Please ensure that each survey has the following language at the start of the survey; with the time burden adjusted based on your calculation:
A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor an information collection subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the information collection has a currently valid OMB Control Number. The approved OMB Control Number for this information collection is 1601-0029 (expires 12/31/2026). Without this approval, we could not conduct this survey. Public reporting for this information collection is estimated to be approximately 3 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the information collection. All responses to this information collection are voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this information collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Kelli Johnson, [email protected].
NFIP Direct Expanded Customer Service Survey(s) Questions
(*) Mandatory Question
(op) Open Ended Question
Policy Purchase:
What was the reason you purchased a policy? * |
Please rate the agent's level of knowledge regarding your policy. * |
Please rate how clear the agent's explanation of your policy was. * |
Please rate the affordability of the price of the policy, given the coverage offered by the policy. * |
How well did the documents you received provide you with a clear understanding of your policy? * (Ex. Declaration Page, Dwelling Form, etc.) |
In an effort to improve the purchasing process, were there any questions that went unanswered that you would like to ask? (op) |
How satisfied were you with your interaction with NFIP Direct Call Center? * (if applicable) |
If you have any ideas on how the policy purchasing experience could be improved, please share them. (op) |
HISP Questions |
What is your overall satisfaction with the process of purchasing a flood insurance policy with the NFIP? * |
Please rate your level of trust in NFIP flood insurance. * |
What kind of endorsement did you just complete? * (op) |
Did you recently increase your deductible to afford or manage your premium? * |
Please rate the agent's level of knowledge regarding endorsements. * (if applicable) |
Could the NFIP do something different regarding the endorsement process? (op) |
HISP Questions |
What is your overall satisfaction with the process for endorsing your policy with the NFIP? * |
Did you make changes to your policy during your renewal period? * |
If changes were made, please explain why? (op) |
Were you clear on how long your policy grace period was based on the renewal bill received. * |
Which payment option did you select? |
Which payment option did you opt for? |
How satisfied were you with the following payment option? * |
How satisfied were you with the timeliness of receiving your renewal notice? * |
Did you need assistance from your insurance agent during the renewal process? * |
If Yes to #5: Were you able to reach your insurance agent? * |
If Yes to #5: How satisfied were you with the assistance? * |
If Yes to #5: How knowledgeable was your insurance agent? * |
Could the NFIP Direct do something different regarding the renewal process? (op) |
HISP Questions |
What is your overall satisfaction with the process for renewing your policy with the NFIP? * |
Please rate your level of trust in NFIP flood insurance. |
What was the reason for not renewing your policy? * (op) |
Have you obtained a private flood insurance policy? * |
If Yes, What was the main reason you obtained a private flood insurance policy? * |
If No, Please state your current flood insurance coverage status* (op) |
How likely are you to recommend purchasing NFIP flood insurance? * |
Was your flood premium escrowed? * |
Did you experience a life changing event recently that caused you not to renew your flood insurance policy? * |
If Yes to #5: Please use drop down* (op) |
Did something or someone change your perception about flood insurance? * |
If yes to #6, please explain* (op) |
HISP Questions |
What is your overall satisfaction with the nonrenewal process of a policy with the NFIP? * |
Please rate your level of trust in NFIP flood insurance. |
What was your reason for canceling your policy? * (op) |
Was your agent knowledgeable during the cancellation process? * |
Please rate your agent's ability to answer all of your questions about your cancellation. * |
Could the Program do something different regarding the cancellation process? (op) |
HISP Questions |
What is your overall satisfaction with the process of cancelling your policy with the NFIP? * |
Please rate your level of trust in NFIP flood insurance. * |
What was your overall satisfaction with the insurance journey process with the policyholder? * |
What is your overall satisfaction with completing the application process on behalf of the policyholder? * |
Has it become easier to quote NFIP policies with the new NFIP Rating Methodology? * |
Are you aware that NFIP training is available? * |
Have you taken any NFIP training in the last 2 years? * |
What is your overall satisfaction with obtaining answers to your questions about flood risk or premium from the NFIP Direct? * |
When a client has questions about their flood risk or premium, what information is or would be useful to answer the questions? (op) |
How satisfied were you with any training that you have taken so far? * |
How would you improve NFIP training to provide the information you need to better serve your clients? |
How often do customers ask you to walk them through coverage options in detail? * |
Could the Program do something different regarding agent interaction? (op) |
HISP Questions |
What is your overall satisfaction with the NFIP? * |
Please rate your level of trust in NFIP flood insurance. * |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Johnson, Kelli |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-10-28 |