DOE HQ F 413.40 SEP 50001 Scorecard Declaration

Superior Energy Performance 50001™ and 50001 Ready

DOE HQ F 413.40 SEP_50001_Scorecard_Declaration.xlsx

Superior Energy Performance

OMB: 1910-5177

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Sheet 1: INTRO


The Superior Energy Performance 50001 Scorecard

US DOE Recognition using SEP 50001 Scorecard

Scorecard Credit Details

Questions or Comments: Contact the SEP 50001 Program Administrator at [email protected]

Sheet 2: EP

Energy Performance Improvement (EP) Back to Scorecard

The EP category differs from the rest of the Scorecard in that points are based on the SEP 50001 verification audit and the third-party verified SEP 50001 Energy Performance Indicator (SEnPI) value. The other difference is that the only way to upgrade EP points during the SEP 50001 recognition cycle is to seek an early recertification to SEP 50001 to obtain a new verified SEnPI value, as opposed to resubmitting an updated Scorecard for the other credit categories.

Points Max Points

0 33

EP 1 Energy Performance Improvement 0 33

INTENT To encourage additional improvement in energy performance above and beyond the basic ISO 50001 requirement of continuous improvement.

CREDIT STATEMENT Positive energy performance improvement, SEnPI (greater than 0.0% over the 50001 SEP achievement period, rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent), has been achieved per 50001 SEP certification using the SEP 50001 Program Measurement and Verification (M&V) Protocol. The M&V Protocol sets forth the verifiable methodology for determining and demonstrating achievement of the energy performance improvement percentage claimed by an organization for a defined facility. The determination and demonstration of energy performance improvement is based upon the comparison of top-down and bottom-up approaches to calculate energy performance improvement.

EP1 credit points = AEPI * EI * (4 + A + B + C)

Verified energy performance improvement percentage from the SEP 50001 certification is “annualized” by dividing the percentage by the number of months in the SEP 50001 achievement period(s), and then multiplying by 12.
Annualized SEnPI Percentage Improvement (AEPI):
AEPI = verified energy performance improvement (%) / achievement period(s) (months)) * 12
There is a maximum of 33 points awarded for this credit. Points achieved are rounded to the nearest whole number.

For example, the calculation to annualize a 9% improvement over 3 years: (9%/36 months) * 12 = 3%.
To calculate the AEPI for 5% improvement over a 2-year SEP 50001 achievement period: (5.0% / 24 months) * 12 = 2.5%.
The factor EI is determined by the sector the facility is within and is defined as:
EI = 3 if the facility is within an energy-intensive industrial sector: Wet Corn Milling, Sugar, Wood Products, Paper, Petroleum, Chemicals, Non-Metallic Minerals and Primary Metals [NAICS 3-digits: 311221, 31131, 321, 322, 324, 325, 327 & 331]; otherwise EI= 1
The factor A relates to a facility’s ENERGY STAR certification or the facility’s corporation’s or organization’s being a partner in good standing (including reporting energy data annually) with the DOE Better Buildings or Better Plants program and is defined as:

A = 3 if the facility has a current ENERGY STAR EPI Benchmark certification (industrial) or ENERGY STAR certification (commercial building) at the time of the SEP 50001 certification date or the facility contributes to a corporation or organization’s portfolio of facilities that annually report energy intensity through the DOE Better Plants program; otherwise A=0.
The factor B relates to the facility’s prior 10 year energy performance improvement and is defined as:

B= 5 if the facility is being certified to SEP 50001 for the first time and the energy performance improvement in the past 10 years relative to their SEP 50001 reporting period has improved:
o> 2% per year, on average, for non-energy intensive facilities
o> 1% per year, on average, for energy intensive facilities, or
oThe facility has been ENERGY STAR Challenge for Industry recognized in the most recent one to three years. This recognition involves improving energy intensity by 10% or more over 5 years.
oThe facility’s organization has successfully met their Better Buildings or Better Plants commitment and are part of a new energy saving commitment.
If none of the above applies, and the facility has been certified to SEP 50001 more than once, then B=0.
Note 1 for B: The 10 year energy performance improvement may be based on simple energy intensity (e.g., energy per manufacturing production, etc.) or normalized energy performance improvement based on a statistically valid regression model.
Note 2 for B: The 10 year look back on energy performance improvement is from the SEP 50001 reporting year. For example, if the SEP 50001 reporting year was 2018 then the 10 year improvement period would be from 2008 to 2018, with 2008 being the baseline year.
Note 3 for B: The energy intensity or normalized energy performance improvement could be quantified and demonstrated through the use of DOE’s Energy Footprint or EnPI (Excel or online) tools, EPA Portfolio Manager or other equivalent tool.
The factor C relates to the number of SEP 50001 certifications and is defined as:

C= 3 if the facility has 1 prior SEP 50001 certification; C=6 if the facility has 2 prior SEP 50001 certifications; and C=9 if the facility has 3 or more prior SEP 50001 certifications; otherwise C= 0

▶ Has the facility's Energy Performance Improvement Report been submitted to the Administrator?
An accredited SEP 50001 Verification Body (VB) must use an SEP Performance Verifier (PV) to verify positive improvement in energy performance using processes defined by SEP 50001 certification. The VB reports the verified energy performance improvement percentage and achievement period (in months) to the Administrator via the SEP 50001 Energy Performance Improvement Report (EPIR). Organizations that are upgrading EP1 points at 12/24 months after their SEP 50001 program certification must use an internal or external SEP PV to verify the new SEnPI, and then submit an updated SEP 50001 EPIR, along with their updated Declaration, to the Administrator.

▶ Please enter the value of your Annual Energy Performance Improvement (AEPI) 0.0%

▶ Please select your industrial sector to determine your EI factor SELECT

▶ Please select your facility's relevant certification or organization's partnership with relevant US DOE program to determine your A factor SELECT

▶ Is the facility being certified to SEP 50001 for the first time? SELECT

▶ Please select the energy performance improvement in the past 10 years relative to the facility's SEP 50001 reporting period. This will determine your B factor. SELECT

▶ Please elect the number of prior SEP 50001 certifications to determine your C factor. SELECT

How the criteria was met Indicate the date of the SEP certification or the name of the PV and date PV verified the SEnPI in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

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Questions or Comments: Contact the SEP 50001 Program Administrator at [email protected]

Sheet 3: DM

Energy Data, Monitoring and Measurement (DM) Back to Scorecard

ISO 50001 develops a culture of energy awareness, ownership, and management. An organization cannot effectively manage energy if it lacks the proper and actionable energy data. Monitoring and measuring is the primary means to understand the organization’s level of energy consumption and to control and ultimately reduce energy consumption. Energy consumption data are also useful to evaluate equipment and systems prior to purchase and installation so that the optimal option can be acquired to minimize operating expenses. To ensure that equipment continues to operate at peak performance levels, energy consumption must be monitored, collected, and analyzed during operation. Deteriorating energy performance can often signal a need for adjustments or other maintenance activities necessary to restore equipment to peak operating performance. In addition, energy data monitoring can be a critical component in proper process operation when process parameters have changed, indicating detrimental results on energy consumption. Energy consumption data are also necessary to evaluate the results of process or equipment changes implemented.

Data monitoring and measurement is only the first step in the effective use of energy information. Once energy data are collected, data analyses are required to determine the performance of the organization’s equipment and systems. Organizations can use the analyses to make decisions regarding process changes, process or equipment improvements, or the need for equipment maintenance. Analysis is also necessary to determine the root cause of any deterioration in efficiency. Data are critical to defining and improving performance through the SEP 50001 program.

Points Max Points

0 6

DM 1 Availability of Energy Review 0 1

INTENT To ensure that effective personnel have access to energy data and information from the energy review.

CREDIT STATEMENT The energy review shall be available and readily accessible in electronic form to effective personnel. Effective personnel are person(s) who work for or on behalf of the organization and whose activities have been identified as having an impact on energy.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Evidence of availability and accessibility of the electronic energy review to effective personnel. The organization shall show records related to this credit during the reporting year or most recent year (which may include a period of time after the reporting period or certification date), whichever applies. SELECT

How the criteria was met Indicate how effective personnel can access the energy review in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

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DM 2 SEnPI Quarterly Updating 0 2

INTENT To update and monitor the SEP 50001 Energy Performance Indicator (SEnPI) at least on a quarterly basis.
Note: This credit is different than credit SU 5, Monthly Tracking of EnPI Values for Significant Energy Uses.

CREDIT STATEMENT The organization shall update and monitor the SEnPI at least quarterly to assess improvement in energy performance across the entire facility and EnMS scope.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Evidence that SEnPI value is updated at least quarterly. The organization shall have records related to this credit during the reporting year or most recent year (which may include a period of time after the reporting period or certification date), whichever applies. SELECT

How the criteria was met Show the date and SEnPI(s) for the last quarter in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

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DM 3 Cost Centers 0 2 to 3

INTENT To report energy consumption and cost to organizational departments to encourage accountability for energy consumption.

CREDIT STATEMENT Reports shall be made to departmental managers on the energy costs incurred by the activities associated with their cost center, and those costs shall be based on the energy consumption measured by those activities. Reports of departmental costs that include energy costs shall be prepared and distributed to departmental managers at least quarterly.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Evidence of the tracking of energy consumption on a quarterly basis, with estimates through energy submetering measurement and/or engineering calculations for energy type or types utilized by a cost center. SELECT

▶ Evidence of charges associated with measured and/or calculated energy consumption for respective cost centers against each cost center. SELECT

▶ Evidence of quarterly reports and communication of energy charges to cost center managers. SELECT

▶ The organization shall show records related to this credit during the reporting year or most recent year (which may include a period of time after the reporting period or certification date), whichever applies. SELECT

▶ Percentage of facility’s total site energy consumption accounted in all aforementioned M&V criteria. SELECT

How the criteria was met Show where (filename and server/computer) the Energy Consumption Related to Cost Center data are stored in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

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Questions or Comments: Contact the SEP 50001 Program Administrator at [email protected]

Sheet 4: SU

Significant Energy Uses (SU) Back to Scorecard

Significant energy uses are the equipment, processes, applications, or activities identified as being chief components of the organization’s energy consumption and providing the largest improvement opportunities. In addition, these SEUs also pose the largest risk if they are not managed effectively.

Management of the SEUs entails a combination of activities. It is essential that SEUs are monitored, controlled, and maintained as appropriate to ensure continued or improved energy performance. In addition, energy considerations should be examined when purchasing new equipment or systems that are associated with the SEUs.

Without the proper management of SEUs, energy consumption can quickly increase due to the magnitude of energy consumption by these uses. Poor purchasing decisions or improper operation of related equipment can drastically impact an organization's energy consumption. Large fluctuations in consumption could diminish performance improvements made in other areas of the organization. Maintenance is another key component: even the most energy-efficient equipment can become inefficient if unchecked, resulting in increased energy consumption.

Points Max Points

0 12

SU 1 Energy Balance 0 2

INTENT To encourage a better understanding of the relative energy consumption of processes, equipment, and systems.

CREDIT STATEMENT The organization shall document the method for an energy balance detailing the energy consumption of the systems and equipment, energy consumption data sources, and all SEUs. The energy consumption data sources, when combined, must account for at least 90% of the total site energy consumption within the facility at the time the energy balance was performed. The method shall address how changes to the facilities, processes, or equipment are included. The energy balance shall be recorded, updated, and maintained as a part of the energy planning process.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Evidence of a documented energy balance process detailing the energy consumption of processes, systems, and equipment. SELECT

▶ The energy balance shall include all SEUs. SELECT

▶ Evidence that the energy consumption detailed in the energy balance record is at least 90% of the total site energy consumption for the scope of the facility seeking SEP 50001 recognition at the time the energy balance was performed. SELECT

▶ The organization shall show records related to this credit during the reporting year or most recent year (which may include a period of time after the reporting period or certification date), whichever applies. SELECT

How the criteria was met Indicate the percentage of total site enegy consumption that is included in the Energy Balance in the row below, overwriting "Add text here…" Not claimed

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SU 2 Designation of Significant Energy Uses 0 1 to 3

INTENT To encourage organizations to continually broaden the scope of the equipment, systems, and processes that are designated as significant energy uses.

CREDIT STATEMENT The combined energy consumption of SEUs shall be 30% or more of the total site energy consumption of the scope for the facility seeking SEP 50001 recognition for the reporting year. Equipment, systems, or processes designated as SEUs must be managed as defined in ISO 50001.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Evidence of the percentage of site energy consumption utilized by all of the significant energy uses combined. Points are awarded based on the percentage of the site’s energy consumption. SELECT

▶ The organization shall show records related to this credit during the reporting year or most recent year (which may include a period of time after the reporting period or certification date), whichever applies. SELECT

How the criteria was met Indicate the percentage of site energy consumption utilized by SEUs in the row below, overwriting "Add text here…" Not claimed

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SU 3 Energy Performance and Life Cycle Costing in Equipment Repair and Replacement Policy 0 2 to 4

INTENT To encourage a systematic, life cycle costing policy for replacement and repair of equipment.

CREDIT STATEMENT A repair and replacement policy shall be documented that defines how energy performance and life cycle costing are factored into decision-making on repair and replacements of equipment and systems within all significant energy uses.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Approach 1: Evidence that a repair and replacement policy has been implemented for equipment and systems that account for over 25% of the facility’s total site energy consumption and that the policy defines how energy performance and life cycle costing are taken into account.

▶ Approach 2: Implementation, maintenance, or certification to ISO 55001 Asset management -- Management systems – Requirements, that account for over 25% of the facility’s total site energy consumption, may be used to meet this credit if energy performance and life cycle costing are taken into account in the asset management processes.

▶ The organization shall show records related to this credit during the reporting year or most recent year (which may include a period of time after the reporting period or certification date), whichever applies. SELECT

▶ Points will be awarded for percentage of the facility’s total site energy as follows: 2 points for over 25%; 3 points for over 50%; and 4 points for over 75% SELECT

How the criteria was met Indicate the percentage of the total site energy consumption where energy performance and LLC is used in equipment repair and replacement in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

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SU 4 Maintenance System Includes Energy Performance Guidelines 0 1

INTENT To encourage the use of preventive and predictive maintenance programs that account for energy performance of equipment, systems, and processes associated with all significant energy uses.

CREDIT STATEMENT The organization shall identify preventive and predictive maintenance activities that improve the energy-efficient operation of the equipment, systems, and processes associated with significant energy uses. Maintenance activities influencing energy performance shall be included in the maintenance system, and be completed as scheduled.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Evidence that preventive and predictive maintenance activities that account for energy performance of the equipment, systems and processes associated with all significant energy use has been identified. SELECT

▶ Evidence that the maintenance system includes these preventive and predictive maintenance activities influencing energy performance. SELECT

▶ Evidence that these preventive and predictive maintenance activities influencing energy performance are completed as scheduled. SELECT

▶ The organization shall show records related to this credit during the reporting year or most recent year (which may include a period of time after the reporting period or certification date), whichever applies. SELECT

How the criteria was met Show where (filename and server/computer) the data related to Maintenance and SEUs are stored in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

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SU 5 Monthly Tracking of EnPI Values for Significant Energy Uses 0 2

INTENT To encourage a better understanding of operations and variability in significant energy uses.

CREDIT STATEMENT Energy performance indicators (EnPI(s)) shall be developed for each significant energy use based on metered data or measurements. Values for these EnPIs shall be tracked on at least a monthly basis.
Note: This credit is different than credit DM 2, SEnPI Quarterly Updating.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Evidence that EnPIs are developed for each significant energy use based on metered data or measurements (i.e., not based on engineering model calculations). SELECT

▶ Evidence that values of EnPIs for significant energy uses are tracked on at least on a monthly basis. SELECT

▶ The organization shall show records related to this credit during the reporting year or most recent year (which may include a period of time after the reporting period or certification date). SELECT

How the criteria was met Show where (filename and server/computer) the data related to Monthly Tracking of EnPI Values for SEUs are stored in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

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Questions or Comments: Contact the SEP 50001 Program Administrator at [email protected]

Sheet 5: EO

Management of Energy Opportunities (EO) Back to Scorecard

The concept of management of energy opportunities is intentionally broad and incorporates many types of activities including purchasing, operational control, maintenance practices, and traditional capital improvement, among others. Organizations implement many action plans within their organization that have multiple benefits including energy savings. In some cases, energy savings may not be the primary goal.

Management of energy opportunities is a technical category that refers to the activities associated with identifying, planning, prioritizing, and implementing opportunities for energy performance improvement. Several key concepts in the ISO 50001 standard concerning this topic are:
▶ Implementing energy improvement opportunities is a means for achieving objectives and targets. Prioritizing these opportunities should result from careful planning that is influenced by an organization’s energy policy, legal requirements, and its financial and business objectives.
▶ Action plans are documents that show the details required to implement energy performance opportunities.
▶ Action plans should be implemented as planned, including the post-installation measurement and verification of energy performance improvement.
▶ Changes resulting from improvements in energy performance should be incorporated into the management system.
▶ Action plans must be evaluated to ensure that they are effective.

Points Max Points

0 11

EO 1 Energy Assessment of Energy Use(s) 0 2 to 4

INTENT To ensure that opportunities for energy performance improvement related to SEUs and other energy uses are continually incorporated into the energy management system.

CREDIT STATEMENT Energy assessment(s) are conducted on SEU(s) and other energy uses (non-SEU(s)) at least once during the last three years, and the energy assessment contains a final report with recommendations. Examples of energy assessment protocols or approaches include the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) EA-series of standards, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Level 2 or 3 audits, or US DOE Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) audit report formats (Small- and medium-sized manufacturers may be eligible to receive a no-cost assessment provided by the US DOE IACs. Teams located at universities around the country conduct the energy audits to identify opportunities to improve productivity, reduce waste, and save energy).

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Evidence that an energy assessment has been completed on an SEU or non-SEU or for parts of the facility that account for minimum percentage of total site energy consumption anytime during the last three years. A maximum of 4 points for this credit is possible. SELECT

▶ The organization shall show records related to this credit during the last three years, including the energy assessment report(s). If points were previously awarded for an SEU/non-SEU, then an updated energy assessment and energy assessment report must have been completed within the last three years. SELECT

How the criteria was met Indicate the SEUs/non-SEUs related to this credit in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

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EO 2 Life Cycle Costing in Evaluating Energy Performance Capital Improvements 0 3

INTENT To consistently incorporate the techniques of life cycle costing into the evaluation of energy performance capital improvement opportunities.

CREDIT STATEMENT As part of the ISO 50001 energy review process, energy performance improvement opportunities and new designs for equipment, systems and processes shall be consistently evaluated and prioritized using the results of life cycle costing (LCC) analysis on new capital equipment, system, and process designs associated with significant energy uses.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Evidence of LCC analysis for energy performance capital improvement opportunities and designs associated with significant energy uses. SELECT

▶ Evidence that energy performance capital improvement opportunities were prioritized based on or partly based on LCC analysis that was used as part of the organization’s capital allocation approval process. The LCC analysis would be used in place of using traditional simple payback analysis. SELECT

▶ The organization shall show records related to this credit during the achievement period or the period of time after the reporting period or certification date, whichever applies. SELECT

How the criteria was met Show where (filename and server/computer) the data related to this credit are stored in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

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EO 3 Dedicated Capital or Operating Budgets for Energy Projects 0 1 to 4

INTENT To encourage a separate capital and/or operating budget for implementing energy performance improvement opportunities included in the energy management action plans.

CREDIT STATEMENT The organization shall establish a separate budget and/or operating budget for capital expenditures for energy performance improvement opportunities and shall utilize a financial hurdle rate that is at least the same or less stringent than hurdle rates for other capital projects in the organization.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Evidence of an amount of capital budget and/or operating budget that is slated and spent for energy performance capital improvement opportunities within any fiscal year that represents six or more months of the last three years. SELECT

▶ Enter capital budget and/or operating budget as percentage of total annual energy bill in any fiscal year within the last three years
Three (3) points are awarded for a capital budget and/or operating budget at least 1% of total annual energy bill in any fiscal year within the last three years

▶ Is there evidence to prove that financial hurdle rate is less stringent than hurdle rates for other capital projects in the organization?
One (1) point is awarded for evidence of a financial hurdle rate that is less stringent than hurdle rates for other capital projects in the organization.

Note: The capital or operating budgets for the energy projects may reside at various levels within the organization, including at the enterprise level.

How the criteria was met Show the percentage related to the budget for capital expentitures for energy performance improvement as percentage of total annual energy bill and/or the financial hurdle rate in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

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Questions or Comments: Contact the SEP 50001 Program Administrator at [email protected]

Sheet 6: OS

Organizational Sustainability (OS) Back to Scorecard

Everyone within the organization uses energy and therefore bears some responsibility to manage energy with the guidance and support of the energy management team.

“System sustainability” is the term describing how the activities of the energy management system:
▶ Move into the everyday practices of the organization.
▶ Are addressed through roles, responsibilities, and authorities that are dispersed through every part and at every level within the organization.
▶ Address the energy-related activities of stakeholders (e.g., employees, suppliers, contractors).
▶ Promote transparency of energy policy and objectives of the organization.
▶ Promote informed decision-making related to energy.
▶ Are prioritized and resourced by management and demonstrated through effectiveness of the management system.

Points Max Points

0 15

OS 1 Resources: Energy Management Team 0 2

INTENT To promote the active participation and involvement of top management in the organization’s energy management system.
Having a top manager on the energy management team helps to achieve consistent top management support.

CREDIT STATEMENT The organization’s energy team shall include a member of top management.
Note: A member of top management is a person (or one who works directly for a person) that commits themselves to adopting an EnMS and does any of the following:
-Commits the organization to defining, establishing, implementing, and maintaining the energy policy.
-Appoints the management representative for, and approves the formation of, an energy management team.
-Provides resources needed to establish, implement, maintain, and improve the EnMS and the resulting energy performance.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Evidence that a member of top management is on the energy team. SELECT

▶ Evidence that this member participates consistently in energy team meetings and activities. SELECT

▶ The organization shall show records related to this credit during the last year. SELECT

How the criteria was met Show the name of the top manager in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

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OS 2 Awards or Incentive Program for Energy 0 1 to 2

INTENT The purpose of this credit is to encourage the active participation and involvement of employees from across the organization in energy management and energy performance improvements.

CREDIT STATEMENT The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain an ongoing internal awards or incentive program(s) for energy that recognizes and rewards employee accomplishments in energy management and/or energy performance improvements.
Note: This credit can be claimed for all sites that are part of a multi-site SEP 50001 certification and SEP 50001 recognition if the central office meets this credit.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Evidence of an awards or incentive program that recognizes and/or rewards five or more employee’s accomplishments in energy management and/or energy performance improvements. One (1) point is awarded if the program rewards five or more employees’ accomplishments; two (2) points are awarded if the program rewards ten or more employees’ accomplishments.
NOTE: Award and incentive programs may reside at various levels within the organization, including at the SEP 50001 enterprise level.

▶ The organization shall show records related to this credit during the last year. SELECT

How the criteria was met Show the number of employees who received awards in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

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OS 3 Energy Professional Certifications 0 2 to 4

INTENT To promote the organization’s investment in energy management competence that meets a recognized standard.

CREDIT STATEMENT During the last three years, the organization shall have invested in the education and training or in the hiring of one or more certified professionals in the field of energy management. This education shall also include ongoing training required to retain certification. The certified professionals shall have responsibilities for and be active in the energy management activities of the organization. This credit recognizes professional certifications (Accredited per ANSI/ISO/IEC 17024) accredited to ANSI 17024 and related to the practice of energy management:
▶Certified Energy Manager, CEM [Association of Energy Engineers (AEE)]
▶Building Commissioning Professional, BCxP [ASHRAE]
▶Building Energy Assessment Professional, BEAP [ASHRAE]
▶Building Energy Modeling Professional, BEMP, [ASHRAE]
▶High-Performance Building Design Professional, HBDP [ASHRAE]
▶Certified Practitioner in Energy Management Systems, CP EnMS [Institute for Energy Management Professionals (IEnMP ( plus training classes for most IEnMP credentials available from other organizations and are listed on the IEnMP website) )]
▶SEP Performance Verifier [IEnMP]
▶EPI ISO 50001 Lead Auditor [IEnMP]
▶Other energy related and energy management professional credentials that are ISO 17024 accredited and approved by th Administrator
Note: This credit can be claimed for all sites that are part of a multi-site SEP 50001 certification and SEP 50001 recognition if the credit is met at the central office.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶Evidence that the organization has employees with responsibilities in energy management that maintain professional certifications listed in the credit statement. Points will be awarded as follows:
1 employee certified: 2 points
3 employees certified: 3 points
5 employees certified: 4 points

Note: If the facility is part of a multi-site SEP 50001 certification under a central office EnMS, then a central office employee’s professional credential may count toward the number of certified personnel of the facility seeking SEP 50001 recognition.

▶ Number of certified personnel to any of the credentials listed in the OS 3 credit statement SELECT

▶Evidence that the organization has invested in the education and training required for employees to obtain or maintain this certification, or evidence that the organization hired one or more certified professionals in the field of energy management, in the last three years.
NOTE: Professional certifications may reside at various levels within the organization, provided they support the site. A certified person located at a corporate level may support more than one site.

▶ Evidence of management commitment to sustain investment in energy management competence when personnel changes occur, such as acquiring certified personnel, adding resources, or acting to certify other personnel on staff. SELECT

▶ The organization shall show records related to this credit during the last three years. SELECT

How the criteria was met Show the employee(s) names and credentials related to this credit in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

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OS 4 Strategic Planning 0 2

INTENT To ensure that priorities related to energy management needs, opportunities, and expectations are aligned with and incorporated into an organization’s strategic priorities.

CREDIT STATEMENT Organizational strategic plans shall establish and address energy management priorities and shall allocate resources consistent with those priorities.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶Evidence that the organizational strategic plans address energy management priorities and provide resources consistent with priorities.
NOTE: Examples of this evidence could include, but are not limited to:
oEnergy performance improvement goals.
oCapital planning and budget allocations that include funding for energy projects.
oDefinition of how the energy management program and its objectives are integrated within various organization departments, such as engineering, operations, maintenance, procurement, public relations, environmental safety and health, etc.

▶The organization shall show records—and facility, business unit, enterprise or corporate plans—relevant to this credit during the year.
Note: This credit can be claimed for all sites that are part of a multi-site SEP 50001 certification and SEP 50001 recognition if the claim is met at the central office.

How the criteria was met Show where (filename and server/computer) data related to this credit are stored in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

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OS 5 Include Procurement Personnel on Energy Team 0 1

INTENT To enhance communication and interaction between the energy team and personnel that procure energy and significant energy-related equipment, systems and processes.

CREDIT STATEMENT Personnel responsible for procurement activities of energy, and/or procurement of significant energy-related equipment, systems and processes shall:
a)Participate at least quarterly in energy team meetings,
b)Receive scheduled awareness training on energy, or significant energy-related equipment, system and process, related to current or future procurement bids and contracts from one or more member of the energy team, and
c)Act as liaison to facilitate communication between energy and energy-related equipment, system and process procurement personnel and the energy team.
Note: This credit can be claimed for all sites that are part of a multi-site SEP 50001 certification and SEP 50001 recognition if the credit is met at the central office.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Evidence of energy team meetings that include personnel with procurement responsibility at least quarterly. SELECT

▶ Evidence that at least one energy team member has trained procurement personnel on energy, energy-related equipment, systems and processes, related to current or future procurement bids and contracts. SELECT

▶ The organization shall show records related to this credit during the reporting year or most recent year (which may include a period of time after the reporting period or certification date), whichever applies. SELECT

How the criteria was met Show the employee(s) names related to this credit in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

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OS 6 Share SEP 50001 Experience and Data 0 1 to 4

INTENT To encourage the organization to publicize their SEP 50001 experience by completing the SEP 50001 Voluntary Cost/Benefit Form, providing additional data demonstrating the benefits and cost for the SEP 50001 program, and agreeing to share their success story on the SEP 50001 website.

CREDIT STATEMENT The organization shall complete and submit the SEP 50001 Voluntary Cost/Benefit Form to the Administrator after achieving SEP 50001 certification but prior to submitting the SEP 50001 Scorecard Declaration (Declaration). The organization shall retain documentation from the Administrator that confirms acceptance of the form.
The organization shall submit the top-down regression model and associated energy data, as well as, the Automated Register of Implemented Actions (“Register”) for the bottom-up comparison that was used to quantify and verify the SEnPI. The organization shall submit these materials after achieving SEP 50001 certification but prior to submitting the Declaration. The organization shall retain documentation from the Administrator that confirms acceptance of top-down regression model, the associated energy data, and the Register.
The organization participates in the development of a SEP 50001 success story based on completion of the Success Story Form and a brief phone interview (~1 hour or less) prior to submitting this Declaration. The organization shall retain documentation from the Administrator confirming acceptance of the Success Story Form.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Evidence that the Administrator accepted the organization’s SEP 50001 Voluntary Cost/Benefit Form via email or other notification from the most recent SEP 50001 certification. SELECT

▶ Evidence that the Administrator has accepted the organization’s top-down regression model and associated energy data and Automated Register of Implemented Actions electronic files from the most recent SEP 50001 certification. SELECT

▶ Evidence that the Administrator has accepted the organization’s Success Story Form from the most recent SEP 50001 certification. SELECT

How the criteria was met Show where (filename and server/computer) the data related to this credit are stored in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" and complete the Word doc embedded in the Credit Statement Not claimed

Add text here …

Questions or Comments: Contact the SEP 50001 Program Administrator at [email protected]

Sheet 7: CR

Certification, Partnership, and Reporting (CR) Back to Scorecard

External programs and partnerships assist the facility to accelerate energy performance improvement and to increase corporate commitment to the principles of continuous energy improvement. To these ends, facility energy teams and top management may seek any of the following external facility certifications:

▶ Receive public recognition (e.g., ENERGY STAR building or industrial plant certification);
▶ Report to global environmental reporting system(s);
▶ Promote and assist other organizations to implement and achieve 50001 Ready recognition, ISO 50001 or SEP 50001 certification;
▶ Partner with a local, third party utility or energy efficiency program to support the facility’s 50001 Ready, ISO 50001 and SEP 50001 implementation and maintaining such recognition and/or certification; and
▶ Demonstrate superior energy performance through its ranking with a recognized external benchmark system.

Points Max Points

0 23

CR 1 External certification and recognition programs 0 1 to 4

INTENT To provide credit for:
-Facilities that have certifications from nationally-recognized energy efficiency facility/building certification programs, or
-Facilities whose corporation publicly reports energy performance improvement to an energy efficiency recognition program.

CREDIT STATEMENT During the past 12 months, the facility shall be certified to any of the following certifications:
•ENERGY STAR building or industrial plant certification
•Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) new construction or LEED existing building, operation and maintenance certification
•Other certification approved by the Administrator
Or, during the past 12 months, the facility or facility’s corporation shall have been recognized or submitted reports related to the following recognition programs:
•50001 Ready recognized building, campus complex, or industrial plant
•Facility seeking SEP 50001 recognition is part of a corporation or organization that is a Better Buildings or Better Plants Partner and reports its organization’s energy performance improvement
•Other facility or corporate/organization recognition program approved by the Administrator

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Evidence of facility energy efficiency certifications (valid any time during the reporting year or most recent year—which may include a period of time after the reporting period or certification date) SELECT

▶ Evidence of facility and/or corporation recognition (valid any time during the reporting year or most recent year—which may include a period of time after the reporting period or certification date) SELECT

▶ Evidence of facility and/or corporation reporting programs (valid any time during the reporting year or most recent year—which may include a period of time after the reporting period or certification date) SELECT

▶ Evidence that certifications, recognition, and reporting programs were valid any time during the reporting year or most recent year (which may include a period of time after the reporting period or certification date), whichever applies. SELECT

How the criteria was met Show the names of the external certification and recognition programs in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

Add text here …

CR 2 Corporate Reporting Systems 0 1 to 5

INTENT To provide credit for facilities whose corporation has reported to a global environmental reporting system(s) and/or those whose SEP 50001 certification is reported in the corporation’s annual report or sustainability report.

CREDIT STATEMENT During the last year, the organization shall have reported to any of the following corporate environmental reporting systems including the reporting of the facility’s approved SEP 50001 application or achievement of SEP 50001 certification of the facility:
•Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
•Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
•Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI)
•Others approved by the Administrator
The organization’s annual report or sustainability report during the last year shall mention the facility’s SEP 50001 recognition or SEP 50001 certification.
Note: This credit can be claimed for all sites that are part of a multi-site SEP 50001 certification and SEP 50001 recognition if the credit is met at the central office.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Evidence that the facility’s corporation has reported to any of the global environmental reporting systems listed in the credit statement during the last year, including evidence that the facility’s Administrator-approved SEP 50001 Scorecard Declaration was included in the reporting. One point will be awarded for each reporting system with a maximum of 3 points. SELECT



▶ Evidence that the corporation reported the facility’s SEP 50001 certification and/or SEP 50001 recognition within their annual report or sustainability report during the last year. SELECT


How the criteria was met Show the names of the corporate reporting systems in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

Add text here …

CR 3 Promotion of ISO 50001 0 1 to 6

INTENT To provide credit for an organization that promotes or requires ISO 50001 conformance or certification from its stakeholders, including suppliers, vendors, service providers, customers, or other business affiliates.

CREDIT STATEMENT The organization shall demonstrate its engagement on ISO 50001 with suppliers, vendors, service providers, customers, or other business affiliates: specifically by promoting or requiring conformance or certification to ISO 50001, or certification to SEP 50001.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Enter number of organization’s stakeholders that adopts 50001 Ready, or achieves certification to ISO 50001 or SEP 50001 during the last two years as a result of the organization’s influence (up to 6 points).
Note: This credit can be claimed for all sites that are part of a multi-site SEP 50001 certification or SEP 50001 recognition if the credit is met at the central office.

▶ Evidence that the facility seeking SEP 50001 recognition influenced the stakeholder’s adoption of ISO 50001 or certification to SEP 50001 during the last two years. The facility shall complete the "SEP 50001 Scorecard Promotion of 50001” form, attached in the credit statement and available on the SEP website.
Note: This credit can be claimed for all sites that are part of a multi-site SEP 50001 certification or SEP 50001 recognition if the credit is met at the central office.

How the criteria was met Complete the Word Document embedded to the right, and write "Form Completed" in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

Add text here …

CR 4 Third Party Energy Efficiency Program Participation 0 1 to 4

INTENT To provide credit for an organization that—as part of its ISO 50001 implementation and maintenance—is engaging an external, third-party energy efficiency program.

CREDIT STATEMENT The organization shall demonstrate that its ISO 50001 implementation and maintenance involves engagement with a third-party energy efficiency program implementer, which can include a utility, state, municipality, Energy Service Performance Contract (ESPC), or Utility Energy Service Contract (UESC for Federal agency).

Measurement and Verification Criteria

Note: Rows #48–50 must be selected with (✓) in order to earn points for Row 51, Row 52, and/or Row 53.
▶ Evidence of partnering with one or more external, third-party energy efficiency program to improve the facility’s implementation and maintenance of ISO 50001. SELECT

▶ Evidence that the facility applying for SEP 50001 recognition or its organization has shared an ISO 50001 or SEP 50001 case study with other end users in cooperation with a third-party energy efficiency program implementer through means such as a presentation at a workshop, training, webinar, or venue. SELECT

▶ Evidence that ISO 50001 or SEP 50001 is deployed as part of a state/regional program that serves the organization and facility applying for SEP 50001 recognition. SELECT

▶ Facility staff participation in an ISO 50001 training or technical assistance sponsored by an external, third-party energy efficiency program SELECT

▶ Third party energy efficiency program implementer promotion of the facility’s ISO 50001 or SEP 50001 case study results to other end users (e.g., workshop, training, webinar, etc.) SELECT

▶ Incentives or financial payments of $25,000 or greater that are applied directly to the implementation or maintenance of the facility’s ISO 50001 or SEP 50001 certification and not applied to capital improvements. SELECT

How the criteria was met Show the third party program name(s) related to the credit in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

Add text here …

CR 5 Superior Performance with Benchmarks 0 2 to 4

INTENT To permit organizations to demonstrate superior energy performance through its ranking within a recognized external benchmark system.

CREDIT STATEMENT An organization shall demonstrate a ranking within the top levels of a nationally/internationally recognized external energy efficiency benchmark system.
This credit addresses the organization’s energy performance relative to the external benchmark. Claiming credit for CR 1 through ENERGY STAR building or plant certification can also qualify for this credit in terms of the ENERGY STAR EPI benchmarking score. A recognized external benchmark system is typically developed by credible organizations such as industry associations, government entities, or industry consulting groups.
Sector benchmarking for greenhouse gas emissions can be substantiated as a surrogate to a sector’s energy performance benchmark if the sector’s energy consumption attributes to greater than 90% of the sector’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Evidence that the organization demonstrates a ranking within the top levels of a recognized external benchmark system as listed in the credit statement. Points are awarded as follows:

Organization's Position Relative to Benchmark System Levels:
Top 25%: 2 points
Top 10%: 3 points
Top 5%: 4 points

▶ The organization must demonstrate this credit using 12 months of energy data from the last three years SELECT

How the criteria was met Show the benchmark name and percentage ranking in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

Add text here …

Questions or Comments: Contact the SEP 50001 Program Administrator at [email protected]

Sheet 8: AT

Advanced Energy Technologies (AT) Back to Scorecard

Advanced technologies produce long-term impact on energy performance and support ISO 50001 and SEP 50001. These advanced technologies broadly fall into two categories: submeters and sensors, and advanced energy technologies. Facilities using any of these technologies can significantly improve their SEnPI value.

•Submeters and sensors include submetering, sensors, controls, and other technologies that inform or optimize energy usage and system performance.
•Advanced energy technologies include those that a facility pilots or installs to achieve improvement in the energy performance of the SEUs. Given the evolving nature of energy efficiency and energy performance technology development, SEP 50001 will award points to facilities that pilot or install advanced technologies (other than those specifically mentioned in this Scorecard) that have a positive impact on energy performance of the SEUs.

Points Max Points

0 8

AT 1 Submeters and Smart Sensors and Controls 0 1 to 4

INTENT To improve energy performance by enhancing data collection through submetering and/or smart sensors and controls that automate and manage the energy used within the facility’s SEUs.

CREDIT STATEMENT Two options are available to receive points for this credit, and both may be claimed.
The organization shall receive points for demonstrated submetering of the facility’s SEUs. Data from permanent submeters shall be analyzed at least monthly and shall be included in the energy review and the measurement plan.
Additional points will be awarded if a facility installs and uses smart sensors and control systems to more effectively manage energy, improve operational control procedures, and improve facility-wide energy performance improvement. Smart sensors and control systems include wireless or web-enabled systems that provide a service or function above traditional sensors or controls and have been measured to improve overall SEU energy performance by 5% or greater.
The submeters and smart sensors and controls need to be in place at least 6 months of the 12-month SEP 50001 certification reporting period. For the purposes of this credit:
•A submeter is defined as a fixed instrument or meter that continuously collects energy data.
•A smart sensor is an instrument that detects or measures one or more physical properties that can improve operational control procedures.
•A smart control is an instrument that can automatically react and adjust operation to signals from smart sensors to optimize energy performance.
•Smart sensors and control systems are wireless or web-enabled systems.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Evidence that the facility uses submeters for collecting energy consumption data at least monthly and includes them in the energy review and measurement plan. SELECT

▶ Number of SEUs with installed submeters that measure the SEU’s total energy consumption. SELECT

▶ Evidence the wireless or web-enabled smart sensors and are installed and impacting SEU energy performance by 5% or greater. SELECT

▶ Number of SEUs with installed smart sensors and controls SELECT

▶ The organization shall show records related to this credit indicating the submeters and/or smart sensors or controls are in place during at least 6 months of the 12 month reporting period or most recent year (which may include a period of time after the reporting period or certification date), whichever applies. SELECT

How the criteria was met Indicate the SEUs and equipment related to this credit in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

Add text here …

AT 2 Other Advanced Technologies 0 1 to 4

INTENT To give credit for using advanced energy technologies. Given the evolving nature of energy efficiency and energy performance technology development, SEP 50001 will award points to facilities that pilot or install advanced technologies (other than those specifically mentioned in this Scorecard) that have a positive impact on energy performance of the SEUs.

CREDIT STATEMENT The organization shall achieve energy performance improvement by implementing emerging technologies and processes that are innovative and beyond the “business as usual” state of other sites in their industry sector (based on their two digit NAICS code). These technologies and processes cannot be addressed through other SEP 50001 Scorecard credits.

In the organization’s SEP 50001 Scorecard Declaration, the following information shall be submitted for each innovative action for which this credit is requested:
▶ Description of the emerging technology.
▶ Intent of the emerging technology action.
▶ Metric utilized to determine improvement.
▶ Energy performance improvement achieved.
▶ Justification for credit acceptance.
Credit for emerging technology shall be approved by the Administrator. One to four points shall be awarded for each documented and accepted innovative action. The amount of points to be awarded will be determined by the Administrator.

Measurement and Verification Criteria ▶ Evidence of written approval by the 50001 SEP Administrator for measurement and verification criteria and potential points to be awarded. SELECT

▶ Evidence of description and intent of the emerging technology. SELECT

▶ Evidence of reported energy performance improvement. SELECT

▶ Evidence of performance improvement metric including data, collection frequency, and trends. SELECT

▶ Evidence that the facility deployed the advanced technology or strategy. SELECT

How the criteria was met Show the date of the written approval from DOE and the name of the emerging technology(ies) in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed

Add text here …

Questions or Comments: Contact the SEP 50001 Program Administrator at [email protected]

Sheet 9: AS

Advanced Energy Supply (AS) Back to Scorecard

Advanced energy generation and supply technologies have a long term impact on energy performance and support implementation of ISO 50001 and SEP 50001. These advanced on-site energy generation technologies include combined heat and power and technologies that use renewable energy, improve source energy efficiency, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Points Max Points

0 20

AS 1 Combined Heat and Power 0 1 to 10

INTENT To promote utilization of combined heat and power (CHP) that support a facility’s energy reliability, energy security, energy efficiency, overall cost reductions of operations, and energy utilization of existing fuel sources.

CREDIT STATEMENT The two means of gaining points within this credit include pre-installation analysis or operation. A facility may only claim points from one of the two categories: CHP Potential or Operating CHP.

CHP Potential. Operations with simultaneous electricity (or shaft power) and thermal energy use shall have completed an analysis of CHP potential. A Qualification Screening is a high level economic analysis (often performed by the DOE CHP Technical Assistance Partnerships (TAPs) ) taking into account energy use and prices. A CHP feasibility study is a detailed engineering analysis that includes proposed size of the CHP system, prime mover employed, heat recovery method and application, system efficiency, avoided cost, and expected investment.

Operating CHP. Points are awarded for an installed CHP system based on its operating hours and total system efficiency.

To receive points for CHP total system efficiency, the CHP system must operate for a minimum of 2,000 hours in the reporting year or most recent year (which may include a period of time after the reporting period or certification date). The following table lists the points as awarded for CHP operating hours:

Installed CHP Operating Hours in the Last Year | Points
2,000 to 4,000 hours | 2
4,000 to 6,000 hours | 3
More than 6,000 hours | 4

To receive points for total system efficiency, a facility must calculate the minimum CHP efficiency using the following equation:

CHP Efficiency (%) = 100 x (Electrical/Mechanical Output [BTU] + Useful Thermal Output [BTU]) / (CHP Fuel Input [BTU])

Note: The fuel energy input shall be based on the higher heating value of the fuel.

Measurement and Verification Criteria Only one of these options can be claimed for this credit. That means an organization cannot receive points for both the CHP study and operating the CHP system.

▶ Please select the CHP category for which you are claiming points. SELECT

▶ CHP Potential: Evidence of a CHP qualification screening or feasibility study completed during the last three years. SELECT Please Select CHP Category

▶ CHP Potential: Select type(s) of screening and/or feasibility studies completed during the last three years. SELECT Please Select CHP Category

SELECT Please Select CHP Category

▶ Operating CHP: Evidence a CHP system is operating per the requirements in the credit statement. SELECT Please Select CHP Category

▶ Operating CHP: Evidence of determining CHP operating hours in the reporting year or most recent year (which may include a period of time after the reporting period or certification date) and the overall efficiency of the CHP system. SELECT Please Select CHP Category

▶ Operating CHP: Evidence of determining overall efficiency of the CHP system. SELECT Please Select CHP Category

How the criteria was met Show where (filename and server/computer) the data related to this credit are stored in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed Please Select CHP Category

Add text here …

AS 2 Use of On-Site Renewable and Recovered Energy 0 1 to 10

INTENT To promote the installation of energy technologies that produce useful energy from renewable or recovered energy sources. These technologies lead to greater energy security, reliability, and improved economics in addition to other on-site benefits. While the SEnPI measures the actual energy output of these energy technologies, this credit examines the capacity of the installed system as a percentage of the facility’s average energy consumption rate.

CREDIT STATEMENT A facility may only claim points from one of two categories: pre-installation (Renewable Potential) or operation (Installed Renewable and/or Recovered Energy Systems).

Renewable Potential. Facility conducts analysis of the potential for renewable or recovered energy systems. A qualification screening is a high level economic analysis that accounts for energy use and prices. A feasibility study is a detailed engineering analysis that includes proposed size of the system, technology employed, system efficiency, avoided cost, and expected investment. The qualification screening and/or feasibility study shall have been conducted during the last three years.

Installed Renewable and/or Recovered Energy Systems. Renewable and recovered energy types include: biomass, geothermal, solar, wind, bio-gas, municipal solid waste, waste fuels, waste gases, and any fuel or gas recovered from within the Scope of the EnMS that are consumed to supply heat and/or power within the boundaries of the EnMS. The facility may seek approval from the Administrator for any renewable and/or recovered energy sources not on this list.

A facility calculates its Renewable and Recovered Fuels/Gases Capacity Factor as follows:

Renewable and Recovered Fuels/Gases Capacity Factor = A / B * 100 (%)
A = Total nameplate power capacity of renewable and recovered fuel/gas systems (MMBTU per hour)
B = Average facility source energy consumption rate (MMBTU per hour)
A (MM Btu per hour) = [ sum of all renewable electrical nameplate capacity (kW) * 3412 (Btu/kW) ÷ 106 (million Btus/MMBTU) ] + [ sum of all renewable non-electrical nameplate capacity (MMBTU per Hour)] + [ sum of all recover fuels and gases (MMBTU per Hour) ]
B (MMBTU per hour) = [ SEP 50001 certification reporting year period primary (source) energy consumption of all purchased and onsite renewable generated energy (MMBTU)2 ] ÷ total annual hours of site operation

Note 1: Site maximum hours are 8,760 hours per year. Some sites operate less than 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.
Note 2: The SEP 50001 Verification Body verifies and reports this number and to the Administrator on the SEP 50001 Energy Performance Improvement Report.
Note 3: This credit requires the actual consumption of the renewable and/or recovered energy on-site. An organization-owned off-site renewable facility can be included in the SEP 50001 scope and boundary. Purchases of renewable or recovered energy credits do not qualify.

Measurement and Verification Criteria Only one option can be claimed for this credit. That means an organization cannot receive points for both the renewable potential study and the qualifying system.

▶ Please select the Renewable category for which you are claiming points. SELECT

▶ Renewable Potential: Evidence of a qualification screening for renewable and/or recovered energy feasibility study completed within the last three years. The feasibility study will include details such as proposed size of the system, energy resource recovered, proposed energy equipment used, system efficiency, avoided cost, expected investment and potential investment cost off-sets, and tax points available. SELECT Please Select Renewable Category

▶ Renewable Potential: Identify analyses of the potential for renewables during the last three years that was conducted by the organization. SELECT Please Select Renewable Category

SELECT Please Select Renewable Category

▶ Installed Renewable and/or Recovered Energy Systems: Evidence of installed renewable and/or recovered energy systems meeting the criteria in the credit statement during the last year. SELECT Please Select Renewable Category

▶ Installed Renewable and/or Recovered Energy Systems: Capacity factor of the installed renewable or recovered energy system(s) during the last year, as calculated per the credit statement. SELECT Please Select Renewable Category

How the criteria was met Show where (filename and server/computer) the data related to this credit are stored in the row below, overwriting "Add text here …" Not claimed Please Select Renewable Category

Add text here …

Questions or Comments: Contact the SEP 50001 Program Administrator at [email protected]


Credit Categories Points Max Points

This worksheet calculates an organization's SEP 50001 recognition score based on input the organization provides in the following Scorecard credit worksheets: EP, DM, SU, EO, OS, CR, AT, and AS. The table automatically populates the number of points claimed and recognition level based on the contents in the Scorecard credit worksheets.

Total Points Recognition Level 0 128

Energy Performance Improvement (EP) 0 33

EP 1 Energy Performance Improvement 0 33

Energy Management System (EnMS)

0 44

Energy Data, Monitoring and Measurement (DM) 0 6

DM 1 Availability of energy review 0 1

DM 2 SEnPI quarterly updating 0 2

DM 3 Cost centers 0 2 to 3

Significant Energy Uses (SU) 0 12

SU 1 Energy balance 0 2

SU 2 Designation of significant energy uses 0 1 to 3

SU 3 Energy performance and life cycle costing in equipment repair and replacement policy 0 2 to 4

SU 4 Maintenance system includes energy performance guidelines 0 1

SU 5 Monthly tracking of EnPI values for significant energy uses 0 2

Management of Energy Opportunities (EO) 0 11

EO 1 Energy assessment of energy use(s) 0 2 to 4

EO 2 Life cycle costing in evaluating energy performance capital improvements 0 3

EO 3 Dedicated capital or operating budgets for energy projects 0 1 to 4

Organizational Sustainability (OS) 0 15

OS 1 Resources: energy management team 0 2

OS 2 Awards or incentive program for energy 0 1- 2

OS 3 Energy professional certifications 0 2 to 4

OS 4 Strategic planning 0 2

OS 5 Include procurement personnel on energy team 0 1

OS 6 Share 50001 SEP experience and data 0 1 to 4

Certification, Partnership, and Reporting (CR) 0 23

CR 1 External certification and recognition programs 0 1 to 4

CR 2 Corporate reporting systems 0 1 to 5

CR 3 Promotion of ISO 50001 0 1 to 6

CR 4 Third party energy efficiency program participation 0 1 to 4

CR 5 Superior performance with benchmarks 0 2 to 4

 Advanced Energy Technologies (AT) 0 8

AT 1 Sensors and submeters 0 1 to 4

AT 2 Other advanced technologies 0 1 to 4

Advanced Energy Supply (AS) 0 20

AS 1 Combined heat and power 0 1 to 10

AS 2 Use of onsite renewable energy and recovered energy 0 1 to 10

Questions or Comments: Contact the SEP 50001 Program Administrator at [email protected]


SEP 50001 Scorecard Declaration for Recognition

Scorecard Total Points Claimed Add text here …

SEP 50001 Recognition Level Add text here …

Organizational Contact Information

Organization Name Add text here …

Parent Company Name (if applicable) Add text here …

Name of Site Seeking SEP 50001 Recognition Add text here …

Organization Contact Name: Add text here …

Add text here …

Main Contact Address Add text here …

City, State, ZIP Code: Add text here …

Phone Number Add text here …

Email Address Add text here …

SEP 50001 Certification Information

Date of SEP 50001 Program Certificate Add text here …

SEP 50001 Program Certificate Number (if known) Add text here …

Upgrading Recognition Level
[Skip this section if your organization is seeking recognition at the beginning of its three-year SEP 50001 certification or recertification cycle.]

Increase EP 1 credit points:
Organizations can change the EP 1 points earned by re-certifying early to SEP 50001 to obtain a new verified SEP 50001 Energy Performance Indicator (SEnPI) value, or have a certified SEP 50001 Performance Verifier verify a new SEnPI value, and thus increase the EP 1 point level.
My organization seeks to increase EP 1 credit points. SELECT

Timeframe of upgrading recognition level relative to the beginning of the SEP 50001 certification cycle SELECT

Increases to other Scorecard points:
All Scorecard credit points (other than EP 1) may be upgraded at 12 and/or 24 months during the three-year SEP 50001 certification cycle. Points will either be maintained or increased; organization will not lose points.
My organization seeks to increase other Scorecard points. SELECT

Timeframe of upgrading recognition level relative to the beginning of the SEP 50001 certification cycle SELECT

Indicate which credits your organization seeks top upgrade. Add text here …

Top Management Representative Attestation

I acknowledge that I have reviewed the information provided by my organization in this SEP 50001 Scorecard Declaration. By providing my name below, I affirm that this entry contains no untrue statement of a material fact and I permit the information to be disclosed publicly in accordance with the SEP 50001 recognition guidelines.

Name of Top Management Representative Add text here …

Title of Top Management Representative Add text here …

Email address of Top Management Representative Add text here …

50001 Certified Practitioner in Energy Management Systems Attestation

I acknowledge that I have reviewed the information provided in this SEP 50001 Scorecard Declaration on the credits and points claimed. By providing my name below, I affirm that this Declaration contains no untrue statement of a material fact.

I was involved in the implementation of the ISO 50001 at this facility.
Note: If the 50001 CP EnMS was not involved with the ISO 50001 implementation, an onsite review is required.

Name of 50001 CP EnMS Add text here …

Email address of 50001 CP EnMS Add text here …

Questions or Comments: Contact the SEP 50001 Program Administrator at [email protected]

Sheet 12: Rev. History

ANNEX A: Revision History

Scorecard Declaration

Title Date Version Title Date Version Former Numbering System

Superior Energy Performance 50001 Scorecard 17 July 2019, updated 05 February 2021 4.3 Superior Energy Performance 50001 Scorecard Declaration 10/6/2021 2019E [not used]

17 July 2019, updated 6 Dec 2019 4.2 Superior Energy Performance 50001 Scorecard Declaration 2/5/2021 2019D [not used]

17-Jul-19 4.1 Superior Energy Performance 50001 Scorecard Declaration 12/6/2019 2019C [not used]

30-Apr-19 4.0 Superior Energy Performance 50001 Scorecard Declaration 5/30/2019 [2019B
not used]

Superior Energy Performance® Scorecard 11 July 2016 (R1) 3.0 Superior Energy Performance 50001 Scorecard Declaration 5/8/2019 [2019A
not used]

Superior Energy PerformanceTM Industrial Best Practices Scorecard 5-Dec-12 2.0

Superior Energy PerformanceTM Industrial Best Practices Scorecard 9-Nov-11 1.0

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