Flammable Hazardous Materials by Rail Transportation

OMB 2137-0628

OMB 2137-0628

This is a mandatory information collection for railroads who transport high-hazard flammable liquids that exceed certain thresholds by rail. This burden contains both reporting and recordkeeping requirements. The information collection ranges from a one-time collection, to monthly, annually, and on occasion collection. The information collected is specific to additional requirements for railroads when transporting large amounts of high-hazard flammable liquids by rail. For example, railroads are required to develop a comprehensive oil spill response plan to ensure that if there is an accident, proper procedures are in place to deal with mitigation, response, and clean-up of the hazardous material. The development, maintenance, and submission of these plans are captured within this information collection. While another information collection requires a person, who offers mined gases and liquids, including crude oil, to developing a sampling and testing plan to ensure the proper classification of the material, ensuring selection of the most appropriate rail car for shipment. In addition, many of these records may be requested at a reasonable time and location by DOT enforcement entities for review. The revision in this information collection is due to new requirements implemented in a final rule published on February 28, 2019, titled “Hazardous Materials: Oil Spill Response Plans and Information Sharing of High-Hazard Flammable Trains” [HM-251B; PHMSA-2014-0105]. This revision includes new requirements to develop an oil spill response plan and notification requirements for the movement of high-hazard flammable liquids by rail.

The latest form for Flammable Hazardous Materials by Rail Transportation expires 2022-05-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Sampling and Testing Plan

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Transportation - Ground Transportation

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