Summary of the AIE Summary of the AIES Content

Annual Integrated Economic Survey

Attachment E - Summary of the AIES Content

OMB: 0607-1024

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Attachment E

Department of Commerce

United States Census Bureau

OMB Information Collection Request

Annual Integrated Economic Survey

OMB Control Number 0607-XXXX

Summary of the AIES Content

Census Bureau

Annual Integrated Economic Survey (AIES) - Content for Survey Year 2023 Collection


Annual Integrated Economic Survey Content

Table of Content


Company-Level Content 2

Company Information 2

Ownership Information 2

Research and Development 2

Professional Employer Organization (PEO) and Business Cooperative Status 2

Reporting Period 3

Number of Establishments 3

Employment and Payroll 3

Revenue 3

Capital Expenditures 3

Contact Information 3

Survey Completion Time 3

Remarks 3

Industry-Level Content 3

Expenses 3

Detailed Expenses 3

Select Detailed Expenses 4

Capital Expenditures 4

Resales 5

Inventories 5

Select Detailed Inventories 5

Revenue 6

Special Items 6

Establishment-Level Content 9

Establishment Information 9

Operational Status 9

Activity at Establishment 9

Employment and Payroll 9

Detail Employment & Payroll 9

Revenue 10

Detailed Revenue 10

Tax Status 10

Expenses 10

Capital Expenditures 10

Inventories 11

Unfilled Orders 11

Shape2 Shape1 Reference Key

Shape3 Manufacturing

Shape4 Wholesale









*Items in ITALICS Apply to a Subset of Industries within a Trade

Shape8 Company-Level Content

Company Information

  • Company ID

  • Company Contact

  • Company Mailing Address

Ownership Information

  • Domestic Ownership or Control

  • Voting Stock

  • Management and Policy Status

  • Ownership or Controlling Company: Name, Mailing Address, Employer Identification Number (EIN)

      • Foreign Ownership or Control

  • Voting Stock

  • Ownership or Controlling Company: Name, Country, City

Research and Development

  • Research and Development Expenses

Professional Employer Organization (PEO) and Business Cooperative Status

  • Professional Employer Organization (PEO) Status

  • Business Cooperative Status

Reporting Period

Number of Establishments

Employment and Payroll

  • Total Employment

  • Annual Payroll

  • First Quarter Payroll


  • Total Sales, Shipments, Receipts, or Revenue

Capital Expenditures

  • Total Capital Expenditures

  • Domestic Depreciable Assets

    • Gross Value of Structures and Equipment, Beginning

    • Total Capital Expenditures

    • Gross Value of Other Additions and Acquisitions

    • Gross Value of Sold, Retired, etc.

    • Gross Value of Structures and Equipment, Ending

    • Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization, Ending

    • Capital Leases

  • Capital Expenditures for Computer Software

    • Vendor-Customized

    • Internally Developed

    • Prepackaged

    • Total

Contact Information

  • Name

  • Title

  • Phone Number

  • Email Address

  • Website

  • Date Report Completed

Survey Completion Time


Shape9 Industry-Level Content


  • Total Operating Expenses

Detailed Expenses

  • Employer's Cost for Fringe Benefits

  • Temporary Staff and Leased Employee Expense

  • Expensed Purchases of Software

  • Data Processing and Other Purchased Computer Services

  • Purchased Communication Services

  • Computer Hardware and Other Equipment

  • Purchased Advertising and Promotional Services

  • Purchased Professional and Technical Services

  • Purchased Repairs and Maintenance to Machinery, Vehicles, and Equipment (Except Sector 48)

  • Purchased Repairs and Maintenance to Buildings, Structures, and Offices

  • Lease and Rental Payments for Machinery, Equipment, and Other Tangible Items

  • Lease and Rental Payments for Land, Buildings, and Other Structures

  • Purchased Electricity

  • Purchased Fuels (Except Motor Fuels)

  • Water, Sewer, Refuse Removal, and Other Utility Payments

  • Governmental Taxes and License Fees

  • Materials, Parts, and Supplies (Not for Resale)

  • Depreciation and Amortization Charges

  • All Other Operating Expenses (Specify)

Select Detailed Expenses

  • Hotel Management: Operating Expenses

  • Benefits Paid (Losses)

    • Health

    • Life

  • Direct Losses Incurred

    • Property, Except Life

    • Property, Including Life

  • Purchased Software Reproduction

  • Purchased Fuels for Transportation Equipment

  • Purchased Freight Transportation

  • Purchased Printing Services

  • Purchased Repairs and Maintenance to Transportation Equipment

  • Broadcast Rights and Music License Fees

  • Network Compensation Fees (Networks Only)

  • Access Charges

  • Universal Service Contributions and Other Similar Charges

  • Professional Liability Insurance

  • Electronic Health Records

    • Status

    • Expenses

  • Program and Production Costs

  • Operating Interest Expense

  • Cost of Insurance

  • Medical Supplies

  • Contributions, Gifts, and Grants Paid

Shape12 Capital Expenditures

  • New Buildings

  • Used Buildings

  • Total New and Used Buildings

  • New Machinery

  • Used Machinery

  • Total New and Used Machinery

  • Machinery - Autos

  • Machinery - Computers

  • Machinery - All Other

  • Other New Capital Expenditures (Specify)

  • Other Used Capital Expenditures (Specify)

  • Total New and Used Capital Expenditures

  • Total New Capital Expenditures

  • Total Used Capital Expenditures

  • Total Capital Expenditures

  • Capital Expenditures for Robotic Equipment (Specify)

Shape13 Resales

  • Purchases of Products for Resale

Shape15 Shape14 Inventories

  • Shape16 Total Before Last-In First-Out Adjustment

  • Total Inventories

    • Finished Goods

    • Work-in-Process

    • Materials

  • Inventory Valuation Methods

    • Non Last-In-First-Out

      • First-In First-Out

      • Average Cost

      • Standard Cost

      • Other Non-Last-In First-Out (Specify)

      • Total Non-Last-In First-Out

    • Last-In First-Out

    • Total Inventories after Last-In First-Out Adjustment

    • Total Last-In First-Out and Non-Last-In First-Out

Shape18 Shape17
  • Last-in First-Out Reserve

  • End-of-Year Inventory Status/Date Reported

  • Shape20 Foreign Inventories

  • Shape21 Merchandise Inventories

Select Detailed Inventories

  • Trucks with Drivers

  • Trucks without Drivers

  • Total Trucks

  • Truck-Tractors with Drivers

  • Truck-Tractors without Drivers

  • Total Truck-Tractors

  • Trailers with Drivers

  • Trailers without Drivers

  • Total Trailers

Shape24 Shape23 Shape22 Revenue

  • Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce)

  • Revenue from Electronic Sources

    • Website

    • Third-Party

    • Electronic Systems

    • Total Revenue from Electronic Sources

  • Revenue and E-Commerce Revenue for Merchandise Lines

    • Books

    • Clothing

    • Computer

    • Software

    • Drugs, Health & Beauty Aids

    • Electronics & Appliances

    • Food, Beer & Wine

    • Furniture & Home Furnishings

    • Jewelry

    • Audio & Video Recordings

    • Office Equipment & Supplies

    • Sporting Goods

    • Toys

    • Other Merchandise

    • Shipping and Handling

    • Advertising

    • Other Non-Merchandise

Special Items

  • Analysis of Motor Carrier Operations

    • Agricultural Products

    • Grains, Alcohol, and Tobacco Products

    • Stone, Non-Metallic Minerals, and Metallic Ores

    • Coal and Petroleum Products

    • Pharmaceutical and Chemical Products

    • Wood Products, Textiles, and Leather

    • Base Metal and Machinery

    • Electronic and Precision Instruments and Motorized Vehicles

    • Used Household and Office Goods

    • New Furniture and Miscellaneous Manufactured Products

    • All Other (Specify)

    • Hazmat Status

    • Hazmat Revenue

    • Total Motor Carrier Revenue

  • Patient Visits

  • Inpatient/Outpatient Activity

    • Inpatient Days

    • Outpatient Visits

  • Inpatient/Outpatient Revenue

    • Inpatient Care Services

    • Outpatient Care Services

  • Source of Book Revenue

    • Total Book Publishing Revenue

    • Print

    • Online

    • Other Media Books

  • Source of Periodical Revenue

    • Total Periodical Publishing Revenue

    • Print

    • Online

    • Other Media Periodicals

  • Source of Revenue

    • Business

    • Leisure

  • Source of Directories, Databases, and Other Collections of Information Revenue

    • Total Directories, Databases and Other Collections of Information Publishing Revenue

    • Print

    • Online

    • Other Media Directories, Databases, and Other Collections of Information

  • Source of Newspaper Revenue

    • Total Newspaper Publishing Revenue

    • Print

    • Online

    • Other Media Newspapers

  • Source of Advertising Revenue

    • Total Advertising Space Revenue

    • Classified

    • Other Advertising

  • Source of System Software Publishing Revenue

    • Total System Software Publishing Revenue

    • Personal

    • Enterprise or Network

    • Mainframe

    • Other Software Publishing

  • Source of Application Software Publishing Revenue

    • Total Application Software Publishing Revenue

    • Personal

    • Enterprise or Network

    • Mainframe

    • Other Software

  • Source of Billings and Fees Revenue

    • Gross Billings or Professional Services Fees Revenue

    • Payroll

    • All Other

  • Class of Customer

    • Residential

    • Non-Residential

  • Class of Customer Total Revenue

    • Individual

    • Business

  • Total Fixed Local Telephony Revenue

  • Class of Customer Fixed Local Telephony

    • Individual

    • Business

  • Total Fixed Long-Distance Telephony Revenue

  • Class of Customer Fixed Long-Distance Telephony

    • Individual

    • Business

  • Total Subscriber Line Charges Revenue

  • Class of Customer Subscriber Line Charges

    • Individual

    • Business

  • Number of Hotel Establishments

    • Self-Managed

    • Managed by Others

  • Management of Hotel

    • Name of Management Company

    • EIN of Management Company

    • Other Management Companies

  • Hotel Management Company

  • Hotel Management Owned by Others

    • Number of Hotels Managed by this Company if Owned or Leased by another Company

    • Revenue from Hotels Managed by this Company if Owned or Leased by another Company

    • Revenue from Hotels Owned or Leased by this Company

    • Revenue from Electronic Sources

  • Revenues from Telemedicine Services

    • Status

    • Revenue

  • Net Patient Care Revenues from Government Payers

    • Medicare

    • Medicaid

    • Workers’ Compensation

    • All Other Government Programs

  • Net Patient Care Revenues from Health Care Providers

  • Net Patient Care Revenues from Private Health Insurance, Including Medicare and Medicaid Managed Care Plans

  • Net Patient Care Revenues from Property and Casualty Insurance

  • Net Patient Care Revenues from Social Security Benefits

  • Net Patient Care Revenues from Patient Out-of-Pocket from Patients and their Families

  • Net Patient Care Revenues from All Other Non-Operating Revenue for Patient Care

  • Non-Operating Revenue from Contributions, Gifts, and Grants

  • Non-Operating Revenue from Investment and Property Income

  • Non-Operating Revenue from Program Service

  • Non-Patient Care Revenue from Health Care Providers

  • Non-Patient Care Revenue from All Other Non-Patient Care (Specify)

  • All Other Non-Operating Revenue

Detailed Commissions and Fees Revenue

  • Selling Value

  • Product Sales

  • Commissions or Selling and Listing Fees

  • Average Commission Rate

Shape29 Establishment-Level Content

Establishment Information

  • Establishment ID

  • Physical Address: Name, Number, Street, City, State, ZIP

  • EIN

  • Legal Boundary

Operational Status

  • Survey Year Activity

  • Operational Status Selection

    • Under Construction, Development, or Exploration

    • Temporarily or Seasonally Inactive Start/End

    • Ceased Operation Date

  • Sold or Leased

    • Date

    • Name

    • Mailing Address, City, State, ZIP

    • EIN

  • Other Operational Status Description

  • Shape31 Months in Operation

Activity at Establishment

  • Major Activity Code

    • NAICS Code

    • Description Write-in

  • Type of Operation

Employment and Payroll

  • Total Employment

  • Annual Payroll

  • First Quarter Payroll

Shape34 Detail Employment & Payroll

  • Production Worker Employment

  • Non-Production Worker Employment

  • Annual Payroll for Production Workers

  • Annual Payroll for Non-Production Workers

  • First Quarter Payroll for Production Workers

  • First Quarter Payroll for Non-Production Workers

  • Production Worker Hours


  • Total Sales, Shipments, Receipts, or Revenue

Detailed Revenue

  • E-Shipments

  • North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Broadlines

Tax Status

  • Tax Status

  • Exempt Income Status


  • Employer's Cost for Fringe Benefits

  • Temporary Staff and Leased Employee Expense

  • Expensed Purchases of Software

  • Data Processing and Other Purchased Computer Services

  • Purchased Communication Services

  • Computer Hardware and Other Equipment

  • Purchased Advertising and Promotional Services

  • Purchased Professional and Technical Services

  • Purchased Repairs and Maintenance to Machinery, Vehicles, and Equipment

  • Purchased Repairs and Maintenance to Buildings, Structures, and Offices

  • Lease and Rental Payments for Machinery, Equipment, and Other Tangible Items

  • Lease and Rental Payments for Land, Buildings, and Other Structures

  • Purchased Electricity

  • Purchased Fuels (Except Motor Fuels)

  • Water, Sewer, Refuse Removal, and Other Utility Payments

  • Governmental Taxes and License Fees

  • Materials, Parts, and Supplies (Not for Resale)

  • Cost Contract Work

  • Resales

  • Quantity of Purchased Electricity

  • Quantity of Electricity Sold or Transferred to Other Establishments

  • Quantity of Generated Electricity

  • All Other Operating Expenses (Specify)

  • Total Operating Expenses

Capital Expenditures

  • New Buildings and Structures

  • Used Buildings and Structures

  • Total New and Used Buildings and Structures

  • New Machinery and Equipment

  • Used Machinery and Equipment

  • Total New and Used Machinery and Equipment

  • New and Used Automobiles, Trucks, etc. for Highway Use

  • New and Used Computers and Peripheral Processing Equipment

  • All Other New and Used Machinery and Equipment

  • Other New Capital Expenditures (Specify)

  • Other Used Capital Expenditures (Specify)

  • Total Other New and Used Capital Expenditures

  • Total New Capital Expenditures

  • Total Used Capital Expenditures

  • Total Capital Expenditures

  • Capital Expenditures for Robotic Equipment (Specify)

    • Number of Robots in Operation

    • Number of Robots Purchased


Current Year and Prior Year

  • Total Before Last-In First-Out Adjustment

  • Total Inventories

    • Finished Goods

    • Work-in-Process

    • Materials

  • Inventory Valuation Methods

    • Non-Last-In First-Out

      • First-In First-Out

      • Average Cost

      • Standard Cost

      • Other Non-Last-In First-Out (Specify)

      • Total Non-Last-In First-Out

    • Last-In First-Out

    • Total Inventories after Last-In First-Out Adjustment

    • Total Last-In First-Out and Non-Last-In First-Out

  • Last-In First-Out Reserve

Unfilled Orders

  • Unfilled Orders

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleAnnual Integrated Economic Survey (AIES) - Content for Survey Year 2023 Collection
AuthorHeidi M St Onge (CENSUS/ADEP FED)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-07-25

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