G419: Invention-Con Surveys 2024

Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

G419 Invention-Con Survey 2024

G419: Invention-Con Surveys 2024

OMB: 0651-0080

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Invention-Con	August	[##],	[YEAR]	Survey
USPTO's	Office	of	Innovation	Outreach	(OIO)	Survey
Approved	for	use	through	XX/XX/XXXX	OMB	0651-0080
U.S.	Patent	and	Trademark	Office;	U.S.	Department	of	Commerce
1. How	did	you	learn	about	this	program?
USPTO.gov	website
Social	Media	(e.g.,	FB,	Twitter)
Email	announcement
Attendance	at	previous	event
Other	(please	specify)

2. The	information	gained	by	attending	this	program	will	help	me	leverage	my	intellectual
property	in	the	marketplace.
Strongly	disagree
Somewhat	disagree
Neither	disagree	nor	agree
Somewhat	agree
Strongly	agree

3. I	would	recommend	this	program	to	someone	else.
Strongly	disagree
Somewhat	disagree
Neither	disagree	nor	agree
Somewhat	agree
Strongly	agree

4. Overall	how	would	you	rate	your	satisfaction	with	Invention-Con	2022?
Very	dissatisfied
Somewhat	dissatisfied
Neither	dissatisfied	nor	satisfied
Somewhat	satisfied
Very	satisfied

5. What	other	topics	are	you	interested	in	learning	about?
Business	plans/Startup	assistance
Exporting/Growing	globally
Government	contracting
Product	development	&	manufacturing
Technology	to	transform	business	
Small	business	data
Other	(please	specify)

6. Which	panel	discussion	did	you	attend	today?

Did	not	attend

Your	IP,	a	potential
gold	mine
Scaling	up:	Fireside
chat	with	Alexandr
My	IP	journey	–	Go
from	Eureka	to
IPitching:	Innovation
and	investment

7. Please	let	us	know	which	state	you	are	currently	located	in.

A	Federal	agency	may	not	conduct	or	sponsor,	and	a	person	is	not	required	to	respond	to,	nor	shall	a	person	be	
subject	to	a	penalty	for	failure	to	comply	with	an	information	collection	subject	to	the	requirements	of	the	
Paperwork	Reduction	Act	of	1995,	unless	the	information	collection	has	a	currently	valid	OMB	Control	Number.	
The	OMB	Control	Number	for	this	information	collection	is	0651-0080.	Public	burden	for	this	survey	is	estimated	to	
average	5	minutes	per	response,	including	the	time	for	reviewing	instructions,	searching	existing	data	sources,	
gathering	and	maintaining	the	data	needed,	and	completing	and	reviewing	the	information	collection.	Send	
comments	regarding	this	burden	estimate	or	any	other	aspect	of	this	information	collection,	including	suggestions	
for	reducing	this	burden	to	the	Chief	Administrative	Officer,	United	States	Patent	and	Trademark	Office,	P.O.	Box	
1450,	Alexandria,	VA	22313-1450	or	email	[email protected].	

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2024-09-13
File Created2022-07-21

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