G414: LSAC Surveys

Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

G414 LSAC_Day1_Survey

G414: LSAC Surveys

OMB: 0651-0080

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LSAC	2024	Day	1

OMB	Control	No.	0651-0080	
Expiration	Date:	XX/XX/XXXX

Thank	you	for	attending	Day	1	of	LSAC.	Please	help	us	evaluate	our	
training	session	and,	if	necessary,	make	any	improvements,	by
completing	this	short	10-minute	survey.	Your	voluntary	response	is	
confidential	and	data	will	be	analyzed	in	aggregated	form	only.
For	questions	regarding	the	purpose	of	the	survey,	contact
[email protected].	If	you	encounter	any	problems	with	the	survey
instrument,	contact	Michael	Easdale	([email protected]).
Thank	you	in	advance	for	your	honest	feedback	in	this	important	
Click	'Next'	below	to	begin.

A	Federal	agency	may	not	conduct	or	sponsor,	and	a	person	is	not	required	to	respond	to,	nor	shall	a	person	be	
subject	to	a	penalty	for	failure	to	comply	with	an	information	collection	subject	to	the	requirements	of	the	
Paperwork	Reduction	Act	of	1995,	unless	the	information	collection	has	a	valid	OMB	Control	Number.	The	OMB	
Control	Number	for	this	information	collection	is	0651-0080.	Public	burden	for	this	survey	is	estimated	to	average	
10	minutes	per	response,	including	the	time	for	reviewing	instructions,	searching	existing	data	sources,	gathering	
and	maintaining	the	data	needed,	and	completing	and	reviewing	the	information	collection.	Send	comments	
regarding	this	burden	estimate	or	any	other	aspect	of	this	information	collection,	including	suggestions	for	
reducing	this	burden	to	the	Office	of	the	Chief	Administrative	Officer,	United	States	Patent	and	Trademark	Office,	
P.O.	Box	1450,	Alexandria,	VA	22313-1450	or	email	[email protected].

LSAC	2024	Day	1
Program	Evaluation

1. What	is	your	experience	level	working	in	the	IP	field?
<	1	year
1	to	3	years
3+	to	5	years
5+	to	10	years
10+	years

2. In	which	state	do	you	currently	reside?

3. Which	of	the	following	best	describes	your	role?

Entrepreneur/Business	owner

Legal	Assistant


Legal	Secretary




Other	(please	specify)

4. Which	of	the	following	best	describes	your	organization?
Law	Firm


Small	Business


Large	Business

Business	based	outside	the	U.S.


N/A	-	Individual

Other	(please	specify)

LSAC	2024	Day	1
Ease	of	Following

5. When	thinking	about	the	course	content	and	presentations	on	Day	1,	please	rate	each
session	on	its	flow	and	sequencing	-	how	difficult	or	easy	was	it	to	follow.
Very	difficult
to	follow
Sponsorship,	Patent	Center,	PPubs	search,	DOCX	Office	of	Information	Technology	for	Patents	(OITP)
Forms,	Application	Data	Sheet,	Retrieving	priority
documents,	Sequence	Listings	-	Office	of	Patent
Application	Processing	(OPAP)
eGrant	and	eCofC	-	Office	of	Data	Management
Reference	filing,	Applicant	&	Inventorship,
Priority	claims,	Signatures,	Common	Pitfalls,
Powers	of	Attorney,	Information	Disclosure,
Statement	Certifications,	License	agreements	Office	of	Patent	Legal	Administration	(OPLA)
Assignment	Center	-	Office	of	Administrative	Services
(OAS):	Assignment	Recordation	Branch	(ARB)
Timing,	ePetitions	-	Office	of	Petitions	(OPET)

difficult	to

easy	to

Very	easy	to

LSAC	2024	Day	1

6. When	thinking	about	the	course	content	and	presentations	on	Day	1,	please	rate	each
session	on	how	useful	it	was	for	you.
Not	at	all
Sponsorship,	Patent	Center,	PPubs	search,	DOCX	Office	of	Information	Technology	for	Patents	(OITP)
Forms,	Application	Data	Sheet,	Retrieving	priority
documents,	Sequence	Listings	-	Office	of	Patent
Application	Processing	(OPAP)
eGrant	and	eCofC	-	Office	of	Data	Management
Reference	filing,	Applicant	&	Inventorship,
Priority	claims,	Signatures,	Common	Pitfalls,
Powers	of	Attorney,	Information	Disclosure,
Statement	Certifications,	License	agreements	Office	of	Patent	Legal	Administration	(OPLA)
Assignment	Center	-	Office	of	Administrative	Services
(OAS):	Assignment	Recordation	Branch	(ARB)
Timing,	ePetitions	-	Office	of	Petitions	(OPET)



Very	useful

LSAC	2024	Day	1

7. Please	rate	your	level	of	agreement	with	the	following	statements	regarding	today’s


Disagree	or



Information	presented	was	relevant	and
applicable	to	me.
My	knowledge	and	skills	increased	as	a
result	of	attending	this	program.
The	knowledge	I	have	gained	will	be	used	in
my	current	position.
The	instructor(s)	was	prepared	and
presented	the	material	in	a	relatable
I	had	ample	opportunity	to	ask	questions
and	discuss	course	topics.

8. Considering	the	content	of	the	Day	1	course,	was	the	overall	training	time	sufficient?
Too	short

Just	right

Too	long

9. Overall,	how	satisfied	were	you	with	Day	1	of	the	LSAC	conference?
Very	dissatisfied


Somewhat	satisfied

Somewhat	dissatisfied
Very	satisfied

Neither	satisfied	nor	dissatisfied

LSAC	2024	Day	1

10. Would	any	of	today’s	topics	benefit	from	a	breakout	session	for	a	more	interactive
experience?	(Check	all	that	apply)
Sponsorship,	Patent	Center,	PPubs	search,	DOCX
Forms,	Application	Data	Sheet,	Retrieving	priority	documents,	Sequence	Listings
eGrant	and	eCofC
Reference	filing,	Applicant	&	Inventorship,	Priority	claims,	Signatures,	Common	Pitfalls,	Powers	of
Attorney,	Information	Disclosure,	Statement	Certifications,	License	agreements
Assignment	Center
Timing,	ePetitions

11. What	changes	would	you	recommend	to	improve	Day	1	of	the	LSAC	course?

12. Please	provide	any	additional	comments	regarding	the	overall	program	and	its

Thank	you	for	attending	Day	1	of	LSAC	and	completing	our	survey.	Your
responses	will	help	us	to	evaluate	and	improve	the	course.	
Clicking	'Done'	below	will	submit	your	answers,	close	the	survey
window,	and	redirect	you	to	the	external	USPTO	website.	
When	you	are	satisfied	that	your	responses	are	complete,	click	'Done'.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2024-09-09
File Created2024-05-03

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