Continuous Release Reporting Requirement Including Analysis for Use of Continuous Release Reporting Forms (Renewal)

OMB 2050-0086

OMB 2050-0086

Continuous Release Reporting Requirements (CRRR) under Section 103(a) of CERCLA, as amended, requires the person in charge of a vessel or facility immediately to notify the National Response Center (NRC) of a hazardous substance release into the environment if the amount of the release equals or exceeds the substances reportable quantity (RQ). If the source and chemical composition of the continuous release do not change and the level of the continuous release does not significantly increase, a follow-up written report to the EPA Region one year after submission of the initial written report is also required. The person in charge must notify the NRC and EPA Region of a change in the source or composition of the release, and under section 103(a) of CERCLA, a significant increase must be reported immediately to the NRC. Finally, any change in information submitted in support of a continuous release notification must be reported to the EPA Region. Section 103(f)(2) of CERCLA provides facilities relief from per-occurrence notification release requirements if the subject release is continuous and stable in quantity and rate. CRR allows the Federal government to determine whether a Federal response action is required to control or mitigate any potential adverse effects to public health, welfare or the environment. The release information is also available to EPA program offices and other Federal agencies who evaluate the potential need for additional regulations, new permitting requirements for specific substances or sources, or improved emergency response planning. State and local government authorities and facilities subject to the CRRR use release information for local emergency response planning.

The latest form for Continuous Release Reporting Requirement Including Analysis for Use of Continuous Release Reporting Forms (Renewal) expires 2022-11-30 and can be found here.

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