Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP)

OMB 2132-0580

OMB 2132-0580

This is a new information collection request (ICR) associated with the publication of a new Final Rule. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, an ICR was submitted to the Office of Management and Budget at the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking stage. OMB filed comment on the proposed rule on April 26, 2016 and assigned OMB control number 2132-0580 "Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan" (PTASP). The mandatory collection of information consists of recipients of Federal transit funding, specifically Urbanized Area Formula Grant funds, who operate public transportation reporting through the Annual Certifications and Assurances process as a requirement of receiving funds, and providing information during FTA’s Triennial Review Process, which reviews each transit agency every three years, and State Management Review Process, which reviews each State every three years. Transit agencies must also keep records of the documents that set forth its Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan, including those related to the implementation of its Safety Management System (SMS), for a minimum of three years. Transit agencies and States would need to provide proof during the Triennial and State Management Reviews that they, or the transit agencies within their state, have a Safety Plan in place that is signed by the agency’s Accountable Executive and approved by its Board of Directors, and documents the SMS and other requirements of the Final Rule. Through the existing Annual Certifications and Assurances process, FTA requires transit agencies and States to certify compliance with 49 CFR Part 673 and other FTA requirements through a form transmitted within FTA’s electronic Transit Award Management System (TrAMS). FTA will update the existing Triennial and State Management Review programs to include reviews of Safety Plans and compliance with 49 CFR Part 673 at the transit agency and State levels, including collecting Safety Plans only for the purpose of reviewing them against the Final Rule requirements. FTA made several revisions to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) based on public comments received, which significantly reduced the financial burden on the transit industry. FTA also eliminated redundant recordkeeping requirements in the NPRM, reducing overall recordkeeping requirements and financial burden in the Final Rule.

The latest form for Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP) expires 2022-06-30 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan Group 1 (States & Large 5307 Systems)

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Transportation - Ground Transportation

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