articipants in the groundfish fisheries in the Exclusive Economic Zone off the coast of Alaska are required to mark identification information on marker buoys for hook-and-line, longline pot, and pot-and-line gear. The information is needed for fishery enforcement purposes. Cooperating fishermen also use the gear identification to report placement or occurrence of gear in unauthorized areas. Fishermen marking their gear correctly ultimately benefit, as unauthorized and illegal fishing is deterred and more burdensome regulations are avoided. This action authorizes the use of longline pot gear in the GOA sablefish IFQ fishery and establishes management measures to minimize potential conflicts between hook-and-line and longline pot gear used in the sablefish IFQ fisheries in the GOA. This action also authorizes harvest of halibut IFQ caught incidentally in longline pot gear used in the GOA sablefish IFQ fishery. This action will improve efficiency, provide economic benefits for the sablefish IFQ fleet, and minimize potential fishery interactions with whales and seabirds
The latest form for Alaska Region Gear Identification Requirements expires 2021-01-31 and can be found here.
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Federal Enterprise Architecture: Natural Resources - Conservation, Marine and Land Management