Security Appointment Center (SAC) Visitor Request Form and Foreign National Vetting Request

OMB 1652-0068

OMB 1652-0068

TSA has established a visitor management/vetting process that meets DHS requirements. Visitors seeking to enter the TSA facilities must request access in person or through a current TSA employee by completing TSA Form 2802, Security Appointment Center (SAC) Visitor Request Form. TSA Form 2802 requires that visitors provide their first and last name, date and time of visit, visitor type (DHS or other government visitor), whether they are a foreign or national visitor.national visitor, and date of birth and/or social security number if provided. TSA must collect the date of birth in order to vet individuals through the DHS NCIC system. TSA will use the vetting results to determine the suitability of an individual requesting access to the TSA NCR and consider whether an individual could potentially pose a threat to the safety of TSA employees, contractors, visitors, and the facility.

The latest form for Security Appointment Center (SAC) Visitor Request Form and Foreign National Vetting Request expires 2021-01-31 and can be found here.

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