Advisory Committee Annual Survey

Generic Information Collection Plan for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Bureau Service Delivery

Advisory Committee Annual Survey

OMB: 3170-0024

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The information that you provide will be used by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (Bureau) Office of Advisory Board and Councils to provide an evaluation of the advisory committee that you participated in.

The Bureau will not collect any personally identifiable information.

Participation is voluntary

Paperwork Reduction Act 
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 3170-0024. It expires on xx/xx/xxxx. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average approximately 10 minutes per response. Comments regarding this collection of information, including the estimated response time, suggestions for improving the usefulness of the information, or suggestions for reducing the burden to respond to this collection should be submitted to Bureau at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Attention: PRA Office) 1700 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20552, or by email to [email protected]

What advisory committee do you serve on? *

Choose an option


I. Planning/Pre-meeting activities: Please rate your satisfaction with meeting planning activities.


How satisfied were you with the timeliness of communication regarding important dates?How satisfied were you with the timeliness of communication regarding important dates? *

Shape2 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape3 2Shape4 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape5 4Shape6 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.

(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Were you satisfied with the timeliness of communication regarding meeting agenda items?Were you satisfied with the timeliness of communication regarding meeting agenda items? *

Shape7 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape8 2Shape9 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape10 4Shape11 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Were you satisfied with the timeliness of requests for input during the meeting planning process?Were you satisfied with the timeliness of requests for input during the meeting planning process? *

Shape12 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape13 2Shape14 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape15 4Shape16 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Agenda Creation

Were you satisfied that advisory members were given the opportunity to provide meaningful input during agenda planning?Were you satisfied that advisory members were given the opportunity to provide meaningful input during agenda planning? *

Shape17 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape18 2Shape19 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape20 4Shape21 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Were the meeting agendas aligned with your understanding of the advisory committee mission and goals?Were the meeting agendas aligned with your understanding of the advisory committee mission and goals? *

Shape22 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape23 2Shape24 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape25 4Shape26 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)


Were you satisfied with the locations of the meetings (conference rooms, audio & visual)?Were you satisfied with the locations of the meetings (conference rooms, audio & visual)? *

Shape27 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape28 2Shape29 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape30 4Shape31 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Did the hotels and meeting locations meet your expectations?Did the hotels and meeting locations meet your expectations?  *

Shape32 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape33 2Shape34 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape35 4Shape36 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

II. Travel: Please rate your satisfaction with travel related activities and processes.


Were travel rules and guidelines clearly explained?Were travel rules and guidelines clearly explained? *

Shape37 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape38 2Shape39 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape40 4Shape41 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Was it clear who to contact with questions about travel or accommodations?Was it clear who to contact with questions about travel or accommodations?  *

Shape42 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape43 2Shape44 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape45 4Shape46 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Were questions about travel and accommodations answered accurately and in a timely manner? Were questions about travel and accommodations answered accurately and in a timely manner?  *

Shape47 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape48 2Shape49 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape50 4Shape51 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Travel reimbursement

Was it clear who to contact to obtain reimbursement for travel related expenses?Was it clear who to contact to obtain reimbursement for travel related expenses? *

Shape52 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape53 2Shape54 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape55 4Shape56 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Were reimbursements received in a timely manner; within 30 days of submission of receipts?Were reimbursements received in a timely manner; within 30 days of submission of receipts? *

Shape57 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape58 2Shape59 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape60 4Shape61 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

III. Meeting Management: Please rate the performance of the team with regard to meeting facilitation.


Do you think the advisory committee orientation program provides members with the appropriate depth and breadth of information?Do you think the advisory committee orientation program provides members with the appropriate depth and breadth of information? *

Shape62 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape63 2Shape64 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape65 4Shape66 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

After orientation were you clear of your role and responsibility as an advisory committee member?After orientation were you clear of your role and responsibility as an advisory committee member? *

Shape67 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape68 2Shape69 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape70 4Shape71 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

What other information would be of value?



Meeting goals were clearly communicated in advance of the meetings.Meeting goals were clearly communicated in advance of the meetings. *

Shape73 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape74 2Shape75 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape76 4Shape77 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Stated meeting goals align with mission of the advisory committees and the Bureau.Stated meeting goals align with mission of the advisory committees and the Bureau. *

Shape78 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape79 2Shape80 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape81 4Shape82 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Meeting activities and events aligned with agenda and goals.Meeting activities and events aligned with agenda and goals. *

Shape83 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape84 2Shape85 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape86 4Shape87 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Advisory committee meetings encourage a high quality of debate with robust and probing discussions.Advisory committee meetings encourage a high quality of debate with robust and probing discussions. *

Shape88 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape89 2Shape90 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape91 4Shape92 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

The chair’s leadership style and tone promotes effective decision-making and constructive debate.The chair’s leadership style and tone promotes effective decision-making and constructive debate. *

Shape93 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape94 2Shape95 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape96 4Shape97 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Materials provided

Meeting materials were provided in the agreed upon timeframe in advance of the meetings.Meeting materials were provided in the agreed upon timeframe in advance of the meetings. *

Shape98 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape99 2Shape100 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape101 4Shape102 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Meeting materials were well-organized, easy to navigate, and supported the agenda and goals.Meeting materials were well-organized, easy to navigate, and supported the agenda and goals.  *

Shape103 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape104 2Shape105 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape106 4Shape107 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)


Do you believe advisory committee meetings are properly focused on significant matters such as strategy and policy?Do you believe advisory committee meetings are properly focused on significant matters such as strategy and policy? *

Shape108 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape109 2Shape110 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape111 4Shape112 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Do you believe advisory committee meetings allow sufficient time to discuss the business at hand?Do you believe advisory committee meetings allow sufficient time to discuss the business at hand?  *

Shape113 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape114 2Shape115 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape116 4Shape117 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Do you think advisory committee meetings allow for candid and constructive discussion?Do you think advisory committee meetings allow for candid and constructive discussion? *

Shape118 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape119 2Shape120 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape121 4Shape122 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Do you consider presentations at advisory committee meetings to be generally of the appropriate length and content?Do you consider presentations at advisory committee meetings to be generally of the appropriate length and content? *

Shape123 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape124 2Shape125 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape126 4Shape127 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

IV. Meeting Outcomes: Please rate your satisfaction with advisory committee outcomes.

Overall Effectiveness

Input provided by advisory committee members was used to make improvements in Bureau initiatives.Input provided by advisory committee members was used to make improvements in Bureau initiatives. *

Shape128 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape129 2Shape130 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape131 4Shape132 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Bureau presenters provided expected clarity and demonstrated expertise.Bureau presenters provided expected clarity and demonstrated expertise. *

Shape133 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape134 2Shape135 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape136 4Shape137 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

During meetings, advisory committee members were able to share their experiences and opinions with the group and Bureau staff.During meetings, advisory committee members were able to share their experiences and opinions with the group and Bureau staff. *

Shape138 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape139 2Shape140 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape141 4Shape142 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

V. Impact: Please rate your satisfaction with advisory committee outcomes.

Overall Effectiveness

Do you feel input provided by advisory committee members provided meaningful impact in policy written by the CFPB.Do you feel input provided by advisory committee members provided meaningful impact in policy written by the CFPB. *

Shape143 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape144 2Shape145 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape146 4Shape147 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Do you think the advisory committee has an appropriate balance of skills, experiences and backgrounds?Do you think the advisory committee has an appropriate balance of skills, experiences and backgrounds? *

Shape148 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape149 2Shape150 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape151 4Shape152 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Advisory committee members recognize the role which they and each of their colleagues are expected to play and have the appropriate skills and experience for that role.Advisory committee members recognize the role which they and each of their colleagues are expected to play and have the appropriate skills and experience for that role. *

Shape153 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape154 2Shape155 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape156 4Shape157 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Were terms of reference (technical language or reference to shorthand or abbreviated terms) used for the advisory committee appropriate?Were terms of reference (technical language or reference to shorthand or abbreviated terms) used for the advisory committee appropriate? *

Shape158 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape159 2Shape160 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape161 4Shape162 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Please rate your overall impression of the Bureau, its work, and mission.Please rate your overall impression of the Bureau, its work, and mission. *

Shape163 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape164 2Shape165 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape166 4Shape167 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Overall Effectiveness

VI. Succession planning: Please rate your satisfaction with advisory committee outcomes.

There is appropriate succession planning for key committee members and the CAB as indicated by the charter:There is appropriate succession planning for key committee members and the CAB as indicated by the charter: *

Shape168 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape169 2Shape170 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape171 4Shape172 5 (Highly satisfied)

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

There is appropriate succession planning for key committee members and the CBAC as indicated by the charter:There is appropriate succession planning for key committee members and the CBAC as indicated by the charter: *

Shape173 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape174 2Shape175 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape176 4Shape177 5 (Highly satisfied) 

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

There is appropriate succession planning for key committee members and the CUAC as indicated by the charter:There is appropriate succession planning for key committee members and the CUAC as indicated by the charter: *

Shape178 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape179 2Shape180 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape181 4Shape182 5 (Highly satisfied) 

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

There is appropriate succession planning for key committee members and the ARC as indicated by the charter:There is appropriate succession planning for key committee members and the ARC as indicated by the charter: *

Shape183 1 (Unsatisfied)Shape184 2Shape185 3 (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)Shape186 4Shape187 5 (Highly satisfied) 

Select between 1 and 5.
(From a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being unsatisfied, 3 being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 5 being highly satisfied)

Do you have additional comments or suggestions? *


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorDully, Crystal (CFPB)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2022-10-07

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