Benchmark Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad--2024

OMB 0608-0049

OMB 0608-0049

The Benchmark Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad (BE-10), which is conducted once every five years, covers the U.S. direct investment abroad universe and is BEA’s most comprehensive survey of such investment. U.S. direct investment abroad is defined as the ownership or control, directly or indirectly, by one U.S. person of 10 percent or more of the voting securities of an incorporated foreign business enterprise or an equivalent interest in an unincorporated foreign business enterprise, including a branch. The purpose of the benchmark survey is to obtain universe data on the financial and operating characteristics of, and on positions and transactions between, U.S. parent companies and their foreign affiliates. The data are needed to measure the size and economic significance of U.S. direct investment abroad, measure changes in such investment, and assess its impact on the U.S. and foreign economies. Such data are generally found in enterprise-level accounting records of respondent companies. These data are used to derive current universe estimates of direct investment from sample data collected in other BEA surveys in non-benchmark years. In particular, they serve as benchmarks for the quarterly direct investment estimates included in the U.S. international transactions, international investment position, and national income and product accounts, and for annual estimates of the U.S. direct investment abroad position and of the activities of U.S. multinational enterprises.

The latest form for Benchmark Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad--2024 expires 2022-11-30 and can be found here.

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