Establishing No-Discharge Zones Under Clean Water Act Section 312 (Renewal)

OMB 2040-0187

OMB 2040-0187

Sewage No-Discharge Zones: CWA section 312(f) and the implementing regulations in 40 CFR 140 provide that information must be submitted to the EPA to establish a no-discharge zone (NDZ) for vessel sewage in state waters. No-discharge zones can be established to provide greater environmental protection of specified state waters from treated and untreated vessel sewage. This ICR addresses the information requirements associated with the establishment of NDZs for vessel sewage. The information collection activities discussed in this ICR do not require the submission of any confidential information. Uniform National Discharge Standards (UNDS) No-Discharge Zones and Discharge Determination or Standard Review: CWA section 312(n)(7) and the implementing regulations in 40 CFR part 1700 provide that information should be submitted to the EPA to establish a no-discharge zone in state waters for a particular discharge from a vessel of the Armed Forces. In addition, CWA section 312(n)(5) provides that that the Governor of any state may petition the EPA and the Department of Defense (DoD) to review any discharge determination or standard promulgated under CWA section 312 for vessels of the Armed forces if there is significant new information that could reasonably result in a change to the discharge determination or standard. This ICR addresses the information requirements associated with the establishment of an UNDS NDZ for a particular discharge from a vessel of the Armed Forces in addition to the information requirements associated with a request to the EPA and DoD to review a discharge determination or standard. UNDS NDZs for a particular discharge from a vessel of the Armed Forces cannot be requested or established until after the EPA and DoD promulgate vessel discharge performance standards for marine pollution control devices for that particular discharge and DoD promulgates the corresponding regulations governing the design, construction, installation and use of marine pollution control devices for that particular discharge. The information collection activities discussed in this ICR do not require the submission of any confidential information.

The latest form for Establishing No-Discharge Zones Under Clean Water Act Section 312 (Renewal) expires 2022-08-31 and can be found here.

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