LEMAS Supplement Survey – Post-Academy Training question

Generic Clearance for Cognitive, Pilot and Field Studies for Bureau of Justice Statistics Data Collection Activities

Attachment A Training instrument

Cognitive interviewing for the Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) supplement survey

OMB: 1121-0339

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Attachment A: LEMAS Supplement Survey – Post-Academy Training questionnaire

Agency Information

1. Enter the number of full-time and part-time paid agency employees for the pay period that included December 31, 2022.

  • Count employees who were regularly scheduled to work less than 35 hours per week as part-time. If none, enter '0'

Pay period that included December 31, 2022:



a. Sworn personnel with general arrest powers

b. Officers/deputies with limited or no arrest powers (e.g., jail or correctional deputies)

c. Non-sworn/civilian personnel

d. Total number of employees (sum of rows a, b, and c)

2. Enter your agency's total operating budget for the fiscal year that included December 31, 2022. If the budget is not available, provide an estimate and check the box below. DO NOT include building construction costs or major equipment purchases.

Operating budget: $





Please mark if this figure is an estimate

Post-Academy Characteristics

For purposes of this survey, “post-academy training” is defined as law enforcement training provided to full-time sworn personnel with general arrest powers at any point in their career following any recruit/field training. To qualify as “post-academy” training, expenses for the training should be approved or provided by your agency (e.g., paid by the agency, course registration approved by the agency). Training can be in-person or web-based distance learning.

Post-academy training” includes:

  • Mandatory training required to maintain officer certification or licensure.

  • Mandatory training required by law or other mandate (e.g., state or local legislation, judicial ruling, consent decree, or collaborative reform).

  • Promotional training provided by your agency.

  • Elective training provided by your agency beyond requirements of the law.

  • Elective or mandatory training provided by other law enforcement, state, or federal agencies beyond the requirement of law

Do NOT include any training:

  • Associated with basic academy training or field training programs for new officers or deputies.

  • Used in lieu of disciplinary action.

3. Enter your agency’s total budget for post-academy training for the fiscal year that included December 31, 2022. If the budget is not available, provide an estimate and check the box below. DO NOT include building construction costs or major equipment purchases.

Post-academy training budget: $




Please mark if this figure is an estimate

  1. In the calendar year 2022, did your agency …



  1. Provide any post-academy training to your agency’s full-time sworn personnel using trainers employed or contracted by your agency?

  1. Provide any post-academy training to full-time sworn personnel from an outside agency?

  1. Send your agency’s full-time sworn personnel to participate in post-academy training provided by an outside agency or organization?

  1. What was the minimum annual number of post-academy hours of training that were mandated for your agency’s full-time sworn personnel as of December 31, 2022? If no training was mandated, enter ‘0’.


a. Hours mandated by state POST or state law

b. Hours mandated by local law

c. Additional training hours mandated, but not by law

d. Total hours of training (sum of rows a, b, and c)

The next few questions refer to the calendar year 2022, that is, January through December 2022.


5a. For agency training not mandated by law during 2022, were any of the following used to develop the content of your agency’s additional training?



Job task analysis or needs analysis

State- or POST- commission standards or requirements

Subject matter expert input or recommendations

Law enforcement advisory board input or recommendations

Academy staff input or recommendations

Formal community input or recommendations (e.g., advisory board, commission reports)

Informal community needs or request (e.g., conversations with the community, general feedback from community)

State legislative requirements

Local legislative requirements

Internal agency decisions by chief executive and command staff

Consent decree

Judicial ruling

Agency accreditation requirements

Grant requirements

Other (Please specify):

  1. In 2022, did your agency provide specific training for full-time sworn personnel following a promotion or assignment to any of the positions listed below?

If the position does not exist or if no new assignments were made in 2022, select N/A.




Chief executive

Intermediate supervisor (below chief executive and above sergeant or first-line supervisor)

Sergeant or equivalent first-line supervisor

Detective, violent crime

Detective, property crime

  1. Did your agency authorize or provide any of the following for full-time sworn personnel in 2022?



Education incentive pay

Special skills proficiency pay

College tuition reimbursement

Flexible hours to attend college

Flexible hours to attend law enforcement conferences

Providers of Post-Academy Training


  1. As of December 31, 2022, how many personnel were serving as post-academy trainers or instructors in each category shown below?

Full-time trainers or instructors

Part-time trainers or instructors

Sworn personnel employed by your agency

Retired law enforcement personnel employed by your agency

Non-sworn/civilian personnel employed by your agency

Sworn personnel NOT employed by your agency

Retired law enforcement personnel NOT employed by your agency

Non-sworn/civilian personnel NOT employed by your agency

Questions 9, 10 and 11 ask about full-time post-academy trainers only in the calendar year 2022.

  1. In 2022, what was the minimum education requirement for your agency’s full-time post-academy trainers or instructors?

    1. Graduate degree required

    2. Four-year college degree required

    3. Two-year college degree required

    4. Some college but no college degree required

    5. High school diploma or equivalent required

    6. Minimum education requirement varied by training subject

    7. Not applicable – There was no formal education requirement

  1. In 2022, were any of the following certifications required for full-time post-academy trainers or instructors used by your agency?



State- or POST- certification

Academy certification

Qualified subject matter expert

Other (Please specify)______________

  1. In 2022, what was the minimum number of years of law enforcement experience required for your agency’s full-time post-academy trainers or instructors? If there was no minimum requirement, enter 0. ____

  1. For post-academy training conducted in 2022, did your agency use any personnel from the following agencies/organizations to provide training within your agency?



Outside law enforcement agency

State or local government

Federal government

For-profit organizations (e.g., businesses, corporations, LLCs)

Non-profit organizations (e.g., NGOs, philanthropies, community groups)

Colleges or universities

  1. In 2022, were any of the following used to evaluate the performance of post-academy trainers or instructors used by your agency?



Supervisory evaluation

Peer evaluations

Student feedback/evaluations

Other (Please specify) ______________

Post-Academy Training Content

14. Please indicate whether your agency provided post-academy training instruction on the following subject areas since 2018.

  • Include training regardless of how it is provided (e.g., by your agency, by an outside agency).

  • Only include training for your full-time sworn personnel with general arrest powers.

  • For each subject area that is mandatory or optional, complete the questions under the “If applicable” heading.

  • We understand that these categories may not reflect your course titles and the list is not comprehensive. Please give us your best estimates, even if a topic was integrated throughout the curriculum.

Training subject area

Please select one choice for each subject area

If applicable (complete if training is mandatory or optional)

Mandatory for all full-time sworn officers

Optional or mandatory only for some full-time sworn officers

Not provided since 2018

Number of hours for most recent training

Frequency since 2018

More than once per year

Once per year

Less than once per year



Computers/information systems (e.g., records or case management systems, new software)

Emergency vehicle operations

Evidence processing and storage


Criminal investigation procedures/techniques

Patrol procedures/techniques

Traffic enforcement safety/tactics

Strip search/stop and frisk

Foot pursuits

Vehicle pursuits


School resource officer (SRO)

Hazardous materials and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) incidents

Defensive Tactics

Reporting use of force

Electronic control weapons

OC spray


Firearms skills

Physical comply and control tactics

Martial arts training (e.g. ju-jitsu)

Legal Updates

Legal Updates (including local, state, and federal)

Sexual harassment

Community Policing

Community partnership building/collaboration

Problem solving


Health, fitness, and nutrition

Stress prevention/management

Agency Management

In-custody deaths

Civilian complaints

Body-worn cameras

First line Supervision

Leadership training

Special Topics

Crimes against children

Cyber/internet crimes

Domestic violence


Elder abuse

Ethics and integrity

Hate crimes/bias crimes

Human trafficking

Substance use disorders (e.g., opioids, methamphetamines, hallucinogenics)

Responding to victims of sexual assault


Public records / FOIA

14a Please indicate whether your post-academy training provided instruction on the Agency Technical subject areas since 2018.

  • If your agency has never provided post-academy training on an Agency Technical subject area, please check NA – Never provided

  • Include training regardless of how it is provided (e.g., by your agency, by an outside agency).

  • Only include training for your full-time sworn personnel with general arrest powers.

  • For each subject area that is mandatory or optional, complete the questions under the “If applicable” heading.

    Training subject area

    Please select one choice for each subject area

    If applicable (complete if training is mandatory or optional)

    Mandatory for all full-time sworn officers

    Optional or mandatory only for some full-time sworn officers

    Not provided since 2018

    NA – Never provided

    Number of hours for most recent training

    Frequency since 2018

    More than once per year

    Once per year

    Less than once per year

    Agency Technical

    Facial recognition



    Other (Please Specify): ______

  • We understand that these categories may not reflect your course titles and the list is not comprehensive. Please give us your best estimates, even if a topic was integrated throughout the curriculum.

14b: Since 2018, did your agency provide specific training for full-time sworn personnel following a promotion or assignment to any of the

positions listed below?

If the position does not exist or if no new assignments were made in 2022, select N/A.




School resource officer (SRO)

SWAT/Hostage negotiations

Community police officer


Crisis intervention team

Civilian or intelligence analyst (sworn or non-sworn/civilian)

14c. Since 2018, did your post-academy training provide any instruction on how to identify or respond to potential excessive force used by other officers or deputies?

    1. Yes

    2. No

Detailed Information on Select Topics


15. For the following topics, please consider any post-academy training for full-time sworn personnel provided by your agency since 2018.

  • Include training regardless of how it is provided (e.g., by your agency, by an outside agency).

    Training subject area

    Please select one choice for each subject area

    If applicable complete if training is mandatory or optional)

    Mandatory for all full-time sworn officers

    Optional or mandatory only for some full-time sworn officers

    Not provided since 2018

    Number of hours for most recent training

    Month and year of most recent training

    Public order / Protest management / Mass demonstrations

    __/____ [MM/YYYY]

    Racial profiling, unbiased policing, implicit bias

    __/____ [MM/YYYY]

    Response to an active shooter

    __/____ [MM/YYYY]

    Use of force continuum/situational use of force

    __/____ [MM/YYYY]

    De-escalation/verbal judo

    __/____ [MM/YYYY]

    Procedural justice

    __/____ [MM/YYYY]

    Suicide prevention/mental health awareness

    __/____ [MM/YYYY]

    Peer intervention training

    __/____ [MM/YYYY]

    Responding to persons with mental illness/behavioral health issues (e.g., crisis intervention)

    __/____ [MM/YYYY]

    Homeless persons

    __/____ [MM/YYYY]

  • Only include training for your full-time sworn personnel with general arrest powers.

  • For each subject area that is mandatory or optional, complete the questions under the “If applicable” heading.

  • We understand that these categories may not reflect your course titles and the list is not comprehensive. Please give us your best estimates, even if a topic was integrated throughout the curriculum.


For the following questions on [TOPIC], please answer according to how the post-academy training was most recently provided.

16. Did your agency use any personnel from the following agencies/organizations to provide training within your agency on [TOPIC]?



Outside law enforcement agency

Other state or local government

Federal government

For-profit organizations (e.g., businesses, corporations, LLCs)

Non-profit organizations (e.g., NGOs, philanthropies)

Colleges or universities

16a. Who provides or instructs post-academy training on [TOPIC]?



Sworn personnel employed by your agency

Retired law enforcement personnel employed by your agency

Non-sworn/civilian personnel employed by your agency

Sworn personnel NOT employed by your agency

Retired law enforcement personnel NOT employed by your agency

Non-sworn/civilian personnel NOT employed by your agency

17. Are any of the following methods used in the training of [TOPIC]?



In-person classroom lecture

In-person group activities

Pre-recorded video, lecture, or presentations

Real-time, distance-based learning (e.g., video conference or webinar)

Written or interactive web-based distance learning

Scenario-based exercises, live action (e.g., role playing or simulated events with trainers)

Scenario-based exercises, technology-based simulations (e.g., virtual reality; FATS)

Roll-call training

18. How did your agency measure successful completion of the post-academy training on [TOPIC]?



Knowledge-based test

Skills-based test

Satisfaction or feedback survey


19. Does your agency use any of the following data to gather evidence on the effectiveness of training on [TOPIC]?

Data Source



Follow-up surveys with participants (e.g., weeks or months after training)

Calls for service data

Crime or incident data

Arrest data

Use of force incidents

Civilian complaints

Body-worn camera footage

Officer observations

Community feedback surveys

Other (please specify ________)

20. How often is training on [TOPIC] repeated for full-time sworn personnel after the initial training on this topic is provided?

    1. Twice or more times per year

    2. Once a year

    3. Once every 2 years

    4. Once every 3 or more years

    5. Ad-hoc (e.g., as needed but no fixed time interval)

    6. Not repeated (e.g., single training with no refresher)

21. Why is training on [TOPIC] provided to full-time sworn personnel?



Job task analysis or needs assessment

State- or POST- commission standard or requirement

Subject matter expert input or recommendation

Law enforcement advisory board input or recommendation

Academy staff input or recommendation

Formal community input or recommendations (e.g., advisory board, commission reports)

Informal community needs or request (e.g., conversations with the community, general feedback from community)

State legislative requirement

Local legislative requirement

Internal agency decision by chief executive and command staff

Consent decree

Judicial ruling

Agency accreditation requirements

Grant requirements

Other (Please specify) ___________________________


22. What are the reasons that your agency has not provided training on [TOPIC]?



Already provided in basic academy or field training

No perceived need for the training

Cost of implementing training too high

Lack of qualified trainers

Lack of appropriate facilities or equipment

Lack of budget or financial support

Insufficient staffing/inability to take officers off assignment

Lack of appropriate course

COVID-related health restrictions, no alternative training model available

Other (Please specify) ___________________________

23. How likely are you to consider providing [TOPIC] training in the next 12 months?

  1. Very likely

  2. Somewhat Likely

  3. Somewhat Unlikely

  4. Very unlikely

  5. Unsure / Don’t know

24. What factors will determine whether or not you would provide [TOPIC] training in the next 12 months?



Public expectations

Directive from your agency’s Chief executive (chief, sheriff, director, or agency head)

Guidance or directive from local government

Guidance or directive from state government

Guidance or directive from federal government

Availability of funding

Free or low-cost training

Ability to find appropriate course

Ability to find qualified trainers

Requirement of accreditation

Improved officer availability

Other (Please specify) ___________________________


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File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorTravis Taniguchi
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2022-05-15

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