Form No. 1 Recruitment Materials

Safety Impacts of Human-Automated Driving System (ADS) Team Driving Applications

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OMB: 2126-0083

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Phone Script to Provide Study Information and Screen for Eligibility

Public Burden Statement

A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a current valid OMB Control number. The OMB Control number for this information collection is 2126-00XX. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 10 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to [email protected].

Initial Screening Contact Safety Impacts of Human-ADS Team Driving Applications

(IRB #XXXXXX) : “Truck Team”

Note to Researcher:

Initial contact between participants and researchers may take place over the phone. If this is the case, read the following Introductory Statement, followed by the screening questions. Regardless of how contact is made, this information must be administered verbally before a decision is made regarding eligibility for this study.

Phone script for leaving a message (speak slowly):

Hello, my name is ________________ and I am calling from the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute in Blacksburg, VA. We are looking for licensed drivers with Class A or B endorsements, to participate in a research study that will explore automated driving systems in large motor vehicles, such as commercial trucks and buses. Participation involves coming to Blacksburg, VA to drive in our simulator, not on roadways. This simulator recreates the interior of a large truck cab with advanced technology; trucks such as tractor trailer, straight truck, dump truck, or similar style. The study session will last approximately 17 hours. This project provides compensation up to $1,100, which includes compensation for your time, compensation to cover a night in a hotel, and compensation for food.

If you are interested and would like to hear more, please contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX. Again, the number is XXX-XXX-XXXX and please mention the “Truck Team” study (IRB# XXXXX).

Thank you and have a great day.

Script for talking to potential participant:

Introductory Statement:

After prospective participant calls or you call them, use the following script as a guideline in the screening interview.

Hello. My name is (XXX) and I am with the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute in Blacksburg, VA. We are recruiting participants for a research study (IRB# XXXXX) being conducted here at VTTI’s facility. Would you be interested in hearing more about this study?

If No: Ok, thank you for your time.

If Yes: Do you have about 10 minutes to listen to the details now?

If No: That is fine. When would be a better time to talk more?

Day: __________ Date: _______ Time: __: ___ Phone #: ___________

If Yes: (Read below.)

The purpose of the study is to understand how drivers will team with automated commercial motor vehicles, such as tractor trailers, straight trucks, dump trucks, buses, etc. and the safety impacts of those teams. This information will be used to improve knowledge on automated commercial motor vehicles, driver fatigue and distraction, and safety as well as informing policy related to these issues. To accomplish this, we will gather driving data, eye tracking data, and your opinions that will be analyzed to understand these topics. To gather this information, we are inviting individuals to participate in a two-part driving simulator study in Blacksburg, Virginia. Participants would be compensated up to $1,100 for completing the entire 17-hour study session. Participants will be compensated at the conclusion of each session via ClinCard, this is a pre-loaded debit card that is given to the driver after participating.

Participation in this study involves using VTTI’s heavy vehicle driving simulator; this simulator recreates the interior of a large truck cab with advanced technology; trucks such as tractor trailer, straight truck, dump truck, or similar style. There is no driving on roadways. People who are prone to motion sickness may find that driving in the simulator makes them feel unwell and should not participate in this study.

Before the research study begins, you will be asked to complete a W9 form. This is a tax form required by Virginia Tech to provide compensation for your participation in the simulator study. This initial portion of the meeting is private and will not be recorded. The simulator driving session will be recorded to understand behavior while driving ADS-equipped commercial vehicles. The data collected during this study will be kept secure. Your name will not be associated with any data used in analysis or reporting; all participants are assigned a participant number, such as #10. Further details of what is involved in participation will be provided to you, for your review, prior to any simulator driving.

Participation in this study is expected to take about 17 hours. This session involves filling out questionnaires and ‘driving’ in a simulator, not on roadways.

Nothing you share with us will be linked with your identity when reported. All study data will be confidential. You are free to not answer any study questions and may withdraw from the study without penalty at any time.

Do you have any questions about participating in the study?

Does this study sound like something you would be interested in doing?

If no: Thank you for your time.

If yes: (Read below.)

If you are interested in participating, I need to go over some screening questions to see if you meet the eligibility requirements of this study. Any information given to us will be kept secure and confidential.

Do I have your consent to ask you the screening questions?

If no: Ok, thank you for your time.

If yes: Continue with the following questions.

  1. Do you have a valid driver's license?

    • Yes (note answer)

    • No (stop here if no)

  1. Do you have a valid commercial driver's license, Class A or Class B (CDL-A, CDL B)?

    • Yes (note answer)

    • No (stop here if no)

  1. Do you currently drive a commercial motor vehicle?

    • Yes (note answer) If yes, what type of vehicle? _____________

    • No (stop here if no)

  1. What is your current age? If 21+, may we have your year of birth? _________

    • Yes (note answer)

    • No (stop here if no)

  1. The research study will take place at the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute in Blacksburg, Virginia. Are you able to travel to Blacksburg, Virginia?

    • Yes

    • No (stop here if no)

  1. For research purposes, do you identify as Male, Female [pause], or Other? (Circle one)

What are your preferred personal pronouns”? ____________

  1.  For this study, we are seeking an ethnically diverse population. Which of the following categories best describes you? (Select one or more)

□        White or Caucasian

□        Hispanic or Latino 

□        Black or African American

□        Asian

□        American Indian or Alaska Native

□        Middle Eastern or North African

□        Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

□        A race, ethnicity, or origin not listed here: _____________________

□        Prefer not to answer

  1. For payment documentation and tax recording purposes Virginia Tech will require you to complete a W-9 form at the time of participation. If selected to participate in this study, will you complete a W-9 form, which will require you to provide your SSN, in order to compensate you for your time as required by Virginia Tech? YES __ NO ____

Please note: VA Tech would never ask for someone’s SS # or any personal banking information during a phone call.

  1. Are you a U.S. Citizen? YES ____ NO ______ 

If No, are you a permanent resident with a valid green card to work anywhere in the U.S.?

YES ____ NO ______

To clarify, Are you a Visa holder or do you have a Valid Green Card with permanent resident status? Visa ____ Green Card ____

If you have a Visa you will not be eligible to participate. Those with a Permanent Resident Green Card are eligible.


Criterion: Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident (green card holder able to work anywhere in the U.S. with NO restrictions such as limit on number of hours he or she can work each week or place he or she is allowed to work, for example, he or she can’t be limited to only working at 1 company or VT only). Visa holders are not eligible.

I’m now going to ask you a few questions about your history of motion sickness. Please indicate how frequently you experience the following symptoms on a scale between 0 and 3. Zero indicates you never experience these symptoms, one is occasionally, two is often, and three is always. I can repeat these options at any time. You have...

Circle their response:

  1. The inability to sit close to a movie screen or watch the movement of a train or carnival ride without nausea, dizziness, or headaches

0 1 2 3

  1. Frequent, and sometimes daily, pressure headaches

0 1 2 3

  1. Nausea, headache, or dizziness on playground equipment

0 1 2 3

  1. Car sickness

0 1 2 3

  1. Fatigue, headaches, nausea, or dizziness when reading or sitting in front of a computer screen

0 1 2 3

  1. Nausea, headache, or dizziness from riding roller coasters

0 1 2 3

  1. Inability to watch rapid movement on a TV or movie screen without getting nausea or dizziness

0 1 2 3

  1. Nausea, headache, or dizziness when playing video games

0 1 2 3

  1. Seeing the floor or ground as being tilted or wavy

0 1 2 3

  1. Tendency to become nauseated or dizzy when turning, spinning, or doing rapid movements

0 1 2 3

  1. Feeling that something inside the body is in constant motion

0 1 2 3

  1. Sensation that print floats at times when reading

0 1 2 3

Thank you for your answers, one moment while I write your score.

If a potential participant rates three or more of the above statements as Always (3) or six or more as Often (2) or all the statements as Occasional (1) on the Likert-type scale, they are not eligible to participate in the study.

If Ineligible read the following:

Unfortunately, you are not eligible for this particular study. Thank you for your time.

If Eligible:

  • Schedule for the first session.

You are eligible, I would like to set up a time for you to participate in the study.

Would it be possible for you to participate in the driving simulator study on ____________ (day of week) at____: ____ hrs. (time)?

If the response is yes: go ahead and schedule the participant.

If the response is no, discuss possible times that may work for the participant.

Once the researcher has scheduled the participant repeat the schedule day and time back to the participant.

Great! We have you scheduled for the “Automated Truck” simulator study, on ___________ (day) at ___: ____ hrs.

VTTI will be calling you the day before to remind you of the appointment. If you need to cancel, please call 540-___________ immediately so we may find another participant to fill the appointment. The research is dependent on having enough participants to take part in each session.

I will also send you confirmation of this meeting via e-mail as well as the Informed Consent Form with details about the study. Please go over this information before the study and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. What is the best e-mail address for me to send these documents? (Note email address)

Thank you.

Do you have any questions right now that I can answer for you? (Answer the questions if any).

If none: Thank you for your time, please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. Have a great rest of your day.



VTTI is currently seeking individuals who:

  • Are ages 21 and above

  • Have a valid Class-A or Class-B Commercial Driver's License (CDL-A or CDL-B)

  • Actively drive a large truck such as a tractor-trailer, straight truck, construction type of truck, etc. as part of their job

  • Willing to drive in a simulator located in Blacksburg, Virginia, not on roadways

  • Are not prone to motion sickness

If you, or someone you know, meet the above requirements, and are interested in hearing more about this study, please call ###-###-#### Any information provided will remain confidential and will not be shared with others outside of VTTI.

Full study participation includes coming to VTTI for one session lasting up to 17 hours. Compensation of up to $1,100 will be provided for full participation.


FLYER, News, and Social Media Post


The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute are conducting a driving simulator study to learn more about semi-autonomous commercial motor vehicles.

We are recruiting truck drivers to participate in a research study. To qualify active drivers must be at least 21 years of age, hold a valid CDL-A or CDL-B, have no known sensitivity to motion sickness, drive a large motor vehicle as part of their job (tractor trailer, construction type of truck, etc), and be able to participate in in Blacksburg, Virginia.

Participants will “drive” in the VTTI driving simulator for one extended study session; there is no driving on roadways. The session is 17 hours long. The study will record continuous video of your face, your hands and steering wheel. You will also be asked to fill out questionnaires.

Participants receive a maximum of $1,100 for full study participation.

Data will be kept confidential.

If you, or someone you know, are interested in more information, please contact ###-###-#### or [email protected], and mention the “Truck Team” study.

<IRB #21-827>

Electronic Media - Condensed:

(Ad for Social Media Platforms, such as Instagram, FaceBook, Twitter, electronic media, newsletters)

Condensed versions:

Title1: “Virginia Tech Seeking Commercial Vehicle Operators (Class A and Class B CDL ) for a Research Study”

Title2: “Truck Drivers Needed to Drive in a Simulator for a Research Study”

Body1: Do you hold a license with a Class A or B endorsement (CDL-A, CDL-B)? The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute is looking for truck drivers to participate in a research study (IRB #XXXXX). Study involves ‘driving’ in a simulator at VTTI for an extended study session. Compensation provided. Interested?

Contact: 540-###-#### or [email protected] and mention the “Truck Team” study.

To learn more:


VTTI is compensating commercial vehicle operators to participate in a simulator research study at Virginia Tech. Must have a Class A or Class B CDL and currently be driving a commercial motor vehicle. (IRB #XXXXXX) Interested in learning more?

Contact 540-### or [email protected] and mention the “Truck Team” study.

To learn

Body3: Do you hold a license with a Class A or B endorsement (CDL-A, CDL-B)? The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute is looking for truck drivers to participate in a research study (IRB #XXXXXX). Study involves ‘driving’ in a simulator at VTTI for an extended study session. Compensation is $1,100 for full participation. Interested?

Contact: 540-###-#### or [email protected] and mention the “Truck Team” study.

Correspondence used by sponsor should drivers reach out directly to them with questions about participation.

Thank you for your interest in the Safety Impacts of Human-ADS Team Driving Applications (IRB XXXXX).  The research team at the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute currently anticipates enrolling drivers in late Fall of 2023.  This research will be conducted in Blacksburg, VA. If you have any questions about the study and/or would like to be added to the list of those interested in participating please contact VTTI at ###.###.#### or [email protected]. Please reference the “Truck Team” study.

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File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorLaTanya Holmes
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-07-26

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