Attachment B - Instructions for Form QFR-201(MG)

Quarterly Financial Report (QFR)

Attachment B - Instructions for Form QFR-201(MG)

OMB: 0607-0432

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INTRODUCTION – These instructions and definitions will
assist you in completing your Quarterly Financial Report (QFR).
Section 1 provides general information about the QFR survey.
Section 2 provides instructions and definitions relating to the
addressed side of the form. Section 3 provides item specific
instructions and definitions relating to the financial side of the
form. QFR information is also available at the following
A. Purpose of the Survey – The purpose of this survey is
to provide comprehensive and timely information on business
financial conditions. Each corporation’s response is an
important component in the overall assessment of the health of
our Nation’s economy. The information you provide will be used
to prepare national measures of corporate profits and to
formulate fiscal and monetary policy.
B. Survey Scope – This survey collects income statement
and balance sheet data for domestic corporations that have a
plurality of sales activity in manufacturing industries.
C. Survey Period and Due Date – Report data for the
most recent 3-month period as indicated on the address side of
the form. Companies on a 13-period year should submit a
16-week report for the third quarter of their fiscal year and a
12-week report for the other quarters. The questionnaire is due
to be returned to the U.S. Census Bureau within 25 days after
the end of the period requested.
D. Estimates Are Acceptable – The data requested on
this form may not be available by the due date of the form or
may not correspond to your company’s accounting records. In
these instances, your carefully prepared estimates are an
acceptable substitute for actual data. If you need assistance in
completing the form or have specific questions regarding
specific items, or would like to correspond with our staff, enroll
in Secure Messaging Center at the following Website: You can also call
our staff at our toll-free number 1 (800) 272–4250 or
(301) 763–3359.
E. Filing Instructions
1. Internet Reporting – This option is our preferred
method of collecting data. Internet reporting is available for
all companies. Your username and password are located on
the form. Visit to log on and
2. Facsimile – If you choose not to file by internet
reporting, fax the completed form toll-free to
1 (800) 447–4613.
3. Mail to – U.S. Census Bureau, 1201 East 10th Street,
Jeffersonville, IN 47132-0000.
If you submit electronically or by fax, DO NOT ALSO mail in
a form. This can create a duplicate form in our system.
Important Note – In all correspondence or additional
attachments, include your 10-digit Username located on the
front of the form.

File Copies – Copies retained in respondents’ files are
immune from legal process. It is recommended that a copy of
the completed form be retained for your company records.

F. Filing Extensions – If you cannot complete the
questionnaire by the due date, request an extension by
phone toll-free at 1 (800) 272–4250 or (301) 763–3359.
G. Legal Authority and Confidentiality of Data –Title
13 United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 91, authorizes this
collection and requires your response. The U.S. Census
Bureau is required by Section 9 of the same law to keep your
information confidential and can use your responses only to
produce statistics. The Census Bureau is not permitted to
publicly release your responses in a way that could identify
your business, organization, or institution. Per the Federal
Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are
protected from cybersecurity risks through screening of the
systems that transmit your data.
H. Burden Hour Estimate – This collection has been
approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
The eight-digit OMB approval number is 0607-0432 and
appears at the upper right of the survey form/login screen.
Without this approval, we could not conduct this survey.
We estimate this survey will take an average of 1.2 hours to
complete, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining
the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection
of information. You may email comments regarding this
burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of
information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to
[email protected]. Be sure to use "EID Survey Comments
0607-0432" as the subject.
2 a. and b. Annual closing date and the Federal
Employer Identification Number (FEIN) – Provide the
current Annual closing date and the FEIN of the addressed,
reporting corporation.

If there are changes from the prior quarter for the Annual
closing date or the FEIN, attach a separate sheet noting the
circumstances of the change and the current status of the former
3 Corporation Status – Reporting companies operating
under bankruptcy protection are still required to file. The reports
need to be filed on a properly consolidated basis including any
subsidiary operating under bankruptcy protection. (See
Consolidation Rules in 5 below.) Please note if any operations
have been discontinued. If the company is unable to comply with
the reporting requirements because the books of the ongoing
operations are under the control of a court appointed trustee,
etc., please explain on a separate sheet. (Include your 10-digit
Username on all attached information.)
4 Parent Corporation – Give the corporate name, FEIN,
and address of any parent domestic company (owns more than
50 percent of voting securities). If there are multiple tiers of
ownership, give the highest U.S. corporation as the parent.
Note changes from previously reported parent companies giving
all tiers in the ownership chain. This will help us determine the
reporting level and eliminate duplication of coverage.


LINE C – All other operating costs and expenses.
Include all costs of goods sold (net of purchase discounts),
selling, general and administrative expenses, and amortization
of intangible assets. Include such expenses as keyman life
insurance, provision for bad debts (net of bad debt recovery),
goodwill, mining costs related to dry holes, abandonment of
producing properties, and provision for impairment of producing

5 Consolidation Rules – Fully consolidate the operations
of every domestic corporation (including 1120S corporations)
that are taxable under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and are
owned more than 50 percent by your company and its
majority-owned consolidated subsidiaries. For purposes of this
report, domestic operations refer to operations that are within
the 50 United States and the District of Columbia.
Commonwealths such as Puerto Rico and territories such as
the Virgin Islands are not considered domestic.

LINE E – Interest expense. Include all interest expense.
Do not net interest income with interest expense. Report interest
income in 8 line F.

Nonconsolidated Domestic and Foreign Operations are
domestic corporations primarily engaged in foreign
operations (plants or workforces are located in foreign
countries); foreign entities (corporate or noncorporate); foreign
branch operations; foreign sales corporations; and, subsidiaries
created in foreign countries to manufacture and/or sell primarily
in foreign markets. These operations are to be reported using
the equity method or cost method of accounting.

LINE F – Nonoperating income and expenses.
Include interest income, income (loss) of foreign branches and
equity in earnings (loss) of domestic and foreign
nonconsolidated subsidiaries, other equity income, dividends
from investments and nonconsolidated subsidiaries carried on
the "cost" basis of accounting, royalties, minority interest, and
other nonoperating income (expense) items not elsewhere

Do not consolidate domestic corporations primarily
engaged in banking, finance, or insurance (as defined in the
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Sector
52, United States, 2012).

LINE H – Provision for current and deferred
domestic income taxes. Report the provision for U.S.
Federal, state, and local income tax. Accrue current payable in
10 line C and the deferred payable in 10 line G.

Equity method of accounting – Report equity earnings
(losses) of all nonconsolidated domestic and foreign operations
on 8 line F of the Income Statement. Report equity investment
on 9 line G of the Balance Sheet.

LINE K – Cash dividends charged this quarter.
Include only cash dividends charged during the quarter.
Include 1120S cash distributions.

Cost method of accounting – Report dividends from all
nonconsolidated domestic and foreign operations on 8 line F
on the Income Statement. Report the investment on 9 line G
on the Balance Sheet.

LINE A-1 – Cash and demand deposits in the U.S.
Include cash on hand (petty cash), negotiable money orders,
and demand deposits (checking accounts) located in banks
within the United States. Report checking account overdrafts in
10 line A-1.

5 through 7 – Subsidiaries. Any changes indicated in
6 or 7 should only reflect changes from the prior quarter.

However, in order to maintain continuity in the QFR estimates,
please also include any acquisitions or disposal of noncorporate
assets; i.e., branches, divisions, business segments, etc., that
have total assets greater than $50 million.

LINE A-2 – Time deposits in the U.S. Include all
negotiable certificates of deposit, savings accounts, and other
interest bearing cash deposits.

If you have questions regarding the Consolidation Rules, please
use the Secure Messaging Center to correspond with our staff
at the following Website: You can also call
our staff at our toll-free number at 1 (800) 272–4250 or
(301) 763–3359.

LINE B – Other short-term financial investments.
Include short-term marketable and government securities,
commercial paper, and deposits outside the U.S.


LINE A – Sales, receipts, and operating revenues.
Report sales net of returns and allowances and excise and
sales taxes. Include all sales for the quarter derived from normal
operations. Unlike General Accepted Accounting Principles
(GAAP), include sales from discontinued operations through the
date of disposal. Commission sales should be reported on a
gross basis including the commissions received.
LINE B – Depreciation, depletion, and amortization
of property, plant, and equipment. Include the expense
for the current quarter on tangible fixed assets only. Do not
include amortization of intangibles or items such as bargain on
acquisition or goodwill. These items should be included in 8
line C.
QFR-201(I) (09-29-2021)

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LINE C – Trade accounts and trade notes
receivable. Include trade receivables from commercial
customers and governments, less allowances for doubtful
accounts. Also include inter-company trade receivables from
majority-owned subsidiaries that are not consolidated in this
report in accordance with the consolidation instructions. Unlike
conventional accounting, do not deduct progress payments and
billings. These should be included in 10 line E.
LINE D – Inventories. Report book value of all inventories.
Include all raw materials, supplies, finished goods, and
work-in-process inventories on the premises, in transit, in
storage, or consigned to others at the end of the accounting
period. Inventories may be reported on whatever valuation
method is used by the company as long as it is reported on a
consistent basis each quarter. Exclude land, buildings, and other
real estate and securities held for resale; these items should be
reported in 9 line E. Unlike GAAP, do not deduct progress
payments and billings. These should be included in 10 line E.

LINE E – All other current assets. Include prepaid
expenses, income tax refunds receivable, short-term deposits,
and assets held for resale, which are no longer being used in
the operations.

LINE D-1 – Current portion of long-term debt from
banks. Include the current portion of long-term debt due to
commercial banks only. Report the long-term portion of bank
debt in 10 line F-1.

LINE F-1 – Property, plant, and equipment. Report the
gross value (acquisition or original cost or other basis) of all
depreciable and amortizable fixed assets. Include all finance
leases; improvements and new construction in progress, but not
yet completed; fixed assets owned by the company and its
consolidated subsidiaries that are leased or rented to others;
and capitalized exploration and development costs of mineral

LINE D-1 – Current portion of other long-term debt.
Include the current portion of all other long-term debt, such as
loans payable to shareholders, inter-company loans payable to
nonconsolidated entities, bonds and debentures, loans from
finance or insurance companies, and finance leases. Do not
include any long-term portion of debt or the current portion of
operating leases. Report the long-term portion of other longterm
debt in 10 line F-2 and the current portion of operating leases
in 10 line E.

LINE F-2 – Land and mineral rights. Report the gross
value (acquisition or original cost or other basis) of all land,
except land held for resale. Include timber and mineral rights,
except capitalized exploration and development costs of mineral

LINE E – All other current liabilities. Report excise and
sales taxes, withholding taxes, other accrued expenses, and the
current portion of operating leases. This line item should include
all current liabilities other than debt, corporate income taxes,
and trade accounts and trade notes payable.

LINE F-3 – Accumulated depreciation, depletion,
and amortization. Report the total accumulated
depreciation, depletion, and amortization for the fixed assets
included in line 9 F-1. Do not include amortization of
intangible assets. Report intangible assets net of amortization
in 9 line G.

LINE F-1 – Long-term bank debt due in more than
one year. Include the long-term portion of debt from
commercial banks only. Report the current portion in 10 line
LINE F-2 – Other long-term debt due in more than
one year. Include the long-term portion of all other long-term
debt, such as loans payable to shareholders, inter-company
loans payable to nonconsolidated entities, bonds and
debentures, loans from finance or insurance companies and
finance leases. Do not include any current portion of debt or the
long-term portion of operating leases. Report the current portion
of debt in 10 line D-2 and the long-term portion of operating
leases in 10 line G.

LINE G – All Other noncurrent assets. Include
investments in nonconsolidated entities, other long-term
investments including noncurrent marketable securities, patents,
copyrights, goodwill, deferred charges, cash surrender value of
life insurance, and long-term receivables, and operating leases.
LINE H – Total Assets. Report the sum of 9 lines A-1
through E, F-4 and G. 9 line H must be equal to 10 line I,
Total Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity.

LINE G – All other noncurrent liabilities. Include
deferred taxes, other deferred credits, minority stockholders’
interest, and the long-term portion of operating leases. Also
include in 10 line G, all outstanding issues of redeemable
preferred stock.


LINE A-1 – Short-term loans from banks. Report all
short-term borrowing (including overdrafts) from commercial
banks. Do not include the current portion of long-term bank
debt. This should be included in 10 line D-1.

LINE H-1 – Capital stock and other capital. Include all
classes of capital stock and paid-in-capital, except redeemable
preferred stock, less the total cost of the company’s stock that
has been repurchased and held in the treasury. Report
redeemable preferred stock in 10 line G.

LINE A-2 – Other short-term loans. Report all other
short-term debt, including commercial paper. Do not include the
current portion of other long-term debt. This should be included
in 10 line D-2.

LINE H-2 – Retained earnings at end of quarter.
Report the corporation’s accumulated net income after tax
including cumulative foreign currency translation adjustments,
less distributions to stockholders and transfers to the
paid-in-capital accounts reported in 10 line H-1.

LINE B – Trade accounts and trade notes payable.
Report balances outstanding of all invoices and notes payable
for the purchase of goods and services. Do not include
payables for taxes or other accrued expenses. Report income
tax payables in 10 line C and other taxes, liabilities, and
accrued expenses in 10 line E.

LINE I – Total Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity.
Report the sum of 10 lines A-1 through G and H-3. Line I must
be equal to 9 line H, Total Assets.

LINE C – Domestic income taxes accrued, prior and
current years. Include the current balance of U.S. Federal,
state, and local corporate income tax or franchise tax owed, net
of payments of estimated taxes. If payments exceed accruals,
report it as a negative (debit) balance, unless the corporation
has applied for a refund. Report income tax refunds due in 9
line E. Report deferred income taxes in 10 line G.

QFR-201(I) (09-29-2021)

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2024-03-15
File Created2021-09-29

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