April 22, 2021
ADA Transition Plan Implementation Feedback
Thank you for participating in the ADA Transition Plan Implementation Customer Satisfaction Feedback, sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Civil Rights (HCR). The survey will take 15 to 20 minutes to complete. We are requesting feedback from each of the 53 State DOTs about the state’s ADA Transition Plan and self-evaluation, community outreach, and program delivery. Sharing your experience will help FHWA/HRC to identify promising and innovative practices states use to allocate resources and funds resulting in maximum accessibility and addressing ADA non-compliance issues in the public-right-way. Additionally, it will allow FHWA to continue to strengthen the support to our partners and improve the outreach and resources our offices provide to make access for pedestrians with disabilities more equitable. Your responses will not be shared individually. Ultimately, a best practices handbook will be developed and shared with states.
Your participation in this survey is voluntary. Please answer all feedback questions. Some questions allow you to choose a “don’t know” option if you’re not sure about how to respond. You may also add your comments at the end of each section of the survey. Your decision to participate, or not, will not have any impact on your job, position, or any matter related to your state’s ADA Transition Plan.
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 requires us to notify you that this information collection is in accordance with the clearance requirements of section 3507 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. FHWA may not conduct or sponsor, and you are not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB number.
This survey is administered by Economic Systems, Inc. (EconSys), an independent consulting company, on behalf of the Federal Highway Administration. If you need assistance with this questionnaire or have questions about this request, please contact EconSys at [email protected].
OMB Control No. 2125-0628
Expiration Date August 2023
Section A. Self-Evaluation and ADA Transition Plan
The feedback to the questions below will help identify areas where the Office of Civil Rights can provide better assistance to States by focusing communication and technical assistance based on the collected information on ADA Transition Plan content and implementation.
A self-evaluation includes a review of programs, services, and activities provided by the public agency. When you completed the Self-Evaluation, what transportation related programs, services, and activities were included? (Select all that apply)
Public buildings
Pedestrian facilities
Communications with the public
Grievance policy
Standard Details (also known as “Standard Drawings” or “Standard Plans”)
Construction specifications
Work zone policies
Other (Specify) ________
Don’t know
Infrastructure elements support the transportation services, programs, and activities provided to the public. Indicate which elements were included in the ADA Transition Plan. (Select all that apply)
Curb ramps
Pedestrian signals
Transit stops
Other (Specify) _______
Don’t know
2.a What is the percentage of each element you collected currently has barriers?
0-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100%
Curb ramps
Pedestrian signals
Transit stops
Other (Specify) _________
Don’t know
considerations are used to prioritize pedestrian accessibility
project locations?
(Please rank: 0=Not considered; from
1=Highest consideration to (up to) 7=Lowest consideration.
that if you mark some of the items below as ‘0=Not
considered’, then the maximum ranking number will be less than
ADA regulations – Government facilities, transportation facilities, places of employment, public accommodations, everything else.
Severity of barrier
Public request
Project funding opportunities
Equitable geographic distribution
Input by disability communities
Other [Please specify “Other” in the next question]
3.a Please specify “Other” _______
How often are the Self-Evaluation and ADA Transition Plan updated?
Every 2 years
Every 4 years (with the Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) cycle)
Every 5 years
Other (Specify) __________
Don’t know
How often is the Inventory of Barriers updated?
As they occur (live database)
Every 2 years
Every 4 years (with the Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) cycle)
Every 5 years
Other (Specify) _________
Don’t know
Who collected information on the right-of-way inventory? (Select all that apply)
In-house staff
General public/users
Other (Specify) _________
Don’t know
What methods were used to collect information on the right-of-way inventory? (Select all that apply)
Field survey
Technology-based app
Windshield or drive-by survey
Satellite images
LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging)
User-based collection
Other (Specify) _______
Don’t know
In what format is the Inventory of Barriers data maintained? (Select all that apply)
Database such as Microsoft Access
Commercial software package (Specify) _______
Contactor or staff designed custom software program
GIS mapping system
Other (Specify) __________
Don’t know
Who is responsible for maintaining the Inventory of Barriers? (Select all that apply)
Civil Rights
Facility Maintenance
Other (Specify) ____
Don’t know
What is the projected timeframe associated with right-of-way barrier removal based on the schedule included in your current ADA Transition Plan document?
Less than 5 years
6-10 years
11-15 years
16-20 years
21-25 years
More than 25 years
Not defined in the schedule
Don’t know
Approximately, what percentage of your ADA Transition Plan has been completed?
Don’t know
Elements in the public right-of-way are required to be “accessible to and usable by” people with disabilities. What Standard, guideline, or policy is being used to determine accessibility? (Select all that apply)
2010 ADA Standards
Proposed Public Rights-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG)
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
Agency policy directly incorporating accessibility criteria and best practices
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) design guides
National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) design guides
Other (Specify) _______
Don’t know
Who was involved during the original ADA Transition Plan process and who is involved in the ADA Transition Plan update process? Check all that apply.
Original Process Update Process
Highway Safety
Civil Rights
Public Affairs
Facility Maintenance
Disability Advisory Committee
Other [Please answer the next two questions]
13.a Please specify “Other, Original Process” _______
13.b Please specify “Other, Update Process” _______
If you have additional comments on the Self-Evaluation and ADA Transition Plan section of the survey, please provide them here. (Maximum: 500 words) _______
Section B. Community Outreach
The questions in this section will help to identify the best practices being used by State DOTs to reach the public, especially people with disabilities and the groups that represent them. With this customer feedback information, the Office of Civil Rights can tailor support and technical assistance to the DOTs in ways that are most effective.
How is the ADA Transition Plan communicated to the public? (Select all that apply)
Public notices
Performance measure reports
Public meetings
Interactive maps
Other (Specify) _______
Don’t know
What options are provided to enable the public to offer comments on the ADA Transition Plan? (Select all that apply)
During Development During Implementation
Website open for ADA Transition Plan comments
Public meetings (in-person or virtual)
Contact information for ADA Coordinator
Relationships with human service organizations
Contact information for person responsible for ADA Transition Plan
Other [Please answer the next two questions]
16.a Please specify “Other, During Development” _______
16.b Please specify “Other, During Implementation” _______
What strategies are used to engage individuals with disabilities in the ADA Transition Plan? (Select all that apply)
During Development During Implementation
Hold meetings with human services organizations
Provide information in alternative formats
Include individuals who have disabilities in your project review team
Include individuals with disabilities in an agency advisory committee
Other [Please answer the next two questions]
17.a Please specify “Other, During Development” _______
17.b Please specify “Other, During Implementation” _______
What methods are available for the public to request accommodations for infrastructure elements such as pedestrian signals, curb ramps, sidewalk repair, etc.? (Select all that apply)
Website link
Apps such as 311
Public meetings (in-person or virtual)
Contact information for ADA Coordinator
Through relationships with human service organizations
Contact information for person responsible for ADA Transition Plan implementation
Other (Specify) _________
Don’t know
If you have additional comments on the Community Outreach section of the survey, please provide them here. (Maximum: 500 words) _______
Section C. Program Delivery
Having national input will improve customer satisfaction and our ability to support FHWA Division Offices and the State DOTs as they work to meet their obligations and improve their transportation systems. The questions in this section will inform the Office of Civil Rights on the implementation of the ADA Transition Plans by the State DOTs during program delivery.
Focusing on the cost of curb ramps only:
What is the approximate average cost to remove and replace a curb ramp? $_________
What is the approximate average fully loaded cost to remove and replace a curb ramp? $_________
What does this include? (Select all that apply)
Right-of-way purchase
Traffic control
Materials and labor
Other (Specify) _________
When does the DOT install Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS)? (Select all that apply)
Routinely with new intersection construction
Routinely with alterations
On request
Other (Specify) _________
Don’t know
Focusing on Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) only:
What is the approximate average cost to install APS for one signal? $_________
What is the approximate average cost to install APS for one intersection? $_________
What is the approximate average fully loaded cost to install APS at one intersection? $_________
What does this include? (Select all that apply)
Traffic control
Materials and labor
Other (Specify) _________
What methods are used for removing barriers identified in the ADA Transition Plan? (Select all that apply)
Stand-alone ADA projects
Resurfacing projects
Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) projects
Permit projects
Maintenance projects
Developer-based projects
Local project partnering
Other (Specify) _________
Don’t know
What types of funding are used for stand-alone ADA projects? (Select all that apply)
BUILD: Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development Transportation Discretionary Grants
INFRA: Infrastructure for Rebuilding America Discretionary Grant Program
TIFIA: Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (loans)
FTA: Federal Transit Administration Capital Funds
ATI: Associated Transit Improvement (1% set-aside of FTA)
CMAQ: Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program
HSIP: Highway Safety Improvement Program
NHPP: National Highway Performance Program
STBG: Surface Transportation Block Grant Program
TA: Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (formerly Transportation Alternatives Program)
RTP: Recreational Trails Program
SRTS: Safe Routes to School Program / Activities
FLTTP: Federal Lands and Tribal Transportation Programs (Federal Lands Access Program, Federal Lands Transportation Program, Tribal Transportation Program, Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects)
Other (Specify) __________
Is the ADA Transition Plan aligned with other transportation plans during project planning?
No [SKIP to Q26]
Don’t know [SKIP to Q26]
25.a What are those transportation plans? (Select all that apply)
Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP)
Pedestrian Master Plan
Multi-modal Plan
Highway Safety Strategic Plan
Human Services Transportation Coordination Plan
Complete Streets/Smart Growth Plan
Other (Specify) ______
Don’t know
What methods are used post-construction to ensure that projects are accessible? (Select all that apply)
Construction inspection, field staff
Construction inspection checklist in spreadsheet
Construction inspection, contracted
Construction inspection software developed in-house
Construction inspection software, commercial product (Specify) ________
Other (Specify) ________
Don’t know
Does the State DOT have a formal review and approval process for determining and documenting when it is technically infeasible to meet the accessibility requirements on a project?
Don’t know
Does the State DOT have an established accessibility/ADA training program for any of the following? (Select all that apply)
Construction inspectors
Traffic Department
County/Municipal leaders
Other (Specify) ________
Don’t know
Does the State DOT have an established accessibility/ADA certification program for the following? (Select all that apply)
Construction inspectors
Traffic Department
Other (Specify) ________
Don’t know
If you have additional comments on the Program Delivery section of the survey, please provide them here. ( ) _________
Thank you for your time and valuable responses. Your feedback will help us to better serve you in the future. Additional information on ADA Transition Plans and requirements is available at https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/civilrights/programs/ada/resources.cfm
End of Survey
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Anderson, Melissa (FHWA) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-02-23 |