Quarterly Financial Report (QFR)

OMB 0607-0432

OMB 0607-0432

The QFR is the best source of timely financial data for gauging quarterly performance of the non-regulated, domestic corporate sector. Users include: Commerce Department (Gross Domestic Product), Federal Reserve Board (Flow of Funds), The Bureau of Land Management, and the Council of Economic Advisers. The data are collected from a sample of manufacturing, mining, trade, and selected service corporations.

The latest form for Quarterly Financial Report (QFR) expires 2021-10-31 and can be found here.

All Historical Document Collections
Extension without change of a currently approved collection 2024-06-06
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Extension without change of a currently approved collection 2021-04-15
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No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2019-08-14
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No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2019-05-09
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Extension without change of a currently approved collection 2018-07-24
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Revision of a currently approved collection 2015-09-18
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Revision of a currently approved collection 2012-04-24
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Revision of a currently approved collection 2009-05-05
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Extension without change of a currently approved collection 2007-06-08
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No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2006-05-10
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Extension without change of a currently approved collection 2004-05-04
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Extension without change of a currently approved collection 2001-05-16
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Extension without change of a currently approved collection 1998-10-29
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Revision of a currently approved collection 1997-06-18
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Extension without change of a currently approved collection 1995-08-15
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Revision of a currently approved collection 1992-09-10
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No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 1989-12-29
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No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 1989-12-05
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 1989-08-30
Approved with change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 1989-04-07
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Revision of a currently approved collection 1988-09-26
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Revision of a currently approved collection 1986-11-17
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Revision of a currently approved collection 1983-11-28
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Revision of a currently approved collection 1983-01-28

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