The public reporting burden for this collection of information, 0704-0615, is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or burden reduction suggestions to the Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, at [email protected]. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number.
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this important study.
Please answer each question thoughtfully and truthfully. This will allow us to provide an accurate picture of the different experiences of today's military members. If you prefer not to answer a specific question for any reason, just leave it blank.
Some of the questions in this survey will be personal. For your privacy, you may want to take this survey where other people won't see your screen.
1. Were you [on active duty][a member of the National Guard or a Reserve component] on December 6, 2021?
Yes |
No, I was separated or retired |
2. Are you...?
Male |
Female |
3. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Active Duty"] In the past 12 months, have you been deployed longer than 30 consecutive days?
Yes, currently deployed |
Yes, deployed in the past 12 months, but not currently deployed |
No |
4. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Active Duty" and (Q3 = "Yes, currently deployed" or Q3 = "Yes, deployed in the past 12 months, but not currently deployed")] Where are/were you deployed?
5. What is your current relationship status? Mark one.
Married |
Living with a romantic partner (for example, a boyfriend or girlfriend) |
In a committed romantic relationship, but not living together |
Divorced and not currently in a relationship |
Widowed and not currently in a relationship |
Never married and not currently in a relationship |
Other or prefer not to say |
In this survey, the term “activation” refers to the involuntary or voluntary call to active duty in support of a contingency of a National Guard/Reserve component member under Title 10 for Full Mobilization, Voluntary Active Duty, Partial Mobilization, or Presidential Callup, National Guard members on Full-Time National Guard Duty in a Title 32 status providing operational support, or National Guard members on State Active Duty. It does NOT apply to members on full-time active duty (Active Guard Reserve [AGR], Full-Time Support [FTS], or Active Reserve [AR]), members performing inactive duty for training (IDT), or members performing annual training.
6. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Reserve" or [POPFLG] = "National Guard"] In the past 12 months, have you been… Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. Please include activations that started more than 12 months ago and continued into the past 12 months.
No |
Yes |
a. Federally activated (in a Title 10 status)? If you have been Active Guard Reserve (AGR), Full-Time Support (FTS), or Active Reserve (AR) for the past 12 months, select “No.” |
b. Activated in a Title 32 status? |
c. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "National Guard" only] Activated for State Active Duty? |
7. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Active Duty"] Suppose that you have to decide whether to stay on active duty. Assuming you could stay, how likely is it you would choose to do so?
Very likely |
Likely |
Neither likely nor unlikely |
Unlikely |
Very unlikely |
Most of this survey asks about experiences that have happened within the past 12 months. When answering these questions, please do NOT include any events that occurred before [Day_of_Week], [X Date].
Please try to think of any important events in your life that occurred near [X Date] such as birthdays, weddings, or family activities. These events can help you remember which things happened before [X Date] and which happened after as you answer the rest of the survey questions.
The following questions will help you think about your life one year ago.
8. Do you currently live in the same house or building that you did on [X Date]?
Yes |
No |
Do not remember |
9. Are you the same rank today that you were on [X Date]?
Yes |
No |
Do not remember |
10. Were you married or dating someone on [X Date]?
Yes |
No |
Do not remember |
11. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Reserve" or [POPFLG] = "National Guard"]
The next part of this survey asks about experiences that happened while you were on military duty, including National Guard or Reserve duty such as weekend drills, annual training, and any period in which you were on active duty. Do not include experiences that happened in your non-military job.
In this section, you will be asked about several things that someone from work might have done to you that were upsetting or offensive, and that happened AFTER [X Date].
When the questions say “someone from work,” please include any person(s) you have contact with as part of your military duties. “Someone from work” could be a supervisor, someone above or below you in rank, or a civilian employee/contractor. They could be in your unit or in other units.
These experiences may have occurred on- or off-duty or on- or off-base. Please include them as long as the person who did them to you was someone from your military work.
Remember, all the information you share will be kept confidential.
12. Since [X Date], did someone from work repeatedly tell sexual “jokes” that made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset?
Yes |
No |
“Someone from work“ means any person(s) you have contact with as part of your military duties. “Someone from work” could be a supervisor, someone above or below you in rank, or a civilian employee/contractor. They could be in your unit or in other units. These experiences may have occurred on- or off-duty or on- or off-base. Please include them as long as the person who did them to you was someone from your military work.
13. Since [X Date], did someone from work embarrass, anger, or upset you by repeatedly suggesting that you do not act like someone of your gender is supposed to? For example, by calling you a fag or gay, a dyke or butch.
Yes |
No |
“Someone from work“ means any person(s) you have contact with as part of your military duties. “Someone from work” could be a supervisor, someone above or below you in rank, or a civilian employee/contractor. They could be in your unit or in other units. These experiences may have occurred on- or off-duty or on- or off-base. Please include them as long as the person who did them to you was someone from your military work.
14. Since [X Date], did someone from work repeatedly make sexual gestures or sexual body movements (for example, thrusting their pelvis or grabbing their crotch) that made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset?
Yes |
No |
“Someone from work“ means any person(s) you have contact with as part of your military duties. “Someone from work” could be a supervisor, someone above or below you in rank, or a civilian employee/contractor. They could be in your unit or in other units. These experiences may have occurred on- or off-duty or on- or off-base. Please include them as long as the person who did them to you was someone from your military work.
15. Since [X Date], did someone from work display, show, or send sexually explicit materials like pictures or videos that made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset? Do not include materials you may have received as part of your professional duties (for example, as a criminal investigator).
Yes |
No |
“Someone from work“ means any person(s) you have contact with as part of your military duties. “Someone from work” could be a supervisor, someone above or below you in rank, or a civilian employee/contractor. They could be in your unit or in other units. These experiences may have occurred on- or off-duty or on- or off-base. Please include them as long as the person who did them to you was someone from your military work.
16. Since [X Date], did someone from work repeatedly tell you about their sexual activities in a way that made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset?
Yes |
No |
“Someone from work“ means any person(s) you have contact with as part of your military duties. “Someone from work” could be a supervisor, someone above or below you in rank, or a civilian employee/contractor. They could be in your unit or in other units. These experiences may have occurred on- or off-duty or on- or off-base. Please include them as long as the person who did them to you was someone from your military work.
17. Since [X Date], did someone from work repeatedly ask you questions about your sex life or sexual interests that made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset?
Yes |
No |
“Someone from work“ means any person(s) you have contact with as part of your military duties. “Someone from work” could be a supervisor, someone above or below you in rank, or a civilian employee/contractor. They could be in your unit or in other units. These experiences may have occurred on- or off-duty or on- or off-base. Please include them as long as the person who did them to you was someone from your military work.
18. Since [X Date], did someone from work make repeated sexual comments about your appearance or body that made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset?
Yes |
No |
“Someone from work“ means any person(s) you have contact with as part of your military duties. “Someone from work” could be a supervisor, someone above or below you in rank, or a civilian employee/contractor. They could be in your unit or in other units. These experiences may have occurred on- or off-duty or on- or off-base. Please include them as long as the person who did them to you was someone from your military work.
19. Since [X Date], did someone from work either take or share sexually suggestive pictures or videos of you when you did not want them to?
Yes |
No |
20. [Ask if Q19 = "Yes"] Did this make you uncomfortable, angry, or upset?
Yes |
No |
“Someone from work“ means any person(s) you have contact with as part of your military duties. “Someone from work” could be a supervisor, someone above or below you in rank, or a civilian employee/contractor. They could be in your unit or in other units. These experiences may have occurred on- or off-duty or on- or off-base. Please include them as long as the person who did them to you was someone from your military work.
21. Since [X Date], did someone from work make repeated attempts to establish an unwanted romantic or sexual relationship with you? These could range from repeatedly asking you out on a date to asking you for sex or a “hookup.”
Yes |
No |
22. [Ask if Q21 = "Yes"] Did these attempts make you uncomfortable, angry, or upset?
Yes |
No |
“Someone from work“ means any person(s) you have contact with as part of your military duties. “Someone from work” could be a supervisor, someone above or below you in rank, or a civilian employee/contractor. They could be in your unit or in other units. These experiences may have occurred on- or off-duty or on- or off-base. Please include them as long as the person who did them to you was someone from your military work.
23. Since [X Date], did someone from work intentionally touch you in a sexual way when you did not want them to? This could include touching your genitals, breasts, buttocks, or touching you with their genitals anywhere on your body.
Yes |
No |
“Someone from work“ means any person(s) you have contact with as part of your military duties. “Someone from work” could be a supervisor, someone above or below you in rank, or a civilian employee/contractor. They could be in your unit or in other units. These experiences may have occurred on- or off-duty or on- or off-base. Please include them as long as the person who did them to you was someone from your military work.
24. [Ask if Q23 = "No response" or Q23 = "No"] Since [X Date], did someone from work repeatedly touch you in any other way that made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset? This could include almost any unnecessary physical contact including hugs, shoulder rubs, or touching your hair, but would not usually include handshakes or routine uniform adjustments.
Yes |
No |
“Someone from work“ means any person(s) you have contact with as part of your military duties. “Someone from work” could be a supervisor, someone above or below you in rank, or a civilian employee/contractor. They could be in your unit or in other units. These experiences may have occurred on- or off-duty or on- or off-base. Please include them as long as the person who did them to you was someone from your military work.
25. Since [X Date], has someone from work made you feel as if you would get some [workplace][military workplace] benefit in exchange for doing something sexual? For example, they hinted that they would give you a good evaluation/fitness report, a better assignment, or better treatment at work in exchange for doing something sexual. Something sexual could include talking about sex, undressing, sharing sexual pictures, or having some type of sexual contact.
Yes |
No |
“Someone from work“ means any person(s) you have contact with as part of your military duties. “Someone from work” could be a supervisor, someone above or below you in rank, or a civilian employee/contractor. They could be in your unit or in other units. These experiences may have occurred on- or off-duty or on- or off-base. Please include them as long as the person who did them to you was someone from your military work.
26. Since [X Date], has someone from work made you feel like you would get punished or treated unfairly in the [workplace][military workplace] if you did NOT do something sexual? For example, they hinted that they would give you a bad evaluation/fitness report, a bad assignment, or bad treatment at work if you were not willing to do something sexual. This could include being unwilling to talk about sex, undress, share sexual pictures, or have some type of sexual contact.
Yes |
No |
“Someone from work“ means any person(s) you have contact with as part of your military duties. “Someone from work” could be a supervisor, someone above or below you in rank, or a civilian employee/contractor. They could be in your unit or in other units. These experiences may have occurred on- or off-duty or on- or off-base. Please include them as long as the person who did them to you was someone from your military work.
27. Since [X Date], did you hear someone from work say that your gender is NOT as good at your particular job, or that your gender should be prevented from having your job?
Yes |
No |
“Someone from work“ means any person(s) you have contact with as part of your military duties. “Someone from work” could be a supervisor, someone above or below you in rank, or a civilian employee/contractor. They could be in your unit or in other units. These experiences may have occurred on- or off-duty or on- or off-base. Please include them as long as the person who did them to you was someone from your military work.
28. Since [X Date], do you think someone from work mistreated, ignored, excluded, or insulted you because of your gender?
Yes |
No |
You indicated that, after [X Date], someone from work made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset by repeatedly telling sexual “jokes.”
29. [Ask if Q12 = "Yes"] Did they continue this unwanted behavior even after they knew that you or someone else wanted them to stop?
Yes |
Not applicable, they did not know I or someone else wanted them to stop |
No |
30. [Ask if Q12 = "Yes"] Do you think this was ever severe enough that most Service members would have been offended by these jokes if they had heard them? If you are not sure, choose the best answer.
Yes |
No |
You indicated that, after [X Date], someone from work made you embarrassed, angry, or upset by repeatedly suggesting that you do not act like someone of your gender is supposed to. For example, by calling you a fag or gay, a dyke or butch.
31. [Ask if Q13 = "Yes"] Did they continue this unwanted behavior even after they knew that you or someone else wanted them to stop?
Yes |
Not applicable, they did not know I or someone else wanted them to stop |
No |
32. [Ask if Q13 = "Yes"] Do you think this was ever severe enough that most Service members would have been offended if someone had said these things to them? If you are not sure, choose the best answer.
Yes |
No |
You indicated that, after [X Date], someone from work made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset by repeatedly making sexual gestures or sexual body movements.
33. [Ask if Q14 = "Yes"] Did they continue this unwanted behavior even after they knew that you or someone else wanted them to stop?
Yes |
Not applicable, they did not know I or someone else wanted them to stop |
No |
34. [Ask if Q14 = "Yes"] Do you think this was ever severe enough that most Service members would have been offended by these gestures? If you are not sure, choose the best answer.
Yes |
No |
You indicated that, after [X Date], someone from work made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset by displaying, showing, or sending sexually explicit materials like pictures or videos.
35. [Ask if Q15 = "Yes"] Did they continue this unwanted behavior even after they knew that you or someone else wanted them to stop?
Yes |
Not applicable, they did not know I or someone else wanted them to stop |
No |
36. [Ask if Q15 = "Yes"] Do you think this was ever severe enough that most Service members would have been offended by seeing these sexually explicit materials? If you are not sure, choose the best answer.
Yes |
No |
You indicated that, after [X Date], someone from work made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset by repeatedly telling you about their sexual activities.
37. [Ask if Q16 = "Yes"] Did they continue this unwanted behavior even after they knew that you or someone else wanted them to stop?
Yes |
Not applicable, they did not know I or someone else wanted them to stop |
No |
38. [Ask if Q16 = "Yes"] Do you think this was ever severe enough that most Service members would have been offended by hearing about these sexual activities? If you are not sure, choose the best answer.
Yes |
No |
You indicated that, after [X Date], someone from work made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset by asking you questions about your sex life or sexual interests.
39. [Ask if Q17 = "Yes"] Did they continue this unwanted behavior even after they knew that you or someone else wanted them to stop?
Yes |
Not applicable, they did not know I or someone else wanted them to stop |
No |
40. [Ask if Q17 = "Yes"] Do you think this was ever severe enough that most Service members would have been offended if they had been asked these questions? If you are not sure, choose the best answer.
Yes |
No |
You indicated that, after [X Date], someone from work made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset by making repeated sexual comments about your appearance or body.
41. [Ask if Q18 = "Yes"] Did they continue this unwanted behavior even after they knew that you or someone else wanted them to stop?
Yes |
Not applicable, they did not know I or someone else wanted them to stop |
No |
42. [Ask if Q18 = "Yes"] Do you think this was ever severe enough that most Service members would have been offended if these remarks had been directed to them? If you are not sure, choose the best answer.
Yes |
No |
You indicated that, after [X Date], someone from work made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset by taking or sharing sexually suggestive pictures or videos of you when you did not want them to.
43. [Ask if Q19 = "Yes" and Q20 = "Yes"] Do you think this was ever severe enough that most Service members would have been offended if it happened to them? If you are not sure, choose the best answer.
Yes |
No |
You indicated that, after [X Date], someone from work made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset by making repeated attempts to establish an unwanted romantic or sexual relationship with you.
44. [Ask if Q21 = "Yes" and Q22 = "Yes"] Did they continue this unwanted behavior even after they knew that you or someone else wanted them to stop?
Yes |
Not applicable, they did not know I or someone else wanted them to stop |
No |
45. [Ask if Q21 = "Yes" and Q22 = "Yes"] Do you think this was ever severe enough that most Service members would have been offended by these unwanted attempts? If you are not sure, choose the best answer.
Yes |
No |
You indicated that, after [X Date], someone from work made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset by touching you unnecessarily.
46. [Ask if (Q23 = "No response" or Q23 = "No") and Q24 = "Yes"] Did they continue this unwanted behavior even after they knew that you or someone else wanted them to stop?
Yes |
Not applicable, they did not know I or someone else wanted them to stop |
No |
47. [Ask if (Q23 = "No response" or Q23 = "No") and Q24 = "Yes"] Do you think this was ever severe enough that most Service members would have been offended by this unnecessary touching? If you are not sure, choose the best answer.
Yes |
No |
You indicated that, after [X Date], someone from work made you feel as if you would get some workplace benefit in exchange for doing something sexual.
48. [Ask if Q25 = "Yes"] What led you to believe that you would get a [workplace][military workplace] benefit if you agreed to do something sexual? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. They told you that they would give you a reward or benefit for doing something sexual. |
b. They hinted that you would get a reward or benefit for doing something sexual. For example, they reminded you about your evaluation/fitness report about the same time that they expressed sexual interest. |
c. Someone else told you they got benefits from this person by doing sexual things. |
49. [Ask if Q25 = "Yes"] Was anyone who did this unwanted behavior in a position of authority/leadership over you?
Yes |
No |
You indicated that, after [X Date], someone from work made you feel as if you would get punished or treated unfairly in the workplace if you did NOT do something sexual.
50. [Ask if Q26 = "Yes"] What led you to believe that you would get punished or treated unfairly in the [workplace][military workplace] if you did NOT do something sexual? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. They told you that you would be punished or treated unfairly if you did not do something sexual. |
b. They hinted that you would be punished or treated unfairly if you did not do something sexual. For example, they reminded you about your evaluation/fitness report near the same time that they expressed sexual interest. |
c. Someone else told you they were punished or treated unfairly by this person for not doing something sexual. |
51. [Ask if Q26 = "Yes"] Was anyone who did this unwanted behavior in a position of authority/leadership over you?
Yes |
No |
You indicated that, after [X Date], someone from work said that your gender is not as good at your particular job, or that your gender should be prevented from having your job.
52. [Ask if Q27 = "Yes"] Do you think their beliefs about your gender ever harmed or limited your [career][military job/career]? For example, did they hurt your evaluation/fitness report, affect your chances of promotion or your next assignment?
Yes |
No |
53. [Ask if Q27 = "Yes"] Was anyone who did this unwanted behavior in a position of authority/leadership over you?
Yes |
No |
You indicated that, after [X Date], someone from work mistreated, ignored, excluded, or insulted you because of your gender.
54. [Ask if Q28 = "Yes"] Do you think this treatment ever harmed or limited your [career][military job/career]? For example, did it hurt your evaluation/fitness report, affect your chances of promotion or your next assignment?
Yes |
No |
55. [Ask if Q28 = "Yes"] Was anyone who did this unwanted behavior in a position of authority/leadership over you?
Yes |
No |
Based on your answers earlier, you may have experienced more than one upsetting situation. Please think about the one situation since [X DATE] that had the biggest effect on you—the one you consider to be the worst or most serious.
56. [Ask if [MEO_FLAG] = "True" and [MATCHING BEHAVIOR Q12-Q28] = "Yes"] Which of the following experiences happened during the upsetting situation you chose as the worst or most serious? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Repeatedly told sexual jokes |
b. Repeatedly suggested that you do not act like someone of your gender is supposed to |
c. Repeatedly made sexual gestures or sexual body movements |
d. Displayed, showed you, or sent you sexually explicit materials like pictures or videos |
e. Repeatedly told you about their sexual activities |
f. Repeatedly asked you questions about your sex life or sexual interests |
g. Made repeated sexual comments about your appearance or body |
h. Took or shared sexually suggestive pictures or videos of you when you did not want them to |
i. Made repeated attempts to establish an unwanted romantic or sexual relationship with you |
j. Touched you in a sexual way |
k. Touched you in any way other than sexually that made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset |
l. Made you feel like you would get some workplace benefit in exchange for doing something sexual |
m. Made you feel like you would get punished or treated unfairly if you refused to do something sexual |
n. Said that your gender is not as good at your job, or that your gender should be prevented from having your job |
o. Mistreated, ignored, or insulted you because of your gender |
57. [Ask if [MEO_FLAG] = "True"] How many people were involved in this upsetting situation?
One person |
More than one person |
58. [Ask if [MEO_FLAG] = "True"] Was/Were the person(s) who acted this way...
All men? |
All women? |
A mix of men and women? |
59. [Ask if [MEO_FLAG] = "True"] Was/Were the person(s) who acted this way a military member?
Yes, they all were |
Yes, some were, but not all |
No, none were military |
Not sure |
60. [Ask if [MEO_FLAG] = "True"] At the time of the upsetting situation, was/were any of the person(s)... Mark all that apply.
Your immediate military supervisor? |
Someone else in your chain of command (excluding your immediate military supervisor)? |
Some other higher ranking military member in your unit? |
Some other higher ranking military member not in your unit? |
Military member of the same rank as you in your unit? |
Military member of the same rank as you not in your unit? |
Subordinate(s) or someone you manage as part of your military duties? |
DoD/Government civilian(s) working for the military? |
Contractor(s) working for the military? |
None of the above |
Not sure |
61. [Ask if [MEO_FLAG] = "True"] Thinking about this upsetting situation, about how long did this continue?
It happened one time |
About one week |
About one month |
A few months |
A year or more |
62. [Ask if ([POPFLG] = "Reserve" or [POPFLG] = "National Guard") and [MEO_FLAG] = "True"] Thinking about this upsetting situation, did it ever occur... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. If you have not visited these locations or performed these activities since [X Date], mark “No.”
No |
Yes |
a. At a military installation/ship, armory, National Guard or Reserve unit site, or another military work location? |
b. While you were on TDY/TAD, at sea, or during field exercises/alerts? |
c. While you were deployed to a combat zone or to an area where you drew imminent danger pay or hostile fire pay? |
d. While you were performing a drill period (inactive duty training [IDT])? |
e. While you were performing full-time National Guard or Reserve duty, active duty for special work (ADSW), additional duty operational support (ADOS), active duty for training (ADT), or annual training (AT)? |
f. While you were activated in a Title 10 (Federal Authority) status? |
g. While you were activated for State Active Duty? |
h. While you were in a delayed entry program (DEP) or delayed training program (DTP)? |
i. While you were in recruit training/basic training? |
j. While you were in Officer Candidate or Training School/Basic or Advanced Officer Course? |
k. While you were completing military occupational specialty school/technical training/advanced individual training/professional military education? |
l. While at an official military function (either on- or off-base)? |
m. While you were at a location off-base (for example, in temporary lodging/hotel room, a restaurant, bar, nightclub, etc.)? |
n. Online on social media or via other electronic communications? |
63. [Ask if ([POPFLG] = "Reserve" or [POPFLG] = "National Guard") and [MEO_FLAG] = "True"] When did this upsetting situation occur? Mark all that apply.
While you were out with friends or at a party that was NOT an official military function |
While you were at work during duty hours |
While you were in your or someone else's home or quarters |
None of the above |
Do not recall |
64. [Ask if [MEO_FLAG] = "True"] At any point during the upsetting situation, were there any military members present who could have stepped in to help you (for example, by speaking up to address the situation)?
Yes, and someone did step in |
Yes, but no one stepped in |
No, there were no military members present |
65. [Ask if [MEO_FLAG] = "True"] Did you make a complaint about this upsetting situation to any of the following military individuals or offices? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. Mark “Yes” if you discussed this situation with any of these individuals or offices, even if you did not make a formal complaint.
No |
Yes |
a. Someone in your chain of command |
b. Someone in the chain of command of the offender |
c. Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) staff or office assigned to receive MEO complaints |
d. [Ask if [CSERVICE] = "Army"] SHARP staff or office |
e. Inspector General's office |
f. A military hotline or advice line dedicated to receive MEO or SHARP complaints |
DoD provides three types of military equal opportunity (MEO) complaint options:
Anonymous complaints are provided to a commanding officer or supervisor and allow for reporting of harassment allegations without requiring the individual to provide any personally identifiable information.
Informal complaints are allegations submitted either verbally or in writing to a person in a position of authority that are not submitted as a formal complaint.
Formal complaints are allegations submitted in writing to the staff designated to receive complaints; or an informal complaint the commanding officer or other person in charge determines warrants an investigation.
66. [Ask if [MEO_FLAG] = "True" and (Q65 a = "Yes" or Q65 b = "Yes" or Q65 c = "Yes" or Q65 d = "Yes" or Q65 e = "Yes" or Q65 f = "Yes")] What type of complaint did you make?
Anonymous complaint |
Informal complaint |
Formal complaint |
Not sure |
67. [Ask if [MEO_FLAG] = "True" and (Q65 a = "Yes" or Q65 b = "Yes" or Q65 c = "Yes" or Q65 d = "Yes" or Q65 e = "Yes" or Q65 f = "Yes")] What actions were taken in response to your complaint? Mark one answer for each item.
Do not know |
No |
Yes |
a. The person you told took no action. |
b. The rules on harassment were explained to everyone. |
c. Someone talked to the person(s) to ask them to change their behavior. |
d. Your work station, schedule, or duties were changed to help you avoid the person(s). |
e. The person(s) who took the upsetting action was/were moved or reassigned so that you did not have as much contact with them. |
f. The person(s) stopped their upsetting behavior. |
g. You were encouraged to drop the issue. |
h. You were discouraged from filing a formal complaint. |
i. The person(s) who did the upsetting behavior took action against you for complaining. For example, their upsetting behavior became worse or they threatened you. |
j. Your coworkers treated you worse, avoided you, or blamed you for the problem. |
k. You were punished for bringing it up. For example, loss of privileges, denied promotion/training, transferred to less favorable job. |
68. [Ask if [MEO_FLAG] = "True" and (Q65 a = "Yes" or Q65 b = "Yes" or Q65 c = "Yes" or Q65 d = "Yes" or Q65 e = "Yes" or Q65 f = "Yes")] How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the following aspects of the complaint process? Mark one answer for each item.
Very dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very satisfied |
a. Availability of information about how to follow-up on a complaint |
b. Availability of information about the complaint process and timeliness |
c. Availability of information about victim support resources |
d. Treatment by personnel handling your complaint |
e. Amount of time it took/is taking to resolve your complaint |
f. How well you were/are kept informed about the progress of your complaint |
g. Degree to which your privacy was/is being protected |
h. The complaint process overall |
69. [Ask if [MEO_FLAG] = "True" and (Q65 a = "Yes" or Q65 b = "Yes" or Q65 c = "Yes" or Q65 d = "Yes" or Q65 e = "Yes" or Q65 f = "Yes")] How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the outcome of your complaint?
Very satisfied |
Satisfied |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
Does not apply, it is still in process |
Does not apply, I do not know the outcome of my complaint |
You indicated that you did not make a complaint about this upsetting situation.
70. [Ask if [MEO_FLAG] = "True" and (Q65 a = "No" or Q65 b = "No" or Q65 c = "No" or Q65 d = "No" or Q65 e = "No" or Q65 f = "No") and (Q65 a <> "Yes" and Q65 b <> "Yes" and Q65 c <> "Yes" and Q65 d <> "Yes" and Q65 e <> "Yes" and Q65 f <> "Yes")] What were your reasons for NOT making a complaint about this upsetting situation? Mark all that apply.
The offensive behavior stopped on its own. |
You asked the person to stop and they did. |
You thought it was not serious enough to make a complaint. |
You did not think anything would be done. |
You did not trust the process would be fair. |
You thought you might get in trouble for something else you did. |
You thought it might hurt your performance evaluation/fitness report or your career. |
You were worried about negative consequences from the person(s) who did it. |
You were worried about negative consequences from a military supervisor or someone in your military chain of command (for example, being denied a promotion, disciplined, made to perform additional duties, labeled as a troublemaker). |
You were worried about negative consequences from your military coworkers or peers (for example, excluding you from social activities, ignoring you, making insulting or disrespecting remarks, labeling you as a troublemaker). |
You took other actions to handle the situation. |
Some other reason |
71. [Ask if [MEO_FLAG] = "True"] Would you consider the upsetting situation to have been... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Sexual harassment? |
b. Racial/Ethnic harassment? |
c. Religious harassment? |
d. Harassment based on your sexual orientation? |
e. Harassment based on your gender identity? |
Please read the following special instructions before continuing the survey.
Questions in this next section ask about unwanted experiences of an abusive, humiliating, or sexual nature. These types of unwanted experiences may vary in severity. Some of them could be viewed as an assault. Others could be viewed as hazing or some other type of unwanted experience. They can happen to anyone.
When answering these questions, please include experiences no matter who did it to you or where it happened. It could be done to you by anyone; for example, Service members, Civilians, someone you knew, or a stranger.
Please include experiences even if you or others had been drinking alcohol, using drugs, or were intoxicated.
The following questions will ask you about events that happened AFTER [X Date]. You will have an opportunity to describe experiences that happened BEFORE [X Date] later in the survey.
Remember, all the information you share will be kept confidential.
73. Since X Date, have you experienced any of the following intentional sexual contacts that were against your will or which occurred when you did not or could not consent in which someone... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Sexually touched you (for example, intentional touching of genitalia, breasts, or buttocks) or made you sexually touch them? |
b. Attempted to make you have sexual intercourse, but was not successful? |
c. Made you have sexual intercourse? |
d. Attempted to make you perform or receive oral sex, anal sex, or penetration by a finger or object, but was not successful? |
e. Made you perform or receive oral sex, anal sex, or penetration by a finger or object? |
74. [Ask if Q73 a = "Yes" or Q73 b = "Yes" or Q73 c = "Yes" or Q73 d = "Yes" or Q73 e = "Yes"] Did the person(s) who did this to you... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Do it for a sexual reason? |
b. Do it to abuse or humiliate you? |
75. [Ask if Q73 a = "Yes" or Q73 b = "Yes" or Q73 c = "Yes" or Q73 d = "Yes" or Q73 e = "Yes"] Did the person(s) who did this to you... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Use, or threaten to use, physical force to make you comply? |
b. Threaten you (or someone else) in some other way such as using their position of authority or getting you in trouble with authorities? |
c. Do it while you were passed out, asleep, unconscious, or so drunk, high or drugged that you could not understand what was happening or could not show them that you were unwilling? |
Thank you for answering the questions so far. Remember that your answers are confidential.
Based on your answers, you indicated that you had at least one unwanted experience since [X Date].
76. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True"] Thinking about the past 12 months, please give your best estimate of how many separate occasions you had these unwanted experiences.
Times |
77. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True" and Q76 > 1] Were all of these events done by the same person(s)?
Yes, each incident involved the same person(s) |
No, these events involved different people |
Not sure |
78. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True"] Was/Were any of the person(s) who did this to you... Mark all that apply.
Your current or former spouse? |
Someone you have a child with? |
Your current or former significant other (for example, a boyfriend or girlfriend)? |
A person you were casually intimate with, but not in an exclusive relationship with? |
A friend or acquaintance? |
A family member or relative? |
A stranger? |
Someone from work? |
Someone you met on a dating application or website? |
None of the above |
Not sure |
The following questions ask about the unwanted event that had the biggest effect on you. Before you continue, please choose the one unwanted event since [X Date] that you consider to be the worst or most serious.
79. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True" and Q76 > 1 and [USCCount] > 1 and [Q73 MATCHING BEHAVIOR] = "Yes"] Which of the following experiences happened during the event you chose as the worst or most serious? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Sexually touched you (for example, intentional touching of genitalia, breasts, or buttocks) or made you sexually touch them. |
b. Attempted to make you have sexual intercourse, but was not successful. |
c. Made you have sexual intercourse. |
d. Attempted to make you perform or receive oral sex, anal sex, or penetration by a finger or object, but was not successful. |
e. Made you perform or receive oral sex, anal sex, or penetration by a finger or object. |
The items that follow will ask for additional information about the unwanted event that had the biggest effect on you. Please focus on the one unwanted event that you consider to be the worst or most serious.
80. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True"] Was/Were the person(s) who did this to you...
All men? |
All women? |
A mix of men and women? |
Not sure |
81. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True"] Was/Were any of the person(s) who did this to you a military member?
Yes, they all were |
Yes, some were, but not all |
No, none were military |
Not sure |
82. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True"] At the time of the event, was/were the person(s) who did this to you... Mark all that apply.
Your immediate military supervisor? |
Someone else in your chain of command (excluding your immediate military supervisor)? |
Some other higher ranking military member in your unit? |
Some other higher ranking military member not in your unit? |
Military member of the same rank as you in your unit? |
Military member of the same rank as you not in your unit? |
Subordinate(s) or someone you manage as part of your military duties? |
DoD/Government civilian(s) working for the military? |
Contractor(s) working for the military? |
None of the above |
Not sure |
83. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Active Duty" and [USCFLAG] = "True"] At the time of the unwanted event... Mark one answer for each item.
Do not know |
No |
Yes |
a. Were you new to the unit (i.e., arrived within the prior 120 days)? |
b. Were any of the persons who did this to you new to the unit (i.e., arrived within the prior 120 days)? |
c. Were you preparing to leave the unit (for example, a permanent change of station, transfer to another unit, or separating from the military)? |
d. Were any of the persons who did this to you preparing to leave the unit? |
84. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True" and Q76 > 1] At the time of the event, was/were the person(s) who did this to you... Mark all that apply.
Your current or former spouse? |
Someone you have a child with? |
Your current or former significant other (for example, a boyfriend or girlfriend)? |
A person you were casually intimate with, but not in an exclusive relationship with? |
A friend or acquaintance? |
A family member or relative? |
A stranger? |
Someone from work? |
Someone you met on a dating application or website? |
None of the above |
Not sure |
85. [Ask if ([POPFLG] = "Reserve" or [POPFLG] = "National Guard") and [USCFLAG] = "True"] Did the unwanted event occur... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. If you have not visited these locations or performed these activities since [X Date], please mark “No.”
No |
Yes |
a. At a military installation/ship, armory, National Guard or Reserve unit site, or another military work location? |
b. While you were on TDY/TAD, at sea, or during field exercises/alerts? |
c. While you were deployed to a combat zone or to an area where you drew imminent danger pay or hostile fire pay? |
d. While you were performing a drill period (inactive duty training [IDT])? |
e. While you were performing full-time National Guard or Reserve duty, active duty for special work (ADSW), additional duty operational support (ADOS), active duty for training (ADT), or annual training (AT)? |
f. While you were activated in a Title 10 (Federal Authority) status? |
g. While you were activated for State Active Duty? |
h. While you were in a delayed entry program (DEP) or delayed training program (DTP)? |
i. While you were in recruit training/basic training? |
j. While you were in Officer Candidate or Training School/Basic or Advanced Officer Course? |
k. While you were completing military occupational specialty school/technical training/advanced individual training/professional military education? |
l. While at an official military function (either on- or off-base)? |
m. While you were at a location off-base (for example, in temporary lodging/hotel room, a restaurant, bar, nightclub, etc.)? |
86. [Ask if ([POPFLG] = "Reserve" or [POPFLG] = "National Guard") and [USCFLAG] = "True"] When did this/these unwanted event(s) occur? Mark all that apply.
While you were out with friends or at a party that was NOT an official military function. |
While you were at work during duty hours. |
While you were in your or someone else's home or quarters. |
None of the above |
Do not recall |
87. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True"] Did the offender(s)... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Sexually harass you before the situation? |
b. Stalk you before the situation? |
c. Sexually harass you after the situation? |
d. Stalk you after the situation? |
88. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True"] Thinking about this unwanted event, overall how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with responses and services you received from the following individuals and service providers? Mark one answer for each item. If you have not interacted with the individual or service provider, please mark “Not applicable.”
Not applicable |
Very dissatisfied |
Dissatisfied |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied |
Satisfied |
Very satisfied |
a. Your unit commander/director |
b. Your senior enlisted advisor (for example, First or Master Sergeant, Sergeant Major, Command Master/Senior Chief) |
c. Your immediate military supervisor |
d. A Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) |
e. A Uniformed Victim Advocate (UVA) or Victim Advocate (VA) |
f. DoD Safe Helpline (877-995-5247) |
g. A medical provider (for example, someone from a military medical treatment facility or civilian treatment facility) / A mental health provider (for example, counselor) |
h. Special Victims' Counsel (SVC) or Victims' Legal Counsel (VLC) |
i. A chaplain |
j. Military law enforcement personnel |
DoD provides two types of sexual assault reports.
Restricted reports allow people to get information, collect evidence, and receive medical treatment and counseling without starting an official investigation of the assault.
Unrestricted reports start an official investigation in addition to allowing the services available in restricted reporting.
89. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Active Duty" and [USCFLAG] = "True"] Did you report this unwanted event to the military? This could have been either a restricted or unrestricted report.
Yes |
No |
DoD provides two types of sexual assault reports.
Restricted reports allow people to get information, collect evidence, and receive medical treatment and counseling without starting an official investigation of the assault.
Unrestricted reports start an official investigation in addition to allowing the services available in restricted reporting.
90. [Ask if ([POPFLG] = "Reserve" or [POPFLG] = "National Guard") and [USCFLAG] = "True"] Did you report this unwanted event? This could have been a restricted report, an unrestricted report, or a report to civilian law enforcement.
Yes, to military authorities |
Yes, to civilian law enforcement |
Yes, to both military authorities and civilian law enforcement |
No |
DoD provides two types of sexual assault reports.
Restricted reports allow people to get information, collect evidence, and receive medical treatment and counseling without starting an official investigation of the assault.
Unrestricted reports start an official investigation in addition to allowing the services available in restricted reporting.
91. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True" and [USCRPTFLAG] = "Reported to a Military Authority"] Did you initially make...
A restricted report? |
An unrestricted report? |
Unsure what type of report I initially made? |
92. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True" and [USCRPTFLAG] = "Reported to a Military Authority" and Q91 = "A restricted report"] What happened with your restricted report? Mark one.
It remained restricted and I am not aware of any investigation that occurred |
I chose to convert it to unrestricted |
I did not choose to convert my report, but an independent investigation occurred anyway (for example, someone you talked to about it notified your chain of command and they initiated an investigation) |
Unable to recall |
93. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True" and [USCRPTFLAG] = "Reported to a Military Authority" and Q91 = "A restricted report"] If making a restricted report was not an option, what would you have done? Mark one.
Made an unrestricted report |
Sought civilian confidential resources |
Not reported |
Not sure |
94. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True" and [USCRPTFLAG] = "Reported to a Military Authority"] After reporting this unwanted event, to what extent were you provided the following? Mark one answer for each item.
Not applicable |
Not at all |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
Very large extent |
a. Safety planning information regarding your immediate situation (for example, steps to take should the offender try to contact you, information regarding a Military Protective Order or Civilian Protective Order, risk assessment) |
b. Accurate up-to-date information on your case status |
c. Information to address your confidentiality concerns (for example, your right to privacy) |
d. Regular contact regarding your well-being (for example, your Sexual Assault Response Coordinator [SARC] or Uniformed Victim Advocate [UVA]/Victim Advocate [VA] checked in with you to address any new concerns, perform case management, or make referrals) |
e. Information on your right to consult a Special Victims' Counsel (SVC) or Victims' Legal Counsel (VLC) |
f. Information on your right to request an expedited transfer |
g. Information about Victim's Rights (DD Form 2701) |
h. Information about confidential counseling services through the Department of Veterans Affairs' Vet Centers |
i. Information about medical and/or behavioral healthcare and treatment |
95. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True" and [USCRPTFLAG] = "Reported to a Military Authority"] After reporting this unwanted event, to what extent were you provided the following from your leadership? Mark one answer for each item.
Not applicable |
Not at all |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
Very large extent |
a. They made me feel supported. |
b. They expressed concern for my well-being. |
c. They provided me the flexibility to attend appointments related to my sexual assault as needed. |
d. They discouraged gossip in my work environment. |
96. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True" and [USCRPTFLAG] = "Did Not Report to a Military Authority"] What were your reasons for NOT reporting the unwanted event to a military authority? Mark all that apply.
You thought it was not serious enough to report. |
You did not think your report would be kept confidential. |
You did not think anything would be done. |
You did not trust the process would be fair. |
You thought you might get in trouble for something else you did. |
You thought it might hurt your performance evaluation/fitness report or your career. |
You were worried about potential negative consequences from the person(s) who did it. |
You were worried about potential negative consequences from a military supervisor or someone in your military chain of command (for example, being denied a promotion, disciplined, made to perform additional duties, labeled as a troublemaker). |
You were worried about potential negative consequences from your military coworkers or peers (for example, excluding you from social activities, ignoring you, making insulting or disrespecting remarks, labeling you a troublemaker). |
Some other reason |
97. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Active Duty" and [USCFLAG] = "True"] Would you consider this unwanted event to be sexual assault?
Yes |
No |
98. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Active Duty" and Q87 a = "Yes"] Earlier you indicated that prior to the unwanted event you've been describing, you were sexually harassed by the same person(s). Which of the following describe their harassing behaviors? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Told sexual jokes or stories |
b. Made repeated attempts to establish an unwanted romantic or sexual relationship with you, made sexual comments about your body, or repeatedly asked about your sex life |
c. Touched you in a sexual way or in any way that made you uncomfortable, angry or upset |
d. Other sexually harassing behavior(s) |
[Ask if [POPFLG] = "Active Duty" and [USCFLAG] = "True" and Q87 a = "Yes" and Q98 d = "Yes"] You indicated experiencing some other sexually harassing behavior(s) before the unwanted event. Please specify. Please do not include any personally identifiable information.
99. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Active Duty" and [USCFLAG] = "True" and Q87 a = "Yes"] About how long before the unwanted event did the sexual harassment begin?
The same day |
About one week |
About one month |
A few months |
A year or more |
100. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Active Duty" and Q87 a = "Yes"] Did you make a complaint about this sexual harassment experience to any of the following military individuals or offices? Mark all that apply.
Someone in your chain of command |
Someone in the chain of command of the offender |
Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) staff or office assigned to receive MEO complaints |
[Show if [CSERVICE] = "Army"] SHARP staff or office |
Inspector General's office |
A military hotline or advice line dedicated to receive MEO or SHARP complaints |
No, I did not make a complaint to any of the above individuals |
101. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Active Duty" and [USCFLAG] = "True" and Q87 a = "Yes" and (100 a = "Marked" or 100 b = "Marked" or 100 c = "Marked" or 100 d = "Marked" or 100 e = "Marked" or 100 f = "Marked")] When did you make the sexual harassment complaint?
Before the unwanted event |
After the unwanted event |
Do not recall |
102. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Active Duty" and [USCFLAG] = "True" and Q87 b = "Yes"] Earlier you indicated that prior to the unwanted event you've been describing, you were stalked by the same person(s). Which of the following describe their stalking behaviors? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Showed up at your home or workplace unannounced or uninvited |
b. Followed you or waited for you at places |
c. Sent you unwanted messages, emails, or phone calls |
d. Used social media to track or follow you |
e. Other stalking behavior(s) |
[Ask if [POPFLG] = "Active Duty" and [USCFLAG] = "True" and Q87 b = "Yes" and Q102 e = "Yes"] You indicated experiencing some other stalking behavior(s) before the unwanted event. Please specify. Please do not include any personally identifiable information.
103. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True"] At the time of the unwanted event, were you… Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Under orders that restricted you to your home because of the COVID-19 pandemic? |
b. Under orders that restricted or prohibited departure from or entry to the military installation or ship you work on because of the COVID-19 pandemic? |
104. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True"] Thinking about the unwanted event, has your [leadership][military leadership], or another individual who has the authority to affect a personnel decision, either done or threatened to do any of the following after the unwanted event occurred? Mark all that apply.
Demoted you or denied you a promotion |
Denied you a training opportunity that could have led to promotion or is needed in order to keep your current position |
Rated you lower than you deserved on a performance evaluation |
Denied you an award you were previously eligible to receive |
Reduced your pay or benefits without doing the same to others |
Reassigned you to duties that do not match your current grade |
Made you perform additional duties that do not match your current grade |
Transferred you to a different unit or installation without your request or agreement |
Ordered you to one or more command-directed mental health evaluations |
Disciplined you or ordered other corrective action |
Prevented, or attempted to prevent, you from communicating with the Inspector General or a member of Congress |
Some other action that negatively affected, or could negatively affect, your position or career |
Does not apply, you have not experienced any of the above |
105. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True" and [USCRPTFLAG] = "Reported to a Military Authority" and (Q104 a = "Marked" or Q104 b = "Marked" or Q104 c = "Marked" or Q104 d = "Marked" or Q104 e = "Marked" or Q104 f = "Marked" or Q104 g = "Marked" or Q104 h = "Marked" or Q104 i = "Marked" or Q104 j = "Marked" or Q104 k = "Marked" or Q104 l = "Marked")] Do you have reason to believe that any of the actions you marked in the previous item were only based on your report of sexual assault (i.e., not based on your conduct or performance)?
Yes |
No |
Not sure |
106. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True" and [USCRPTFLAG] = "Reported to a Military Authority" and (Q104 a = "Marked" or Q104 b = "Marked" or Q104 c = "Marked" or Q104 d = "Marked" or Q104 e = "Marked" or Q104 f = "Marked" or Q104 g = "Marked" or Q104 h = "Marked" or Q104 i = "Marked" or Q104 j = "Marked" or Q104 k = "Marked" or Q104 l = "Marked") and Q105 = "Yes"] Why do you believe this/these individual(s) took the actions you marked as happening to you? Mark all that apply.
They were trying to get back at you for making a report (unrestricted or restricted). |
They were trying to discourage you from moving forward with your report. |
They did not believe you. |
They were mad at you for causing a problem for them. |
They did not understand the situation. |
They were trying to help you. |
They were following established protocol by temporarily reassigning you during recovery. |
They were friends with the person(s) whom you indicated committed the sexual assault. |
They were addressing misconduct you may have engaged in at the time you experienced the sexual assault (for example, underage drinking). |
Some other reason |
Not sure |
107. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True"] Following the unwanted event, have any of your military peers and/or coworkers (including those in your chain of command or DoD civilians) done any of the following? Mark all that apply.
Made insulting or disrespectful remarks or made jokes at your expense in public |
Excluded you or threatened to exclude you from social activities or interactions |
Ignored you or failed to speak to you (for example, gave you “the silent treatment”) |
You did not experience any of the above |
108. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True" and [USCRPTFLAG] = "Reported to a Military Authority" and (Q107 a = "Marked" or Q107 b = "Marked" or Q107 c = "Marked")] Did anyone who took these actions know or suspect you made an official (unrestricted or restricted) sexual assault report?
Yes |
No |
Not sure |
109. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True" and [USCRPTFLAG] = "Reported to a Military Authority" and (Q107 a = "Marked" or Q107 b = "Marked" or Q107 c = "Marked")] Why do you believe your military peers and/or coworkers (including those in your chain of command or DoD civilians) took the actions you marked as happening to you? Mark all that apply.
They were trying to discourage you from moving forward with your report or discourage others from reporting. |
They were trying to make you feel excluded. |
They were friends with the person(s) whom you indicated committed the sexual assault. |
They did not believe you. |
Some other reason |
Not sure |
110. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True"] Following the unwanted event, have any of your military peers and/or coworkers (including those in your chain of command or DoD civilians) done any of the following? Mark all that apply.
Made insulting or disrespectful remarks or made jokes at your expense to you in private |
Showed or threatened to show private images, photos, or videos of you to others |
Bullied you or made intimidating remarks about the assault |
Was physically violent with you or threatened to be physically violent |
Damaged or threatened to damage your property |
Some other negative action |
Does not apply, you did not experience any of the above |
111. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True" and [USCRPTFLAG] = "Reported to a Military Authority" and (Q110 a = "Marked" or Q110 b = "Marked" or Q110 c = "Marked" or Q110 d = "Marked" or Q110 e = "Marked" or Q110 f = "Marked")] Did anyone who took these actions know or suspect you made an official (unrestricted or restricted) sexual assault report?
Yes |
No |
Not sure |
112. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True" and [USCRPTFLAG] = "Reported to a Military Authority" and (Q110 a = "Marked" or Q110 b = "Marked" or Q110 c = "Marked" or Q110 d = "Marked" or Q110 e = "Marked" or Q110 f = "Marked")] Why do you believe your military peers and/or coworkers (including those in your chain of command or DoD civilians) took the actions you marked as happening to you? Mark all that apply.
They were trying to discourage you from moving forward with your report, or discourage others from reporting. |
They were trying to abuse or humiliate you. |
They were friends with the person(s) whom you indicated committed the sexual assault. |
They did not believe you. |
Some other reason |
Not sure |
113. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True" and [USCRPTFLAG] = "Reported to a Military Authority" and (Q110 a = "Marked" or Q110 b = "Marked" or Q110 c = "Marked" or Q110 d = "Marked" or Q110 e = "Marked" or Q110 f = "Marked")] Were any of your military peers and/or coworkers (including DoD civilians) who took these actions in a position of authority/leadership over you?
Yes |
No |
Not sure |
114. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True" and [Q73 MATCHING BEHAVIOR] = "Yes"] Earlier in the survey you indicated that you experienced at least one unwanted event in which someone...
a. Sexually touched you (for example, intentional touching of genitalia, breasts, or buttocks) or made you sexually touch them. |
b. Attempted to make you have sexual intercourse, but was not successful. |
c. Made you have sexual intercourse. |
d. Attempted to make you perform or receive oral sex, anal sex, or penetration by a finger or object, but was not successful. |
e. Made you perform or receive oral sex, anal sex, or penetration by a finger or object. |
It can be difficult to remember the exact date when events occurred. In this study, it is important to know which events happened in the past 12 months, and which events happened earlier.
115. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True"] Thinking about when the most recent event occurred, how certain are you that it occurred in the past 12 months? If the event occurred over a long time, think about whether it has happened since [X Date].
Definitely occurred SINCE [X Date] |
Not sure if it occurred BEFORE OR AFTER [X Date] |
Definitely occurred BEFORE [X Date] |
116. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True"] What was the date of your MOST RECENT unwanted event like this?
The questions so far have been about things that occurred in the past 12 months. For the next questions, please think about events that happened more than one year ago, BEFORE [X Date]. These are all experiences that you did not tell us about earlier in the survey.
These questions assess experiences of an abusive, humiliating, or sexual nature, and that occurred even though you did not want it and did not consent.
Please include an experience regardless of who did it to you or where it happened.
“Did not consent” means you told or showed them you were unwilling, they used physical force or threats to make you do it, or they did it to you when you were unconscious, asleep, or so high or drunk that you could not understand what was happening.
117. Before [X Date], did you ever experience any of the following intentional sexual contacts that were against your will or which occurred when you did not or could not consent in which someone... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Sexually touched you (for example, intentional touching of genitalia, breasts, or buttocks) or made you sexually touch them? |
b. Attempted to make you have sexual intercourse, but was not successful? |
c. Made you have sexual intercourse? |
d. Attempted to make you perform or receive oral sex, anal sex, or penetration by a finger or object, but was not successful? |
e. Made you perform or receive oral sex, anal sex, or penetration by a finger or object? |
118. [Ask if Q117 a = "Yes" or Q117 b = "Yes" or Q117 c = "Yes" or Q117 d = "Yes" or Q117 e = "Yes"] Did any of these unwanted experiences happen... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Before you joined the military? |
b. After you joined the military? |
119. [Ask if ((Q117 a = "Yes" or Q117 b = "Yes" or Q117 c = "Yes" or Q117 d = "Yes" or Q117 e = "Yes") and Q118 b = "Yes")] Did you report any of these unwanted sexual experiences to the military? Mark one.
Yes, a restricted report that remained restricted |
Yes, an unrestricted report |
Yes, a restricted report that I chose to convert to an unrestricted report |
Yes, a restricted report that I did not convert to an unrestricted report, but an independent investigation occurred anyway |
Yes, unsure what type of report I made |
No, I have never filed a report |
The following questions will ask whether you observed a variety of situations in the past 12 months. These situations could have taken place at your military work or outside of the military workplace.
120. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Active Duty"] In the past 12 months, did you... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Observe someone who “crossed the line” with their sexist comments or jokes? |
b. Encounter a group or individual being hazed or bullied? |
c. See someone making unwanted sexual advances on someone? |
d. See horseplay or roughhousing that “crossed the line” or appeared unwanted? |
e. Encounter someone who drank too much and needed help? |
f. See someone grabbing, pushing, or insulting someone? |
g. Encounter someone who was taking advantage of someone who was passed out? |
h. See a situation you thought was a sexual assault or could have led to a sexual assault? |
i. Hear someone say people who take risks are at fault for being sexually assaulted? |
The following questions will ask whether you observed a variety of situations involving someone from your military workplace in the past 12 months.
121. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Reserve" or [POPFLG] = "National Guard"] In the past 12 months, did you... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Observe someone from your military workplace who “crossed the line” with their sexist comments or jokes? |
b. Encounter a group or individual from your military workplace being hazed or bullied? |
c. See someone from your military workplace making unwanted sexual advances on someone? |
d. See horseplay or roughhousing by someone from your military workplace that “crossed the line” or appeared unwanted? |
e. Encounter someone from your military workplace who drank too much and needed help? |
f. See someone from your military workplace grabbing, pushing, or insulting someone? |
g. Encounter someone from your military workplace who was taking advantage of someone who was passed out? |
h. See a situation involving someone from your military workplace you thought was a sexual assault or could have led to a sexual assault? |
i. Hear someone from your military workplace say people who take risks are at fault for being sexually assaulted? |
122. [Ask if (Q120 a = "Yes" or Q120 b = "Yes" or Q120 c = "Yes" or Q120 d = "Yes" or Q120 e = "Yes" or Q120 f = "Yes" or Q120 g = "Yes" or Q120 h = "Yes" or Q120 i = "Yes" or Q121 a = "Yes" or Q121 b = "Yes" or Q121 c = "Yes" or Q121 d = "Yes" or Q121 e = "Yes" or Q121 f = "Yes" or Q121 g = "Yes" or Q121 h = "Yes" or Q121 i = "Yes")] How did you respond to the situation(s) you observed? Mark all that apply.
I spoke up to address the situation. |
I told someone else about it while it was happening. |
I told someone else about it after it happened. |
I created a distraction. |
I talked to those involved to see if they were okay. |
I intervened in some other way. |
I did not intervene. |
123. In the past 12 months, to what extent have you witnessed people in your unit... Mark one answer for each item.
Not at all |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
Very large extent |
a. Promote a unit climate based on mutual respect and trust? |
b. Refrain from sexist comments and behaviors? |
c. Recognize and immediately correct incidents of sexual harassment? |
d. Encourage bystander intervention to assist others in situations at risk for sexual assault or other harmful behaviors? |
124. During the past 12 months, how often have you experienced any of the following behaviors, where your [coworkers or immediate supervisor][military coworkers or immediate military supervisor]... Mark one answer for each item.
Very often |
Often |
Sometimes |
Once or twice |
Never |
a. Did not provide information or assistance when you needed it? |
b. Were excessively harsh in their criticism of your work performance? |
c. Took credit for work or ideas that were yours? |
d. Gossiped/talked about you? |
e. Used insults, sarcasm, or gestures to humiliate you? |
f. Yelled when they were angry with you? |
125. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding your current military workplace? Mark one answer for each item.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
a. It would be risky for me to file a sexual harassment complaint. |
b. A sexual harassment complaint would not be taken seriously. |
c. A sexual harassment complaint would be thoroughly investigated. |
d. I would feel comfortable reporting a sexual harassment complaint. |
e. Sexual harassment is not tolerated. |
f. Individuals who sexually harass others get away with it. |
g. I would be afraid to file a sexual harassment complaint. |
h. Penalties against individuals who sexually harass others at work are strongly enforced. |
i. Actions are being taken to prevent sexual harassment. |
126. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Mark one answer for each item.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
a. If you are sexually assaulted, you can trust the military system to protect your privacy. |
b. If you are sexually assaulted, you can trust the military system to ensure your safety following the incident. |
c. If you are sexually assaulted, you can trust the military system to treat you with dignity and respect. |
127. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Active Duty"] How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your immediate supervisor? Mark one answer for each statement.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
a. You trust your supervisor |
b. Your supervisor ensures that all assigned personnel are treated fairly |
c. Your supervisor evaluates your work performance fairly |
128. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Reserve" or [POPFLG] = "National Guard"] To what extent does your immediate supervisor... Mark one answer for each item.
Not at all |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
Very large extent |
a. Encourage members to challenge sexual harassment and gender discrimination when they witness it? |
b. Encourage members to challenge sexist behaviors when they witness them? |
c. Create a culture of prevention by encouraging members, witnesses, and bystanders to report situations that could result in harmful outcomes (example harmful outcomes include sexual assault, violence, suicide)? |
129. My immediate supervisor... Mark one answer for each item.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
a. Promotes responsible alcohol use. |
b. Would correct individuals who refer to coworkers as “honey,” “babe,” or “sweetie,” or use other unprofessional language at work. |
c. Would stop individuals who are talking about sexual topics at work. |
d. Would intervene if an individual was receiving sexual attention at work (for example, staring at someone's chest, standing too close, rubbing someone's shoulders). |
e. Encourages individuals to help others in risky situations that could result in harmful outcomes (examples of harmful outcomes include sexual assault, violence, suicide). |
130. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Active Duty"] Are you currently assigned to a military unit where women are less than 10% of your military coworkers?
Yes |
No |
131. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Mark one answer for each item.
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
a. I tend to bounce back quickly after hard times. |
b. I have a hard time making it through stressful events. |
c. It does not take me long to recover from a stressful event. |
d. It is hard for me to snap back when something bad happens. |
e. I usually come through difficult times with little trouble. |
f. I tend to take a long time to get over set-backs in my life. |
132. During the past 12 months, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, to what extent were you personally affected by… Mark one answer for each item.
Not at all |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
Very large extent |
a. Orders to remain at home? |
b. Restrictions from leaving your military installation or ship? |
c. Restrictions from visiting off-base establishments (for example, restaurants, bars, clubs, or other places where people gather)? |
d. Restrictions from visiting on-base establishments (for example, restaurants, clubs, the bowling alley)? |
e. Restrictions from attending social gatherings of a certain size (for example, 10 or more)? |
f. Having to primarily work from home? |
g. Requirements to social distance (for example, stay a certain distance away from others) while you were at work? |
h. A personal decision to avoid social gatherings with friends, peers, or coworkers? |
133. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Active Duty"] Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with each statement. Mark one answer for each item.
Strongly disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Slightly disagree |
Slightly agree |
Somewhat agree |
Strongly agree |
a. Many women have a quality of purity that few men possess. |
b. Women should be cherished and protected by men. |
c. Women seek to gain power by getting control over men. |
d. Every man ought to have a woman whom he adores. |
e. Men are incomplete without women. |
f. Women exaggerate problems they have at work. |
g. Once a woman gets a man to commit to her, she usually tries to put him on a tight leash. |
h. When women lose to men in a fair competition, they typically complain about being discriminated against. |
i. Many women get a kick out of teasing men by seeming sexually available and then refusing male advances. |
j. Women, compared to men, tend to have a superior moral sensibility. |
k. Men should be willing to sacrifice their own well-being in order to provide financially for the women in their lives. |
l. Feminists are making unreasonable demands of men. |
134. In your opinion… Mark one answer for each item.
Do not know |
More of a problem today |
About the same as 2 years ago |
Less of a problem today |
a. Has sexual harassment in the military become more or less of a problem over the last 2 years? |
b. Has sexual assault in the military become more or less of a problem over the last 2 years? |
135. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Reserve" or [POPFLG] = "National Guard"] Have you had any military training during the past 12 months on topics related to... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Sexual assault? |
b. Sexual harassment? |
136. Are you Spanish/Hispanic/Latino?
No, not Spanish/Hispanic/Latino |
Yes, Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or other Spanish/Hispanic/Latino |
137. What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be.
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian (for example, Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, or Vietnamese) |
Black or African American |
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (for example, Samoan, Guamanian, or Chamorro) |
White |
138. As a result of your race/ethnicity... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item.
No |
Yes |
a. Do you believe you have experienced harassment (bothersome, upsetting, or offensive statements or behaviors that someone from your work might have said or done) in your military workplace? |
b. Do you believe you have experienced discrimination (someone from work treated you unfairly or they would have treated someone of a different race/ethnicity better) in your military workplace? |
139. Do you consider yourself to be...? Mark one.
Heterosexual or straight |
Gay or lesbian |
Bisexual |
Something else |
Prefer not to answer |
140. What sex were you assigned at birth, on your original birth certificate? Mark one.
Male |
Female |
141. Do you currently describe yourself as male, female, or transgender? Mark one.
Male |
Female |
Transgender |
None of these |
142. [Ask if [POPFLG] = "Active Duty" and [CSERVICE] = "Air Force"] Are you currently serving as a member of the Space Force? Mark one.
Yes |
No |
143. [Ask if [USCFLAG] = "True" or Q118 b = "Yes"] The DoD is conducting a study to hear from survivors about their experiences and challenges with the military sexual assault response system. The goal of this study is to make this system better for you and others. Would you like to learn more about this study? If yes, we will e-mail you in the future with information about the new study.
Yes |
No |
144. Thank you for participating in the survey. If you have comments or concerns that you were not able to express in answering this survey, please enter them in the space provided. Please do not enter personally identifiable information. Your feedback is useful and appreciated.
145. [Ask if Q1 = "No, I was separated or retired"] Based on your answer to the previous question, you are ineligible to take this survey. If you feel you have encountered this message in error, click the back arrow button and check your answer(s).
To submit your answers click Submit. For further help, please call our Survey Processing Center toll-free at 1-800-881-5307, e-mail [email protected], or send a fax to 1-763-268-3002.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Tab Order |
Author | Hylton, Kimberly R CTR DMDC |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-05-07 |