2023-0412 PHA Survey

Improving Customer Experience (OMB Circular A–11, Section 280)

2023-0412 PHA Survey

OMB: 2511-0001

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PHA Survey and Outreach

PHA Outreach and Survey

Updated: 04/12/9023


Initial outreach email

Subject: HUD Requests Information About Your PHA

Good morning/afternoon,

HUD’s Customer Experience (CX) team is seeking to better understand the experience of individuals and families finding affordable housing through waitlists. As an affordable housing provider and waitlist manager, your organization is vital to gathering this broad-based understanding.

The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete. Topics of the questions include:

  • General information about the waitlist(s) you manage

  • Your understanding of applicants’ experience

  • How waitlist data is managed

  • How preferences come into play

Take the survey! [Insert link to Microsoft Form]

Please answer all the questions to the best of your ability and as completely as possible based on how your PHA currently handles waitlists. Responding to this survey is voluntary. By filling this out, you are consenting to provide this data.

If you have any questions about this research or survey, please contact the CX team at [email protected].

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey,



OMB Control Number: 2511-0001
Expiration Date: 09/30/2024

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 2 minutes. All responses to this collection of information are voluntary. If you have comments or concerns regarding this collection, please contact HUD’s Customer Experience team at [email protected].

Follow up email

Subject: HUD Requests Information About Your PHA

Good morning/afternoon,

It’s not too late to complete this survey! HUD’s Customer Experience (CX) team is seeking to better understand the experience of individuals and families finding affordable housing through waitlists and how it may have changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

As a public housing provider and waitlist manager, your organization is vital to gathering this broad-based understanding.

Take the survey! [Insert link to Microsoft Form]

The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete.

If you have any questions about this research or survey, please contact the CX team at [email protected].

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey,



OMB Control Number: 2511-0001
Expiration Date: 09/30/2024
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 2 minutes. All responses to this collection of information are voluntary. If you have comments or concerns regarding this collection, please contact HUD’s Customer Experience team at [email protected].


[Will be put into Microsoft Form for distribution and response]

HUD Requests Information About Your PHA

HUD’s Customer Experience (CX) team is seeking to better understand the experience of individuals and families finding affordable housing through waitlists. As a public housing provider and waitlist manager, your organization is vital to gathering this broad-based understanding. We hope you will consider sharing information about your organization with HUD.

The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete. This survey contains about 40 questions. You might not be asked some questions based on your answers to previous questions. Topics of the questions include:

  • General information about the waitlist(s) you manage

  • Your understanding of applicants’ experience

  • How waitlist data is managed

  • How preferences come into play

Please answer all the questions to the best of your ability and as completely as possible based on how your PHA currently handles waitlists. Responding to this survey is voluntary. By filling this out, you are consenting to provide this data.

If you have any questions about this research or survey, please contact the CX team at [email protected].


OMB Control Number: 2511-0001
Expiration Date: 09/30/2024

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes. All responses to this collection of information are voluntary. If you have comments or concerns regarding this collection, please contact HUD’s Customer Experience team at [email protected].

[Section 1 – Introduction]

  1. What Public Housing Agency/Authority (PHA) do you work for?

    1. Open comment

  2. What state or territory does your PHA operate in?

    1. Open comment

  3. What type of community does your PHA serve? (Choose all that apply)

    1. Rural

    2. Suburban

    3. Urban

    4. Other: _____

  4. Approximately how many households are currently on all your waitlists combined?

    1. 0-99

    2. 100-499

    3. 500-999

    4. 1,000-4,999

    5. 5,000-9,999

    6. Over 10,000

  5. Are any of your PHA’s waitlists part of a shared waitlist? (Choose all that apply)

    1. None of my waitlists are shared

    2. Yes, a waitlist is shared between my PHA’s programs

    3. Yes, a waitlist is shared with other PHAs in my general region

    4. Yes, a waitlist is shared with other PHAs in my state

    5. Other: _____

  6. Do any of your PHA’s waitlists use a common waitlist application? (Choose all that apply)

    1. Yes, some or all of my PHA’s waitlists share a common waitlist application with each other

    2. Yes, some or all of my PHA’s waitlists share a common waitlist application with other PHAs in the area

    3. No

[Section 2 – Federal Program: Public Housing]

  1. Does your PHA have a waitlist for Public Housing?

    1. Yes, we have one or more Public Housing waitlists (e.g., multiple individual Public Housing site-based waiting lists) [Logic flows to question 8 below])

    2. No [Logic flows to next section])

  2. How many Public Housing waitlists do you have and are any of them shared with other programs and/or PHAs?

    1. Open comment

  3. How often does your PHA open your Public Housing waitlists?

    1. It’s always open

    2. We typically open it multiple times a year

    3. We typically open it about once a year

    4. We typically open it once every 2-5 years

    5. We typically open it once every 5-10 years

    6. We haven’t opened it in over 10 years

  4. How long does your PHA typically keep your Public Housing waitlists open for? Or how long did you leave your waitlists open the last time you opened it?

    1. Always open

    2. 0-2 weeks

    3. 2-4 weeks

    4. 1-2 months

    5. 2-4 months

    6. 4-12 months

    7. Over 1 year

    8. Other: _____

[Section 3 – Federal Program: Project-Based Vouchers]

  1. Does your PHA have waitlists for Project Based Vouchers?

    1. Yes, we have 1-5 Project Based Voucher waitlist(s) [Logic flows to question 13, skipping question 12]

    2. Yes, we have 6-10 Project Based Voucher waitlists [Logic flows to question 13, skipping question 12]

    3. Yes, we have 11-15 Project Based Voucher waitlists [Logic flows to question 13, skipping question 12]

    4. Yes, we have 16-20 Project Based Voucher waitlists [Logic flows to question 13, skipping question 12])

    5. Yes, we have 21 or more Project Based Voucher waitlists [Logic flows to question 13, skipping question 12])

    6. Yes, we have at least one Project Based Voucher waitlist, but it is shared with other programs [Logic flows to question 12 below]

    7. No [Logic flows to next section]

  2. How many Project Based Voucher waitlists do you have and which programs are they shared with?

    1. Open comment

  3. Of your Project Based Voucher waitlists, are any maintained by the Project Based Voucher owner?

    1. Yes

    2. No

  4. How often does your PHA open your Project Based Voucher waitlists?

    1. It’s always open

    2. We typically open it multiple times a year

    3. We typically open it about once a year

    4. We typically open it once every 2-5 years

    5. We typically open it once every 5-10 years

    6. We haven’t opened it in over 10 years

  5. How long does your PHA typically keep your Project Based Voucher waitlists open for? Or how long did you leave your waitlists open the last time you opened them?

    1. Always open

    2. 0-2 weeks

    3. 2-4 weeks

    4. 1-2 months

    5. 2-4 months

    6. 4-12 months

    7. Over 1 year

    8. Other: ______

[Section 4 – Federal Program: Housing Choice and Special Purpose Vouchers]

  1. Does your PHA participate in Housing Choice Voucher and/or Special Purpose Voucher programs?

    1. Yes [Logic flows to Question 17])

    2. No [Logic flows to next section]

  2. Which voucher program(s) does your PHA administer? (Choose all that apply)

    1. Housing Choice Voucher

    2. Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV)

    3. Mainstream

    4. Non-Elderly Disabled (NED)

    5. Foster Youth to Independence (FYI)

    6. Family Unification Program (FUP)

    7. Tenant Protection Voucher

    8. HUD-VA Supportive Housing (VASH)

    9. Other: _____

  3. When someone applies to be added to your Housing Choice Voucher (not including Special Purpose Vouchers) waitlist, how long do you tell them it typically takes to get a Housing Choice Voucher?

  1. 0-6 months

  2. 6-12 months

  3. 12-18 months

  4. 18 months-2 years

  5. 2-3 years

  6. 3-4 years

  7. Over 5 years

  8. Other: _______

  1. We are curious to understand how waitlists for Housing Choice Vouchers and Special Purpose Vouchers are maintained. Which of the following best describes your Housing Choice Voucher and/or Special Purpose Voucher waitlists?

    1. Our PHA manages a single waitlist that includes Housing Choice Vouchers and Special Purpose Vouchers. [Logic flows to A]

    2. Our PHA manages separate waitlists for Housing Choice Vouchers and Special Purpose Vouchers. [Logic flows to B]

    3. Our PHA participates in a single waitlist managed in a centralized system shared with other PHAs that includes Housing Choice Vouchers and Special Purpose Vouchers. [Logic flows to A]

    4. We have separate waitlists. Our PHA participates in a centralized system for our Housing Choice Vouchers shared with other PHAs, but our PHA manages its own Special Purpose Vouchers waitlist(s). [Logic flows to B]

    5. Other [Logic flows to C]


  1. How often is the voucher waitlist open?

    1. It’s always open

    2. We typically open it multiple times a year

    3. We typically open it about once a year

    4. We typically open it once every 2-5 years

    5. We typically open it once every 5-10 years

    6. We haven’t opened it in over 10 years

  2. How long is the voucher waitlist kept open for? Or how long did you leave your waitlist open the last time you opened it?

    1. Always open

    2. 0-2 weeks

    3. 2-4 weeks

    4. 1-2 months

    5. 2-4 months

    6. 4-12 months

    7. Over 1 year

    8. Other: ______


  1. How often is the Housing Choice Voucher waitlist open?

    1. It’s always open

    2. We typically open it multiple times a year

    3. We typically open it about once a year

    4. We typically open it once every 2-5 years

    5. We typically open it once every 5-10 years

    6. We haven’t opened it in over 10 years

  2. How long is the Housing Choice Voucher waitlist kept open for? Or how long did you leave your waitlist open the last time you opened it?

    1. Always open

    2. 0-2 weeks

    3. 2-4 weeks

    4. 1-2 months

    5. 2-4 months

    6. 4-12 months

    7. Over 1 year

    8. Other: ____

  3. For each of the Special Purpose Voucher waitlists your PHA manages, please list the programs alongside how often the waitlist is open, and how long the waitlist is open.

    1. Open comment


  1. Please tell us about each of the Housing Choice Voucher and/or Special Purpose Voucher waitlists you manage:

  • How often they are open

  • How long they are open

  • Whether they are shared with any of your other programs

    1. Open comment

[Section 5 – Applicant Experience]

  1. How can someone apply when your PHA’s waitlists are open? (Choose all that apply)

  1. Online portal (with user login)

  2. Online form

  3. Email

  4. Phone call

  5. Text message

  6. USPS mail

  7. Fax

  8. In person

  9. Other: _____

  1. In the last three years, was there any change in the ways applicants can apply to your PHA’s waitlists?

  1. Yes, moved toward more electronic applications

  2. Yes, moved toward more offline or paper-based applications

  3. No, did not change

  4. Other:________

  1. Before filling out a waitlist application (either the pre-application or the full housing assistance program application), are applicants made aware of what information they will need to provide (e.g., income, social security number)?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Which of the following best describes how an applicant is added to your waitlist?

  1. Applicants complete a short “pre-application” that requires minimal applicant information

  2. We do not have a pre-application; my PHA requires that an applicant fills out the full housing assistance program application to get onto our waitlists

  3. Other: _____

  1. How does your PHA communicate with applicants on your waitlists? (Choose all that apply)

  1. Online portal (with user login)

  2. Online form

  3. Email

  4. Phone call

  5. Text message

  6. USPS mail

  7. Fax

  8. In person

  9. Other: _____

  1. How can applicants learn about their current waitlist status? (Choose all that apply)

  1. Online portal (with user login)

  2. Online form

  3. Email

  4. Phone call

  5. Text message

  6. USPS mail

  7. Fax

  8. In person

  9. Other: _____

  1. How can applicants update their contact information or application details? (Choose all that apply)

  1. Online portal (with user login)

  2. Online form

  3. Email

  4. Phone call

  5. Text message

  6. USPS mail

  7. Fax

  8. In person

  9. Other: _____

[Section 6 – Waitlist Management]

  1. How much time per week do you estimate it takes to currently manage and maintain your PHA’s waitlists?

  1. Less than 8 staff-hours per week

  2. 9-16 staff-hours per week

  3. 17-40 staff-hours per week

  4. 41-80 staff-hours per week

  5. Over 80 staff-hours per week

  1. Using your best estimate, score each task of the waitlist administration and management process according to how much PHA staff time is spent on it compared to the other listed tasks.

A minimal amount of time

A moderate amount of time

A significant amount of time

Reviewing the application to add someone to the waitlist

Ensuring the waitlist contacts are up to date (i.e., "purging" or “clean-up”)

Determining who is the next applicant on the waitlist to receive housing assistance (e.g., when a unit is available or when a voucher is available)

Getting in contact with applicants once they have been selected from the waitlist to receive a voucher or housing assistance

Having the selected applicants complete the final application for housing program assistance and verifying their information

Ensuring preferences are maintained, documented, and meet Federal and State requirements

  1. How are your PHA’s waitlists stored? (Choose all that apply)

      1. Electronically

      2. On paper

      3. Other: _____

  1. In the last three years, was there any change in the ways you store your PHA’s waitlists?

  1. Yes, moved toward more electronic storage

  2. Yes, moved toward more paper storage

  3. No, did not change

  4. Other:________

  1. Does your PHA use a third-party vendor (i.e., a software provider) to manage waitlist data?

  1. Yes [Logic flows to next 2 questions]

  2. No [Skip to 40]

  1. Who is the vendor?

  1. AffordableHousing.com

  2. AppFolio

  3. Emphasys

  4. Entrata

  5. Haven Connect

  6. Kanso Software

  7. MRI Software

  8. PHA-Web

  9. RealPage

  10. ResMan

  11. RevoList

  12. Yardi / Rentcafe

  13. Other: _____

  1. Approximately how much does this software cost per year? If you don’t know, please write “I don’t know.”

  1. Open comment

[Section 7 – Waitlist Data]

  1. What, if any, analytics are collected throughout your PHA’s waitlist process (e.g., applicant demographics, processing times, applicant time to find housing)? What do they inform? If you don’t know, please write “I don’t know.”

  1. Open comment

  1. How often do you “purge” or “clean-up” your waitlists?

  1. Continuously

  2. Multiple times a year

  3. Every year

  4. Every 2 years

  5. Every 3-5 years

  6. Other: _____

  1. Please briefly describe the process your PHA uses to “purge” or “clean-up” your waitlists including:

  • How your PHA contacts an applicant during a waitlist purge

  • The number of times your PHA attempts to contact an applicant

  • The ways in which the applicant can/must respond to your PHA

  • The amount of time an applicant generally has to respond to your request

  1. Open comment

[Section 8 – Waitlist Preferences]

  1. Which preferences does your PHA apply to your waitlists? (Choose all that apply)

  1. None

  2. At-risk youth

  3. Current/imminent homelessness

  4. Disability

  5. Domestic violence

  6. Elderly adults

  7. Employment

  8. Household size

  9. Human trafficking

  10. Income

  11. Involuntary displacement

  12. Natural disaster

  13. Participation in other housing programs

  14. Rent burden

  15. Residency

  16. Veteran status

  17. Other: _____

  1. How do you determine who gets added to your waitlists? (Choose all that apply)

  1. First come, first served (timestamp)

  2. Lottery system

  3. Weighted ranking system

  4. Based on preferences

  5. Other: _____

  1. How do you select someone from your waitlists to receive a voucher or housing assistance? (Choose all that apply)

  1. First come, first served (timestamp)

  2. Lottery system

  3. Weighted ranking system

  4. Based on preferences

  5. Other: _____

[Section 9 – Wrap Up]

  1. If you could change anything about the waitlist process and/or the management of waitlists, what would it be?

    1. Open comment

  2. To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements?

    1. Waitlist administration and management is burdensome

    2. Changes should be made to improve the waitlist process

Thank You

Thank you for participating in this survey. As an affordable housing provider and waitlist manager, your input is vital to gathering a broad-based understanding of the affordable housing waitlist experience.

HUD Customer Experience [email protected] 18

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorHUD Customer Experience (CX) team
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-09-06

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