Survey of Minority Owned National Banks

OMB 1557-0236

OMB 1557-0236

The OCC assesses its efforts to provide supervisory support, technical assistance, education, and other outreach to the minority-owned institutions under its supervision. To perform this assessment, it is necessary to obtain, from the individual institutions, feedback on the effectiveness of the OCC's current efforts in these areas and suggestions as to how the OCC might enhance or augment its supervision and technical assistance going forward. The OCC uses the information gathered to assess the needs of minority-owned institutions as well as its efforts to address those needs. The OCC also uses the information to focus and enhance its supervisory, technical assistance, education, and other outreach activities with respect to minority-owned institutions.

The latest form for Survey of Minority Owned National Banks expires 2022-07-31 and can be found here.

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