The National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants (40 CFR Part 63, Subpart LL) were proposed on September 26, 1996, promulgated on October 7, 1997, and most-recently amended on October 15, 2015. The 2015 amendment includes: 1) polycyclic organic matter (POM) emission limits for new, existing and reconstructed prebake potlines; 2) revised POM limits for new, existing and reconstructed Soderberg potlines; 3) carbonyl sulfide (COS) emission limits for new, existing and reconstructed potlines; 4) POM emission limits for existing pitch storage tanks; 5) particulate matter (PM) emission limits for new, existing and reconstructed potlines, paste production plants and anode bake furnaces; 6) mercury (Hg) limits for new, existing and reconstructed anode bake furnaces; 7) arsenic, nickel and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) limits for new, existing and reconstructed Soderberg potlines; 8) new work practice standards for anode bake furnaces, paste production plants and potlines; and 9) eliminates the exemptions for periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunctions (SSM). The amendment also reduces the testing frequency for total fluoride (TF) from prebake and Soderberg potlines and POM from Soderberg potlines from monthly to semiannually. These regulations apply to the following affected sources at a primary aluminum reduction plant are covered: each new and existing pitch storage tank, potline, paste production plant and anode bake furnace that is located at a plant site that is a major source as defined at §63.2 (except for anode bake furnaces that are not located on the same site as a primary aluminum reduction plant). New facilities include those that commenced construction or reconstruction after the date of proposal. This information is being collected to assure compliance with 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart LL. In general, all NESHAP standards require initial notifications, performance tests, and periodic reports by the owners/operators of the affected facilities. They are also required to maintain records of the occurrence and duration of any startup, shutdown, or malfunction in the operation of an affected facility, or any period during which the monitoring system is inoperative. These notifications, reports, and records are essential in determining compliance, and are required of all affected facilities subject to NESHAP. Any owner/operator subject to the provisions of this part shall maintain a file containing these documents and retain this file for at least five years following the generation date of such maintenance reports and records. All reports are sent to the delegated state or local authority. In the event that there is no such delegated authority, the reports are sent directly to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regional office.
The latest form for NESHAP for Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants (40 CFR part 63, subpart LL) (Renewal) expires 2021-08-31 and can be found here.
Document Name |
Supplementary Document |
Supplementary Document |
Supporting Statement A |
Extension without change of a currently approved collection | 2025-02-28 | ||
Approved without change |
Extension without change of a currently approved collection | 2021-07-01 | |
Approved without change |
Extension without change of a currently approved collection | 2018-06-29 | |
Approved with change |
Extension without change of a currently approved collection | 2014-07-19 | |
Approved without change |
Extension without change of a currently approved collection | 2011-03-21 | |
Approved without change |
Extension without change of a currently approved collection | 2008-01-23 | |
Approved without change |
Extension without change of a currently approved collection | 2004-07-22 | |
Approved without change |
Reinstatement with change of a previously approved collection | 2001-05-25 | |
Approved without change |
Revision of a currently approved collection | 1997-10-22 | |
Approved without change |
New collection (Request for a new OMB Control Number) | 1997-04-18 |