1625-0047 Stat/Authority


Plan Review and Records for Vital System Automation

1625-0047 Stat/Authority

OMB: 1625-0047

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§ 59.15–10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–00 Edition)

§ 59.15–10 Bagged



(a) When the shell plates of cylindrical boilers which are exposed to the
radiant heat of the fire become bagged
or blistered, it shall be the duty of the
chief engineer in charge of the vessel
to notify the Officer in Charge, Marine
Inspection, for examination before
raising steam on the boiler.
(b) Where the shell plate is bagged
due to overheating, the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection, may, if in
his judgment it is practicable, permit
the same to be driven back to its original position.
(c) Where the shell plate has blistered, bagged, or bulged to such an extent that there is an appreciable
thinning of the plate, the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection, shall require the defective portion to be cut
away and the shell repaired by fitting a
patch of steel plate conforming to the
requirements of § 52.01–90 of this subchapter in place of the defective portion. Care shall be taken that the riveting schedule of the patch is so arranged as to give the plate sufficient
strength to withstand the stress placed
on it in service.

Subpart 59.20—Welding Repairs to
§ 59.20–1 Carbon-steel


Subpart 61.05—Tests and Inspections of



Preparation of boilers for inspection
Boilers in service.
Boiler mountings and attachments.
Boiler safety valves.

Subpart 61.10—Tests and Inspections of
Pressure Vessels

Pressure vessels in service.

Subpart 61.15—Periodic Tests of Piping
61.15–1 Scope.
61.15–5 Steam piping.
61.15–10 Liquefied petroleum gas piping for
heating and cooking.
61.15–12 Nonmetallic expansion joints.
61.15–15 Other piping.

Subpart 61.20—Periodic Tests of Machinery
and Equipment
61.20–1 Steering gear.
61.20–3 Main and auxiliary machinery and
associated equipment, including fluid
control systems.
61.20–5 Drydock examination.
61.20–15 Tailshaft examination.
61.20–17 Examination intervals.
61.20–18 Examination requirements.
61.20–21 Extension of examination interval.
61.20–23 Tailshaft

Subpart 61.30—Tests and Inspections of
Fired Thermal Fluid Heaters


Defects in carbon-steel or alloy-steel
castings may be repaired by welding.
The repairs shall be performed in accordance with the material specification to which the casting was originally supplied.

61.30–1 Scope.
61.30–5 Preparation of thermal fluid heater
for inspection and test.
61.30–10 Hydrostatic test.
61.30–15 Visual inspection.
61.30–20 Automatic control and safety tests.


Subpart 61.35—Design Verification and
Periodic Testing for Automatic Auxiliary Boilers



Subpart 61.40—Design Verification and
Periodic Testing of Vital System Automation

Subpart 61.01—General

61.40–1 General.
61.40–3 Design verification testing.
61.40–6 Periodic safety tests.
61.40–10 Test procedure details.

Subpart 61.03—Incorporation of Standards

Required tests and checks.

Incorporation by reference.


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Coast Guard, DOT

§ 61.05–10

AUTHORITY: 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 U.S.C. 2103,
3306, 3307, 3703; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR
1980 Comp., p. 277; 49 CFR 1.46.
SOURCE: CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18,
1968, unless otherwise noted.

Presence of Water .........................61.20–17
[CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26001, May 23, 1996, as
amended by CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50728, Sept. 27,
1996; 97–057, 62 FR 51044, Sept. 30, 1997; USCG–
1999–6216, 64 FR 53225, Oct. 1, 1999; USCG–
1999–5151, 64 FR 67180, Dec. 1, 1999]

Subpart 61.01—General
§ 61.01–1

Subpart 61.05—Tests and
Inspections of Boilers


(a) Periodic tests and inspection shall
be made of the main and auxiliary machinery, boilers, and other equipment
as prescribed in this part.
(b) The inspections and tests shall insure that the equipment and associated
structure are in satisfactory operating
conditions and fit for the service for
which they are intended.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48050, Sept. 18,

Subpart 61.03—Incorporation of
§ 61.03–1

Incorporation by reference.

(a) Certain material is incorporated
by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
other than that specified in paragraph
(b) of this section, the Coast Guard
must publish a notice of change in the
FEDERAL REGISTER and the material
must be available to the public. All approved material available for inspection at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capital Street NW.,
suite 700, Washington, DC and at the
U.S. Coast Guard, Office of Design and
Engineering Standards (G–MSE), 2100
Second Street SW., Washington, DC
20593—0001 and is available from the
sources indicated in paragraph (b) of
this section.
(b) The material approved for incorporation by reference in this part and
the sections affected are as follows:
American Society for Testing and Materials
100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken,
PA 19428–2959.
ASTM D 665–98, Standard Test Method
for Rust-Preventing Characteristics of Inhibited Mineral Oil in the

§ 61.05–1 Scope.
The term boiler as used in this subpart includes power boilers subject to
part 52 and heating boilers subject to
part 53 of this subchapter.
[CGD 80–064, 49 FR 32193, Aug. 13, 1984]

§ 61.05–5 Preparation of boilers for inspection and test.
(a) For internal inspection, manhole
and handhold plates, and washout
plugs shall be removed as required by
the marine inspector and the furnace
and combustion chambers shall be
thoroughly cooled and cleaned. Portable obstructions shall be removed as
necessary for proper access.
(b) In preparing the boilers for the
hydrostatic test, they shall be filled
with water at not less than 70 °F. and
not more than 160 °F. for watertube
boilers, and not more than 100 °F. for
firetube boilers. The safety valves shall
be secured by means of gags or clamps.
[CGFR 68-82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26001, May 23,

§ 61.05–10 Boilers in service.
(a) Each boiler, including superheater, reheater, economizer, auxiliary
boiler, low-pressure heating boiler, and
unfired steam boiler, must be available
for examination by the marine inspector at intervals specified by Table
61.05–10, and more often if necessary, to
determine that the complete unit is in
a safe and satisfactory condition. When
a hydrostatic test is required, the marine inspector may examine all accessible parts of the boiler while it is
under pressure.
(b) The owner, master, or person in
charge of the vessel shall give ample
notice to the cognizant Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection, so that a
marine inspector may witness the tests
and make the required inspections.


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§ 61.05–15

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–00 Edition)

(c) Firetube boilers which cannot be
entered or which cannot be satisfactorily examined internally, all boilers
of lap seam construction and all boilers
to which extensive repairs have been
made or the strength of which the marine inspector has any reason to question, shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test of 11⁄2 times the maximum
allowable working pressure. All other
boilers shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test of 11⁄4 times the maximum
allowable working pressure.
(d) In applying hydrostatic pressure
to boilers, arrangements shall be made
to prevent main and auxiliary stop
valves from being simultaneously subjected to the hydrostatic pressure on
one side and steam pressure on the
other side.
(e) If the marine inspector has reason
to believe that the boiler has deteriorated to any appreciable extent under
the bottom where it rests on saddles or
foundations, he shall cause the boiler
to be lifted to such position that it can
be thoroughly examined, provided the
examination cannot be made otherwise.
(f) The marine inspector may require
any boiler to be drilled or gaged to de-

termine actual thickness any time its
safety is in doubt. At the first inspection for certification after a firetube or
flue boiler has been installed for 10
years, it shall be gaged to determine
the extent of deterioration. Thickness
will be measured at or near the waterline, at the bottom and at such other
places deemed necessary by the marine
inspector. Examination may be by
drilling or a nondestructive means acceptable to the marine inspector. Prior
to the use of a nondestructive method
of examination, the user shall demonstrate to the marine inspector that
results having an accuracy within plus
or minus 5 percent are consistently obtainable when using specimens similar
to those to be examined on the boiler.
(g) If the thickness is found to be less
than the original thickness upon which
the maximum allowable working pressure was based, it shall be recalculated.
The thickness of the thinnest measured
portion shall be used in this calculation. Either the design formulas given
in this subchapter or the ones in effect
when the boiler was contracted for or
built may normally be used in this recalculation. In no case will an increase
in the pressure allowed be made.

Firetube boiler ´ 150 psi
Hydro Test:
Passenger Vessel ....................................................................
Other Vessel ............................................................................
Fireside Inspection ..........................................................................
Waterside Inspection .......................................................................
Boiler Safety-Valve Test .................................................................
Valves Inspection ............................................................................
Studs and Bolts Inspection .............................................................
Mountings Inspection ......................................................................
Steam Gauge Test ..........................................................................
Fusible Plug Inspection ...................................................................




Any firetube
boiler for

Firetube boiler < 150 psi



1 All

intervals are in years.
2 Where the 2.5-year interval is indicated: two tests or inspections must occur within any five-year period, and no more than
three years may elapse between any test or inspection and its immediate predecessor.
3 Intervals for hybrid boilers are the same as for firetube boilers.

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 80–064, 49 FR 32193, Aug. 13,
1984; CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24781, May 10, 1995;
USCG–1999–4976, 65 FR 6500, Feb. 9, 2000]

§ 61.05–15 Boiler




(a) Each valve shall be opened and examined by the marine inspector at the
interval specified in Table 61.05–10.
(b) Each stud or bolt for each boiler
mounting that paragraph (c) of this


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§ 61.10–5

section requires to be removed may be
examined by the marine inspector.
(c)(1) Each boiler mounting may be
removed from the boiler and be examined by the marine inspector at the interval specified by Table 61.05–10 when
any of the following conditions exist:
(2) Where boiler mountings or valves
are attached to boiler nozzles and a
satisfactory internal examination of
these mountings or valves and their attaching studs, bolts, or other means of
attachment, can be performed by opening up the valves, such mountings or
valves need not be removed from the
boiler unless in the opinion of the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, such
action is necessary.
(d) The Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, may require the examinations prescribed in this section to be
made at more frequent intervals, if in
his opinion such action is necessary to
be assured of the safety of the boiler
and its attachments.
(e) Water columns, gage glasses, and
gage cocks shall be examined to determine that they are in satisfactory
working order.
(f) Each steam gauge for a boiler or a
main steam line may be examined and
checked for accuracy by the marine inspector at the interval specified by
Table 61.05–10.
(g) Each fusible plug may be examined by the marine inspector at the interval specified by Table 61.05–10.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9980, June 17,
1970; CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24782, May 10, 1995]

§ 61.05–20 Boiler safety valves.
Each safety valve for a drum, superheater, or reheater of a boiler shall be
tested at the interval specified by table
[CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51202, Sept. 30, 1997]

Subpart 61.10—Tests and
Inspections of Pressure Vessels
§ 61.10–1 Scope.
All pressure vessels aboard ships, mobile offshore drilling units, and barges
are subject to periodic inspection.
[CGD 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56801, Dec. 4,
1978; CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48050, Sept. 18, 1995]

§ 61.10–5 Pressure vessels in service.
(a) Basic requirements. Each pressure
vessel must be examined or tested
every 5 years. The extent of the test or
examination should be that necessary
to determine that the pressure vessel’s
condition is satisfactory and that the
pressure vessel is fit for the service intended.
(b) Internal and external tests and inspections. (1) Each pressure vessel listed
on the Certificate of Inspection must
be thoroughly examined externally
every 5 years.
(2) In addition, each pressure vessel
listed on the Certificate of Inspection
that is fitted with a manhole or other
inspection opening so it can be satisfactorily examined internally, must be
opened for internal examination every
5 years.
(3) No pressure vessel need be
hydrostatically tested except when a
defect is found that, in the marine inspector’s opinion, may affect the safety
of the pressure vessel. In this case, the
hydrostatically tested at a pressure of
11⁄2 times the maximum allowable
working pressure.
(c) Special purpose vessels. (1) If your
vessel’s Certificate of Inspection is renewed annually, the following must be
examined under operating conditions
at each inspection for certification: all
tubular heat exchangers, hydraulic accumulators, and all pressure vessels
used in refrigeration service.
(2) If your vessel’s Certificate of Inspection is renewed less often than annually, the following must be examined
under operating conditions twice every
5 years: all tubular heat exchangers,
hydraulic accumulators, and all pressure vessels used in refrigeration service.
(3) No more than 3 years may elapse
between any examination and its immediate predecessor.
(d) Hydrostatic tests under pressure.
Each pressure vessel, other than one
exempted by this section, must be subjected to a hydrostatic test at a pressure of 11⁄4 times the maximum allowable working pressure twice within any
five-year period, except that no more
than three years may elapse between
any test and its immediate predecessor.


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§ 61.15–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–00 Edition)

(e) Exemptions from hydrostatic tests.
The following pressure vessels will not
normally be subjected to a hydrostatic
(1) Tubular heat exchangers.
(2) Pressure vessels used in refrigeration service.
(3) Hydraulic accumulators.
(4) Pressure vessels which have been
satisfactorily examined internally by a
marine inspector and in which no defects have been found which impair the
safety of the pressure vessel.
(5) Pressure vessels which were initially pneumatically tested in accordance with part 54 of this subchapter.
(6) Pressure vessels not stamped with
the Coast Guard Symbol.
(f) Compressed gas or hazardous liquid
pressure vessel tests. Cargo tanks of
pressure vessel configuration containing liquefied, compressed gases or
hazardous liquids must be inspected
and tested as required by the applicable regulations published in subchapter
D or subchapter I of this chapter.
(g) Bulk storage tanks. Each bulk storage tank containing refrigerated liquefied CO2 for use aboard a vessel as a
fire-extinguishing agent shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test of 11⁄2 times
the maximum allowable working pressure in the tenth year of the installation and at ten-year intervals thereafter. After the test, the tank should
be drained and an internal examination
made. Parts of the jacket and lagging
on the underside of the tank designated
by the marine inspector must be removed at the time of the test so the
marine inspector may determine the
external condition of the tank.
(h) Pneumatic tests. (1) Pressure vessels that were pneumatically tested before being stamped with the Coast
Guard Symbol must be examined internally twice every 5 years and examined
externally at each Inspection for Certification. No more than 3 years may
elapse between any external examination and its immediate predecessor.
(2) For tanks whose design precludes
a thorough internal or external examination, the thickness must be determined by a nondestructive method acceptable to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
(3) If (due to the product carried)
your vessel’s inspection intervals are

prescribed in subchapter D (Tank Vessels), subchapter I (Cargo and Miscellaneous Vessels), or subchapter I–A (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units), you must
comply with the pneumatic test regulations there, instead of the ones in
this section.
(i) Safety or relief valves on pressure
vessels. (1) If your vessel’s Certificate of
Inspection is renewed annually, the
marine inspector must check the settings of the safety or relief valves on
all pressure vessels, except cargo
tanks, at each inspection for certification.
(2) If your vessel’s Certificate of Inspection is renewed less often than annually, the marine inspector must
check the settings of the safety or relief valves on all pressure vessels, except cargo tanks, twice every 5 years.
No more than 3 years may elapse between any check and its immediate
(3) Cargo tank safety or relief valves
must be checked at the interval required in subchapter D (Tank Vessels)
or subchapter I (Cargo and Miscellaneous Vessels) of this chapter.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGFR 69–127, 35 FR 9980, June 17,
1970; CGD 73–251, 43 FR 56801, Dec. 4, 1978;
CGD 77–147, 47 FR 21811, May 20, 1982; CGD 86–
033, 53 FR 36024, Sept. 16, 1988; CGD 83–043, 60
FR 24782, May 10, 1995; CGD 95–028, 62 FR
51202, Sept. 30, 1997; USCG–1999–6216, 64 FR
53225, Oct. 1, 1999; USCG–1999–4976, 65 FR 6500,
Feb. 9, 2000]

Subpart 61.15—Periodic Tests of
Piping Systems
§ 61.15–1 Scope.
In conducting hydrostatic tests on
piping, the required test pressure shall
be maintained for a sufficient length of
time to permit an inspection to be
made of all joints and connections. The
setting of the relief valve or safety
valve will be considered as establishing
the maximum allowable working pressure of the system.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 95–012, 60 FR 48050, Sept. 18,

§ 61.15–5 Steam piping.
(a) Main steam piping shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test equal to 11⁄4


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§ 61.15–15

times the maximum allowable working
pressure at the same periods prescribed
for boilers in § 61.05–10. The hydrostatic
test shall be applied from the boiler
drum to the throttle valve. If the covering of the piping is not removed, the
test pressure shall be maintained on
the piping for a period of ten minutes.
If any evidence of moisture or leakage
is detected, the covering shall be removed and the piping thoroughly examined.
(b) All steam piping subject to pressure from the main boiler should be
subjected to a hydrostatic test at a
pressure of 11⁄4 times the maximum allowable working pressure of the boiler
after every five years of service except
as otherwise provided for in paragraph
(a) of this section. Unless the covering
of the piping is removed, the test pressure must be maintained on the piping
for ten minutes. If any evidence of
moisture or leakage is detected, the
covering should be removed and the
piping thoroughly examined. No piping
with a nominal size of 3 inches or less
need be hydrostatically tested.
(c) The setting of safety and relief
valves installed in piping systems shall
be checked by the marine inspector at
each inspection for certification for
vessels whose Certificates of Inspection
are renewed each year. For other vessels, the setting must be checked twice
within any 5-year period, and no more
than 3 years may elapse between any
check and its immediate predecessor.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 73–248, 39 FR 30839, Aug. 26,
1974; CGD 83–043, 60 FR 24782, May 10, 1995;
USCG–1999–4976, 65 FR 6500, Feb. 9, 2000]

§ 61.15–10 Liquefied
piping for heating and cooking.
(a) Leak tests as described in paragraph (b) of this section shall be conducted at least once each month, at
each inspection for certification, and
at each periodic inspection. The tests
required at monthly intervals shall be
conducted by a licensed officer of the
vessel or qualified personnel acceptable
to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection. The owner, master, or person
in charge of the vessel shall keep
records of such tests showing the dates
when performed and the name(s) of the
person(s) and/or company conducting

the tests. Such records shall be made
available to the marine inspector upon
request and shall be kept for the period
of validity of the vessel’s current certificate of inspection. Where practicable, these records should be kept in
or with the vessel’s logbook.
(b) Test system for leakage in accordance with the following procedure:
With appliance valve closed, the master shutoff valve on the appliance open,
and with one cylinder valve open, not
pressure in gage. Close cylinder valve.
The pressure should remain constant
for at least 10 minutes. If the pressure
drops, locate leakage by application of
liquid detergent or soapy water solution at all connections. Never use
flame to check for leaks. Repeat test
for each cylinder in a multicylinder
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–1999–4976, 65 FR 6500, Feb.
9, 2000]

§ 61.15–12 Nonmetallic


(a) Nonmetallic expansion joints
must be examined externally at each
inspection for certification and periodic inspection for signs of excessive
wear, fatigue, deterioration, physical
flange-to-flange spacing, and leakage.
A complete internal examination must
be conducted when an external examination reveals excessive wear or other
signs of deterioration or damage.
(b) A nonmetallic expansion joint
must be replaced 10 years after it has
been placed into service if it is located
in a system which penetrates the side
of the vessel and both the penetration
and the nonmetallic expansion joint
are located below the deepest load waterline. The Officer in Charge, Marine
Inspection may grant an extension of
the ten year replacement to coincide
with the vessel’s next drydocking.
[CGD 77–140, 54 FR 40615, Oct. 2, 1989, as
amended by CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51202, Sept. 30,
1997; USCG–1999–4976, 65 FR 6501, Feb. 9, 2000]

§ 61.15–15

Other piping.

(a) All other piping systems shall be
examined under working conditions as
required by the marine inspector.


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§ 61.20–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–00 Edition)
tion every 5 years at the time of

Subpart 61.20—Periodic Tests of
Machinery and Equipment
§ 61.20–1

Steering gear.

(a) The marine inspector must inspect the steering gear at each inspection for certification for vessels whose
Certificate of Inspections are renewed
each year. For other vessels, the marine inspector must inspect the steering gear twice within a 5-year period,
and no more than 3 years may elapse
between any inspection and its immediate predecessor. The marine inspector may inspect the steering gear more
often, if necessary.
(b) All devices employed in the
change-over from automatic to manual
operation shall be examined and tested.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–1999–4976, 65 FR 6501, Feb.
9, 2000]

§ 61.20–3 Main and auxiliary machinery and associated equipment, including fluid control systems.
(a) At each inspection for certification and periodic inspection the marine inspector shall conduct such tests
and inspections of the main propulsion
and auxiliary machinery and of its associated equipment, including the fluid
control systems, as he feels necessary
to check safe operation.
(b) Remote control for the means of
stopping machinery driving forced and
induced draft fans, fuel oil transfer
pumps, fuel oil unit pumps, and fans in
the ventilation systems serving machinery and cargo spaces shall be tested at each regular inspection for certification and periodic inspection.
[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by USCG–1999–4976, 65 FR 6501, Feb.
9, 2000]

§ 61.20–5

Drydock examination.

(a) When any vessel is drydocked, examination shall be made of the propeller, stern bushing, sea connection,
and fastenings if deemed necessary by
the marine inspector.
(b) Sea chests, sea valves, sea strainers, and valves for the emergency bilge
suction shall be opened up for examina-

[CGFR 68–82, 33 FR 18890, Dec. 18, 1968, as
amended by CGD 84–024, 53 FR 32231, Aug. 24,
1988; CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51202, Sept. 30, 1997]

§ 61.20–15

Tailshaft examination.

The rules in §§ 61.20–15 through 61.20–
23 apply only to vessels in ocean and
coastwise service. Each examination,
inspection and test prescribed by these
sections must be conducted in the presence of a marine inspector.
[CGD 78–153, 45 FR 52388, Aug. 7, 1980]

§ 61.20–17

Examination intervals.

(a) A lubricant that demonstrates the
corrosion inhibiting properties of oil
when tested in accordance with ASTM
D 665 (incorporated by reference, see
§ 61.03–1) is considered to be equivalent
to oil for the purposes of the tailshaft
examination interval.
(b) Except as provided in paragraphs
(c) through (f) of this section, each
tailshaft on a vessel must be examined
twice within any 5 year period. No
more than 3 years may elapse between
any 2 tailshaft examinations.
(c) Tailshafts on vessels fitted with
multiple shafts must be examined once
every 5 years.
(d) Tailshafts with inaccessible portions fabricated of materials resistant
to corrosion by sea water, or fitted
with a continuous liner or a sealing
gland which prevents sea water from
contacting the shaft, must be examined
once every 5 years if they are constructed or fitted with a taper,
keyway, and propeller designed in accordance with the American Bureau of
Shipping standards to reduce stress
concentrations or are fitted with a
flanged propeller. Accessible portions
of tailshafts must be examined visually
during each drydock examination.
(e) Tailshafts with oil lubricated
bearings, including bearings lubricated
with a substance considered to be
equivalent to oil under the provisions
of paragraph (a) of this section need
not be drawn for examination—
(1) If tailshaft bearing clearance
readings are taken whenever the vessel
undergoes a drydock examination or
underwater survey;


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§ 61.20–23

(2) If the inboard seal assemblies are
examined whenever the vessel undergoes a drydock examination or underwater survey;
(3) If an analysis of the tailshaft
bearing lubricant is performed semiannually in accordance with the lubrication system manufacturer’s recommendations to determine bearing
material content or the presence of
other contaminants; and
(4) If—
(i) For tailshafts with a taper, the
propeller is removed and the taper and
the keyway (if fitted) are nondestructively tested at intervals not to exceed
5 years; or
(ii) For tailshafts with a propeller
fitted to the shaft by means of a coupling flange, the propeller coupling
bolts and flange radius are nondestructively tested whenever they are removed or made accessible in connection with overhaul or repairs.
(f) Tailshafts on mobile offshore
drilling units are not subject to examination intervals under paragraphs (b)
through (d) of this section if they are—
(1) Examined during each regularly
scheduled drydocking; or
(2) Regularly examined in a manner
acceptable to the Commandant (G–
[CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26001, May 23, 1996, as
amended by CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50728, Sept. 27,
1996; 61 FR 52497, Oct. 7, 1996; USCG–1999–5151,
64 FR 67180, Dec. 1, 1999]

§ 61.20–18

Examination requirements.

(a) Each tailshaft must be drawn and
visually inspected at each examination.
(b) On tailshafts with a taper,
keyway, (if fitted) and propeller designed in accordance with American
Bureau of Shipping standards to reduce
stress concentrations, the forward 1⁄3 of
the shaft’s taper section must be nondestructively tested in addition to a
visual inspection of the entire shaft.
(c) On tailshafts with a propeller
fitted to the shaft by means of a coupling flange, the flange, the fillet at
the propeller end, and each coupling
bolt must be nondestructively tested in

addition to a visual inspection of the
entire shaft.
[CGD 84–024, 52 FR 39652, Oct. 23, 1987, as
amended by CGD 84–024, 53 FR 32231, Aug. 24,

§ 61.20–21 Extension of examination interval.
The Commandant (G–MOC) may authorize extensions of the interval between tailshaft examinations.
[CGD 84–024, 52 FR 39652, Oct. 23, 1987, as
amended by CGD 95–072, 60 FR 50463, Sept. 29,
1995; CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50728, Sept. 27, 1996]

§ 61.20–23 Tailshaft clearance; bearing
(a) Water lubricated bearings, other
than rubber, must be rebushed as follows:
(1) Where the propelling machinery is
located amidship, the after stern tube
bearing must be rebushed when it is
worn down to 6.4 mm (0.25 in) clearance
for shafts of 229 mm (9 in) or less in diameter, 7.95 mm (0.3125 in) clearance
for shafts exceeding 229 mm (9 in) but
not exceeding 305 mm (12 in) in diameter, and 9.53 mm (0.375 in) clearance for
shafts exceeding 305 mm (12 in) in diameter.
(2) Where the propelling machinery is
located aft, the after stern tube bearing must be rebushed when weardown
is 1.6 mm (.0625 in) less than the applicable clearance for propelling machinery located amidship.
(b) Water lubricated rubber bearings
must be rebushed when any water
groove is half the original depth.
(c) Oil lubricated bearings must be
rebushed when deemed necessary by
the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection. The manufacturer’s recommendation shall be considered in making this
[CGD 78–153, 45 FR 52388, Aug. 7, 1980]

Subpart 61.30—Tests and Inspections of Fired Thermal Fluid
SOURCE: CGD 80–064, 49 FR 32193, Aug. 13,
1984, unless otherwise noted.


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§ 61.30–1
§ 61.30–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–00 Edition)

The term thermal fluid heater as used
in this part includes any fired automatic auxiliary heating unit which
uses a natural or synthetic fluid in the
liquid phase as the heat exchange medium and whose operating temperature
and pressure do not exceed 204 °C (400
°F) and 225 psig, respectively. Thermal
fluid heaters having operating temperatures and pressures higher than 204
°C (400 °F) and 225 psig, respectively,
are inspected under subpart 61.05—
Tests and Inspections of Boilers.
§ 61.30–5 Preparation of thermal fluid
heater for inspection and test.
For visual inspection, access plates
and manholes shall be removed as required by the marine inspector and the
heater and combustion chambers shall
be thoroughly cooled and cleaned.
[CGD 80-064, 49 FR 32193, Aug. 13, 1984, as
amended by CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26002, May 23,

§ 61.30–10

Hydrostatic test.

All new installations of thermal fluid
heaters must be given a hydrostatic
test of 11⁄2 times the maximum allowable working pressure. The test must
be conducted in the presence of a marine inspector. No subsequent hydrostatic tests are required unless, in the
opinion of the Officer in Charge Marine
Inspection, the condition of the heater
warrants such a test. Where hydrostatic tests are required, an inspection
is made of all accessible parts under
pressure. The thermal fluid may be
used as the hydrostatic test medium.
§ 61.30–15

Visual inspection.

Thermal fluid heaters are examined
by a marine inspector at the inspection
for certification, periodic inspection
and when directed by the Officer in
Charge Marine Inspection, to determine that the complete unit is in a safe
and satisfactory condition. The visual
examination includes, but is not limited to, the combustion chamber, heat
exchanger, refractory, exhaust stack,
and associated pumps and piping.
[CGD 80–064, 49 FR 32193, Aug. 13, 1984, as
amended by USCG–1999–4976, 65 FR 6501, Feb.
9, 2000]

§ 61.30–20 Automatic control and safety tests.
Operational tests and checks of all
safety and limit controls, combustion
controls, programming controls, and
safety relief valves must be conducted
by the owner, chief engineer, or person
in charge at the inspection for certification, periodic inspection, and when
directed by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, to determine that the
control components and safety devices
are functioning properly and are in satisfactory operating condition. These
tests and checks must be conducted in
the presence of a marine inspector and
must include the following: proper
prepurge, burner ignition sequence
checks, operation of the combustion
controls, limit controls, fluid flow controls, fluid level controls, high temperature control, proper postpurge control, and verification of the flame safeguard.
[CGD 88–057, 55 FR 24237, June 15, 1990, as
amended by USCG–1999–4976, 65 FR 6501, Feb.
9, 2000]
NOTE: Sections 63.05–90 and 63.10–90 of this
chapter may be referenced concerning operating tests.

Subpart 61.35—Design Verification
and Periodic Testing for Automatic Auxiliary Boilers
SOURCE: CGD 88–057, 55 FR 24237, June 15,
1990, unless otherwise noted.

§ 61.35–1


(a) All automatic auxiliary boilers
except fired thermal fluid heaters must
be tested and inspected in accordance
with this subpart and subpart 61.05 of
this part.
(b) Fired thermal fluid heaters must
be tested and inspected in accordance
with subpart 61.30 of this part.
(c) All controls, safety devices, and
other control system equipment must
be tested and inspected to verify their
proper design, construction, installation, and operation.
(d) All tests must be performed after
installation of the automatic auxiliary
boiler and its control system(s) aboard
the vessel.


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Coast Guard, DOT

§ 61.40–1

(e) As far as practicable, test techniques must not simulate monitored
system conditions by misadjustment,
artificial signals, improper wiring,
tampering, or revision of the system
tested. The use of a synthesized signal
or condition applied to a sensor is acceptable if the required test equipment
is maintained in good working order
and is periodically calibrated. Proper
operation and proper calibration of test
equipment must be demonstrated to
the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
§ 61.35–3 Required tests and checks.
(a) Tests and checks must include the
(1) Safety (Programming) controls.
Safety controls must control and cycle
the unit in the proper manner and sequence. Proper prepurge, ignition,
postpurge, and modulation must be
verified. All time intervals must be
(2) Flame safeguard. The flame safeguard system must be tested by causing flame and ignition failures. Operation of the audible alarm and visible
indicator must be verified. The shutdown times must be verified.
(3) Fuel supply controls. Satisfactory
shutdown operation of the two fuel
control solenoid valves must be
verified. No visible leakage from the
valves into the burner(s) must be
(4) Fuel oil pressure limit control. A
safety shutdown must be initiated by
lowering the fuel oil pressure below the
value required for safe combustion.
System shutdown and the need for
manual reset prior to automatic startup must be verified.
(5) Fuel oil temperature limit control.
(Units designed to burn heavy fuel oil.)
A safety shutdown must be initiated by
lowering the fuel oil temperature
below the designed temperature. System shutdown and the need for manual
reset prior to automatic startup must
be verified.
(6) Combustion controls. Smooth and
stable operation of the combustion
controls must be verified.
(7) Draft limit control. The draft loss
interlock switch must be tested to ensure proper operation. The draft limit
control must cause burner shutdown

and prevent startup when an inadequate air volume is supplied to the
(8) Limit controls. Shutdown caused by
the limit controls must be verified.
(9) Water level controls. Water level
controls must be tested by slowly lowering the water level in the boiler.
Each operating water level control
must be individually tested. The upper
low water cutoff and the lower low
water cutoff must each be tested. The
audible alarm and visible indicator associated with the lower low water cutoff must be tested. The manual reset
device must be tested after the lower
low water cutoff has been activated.
(10) Feed water flow controls. The feed
water flow limit device (found on
steam boilers and water heaters without water level controls) must be tested by interrupting the feed water supply. Manual reset must be required
prior to restarting the boiler.
(11) Low voltage test. The fuel supply
to the burners must automatically
shut off when the supply voltage is
(12) Switches. All switches must be
tested to verify satisfactory operation.

Subpart 61.40—Design Verification
and Periodic Testing of Vital
System Automation
SOURCE: CGD 81–030, 53 FR 17837, May 18,
1988, unless otherwise noted.

§ 61.40–1


(a) All automatically or remotely
controlled or monitored vital systems
addressed by part 62 of this subchapter
must be subjected to tests and inspections to evaluate the operation and reliability of controls, alarms, safety features, and interlocks. Test procedures
must be submitted to the Coast Guard
for approval.
(b) Persons designated by the owner
of the vessel shall conduct all tests and
the Design Verification and Periodic
Safety tests shall be witnessed by the
Coast Guard.
(c) Design Verification and Periodic
Safety test procedure documents approved by the Coast Guard must be retained aboard the vessel.


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§ 61.40–3

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–00 Edition)

§ 61.40–3 Design verification testing.
(a) Tests must verify that automated
vital systems are designed, constructed, and operate in accordance
with all applicable requirements of
part 62 of this subchapter. The tests
must be based upon the failure analysis, if required by § 62.20–3(b) of this
subchapter, functional performance requirements, and the Periodic Safety
tests of § 61.40–6.
(b) Tests must be performed immediately after the installation of the
automated equipment or before the
issuance of the initial Certificate of Inspection.
§ 61.40–6 Periodic safety tests.
(a) Periodic Safety tests must demonstrate the proper operation of the
alarms, power sources, transfer override arrangements, interlocks, and
safety controls. Systems addressed
must include fire detection and extinguishing, flooding safety, propulsion,
maneuvering, electric power generation and distribution, and emergency
internal communications.
(b) Tests must be conducted at periodic intervals specified by the Coast
Guard to confirm that vital systems
and safety features continue to operate
in a safe, reliable manner.
NOTE: Normally, these tests are conducted

§ 61.40–10 Test procedure details.
(a) Test procedure documents must
be in a step-by-step or checkoff list format. Each test instruction must specify equipment status, apparatus necessary to perform the tests, safety precautions, safety control and alarm setpoints, the procedure to be followed,
and the expected test result.
(b) Test techniques must not simulate monitored system conditions by
mis-adjustment, artificial signals, improper wiring, tampering, or revision of
the system unless the test would damage equipment or endanger personnel.
In the latter case, the use of a synthesized signal or condition applied to
the sensor is acceptable if test equipment is maintained in good working
order and is periodically calibrated to
the satisfaction of the Officer in

Charge, Marine Inspection. Other test
techniques must be approved by the
Commandant (G–MSE).
[CGD 80–064, 49 FR 32193, Aug. 13, 1984, as
amended by CGD 95–072, 60 FR 50463, Sept. 29,
1995; CGD 96–041, 61 FR 50728, Sept. 27, 1996]

Subpart 62.01–General Provisions


Subpart 62.05–Reference Specifications

Incorporation by reference.

Subpart 62.10–Terms Used


Subpart 62.15–Equivalents
62.15–1 Conditions under which equivalents
may be used.

Subpart 62.20–Plan Submittal

Plans for approval.
Plans for information.

Subpart 62.25–General Requirements for
All Automated Vital Systems
62.25–1 General.
62.25–5 All control systems.
62.25–10 Manual alternate control systems.
62.25–15 Safety control systems.
62.25–20 Instrumentation, alarms, and centralized stations.
62.25–25 Programable systems and devices.
62.25–30 Environmental design standards.

Subpart 62.30–Reliability and Safety
Criteria, All Automated Vital Systems
62.30–1 Failsafe.
62.30–5 Independence.
62.30–10 Testing.

Subpart 62.35–Requirements for Specific
Types of Automated Vital Systems
62.35–1 General.
62.35–5 Remote propulsion control systems.
62.35–10 Flooding safety.
62.35–15 Fire safety.
62.35–20 Oil-fired main boilers.
62.35–35 Internal combustion engine starting systems.
62.35–40 Fuel systems.


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