Origin and Destination Survey

OMB 2139-0013

OMB 2139-0013

The Origin and Destination Survey (OND) is a mandatory collection according to Section 14, Part 241, Section 19-7, Origin and Destination Survey. The Respondents are Air Carriers that operate aircraft with 61 or greater seats and/or, operate an international route. This collection is considered a reporting collection with survey. The data are reported on a quarterly basis, 45 days after the end of the previous quarter. Information reported includes data about sampled passenger tickets, including year of travel, quarter of travel, fare paid, origin of passenger, destination of passenger, intermediate points/stop-overs by the passenger, airline carrier that reported the passenger ticket, the airline carriers that flew the passenger and the air carrier that sold the passenger the ticket. The OND data are used by the DOT Office of Aviation Analysis, the FAA, Airports, Airlines, Department of Commerce, Department of Homeland Security and the Public. The purpose of the collection is to determine and analyze where an airline passenger initiated their travels, where their travels ended, and the price that they paid for travel. This is not a revision to the current process Air carriers must report data on one percent of the flight coupons involving large domestic markets, which are defined as major city pairs with directional origin-destination passengers in excess of 35,000 annual passengers.

The latest form for Origin and Destination Survey expires 2022-12-31 and can be found here.

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