Manufactured Housing Dispute Resolution

OMB 2502-0562

OMB 2502-0562

HUD collects this information to establish a manufactured housing dispute resolution program for states that choose not to operate their own dispute resolution programs. Form HUD-310-DRSC allows a state to certify that its state dispute resolution program meets the program requirements. Form HUD-311-DR allows persons who have initiated their participation in the federal dispute resolution program to submit the necessary information regarding their request to the federal program for further action There are two groups of respondents. The first group is the 50 states; the second group consists of individual purchasers, manufacturers, retailers, and installers of manufactured housing. HUD has engaged dispute resolution professionals from various federal agencies to review the submissions and then possibly contact the submitting party or agency, and to act as neutrals, mediators, and arbitrators.

The latest form for Manufactured Housing Dispute Resolution expires 2021-08-31 and can be found here.

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