Invitation Letter SUA Supp 2

0023 18th NSOAAP Invitation Letter Supp 2.pdf

National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants

Invitation Letter SUA Supp 2

OMB: 0985-0023

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Advancing independence and inclusion of older adults and people with disabilities

«Title» «SUA_Director_First_Name» «SUA_Director_Last_Name»
«Address_1», «Address_2»
«City», «State» «ZIP»
Re: 2023 National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants

Dear «Title» «SUA_Director_Last_Name»:
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) is undertaking the 2024 National Survey of Older
Americans Act Participants (NSOAAP). Six single-PSA states and 294 AAAs have been selected to
participate in this year’s study based on a statistical stratified sampling procedure. For multiPSA states, a list of AAAs selected to participate in your state is attached to this email.
The NSOAAP is a national survey of programs on aging funded by Title III of the Older Americans
Act. The OAA services being evaluated include case management, congregate meals, homedelivered meals, homemaker, transportation, and family caregiver support services. The
purpose of the survey is to collect timely data for ACL to measure client needs and satisfaction of
services and to meet the accountability requirements of Congress and the Administration. The
survey results will demonstrate to decision makers the outstanding value that the Aging
Network produces.
As required, ACL received approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to
identify and contact older individuals and family caregivers who receive OAA services (OMB
approval number 0985-0023). ACL and the NSOAAP research team are committed to
maintaining the privacy of individuals surveyed. The personally identifiable information that is
being collected is solely for contacting individuals to ask the survey questions. Data and reports
from the survey will not be traceable to any states, agencies, or individual respondents.
Westat is the research firm that will be conducting the 18th NSOAAP for ACL. Each selected AAA
will be asked to work with Westat to submit electronic lists of clients via a secure web site. The
client lists are the survey frame from which clients are randomly selected to participate. Client
lists will need to be provided to ACL no later than [enter date]. For this summer’s survey, the
client list deadline is earlier than in previous years in order to support the mailing and
administration of a new paper-based version of the survey.

Where possible, ACL would like to work directly with State IT contacts to expedite the collection
of client lists and ease the burden on selected AAAs. ACL encourages SUAs to use their client
data systems to generate client lists for selected AAAs in your state whenever possible in an
effort to support the data collection needed for this study.

In late [enter month], you will receive an email from ACL ([email protected]) with
detailed instructions for developing and submitting client lists. A webinar about the annual
NSOAAP, the new paper-based and online survey options, and additional guidance will be held
on [enter date and time pm EDT]. Please refer to the attached document for webinar
registration information.
You will be working [enter staff contact information] to complete this process. If you have any
questions about your SUA’s participation in the survey, please contact Kristen Robinson at
[email protected] or Westat at [email protected].
Thank you for supporting this important effort.

Amanda Cash,
Title, Center for Policy and Evaluation
cc: <>

Public Burden Statement:
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of
information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number (OMB 0985-0023). Public
reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response,
including time for gathering and maintaining the data needed and completing and reviewing the collection
of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is voluntary under the statutory authority of the
Older Americans Act (OAA) Section 202(f). This information collection gathers cross-sectional survey
data of OAA participants. The Administration for Community Living uses the information reported to
assess OAA program participants issues associated with aging. Data will be kept private to the extent
allowed by law. There are no assurances of confidentiality.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2024-03-20
File Created2024-03-20

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