to provide a safe and secure work environment, which is
accomplished by contracting with a private security company. The security officers assigned to
these TSA facilities play an integral part in the monitoring, processing and screening of visitors,
and information in the VMS system is shared with these individuals in the performance of their
assigned duties.
In addition, contract personnel are assigned to the Security Appointment Center (SAC).
The personnel assigned to the SAC are essential to the processing of all incoming visit requests
and entering the visit information into the VMS.



4.2	 For each organization, what information is shared and for what
The names of visitors, as well as the name and contact information of the TSA employee
setting up the appointment, is provided to SAC personnel in order to process visit requests. This
information is also shared with the contracted security force for the purpose of confirming the
identity of the visitor prior to granting access to either TSA facility.

4.3	 How is the information transmitted or disclosed?
The information is disclosed to the contracted security force through the use of the VMS.
The information contained in the visit requests submitted to the SAC for processing is transferred
to the VMS database, either manually or by import, by the SAC personnel, enabling the security
officers in the Visitors Center or lobbies to retrieve and view appointment information as it
relates to each individual visitor upon arrival to either location.

Privacy Impact Analysis
Personally identifiable information from the VMS system will be shared only with those
employees and contractors who need the information to perform their official duties. The SAC
program manager, personnel contracted to enter data into the VMS, and security personnel
contracted to provide physical security at the TSA Headquarters Buildings and the TSOC have a
need to know the personally identifiable information in the performance of their duties.
Safeguards that prevent unauthorized individuals from gaining access to personally
identifiable information through the VMS are in place through the use of physical and technical
security measures. These security measures will be discussed in Section 8.0.

Section 5.0
External sharing and disclosure
5.1	 With which external organizations is the information shared?
In certain circumstances, TSA may share this information with Federal, state, and local
law enforcement agencies and emergency response workers.


5.2 	 What information is shared and for what purpose?
Information from the VMS including visitor name, date of visit, and name of the



employee visited may be shared with law enforcement agencies when relevant to an
investigation into a theft or other potentially criminal incident. In the event of an emergency at a
TSA facility, this information may also be shared with emergency response workers.

5.3 	 How is the information transmitted or disclosed?
Depending on the urgency and scope of the request, information may be disclosed
manually, telephonically, or electronically.  

5.4 	 Is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), contract, or any
agreement in place with any external organizations with whom
information is shared, and does the agreement reflect the scope of
the information currently shared?

No, there is no MOU in place with any external organizations.

5.5	 How is the shared information secured by the recipient?
Federal agencies are subject to the safeguarding requirements of the Privacy Act and
under the Federal Information Security Management Act, Title III of the E-Government Act,
Pub. L. 107-347 (FISMA). To the extent that information is shared with state or local agencies,
TSA expects that information associated with a law enforcement investigation will be
safeguarded in accordance with procedures designed to protect such information, and that
emergency response personnel will not retain the information except to confirm the safety of the
individual. If any other information is necessary for emergency response, it will be obtained by
the emergency responder directly from the individual.

5.6	 What type of training is required for users from agencies outside
DHS prior to receiving access to the information?
Privacy Impact Analysis

External sharing of personal information in the VMS system will be limited to sharing
with law enforcement agencies when relevant to an investigation, or emergency response
workers in the event of an emergency at a TSA facility. It is expected that such disclosures will
be rare.

Section 6.0


6.1 	 Was notice provided to the individual prior to collection of
information? If yes, please provide a copy of the notice as an
appendix. A notice may include a posted privacy policy, a Privacy
Act notice on forms, or a system of records notice published in the
Federal Register Notice. If notice was not provided, why not?
No. All information in the VMS is stored and retrieved exclusively by date. Therefore,
the VMS does not create a Privacy Act system of records and does not require a Privacy Act

6.2 	 Do individuals have an opportunity and/or right to decline to
provide information?
Yes. Visitors may decide that they do not wish to provide their first or last name, or
show an approved form of government issued photo identification upon arrival at either TSA
facility. However, without this information, TSA cannot confirm the identity of the individual
and cannot grant him or her access to the facility.

6.3	 Do individuals have the right to consent to particular uses of the
information, and if so, how does the individual exercise the right?
Yes. By providing the requested information, individuals consent to the use of the
information in order to confirm their identity and grant access to either TSA facility. There are
no other uses made of this information.

Privacy Impact Analysis
The VMS system will collect limited personally identifiable information on visitors in
order to confirm their identities and grant them access to either TSA facility. Visitors have the
option of declining to provide the information, but failure to provide proof of identity will result
in TSA’s inability to grant access to the facility.

Section 7.0
Individual Access, Redress and Correction



7.1 	 What are the procedures which allow individuals to gain access to
their own information?
In the event a visitor to the TSA Headquarters Buildings requests to see the form on
which his or her name appears, the security officer will contact the SAC. The SAC personnel
will retrieve a hard copy of the form and deliver it to the Visitors Center for viewing. In the
event a visitor to the TSOC requests to see the form a facsimile will be transmitted from the SAC
to the TSOC.

Visitors may request access to their information by submitting a FOIA request to TSA in
writing at the following address:
Transportation Security Administration, TSA-20, West Tower
FOIA Division
601 South 12th Street
Arlington, VA 22202-4220

FOIA requests may also be submitted by fax at 571-227-1406 or by filling out the
Customer Service Form (URL: http://www.tsa.gov/public/contactus). The FOIA request must
contain the following information: full name, address, and telephone number. Provision of an email address is optional. For questions or assistance please refer to the TSA FOIA web site

7.2 	 What are the procedures for correcting erroneous information?
Inaccurate or erroneous information will be corrected in the VMS database either by the
security officer, the SAC program manager, or SAC personnel when the error is discovered upon
the visitor’s arrival. In the event an error is discovered subsequent to the issuance of a selfexpiring badge, one of the individuals named above will change the error in the VMS database
and print a new badge.

7.3 	 How are individuals notified of the procedures for correcting their
Upon discovering a discrepancy, the security officer will either inform the visitor of the
nature of the discrepancy or be informed of the discrepancy and explain that the discrepancy will
be corrected in the VMS prior to issuance of a badge.



7.4	 If no redress is provided, are alternatives available?
Inaccuracies may be corrected upon the visitor’s arrival and discovery of the erroneous
information. No additional redress procedures are necessary.

Privacy Impact Analysis
The SAC is collecting minimal personally identifiable information from visitors. The
correction procedure is simple and straightforward. If the security officer or visitor notices a
misspelling or other mistake with the visitor’s name in the VMS, the correction will be made

Section 8.0
Technical Access and Security
8.1 	 Which user group(s) will have access to the system? (For example,
program managers, IT specialists, and analysts will have general
access to the system and registered users from the public will
have limited access.
The SAC program manager, the contracted SAC personnel, technical security system
administrators, and the contracted private security officers will have access to the VMS system.

8.2 	 Will contractors to DHS have access to the system? If so, please
submit a copy of the contract describing their role to the Privacy
Office with this PIA.
Yes. Contractor personnel are responsible for entering information into the VMS.
Further, contractor personnel provide private security at the TSA Headquarters Buildings and the
TSOC, which involves the retrieval of information from the VMS when visitors arrive at either
TSA facility.

8.3 	 Does the system use “roles” to assign privileges to users of the
Yes. The TSA technical security administrators responsible for procuring the system and
its components will have system administrator access privileges The SAC program manager and
personnel, as well as the contracted private security officers, will have program administrator




access privileges which are more limited. The SAC program manager and personnel access
privileges include, but are not limited to, the ability to pre-register visits in the VMS, retrieve
appointment information, make certain amendments or changes to the visit information stored in
the VMS database, generate reports, sign-in a visitor, issue a self-expiring badge, and sign-out a
visitor. The contracted private security officers have the ability to retrieve appointment
information, make certain amendments or changes to the visit information stored in the VMS
database, sign-in a visitor, issue a self-expiring visitor badge, and sign-out a visitor.
All user actions are traceable to individual accounts, whether the action is by a system
administrator, program administrator, or security officer. The software employed for purposes of
this system, PassagePoint, maintains an audit trail for each visit detail. The audit trail includes
information about the date, time, and location of the visit record’s creation, as well as
information about the user that created the record. Any subsequent change or amendment to the
visit record is a separate item in the audit trail and is referred to as an “update.” The date, time,
and location of the update, as well as the particular user responsible for the update are part of the
audit trail as well.

8.4 	 What procedures are in place to determine which users may
access the system and are they documented?
Each terminal permitting access to the VMS is password protected, thus allowing access
by authorized users only. In addition, the level of access permitted at each terminal is configured
based on the type of user: technical security administrator, SAC program managers and
personnel, and security officers.

8.5 	 How are the actual assignments of roles and rules verified
according to established security and auditing procedures?
The actual assignments of roles and rules are verified through user identification and
password protection, which are current TSA Information Technology security procedures.

8.6 	 What auditing measures and technical safeguards are in place to
prevent misuse of data?

Auditing measures will be conducted using established Management Control Techniques

published in TSA Management Directives 2800.6 and 2800.7. The technical safeguards in place
to prevent misuse of data are as follows:


Password protection for e-mail which sends files among personnel with a need to


know in the course of their official duties.
•	 Password protection for files containing personal data to prevent unauthorized
internal and external access.
•	 Network firewalls to prevent intrusion into DHS network and TSA databases.
•	 User identification and password authentication to prevent access to the VMS
database by unauthorized users.
•	 Security auditing tools to identify the source of failed TSA system access attempts by
unauthorized users and the improper use of data by authorized operators.

8.7 	 Describe what privacy training is provided to users either generally
or specifically relevant to the functionality of the program or
All TSA employees and contractors needing access to the system are required to
complete annual online privacy training. In addition, as part of VMS training, all users are
informed that any TSA information to which they are granted access shall be used only for the
purpose of carrying out the provisions of their contract. Information retrieved through the VMS
shall not be divulged or made known, in any manner to any person, except as may be necessary
in the performance of their contract.  

8.8	 Is the data secured in accordance with FISMA requirements? If
yes, when was Certification & Accreditation last completed?
Yes. Data is secured in accordance with FISMA requirements. The Certification &
Accreditation was last completed on June 30, 2004 by certifying authority TSA’s Chief
Information Security Officer, Office of the Chief Information Officer.

Privacy Impact Analysis
Role-based access controls are in place for contractors entering data into the VMS, as
well as security personnel retrieving information from the VMS. System administrators will have
unlimited access privileges to the VMS. The Program Manager and SAC personnel will have the
ability to enter data into the VMS and make changes as needed. Security officers will have the
lowest level of access privileges of all users of the VMS. TSA will conduct regular audits of the



Access to the SAC is limited to authorized personnel through the use of a proximity card
reader outside the Office of Security door. Once inside the SAC, access to the VMS terminals is
limited through password protection. Access to the VMS for security personnel retrieving data is
limited to the officers assigned to the TSA Headquarters Buildings Visitors Center and lobby
security posts, and the TSOC main gate and lobby posts. Only the aforementioned officers will
have passwords to access the VMS.

Section 9.0
9.1 	 Was the system built from the ground up or purchased and
The VMS and PassagePoint 4.5 software were purchased and installed in existing
computer hardware.


9.2 	 Describe how data integrity, privacy, and security were analyzed as
part of the decisions made for your system.
The VMS and PassagePoint 4.5 software and hardware were ultimately chosen because
they offered the highest level of lobby security and visitor management. The VMS operates on a
closed and certified network. Additionally, it allows for identification and authentication control
mechanisms to be put in place that support the minimum requirements of access control, least
privilege, and system integrity.

9.3	 What design choices were made to enhance privacy?
The system was chosen because the design enhances privacy by allowing for the
following: (1) limited data collection without compromising the integrity of the system or its
functionality, (2) using “roles” to assign access privileges to users of the system, (3) ensuring
access by only authorized users and preventing misuse of the data stored in the VMS database,
and (4) using a detailed audit trail to trace all actions to individual accounts, whether the action is
performed by a system administrator, program administrator, or security officer.
TSA believes the use of the VMS will enhance the physical security at the TSA
Headquarters Buildings and the TSOC contributing to the goal of ensuring a safe environment
for TSA employees, contractors, and visitors. TSA’s implementation of the system will entail



the collection of a minimal amount of personally identifiable information from visitors, and will
be used in order to verify the identity of visitors and issue a temporary self-expiring paper badge.
TSA has adopted and carried out strict data security and privacy protections, including
prohibitions on the access of personal data by TSA employees and contractors without an official
need to know, and the use of personal information for any purposes other than for the VMS
system. Additionally, the VMS system will employ real time auditing procedures to determine
when data has been accessed and by whom. By implementing strict rules for oversight, training
personnel handling the data, and employing a strong auditing system to detect potential abuse,
TSA will continue to ensure that privacy is an integral part of the program once it becomes

Responsible Officials

Russell Appleyard
Office of Security/Physical Security Division
Transportation Security Administration



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleVisitor Management System PIA
AuthorU.S. Department of Homeland Security, Privacy Office
File Modified2010-08-02
File Created2006-07-17

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