Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX) Minimum Data Elements (MDEs)

Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX) Minimum Data Elements (MDEs)


Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX) Minimum Data Elements (MDEs)

OMB: 1810-0683

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According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1810-0683. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 8,690.74 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering, and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain a benefit under Title I, Part C of ESEA (P.L. 115-64) Sec. 1304(b)(3) and Sec. 1308(b)(2). If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this individual collection, or if you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual form, application, or survey, please contact the Office of Migrant Education (202-260-1164) directly.

MSIX Minimum Data Elements (PROPOSED)

Data Element Definition Values

Data Element



Additional Information



MSIX Identification Number

A unique, MSIX system generated identification number assigned to identify a migrant child's consolidated record.

Unique 12-digit numeric value, system assigned.

Uniquely identifies one and only one child’s consolidated student record. The MSIX system will assign an MSIX identification number to the student record after the State’s first submission of that student record.

Student Demographic


State Student Identifier

A unique identification number assigned to a child by a State.

Any combination of letters and/or numbers of 15-digits or less that will uniquely retrieve only one child in the State.

Uniquely identifies student state academic records and is different from MSIX Identification Number. The two types of State Student Identifier are listed in MDE #3 below.

Alternate State Student Identifiers may be submitted to MSIX following the guidance in the MSIX Inbound File Specification document.

Student Demographic


State Student Identifier Type

Identifies the origin of the State Student Identifier.

01 - State-assigned unique ID Number; 02 - State Migrant Education Program

Assigned Unique ID number

Student Demographic


First Name

A name given to a child at birth,

baptism, or during another naming ceremony, or through legal change.

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Student Demographic


Middle Name

A secondary name given to a child at birth, baptism, or during another

naming ceremony, or through legal change.

Free text (50 character limit)

If child does not have a middle name, leave the free text field blank.

Student Demographic


Last Name 1

Child's legal last name (paternal).

Free text (50 character limit)

If child has multiple last names or a hyphenated last name, the field “Last Name 1” should include the first part of the last name and “Last Name 2” should include the second part of the last name.

Student Demographic


Last Name 2

If appropriate, child's legal last name (maternal).

Free text (50 character limit)

If child has multiple last names or a hyphenated last name, the field “Last Name 1” should include the first part of the last name and “Last Name 2” should include the second part of the last name.

Student Demographic



An appendage, if any, used to denote

a child's generation in his family (e.g., Jr., Sr., III, 3rd).

Free text (10 character limit)

Student Demographic



Refers to the child’s sex.

Female; Male; Other

Student Demographic


Birth Date

The calendar date on which a child was born.


Student Demographic


Multiple Birth Flag

Multiple Birth refers to the delivery of more than one offspring in a single birth event

Yes; No

Yes indicates the child is a twin, triplet, etc. If value is No, the child does not have any twin, triplet or additional same-birth siblings.

Student Demographic








Birth Date Verification

The evidence by which a child's date of birth is confirmed.

Any valid NCES code below:

1003 - Baptismal or church certificate 1004 - Birth Certificate

1005 - Entry in family Bible 1006 - Hospital Certificate 1007 - Parent's affidavit 1008 - Passport

1009 - Physician's Certificate

1010 - Previously verified school records 1011 - State-issued ID

1012 - Driver's license

1013 - Immigration document 2382 - Life insurance policy

9999 - Other

Student Demographic


Parent 1 First Name

The first name of parent 1. The term ‘parent’ includes a legal guardian or other person standing in loco parentis (such as a grandparent or stepparent with whom the child lives, or a person

who is legally responsible for the welfare of the child).

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If there is no parent 1 information disclosed, leave blank.

Student Demographic


Parent 1 Last Name

The last name of parent 1. The term ‘parent’ includes a legal guardian or other person standing in loco parentis (such as a grandparent or stepparent with whom the child lives, or a person

who is legally responsible for the welfare of the child).

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If Parent 1 First Name is present, then Parent 1 Last Name must also be present. If there is no parent 1 information disclosed, leave blank.

Student Demographic


Parent 2 First Name

The first name of parent 2. The term ‘parent’ includes a legal guardian or other person standing in loco parentis (such as a grandparent or stepparent with whom the child lives, or a person

who is legally responsible for the welfare of the child).

Free text (50 character limit)

If there is no parent 2 information disclosed, leave blank.

Student Demographic


Parent 2 Last Name

The last name of parent 2. The term ‘parent’ includes a legal guardian or other person standing in loco parentis (such as a grandparent or stepparent with whom the child lives, or a person

who is legally responsible for the welfare of the child).

Free text (50 character limit)

If Parent 2 First Name is present, then Parent 2 Last Name must also be present. If there is no parent 2 information disclosed, leave blank.

Student Demographic


Qualifying Arrival Date (QAD)

The Qualifying Arrival Date (QAD) is the calendar date that is documented on the child’s COE.




Qualifying Move From City

The name of the city that was the child’s last place of residency immediately prior to the qualifying


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Qualifying Move From State

The postal abbreviation code for the State (within the United States) or Outlying Area that was the child’s last

place of residency immediately prior to the qualifying move.

Any valid U.S., Canadian or Mexican state abbreviation or freeform entry of any other state name if country not = U.S., Canada or Mexico.



Qualifying Move From Country

The abbreviation code for the country (other than the US) that was the child’s last place of residency immediately prior to the qualifying move.

Any valid country code as listed in the MSIX technical reference materials.

The Country Codes table can be found in the MSIX website once you’ve logged in.

Click Resources on the left-side

navigation and there will be a link for Country Codes.



Qualifying Move To City

The name of the city in which the child resided immediately following

the qualifying move as the worker, or with or to join, the worker.

Free text (100 character limit)

A qualifying move can never be made to a country outside of the United States.



Qualifying Move To State

The 2 letter postal abbreviation code for a State (within the United States) or Outlying Area in which the child resided immediately following the qualifying move as the worker, or with or to join, the worker.

Any valid U.S. State code

A qualifying move can never be made to a country outside of the United States.



Eligibility Expiration Date (EED)

The calendar date on which the child is no longer eligible for the MEP. This date should initially be a date equal to 36 months from the QAD to indicate the end of MEP eligibility.


This date should be replaced if the child’s eligibility expires prematurely, e.g., graduated high school; obtained high school equivalency (HSE); declined MEP eligibility; reached 22 years of age or is no longer entitled to a free public education in the State; or is deceased.



Immunization Record Flag

Yes indicates the school or MEP project has immunization records on file for the child.

Yes; No

A child’s immunization record is tied school or MEP enrollment. Users should contact the appropriate facility if a copy of

the immunization record is needed.



Enrollment Date

The calendar date on which a child is

enrolled in a school/MEP project/MEP.




Enrollment Type

The type of school/MEP project in which instruction and/or support services are provided.

  1. - Basic School Program.

  2. - Regular Term MEP-Funded Project.

  3. - Summer/Intersession MEP-Funded


04 - Year Round MEP-Funded Project. 05 - Basic School Program and Regular-

Term MEP-Funded Project.

06 - Residency Only (none of the above) 07 - Non-migrant enrollment

Value 05 applies as long as a child is receiving services and as long as the school houses the MEP Project. If this value is selected, the value for MEP Project Type (below) must be 01 (School-based MEP Project).

Enrollment types 01, 06, and 07 will not have a MEP Project Type (MDE#31). The Department is expecting the States to submit both school enrollments and MEP project enrollments, not enrollments for each service provided. A data entry is not needed for every time and place that a migrant student receives some type of service. The Department is also expecting States to report the name of the project that was providing services, not the name of the service that was provided.

Value 07 should only be used to submit files containing secondary credit accrual information for school enrollments that precede the child’s MEP eligibility.



School or Project Name

The full legally or popularly accepted name of a school (or MEP project providing educational and/or educationally-related services) in which the child was enrolled.

Free text (100 character limit)

MSIX is designed to accept information on either a School or a Project or both, so each entity can complete this item by

entering as much information as is available to them.



MEP Project Type

Indicates the type of MEP project based on the location where the MEP services are held.

  1. - School-based MEP Project

  2. - Non-school-based MEP Project

The State should populate this MDE with the “01 School-based MEP Project” value if the Enrollment Type is value “05 Basic School Program and Regular- Term MEP-Funded Project.”



School Identification Code

A unique national code assigned by the National Center of Education Statistics (NCES) to each school providing educational and/or educationally-related services.

Valid 12 digit NCES school identification code.

This data element is only applicable to school enrollments or school-based MEP projects. The School Identification Code is separate from the MSIX Identification Code, and State Student Identifier Types.



Facility Name

The name of a building where the school activity or MEP project was conducted.

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In cases where the activity was conducted outside of a building site, provide the name and address of an administrative office where the MEP project staff can be contacted.



Facility Address 1

Line 1 of the mailing address. The street number and name or post office box number of a facility's address.

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Facility Address 2

Line 2 of the mailing address. The building, office, department, room, suite number of a facility's address.

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Facility Address 3

Line 3 of the mailing address for a facility.

Free text (35 character limit)



Facility City

The name of the city in which a facility is located.

Free text (30 character limit)



School District Name

The full legally or popularly accepted name of a local educational agency

(i.e., school district or local operating agency).

Valid NCES district name for the school or migrant education project site in which

the school or migrant education project is located.

The School District is not populated for non-school-based MEP projects.



Facility State

The postal abbreviation code for a State (within the United States) or Outlying Area in which a school or other facility is located.

Valid state code for this facility.

State code entered must match the NCES database for the school identification code entered in MDE 32.



Facility Zip

The five or nine digit zip code portion of a facility’s address.

Valid 9 digit postal zip code.

Zip code entered must match the NCES database for the school identification code entered in MDE 32.



Telephone Number

The telephone number of the school or MEP project contact person including the area code and extension,

if applicable.

Free text (10 character limit)



Grade Level

The grade level in which a school/MEP project enrolls a child.

P0 - Age Birth P1 - Age 1

P2 - Age 2

P3 - Age 3 (not in Kindergarten)

P4 - Age 4 (not in Kindergarten)

P5 - Age 5 (not in Kindergarten)

PS – Age 0-5; In a Pre-school program (not in Kindergarten)

PX - Age 0-5; Preschool attendance unknown (not in Kindergarten)

KG - Kindergarten 01 - Grade 1

  1. - Grade 2

  2. - Grade 3

  3. - Grade 4

  4. - Grade 5

  5. - Grade 6

  6. - Grade 7

  7. - Grade 8

  8. - Grade 9

  1. - Grade 10

  2. - Grade 11

  3. - Grade 12 UG - Ungraded

00 - Out-of-School



English Learner Indicator

Child meets the State’s definition of “English Learner” as defined in Section 8101(20) of ESSA.

Yes; No

When value is Yes, use MDE 52 value 11 – State Assessment English Language Proficiency.



IEP Indicator

Child has an individualized education program (IEP) because the child meets the definition of Children with Disabilities (section 614(d) of IDEA).

Yes; No



Continuation of Services Indicator

Reason why the formerly eligible migratory child is being served under the continuation of services authority of the MEP (section 1304(e) of ESSA).

  1. - Child receiving services for the duration of the term after eligibility expiration

  2. - Child receiving services for 1 additional school year – comparable services are not available through other programs

  3. - Student who was eligible for services in secondary* school continues to be served in credit accrual programs until




Med Alert Indicator

Alert indicator for a medical/health condition

Chronic; Acute; None



PFS Indicator

Indicates whether the State has determined the child to be priority for services for the duration of the enrollment period (as defined by section 1304(d) of ESSA).

Yes; No



Designated Graduation School

The NCES school identification number that identifies the school or facility from which a student expects

to graduate. Only one school may be designated for graduation at a time.

Valid NCES school identification number

This data element is only applicable for secondary* students where a designated graduation school is known.

If the graduation school is not known, or if this MDE does not apply, it can be left blank.



Withdrawal Date

The calendar date on which a child withdrew from a school or MEP project.


Withdrawal reasons include: End of Project; Graduation/HSE; Moved cannot locate; Dropped

out of school; Dropped out of MEP project; End of school year.



Assessment Title

The title or description, including a form number that identifies a particular assessment.

Free text (55 character limit)



Assessment Content

The description of the content or subject area (e.g. mathematics, reading) of an assessment.

Free text (35 character limit)



Assessment Type

The category of an assessment based on format and content.

01 - State Assessment - An assessment to measure a student’s present level of knowledge, skill, or competence in a specific area or subject as required under

ESSA Sec. 1111(b).

  1. - Advanced placement test - An assessment to measure the achievement of a student in a subject matter area, taught during high school, which may qualify him or her to bypass the usual initial college class in this area and begin his or her college work in the area at a more advanced level and possibly with college credit.

  2. - Language proficiency test - An assessment used to measure a student’s level of proficiency (i.e., speaking, writing, reading, and listening) in either a native language or an acquired language. 04 - Exit Exam.

  1. High School Equivalency.

  2. - Special Education Assessment. 07 - Early Childhood Development Assessment.

  1. - Other Achievement Test

  2. - State Assessment Mathematics 10 - State Assessment – Reading or Language Arts

11 - State Assessment – English Language Proficiency

For Mathematics State Assessment, use value 09 – State Assessment – Mathematics to denote an assessment to measure

a student’s present level of

knowledge, skill, or competence in Mathematics as required under ESSA Sec. 1111(b).

For Reading or Language Arts State Assessment, use value 10 – State Assessment – Reading or Language Arts to denote an assessment to measure a student’s present level of knowledge, skill, or competence in Reading or Language Arts as required under ESSA Sec.


For English Language Proficiency State Assessment, use value 11 – State Assessment

English Language Proficiency to denote an assessment to measure a student’s present level of knowledge, skill, or competence in English Language Proficiency as required under ESSA Sec. 1111(b).

When MDE 43 – English Learner Indicator is Yes, use MDE 52 value 11 – State Assessment – English Language Proficiency.

Submit all other language proficiency tests as MDE 52 value 03 – Language proficiency test.

For State Assessments other than mathematics and reading/language arts, use value 01 State Assessment.

When using MDE 52 values 09,

10 or 11, MDE 56 must be “Advanced,” “Proficient or Above,” “Proficient,” “Passed,” “Failed,” “Not Proficient,”,

Basic,” “Below Basic,” or “Far Below Basic.”


Assessment Administration Date

The month and year on which an assessment is administered.




Assessment Reporting Method

The method that the instructor of the class uses to report the performance and achievement of all students. It may be a qualitative method such as individualized teacher comments or a quantitative method such as a letter or a numerical grade. In some cases, more than one type of reporting method may be used.

0512 - Achievement level 0490 - Age score

0491 - C-scaled scores 0492 - CEEB-scores

0493 - Grade equivalent or grade-level indicator

0494 - ITED-score

0144 - Letter grade/Mark 0513 - Mastery level

0497 - Normal curve equivalent 0498 - Normalized standard score 0499 - Number score

9999 - Other

0500 - Pass-Fail

0502 - Percentile rank 0503 - Proficiency level 0504 - Ranking

0505 - Ratio IQ's

0506 - Standard age score 0508 - Stanine score 0509 - Sten score

0510 - T-score

0511 - Z-score



Score Results

A score or statistical expression of the performance of a child on an


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Assessment Interpretation

The assessment proficiency level attributed to the Score Results. All values may not be applicable for each State.

Free text (100 character limit) Advanced

Proficient or Above Proficient

Passed Failed

Not Proficient Basic

Below Basic

Far Below Basic

Other [Describe Proficiency Level]

When using MDE 52 values 09,

10 or 11, MDE 56 must be “Advanced,” “Proficient or Above,” “Proficient,” “Passed,” “Failed,” “Not Proficient,”, “Basic,” “Below Basic,” or “Far Below Basic.”



Course Title

The name of a course (e.g., Algebra II, Art I, English III, Problems in

Democracy, English-10).

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Course History*


Subject Area Name

The name of the subject area (e.g., History, English) that corresponds to the course title.

Free text (50 character limit)

Use commonly understood term for academic subject area for the course listed in MDE 57.

Course History


Course Type

An indication of the general nature and difficulty of instruction provided throughout a course.

  1. - Regular (Default): A course providing instruction (in a given subject matter area) that focuses primarily on general concepts for the appropriate grade level.

  2. - Honors: An advanced level course designed for students who have earned honors status according to educational requirements.

  3. - Pre-Advanced: A course in preparation to admission to an AP Program.

  4. - Advanced Placement: An advanced, college-level course designed for students who achieve specific level of academic performance. Upon successful completion of the course and a standardized Advanced Placement examination, a student may receive college credit.

  5. - International Baccalaureate: A program of study, sponsored and designed by International Baccalaureate Organization, which leads to examinations and meets the needs of secondary* students between the ages of 16 and 19 years.

  1. - Not Applicable

  2. - Dual Enrollment: Students enrolled in secondary* school and enrolled at an institution of higher learning, such as a community college or university. These students may take classes at either institution for credit toward their high school diploma, as well as for college credit.

  3. - Concurrent Enrollment: The process in which high school students enroll at a university or college to attain class credit for college.

00 - Other

Course History


Academic Year

Academic year in which the child last attended the course (e.g. 2004-2005)

Free text

Course History


Course Section

The prescribed duration of course taken.

  1. - Full year

  2. - Section A–The first of two equal segments into which the course is divided.

  3. - Section B–The second of two equal segments into which the course is divided.

Course History


Term Type

The prescribed span of time that a course is provided, and in which students are under the direction and guidance of teachers and/or an educational institution.

0827 - Full school year 0834 - Intersession 0835 - Long session 0832 - Mini-term

0830 - Quarter

0831 - Quinmester

0828 - Semester 0833 - Summer term 0829 - Trimester

0837 - Twelve month 9999 - Other

Course History


Clock Hours

For courses that have NOT been completed (or credit granted), the number of clock hours to date that the student has completed.

Number (4 digits)

For purposes of calculation, one day equals one clock hour.

Course History



For courses that have NOT been completed (or credit granted), a percentage (rounded to the nearest whole number) of student performance for the grade-to-date that

the student has completed at the time of withdrawal.

Free text (3 character limit)

Numerical values are recommended, but letter grades are permitted.

Course History


Credits Granted

The credits granted to the student in Carnegie units for completing a given course or a section of a course (e.g., 1.0, .50, .33, .25, .20).

Number (0.00)

Course History


Final Grade

For courses that have had credit granted, a final indicator of student performance in a class at the time of withdrawal as submitted by the


Free text (10 character limit)

Course History


School District ID

The LEA NCES ID of a local educational agency (i.e., school

district or local operating agency) in which the child is enrolled.

Valid 7 digit LEA NCES district ID for the school or migrant education project

site in which the school or school-based migrant education project is located.

The School District ID is not populated for non-school-based MEP projects.



District of Residence

The full legally or popularly accepted LEA NCES ID of the school district

where the migrant child resides.

Valid LEA NCES school district identification number



Home School Indicator

Indicates the whether the child is being home-schooled.

Yes; No

Homeschoolers do not have a school name, or facility address; however, should have a district of residence.



Residency Date

The “Residency Date” is calendar date that the child entered the school district in which he/she currently resides.


If the “Residency Date” is the same as the QAD, enter the QAD. If the child qualified for the MEP on a qualifying move prior to the move to the present school district, the residency date will be later than the QAD. In a “to join” move, if the child’s qualifying move is prior to the worker’s qualifying move, the residency date would precede the




Enrollment Comment

A comment pertinent to a child’s enrollment record indicating special circumstances or information. For example, the child was granted credits from a foreign school or while not enrolled in the migrant program or

exceptions for assessment requirements.

Free text (1000 character limit)

Personally identifiable and health information must not be listed in this field.



Out of State Transcript Indicator

Indicates that a State has student transcripts from another State or country than his/her current enrollment.

Yes; No

This MDE indicates that additional course history information not contained in

MSIX is available to assist in making credit accrual decisions.

This indicator is tied to the enrollment line in which a copy of the transcript can be found.



Residency Verification Date

The calendar date on which a child’s residency for one day within the performance period has been confirmed.




Graduation/HSE Date

The calendar date in which the child either graduated or received his/her HSE (High School Equivalency). Leave blank if the child has not reached this milestone.


This date, always used in conjunction with MDE 75, indicates that the child is no longer entitled under State law to a free public education and,

therefore, is not eligible to receive MEP services.



Graduation/HSE Indicator

Indicates the child has either graduated from High School or received his/her HSE. Leave blank if the child has not reached this milestone.

Graduation; HSE

This indicator, always used in conjunction with MDE 74, indicates that the child is no longer entitled under State law to a free public education and,

therefore, is not eligible to receive MEP services.



Algebra 1 or Equivalent Indicator

Yes indicates the child has received full credit in a mathematics course that is Algebra 1 or its equivalent.

Yes; No

Information is supplied by the entity that is awarding the credit or the entity that is evaluating

course history for course enrollment purposes.



Parent 1 Email Address

Email Address of the parent listed as Parent 1.

Free text (50 character limit)

Student Demographic


Parent 2 Email Address

Email Address of the parent listed as Parent 2.

Free text (50 character limit)

Student Demographic


Parent 1 Phone Number

Telephone number of the parent listed as Parent 1.


Student Demographic


Parent 2 Phone Number

Telephone number of the parent listed as Parent 2.


Student Demographic


Private or Nonpublic School Indicator

Indicates whether the child attends private or nonpublic school

Yes; No


*Note: MSIX MDEs use the term "Secondary School" as an inclusive term for institutions offering academic grades above the elementary school level, without regard to specific grade levels. Generally, High School is a type of Secondary School where graduation diplomas are earned toward college entrance or entering the job market. Similarly, “Secondary Student” is an inclusive term referring to a student who is enrolled in institution(s) offering courses, services, and programs toward a graduation diploma. All Course History information must be entered where Migratory Children earn credits toward high school or secondary school graduation. MDEs related to graduation (#45: COS=03 & #48: Designated Graduation School) refer to schools and programs where a traditional Graduation Diploma may be earned (not to include HSE).

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