4710-10 Application for Adoption & Sale of Wild Horses or Burros

Protection, Management, and Control of Wild Horses and Burros (43 CFR part 4700)

BLM4710-10-Application for Adoption & Sale of Wild Horses or Burros

OMB: 1004-0042

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Form 4710-10
(July 2020)


OMB NO. 1004-0042
Expires: February 28, 2021

1.	 Carefully read the PROHIBITED ACTS and TERMS OF
ADOPTION printed on page 3.
2.	 Read the information provided in the WH&B “How-To-Guide”

3.	 Submit your completed Application for Adoption & Sale of
Wild Horse(s) or Burro(s) to a Bureau of Land Management
(BLM) staff member or send to the office serving your State.
(For correct address information, refer to the WH&B pamphlet
“How-To-Guide” or take it to an adoption event.).

Applicant Information (REQUIRED)



Complete section 1 only

Complete section 2 & 3 only

Complete sections 1, 2 & 3

How many animals are you requesting? (Provide quantity by age range):  ___________  1 to 4 Years Old   __________  5 & Older
How many of each species?  Horses: __________ Female  __________ Male   Burros: __________ Female  __________ Male
Are you requesting a specific animal?  Tag #: _____________  Tag #: _____________  Tag #: _____________  Tag #: _____________
Applicant Full Name:

Animal Group/Organization Name:

Personal Address/P.O. Box:


(P.O. Box Address requires physical address on page 2)

Tax ID/FEIN #:


State:	Zip:

Address of housed animals:

Home/Cell Phone:	

Alternate Phone:


State:	Zip:

Primary Phone:


Section 1–Purchase
Will you have someone else responsible for the care of the animals?    No    Yes:
(If yes, include name, address, phone numbers, and e-mail address)

Have you previously purchased animals within the last 6 months    No   Yes, If so how many

Does your facility provide adequate feed and water?    No    Yes
(Facility refers to an enclosed area such as a corral, barn, stall, etc. Materials used may include: pipe panels, wood post, planks, horse
fence, etc. Facility may also be a pasture, however must be suitable for maintaining animals. Feed may be hay, grass or supplemental.
Water source may be natural, tank, pond or well)

(Continued on Page 2)

(Form 4710-10)

Do you have a veterinarian available to provide care
for your wild horses and/or wild burros?     No    Yes:
(If yes, include name, address, phone numbers, and e-mail address)
When the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) sells a wild horse or burro, the animal is no longer considered a wild free-roaming horse or burro under the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act, 16 U.S.C. 1331 et seq. Purchased animals cannot be returned to the public lands unless
the BLM has issued a permit or otherwise authorized the purchaser to do so, such as through a livestock grazing or recreational permit. By applying to purchase wild horses and/or burros, I understand the financial commitment to care for such animals. Under penalty of prosecution for
violating 18 U.S.C. 1001, which makes it a federal crime to make false statements to any agency of the United States, I hereby certify that I will
provide humane care for any animals that I purchase and will not sell or transfer ownership of them to any person or organization that intends
to resell, trade, or give away such animals for slaughter or processing into commercial products. I understand that any false or false claim made
by me in connection with this purchase can result in criminal and/or civil and/or administrative penalties. I have read the above statement,
understand the terms of this agreement, and agree to comply with them.
Purchaser’s Signature: 	


Congratulations on your new purchased Animal! Additional Questions? Contact BLM for more information.
Section 2–Adoption

Driver’s Lic. or ID # and State Abbr.:

Social Security/TAX ID #:

Describe your existing facility, resources, and transportation:
(Facility refers to an enclosed area such as a corral, barn, stall, etc. Materials used may include: pipe panels, wood post, planks, horse
fence, etc.)
a)	Corral:


Height of Corral:

Gate Height:

Gate Width:

Materials used in Corral:

Materials used in Gate

b)	 Shelter: (For minimum shelter requirements by state see page 5)
Materials used in Shelter (If Applicable):
Type of Shelter:


Attached to Corral?

Included within corral sq. footage?

c)	 Feed:
Type of Hay or Pasture:

Supplemental Feed:

If yes, select your water source:
e)	 Trailer:
Type of trailer:


Number of rear doors:
Is trailer covered?:



Amount per day:


Automatic Water


Capacity (No. of animals):

If yes, can they be tied or folded back?




If not attached, how is it accessible?


d)	 Water:
Is there access to a water source?:


Rear Doors:

Full Height

Does trailer have a solid top?



Half Height





If not, describe the type of cover?:
* Some ages and species of animal are not normally loaded and/or hauled together and may require divisions within the trailer.
** Animals are not loaded into a trailer with a ramp, unless the ramp is a secondary door.

(Continued on Page 3)

(Form 4710-10, Page 2)

Have you ever been convicted of abuse or inhumane treatment of animals or found to be in violation of the Wild Free Roaming
Horse and Burro Act or the Wild Horse and Burro Regulations?    Yes   No
Have you previously adopted animals through the Wild Horse and Burro Program?    Yes   No
If your answer is yes, are these animals titled?   Yes   No	
How many untitled animals do you have?
Will more than four untitled animals be at the location described on the application?    Yes   No
Have you ever adopted under a different last name?    Yes   No	

If yes, what other name was used?

Section 3–Adoption
Physical Address


Property Owner(s) Name


Zip Code

Property Owner(s) Phone Number

Draw a map of the location where adopted animal(s) will
be housed (from the nearest major highway) & provide
directions to your location using the lines below.

(Continued on Page 4)

Draw a layout of the corral(s) and shelter(s) & provide a brief
description using the lines below.

(Form 4710-10, Page 3)


Maliciously or negligently injuring or harassing a wild horse or (f)	 Branding a wild horse or burro;
(g)	 Removing or altering a freeze mark on a wild horse or burro;
Treating a wild horse or burro inhumanely;
(h)	 Violating an order, term, or condition established by the BLM
Removing or attempting to remove a wild horse or burro from
under this part;
the public lands without authorization from the BLM;
(i)	 Commercially exploiting a wild horse or burro;
Destroying a wild horse or burro without authorization from
Any person who commits a prohibited act is subject to a fine of
the BLM, except as an act of mercy
not more than $2,000 or imprisonment for not more than one
Selling or attempting to sell a wild horse or burro or its remains;
year, or both, for each violation.

The following terms apply to all wild horses and burros adopted
(i)	 Title will remain with the Federal Government for at least 1
year after the Private Maintenance and Care Agreement is
under the Private Maintenance and Care Agreement:
executed and until a Certificate of Title is issued by the BLM;
(a)	 Adopter must be 18 years of age or older;
(j)	 Adoption fees are non-refundable; and
(b)	 Adopters are financially responsible for providing proper care;
(k)	 Adopters are entitled to a replacement, if, within 6 months of
(c)	 Adopters are responsible, as provided by State law, for any
the adoption date, the animal dies or is required to be destroyed
personal injury, property damage, or death caused by animals
due to a condition that existed at the time of adoption and if
in their care, for pursuing animals that escape or stray, and for
the adopter provides a veterinarian statement that certifies that
costs of recapture;
reasonable care would not have corrected the condition. All
(d)	 Adopters must not transfer animals for more than 30 days to
replacements will be handled as a refund (completed within 2
another location or to the care of another individual without the
weeks of notification) or a voucher for a replacement animal.
prior approval of the BLM;
A voucher is non-refundable; has a shelf-life of six months;
(e)	 Adopters must make animals available for physical inspection
can be applied to more than one animal; is non-transferable;
within 7 days of receipt of a written request by the BLM;
has to be redeemed at the same type of event as the original
(f)	 Adopters must notify the BLM within 7 days of discovery of
adoption; and does not give the adopter any kind of preferential
an animal’s death, theft or escape;
treatment. Additionally, the amount of the voucher has to be
(g)	 Adopters must notify the BLM within 30 days of any change in
redeemed all at one time; non-used funds are forfeited; and
the adopter’s address;
bids above the voucher amount are due in full at the time of the
(h)	 Adopters must dispose of remains in accordance with
adoption. This policy will only apply to replacement animals,
applicable sanitation laws; and
and not repossessions or reassignments.
Failure to comply with these terms may result in the cancellation of the agreement, repossession of the animals,
and disapproval of requests for adoption of additional animals. In addition, violation of any term of a
Private Maintenance and Care Agreement is a prohibited act.
I have read and understand the above TERMS OF THE ADOPTION and PROHIBITED ACTIONS.
(Applicant’s Signature)


By applying to adopt wild horses or burros, I understand the financial commitment to care for such animals. Under penalty of prosecution for violating 18
U.S.C. 1001, which makes it a federal crime to make false statements to any agency of the United States, I hereby certify that I will provide humane care
for any animals that I adopt and will not sell or transfer ownership of them to any person or organization that intends to resell, trade, or give away such
animals for slaughter or processing into commercial products, or commit any other prohibited act listed in 43 C.F.R. 4770.1. I understand that any false
or false claim made by me in connection with this adoption can result in criminal and/or civil and/or administrative penalties.

I have read the above statement, understand the terms of this agreement and agree to comply with them.
(Applicant’s Signature)
Adoption applicant is approved for:

No. of Burros	

No. of Horses Younger than 18 mos.	


No. of Horses Older than 18 mos.


Total No. of Animals Approved for Adopter’s Facility

No. of Trained Animals

Adoption applicant Disapproved (Disapproval will be accompanied by a decision letter to the applicant with appeal rights.)
(BLM Official’s Signature)

(BLM Official’s Printed Name)



**This application expires one year after the date of approval by the BLM Official’s Signature**
(Continued on Page 5)

(Form 4710-10, Page 4)

The Privacy Act and the regulation at 43 CFR 2.48 (d) require that
on public lands, i.e., the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and the
you be furnished the following information in connection with
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS);
information required by this application.
(6)	 Identify and assign level of system access required by BLM,
USFS and APHIS wild horse and burros program personnel;
AUTHORITY: 16 U.S.C. 1333 and 31 U.S.C. 7701.
PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: The BLM will use this information to
(7)	 Authorize the disclosure of records to individuals involved in
process your agreement for private maintenance and care of wild
responding to a breach of Federal data.
horses or burros. BLM will use your driver’s license and social
security numbers for debt collection purposes under the authority
of the requested information is necessary to obtain or retain a
of the Debt Collection Improvement Act, 31 U.S.C. 7701.
benefit. Failure to submit all of the requested information or to
ROUTINE USES: The primary uses of the information are to:
complete this form may result in the rejection and/or denial of your
(1)	 Identify individuals who have applied to obtain custody of a
wild horse or burro through adoption or sale;
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.)
(2)	 Document the rejection, suspension, or granting of the request
requires us to inform you that:
for adoption or sale;
The BLM collects this information in accordance with the statutes
(3)	 Monitor compliance with laws/regulations concerning
and regulations listed above, and for the purposes listed above.
maintenance of adopted animals;
(4)	 Identify contractors/employees/volunteers/service providers
Submission of the requested information is necessary to obtain or
required to perform program functions;
retain a benefit. You do not have to respond to this or any other
(5)	 Provide necessary program management information to other
Federal agency-sponsored information collection unless it displays
agencies involved in management of wild horses and burros
a currently valid OMB control number.
List of Minimum Shelter Requirements by State:



Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Nevada, New
Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon/Washington
(east of the Cascade Mountains), Texas,

Shelter shall be available to mitigate
the effects of inclement weather and
temperature extremes. The requirement
is at the discretion of the authorized
officer and will vary dependent on the
severity of weather in the region.

Natural cover (tree, etc.) or
man-made structure (plywood
or other material on side of
corral, stall, etc.)

Nebraska, Wyoming

Natural cover or man-made structure
that provides a wind break.

Tree (etc.) or structure with a
side (plywood on side of corral,
stall, etc.)

Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida,
Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee,

Natural cover or man-made structure
that provides shade.

Tree (etc.) or structure with a
roof (wood, metal, etc.)

California, Oregon/Washington (west of the
Cascade Mountains)

A two (2)-sided shelter with a roof.

Structure with sides and a roof
(wood, metal, etc.)

Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota,
Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New
Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota,
Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin

A three (3)-sided shelter with a roof.
Heated water source (Alaska only).

Structure with sides, a back, and
a roof (wood, metal, etc.)

*These requirements are in addition to state, county, and local animal health and welfare laws and regulations for the
area the animal resides.
Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
gathering and maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect
of this form to U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (1004-0042), Bureau Information Collection Clearance Officer,
(WO-630), 1849 C Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20240.
(Form 4710-10, Page 5)

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2021-02-01
File Created2021-02-01

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