Customer Surveys

OMB 3124-0012

OMB 3124-0012

Executive Order 12862, ''Setting Customer Service Standards,'' mandates agencies to identify their customers and survey them to determine the kind and quality of services they want and their level of satisfaction with existing services. The MSPB's customers and stakeholders include persons who file appeals with MSPB for agency actions taken against them (appellants), their representatives, and representatives of the agency which took the action. These surveys will be used to evaluate how well we are serving our customers in terms of their perceptions of timeliness, fairness, accessibility, and sensitivity to their situation in deciding their appeals. We also have used customer surveys to determine the usefulness of the reports issued by the Office of Policy & Evaluation. As a result of these surveys we have established baseline performance measures for both our appeals process and merit systems review responsibilities.

The latest form for Customer Surveys expires 2021-04-30 and can be found here.

Latest Forms, Documents, and Supporting Material
OMB Details

MSPB Customer Satisfaction Survey: Appellants Involved in Initial Appeals

Federal Enterprise Architecture: General Government - Executive Functions

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