Form Survey Gilman Scholars Tour Survey

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

DS-4183 Gilman Scholars Tour Supporting Docs

Gilman Scholars Tour Survey

OMB: 1405-0193

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Spring 2024 U.S. Gilman Scholar UN Study Tour in Rome
Evaluation Proposal

Appendix 2: Post-study tour survey
Increase understanding of UN and what each agency does
1. How much do you think your understanding of the missions of the following
agencies has increased through attending the study tour?

[Rotate Options]

A lot

A good

Not very



None at all

2. Which agency…?



Provides humanitarian assistance?
provides grants and low interest loans to small holder farmers?
works to defeat hunger by developing sustainable agricultural

Interest in UN Careers
3. How interested are you in working in the following agencies?



Somewhat Somewhat

Not at all

Food & Agriculture Organization
World Food Program (WFP)
International Fund for Agricultural
Development (IFAD)
Other UN agencies

4. Which best describes your level of understanding of the necessary
requirements to apply for UN opportunities?
I am unsure of the requirements
necessary to apply for and obtain a UN


I am somewhat confident that I know
the requirements necessary to apply for
and obtain a UN position.


I am very confident that I know the
requirements necessary to apply for and
obtain a UN position.


5. To what extent do you agree with the following statement:
“I believe my skillset is competitive enough to obtain an UN career opportunity."
Strongly agree


Somewhat agree


Somewhat disagree


Strongly disagree



Appendix 3: Interview questions
Thank you again for taking the time to speak with me today. The purpose of this interview/
focus group is to better understand your experiences during and after the Spring 2024 U.S.
Gilman Scholar UN Study Tour in Rome and learn how we can improve our programs. We
will be together for 45 minutes.



Your comments and your identity are confidential.
A report will be written based on what this group and many other discussion groups
we are holding for this study will say. We may use what you say in the report, but
nothing you say will be associated with your personal identity.
There are no right or wrong answers and no right or wrong opinions. We want to
hear your honest thoughts.
I have some colleagues observing and taking notes. With your permission, we are
also recording the session so that we can write an accurate report—not of who said
what, but of the ideas that were exchanged.
Please switch your mobile phones to silent and mute your microphone if you need
to take a phone call or send a message.
Would you permit us to record this conversation for learning and notetaking

At this time, do you have any questions? If you are ready, we will begin.

Topic 1: Program Experience
1. Thinking back to when you applied for the study tour, what did you hope to gain
from the experience?
2. Can you tell us about some of the most important things you learned during the
study tour?
a. [Follow-up] Why did you find that important?
b. [Follow-up] What wasn’t covered that you wish you had learned more about?
3. Can you give me an example of how you have used the knowledge and skills you
learned after the study tour?
a. [Follow-up] Would you consider recommending the study tour to friends?
How and why?

4. If you had the opportunity to change anything about the study tour, what would you
Topic 2: Interest in UN Careers
5. What are your plans for your career in the next few years?
a. Probe: Are you interested in working with the UN?
If YES - with which agency are you MOST interested in working?
Follow-Up: Why are you interested in working with that agency?
Follow-Up: Have you taken any steps to learn more about UN
Follow-Up: Have you taken any of the following actions to apply for UN
positions within the last 3 months?
When might you consider applying for UN opportunities?
If NO - what are some reasons why you are not interested in
opportunities with the UN?
6. How have your intentions to apply for UN positions changed since your participation
in the program, if at all?
7. How equipped would you say you are to apply for UN opportunities?

Topic 3: Networking
8. Could you talk about whether the study tour helped you make connections with
others and if so, the kind of relationships built as a result of the study tour? This
could be making new professional contacts or building relationships with people
who have similar interests among fellow participants, presenters or coordinators.
a. [Follow-up if not mentioned] Have you had / Do you have any other
connections with Gilman Scholars outside of this study tour – for example,
Gilman Scholars in your study abroad country or from other events?
[Probe if yes] Why do you stay in touch with these individuals?
How do you communicate with them? (Probe if not mentioned - email,
LinkedIn, group chats)
[Probe if no] What are the reasons you haven't stayed in touch with
b. [Follow-up if not mentioned]Have you had / Do you have any communication
with any UN experts you met during the study tour?
If YES - what support have they provided?


c. [Follow-up if not mentioned]Have you had / Do you have any communication
with any HR professionals you met during the study tour?
If YES - what support have they provided?
9. What challenges have you experienced with staying in touch with contacts from the
study tour, if any?
10. Do you have any advice for study tour organizers for how they can better foster
networking and relationship building after completing a study tour?

Thank you for being here and sharing your thoughts so openly. I have just one last question
for you.
Is there anything we missed that you would like to talk about? Do you have any questions
for me?
Thank you so much for your time and for your insights!


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File TitleDS-4183 Gilman Scholars Tour Supporting Docs.docx
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