Updating Maximum Permitted Rates for Regulated Services and Equipment, FCC Form 1210, Annual Updating of Maximum Permitted Rates for Regulated Cable Services, FCC Form 1240

OMB 3060-0685

OMB 3060-0685

Cable operators use FCC Form 1210 to file for adjustments in maximum permitted rates for regulated services to reflect external costs. Regulated cable operators submit this form to local franchising authorities. FCC Form 1240 is filed by cable operators seeking to adjust maximum permitted rates for regulated cable services to reflect changes in external costs. Cable operators submit FCC Form 1240 to their respective local franchising authorities ("LFAs") to justify rates for the basic service tier and related equipment or with the Commission (in situations where the Comission has assumed jurisdiciton).

The latest form for Updating Maximum Permitted Rates for Regulated Services and Equipment, FCC Form 1210, Annual Updating of Maximum Permitted Rates for Regulated Cable Services, FCC Form 1240 expires 2023-11-30 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Updating Maximum Permitted Rates for Regulated Services and Equipment, FCC Form 1210, Annual Updating of Maximum Permitted Rates for Regulated Cable Services, FCC Form 1240

Federal Enterprise Architecture: General Government - Central Records & Statistical Mgt

Form FCC Form 1240Annual Updating of Maximum Permitted Rates for Regulated Cable ServicesFillable FileableForm
Form FCC Form 1210Updating Maximum Permitted Rates for Regulated Cable ServicesFillable FileableForm

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