$1 Coin Tracking Survey

Generic Clearance for Voluntary Surveys to Implement E.O. 12882. Implemented by Sales and Marketing Division.


$1 Coin Tracking Survey

OMB: 1525-0012

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FIRST DRAFT – MAY 14, 2007

(Columns are ABSOLUTE)

Project Registration #



City Center: Government


US Mint Awareness #1



Jane Wood, Specwriter

June, 2007


(SURVENT NOTE: All open-ended locations should be 4 columns wide)

I.D.#: (1-6)


______ ______

____________________________________________ (649 - 658)


______ ______

____________________________________________ (716 - 721)

(NOTE: All interviews are recorded. The recording begins when the respondent answers the phone. This statement is read after the "Continue" response is entered after the Introduction and before the first question) This call will be recorded for quality assurance.

1 (Continue)

2 (Refused) - (Thank and Terminate) (984)

**ENTITY ID: (Code from fone/sample file)

______ ______

____________________________________________ (60 - 69)

Sa. FORM: (Randomly assign)

1 Coins and currency

2 Currency and coins



Hello, this is , calling for The Gallup Panel. We’re conducting a national survey on people’s awareness about coins. This interview has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget. The valid OMB control number for this survey is 1525-0012-xx. May I speak with (name from fone file)?

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, you are not required to respond to a survey like this one unless you are given a valid OMB control number.  

1 Yes, respondent available - (Skip to S3)

3 (PANEL ONLY) No longer at this number - (Continue)

4 (PANEL ONLY) Respondent wants removed from Panel - (Skip to S2)

5 (PANEL ONLY) Household wants removed from Panel - (Skip to S2)

7 Respondent not available/

Not a good time - (Set time to call back)

8 (Soft Refusal)

9 (Hard Refusal) - (Thank, Terminate, and Tally) _____(1001)


S1. Since (name from fone file) is a member of The Gallup Panel, may I have his/her new telephone number, starting with the area code?

1 Yes - (INTERVIEWER NOTE: Back up to dialer and enter new number, then code as appropriate in Introduction)

2 No (Thank, Terminate, and Tally)

8 (DK) (Thank, Terminate, and Tally)

9 (Refused) (Thank, Terminate, and Tally) _____(1002)

S2. Why [(If code 4 in Introduction, read:) do you/(If code 5 in Introduction, read:) does your household] no longer want to be on the Panel? (Open ended and code) (Allow three responses)

0001 Other (list) [TO BE CODED]

0002 (DK)

0003 (Refused)

0004 HOLD

0005 HOLD

0006 Don't have the time/too time-consuming/takes too much time to do the surveys

0007 Topics/content of surveys/don't like the topics (general)

0008 Only want to do "meaningful" surveys (general)

0009 Expected political polls/current events/ social issues topics only

0010 Not paid anything for surveys

0011 Too many surveys to do/too frequent

0012 Too many phone calls

0013 No longer a member of the (original Panel) household

0014 Moving/household move - no forwarding address/phone

0015 Illness/family hardship

0016 Didn't realize what this was

0017 Calling times/Don't like the times I'm called

1st ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (1003 - 1006)

2nd ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (1007 - 1010)

3rd ______ ______

________________________________ Resp: (1011 - 1014)

(All in S2, Thank, Terminate, Tally, and Keep Case I.D.)

S3. GENDER: (Code only, do NOT ask)

1 Male

2 Female _____(1015)

1. From what you know, are one-dollar coins currently in circulation by the U.S. Mint, or not?

  1. Yes, in circulation

  2. No, not in circulation

8 DK



2. Can you describe what image or images are featured on one-dollar coins, or don’t you know? (PROBE FOR UP TO 5 RESPONSES)

  1. Other (list)

  2. DK

  3. Refused

  4. HOLD

  5. HOLD

  6. Sacagawea/Native American woman with baby

  7. Susan B. Anthony

  8. US Presidents (non-specified)

  9. George Washington

  10. John Adams

  11. Thomas Jefferson

  12. Statue of Liberty

(IF CODE 1-3, 6 or 7 IN #2, CONTINUE)

3. Please tell me, from what you know, whether each of the following images are on one-dollar coins. If you’re not sure, just say so and we’ll move on. (ROTATE A-H)

  1. Yes

  2. No

8 Don’t know

9 Refused

  1. The American flag

  2. The Statue of Liberty

  3. The Liberty Bell

  4. The U.S. Capitol

  5. The White House

  6. U.S. States

  7. U.S. Presidents

  8. A Bald Eagle

  9. A Native American Woman

4. (MS#2) Have you seen, read, or heard anything about the U.S. Mint creating and releasing a new one-dollar coin?

  1. Yes

  2. No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)


5. (MS#3) Please tell me anything you remember seeing, hearing, or reading about the new one-dollar coin. Please be as specific as possible. (ASK AS OPEN END, PROBE FOR MULTIPLE RESPONSES)

01 Other (specify)

02 (DK)

03 (Refused)



06 Golden colored

07 Features a President/George Washington/John Adams

08 Has markings along the side

09 Has Statue of Liberty on it

10 The coins are accepted everywhere

6. (MS#4) What do you remember as the distinct characteristics of the new one-dollar coin? (ASK AS OPEN END, PROBE FOR MULTIPLE RESPONSES)

01 Other (specify)

02 (DK)

03 (Refused)



06 Golden

07 Features a President

08 Has markings along the side

09 Has Statue of Liberty on it

7. (MS#5-edited) Do you recall seeing, hearing, or reading about the new one-dollar coin in any of the following places?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

  1. From a newspaper or magazine article

  2. On network television news

  3. On a cable news program

  4. At your bank or credit union

  5. At the post office

  6. From an adult relative or friend

  7. From your school age children

  8. On a radio news program

  9. In a retail store

  10. From a newspaper or magazine advertisement


8. For each of the following, how effective was this information at making you want to get the coin? Please use a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 means not effective at all and 5 means very effective. (READ A-J AS APPROPRIATE)

5 Very effective




    1. Not effective at all

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

  1. (IF CODE 1 IN #7A) From a newspaper or magazine article

  2. (IF CODE 1 IN #7B) On network television news

  3. (IF CODE 1 IN #7C) On a cable news program

  4. (IF CODE 1 IN #7D) At your bank or credit union

  5. (IF CODE 1 IN #7E) At the post office

  6. (IF CODE 1 IN #7F) From an adult relative or friend

  7. (IF CODE 1 IN #7G) From your school age children

  8. (IF CODE 1 IN #7H) On a radio news program

  9. (IF CODE 1 IN #7I) In a retail store

  10. (IF CODE 1 IN #7J) From a newspaper or magazine advertisement

I am going to read a statement about a new one-dollar coin. Please listen carefully as the questions that follow will be about your opinions on the new coin.

Under the Presidential Coin Act of 2005, the U.S. Mint is producing a new series of one-dollar coins. The series started in March 2007, and a new Presidential one-dollar coin is being minted about every three months that will feature the likeness of a previous President – starting first with George Washington and proceeding chronologically. During an approximate 10-year period, each President will be featured on a dollar coin, but no coin may bear the image of a living former or current President. This program does not cost taxpayers any additional money.

9. After hearing this description, how likely are you to do each of the following if you receive a Presidential one-dollar coin as change? (ROTATE A-B)

1 Very likely

2 Somewhat likely

3 Not too likely

4 Not at all likely

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

a. Use the Presidential one-dollar Coin for purchases

b. Collect the Presidential one-dollar Coin

10. (MS#6) What do you think about the idea of having a series of Presidential one-dollar coins? Do you think it is a… (READ CODES 1-5)

  1. Very good idea

  2. Good idea

  3. Poor idea

  4. Very bad idea

  5. Makes no difference to you

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

11. (MS#7/7a) Regardless of how you feel about the Presidential one-dollar coin series, what do you think is the most positive aspect of the coin? Anything else? (OPEN-ENDED AND RECORD UP TO THREE RESPONSES)

01 Other (specify)

02 (DK)

03 (Refused)



12. Have you, in the past 30 days, had a Presidential one-dollar coin in your possession?

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

(If code 2, 3 or 4 in #12, Skip to #14;

Otherwise, Continue)

12a. When you got it, did you recognize it was a dollar coin immediately or did you think it was something else?

1 Knew it was a dollar coin

2 Thought it was something else (quarter, token, etc.)

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

13. Did you happen to notice which President was featured on the coin? (IF YES, Who was it?) (DO NOT READ CATEGORIES, CODE ALL THAT APPLY)

01 Other (list)

02 (DK)

03 (Refused)

04 No, did not notice


06 George Washington

07 John Adams

08 Thomas Jefferson

14. These days, would you say that Presidential one-dollar coins are: (ROTATE 1-2)

  1. Readily available almost anywhere

  2. Not readily available

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)


15. For each of the following, please tell me whether or not you think you can easily get a Presidential one-dollar coin at this location.

1 Yes

2 No

8. (DK)

9. (Refused)

A. At your bank

B. At your local post office

C. At a retail store

D. At your grocery store

E. At a vending machine

F. From a public transportation clerk or vending machine

16. From what you know, are Presidential one-dollar coins accepted by all retailers and businesses, or can they only be used in particular places?

1 Anywhere

2 Only in particular places

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

17. From what you know about vending machines, do all of them accept one-dollar Presidential coins, only some vending machines, or none of them?

1 All

2 Some

3 None

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)


17a. Roughly what percentage of vending machines do you think accept one-dollar Presidential coins? (READ 1-5)

1 Around 10% or less

2 Around 25%

3 Around 50%

4 Around 75%

5 More than 75%

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

If Sa=1, continue. If Sa=2, Skip to #18a

18. (MS#8) If you were given Presidential one-dollar coins as change in a store or other retail business, would you accept them, or would you ask for dollar bills?

  1. Accept them

  2. Ask for dollar bills

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

(IF #18=1, skip to #18b, if #18=2, 8, or 9, skip to #19)

18a. If you were given Presidential one-dollar coins as change in a store or other retail business, how likely would you be to do each of the following? (ROTATE A-B)

1 Very likely

2 Somewhat likely

3 Not too likely

4 Not likely at all

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

A. Accept them

B. Ask for dollar bills instead

If #18A=1 or #18A=2 ASK #18B, Else skip to note before #19

18B. Once you had the coin, would you be more likely to save it or spend it?

  1. Save it

  2. Spend it

8. (DK)

9. (Refused)

(IF Sa=1, CONTINUE. IF Sa=2, SKIP TO #19a)

19. (MS#9) When you do receive a Presidential one-dollar coin, how likely is it that you will keep some of them for purposes other than eventually spending them or cashing them in for one-dollar bills, for example at a bank, retail store, or using machines such as Coinstar? Will you… (READ CODES 1-5)

  1. Definitely keep some

  2. Probably keep some

  3. Might or might not keep some

  4. Probably not keep some

  5. Definitely not keep some

  1. (DK)

  2. (Refused)

(ALL IN #19, SKIP TO #20)

19a. The next time you receive Presidential one-dollar coins, how likely will you be to keep some for spending as opposed to using them for gifts or collecting them?

  1. Definitely spend some

  2. Probably spend some

  3. Might or might not spend some

  4. Probably not spend any

  5. Definitely not spend any

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

20. (MS#10) How likely will you be to use the Presidential one-dollar coins when making cash transactions? Will you… (READ CODES 1-5)

  1. Definitely use them

  2. Probably use them

  3. Might or might not use them

  4. Probably not use them

  5. Definitely not use them

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

{IF #20=4 or 5, CONTINUE; otherwise SKIP TO #22}

21. (MS#11) What are the reasons you would not use the Presidential one-dollar coins when making cash transactions? (ASK AS OPEN END, PROBE FOR MULTIPLE RESPONSES)

01 Other (specify)

02 (DK)

03 (Refused)



22. If you wanted to learn more about the Presidential one-dollar coin program and where you can obtain the coins, where would you be most likely to go for that information? (OPEN ENDED AND CODE)

  1. Internet, General-other

  2. Internet, US Mint website

  3. Bank

  4. TV

  5. Library

  6. Ask your friends

  7. Ask your family

  8. OTHER (specify).

I have a few final questions for statistical purposes only.

23. (MS#17) Do you purchase special collectors coins, for example, proof sets or uncirculated coins, to collect for yourself or someone else?

  1. Yes

  2. No

8 (DK)

9 (REF)


D1. In what year were you born?

D2. Are there any children living in your household under 18 years of age?

  1. Yes

  2. No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

D3. What is your race? You can choose more than one. (Read A-F)

1 Yes

2 No

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

A. Are you White? _____(1526)

B. Are you Black or African American? _____(1527)

C. Are you American Indian or Alaska Native? _____(1528)

D. Are you Asian? _____(1529)

E. Are you Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander? _____(1530)

F. Are you some other race? (If "Yes", ask:) What other race? (Open ended) [TO BE CODED]

01 Other (list)

02 (DK)

03 (Refused)

04 No/No other race


D4. What is the highest level of education you have completed? (Open ended and code)

1 Less than high school graduate (0-11)

2 High school graduate (12)

3 Some college

4 Trade/Technical/Vocational training

5 College graduate

6 Postgraduate work/Degree

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

D5. What is your current marital status? (READ CODES 1-5)

  1. Married

  2. Living with a partner

  3. Separated

  4. Divorced

  5. Widowed

  6. Never married

D6. Which of the following best describes your current employment status?

  1. Employed full-time

  2. Employed part-time, but not a full-time student

  3. A full-time student

  4. Retired

  5. A homemaker

  6. Not employed

8 (DK)

9 (Refused)

D7 Is your total annual household income, before taxes, over or under $35,000?

(If Under, ask:) Is it over or under $25,000?

(If Under, ask:) Is it over or under one-dollar5,000?

(If Over, ask:) Is it over or under $50,000?

(If Over, ask:) Is it over or under $75,000?

(If Over, ask:) Is it over or under one-dollar00,000?

(If Over, ask:) Is it over or under one-dollar50,000?

(If Over, ask:) Is it over or under $200,000?

00 Under $5,000

01 $5,000 to $24,999

02 $25,000 to $34,999

03 $35,000 to $49,999

04 $50,000 to $74,999

05 $75,000 to $99,999

06 one-dollar00,000 to one-dollar49,999

07 one-dollar50,000 to one-dollar99,999

08 $200,000 or more

98 (DK)

99 (Refused)


  1. Male

  2. Female

D9. We are always trying to improve our questionnaires and would like you to rate your interest in the questions we asked today. Please use a five-point scale, where 5 is extremely interesting and 1 is not at all interesting. You may use any of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.

5 Extremely interesting




1 Not at all interesting

8 (DK)

9 (Refused) _____( )



Again, this is _____. I would like to thank you for your time. We value your opinions and appreciate your membership in The Gallup Panel.

INTERVIEWER I.D. #: _____(571-



Wall Street Journal\Panel WSJ Women's Retail CRT 0610


Panel- 2/5/21

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleRoughly how much money do you think you personally will spend on holiday gifts this Christmas season
AuthorGallup User
Last Modified Bybrendabutler
File Modified2007-10-30
File Created2007-10-30

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