3170-0024 YMYG Process Eval - Survey instrument OMB

Generic Information Collection Plan for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Bureau Service Delivery

3170-0024 YMYG Process Eval - Survey instrument OMB

OMB: 3170-0024

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YMYG Task 2: YMYG Process Evaluation
Several months ago on [FILL date from pre-data], you participated in a training about the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Your Money, Your Goals (which we will refer to in the
survey as YMYG) program at [FILL organization or location from pre-data]. Now that you have
had a chance to possibly use YMYG, we would like to know what you think of the program.
Thank you for taking the time to respond to this survey; your answers with help us
understand how the CFPB can improve the training and develop new resources for
organizations and individuals interested in using YMYG.
Privacy Act Statement
5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(3)
The information you provide through your responses to RAND will assist the study sponsor, the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB or “Bureau”), in providing feedback to understand how
Your Money, Your Goals (YMYG) organizations integrate YMYG into their social service programs.
The CFPB will not obtain or access personally identifiable information. The Bureau will only obtain and
access de-identified results and aggregated analyses of those results.
Information collected on behalf of the Bureau by RAND will be treated in accordance with the System of
Records Notice (SORN), CFPB.021 Consumer Education and Engagement Records SORN, 83 FR 23435.
This information may be disclosed as outlined in the Routine Uses for the SORN. Direct identifying
information will only be used by RAND to facilitate the feedback session and will be kept private except
as required by law.
This collection of information is authorized by Pub. L. No. 111-203, Title X, Sections 1013 and 1022,
codified at 12 U.S.C. §§ 5493 and 5512.
Participation in this study is voluntary, you are not required to participate or share any identifying
information with RAND.

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
not withstanding any other provision of law a person is not required to respond to a collection
of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this
collection is 3170-0024. It expires on 5/31/2022. The time required to complete this
information collection is estimated to average approximately 25 minutes per response.
Comments regarding this collection of information, including the estimated response time,
suggestions for improving the usefulness of the information, or suggestions for reducing the
burden to respond to this collection should be submitted to the Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau (Attention: PRA Office), 1700 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20552, or by email to
[email protected].


SECTION 1: questions on initial training that respondent attended (asked of all respondents)
We would like to ask you some questions about your thoughts about the training that you
attended on [FILL from pre-data].
1. How long was the training that you attended?
a. Less than 2 hours
b. 2 to 4 hours
c. More than 4 hours
d. I don’t remember
2. Please tell us to what extent you agree with the following statements about the training:


I am satisfied with the
YMYG training I
The training gave me a
strong understanding
of how my
organization could use
YMYG is a good fit for
my organization.
I left the training with
a set of clear next
steps about how I
would use YMYG.





Not Applicable


3. Please tell us to what extent you agree with the following statements:


The training fully
prepared me to train
other people how to
use YMYG with clients.
The training fully
prepared me to use
YMYG with clients.
The YMYG training has
changed the way I work
with clients.




Strongly Not

4. Next, we would like to ask you about the topics covered in the training. For each topic,
please tell us to what extent you agree with the following statements:
After the training I felt I
Strongly Disagree Neither
Agree Strongly This
had enough information
about …
the financial topics most
relevant to clients.
how to discuss financial
issues with clients.
how to identify the first
financial topic to bring up
with a client.
working with clients in
5. Still thinking about the YMYG training you attended on [FILL date from predate], which
statement best describes why you attended the training?
a. I heard about the training and asked my supervisor if I could attend.
b. My supervisor told me about the training and said that I could attend if I wanted to.
c. My supervisor told me that I had to go to the training.
d. Another person in my organization sent information about the training and asked
who was interested in attending, so I signed up.
e. None of these: (Please write in more about whose idea it was for you to attend
6. Briefly tell us what you expected to get out of the training. [OPEN ENDED RESPONSE]


7. Did you attend the training because you wanted to learn how to: (display as table with Y/N
response options)
a. train other staff members (either at your organization or other organizations) to use
YMYG with their clients?
b. use YMYG with your clients?
8. Since your first training with YMYG, have you: (display as table with Y/N response options)
a. trained, taught a class, or given a presentation on YMYG to other staff at the
organization where you work or at other organizations?
b. used YMYG with your clients?
9. Now that you have had a few months since your initial training, how do you think the
training could be improved? [OPEN ENDED RESPONSE]
Now we would like to turn to the YMYG materials, including the toolkit and any other
materials that you might have received.
10. Thinking about the YMYG toolkit, please tell us to what extent you agree with the following
Strongly Disagree Neither
Agree Strongly I don’t
The materials in the
toolkit are easy for me to
The materials in the
toolkit are easy for me to
use with clients.
YMYG materials are a
good fit for the people I
The toolkit is too long.
It is easy for me to request
and receive additional
copies of materials, when


11. In the past month, how often have you used the following YMYG materials?

The YMYG toolkit
Focus on Native Communities companion guide
Focus on People with Disabilities companion guide
Focus on Reentry companion guide
Behind on Bills booklet
Debt Getting in Your Way? Get a Handle on It
Want Credit to Work for You? Start with These Steps

4 or more
times per

1 to 3
times per

1 to 3


Next, we would like to ask a couple of questions about the YMYG website.
12. Have you visited the YMYG website?
a. Yes
b. No
13. [If yes to Q12] Which statement(s) best describes why you visited the site? (Check all that
a. I downloaded materials.
b. I needed help understanding something in the YMYG toolkit.
c. I was showing materials to a coworker.
d. I was showing materials to a client.
e. I ordered print materials.
f. For another reason: (Please write in the reason:______)


SECTION 2: questions on trainings that respondent has given (asked if Q8a=YES, otherwise
skip to SECTION 2a)
Next, we would like to ask you some questions about trainings, classes, or presentations that
you may have given to other staff at the organization where you work or at other
14. What type of training(s), class(es), or presentation(s) on YMYG have you given? (check all
that apply)
a. In-person
b. Webinars
c. Other (Please write in)______________
For each checked response category to Q14, repeat Q15-21
In the questions below, we will fill in information based on Q14. If Q14==a FILL with "In-person
trainings”, if Q14==b FILL with “Webinars”
15. How much time did you spend preparing for these [FILL from Q14]? Open-ended (with hours
and minutes fields)
16. In total, how many [fill training from Q14] have you given? [open ended integer]
17. In total across all [fill training from Q14], about how many people have attended your [fill
training from Q14]?

Less than 5
5 to 10
10 to 20
20 to 40
more than 40

If Q16 >1 then display: For the following questions, please think about the most recent training
you conducted.
18. Who has participated in your [fill training from Q14]? Please check all that apply.
a. Staff members at my own organization
b. Staff members from another organization
c. Other:___________



How many training hours, on average, does a typical attendee of your training(s)
receive from you in total?
a. 0-2 hours
b. 3-4 hours
c. 5-6 hours
d. 7-8 hours
e. More than 8 hours

20. What materials, if any, did you provide to training attendees? (Check all that apply)
a. None
b. YMYG toolkit
c. Focus on Native Communities companion guide
d. Focus on People with Disabilities companion guide
e. Focus on Reentry companion guide
f. Behind on Bills? Start with One Step booklet
g. Debt Getting in Your Way? Get a Handle on It booklet
h. Want Credit to Work for You? Start with these Steps booklet
i. YMYG website link
j. Materials from organizations other than the CFPB: (Please write in) ________
k. Other CFPB material(s): (Please write in)______________
21. On the YMYG website, the CFPB provides training materials for you to use. How, if at all, did
you use these materials when preparing for [fill training from Q14]?
a. I did not know there were training materials available, so I did not use them.
b. I looked at the materials but chose not to use them.
c. I used the materials, but I modified them.
d. I used the materials as is.
22. What factors make it easier for you to conduct a YMYG training? (select all that apply)
a. My leadership/management support the effort.
b. My leadership/management provide time to develop the training.
c. I am comfortable talking about finances.
d. I am confident in my ability to train others to use YMYG.
e. YMYG addresses the needs of my organization’s clients.
f. My organization has made financial empowerment a priority.
g. The materials are clear.
h. The materials are available in Spanish.
i. The materials come from an independent, trusted resource.
j. None
23. What other factors made it easier to conduct a YMYG training? (Open ended)


24. What factors, if any, are obstacles (or potential obstacles) for you to conduct a YMYG
a. My leadership/management does not support the effort.
b. I do not know enough about financial empowerment and practices to confidently
teach someone else about these topics.
c. It takes too much time to learn how to train others to use these materials.
d. I do not think YMYG would benefit the clients my organization serves.
e. There is no incentive to use YMYG.
f. It is difficult to get the specific YMYG materials I need.
g. I prefer other financial empowerment materials and programs to YMYG.
25. What other factors kept you from training others to use YMYG? [Open ended]


SECTION 2A: questions on why those who intended to train others have not trained others yet
[If Q7a=YES AND Q8a=NO, otherwise skip to SECTION 3]
26. What factors, if any, are barriers (or potential barriers) for you to conduct a YMYG training?
a. My leadership/management does not support the effort.
b. I do not know enough about financial empowerment and practices to teach
someone else about them.
c. It would take too much time to learn how to train others to use these materials.
d. I do not think YMYG would benefit the clients of my organization.
e. There is no incentive to use YMYG.
f. It is difficult to get the specific YMYG materials I need.
g. I prefer other financial empowerment materials and programs to YMYG.
27. What other factors kept you from training others to use YMYG? [Open ended]


SECTION 3: questions on working with clients (asked if Q8b=YES, otherwise skip to SECTION
Now we would like to ask you some questions about using YMYG with clients.
28. What proportion of your interactions with clients fall into each of the following categories?
Your answer should sum to 100.
a. Emergency needs that would benefit from immediate discussion of financial
empowerment _______%
b. Emergency needs that would not benefit from immediate discussion of financial
empowerment _______%
c. Non-emergency needs that would benefit from immediate discussion of financial
empowerment _______%
d. Non-emergency needs that would not benefit from immediate discussion of
financial empowerment_______%
e. Total _______% [Programming Note: we will include a total box on the screen that
will automatically populate as the other boxes are filled in]
29. Please tell us to what extent you agree with the following statements:
Disagree Neither
Agree nor
I am confident in my ability to use
YMYG with clients.
The information and practices in
YMYG are relevant to the clients
that I typically see.
I do not meet with a typical client
enough times to use YMYG
successfully. (REVERSE CODE)
My meetings with clients are too
short for me to bring up YMYG.
It is not practical to discuss the
information and practices from
YMYG with my clients because they
are typically in crisis and have more
immediate needs. (REVERSE CODE)
I would be more likely to use YMYG
if it came with an interactive webbased tool that could be used to fill
in forms.



30. When working one-on-one with clients, have you used the YMYG toolkit? We are interested
in situations where you are meeting with one client or family.
a. Yes
b. No
31. [If Q30 =Yes] When was the last time you used YMYG with a client?
a. In the past two weeks
b. 2 to 4 weeks ago
c. 1 to 2 months ago
d. 3 to 6 months ago
e. More than 6 months ago
32. [If Q30 =Yes] Which YMYG materials do you typically use when working with clients? [Select
all that apply]
a. None
b. The YMYG toolkit
c. Focus on Native Communities companion guide
d. Focus on People with Disabilities companion guide
e. Focus on Reentry companion guide
f. Behind on Bills? Start with One Step booklet
g. Debt Getting in Your Way? Get a Handle on It booklet
h. Want Credit to Work for You? Start with these Steps. booklet
i. Materials from organizations other than the CFPB: (Please write in) ________
j. Other CFPB material(s): (Please write in)______________


33. Which of the following topics have you discussed with clients in the last six 6 months?
Introductory material about
finances and using YMYG
Auto loans
Child support
Credit reports and scores
Debt and debt collectors
Disaster relief
Job search
Health care
Housing and utilities
Identity theft
Legal help
Responding to a bank or
debt collector


34. Have the YMYG materials been helpful when discussing any of these topics?
Only display topics that they discuss with clients in question 33 above
Not at
A little
Somewhat Very

Introductory material about
finances and using YMYG
Auto loans
Child support
Credit reports and scores
Debt and debt collectors
Disaster relief
Job search
Health care
Housing and utilities
Identity theft
Legal help
Responding to a bank or
debt collector

I have not

35. In the past month, with how many clients have you shared information or materials from
YMYG? [Open ended integer]
36. For a typical client with whom you have used YMYG, on how many different occasions have
you brought up these topics or materials with him or her?
a. Only once
b. 2 to 3 times
c. 4 to 5 times
d. More than 5 times
37. Have you led YMYG workshops or classes with multiple clients at the same time? If so,
approximately how many total clients have you reached in this way?
a. I have not presented YMYG to multiple clients at the same time.
b. Yes, I have presented YMYG to a total of ____ clients at workshops and classes.


38. What factors, if any, are obstacles (or potential obstacles) for you personally to use YMYG
with clients? Or to use it more often? (select all that apply)
a. My leadership/management does not support the effort.
b. I do not know enough about financial empowerment and practices to confidently
teach someone else about it.
c. I am uncomfortable talking about money with my clients.
d. My clients are often uncomfortable talking about money with me.
e. It takes too much time to learn how to use YMYG.
f. I often do not have time to use YMYG during client interactions.
g. YMYG does not fit the needs of my clients.
h. YMYG does not work for clients experiencing a crisis.
i. I do not like the YMYG materials.
j. The toolkit is too large, so it is hard to find the materials I need.
k. The information is not clear enough for my clients.
l. There is no incentive to use YMYG.
m. It is difficult to get the specific YMYG materials I need.
n. I prefer other financial empowerment materials and programs to YMYG.
o. The materials are not available in the language(s) my clients speak.
39. What other factors have kept you from using YMYG? [Open ended]
40. What factors have made it easier for you personally to use YMYG with clients? (select all
that apply)
a. My leadership/management supports the effort.
b. I am comfortable talking about finances with clients.
c. YMYG addresses the needs of my clients.
d. The YMYG materials are easy to use.
e. My organization provides an incentive to use YMYG.
f. The materials are available in Spanish.
g. The toolkit is comprehensive.
h. The materials come from an independent, trusted resource.
i. The materials are customizable.
j. The information is provided in a clear, easy to understand way.
k. None
41. What other factors make it easier for you personally to use YMYG? (Open ended)
42. What resources or support would make it easier to use YMYG at your organization? (Open


SECTION 3A: questions on why those who intended to use with clients have not used with
clients yet [If Q7b=YES AND Q8b=NO, otherwise skip to SECTION 4]
43. What factors, if any, are barriers (or potential barriers) for you personally to use YMYG with
clients? (select all that apply)
a. My leadership/management does not support the effort.
b. I do not know enough about financial empowerment and practices to teach
someone else about it.
c. I am uncomfortable talking about money with my clients.
d. My clients are uncomfortable talking about money with me.
e. It would take too much time to learn how to use YMYG with clients.
f. I do not have time to use YMYG during client interactions.
g. YMYG does not fit the needs of my clients.
h. YMYG does not work for clients experiencing a crisis.
i. I do not like the YMYG materials.
j. The toolkit is too large, so it is hard to find the materials I need.
k. The information is not clear enough for my clients.
l. There is no incentive to use YMYG.
m. It is difficult to get the specific YMYG materials I need.
n. I prefer other financial empowerment materials and programs to YMYG.
o. The materials are not available in the language(s) my clients speak.
44. What other factors have kept you from using YMYG? [Open ended]


The next set of questions asks about the organization you work for.
45. What is the name of your organization? (this information will only be used to link
information in this survey to details of the training that you attended)
46. Is your organization a government agency, non-profit organization, or another type of
a. City or county government agency
b. State government agency
c. Federal government agency
d. Non-profit organization
e. Faith-based organization
f. Other: (Please write in)___________
47. Which are the primary areas of focus for your organization? (Check all that apply)
a. Housing
b. Seniors and Older Adults
c. Children and Families
d. Youth Services
e. Food/Food Security
f. Domestic Violence
g. Transportation
h. Health Care
i. Mental Health
j. Crisis Services
k. Substance Use Disorders
l. Income & Employment
m. Legal Assistance
o. Veteran Services
p. Re-entry
q. Financial Support and Empowerment
r. Disabled Populations
s. Native American Populations
t. Other: (Please write in) _________
48. Does your organization serve clients in rural, suburban, or urban areas? (Check all that
a. Rural
b. Suburban
c. Urban


49. Please select the statement that best describes the interactions staff at your organization
typically have with clients.
a. Clients visit once and do not return for more services.
b. Clients have multiple visits with the organization and work with multiple staff
c. Clients have multiple visits with the organization and work primarily with the same
staff member each visit.
d. Other: (Please write in)___________________
Now we would like to ask you some questions about other people in your organization and
how they use YMYG.
50. Thinking about people that work at your organization, how many do you think regularly use
YMYG with clients? [open ended integer]
51. How many people that work at your organization regularly meet with clients? [open ended
52. Outside of any trainings you may have led, which YMYG materials, if any, have you
distributed to staff at your organization? (Check all that apply)
a. None
b. YMYG toolkit
c. Focus on Native Communities companion guide
d. Focus on People with Disabilities companion guide
e. Focus on Reentry companion guide
f. Behind on Bills? Start with One Step booklet
g. Debt Getting in Your Way? Get a Handle on It booklet
h. Want Credit to Work for You? Start with these Steps booklet
i. The link to the YMYG website
j. Other material(s): (Please write in) ______________


Please tell us a little more about yourself.
53. What is your title within your organization? (Open ended)
54. Are you part of your organization's management structure (e.g., a department manager,
lead social worker)?
a. Yes
b. No
55. Is training staff or volunteers part of your normal job responsibilities?
a. Yes
b. No
56. How would you assess your overall financial knowledge?
Very Low



Very High

57. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement: YMYG has helped me
improve my own financial behavior.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neither agree nor disagree
d. Agree
e. Strongly agree
58. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement: I am good at dealing
with day-to-day financial matters, such as checking accounts, credit and debit cards, and
tracking expenses.
a. Strongly disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neither agree nor disagree
d. Agree
e. Strongly agree
f. Prefer not to say
59. Are you of Hispanic or Latino American origin?
a. Yes
b. No
60. Which one or more of the following would you use to describe yourself?
a. White
b. Black or African American


Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander
American Indian/Native American/Alaska Native
Other: (Please write in)__________

61. What is your age?
a. Under 30
b. 30-40
c. 41-50
d. 51-60
e. Over 60
62. What is your gender?
a. Male
b. Female
c. Other


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorCarman, Katherine
File Modified2019-08-01
File Created2019-08-01

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