FERC Form 1-F, Annual Report for Nonmajor Public Utilities and Licensees (Final Rule in RM21-11-000)

OMB 1902-0029

OMB 1902-0029

A consolidated supporting statement is being submitted with for Forms 1, 1-F, and 3-Q (electric and gas). In accordance with sections 304 and 309 of the Federal Power Act, FERC is authorized to collect and record data to the extent it considers necessary, and to prescribe rules and regulations concerning accounts, records and memoranda. The Commission may prescribe a system of accounts for jurisdictional companies and after notice and an opportunity for hearing may determine the accounts in which particular outlays and receipts will be entered, charged or credited. The Form 1-F is designed to collect financial and operational information from nonmajor public utilities and licensees. Public utilities and licensees that are not classified as major and had total sales in each of the last three consecutive years of 10,000 megawatt-hours or more are classified as nonmajor. The Commission collects Form No. 1-F information as prescribed in 18 CFR 141.2. Under the existing regulations FERC jurisdictional entities subject to its Uniform System of Accounts must annually file with the Commission a complete set of financial statements, along with other selected financial and non financial data through the submission of FERC Annual Report Form 1-F. The FERC Annual Report Forms provide the Commission, as well as others, with an informative picture of the jurisdictional entities financial condition along with other relevant data that is used by the Commission, as well as others, in making economic judgments about the entity or its industry. (Note that ~4 out of the 5 filers choose to submit electronically using the Form 1 software rather than submitting the paper only Form 1-F.) The 30-day Notice in Docket IC19-22 is being published in the Federal Register on 7/18/19. (A placeholder is included in the metadata below in order to submit this timely to OMB.) The FERC-issued version of the Notice is included under Supplementary Documents.

The latest form for FERC Form 1-F, Annual Report for Nonmajor Public Utilities and Licensees (Final Rule in RM21-11-000) expires 2022-11-30 and can be found here.

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