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The OPM Leadership Profiler

[Welcome letter]

General Survey Instructions


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Privacy Act Statement

Collection of this information is authorized by Section 4702 of Title 5, U.S. Code.

  • Your responses to this survey are voluntary and there is no penalty if you choose not to respond. However, maximum participation is encouraged so that the data will be complete and representative.

  • The principal purpose in collecting this information is to gather input about the participant’s leadership competencies. Routine uses are identifying leadership strengths and challenges and identifying strategies that will help the participant improve his or her leadership.

  • In any public release of assessment results, no data will be disclosed that could be used to match your responses with your identity because there will be no individual identifiers associated with the data. All email addresses will be stripped and discarded automatically when the completed survey is submitted.

Public Burden Statement

We think providing this information takes an average of 45 minutes per respondent to complete, including the time for reviewing instructions, getting the needed data, and reviewing the completed survey. Send comments regarding our estimate or any other aspect of this survey, including suggestions for reducing completion time, to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Reports and Forms Officer, Paperwork Reduction Project (3206-0253), Washington, D.C. 20415. The OMB number 3206-0253 is currently valid. OPM may not collect this information, and you are not required to respond, unless this number is displayed.

Introduction & Background

The OPM Leadership Profiler is a personality assessment designed specifically for current and future leaders in the Federal government. The OPM Leadership Profiler was developed by OPM Personnel Research Psychologists to assess the “Big Five” personality traits and aims to help leaders better understand their personality and how it impacts their performance as a Federal leader. Specifically, the OPM Leadership Profiler provides respondents with developmental feedback about how their personality impacts leadership behaviors and ultimately, overall performance, as defined within OPM's Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) and related leadership competencies.

The OPM Leadership Profiler assesses personality (defined as general preferences and behavioral tendencies) using the “Big Five” taxonomy, which is a well-established and accepted personality framework. The “Big Five” consists of five general personality traits that can be generalized to all individuals and are reflected in day-to-day behaviors. These traits are:

Extraversion (or Sociability/Positive Emotionality)

Conscientiousness (or Dependability/Drive)

Agreeableness (or Kindness/Accommodation)

Openness (or Curiosity/Originality)

Emotional Stability (or Calmness/Resilience)

The OPM Leadership Profiler provides developmental feedback about leaders' general personality, as well as how personality impacts performance as a leader within the Federal government. Specifically, the personality traits are linked to the competencies within OPM's ECQs leadership framework. The purpose of the OPM Leadership Profiler is to increase leaders' understanding of their personality, including their strengths and areas for improvement, so that they can continue to develop as a leader.

All responses to the OPM Leadership Profiler will be strictly confidential and maintained in a secure environment at OPM. Your individual responses will go directly to OPM; no one at your agency will have access to your individual responses. If you have any questions or comments about this assessment, please contact OPM at [email protected].

Please click the “Next” button below to proceed to the next page.

General Directions

The OPM Leadership Profiler contains a series of statements describing individual's preferences and behaviors. You are being asked to indicate how accurately these items describe you. Please note that some of these statements may appear to be very close in wording. This perceived redundancy is by design, and you should respond to each item as though it is unique.

In responding to the OPM Leadership Profiler items, think about yourself across a variety of situations. Please take into consideration how you think, feel, and act, in general. It is important that you consider how you are now, not as you wish to be in the future.

This assessment is designed to measure personality characteristics that differentiate people from each other; it is not designed to assess which personality characteristics are better or worse than others. Some of the statements measure personality traits differently than you might assume. There are no “right” or “wrong” answers, so please select the response that most accurately describes you for each statement. Trying to respond in a way you think would be ideal or more acceptable in some way will reduce the accuracy of your feedback. The value of the feedback from this assessment depends on the accuracy of your responses.

For instance, if you generally are a more “reserved” person, but respond to the statements as though you are “outgoing,” the feedback you receive will be tailored to an outgoing individual. As a result, the feedback you receive will be less applicable to you and the developmental suggestions may be irrelevant. Additionally, some developmental suggestions that would have been valuable may not be mentioned if you do not respond accurately. Therefore, in order to enhance the accuracy – and value of your feedback – you should respond as honestly as possible.

Please use the rating scale below to describe the extent to which each statement accurately describes you. This rating scale will be used to respond to each statement throughout the assessment:

1 = Extremely Inaccurate

2 = Very Inaccurate

3 = Moderately Inaccurate

4 = Neither Inaccurate nor Accurate

5 = Moderately Accurate

6 = Very Accurate

7 = Extremely Accurate

*Note that selecting the middle answer means the statement is around 50% accurate.

Remember: your feedback is dependent upon the accuracy of your responses.

This is not a timed assessment, so please take your time and consider each statement carefully. If you are unable to complete the survey in one sitting, you can save your progress and return at a later time. Instructions for doing so are described below.

Part I: OPM Leadership Profiler Assessment Items

Assessment Instructions: 

The following statements describe individual's preferences and behaviors. Please use the rating scale below to describe how accurately each statement describes you. Describe yourself as you generally are now, not as you wish to be in the future. Describe yourself as honestly as possible in order to receive accurate feedback.Your responses will be kept in absolute confidence. Please read each statement carefully, and then select the response option that corresponds to the number on the scale.

1 = Extremely Inaccurate
2 = Very Inaccurate
3 = Moderately Inaccurate
4 = Neither Inaccurate nor Accurate
5 = Moderately Accurate
6 = Very Accurate
7 = Extremely Accurate 

A completed example of two personality items is presented below.


Extremely Inaccurate

Very Inaccurate

Moderately Inaccurate

Neither Inaccurate nor Accurate

Moderately Accurate

Very Accurate

Extremely Accurate


Sometimes, I like to take on multiple assignments.



I like to keep a daily journal of my thoughts and experiences.


In this example, the participant rated how accurate each item was in describing herself. She indicated that the first item is Moderately Inaccurate by selecting the circle in the "Moderately Inaccurate" column. For the second item, she provided a rating of Extremely Accurate by selecting the circle in the "Extremely Accurate" column.

Beginning on the next page, please rate all of the items using the Accuracy scale provided.

Please click the “Next” button below to proceed.

Part I: OPM Leadership Profiler Assessment Items

Extremely Inaccurate Very Inaccurate Moderately Inaccurate Neither Inaccurate nor Accurate Moderately Accurate Very Accurate Extremely Accurate

1. I put in just enough effort to get the job done.

2. I enjoy leading meetings.

3. In general, I try to put other people's needs before my own.

4. I always meet my deadlines.

5. I encourage others to think outside the box.

6. I am even-tempered.

7. I am a sensitive person.

8. I take time to consider alternatives before deciding on a course of action.

9. I dislike philosophical conversations.

10. As soon as I accomplish a goal, I move on to the next.

11. I find social gatherings exhausting.

12. I always think people are staring at me.

13. I follow the saying, "You can sleep when you're dead."

14. I am open to others' opinions swaying mine.

15. Preparing for speeches or presentations makes me anxious.

16. People describe me as a quiet person.

17. I am shy around new people.

18. I believe my way is the right way.

19. I often need others' help to complete tasks that were assigned to me.

20. I consider myself creative.

21. I often need to take time to relax and recharge my batteries.

22. I find simple tasks boring.

23. I put my needs before others'.

24. I believe I am competent.

25. I feel comfortable in the background.

26. I am a trusting person.

27. I am always working towards a goal.

28. I find routines boring.

29. I don't believe people should be given hand-outs.

30. I tend to keep my problems to myself.

31. It is easy for me to form close relationships with others.

32. I tend to approach my life in a relaxed manner.

33. I like solving complex problems.

34. I do not dwell on disappointments.

35. I wait for others to speak first in meetings.

36. I try to pursue new lines of thinking.

37. I am always on time for appointments.

38. I am a joyful person.

39. Sometimes I will avoid talking to people I do not know very well.

40. I am open to new ideas.

41. Organization is not my strong suit.

42. Sometimes, the simplest mistake can make me angry.

43. In general, I prefer to take my time.

44. I assert my opinion in meetings.

45. I do not like taking risks.

46. I have no problem talking to strangers.

47. I am constantly worrying about something.

48. I am detail-oriented.

49. I am a charitable person.

50. I am easily upset.

51. Typically I feel that I am able to accomplish the tasks before me.

52. My moods change quickly.

53. I manipulate situations to my advantage.

54. I do not worry if I don’t finish something I started.

55. I enjoy having a creative outlet.

56. Sometimes I feel awkward when others around me embarrass themselves.

57. I reach out to meet new people.

58. In general, I enjoy taking things slow.

59. I am not an argumentative person.

60. I am sometimes initially hesitant to get to know people.

61. I like to make a plan of action.

62. I like activities that do not require a lot of thought.

63. I do not expect anything in return when I do someone a favor.

64. In my spare time, I prefer pastimes that require little to no activity.

65. When I have many tasks, the little things sometimes fall through the cracks.

66. I have to have someone else review my work or it will have many errors.

67. I think no law is insignificant enough to break.

68. I believe there is good in everyone.

69. I have a need to accomplish my goals.

70. I tend to move at a rapid pace.

71. I enjoy helping others.

72. I enjoy giving presentations.

73. I prefer to cooperate than to compete.

74. I plan out steps to ensure tasks are completed.

75. I prefer to focus on the big picture rather than the details.

76. I am generous with my time.

77. I believe in performing selfless acts of kindness.

78. I prefer to go to my favorite places rather than try new ones.

79. I worry about things that may go wrong.

80. It is difficult for me to warm up to others.

81. I am a lenient person.

82. In general, I do not like to discuss my personal life.

83. I rarely think about the future.

84. I think brainstorming sessions are valuable.

85. I am happy if others are happy.

86. I am a high-spirited person.

87. I do not like talking with people I do not know.

88. I am usually the last person to greet the new person in the office.

89. I live an active lifestyle.

90. I cooperate with people that I interact with regardless of who they are.

91. It is okay to help yourself first.

92. I am an anxious person.

93. I think things through before making a decision.

94. I set high expectations and meet them.

95. Sometimes I make decisions too quickly.

96. People describe me as an animated person.

97. I become agitated when a situation doesn’t go as planned.

98. I am a nervous person.

99. It does not bother me when people make fun of me.

100. I enjoy being on the go.

101. People describe me as relaxed.

102. I get flustered when things do not go according to plan.

103. I think before I respond to a person’s question.

104. I worry about the worst possible scenario.

105. I am not a creative person.

106. I become energized from talking to people.

107. I am not bothered by things that go wrong.

108. I am easily rattled.

109. I prefer to accomplish goals without having a plan in place.

110. I consider myself a dependable person.

111. I laugh easily and often.

112. I dislike speaking in front of others.

113. I trust others' work.

114. I follow the rules and regulations no matter what.

115. I tend to be bashful around people I don't know.

116. I think it is more important to take care of your own needs than to worry about the needs of others.

117. I would rather listen than talk.

118. I try to use a democratic approach to decision-making.

119. I think before acting.

120. I trust others to follow through on promises.

121. I have trouble dealing with the unexpected.

122. I am outspoken.

123. I often begin tasks before making a plan.

124. I take it personally when things go wrong.

125. In general, my happiness is more important than the happiness of others.

126. I procrastinate until the deadline approaches.

127. I tend to be a calm person.

128. Sometimes I prefer to take on goals that are not overly challenging.

129. It is important to me that I be the best at what I do.

130. I worry about the future.

131. It does not bother me if I am late to an appointment.

132. I often sympathize with others.

133. I always try to think of ways to be more valuable to my organization.

134. I follow through on my word.

135. I am not a person who is quick to anger.

136. It does not bother me if I miss a deadline.

137. I am reserved.

138. People tell me I should think before I speak.

139. I enjoy attending social gatherings.

140. Doing things for other people makes me happy.

141. I am a thorough person.

142. It is unlikely that I would go somewhere new.

143. I argue my point until I win.

144. I worry I am not performing at an appropriate level.

145. People often tell me I am high-strung.

146. I require little downtime.

147. It is easy for me to let stressful things roll off my back.

148. I have a few close friends.

149. I feel embarrassed when I misunderstand something.

150. I can come up with innovative ideas easily.

151. I do not see the point in trying to improve something that works.

152. I donate to worthy causes.

153. I am even-keeled.

154. I have considered bending the rules to ensure I achieve a goal.

155. I would rather talk than listen.

156. I like to use familiar approaches when accomplishing tasks.

157. I am comfortable in the spotlight.

158. I will not compromise my moral obligations in order to meet a deadline.

159. In my spare time, I like to be physically active.

160. I like intellectual conversations.

161. Creativity is not my strong suit.

162. I don’t trust others to come through.

163. I am skeptical of others' intentions.

164. I tend not to share my feelings with others.

165. People tell me I am a cooperative person.

166. I think it is okay to pursue a goal without having first developed a plan to achieve it.

167. I like trying new foods.

168. I tend to have a short temper when I am stressed.

169. I have trouble thinking outside the box.

170. I am understanding when mistakes happen.

171. I am an organized person.

172. I am self-disciplined.

173. I like to stick with routines.

174. I care about the welfare of other people.

175. I believe everything belongs in its place.

176. I get bored with repetition.

177. I am not easily frustrated.

178. I have a lot of friends.

179. I place a lot of importance on my career advancement.

180. I become stressed when things go wrong.

181. I do not consider myself to be an innovative person.

182. I become upset quickly.

183. I am not an outgoing person.

184. I have a cheerful disposition.

185. I trust others' intentions.

186. People often describe me as generous.

187. I rarely experience intense feelings of joy.

188. I am able to keep my composure in stressful situations.

189. I view all of my deadlines as adjustable.

190. I tend to share my problems with others.

191. I prefer to give than receive.

192. I think it is okay to bend the rules in certain situations.

193. It does not bother me to admit I do not know the answer to a question.

194. I am energetic.

195. People describe me as a talkative person.

196. I believe in giving to charity only when needed.

197. I am calm by nature.

198. I am always willing to help those in need.

199. I like to create new ways to complete tasks.

200. I have trouble allowing myself to become close to others.

201. I do not worry until there is something to worry about.

202. I often worry I will make mistakes.

203. I rarely panic.

204. I am quick to forgive and forget.

205. I tend to keep to myself.

206. I prefer to keep relationships with my coworkers formal in nature.

207. Talking to people exhausts me.

208. I do not like trying out new ideas.

209. I bounce back easily from disappointments.

210. I will give people a second chance.

211. I am an enthusiastic person.

212. I like talking with people I have just met.

213. Sometimes I feel that I will never be as good a performer as my peers.

214. I rarely need help finishing my tasks.

215. I believe others will reciprocate good deeds.

216. I enjoy going to new places.

217. I volunteer my opinion regardless of whether I have been asked to share it.

218. I help others when they are in need.

219. I do not like being the target of jokes.

220. I tend to be late to meetings.

221. I like change.

222. It is easy for me to prioritize goals.

223. If I am running behind on a deadline, I am willing to bend the rules to ensure it is met.

224. I like to think outside the box.

225. I tend to keep my thoughts to myself.

226. I have no problem letting others win sometimes.

227. It does not upset me when things don't go my way.

228. It does not take much to upset me.

229. I have many close friends.

230. I open up to others easily.

231. If I say I will do something, I will see it through to the end.

232. I do not speak up in meetings.

Part II: Background Questions

233. What is your current leadership level? (Please select one of the following)

Non-leaders: No formal or informal supervisor responsibilities.

Team Leaders: Not official supervisors; those who provide employees with day-to-day guidance in conducting work projects, but do not have supervisory responsibilities or conduct performance appraisals.

Supervisors: First-line supervisors who do not supervise other supervisors; typically those who are responsible for employees’ performance appraisals and approval of their leave.

Managers: Those in management positions who typically supervise one or more supervisors.

Senior Leaders: The heads of departments/agencies and their immediate leadership team. Typically these individuals would be members of the Senior Executive Service or equivalent.

How long have you been in your current leadership level?

234. Years:

235. Months:

How long have you been a Federal government employee?

236. Years:

237. Months:

238. Are you:



239. Are you Hispanic or Latino?



240. What is your race? (Select one or more)

American Indian or Alaska Native


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


241. What is your age?

Less than 20





60 or over

242. What is your pay grade?












Senior Executive Service

Other Please Specify:

243. What is your highest level of education?

High school graduate or GED

Attended college, no degree

Associate degree or equivalent (2 years of college)

College graduate (bachelor’s degree)

Some graduate school, no degree

Master’s degree

Doctoral degree (Ph.D., M.D., J.D., Ed.D., etc.)

What name would you like to have printed on your feedback report?

*244. First Name:

*245. Last Name:

Part III: Conclusion

Thank you for taking the time to complete this assessment. You will officially submit your assessment on the next page. Your responses will be scored to create a feedback report that contains your personality profile and how your personality impacts leadership performance.

We hope you find the feedback generated from this assessment useful in your career development.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]. Thank you again for your time and participation!

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorBurnkrant, Steven R
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2022-05-20

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