Appendix A - Burden Calculation Tables

2461t04 - Appendix A.xlsx

Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) and Clean School Bus Rebate Programs (Renewal)

Appendix A - Burden Calculation Tables

OMB: 2060-0686

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Table A1 - Wages
Table A2 - State
Table A3 - Local
Table A4 - Private fleet
Table A5 All respondents
Table A6 - Task breakdown
Table A7 - EPA burden
Table A8 - Consultations

Sheet 1: Table A1 - Wages

Table A1. Mean Hourly Wages, Benefits, and Total Compensation

Eligible applicants Mean Hourly Wage Mean Hourly Benefits Total Compensation BLS Occupational Group
State & local governments (including schools)
managerial $41.84 $23.38 $65.22 Management, professional, and related
technical N/A N/A N/A BLS no longer provides data for "Transportation and material moving" for State and local governments
clerical $21.78 $16.23 $38.01 Office and administrative support
Bureau of Labor Statistics Economic News Release Table 3. State and local government, by occupational and industry group, September 2021.

Private fleets
managerial $44.38 $19.17 $63.55 Management, professional, and related
technical $20.85 $10.00 $30.85 Transportation and material moving
clerical $19.87 $8.71 $28.58 Office and administrative support
Bureau of Labor Statistics Economic News Release Table 4. Private industry workers by occupational and industry group, September 2021.

Sheet 2: Table A2 - State

Table A2. State Government Burden Calculation (per Response)

Task Estimated Time to Complete (hr) Contribution of Each Worker to the Task Weighted Average Cost Respondent Type Reporting Frequency No. Responses / Respondent / year Type of Activitity (OMB) Type of Activity (EPA classification) Obligation of Response (OMB) Affected Public (OMB)
Management [Threaded comment] Your version of Excel allows you to read this threaded comment; however, any edits to it will get removed if the file is opened in a newer version of Excel. Learn more: Comment: BLS no longer provides wage data on this category for state and local gov Technical Clerical
Task 1: Rebate Application - Part I
1a. Review instructions 1.00 0.25 0.00 0.75 $44.81 All applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
1b. Gather information about existing vehicle(s) to replace or retrofit 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.50 $57.02 All applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
1c. Fill out Application to Reserve Funds 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.40 $15.20 All applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
1d. Sign and submit to EPA 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.00 $6.52 All applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
1e. Submit Purchase Order to EPA within 60 days of application approval 0.50 0.10 0.00 0.40 $21.73 Approved Applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
Task 1 Total 3.50 0.45 0.00 3.05 $145.28

Task 2: Rebate Application Form - Part II
2a. Review instructions 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 $19.01 Approved Applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
2b. Gather invoices and information for new vehicle(s) and/or equipment 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 $38.01 Approved Applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
2c. Fill out Payment Request and Close Out forms, sign, submit to EPA 0.50 0.10 0.00 0.40 $21.73 Approved Applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
2d. Record keeping 0.50 0.10 0.00 0.40 $21.73 Approved Applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
Task 2 Total 2.50 0.20 0.00 2.30 $100.47

Sheet 3: Table A3 - Local

Table A3. Local Government Burden Calculation (per Response)

Task Estimated Time to Complete (hr) Contribution of Each Worker to the Task Weighted Average Cost Respondent Type Reporting Frequency No. Responses / Respondent / year Type of Activitity (OMB) Type of Activity (EPA classification) Obligation of Response (OMB) Affected Public (OMB)
Management [Threaded comment] Your version of Excel allows you to read this threaded comment; however, any edits to it will get removed if the file is opened in a newer version of Excel. Learn more: Comment: BLS no longer provides wage data on this category for state and local gov Technical Clerical
Task 1: Rebate Application - Part I
1a. Review instructions 1.20 0.35 0.00 0.85 $55.14 All applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
1b. Gather information about existing vehicle(s) to replace or retrofit 1.90 0.00 0.00 1.90 $72.22 All applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
1c. Fill out Application to Reserve Funds 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.60 $22.81 All applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
1d. Sign and submit to EPA 0.30 0.30 0.00 0.00 $19.57 All applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
1e. Submit Purchase Order to EPA within 60 days of application approval 0.70 0.20 0.00 0.50 $32.05 Approved Applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
Task 1 Total 4.70 0.85 0.00 3.85 $201.78

Task 2: Rebate Application Form - Part II
2a. Review instructions 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.60 $22.81 Approved Applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
2b. Gather invoices and information for new vehicle(s) and/or equipment 1.85 0.70 0.00 1.15 $89.37 Approved Applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
2c. Fill out Payment Request and Close Out forms, sign, submit to EPA 0.65 0.10 0.00 0.55 $27.43 Approved Applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
2d. Recordkeeping 0.60 0.10 0.00 0.50 $25.53 Approved Applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
Task 2 Total 3.70 0.90 0.00 2.80 $165.13

Sheet 4: Table A4 - Private fleet

Table A5. Private Fleet Burden Calculation (per Response)

Task Estimated Time to Complete (hr) Contribution of Each Worker to the Task Weighted Average Cost Respondent Type Reporting Frequency No. Responses / Respondent / year Type of Activitity (OMB) Type of Activity (EPA classification) Obligation of Response (OMB) Affected Public (OMB)
Management Technical Clerical
Task 1: Rebate Application - Part I
1a. Review instructions 1.00 0.25 0.75 0.00 $39.03 All applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
1b. Gather information about existing vehicle(s) to replace or retrofit 1.50 0.00 1.50 0.00 $46.28 All applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
1c. Fill out Application to Reserve Funds 0.90 0.00 0.40 0.50 $26.63 All applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
1d. Sign and submit to EPA 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.00 $6.36 All applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
1e. Submit Purchase Order to EPA within 60 days of application approval 0.50 0.10 0.25 0.15 $18.35 Approved Applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
Task 1 Total 4.00 0.45 2.90 0.65 $136.64

Task 2: Rebate Application Form - Part II
2a. Review instructions 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 $31.78 Approved Applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
2b. Gather invoices and information for new vehicle(s) and/or equipment 2.25 1.00 1.00 0.25 $101.55 Approved Applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
2c. Fill out Payment Request and Close Out forms, sign, submit to EPA 0.50 0.10 0.15 0.25 $18.13 Approved Applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
2d. Recordkeeping 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.25 $7.15 Approved Applicants As needed 1 Reporting Application Voluntary Government, non-profit, business
Task 2 Total 3.50 1.60 1.15 0.75 $158.59

Sheet 5: Table A5 All respondents

Table A6. Typical Rebate Program Respondent Burden

Number of Responses Hours per Response Cost per Response Total Hours Total Cost

Task 1 - Rebate Application

State governments 124 3.5 $145.28 435.7 $18,086.42

Local govts (incl school districts) 2459 4.7 $201.78 11,556.1 $496,116.53

Private Fleets 417 4 $136.64 1,667.0 $56,944.65

Task 1 - Total 3000

13,659 $571,147.60

Task 2 - Payment Request and Close Out

State governments 37 2.5 $100.47 92.7 $3,726.75

Local govts (incl school districts) 828 3.7 $165.13 3,065.2 $136,796.81

Private Fleets 134 3.5 $158.59 470.6 $21,325.42

Task 2 Total 1000

3629 $161,848.98

Total Respondent Burden 4,000
$183.25 17,287 $732,996.58
Previous Burden - 2018 ICR Renewal 707
$145.97 2,945 $103,197.33

14,342 $629,799.25

Basis for Revised Estimates Number of Responses

Rebate Application Local Private State

DERA 2012 873 120 1

DERA 2014 482 59 7

DERA 2015 413 78 46

DERA 2016 392 69 53

DERA 2017 433 82 31

DERA 2018 304 66 13

DERA 2019 342 75 13

Average 463 78 23

Clean School Bus Program Estimate 2459 417 124

Payment Request Local Private State

DERA 2012 20 8 0

DERA 2014 65 5 1

DERA 2015 52 19 0

DERA 2016 62 9 11

DERA 2017 120 11 7

DERA 2018 90 15 2

DERA 2019 127 20 3

Average 77 12 3

Clean School Bus Program Estimate 828 134 37

Sheet 6: Table A6 - Task breakdown

Table A6. Task Breakdown

Number of Responses Hours Cost Cost per Hour
Task 1 - Local 2458.8 11,556.1 $496,116.53 $42.93

Task 2 - Local 828.4 3,065.2 $136,796.81 $44.63
2,452.2 $109,437.45
Record Keeping
613.0 $27,359.36
Local Total Task 1 & 2 3287.2 14,621.4 $632,913.34 $43.29

Previous Local 583 2,527.5 $89,017.08


Number of Responses Hours Cost Cost per Hour
Task 1 - Private 416.8 1667.0 $56,944.65 $34.16

Task 2 - Private 134.5 470.6 $21,325.42 $45.31
376.5 $17,060.34
Record Keeping
94.1 $4,265.08
Private Task 1 & 2 Total 551.2 2137.6 $78,270.07 $36.62

Previous Private 92 309.5 $10,559.29


Number of Responses Hours Cost Cost per Hour
Task 1 - State 124.5 435.7 $18,086.42 $41.51

Task 2 - State 37.1 92.7 $3,726.75 $40.19
74.2 $2,981.40
Record Keeping
18.5 $745.35
State Task 1 & 2 Total 161.6 528.5 $21,813.17 $41.28

Previous State 32 108 $3,620.97


Sheet 7: Table A7 - EPA burden

Table A7. EPA Burden Calculation

Task Estimated Time to Complete (hr) Number of Responses / year Total Hours Total Labor Cost1 Respondent Type Reporting Frequency Type of Activitity (OMB) Type of Activity (EPA classification) Obligation of Response (OMB) Affected Public (OMB)
Task 1: Rebate Application - Part I
1a. Review Application for eligibility with program requirements 0.50 1000 500 $24,750.00 EPA As needed Reporting Application Voluntary EPA
1b. Reserve funds and update applicant status in tracking database 0.50 1000 500 $24,750.00 EPA As needed Reporting Application Voluntary EPA
Task 1 Total 1.00
1000 $49,500.00

Task 2: Rebate Application Form - Part II
2a. Review Payment Request and Close Out form materials to confirm compliance with program guidance 0.50 1000 500 $24,750.00 EPA As needed Reporting Application Voluntary EPA
2b. Release funds to applicant and update applicant status in tracking database 0.50 1000 500 $24,750.00 EPA As needed Reporting Application Voluntary EPA
Task 2 Total 1.00
1000 $49,500.00

Total EPA Burden
2000 2000 $99,000.00

Previous EPA Burden in 2018 ICR Renewal
707 746 $35,158.98


1. 2021 Labor Rate for Federal is $49.50/hr. This figure is based on a GS-13 Step 10 employee. Step 10 is assumed to account for overhead.

Sheet 8: Table A8 - Consultations

Respondent Name Fleet Type Estimated Burden Hours for Rebate Application Estimated Burden Hours for Payment Request and Close Out form materials
Kobussen Buses LTD Private 4 3.5
Private Fleet Average Private 4 3.5
Stephens County Board of Education Public - Local 4 2
Unified School District 234 Public - Local 6 5
Culpeper County Public Schools Division Public - Local 4 4
Public Fleet Average Public - Local 4.7 3.7
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