Section 154 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005

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Section 154 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005

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����������������������� ENERGY POLICY ACT OF 2005
[[Page 119 STAT. 594]]
Public Law 109-58
109th Congress
�������������������������������� An Act
To ensure jobs for our future with secure, affordable, and reliable 
���������������energy. <<NOTE: Aug. 8, 2005 -[H.R. 6]>> 
��� Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 
United States of America in <<NOTE: Energy Policy Act of 2005. 42 USC 
15801 note.>> Congress assembled,
��� (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Energy Policy Act 
of 2005''.
��� (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act is as 
Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
���������������������� TITLE I--ENERGY EFFICIENCY
��������������������� Subtitle A--Federal Programs
Sec. 101. Energy and water saving measures in congressional buildings.
Sec. 102. Energy management requirements.
Sec. 103. Energy use measurement and accountability.
Sec. 104. Procurement of energy efficient products.
Sec. 105. Energy savings performance contracts.
Sec. 106. Voluntary commitments to reduce industrial energy intensity.
Sec. 107. Advanced Building Efficiency Testbed.
Sec. 108. Increased use of recovered mineral component in federally 
�����������funded projects involving procurement of cement or concrete.
Sec. 109. Federal building performance standards.
Sec. 110. Daylight savings.
Sec. 111. Enhancing energy efficiency in management of Federal lands.
����������� Subtitle B--Energy Assistance and State Programs
Sec. 121. Low-income home energy assistance program.
Sec. 122. Weatherization assistance.
Sec. 123. State energy programs.
Sec. 124. Energy efficient appliance rebate programs.
Sec. 125. Energy efficient public buildings.
Sec. 126. Low income community energy efficiency pilot program.
Sec. 127. State Technologies Advancement Collaborative.
Sec. 128. State building energy efficiency codes incentives.
����������������� Subtitle C--Energy Efficient Products
Sec. 131. Energy Star program.
Sec. 132. HVAC maintenance consumer education program.
Sec. 133. Public energy education program.
Sec. 134. Energy efficiency public information initiative.
Sec. 135. Energy conservation standards for additional products.
Sec. 136. Energy conservation standards for commercial equipment.
Sec. 137. Energy labeling.
Sec. 138. Intermittent escalator study.
Sec. 139. Energy efficient electric and natural gas utilities study.
Sec. 140. Energy efficiency pilot program.
Sec. 141. Report on failure to comply with deadlines for new or revised 
�����������conservation standards.
���������������������� Subtitle D--Public Housing
Sec. 151. Public housing capital fund.
[[Page 119 STAT. 595]]
Sec. 152. Energy-efficient appliances.
Sec. 153. Energy efficiency standards.
Sec. 154. Energy strategy for HUD.
���������������������� TITLE II--RENEWABLE ENERGY
�������������������� Subtitle A--General Provisions
Sec. 201. Assessment of renewable energy resources.
Sec. 202. Renewable energy production incentive.
Sec. 203. Federal purchase requirement.
Sec. 204. Use of photovoltaic energy in public buildings.
Sec. 205. Biobased products.
Sec. 206. Renewable energy security.
Sec. 207. Installation of photovoltaic system.
Sec. 208. Sugar cane ethanol program.
Sec. 209. Rural and remote community electrification grants.
Sec. 210. Grants to improve the commercial value of forest biomass for 
�����������electric energy, useful heat, transportation fuels, and other 
�����������commercial purposes.
Sec. 211. Sense of Congress regarding generation capacity of electricity 
�����������from renewable energy resources on public lands.
��������������������� Subtitle B--Geothermal Energy
Sec. 221. Short title.
Sec. 222. Competitive lease sale requirements.
Sec. 223. Direct use.
Sec. 224. Royalties and near-term production incentives.
Sec. 225. Coordination of geothermal leasing and permitting on Federal 
Sec. 226. Assessment of geothermal energy potential.
Sec. 227. Cooperative or unit plans.
Sec. 228. Royalty on byproducts.
Sec. 229. Authorities of Secretary to readjust terms, conditions, 
�����������rentals, and royalties.
Sec. 230. Crediting of rental toward royalty.
Sec. 231. Lease duration and work commitment requirements.
Sec. 232. Advanced royalties required for cessation of production.
Sec. 233. Annual rental.
Sec. 234. Deposit and use of geothermal lease revenues for 5 fiscal 
Sec. 235. Acreage limitations.
Sec. 236. Technical amendments.
Sec. 237. Intermountain West Geothermal Consortium.
��������� ��������������Subtitle C--Hydroelectric
Sec. 241. Alternative conditions and fishways.
Sec. 242. Hydroelectric production incentives.
Sec. 243. Hydroelectric efficiency improvement.
Sec. 244. Alaska State jurisdiction over small hydroelectric projects.
Sec. 245. Flint Creek hydroelectric project.
Sec. 246. Small hydroelectric power projects.
���������������������� Subtitle D--Insular Energy
Sec. 251. Insular areas energy security.
Sec. 252. Projects enhancing insular energy independence.
�������������� ����������TITLE III--OIL AND GAS
���������� Subtitle A--Petroleum Reserve and Home Heating Oil
Sec. 301. Permanent authority to operate the Strategic Petroleum Reserve 
�����������and other energy programs.
Sec. 302. National Oilheat Research Alliance.
Sec. 303. Site selection.
������������������������ Subtitle B--Natural Gas
Sec. 311. Exportation or importation of natural gas.
Sec. 312. New natural gas storage facilities.
Sec. 313. Process coordination; hearings; rules of procedure.
Sec. 314. Penalties.
Sec. 315. Market manipulation.
Sec. 316. Natural gas market transparency rules.
Sec. 317. Federal-State liquefied natural gas forums.
Sec. 318. Prohibition of trading and serving by certain individuals.
������������������������ Subtitle C--Production
Sec. 321. Outer Continental Shelf provisions.
[[Page 119 STAT. 596]]
Sec. 322. Hydraulic fracturing.
Sec. 323. Oil and gas exploration and production defined.
������������������ Subtitle D--Naval Petroleum Reserve
Sec. 331. Transfer of administrative jurisdiction and environmental 
�����������remediation, Naval Petroleum Reserve Numbered 2, Kern County, 
Sec. 332. Naval Petroleum Reserve Numbered 2 Lease Revenue Account.
Sec. 333. Land conveyance, portion of Naval Petroleum Reserve Numbered 
�����������2, to City of Taft, California.
Sec. 334. Revocation of land withdrawal.
������������������� Subtitle E--Production Incentives
Sec. 341. Definition of Secretary.
Sec. 342. Program on oil and gas royalties in-kind.
Sec. 343. Marginal property production incentives.
Sec. 344. Incentives for natural gas production from deep wells in the 
�����������shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
Sec. 345. Royalty relief for deep water production.
Sec. 346. Alaska offshore royalty suspension.
Sec. 347. Oil and gas leasing in the National Petroleum Reserve in 
Sec. 348. North Slope Science Initiative.
Sec. 349. Orphaned, abandoned, or idled wells on Federal land.
Sec. 350. Combined hydrocarbon leasing.
Sec. 351. Preservation of geological and geophysical data.
Sec. 352. Oil and gas lease acreage limitations.
Sec. 353. Gas hydrate production incentive.
Sec. 354. Enhanced oil and natural gas production through carbon dioxide 
Sec. 355. Assessment of dependence of State of Hawaii on oil.
Sec. 356. Denali Commission.
Sec. 357. Comprehensive inventory of OCS oil and natural gas resources.
������������������ Subtitle F--Access to Federal Lands
Sec. 361. Federal onshore oil and gas leasing and permitting practices.
Sec. 362. Management of Federal oil and gas leasing programs.
Sec. 363. Consultation regarding oil and gas leasing on public land.
Sec. 364. Estimates of oil and gas resources underlying onshore Federal 
Sec. 365. Pilot project to improve Federal permit coordination.
Sec. 366. Deadline for consideration of applications for permits.
Sec. 367. Fair market value determinations for linear rights-of-way 
�����������across public lands and National Forests.
Sec. 368. Energy right-of-way corridors on Federal land.
Sec. 369. Oil shale, tar sands, and other strategic unconventional 
Sec. 370. Finger Lakes withdrawal.
Sec. 371. Reinstatement of leases.
Sec. 372. Consultation regarding energy rights-of-way on public land.
Sec. 373. Sense of Congress regarding development of minerals under 
�����������Padre Island National Seashore.
Sec. 374. Livingston Parish mineral rights transfer.
����������������������� Subtitle G--Miscellaneous
Sec. 381. Deadline for decision on appeals of consistency determination 
�����������under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972.
Sec. 382. Appeals relating to offshore mineral development.
Sec. 383. Royalty payments under leases under the Outer Continental 
�����������Shelf Lands Act.
Sec. 384. Coastal impact assistance program.
Sec. 385. Study of availability of skilled workers.
Sec. 386. Great Lakes oil and gas drilling ban.
Sec. 387. Federal coalbed methane regulation.
Sec. 388. Alternate energy-related uses on the Outer Continental Shelf.
Sec. 389. Oil Spill Recovery Institute.
Sec. 390. NEPA review.
������������������ Subtitle H--Refinery Revitalization
Sec. 391. Findings and definitions.
Sec. 392. Federal-State regulatory coordination and assistance.
���������������������������� TITLE IV--COAL
���������������� Subtitle A--Clean Coal Power Initiative
Sec. 401. Authorization of appropriations.
[[Page 119 STAT. 597]]
Sec. 402. Project criteria.
Sec. 403. Report.
Sec. 404. Clean coal centers of excellence.
������������������� Subtitle B--Clean Power Projects
Sec. 411. Integrated coal/renewable energy system.
Sec. 412. Loan to place Alaska clean coal technology facility in 
Sec. 413. Western integrated coal gasification demonstration project.
Sec. 414. Coal gasification.
Sec. 415. Petroleum coke gasification.
Sec. 416. Electron scrubbing demonstration.
Sec. 417. Department of Energy transportation fuels from Illinois basin 
����������������� Subtitle C--Coal and Related Programs
Sec. 421. Amendment of the Energy Policy Act of 1992.
�������������������� Subtitle D--Federal Coal Leases
Sec. 431. Short title.
Sec. 432. Repeal of the 160-acre limitation for coal leases.
Sec. 433. Approval of logical mining units.
Sec. 434. Payment of advance royalties under coal leases.
Sec. 435. Elimination of deadline for submission of coal lease operation 
�����������and reclamation plan.
Sec. 436. Amendment relating to financial assurances with respect to 
�����������bonus bids.
Sec. 437. Inventory requirement.
Sec. 438. Application of amendments.
������������������������ TITLE V--INDIAN ENERGY
Sec. 501. Short title.
Sec. 502. Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs.
Sec. 503. Indian energy.
Sec. 504. Consultation with Indian tribes.
Sec. 505. Four Corners transmission line project and electrification.
Sec. 506. Energy efficiency in federally assisted housing.
����������������������� TITLE VI--NUCLEAR MATTERS
������ ���������Subtitle A--Price-Anderson Act Amendments
Sec. 601. Short title.
Sec. 602. Extension of indemnification authority.
Sec. 603. Maximum assessment.
Sec. 604. Department liability limit.
Sec. 605. Incidents outside the United States.
Sec. 606. Reports.
Sec. 607. Inflation adjustment.
Sec. 608. Treatment of modular reactors.
Sec. 609. Applicability.
Sec. 610. Civil penalties.
������������������ Subtitle B--General Nuclear Matters
Sec. 621. Licenses.
Sec. 622. Nuclear Regulatory Commission scholarship and fellowship 
Sec. 623. Cost recovery from Government agencies.
Sec. 624. Elimination of pension offset for certain rehired Federal 
Sec. 625. Antitrust review.
Sec. 626. Decommissioning.
Sec. 627. Limitation on legal fee reimbursement.
Sec. 628. Decommissioning pilot program.
Sec. 629. Whistleblower protection.
Sec. 630. Medical isotope production.
Sec. 631. Safe disposal of greater-than-Class C radioactive waste.
Sec. 632. Prohibition on nuclear exports to countries that sponsor 
Sec. 633. Employee benefits.
Sec. 634. Demonstration hydrogen production at existing nuclear power 
Sec. 635. Prohibition on assumption by United States Government of 
�����������liability for certain foreign incidents.
Sec. 636. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 637. Nuclear Regulatory Commission user fees and annual charges.
Sec. 638. Standby support for certain nuclear plant delays.
Sec. 639. Conflicts of interest relating to contracts and other 
[[Page 119 STAT. 598]]
����������� Subtitle C--Next Generation Nuclear Plant Project
Sec. 641. Project establishment.
Sec. 642. Project management.
Sec. 643. Project organization.
Sec. 644. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Sec. 645. Project timelines and authorization of appropriations.
��������������������� Subtitle D--Nuclear Security
Sec. 651. Nuclear facility and materials security.
Sec. 652. Fingerprinting and criminal history record checks.
Sec. 653. Use of firearms by security personnel.
Sec. 654. Unauthorized introduction of dangerous weapons.
Sec. 655. Sabotage of nuclear facilities, fuel, or designated material.
Sec. 656. Secure transfer of nuclear materials.
Sec. 657. Department of Homeland Security consultation.
��������������������� TITLE VII--VEHICLES AND FUELS
��������������������� Subtitle A--Existing Programs
Sec. 701. Use of alternative fuels by dual fueled vehicles.
Sec. 702. Incremental cost allocation.
Sec. 703. Alternative compliance and flexibility.
Sec. 704. Review of Energy Policy Act of 1992 programs.
Sec. 705. Report concerning compliance with alternative fueled vehicle 
�����������purchasing requirements.
Sec. 706. Joint flexible fuel/hybrid vehicle commercialization 
Sec. 707. Emergency exemption.
�� Subtitle B--Hybrid Vehicles, Advanced Vehicles, and Fuel Cell Buses
������������������������ Part 1--Hybrid Vehicles
Sec. 711. Hybrid vehicles.
Sec. 712. Efficient hybrid and advanced diesel vehicles.
����������������������� Part 2--Advanced Vehicles
Sec. 721. Pilot program.
Sec. 722. Reports to Congress.
Sec. 723. Authorization of appropriations.
������������������������ Part 3--Fuel Cell Buses
Sec. 731. Fuel cell transit bus demonstration.
�������������������� Subtitle C--Clean School Buses
Sec. 741. Clean school bus program.
Sec. 742. Diesel truck retrofit and fleet modernization program.
Sec. 743. Fuel cell school buses.
��������������� ��������Subtitle D--Miscellaneous
Sec. 751. Railroad efficiency.
Sec. 752. Mobile emission reductions trading and crediting.
Sec. 753. Aviation fuel conservation and emissions.
Sec. 754. Diesel fueled vehicles.
Sec. 755. Conserve by Bicycling Program.
Sec. 756. Reduction of engine idling.
Sec. 757. Biodiesel engine testing program.
Sec. 758. Ultra-efficient engine technology for aircraft.
Sec. 759. Fuel economy incentive requirements.
������������������� Subtitle E--Automobile Efficiency
Sec. 771. Authorization of appropriations for implementation and 
�����������enforcement of fuel economy standards.
Sec. 772. Extension of maximum fuel economy increase for alternative 
�����������fueled vehicles.
Sec. 773. Study of feasibility and effects of reducing use of fuel for 
Sec. 774. Update testing procedures.
��������������� Subtitle F--Federal and State Procurement
Sec. 781. Definitions.
Sec. 782. Federal and State procurement of fuel cell vehicles and 
�����������hydrogen energy systems.
[[Page 119 STAT. 599]]
Sec. 783. Federal procurement of stationary, portable, and micro fuel 
���������������� Subtitle G--Diesel Emissions Reduction
Sec. 791. Definitions.
Sec. 792. National grant and loan programs.
Sec. 793. State grant and loan programs.
Sec. 794. Evaluation and report.
Sec. 795. Outreach and incentives.
Sec. 796. Effect of subtitle.
Sec. 797. Authorization of appropriations.
������������������������� TITLE VIII--HYDROGEN
Sec. 801. Hydrogen and fuel cell program.
Sec. 802. Purposes.
Sec. 803. Definitions.
Sec. 804. Plan.
Sec. 805. Programs.
Sec. 806. Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technical Task Force.
Sec. 807. Technical Advisory Committee.
Sec. 808. Demonstration.
Sec. 809. Codes and standards.
Sec. 810. Disclosure.
Sec. 811. Reports.
Sec. 812. Solar and wind technologies.
Sec. 813. Technology transfer.
Sec. 814. Miscellaneous provisions.
Sec. 815. Cost sharing.
Sec. 816. Savings clause.
Sec. 901. Short title.
Sec. 902. Goals.
Sec. 903. Definitions.
��������������������� Subtitle A--Energy Efficiency
Sec. 911. Energy efficiency.
Sec. 912. Next Generation Lighting Initiative.
Sec. 913. National Building Performance Initiative.
Sec. 914. Building standards.
Sec. 915. Secondary electric vehicle battery use program.
Sec. 916. Energy Efficiency Science Initiative.
Sec. 917. Advanced Energy Efficiency Technology Transfer Centers.
 ������Subtitle B--Distributed Energy and Electric Energy Systems
Sec. 921. Distributed energy and electric energy systems.
Sec. 922. High power density industry program.
Sec. 923. Micro-cogeneration energy technology.
Sec. 924. Distributed energy technology demonstration programs.
Sec. 925. Electric transmission and distribution programs.
��������������������� Subtitle C--Renewable Energy
Sec. 931. Renewable energy.
Sec. 932. Bioenergy program.
Sec. 933. Low-cost renewable hydrogen and infrastructure for vehicle 
Sec. 934. Concentrating solar power research program.
Sec. 935. Renewable energy in public buildings.
�� Subtitle D--Agricultural Biomass Research and Development Programs
Sec. 941. Amendments to the Biomass Research and Development Act of 
Sec. 942. Production incentives for cellulosic biofuels.
Sec. 943. Procurement of biobased products.
Sec. 944. Small business bioproduct marketing and certification grants.
Sec. 945. Regional bioeconomy development grants.
Sec. 946. Preprocessing and harvesting demonstration grants.
Sec. 947. Education and outreach.
Sec. 948. Reports.
���������������������� Subtitle E--Nuclear Energy
Sec. 951. Nuclear energy.
Sec. 952. Nuclear energy research programs.
[[Page 119 STAT. 600]]
Sec. 953. Advanced fuel cycle initiative.
Sec. 954. University nuclear science and engineering support.
Sec. 955. Department of Energy civilian nuclear infrastructure and 
Sec. 956. Security of nuclear facilities.
Sec. 957. Alternatives to industrial radioactive sources.
����������������������� Subtitle F--Fossil Energy
Sec. 961. Fossil energy.
Sec. 962. Coal and related technologies program.
Sec. 963. Carbon capture research and development program.
Sec. 964. Research and development for coal mining technologies.
Sec. 965. Oil and gas research programs.
Sec. 966. Low-volume oil and gas reservoir research program.
Sec. 967. Complex well technology testing facility.
Sec. 968. Methane hydrate research.
�������������������������� Subtitle G--Science
Sec. 971. Science.
Sec. 972. Fusion energy sciences program.
Sec. 973. Catalysis research program.
Sec. 974. Hydrogen.
Sec. 975. Solid state lighting.
Sec. 976. Advanced scientific computing for energy missions.
Sec. 977. Systems biology program.
Sec. 978. Fission and fusion energy materials research program.
Sec. 979. Energy and water supplies.
Sec. 980. Spallation Neutron Source.
Sec. 981. Rare isotope accelerator.
Sec. 982. Office of Scientific and Technical Information.
Sec. 983. Science and engineering education pilot program.
Sec. 984. Energy research fellowships.
Sec. 984A. Science and technology scholarship program.
����������������� Subtitle H--International Cooperation
Sec. 985. Western Hemisphere energy cooperation.
Sec. 986. Cooperation between United States and Israel.
Sec. 986A. International energy training.
���������� Subtitle I--Research Administration and Operations
Sec. 987. Availability of funds.
Sec. 988. Cost sharing.
Sec. 989. Merit review of proposals.
Sec. 990. External technical review of Departmental programs.
Sec. 991. National Laboratory designation.
Sec. 992. Report on equal employment opportunity practices.
Sec. 993. Strategy and plan for science and energy facilities and 
Sec. 994. Strategic research portfolio analysis and coordination plan.
Sec. 995. Competitive award of management contracts.
Sec. 996. Western Michigan demonstration project.
Sec. 997. Arctic Engineering Research Center.
Sec. 998. Barrow Geophysical Research Facility.
Subtitle J--Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Natural Gas and Other 
���������������������������Petroleum Resources
Sec. 999A. Program authority.
Sec. 999B. Ultra-deepwater and unconventional onshore natural gas and 
�����������other petroleum research and development program.
Sec. 999C. Additional requirements for awards.
Sec. 999D. Advisory committees.
Sec. 999E. Limits on participation.
Sec. 999F. Sunset.
Sec. 999G. Definitions.
Sec. 999H. Funding.
Sec. 1001. Improved technology transfer of energy technologies.
Sec. 1002. Technology Infrastructure Program.
Sec. 1003. Small business advocacy and assistance.
Sec. 1004. Outreach.
Sec. 1005. Relationship to other laws.
[[Page 119 STAT. 601]]
Sec. 1006. Improved coordination and management of civilian science and 
�����������technology programs.
Sec. 1007. Other transactions authority.
Sec. 1008. Prizes for achievement in grand challenges of science and 
Sec. 1009. Technical corrections.
Sec. 1010. University collaboration.
Sec. 1011. Sense of Congress.
Sec. 1101. Workforce trends and traineeship grants.
Sec. 1102. Educational programs in science and mathematics.
Sec. 1103. Training guidelines for nonnuclear electric energy industry 
Sec. 1104. National Center for Energy Management and Building 
Sec. 1105. Improved access to energy-related scientific and technical 
Sec. 1106. National Power Plant Operations Technology and Educational 
������������������������ TITLE XII--ELECTRICITY
Sec. 1201. Short title.
������������������� Subtitle A--Reliability Standards
Sec. 1211. Electric reliability standards.
��������� Subtitle B--Transmission Infrastructure Modernization
Sec. 1221. Siting of interstate electric transmission facilities.
Sec. 1222. Third-party finance.
Sec. 1223. Advanced transmission technologies.
Sec. 1224. Advanced Power System Technology Incentive Program.
������������ Subtitle C--Transmission Operation Improvements
Sec. 1231. Open nondiscriminatory access.
Sec. 1232. Federal utility participation in Transmission Organizations.
Sec. 1233. Native load service obligation.
Sec. 1234. Study on the benefits of economic dispatch.
Sec. 1235. Protection of transmission contracts in the Pacific 
Sec. 1236. Sense of Congress regarding locational installed capacity 
����������������� Subtitle D--Transmission Rate Reform
Sec. 1241. Transmission infrastructure investment.
Sec. 1242. Funding new interconnection and transmission upgrades.
�������������������� Subtitle E--Amendments to PURPA
Sec. 1251. Net metering and additional standards.
Sec. 1252. Smart metering.
Sec. 1253. Cogeneration and small power production purchase and sale 
Sec. 1254. Interconnection.
���������������������� Subtitle F--Repeal of PUHCA
Sec. 1261. Short title.
Sec. 1262. Definitions.
Sec. 1263. Repeal of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935.
Sec. 1264. Federal access to books and records.
Sec. 1265. State access to books and records.
Sec. 1266. Exemption authority.
Sec. 1267. Affiliate transactions.
Sec. 1268. Applicability.
Sec. 1269. Effect on other regulations.
Sec. 1270. Enforcement.
Sec. 1271. Savings provisions.
Sec. 1272. Implementation.
Sec. 1273. Transfer of resources.
Sec. 1274. Effective date.
Sec. 1275. Service allocation.
Sec. 1276. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 1277. Conforming amendments to the Federal Power Act.
Subtitle G--Market Transparency, Enforcement, and Consumer Protection
Sec. 1281. Electricity market transparency.
Sec. 1282. False statements.
[[Page 119 STAT. 602]]
Sec. 1283. Market manipulation.
Sec. 1284. Enforcement.
Sec. 1285. Refund effective date.
Sec. 1286. Refund authority.
Sec. 1287. Consumer privacy and unfair trade practices.
Sec. 1288. Authority of court to prohibit individuals from serving as 
�����������officers, directors, and energy traders.
Sec. 1289. Merger review reform.
Sec. 1290. Relief for extraordinary violations.
������������������������ Subtitle H--Definitions
Sec. 1291. Definitions.
������������ Subtitle I--Technical and Conforming Amendments
Sec. 1295. Conforming amendments.
��������������������� Subtitle J--Economic Dispatch
Sec. 1298. Economic dispatch.
Sec. 1300. Short title; amendment to 1986 Code.
���������������� Subtitle A--Electricity Infrastructure
Sec. 1301. Extension and modification of renewable electricity 
�����������production credit.
Sec. 1302. Application of section 45 credit to agricultural 
Sec. 1303. Clean renewable energy bonds.
Sec. 1304. Treatment of income of certain electric cooperatives.
Sec. 1305. Dispositions of transmission property to implement FERC 
����������restructuring policy.
Sec. 1306. Credit for production from advanced nuclear power facilities.
Sec. 1307. Credit for investment in clean coal facilities.
Sec. 1308. Electric transmission property treated as 15-year property.
Sec. 1309. Expansion of amortization for certain atmospheric pollution 
�����������control facilities in connection with plants first placed in 
�����������service after 1975.
Sec. 1310. Modifications to special rules for nuclear decommissioning 
Sec. 1311. Five-year net operating loss carryover for certain losses.
��������������� Subtitle B--Domestic Fossil Fuel Security
Sec. 1321. Extension of credit for producing fuel from a nonconventional 
�����������source for facilities producing coke or coke gas.
Sec. 1322. Modification of credit for producing fuel from a 
�����������nonconventional source.
Sec. 1323. Temporary expensing for equipment used in refining of liquid 
Sec. 1324. Pass through to owners of deduction for capital costs 
�����������incurred by small refiner cooperatives in complying with 
�����������Environmental Protection Agency sulfur regulations.
Sec. 1325. Natural gas distribution lines treated as 15-year property.
Sec. 1326. Natural gas gathering lines treated as 7-year property.
Sec. 1327. Arbitrage rules not to apply to prepayments for natural gas.
Sec. 1328. Determination of small refiner exception to oil depletion 
Sec. 1329. Amortization of geological and geophysical expenditures.
������� Subtitle C--Conservation and Energy Efficiency Provisions
Sec. 1331. Energy efficient commercial buildings deduction.
Sec. 1332. Credit for construction of new energy efficient homes.
Sec. 1333. Credit for certain nonbusiness energy property.
Sec. 1334. Credit for energy efficient appliances.
Sec. 1335. Credit for residential energy efficient property.
Sec. 1336. Credit for business installation of qualified fuel cells and 
�����������stationary microturbine power plants.
Sec. 1337. Business solar investment tax credit.
������ Subtitle D--Alternative Motor Vehicles and Fuels Incentives
Sec. 1341. Alternative motor vehicle credit.
Sec. 1342. Credit for installation of alternative fueling stations.
Sec. 1343. Reduced motor fuel excise tax on certain mixtures of diesel 
Sec. 1344. Extension of excise tax provisions and income tax credit for 
Sec. 1345. Small agri-biodiesel producer credit.
Sec. 1346. Renewable diesel.
Sec. 1347. Modification of small ethanol producer credit.
Sec. 1348. Sunset of deduction for clean-fuel vehicles and certain 
�����������refueling property.
[[Page 119 STAT. 603]]
������������� Subtitle E--Additional Energy Tax Incentives
Sec. 1351. Expansion of research credit.
Sec. 1352. National Academy of Sciences study and report.
Sec. 1353. Recycling study.
���������������� Subtitle F--Revenue Raising Provisions
Sec. 1361. Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund financing rate.
Sec. 1362. Extension of Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund 
�����������financing rate.
Sec. 1363. Modification of recapture rules for amortizable section 197 
Sec. 1364. Clarification of tire excise tax.
����������������������� TITLE XIV--MISCELLANEOUS
������������������������ Subtitle A--In General
Sec. 1401. Sense of Congress on risk assessments.
Sec. 1402. Energy production incentives.
Sec. 1403. Regulation of certain oil used in transformers.
Sec. 1404. Petrochemical and oil refinery facility health assessment.
Sec. 1405. National Priority Project Designation.
Sec. 1406. Cold cracking.
Sec. 1407. Oxygen-fuel.
��������������������� Subtitle B--Set America Free
Sec. 1421. Short title.
Sec. 1422. Purpose.
Sec. 1423. United States Commission on North American Energy Freedom.
Sec. 1424. North American energy freedom policy.
�������������������� Subtitle A--General Provisions
Sec. 1501. Renewable content of gasoline.
Sec. 1502. Findings.
Sec. 1503. Claims filed after enactment.
Sec. 1504. Elimination of oxygen content requirement for reformulated 
Sec. 1505. Public health and environmental impacts of fuels and fuel 
Sec. 1506. Analyses of motor vehicle fuel changes.
Sec. 1507. Additional opt-in areas under reformulated gasoline program.
Sec. 1508. Data collection.
Sec. 1509. Fuel system requirements harmonization study.
Sec. 1510. Commercial byproducts from municipal solid waste and 
�����������cellulosic biomass loan guarantee program.
Sec. 1511. Renewable fuel.
Sec. 1512. Conversion assistance for cellulosic biomass, waste-derived 
�����������ethanol, approved renewable fuels.
Sec. 1513. Blending of compliant reformulated gasolines.
Sec. 1514. Advanced biofuel technologies program.
Sec. 1515. Waste-derived ethanol and biodiesel.
Sec. 1516. Sugar ethanol loan guarantee program.
������������ Subtitle B--Underground Storage Tank Compliance
Sec. 1521. Short title.
Sec. 1522. Leaking underground storage tanks.
Sec. 1523. Inspection of underground storage tanks.
Sec. 1524. Operator training.
Sec. 1525. Remediation from oxygenated fuel additives.
Sec. 1526. Release prevention, compliance, and enforcement.
Sec. 1527. Delivery prohibition.
Sec. 1528. Federal facilities.
Sec. 1529. Tanks on tribal lands.
Sec. 1530. Additional measures to protect groundwater.
Sec. 1531. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 1532. Conforming amendments.
Sec. 1533. Technical amendments.
�������� ��������������Subtitle C--Boutique Fuels
Sec. 1541. Reducing the proliferation of boutique fuels.
����������������������� TITLE XVI--CLIMATE CHANGE
������� Subtitle A--National Climate Change Technology Deployment
Sec. 1601. Greenhouse gas intensity reducing technology strategies.
[[Page 119 STAT. 604]]
Subtitle B--Climate Change Technology Deployment in Developing Countries
Sec. 1611. Climate change technology deployment in developing countries.
Sec. 1701. Definitions.
Sec. 1702. Terms and conditions.
Sec. 1703. Eligible projects.
Sec. 1704. Authorization of appropriations.
������������������������� TITLE XVIII--STUDIES
Sec. 1801. Study on inventory of petroleum and natural gas storage.
Sec. 1802. Study of energy efficiency standards.
Sec. 1803. Telecommuting study.
Sec. 1804. LIHEAP Report.
Sec. 1805. Oil bypass filtration technology.
Sec. 1806. Total integrated thermal systems.
Sec. 1807. Report on energy integration with Latin America.
Sec. 1808. Low-volume gas reservoir study.
Sec. 1809. Investigation of gasoline prices.
Sec. 1810. Alaska natural gas pipeline.
Sec. 1811. Coal bed methane study.
Sec. 1812. Backup fuel capability study.
Sec. 1813. Indian land rights-of-way.
Sec. 1814. Mobility of scientific and technical personnel.
Sec. 1815. Interagency review of competition in the wholesale and retail 
�����������markets for electric energy.
Sec. 1816. Study of rapid electrical grid restoration.
Sec. 1817. Study of distributed generation.
Sec. 1818. Natural gas supply shortage report.
Sec. 1819. Hydrogen participation study.
Sec. 1820. Overall employment in a hydrogen economy.
Sec. 1821. Study of best management practices for energy research and 
�����������development programs.
Sec. 1822. Effect of electrical contaminants on reliability of energy 
�����������production systems.
Sec. 1823. Alternative fuels reports.
Sec. 1824. Final action on refunds for excessive charges.
Sec. 1825. Fuel cell and hydrogen technology study.
Sec. 1826. Passive solar technologies.
Sec. 1827. Study of link between energy security and increases in 
�����������vehicle miles traveled.
Sec. 1828. Science study on cumulative impacts of multiple offshore 
�����������liquefied natural gas facilities.
Sec. 1829. Energy and water saving measures in congressional buildings.
Sec. 1830. Study of availability of skilled workers.
Sec. 1831. Review of Energy Policy Act of 1992 programs.
Sec. 1832. Study on the benefits of economic dispatch.
Sec. 1833. Renewable energy on Federal land.
Sec. 1834. Increased hydroelectric generation at existing Federal 
Sec. 1835. Split-estate Federal oil and gas leasing and development 
Sec. 1836. Resolution of Federal resource development conflicts in the 
�����������Powder River Basin.
Sec. 1837. National security review of international energy 
Sec. 1838. Used oil re-refining study.
Sec. 1839. Transmission system monitoring.
Sec. 1840. Report identifying and describing the status of potential 
�����������hydropower facilities.
SEC. 2. <<NOTE: 42 USC 15801.>> DEFINITIONS.
��� Except as otherwise provided, in this Act:
����������� (1) Department.--The term ``Department'' means the 
��������Department of Energy.
����������� (2) Institution of higher education.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The term ``institution of higher 
����������������education'' has the meaning given the term in section 
����������������101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1065 (20 U.S.C. 
������������������� (B) Inclusion.--The term ``institution of higher 
����������������education'' includes an organization that--
[[Page 119 STAT. 605]]
������������������������� (i) is organized, and at all times thereafter 
����������������������operated, exclusively for the benefit of, to 
����������������������perform the functions of, or to carry out the 
����������������������functions of one or more organizations referred to 
����������������������in subparagraph (A); and
������������������������� (ii) is operated, supervised, or controlled by 
����������������������or in connection with one or more of those 
����������� (3) National laboratory.--The term ``National Laboratory'' 
��������means any of the following laboratories owned by the Department:
������������������� (A) Ames Laboratory.
������������������� (B) Argonne National Laboratory.
������������������� (C) Brookhaven National Laboratory.
������������������� (D) Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
������������������� (E) Idaho National Laboratory.
������������������� (F) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
������������������� (G) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
������������������� (H) Los Alamos National Laboratory.
������������������� (I) National Energy Technology Laboratory.
������������������� (J) National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
��� ����������������(K) Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
������������������� (L) Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
������������������� (M) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.
������������������� (N) Sandia National Laboratories.
������������������� (O) Savannah River National Laboratory.
������������������� (P) Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.
������������������� (Q) Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility.
����������� (4) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary 
��������of Energy.
����������� (5) Small business concern.--The term ``small business 
��������concern'' has the meaning given the term in section 3 of the 
��������Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632).
���������������������� TITLE I--ENERGY EFFICIENCY
�������������� �������Subtitle A--Federal Programs
��� (a) In General.--Part 3 of title V of the National Energy 
Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8251 et seq.) is amended by adding at 
the end the following:
��� ``(a) In General.--The Architect of the Capitol--
����������� ``(1) shall develop, update, and implement a cost-effective 
��������energy conservation and management plan (referred to in this 
��������section as the `plan') for all facilities administered by 
��������Congress (referred to in this section as `congressional 
��������buildings') to meet the energy performance requirements for 
��������Federal buildings established under section 543(a)(1); and
����������� ``(2) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> shall submit the plan to Congress, 
��������not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this 
��� ``(b) Plan Requirements.--The plan shall include--
[[Page 119 STAT. 606]]
����������� ``(1) a description of the life cycle cost analysis used to 
��������determine the cost-effectiveness of proposed energy efficiency 
����������� ``(2) a schedule of energy surveys to ensure complete 
��������surveys of all congressional buildings every 5 years to 
��������determine the cost and payback period of energy and water 
��������conservation measures;
����� ������``(3) a strategy for installation of life cycle cost-
������� effective energy and water conservation measures;
����������� ``(4) the results of a study of the costs and benefits of 
��������installation of submetering in congressional buildings; and
����������� ``(5) information packages and `how-to' guides for each 
��������Member and employing authority of Congress that detail simple, 
��������cost-effective methods to save energy and taxpayer dollars in 
��������the workplace.
��� ``(c) Annual Report.--The Architect of the Capitol shall submit to 
Congress annually a report on congressional energy management and 
conservation programs required under this section that describes in 
����������� ``(1) energy expenditures and savings estimates for each 
����������� ``(2) energy management and conservation projects; and
����������� ``(3) future priorities to ensure compliance with this 
��� (b) Table of Contents Amendment.--The table of contents of the 
National Energy Conservation Policy Act is amended by adding at the end 
of the items relating to part 3 of title V the following new item:
``Sec. 552. Energy and water savings measures in congressional 
��� (c) Repeal.--Section 310 of the Legislative Branch Appropriations 
Act, 1999 (2 U.S.C. 1815), is repealed.
��� (a) Energy Reduction Goals.--
����������� (1) Amendment.--Section 543(a)(1) of the National Energy 
��������Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8253(a)(1)) is amended by 
��������striking ``its Federal buildings so that'' and all that follows 
��������through the end and inserting ``the Federal buildings of the 
��������agency (including each industrial or laboratory facility) so 
��������that the energy consumption per gross square foot of the Federal 
��������buildings of the agency in fiscal years 2006 through 2015 is 
��������reduced, as compared with the energy consumption per gross 
��������square foot of the Federal buildings of the agency in fiscal 
��������year 2003, by the percentage specified in the following table:
����� ``Fiscal Year���������� Percentage reduction......................
������������������� 2006........................................���� 2
��������������������2007........................................���� 4
��������������������2008........................................���� 6
��������������������2009........................................���� 8
��������������������2010........................................��� 10
��������������������2011........................................��� 12
��������������������2012........................................��� 14
��������������������2013........................................��� 16
��������������������2014........................................��� 18
����������� (2) Reporting baseline.--The <<NOTE: 42 USC 8253 
��������note.>> energy reduction goals and baseline established in 
��������paragraph (1) of section 543(a) of the
[[Page 119 STAT. 607]]
������� National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8253(a)(1)), 
��������as amended by this subsection, supersede all previous goals and 
��������baselines under such paragraph, and related reporting 
��� (b) Review and Revision of Energy Performance Requirement.--Section 
543(a) of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 
8253(a)) is further amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(3) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Not later than December 31, 2014, the 
Secretary shall review the results of the implementation of the energy 
performance requirement established under paragraph (1) and submit to 
Congress recommendations concerning energy performance requirements for 
fiscal years 2016 through 2025.''.
��� (c) Exclusions.--Section 543(c)(1) of the National Energy 
Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8253(c)(1)) is amended by striking 
``An agency may exclude'' and all that follows through the end and 
inserting ``(A) An agency may exclude, from the energy performance 
requirement for a fiscal year established under subsection (a) and the 
energy management requirement established under subsection (b), any 
Federal building or collection of Federal buildings, if the head of the 
agency finds that--
����������� ``(i) compliance with those requirements would be 
����������� ``(ii) the agency has completed and submitted all federally 
��������required energy management reports;
����������� ``(iii) the agency has achieved compliance with the energy 
��������efficiency requirements of this Act, the Energy Policy Act of 
��������1992, Executive orders, and other Federal law; and
����������� ``(iv) the agency has implemented all practicable, life 
��������cycle cost-effective projects with respect to the Federal 
��������building or collection of Federal buildings to be excluded.
��� ``(B) A finding of impracticability under subparagraph (A)(i) shall 
be based on--
����������� ``(i) the energy intensiveness of activities carried out in 
��������the Federal building or collection of Federal buildings; or
����������� ``(ii) the fact that the Federal building or collection of 
��������Federal buildings is used in the performance of a national 
��������security function.''.
��� (d) Review by Secretary.--Section 543(c)(2) of the National Energy 
Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8253(c)(2)) is amended--
����������� (1) by striking ``impracticability standards'' and inserting 
��������``standards for exclusion'';
����������� (2) by striking ``a finding of impracticability'' and 
��������inserting ``the exclusion''; and
����������(3) by striking ``energy consumption requirements'' and 
��������inserting ``requirements of subsections (a) and (b)(1)''.
��� (e) Criteria.--Section 543(c) of the National Energy Conservation 
Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8253(c)) is further amended by adding at the end 
the following:
��� ``(3) <<NOTE: Deadline. Guidelines.>> Not later than 180 days after 
the date of enactment of this paragraph, the Secretary shall issue 
guidelines that establish criteria for exclusions under paragraph 
�� (f) Retention of Energy and Water Savings.--Section 546 of the 
National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8256) is amended by 
adding at the end the following new subsection:
��� ``(e) Retention of Energy and Water Savings.--An agency may retain 
any funds appropriated to that agency for energy
[[Page 119 STAT. 608]]
expenditures, water expenditures, or wastewater treatment expenditures, 
at buildings subject to the requirements of section 543(a) and (b), that 
are not made because of energy savings or water savings. Except as 
otherwise provided by law, such funds may be used only for energy 
efficiency, water conservation, or unconventional and renewable energy 
resources projects. Such projects shall be subject to the requirements 
of section 3307 of title 40, United States Code.''.
��� (g) Reports.--Section 548(b) of the National Energy Conservation 
Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8258(b)) is amended--
����������� (1) in the subsection heading, by inserting ``the President 
��������and'' before ``Congress''; and
����������� (2) by inserting ``President and'' before ``Congress''.
��� (h) Conforming Amendment.--Section 550(d) of the National Energy 
Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8258b(d)) is amended in the second 
sentence by striking ``the 20 percent reduction goal established under 
section 543(a) of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 
8253(a)).'' and inserting ``each of the energy reduction goals 
established under section 543(a).''.
��� Section 543 of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 
U.S.C. 8253) is further amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(e) Metering of Energy Use.--
����������� ``(1) Deadline.--By October 1, 2012, in accordance with 
��������guidelines established by the Secretary under paragraph (2), all 
��������Federal buildings shall, for the purposes of efficient use of 
��������energy and reduction in the cost of electricity used in such 
��������buildings, be metered. Each agency shall use, to the maximum 
��������extent practicable, advanced meters or advanced metering devices 
��������that provide data at least daily and that measure at least 
��������hourly consumption of electricity in the Federal buildings of 
��������the agency. Such data shall be incorporated into existing 
��������Federal energy tracking systems and made available to Federal 
��������facility managers.
����������� ``(2) Guidelines.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later 
����������������than 180 days after the date of enactment of this 
����������������subsection, the Secretary, in consultation with the 
����������������Department of Defense, the General Services 
����������������Administration, representatives from the metering 
����������������industry, utility industry, energy services industry, 
����������������energy efficiency industry, energy efficiency advocacy 
����������������organizations, national laboratories, universities, and 
����������������Federal facility managers, shall establish guidelines 
����������������for agencies to carry out paragraph (1).
������������������� ``(B) Requirements for guidelines.--The guidelines 
������������������������� ``(i) take into consideration--
����������������������������������� ``(I) the cost of metering and the 
��������������������������������reduced cost of operation and 
��������������������������������maintenance expected to result from 
����������������������������������� ``(II) the extent to which metering 
��������������������������������is expected to result in increased 
��������������������������������potential for energy management, 
��������������������������������increased potential for energy savings 
��������������������������������and energy efficiency improvement, and 
��������������������������������cost and
[[Page 119 STAT. 609]]
������������������������������� energy savings due to utility contract 
��������������������������������aggregation; and
����������������������������������� ``(III) the measurement and 
��������������������������������verification protocols of the Department 
��������������������������������of Energy;
������������������������� ``(ii) include recommendations concerning the 
����������������������amount of funds and the number of trained 
����������������������personnel necessary to gather and use the metering 
����������������������information to track and reduce energy use;
����������� ��������������``(iii) establish priorities for types and 
����������������������locations of buildings to be metered based on 
����������������������cost-effectiveness and a schedule of one or more 
����������������������dates, not later than 1 year after the date of 
����������������������issuance of the guidelines, on which the 
����������������������requirements specified in paragraph (1) shall take 
����������������������effect; and
������������������������� ``(iv) establish exclusions from the 
����������������������requirements specified in paragraph (1) based on 
����������������������the de minimis quantity of energy use of a Federal 
����������������������building, industrial process, or structure.
����������� ``(3) Plan.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 6 months 
��������after the date guidelines are established under paragraph (2), 
��������in a report submitted by the agency under section 548(a), each 
��������agency shall submit to the Secretary a plan describing how the 
��������agency will implement the requirements of paragraph (1), 
��������including (A) how the agency will designate personnel primarily 
��������responsible for achieving the requirements and (B) demonstration 
��������by the agency, complete with documentation, of any finding that 
��������advanced meters or advanced metering devices, as defined in 
��������paragraph (1), are not practicable.''.
��� (a) Requirements.--Part 3 of title V of the National Energy 
Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8251 et seq.), as amended by section 
101, is amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� ``(1) Agency.--The term `agency' has the meaning given that 
��������term in section 7902(a) of title 5, United States Code.
����������� ``(2) Energy star product.--The term `Energy Star product' 
��������means a product that is rated for energy efficiency under an 
��������Energy Star program.
����������� ``(3) Energy star program.--The term `Energy Star program' 
��������means the program established by section 324A of the Energy 
��������Policy and Conservation Act.
����������� ``(4) FEMP designated product.--The term `FEMP designated 
��������product' means a product that is designated under the Federal 
��������Energy Management Program of the Department of Energy as being 
��������among the highest 25 percent of equivalent products for energy 
����������� ``(5) Product.--The term `product' does not include any 
��������energy consuming product or system designed or procured for 
��������combat or combat-related missions.
��� ``(b) Procurement of Energy Efficient Products.--
����������� ``(1) Requirement.--To meet the requirements of an agency 
��������for an energy consuming product, the head of the agency shall, 
��������except as provided in paragraph (2), procure--
������� ������������``(A) an Energy Star product; or
[[Page 119 STAT. 610]]
������������������� ``(B) a FEMP designated product.
����������� ``(2) Exceptions.--The head of an agency is not required to 
��������procure an Energy Star product or FEMP designated product under 
��������paragraph (1) if the head of the agency finds in writing that--
������������������� ``(A) an Energy Star product or FEMP designated 
����������������product is not cost-effective over the life of the 
����������������product taking energy cost savings into account; or
������������������� ``(B) no Energy Star product or FEMP designated 
����������������product is reasonably available that meets the 
����������������functional requirements of the agency.
����������� ``(3) Procurement planning.--The head of an agency shall 
��������incorporate into the specifications for all procurements 
��������involving energy consuming products and systems, including guide 
��������specifications, project specifications, and construction, 
��������renovation, and services contracts that include provision of 
��������energy consuming products and systems, and into the factors for 
��������the evaluation of offers received for the procurement, criteria 
��������for energy efficiency that are consistent with the criteria used 
��������for rating Energy Star products and for rating FEMP designated 
��� ``(c) Listing of Energy Efficient Products in Federal Catalogs.--
Energy Star products and FEMP designated products shall be clearly 
identified and prominently displayed in any inventory or listing of 
products by the General Services Administration or the Defense Logistics 
Agency. The General Services Administration or the Defense Logistics 
Agency shall supply only Energy Star products or FEMP designated 
products for all product categories covered by the Energy Star program 
or the Federal Energy Management Program, except in cases where the 
agency ordering a product specifies in writing that no Energy Star 
product or FEMP designated product is available to meet the buyer's 
functional requirements, or that no Energy Star product or FEMP 
designated product is cost-effective for the intended application over 
the life of the product, taking energy cost savings into account.
��� ``(d) Specific Products.--(1) In <<NOTE: Standards.>> the case of 
electric motors of 1 to 500 horsepower, agencies shall select only 
premium efficient motors that meet a standard designated by 
the <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Secretary. The Secretary shall designate such a 
standard not later than 120 days after the date of the enactment of this 
section, after considering the recommendations of associated electric 
motor manufacturers and energy efficiency groups.
��� ``(2) All Federal agencies are encouraged to take actions to 
maximize the efficiency of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, 
including appropriate cleaning and maintenance, including the use of any 
system treatment or additive that will reduce the electricity consumed 
by air conditioning and refrigeration equipment. Any such treatment or 
additive must be--
����������� ``(A) determined by the Secretary to be effective in 
��������increasing the efficiency of air conditioning and refrigeration 
��������equipment without having an adverse impact on air conditioning 
��������performance (including cooling capacity) or equipment useful 
����������� ``(B) determined by the Administrator of the Environmental 
��������Protection Agency to be environmentally safe; and
����������� ``(C) shown to increase seasonal energy efficiency ratio 
��������(SEER) or energy efficiency ratio (EER) when tested by the
[[Page 119 STAT. 611]]
������� National Institute of Standards and Technology according to 
��������Department of Energy test procedures without causing any adverse 
��������impact on the system, system components, the refrigerant or 
��������lubricant, or other materials in the system.
������� Results of <<NOTE: Federal Register, publication.>> testing 
��������described in subparagraph (C) shall be published in the Federal 
��������Register for public review and comment. For purposes of this 
��������section, a hardware device or primary refrigerant shall not be 
��������considered an additive.
��� ``(e) Regulations.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the 
enactment of this section, the Secretary shall issue guidelines to carry 
out this section.''.
��� (b) Conforming Amendment.--The table of contents of the National 
Energy Conservation Policy Act is further amended by inserting after the 
item relating to section 552 the following new item:
``Sec. 553. Federal procurement of energy efficient products.''.
��� (a) Extension.--Section 801(c) of the National Energy Conservation 
Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8287(c)) is amended by striking ``2006'' and 
inserting ``2016''.
��� (b) Extension of Authority.--Any <<NOTE: 42 USC 8257 note.>> energy 
savings performance contract entered into under section 801 of the 
National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8287) after October 
1, 2003, and before the date of enactment of this Act, shall be 
considered to have been entered into under that section.
��� (a) Definition of Energy Intensity.--In this section, the term 
``energy intensity'' means the primary energy consumed for each unit of 
physical output in an industrial process.
��� (b) Voluntary Agreements.--The Secretary may enter into voluntary 
agreements with one or more persons in industrial sectors that consume 
significant quantities of primary energy for each unit of physical 
output to reduce the energy intensity of the production activities of 
the persons.
��� (c) Goal.--Voluntary agreements under this section shall have as a 
goal the reduction of energy intensity by not less than 2.5 percent each 
year during the period of calendar years 2007 through 2016.
��� (d) Recognition.--The Secretary, in cooperation with other 
appropriate Federal agencies, shall develop mechanisms to recognize and 
publicize the achievements of participants in voluntary agreements under 
this section.
��� (e) Technical Assistance.--A person that enters into an agreement 
under this section and continues to make a good faith effort to achieve 
the energy efficiency goals specified in the agreement shall be eligible 
to receive from the Secretary a grant or technical assistance, as 
appropriate, to assist in the achievement of those goals.
��� (f) Report.--Not later than each of June 30, 2012, and June 30, 
2017, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that--
��������� ��(1) evaluates the success of the voluntary agreements under 
��������this section; and
����������� (2) provides independent verification of a sample of the 
��������energy savings estimates provided by participating firms.
[[Page 119 STAT. 612]]
��� (a) Establishment.--The Secretary, in consultation with the 
Administrator of General Services, shall establish an Advanced Building 
Efficiency Testbed program for the development, testing, and 
demonstration of advanced engineering systems, components, and materials 
to enable innovations in building technologies. The program shall 
evaluate efficiency concepts for government and industry buildings, and 
demonstrate the ability of next generation buildings to support 
individual and organizational productivity and health (including by 
improving indoor air quality) as well as flexibility and technological 
change to improve environmental sustainability. Such program shall 
complement and not duplicate existing national programs.
��� (b) Participants.--The program established under subsection (a) 
shall be led by a university with the ability to combine the expertise 
from numerous academic fields including, at a minimum, intelligent 
workplaces and advanced building systems and engineering, electrical and 
computer engineering, computer science, architecture, urban design, and 
environmental and mechanical engineering. Such university shall partner 
with other universities and entities who have established programs and 
the capability of advancing innovative building efficiency technologies.
��� (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section $6,000,000 for 
each of the fiscal years 2006 through 2008, to remain available until 
expended. For any fiscal year in which funds are expended under this 
section, the Secretary shall provide one-third of the total amount to 
the lead university described in subsection (b), and provide the 
remaining two-thirds to the other participants referred to in subsection 
(b) on an equal basis.
��� (a) Amendment.--Subtitle F of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 
U.S.C. 6961 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:
``increased <<NOTE: 42 usc 6966.>> use of recovered mineral component in 
federally funded projects involving procurement of cement or concrete
��� ``Sec. 6005. (a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� ``(1) Agency head.--The term `agency head' means--
������������������� ``(A) the Secretary of Transportation; and
������������������� ``(B) the head of any other Federal agency that, on 
����������������a regular basis, procures, or provides Federal funds to 
����������������pay or assist in paying the cost of procuring, material 
����������������for cement or concrete projects.
������� ����``(2) Cement or concrete project.--The term `cement or 
��������concrete project' means a project for the construction or 
��������maintenance of a highway or other transportation facility or a 
��������Federal, State, or local government building or other public 
��������facility that--
������������������� ``(A) involves the procurement of cement or 
����������������concrete; and
������������������� ``(B) is carried out, in whole or in part, using 
����������������Federal funds.
[[Page 119 STAT. 613]]
����������� ``(3) Recovered mineral component.--The term `recovered 
��������mineral component' means--
������������������� ``(A) ground granulated blast furnace slag, 
����������������excluding lead slag;
������������������� ``(B) coal combustion fly ash; and
������������������� ``(C) any other waste material or byproduct 
����������������recovered or diverted from solid waste that the 
����������������Administrator, in consultation with an agency head, 
����������������determines should be treated as recovered mineral 
����������������component under this section for use in cement or 
����������������concrete projects paid for, in whole or in part, by the 
����������������agency head.
��� ``(b) Implementation of Requirements.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 1 year 
��������after the date of enactment of this section, the Administrator 
��������and each agency head shall take such actions as are necessary to 
��������implement fully all procurement requirements and incentives in 
��������effect as of the date of enactment of this section (including 
��������guidelines under section 6002) that provide for the use of 
��������cement and concrete incorporating recovered mineral component in 
��������cement or concrete projects.
����������� ``(2) Priority.--In carrying out paragraph (1), an agency 
��������head shall give priority to achieving greater use of recovered 
��������mineral component in cement or concrete projects for which 
��������recovered mineral components historically have not been used or 
��������have been used only minimally.
����������� ``(3) Federal procurement requirements.--The Administrator 
��������and each agency head shall carry out this subsection in 
��������accordance with section 6002.
��� ``(c) Full Implementation Study.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The Administrator, in cooperation with 
��������the Secretary of Transportation and the Secretary of Energy, 
��������shall conduct a study to determine the extent to which 
�������procurement requirements, when fully implemented in accordance 
��������with subsection (b), may realize energy savings and 
��������environmental benefits attainable with substitution of recovered 
��������mineral component in cement used in cement or concrete projects.
����������� ``(2) Matters to be addressed.--The study shall--
������������������� ``(A) quantify--
������������������������� ``(i) the extent to which recovered mineral 
���������������������components are being substituted for Portland 
����������������������cement, particularly as a result of procurement 
����������������������requirements; and
������������������������� ``(ii) the energy savings and environmental 
����������������������benefits associated with the substitution;
������������������� ``(B) identify all barriers in procurement 
����������������requirements to greater realization of energy savings 
����������������and environmental benefits, including barriers resulting 
����������������from exceptions from the law; and
������������������� ``(C)(i) identify potential mechanisms to achieve 
����������������greater substitution of recovered mineral component in 
����������������types of cement or concrete projects for which recovered 
����������������mineral components historically have not been used or 
����������������have been used only minimally;
������������������� ``(ii) evaluate the feasibility of establishing 
����������������guidelines or standards for optimized substitution rates 
����������������of recovered mineral component in those cement or 
����������������concrete projects; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 614]]
������������������� ``(iii) identify any potential environmental or 
����������������economic effects that may result from greater 
����������������substitution of recovered mineral component in those 
����������������cement or concrete projects.
����������� ``(3) Report.--Not later than 30 months after the date of 
��������enactment of this section, the Administrator shall submit to 
��������Congress a report on the study.
��� ``(d) Additional <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Procurement Requirements.--
Unless the study conducted under subsection (c) identifies any effects 
or other problems described in subsection (c)(2)(C)(iii) that warrant 
further review or delay, the Administrator and each agency head shall, 
not later than 1 year after the date on which the report under 
subsection (c)(3) is submitted, take additional actions under this Act 
to establish procurement requirements and incentives that provide for 
the use of cement and concrete with increased substitution of recovered 
mineral component in the construction and maintenance of cement or 
concrete projects--
����������� ``(1) to realize more fully the energy savings and 
��������environmental benefits associated with increased substitution; 
����������� ``(2) to eliminate barriers identified under subsection 
��� ``(e) Effect of Section.--Nothing in this section affects the 
requirements of section 6002 (including the guidelines and 
specifications for implementing those requirements).''.
��� (b) Conforming Amendment.--The table of contents of the Solid Waste 
Disposal Act is amended by adding after the item relating to section 
6004 the following:
``Sec. 6005. Increased use of recovered mineral component in federally 
�����������funded projects involving procurement of cement or 
��� Section 305(a) of the Energy Conservation and Production Act (42 
U.S.C. 6834(a)) is amended--
����������� (1) in paragraph (2)(A), by striking ``CABO Model Energy 
��������Code, 1992 (in the case of residential buildings) or ASHRAE 
��������Standard 90.1-1989'' and inserting ``the 2004 International 
��������Energy Conservation Code (in the case of residential buildings) 
��������or ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004''; and
����������� (2) by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(3)(A) <<NOTE: Deadline. Regulations.>> Not later than 1 year 
after the date of enactment of this paragraph, the Secretary shall 
establish, by rule, revised Federal building energy efficiency 
performance standards that require that--
����������� ``(i) if life-cycle cost-effective for new Federal 
������������������� ``(I) the buildings be designed to achieve energy 
����������������consumption levels that are at least 30 percent below 
����������������the levels established in the version of the ASHRAE 
����������������Standard or the International Energy Conservation Code, 
����������������as appropriate, that is in effect as of the date of 
����������������enactment of this paragraph; and
������������������� ``(II) sustainable design principles are applied to 
����������������the siting, design, and construction of all new and 
����������������replacement buildings; and
����������� ``(ii) if water is used to achieve energy efficiency, water 
��������conservation technologies shall be applied to the extent that 
��������the technologies are life-cycle cost-effective.
[[Page 119 STAT. 615]]
��� ``(B) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Not later than 1 year after the date of 
approval of each subsequent revision of the ASHRAE Standard or the 
International Energy Conservation Code, as appropriate, the Secretary 
shall determine, based on the cost-effectiveness of the requirements 
under the amendment, whether the revised standards established under 
this paragraph should be updated to reflect the amendment.
��� ``(C) In the budget request of the Federal agency for each fiscal 
year and each report submitted by the Federal agency under section 
548(a) of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 
8258(a)), the head of each Federal agency shall include--
����������� ``(i) a list of all new Federal buildings owned, operated, 
��������or controlled by the Federal agency; and
����������� ``(ii) a statement specifying whether the Federal buildings 
��������meet or exceed the revised standards established under this 
��� (a) Amendment.--Section 3(a) of the Uniform Time Act of 1966 (15 
U.S.C. 260a(a)) is amended--
����������� (1) by striking ``first Sunday of April'' and inserting 
��������``second Sunday of March''; and
����������� (2) by striking ``last Sunday of October'' and inserting 
��������``first Sunday of November''.
��� (b) Effective Date.--Subsection (a) <<NOTE: 15 USC 260a 
note.>> shall take effect 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act 
or March 1, 2007, whichever is later.
��� (c) Report to Congress.--Not <<NOTE: 15 USC 260a note.>> later than 
9 months after the effective date stated in subsection (b), the 
Secretary shall report to Congress on the impact of this section on 
energy consumption in the United States.
��� (d) Right to Revert.--Congress retains the right to revert the 
Daylight Saving Time back to the 2005 time schedules once the Department 
study is complete.
��� (a) Sense of the Congress.--It is the sense of the Congress that 
Federal agencies should enhance the use of energy efficient technologies 
in the management of natural resources.
��� (b) Energy Efficient Buildings.--To the extent practicable, the 
Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Commerce, and the Secretary 
of Agriculture shall seek to incorporate energy efficient technologies 
in public and administrative buildings associated with management of the 
National Park System, National Wildlife Refuge System, National Forest 
System, National Marine Sanctuaries System, and other public lands and 
resources managed by the Secretaries.
��(c) Energy Efficient Vehicles.--To the extent practicable, the 
Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Commerce, and the Secretary 
of Agriculture shall seek to use energy efficient motor vehicles, 
including vehicles equipped with biodiesel or hybrid engine 
technologies, in the management of the National Park System, National 
Wildlife Refuge System, National Forest System, National Marine 
Sanctuaries System, and other public lands and resources managed by the 
[[Page 119 STAT. 616]]
����������� Subtitle B--Energy Assistance and State Programs
��� (a) Authorization of Appropriations.--Section 2602(b) of the Low-
Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 (42 U.S.C. 8621(b)) is amended 
by striking ``and $2,000,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2002 through 
2004'' and inserting ``and $5,100,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2005 
through 2007''.
��� (b) Renewable Fuels.--The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 
1981 (42 U.S.C. 8621 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the 
following new section:
��������������������������� ``renewable fuels
��� ``Sec. 2612. <<NOTE: 42 USC 8630.>> In providing assistance pursuant 
to this title, a State, or any other person with which the State makes 
arrangements to carry out the purposes of this title, may purchase 
renewable fuels, including biomass.''.
��� (c) Report to Congress.--The <<NOTE: 42 USC 8630 note.>> Secretary 
shall report to Congress on the use of renewable fuels in providing 
assistance under the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 (42 
U.S.C. 8621 et seq.).
��� (a) Authorization of Appropriations.--Section 422 of the Energy 
Conservation and Production Act (42 U.S.C. 6872) is amended by striking 
``for fiscal years 1999 through 2003 such sums as may be necessary'' and 
inserting ``$500,000,000 for fiscal year 2006, $600,000,000 for fiscal 
year 2007, and $700,000,000 for fiscal year 2008''.
��� (b) Eligibility.--Section 412(7) of the Energy Conservation and 
Production Act (42 U.S.C. 6862(7)) is amended by striking ``125 
percent'' both places it appears and inserting ``150 percent''.
��� (a) State Energy Conservation Plans.--Section 362 of the Energy 
Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6322) is amended by inserting at 
the end the following new subsection:
��� ``(g) The Secretary shall, at least once every 3 years, invite the 
Governor of each State to review and, if necessary, revise the energy 
conservation plan of such State submitted under subsection (b) or (e). 
Such reviews should consider the energy conservation plans of other 
States within the region, and identify opportunities and actions carried 
out in pursuit of common energy conservation goals.''.
��� (b) State Energy Efficiency Goals.--Section 364 of the Energy Policy 
and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6324) is amended to read as follows:
�������������������� ``state energy efficiency goals
��� ``Sec. 364. Each State energy conservation plan with respect to 
which assistance is made available under this part on or after the date 
of enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 shall contain a goal, 
consisting of an improvement of 25 percent or more in the efficiency of 
use of energy in the State concerned
[[Page 119 STAT. 617]]
in calendar year 2012 as compared to calendar year 1990, and may contain 
interim goals.''.
��� (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--Section 365(f) of the Energy 
Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6325(f)) is amended by striking 
``for fiscal years 1999 through 2003 such sums as may be necessary'' and 
inserting ``$100,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2006 and 2007 and 
$125,000,000 for fiscal year 2008''.
��� (a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� (1) Eligible state.--The term ``eligible State'' means a 
��������State that meets the requirements of subsection (b).
����������� (2) Energy star program.--The term ``Energy Star program'' 
��������means the program established by section 324A of the Energy 
��������Policy and Conservation Act.
����������� (3) Residential energy star product.--The term ``residential 
��������Energy Star product'' means a product for a residence that is 
��������rated for energy efficiency under the Energy Star program.
����������� (4) State energy office.--The term ``State energy office'' 
��������means the State agency responsible for developing State energy 
��������conservation plans under section 362 of the Energy Policy and 
��������Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6322).
����������� (5) State program.--The term ``State program'' means a State 
��������energy efficient appliance rebate program described in 
��������subsection (b)(1).
��� (b) Eligible States.--A State shall be eligible to receive an 
allocation under subsection (c) if the State--
����������� (1) establishes (or has established) a State energy 
��������efficient appliance rebate program to provide rebates to 
��������residential consumers for the purchase of residential Energy 
��������Star products to replace used appliances of the same type;
����������� (2) submits an application for the allocation at such time, 
��������in such form, and containing such information as the Secretary 
��������may require; and
����������� (3) provides assurances satisfactory to the Secretary that 
��������the State will use the allocation to supplement, but not 
��������supplant, funds made available to carry out the State program.
��� (c) Amount of Allocations.--
����������� (1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (2), for each fiscal 
��������year, the Secretary shall allocate to the State energy office of 
��������each eligible State to carry out subsection (d) an amount equal 
��������to the product obtained by multiplying the amount made available 
��������under subsection (f) for the fiscal year by the ratio that the 
��������population of the State in the most recent calendar year for 
��������which data are available bears to the total population of all 
��������eligible States in that calendar year.
����������� (2) Minimum allocations.--For each fiscal year, the amounts 
��������allocated under this subsection shall be adjusted 
��������proportionately so that no eligible State is allocated a sum 
��������that is less than an amount determined by the Secretary.
��� (d) Use of Allocated Funds.--The allocation to a State energy office 
under subsection (c) may be used to pay up to 50 percent of the cost of 
establishing and carrying out a State program.
��� (e) Issuance of Rebates.--Rebates may be provided to residential 
consumers that meet the requirements of the State program.
[[Page 119 STAT. 618]]
The amount of a rebate shall be determined by the State energy office, 
taking into consideration--
����������� (1) the amount of the allocation to the State energy office 
��������under subsection (c);
����������� (2) the amount of any Federal or State tax incentive 
��������available for the purchase of the residential Energy Star 
��������product; and
����������� (3) the difference between the cost of the residential 
��������Energy Star product and the cost of an appliance that is not a 
��������residential Energy Star product, but is of the same type as, and 
��������is the nearest capacity, performance, and other relevant 
��������characteristics (as determined by the State energy office) to, 
��������the residential Energy Star product.
��� (f) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section $50,000,000 for 
each of the fiscal years 2006 through 2010.
��� (a) Grants.--The Secretary may make grants to the State agency 
responsible for developing State energy conservation plans under section 
362 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6322), or, if 
no such agency exists, a State agency designated by the Governor of the 
State, to assist units of local government in the State in improving the 
energy efficiency of public buildings and facilities--
����������� (1) through construction of new energy efficient public 
��������buildings that use at least 30 percent less energy than a 
��������comparable public building constructed in compliance with 
��������standards prescribed in the most recent version of the 
��������International Energy Conservation Code, or a similar State code 
��������intended to achieve substantially equivalent efficiency levels; 
����������� (2) through renovation of existing public buildings to 
��������achieve reductions in energy use of at least 30 percent as 
��������compared to the baseline energy use in such buildings prior to 
��������renovation, assuming a 3-year, weather-normalized average for 
��������calculating such baseline.
��� (b) Administration.--State energy offices receiving grants under 
this section shall--
����������� (1) <<NOTE: Records.>> maintain such records and evidence of 
��������compliance as the Secretary may require; and
����������� (2) develop and distribute information and materials and 
��������conduct programs to provide technical services and assistance to 
��������encourage planning, financing, and design of energy efficient 
��������public buildings by units of local government.
��� (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--For the purposes of this 
section, there are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary 
$30,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2010. Not more than 10 
percent of appropriated funds shall be used for administration.
������������PILOT PROGRAM.
��� (a) Grants.--The Secretary is authorized to make grants to units of 
local government, private, non-profit community development 
organizations, and Indian tribe economic development entities to improve 
energy efficiency; identify and develop alternative, renewable, and 
distributed energy supplies; and increase energy conservation in low 
income rural and urban communities.
[[Page 119 STAT. 619]]
��� (b) Purpose of Grants.--The Secretary may make grants on a 
competitive basis for--
����������� (1) investments that develop alternative, renewable, and 
��������distributed energy supplies;
����������� (2) energy efficiency projects and energy conservation 
����������� (3) studies and other activities that improve energy 
��������efficiency in low income rural and urban communities;
����������� (4) planning and development assistance for increasing the 
��������energy efficiency of buildings and facilities; and
����������� (5) technical and financial assistance to local government 
��������and private entities on developing new renewable and distributed 
��������sources of power or combined heat and power generation.
��� (c) Definition.--For purposes of this section, the term ``Indian 
tribe'' means any Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group 
or community, including any Alaskan Native village or regional or 
village corporation as defined in or established pursuant to the Alaska 
Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), that is 
recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by 
the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians.
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--For the purposes of this 
section there are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary 
$20,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2008.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary, in cooperation with the States, 
shall establish a cooperative program for research, development, 
demonstration, and deployment of technologies in which there is a common 
Federal and State energy efficiency, renewable energy, and fossil energy 
interest, to be known as the ``State Technologies Advancement 
Collaborative'' (referred to in this section as the ``Collaborative'').
��� (b) Duties.--The Collaborative shall--
����������� (1) leverage Federal and State funding through cost-shared 
����������� (2) reduce redundancies in Federal and State funding; and
����������� (3) create multistate projects to be awarded through a 
��������competitive process.
��� (c) Administration.--The Collaborative shall be administered through 
an agreement between the Department and appropriate State-based 
��� (d) Funding Sources.--Funding for the Collaborative may be provided 
����������� (1) amounts specifically appropriated for the Collaborative; 
����������� (2) amounts that may be allocated from other appropriations 
��������without changing the purpose for which the amounts are 
��� (e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to carry 
out this section such sums as are necessary for each of fiscal years 
2006 through 2010.
��� Section 304(e) of the Energy Conservation and Production Act (42 
U.S.C. 6833(e)) is amended--
[[Page 119 STAT. 620]]
����������� (1) in paragraph (1), by inserting before the period at the 
��������end of the first sentence the following: ``, including 
��������increasing and verifying compliance with such codes''; and
����������� (2) by striking paragraph (2) and inserting the following:
��� ``(2) Additional funding shall be provided under this subsection for 
implementation of a plan to achieve and document at least a 90 percent 
rate of compliance with residential and commercial building energy 
efficiency codes, based on energy performance--
����������� ``(A) to a State that has adopted and is implementing, on a 
��������statewide basis--
������������������� ``(i) a residential building energy efficiency code 
����������������that meets or exceeds the requirements of the 2004 
����������������International Energy Conservation Code, or any 
����������������succeeding version of that code that has received an 
����������������affirmative determination from the Secretary under 
����������������subsection (a)(5)(A); and
������������� ������``(ii) a commercial building energy efficiency code 
����������������that meets or exceeds the requirements of the ASHRAE 
����������������Standard 90.1-2004, or any succeeding version of that 
����������������standard that has received an affirmative determination 
����������������from the Secretary under subsection (b)(2)(A); or
����������� ``(B) in a State in which there is no statewide energy code 
��������either for residential buildings or for commercial buildings, to 
��������a local government that has adopted and is implementing 
��������residential and commercial building energy efficiency codes, as 
��������described in subparagraph (A).
��� ``(3) Of the amounts made available under this subsection, the 
Secretary may use $500,000 for each fiscal year to train State and local 
officials to implement codes described in paragraph (2).
��� ``(4)(A) <<NOTE: Appropriation authorization.>> There are authorized 
to be appropriated to carry out this subsection--
 �����������``(i) $25,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 
��������2010; and
����������� ``(ii) such sums as are necessary for fiscal year 2011 and 
��������each fiscal year thereafter.
��� ``(B) Funding provided to States under paragraph (2) for each fiscal 
year shall not exceed one-half of the excess of funding under this 
subsection over $5,000,000 for the fiscal year.''.
����������������� Subtitle C--Energy Efficient Products
��� (a) In General.--The Energy Policy and Conservation Act is amended 
by inserting after section 324 (42 U.S.C. 6294) the following:
������������������������� ``energy star program
��� ``Sec. 324A. (a) In General.--There is <<NOTE: 42 USC 
6294a.>> established within the Department of Energy and the 
Environmental Protection Agency a voluntary program to identify and 
promote energy-efficient products and buildings in order to reduce 
energy consumption, improve energy security, and reduce pollution 
through voluntary labeling of, or other forms of communication about, 
products and buildings that meet the highest energy conservation 
��� ``(b) Division of Responsibilities.--Responsibilities under the 
program shall be divided between the Department of Energy and
[[Page 119 STAT. 621]]
the Environmental Protection Agency in accordance with the terms of 
applicable agreements between those agencies.
��� ``(c) Duties.--The Administrator and the Secretary shall--
����������� ``(1) promote Energy Star compliant technologies as the 
��������preferred technologies in the marketplace for--
������������������� ``(A) achieving energy efficiency; and
������������������� ``(B) reducing pollution;
����������� ``(2) work to enhance public awareness of the Energy Star 
��������label, including by providing special outreach to small 
����������� ``(3) preserve the integrity of the Energy Star label;
����������� ``(4) regularly update Energy Star product criteria for 
��������product categories;
����������� ``(5) solicit comments from interested parties prior to 
��������establishing or revising an Energy Star product category, 
��������specification, or criterion (or prior to effective dates for any 
��������such product category, specification, or criterion);
����������� ``(6) on adoption of a new or revised product category, 
��������specification, or criterion, provide reasonable notice to 
��������interested parties of any changes (including effective dates) in 
��������product categories, specifications, or criteria, along with--
������������������� ``(A) an explanation of the changes; and
������������������� ``(B) as appropriate, responses to comments 
����������������submitted by interested parties; and
����������� ``(7) provide appropriate lead time (which shall be 270 
��������days, unless the Agency or Department specifies otherwise) prior 
��������to the applicable effective date for a new or a significant 
��������revision to a product category, specification, or criterion, 
��������taking into account the timing requirements of the 
��������manufacturing, product marketing, and distribution process for 
��������the specific product addressed.
��� ``(d) Deadlines.--The Secretary shall establish new qualifying 
����������� ``(1) not later than January 1, 2006, for clothes washers 
��������and dishwashers, effective beginning January 1, 2007; and
����������� ``(2) not later than January 1, 2008, for clothes washers, 
��������effective beginning January 1, 2010.''.
��� (b) Table of Contents Amendment.--The table of contents of the 
Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. prec. 6201) is amended by 
inserting after the item relating to section 324 the following:
``Sec. 324A. Energy Star program.''.
��� Section 337 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 
6307) is amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(c) HVAC Maintenance.--(1) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> To ensure that 
installed air conditioning and heating systems operate at maximum rated 
efficiency levels, the Secretary shall, not later than 180 days after 
the date of enactment of this subsection, carry out a program to educate 
homeowners and small business owners concerning the energy savings from 
properly conducted maintenance of air conditioning, heating, and 
ventilating systems.
��� ``(2) The Secretary shall carry out the program under paragraph (1), 
on a cost-shared basis, in cooperation with the Administrator of the 
Environmental Protection Agency and any other entities that the 
Secretary determines to be appropriate, including industry
[[Page 119 STAT. 622]]
trade associations, industry members, and energy efficiency 
��� ``(d) Small Business Education and Assistance.--(1) The 
Administrator of the Small Business Administration, in consultation with 
the Secretary and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection 
Agency, shall develop and coordinate a Government-wide program, building 
on the Energy Star for Small Business Program, to assist small 
businesses in--
����������� ``(A) becoming more energy efficient;
����������� ``(B) understanding the cost savings from improved energy 
����������� ``(C) understanding and accessing Federal procurement 
��������opportunities with regard to Energy Star technologies and 
��������products; and
����������� ``(D) identifying financing options for energy efficiency 
��� ``(2) The Secretary, the Administrator of the Environmental 
Protection Agency, and the Administrator of the Small Business 
Administration shall--
����������� ``(A) make program information available to small business 
��������concerns directly through the district offices and resource 
��������partners of the Small Business Administration, including small 
��������business development centers, women's business centers, and the 
��������Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), and through other 
��������Federal agencies, including the Federal Emergency Management 
��������Agency and the Department of Agriculture; and
����������� ``(B) coordinate assistance with the Secretary of Commerce 
��������for manufacturing-related efforts, including the Manufacturing 
��������Extension Partnership Program.
��� ``(3) The Secretary, on a cost shared basis in cooperation with the 
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, shall provide to 
the Small Business Administration all advertising, marketing, and other 
written materials necessary for the dissemination of information under 
paragraph (2).
��� ``(4) The Secretary, the Administrator of the Environmental 
Protection Agency, and the Administrator of the Small Business 
Administration, as part of the outreach to small business concerns under 
the Energy Star Program for Small Business Program, may enter into 
cooperative agreements with qualified resources partners (including the 
National Center for Appropriate Technology) to establish, maintain, and 
promote a Small Business Energy Clearinghouse (in this subsection 
referred to as the `Clearinghouse').
��� ``(5) The Secretary, the Administrator of the Environmental 
Protection Agency, and the Administrator of the Small Business 
Administration shall ensure that the Clearinghouse provides a 
centralized resource where small business concerns may access, 
telephonically and electronically, technical information and advice to 
help increase energy efficiency and reduce energy costs.
��� ``(6) <<NOTE: Appropriation authorization.>> There are authorized to 
be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this subsection, 
to remain available until expended.''.
��� (a) In General.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 180 days after 
the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall convene an 
organizational conference for the purpose of establishing an ongoing, 
self-sustaining national public energy education program.
[[Page 119 STAT. 623]]
��� (b) Participants.--The Secretary shall invite to participate in the 
conference individuals and entities representing all aspects of energy 
production and distribution, including--
����������� (1) industrial firms;
����������� (2) professional societies;
����������� (3) educational organizations;
����������� (4) trade associations; and
����������� (5) governmental agencies.
��� (c) Purpose, Scope, and Structure.--
����������� (1) Purpose.--The purpose of the conference shall be to 
��������establish an ongoing, self-sustaining national public energy 
��������education program to examine and recognize interrelationships 
��������between energy sources in all forms, including--
������������������� (A) conservation and energy efficiency;
�� �����������������(B) the role of energy use in the economy; and
������������������� (C) the impact of energy use on the environment.
����������� (2) Scope and structure.--Taking into consideration the 
��������purpose described in paragraph (1), the participants in the 
��������conference invited under subsection (b) shall design the scope 
��������and structure of the program described in subsection (a).
��� (d) Technical Assistance.--The Secretary shall provide technical 
assistance and other guidance necessary to carry out the program 
described in subsection (a).
��� (e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this section.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall carry out a comprehensive 
national program, including advertising and media awareness, to inform 
consumers about--
����������� (1) the need to reduce energy consumption during the 4-year 
��������period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act;
����������� (2) the benefits to consumers of reducing consumption of 
��������electricity, natural gas, and petroleum, particularly during 
��������peak use periods;
����������� (3) the importance of low energy costs to economic growth 
��������and preserving manufacturing jobs in the United States; and
����������� (4) practical, cost-effective measures that consumers can 
��������take to reduce consumption of electricity, natural gas, and 
��������gasoline, including--
������������������� (A) maintaining and repairing heating and cooling 
����������������ducts and equipment;
������������������� (B) weatherizing homes and buildings;
�� �����������������(C) purchasing energy efficient products; and
������������������� (D) proper tire maintenance.
��� (b) Cooperation.--The program carried out under subsection (a) 
����������� (1) include collaborative efforts with State and local 
��������government officials and the private sector; and
����������� (2) incorporate, to the maximum extent practicable, 
��������successful State and local public education programs.
��� (c) Report.--Not later than July 1, 2009, the Secretary shall submit 
to Congress a report describing the effectiveness of the program under 
this section.
��� (d) Termination of Authority.--The program carried out under this 
section shall terminate on December 31, 2010.
[[Page 119 STAT. 624]]
��� (e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $90,000,000 for each of fiscal 
years 2006 through 2010.
��� (a) Definitions.--Section 321 of the Energy Policy and Conservation 
Act (42 U.S.C. 6291) is amended--
����������� (1) in paragraph (29)--
������������������� (A) in subparagraph (D)--
������������������������� (i) in clause (i), by striking ``C78.1-
��������������������� 1978(R1984)'' and inserting ``C78.81-2003 (Data 
����������������������Sheet 7881-ANSI-1010-1)'';
������������������������� (ii) in clause (ii), by striking ``C78.1-
��������������������� 1978(R1984)'' and inserting ``C78.81-2003 (Data 
����������������������Sheet 7881-ANSI-3007-1)''; and
������������������������� (iii) in clause (iii), by striking ``C78.1-
��������������������� 1978(R1984)'' and inserting ``C78.81-2003 (Data 
����������������������Sheet 7881-ANSI-1019-1)''; and
������������������� (B) by adding at the end the following:
����������� ``(M) The term `F34T12 lamp' (also known as a `F40T12/ES 
��������lamp') means a nominal 34 watt tubular fluorescent lamp that is 
��������48 inches in length and 1\1/2\ inches in diameter, and conforms 
��������to ANSI standard C78.81-2003 (Data Sheet 7881-ANSI-1006-1).
����������� ``(N) The term `F96T12/ES lamp' means a nominal 60 watt 
��������tubular fluorescent lamp that is 96 inches in length and 1\1/2\ 
��������inches in diameter, and conforms to ANSI standard C78.81-2003 
��������(Data Sheet 7881-ANSI-3006-1).
����������� ``(O) The term `F96T12HO/ES lamp' means a nominal 95 watt 
��������tubular fluorescent lamp that is 96 inches in length and 1\1/2\ 
��������inches in diameter, and conforms to ANSI standard C78.81-2003 
��������(Data Sheet 7881-ANSI-1017-1).
����������� ``(P) The term `replacement ballast' means a ballast that--
������������������� ``(i) is designed for use to replace an existing 
����������������ballast in a previously installed luminaire;
������������������� ``(ii) is marked `FOR REPLACEMENT USE ONLY';
������������������� ``(iii) is shipped by the manufacturer in packages 
����������������containing not more than 10 ballasts; and
����������� ��������``(iv) has output leads that when fully extended are 
����������������a total length that is less than the length of the lamp 
����������������with which the ballast is intended to be operated.'';
����������� (2) in paragraph (30)(S)--
����������� ��������(A) by inserting ``(i)'' before ``The term''; and
������������������� (B) by adding at the end the following:
������������������� ``(ii) The term `medium base compact fluorescent 
����������������lamp' does not include--
������������������������� ``(I) any lamp that is--
����������������������������������� ``(aa) specifically designed to be 
��������������������������������used for special purpose applications; 
����������������������������������� ``(bb) unlikely to be used in 
��������������������������������general purpose applications, such as 
��������������������������������the applications described in 
��������������������������������subparagraph (D); or
������������������������� ``(II) any lamp not described in subparagraph 
����������������������(D) that is excluded by the Secretary, by rule, 
����������������������because the lamp is--
����������������������������������� ``(aa) designed for special 
��������������������������������applications; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 625]]
����������������������������������� ``(bb) unlikely to be used in 
��������������������������������general purpose applications.''; and
����������� (3) by adding at the end the following:
����������� ``(32) The term `battery charger' means a device that 
��������charges batteries for consumer products, including battery 
��������chargers embedded in other consumer products.
����������� ``(33)(A) The term `commercial prerinse spray valve' means a 
��������handheld device designed and marketed for use with commercial 
��������dishwashing and ware washing equipment that sprays water on 
��������dishes, flatware, and other food service items for the purpose 
��������of removing food residue before cleaning the items.
����������� ``(B) The Secretary may modify the definition of `commercial 
��������prerinse spray valve' by rule--
������������������� ``(i) to include products--
������������������������� ``(I) that are extensively used in conjunction 
����������������������with commercial dishwashing and ware washing 
������������������������� ``(II) the application of standards to which 
����������������������would result in significant energy savings; and
������������������������� ``(III) the application of standards to which 
����������������������would meet the criteria specified in section 
����������������������325(o)(4); and
������������������� ``(ii) to exclude products--
������������������������� ``(I) that are used for special food service 
������������������������� ``(II) that are unlikely to be widely used in 
����������������������conjunction with commercial dishwashing and ware 
����������������������washing equipment; and
������������������������� ``(III) the application of standards to which 
����������������������would not result in significant energy savings.
����������� ``(34) The term `dehumidifier' means a self-contained, 
��������electrically operated, and mechanically encased assembly 
��������consisting of--
������������������� ``(A) a refrigerated surface (evaporator) that 
����������������condenses moisture from the atmosphere;
������������������� ``(B) a refrigerating system, including an electric 
������������������� ``(C) an air-circulating fan; and
������������������� ``(D) means for collecting or disposing of the 
����������� ``(35)(A) The term `distribution transformer' means a 
��������transformer that--
������������������� ``(i) has an input voltage of 34.5 kilovolts or 
������������������� ``(ii) has an output voltage of 600 volts or less; 
������������������� ``(iii) is rated for operation at a frequency of 60 
����������� ``(B) The term `distribution transformer' does not include--
������������������� ``(i) a transformer with multiple voltage taps, the 
����������������highest of which equals at least 20 percent more than 
����������������the lowest;
������������������� ``(ii) a transformer that is designed to be used in 
����������������a special purpose application and is unlikely to be used 
����������������in general purpose applications, such as a drive 
����������������transformer, rectifier transformer, auto-transformer, 
����������������Uninterruptible Power System transformer, impedance 
����������������transformer, regulating transformer, sealed and 
����������������nonventilating transformer, machine tool transformer, 
����������������welding transformer, grounding transformer, or testing 
����������������transformer; or
������������������� ``(iii) any transformer not listed in clause (ii) 
����������������that is excluded by the Secretary by rule because--
������������������������� ``(I) the transformer is designed for a 
����������������������special application;
[[Page 119 STAT. 626]]
������������������������� ``(II) the transformer is unlikely to be used 
����������������������in general purpose applications; and
������������������������� ``(III) the application of standards to the 
����������������������transformer would not result in significant energy 
����������� ``(36) The term `external power supply' means an external 
��������power supply circuit that is used to convert household electric 
��������current into DC current or lower-voltage AC current to operate a 
��������consumer product.
����������� ``(37) The term `illuminated exit sign' means a sign that--
������������������� ``(A) is designed to be permanently fixed in place 
����������������to identify an exit; and
������������������� ``(B) consists of an electrically powered integral 
����������������light source that--
������������������������� ``(i) illuminates the legend `EXIT' and any 
����������������������directional indicators; and
������������������������� ``(ii) provides contrast between the legend, 
����������������������any directional indicators, and the background.
����������� ``(38) The term `low-voltage dry-type distribution 
��������transformer' means a distribution transformer that--
������������������� ``(A) has an input voltage of 600 volts or less;
������������������� ``(B) is air-cooled; and
������������������� ``(C) does not use oil as a coolant.
����������� ``(39) The term `pedestrian module' means a light signal 
��������used to convey movement information to pedestrians.
����������� ``(40) The term `refrigerated bottled or canned beverage 
��������vending machine' means a commercial refrigerator that cools 
��������bottled or canned beverages and dispenses the bottled or canned 
��������beverages on payment.
����������� ``(41) The term `standby mode' means the lowest power 
��������consumption mode, as established on an individual product basis 
��������by the Secretary, that--
������������ �������``(A) cannot be switched off or influenced by the 
����������������user; and
������������������� ``(B) may persist for an indefinite time when an 
����������������appliance is--
������������������������� ``(i) connected to the main electricity 
����������������������supply; and
������������������������� ``(ii) used in accordance with the 
����������������������instructions of the manufacturer.
����������� ``(42) The term `torchiere' means a portable electric lamp 
��������with a reflector bowl that directs light upward to give indirect 
����������� ``(43) The term `traffic signal module' means a standard 8-
������� inch (200mm) or 12-inch (300mm) traffic signal indication that--
������������������� ``(A) consists of a light source, a lens, and all 
����������������other parts necessary for operation; and
������������������� ``(B) communicates movement messages to drivers 
����������������through red, amber, and green colors.
����������� ``(44) The term `transformer' means a device consisting of 2 
��������or more coils of insulated wire that transfers alternating 
��������current by electromagnetic induction from 1 coil to another to 
��������change the original voltage or current value.
����������� ``(45)(A) The term `unit heater' means a self-contained fan-
������� type heater designed to be installed within the heated space.
����������� ``(B) The term `unit heater' does not include a warm air 
[[Page 119 STAT. 627]]
����������� ``(46)(A) The term `high intensity discharge lamp' means an 
��������electric-discharge lamp in which--
������������������� ``(i) the light-producing arc is stabilized by bulb 
����������������wall temperature; and
������������������� ``(ii) the arc tube has a bulb wall loading in 
����������������excess of 3 Watts/cm<SUP>2</SUP>.
����������� ``(B) The term `high intensity discharge lamp' includes 
��������mercury vapor, metal halide, and high-pressure sodium lamps 
��������described in subparagraph (A).
��� ��������``(47)(A) The term `mercury vapor lamp' means a high 
��������intensity discharge lamp in which the major portion of the light 
��������is produced by radiation from mercury operating at a partial 
��������pressure in excess of 100,000 Pa (approximately 1 atm).
����������� ``(B) The term `mercury vapor lamp' includes clear, 
��������phosphor-coated, and self-ballasted lamps described in 
��������subparagraph (A).
����������� ``(48) The term `mercury vapor lamp ballast' means a device 
��������that is designed and marketed to start and operate mercury vapor 
��������lamps by providing the necessary voltage and current.
����������� ``(49) The term `ceiling fan' means a nonportable device 
��������that is suspended from a ceiling for circulating air via the 
��������rotation of fan blades.
����������� ``(50) The term `ceiling fan light kit' means equipment 
��������designed to provide light from a ceiling fan that can be--
������������������� ``(A) integral, such that the equipment is attached 
����������������to the ceiling fan prior to the time of retail sale; or
������������������� ``(B) attachable, such that at the time of retail 
����������������sale the equipment is not physically attached to the 
����������������ceiling fan, but may be included inside the ceiling fan 
����������������at the time of sale or sold separately for subsequent 
����������������attachment to the fan.
����������� ``(51) The term `medium screw base' means an Edison screw 
��������base identified with the prefix E-26 in the `American National 
��������Standard for Electric Lamp Bases', ANSI/IEC C81.61-2003, 
��������published by the American National Standards Institute.''.
��� (b) Test Procedures.--Section 323 of the Energy Policy and 
Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6293) is amended--
����������� (1) in subsection (b), by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(9) Test procedures for illuminated exit signs shall be based on 
the test method used under version 2.0 of the Energy Star program of the 
Environmental Protection Agency for illuminated exit signs.
��� ``(10)(A) Test procedures for distribution transformers and low 
voltage dry-type distribution transformers shall be based on the 
`Standard Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of 
Distribution Transformers' prescribed by the National Electrical 
Manufacturers Association (NEMA TP 2-1998).
��� ``(B) The Secretary may review and revise the test procedures 
established under subparagraph (A).
��� ``(C) For purposes of section 346(a), the test procedures 
established under subparagraph (A) shall be considered to be the testing 
requirements prescribed by the Secretary under section 346(a)(1) for 
distribution transformers for which the Secretary makes a determination 
that energy conservation standards would--
����������� ``(i) be technologically feasible and economically 
��������justified; and
����������� ``(ii) result in significant energy savings.
[[Page 119 STAT. 628]]
��� ``(11) Test procedures for traffic signal modules and pedestrian 
modules shall be based on the test method used under the Energy Star 
program of the Environmental Protection Agency for traffic signal 
modules, as in effect on the date of enactment of this paragraph.
��� ``(12)(A) Test procedures for medium base compact fluorescent lamps 
shall be based on the test methods for compact fluorescent lamps used 
under the August 9, 2001, version of the Energy Star program of the 
Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy.
��� ``(B) Except as provided in subparagraph (C), medium base compact 
fluorescent lamps shall meet all test requirements for regulated 
parameters of section 325(cc).
��� ``(C) Notwithstanding subparagraph (B), if manufacturers document 
engineering predictions and analysis that support expected attainment of 
lumen maintenance at 40 percent rated life and lamp lifetime, medium 
base compact fluorescent lamps may be marketed before completion of the 
testing of lamp life and lumen maintenance at 40 percent of rated life.
��� ``(13) Test procedures for dehumidifiers shall be based on the test 
criteria used under the Energy Star Program Requirements for 
Dehumidifiers developed by the Environmental Protection Agency, as in 
effect on the date of enactment of this paragraph unless revised by the 
Secretary pursuant to this section.
��� ``(14) The test procedure for measuring flow rate for commercial 
prerinse spray valves shall be based on American Society for Testing and 
Materials Standard F2324, entitled `Standard Test Method for Pre-Rinse 
Spray Valves'.
��� ``(15) The test procedure for refrigerated bottled or canned 
beverage vending machines shall be based on American National Standards 
Institute/American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-
Conditioning Engineers Standard 32.1-2004, entitled `Methods of Testing 
for Rating Vending Machines for Bottled, Canned or Other Sealed 
��� ``(16)(A)(i) Test procedures for ceiling fans shall be based on the 
`Energy Star Testing Facility Guidance Manual: Building a Testing 
Facility and Performing the Solid State Test Method for ENERGY STAR 
Qualified Ceiling Fans, Version 1.1' published by the Environmental 
Protection Agency.
��� ``(ii) Test procedures for ceiling fan light kits shall be based on 
the test procedures referenced in the Energy Star specifications for 
Residential Light Fixtures and Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs, as in 
effect on the date of enactment of this paragraph.
��� ``(B) The Secretary may review and revise the test procedures 
established under subparagraph (A).''; and
����������� (2) by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(f) Additional <<NOTE: Deadline. Requirements.>> Consumer and 
Commercial Products.--(1) Not later than 2 years after the date of 
enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall prescribe testing 
requirements for refrigerated bottled or canned beverage vending 
��� ``(2) To the maximum extent practicable, the testing requirements 
prescribed under paragraph (1) shall be based on existing test 
procedures used in industry.''.
��� (c) Standard Setting Authority.--Section 325 of the Energy Policy 
and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6295) is amended--
����������� (1) in subsection (f)(3), by adding at the end the 
[[Page 119 STAT. 629]]
��� ``(D) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, if the 
requirements of subsection (o) are met, the Secretary may consider and 
prescribe energy conservation standards or energy use standards for 
electricity used for purposes of circulating air through duct work.'';
����������� (2) in subsection (g)--
������������������� (A) in paragraph (6)(B), by inserting ``and 
����������������labeled'' after ``designed''; and
������������������� (B) by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(8)(A) Each fluorescent lamp ballast (other than replacement 
ballasts or ballasts described in subparagraph (C))--
����������� ``(i)(I) manufactured on or after July 1, 2009;
����������� ``(II) sold by the manufacturer on or after October 1, 2009; 
����������� ``(III) incorporated into a luminaire by a luminaire 
��������manufacturer on or after July 1, 2010; and
����������� ``(ii) designed--
������������������� ``(I) to operate at nominal input voltages of 120 or 
����������������277 volts;
������������������� ``(II) to operate with an input current frequency of 
����������������60 Hertz; and
������������������� ``(III) for use in connection with F34T12 lamps, 
����������������F96T12/ES lamps, or F96T12HO/ES lamps;
������� shall have a power factor of 0.90 or greater and shall have a 
��������ballast efficacy factor of not less than the following:
���������� ...................Total������������.....................
``ApplicaBallast������������� nominal����������� Ballast
 tion forinput��������������� lamp�������������� efficacy
 operatiovoltage������������� watts������������� factor
 n of
One������� 120/277������������� 34���� ������������2.61
Two������� 120/277������������� 68���������������� 1.35
Two������� 120/277������������� 120��������������� 0.77
 ES lamps
Two������� 120/277������������� 190��������������� 0.42.
 ES lamps
��� ``(B) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> The standards described in 
subparagraph (A) shall apply to all ballasts covered by subparagraph 
(A)(ii) that are manufactured on or after July 1, 2010, or sold by the 
manufacturer on or after October 1, 2010.
��� ``(C) The standards described in subparagraph (A) do not apply to--
����������� ``(i) a ballast that is designed for dimming to 50 percent 
��������or less of the maximum output of the ballast;
����������� ``(ii) a ballast that is designed for use with 2 F96T12HO 
��������lamps at ambient temperatures of 20F or less and for use in an 
��������outdoor sign; or
����������� ``(iii) a ballast that has a power factor of less than 0.90 
��������and is designed and labeled for use only in residential 
����������� (3) in subsection (o), by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(5) The Secretary may set more than 1 energy conservation standard 
for products that serve more than 1 major function by setting 1 energy 
conservation standard for each major function.''; and
����������� (4) by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(u) Battery <<NOTE: Deadline. Notice. Regulations.>> Charger and 
External Power Supply Electric Energy Consumption.--(1)(A) Not later 
than 18 months after the date of enactment of this subsection, the 
Secretary shall, after providing notice and an opportunity for comment, 
prescribe, by
[[Page 119 STAT. 630]]
rule, definitions and test procedures for the power use of battery 
chargers and external power supplies.
��� ``(B) In establishing the test procedures under subparagraph (A), 
the Secretary shall--
����������� ``(i) consider existing definitions and test procedures used 
��������for measuring energy consumption in standby mode and other 
��������modes; and
����������� ``(ii) assess the current and projected future market for 
��������battery chargers and external power supplies.
��� ``(C) The assessment under subparagraph (B)(ii) shall include--
����������� ``(i) estimates of the significance of potential energy 
��������savings from technical improvements to battery chargers and 
��������external power supplies; and
����������� ``(ii) suggested product classes for energy conservation 
��� ``(D) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Not later than 18 months after the date of 
enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall hold a scoping 
workshop to discuss and receive comments on plans for developing energy 
conservation standards for energy use for battery chargers and external 
power supplies.
��� ``(E)(i) <<NOTE: Deadline. Regultions.>> Not later than 3 years 
after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall 
issue a final rule that determines whether energy conservation standards 
shall be issued for battery chargers and external power supplies or 
classes of battery chargers and external power supplies.
��� ``(ii) For each product class, any energy conservation standards 
issued under clause (i) shall be set at the lowest level of energy use 
����������� ``(I) meets the criteria and procedures of subsections (o), 
��������(p), (q), (r), (s), and (t); and
����������� ``(II) would result in significant overall annual energy 
��������savings, considering standby mode and other operating modes.
��� ``(2) In determining under section 323 whether test procedures and 
energy conservation standards under this section should be revised with 
respect to covered products that are major sources of standby mode 
energy consumption, the Secretary shall consider whether to incorporate 
standby mode into the test procedures and energy conservation standards, 
taking into account standby mode power consumption compared to overall 
product energy consumption.
��� ``(3) The Secretary shall not propose an energy conservation 
standard under this section, unless the Secretary has issued applicable 
test procedures for each product under section 323.
��� ``(4) <<NOTE: Applicability. Effective date.>> Any energy 
conservation standard issued under this subsection shall be applicable 
to products manufactured or imported beginning on the date that is 3 
years after the date of issuance.
��� ``(5) The Secretary and the Administrator shall collaborate and 
develop programs (including programs under section 324A and other 
voluntary industry agreements or codes of conduct) that are designed to 
reduce standby mode energy use.
��� ``(v) Ceiling <<NOTE: Deadline. Regulations.>> Fans and Refrigerated 
Beverage Vending Machines.--(1) Not later than 1 year after the date of 
enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall prescribe, by rule, 
test procedures and energy conservation standards for ceiling fans and 
ceiling fan light kits. If the Secretary sets such standards, the 
Secretary shall consider exempting or setting different standards for 
certain product classes for which the primary standards are not 
[[Page 119 STAT. 631]]
feasible or economically justified, and establishing separate or 
exempted product classes for highly decorative fans for which air 
movement performance is a secondary design feature.
��� ``(2) <<NOTE: Deadline. Regulations.>> Not later than 4 years after 
the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall prescribe, 
by rule, energy conservation standards for refrigerated bottle or canned 
beverage vending machines.
��� ``(3) In establishing energy conservation standards under this 
subsection, the Secretary shall use the criteria and procedures 
prescribed under subsections (o) and (p).
��� ``(4) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> Any energy conservation standard 
prescribed under this subsection shall apply to products manufactured 3 
years after the date of publication of a final rule establishing the 
energy conservation standard.
��� ``(w) Illuminated Exit Signs.--An illuminated exit sign manufactured 
on or after January 1, 2006, shall meet the version 2.0 Energy Star 
Program performance requirements for illuminated exit signs prescribed 
by the Environmental Protection Agency.
��� ``(x) Torchieres.--A torchiere manufactured on or after January 1, 
����������� ``(1) shall consume not more than 190 watts of power; and
����������� ``(2) shall not be capable of operating with lamps that 
��������total more than 190 watts.
��� ``(y) Low Voltage Dry-Type Distribution Transformers.--The 
efficiency of a low voltage dry-type distribution transformer 
manufactured on or after January 1, 2007, shall be the Class I 
Efficiency Levels for distribution transformers specified in table 4-2 
of the `Guide for Determining Energy Efficiency for Distribution 
Transformers' published by the National Electrical Manufacturers 
Association (NEMA TP-1-2002).
��� ``(z) Traffic Signal Modules and Pedestrian Modules.--Any traffic 
signal module or pedestrian module manufactured on or after January 1, 
2006, shall--
����������� ``(1) meet the performance requirements used under the 
��������Energy Star program of the Environmental Protection Agency for 
��������traffic signals, as in effect on the date of enactment of this 
��������subsection; and
����������� ``(2) be installed with compatible, electrically connected 
��������signal control interface devices and conflict monitoring 
��� ``(aa) Unit Heaters.--A unit heater manufactured on or after the 
date that is 3 years after the date of enactment of this subsection 
����������� ``(1) be equipped with an intermittent ignition device; and
����������� ``(2) have power venting or an automatic flue damper.
��� ``(bb) Medium Base Compact Fluorescent Lamps.--(1) A bare lamp and 
covered lamp (no reflector) medium base compact fluorescent lamp 
manufactured on or after January 1, 2006, shall meet the following 
requirements prescribed by the August 9, 2001, version of the Energy 
Star Program Requirements for Compact Fluorescent Lamps, Energy Star 
Eligibility Criteria, Energy-Efficiency Specification issued by the 
Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy:
����������� ``(A) Minimum initial efficacy.
����������� ``(B) Lumen maintenance at 1000 hours.
����������� ``(C) Lumen maintenance at 40 percent of rated life.
����������� ``(D) Rapid cycle stress test.
[[Page 119 STAT. 632]]
����������� ``(E) Lamp life.
��� ``(2) The Secretary may, by rule, establish requirements for color 
quality (CRI), power factor, operating frequency, and maximum allowable 
start time based on the requirements prescribed by the August 9, 2001, 
version of the Energy Star Program Requirements for Compact Fluorescent 
��� ``(3) The Secretary may, by rule--
����������� ``(A) revise the requirements established under paragraph 
��������(2); or
����������� ``(B) establish other requirements, after considering energy 
��������savings, cost effectiveness, and consumer satisfaction.
��� ``(cc) Dehumidifiers.--(1) Dehumidifiers manufactured on or after 
October 1, 2007, shall have an Energy Factor that meets or exceeds the 
following values:
``Product Capacity (pints/day)Minimum Energy Factor (Liters/kWh)........
25.00 or less����������������������������������������������������� 1.00 
25.01 - 35.00����������������������������������������������������� 1.20 
35.01 - 54.00���������������������������� �������������������������1.30 
54.01 - 74.99����������������������������������������������������� 1.50 
75.00 or more����������������������������������������������������� 2.25.
��� ``(2)(A) <<NOTE: Deadline. Publication. Regulations.>> Not later 
than October 1, 2009, the Secretary shall publish a final rule in 
accordance with subsections (o) and (p), to determine whether the energy 
conservation standards established under paragraph (1) should be 
��� ``(B) The final rule published under subparagraph (A) shall--
����������� ``(i) contain any amendment by the Secretary; and
����������� ``(ii) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> provide that the amendment 
��������applies to products manufactured on or after October 1, 2012.
��� ``(C) If the Secretary does not publish an amendment that takes 
effect by October 1, 2012, dehumidifiers manufactured on or after 
October 1, 2012, shall have an Energy Factor that meets or exceeds the 
following values:
``Product Capacity (pints/day)Minimum Energy Factor (Liters/kWh)........
25.00 or less����������������������������������������������������� 1.20 
25.01 - 35.00����������������������������������������������������� 1.30 
35.01 - 45.00����������������������������������������������������� 1.40 
45.01 - 54.00����������������������������������������������������� 1.50 
54.01 - 74.99����������������������������������������������������� 1.60 
75.00 or more������������������������������������������������������ 2.5.
��� ``(dd) Commercial Prerinse Spray Valves.--Commercial prerinse spray 
valves manufactured on or after January 1, 2006, shall have a flow rate 
of not more than 1.6 gallons per minute.
��� ``(ee) Mercury Vapor Lamp Ballasts.--Mercury vapor lamp ballasts 
shall not be manufactured or imported after January 1, 2008.
��� ``(ff) Ceiling Fans and Ceiling Fan Light Kits.--(1)(A) All ceiling 
fans manufactured on or after January 1, 2007, shall have the following 
����������� ``(i) Fan speed controls separate from any lighting 
����������� ``(ii) Adjustable speed controls (either more than 1 speed 
��������or variable speed).
����������� ``(iii) Adjustable speed controls (either more than 1 speed 
��������or variable speed).
����������� ``(iv) The capability of reversible fan action, except for--
[[Page 119 STAT. 633]]
������������������� ``(I) fans sold for industrial applications;
������������������� ``(II) outdoor applications; and
������������������� ``(III) cases in which safety standards would be 
����������������violated by the use of the reversible mode.
��� ``(B) The Secretary may define the exceptions described in clause 
(iv) in greater detail, but shall not substantively expand the 
��� ``(2)(A) Ceiling fan light kits with medium screw base sockets 
manufactured on or after January 1, 2007, shall be packaged with screw-
based lamps to fill all screw base sockets.
��� ``(B) The screw-based lamps required under subparagraph (A) shall--
����������� ``(i) meet the Energy Star Program Requirements for Compact 
��������Fluorescent Lamps, version 3.0, issued by the Department of 
��������Energy; or
����������� ``(ii) use light sources other than compact fluorescent 
��������lamps that have lumens per watt performance at least equivalent 
��������to comparably configured compact fluorescent lamps meeting the 
��������Energy Star Program Requirements described in clause (i).
��� ``(3) Ceiling fan light kits with pin-based sockets for fluorescent 
lamps manufactured on or after January 1, 2007 shall--
����������� ``(A) meet the Energy Star Program Requirements for 
��������Residential Light Fixtures version 4.0 issued by the 
��������Environmental Protection Agency; and
����������� ``(B) be packaged with lamps to fill all sockets.
��� ``(4)(A) <<NOTE: Deadline. Requirements.>> By January 1, 2007, the 
Secretary shall consider and issue requirements for any ceiling fan 
lighting kits other than those covered in paragraphs (2) and (3), 
including candelabra screw base sockets.
��� ``(B) The requirements issued under subparagraph (A) shall be 
effective for products manufactured 2 years after the date of the final 
��� ``(C) If the Secretary fails to issue a final rule by the date 
specified in subparagraph (B), any type of ceiling fan lighting kit 
described in subparagraph (A) that is manufactured after January 1, 
����������� ``(i) shall not be capable of operating with lamps that 
��������total more than 190 watts; and
����������� ``(ii) shall include the lamps described in clause (i) in 
��������the ceiling fan lighting kits.
��� ``(5)(A) After January 1, 2010, the Secretary may consider, and 
issue, if the requirements of subsections (o) and (p) are met, amended 
energy efficiency standards for ceiling fan light kits.
��� ``(B) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> Any amended standards issued under 
subparagraph (A) shall apply to products manufactured not earlier than 2 
years after the date of publication of the final rule establishing the 
amended standard.
��� ``(6)(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the 
Secretary may consider, and issue, if the requirements of subsections 
(o) and (p) are met, energy efficiency or energy use standards for 
electricity used by ceiling fans to circulate air in a room.
��� ``(B) In issuing the standards under subparagraph (A), the Secretary 
shall consider--
����������� ``(C) exempting, or setting different standards for, certain 
��������product classes for which the primary standards are not 
��������technically feasible or economically justified; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 634]]
����������� ``(D) establishing separate exempted product classes for 
��������highly decorative fans for which air movement performance is a 
��������secondary design feature.
��� ``(7) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> Section 327 shall apply to the 
products covered in paragraphs (1) through (4) beginning on the date of 
enactment of this subsection, except that any State or local labeling 
requirement for ceiling fans prescribed or enacted before the date of 
enactment of this subsection shall not be preempted until the labeling 
requirements applicable to ceiling fans established under section 327 
take effect.
��� ``(gg) Application Date.--Section 327 applies--
����������� ``(1) to products for which energy conservation standards 
��������are to be established under subsection (l), (u), or (v) 
��������beginning on the date on which a final rule is issued by the 
��������Secretary, except that any State or local standard prescribed or 
��������enacted for the product before the date on which the final rule 
��������is issued shall not be preempted until the energy conservation 
��������standard established under subsection (l), (u), or (v) for the 
��������product takes effect; and
����������� ``(2) to products for which energy conservation standards 
��������are established under subsections (w) through (ff) on the date 
��������of enactment of those subsections, except that any State or 
��������local standard prescribed or enacted before the date of 
��������enactment of those subsections shall not be preempted until the 
��������energy conservation standards established under subsections (w) 
��������through (ff) take effect.''.
��� (d) General Rule of Preemption.--Section 327(c) of the Energy Policy 
and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6297(c)) is amended--
����������� (1) in paragraph (5), by striking ``or'' at the end;
����������� (2) in paragraph (6), by striking the period at the end and 
��������inserting ``; or''; and
����������� (3) by adding at the end the following:
����������� ``(7)(A) is a regulation concerning standards for commercial 
��������prerinse spray valves adopted by the California Energy 
��������Commission before January 1, 2005; or
����������� ``(B) is an amendment to a regulation described in 
��������subparagraph (A) that was developed to align California 
��������regulations with changes in American Society for Testing and 
��������Materials Standard F2324;
����������� ``(8)(A) is a regulation concerning standards for pedestrian 
��������modules adopted by the California Energy Commission before 
��������January 1, 2005; or
����������� ``(B) is an amendment to a regulation described in 
��������subparagraph (A) that was developed to align California 
��������regulations to changes in the Institute for Transportation 
��������Engineers standards, entitled `Performance Specification: 
��������Pedestrian Traffic Control Signal Indications'.''.
��� (a) Definitions.--Section 340 of the Energy Policy and Conservation 
Act (42 U.S.C. 6311) is amended--
����������� (1) in paragraph (1)--
������������������� (A) by redesignating subparagraphs (D) through (G) 
����������������as subparagraphs (H) through (K), respectively; and
������������������� (B) by inserting after subparagraph (C) the 
[[Page 119 STAT. 635]]
������������������� ``(D) Very large commercial package air conditioning 
����������������and heating equipment.
������������������� ``(E) Commercial refrigerators, freezers, and 
������������������� ``(F) Automatic commercial ice makers.
������������������� ``(G) Commercial clothes washers.'';
����������� (2) in paragraph (2)(B), by striking ``small and large 
��������commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment'' and 
��������inserting ``commercial package air conditioning and heating 
��������equipment, commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-
������� freezers, automatic commercial ice makers, commercial clothes 
����������� (3) by striking paragraphs (8) and (9) and inserting the 
����������� ``(8)(A) The term `commercial package air conditioning and 
��������heating equipment' means air-cooled, water-cooled, 
��������evaporatively-cooled, or water source (not including ground 
��������water source) electrically operated, unitary central air 
��������conditioners and central air conditioning heat pumps for 
��������commercial application.
����������� ``(B) The term `small commercial package air conditioning 
��������and heating equipment' means commercial package air conditioning 
��������and heating equipment that is rated below 135,000 Btu per hour 
��������(cooling capacity).
����������� ``(C) The term `large commercial package air conditioning 
��������and heating equipment' means commercial package air conditioning 
��������and heating equipment that is rated--
������������������� ``(i) at or above 135,000 Btu per hour; and
������������������� ``(ii) below 240,000 Btu per hour (cooling 
����������� ``(D) The term `very large commercial package air 
��������conditioning and heating equipment' means commercial package air 
��������conditioning and heating equipment that is rated--
������������������� ``(i) at or above 240,000 Btu per hour; and
���������������� ���``(ii) below 760,000 Btu per hour (cooling 
����������� ``(9)(A) The term `commercial refrigerator, freezer, and 
��������refrigerator-freezer' means refrigeration equipment that--
������������������� ``(i) is not a consumer product (as defined in 
����������������section 321);
������������������� ``(ii) is not designed and marketed exclusively for 
����������������medical, scientific, or research purposes;
������������������� ``(iii) operates at a chilled, frozen, combination 
����������������chilled and frozen, or variable temperature;
������������������� ``(iv) displays or stores merchandise and other 
����������������perishable materials horizontally, semivertically, or 
������������������� ``(v) has transparent or solid doors, sliding or 
����������������hinged doors, a combination of hinged, sliding, 
����������������transparent, or solid doors, or no doors;
������������������� ``(vi) is designed for pull-down temperature 
����������������applications or holding temperature applications; and
������������������� ``(vii) is connected to a self-contained condensing 
����������������unit or to a remote condensing unit.
����������� ``(B) The term `holding temperature application' means a use 
��������of commercial refrigeration equipment other than a pull-down 
��������temperature application, except a blast chiller or freezer.
����������� ``(C) The term `integrated average temperature' means the 
��������average temperature of all test package measurements taken 
��������during the test.
[[Page 119 STAT. 636]]
����������� ``(D) The term `pull-down temperature application' means a 
��������commercial refrigerator with doors that, when fully loaded with 
��������12 ounce beverage cans at 90 degrees F, can cool those beverages 
��������to an average stable temperature of 38 degrees F in 12 hours or 
����������� ``(E) The term `remote condensing unit' means a factory-made 
��������assembly of refrigerating components designed to compress and 
��������liquefy a specific refrigerant that is remotely located from the 
��������refrigerated equipment and consists of one or more refrigerant 
��������compressors, refrigerant condensers, condenser fans and motors, 
��������and factory supplied accessories.
����������� ``(F) The term `self-contained condensing unit' means a 
��������factory-made assembly of refrigerating components designed to 
��������compress and liquefy a specific refrigerant that is an integral 
��������part of the refrigerated equipment and consists of one or more 
��������refrigerant compressors, refrigerant condensers, condenser fans 
��������and motors, and factory supplied accessories.''; and
����������� (4) by adding at the end the following:
������ �����``(19) The term `automatic commercial ice maker' means a 
��������factory-made assembly (not necessarily shipped in one package) 
������������������� ``(A) consists of a condensing unit and ice-making 
����������������section operating as an integrated unit, with means for 
����������������making and harvesting ice; and
������������������� ``(B) may include means for storing ice, dispensing 
����������������ice, or storing and dispensing ice.
����������� ``(20) The term `commercial clothes washer' means a soft-
������� mount front-loading or soft-mount top-loading clothes washer 
������������������� ``(A) has a clothes container compartment that--
������������������������� ``(i) for horizontal-axis clothes washers, is 
����������������������not more than 3.5 cubic feet; and
������������������������� ``(ii) for vertical-axis clothes washers, is 
����������������������not more than 4.0 cubic feet; and
������������������� ``(B) is designed for use in--
������������������������ ``(i) applications in which the occupants of 
����������������������more than one household will be using the clothes 
����������������������washer, such as multi-family housing common areas 
����������������������and coin laundries; or
����������������� ��������``(ii) other commercial applications.
����������� ``(21) The term `harvest rate' means the amount of ice (at 
��������32 degrees F) in pounds produced per 24 hours.''.
��� (b) Standards for Commercial Package Air Conditioning and Heating 
Equipment.--Section 342(a) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 
U.S.C. 6313(a)) is amended--
����������� (1) in the subsection heading, by striking ``Small and 
��������Large'' and inserting ``Small, Large, and Very Large'';
����������� (2) in paragraph (1), by inserting ``but before January 1, 
��������2010,'' after ``January 1, 1994,'';
����������� (3) in paragraph (2), by inserting ``but before January 1, 
��������2010,'' after ``January 1, 1995,''; and
����������� (4) in paragraph (6)--
������������� ������(A) in subparagraph (A)--
������������������������� (i) by inserting ``(i)'' after ``(A)'';
������������������������� (ii) by striking ``the date of enactment of 
����������������������the Energy Policy Act of 1992'' and inserting 
����������������������``January 1, 2010'';
[[Page 119 STAT. 637]]
������������������������� (iii) by inserting after ``large commercial 
����������������������package air conditioning and heating equipment,'' 
����������������������the following: ``and very large commercial package 
����������������������air conditioning and heating equipment, or if 
����������������������ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1, as in effect on October 
����������������������24, 1992, is amended with respect to any''; and
������������������������� (iv) by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(ii) If ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 is not amended with respect to 
small commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment, large 
commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment, and very 
large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment during 
the 5-year period beginning on the effective date of a standard, the 
Secretary may initiate a rulemaking to determine whether a more 
stringent standard--
����������� ``(I) would result in significant additional conservation of 
��������energy; and
����������� ``(II) is technologically feasible and economically 
��������justified.''; and
������������������� (B) in subparagraph (C)(ii), by inserting ``and very 
����������������large commercial package air conditioning and heating 
����������������equipment'' after ``large commercial package air 
����������������conditioning and heating equipment''; and
����������� (5) by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(7) Small commercial package air conditioning and heating 
equipment manufactured on or after January 1, 2010, shall meet the 
following standards:
����������� ``(A) The minimum energy efficiency ratio of air-cooled 
��������central air conditioners at or above 65,000 Btu per hour 
��������(cooling capacity) and less than 135,000 Btu per hour (cooling 
��������capacity) shall be--
������������������� ``(i) 11.2 for equipment with no heating or electric 
����������������resistance heating; and
������������������� ``(ii) 11.0 for equipment with all other heating 
����������������system types that are integrated into the equipment (at 
����������������a standard rating of 95 degrees F db).
����������� ``(B) The minimum energy efficiency ratio of air-cooled 
��������central air conditioner heat pumps at or above 65,000 Btu per 
��������hour (cooling capacity) and less than 135,000 Btu per hour 
��������(cooling capacity) shall be--
������������������� ``(i) 11.0 for equipment with no heating or electric 
����������������resistance heating; and
������������������� ``(ii) 10.8 for equipment with all other heating 
����������������system types that are integrated into the equipment (at 
����������������a standard rating of 95 degrees F db).
����������� ``(C) The minimum coefficient of performance in the heating 
��������mode of air-cooled central air conditioning heat pumps at or 
��������above 65,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) and less than 
��������135,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) shall be 3.3 (at a high 
��������temperature rating of 47 degrees F db).
��� ``(8) Large commercial package air conditioning and heating 
equipment manufactured on or after January 1, 2010, shall meet the 
following standards:
����������� ``(A) The minimum energy efficiency ratio of air-cooled 
��������central air conditioners at or above 135,000 Btu per hour 
��������(cooling capacity) and less than 240,000 Btu per hour (cooling 
��������capacity) shall be--
[[Page 119 STAT. 638]]
������������������� ``(i) 11.0 for equipment with no heating or electric 
����������������resistance heating; and
������������������� ``(ii) 10.8 for equipment with all other heating 
����������������system types that are integrated into the equipment (at 
����������������a standard rating of 95 degrees F db).
����������� ``(B) The minimum energy efficiency ratio of air-cooled 
��������central air conditioner heat pumps at or above 135,000 Btu per 
��������hour (cooling capacity) and less than 240,000 Btu per hour 
��������(cooling capacity) shall be--
������������������� ``(i) 10.6 for equipment with no heating or electric 
����������������resistance heating; and
������������������� ``(ii) 10.4 for equipment with all other heating 
����������������system types that are integrated into the equipment (at 
����������������a standard rating of 95 degrees F db).
����������� ``(C) The minimum coefficient of performance in the heating 
��������mode of air-cooled central air conditioning heat pumps at or 
��������above 135,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) and less than 
��������240,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) shall be 3.2 (at a high 
��������temperature rating of 47 degrees F db).
��� ``(9) Very large commercial package air conditioning and heating 
equipment manufactured on or after January 1, 2010, shall meet the 
following standards:
����������� ``(A) The minimum energy efficiency ratio of air-cooled 
��������central air conditioners at or above 240,000 Btu per hour 
��������(cooling capacity) and less than 760,000 Btu per hour (cooling 
��������capacity) shall be--
������������������� ``(i) 10.0 for equipment with no heating or electric 
����������������resistance heating; and
������������������� ``(ii) 9.8 for equipment with all other heating 
����������������system types that are integrated into the equipment (at 
����������������a standard rating of 95 degrees F db).
����������� ``(B) The minimum energy efficiency ratio of air-cooled 
��������central air conditioner heat pumps at or above 240,000 Btu per 
��������hour (cooling capacity) and less than 760,000 Btu per hour 
��������(cooling capacity) shall be--
������������������� ``(i) 9.5 for equipment with no heating or electric 
����������������resistance heating; and
������������������� ``(ii) 9.3 for equipment with all other heating 
����������������system types that are integrated into the equipment (at 
����������������a standard rating of 95 degrees F db).
����������� ``(C) The minimum coefficient of performance in the heating 
��������mode of air-cooled central air conditioning heat pumps at or 
��������above 240,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) and less than 
��������760,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) shall be 3.2 (at a high 
��������temperature rating of 47 degrees F db).''.
��� (c) Standards for Commercial Refrigerators, Freezers, and 
Refrigerator-Freezers.--Section 342 of the Energy Policy and 
Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6313) is amended by adding at the end the 
��� ``(c) Commercial Refrigerators, Freezers, and Refrigerator-
Freezers.--(1) In this subsection:
����������� ``(A) The term `AV' means the adjusted volume 
��������(ft<SUP>3</SUP>) (defined as 1.63 x frozen temperature 
��������compartment volume (ft<SUP>3</SUP>) + chilled temperature 
��������compartment volume (ft<SUP>3</SUP>)) with compartment volumes 
��������measured in accordance with the Association of Home Appliance 
��������Manufacturers Standard HRF1-1979.
[[Page 119 STAT. 639]]
����������� ``(B) The term `V' means the chilled or frozen compartment 
��������volume (ft<SUP>3</SUP>) (as defined in the Association of Home 
��������Appliance Manufacturers Standard HRF1-1979).
����������� ``(C) Other terms have such meanings as may be established 
��������by the Secretary, based on industry-accepted definitions and 
��� ``(2) Each commercial refrigerator, freezer, and refrigerator-
freezer with a self-contained condensing unit designed for holding 
temperature applications manufactured on or after January 1, 2010, shall 
have a daily energy consumption (in kilowatt hours per day) that does 
not exceed the following:
��Refrigerators with solid doors..0.10 V + 2.04
Refrigerators with transparent��� 0.12 V + 3.34
�� doors.
Freezers with solid doors.......0.40 V + 1.38
Freezers with transparent doors.0.75 V + 4.10
Refrigerators/freezers with������ 0.27 AV - 0.71 or 0.70.
�� solid doors the greater of.
��� ``(3) Each commercial refrigerator with a self-contained condensing 
unit designed for pull-down temperature applications and transparent 
doors manufactured on or after January 1, 2010, shall have a daily 
energy consumption (in kilowatt hours per day) of not more than 0.126 V 
+ 3.51.
��� ``(4)(A) <<NOTE: Deadline. Regulations.>> Not later than January 1, 
2009, the Secretary shall issue, by rule, standard levels for ice-cream 
freezers, self-contained commercial refrigerators, freezers, and 
refrigerator-freezers without doors, and remote condensing commercial 
refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers, with the standard 
levels effective for equipment manufactured on or after January 1, 2012.
��� ``(B) The Secretary may issue, by rule, standard levels for other 
types of commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers 
not covered by paragraph (2)(A) with the standard levels effective for 
equipment manufactured 3 or more years after the date on which the final 
rule is published.
��� ``(5)(A) <<NOTE: Deadlines. Regulations.>> Not later than January 1, 
2013, the Secretary shall issue a final rule to determine whether the 
standards established under this subsection should be amended.
��� ``(B) Not later than 3 years after the effective date of any amended 
standards under subparagraph (A) or the publication of a final rule 
determining that the standards should not be amended, the Secretary 
shall issue a final rule to determine whether the standards established 
under this subsection or the amended standards, as applicable, should be 
��� ``(C) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> If the Secretary issues a final rule 
under subparagraph (A) or (B) establishing amended standards, the final 
rule shall provide that the amended standards apply to products 
manufactured on or after the date that is--
����������� ``(i) 3 years after the date on which the final amended 
��������standard is published; or
����������� ``(ii) if the Secretary determines, by rule, that 3 years is 
��������inadequate, not later than 5 years after the date on which the 
��������final rule is published.''.
��� (d) Standards for Automatic Commercial Ice Makers.--Section 342 of 
the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C.
[[Page 119 STAT. 640]]
6313) (as amended by subsection (c)) is amended by adding at the end the 
��� ``(d) Automatic Commercial Ice Makers.--(1) Each automatic 
commercial ice maker that produces cube type ice with capacities between 
50 and 2500 pounds per 24-hour period when tested according to the test 
standard established in section 343(a)(7) and is manufactured on or 
after January 1, 2010, shall meet the following standard levels:
��������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������Maximum Condenser
�������� Equipment Type������������ Type of���� Harvest Rate (lbs ice/�� Maximum Energy Use�� Water Use (gal/100
����������������������������������� Cooling���������� 24 hours)���������� (kWh/100 lbs Ice)������� lbs Ice)
Ice Making Head����������������� Water�������� <500�������������������� 7.80-0.0055H��������� 200-0.022H
����������� ����������������������������������------------------------------------------------------------------
���������������������������������������������� 500 and <1436����������� 5.58-0.0011H��������� 200-0.022H
��������������������������������������������� ------------------------------------------------------------------
���������������������������������������������� 1436�������������������� 4.0������������������ 200-0.022H
Ice Making Head����������������� Air���������� <450�������������������� 10.26-0.0086H�������� Not Applicable
��������������������������������� ������������------------------------------------------------------------------
���������������������������������������������� 450��������������������� 6.89-0.0011H��������� Not Applicable
Remote Condensing��������������� Air���������� <1000������������������� 8.85-0.0038H��������� Not Applicable
(but not remote
��������������������������������������������� ------------------------------------------------------------------
���������������������������������������������� 1000�������������������� 5.10����������������� Not Applicable
Remote Condensing��������������� Air���������� <934�������������������� 8.85-0.0038H��������� Not Applicable
and Remote
��������������������������������������������� ------------------------------------------------------------------
������ ����������������������������������������934��������������������� 5.3������������������ Not Applicable
Self Contained������������������ Water�� ������<200�������������������� 11.40-0.019H��������� 191-0.0315H
��������������������������������������������� ------------------------------------------------------------------
���������������������������������������������� 200��������������������� 7.60����������������191-0.0315H
Self Contained������������������ Air���������� <175�������������������� 18.0-0.0469H��������� Not Applicable
����� ����������������������������������������------------------------------------------------------------------
���������������������������������������������� 175��������������������� 9.80����������������� Not Applicable
H = Harvest rate in pounds per 24 hours.
Water use is for the condenser only and does not include potable water used to make ice.
��� ``(2)(A) The Secretary may issue, by rule, standard levels for types 
of automatic commercial ice makers that are not covered by paragraph 
��� ``(B) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> The standards established under 
subparagraph (A) shall apply to products manufactured on or after the 
date that is--
����������� ``(i) 3 years after the date on which the rule is published 
��������under subparagraph (A); or
[[Page 119 STAT. 641]]
����������� ``(ii) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> if the Secretary determines, by 
��������rule, that 3 years is inadequate, not later than 5 years after 
��������the date on which the final rule is published.
��� ``(3)(A) <<NOTE: Deadlines. Regulations.>> Not later than January 1, 
2015, with respect to the standards established under paragraph (1), 
and, with respect to the standards established under paragraph (2), not 
later than 5 years after the date on which the standards take effect, 
the Secretary shall issue a final rule to determine whether amending the 
applicable standards is technologically feasible and economically 
��� ``(B) Not later than 5 years after the effective date of any amended 
standards under subparagraph (A) or the publication of a final rule 
determining that amending the standards is not technologically feasible 
or economically justified, the Secretary shall issue a final rule to 
determine whether amending the standards established under paragraph (1) 
or the amended standards, as applicable, is technologically feasible or 
economically justified.
��� ``(C) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> If the Secretary issues a final rule 
under subparagraph (A) or (B) establishing amended standards, the final 
rule shall provide that the amended standards apply to products 
manufactured on or after the date that is--
���� �������``(i) 3 years after the date on which the final amended 
��������standard is published; or
����������� ``(ii) if the Secretary determines, by rule, that 3 years is 
��������inadequate, not later than 5 years after the date on which the 
��������final amended standard is published.
��� ``(4) A final rule issued under paragraph (2) or (3) shall establish 
standards at the maximum level that is technically feasible and 
economically justified, as provided in subsections (o) and (p) of 
section 325.''.
��� (e) Standards for Commercial Clothes Washers.--Section 342 of the 
Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6313) (as amended by 
subsection (d)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(e) Commercial Clothes Washers.--(1) Each commercial clothes 
washer manufactured on or after January 1, 2007, shall have--
����������� ``(A) a Modified Energy Factor of at least 1.26; and
����������� ``(B) a Water Factor of not more than 9.5.
��� ``(2)(A)(i) <<NOTE: Deadlines. Publication. Regulations.>> Not later 
than January 1, 2010, the Secretary shall publish a final rule to 
determine whether the standards established under paragraph (1) should 
be amended.
��� ``(ii) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> The rule published under clause (i) 
shall provide that any amended standard shall apply to products 
manufactured 3 years after the date on which the final amended standard 
is published.
��� ``(B)(i) Not later than January 1, 2015, the Secretary shall publish 
a final rule to determine whether the standards established under 
paragraph (1) should be amended.
��� ``(ii) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> The rule published under clause (i) 
shall provide that any amended standard shall apply to products 
manufactured 3 years after the date on which the final amended standard 
is published.''.
��� (f) Test Procedures.--Section 343 of the Energy Policy and 
Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6314) is amended--
����������� (1) in subsection (a)--
������������������� (A) in paragraph (4)--
[[Page 119 STAT. 642]]
������������������������� (i) in subparagraph (A), by inserting ``very 
����������������������large commercial package air conditioning and 
����������������������heating equipment,'' after ``large commercial 
����������������������package air conditioning and heating equipment,''; 
������������������������� (ii) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ``very 
����������������������large commercial package air conditioning and 
����������������������heating equipment,'' after ``large commercial 
����������������������package air conditioning and heating equipment,''; 
������������������� (B) by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(6)(A)(i) In the case of commercial refrigerators, freezers, and 
refrigerator-freezers, the test procedures shall be--
����������� ``(I) the test procedures determined by the Secretary to be 
��������generally accepted industry testing procedures; or
����������� ``(II) rating procedures developed or recognized by the 
�������ASHRAE or by the American National Standards Institute.
��� ``(ii) In the case of self-contained refrigerators, freezers, and 
refrigerator-freezers to which standards are applicable under paragraphs 
(2) and (3) of section 342(c), the initial test procedures shall be the 
ASHRAE 117 test procedure that is in effect on January 1, 2005.
��� ``(B)(i) In the case of commercial refrigerators, freezers, and 
refrigerator-freezers with doors covered by the standards adopted in 
February 2002, by the California Energy Commission, the rating 
temperatures shall be the integrated average temperature of 38 degrees F 
( <plus-minus>2 degrees F) for refrigerator compartments and 0 degrees 
F ( <plus-minus>2 degrees F) for freezer compartments.
��� ``(C) <<NOTE: Regulations.>> The Secretary shall issue a rule in 
accordance with paragraphs (2) and (3) to establish the appropriate 
rating temperatures for the other products for which standards will be 
established under section 342(c)(4).
��� ``(D) In establishing the appropriate test temperatures under this 
subparagraph, the Secretary shall follow the procedures and meet the 
requirements under section 323(e).
��� ``(E)(i) <<NOTE: Deadline. Regulations.>> Not later than 180 days 
after the publication of the new ASHRAE 117 test procedure, if the 
ASHRAE 117 test procedure for commercial refrigerators, freezers, and 
refrigerator-freezers is amended, the Secretary shall, by rule, amend 
the test procedure for the product as necessary to ensure that the test 
procedure is consistent with the amended ASHRAE 117 test procedure, 
unless the Secretary makes a determination, by rule, and supported by 
clear and convincing evidence, that to do so would not meet the 
requirements for test procedures under paragraphs (2) and (3).
��� ``(ii) <<NOTE: Notice. Federal Register, publication.>> If the 
Secretary determines that 180 days is an insufficient period during 
which to review and adopt the amended test procedure or rating procedure 
under clause (i), the Secretary shall publish a notice in the Federal 
Register stating the intent of the Secretary to wait not longer than 1 
additional year before putting into effect an amended test procedure or 
rating procedure.
��� ``(F)(i) <<NOTE: Regulations.>> If a test procedure other than the 
ASHRAE 117 test procedure is approved by the American National Standards 
Institute, the Secretary shall, by rule--
����������� ``(I) review the relative strengths and weaknesses of the 
��������new test procedure relative to the ASHRAE 117 test procedure; 
����������� ``(II) based on that review, adopt one new test procedure 
��������for use in the standards program.
��� ``(ii) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> If a new test procedure is adopted 
under clause (i)--
[[Page 119 STAT. 643]]
����������� ``(I) section 323(e) shall apply; and
����������� ``(II) subparagraph (B) shall apply to the adopted test 
��� ``(7)(A) In the case of automatic commercial ice makers, the test 
procedures shall be the test procedures specified in Air-Conditioning 
and Refrigeration Institute Standard 810-2003, as in effect on January 
1, 2005.
��� ``(B)(i) <<NOTE: Regulations. Federal Register, publication.>> If 
Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute Standard 810-2003 is 
amended, the Secretary shall amend the test procedures established in 
subparagraph (A) as necessary to be consistent with the amended Air-
Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute Standard, unless the Secretary 
determines, by rule, published in the Federal Register and supported by 
clear and convincing evidence, that to do so would not meet the 
requirements for test procedures under paragraphs (2) and (3).
��� ``(ii) If the Secretary issues a rule under clause (i) containing a 
determination described in clause (ii), the rule may establish an 
amended test procedure for the product that meets the requirements of 
paragraphs (2) and (3).
��� ``(C) The Secretary shall comply with section 323(e) in establishing 
any amended test procedure under this paragraph.
��� ``(8) With respect to commercial clothes washers, the test 
procedures shall be the same as the test procedures established by the 
Secretary for residential clothes washers under section 325(g).''; and
��������� ��(2) in subsection (d)(1), by inserting ``very large 
��������commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment, 
��������commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers, 
��������automatic commercial ice makers, commercial clothes washers,'' 
��������after ``large commercial package air conditioning and heating 
��� (g) Labeling.--Section 344(e) of the Energy Policy and Conservation 
Act (42 U.S.C. 6315(e)) is amended by inserting ``very large commercial 
package air conditioning and heating equipment, commercial 
refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers, automatic commercial 
ice makers, commercial clothes washers,'' after ``large commercial 
package air conditioning and heating equipment,'' each place it appears.
��� (h) Administration, <<NOTE: Applicability.>> Penalties, Enforcement, 
and Preemption.--Section 345 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act 
(42 U.S.C. 6316) is amended--
����������� (1) in subsection (a)--
������������������� (A) in paragraph (7), by striking ``and'' at the 
������������������� (B) in paragraph (8), by striking the period at the 
����������������end and inserting ``; and''; and
������������������� (C) by adding at the end the following:
����������� ``(9) in the case of commercial clothes washers, section 
��������327(b)(1) shall be applied as if the National Appliance Energy 
��������Conservation Act of 1987 was the Energy Policy Act of 2005.'';
�� ���������(2) in the first sentence of subsection (b)(1), by striking 
��������``part B'' and inserting ``part A''; and
����������� (3) by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(d)(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3), section 327 
shall apply with respect to very large commercial package air 
conditioning and heating equipment to the same extent and in the same 
manner as section 327 applies under part A on the date of enactment of 
this subsection.
[[Page 119 STAT. 644]]
��� ``(2) <<NOTE: Effective date.>> Any State or local standard issued 
before the date of enactment of this subsection shall not be preempted 
until the standards established under section 342(a)(9) take effect on 
January 1, 2010.
��� ``(e)(1)(A) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> Subsections (a), (b), and (d) 
of section 326, subsections (m) through (s) of section 325, and sections 
328 through 336 shall apply with respect to commercial refrigerators, 
freezers, and refrigerator-freezers to the same extent and in the same 
manner as those provisions apply under part A.
��� ``(B) In applying those provisions to commercial refrigerators, 
freezers, and refrigerator-freezers, paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4) 
of subsection (a) shall apply.
��� ``(2)(A) Section 327 shall apply to commercial refrigerators, 
freezers, and refrigerator-freezers for which standards are established 
under paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 342(c) to the same extent and in 
the same manner as those provisions apply under part A on the date of 
enactment of this subsection, except that any State or local standard 
issued before the date of enactment of this subsection shall not be 
preempted until the standards established under paragraphs (2) and (3) 
of section 342(c) take effect.
��� ``(B) In applying section 327 in accordance with subparagraph (A), 
paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a) shall apply.
��� ``(3)(A) Section 327 shall apply to commercial refrigerators, 
freezers, and refrigerator-freezers for which standards are established 
under section 342(c)(4) to the same extent and in the same manner as the 
provisions apply under part A on the date of publication of the final 
rule by the Secretary, except that any State or local standard issued 
before the date of publication of the final rule by the Secretary shall 
not be preempted until the standards take effect.
��� ``(B) In applying section 327 in accordance with subparagraph (A), 
paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a) shall apply.
��� ``(4)(A) If the Secretary does not issue a final rule for a specific 
type of commercial refrigerator, freezer, or refrigerator-freezer within 
the time frame specified in section 342(c)(5), subsections (b) and (c) 
of section 327 shall not apply to that specific type of refrigerator, 
freezer, or refrigerator-freezer for the period beginning on the date 
that is 2 years after the scheduled date for a final rule and ending on 
the date on which the Secretary publishes a final rule covering the 
specific type of refrigerator, freezer, or refrigerator-freezer.
��� ``(B) Any State or local standard issued before the date of 
publication of the final rule shall not be preempted until the final 
rule takes effect.
��� ``(5)(A) <<NOTE: Certification.>> In the case of any commercial 
refrigerator, freezer, or refrigerator-freezer to which standards are 
applicable under paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 342(c), the Secretary 
shall require manufacturers to certify, through an independent, 
nationally recognized testing or certification program, that the 
commercial refrigerator, freezer, or refrigerator-freezer meets the 
applicable standard.
��� ``(B) The Secretary shall, to the maximum extent practicable, 
encourage the establishment of at least 2 independent testing and 
certification programs.
��� ``(C) <<NOTE: Records.>> As part of certification, information on 
equipment energy use and interior volume shall be made available to the 
��� ``(f)(1)(A)(i) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> Except as provided in clause 
(ii), section 327 shall apply to automatic commercial ice makers for 
which standards
[[Page 119 STAT. 645]]
have been established under section 342(d)(1) to the same extent and in 
the same manner as the section applies under part A on the date of 
enactment of this subsection.
��� ``(ii) Any State standard issued before the date of enactment of 
this subsection shall not be preempted until the standards established 
under section 342(d)(1) take effect.
��� ``(B) In applying section 327 to the equipment under subparagraph 
(A), paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a) shall apply.
��� ``(2)(A)(i) Except as provided in clause (ii), section 327 shall 
apply to automatic commercial ice makers for which standards have been 
established under section 342(d)(2) to the same extent and in the same 
manner as the section applies under part A on the date of publication of 
the final rule by the Secretary.
��� ``(ii) Any State standard issued before the date of publication of 
the final rule by the Secretary shall not be preempted until the 
standards established under section 342(d)(2) take effect.
��� ``(B) In applying section 327 in accordance with subparagraph (A), 
paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a) shall apply.
��� ``(3)(A) If the Secretary does not issue a final rule for a specific 
type of automatic commercial ice maker within the time frame specified 
in section 342(d), subsections (b) and (c) of section 327 shall no 
longer apply to the specific type of automatic commercial ice maker for 
the period beginning on the day after the scheduled date for a final 
rule and ending on the date on which the Secretary publishes a final 
rule covering the specific type of automatic commercial ice maker.
��� ``(B) Any State standard issued before the publication of the final 
rule shall not be preempted until the standards established in the final 
rule take effect.
��� ``(4)(A) The Secretary shall monitor whether manufacturers are 
reducing harvest rates below tested values for the purpose of bringing 
non-complying equipment into compliance.
��� ``(B) If the Secretary finds that there has been a substantial 
amount of manipulation with respect to harvest rates under subparagraph 
(A), the Secretary shall take steps to minimize the manipulation, such 
as requiring harvest rates to be within 5 percent of tested values.
��� ``(g)(1)(A) If the Secretary does not issue a final rule for 
commercial clothes washers within the timeframe specified in section 
342(e)(2), subsections (b) and (c) of section 327 shall not apply to 
commercial clothes washers for the period beginning on the day after the 
scheduled date for a final rule and ending on the date on which the 
Secretary publishes a final rule covering commercial clothes washers.
��� ``(B) Any State or local standard issued before the date on which 
the Secretary publishes a final rule shall not be preempted until the 
standards established under section 342(e)(2) take effect.
��� ``(2) The Secretary shall undertake an educational program to inform 
owners of laundromats, multifamily housing, and other sites where 
commercial clothes washers are located about the new standard, including 
impacts on washer purchase costs and options for recovering those costs 
through coin collection.''.
��� (a) Rulemaking on Effectiveness of Consumer Product Labeling.--
Section 324(a)(2) of the Energy Policy and Conservation
[[Page 119 STAT. 646]]
Act (42 U.S.C. 6294(a)(2)) is amended by adding at the end the 
��� ``(F)(i) <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> Not later than 90 days after the date 
of enactment of this subparagraph, the Commission shall initiate a 
rulemaking to consider--
����������� ``(I) the effectiveness of the consumer products labeling 
��������program in assisting consumers in making purchasing decisions 
��������and improving energy efficiency; and
����������� ``(II) changes to the labeling rules (including categorical 
��������labeling) that would improve the effectiveness of consumer 
��������product labels.
��� ``(ii) Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this 
subparagraph, the Commission shall complete the rulemaking initiated 
under clause (i).
��� ``(G)(i) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Not later than 18 months after the date 
of enactment of this subparagraph, the Commission shall issue by rule, 
in accordance with this section, labeling requirements for the 
electricity used by ceiling fans to circulate air in a room.
��� ``(ii) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> The rule issued under clause (i) 
shall apply to products manufactured after the later of--
����������� ``(I) January 1, 2009; or
����������� ``(II) the date that is 60 days after the final rule is 
��� (b) Rulemaking on Labeling for Additional Products.--Section 324(a) 
of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6294(a)) is amended 
by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(5)(A) For covered products described in subsections (u) through 
(ff) of section 325, after a test procedure has been prescribed under 
section 323, the Secretary or the Commission, as appropriate, may 
prescribe, by rule, under this section labeling requirements for the 
��� ``(B) In the case of products to which TP-1 standards under section 
325(y) apply, labeling requirements shall be based on the `Standard for 
the Labeling of Distribution Transformer Efficiency' prescribed by the 
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA TP-3) as in effect 
on the date of enactment of this paragraph.
��� ``(C) In the case of dehumidifiers covered under section 325(dd), 
the Commission shall not require an `Energy Guide' label.''.
��� (a) In General.--The Administrator of General Services shall conduct 
a study on the advantages and disadvantages of employing intermittent 
escalators in the United States.
��� (b) Contents.--Such study shall include an analysis of--
����������� (1) the energy end-cost savings derived from the use of 
��������intermittent escalators;
����������� (2) the cost savings derived from reduced maintenance 
��������requirements; and
����������� (3) such other issues as the Administrator considers 
��� (c) Report to Congress.--Not later than 1 year after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall transmit to Congress a 
report on the results of the study.
��� (d) Definition.--For purposes of this section, the term 
``intermittent escalator'' means an escalator that remains in a 
[[Page 119 STAT. 647]]
position until it automatically operates at the approach of a passenger, 
returning to a stationary position after the passenger completes 
�� (a) In General.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 1 year after the 
date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in consultation with the 
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners and the 
National Association of State Energy Officials, shall conduct a study of 
State and regional policies that promote cost-effective programs to 
reduce energy consumption (including energy efficiency programs) that 
are carried out by--
����������� (1) utilities that are subject to State regulation; and
����������� (2) nonregulated utilities.
��� (b) Consideration.--In conducting the study under subsection (a), 
the Secretary shall take into consideration--
����������� (1) performance standards for achieving energy use and 
��������demand reduction targets;
����������� (2) funding sources, including rate surcharges;
����������� (3) infrastructure planning approaches (including energy 
��������efficiency programs) and infrastructure improvements;
����������� (4) the costs and benefits of consumer education programs 
��������conducted by State and local governments and local utilities to 
��������increase consumer awareness of energy efficiency technologies 
��������and measures; and
����������� (5) methods of--
������������������� (A) removing disincentives for utilities to 
����������������implement energy efficiency programs;
������������������� (B) encouraging utilities to undertake voluntary 
����������������energy efficiency programs; and
������������������� (C) ensuring appropriate returns on energy 
���������������efficiency programs.
��� (c) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that 
����������� (1) the findings of the study; and
����������� (2) any recommendations of the Secretary, including 
��������recommendations on model policies to promote energy efficiency 
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall establish a pilot program under 
which the Secretary provides financial assistance to at least 3, but not 
more than 7, States to carry out pilot projects in the States for--
����������� (1) planning and adopting statewide programs that encourage, 
��������for each year in which the pilot project is carried out--
������������������� (A) energy efficiency; and
������������������� (B) reduction of consumption of electricity or 
����������������natural gas in the State by at least 0.75 percent, as 
����������������compared to a baseline determined by the Secretary for 
����������������the period preceding the implementation of the program; 
����������� (2) for any State that has adopted a statewide program as of 
��������the date of enactment of this Act, activities that reduce energy 
��������consumption in the State by expanding and improving the program.
[[Page 119 STAT. 648]]
��� (b) Verification.--A State that receives financial assistance under 
subsection (a)(1) shall submit to the Secretary independent verification 
of any energy savings achieved through the statewide program.
��� (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $5,000,000 for each of fiscal 
years 2006 through 2010, to remain available until expended.
��� (a) Initial Report.--The Secretary shall submit a report to Congress 
regarding each new or revised energy conservation or water use standard 
which the Secretary has failed to issue in conformance with the 
deadlines established in the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. Such 
report shall state the reasons why the Secretary has failed to comply 
with the deadline for issuances of the new or revised standard and set 
forth the Secretary's plan for expeditiously prescribing such new or 
revised standard. The Secretary's initial report shall be submitted not 
later than 6 months following enactment of this Act and subsequent 
reports shall be submitted whenever the Secretary determines that 
additional deadlines for issuance of new or revised standards have been 
��� (b) Implementation Report.--Every 6 months following the submission 
of a report under subsection (a) until the adoption of a new or revised 
standard described in such report, the Secretary shall submit to the 
Congress an implementation report describing the Secretary's progress in 
implementing the Secretary's plan or the issuance of the new or revised 
���������������������� Subtitle D--Public Housing
��� Section 9 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437g) 
is amended--
����������� (1) in subsection (d)(1)--
������������������� (A) in subparagraph (I), by striking ``and'' at the 
������������������� (B) in subparagraph (J), by striking the period at 
����������������the end and inserting a semicolon; and
������������������� (C) by adding at the end the following new 
������������������� ``(K) improvement of energy and water-use efficiency 
����������������by installing fixtures and fittings that conform to the 
����������������American Society of Mechanical Engineers/American 
����������������National Standards Institute standards A112.19.2-1998 
����������������and A112.18.1-2000, or any revision thereto, applicable 
����������������at the time of installation, and by increasing energy 
����������������efficiency and water conservation by such other means as 
����������������the Secretary determines are appropriate; and
������������������� ``(L) integrated utility management and capital 
����������������planning to maximize energy conservation and efficiency 
����������������measures.''; and
����������� (2) in subsection (e)(2)(C)--
������������������� (A) by striking ``The'' and inserting the following:
���������������� ���������``(i) In general.--The''; and
������������������� (B) by adding at the end the following:
[[Page 119 STAT. 649]]
������������������������� ``(ii) Third party contracts.--Contracts 
����������������������described in clause (i) may include contracts for 
����������������������equipment conversions to less costly utility 
����������������������sources, projects with resident-paid utilities, 
����������������������and adjustments to frozen base year consumption, 
����������������������including systems repaired to meet applicable 
����������������������building and safety codes and adjustments for 
����������������������occupancy rates increased by rehabilitation.
������������������������� ``(iii) Term of contract.--The total term of a 
����������������������contract described in clause (i) shall not exceed 
����������������������20 years to allow longer payback periods for 
����������������������retrofits, including windows, heating system 
����������������������replacements, wall insulation, site-based 
����������������������generation, advanced energy savings technologies, 
����������������������including renewable energy generation, and other 
����������������������such retrofits.''.
��� In purchasing appliances, a public housing agency shall purchase 
energy-efficient appliances that are Energy Star products or FEMP-
designated products, as such terms are defined in section 553 of the 
National Energy Conservation Policy Act, unless the purchase of energy-
efficient appliances is not cost-effective to the agency.
��� Section 109 of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act 
(42 U.S.C. 12709) is amended--
����������� (1) in subsection (a)--
������������������� (A) in paragraph (1)--
������������������������� (i) by striking ``1 year after the date of the 
����������������������enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 1992'' and 
����������������������inserting ``September 30, 2006'';
������������������������� (ii) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``and'' 
����������������������at the end;
������������������������� (iii) in subparagraph (B), by striking the 
����������������������period at the end and inserting ``; and''; and
������������������������� (iv) by adding at the end the following:
������������������� ``(C) rehabilitation and new construction of public 
����������������and assisted housing funded by HOPE VI revitalization 
����������������grants under section 24 of the United States Housing Act 
����������������of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437v), where such standards are 
����������������determined to be cost effective by the Secretary of 
����������������Housing and Urban Development.''; and
������������������� (B) in paragraph (2), by inserting ``, and, with 
����������������respect to rehabilitation and new construction of public 
����������������and assisted housing funded by HOPE VI revitalization 
����������������grants under section 24 of the United States Housing Act 
����������������of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437v), the 2003 International Energy 
����������������Conservation Code'' after ``90.1-1989')'';
����������� (2) in subsection (b)--
������������������� (A) by striking ``within 1 year after the date of 
����������������the enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 1992'' and 
����������������inserting ``by September 30, 2006''; and
������������������� (B) by inserting ``, and, with respect to 
����������������rehabilitation and new construction of public and 
����������������assisted housing funded by HOPE VI revitalization grants 
����������������under section 24 of the United States Housing Act of 
����������������1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437v), the 2003 International Energy 
����������������Conservation Code'' before the period at the end; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 650]]
����������� (3) in subsection (c)--
������������������� (A) in the heading, by inserting ``and the 
����������������International Energy Conservation Code'' after ``Model 
����������������Energy Code''; and
����������� ��������(B) by inserting ``, or, with respect to 
����������������rehabilitation and new construction of public and 
����������������assisted housing funded by HOPE VI revitalization grants 
����������������under section 24 of the United States Housing Act of 
����������������1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437v), the 2003 International Energy 
����������������Conservation Code'' after ``1989''.
��� The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall develop and 
implement an integrated strategy to reduce utility expenses through 
cost-effective energy conservation and efficiency measures and energy 
efficient design and construction of public and assisted housing. The 
energy strategy shall include the development of energy reduction goals 
and incentives for public housing agencies. 
The <<NOTE: Reports. Deadlines.>> Secretary shall submit a report to 
Congress, not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this 
Act, on the energy strategy and the actions taken by the Department of 
Housing and Urban Development to monitor the energy usage of public 
housing agencies and shall submit an update every 2 years thereafter on 
progress in implementing the strategy.
���������������������� TITLE II--RENEWABLE ENERGY
�������������������� Subtitle A--General Provisions
��� (a) Resource Assessment.--Not <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> later than 6 
months after the date of enactment of this Act, and each year 
thereafter, the Secretary shall review the available assessments of 
renewable energy resources within the United States, including solar, 
wind, biomass, ocean (including tidal, wave, current, and thermal), 
geothermal, and hydroelectric energy resources, and undertake new 
assessments as necessary, taking into account changes in market 
conditions, available technologies, and other relevant factors.
��� (b) Contents of Reports.--Not later than 1 year after the date of 
enactment of this Act, and each year thereafter, the Secretary shall 
publish a report based on the assessment under subsection (a). The 
report shall contain--
����������� (1) a detailed inventory describing the available amount and 
��������characteristics of the renewable energy resources; and
����������� (2) such other information as the Secretary believes would 
��������be useful in developing such renewable energy resources, 
��������including descriptions of surrounding terrain, population and 
��������load centers, nearby energy infrastructure, location of energy 
��������and water resources, and available estimates of the costs needed 
��������to develop each resource, together with an identification of any 
��������barriers to providing adequate transmission for remote sources 
��������of renewable energy resources to current and emerging markets, 
��������recommendations for removing or addressing such barriers, and 
��������ways to provide access to the grid that do not unfairly 
��������disadvantage renewable or other energy producers.
[[Page 119 STAT. 651]]
��� (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--For <<NOTE: 42 USC 13311 
note.>> the purposes of this section, there are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary $10,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 
through 2010.
��� (a) Incentive Payments.--Section 1212(a) of the Energy Policy Act of 
1992 (42 U.S.C. 13317(a)) is amended--
����������� (1) by striking the last sentence;
����������� (2) by designating the first, second, and third sentences as 
��������paragraphs (1), (2), and (3), respectively;
����������� (3) in paragraph (3) (as so designated), by striking ``and 
��������which satisfies'' and all that follows through ``deems 
��������necessary''; and
����������� (4) by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(4)(A) Subject to subparagraph (B), if there are insufficient 
appropriations to make full payments for electric production from all 
qualified renewable energy facilities for a fiscal year, the Secretary 
shall assign--
����������� ``(i) 60 percent of appropriated funds for the fiscal year 
��������to facilities that use solar, wind, ocean (including tidal, 
��������wave, current, and thermal), geothermal, or closed-loop 
��������(dedicated energy crops) biomass technologies to generate 
��������electricity; and
����������� ``(ii) 40 percent of appropriated funds for the fiscal year 
��������to other projects.
��� ``(B) After submitting to Congress an explanation of the reasons for 
the alteration, the Secretary may alter the percentage requirements of 
subparagraph (A).''.
��� (b) Qualified Renewable Energy Facility.--Section 1212(b) of the 
Energy Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13317(b)) is amended--
����������� (1) by striking ``a State or any political'' and all that 
��������follows through ``nonprofit electrical cooperative'' and 
��������inserting ``a not-for-profit electric cooperative, a public 
�������utility described in section 115 of the Internal Revenue Code of 
��������1986, a State, Commonwealth, territory, or possession of the 
��������United States, or the District of Columbia, or a political 
��������subdivision thereof, an Indian tribal government or subdivision 
��������thereof, or a Native Corporation (as defined in section 3 of the 
��������Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1602)),''; and
����������� (2) by inserting ``landfill gas, livestock methane, ocean 
��������(including tidal, wave, current, and thermal),'' after ``wind, 
��� (c) Eligibility Window.--Section 1212(c) of the Energy Policy Act of 
1992 (42 U.S.C. 13317(c)) is amended by striking ``during the 10-fiscal 
year period beginning with the first full fiscal year occurring after 
the enactment of this section'' and inserting ``before October 1, 
��� (d) Payment Period.--Section 1212(d) of the Energy Policy Act of 
1992 (42 U.S.C. 13317(d)) is amended in the second sentence by inserting 
``, or in which the Secretary determines that all necessary Federal and 
State authorizations have been obtained to begin construction of the 
facility'' after ``eligible for such payments''.
��� (e) Amount of Payment.--Section 1212(e)(1) of the Energy Policy Act 
of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13317(e)(1)) is amended in the first sentence by 
inserting ``landfill gas, livestock methane, ocean (including tidal, 
wave, current, and thermal),'' after ``wind, biomass,''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 652]]
��� (f) Termination of Authority.--Section 1212(f) of the Energy Policy 
Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13317(f)) is amended by striking ``the expiration 
of'' and all that follows through ``of this section'' and inserting 
``September 30, 2026''.
��� (g) Authorization of Appropriations.--Section 1212 of the Energy 
Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13317) is amended by striking subsection 
(g) and inserting the following:
��� ``(g) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this section for 
each of fiscal years 2006 through 2026, to remain available until 
��� (a) Requirement.--The <<NOTE: President.>> President, acting through 
the Secretary, shall seek to ensure that, to the extent economically 
feasible and technically practicable, of the total amount of electric 
energy the Federal Government consumes during any fiscal year, the 
following amounts shall be renewable energy:
����������� (1) Not less than 3 percent in fiscal years 2007 through 
����������� (2) Not less than 5 percent in fiscal years 2010 through 
����������� (3) Not less than 7.5 percent in fiscal year 2013 and each 
��������fiscal year thereafter.
��� (b) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� (1) Biomass.--The term ``biomass'' means any lignin waste 
��������material that is segregated from other waste materials and is 
��������determined to be nonhazardous by the Administrator of the 
��������Environmental Protection Agency and any solid, nonhazardous, 
��������cellulosic material that is derived from--
������������������� (A) any of the following forest-related resources: 
����������������mill residues, precommercial thinnings, slash, and 
����������������brush, or nonmerchantable material;
������������������� (B) solid wood waste materials, including waste 
����������������pallets, crates, dunnage, manufacturing and construction 
����������������wood wastes (other than pressure-treated, chemically-
��������������� treated, or painted wood wastes), and landscape or 
����������������right-of-way tree trimmings, but not including municipal 
����������������solid waste (garbage), gas derived from the 
����������������biodegradation of solid waste, or paper that is commonly 
������������������� (C) agriculture wastes, including orchard tree 
����������������crops, vineyard, grain, legumes, sugar, and other crop 
����������������by-products or residues, and livestock waste nutrients; 
������������������� (D) a plant that is grown exclusively as a fuel for 
����������������the production of electricity.
����������� (2) Renewable energy.--The term ``renewable energy'' means 
��������electric energy generated from solar, wind, biomass, landfill 
��������gas, ocean (including tidal, wave, current, and thermal), 
��������geothermal, municipal solid waste, or new hydroelectric 
��������generation capacity achieved from increased efficiency or 
��������additions of new capacity at an existing hydroelectric project.
��� (c) Calculation.--For purposes of determining compliance with the 
requirement of this section, the amount of renewable energy shall be 
doubled if--
����������� (1) the renewable energy is produced and used on-site at a 
��������Federal facility;
[[Page 119 STAT. 653]]
����������� (2) the renewable energy is produced on Federal lands and 
��������used at a Federal facility; or
����������� (3) the renewable energy is produced on Indian land as 
��������defined in title XXVI of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (25 
��������U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) and used at a Federal facility.
��� (d) Report.--Not later than April 15, 2007, and every 2 years 
thereafter, the Secretary shall provide a report to Congress on the 
progress of the Federal Government in meeting the goals established by 
this section.
��� (a) In General.--Subchapter VI of chapter 31 of title 40, United 
States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
``Sec. 3177. Use of photovoltaic energy in public buildings
��� ``(a) Photovoltaic Energy Commercialization Program.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The Administrator of General Services may 
�������establish a photovoltaic energy commercialization program for 
��������the procurement and installation of photovoltaic solar electric 
��������systems for electric production in new and existing public 
����������� ``(2) Purposes.--The purposes of the program shall be to 
��������accomplish the following:
������������������� ``(A) To accelerate the growth of a commercially 
����������������viable photovoltaic industry to make this energy system 
����������������available to the general public as an option which can 
����������������reduce the national consumption of fossil fuel.
������������������� ``(B) To reduce the fossil fuel consumption and 
����������������costs of the Federal Government.
������������������� ``(C) To attain the goal of installing solar energy 
����������������systems in 20,000 Federal buildings by 2010, as 
����������������contained in the Federal Government's Million Solar Roof 
����������������Initiative of 1997.
������������������� ``(D) To stimulate the general use within the 
����������������Federal Government of life-cycle costing and innovative 
����������������procurement methods.
������������������� ``(E) To develop program performance data to support 
����������������policy decisions on future incentive programs with 
����������������respect to energy.
����������� ``(3) Acquisition of photovoltaic solar electric systems.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The program shall provide for the 
����������������acquisition of photovoltaic solar electric systems and 
����������������associated storage capability for use in public 
������������������� ``(B) Acquisition levels.--The acquisition of 
����������������photovoltaic electric systems shall be at a level 
����������������substantial enough to allow use of low-cost production 
����������������techniques with at least 150 megawatts (peak) cumulative 
����������������acquired during the 5 years of the program.
����������� ``(4) Administration.--The Administrator shall administer 
��������the program and shall--
������������������� ``(A) issue such rules and regulations as may be 
����������������appropriate to monitor and assess the performance and 
����������������operation of photovoltaic solar electric systems 
����������������installed pursuant to this subsection;
������������������� ``(B) <<NOTE: Reports.>> develop innovative 
����������������procurement strategies for the acquisition of such 
����������������systems; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 654]]
������������������� ``(C) transmit to Congress an annual report on the 
����������������results of the program.
��� ``(b) Photovoltaic Systems Evaluation Program.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 60 
��������days after the date of enactment of this section, the 
��������Administrator shall establish a photovoltaic solar energy 
��������systems evaluation program to evaluate such photovoltaic solar 
��������energy systems as are required in public buildings.
����������� ``(2) Program requirement.--In evaluating photovoltaic solar 
��������energy systems under the program, the Administrator shall ensure 
��������that such systems reflect the most advanced technology.
��� ``(c) Authorization of Appropriations.--
����������� ``(1) Photovoltaic energy commercialization program.--There 
��������are authorized to be appropriated to carry out subsection (a) 
��������$50,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2010. Such 
��������sums shall remain available until expended.
����������� ``(2) Photovoltaic systems evaluation program.--There are 
��������authorized to be appropriated to carry out subsection (b) 
��������$10,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2010. Such 
��������sums shall remain available until expended.''.
��� (b) Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections for the National 
Energy Conservation Policy Act is amended by inserting after the item 
relating to section 569 the following:
``Sec. 570. Use of photovoltaic energy in public buildings.''.
��� Section 9002(c)(1) of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 
2002 (7 U.S.C. 8102(c)(1)) is amended by inserting ``or such items that 
comply with the regulations issued under section 103 of Public Law 100-
556 (42 U.S.C. 6914b-1)'' after ``practicable''.
��� (a) Weatherization Assistance.--Section 415(c) of the Energy 
Conservation and Production Act (42 U.S.C. 6865(c)) is amended--
����������� (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``in paragraph (3)'' and 
��������inserting ``in paragraphs (3) and (4)'';
����������� (2) in paragraph (3), by striking ``$2,500 per dwelling unit 
��������average provided in paragraph (1)'' and inserting ``dwelling 
��������unit averages provided in paragraphs (1) and (4)''; and
����������� (3) by adding at the end the following new paragraphs:
��� ``(4) The expenditure of financial assistance provided under this 
part for labor, weatherization materials, and related matters for a 
renewable energy system shall not exceed an average of $3,000 per 
dwelling unit.
��� ``(5)(A) <<NOTE: Regulations.>> The Secretary shall by regulations--
���������� ``(i) establish the criteria which are to be used in 
��������prescribing performance and quality standards under paragraph 
��������(6)(A)(ii) or in specifying any form of renewable energy under 
��������paragraph (6)(A)(i)(I); and
����������� ``(ii) establish a procedure under which a manufacturer of 
��������an item may request the Secretary to certify that the item will 
��������be treated, for purposes of this paragraph, as a renewable 
��������energy system.
��� ``(B) The Secretary shall make a final determination with respect to 
any request filed under subparagraph (A)(ii) within 1
[[Page 119 STAT. 655]]
year after the filing of the request, together with any information 
required to be filed with such request under subparagraph (A)(ii).
��� ``(C) <<NOTE: Reports.>> Each month the Secretary shall publish a 
report of any request under subparagraph (A)(ii) which has been denied 
during the preceding month and the reasons for the denial.
��� ``(D) The Secretary shall not specify any form of renewable energy 
under paragraph (6)(A)(i)(I) unless the Secretary determines that--
����������� ``(i) there will be a reduction in oil or natural gas 
��������consumption as a result of such specification;
����������� ``(ii) such specification will not result in an increased 
��������use of any item which is known to be, or reasonably suspected to 
��������be, environmentally hazardous or a threat to public health or 
��������safety; and
����������� ``(iii) available Federal subsidies do not make such 
��������specification unnecessary or inappropriate (in the light of the 
��������most advantageous allocation of economic resources).
��� ``(6) In this subsection--
����������� ``(A) the term `renewable energy system' means a system 
��������� ����������``(i) when installed in connection with a dwelling, 
����������������transmits or uses--
������������������������� ``(I) solar energy, energy derived from the 
����������������������geothermal deposits, energy derived from biomass, 
����������������������or any other form of renewable energy which the 
����������������������Secretary specifies by regulations, for the 
����������������������purpose of heating or cooling such dwelling or 
����������������������providing hot water or electricity for use within 
����������������������such dwelling; or
������������������������� ``(II) wind energy for nonbusiness residential 
������������������� ``(ii) meets the performance and quality standards 
����������������(if any) which have been prescribed by the Secretary by 
������������������� ``(iii) in the case of a combustion rated system, 
����������������has a thermal efficiency rating of at least 75 percent; 
������������������� ``(iv) in the case of a solar system, has a thermal 
����������������efficiency rating of at least 15 percent; and
����������� ``(B) the term `biomass' means any organic matter that is 
��������available on a renewable or recurring basis, including 
��������agricultural crops and trees, wood and wood wastes and residues, 
��������plants (including aquatic plants), grasses, residues, fibers, 
��������and animal wastes, municipal wastes, and other waste 
��� (b) District Heating and Cooling Programs.--Section 172 of the 
Energy Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13451 note) is amended--
����������� (1) in subsection (a)--
������������������� (A) by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (3);
����� ��������������(B) by striking the period at the end of paragraph 
����������������(4) and inserting ``; and''; and
������������������� (C) by adding at the end the following new 
����������� ``(5) evaluate the use of renewable energy systems (as such 
��������term is defined in section 415(c) of the Energy Conservation and 
��������Production Act (42 U.S.C. 6865(c))) in residential buildings.''; 
����������� (2) in subsection (b), by striking ``this Act'' and 
��������inserting ``the Energy Policy Act of 2005''.
��� (c) Rebate <<NOTE: 42 USC 15853.>> Program.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 656]]
����������� (1) Establishment.--The Secretary shall establish a program 
��������providing rebates for consumers for expenditures made for the 
��������installation of a renewable energy system in connection with a 
��������dwelling unit or small business.
����������� (2) Amount of rebate.--Rebates provided under the program 
��������established under paragraph (1) shall be in an amount not to 
��������exceed the lesser of--
������������������� (A) 25 percent of the expenditures described in 
����������������paragraph (1) made by the consumer; or
������������������� (B) $3,000.
����������� (3) Definition.--For purposes of this subsection, the term 
��������``renewable energy system'' has the meaning given that term in 
��������section 415(c)(6)(A) of the Energy Conservation and Production 
��������Act (42 U.S.C. 6865(c)(6)(A)), as added by subsection (a)(3) of 
��������this section.
������ �����(4) Authorization of appropriations.--There are authorized 
��������to be appropriated to the Secretary for carrying out this 
��������subsection, to remain available until expended--
������������������� (A) $150,000,000 for fiscal year 2006;
������� ������������(B) $150,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
������������������� (C) $200,000,000 for fiscal year 2008;
������������������� (D) $250,000,000 for fiscal year 2009; and
������������������� (E) $250,000,000 for fiscal year 2010.
��� (d) Renewable Fuel Inventory.--
Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Reports.>> later than 180 days after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall transmit to Congress a report 
����������� (1) an inventory of renewable fuels available for consumers; 
����������� (2) a projection of future inventories of renewable fuels 
��������based on the incentives provided in this section.
��� There <<NOTE: Appropriation authorization.>> is authorized to be 
appropriated to the General Services Administration to install a 
photovoltaic system, as set forth in the Sun Wall Design Project, for 
the headquarters building of the Department of Energy located at 1000 
Independence Avenue Southwest in the District of Columbia, commonly know 
as the Forrestal Building, $20,000,000 for fiscal year 2006. Such sums 
shall remain available until expended.
��� (a) Definition of Program.--In this section, the term ``program'' 
means the Sugar Cane Ethanol Program established by subsection (b).
��� (b) Establishment.--There is established within the Environmental 
Protection Agency a program to be known as the ``Sugar Cane Ethanol 
��� (c) Project.--
������� ����(1) In general.--Subject to the availability of 
��������appropriations under subsection (d), in carrying out the 
��������program, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection 
��������Agency shall establish a project that is--
����������������� ��(A) carried out in multiple States--
������������������������� (i) in each of which is produced cane sugar 
����������������������that is eligible for loans under section 156 of 
����������������������the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act 
���������������������of 1996 (7 U.S.C. 7272), or a similar subsequent 
����������������������authority; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 657]]
������������������������� (ii) at the option of each such State, that 
����������������������have an incentive program that requires the use of 
����������������������ethanol in the State; and
������������������� (B) designed to study the production of ethanol from 
����������������cane sugar, sugarcane, and sugarcane byproducts.
����������� (2) Requirements.--A project described in paragraph (1) 
������������������� (A) be limited to sugar producers and the production 
����������������of ethanol in the States of Florida, Louisiana, Texas, 
����������������and Hawaii, divided equally among the States, to 
����������������demonstrate that the process may be applicable to cane 
����������������sugar, sugarcane, and sugarcane byproducts;
������������������� (B) include information on the ways in which the 
����������������scale of production may be replicated once the sugar 
����������������cane industry has located sites for, and constructed, 
����������������ethanol production facilities; and
������������������� (C) not last more than 3 years.
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $36,000,000, to remain available 
until expended.
��� The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2601 
et seq.) is amended in title VI by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� ``(1) The term `eligible grantee' means a local government 
��������or municipality, peoples' utility district, irrigation district, 
��������and cooperative, nonprofit, or limited-dividend association in a 
��������rural area.
����������� ``(2) The term `incremental hydropower' means additional 
��������generation achieved from increased efficiency after January 1, 
��������2005, at a hydroelectric dam that was placed in service before 
��������January 1, 2005.
����������� ``(3) The term `renewable energy' means electricity 
��������generated from--
������������������� ``(A) a renewable energy source; or
������������������� ``(B) hydrogen, other than hydrogen produced from a 
����������������fossil fuel, that is produced from a renewable energy 
��������� ��``(4) The term `renewable energy source' means--
������������������� ``(A) wind;
������������������� ``(B) ocean waves;
������������������� ``(C) biomass;
������������������� ``(D) solar;
������������������� ``(E) landfill gas;
������������������� ``(F) incremental hydropower;
������������������� ``(G) livestock methane; or
������������������� ``(H) geothermal energy.
����������� ``(5) The term `rural area' means a city, town, or 
��������unincorporated area that has a population of not more than 
�������10,000 inhabitants.
��� ``(b) Grants.--The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of 
Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior, may provide grants under 
this section to eligible grantees for the purpose of--
[[Page 119 STAT. 658]]
������� ����``(1) increasing energy efficiency, siting or upgrading 
��������transmission and distribution lines serving rural areas; or
����������� ``(2) providing or modernizing electric generation 
��������facilities that serve rural areas.
��� ``(c) Grant Administration.--(1) The Secretary shall make grants 
under this section based on a determination of cost-effectiveness and 
the most effective use of the funds to achieve the purposes described in 
subsection (b).
��� ``(2) For each fiscal year, the Secretary shall allocate grant funds 
under this section equally between the purposes described in paragraphs 
(1) and (2) of subsection (b).
��� ``(3) In making grants for the purposes described in subsection 
(b)(2), the Secretary shall give preference to renewable energy 
��� ``(d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section $20,000,000 for 
each of fiscal years 2006 through 2012.''.
��� (a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� (1) Biomass.--The term ``biomass'' means nonmerchantable 
��������materials or precommercial thinnings that are byproducts of 
��������preventive treatments, such as trees, wood, brush, thinnings, 
��������chips, and slash, that are removed--
���������������� ���(A) to reduce hazardous fuels;
������������������� (B) to reduce or contain disease or insect 
����������������infestation; or
������������������� (C) to restore forest health.
����������� (2) Indian tribe.--The term ``Indian tribe'' has the meaning 
��������given the term in section 4(e) of the Indian Self-Determination 
��������and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b(e)).
����������� (3) Nonmerchantable.--For purposes of subsection (b), the 
��������term ``nonmerchantable'' means that portion of the byproducts of 
��������preventive treatments that would not otherwise be used for 
��������higher value products.
����������� (4) Person.--The term ``person'' includes--
������������������� (A) an individual;
������������������� (B) a community (as determined by the Secretary 
������������������� (C) an Indian tribe;
������������������� (D) a small business or a corporation that is 
����������������incorporated in the United States; and
������������������� (E) a nonprofit organization.
����������� (5) Preferred community.--The term ``preferred community'' 
������������������� (A) any Indian tribe;
������������������� (B) any town, township, municipality, or other 
����������������similar unit of local government (as determined by the 
����������������Secretary concerned) that--
������������������������� (i) has a population of not more than 50,000 
����������������������individuals; and
������������������������� (ii) the Secretary concerned, in the sole 
����������������������discretion of the Secretary concerned, determines 
����������������������contains or is located near Federal or Indian 
����������������������land, the condition of
[[Page 119 STAT. 659]]
��� ������������������which is at significant risk of catastrophic 
����������������������wildfire, disease, or insect infestation or which 
����������������������suffers from disease or insect infestation; or
������������������� (C) any county that--
������� ������������������(i) is not contained within a metropolitan 
����������������������statistical area; and
������������������������� (ii) the Secretary concerned, in the sole 
����������������������discretion of the Secretary concerned, determines 
����������������������contains or is located near Federal or Indian 
����������������������land, the condition of which is at significant 
����������������������risk of catastrophic wildfire, disease, or insect 
����������������������infestation or which suffers from disease or 
����������������������insect infestation.
����������� (6) Secretary concerned.--The term ``Secretary concerned'' 
��������means the Secretary of Agriculture or the Secretary of the 
��� (b) Biomass Commercial Use Grant Program.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary concerned may make grants to 
��������any person in a preferred community that owns or operates a 
��������facility that uses biomass as a raw material to produce electric 
��������energy, sensible heat, or transportation fuels to offset the 
��������costs incurred to purchase biomass for use by such facility.
����������� (2) Grant amounts.--A grant under this subsection may not 
��������exceed $20 per green ton of biomass delivered.
����������� (3) Monitoring of grant recipient activities.--As a 
��������condition of a grant under this subsection, the grant recipient 
��������shall keep such records as the Secretary concerned may require 
��������to fully and correctly disclose the use of the grant funds and 
��������all transactions involved in the purchase of biomass. Upon 
��������notice by a representative of the Secretary concerned, the grant 
��������recipient shall afford the representative reasonable access to 
��������the facility that purchases or uses biomass and an opportunity 
��������to examine the inventory and records of the facility.
��� (c) Improved Biomass Use Grant Program.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary concerned may make grants to 
��������persons to offset the cost of projects to develop or research 
��������opportunities to improve the use of, or add value to, biomass. 
��������In making such grants, the Secretary concerned shall give 
��������preference to persons in preferred communities.
����������� (2) Selection.--The Secretary concerned shall select a grant 
��������recipient under paragraph (1) after giving consideration to--
������������������� (A) the anticipated public benefits of the project, 
����������������including the potential to develop thermal or electric 
����������������energy resources or affordable energy;
������������������� (B) opportunities for the creation or expansion of 
����������������small businesses and micro-businesses;
������������������� (C) the potential for new job creation;
������������������� (D) the potential for the project to improve 
����������������efficiency or develop cleaner technologies for biomass 
����������������utilization; and
������������������� (E) the potential for the project to reduce the 
����������������hazardous fuels from the areas in greatest need of 
����������� (3) Grant amount.--A grant under this subsection may not 
��������exceed $500,000.
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated $50,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2006 through 2016 
to carry out this section.
[[Page 119 STAT. 660]]
��� (e) Report.--Not later than October 1, 2010, the Secretary of 
Agriculture, in consultation with the Secretary of the Interior, shall 
submit to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and the 
Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry of the Senate, and the 
Committee on Resources, the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and the 
Committee on Agriculture of the House of Representatives, a report 
describing the results of the grant programs authorized by this section. 
The report shall include the following:
����������� (1) An identification of the size, type, and use of biomass 
��������by persons that receive grants under this section.
����������� (2) The distance between the land from which the biomass was 
��������removed and the facility that used the biomass.
����������� (3) The economic impacts, particularly new job creation, 
��������resulting from the grants to and operation of the eligible 
�� It is the sense of the Congress that the Secretary of the Interior 
should, before the end of the 10-year period beginning on the date of 
enactment of this Act, seek to have approved non-hydropower renewable 
energy projects located on the public lands with a generation capacity 
of at least 10,000 megawatts of electricity.
��� Subtitle B--Geothermal <<NOTE: John Rishel Geothermal Steam Act 
Amendments of 2005.>> Energy
SEC. 221. <<NOTE: 30 USC 1001 note.>> SHORT TITLE.
��� This subtitle may be cited as the ``John Rishel Geothermal Steam Act 
Amendments of 2005''.
��� Section 4 of the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1003) is 
amended to read as follows:
��� ``(a) Nominations.--The Secretary shall accept nominations of land 
to be leased at any time from qualified companies and individuals under 
this Act.
��� ``(b) Competitive Lease Sale Required.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Except as otherwise specifically provided 
��������by this Act, all land to be leased that is not subject to 
��������leasing under subsection (c) shall be leased as provided in this 
��������subsection to the highest responsible qualified bidder, as 
��������determined by the Secretary.
����������� ``(2) Competitive lease sales.--The Secretary shall hold a 
��������competitive lease sale at least once every 2 years for land in a 
��������State that has nominations pending under subsection (a) if the 
��������land is otherwise available for leasing.
����������� ``(3) Lands subject to mining claims.--Lands that are 
��������subject to a mining claim for which a plan of operations has 
��������been approved by the relevant Federal land management agency may 
��������be available for noncompetitive leasing under this section to 
��������the mining claim holder.
��� ``(c) Noncompetitive Leasing.--The Secretary shall make available 
for a period of 2 years for noncompetitive leasing any
[[Page 119 STAT. 661]]
tract for which a competitive lease sale is held, but for which the 
Secretary does not receive any bids in a competitive lease sale.
��� ``(d) Pending Lease Applications.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--It shall be a priority for the Secretary, 
��������and for the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to National 
��������Forest Systems land, to ensure timely completion of 
��������administrative actions, including amendments to applicable 
��������forest plans and resource management plans, necessary to process 
��������applications for geothermal leasing pending on the date of 
��������enactment of this subsection. All future forest plans and 
��������resource management plans for areas with high geothermal 
��������resource potential shall consider geothermal leasing and 
����������� ``(2) Administration.--An application described in paragraph 
��������(1) and any lease issued pursuant to the application--
������������������� ``(A) except as provided in subparagraph (B), shall 
����������������be subject to this section as in effect on the day 
����������������before the date of enactment of this paragraph; or
������������������� ``(B) at the election of the applicant, shall be 
����������������subject to this section as in effect on the effective 
����������������date of this paragraph.
��� ``(e) Leases Sold as a Block.--If information is available to the 
Secretary indicating a geothermal resource that could be produced as 1 
unit can reasonably be expected to underlie more than 1 parcel to be 
offered in a competitive lease sale, the parcels for such a resource may 
be offered for bidding as a block in the competitive lease sale.''.
��� (a) Fees for Direct Use.--Section 5 of the Geothermal Steam Act of 
1970 (30 U.S.C. 1004) is amended--
����������� (1) in subsection (c), by redesignating paragraphs (1) and 
��������(2) as subparagraphs (A) and (B), respectively;
����������� (2) by redesignating subsections (a) through (d) as 
��������paragraphs (1) through (4), respectively;
����������� (3) by inserting ``(a) In General.--'' after ``Sec. 5.''; 
����������� (4) by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(b) Direct Use.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--
������� Notwithstanding <<NOTE: Fees.>> subsection (a)(1), the Secretary 
��������shall establish a schedule of fees, in lieu of royalties for 
��������geothermal resources, that a lessee or its affiliate--
������������������� ``(A) uses for a purpose other than the commercial 
����������������generation of electricity; and
������������������� ``(B) does not sell.
����������� ``(2) Schedule of fees.--The schedule of fees--
������������������� ``(A) may be based on the quantity or thermal 
����������������content, or both, of geothermal resources used;
������������������� ``(B) shall ensure a fair return to the United 
����������������States for use of the resource; and
������������������� ``(C) shall encourage development of the resource.
�������� ���``(3) State, tribal, or local governments.--If a State, 
��������tribal, or local government is the lessee and uses geothermal 
��������resources without sale and for public purposes other than 
��������commercial generation of electricity, the Secretary shall charge 
��������only a nominal fee for use of the resource.
[[Page 119 STAT. 662]]
����������� ``(4) Final regulation.--In issuing any final regulation 
��������establishing a schedule of fees under this subsection, the 
��������Secretary shall seek--
������������������� ``(A) to provide lessees with a simplified 
����������������administrative system;
������������������� ``(B) to facilitate development of direct use of 
����������������geothermal resources; and
������������������� ``(C) to contribute to sustainable economic 
����������������development opportunities in the area.''.
��� (b) Leasing for Direct Use.--Section 4 of the Geothermal Steam Act 
of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1003) (as amended by section 222) is further amended 
by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(f) Leasing for Direct Use of Geothermal Resources.--
Notwithstanding subsection (b), the Secretary may identify areas in 
which the land to be leased under this Act exclusively for direct use of 
geothermal resources, without sale for purposes other than commercial 
generation of electricity, may be leased to any qualified applicant that 
first applies for such a lease under regulations issued by the 
Secretary, if the Secretary--
����������� ``(1) <<NOTE: Notice. Deadline.>> publishes a notice of the 
��������land proposed for leasing not later than 90 days before the date 
��������of the issuance of the lease;
����������� ``(2) does not receive during the 90-day period beginning on 
��������the date of the publication any nomination to include the land 
��������concerned in the next competitive lease sale; and
����������� ``(3) determines there is no competitive interest in the 
��������geothermal resources in the land to be leased.
��� ``(g) Area Subject to Lease for Direct Use.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (2), a geothermal 
��������lease for the direct use of geothermal resources shall cover not 
��������more than the quantity of acreage determined by the Secretary to 
�������be reasonably necessary for the proposed use.
����������� ``(2) Limitations.--The quantity of acreage covered by the 
��������lease shall not exceed the limitations established under section 
��� (c) Application of New Lease Terms.--The <<NOTE: 30 USC 1004 
note.>> schedule of fees established under the amendment made by 
subsection (a)(4) shall apply with respect to payments under a lease 
converted under this subsection that are due and owing, and have been 
paid, on or after July 16, 2003. This subsection shall not require the 
refund of royalties paid to a State under section 20 of the Geothermal 
Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1019) prior to the date of enactment of 
this Act.
��� (a) Royalty.--Section 5 of the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 
U.S.C. 1004) is further amended--
����������� (1) in subsection (a) by striking paragraph (1) and 
��������inserting the following:
����������� ``(1) a royalty on electricity produced using geothermal 
��������resources, other than direct use of geothermal resources, that 
��������shall be--
������������������� ``(A) not less than 1 percent and not more than 2.5 
����������������percent of the gross proceeds from the sale of 
����������������electricity produced from such resources during the 
����������������first 10 years of production under the lease; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 663]]
������������������� ``(B) not less than 2 and not more than 5 percent of 
����������������the gross proceeds from the sale of electricity produced 
����������������from such resources during each year after such 10-year 
����������������period;''; and
����������� (2) by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(c) Final Regulation Establishing Royalty Rates.--In issuing any 
final regulation establishing royalty rates under this section, the 
Secretary shall seek--
����������� ``(1) to provide lessees a simplified administrative system;
����������� ``(2) to encourage new development; and
����������� ``(3) to achieve the same level of royalty revenues over a 
��������10-year period as the regulation in effect on the date of 
��������enactment of this subsection.
��� ``(d) Credits for In-Kind Payments of Electricity.--The Secretary 
may provide to a lessee a credit against royalties owed under this Act, 
in an amount equal to the value of electricity provided under contract 
to a State or county government that is entitled to a portion of such 
royalties under section 20 of this Act, section 35 of the Mineral 
Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 191), except as otherwise provided by this 
section, or section 6 of the Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands (30 
U.S.C. 355), if--
����������� ``(1) the Secretary has approved in advance the contract 
��������between the lessee and the State or county government for such 
��������in-kind payments;
����������� ``(2) the contract establishes a specific methodology to 
��������determine the value of such credits; and
����������� ``(3) the maximum credit will be equal to the royalty value 
��������owed to the State or county that is a party to the contract and 
��������the electricity received will serve as the royalty payment from 
��������the Federal Government to that entity.''.
��� (b) Disposal of Moneys From Sales, Bonuses, Royalties, and Rents.--
Section 20 of the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1019) is 
amended to read as follows:
��� ``(a) In General.--Except with respect to lands in the State of 
Alaska, all monies received by the United States from sales, bonuses, 
rentals, and royalties under this Act shall be paid into the Treasury of 
the United States. Of amounts deposited under this subsection, subject 
to the provisions of subsection (b) of section 35 of the Mineral Leasing 
Act (30 U.S.C. 191(b)) and section 5(a)(2) of this Act--
����������� ``(1) 50 percent shall be paid to the State within the 
��������boundaries of which the leased lands or geothermal resources are 
��������or were located; and
����������� ``(2) 25 percent shall be paid to the county within the 
��������boundaries of which the leased lands or geothermal resources are 
��������or were located.
��� ``(b) Use of Payments.--Amounts paid to a State or county under 
subsection (a) shall be used consistent with the terms of section 35 of 
the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 191).''.
��� (c) Near-Term Production <<NOTE: 30 USC 1004 note.>> Incentive for 
Existing Leases.--
����������� (1) In general.--Notwithstanding section 5(a) of the 
��������Geothermal Steam Act of 1970, the royalty required to be paid 
��������shall be 50 percent of the amount of the royalty otherwise 
��������required, on any lease issued before the date of enactment
[[Page 119 STAT. 664]]
������� of this Act that does not convert to new royalty terms under 
��������subsection (e)--
������������������� (A) with respect to commercial production of energy 
����������������from a facility that begins such production in the 6-
��������������� year period beginning on the date of enactment of this 
����������������Act; or
������������������� (B) on qualified expansion geothermal energy.
����������� (2) 4-year application.--Paragraph (1) applies only to new 
��������commercial production of energy from a facility in the first 4 
��������years of such production.
��� (d) Definition of Qualified Expansion Geothermal Energy.--In this 
section, the term ``qualified expansion geothermal energy'' means 
geothermal energy produced from a generation facility for which--
����������� (1) the production is increased by more than 10 percent as a 
��������result of expansion of the facility carried out in the 6-year 
��������period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act; and
����������� (2) such production increase is greater than 10 percent of 
��������the average production by the facility during the 5-year period 
��������preceding the expansion of the facility (as such average is 
��������adjusted to reflect any trend in changes in production during 
��������that period).
��� (e) Royalty Under Existing Leases.--
����������� (1) In general.--Any lessee under a lease issued under the 
��������Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.) before the 
��������date of enactment of this Act may, within the time period 
��������specified in paragraph (2), submit to the Secretary of the 
��������Interior a request to modify the terms of the lease relating to 
��������payment of royalties to provide--
������������������� (A) in the case of a lease that meets the 
����������������requirements of subsection (b) of section 5 of the 
����������������Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1004) (as 
����������������amended by section 223), that royalties be based on the 
����������������schedule of fees established under that section; and
������������������� (B) in the case of any other lease, that royalties 
����������������be computed on a percentage of the gross proceeds from 
����������������the sale of electricity, at a royalty rate that is 
����������������expected to yield total royalty payments equivalent to 
����������������payments that would have been received for comparable 
����������������production under the royalty rate in effect for the 
����������������lease before the date of enactment of this subsection.
����������� (2) Timing.--A <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> request for a 
��������modification under paragraph (1) shall be submitted to the 
��������Secretary of the Interior by the date that is not later than--
������������������� (A) in the case of a lease for direct use, 18 months 
����������������after the effective date of the schedule of fees 
����������������established by the Secretary of the Interior under 
����������������section 5 of the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 
����������������1004); or
������������������� (B) in the case of any other lease, 18 months after 
����������������the effective date of the final regulation issued under 
����������������subsection (a).
����������� (3) Application of modification.--If the lessee requests 
��������modification of a lease under paragraph (1)--
������������������� (A) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> the Secretary of the 
����������������Interior shall, within 180 days after the receipt of the 
����������������request for modification, modify the lease to comply 
[[Page 119 STAT. 665]]
������������������������� (i) in the case of a lease for direct use, the 
���������������������schedule of fees established by the Secretary 
����������������������under section 5 of the Geothermal Steam Act of 
����������������������1970 (30 U.S.C. 1004); or
������������������������� (ii) in the case of any other lease, the 
����������������������royalty for the lease established under paragraph 
����������������������(1)(B); and
������������������� (B) the modification shall apply to any use of 
����������������geothermal resources to which subsection (a) applies 
����������������that occurs after the date of the modification.
����������� (4) Consultation.--The Secretary of the Interior shall 
��������consult with the State and local governments affected by any 
��������proposed changes in lease royalty terms under this subsection.
��� (a) In General.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Memorandum.>> later than 180 
days after the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary of the 
Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture shall enter into and submit to 
Congress a memorandum of understanding in accordance with this section, 
the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (as amended by this Act), and other 
applicable laws, regarding coordination of leasing and permitting for 
geothermal development of public lands and National Forest System lands 
under their respective jurisdictions.
��� (b) Lease and Permit Applications.--The memorandum of understanding 
����������� (1) establish an administrative procedure for processing 
��������geothermal lease applications, including lines of authority, 
��������steps in application processing, and time limits for application 
����������� (2) establish a 5-year program for geothermal leasing of 
��������lands in the National Forest System, and a process for updating 
��������that program every 5 years; and
����������� (3) <<NOTE: Effective date.>> establish a program for 
��������reducing the backlog of geothermal lease application pending on 
��������January 1, 2005, by 90 percent within the 5-year period 
��������beginning on the date of enactment of this Act, including, as 
��������necessary, by issuing leases, rejecting lease applications for 
��������failure to comply with the provisions of the regulations under 
��������which they were filed, or determining that an original applicant 
��������(or the applicant's assigns, heirs, or estate) is no longer 
��������interested in pursuing the lease application.
��� (c) Data Retrieval System.--The memorandum of understanding shall 
establish a joint data retrieval system that is capable of tracking 
lease and permit applications and providing to the applicant information 
as to their status within the Departments of the Interior and 
Agriculture, including an estimate of the time required for 
administrative action.
SEC. 226. <<NOTE: Deadline. 42 USC 15872.>> ASSESSMENT OF GEOTHERMAL 
��� Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this Act and 
thereafter as the availability of data and developments in technology 
warrants, the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Director of 
the United States Geological Survey and in cooperation with the States, 
����������� (1) update the Assessment of Geothermal Resources made 
��������during 1978; and
����������� (2) submit to Congress the updated assessment.
[[Page 119 STAT. 666]]
��� Section 18 of the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1017) is 
amended to read as follows:
��� ``(a) Adoption of Units by Lessees.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--For the purpose of more properly 
��������conserving the natural resources of any geothermal reservoir, 
��������field, or like area, or any part thereof (whether or not any 
��������part of the geothermal reservoir, field, or like area, is 
�������subject to any cooperative plan of development or operation 
��������(referred to in this section as a `unit agreement')), lessees 
��������thereof and their representatives may unite with each other, or 
��������jointly or separately with others, in collectively adopting and 
��������operating under a unit agreement for the reservoir, field, or 
��������like area, or any part thereof, including direct use resources, 
��������if determined and certified by the Secretary to be necessary or 
��������advisable in the public interest.
����������� ``(2) Majority interest of single leases.--A majority 
��������interest of owners of any single lease shall have the authority 
��������to commit the lease to a unit agreement.
����������� ``(3) Initiative of secretary.--The Secretary may also 
��������initiate the formation of a unit agreement, or require an 
��������existing Federal lease to commit to a unit agreement, if in the 
��������public interest.
����������� ``(4) Modification of lease requirements by secretary.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The Secretary may, in the 
����������������discretion of the Secretary and with the consent of the 
����������������holders of leases involved, establish, alter, change, or 
����������������revoke rates of operations (including drilling, 
����������������operations, production, and other requirements) of the 
����������������leases and make conditions with respect to the leases, 
����������������with the consent of the lessees, in connection with the 
����������������creation and operation of any such unit agreement as the 
����������������Secretary may consider necessary or advisable to secure 
����������������the protection of the public interest.
������������������� ``(B) Unlike terms or rates.--Leases with unlike 
����������������lease terms or royalty rates shall not be required to be 
����������������modified to be in the same unit.
��� ``(b) Requirement of Plans Under New Leases.--The Secretary may--
����������� ``(1) provide that geothermal leases issued under this Act 
��������shall contain a provision requiring the lessee to operate under 
��������a unit agreement; and
����������� ``(2) prescribe the unit agreement under which the lessee 
��������shall operate, which shall adequately protect the rights of all 
��������parties in interest, including the United States.
��� ``(c) Modification of Rate of Prospecting, Development, and 
Production.--The Secretary may require that any unit agreement 
authorized by this section that applies to land owned by the United 
States contain a provision under which authority is vested in the 
Secretary, or any person, committee, or State or Federal officer or 
agency as may be designated in the unit agreement to alter or modify, 
from time to time, the rate of prospecting and development and the 
quantity and rate of production under the unit agreement.
[[Page 119 STAT. 667]]
��� ``(d) Exclusion From Determination of Holding or Control.--Any land 
that is subject to a unit agreement approved or prescribed by the 
Secretary under this section shall not be considered in determining 
holdings or control under section 7.
��� ``(e) Pooling of Certain Land.--If separate tracts of land cannot be 
independently developed and operated to use geothermal resources 
pursuant to any section of this Act--
����������� ``(1) the land, or a portion of the land, may be pooled with 
��������other land, whether or not owned by the United States, for 
��������purposes of development and operation under a communitization 
��������agreement providing for an apportionment of production or 
��������royalties among the separate tracts of land comprising the 
��������production unit, if the pooling is determined by the Secretary 
��������to be in the public interest; and
����������� ``(2) operation or production pursuant to the 
��������communitization agreement shall be treated as operation or 
��������production with respect to each tract of land that is subject to 
��������the communitization agreement.
��� ``(f) Unit Agreement Review.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> later than 5 
��������years after the date of approval of any unit agreement and at 
��������least every 5 years thereafter, the Secretary shall--
������������������� ``(A) review each unit agreement; and
������������������� ``(B) after notice and opportunity for comment, 
����������������eliminate from inclusion in the unit agreement any land 
����������������that the Secretary determines is not reasonably 
����������������necessary for unit operations under the unit agreement.
����������� ``(2) Basis for elimination.--The elimination shall--
������������������� ``(A) be based on scientific evidence; and
������������������� ``(B) occur only if the elimination is determined by 
����������������the Secretary to be for the purpose of conserving and 
����������������properly managing the geothermal resource.
����������� ``(3) Extension.--Any land eliminated under this subsection 
��������shall be eligible for an extension under section 6(g) if the 
��������land meets the requirements for the extension.
��� ``(g) Drilling or Development Contracts.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The Secretary may, on such conditions as 
��������the Secretary may prescribe, approve drilling or development 
��������contracts made by one or more lessees of geothermal leases, with 
��������one or more persons, associations, or corporations if, in the 
��������discretion of the Secretary, the conservation of natural 
��������resources or the public convenience or necessity may require or 
��������the interests of the United States may be best served by the 
����������� ``(2) Holdings or control.--Each lease operated under an 
��������approved drilling or development contract, and interest under 
��������the contract, shall be excepted in determining holdings or 
��������control under section 7.
��� ``(h) Coordination With State Governments.--The Secretary shall 
coordinate unitization and pooling activities with appropriate State 
��� Section 5 of the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1004) (as 
amended by section 223(a)) is further amended in subsection (a) by 
striking paragraph (2) and inserting the following:
[[Page 119 STAT. 668]]
����������� ``(2) a royalty on any byproduct that is a mineral specified 
��������in the first section of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 181), 
��������and that is derived from production under the lease, at the rate 
��������of the royalty that applies under that Act to production of the 
��������mineral under a lease under that Act;''.
��� Section 8(b) of the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1006) is 
amended in the <<NOTE: 30 USC 1007.>> second sentence by striking 
``period, and in no event'' and all that follows through the end of the 
sentence and inserting ``period''.
��� Section 5 of the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1004) (as 
amended by sections 223 and 224) is further amended--
����������� (1) in subsection (a)(2) by inserting ``and'' after the 
��������semicolon at the end;
����������� (2) in subsection (a)(3) by striking ``; and'' and inserting 
��������a period;
����������� (3) by striking paragraph (4) of subsection (a); and
����������� (4) by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(e) Crediting of Rental Toward Royalty.--Any annual rental under 
this section that is paid with respect to a lease before the first day 
of the year for which the annual rental is owed shall be credited to the 
amount of royalty that is required to be paid under the lease for that 
��� Section 6 of the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1005) is 
����������� (1) by striking so much as precedes subsection (c), and 
��������striking subsections (e), (g), (h), (i), and (j);
����������� (2) by redesignating subsections (c), (d), and (f) in order 
��������as subsections (g), (h), and (i); and
����������� (3) by inserting before subsection (g), as so redesignated, 
��������the following:
��� ``(a) In General.--
����������� ``(1) Primary term.--A geothermal lease shall be for a 
��������primary term of 10 years.
����������� ``(2) Initial extension.--The Secretary shall extend the 
��������primary term of a geothermal lease for 5 years if, for each year 
��������after the 10th year of the lease--
������������������� ``(A) the Secretary determined under subsection (b) 
����������������that the lessee satisfied the work commitment 
����������������requirements that applied to the lease for that year; or
������������������� ``(B) the lessee paid in annual payments accordance 
����������������with subsection (c).
����������� ``(3) Additional extension.--The Secretary shall extend the 
��������primary term of a geothermal lease (after an initial extension 
��������under paragraph (2)) for an additional 5 years if, for each year 
��������of the initial extension under paragraph (2), the Secretary 
��������determined under subsection (b) that the lessee satisfied the 
��������minimum work requirements that applied to the lease for that 
[[Page 119 STAT. 669]]
��� ``(b) Requirement to Satisfy Annual Minimum Work Requirement.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The lessee for a geothermal lease shall, 
��������for each year after the 10th year of the lease, satisfy minimum 
��������work requirements prescribed by the Secretary that apply to the 
��������lease for that year.
����������� ``(2) Prescription of minimum work requirements.--The 
��������Secretary shall issue regulations prescribing minimum work 
��������requirements for geothermal leases, that--
������������������� ``(A) establish a geothermal potential; and
����������������� ��``(B) if a geothermal potential has been 
����������������established, confirm the existence of producible 
����������������geothermal resources.
��� ``(c) Payments in Lieu of Minimum Work Requirements.--In lieu of the 
minimum work requirements set forth in subsection (b)(2), the Secretary 
shall by regulation establish minimum annual payments which may be made 
by the lessee for a limited number of years that the Secretary 
determines will not impair achieving diligent development of the 
geothermal resource, but in no event shall the number of years exceed 
the duration of the extension period provided in subsection (a).
��� ``(d) Transition Rules for Leases Issued Prior to Enactment of 
Energy Policy Act of 2005.--The Secretary shall by regulation establish 
transition rules for leases issued before the date of the enactment of 
this subsection, including terms under which a lease that is near the 
end of its term on the date of enactment of this subsection may be 
extended for up to 2 years--
������� ����``(1) to allow achievement of production under the lease; or
����������� ``(2) to allow the lease to be included in a producing unit.
��� ``(e) Geothermal Lease Overlying Mining Claim.--
����������� ``(1) Exemption.--The lessee for a geothermal lease of an 
��������area overlying an area subject to a mining claim for which a 
��������plan of operations has been approved by the relevant Federal 
��������land management agency is exempt from annual work requirements 
��������established under this Act, if development of the geothermal 
��������resource subject to the lease would interfere with the mining 
��������operations under such claim.
����������� ``(2) Termination of exemption.--An exemption under this 
��������paragraph expires upon the termination of the mining operations.
��� ``(f) Termination of Application of Requirements.--Minimum work 
requirements prescribed under this section shall not apply to a 
geothermal lease after the date on which the geothermal resource is 
utilized under the lease in commercial quantities.''.
��� Section 5 of the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1004) (as 
amended by sections 223, 224, and 230) is further amended by adding at 
the end the following:
��� ``(f) Advanced Royalties Required for Cessation of Production.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), if, at 
��������any time after commercial production under a lease is achieved, 
�������production ceases for any reason, the lease shall remain in full 
��������force and effect for a period of not more than
[[Page 119 STAT. 670]]
������� an aggregate number of 10 years beginning on the date production 
��������ceases, if, during the period in which production is ceased, the 
��������lessee pays royalties in advance at the monthly average rate at 
��������which the royalty was paid during the period of production.
����������� ``(2) Reduction.--The amount of any production royalty paid 
��������for any year shall be reduced (but not below 0) by the amount of 
��������any advanced royalties paid under the lease to the extent that 
��������the advance royalties have not been used to reduce production 
��������royalties for a prior year.
����������� ``(3) Exceptions.--Paragraph (1) shall not apply if the 
��������cessation in production is required or otherwise caused by--
������������������� ``(A) the Secretary;
������������������� ``(B) the Secretary of the Air Force;
������������������ ``(C) the Secretary of the Army;
������������������� ``(D) the Secretary of the Navy;
������������������� ``(E) a State or a political subdivision of a State; 
������������������� ``(F) a force majeure.''.
�� (a) Annual Rental Rate.--Section 5 of the Geothermal Steam Act of 
1970 (30 U.S.C. 1004) (as amended by section 223(a)) is further amended 
in subsection (a) by striking paragraph (3) and inserting the following:
����������� ``(3) payment in advance of an annual rental of not less 
������������������� ``(A) for each of the 1st through 10th years of the 
������������������������� ``(i) in the case of a lease awarded in a 
����������������������noncompetitive lease sale, $1 per acre or fraction 
����������������������thereof; or
������������������������� ``(ii) in the case of a lease awarded in a 
����������������������competitive lease sale, $2 per acre or fraction 
����������������������thereof for the 1st year and $3 per acre or 
����������������������fraction thereof for each of the 2nd through 10th 
����������������������years; and
������������������� ``(B) for each year after the 10th year of the 
����������������lease, $5 per acre or fraction thereof;''.
��� (b) Termination of Lease for Failure to Pay Rental.--Section 5 of 
the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1004) (as amended by 
sections 223, 224, 230, and 232) is further amended by adding at the end 
the following:
��� ``(g) Termination of Lease for Failure to Pay Rental.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall terminate any lease 
��������with respect to which rental is not paid in accordance with this 
��������Act and the terms of the lease under which the rental is 
��������required, on the expiration of the 45-day period beginning on 
��������the date of the failure to pay the rental.
����������� ``(2) Notification.--The Secretary shall promptly notify a 
��������lessee that has not paid rental required under the lease that 
��������the lease will be terminated at the end of the period referred 
��������to in paragraph (1).
����������� ``(3) Reinstatement.--A lease that would otherwise terminate 
��������under paragraph (1) shall not terminate under that paragraph if 
��������the lessee pays to the Secretary, before the end of the period 
��������referred to in paragraph (1), the amount of rental due plus a 
��������late fee equal to 10 percent of the amount.''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 671]]
��� (a) Deposit of Geothermal Resources Leases.--Notwithstanding any 
other provision of law, amounts received by the United States in the 
first 5 fiscal years beginning after the date of enactment of this Act 
as rentals, royalties, and other payments required under leases under 
the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970, excluding funds required to be paid to 
State and county governments, shall be deposited into a separate account 
in the Treasury.
��� (b) Use of Deposits.--Amounts deposited under subsection (a) shall 
be available to the Secretary of the Interior for expenditure, without 
further appropriation and without fiscal year limitation, to implement 
the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 and this Act.
��� (c) Transfer of Funds.--For the purposes of coordination and 
processing of geothermal leases and geothermal use authorizations on 
Federal land the Secretary of the Interior may authorize the expenditure 
or transfer of such funds as are necessary to the Forest Service.
��� Section 7 of the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1006) is 
����������� (1) by striking ``sec. 7.'', and by inserting immediately 
��������before and above the first paragraph the following:
����������� (2) in the first paragraph--
������������������� (A) by striking ``two thousand five hundred and 
����������������sixty acres'' and inserting ``5,120 acres''; and
������������������� (B) by striking ``twenty thousand four hundred and 
����������������eighty acres'' and inserting ``51,200 acres''; and
����������� (3) by striking the second paragraph.
��� The Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.) is further 
amended as follows:
����������� (1) <<NOTE: 30 USC 1001, 1002, 1005, 1020, 1022, 1024-
������� 1026.>> By striking ``geothermal steam and associated geothermal 
��������resources'' each place it appears and inserting ``geothermal 
����������� (2) Section 2 (30 U.S.C. 1001) is amended by adding at the 
��������end the following:
����������� ``(g) `direct use' means utilization of geothermal resources 
��������for commercial, residential, agricultural, public facilities, or 
��������other energy needs other than the commercial production of 
��������electricity; and''.
����������� (3) Section 21 (30 U.S.C. 1020) is amended by striking ``(a) 
��������Within one hundred'' and all that follows through ``(b) 
��������Geothermal'' and inserting ``Geothermal''.
����������� (4) The first section (30 U.S.C. 1001 note) is amended by 
��������striking ``That this'' and inserting the following:
��� ``This''.
����������� (5) Section 2 (30 U.S.C. 1001) is amended by striking ``sec. 
��������2.As'' and inserting the following:
��� ``As''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 672]]
����������� (6) Section 3 (30 U.S.C. 1002) is amended by striking ``sec. 
��������3. Subject'' and inserting the following:
��� ``Subject''.
����������� (7) Section 5 (30 U.S.C. 1004) is further amended by 
��������striking ``sec. 5.'', and by inserting immediately before and 
��������above subsection (a) the following:
����������� (8) Section 8 (30 U.S.C. 1007) is amended by striking ``sec. 
��������8. (a) The'' and inserting the following:
��� ``(a) The''.
����������� (9) Section 9 (30 U.S.C. 1008) is amended by striking ``sec. 
��������9. If'' and inserting the following:
��� ``If''.
����������� (10) Section 10 (30 U.S.C. 1009) is amended by striking 
��������``sec. 10. The'' and inserting the following:
��� ``The''.
����������� (11) Section 11 (30 U.S.C. 1010) is amended by striking 
��������``sec. 11. The'' and inserting the following:
��� ``The''.
����������� (12) Section 12 (30 U.S.C. 1011) is amended by striking 
��������``sec. 12. Leases'' and inserting the following:
��� ``Leases''.
����������� (13) Section 13 (30 U.S.C. 1012) is amended by striking 
��������``sec. 13. The'' and inserting the following:
��� ``The''.
����������� (14) Section 14 (30 U.S.C. 1013) is amended by striking 
��������``sec. 14. Subject'' and inserting the following:
��� ``Subject''.
����������� (15) Section 15 (30 U.S.C. 1014) is amended by striking 
��������``sec. 15. (a) Geothermal'' and inserting the following:
��� ``(a) Geothermal''.
����������� (16) Section 16 (30 U.S.C. 1015) is amended by striking 
��������``sec. 16. Leases'' and inserting the following:
��� ``Leases''.
�� ���������(17) Section 17 (30 U.S.C. 1016) is amended by striking 
��������``sec. 17. Administration'' and inserting the following:
[[Page 119 STAT. 673]]
��� ``Administration''.
����������� (18) Section 19 (30 U.S.C. 1018) is amended by striking 
��������``sec. 19. Upon'' and inserting the following:
��� ``Upon''.
����������� (19) Section 21 (30 U.S.C. 1020) is further amended by 
��������striking ``sec. 21.'', and by inserting immediately before and 
��������above the remainder of that section the following:
����������� (20) Section 22 (30 U.S.C. 1021) is amended by striking 
��������``sec. 22. Nothing'' and inserting the following:
��� ``Nothing''.
����������� (21) Section 23 (30 U.S.C. 1022) is amended by striking 
��������``sec. 23. (a) All'' and inserting the following:
��� ``(a) All''.
����������� (22) Section 24 (30 U.S.C. 1023) is amended by striking 
��������``sec. 24. The'' and inserting the following:
��� ``The''.
����������� (23) Section 25 (30 U.S.C. 1024) is amended by striking 
��������``sec. 25. As'' and inserting the following:
��� ``As''.
����������� (24) Section 26 <<NOTE: 30 USC 530.>> is amended by striking 
��������``sec. 26. The'' and inserting the following:
��� ``The''.
����������� (25) Section 27 (30 U.S.C. 1025) is amended by striking 
��������``sec. 27. The'' and inserting the following:
��� ``The''.
����������� (26) Section 28 (30 U.S.C. 1026) is amended by striking 
��������``sec. 28. (a)(1) The'' and inserting the following:
��� ``(a)(1) The''.
����������� (27) Section 29 (30 U.S.C. 1027) is amended by striking 
��������``sec. 29. The'' and inserting the following:
��� ``The''.
 ���(a) Participation Authorized.--The Secretary, acting through the 
Idaho National Laboratory, may participate in a consortium described in 
subsection (b) to address science and science policy
[[Page 119 STAT. 674]]
issues surrounding the expanded discovery and use of geothermal energy, 
including from geothermal resources on public lands.
��� (b) Members.--The <<NOTE: Establishment.>> consortium referred to in 
subsection (a) shall--
����������� (1) be known as the ``Intermountain West Geothermal 
����������� (2) be a regional consortium of institutions and government 
��������agencies that focuses on building collaborative efforts among 
��������the universities in the State of Idaho, other regional 
��������universities, State agencies, and the Idaho National Laboratory;
����������� (3) include Boise State University, the University of Idaho 
��������(including the Idaho Water Resources Research Institute), the 
��������Oregon Institute of Technology, the Desert Research Institute 
��������with the University and Community College System of Nevada, and 
��������the Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah;
����������� (4) be hosted and managed by Boise State University; and
����������� (5) have a director appointed by Boise State University, and 
��������associate directors appointed by each participating institution.
��� (c) Financial Assistance.--The Secretary, acting through the Idaho 
National Laboratory and subject to the availability of appropriations, 
will provide financial assistance to Boise State University for 
expenditure under contracts with members of the consortium to carry out 
the activities of the consortium.
����������������������� Subtitle C--Hydroelectric
��� (a) Federal Reservations.--Section 4(e) of the Federal Power Act (16 
U.S.C. 797(e)) is amended by inserting after ``adequate protection and 
utilization of such reservation.'' at the end of the first proviso the 
following: ``The license applicant and any party to the proceeding shall 
be entitled to a determination on the record, after opportunity for an 
agency trial-type hearing of no more than 90 days, on any disputed 
issues of material fact with respect to such conditions. All disputed 
issues of material fact raised by any party shall be determined in a 
single trial-type hearing to be conducted by the relevant resource 
agency in accordance with the regulations promulgated under this 
subsection and within the time frame established by the Commission for 
each license proceeding. 
Within <<NOTE: Deadline. Regulations. Procedures.>> 90 days of the date 
of enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the Secretaries of the 
Interior, Commerce, and Agriculture shall establish jointly, by rule, 
the procedures for such expedited trial-type hearing, including the 
opportunity to undertake discovery and cross-examine witnesses, in 
consultation with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.''.
��� (b) Fishways.--Section 18 of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 811) 
is amended by inserting after ``and such fishways as may be prescribed 
by the Secretary of Commerce.'' the <<NOTE: Deadline.>> following: ``The 
license applicant and any party to the proceeding shall be entitled to a 
determination on the record, after opportunity for an agency trial-type 
hearing of no more than 90 days, on any disputed issues of material fact 
with respect to such fishways. All disputed issues of material fact 
raised by any party shall be determined in a
[[Page 119 STAT. 675]]
single trial-type hearing to be conducted by the relevant resource 
agency in accordance with the regulations promulgated under this 
subsection and within the time frame established by the Commission for 
each license 
proceeding. <<NOTE: Deadline. Regulations. Procedures.>> Within 90 days 
of the date of enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the 
Secretaries of the Interior, Commerce, and Agriculture shall establish 
jointly, by rule, the procedures for such expedited trial-type hearing, 
including the opportunity to undertake discovery and cross-examine 
witnesses, in consultation with the Federal Energy Regulatory 
��� (c) Alternative Conditions and Prescriptions.--Part I of the Federal 
Power Act (16 U.S.C. 791a et seq.) is amended by adding the following 
new section at the end thereof:
��� ``(a) Alternative Conditions.--(1) Whenever any person applies for a 
license for any project works within any reservation of the United 
States, and the Secretary of the department under whose supervision such 
reservation falls (referred to in this subsection as the `Secretary') 
deems a condition to such license to be necessary under the first 
proviso of section 4(e), the license applicant or any other party to the 
license proceeding may propose an alternative condition.
��� ``(2) Notwithstanding the first proviso of section 4(e), the 
Secretary shall accept the proposed alternative condition referred to in 
paragraph (1), and the Commission shall include in the license such 
alternative condition, if the Secretary determines, based on substantial 
evidence provided by the license applicant, any other party to the 
proceeding, or otherwise available to the Secretary, that such 
alternative condition--
����������� ``(A) provides for the adequate protection and utilization 
��������of the reservation; and
����������� ``(B) will either, as compared to the condition initially by 
��������the Secretary--
������������������� ``(i) cost significantly less to implement; or
������������������� ``(ii) result in improved operation of the project 
����������������works for electricity production.
��� ``(3) In making a determination under paragraph (2), the Secretary 
shall consider evidence provided for the record by any party to a 
licensing proceeding, or otherwise available to the Secretary, including 
any evidence provided by the Commission, on the implementation costs or 
operational impacts for electricity production of a proposed 
��� ``(4) <<NOTE: Public information. Records.>> The Secretary concerned 
shall submit into the public record of the Commission proceeding with 
any condition under section 4(e) or alternative condition it accepts 
under this section, a written statement explaining the basis for such 
condition, and reason for not accepting any alternative condition under 
this section. The written statement must demonstrate that the Secretary 
gave equal consideration to the effects of the condition adopted and 
alternatives not accepted on energy supply, distribution, cost, and use; 
flood control; navigation; water supply; and air quality (in addition to 
the preservation of other aspects of environmental quality); based on 
such information as may be available to the Secretary, including 
information voluntarily provided in a timely manner by the applicant and 
others. The Secretary shall also submit, together with the 
aforementioned written statement, all studies, data, and
[[Page 119 STAT. 676]]
other factual information available to the Secretary and relevant to the 
Secretary's decision.
��� ``(5) If the Commission finds that the Secretary's final condition 
would be inconsistent with the purposes of this part, or other 
applicable law, the Commission may refer the dispute to the Commission's 
Dispute Resolution Service. <<NOTE: Deadline.>> The Dispute Resolution 
Service shall consult with the Secretary and the Commission and issue a 
non-binding advisory within 90 days. The Secretary may accept the 
Dispute Resolution Service advisory unless the Secretary finds that the 
recommendation will not adequately protect the 
reservation. <<NOTE: Records.>> The Secretary shall submit the advisory 
and the Secretary's final written determination into the record of the 
Commission's proceeding.
��� ``(b) Alternative Prescriptions.--(1) Whenever the Secretary of the 
Interior or the Secretary of Commerce prescribes a fishway under section 
18, the license applicant or any other party to the license proceeding 
may propose an alternative to such prescription to construct, maintain, 
or operate a fishway.
��� ``(2) Notwithstanding section 18, the Secretary of the Interior or 
the Secretary of Commerce, as appropriate, shall accept and prescribe, 
and the Commission shall require, the proposed alternative referred to 
in paragraph (1), if the Secretary of the appropriate department 
determines, based on substantial evidence provided by the license 
applicant, any other party to the proceeding, or otherwise available to 
the Secretary, that such alternative--
����������� ``(A) will be no less protective than the fishway initially 
��������prescribed by the Secretary; and
����������� ``(B) will either, as compared to the fishway initially 
��������prescribed by the Secretary--
������������������� ``(i) cost significantly less to implement; or
������������������� ``(ii) result in improved operation of the project 
����������������works for electricity production.
��� ``(3) In making a determination under paragraph (2), the Secretary 
shall consider evidence provided for the record by any party to a 
licensing proceeding, or otherwise available to the Secretary, including 
any evidence provided by the Commission, on the implementation costs or 
operational impacts for electricity production of a proposed 
��� ``(4) <<NOTE: Public information. Records.>> The Secretary concerned 
shall submit into the public record of the Commission proceeding with 
any prescription under section 18 or alternative prescription it accepts 
under this section, a written statement explaining the basis for such 
prescription, and reason for not accepting any alternative prescription 
under this section. The written statement must demonstrate that the 
Secretary gave equal consideration to the effects of the prescription 
adopted and alternatives not accepted on energy supply, distribution, 
cost, and use; flood control; navigation; water supply; and air quality 
(in addition to the preservation of other aspects of environmental 
quality); based on such information as may be available to the 
Secretary, including information voluntarily provided in a timely manner 
by the applicant and others. The Secretary shall also submit, together 
with the aforementioned written statement, all studies, data, and other 
factual information available to the Secretary and relevant to the 
Secretary's decision.
��� ``(5) If the Commission finds that the Secretary's final 
prescription would be inconsistent with the purposes of this part, or 
other applicable law, the Commission may refer the dispute to the
[[Page 119 STAT. 677]]
Commission's Dispute Resolution Service. <<NOTE: Deadline.>> The Dispute 
Resolution Service shall consult with the Secretary and the Commission 
and issue a non-binding advisory within 90 days. The Secretary may 
accept the Dispute Resolution Service advisory unless the Secretary 
finds that the recommendation will not adequately protect the fish 
resources. <<NOTE: Records.>> The Secretary shall submit the advisory 
and the Secretary's final written determination into the record of the 
Commission's proceeding.''.
��� (a) Incentive Payments.--For electric energy generated and sold by a 
qualified hydroelectric facility during the incentive period, the 
Secretary shall make, subject to the availability of appropriations, 
incentive payments to the owner or operator of such facility. The amount 
of such payment made to any such owner or operator shall be as 
determined under subsection (e) of this section. Payments under this 
section may only be made upon receipt by the Secretary of an incentive 
payment application which establishes that the applicant is eligible to 
receive such payment and which satisfies such other requirements as the 
Secretary deems necessary. Such application shall be in such form, and 
shall be submitted at such time, as the Secretary shall establish.
��� (b) Definitions.--For purposes of this section:
����������� (1) Qualified hydroelectric facility.--The term ``qualified 
��������hydroelectric facility'' means a turbine or other generating 
��������device owned or solely operated by a non-Federal entity which 
��������generates hydroelectric energy for sale and which is added to an 
��������existing dam or conduit.
����������� (2) Existing dam or conduit.--The term ``existing dam or 
��������conduit'' means any dam or conduit the construction of which was 
��������completed before the date of the enactment of this section and 
��������which does not require any construction or enlargement of 
��������impoundment or diversion structures (other than repair or 
��������reconstruction) in connection with the installation of a turbine 
��������or other generating device.
 �����������(3) Conduit.--The term ``conduit'' has the same meaning as 
��������when used in section 30(a)(2) of the Federal Power Act (16 
��������U.S.C. 823a(a)(2)).
The <<NOTE: Applicability.>> terms defined in this subsection shall 
apply without regard to the hydroelectric kilowatt capacity of the 
facility concerned, without regard to whether the facility uses a dam 
owned by a governmental or nongovernmental entity, and without regard to 
whether the facility begins operation on or after the date of the 
enactment of this section.
��� (c) Eligibility Window.--Payments may be made under this section 
only for electric energy generated from a qualified hydroelectric 
facility which begins operation during the period of 10 fiscal years 
beginning with the first full fiscal year occurring after the date of 
enactment of this subtitle.
��� (d) Incentive Period.--A qualified hydroelectric facility may 
receive payments under this section for a period of 10 fiscal years 
(referred to in this section as the ``incentive period''). Such period 
shall begin with the fiscal year in which electric energy generated from 
the facility is first eligible for such payments.
��� (e) Amount of Payment.--
����������� (1) In general.--Payments made by the Secretary under this 
��������section to the owner or operator of a qualified hydroelectric
[[Page 119 STAT. 678]]
������� facility shall be based on the number of kilowatt hours of 
��������hydroelectric energy generated by the facility during the 
��������incentive period. For any such facility, the amount of such 
��������payment shall be 1.8 cents per kilowatt hour (adjusted as 
��������provided in paragraph (2)), subject to the availability of 
��������appropriations under subsection (g), except that no facility may 
��������receive more than $750,000 in 1 calendar year.
����������� (2) Adjustments.--The amount of the payment made to any 
��������person under this section as provided in paragraph (1) shall be 
��������adjusted for inflation for each fiscal year beginning after 
��������calendar year 2005 in the same manner as provided in the 
��������provisions of section 29(d)(2)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code 
��������of 1986, except that in applying such provisions the calendar 
��������year 2005 shall be substituted for calendar year 1979.
��� (f) Sunset.--No payment may be made under this section to any 
qualified hydroelectric facility after the expiration of the period of 
20 fiscal years beginning with the first full fiscal year occurring 
after the date of enactment of this subtitle, and no payment may be made 
under this section to any such facility after a payment has been made 
with respect to such facility for a period of 10 fiscal years.
��� (g) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary to carry out the purposes of this section 
$10,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2006 through 2015.
��� (a) Incentive Payments.--The Secretary shall make incentive payments 
to the owners or operators of hydroelectric facilities at existing dams 
to be used to make capital improvements in the facilities that are 
directly related to improving the efficiency of such facilities by at 
least 3 percent.
��� (b) Limitations.--Incentive payments under this section shall not 
exceed 10 percent of the costs of the capital improvement concerned and 
not more than 1 payment may be made with respect to improvements at a 
single facility. No payment in excess of $750,000 may be made with 
respect to improvements at a single facility.
��� (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section not more than $10,000,000 for 
each of the fiscal years 2006 through 2015.
��� Section 32 of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 823c) is amended--
����������� (1) in subsection (a)(3)(C), by inserting ``except as 
��������provided in subsection (j),'' before ``conditions''; and
����������� (2) by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(j) Fish and Wildlife.--If the State of Alaska determines that a 
recommendation under subsection (a)(3)(C) is inconsistent with 
paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a), the State of Alaska may 
decline to adopt all or part of the recommendations in accordance with 
the procedures established under section 10(j)(2).''.
��� (a) Extension of Time.--
Notwithstanding <<NOTE: Applicability. Effective dates.>> the time 
period specified in section 5 of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 798)
[[Page 119 STAT. 679]]
that would otherwise apply to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 
(referred to in this section as the ``Commission'') project numbered 
12107, the Commission shall--
����������� (1) if the preliminary permit is in effect on the date of 
�������enactment of this Act, extend the preliminary permit for a 
��������period of 3 years beginning on the date on which the preliminary 
��������permit expires; or
����������� (2) if the preliminary permit expired before the date of 
��������enactment of this Act, on request of the permittee, reinstate 
��������the preliminary permit for an additional 3-year period beginning 
��������on the date of enactment of this Act.
��� (b) Limitation on Certain Fees.--Notwithstanding section 10(e)(1) of 
the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 803(e)(1)) or any other provision of 
Federal law providing for the payment to the United States of charges 
for the use of Federal land for the purposes of operating and 
maintaining a hydroelectric development licensed by the Commission, any 
political subdivision of the State of Montana that holds a Commission 
license for the Commission project numbered 12107 in Granite and Deer 
Lodge Counties, Montana, shall be required to pay to the United States 
for the use of that land for each year during which the political 
subdivision continues to hold the license for the project, the lesser 
����������� (1) $25,000; or
����������� (2) such annual charge as the Commission or any other 
��������department or agency of the Federal Government may assess.
��� Section 408(a)(6) of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 
1978 (16 U.S.C. 2708(a)(6)) is amended by striking ``April 20, 1977'' 
and inserting ``July 22, 2005''.
��������������� �������Subtitle D--Insular Energy
��� Section 604 of the Act entitled ``An Act to authorize appropriations 
for certain insular areas of the United States, and for other 
purposes'', approved December 24, 1980 (48 U.S.C. 1492), is amended--
����������� (1) in subsection (a)(4) by striking the period and 
��������inserting a semicolon;
����������� (2) by adding at the end of subsection (a) the following new 
����������� ``(5) electric power transmission and distribution lines in 
��������insular areas are inadequate to withstand damage caused by the 
��������hurricanes and typhoons which frequently occur in insular areas 
��������and such damage often costs millions of dollars to repair; and
���� �������``(6) the refinement of renewable energy technologies since 
��������the publication of the 1982 Territorial Energy Assessment 
��������prepared pursuant to subsection (c) reveals the need to reassess 
��������the state of energy production, consumption, infrastructure, 
��������reliance on imported energy, opportunities for energy 
��������conservation and increased energy efficiency, and indigenous 
��������sources in regard to the insular areas.'';
����������� (3) by amending subsection (e) to read as follows:
[[Page 119 STAT. 680]]
��� ``(e)(1) The Secretary of the Interior, in consultation with the 
Secretary of Energy and the head of government of each insular area, 
shall update the plans required under subsection (c) by--
����������� ``(A) updating the contents required by subsection (c);
����������� ``(B) drafting long-term energy plans for such insular areas 
��������with the objective of reducing, to the extent feasible, their 
��������reliance on energy imports by the year 2012, increasing energy 
��������conservation and energy efficiency, and maximizing, to the 
��������extent feasible, use of indigenous energy sources; and
����������� ``(C) drafting long-term energy transmission line plans for 
��������such insular areas with the objective that the maximum 
��������percentage feasible of electric power transmission and 
��������distribution lines in each insular area be protected from damage 
��������caused by hurricanes and typhoons.
��� ``(2) In carrying out this subsection, the Secretary of Energy shall 
identify and evaluate the strategies or projects with the greatest 
potential for reducing the dependence on imported fossil fuels as used 
for the generation of electricity, including strategies and projects 
���������� ``(A) improved supply-side efficiency of centralized 
��������electrical generation, transmission, and distribution systems;
����������� ``(B) improved demand-side management through--
������������������� ``(i) the application of established standards for 
����������������energy efficiency for appliances;
������������������� ``(ii) the conduct of energy audits for business and 
����������������industrial customers; and
������������������� ``(iii) the use of energy savings performance 
����������� ``(C) increased use of renewable energy, including--
������������������� ``(i) solar thermal energy for electric generation;
������������������� ``(ii) solar thermal energy for water heating in 
����������������large buildings, such as hotels, hospitals, government 
����������������buildings, and residences;
������������������� ``(iii) photovoltaic energy;
������������������� ``(iv) wind energy;
������������������� ``(v) hydroelectric energy;
������������������� ``(vi) wave energy;
������������������� ``(vii) energy from ocean thermal resources, 
����������������including ocean thermal-cooling for community air 
������������������� ``(viii) water vapor condensation for the production 
����������������of potable water;
������������������� ``(ix) fossil fuel and renewable hybrid electrical 
����������������generation systems; and
������������������� ``(x) other strategies or projects that the 
����������������Secretary may identify as having significant potential; 
����������� ``(D) fuel substitution and minimization with indigenous 
��������biofuels, such as coconut oil.
��� ``(3) In carrying out this subsection, for each insular area with a 
significant need for distributed generation, the Secretary of Energy 
shall identify and evaluate the most promising strategies and projects 
described in subparagraphs (C) and (D) of paragraph (2) for meeting that 
��� ``(4) In assessing the potential of any strategy or project under 
paragraphs (2) and (3), the Secretary of Energy shall consider--
����������� ``(A) the estimated cost of the power or energy to be 
��������produced, including--
������������������� ``(i) any additional costs associated with the 
����������������distribution of the generation; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 681]]
������������������� ``(ii) the long-term availability of the generation 
����������� ``(B) the capacity of the local electrical utility to 
��������manage, operate, and maintain any project that may be 
��������undertaken; and
����������� ``(C) other factors the Secretary of Energy considers to be 
��� ``(5) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Not later than 1 year after the date of 
enactment of this subsection, the Secretary of the Interior shall submit 
to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate, the 
Committee on Resources of the House of Representatives, and the 
Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives, the 
updated plans for each insular area required by this subsection.''; and
����������� (4) by amending subsection (g)(4) to read as follows:
����������� ``(4) Power line grants for insular areas.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The Secretary of the Interior is 
����������������authorized to make grants to governments of insular 
����������������areas of the United States to carry out eligible 
����������������projects to protect electric power transmission and 
����������������distribution lines in such insular areas from damage 
����������������caused by hurricanes and typhoons.
������������������� ``(B) Eligible projects.--The Secretary of the 
����������������Interior may award grants under subparagraph (A) only to 
����������������governments of insular areas of the United States that 
����������������submit written project plans to the Secretary for 
����������������projects that meet the following criteria:
������������������������� ``(i) The project is designed to protect 
����������������������electric power transmission and distribution lines 
����������������������located in 1 or more of the insular areas of the 
����������������������United States from damage caused by hurricanes and 
��������� ����������������``(ii) The project is likely to substantially 
����������������������reduce the risk of future damage, hardship, loss, 
����������������������or suffering.
������������������������� ``(iii) The project addresses 1 or more 
����������������������problems that have been repetitive or that pose a 
����������������������significant risk to public health and safety.
������������������������� ``(iv) The project is not likely to cost more 
����������������������than the value of the reduction in direct damage 
����������������������and other negative impacts that the project is 
����������������������designed to prevent or mitigate. The cost benefit 
����������������������analysis required by this criterion shall be 
����������������������computed on a net present value basis.
������������������������� ``(v) The project design has taken into 
����������������������consideration long-term changes to the areas and 
����������������������persons it is designed to protect and has 
����������������������manageable future maintenance and modification 
������������������������� ``(vi) The project plan includes an analysis 
����������������������of a range of options to address the problem it is 
����������������������designed to prevent or mitigate and a 
����������������������justification for the selection of the project in 
����������������������light of that analysis.
������������������������� ``(vii) The applicant has demonstrated to the 
����������������������Secretary that the matching funds required by 
����������������������subparagraph (D) are available.
������������������� ``(C) Priority.--When making grants under this 
����������������paragraph, the Secretary of the Interior shall give 
����������������priority to grants for projects which are likely to--
������������������������� ``(i) have the greatest impact on reducing 
����������������������future disaster losses; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 682]]
������������������������� ``(ii) best conform with plans that have been 
����������������������approved by the Federal Government or the 
����������������������government of the insular area where the project 
����������������������is to be carried out for development or hazard 
����������������������mitigation for that insular area.
������������������� ``(D) Matching requirement.--The Federal share of 
����������������the cost for a project for which a grant is provided 
����������������under this paragraph shall not exceed 75 percent of the 
����������������total cost of that project. The non-Federal share of the 
����������������cost may be provided in the form of cash or services.
������������������� ``(E) Treatment of funds for certain purposes.--
��������������� Grants provided under this paragraph shall not be 
����������������considered as income, a resource, or a duplicative 
����������������program when determining eligibility or benefit levels 
����������������for Federal major disaster and emergency assistance.
������������������� ``(F) Authorization of appropriations.--There are 
����������������authorized to be appropriated to carry out this 
����������������paragraph $6,000,000 for each fiscal year beginning 
����������������after the date of the enactment of this paragraph.''.
��� (a) Project Feasibilty Studies.--
����������� (1) In general.--On a request described in paragraph (2), 
��������the Secretary shall conduct a feasibility study of a project to 
��������implement a strategy or project identified in the plans 
��������submitted to Congress pursuant to section 604 of the Act 
��������entitled ``An Act to authorize appropriations for certain 
��������insular areas of the United States, and for other purposes'', 
��������approved December 24, 1980 (48 U.S.C. 1492), as having the 
��������potential to--
������������������� (A) significantly reduce the dependence of an 
����������������insular area on imported fossil fuels; or
���������������� ���(B) provide needed distributed generation to an 
����������������insular area.
����������� (2) Request.--The Secretary shall conduct a feasibility 
��������study under paragraph (1) on--
������������������� (A) the request of an electric utility located in an 
����������������insular area that commits to fund at least 10 percent of 
����������������the cost of the study; and
������������������� (B) if the electric utility is located in the 
����������������Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the 
����������������Marshall Islands, or the Republic of Palau, written 
����������������support for that request by the President or the 
����������������Ambassador of the affected freely associated state.
����������� (3) Consultation.--The Secretary shall consult with regional 
��������utility organizations in--
������������������� (A) conducting feasibility studies under paragraph 
����������������(1); and
������������������� (B) determining the feasibility of potential 
����������� (4) Feasibility.--For the purpose of a feasibility study 
��������under paragraph (1), a project shall be determined to be 
��������feasible if the project would significantly reduce the 
��������dependence of an insular area on imported fossil fuels, or 
��������provide needed distributed generation to an insular area, at a 
��������reasonable cost.
��� (b) Implementation.--
����������� (1) In general.--On a determination by the Secretary (in 
��������consultation with the Secretary of the Interior) that a project
[[Page 119 STAT. 683]]
������� is feasible under subsection (a) and a commitment by an electric 
��������utility to operate and maintain the project, the Secretary may 
��������provide such technical and financial assistance as the Secretary 
��������determines is appropriate for the implementation of the project.
����������� (2) Regional utility organizations.--In providing assistance 
��������under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall consider providing the 
��������assistance through regional utility organizations.
��� (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--
����������� (1) In general.--There are authorized to be appropriated to 
��������the Secretary--
������������������� (A) $500,000 for each fiscal year for project 
����������������feasibility studies under subsection (a); and
������������������� (B) $4,000,000 for each fiscal year for project 
����������������implementation under subsection (b).
����������� (2) Limitation of funds received by insular areas.--No 
��������insular area may receive, during any 3-year period, more than 20 
��������percent of the total funds made available during that 3-year 
��������period under subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1) unless 
��������the Secretary determines that providing funding in excess of 
��������that percentage best advances existing opportunities to meet the 
��������objectives of this section.
������������������������ TITLE III--OIL AND GAS
���������� Subtitle A--Petroleum Reserve and Home Heating Oil
��� (a) Amendment to Title I of the Energy Policy and Conservation 
Act.--Title I of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6212 
et seq.) is amended--
����������� (1) by striking section 166 (42 U.S.C. 6246) and inserting 
��������the following:
������������������� ``authorization of appropriations
��� ``Sec. 166. There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary 
such sums as are necessary to carry out this part and part D, to remain 
available until expended.'';
����������� (2) by striking section 186 (42 U.S.C. 6250e); and
����������� (3) by striking part E (42 U.S.C. 6251).
��� (b) Amendment to Title II of the Energy Policy and Conservation 
Act.--Title II of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6271 
et seq.) is amended--
����������� (1) by inserting before section 273 (42 U.S.C. 6283) the 
����������� (2) by striking section 273(e) (42 U.S.C. 6283(e)); and
����������� (3) by striking part D (42 U.S.C. 6285).
��� (c) Technical Amendments.--The table of contents for the Energy 
Policy and Conservation Act is amended--
[[Page 119 STAT. 684]]
����������� (1) by inserting after the items relating to part C of title 
��������I the following:
������������� ``Part D--Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve
``Sec. 181. Establishment.
``Sec. 182. Authority.
``Sec. 183. Conditions for release; plan.
``Sec. 184. Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve Account.
``Sec. 185. Exemptions.'';
����������� (2) by amending the items relating to part C of title II to 
��������read as follows:
����������� ``Part C--Summer Fill and Fuel Budgeting Programs
``Sec. 273. Summer fill and fuel budgeting programs.'';
������� and
����������� (3) by striking the items relating to part D of title II.
��� (d) Amendment to the Energy Policy and Conservation Act.--Section 
183(b)(1) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 
6250b(b)(1)) is amended by striking ``by more'' and all that follows 
through ``mid-October through March'' and inserting ``by more than 60 
percent over its 5-year rolling average for the months of mid-October 
through March (considered as a heating season average)''.
��� (e) Fill <<NOTE: 42 USC 6240 note.>> Strategic Petroleum Reserve to 
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall, as expeditiously as 
��������practicable, without incurring excessive cost or appreciably 
��������affecting the price of petroleum products to consumers, acquire 
��������petroleum in quantities sufficient to fill the Strategic 
��������Petroleum Reserve to the 1,000,000,000-barrel capacity 
��������authorized under section 154(a) of the Energy Policy and 
��������Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6234(a)), in accordance with the 
��������sections 159 and 160 of that Act (42 U.S.C. 6239, 6240).
����������� (2) Procedures.--
������������������� (A) Amendment.--Section 160 of the Energy Policy and 
����������������Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6240) is amended by 
����������������inserting after subsection (b) the following new 
��� ``(c) Procedures.--The <<NOTE: Public 
information. Notice.>> Secretary shall develop, with public notice and 
opportunity for comment, procedures consistent with the objectives of 
this section to acquire petroleum for the Reserve. Such procedures shall 
take into account the need to--
����������� ``(1) maximize overall domestic supply of crude oil 
��������(including quantities stored in private sector inventories);
����������� ``(2) avoid incurring excessive cost or appreciably 
��������affecting the price of petroleum products to consumers;
����������� ``(3) minimize the costs to the Department of the Interior 
��������and the Department of Energy in acquiring such petroleum 
��������products (including foregone revenues to the Treasury when 
��������petroleum products for the Reserve are obtained through the 
��������royalty-in-kind program);
����������� ``(4) protect national security;
����������� ``(5) avoid adversely affecting current and futures prices, 
��������supplies, and inventories of oil; and
����������� ``(6) address other factors that the Secretary determines to 
��������be appropriate.''.
������������������� (B) Review of <<NOTE: 42 USC 6240 note.>> requests 
����������������for deferrals of scheduled deliveries.--The procedures 
����������������developed under section 160(c) of the Energy Policy and 
����������������Conservation Act, as added by subparagraph (A), shall 
����������������include procedures and criteria
[[Page 119 STAT. 685]]
��������������� for the review of requests for the deferrals of 
����������������scheduled deliveries.
������������������� (C) Deadlines.--The Secretary shall--
������������������������� (i) propose the procedures required under the 
����������������������amendment made by subparagraph (A) not later than 
����������������������120 days after the date of enactment of this Act;
������������������������� (ii) promulgate the procedures not later than 
����������������������180 days after the date of enactment of this Act; 
���������� ���������������(iii) comply with the procedures in acquiring 
����������������������petroleum for the Reserve effective beginning on 
����������������������the date that is 180 days after the date of 
����������������������enactment of this Act.
��� Section 713 of the Energy Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-469; 42 U.S.C. 
6201 note) is amended by striking ``4'' and inserting ``9''.
SEC. 303. <<NOTE: Deadline.>> SITE SELECTION.
��� Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the 
Secretary shall complete a proceeding to select, from sites that the 
Secretary has previously studied, sites necessary to enable acquisition 
by the Secretary of the full authorized volume of the Strategic 
Petroleum Reserve. In such proceeding, the Secretary shall first 
consider and give preference to the five sites which the Secretary 
previously assessed in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, DOE/
EIS-0165-D. However, the Secretary in his discretion may select other 
sites as proposed by a State where a site has been previously studied by 
the Secretary to meet the full authorized volume of the Strategic 
Petroleum Reserve.
������������������������ Subtitle B--Natural Gas
��� (a) Scope of Natural Gas Act.--Section 1(b) of the Natural Gas Act 
(15 U.S.C. 717(b)) is amended by inserting ``and to the importation or 
exportation of natural gas in foreign commerce and to persons engaged in 
such importation or exportation,'' after ``such transportation or 
��� (b) Definition.--Section 2 of the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717a) 
is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(11) `LNG terminal' includes all natural gas facilities 
��������located onshore or in State waters that are used to receive, 
��������unload, load, store, transport, gasify, liquefy, or process 
��������natural gas that is imported to the United States from a foreign 
��������country, exported to a foreign country from the United States, 
��������or transported in interstate commerce by waterborne vessel, but 
��������does not include--
������������������� ``(A) waterborne vessels used to deliver natural gas 
����������������to or from any such facility; or
������������������� ``(B) any pipeline or storage facility subject to 
����������������the jurisdiction of the Commission under section 7.''.
��� (c) Authorization for Siting, Construction, Expansion, or Operation 
of LNG Terminals.--(1) The title for section 3 of the Natural Gas Act 
(15 U.S.C. 717b) is amended by inserting ``; lng terminals'' after 
``exportation or importation of natural gas''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 686]]
��� (2) Section 3 of the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717b) is amended by 
adding at the end the following:
��� ``(d) Except as specifically provided in this Act, nothing in this 
Act affects the rights of States under--
����������� ``(1) the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 
��������1451 et seq.);
����������� ``(2) the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.); or
����������� ``(3) the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 
��������1251 et seq.).
��� ``(e)(1) The Commission shall have the exclusive authority to 
approve or deny an application for the siting, construction, expansion, 
or operation of an LNG terminal. Except as specifically provided in this 
Act, nothing in this Act is intended to affect otherwise applicable law 
related to any Federal agency's authorities or responsibilities related 
to LNG terminals.
��� ``(2) Upon the filing of any application to site, construct, expand, 
or operate an LNG terminal, the Commission shall--
����������� ``(A) set the matter for hearing;
����������� ``(B) <<NOTE: Notice.>> give reasonable notice of the 
��������hearing to all interested persons, including the State 
��������commission of the State in which the LNG terminal is located 
��������and, if not the same, the Governor-appointed State agency 
��������described in section 3A;
����������� ``(C) decide the matter in accordance with this subsection; 
����������� ``(D) issue or deny the appropriate order accordingly.
��� ``(3)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the Commission may 
approve an application described in paragraph (2), in whole or part, 
with such modifications and upon such terms and conditions as the 
Commission find necessary or appropriate.
��� ``(B) Before January 1, 2015, the Commission shall not--
����������� ``(i) deny an application solely on the basis that the 
��������applicant proposes to use the LNG terminal exclusively or 
��������partially for gas that the applicant or an affiliate of the 
��������applicant will supply to the facility; or
����������� ``(ii) condition an order on--
������������������� ``(I) a requirement that the LNG terminal offer 
����������������service to customers other than the applicant, or any 
����������������affiliate of the applicant, securing the order;
������������������� ``(II) any regulation of the rates, charges, terms, 
����������������or conditions of service of the LNG terminal; or
������������������� ``(III) a requirement to file with the Commission 
����������������schedules or contracts related to the rates, charges, 
����������������terms, or conditions of service of the LNG terminal.
��� ``(C) <<NOTE: Termination date.>> Subparagraph (B) shall cease to 
have effect on January 1, 2030.
��� ``(4) An order issued for an LNG terminal that also offers service 
to customers on an open access basis shall not result in subsidization 
of expansion capacity by existing customers, degradation of service to 
existing customers, or undue discrimination against existing customers 
as to their terms or conditions of service at the facility, as all of 
those terms are defined by the Commission.
��� ``(f)(1) In this subsection, the term `military installation'--
����������� ``(A) means a base, camp, post, range, station, yard, 
��������center, or homeport facility for any ship or other activity 
��������under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense, including 
��������any leased facility, that is located within a State, the 
��������District of Columbia, or any territory of the United States; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 687]]
����������� ``(B) does not include any facility used primarily for civil 
��������works, rivers and harbors projects, or flood control projects, 
��������as determined by the Secretary of Defense.
��� ``(2) <<NOTE: Memorandum.>> The Commission shall enter into a 
memorandum of understanding with the Secretary of Defense for the 
purpose of ensuring that the Commission coordinate and consult with the 
Secretary of Defense on the siting, construction, expansion, or 
operation of liquefied natural gas facilities that may affect an active 
military installation.
��� ``(3) The Commission shall obtain the concurrence of the Secretary 
of Defense before authorizing the siting, construction, expansion, or 
operation of liquefied natural gas facilities affecting the training or 
activities of an active military installation.''.
��� (d) LNG Terminal State and Local Safety Concerns.--After section 3 
of the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717b) insert the following:
���������������� ``state and local safety considerations
��� ``Sec. 3A. (a) <<NOTE: Regulations. Deadline. 15 USC 717b-1.>> The 
Commission shall promulgate regulations on the National Environmental 
Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) pre-filing process within 60 
days after the date of enactment of this section. An applicant shall 
comply with pre-filing process required under the National Environmental 
Policy Act of 1969 prior to filing an application with the Commission. 
The regulations shall require that the pre-filing process commence at 
least 6 months prior to the filing of an application for authorization 
to construct an LNG terminal and encourage applicants to cooperate with 
State and local officials.
��� ``(b) The Governor of a State in which an LNG terminal is proposed 
to be located shall designate the appropriate State agency for the 
purposes of consulting with the Commission regarding an application 
under section 3. The Commission shall consult with such State agency 
regarding State and local safety considerations prior to issuing an 
order pursuant to section 3. For the purposes of this section, State and 
local safety considerations include--
����������� ``(1) the kind and use of the facility;
����������� ``(2) the existing and projected population and demographic 
��������characteristics of the location;
����������� ``(3) the existing and proposed land use near the location;
����������� ``(4) the natural and physical aspects of the location;
����������� ``(5) the emergency response capabilities near the facility 
��������location; and
����������� ``(6) the need to encourage remote siting.
��� ``(c) The State agency may furnish an advisory report on State and 
local safety considerations to the Commission with respect to an 
application no later than 30 days after the application was filed with 
the Commission. Before issuing an order authorizing an applicant to 
site, construct, expand, or operate an LNG terminal, the Commission 
shall review and respond specifically to the issues raised by the State 
agency described in subsection (b) in the advisory 
report. <<NOTE: Applicability.>> This subsection shall apply to any 
application filed after the date of enactment of the Energy Policy Act 
of 2005. A <<NOTE: Deadline. Reports.>> State agency has 30 days after 
such date of enactment to file an advisory report related to any 
applications pending at the Commission as of such date of enactment.
��� ``(d) The State commission of the State in which an LNG terminal is 
located may, after the terminal is operational, conduct
[[Page 119 STAT. 688]]
safety inspections in conformance with Federal regulations and 
guidelines with respect to the LNG terminal upon written notice to the 
Commission. The State commission may notify the Commission of any 
alleged safety violations. <<NOTE: Notification.>> The Commission shall 
transmit information regarding such allegations to the appropriate 
Federal agency, which shall take appropriate action and notify the State 
��� ``(e)(1) In any order authorizing an LNG terminal the Commission 
shall require the LNG terminal operator to develop an Emergency Response 
Plan. The Emergency Response Plan shall be prepared in consultation with 
the United States Coast Guard and State and local agencies and be 
approved by the Commission prior to any final approval to begin 
construction. The Plan shall include a cost-sharing plan.
��� ``(2) A cost-sharing plan developed under paragraph (1) shall 
include a description of any direct cost reimbursements that the 
applicant agrees to provide to any State and local agencies with 
responsibility for security and safety--
����������� ``(A) at the LNG terminal; and
����������� ``(B) in proximity to vessels that serve the facility.''.
��� Section 4 of the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717c) is amended by 
adding at the end the following:
��� ``(f)(1) In exercising its authority under this Act or the Natural 
Gas Policy Act of 1978 (15 U.S.C. 3301 et seq.), the Commission may 
authorize a natural gas company (or any person that will be a natural 
gas company on completion of any proposed construction) to provide 
storage and storage-related services at market-based rates for new 
storage capacity related to a specific facility placed in service after 
the date of enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, notwithstanding 
the fact that the company is unable to demonstrate that the company 
lacks market power, if the Commission determines that--
����������� ``(A) market-based rates are in the public interest and 
��������necessary to encourage the construction of the storage capacity 
��������in the area needing storage services; and
������� ����``(B) customers are adequately protected.
��� ``(2) The Commission shall ensure that reasonable terms and 
conditions are in place to protect consumers.
��� ``(3) If the Commission authorizes a natural gas company to charge 
market-based rates under this subsection, the Commission shall review 
periodically whether the market-based rate is just, reasonable, and not 
unduly discriminatory or preferential.''.
��� (a) In General.--Section 15 of the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717n) 
is amended--
����������� (1) by striking the section heading and inserting ``process 
��������coordination; hearings; rules of procedure'';
����������� (2) by redesignating subsections (a) and (b) as subsections 
��������(e) and (f), respectively; and
����������� (3) by striking ``sec. 15.'' and inserting the following:
��� ``Sec. 15.(a) In this section, the term `Federal authorization'--
����������� ``(1) means any authorization required under Federal law 
��������with respect to an application for authorization under section
[[Page 119 STAT. 689]]
������� 3 or a certificate of public convenience and necessity under 
��������section 7; and
����������� ``(2) includes any permits, special use authorizations, 
��������certifications, opinions, or other approvals as may be required 
��������under Federal law with respect to an application for 
��������authorization under section 3 or a certificate of public 
��������convenience and necessity under section 7.
��� ``(b) Designation as Lead Agency.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The Commission shall act as the lead 
��������agency for the purposes of coordinating all applicable Federal 
��������authorizations and for the purposes of complying with the 
��������National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et 
����������� ``(2) Other agencies.--Each Federal and State agency 
��������considering an aspect of an application for Federal 
��������authorization shall cooperate with the Commission and comply 
��������with the deadlines established by the Commission.
��� ``(c) Schedule.--
����������� ``(1) Commission authority to set schedule.--The Commission 
��������shall establish a schedule for all Federal authorizations. In 
��������establishing the schedule, the Commission shall--
������������������� ``(A) ensure expeditious completion of all such 
����������������proceedings; and
������������������� ``(B) comply with applicable schedules established 
����������������by Federal law.
����������� ``(2) Failure to meet schedule.--If a Federal or State 
��������administrative agency does not complete a proceeding for an 
��������approval that is required for a Federal authorization in 
��������accordance with the schedule established by the Commission, the 
��������applicant may pursue remedies under section 19(d).
��� ``(d) Consolidated Record.--The Commission shall, with the 
cooperation of Federal and State administrative agencies and officials, 
maintain a complete consolidated record of all decisions made or actions 
taken by the Commission or by a Federal administrative agency or officer 
(or State administrative agency or officer acting under delegated 
Federal authority) with respect to any Federal authorization. Such 
record shall be the record for--
����������� ``(1) appeals or reviews under the Coastal Zone Management 
��������Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq.), provided that the record 
��������may be supplemented as expressly provided pursuant to section 
��������319 of that Act; or
��� ��������``(2) judicial review under section 19(d) of decisions made 
��������or actions taken of Federal and State administrative agencies 
��������and officials, provided that, if the Court determines that the 
��������record does not contain sufficient information, the Court may 
��������remand the proceeding to the Commission for further development 
��������of the consolidated record.''.
��� (b) Judicial Review.--Section 19 of the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 
717r) is amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(d) Judicial Review.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The United States Court of Appeals for 
��������the circuit in which a facility subject to section 3 or section 
��������7 is proposed to be constructed, expanded, or operated shall 
��������have original and exclusive jurisdiction over any civil action 
��������for the review of an order or action of a Federal agency (other 
��������than the Commission) or State administrative agency acting 
��������pursuant to Federal law to issue, condition, or deny any permit,
[[Page 119 STAT. 690]]
������� license, concurrence, or approval (hereinafter collectively 
��������referred to as `permit') required under Federal law, other than 
��������the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1451 et 
����������� ``(2) Agency delay.--The United States Court of Appeals for 
��������the District of Columbia shall have original and exclusive 
��������jurisdiction over any civil action for the review of an alleged 
��������failure to act by a Federal agency (other than the Commission) 
��������or State administrative agency acting pursuant to Federal law to 
��������issue, condition, or deny any permit required under Federal law, 
��������other than the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 
��������1451 et seq.), for a facility subject to section 3 or section 7. 
��������The failure of an agency to take action on a permit required 
��������under Federal law, other than the Coastal Zone Management Act of 
��������1972, in accordance with the Commission schedule established 
��������pursuant to section 15(c) shall be considered inconsistent with 
��������Federal law for the purposes of paragraph (3).
����������� ``(3) Court action.--If the Court finds that such order or 
��������action is inconsistent with the Federal law governing such 
��������permit and would prevent the construction, expansion, or 
��������operation of the facility subject to section 3 or section 7, the 
��������Court shall remand the proceeding to the agency to take 
��������appropriate action consistent with the order of the Court. If 
��������the Court remands the order or action to the Federal or State 
��������agency, the Court shall set a reasonable schedule and deadline 
��������for the agency to act on remand.
����������� ``(4) Commission action.--For any action described in this 
��������subsection, the Commission shall file with the Court the 
��������consolidated record of such order or action to which the appeal 
��������hereunder relates.
����������� ``(5) Expedited review.--The Court shall set any action 
��������brought under this subsection for expedited consideration.''.
��� (a) Criminal Penalties.--
����������� (1) Natural gas act.--Section 21 of the Natural Gas Act (15 
��������U.S.C. 717t) is amended--
������������������� (A) in subsection (a)--
������������������������� (i) by striking ``$5,000'' and inserting 
����������������������``$1,000,000''; and
�������������������� �����(ii) by striking ``two years'' and inserting 
����������������������``5 years''; and
������������������� (B) in subsection (b), by striking ``$500'' and 
����������������inserting ``$50,000''.
����������� (2) Natural gas policy act of 1978.--Section 504(c) of the 
��������Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 (15 U.S.C. 3414(c)) is amended--
������������������� (A) in paragraph (1)--
������������������������� (i) in subparagraph (A), by striking 
����������������������``$5,000'' and inserting ``$1,000,000''; and
������������������������� (ii) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``two 
����������������������years'' and inserting ``5 years''; and
������������������� (B) in paragraph (2), by striking ``$500 for each 
����������������violation'' and inserting ``$50,000 for each day on 
����������������which the offense occurs''.
��� (b) Civil Penalties.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 691]]
����������� (1) Natural gas act.--The Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717 et 
��������seq.) is amended--
����� ��������������(A) <<NOTE: 15 USC 717u-717w.>> by redesignating 
����������������sections 22 through 24 as sections 24 through 26, 
����������������respectively; and
������������������� (B) by inserting after section 21 (15 U.S.C. 717t) 
����������������the following:
����������������������� ``civil penalty authority
��� ``Sec. 22. (a) <<NOTE: 15 USC 717t-1.>> Any person that violates 
this Act, or any rule, regulation, restriction, condition, or order made 
or imposed by the Commission under authority of this Act, shall be 
subject to a civil penalty of not more than $1,000,000 per day per 
violation for as long as the violation continues.
��� ``(b) The penalty shall be assessed by the Commission after notice 
and opportunity for public hearing.
��� ``(c) In determining the amount of a proposed penalty, the 
Commission shall take into consideration the nature and seriousness of 
the violation and the efforts to remedy the violation.''.
����������� (2) Natural gas policy act of 1978.--Section 504(b)(6)(A) of 
��������the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 (15 U.S.C. 3414(b)(6)(A)) is 
������������������� (A) in clause (i), by striking ``$5,000'' and 
����������������inserting ``$1,000,000''; and
������������������� (B) in clause (ii), by striking ``$25,000'' and 
����������������inserting ``$1,000,000''.
��� The Natural Gas Act is amended by inserting after section 4 (15 
U.S.C. 717c) the following:
����������������� ``prohibition on market manipulation
��� ``Sec. 4A. <<NOTE: 15 USC 717c-1.>> It shall be unlawful for any 
entity, directly or indirectly, to use or employ, in connection with the 
purchase or sale of natural gas or the purchase or sale of 
transportation services subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, 
any manipulative or deceptive device or contrivance (as those terms are 
used in section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 
78j(b))) in contravention of such rules and regulations as the 
Commission may prescribe as necessary in the public interest or for the 
protection of natural gas ratepayers. Nothing in this section shall be 
construed to create a private right of action.''.
��� The Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717 et seq.) is amended by inserting 
after section 22 the following:
���������������� ``natural gas market transparency rules
��� ``Sec. 23. (a)(1) <<NOTE: 15 USC 717t-2.>> The Commission is 
directed to facilitate price transparency in markets for the sale or 
transportation of physical natural gas in interstate commerce, having 
due regard for the public interest, the integrity of those markets, fair 
competition, and the protection of consumers.
��� ``(2) The Commission may prescribe such rules as the Commission 
determines necessary and appropriate to carry out the purposes of this 
section. The rules shall provide for the dissemination, on a timely 
basis, of information about the availability and prices
[[Page 119 STAT. 692]]
of natural gas sold at wholesale and in interstate commerce to the 
Commission, State commissions, buyers and sellers of wholesale natural 
gas, and the public.
��� ``(3) The Commission may--
����������� ``(A) obtain the information described in paragraph (2) from 
��������any market participant; and
����������� ``(B) rely on entities other than the Commission to receive 
��������and make public the information, subject to the disclosure rules 
��������in subsection (b).
��� ``(4) In carrying out this section, the Commission shall consider 
the degree of price transparency provided by existing price publishers 
and providers of trade processing services, and shall rely on such 
publishers and services to the maximum extent possible. The Commission 
may establish an electronic information system if it determines that 
existing price publications are not adequately providing price discovery 
or market transparency.
��� ``(b)(1) Rules described in subsection (a)(2), if adopted, shall 
exempt from disclosure information the Commission determines would, if 
disclosed, be detrimental to the operation of an effective market or 
jeopardize system security.
��� ``(2) In determining the information to be made available under this 
section and the time to make the information available, the Commission 
shall seek to ensure that consumers and competitive markets are 
protected from the adverse effects of potential collusion or other 
anticompetitive behaviors that can be facilitated by untimely public 
disclosure of transaction-specific information.
��� ``(c)(1) <<NOTE: Deadline. Memorandum.>> Within 180 days of 
enactment of this section, the Commission shall conclude a memorandum of 
understanding with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission relating to 
information sharing, which shall include, among other things, provisions 
ensuring that information requests to markets within the respective 
jurisdiction of each agency are properly coordinated to minimize 
duplicative information requests, and provisions regarding the treatment 
of proprietary trading information.
��� ``(2) Nothing in this section may be construed to limit or affect 
the exclusive jurisdiction of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission 
under the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 1 et seq.).
��� ``(d)(1) The Commission shall not condition access to interstate 
pipeline transportation on the reporting requirements of this section.
��� ``(2) The Commission shall not require natural gas producers, 
processors, or users who have a de minimis market presence to comply 
with the reporting requirements of this section.
��� ``(e)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), no person shall be 
subject to any civil penalty under this section with respect to any 
violation occurring more than 3 years before the date on which the 
person is provided notice of the proposed penalty under section 22(b).
��� ``(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply in any case in which the 
Commission finds that a seller that has entered into a contract for the 
transportation or sale of natural gas subject to the jurisdiction of the 
Commission has engaged in fraudulent market manipulation activities 
materially affecting the contract in violation of section 4A.''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 693]]
��� (a) In General.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 1 year after the 
date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in cooperation and 
consultation with the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of 
Homeland Security, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and the 
Governors of the Coastal States, shall convene not less than 3 forums on 
liquefied natural gas.
��� (b) Requirements.--The forums shall--
����������� (1) be located in areas where liquefied natural gas 
��������facilities are under consideration;
����������� (2) be designed to foster dialogue among Federal officials, 
��������State and local officials, the general public, independent 
��������experts, and industry representatives; and
����������� (3) at a minimum, provide an opportunity for public 
��������education and dialogue on--
������������������� (A) the role of liquefied natural gas in meeting 
����������������current and future United States energy supply 
����������������requirements and demand, in the context of the full 
����������������range of energy supply options;
������������������� (B) the Federal and State siting and permitting 
������������������� (C) the potential risks and rewards associated with 
����������������importing liquefied natural gas;
������������������� (D) the Federal safety and environmental 
����������������requirements (including regulations) applicable to 
����������������liquefied natural gas;
������������������� (E) prevention, mitigation, and response strategies 
����������������for liquefied natural gas hazards; and
������������������� (F) additional issues as appropriate.
��� (c) Purpose.--The purpose of the forums shall be to identify and 
develop best practices for addressing the issues and challenges 
associated with liquefied natural gas imports, building on existing 
cooperative efforts.
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this section.
��� Section 20 of the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717s) is amended by 
adding at the end the following:
��� ``(d) In any proceedings under subsection (a), the court may 
prohibit, conditionally or unconditionally, and permanently or for such 
period of time as the court determines, any individual who is engaged or 
has engaged in practices constituting a violation of section 4A 
(including related rules and regulations) from--
����������� ``(1) acting as an officer or director of a natural gas 
��������company; or
����������� ``(2) engaging in the business of--
������������������� ``(A) the purchasing or selling of natural gas; or
������������������� ``(B) the purchasing or selling of transmission 
����������������services subject to the jurisdiction of the 
[[Page 119 STAT. 694]]
������������������������ Subtitle C--Production
��� (a) Storage on the Outer Continental Shelf.--Section 5(a)(5) of the 
Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1334(a)(5)) is amended by 
inserting ``from any source'' after ``oil and gas''.
��� (b) Natural Gas Defined.--Section 3(13) of the Deepwater Port Act of 
1974 (33 U.S.C. 1502(13)) is amended by adding at the end before the 
semicolon the following: ``, natural gas liquids, liquefied petroleum 
gas, and condensate recovered from natural gas''.
��� Paragraph (1) of section 1421(d) of the Safe Drinking Water Act (42 
U.S.C. 300h(d)) is amended to read as follows:
����������� ``(1) Underground injection.--The term `underground 
���������� ���������``(A) means the subsurface emplacement of fluids by 
����������������well injection; and
������������������� ``(B) excludes--
������������������������� ``(i) the underground injection of natural gas 
����������������������for purposes of storage; and
������������������������� ``(ii) the underground injection of fluids or 
����������������������propping agents (other than diesel fuels) pursuant 
����������������������to hydraulic fracturing operations related to oil, 
����������������������gas, or geothermal production activities.''.
��� Section 502 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 
1362) is amended by adding at the end the following:
����������� ``(24) Oil and gas exploration and production.--The term 
��������`oil and gas exploration, production, processing, or treatment 
��������operations or transmission facilities' means all field 
��������activities or operations associated with exploration, 
��������production, processing, or treatment operations, or transmission 
��������facilities, including activities necessary to prepare a site for 
��������drilling and for the movement and placement of drilling 
��������equipment, whether or not such field activities or operations 
��������may be considered to be construction activities.''.
������������������ Subtitle D--Naval Petroleum Reserve
��� (a) Administration <<NOTE: Effective date.>> Jurisdiction Transfer 
to Secretary of the Interior.--Effective on the date of the enactment of 
this Act, administrative jurisdiction and control over all public domain 
lands included within Naval Petroleum Reserve Numbered 2 located in Kern 
County, California (other than the lands specified in subsection (b)), 
are transferred from the Secretary to the Secretary of the Interior for 
management, subject to subsection (c), in accordance with the laws 
governing management of the public lands, and the regulations 
promulgated under such laws, including the
[[Page 119 STAT. 695]]
Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.) and the Federal Land Policy 
and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.).
��� (b) Exclusion of Certain Reserve Lands.--The transfer of 
administrative jurisdiction made by subsection (a) does not include the 
following lands:
����������� (1) That portion of Naval Petroleum Reserve Numbered 2 
��������authorized for disposal under section 3403(a) of the Strom 
��������Thurmond National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999 
��������(Public Law 105-261; 10 U.S.C. 7420 note).
������ �����(2) That portion of the surface estate of Naval Petroleum 
��������Reserve Numbered 2 conveyed to the City of Taft, California, by 
��������section 333.
��� (c) Purpose of Transfer.--
����������� (1) Production of hydrocarbon resources.--Notwithstanding 
��������any other provision of law, the principal purpose of the lands 
��������subject to transfer under subsection (a) is the production of 
��������hydrocarbon resources, and the Secretary of the Interior shall 
��������manage the lands in a fashion consistent with this purpose. In 
��������managing the lands, the Secretary of the Interior shall regulate 
��������operations to prevent unnecessary degradation and to provide for 
��������ultimate economic recovery of the resources.
����������� (2) Disposal authority and surface use.--The Secretary of 
��������the Interior may make disposals of lands subject to transfer 
��������under subsection (a), or allow commercial or non-profit surface 
��������use of such lands, not to exceed 10 acres each, so long as the 
��������disposals or surface uses do not materially interfere with the 
��������ultimate economic recovery of the hydrocarbon resources of such 
��������lands. All revenues received from the disposal of lands under 
��������this paragraph or from allowing the surface use of such lands 
��������shall be deposited in the Naval Petroleum Reserve Numbered 2 
��������Lease Revenue Account established by section 332.
��� (d) Conforming Amendment.--Section 3403 of the Strom Thurmond 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999 (Public Law 105-
261; 10 U.S.C. 7420 note) is amended by striking subsection (b).
��� (a) Establishment.--There is established in the Treasury a special 
deposit account to be known as the ``Naval Petroleum Reserve Numbered 2 
Lease Revenue Account'' (in this section referred to as the ``lease 
revenue account''). The lease revenue account is a revolving account, 
and amounts in the lease revenue account shall be available to the 
Secretary of the Interior, without further appropriation, for the 
purposes specified in subsection (b).
��� (b) Purposes of Account.--
����������� (1) Environmental-related costs.--The lease revenue account 
��������shall be the sole and exclusive source of funds to pay for any 
��������and all costs and expenses incurred by the United States for--
������������������� (A) environmental investigations (other than any 
����������������environmental investigations that were conducted by the 
����������������Secretary before the transfer of the Naval Petroleum 
����������������Reserve Numbered 2 lands under section 331), 
����������������remediation, compliance actions, response, waste 
����������������management, impediments, fines or penalties, or any 
����������������other costs or expenses
[[Page 119 STAT. 696]]
��������������� of any kind arising from, or relating to, conditions 
����������������existing on or below the Naval Petroleum Reserve 
����������������Numbered 2 lands, or activities occurring or having 
����������������occurred on such lands, on or before the date of the 
����������������transfer of such lands; and
������������������� (B) any future remediation necessitated as a result 
����������������of pre-transfer and leasing activities on such lands.
����������� (2) Transition costs.--The lease revenue account shall also 
��������be available for use by the Secretary of the Interior to pay for 
��������transition costs incurred by the Department of the Interior 
��������associated with the transfer and leasing of the Naval Petroleum 
��������Reserve Numbered 2 lands.
��� (c) Funding.--The lease revenue account shall consist of the 
����������� (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for a period 
��������of three years after the date of the transfer of the Naval 
��������Petroleum Reserve Numbered 2 lands under section 331, the sum of 
��������$500,000 per year of revenue from leases entered into before 
��������that date, including bonuses, rents, royalties, and interest 
��������charges collected pursuant to the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty 
��������Management Act of 1982 (30 U.S.C. 1701 et. seq.), derived from 
��������the Naval Petroleum Reserve Numbered 2 lands, shall be deposited 
��������into the lease revenue account.
����������� (2) Subject to subsection (d), all revenues derived from 
��������leases on Naval Petroleum Reserve Numbered 2 lands issued on or 
��������after the date of the transfer of such lands, including bonuses, 
��������rents, royalties, and interest charges collected pursuant to the 
��������Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982 (30 U.S.C. 
��������1701 et seq.), shall be deposited into the lease revenue 
��� (d) Limitation.--Funds in the lease revenue account shall not exceed 
$3,000,000 at any one time. Whenever funds in the lease revenue account 
are obligated or expended so that the balance in the account falls below 
that amount, lease revenues referred to in subsection (c)(2) shall be 
deposited in the account to maintain a balance of $3,000,000.
��� (e) Termination of Account.--At <<NOTE: Certification.>> such time 
as the Secretary of the Interior certifies that remediation of all 
environmental contamination of Naval Petroleum Reserve Numbered 2 lands 
in existence as of the date of the transfer of such lands under section 
331 has been successfully completed, that all costs and expenses of 
investigation, remediation, compliance actions, response, waste 
management, impediments, fines, or penalties associated with 
environmental contamination of such lands in existence as of the date of 
the transfer have been paid in full, and that the transition costs of 
the Department of the Interior referred to in subsection (b)(2) have 
been paid in full, the lease revenue account shall be terminated and any 
remaining funds shall be distributed in accordance with subsection (f).
��� (f) Distribution of <<NOTE: Applicability.>> Remaining Funds.--
Section 35 of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 191) shall apply to the 
payment and distribution of all funds remaining in the lease revenue 
account upon its termination under subsection (e).
[[Page 119 STAT. 697]]
��� (a) Conveyance.--Effective <<NOTE: Effective date.>> on the date of 
the enactment of this Act, there is conveyed to the City of Taft, 
California (in this section referred to as the ``City''), all surface 
right, title, and interest of the United States in and to a parcel of 
real property consisting of approximately 220 acres located in the NE\1/
4\, the NE\1/4\ of the NW\1/4\, and the N\1/2\ of the SE\1/4\ of the 
NW\1/4\ of section 18, township 32 south, range 24 east, Mount Diablo 
meridian, Kern County, California.
��� (b) Consideration.--The conveyance under subsection (a) is made 
without the payment of consideration by the City.
��� (c) Treatment of Existing Rights.--The conveyance under subsection 
(a) is subject to valid existing rights, including Federal oil and gas 
lease SAC-019577.
��� (d) Treatment of Minerals.--All coal, oil, gas, and other minerals 
within the lands conveyed under subsection (a) are reserved to the 
United States, except that the United States and its lessees, licensees, 
permittees, or assignees shall have no right of surface use or occupancy 
of the lands. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to require 
the United States or its lessees, licensees, permittees, or assignees to 
support the surface of the conveyed lands.
��� (e) Indemnify and Hold Harmless.--The City shall indemnify, defend, 
and hold harmless the United States for, from, and against, and the City 
shall assume all responsibility for, any and all liability of any kind 
or nature, including all loss, cost, expense, or damage, arising from 
the City's use or occupancy of, or operations on, the land conveyed 
under subsection (a), whether such use or occupancy of, or operations 
on, occurred before or occur after the date of the enactment of this 
��� (f) Instrument of Conveyance.--
Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Records.>> later than 1 year after the date of the 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall execute, file, and cause to 
be recorded in the appropriate office a deed or other appropriate 
instrument documenting the conveyance made by this section.
SEC. 334. <<NOTE: Effective date. 10 USC 7420 note.>> REVOCATION OF LAND 
��� Effective on the date of the enactment of this Act, the Executive 
Order of December 13, 1912, which created Naval Petroleum Reserve 
Numbered 2, is revoked in its entirety.
������������������� Subtitle E--Production Incentives
��� In this subtitle, the term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of the 
����������� KIND.
��� (a) Applicability of Section.--Notwithstanding any other provision 
of law, this section applies to all royalty in-kind accepted by the 
Secretary on or after the date of enactment of this Act under any 
Federal oil or gas lease or permit under--
����������� (1) section 36 of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 192);
����������� (2) section 27 of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 
��������U.S.C. 1353); or
[[Page 119 STAT. 698]]
����������� (3) any other Federal law governing leasing of Federal land 
��������for oil and gas development.
��� (b) Terms and Conditions.--All royalty accruing to the United States 
shall, on the demand of the Secretary, be paid in-kind. If the Secretary 
makes such a demand, the following provisions apply to the payment:
����������� (1) Satisfaction of royalty obligation.--Delivery by, or on 
��������behalf of, the lessee of the royalty amount and quality due 
�������under the lease satisfies royalty obligation of the lessee for 
��������the amount delivered, except that transportation and processing 
��������reimbursements paid to, or deductions claimed by, the lessee 
��������shall be subject to review and audit.
����������� (2) Marketable condition.--
������������������� (A) Definition of marketable condition.--In this 
����������������paragraph, the term ``in marketable condition'' means 
����������������sufficiently free from impurities and otherwise in a 
���������������condition that the royalty production will be accepted 
����������������by a purchaser under a sales contract typical of the 
����������������field or area in which the royalty production was 
������������������� (B) Requirement.--Royalty production shall be placed 
����������������in marketable condition by the lessee at no cost to the 
����������������United States.
����������� (3) Disposition by the secretary.--The Secretary may--
������������������� (A) sell or otherwise dispose of any royalty 
����������������production taken in-kind (other than oil or gas 
����������������transferred under section 27(a)(3) of the Outer 
����������������Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1353(a)(3)) for 
����������������not less than the market price; and
������������������� (B) transport or process (or both) any royalty 
����������������production taken in-kind.
����������� (4) Retention by the secretary.--The Secretary may, 
��������notwithstanding section 3302 of title 31, United States Code, 
��������retain and use a portion of the revenues from the sale of oil 
��������and gas taken in-kind that otherwise would be deposited to 
��������miscellaneous receipts, without regard to fiscal year 
��������limitation, or may use oil or gas received as royalty taken in-
������� kind (referred to in this paragraph as ``royalty production'') 
��������to pay the cost of--
������������������� (A) transporting the royalty production;
������������������� (B) processing the royalty production;
������������������� (C) disposing of the royalty production; or
������������������� (D) any combination of transporting, processing, and 
����������������disposing of the royalty production.
����������� (5) Limitation.--
����������������� ��(A) In general.--Except as provided in subparagraph 
����������������(B), the Secretary may not use revenues from the sale of 
����������������oil and gas taken in-kind to pay for personnel, travel, 
����������������or other administrative costs of the Federal Government.
������������������� (B) Exception.--Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), 
����������������the Secretary may use a portion of the revenues from 
����������������royalty in-kind sales, without fiscal year limitation, 
����������������to pay salaries and other administrative costs directly 
����������������related to the royalty in-kind program.
��� (c) Reimbursement of Cost.--If the lessee, pursuant to an agreement 
with the United States or as provided in the lease, processes the 
royalty gas or delivers the royalty oil or gas at a point not on or 
adjacent to the lease area, the Secretary shall--
[[Page 119 STAT. 699]]
����������� (1) reimburse the lessee for the reasonable costs of 
��������transportation (not including gathering) from the lease to the 
��������point of delivery or for processing costs; or
����������� (2) allow the lessee to deduct the transportation or 
��������processing costs in reporting and paying royalties in-value for 
��������other Federal oil and gas leases.
��� (d) Benefit to the United States Required.--The Secretary may 
receive oil or gas royalties in-kind only if the Secretary determines 
that receiving royalties in-kind provides benefits to the United States 
that are greater than or equal to the benefits that are likely to have 
been received had royalties been taken in-value.
��� (e) Reports.--
����������� (1) In general.--Not later than September 30, 2006, the 
��������Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that addresses--
���������������� ���(A) actions taken to develop business processes and 
����������������automated systems to fully support the royalty-in-kind 
����������������capability to be used in tandem with the royalty-in-
��������������� value approach in managing Federal oil and gas revenue; 
������������������� (B) future royalty-in-kind businesses operation 
����������������plans and objectives.
����������� (2) Reports on oil or gas royalties taken in-kind.--For each 
��������of fiscal years 2006 through 2015 in which the United States 
��������takes oil or gas royalties in-kind from production in any State 
��������or from the outer Continental Shelf, excluding royalties taken 
��������in-kind and sold to refineries under subsection (h), the 
��������Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that describes--
������������������� (A) the 1 or more methodologies used by the 
����������������Secretary to determine compliance with subsection (d), 
����������������including the performance standard for comparing amounts 
����������������received by the United States derived from royalties in-
��������������� kind to amounts likely to have been received had 
����������������royalties been taken in-value;
������������������� (B) an explanation of the evaluation that led the 
����������������Secretary to take royalties in-kind from a lease or 
����������������group of leases, including the expected revenue effect 
����������������of taking royalties in-kind;
������������������� (C) actual amounts received by the United States 
����������������derived from taking royalties in-kind and costs and 
����������������savings incurred by the United States associated with 
����������������taking royalties in-kind, including administrative 
����������������savings and any new or increased administrative costs; 
������������������� (D) an evaluation of other relevant public benefits 
����������������or detriments associated with taking royalties in-kind.
��� (f) Deduction of Expenses.--
����������� (1) In general.--Before making payments under section 35 of 
��������the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 191) or section 8(g) of the 
��������Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1337(g)) of 
��������revenues derived from the sale of royalty production taken in-
������� kind from a lease, the Secretary shall deduct amounts paid or 
��������deducted under subsections (b)(4) and (c) and deposit the amount 
��������of the deductions in the miscellaneous receipts of the Treasury.
����������� (2) Accounting for deductions.--When the Secretary allows 
��������the lessee to deduct transportation or processing costs under 
��������subsection (c), the Secretary may not reduce any payments to 
��������recipients of revenues derived from any other Federal oil and 
��������gas lease as a consequence of that deduction.
[[Page 119 STAT. 700]]
��� (g) Consultation With States.--The Secretary--
����������� (1) shall consult with a State before conducting a royalty 
��������in-kind program under this subtitle within the State;
����������� (2) may delegate management of any portion of the Federal 
��������royalty in-kind program to the State except as otherwise 
��������prohibited by Federal law; and
����������� (3) shall consult annually with any State from which Federal 
��������oil or gas royalty is being taken in-kind to ensure, to the 
��������maximum extent practicable, that the royalty in-kind program 
��������provides revenues to the State greater than or equal to the 
��������revenues likely to have been received had royalties been taken 
��� (h) Small Refineries.--
����������� (1) Preference.--If the Secretary finds that sufficient 
��������supplies of crude oil are not available in the open market to 
��������refineries that do not have their own source of supply for crude 
��������oil, the Secretary may grant preference to those refineries in 
��������the sale of any royalty oil accruing or reserved to the United 
��������States under Federal oil and gas leases issued under any mineral 
��������leasing law, for processing or use in those refineries at 
��������private sale at not less than the market price.
����������� (2) Proration among refineries in production area.--In 
��������disposing of oil under this subsection, the Secretary may, at 
��������the discretion of the Secretary, prorate the oil among 
��������refineries described in paragraph (1) in the area in which the 
��������oil is produced.
��� (i) Disposition to Federal Agencies.--
����������� (1) Onshore royalty.--Any royalty oil or gas taken by the 
��������Secretary in-kind from onshore oil and gas leases may be sold at 
��������not less than the market price to any Federal agency.
����������� (2) Offshore royalty.--Any royalty oil or gas taken in-kind 
��������from a Federal oil or gas lease on the outer Continental Shelf 
��������may be disposed of only under section 27 of the Outer 
��������Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1353).
��� (j) Federal Low-Income Energy Assistance Programs.--
����������� (1) Preference.--In disposing of royalty oil or gas taken 
��������in-kind under this section, the Secretary may grant a preference 
��������to any person, including any Federal or State agency, for the 
��������purpose of providing additional resources to any Federal low-
������� income energy assistance program.
����������� (2) Report.--Not later than 3 years after the date of 
��������enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit a report to 
������������������� (A) assessing the effectiveness of granting 
����������������preferences specified in paragraph (1); and
������������������� (B) providing a specific recommendation on the 
����������������continuation of authority to grant preferences.
��� (a) Definition of Marginal Property.--Until such time as the 
Secretary issues regulations under subsection (e) that prescribe a 
different definition, in this section, the term ``marginal property'' 
means an onshore unit, communitization agreement, or lease not within a 
unit or communitization agreement, that produces on average the combined 
equivalent of less than 15 barrels of oil per well per day or 90,000,000 
British thermal units of gas per
[[Page 119 STAT. 701]]
well per day calculated based on the average over the 3 most recent 
production months, including only wells that produce on more than half 
of the days during those 3 production months.
��� (b) Conditions for Reduction of Royalty Rate.--Until such time as 
the Secretary issues regulations under subsection (e) that prescribe 
different standards or requirements, the Secretary shall reduce the 
royalty rate on--
����������� (1) oil production from marginal properties as prescribed in 
��������subsection (c) if the spot price of West Texas Intermediate 
��������crude oil at Cushing, Oklahoma, is, on average, less than $15 
��������per barrel (adjusted in accordance with the Consumer Price Index 
��������for all-urban consumers, United States city average, as 
��������published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics) for 90 consecutive 
��������trading days; and
����������� (2) gas production from marginal properties as prescribed in 
��������subsection (c) if the spot price of natural gas delivered at 
��������Henry Hub, Louisiana, is, on average, less than $2.00 per 
��������million British thermal units (adjusted in accordance with the 
��������Consumer Price Index for all-urban consumers, United States city 
��������average, as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics) for 90 
��������consecutive trading days.
��(c) Reduced Royalty Rate.--
����������� (1) In general.--When a marginal property meets the 
��������conditions specified in subsection (b), the royalty rate shall 
��������be the lesser of--
������������������� (A) 5 percent; or
������������������� (B) the applicable rate under any other statutory or 
����������������regulatory royalty relief provision that applies to the 
����������������affected production.
����������� (2) Period of effectiveness.--The reduced royalty rate under 
��������this subsection shall be effective beginning on the first day of 
��������the production month following the date on which the applicable 
��������condition specified in subsection (b) is met.
��� (d) Termination of Reduced Royalty Rate.--A royalty rate prescribed 
in subsection (c)(1) shall terminate--
����������� (1) with respect to oil production from a marginal property, 
��������on the first day of the production month following the date on 
������������������� (A) the spot price of West Texas Intermediate crude 
����������������oil at Cushing, Oklahoma, on average, exceeds $15 per 
����������������barrel (adjusted in accordance with the Consumer Price 
����������������Index for all-urban consumers, United States city 
����������������average, as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics) 
����������������for 90 consecutive trading days; or
������������������� (B) the property no longer qualifies as a marginal 
����������������property; and
����������� (2) with respect to gas production from a marginal property, 
��������on the first day of the production month following the date on 
������������������� (A) the spot price of natural gas delivered at Henry 
����������������Hub, Louisiana, on average, exceeds $2.00 per million 
����������������British thermal units (adjusted in accordance with the 
����������������Consumer Price Index for all-urban consumers, United 
����������������States city average, as published by the Bureau of Labor 
����������������Statistics) for 90 consecutive trading days; or
������������������� (B) the property no longer qualifies as a marginal 
[[Page 119 STAT. 702]]
��� (e) Regulations Prescribing Different Relief.--
����������� (1) Discretionary regulations.--The Secretary may by 
��������regulation prescribe different parameters, standards, and 
��������requirements for, and a different degree or extent of, royalty 
��������relief for marginal properties in lieu of those prescribed in 
�������subsections (a) through (d).
����������� (2) Mandatory regulations.--Unless 
��������a <<NOTE: Deadline.>> determination is made under paragraph (3), 
��������not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this 
��������Act, the Secretary shall by regulation--
������������������� (A) prescribe standards and requirements for, and 
����������������the extent of royalty relief for, marginal properties 
����������������for oil and gas leases on the outer Continental Shelf; 
������ �������������(B) define what constitutes a marginal property on 
����������������the outer Continental Shelf for purposes of this 
����������� (3) Report.--To the extent the Secretary determines that it 
��������is not practicable to issue the regulations referred to in 
��������paragraph (2), the Secretary shall provide a report to Congress 
��������explaining such determination by not later than 18 months after 
��������the date of enactment of this Act.
����������� (4) Considerations.--In issuing regulations under this 
��������subsection, the Secretary may consider--
������������������� (A) oil and gas prices and market trends;
������������������� (B) production costs;
������������������� (C) abandonment costs;
����������������� ��(D) Federal and State tax provisions and the effects 
����������������of those provisions on production economics;
������������������� (E) other royalty relief programs;
������������������� (F) regional differences in average wellhead prices;
���������� ���������(G) national energy security issues; and
������������������� (H) other relevant matters, as determined by the 
��� (f) Savings Provision.--Nothing in this section prevents a lessee 
from receiving royalty relief or a royalty reduction pursuant to any 
other law (including a regulation) that provides more relief than the 
amounts provided by this section.
��� (a) Royalty Incentive Regulations for Ultra Deep Gas Wells.--
����������� (1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 180 days 
��������after the date of enactment of this Act, in addition to any 
��������other regulations that may provide royalty incentives for 
��������natural gas produced from deep wells on oil and gas leases 
��������issued pursuant to the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 
��������U.S.C. 1331 et seq.), the Secretary shall issue regulations 
��������granting royalty relief suspension volumes of not less than 35 
��������billion cubic feet with respect to the production of natural gas 
��������from ultra deep wells on leases issued in shallow waters less 
�������than 400 meters deep located in the Gulf of Mexico wholly west 
��������of 87 degrees, 30 minutes west longitude. <<NOTE: Effective 
��������date. Notices. Federal Register, publication.>> Regulations 
��������issued under this subsection shall be retroactive to the date 
��������that the notice of proposed rulemaking is published in the 
��������Federal Register.
[[Page 119 STAT. 703]]
����������� (2) Suspension volumes.--The Secretary may grant suspension 
��������volumes of not less than 35 billion cubic feet in any case in 
������������������� (A) the ultra deep well is a sidetrack; or
������������������� (B) the lease has previously produced from wells 
����������������with a perforated interval the top of which is at least 
����������������15,000 feet true vertical depth below the datum at mean 
����������������sea level.
����������� (3) Definitions.--In this subsection:
������������������� (A) Ultra deep well.--The term ``ultra deep well'' 
����������������means a well drilled with a perforated interval, the top 
����������������of which is at least 20,000 true vertical depth below 
����������������the datum at mean sea level.
������������������� (B) Sidetrack.--
������������������������� (i) In general.--The term ``sidetrack'' means 
����������������������a well resulting from drilling an additional hole 
����������������������to a new objective bottom-hole location by leaving 
����������������������a previously drilled hole.
�������������������� �����(ii) Inclusion.--The term ``sidetrack'' 
����������������������������������� (I) drilling a well from a platform 
��������������������������������slot reclaimed from a previously drilled 
����������������������������������� (II) re-entering and deepening a 
��������������������������������previously drilled well; and
����������������������������������� (III) a bypass from a sidetrack, 
��������������������������������including drilling around material 
��������������������������������blocking a hole or drilling to 
��������������������������������straighten a crooked hole.
��� (b) Royalty <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Incentive Regulations for Deep Gas 
Wells.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, 
in addition to any other regulations that may provide royalty incentives 
for natural gas produced from deep wells on oil and gas leases issued 
pursuant to the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331 et 
seq.), the Secretary shall issue regulations granting royalty relief 
suspension volumes with respect to production of natural gas from deep 
wells on leases issued in waters more than 200 meters but less than 400 
meters deep located in the Gulf of Mexico wholly west of 87 degrees, 30 
minutes west longitude. The suspension volumes for deep wells within 200 
to 400 meters of water depth shall be calculated using the same 
methodology used to calculate the suspension volumes for deep wells in 
the shallower waters of the Gulf of Mexico, and in no case shall the 
suspension volumes for deep wells within 200 to 400 meters of water 
depth be lower than those for deep wells in shallower 
waters. <<NOTE: Effective date. Notices. Federal 
Register, publication.>> Regulations issued under this subsection shall 
be retroactive to the date that the notice of proposed rulemaking is 
published in the Federal Register.
��� (c) Limitations.--The Secretary may place limitations on the royalty 
relief granted under this section based on market price. The royalty 
relief granted under this section shall not apply to a lease for which 
deep water royalty relief is available.
��� (a) In General.--Subject to <<NOTE: Effective date.>> subsections 
(b) and (c), for each tract located in water depths of greater than 400 
meters in the Western and Central Planning Area of the Gulf of Mexico 
(including the portion of the Eastern Planning Area of the Gulf of 
Mexico encompassing whole lease blocks lying west of 87 degrees, 30 
minutes West longitude), any oil or gas lease sale under the Outer
[[Page 119 STAT. 704]]
Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq.) occurring during 
the 5-year period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act shall 
use the bidding system authorized under section 8(a)(1)(H) of the Outer 
Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1337(a)(1)(H)).
��� (b) Suspension of Royalties.--The suspension of royalties under 
subsection (a) shall be established at a volume of not less than--
����������� (1) 5,000,000 barrels of oil equivalent for each lease in 
��������water depths of 400 to 800 meters;
����������� (2) 9,000,000 barrels of oil equivalent for each lease in 
��������water depths of 800 to 1,600 meters;
����������� (3) 12,000,000 barrels of oil equivalent for each lease in 
��������water depths of 1,600 to 2,000 meters; and
����������� (4) 16,000,000 barrels of oil equivalent for each lease in 
��������water depths greater than 2,000 meters.
��� (c) Limitation.--The Secretary may place limitations on royalty 
relief granted under this section based on market price.
��� Section 8(a)(3)(B) of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 
U.S.C. 1337(a)(3)(B)) is amended by inserting ``and in the Planning 
Areas offshore Alaska'' after ``West longitude''.
��� (a) Transfer of Authority.--
����������� (1) Redesignation.--The Naval Petroleum Reserves Production 
��������Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. 6501 et seq.) is amended by redesignating 
��������section 107 (42 U.S.C. 6507) as section 108.
����������� (2) Transfer.--The <<NOTE: 42 USC 6506a.>> matter under the 
��������heading ``exploration of national petroleum reserve in alaska'' 
��������under the heading ``energy and minerals'' of title I of Public 
��������Law 96-514 (42 U.S.C. 6508) is--
������������������� (A) transferred to the Naval Petroleum Reserves 
����������������Production Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. 6501 et seq.);
������������������� (B) redesignated as section 107 of that Act; and
������������������� (C) moved so as to appear after section 106 of that 
����������������Act (42 U.S.C. 6506).
��� (b) Competitive Leasing.--Section 107 of the Naval Petroleum 
Reserves Production Act of 1976 (as amended by subsection (a)(2)) is 
����������� (1) by striking the heading and all that follows through 
��������``Provided, That (1) activities'' and inserting the following:
��� ``(a) In General.--The Secretary shall conduct an expeditious 
program of competitive leasing of oil and gas in the Reserve in 
accordance with this Act.
��� ``(b) Mitigation of Adverse Effects.--Activities'';
����������� (2) by striking ``Alaska (the Reserve); (2) the'' and 
��������inserting ``Alaska''.
��� ``(c) Land Use Planning; BLM Wilderness Study.--The'';
����������� (3) by striking ``Reserve; (3) the'' and inserting 
��� ``(d) First Lease Sale.--The;'';
����������� (4) by striking ``4332); (4) the'' and inserting ``4321 et 
��� ``(e) Withdrawals.--The'';
[[Page 119 STAT. 705]]
����������� (5) by striking ``herein; (5) bidding'' and inserting 
��������``under this section''.
��� ``(f) Bidding Systems.--Bidding'';
����������� (6) by striking ``629); (6) lease'' and inserting ``629)''.
��� ``(g) Geological Structures.--Lease'';
����������� (7) by striking ``structures; (7) the'' and inserting 
��� ``(h) Size of Lease Tracts.--The'';
����������� (8) by striking ``Secretary; (8)'' and all that follows 
��������through ``Drilling, production,'' and inserting ``Secretary''.
��� ``(i) <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> Terms.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Each lease shall be issued for an initial 
��������period of not more than 10 years, and shall be extended for so 
��������long thereafter as oil or gas is produced from the lease in 
��������paying quantities, oil or gas is capable of being produced in 
��������paying quantities, or drilling or reworking operations, as 
��������approved by the Secretary, are conducted on the leased land.
����������� ``(2) Renewal of leases with discoveries.--At the end of the 
��������primary term of a lease the Secretary shall renew for an 
��������additional 10-year term a lease that does not meet the 
��������requirements of paragraph (1) if the lessee submits to the 
��������Secretary an application for renewal not later than 60 days 
��������before the expiration of the primary lease and the lessee 
��������certifies, and the Secretary agrees, that hydrocarbon resources 
��������were discovered on one or more wells drilled on the leased land 
��������in such quantities that a prudent operator would hold the lease 
��������for potential future development.
����������� ``(3) Renewal of leases without discoveries.--At the end of 
��������the primary term of a lease the Secretary shall renew for an 
��������additional 10-year term a lease that does not meet the 
��������requirements of paragraph (1) if the lessee submits to the 
��������Secretary an application for renewal not later than 60 days 
��������before the expiration of the primary lease and pays the 
��������Secretary a renewal fee of $100 per acre of leased land, and--
������������������� ``(A) the lessee provides evidence, and the 
����������������Secretary agrees that, the lessee has diligently pursued 
����������������exploration that warrants continuation with the intent 
����������������of continued exploration or future potential development 
����������������of the leased land; or
������������������� ``(B) all or part of the lease--
������������������������� ``(i) is part of a unit agreement covering a 
����������������������lease described in subparagraph (A); and
������������������������� ``(ii) has not been previously contracted out 
����������������������of the unit.
����������� ``(4) Applicability.--This subsection applies to a lease 
��������that is in effect on or after the date of enactment of the 
��������Energy Policy Act of 2005.
����������� ``(5) Expiration for <<NOTE: Deadline.>> failure to 
��������produce.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, if no 
��������oil or gas is produced from a lease within 30 years after the 
��������date of the issuance of the lease the lease shall expire.
����������� ``(6) Termination.--No lease issued under this section 
��������covering lands capable of producing oil or gas in paying 
��������quantities shall expire because the lessee fails to produce the 
��������same due to circumstances beyond the control of the lessee.
��� ``(j) Unit Agreements.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 706]]
����������� ``(1) In general.--For the purpose of conservation of the 
��������natural resources of all or part of any oil or gas pool, field, 
��������reservoir, or like area, lessees (including representatives) of 
��������the pool, field, reservoir, or like area may unite with each 
��������other, or jointly or separately with others, in collectively 
��������adopting and operating under a unit agreement for all or part of 
�������the pool, field, reservoir, or like area (whether or not any 
��������other part of the oil or gas pool, field, reservoir, or like 
��������area is already subject to any cooperative or unit plan of 
��������development or operation), if the Secretary determines the 
��������action to be necessary or advisable in the public interest. In 
��������determining the public interest, the Secretary should consider, 
��������among other things, the extent to which the unit agreement will 
��������minimize the impact to surface resources of the leases and will 
��������facilitate consolidation of facilities.
����������� ``(2) Consultation.--In making a determination under 
��������paragraph (1), the Secretary shall consult with and provide 
��������opportunities for participation by the State of Alaska or a 
��������Regional Corporation (as defined in section 3 of the Alaska 
��������Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1602)) with respect to 
��������the creation or expansion of units that include acreage in which 
��������the State of Alaska or the Regional Corporation has an interest 
��������in the mineral estate.
����������� ``(3) Production allocation methodology.--(A) The Secretary 
��������may use a production allocation methodology for each 
��������participating area within a unit that includes solely Federal 
��������land in the Reserve.
����������� ``(B) The Secretary shall use a production allocation 
��������methodology for each participating area within a unit that 
��������includes Federal land in the Reserve and non-Federal land based 
��������on the characteristics of each specific oil or gas pool, field, 
��������reservoir, or like area to take into account reservoir 
��������heterogeneity and area variation in reservoir producibility 
��������across diverse leasehold interests. The implementation of the 
��������foregoing production allocation methodology shall be controlled 
��������by agreement among the affected lessors and lessees.
����������� ``(4) Benefit of operations.--Drilling, production,'';
����������� (9) by striking ``When separate'' and inserting the 
����������� ``(5) Pooling.--If separate'';
����������� (10) by inserting ``(in consultation with the owners of the 
�������other land)'' after ``determined by the Secretary of the 
����������� (11) by striking ``thereto; (10) to'' and all that follows 
��������through ``the terms provided therein'' and inserting ``to the 
��� ``(k) Exploration Incentives.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--
������������������� ``(A) Waiver, suspension, or reduction.--To 
����������������encourage the greatest ultimate recovery of oil or gas 
����������������or in the interest of conservation, the Secretary may 
����������������waive, suspend, or reduce the rental fees or minimum 
����������������royalty, or reduce the royalty on an entire leasehold 
����������������(including on any lease operated pursuant to a unit 
����������������agreement), whenever (after consultation with the State 
����������������of Alaska and the North Slope Borough of Alaska and the 
����������������concurrence of any Regional Corporation for leases that 
����������������include land that was made available for acquisition by 
����������������the Regional Corporation under the provisions of section 
����������������1431(o) of the Alaska National
[[Page 119 STAT. 707]]
��������������� Interest Lands Conservation Act (16 U.S.C. 3101 et 
����������������seq.)) in the judgment of the Secretary it is necessary 
����������������to do so to promote development, or whenever in the 
����������������judgment of the Secretary the leases cannot be 
����������������successfully operated under the terms provided therein.
������������������� ``(B) Applicability.--This paragraph applies to a 
����������������lease that is in effect on or after the date of 
����������������enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.'';
����������� (12) by striking ``The Secretary is authorized to'' and 
��������inserting the following:
����������� ``(2) Suspension of operations and production.--The 
��������Secretary may'';
����������� (13) by striking ``In the event'' and inserting the 
����������� ``(3) Suspension of payments.--If'';
����������� (14) by striking ``thereto; and (11) all'' and inserting 
��������``to the lease.
��� ``(l) Receipts.--All'';
����������� (15) by redesignating subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) as 
��������paragraphs (1), (2), and (3), respectively;
����������� (16) by striking ``Any agency'' and inserting the following:
��� ``(m) Explorations.--Any agency'';
����������� (17) by striking ``Any action'' and inserting the following:
��� ``(n) Environmental Impact Statements.--
����������� ``(1) Judicial review.--Any action'';
����������� (18) by striking ``The detailed'' and inserting the 
����������� ``(2) Initial lease sales.--The detailed'';
����������� (19) by striking ``section 104(b) of the Naval Petroleum 
��������Reserves Production Act of 1976 (90 Stat. 304; 42 U.S.C. 6504)'' 
��������and inserting ``section 104(a)''; and
����������� (20) by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(o) Regulations.--As soon as practicable after the date of 
enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the Secretary shall issue 
regulations to implement this section.
��� ``(p) Waiver of Administration for Conveyed Lands.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Notwithstanding section 14(g) of the 
��������Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1613(g))--
������������������� ``(A) the Secretary of the Interior shall waive 
����������������administration of any oil and gas lease to the extent 
����������������that the lease covers any land in the Reserve in which 
����������������all of the subsurface estate is conveyed to the Arctic 
����������������Slope Regional Corporation (referred to in this 
����������������subsection as the `Corporation');
������������������� ``(B)(i) in a case in which a conveyance of a 
����������������subsurface estate described in subparagraph (A) does not 
����������������include all of the land covered by the oil and gas 
����������������lease, the person that owns the subsurface estate in any 
����������������particular portion of the land covered by the lease 
����������������shall be entitled to all of the revenues reserved under 
����������������the lease as to that portion, including, without 
����������������limitation, all the royalty payable with respect to oil 
����������������or gas produced from or allocated to that portion;
������������������������� ``(ii) in a case described in clause (i), the 
����������������������Secretary of the Interior shall--
����������������������������������� ``(I) segregate the lease into 2 
��������������������������������leases, 1 of which shall cover only the 
��������������������������������subsurface estate conveyed to the 
��������������������������������Corporation; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 708]]
����������������������������������� ``(II) waive administration of the 
��������������������������������lease that covers the subsurface estate 
��������������������������������conveyed to the Corporation; and
������������������������� ``(iii) the segregation of the lease described 
����������������������in clause (ii)(I) has no effect on the obligations 
����������������������of the lessee under either of the resulting 
����������������������leases, including obligations relating to 
����������������������operations, production, or other circumstances 
����������������������(other than payment of rentals or royalties); and
������������������� ``(C) nothing in this subsection limits the 
����������������authority of the Secretary of the Interior to manage the 
����������������federally-owned surface estate within the Reserve.''.
��� (c) Conforming Amendments.--Section 104 of the Naval Petroleum 
Reserves Production Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. 6504) is amended--
����������� (1) by striking subsection (a); and
����������� (2) by redesignating subsections (b) through (d) as 
��������subsections (a) through (c), respectively.
SEC. 348. <<NOTE: Alaska. 42 USC 15906.>> NORTH SLOPE SCIENCE 
��� (a) Establishment.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary of the Interior shall 
��������establish a long-term initiative to be known as the ``North 
��������Slope Science Initiative'' (referred to in this section as the 
����������� (2) Purpose.--The purpose of the Initiative shall be to 
��������implement efforts to coordinate collection of scientific data 
��������that will provide a better understanding of the terrestrial, 
��������aquatic, and marine ecosystems of the North Slope of Alaska.
��� (b) Objectives.--To ensure that the Initiative is conducted through 
a comprehensive science strategy and implementation plan, the Initiative 
shall, at a minimum--
����������� (1) identify and prioritize information needs for inventory, 
��������monitoring, and research activities to address the individual 
��������and cumulative effects of past, ongoing, and anticipated 
��������development activities and environmental change on the North 
����������� (2) develop an understanding of information needs for 
��������regulatory and land management agencies, local governments, and 
��������the public;
����������� (3) focus on prioritization of pressing natural resource 
��������management and ecosystem information needs, coordination, and 
��������cooperation among agencies and organizations;
����������� (4) coordinate ongoing and future inventory, monitoring, and 
��������research activities to minimize duplication of effort, share 
��������financial resources and expertise, and assure the collection of 
��������quality information;
����������� (5) identify priority needs not addressed by agency science 
��������programs in effect on the date of enactment of this Act and 
��������develop a funding strategy to meet those needs;
����������� (6) provide a consistent approach to high caliber science, 
��������including inventory, monitoring, and research;
����������� (7) maintain and improve public and agency access to--
������������������� (A) accumulated and ongoing research; and
������������������� (B) contemporary and traditional local knowledge; 
[[Page 119 STAT. 709]]
����������� (8) ensure through appropriate peer review that the science 
��������conducted by participating agencies and organizations is of the 
��������highest technical quality.
��� (c) Membership.--
����� ������(1) In general.--To ensure comprehensive collection of 
��������scientific data, in carrying out the Initiative, the Secretary 
��������shall consult and coordinate with Federal, State, and local 
��������agencies that have responsibilities for land and resource 
��������management across the North Slope.
����������� (2) Cooperative agreements.--The Secretary shall enter into 
��������cooperative agreements with the State of Alaska, the North Slope 
��������Borough, the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, and other 
��������Federal agencies as appropriate to coordinate efforts, share 
��������resources, and fund projects under this section.
��� (d) Science <<NOTE: Establishment.>> Technical Advisory Panel.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Initiative shall include a panel to 
��������provide advice on proposed inventory, monitoring, and research 
����������� (2) Membership.--The panel described in paragraph (1) shall 
��������consist of a representative group of not more than 15 scientists 
��������and technical experts from diverse professions and interests, 
��������including the oil and gas industry, subsistence users, Native 
��������Alaskan entities, conservation organizations, wildlife 
��������management organizations, and academia, as determined by the 
��� (e) Reports.--Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of 
this section and each year thereafter, the Secretary shall publish a 
report that describes the studies and findings of the Initiative.
��� (f) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this section.
�����������FEDERAL LAND.
��� (a) In General.--The <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Secretary, in cooperation 
with the Secretary of Agriculture, shall establish a program not later 
than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act to remediate, 
reclaim, and close orphaned, abandoned, or idled oil and gas wells 
located on land administered by the land management agencies within the 
Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture.
��� (b) Activities.--The program under subsection (a) shall--
����������� (1) include a means of ranking orphaned, abandoned, or idled 
��������wells sites for priority in remediation, reclamation, and 
��������closure, based on public health and safety, potential 
��������environmental harm, and other land use priorities;
���� �������(2) provide for identification and recovery of the costs of 
��������remediation, reclamation, and closure from persons or other 
��������entities currently providing a bond or other financial assurance 
��������required under State or Federal law for an oil or gas well that 
��������is orphaned, abandoned, or idled; and
����������� (3) provide for recovery from the persons or entities 
��������identified under paragraph (2), or their sureties or guarantors, 
��������of the costs of remediation, reclamation, and closure of such 
��� (c) Cooperation and Consultations.--In carrying out the program 
under subsection (a), the Secretary shall--
[[Page 119 STAT. 710]]
����������� (1) work cooperatively with the Secretary of Agriculture and 
��������the States within which Federal land is located; and
����������� (2) consult with the Secretary of Energy and the Interstate 
��������Oil and Gas Compact Commission.
��� (d) Plan.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 1 year after the date 
of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in cooperation with the 
Secretary of Agriculture, shall submit to Congress a plan for carrying 
out the program under subsection (a).
��� (e) Idled Well.--For the purposes of this section, a well is idled 
������� ����(1) the well has been nonoperational for at least 7 years; 
����������� (2) there is no anticipated beneficial use for the well.
��� (f) Federal Reimbursement for Orphaned Well Reclamation Pilot 
����������� (1) Reimbursement for remediating, reclaiming, and closing 
��������wells on land subject to a new lease.--The Secretary shall carry 
��������out a pilot program under which, in issuing a new oil and gas 
��������lease on federally owned land on which 1 or more orphaned wells 
��������are located, the Secretary--
������������������� (A) may require, other than as a condition of the 
����������������lease, that the lessee remediate, reclaim, and close in 
����������������accordance with standards established by the Secretary, 
����������������all orphaned wells on the land leased; and
������������������� (B) shall develop a program to reimburse a lessee, 
����������������through a royalty credit against the Federal share of 
����������������royalties owed or other means, for the reasonable actual 
����������������costs of remediating, reclaiming, and closing the 
����������������orphaned wells pursuant to that requirement.
����������� (2) Reimbursement for reclaiming orphaned wells on other 
��������land.--In carrying out this subsection, the Secretary--
������������������� (A) may authorize any lessee under an oil and gas 
����������������lease on federally owned land to reclaim in accordance 
����������������with the Secretary's standards--
������������������������� (i) an orphaned well on unleased federally 
����������������������owned land; or
������������������������� (ii) an orphaned well located on an existing 
����������������������lease on federally owned land for the reclamation 
����������������������of which the lessee is not legally responsible; 
������������������� (B) shall develop a program to provide reimbursement 
����������������of 100 percent of the reasonable actual costs of 
����������������remediating, reclaiming, and closing the orphaned well, 
����������������through credits against the Federal share of royalties 
����������������or other means.
����������� (3) Regulations.--The Secretary may issue such regulations 
��������as are appropriate to carry out this subsection.
��� (g) Technical Assistance Program for Non-Federal Land.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary of Energy shall establish a 
��������program to provide technical and financial assistance to oil and 
��������gas producing States to facilitate State efforts over a 10-year 
��������period to ensure a practical and economical remedy for 
��������environmental problems caused by orphaned or abandoned oil and 
��������gas exploration or production well sites on State or private 
����������(2) Assistance.--The Secretary of Energy shall work with the 
��������States, through the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, 
��������to assist the States in quantifying and mitigating
[[Page 119 STAT. 711]]
������� environmental risks of onshore orphaned or abandoned oil or gas 
��������wells on State and private land.
����������� (3) Activities.--The program under paragraph (1) shall 
������������������� (A) mechanisms to facilitate identification, if 
���������������feasible, of the persons currently providing a bond or 
����������������other form of financial assurance required under State 
����������������or Federal law for an oil or gas well that is orphaned 
����������������or abandoned;
������������������� (B) criteria for ranking orphaned or abandoned well 
����������������sites based on factors such as public health and safety, 
����������������potential environmental harm, and other land use 
������������������� (C) information and training programs on best 
����������������practices for remediation of different types of sites; 
������������������� (D) funding of State mitigation efforts on a cost-
��������������� shared basis.
��� (h) Authorization of Appropriations.--
����������� (1) In general.--There are authorized to be appropriated to 
��������carry out this section $25,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 
��������through 2010.
����������� (2) Use.--Of the amounts authorized under paragraph (1), 
��������$5,000,000 are authorized for each fiscal year for activities 
��������under subsection (f).
��� (a) Special Provisions Regarding Leasing.--Section 17(b)(2) of the 
Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 226(b)(2)) is amended--
����������� (1) by inserting ``(A)'' after ``(2)''; and
����������� (2) by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(B) For any area that contains any combination of tar sand and oil 
or gas (or both), the Secretary may issue under this Act, separately--
����������� ``(i) a lease for exploration for and extraction of tar 
��������sand; and
����������� ``(ii) a lease for exploration for and development of oil 
��������and gas.
��� ``(C) A lease issued for tar sand shall be issued using the same 
bidding process, annual rental, and posting period as a lease issued for 
oil and gas, except that the minimum acceptable bid required for a lease 
issued for tar sand shall be $2 per acre.
��� ``(D) The Secretary may waive, suspend, or alter any requirement 
under section 26 that a permittee under a permit authorizing prospecting 
for tar sand must exercise due diligence, to promote any resource 
covered by a combined hydrocarbon lease.''.
��� (b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 17(b)(1)(B) of the Mineral 
Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 226(b)(1)(B)) is amended in the second sentence 
by inserting ``, subject to paragraph (2)(B),'' after ``Secretary''.
��� (c) Regulations.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline. 30 USC 226 note.>> later 
than 45 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary 
shall issue final regulations to implement this section.
SEC. 351. <<NOTE: National Geographical and Geophysical Data 
������������Preservation Program Act of 2005. 42 USC 
��� (a) Short Title.--This section may be cited as the ``National 
Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program Act of 2005''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 712]]
��� (b) Program.--The Secretary shall carry out a National Geological 
and Geophysical Data Preservation Program in accordance with this 
����������� (1) to archive geologic, geophysical, and engineering data, 
��������maps, well logs, and samples;
 �����������(2) to provide a national catalog of such archival material; 
����������� (3) to provide technical and financial assistance related to 
��������the archival material.
��� (c) Plan.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 1 year after the date 
of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a plan 
for the implementation of the Program.
��� (d) Data Archive System.--
����������� (1) Establishment.--The Secretary shall establish, as a 
��������component of the Program, a data archive system to provide for 
��������the storage, preservation, and archiving of subsurface, surface, 
��������geological, geophysical, and engineering data and samples. The 
��������Secretary, in consultation with the Advisory Committee, shall 
��������develop guidelines relating to the data archive system, 
��������including the types of data and samples to be preserved.
����������� (2) System components.--The system shall be comprised of 
��������State agencies that elect to be part of the system and agencies 
��������within the Department of the Interior that maintain geological 
��������and geophysical data and samples that are designated by the 
��������Secretary in accordance with this subsection. The Program shall 
��������provide for the storage of data and samples through data 
��������repositories operated by such agencies.
����������� (3) Limitation of designation.--The Secretary may not 
��������designate a State agency as a component of the data archive 
��������system unless that agency is the agency that acts as the 
��������geological survey in the State.
����������� (4) Data from federal land.--The data archive system shall 
��������provide for the archiving of relevant subsurface data and 
��������samples obtained from Federal land--
������������������� (A) in the most appropriate repository designated 
����������������under paragraph (2), with preference being given to 
����������������archiving data in the State in which the data were 
����������������collected; and
������������������� (B) consistent with all applicable law and 
����������������requirements relating to confidentiality and proprietary 
��� (e) National Catalog.--
����������� (1) In general.--As soon as practicable after the date of 
��������enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall develop and maintain, 
��������as a component of the Program, a national catalog that 
������������������� (A) data and samples available in the data archive 
����������������system established under subsection (d);
������������������� (B) the repository for particular material in the 
����������������system; and
������������������� (C) the means of accessing the material.
����������� (2) Availability.--The Secretary shall make the national 
��������catalog accessible to the public on the site of the Survey on 
��������the Internet, consistent with all applicable requirements 
��������related to confidentiality and proprietary data.
��(f) Advisory Committee.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Advisory Committee shall advise the 
��������Secretary on planning and implementation of the Program.
[[Page 119 STAT. 713]]
����������� (2) New duties.--In addition to its duties under the 
��������National Geologic Mapping Act of 1992 (43 U.S.C. 31a et seq.), 
��������the Advisory Committee shall perform the following duties:
������������������� (A) Advise the Secretary on developing guidelines 
����������������and procedures for providing assistance for facilities 
����������������under subsection (g)(1).
������������������� (B) Review and critique the draft implementation 
����������������plan prepared by the Secretary under subsection (c).
������������������� (C) Identify useful studies of data archived under 
����������������the Program that will advance understanding of the 
����������������Nation's energy and mineral resources, geologic hazards, 
����������������and engineering geology.
������������������� (D) Review the progress of the Program in archiving 
����������������significant data and preventing the loss of such data, 
����������������and the scientific progress of the studies funded under 
����������������the Program.
������������������� (E) Include in the annual report to the Secretary 
����������������required under section 5(b)(3) of the National Geologic 
����������������Mapping Act of 1992 (43 U.S.C. 31d(b)(3)) an evaluation 
����������������of the progress of the Program toward fulfilling the 
����������������purposes of the Program under subsection (b).
��� (g) Financial Assistance.--
����������� (1) Archive facilities.--Subject to the availability of 
��������appropriations, the Secretary shall provide financial assistance 
��������to a State agency that is designated under subsection (d)(2) for 
��������providing facilities to archive energy material.
����������� (2) Studies.--Subject to the availability of appropriations, 
��������the Secretary shall provide financial assistance to any State 
��������agency designated under subsection (d)(2) for studies and 
��������technical assistance activities that enhance understanding, 
��������interpretation, and use of materials archived in the data 
��������archive system established under subsection (d).
��������� ��(3) Federal share.--The Federal share of the cost of an 
��������activity carried out with assistance under this subsection shall 
��������be not more than 50 percent of the total cost of the activity.
����������� (4) Private contributions.--
������� The <<NOTE: Applicability.>> Secretary shall apply to the non-
������� Federal share of the cost of an activity carried out with 
��������assistance under this subsection the value of private 
��������contributions of property and services used for that activity.
��� (h) Report.--The Secretary shall include in each report under 
section 8 of the National Geologic Mapping Act of 1992 (43 U.S.C. 31g)--
����������� (1) a description of the status of the Program;
����������� (2) an evaluation of the progress achieved in developing the 
��������Program during the period covered by the report; and
����������� (3) any recommendations for legislative or other action the 
��������Secretary considers necessary and appropriate to fulfill the 
��������purposes of the Program under subsection (b).
��� (i) Maintenance of State Effort.--It is the intent of Congress that 
the States not use this section as an opportunity to reduce State 
resources applied to the activities that are the subject of the Program.
��� (j) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� (1) Advisory committee.--The term ``Advisory Committee'' 
��������means the advisory committee established under section 5 of the 
��������National Geologic Mapping Act of 1992 (43 U.S.C. 31d).
[[Page 119 STAT. 714]]
����������� (2) Program.--The term ``Program'' means the National 
��������Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program carried out 
��������under this section.
����������� (3) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary 
��������of the Interior, acting through the Director of the United 
��������States Geological Survey.
����������� (4) Survey.--The term ``Survey'' means the United States 
��������Geological Survey.
��� (k) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $30,000,000 for each of fiscal 
years 2006 through 2010.
��� Section 27(d)(1) of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 184(d)(1)) is 
amended by inserting after ``acreage held in special tar sand areas'' 
the following: ``, and acreage under any lease any portion of which has 
been committed to a federally approved unit or cooperative plan or 
communitization agreement or for which royalty (including compensatory 
royalty or royalty in-kind) was paid in the preceding calendar year,''.
��� (a) Purpose.--The purpose of this section is to promote natural gas 
production from the natural gas hydrate resources on the outer 
Continental Shelf and Federal lands in Alaska by providing royalty 
��� (b) Suspension of Royalties.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary may grant royalty relief in 
��������accordance with this section for natural gas produced from gas 
��������hydrate resources under an eligible lease.
����������� (2) Eligible leases.--A lease shall be an eligible lease for 
��������purposes of this section if--
������������������� (A) it is issued under the Outer Continental Shelf 
����������������Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq.), or is an oil and gas 
����������������lease issued for onshore Federal lands in Alaska;
������������������� (B) it is issued prior to January 1, 2016; and
��������������� ����(C) production under the lease of natural gas from 
����������������gas hydrate resources commences prior to January 1, 
����������� (3) Amount of relief.--The Secretary shall conduct a 
��������rulemaking and grant royalty relief under this section as a 
��������suspension volume if the Secretary determines that such royalty 
��������relief would encourage production of natural gas from gas 
��������hydrate resources from an eligible lease. The maximum suspension 
��������volume shall be 30 billion cubic feet of natural gas per lease. 
��������Such relief shall be in addition to any other royalty relief 
��������under any other provision applicable to the lease that does not 
��������specifically grant a gas hydrate production incentive. Such 
��������royalty suspension volume shall be applied to any eligible 
��������production occurring on or after the date of publication of the 
��������advanced notice of proposed rulemaking.
����������� (4) Limitation.--The Secretary may place limitations on 
��������royalty relief granted under this section based on market price.
��� (c) Application.--This section shall apply to any eligible lease 
issued before, on, or after the date of enactment of this Act.
��� (d) Rulemakings.--
�� ���������(1) Requirement.--
������� The <<NOTE: Publication. Notices. Deadlines.>> Secretary shall 
��������publish the advanced notice of proposed rulemaking within 180 
��������days after the date of enactment of this Act and complete the 
[[Page 119 STAT. 715]]
������� implementing this section within 365 days after the date of 
��������enactment of this Act.
����������� (2) Gas hydrate resources defined.--Such regulations shall 
��������define the term ``gas hydrate resources'' to include both the 
��������natural gas content of gas hydrates within the hydrate stability 
��������zone and free natural gas trapped by and beneath the hydrate 
��������stability zone.
��� (e) Review.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Reports.>> later than 365 days 
after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in consultation 
with the Secretary of Energy, shall carry out a review of, and submit to 
Congress a report on, further opportunities to enhance production of 
natural gas from gas hydrate resources on the outer Continental Shelf 
and on Federal lands in Alaska through the provision of other production 
incentives or through technical or financial assistance.
��� (a) Production Incentive.--
����������� (1) Findings.--Congress finds the following:
������������������� (A) Approximately two-thirds of the original oil in 
����������������place in the United States remains unproduced.
������������������� (B) Enhanced oil and natural gas production from the 
����������������sequestering of carbon dioxide and other appropriate 
����������������gases has the potential to increase oil and natural gas 
���������� ���������(C) Capturing and productively using carbon dioxide 
����������������would help reduce the carbon intensity of the economy.
����������� (2) Purpose.--The purpose of this section is--
������������������� (A) to promote the capturing, transportation, and 
����������������injection of produced carbon dioxide, natural carbon 
����������������dioxide, and other appropriate gases or other matter for 
����������������sequestration into oil and gas fields; and
������������������� (B) to promote oil and natural gas production from 
����������������the outer Continental Shelf and onshore Federal lands 
����������������under lease by providing royalty incentives to use 
����������������enhanced recovery techniques using injection of the 
����������������substances referred to in subparagraph (A).
��� (b) Suspension of Royalties.--
����������� (1) In general.--If the Secretary determines that reduction 
��������of the royalty under a Federal oil and gas lease that is an 
��������eligible lease is in the public interest and promotes the 
��������purposes of this section, the Secretary shall undertake a 
��������rulemaking to provide for such reduction for an eligible lease.
����������� (2) Rulemakings.--
������� The <<NOTE: Publication. Notices. Deadlines.>> Secretary shall 
��������publish the advanced notice of proposed rulemaking within 180 
��������days after the date of enactment of this Act and complete the 
��������rulemaking implementing this section within 365 days after the 
��������date of enactment of this Act.
����������� (3) Eligible leases.--A lease shall be an eligible lease for 
��������purposes of this section if--
������������������� (A) it is a lease for production of oil and gas from 
����������������the outer Continental Shelf or Federal onshore lands;
������������������� (B) the injection of the substances referred to in 
����������������subsection (a)(2)(A) will be used as an enhanced 
����������������recovery technique on such lease; and
������������������� (C) the Secretary determines that the lease contains 
����������������oil or gas that would not likely be produced without the 
����������������royalty reduction provided under this section.
[[Page 119 STAT. 716]]
����������� (4) Amount of relief.--The rulemaking shall provide for a 
��������suspension volume, which shall not exceed 5,000,000 barrels of 
��������oil equivalent for each eligible lease. Such suspension volume 
��������shall be applied to any production from an eligible lease 
��������occurring on or after the date of publication of any advanced 
��������notice of proposed rulemaking under this subsection.
����������� (5) Limitation.--The Secretary may place limitations on the 
��������royalty reduction granted under this section based on market 
����������� (6) Application.--This section shall apply to any eligible 
��������lease issued before, on, or after the date of enactment of this 
��� (c) Demonstration Program.--
����������� (1) Establishment.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The Secretary of Energy shall 
����������������establish a competitive grant program to provide grants 
����������������to producers of oil and gas to carry out projects to 
����������������inject carbon dioxide for the purpose of enhancing 
����������������recovery of oil or natural gas while increasing the 
����������������sequestration of carbon dioxide.
������������������� (B) Projects.--The demonstration program shall 
����������������provide for--
������������������������� (i) not more than 10 projects in the Willistin 
����������������������Basin in North Dakota and Montana; and
������������������������� (ii) 1 project in the Cook Inlet Basin in 
����������� (2) Requirements.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The Secretary of Energy shall issue 
����������������requirements relating to applications for grants under 
����������������paragraph (1).
������������������� (B) Rulemaking.--The issuance of requirements under 
����������������subparagraph (A) shall not require a rulemaking.
������������������� (C) Minimum requirements.--At a minimum, the 
����������������Secretary shall require under subparagraph (A) that an 
����������������application for a grant include--
������������������������� (i) a description of the project proposed in 
����������������������the application;
������������������������� (ii) an estimate of the production increase 
����������������������and the duration of the production increase from 
����������������������the project, as compared to conventional recovery 
����������������������techniques, including water flooding;
������������������������� (iii) an estimate of the carbon dioxide 
����������������������sequestered by project, over the life of the 
������������������������� (iv) a plan to collect and disseminate data 
����������������������relating to each project to be funded by the 
������������������������� (v) a description of the means by which the 
����������������������project will be sustainable without Federal 
����������������������assistance after the completion of the term of the 
����������� ��������������(vi) a complete description of the costs of 
����������������������the project, including acquisition, construction, 
����������������������operation, and maintenance costs over the expected 
����������������������life of the project;
������ �������������������(vii) a description of which costs of the 
����������������������project will be supported by Federal assistance 
����������������������under this section; and
������������������������� (viii) a description of any secondary or 
����������������������tertiary recovery efforts in the field and the 
����������������������efficacy of water flood recovery techniques used.
[[Page 119 STAT. 717]]
����������� (3) Partners.--An applicant for a grant under paragraph (1) 
��������may carry out a project under a pilot program in partnership 
��������with 1 or more other public or private entities.
����������� (4) Selection criteria.--In evaluating applications under 
��������this subsection, the Secretary of Energy shall--
������������������� (A) consider the previous experience with similar 
����������������projects of each applicant; and
������������������� (B) give priority consideration to applications 
������������������������� (i) are most likely to maximize production of 
����������������������oil and gas in a cost-effective manner;
������������������������� (ii) sequester significant quantities of 
����������������������carbon dioxide from anthropogenic sources;
������������������������� (iii) demonstrate the greatest commitment on 
����������������������the part of the applicant to ensure funding for 
����������������������the proposed project and the greatest likelihood 
����������������������that the project will be maintained or expanded 
����������������������after Federal assistance under this section is 
����������������������completed; and
������������������������� (iv) minimize any adverse environmental 
����������������������effects from the project.
����������� (5) Demonstration program requirements.--
�������� �����������(A) Maximum amount.--The Secretary of Energy shall 
����������������not provide more than $3,000,000 in Federal assistance 
����������������under this subsection to any applicant.
������������������� (B) Cost sharing.--The Secretary of Energy shall 
����������������require cost-sharing under this subsection in accordance 
����������������with section 988.
������������������� (C) Period of grants.--
������������������������� (i) In general.--A <<NOTE: Deadline.>> project 
����������������������funded by a grant under this subsection shall 
����������������������begin construction not later than 2 years after 
����������������������the date of provision of the grant, but in any 
����������������������case not later than December 31, 2010.
��������� ����������������(ii) Term.--The Secretary shall not provide 
����������������������grant funds to any applicant under this subsection 
����������������������for a period of more than 5 years.
����������� (6) Transfer of <<NOTE: Procedures.>> information and 
��������knowledge.--The Secretary of Energy shall establish mechanisms 
��������to ensure that the information and knowledge gained by 
��������participants in the program under this subsection are 
��������transferred among other participants and interested persons, 
��������including other applicants that submitted applications for a 
��������grant under this subsection.
����������� (7) Schedule.--
������������������� (A) Publication.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Federal 
����������������Register, publication.>> later than 180 days after the 
����������������date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Energy 
����������������shall publish in the Federal Register, and elsewhere, as 
����������������appropriate, a request for applications to carry out 
����������������projects under this subsection.
������������������� (B) Date for applications.--
��������������� An <<NOTE: Deadline.>> application for a grant under 
����������������this subsection shall be submitted not later than 180 
����������������days after the date of publication of the request under 
����������������subparagraph (A).
������������������� (C) Selection.--After the date by which applications 
����������������for grants are required to be submitted under 
����������������subparagraph (B), the Secretary of Energy, in a timely 
����������������manner, shall select, after peer review and based on the 
����������������criteria under paragraph (4), those projects to be 
����������������awarded a grant under this subsection.
[[Page 119 STAT. 718]]
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this section.
��� (a) Assessment.--The Secretary of Energy shall assess the economic 
implications of the dependence of the State of Hawaii on oil as the 
principal source of energy for the State, including--
����������� (1) the short- and long-term prospects for crude oil supply 
��������disruption and price volatility and potential impacts on the 
��������economy of Hawaii;
����������� (2) the economic relationship between oil-fired generation 
��������of electricity from residual fuel and refined petroleum products 
��������consumed for ground, marine, and air transportation;
����������� (3) the technical and economic feasibility of increasing the 
��������contribution of renewable energy resources for generation of 
��������electricity, on an island-by-island basis, including--
������������������� (A) siting and facility configuration;
������������������� (B) environmental, operational, and safety 
������������������� (C) the availability of technology;
������������������� (D) the effects on the utility system, including 
������������������� (E) infrastructure and transport requirements;
������������������� (F) community support; and
������������������� (G) other factors affecting the economic impact of 
����������������such an increase and any effect on the economic 
����������������relationship described in paragraph (2);
����������� (4) the technical and economic feasibility of using 
��������liquefied natural gas to displace residual fuel oil for electric 
��������generation, including neighbor island opportunities, and the 
��������effect of the displacement on the economic relationship 
��������described in paragraph (2), including--
������������������� (A) the availability of supply;
������������������� (B) siting and facility configuration for onshore 
����������������and offshore liquefied natural gas receiving terminals;
������������������� (C) the factors described in subparagraphs (B) 
����������������through (F) of paragraph (3); and
������������������� (D) other economic factors;
����������� (5) the technical and economic feasibility of using 
��������renewable energy sources (including hydrogen) for ground, 
��������marine, and air transportation energy applications to displace 
��������the use of refined petroleum products, on an island-by-island 
��������basis, and the economic impact of the displacement on the 
��������relationship described in paragraph (2); and
����������� (6) an island-by-island approach to--
������������������� (A) the development of hydrogen from renewable 
����������������resources; and
������������������� (B) the application of hydrogen to the energy needs 
����������������of Hawaii.
��� (b) Contracting Authority.--The Secretary of Energy may carry out 
the assessment under subsection (a) directly or, in whole or in part, 
through 1 or more contracts with qualified public or private entities.
[[Page 119 STAT. 719]]
��� (c) Report.--Not later than 300 days after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary of Energy shall prepare (in consultation with 
agencies of the State of Hawaii and other stakeholders, as appropriate), 
and submit to Congress, a report describing the findings, conclusions, 
and recommendations resulting from the assessment.
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this section.
SEC. 356. <<NOTE: 42 USC 15911.>> DENALI COMMISSION.
��� (a) Definition of Commission.--In this section, the term 
``Commission'' means the Denali Commission established by the Denali 
Commission Act of 1998 (42 U.S.C. 3121 note; Public Law 105-277).
��� (b) Energy Programs.--The Commission shall use amounts made 
available under subsection (d) to carry out energy programs, including--
����������� (1) energy generation and development, including--
������������������� (A) fuel cells, hydroelectric, solar, wind, wave, 
����������������and tidal energy; and
������������������� (B) alternative energy sources;
����������� (2) the construction of energy transmission, including 
����������� (3) the replacement and cleanup of fuel tanks;
����������� (4) the construction of fuel transportation networks and 
��������related facilities;
����������� (5) power cost equalization programs; and
����������(6) projects using coal as a fuel, including coal 
��������gasification projects.
��� (c) Open Meetings.--
����������� (1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), a 
��������meeting of the Commission shall be open to the public if--
������������������(A) the Commission members take action on behalf of 
����������������the Commission; or
������������������� (B) the deliberations of the Commission determine, 
����������������or result in the joint conduct or disposition of, 
����������������official Commission business.
����������� (2) Exceptions.--Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any 
��������portion of a Commission meeting for which the Commission, in 
��������public session, votes to close the meeting for the reasons 
��������described in paragraph (2), (4), (5), or (6) of subsection (c) 
��������of section 552b of title 5, United States Code.
����������� (3) Public notice.--
������������������� (A) In general.--At <<NOTE: Deadline.>> least 1 week 
����������������before a meeting of the Commission, the Commission shall 
����������������make a public announcement of the meeting that 
������������������������� (i) the time, place, and subject matter of the 
��������������������� ����(ii) whether the meeting is to be open or 
����������������������closed to the public; and
������������������������� (iii) the name and telephone number of an 
����������������������appropriate person to respond to requests for 
����������������������information about the meeting.
������������������� (B) Additional notice.--The Commission shall make a 
����������������public announcement of any change to the information
[[Page 119 STAT. 720]]
��������������� made available under subparagraph (A) at the earliest 
����������������practicable time.
����������� (4) Minutes.--The Commission shall keep, and make available 
��������to the public, a transcript, electronic recording, or minutes 
��������from each Commission meeting, except for portions of the meeting 
��������closed under paragraph (2).
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to the Commission not more than $55,000,000 for each of 
fiscal years 2006 through 2015 to carry out subsection (b).
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall conduct an inventory and 
analysis of oil and natural gas resources beneath all of the waters of 
the United States Outer Continental Shelf (``OCS''). The inventory and 
analysis shall--
����������� (1) use available data on oil and gas resources in areas 
��������offshore of Mexico and Canada that will provide information on 
��������trends of oil and gas accumulation in areas of the OCS;
����������� (2) use any available technology, except drilling, but 
��������including 3-D seismic technology to obtain accurate resource 
����������� (3) analyze how resource estimates in OCS areas have changed 
��������over time in regards to gathering geological and geophysical 
��������data, initial exploration, or full field development, including 
��������areas such as the deepwater and subsalt areas in the Gulf of 
����������� (4) estimate the effect that understated oil and gas 
��������resource inventories have on domestic energy investments; and
����������� (5) identify and explain how legislative, regulatory, and 
��������administrative programs or processes restrict or impede the 
��������development of identified resources and the extent that they 
��������affect domestic supply, such as moratoria, lease terms and 
��������conditions, operational stipulations and requirements, approval 
��������delays by the Federal Government and coastal States, and local 
��������zoning restrictions for onshore processing facilities and 
��������pipeline landings.
��� (b) Reports.--The Secretary shall submit a report to Congress on the 
inventory of estimates and the analysis of restrictions or impediments, 
together with any recommendations, within 6 months of the date of 
enactment of the section. <<NOTE: Public information.>> The report shall 
be publicly available and updated at least every 5 years.
������������������ Subtitle F--Access to Federal Lands
��� (a) Review of Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Practices.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary of the Interior, in 
��������consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to 
��������National Forest System lands under the jurisdiction of the 
��������Department of Agriculture, shall perform an internal review of 
��������current Federal onshore oil and gas leasing and permitting 
����������� (2) Inclusions.--The review shall include the process for--
������������������� (A) accepting or rejecting offers to lease;
[[Page 119 STAT. 721]]
������������������� (B) administrative appeals of decisions or orders of 
���������������officers or employees of the Bureau of Land Management 
����������������with respect to a Federal oil or gas lease;
������������������� (C) considering surface use plans of operation, 
����������������including the timeframes in which the plans are 
����������������considered, and any recommendations for improving and 
����������������expediting the process; and
������������������� (D) identifying stipulations to address site-
��������������� specific concerns and conditions, including those 
����������������stipulations relating to the environment and resource 
����������������use conflicts.
��� (b) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture 
shall transmit a report to Congress that describes--
����������� (1) actions taken under section 3 of Executive Order No. 
��������13212 (42 U.S.C. 13201 note); and
����������� (2) actions taken or any plans to improve the Federal 
��������onshore oil and gas leasing program.
��� (a) Timely Action on Leases and Permits.--
����������� (1) Secretary of the interior.--To ensure timely action on 
��������oil and gas leases and applications for permits to drill on land 
��������otherwise available for leasing, the Secretary of the Interior 
��������(referred to in this section as the ``Secretary'') shall--
������������������� (A) ensure expeditious compliance with section 
����������������102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 
����������������1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)) and any other applicable 
����������������environmental and cultural resources laws;
������������������� (B) improve consultation and coordination with the 
����������������States and the public; and
������������������� (C) improve the collection, storage, and retrieval 
����������������of information relating to the oil and gas leasing 
����������� (2) Secretary of agriculture.--To ensure timely action on 
��������oil and gas lease applications for permits to drill on land 
��������otherwise available for leasing, the Secretary of Agriculture 
������������������� (A) ensure expeditious compliance with all 
����������������applicable environmental and cultural resources laws; 
������������������� (B) improve the collection, storage, and retrieval 
����������������of information relating to the oil and gas leasing 
��� (b) Best Management Practices.--
����������� (1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 18 
��������months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary 
��������shall develop and implement best management practices to--
������������������� (A) improve the administration of the onshore oil 
����������������and gas leasing program under the Mineral Leasing Act 
����������������(30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.); and
������������������� (B) ensure timely action on oil and gas leases and 
����������������applications for permits to drill on land otherwise 
����������������available for leasing.
����������� (2) Considerations.--In developing the best management 
��������practices under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall consider any 
��������recommendations from the review under section 361.
����������� (3) Regulations.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 180 
��������days after the development of the best management practices 
��������under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall publish, for public 
[[Page 119 STAT. 722]]
������� proposed regulations that set forth specific timeframes for 
��������processing leases and applications in accordance with the best 
��������management practices, including deadlines for--
������������������� (A) approving or disapproving--
������������������������� (i) resource management plans and related 
������������������������� (ii) lease applications;
�� �����������������������(iii) applications for permits to drill; and
������������������������� (iv) surface use plans; and
������������������� (B) related administrative appeals.
��� (c) Improved Enforcement.--The Secretary and the Secretary of 
Agriculture shall improve inspection and enforcement of oil and gas 
activities, including enforcement of terms and conditions in permits to 
drill on land under the jurisdiction of the Secretary and the Secretary 
of Agriculture, respectively.
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--In addition to amounts made 
available to carry out activities relating to oil and gas leasing on 
public land administered by the Secretary and National Forest System 
land administered by the Secretary of Agriculture, there are authorized 
to be appropriated for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2010--
����������� (1) to the Secretary, acting through the Director of the 
��������Bureau of Land Management--
������������������� (A) $40,000,000 to carry out subsections (a)(1) and 
����������������(b); and
������������������� (B) $20,000,000 to carry out subsection (c);
����������� (2) to the Secretary, acting through the Director of the 
��������United States Fish and Wildlife Service, $5,000,000 to carry out 
��������subsection (a)(1); and
����������� (3) to the Secretary of Agriculture, acting through the 
��������Chief of the Forest Service, $5,000,000 to carry out subsections 
��������(a)(2) and (c).
��� (a) In General.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Memorandum.>> later than 180 
days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the 
Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture shall enter into a memorandum 
of understanding regarding oil and gas leasing on--
����������� (1) public land under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of 
��������the Interior; and
����������� (2) National Forest System land under the jurisdiction of 
��������the Secretary of Agriculture.
��� (b) Contents.--The memorandum of understanding shall include 
provisions that--
����������� (1) establish administrative procedures and lines of 
��������authority that ensure timely processing of--
������������������� (A) oil and gas lease applications;
��������� ����������(B) surface use plans of operation, including steps 
����������������for processing surface use plans; and
������������������� (C) applications for permits to drill consistent 
����������������with applicable timelines;
����������� (2) eliminate duplication of effort by providing for 
��������coordination of planning and environmental compliance efforts;
����������� (3) ensure that lease stipulations are--
������������������� (A) applied consistently;
������������������� (B) coordinated between agencies; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 723]]
������������������� (C) only as restrictive as necessary to protect the 
����������������resource for which the stipulations are applied;
����������� (4) establish a joint data retrieval system that is capable 
������������������� (A) tracking applications and formal requests made 
����������������in accordance with procedures of the Federal onshore oil 
����������������and gas leasing program; and
������������������� (B) providing information regarding the status of 
����������������the applications and requests within the Department of 
����������������the Interior and the Department of Agriculture; and
����������� (5) establish a joint geographic information system mapping 
��������system for use in--
��� ����������������(A) tracking surface resource values to aid in 
����������������resource management; and
������������������� (B) processing surface use plans of operation and 
����������������applications for permits to drill.
��� (a) Assessment.--Section 604 of the Energy Act of 2000 (42 U.S.C. 
6217) is amended--
����������� (1) in subsection (a)--
������������������� (A) in paragraph (1)--
���������������������� ���(i) by striking ``reserve''; and
������������������������� (ii) by striking ``and'' after the semicolon; 
������������������� (B) by striking paragraph (2) and inserting the 
����������� ``(2) the extent and nature of any restrictions or 
��������impediments to the development of the resources, including--
������������������� ``(A) impediments to the timely granting of leases;
������������������� ``(B) post-lease restrictions, impediments, or 
����������������delays on development for conditions of approval, 
����������������applications for permits to drill, or processing of 
����������������environmental permits; and
������������������� ``(C) permits or restrictions associated with 
����������������transporting the resources for entry into commerce; and
����������� ``(3) the quantity of resources not produced or introduced 
��������into commerce because of the restrictions.'';
����������� (2) in subsection (b)--
������������������� (A) by striking ``reserve'' and inserting 
����������������``resource''; and
������������������� (B) by striking ``publically'' and inserting 
����������������``publicly''; and
����������� (3) by striking subsection (d) and inserting the following:
��� ``(d) Assessments.--Using the inventory, the Secretary of Energy 
shall make periodic assessments of economically recoverable resources 
accounting for a range of parameters such as current costs, commodity 
prices, technology, and regulations.''.
��� (b) Methodology.--The <<NOTE: 42 USC 15923.>> Secretary of the 
Interior shall use the same assessment methodology across all geological 
provinces, areas, and regions in preparing and issuing national 
geological assessments to ensure accurate comparisons of geological 
��� (a) Establishment.--The Secretary of the Interior (referred to in 
this section as the ``Secretary'') shall establish a Federal Permit 
Streamlining Pilot Project (referred to in this section as the ``Pilot 
[[Page 119 STAT. 724]]
��� (b) Memorandum of Understanding.--
����������� (1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 90 days 
��������after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall 
��������enter into a memorandum of understanding for purposes of this 
��������section with--
������������������� (A) the Secretary of Agriculture;
������������������� (B) the Administrator of the Environmental 
����������������Protection Agency; and
������������������� (C) the Chief of Engineers.
����������� (2) State participation.--The Secretary may request that the 
��������Governors of Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico be 
��������signatories to the memorandum of understanding.
��� (c) Designation of Qualified Staff.--
����������� (1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 30 days 
��������after the date of the signing of the memorandum of understanding 
��������under subsection (b), all Federal signatory parties shall, if 
��������appropriate, assign to each of the field offices identified in 
��������subsection (d) an employee who has expertise in the regulatory 
��������issues relating to the office in which the employee is employed, 
��������including, as applicable, particular expertise in--
������������������� (A) the consultations and the preparation of 
����������������biological opinions under section 7 of the Endangered 
����������������Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1536);
���������� ���������(B) permits under section 404 of Federal Water 
����������������Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1344);
������������������� (C) regulatory matters under the Clean Air Act (42 
����������������U.S.C. 7401 et seq.);
������������������� (D) planning under the National Forest Management 
����������������Act of 1976 (16 U.S.C. 472a et seq.); and
������������������� (E) the preparation of analyses under the National 
����������������Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et 
����������� (2) Duties.--Each employee assigned under paragraph (1) 
������������������� (A) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> not later than 90 days after 
����������������the date of assignment, report to the Bureau of Land 
����������������Management Field Managers in the office to which the 
����������������employee is assigned;
������������������� (B) be responsible for all issues relating to the 
����������������jurisdiction of the home office or agency of the 
����������������employee; and
��� ����������������(C) participate as part of the team of personnel 
����������������working on proposed energy projects, planning, and 
����������������environmental analyses.
��� (d) Field Offices.--The following Bureau of Land Management Field 
Offices shall serve as the Pilot Project offices:
����������� (1) Rawlins, Wyoming.
����������� (2) Buffalo, Wyoming.
����������� (3) Miles City, Montana.
����������� (4) Farmington, New Mexico.
����������� (5) Carlsbad, New Mexico.
����������� (6) Grand Junction/Glenwood Springs, Colorado.
����������� (7) Vernal, Utah.
��� (e) Reports.--Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that--
����������� (1) outlines the results of the Pilot Project to date; and
����������� (2) makes a recommendation to the President regarding 
��������whether the Pilot Project should be implemented throughout the 
��������United States.
[[Page 119 STAT. 725]]
��� (f) Additional Personnel.--The Secretary shall assign to each field 
office identified in subsection (d) any additional personnel that are 
necessary to ensure the effective implementation of--
����������� (1) the Pilot Project; and
����������� (2) other programs administered by the field offices, 
�������including inspection and enforcement relating to energy 
��������development on Federal land, in accordance with the multiple use 
��������mandate of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 
��������(43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.).
��� (g) Permit Processing Improvement Fund.--Section 35 of the Mineral 
Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 191) is amended by adding at the end the 
��� ``(c)(1) Notwithstanding the first sentence of subsection (a), any 
rentals received from leases in any State (other than the State of 
Alaska) on or after the date of enactment of this subsection shall be 
deposited in the Treasury, to be allocated in accordance with paragraph 
��� ``(2) Of the amounts deposited in the Treasury under paragraph (1)--
����� ������``(A) 50 percent shall be paid by the Secretary of the 
��������Treasury to the State within the boundaries of which the leased 
��������land is located or the deposits were derived; and
����������� ``(B) 50 percent shall be deposited in a special fund in the 
��������Treasury, to be known as the `BLM Permit Processing Improvement 
��������Fund' (referred to in this subsection as the `Fund').
��� ``(3) For each of fiscal years 2006 through 2015, the Fund shall be 
available to the Secretary of the Interior for expenditure, without 
further appropriation and without fiscal year limitation, for the 
coordination and processing of oil and gas use authorizations on onshore 
Federal land under the jurisdiction of the Pilot Project offices 
identified in section 365(d) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.''.
��� (h) Transfer of Funds.--For the purposes of coordination and 
processing of oil and gas use authorizations on Federal land under the 
administration of the Pilot Project offices identified in subsection 
(d), the Secretary may authorize the expenditure or transfer of such 
funds as are necessary to--
����������� (1) the United States Fish and Wildlife Service;
����������� (2) the Bureau of Indian Affairs;
����������� (3) the Forest Service;
����������� (4) the Environmental Protection Agency;
����������� (5) the Corps of Engineers; and
����������� (6) the States of Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, Utah, and New 
��� (i) Fees.--During the period in which the Pilot Project is 
authorized, the Secretary shall not implement a rulemaking that would 
enable an increase in fees to recover additional costs related to 
processing drilling-related permit applications and use authorizations.
��� (j) Savings Provision.--Nothing in this section affects--
 �����������(1) the operation of any Federal or State law; or
����������� (2) any delegation of authority made by the head of a 
��������Federal agency whose employees are participating in the Pilot 
[[Page 119 STAT. 726]]
��� Section 17 of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 226) is amended by 
adding at the end the following:
��� ``(p) Deadlines for Consideration of Applications for Permits.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Notification.>> later than 10 
��������days after the date on which the Secretary receives an 
��������application for any permit to drill, the Secretary shall--
������������������� ``(A) notify the applicant that the application is 
����������������complete; or
������������������� ``(B) notify the applicant that information is 
����������������missing and specify any information that is required to 
����������������be submitted for the application to be complete.
����������� ``(2) Issuance or deferral.--Not later than 30 days after 
��������the applicant for a permit has submitted a complete application, 
��������the Secretary shall--
������������������� ``(A) issue the permit, if the requirements under 
����������������the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and other 
����������������applicable law have been completed within such 
����������������timeframe; or
������������������� ``(B) <<NOTE: Notice.>> defer the decision on the 
����������������permit and provide to the applicant a notice--
������������������������� ``(i) that specifies any steps that the 
����������������������applicant could take for the permit to be issued; 
������������������������� ``(ii) a list of actions that need to be taken 
����������������������by the agency to complete compliance with 
����������������������applicable law together with timelines and 
����������������������deadlines for completing such actions.
����������� ``(3) Requirements for deferred applications.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--If the Secretary provides notice 
����������������under paragraph (2)(B), the applicant shall have a 
����������������period of 2 years from the date of receipt of the notice 
����������������in which to complete all requirements specified by the 
����������������Secretary, including providing information needed for 
����������������compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 
������������������� ``(B) Issuance of decision on permit.--If the 
����������������applicant completes the requirements within the period 
����������������specified in subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall issue 
����������������a decision on the permit not later than 10 days after 
����������������the date of completion of the requirements described in 
����������������subparagraph (A), unless compliance with the National 
����������������Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and other applicable 
����������������law has not been completed within such timeframe.
������������������� ``(C) Denial of permit.--If the applicant does not 
����������������complete the requirements within the period specified in 
����������������subparagraph (A) or if the applicant does not comply 
����������������with applicable law, the Secretary shall deny the 
��� (a) Update of Fee Schedule.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 1 
year after the date of enactment of this section--
����������� (1) the Secretary of the Interior shall update section 
��������2806.20 of title 43, Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect 
��������on the date of enactment of this section, to revise the per
[[Page 119 STAT. 727]]
������� acre rental fee zone value schedule by State, county, and type 
��������of linear right-of-way use to reflect current values of land in 
��������each zone; and
����������� (2) the Secretary of Agriculture shall make the same 
��������revision for linear rights-of-way granted, issued, or renewed 
��������under title V of the Federal Lands Policy and Management Act of 
��������1976 (43 U.S.C. 1761 et seq.) on National Forest System land.
��� (b) Fair Market Value Rental Determination for Linear Rights-of-
way.--The fair market value rent of a linear right-of-way across public 
lands or National Forest System lands issued under section 504 of the 
Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1764) or 
section 28 of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 185) shall be 
determined in accordance with subpart 2806 of title 43, Code of Federal 
Regulations, as in effect on the date of enactment of this section 
(including the annual or periodic updates specified in the regulations) 
and as updated in accordance with subsection (a).
������������FEDERAL LAND.
��� (a) Western States.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 2 years 
after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture, 
the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of 
Energy, and the Secretary of the Interior (in this section referred to 
collectively as ``the Secretaries''), in consultation with the Federal 
Energy Regulatory Commission, States, tribal or local units of 
governments as appropriate, affected utility industries, and other 
interested persons, shall consult with each other and shall--
����������� (1) designate, under their respective authorities, corridors 
��������for oil, gas, and hydrogen pipelines and electricity 
��������transmission and distribution facilities on Federal land in the 
��������eleven contiguous Western States (as defined in section 103(o) 
��������of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 
����������� (2) perform any environmental reviews that may be required 
��������to complete the designation of such corridors; and
����������� (3) incorporate the designated corridors into the relevant 
��������agency land use and resource management plans or equivalent 
��� (b) Other States.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 4 years after 
the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretaries, in consultation with 
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, affected utility industries, 
and other interested persons, shall jointly--
����������� (1) identify corridors for oil, gas, and hydrogen pipelines 
��������and electricity transmission and distribution facilities on 
��������Federal land in States other than those described in subsection 
��������(a); and
����������� (2) schedule prompt action to identify, designate, and 
��������incorporate the corridors into the applicable land use plans.
��� (c) Ongoing Responsibilities.--
The <<NOTE: Procedures.>> Secretaries, in consultation with the Federal 
Energy Regulatory Commission, affected utility industries, and other 
interested parties, shall establish procedures under their respective 
authorities that--
����������� (1) ensure that additional corridors for oil, gas, and 
��������hydrogen pipelines and electricity transmission and distribution 
��������facilities on Federal land are promptly identified and 
��������designated as necessary; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 728]]
����������� (2) expedite applications to construct or modify oil, gas, 
��������and hydrogen pipelines and electricity transmission and 
��������distribution facilities within such corridors, taking into 
��������account prior analyses and environmental reviews undertaken 
��������during the designation of such corridors.
��� (d) Considerations.--In carrying out this section, the Secretaries 
shall take into account the need for upgraded and new electricity 
transmission and distribution facilities to--
����������� (1) improve reliability;
����������� (2) relieve congestion; and
����������� (3) enhance the capability of the national grid to deliver 
��� (e) Specifications of Corridor.--A corridor designated under this 
section shall, at a minimum, specify the centerline, width, and 
compatible uses of the corridor.
SEC. 369. <<NOTE: Oil Shale, Tar Sands, and Other Strategic 
�����������Unconventional Fuels Act of 2005. Deadlines. 42 USC 
��� (a) Short Title.--This section may be cited as the ``Oil Shale, Tar 
Sands, and Other Strategic Unconventional Fuels Act of 2005''.
��� (b) Declaration of Policy.--Congress declares that it is the policy 
of the United States that--
����������� (1) United States oil shale, tar sands, and other 
��������unconventional fuels are strategically important domestic 
��������resources that should be developed to reduce the growing 
��������dependence of the United States on politically and economically 
��������unstable sources of foreign oil imports;
����������� (2) the development of oil shale, tar sands, and other 
��������strategic unconventional fuels, for research and commercial 
��������development, should be conducted in an environmentally sound 
��������manner, using practices that minimize impacts; and
����������(3) development of those strategic unconventional fuels 
��������should occur, with an emphasis on sustainability, to benefit the 
��������United States while taking into account affected States and 
��� (c) Leasing Program for Research and Development of Oil Shale and 
Tar Sands.--In accordance with section 21 of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 
U.S.C. 241) and any other applicable law, except as provided in this 
section, not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this 
Act, from land otherwise available for leasing, the Secretary of the 
Interior (referred to in this section as the ``Secretary'') shall make 
available for leasing such land as the Secretary considers to be 
necessary to conduct research and development activities with respect to 
technologies for the recovery of liquid fuels from oil shale and tar 
sands resources on public lands. Prospective public lands within each of 
the States of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming shall be made available for 
such research and development leasing.
��� (d) Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement and Commercial 
Leasing Program for Oil Shale and Tar Sands.--
����������� (1) Programmatic environmental impact statement.--Not later 
��������than 18 months after the date of enactment of this Act, in 
��������accordance with section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental 
��������Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)), the Secretary shall 
��������complete a programmatic environmental impact statement for a 
��������commercial leasing program for oil shale and tar sands resources 
��������on public lands, with an emphasis on
[[Page 119 STAT. 729]]
������� the most geologically prospective lands within each of the 
��������States of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming.
���� �������(2) Final regulation.--Not later than 6 months after the 
��������completion of the programmatic environmental impact statement 
��������under this subsection, the Secretary shall publish a final 
��������regulation establishing such program.
��� (e) Commencement of Commercial Leasing of Oil Shale and Tar Sands.--
Not later than 180 days after publication of the final regulation 
required by subsection (d), the Secretary shall consult with the 
Governors of States with significant oil shale and tar sands resources 
on public lands, representatives of local governments in such States, 
interested Indian tribes, and other interested persons, to determine the 
level of support and interest in the States in the development of tar 
sands and oil shale resources. If the Secretary finds sufficient support 
and interest exists in a State, the Secretary may conduct a lease sale 
in that State under the commercial leasing program regulations. Evidence 
of interest in a lease sale under this subsection shall include, but not 
be limited to, appropriate areas nominated for leasing by potential 
lessees and other interested parties.
��� (f) Diligent Development Requirements.--
The <<NOTE: Regulations.>> Secretary shall, by regulation, designate 
work requirements and milestones to ensure the diligent development of 
the lease.
��� (g) Initial Report by the Secretary of the Interior.--Within 90 days 
after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior 
shall report to the Committee on Resources of the House of 
Representatives and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the 
Senate on--
����������� (1) the interim actions necessary to--
������������������� (A) develop the program, complete the programmatic 
����������������environmental impact statement, and promulgate the final 
����������������regulation as required by subsection (d); and
������������������� (B) conduct the first lease sales under the program 
����������������as required by subsection (e); and
�������� ���(2) a schedule to complete such actions within the time 
��������limits mandated by this section.
��� (h) Task Force.--
����������� (1) Establishment.--The Secretary of Energy, in cooperation 
��������with the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Defense, 
��������shall establish a task force to develop a program to coordinate 
��������and accelerate the commercial development of strategic 
��������unconventional fuels, including but not limited to oil shale and 
��������tar sands resources within the United States, in an integrated 
����������� (2) Composition.--The Task Force shall be composed of--
������������������� (A) the Secretary of Energy (or the designee of the 
������������������� (B) the Secretary of the Interior (or the designee 
����������������of the Secretary of the Interior);
������������������� (C) the Secretary of Defense (or the designee of the 
����������������Secretary of Defense);
������������������� (D) the Governors of affected States; and
������������������� (E) representatives of local governments in affected 
����������� (3) Recommendations.--The Task Force shall make such 
��������recommendations regarding promoting the development of the
[[Page 119 STAT. 730]]
������� strategic unconventional fuels resources within the United 
��������States as it may deem appropriate.
����������� (4) Partnerships.--The Task Force shall make recommendations 
��������with respect to initiating a partnership with the Province of 
��������Alberta, Canada, for purposes of sharing information relating to 
��������the development and production of oil from tar sands, and 
��������similar partnerships with other nations that contain significant 
��������oil shale resources.
����������� (5) Reports.--
������������������� (A) Initial report.--Not later than 180 days after 
����������������the date of enactment of this Act, the Task Force shall 
����������������submit to the President and Congress a report that 
����������������describes the analysis and recommendations of the Task 
������������������� (B) Subsequent reports.--The Secretary shall provide 
����������������an annual report describing the progress in developing 
����������������the strategic unconventional fuels resources within the 
����������������United States for each of the 5 years following 
����������������submission of the report provided for in subparagraph 
��� (i) Office of <<NOTE: Establishment.>> Petroleum Reserves.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Office of Petroleum Reserves of the 
��������Department of Energy shall--
������������������� (A) coordinate the creation and implementation of a 
����������������commercial strategic fuel development program for the 
����������������United States;
������������������� (B) evaluate the strategic importance of 
����������������unconventional sources of strategic fuels to the 
����������������security of the United States;
��������� ����������(C) promote and coordinate Federal Government 
����������������actions that facilitate the development of strategic 
����������������fuels in order to effectively address the energy supply 
����������������needs of the United States;
����������� ��������(D) identify, assess, and recommend appropriate 
����������������actions of the Federal Government required to assist in 
����������������the development and manufacturing of strategic fuels; 
������������������� (E) coordinate and facilitate appropriate 
����������������relationships between private industry and the Federal 
����������������Government to promote sufficient and timely private 
����������������investment to commercialize strategic fuels for domestic 
����������������and military use.
����������� (2) Consultation and coordination.--The Office of Petroleum 
��������Reserves shall work closely with the Task Force and coordinate 
��������its staff support.
����������� (3) Annual reports.--Not later than 180 days after the date 
��������of enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Secretary 
��������shall submit to Congress a report that describes the activities 
��������of the Office of Petroleum Reserves carried out under this 
��� (j) Mineral Leasing Act Amendments.--
����������� (1) Section 17.--Section 17(b)(2) of the Mineral Leasing Act 
��������(30 U.S.C. 226(b)(2)), as amended by section 350, is further 
������������������� (A) in subparagraph (A) (as designated by the 
����������������amendment made by subsection (a)(1) of that section) by 
����������������designating the first, second, and third sentences as 
����������������clauses (i), (ii), and (iii), respectively;
������������������� (B) by moving clause (ii), as so designated, so as 
����������������to begin immediately after and below clause (i);
[[Page 119 STAT. 731]]
������������������� (C) by moving clause (iii), as so designated, so as 
����������������to begin immediately after and below clause (ii);
������������������� (D) in clause (i) of subparagraph (A) (as designated 
����������������by subparagraph (A) of this paragraph) by striking 
����������������``five thousand one hundred and twenty'' and inserting 
����������������``5,760''; and
������ �������������(E) by adding at the end the following:
����������� ``(iv) No lease issued under this paragraph shall be 
��������included in any chargeability limitation associated with oil and 
��������gas leases.''.
����������� (2) Section 21.--Section 21(a) of the Mineral Leasing Act 
��������(30 U.S.C. 241(a)) is amended--
������������������� (A) by striking ``(a) That the Secretary'' and 
����������������inserting the following:
��� ``(a)(1) The Secretary'';
������������������� (B) by striking ``; that no lease'' and inserting a 
����������������period, followed by the following:
����������� ``(2) No lease'';
������������������� (C) by striking ``Leases may be for'' and inserting 
����������������the following:
����������� ``(3) Leases may be for'';
������������������� (D) by striking ``For the privilege'' and inserting 
����������������the following:
����������� ``(4) For the privilege'';
������������������� (E) in paragraph (2) (as designated by subparagraph 
����������������(B) of this paragraph) by striking ``five thousand one 
����������������hundred and twenty'' and inserting ``5,760'';
������������������� (F) in paragraph (4) (as designated by subparagraph 
����������������(D) of this paragraph) by striking ``rate of 50 cents 
����������������per acre'' and inserting ``rate of $2.00 per acre'';
������������������� (G)(i) by striking ``: Provided further, That not 
����������������more than one lease shall be granted under this section 
����������������to any'' and inserting ``: Provided further, That no''; 
������������������� (ii) by striking ``except that with respect to 
����������������leases for'' and inserting ``shall acquire or hold more 
����������������than 50,000 acres of oil shale leases in any one State. 
����������������For''; and
������������������� (H) by adding at the end the following:
����������� ``(5) No lease issued under this section shall be included 
��������in any chargeability limitation associated with oil and gas 
��� (k) Interagency Coordination and Expeditious Review of Permitting 
����������� (1) Department of the interior as lead agency.--Upon written 
��������request of a prospective applicant for Federal authorization to 
��������develop a proposed oil shale or tar sands project, the 
��������Department of the Interior shall act as the lead Federal agency 
��������for the purposes of coordinating all applicable Federal 
��������authorizations and environmental reviews. To the maximum extent 
��������practicable under applicable Federal law, the Secretary shall 
��������coordinate this Federal authorization and review process with 
��������any Indian tribes and State and local agencies responsible for 
��������conducting any separate permitting and environmental reviews.
����������� (2) Implementing regulations.--Not later than 6 months after 
��������the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall issue any 
��������regulations necessary to implement this subsection.
��� (l) Cost-shared Demonstration Technologies.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 732]]
����������� (1) Identification.--The Secretary of Energy shall identify 
��������technologies for the development of oil shale and tar sands 
������������������� (A) are ready for demonstration at a commercially-
��������������� representative scale; and
������������������� (B) have a high probability of leading to commercial 
����������� (2) Assistance.--For each technology identified under 
��������paragraph (1), the Secretary of Energy may provide--
������������������� (A) technical assistance;
������������������� (B) assistance in meeting environmental and 
����������������regulatory requirements; and
������������������� (C) cost-sharing assistance.
��� (m) National Oil Shale and Tar Sands Assessment.--
����������� (1) Assessment.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The Secretary shall carry out a 
����������������national assessment of oil shale and tar sands resources 
����������������for the purposes of evaluating and mapping oil shale and 
����������������tar sands deposits, in the geographic areas described in 
����������������subparagraph (B). In conducting such an assessment, the 
����������������Secretary shall make use of the extensive geological 
����������������assessment work for oil shale and tar sands already 
����������������conducted by the United States Geological Survey.
������������������� (B) Geographic areas.--The geographic areas referred 
����������������to in subparagraph (A), listed in the order in which the 
����������������Secretary shall assign priority, are--
������������������������� (i) the Green River Region of the States of 
����������������������Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming;
������������������������� (ii) the Devonian oil shales and other 
����������������������hydrocarbon-bearing rocks having the nomenclature 
����������������������of ``shale'' located east of the Mississippi 
����������������������River; and
������������������������� (iii) any remaining area in the central and 
����������������������western United States (including the State of 
����������������������Alaska) that contains oil shale and tar sands, as 
����������������������determined by the Secretary.
����������� (2) Use of state surveys and universities.--In carrying out 
��������the assessment under paragraph (1), the Secretary may request 
��������assistance from any State-administered geological survey or 
��� (n) Land Exchanges.--
������� ����(1) In general.--To facilitate the recovery of oil shale and 
��������tar sands, especially in areas where Federal, State, and private 
��������lands are intermingled, the Secretary shall consider the use of 
��������land exchanges where appropriate and feasible to consolidate 
��������land ownership and mineral interests into manageable areas.
����������� (2) Identification and priority of public lands.--The 
��������Secretary shall identify public lands containing deposits of oil 
��������shale or tar sands within the Green River, Piceance Creek, 
��������Uintah, and Washakie geologic basins, and shall give priority to 
��������implementing land exchanges within those basins. The Secretary 
��������shall consider the geology of the respective basin in 
��������determining the optimum size of the lands to be consolidated.
����������� (3) Compliance with section 206 of flpma.--A land exchange 
��������undertaken in furtherance of this subsection shall be 
��������implemented in accordance with section 206 of the Federal Land 
��������Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1716).
[[Page 119 STAT. 733]]
��� (o) Royalty Rates for Leases.--The Secretary shall establish 
royalties, fees, rentals, bonus, or other payments for leases under this 
section that shall--
����������� (1) encourage development of the oil shale and tar sands 
��������resource; and
����������� (2) ensure a fair return to the United States.
��� (p) Heavy Oil Technical and Economic Assessment.--The Secretary of 
Energy shall update the 1987 technical and economic assessment of 
domestic heavy oil resources that was prepared by the Interstate Oil and 
Gas Compact Commission. Such an update should include all of North 
America and cover all unconventional oil, including heavy oil, tar sands 
(oil sands), and oil shale.
��� (q) Procurement of Unconventional Fuels by the Department of 
����������� (1) In general.--Chapter 141 of title 10, United States 
��������Code, is amended by inserting after section 2398 the following:
``Sec. 2398a. Procurement of fuel derived from coal, oil shale, and tar 
��� ``(a) Use of Fuel to Meet Department of Defense Needs.--The 
Secretary of Defense shall develop a strategy to use fuel produced, in 
whole or in part, from coal, oil shale, and tar sands (referred to in 
this section as a `covered fuel') that are extracted by either mining or 
in-situ methods and refined or otherwise processed in the United States 
in order to assist in meeting the fuel requirements of the Department of 
Defense when the Secretary determines that it is in the national 
��� ``(b) Authority to Procure.--The Secretary of Defense may enter into 
1 or more contracts or other agreements (that meet the requirements of 
this section) to procure a covered fuel to meet 1 or more fuel 
requirements of the Department of Defense.
��� ``(c) Clean Fuel Requirements.--A covered fuel may be procured under 
subsection (b) only if the covered fuel meets such standards for clean 
fuel produced from domestic sources as the Secretary of Defense shall 
establish for purposes of this section in consultation with the 
Department of Energy.
��� ``(d) Multiyear Contract Authority.--Subject to applicable 
provisions of law, any contract or other agreement for the procurement 
of covered fuel under subsection (b) may be for 1 or more years at the 
election of the Secretary of Defense.
��� ``(e) Fuel Source Analysis.--In order to facilitate the procurement 
by the Department of Defense of covered fuel under subsection (b), the 
Secretary of Defense may carry out a comprehensive assessment of current 
and potential locations in the United States for the supply of covered 
fuel to the Department.''.
����������� (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections for chapter 
��������141 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by inserting 
��������after the item relating to section 2398 the following:
``2398a. Procurement of fuel derived from coal, oil shale, and tar 
��� (r) State Water Rights.--Nothing in this section preempts or affects 
any State water law or interstate compact relating to water.
��� (s) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this section.
[[Page 119 STAT. 734]]
��� All Federal land within the boundary of Finger Lakes National Forest 
in the State of New York is withdrawn from--
����������� (1) all forms of entry, appropriation, or disposal under the 
��������public land laws; and
����������� (2) disposition under all laws relating to oil and gas 
��� (a) Leases <<NOTE: Effective date. Termination date.>> Terminated 
for Certain Failure to Pay Rental.--Notwithstanding section 31(d)(2)(B) 
of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 188(d)(2)(B)) as in effect before 
the effective date of this section, and notwithstanding the amendment 
made by subsection (b) of this section, the Secretary of the Interior 
may reinstate any oil and gas lease issued under that Act that was 
terminated for failure of a lessee to pay the full amount of rental on 
or before the anniversary date of the lease, during the period beginning 
on September 1, 2001, and ending on June 30, 2004, if--
����������� (1) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> not later than 120 days after the 
��������date of enactment of this Act, the lessee--
������������������� (A) files a petition for reinstatement of the lease;
������������������� (B) complies with the conditions of section 31(e) of 
����������������the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 188(e)); and
������������������� (C) <<NOTE: Certification.>> certifies that the 
����������������lessee did not receive a notice of termination by the 
����������������date that was 13 months before the date of termination; 
����������� (2) the land is available for leasing.
��� (b) Deadline for Petitions, Generally.--Section 31(d)(2) of the 
Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 188(d)(2)) is amended by striking 
subparagraphs (A) and (B) and inserting the following:
������������������� ``(A) with respect to any lease that terminated 
���������������under subsection (b) on or before the date of the 
����������������enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, a petition 
����������������for reinstatement (together with the required back 
����������������rental and royalty accruing after the date of 
����������������termination) is filed on or before the earlier of--
������������������������� ``(i) 60 days after the lessee receives from 
����������������������the Secretary notice of termination, whether by 
����������������������return of check or by any other form of actual 
����������������������notice; or
������������������������� ``(ii) 15 months after the termination of the 
����������������������lease; or
������������������� ``(B) with respect to any lease that terminates 
����������������under subsection (b) after the date of the enactment of 
����������������the Energy Policy Act of 2005, a petition for 
����������������reinstatement (together with the required back rental 
����������������and royalty accruing after the date of termination) is 
����������������filed on or before the earlier of--
������������������������� ``(i) 60 days after receipt of the notice of 
����������������������termination sent by the Secretary by certified 
����������������������mail to all lessees of record; or
������������������������� ``(ii) 24 months after the termination of the 
����������� OF-WAY ON PUBLIC LAND.
��� (a) Memorandum of Understanding.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 735]]
����������� (1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 6 months 
��������after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of 
��������Energy, in consultation with the Secretary of the Interior, the 
��������Secretary of Agriculture, and the Secretary of Defense with 
��������respect to lands under their respective jurisdictions, shall 
��������enter into a memorandum of understanding to coordinate all 
��������applicable Federal authorizations and environmental reviews 
��������relating to a proposed or existing utility facility. To the 
��������maximum extent practicable under applicable law, the Secretary 
��������of Energy shall, to ensure timely review and permit decisions, 
��������coordinate such authorizations and reviews with any Indian 
��������tribes, multi-State entities, and State agencies that are 
��������responsible for conducting any separate permitting and 
��������environmental reviews of the affected utility facility.
����������� (2) Contents.--The memorandum of understanding shall include 
��������provisions that--
������������������� (A) establish--
������������������������� (i) a unified right-of-way application form; 
������������������� ������(ii) an administrative procedure for 
����������������������processing right-of-way applications, including 
����������������������lines of authority, steps in application 
����������������������processing, and timeframes for application 
������������������� (B) provide for coordination of planning relating to 
����������������the granting of the rights-of-way;
������������������� (C) provide for an agreement among the affected 
����������������Federal agencies to prepare a single environmental 
����������������review document to be used as the basis for all Federal 
����������������authorization decisions; and
������������������� (D) provide for coordination of use of right-of-way 
����������������stipulations to achieve consistency.
��� (b) Natural Gas Pipelines.--
����������� (1) In general.--With respect to permitting activities for 
��������interstate natural gas pipelines, the May 2002 document entitled 
��������``Interagency Agreement On Early Coordination Of Required 
��������Environmental And Historic Preservation Reviews Conducted In 
��������Conjunction With The Issuance Of Authorizations To Construct And 
��������Operate Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines Certificated By The 
��������Federal Energy Regulatory Commission'' shall constitute 
��������compliance with subsection (a).
����������� (2) Report.--
������������������� (A) In general.--Not later than 1 year after the 
����������������date of enactment of this Act, and every 2 years 
����������������thereafter, agencies that are signatories to the 
����������������document referred to in paragraph (1) shall transmit to 
����������������Congress a report on how the agencies under the 
����������������jurisdiction of the Secretaries are incorporating and 
����������������implementing the provisions of the document referred to 
����������������in paragraph (1).
������������������� (B) Contents.--The report shall address--
������������������������� (i) efforts to implement the provisions of the 
����������������������document referred to in paragraph (1);
������������������������� (ii) whether the efforts have had a 
����������������������streamlining effect;
������������������������� (iii) further improvements to the permitting 
����������������������process of the agency; and
������������������������� (iv) recommendations for inclusion of State 
����������������������and tribal governments in a coordinated permitting 
[[Page 119 STAT. 736]]
��� (c) Definition of Utility Facility.--In this section, the term 
``utility facility'' means any privately, publicly, or cooperatively 
owned line, facility, or system--
����������� (1) for the transportation of--
������������������� (A) oil, natural gas, synthetic liquid fuel, or 
����������������gaseous fuel;
������������������� (B) any refined product produced from oil, natural 
����������������gas, synthetic liquid fuel, or gaseous fuel; or
������������������� (C) products in support of the production of 
����������������material referred to in subparagraph (A) or (B);
����������� (2) for storage and terminal facilities in connection with 
��������the production of material referred to in paragraph (1); or
����������� (3) for the generation, transmission, and distribution of 
��������electric energy.
��� (a) Findings.--Congress finds the following:
����������� (1) Pursuant to Public Law 87-712 (16 U.S.C. 459d et seq.; 
��������popularly known as the ``Federal Enabling Act'') and various 
��������deeds and actions under that Act, the United States is the owner 
��������of only the surface estate of certain lands constituting the 
��������Padre Island National Seashore.
��������� ��(2) Ownership of the oil, gas, and other minerals in the 
��������subsurface estate of the lands constituting the Padre Island 
��������National Seashore was never acquired by the United States, and 
��������ownership of those interests is held by the State of Texas and 
��������private parties.
����������� (3) Public Law 87-712 (16 U.S.C. 459d et seq.)--
������������������� (A) expressly contemplated that the United States 
����������������would recognize the ownership and future development of 
����������������the oil, gas, and other minerals in the subsurface 
����������������estate of the lands constituting the Padre Island 
����������������National Seashore by the owners and their mineral 
����������������lessees; and
������������������� (B) recognized that approval of the State of Texas 
����������������was required to create Padre Island National Seashore.
����������� (4) Approval was given for the creation of Padre Island 
��������National Seashore by the State of Texas through Tex. Rev. Civ. 
��������Stat. Ann. Art. 6077(t) (Vernon 1970), which expressly 
��������recognized that development of the oil, gas, and other minerals 
��������in the subsurface of the lands constituting Padre Island 
��������National Seashore would be conducted with full rights of ingress 
��������and egress under the laws of the State of Texas.
��� (b) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that with regard 
to Federal law, any regulation of the development of oil, gas, or other 
minerals in the subsurface of the lands constituting Padre Island 
National Seashore should be made as if those lands retained the status 
that the lands had on September 27, 1962.
��� Section 102 of Public Law 102-562 (106 Stat. 4234) is amended by 
striking subsection (b) and inserting the following:
��� ``(b) Reservation of Oil and Gas Rights and Conveyance of Remaining 
Mineral Rights.--Subject to the limitations set forth in subsection (c), 
the United States hereby excepts and reserves from the provisions of 
subsection (a), all rights to oil and gas underlying such lands, along 
with the right to explore
[[Page 119 STAT. 737]]
for, and produce the oil and gas under applicable law and such 
regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe. Not later 
than 180 days after the date of enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 
2005, the Secretary of the Interior shall convey the remaining mineral 
rights to the parties who as of the date of enactment of the Energy 
Policy Act of 2005 would be recognized as holders of a right, title, or 
interest to any portion of such minerals under the laws of the State of 
Louisiana, but for the interest of the United States in such minerals.
��� ``(c) Oil and Gas <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> Resource Assessment and 
Report.--The United States Geological Survey shall conduct a resource 
assessment and publish a report of the findings of such resource 
assessment (`USGS Assessment and Report') within 1 year of the date of 
enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The USGS Assessment and 
Report shall provide an assessment of all oil and gas resources 
underlying the certain lands in Livingston Parish, Louisiana, as 
described in section 103 (the `Livingston Parish lands'). Upon a finding 
by the Secretary of the Interior based upon the USGS Assessment and 
Report that it is unlikely that economically recoverable oil and gas 
resources are present, the Secretary shall convey all rights to oil and 
gas underlying such lands to the recipients, or their successors, heirs, 
or assigns, of the conveyances under subsection (b). Such further 
conveyances shall be made within 180 days after a finding by the 
Secretary that it is unlikely that economically recoverable oil and gas 
resources are present.''.
����������������������� Subtitle G--Miscellaneous
��� Section 319 of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 
1465) is amended to read as follows:
���������������������� ``appeals to the secretary
��� ``Sec. 319. (a) Notice.--Not <<NOTE: Federal 
Register, publication.>> later than 30 days after the date of the filing 
of an appeal to the Secretary of a consistency determination under 
section 307, the Secretary shall publish an initial notice in the 
Federal Register.
��� ``(b) Closure of Record.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Not later than the end of the 160-day 
��������period beginning on the date of publication of an initial notice 
��������under subsection (a), except as provided in paragraph (3), the 
��������Secretary shall immediately close the decision record and 
��������receive no more filings on the appeal.
����������� ``(2) Notice.--After <<NOTE: Federal 
��������Register, publication.>> closing the administrative record, the 
��������Secretary shall immediately publish a notice in the Federal 
��������Register that the administrative record has been closed.
����������� ``(3) Exception.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--Subject to subparagraph (B), 
����������������during the 160-day period described in paragraph (1), 
����������������the Secretary may stay the closing of the decision 
������������������������� ``(i) for a specific period mutually agreed to 
����������������������in writing by the appellant and the State agency; 
������������������������� ``(ii) as the Secretary determines necessary 
����������������������to receive, on an expedited basis--
[[Page 119 STAT. 738]]
����������������������������������� ``(I) any supplemental information 
��������������������������������specifically requested by the Secretary 
��������������������������������to complete a consistency review under 
��������������������������������this Act; or
����������������������������������� ``(II) any clarifying information 
��������������������������������submitted by a party to the proceeding 
��������������������������������related to information in the 
��������������������������������consolidated record compiled by the lead 
��������������������������������Federal permitting agency.
�������� �����������``(B) Applicability.--The Secretary may only stay 
����������������the 160-day period described in paragraph (1) for a 
����������������period not to exceed 60 days.
��� ``(c) Deadline for Decision.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Notices. Federal 
��������Register, publication.>> later than 60 days after the date of 
��������publication of a Federal Register notice stating when the 
��������decision record for an appeal has been closed, the Secretary 
��������shall issue a decision or publish a notice in the Federal 
��������Register explaining why a decision cannot be issued at that 
����������� ``(2) Subsequent decision.--Not later than 15 days after the 
��������date of publication of a Federal Register notice explaining why 
��������a decision cannot be issued within the 60-day period, the 
��������Secretary shall issue a decision.''.
��� For any Federal administrative agency proceeding that is an appeal 
or review under section 319 of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 
(16 U.S.C. 1465), as amended by this Act, related to any Federal 
authorization for the permitting, approval, or other authorization of an 
energy project, the lead Federal permitting agency for the project 
shall, with the cooperation of Federal and State administrative 
agencies, maintain a consolidated record of all decisions made or 
actions taken by the lead agency or by another Federal or State 
administrative agency or officer. Such record shall be the initial 
record for appeals or reviews under that Act, provided that the record 
may be supplemented as expressly provided pursuant to section 319 of 
that Act.
������������SHELF LANDS ACT.
��� (a) Royalty Relief.--
����������� (1) In general.--For purposes of providing compensation for 
��������lessees and a State for which amounts are authorized by section 
��������6004(c) of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-380), a 
��������lessee may withhold from payment any royalty due and owing to 
��������the United States under any leases under the Outer Continental 
��������Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1301 et seq.) for offshore oil or gas 
��������production from a covered lease tract if, on or before the date 
��������that the payment is due and payable to the United States, the 
��������lessee makes a payment to the State of 44 cents for every $1 of 
��������royalty withheld.
����������� (2) Treatment of amounts.--Any royalty withheld by a lessee 
��������in accordance with this section (including any portion thereof 
��������that is paid to the State under paragraph (1)) shall be treated 
��������as paid for purposes of satisfaction of the royalty obligations 
��������of the lessee to the United States.
����������� (3) Certification of withheld amounts.--The Secretary of the 
��������Treasury shall--
������������������� (A) determine the amount of royalty withheld by a 
����������������lessee under this section; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 739]]
������������������� (B) <<NOTE: Publication.>> promptly publish a 
����������������certification when the total amount of royalty withheld 
����������������by the lessee under this section is equal to--
������������������������� (i) the dollar amount stated at page 47 of 
����������������������Senate Report number 101-534, which is designated 
����������������������therein as the total drainage claim for the West 
����������������������Delta field; plus
������������������������� (ii) interest as described at page 47 of that 
��� (b) Period of Royalty Relief.--Subsection 
(a) <<NOTE: Applicability. Effective date. Termination date.>> shall 
apply to royalty amounts that are due and payable in the period 
beginning on October 1, 2006, and ending on the date on which the 
Secretary of the Treasury publishes a certification under subsection 
��� (c) Definitions.--As used in this section:
����������� (1) Covered lease tract.--The term ``covered lease tract'' 
��������means a leased tract (or portion of a leased tract)--
������������������� (A) lying seaward of the zone defined and governed 
����������������by section 8(g) of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act 
����������������(43 U.S.C. 1337(g)); or
������������������� (B) lying within such zone but to which such section 
����������������does not apply.
����������� (2) Lessee.--The term ``lessee''--
���� ���������������(A) means a person or entity that, on the date of 
����������������the enactment of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, was a 
����������������lessee referred to in section 6004(c) of that Act (as in 
����������������effect on that date of the enactment), but did not hold 
����������������lease rights in Federal offshore lease OCS-G-5669; and
������������������� (B) includes successors and affiliates of a person 
����������������or entity described in subparagraph (A).
��� Section 31 of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 
1356a) is amended to read as follows:
��� ``(a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� ``(1) Coastal political subdivision.--The term `coastal 
��������political subdivision' means a political subdivision of a 
��������coastal State any part of which political subdivision is--
������������������� ``(A) within the coastal zone (as defined in section 
����������������304 of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 
����������������U.S.C. 1453)) of the coastal State as of the date of 
����������������enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005; and
������������������� ``(B) not more than 200 nautical miles from the 
����������������geographic center of any leased tract.
����������� ``(2) Coastal population.--The term `coastal population' 
��������means the population, as determined by the most recent official 
��������data of the Census Bureau, of each political subdivision any 
��������part of which lies within the designated coastal boundary of a 
��������State (as defined in a State's coastal zone management program 
��������under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1451 et 
����������� ``(3) Coastal state.--The term `coastal State' has the 
��������meaning given the term in section 304 of the Coastal Zone 
��������Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1453).
����������� ``(4) Coastline.--The term `coastline' has the meaning given 
��������the term `coast line' in section 2 of the Submerged Lands Act 
��������(43 U.S.C. 1301).
[[Page 119 STAT. 740]]
����������� ``(5) Distance.--The term `distance' means the minimum great 
��������circle distance, measured in statute miles.
����������� ``(6) Leased tract.--The term `leased tract' means a tract 
��������that is subject to a lease under section 6 or 8 for the purpose 
��������of drilling for, developing, and producing oil or natural gas 
����������� ``(7) Leasing moratoria.--The term `leasing moratoria' means 
��������the prohibitions on preleasing, leasing, and related activities 
��������on any geographic area of the outer Continental Shelf as 
��������contained in sections 107 through 109 of division E of the 
��������Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005 (Public Law 108-447; 118 
��������Stat. 3063).
����������� ``(8) Political subdivision.--The term `political 
��������subdivision' means the local political jurisdiction immediately 
��������below the level of State government, including counties, 
��������parishes, and boroughs.
����������� ``(9) Producing state.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The term `producing State' means 
����������������a coastal State that has a coastal seaward boundary 
����������������within 200 nautical miles of the geographic center of a 
����������������leased tract within any area of the outer Continental 
������������������� ``(B) Exclusion.--The term `producing State' does 
����������������not include a producing State, a majority of the 
����������������coastline of which is subject to leasing moratoria, 
����������������unless production was occurring on January 1, 2005, from 
����������������a lease within 10 nautical miles of the coastline of 
����������������that State.
����������� ``(10) Qualified outer continental shelf revenues.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The term `qualified Outer 
����������������Continental Shelf revenues' means all amounts received 
����������������by the United States from each leased tract or portion 
����������������of a leased tract--
������������������������� ``(i) lying--
����������������������������������� ``(I) seaward of the zone covered by 
��������������������������������section 8(g); or
������������������ �����������������``(II) within that zone, but to 
��������������������������������which section 8(g) does not apply; and
������������������������� ``(ii) the geographic center of which lies 
����������������������within a distance of 200 nautical miles from any 
����������������������part of the coastline of any coastal State.
������������������� ``(B) Inclusions.--The term `qualified Outer 
����������������Continental Shelf revenues' includes bonus bids, rents, 
���������������royalties (including payments for royalty taken in kind 
����������������and sold), net profit share payments, and related late-
��������������� payment interest from natural gas and oil leases issued 
����������������under this Act.
������ �������������``(C) Exclusion.--The term `qualified Outer 
����������������Continental Shelf revenues' does not include any 
����������������revenues from a leased tract or portion of a leased 
����������������tract that is located in a geographic area subject to a 
����������������leasing moratorium on January 1, 2005, unless the lease 
����������������was in production on January 1, 2005.
��� ``(b) Payments to Producing States and Coastal Political 
����������� ``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall, without further 
��������appropriation, disburse to producing States and coastal 
��������political subdivisions in accordance with this section 
��������$250,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2007 through 2010.
[[Page 119 STAT. 741]]
������� ����``(2) Disbursement.--In each fiscal year, the Secretary 
��������shall disburse to each producing State for which the Secretary 
��������has approved a plan under subsection (c), and to coastal 
��������political subdivisions under paragraph (4), such funds as are 
��������allocated to the producing State or coastal political 
��������subdivision, respectively, under this section for the fiscal 
����������� ``(3) Allocation among producing states.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--Except as provided in 
����������������subparagraph (C) and subject to subparagraph (D), the 
����������������amounts available under paragraph (1) shall be allocated 
����������������to each producing State based on the ratio that--
�� �����������������������``(i) the amount of qualified outer 
����������������������Continental Shelf revenues generated off the 
����������������������coastline of the producing State; bears to
������������������������� ``(ii) the amount of qualified outer 
����������������������Continental Shelf revenues generated off the 
����������������������coastline of all producing States.
������������������� ``(B) Amount of outer continental shelf revenues.--
��������������� For purposes of subparagraph (A)--
������ �������������������``(i) the amount of qualified outer 
����������������������Continental Shelf revenues for each of fiscal 
����������������������years 2007 and 2008 shall be determined using 
����������������������qualified outer Continental Shelf revenues 
����������������������received for fiscal year 2006; and
������������������������� ``(ii) the amount of qualified outer 
����������������������Continental Shelf revenues for each of fiscal 
����������������������years 2009 and 2010 shall be determined using 
����������������������qualified outer Continental Shelf revenues 
����������������������received for fiscal year 2008.
������������������� ``(C) Multiple producing states.--In a case in which 
����������������more than one producing State is located within 200 
����������������nautical miles of any portion of a leased tract, the 
����������������amount allocated to each producing State for the leased 
����������������tract shall be inversely proportional to the distance 
�� �����������������������``(i) the nearest point on the coastline of 
����������������������the producing State; and
������������������������� ``(ii) the geographic center of the leased 
������������������� ``(D) Minimum allocation.--The amount allocated to a 
����������������producing State under subparagraph (A) shall be at least 
����������������1 percent of the amounts available under paragraph (1).
����������� ``(4) Payments to coastal political subdivisions.--
������������� ������``(A) In general.--The Secretary shall pay 35 
����������������percent of the allocable share of each producing State, 
����������������as determined under paragraph (3) to the coastal 
����������������political subdivisions in the producing State.
 �������������������``(B) Formula.--Of the amount paid by the Secretary 
����������������to coastal political subdivisions under subparagraph 
������������������������� ``(i) 25 percent shall be allocated to each 
���������������������coastal political subdivision in the proportion 
����������������������������������� ``(I) the coastal population of the 
��������������������������������coastal political subdivision; bears to
������������������������������� ����``(II) the coastal population of all 
��������������������������������coastal political subdivisions in the 
��������������������������������producing State;
������������������������� ``(ii) 25 percent shall be allocated to each 
����������������������coastal political subdivision in the proportion 
����������������������������������� ``(I) the number of miles of 
��������������������������������coastline of the coastal political 
��������������������������������subdivision; bears to
[[Page 119 STAT. 742]]
����������������������������������� ``(II) the number of miles of 
��������������������������������coastline of all coastal political 
��������������������������������subdivisions in the producing State; and
 �������������������������``(iii) 50 percent shall be allocated in 
����������������������amounts that are inversely proportional to the 
����������������������respective distances between the points in each 
����������������������coastal political subdivision that are closest to 
����������������������the geographic center of each leased tract, as 
����������������������determined by the Secretary.
������������������� ``(C) Exception for the state of louisiana.--For the 
����������������purposes of subparagraph (B)(ii), the coastline for 
����������������coastal political subdivisions in the State of Louisiana 
����������������without a coastline shall be considered to be \1/3\ the 
����������������average length of the coastline of all coastal political 
����������������subdivisions with a coastline in the State of Louisiana.
������������������� ``(D) Exception for the state of alaska.--For the 
����������������purposes of carrying out subparagraph (B)(iii) in the 
����������������State of Alaska, the amounts allocated shall be divided 
����������������equally among the two coastal political subdivisions 
����������������that are closest to the geographic center of a leased 
������������������� ``(E) Exclusion of certain leased tracts.--For 
����������������purposes of subparagraph (B)(iii), a leased tract or 
����������������portion of a leased tract shall be excluded if the tract 
����������������or portion of a leased tract is located in a geographic 
����������������area subject to a leasing moratorium on January 1, 2005, 
����������������unless the lease was in production on that date.
����������� ``(5) No approved plan.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--Subject to subparagraph (B) and 
����������������except as provided in subparagraph (C), in a case in 
����������������which any amount allocated to a producing State or 
����������������coastal political subdivision under paragraph (4) or (5) 
����������������is not disbursed because the producing State does not 
����������������have in effect a plan that has been approved by the 
����������������Secretary under subsection (c), the Secretary shall 
����������������allocate the undisbursed amount equally among all other 
����������������producing States.
������ �������������``(B) Retention of allocation.--The Secretary shall 
����������������hold in escrow an undisbursed amount described in 
����������������subparagraph (A) until such date as the final appeal 
����������������regarding the disapproval of a plan submitted under 
����������������subsection (c) is decided.
������������������� ``(C) Waiver.--The Secretary may waive subparagraph 
����������������(A) with respect to an allocated share of a producing 
����������������State and hold the allocable share in escrow if the 
����������������Secretary determines that the producing State is making 
����������������a good faith effort to develop and submit, or update, a 
����������������plan in accordance with subsection (c).
��� ``(c) Coastal Impact Assistance Plan.--
����������� ``(1) Submission of state plans.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later 
����������������than July 1, 2008, the Governor of a producing State 
����������������shall submit to the Secretary a coastal impact 
����������������assistance plan.
������������������� ``(B) Public participation.--In carrying out 
����������������subparagraph (A), the Governor shall solicit local input 
����������������and provide for public participation in the development 
����������������of the plan.
����������� ``(2) Approval.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The Secretary shall approve a 
����������������plan of a producing State submitted under paragraph (1) 
����������������before disbursing any amount to the producing State, or 
����������������to a
[[Page 119 STAT. 743]]
��������������� coastal political subdivision located in the producing 
����������������State, under this section.
������������������� ``(B) Components.--The Secretary shall approve a 
����������������plan submitted under paragraph (1) if--
������������������������� ``(i) the Secretary determines that the plan 
����������������������is consistent with the uses described in 
����������������������subsection (d); and
������������������������� ``(ii) the plan contains--
����������������������������������� ``(I) the name of the State agency 
��������������������������������that will have the authority to 
��������������������������������represent and act on behalf of the 
��������������������������������producing State in dealing with the 
��������������������������������Secretary for purposes of this section;
����������������������������������� ``(II) a program for the 
��������������������������������implementation of the plan that 
��������������������������������describes how the amounts provided under 
��������������������������������this section to the producing State will 
��������������������������������be used;
����������������������������������� ``(III) for each coastal political 
��������������������������������subdivision that receives an amount 
��������������������������������under this section--
������������������������������������������� ``(aa) the name of a contact 
����������������������������������������person; and
������������������������ �������������������``(bb) a description of how 
����������������������������������������the coastal political 
����������������������������������������subdivision will use amounts 
����������������������������������������provided under this section;
����� ������������������������������``(IV) <<NOTE: Certification.>> a 
��������������������������������certification by the Governor that ample 
��������������������������������opportunity has been provided for public 
��������������������������������participation in the development and 
��������������������������������revision of the plan; and
����������������������������������� ``(V) a description of measures that 
��������������������������������will be taken to determine the 
��������������������������������availability of assistance from other 
��������������������������������relevant Federal resources and programs.
����������� ``(3) Amendment.--Any amendment to a plan submitted under 
��������paragraph (1) shall be--
������������������� ``(A) developed in accordance with this subsection; 
������������������� ``(B) submitted to the Secretary for approval or 
����������������disapproval under paragraph (4).
����������� ``(4) Procedure.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 90 days 
��������after the date on which a plan or amendment to a plan is 
��������submitted under paragraph (1) or (3), the Secretary shall 
��������approve or disapprove the plan or amendment.
��� ``(d) Authorized Uses.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--A producing State or coastal political 
��������subdivision shall use all amounts received under this section, 
��������including any amount deposited in a trust fund that is 
��������administered by the State or coastal political subdivision and 
��������dedicated to uses consistent with this section, in accordance 
��������with all applicable Federal and State laws, only for one or more 
��������of the following purposes:
������������������� ``(A) Projects and activities for the conservation, 
����������������protection, or restoration of coastal areas, including 
������������������� ``(B) Mitigation of damage to fish, wildlife, or 
����������������natural resources.
������������������� ``(C) Planning assistance and the administrative 
����������������costs of complying with this section.
������������������� ``(D) Implementation of a federally-approved marine, 
����������������coastal, or comprehensive conservation management plan.
������������������� ``(E) Mitigation of the impact of outer Continental 
����������������Shelf activities through funding of onshore 
����������������infrastructure projects and public service needs.
[[Page 119 STAT. 744]]
����������� ``(2) Compliance with authorized uses.--If the Secretary 
��������determines that any expenditure made by a producing State or 
��������coastal political subdivision is not consistent with this 
��������subsection, the Secretary shall not disburse any additional 
��������amount under this section to the producing State or the coastal 
��������political subdivision until such time as all amounts obligated 
��������for unauthorized uses have been repaid or reobligated for 
��������authorized uses.
����������� ``(3) Limitation.--Not more than 23 percent of amounts 
��������received by a producing State or coastal political subdivision 
��������for any 1 fiscal year shall be used for the purposes described 
��������in subparagraphs (C) and (E) of paragraph (1).''.
��� (a) In General.--The <<NOTE: Contracts.>> Secretary shall enter into 
an arrangement with the National Academy of Sciences under which the 
National Academy of Sciences shall conduct a study of the short-term and 
long-term availability of skilled workers to meet the energy and mineral 
security requirements of the United States.
��� (b) Inclusions.--The study shall include an analysis of--
����������� (1) the need for and availability of workers for the oil, 
��������gas, and mineral industries;
����������� (2) the availability of skilled labor at both entry level 
��������and more senior levels; and
����������� (3) recommendations for future actions needed to meet future 
��������labor requirements.
��� (c) Report.--Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that describes 
the results of the study.
��� No Federal or State permit or lease shall be issued for new oil and 
gas slant, directional, or offshore drilling in or under one or more of 
the Great Lakes.
SEC. 387. <<NOTE: Deadline. 42 USC 13368 note.>> FEDERAL COALBED METHANE 
��� Any State currently on the list of Affected States established under 
section 1339(b) of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13368(b)) 
shall be removed from the list if, not later than 3 years after the date 
of enactment of this Act, the State takes, or prior to the date of 
enactment has taken, any of the actions required for removal from the 
list under such section 1339(b).
��� (a) Amendment to Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act.--Section 8 of 
the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1337) is amended by 
adding at the end the following:
��� ``(p) Leases, Easements, or Rights-of-way for Energy and Related 
����������� ``(1) In general.--The Secretary, in consultation with the 
��������Secretary of the Department in which the Coast Guard is 
��������operating and other relevant departments and agencies of the 
��������Federal Government, may grant a lease, easement, or right-of-way 
��������on the outer Continental Shelf for activities not otherwise 
��������authorized in this Act, the Deepwater Port Act of 1974 (33 
��������U.S.C. 1501 et seq.), the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
[[Page 119 STAT. 745]]
������� Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9101 et seq.), or other applicable law, 
��������if those activities--
�� �����������������``(A) support exploration, development, production, 
����������������or storage of oil or natural gas, except that a lease, 
����������������easement, or right-of-way shall not be granted in an 
����������������area in which oil and gas preleasing, leasing, and 
����������������related activities are prohibited by a moratorium;
������������������� ``(B) support transportation of oil or natural gas, 
����������������excluding shipping activities;
������������������� ``(C) produce or support production, transportation, 
����������������or transmission of energy from sources other than oil 
����������������and gas; or
������������������� ``(D) use, for energy-related purposes or for other 
����������������authorized marine-related purposes, facilities currently 
����������������or previously used for activities authorized under this 
����������������Act, except that any oil and gas energy-related uses 
����������������shall not be authorized in areas in which oil and gas 
����������������preleasing, leasing, and related activities are 
����������������prohibited by a moratorium.
����������� ``(2) Payments and revenues.--(A) The Secretary shall 
��������establish royalties, fees, rentals, bonuses, or other payments 
��������to ensure a fair return to the United States for any lease, 
��������easement, or right-of-way granted under this subsection.
����������� ``(B) The Secretary shall provide for the payment of 27 
��������percent of the revenues received by the Federal Government as a 
��������result of payments under this section from projects that are 
��������located wholly or partially within the area extending three 
��������nautical miles seaward of State submerged 
��������lands. <<NOTE: Regulations. Deadline.>> Payments shall be made 
��������based on a formula established by the Secretary by rulemaking no 
��������later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this section 
��������that provides for equitable distribution, based on proximity to 
��������the project, among coastal states that have a coastline that is 
��������located within 15 miles of the geographic center of the project.
����������� ``(3) Competitive or noncompetitive basis.--Except with 
��������respect to projects that meet the criteria established under 
��������section 388(d) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the Secretary 
��������shall issue a lease, easement, or right-of-way under paragraph 
��������(1) on a competitive basis unless the Secretary determines after 
��������public notice of a proposed lease, easement, or right-of-way 
��������that there is no competitive interest.
����������� ``(4) Requirements.--The Secretary shall ensure that any 
��������activity under this subsection is carried out in a manner that 
��������provides for--
������������������� ``(A) safety;
������������������� ``(B) protection of the environment;
������������������� ``(C) prevention of waste;
������������������� ``(D) conservation of the natural resources of the 
����������������outer Continental Shelf;
������������������� ``(E) coordination with relevant Federal agencies;
������������������� ``(F) protection of national security interests of 
����������������the United States;
������������������� ``(G) protection of correlative rights in the outer 
����������������Continental Shelf;
������������������� ``(H) a fair return to the United States for any 
����������������lease, easement, or right-of-way under this subsection;
[[Page 119 STAT. 746]]
������������������� ``(I) prevention of interference with reasonable 
����������������uses (as determined by the Secretary) of the exclusive 
����������������economic zone, the high seas, and the territorial seas;
������������������� ``(J) consideration of--
������������������������� ``(i) the location of, and any schedule 
����������������������relating to, a lease, easement, or right-of-way 
����������������������for an area of the outer Continental Shelf; and
������������������������� ``(ii) any other use of the sea or seabed, 
����������������������including use for a fishery, a sealane, a 
����������������������potential site of a deepwater port, or navigation;
������������������� ``(K) public notice and comment on any proposal 
����������������submitted for a lease, easement, or right-of-way under 
����������������this subsection; and
������������������� ``(L) oversight, inspection, research, monitoring, 
����������������and enforcement relating to a lease, easement, or right-
��������������� of-way under this subsection.
����������� ``(5) Lease duration, suspension, and cancellation.--The 
��������Secretary shall provide for the duration, issuance, transfer, 
��������renewal, suspension, and cancellation of a lease, easement, or 
��������right-of-way under this subsection.
����������� ``(6) Security.--The Secretary shall require the holder of a 
��������lease, easement, or right-of-way granted under this subsection 
������������������� ``(A) furnish a surety bond or other form of 
����������������security, as prescribed by the Secretary;
������������������� ``(B) comply with such other requirements as the 
����������������Secretary considers necessary to protect the interests 
����������������of the public and the United States; and
������������������� ``(C) provide for the restoration of the lease, 
����������������easement, or right-of-way.
����������� ``(7) Coordination and consultation with affected state and 
��������local governments.--The Secretary shall provide for coordination 
��������and consultation with the Governor of any State or the executive 
��������of any local government that may be affected by a lease, 
��������easement, or right-of-way under this subsection.
����������� ``(8) Regulations.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 270 
��������days after the date of enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 
��������2005, the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of 
��������Defense, the Secretary of the Department in which the Coast 
��������Guard is operating, the Secretary of Commerce, heads of other 
��������relevant departments and agencies of the Federal Government, and 
��������the Governor of any affected State, shall issue any necessary 
��������regulations to carry out this subsection.
����������� ``(9) Effect of subsection.--Nothing in this subsection 
��������displaces, supersedes, limits, or modifies the jurisdiction, 
��������responsibility, or authority of any Federal or State agency 
��������under any other Federal law.
����������� ``(10) Applicability.--This subsection does not apply to any 
��������area on the outer Continental Shelf within the exterior 
��������boundaries of any unit of the National Park System, National 
��������Wildlife Refuge System, or National Marine Sanctuary System, or 
��������any National Monument.''.
��� (b) Coordinated <<NOTE: 43 USC 1337 note.>> OCS Mapping 
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary of the Interior, in 
��������cooperation with the Secretary of Commerce, the Commandant of 
��������the Coast Guard, and the Secretary of Defense, shall establish
[[Page 119 STAT. 747]]
������� an interagency comprehensive digital mapping initiative for the 
��������outer Continental Shelf to assist in decisionmaking relating to 
��������the siting of activities under subsection (p) of section 8 of 
��������the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1337) (as added 
��������by subsection (a)).
����������� (2) Use of data.--The mapping initiative shall use, and 
��������develop procedures for accessing, data collected before the date 
��������on which the mapping initiative is established, to the maximum 
��������extent practicable.
����������� (3) Inclusions.--Mapping carried out under the mapping 
��������initiative shall include an indication of the locations on the 
��������outer Continental Shelf of--
������������������� (A) Federally-permitted activities;
������������������� (B) obstructions to navigation;
������������������� (C) submerged cultural resources;
������������������� (D) undersea cables;
������������������� (E) offshore aquaculture projects; and
������������������� (F) any area designated for the purpose of safety, 
����������������national security, environmental protection, or 
����������������conservation and management of living marine resources.
��� (c) Conforming Amendment.--Section 8 of the Outer Continental Shelf 
Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1337) is amended by striking the section heading 
and inserting the following: ``Leases, Easements, and Rights-of-way on 
the Outer Continental 
��� (d) Savings Provision.--Nothing <<NOTE: 43 USC 1337 note.>> in the 
amendment made by subsection (a) requires the resubmittal of any 
document that was previously submitted or the reauthorization of any 
action that was previously authorized with respect to a project for 
which, before the date of enactment of this Act--
����������� (1) an offshore test facility has been constructed; or
����������� (2) a request for a proposal has been issued by a public 
��� (e) State <<NOTE: 43 USC 1337 note.>> Claims to Jurisdiction Over 
Submerged Lands.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to alter, 
limit, or modify any claim of any State to any jurisdiction over, or any 
right, title, or interest in, any submerged lands.
��� Title V of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (33 U.S.C. 2731 et seq.) is 
����������� (1) <<NOTE: 33 USC 2731.>> in section 5001(i), by striking 
��������``September 30, 2012'' and inserting ``1 year after the date on 
��������which the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of the 
��������Interior, determines that oil and gas exploration, development, 
��������and production in the State of Alaska have ceased''; and
����������� (2) <<NOTE: 33 USC 2736.>> in section 5006(c), by striking 
��������``October 1, 2012'' and inserting ``1 year after the date on 
��������which the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of the 
��������Interior, determines that oil and gas exploration, development, 
��������and production in the State of Alaska have ceased,''.
SEC. 390. <<NOTE: 42 USC 15942.>> NEPA REVIEW.
��� (a) NEPA Review.--Action by the Secretary of the Interior in 
managing the public lands, or the Secretary of Agriculture in managing 
National Forest System Lands, with respect to any of the activities 
described in subsection (b) shall be subject to a rebuttable presumption 
that the use of a categorical exclusion under
[[Page 119 STAT. 748]]
the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) would apply if the 
activity is conducted pursuant to the Mineral Leasing Act for the 
purpose of exploration or development of oil or gas.
��� (b) Activities Described.--The activities referred to in subsection 
(a) are the following:
����������� (1) Individual surface disturbances of less than 5 acres so 
��������long as the total surface disturbance on the lease is not 
��������greater than 150 acres and site-specific analysis in a document 
��������prepared pursuant to NEPA has been previously completed.
�� ���������(2) Drilling an oil or gas well at a location or well pad 
��������site at which drilling has occurred previously within 5 years 
��������prior to the date of spudding the well.
����������� (3) Drilling an oil or gas well within a developed field for 
��������which an approved land use plan or any environmental document 
��������prepared pursuant to NEPA analyzed such drilling as a reasonably 
��������foreseeable activity, so long as such plan or document was 
��������approved within 5 years prior to the date of spudding the well.
����������� (4) Placement of a pipeline in an approved right-of-way 
��������corridor, so long as the corridor was approved within 5 years 
��������prior to the date of placement of the pipeline.
����������� (5) Maintenance of a minor activity, other than any 
��������construction or major renovation or a building or facility.
������������������ Subtitle H--Refinery Revitalization
��� (a) Findings.--Congress finds that--
����������� (1) it serves the national interest to increase petroleum 
��������refining capacity for gasoline, heating oil, diesel fuel, jet 
��������fuel, kerosene, and petrochemical feedstocks wherever located 
��������within the United States, to bring more supply to the markets 
��������for the use of the American people;
����������� (2) United States demand for refined petroleum products 
��������currently exceeds the country's petroleum refining capacity to 
��������produce such products;
����������� (3) this excess demand has been met with increased imports;
����������� (4) due to lack of capacity, refined petroleum product 
��������imports are expected to grow from 7.9 percent to 10.7 percent of 
��������total refined product by 2025;
����������� (5) refiners are still subject to significant environmental 
��������and other regulations and face several new requirements under 
��������the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) over the next decade; 
����������� (6) better coordination of Federal and State regulatory 
��������reviews may help facilitate siting and construction of new 
��������refineries to meet the demand in the United States for refined 
��� (b) Definitions.--In this subtitle:
����������� (1) Administrator.--The term ``Administrator'' means the 
��������Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.
����������� (2) State.--The term ``State'' means--
������������������� (A) a State;
������������������� (B) the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 749]]
������������������� (C) any other territory or possession of the United 
������������AND ASSISTANCE.
��� (a) In General.--At the request of the Governor of a State, the 
Administrator may enter into a refinery permitting cooperative agreement 
with the State, under which each party to the agreement identifies 
steps, including timelines, that it will take to streamline the 
consideration of Federal and State environmental permits for a new 
��� (b) Authority Under Agreement.--The Administrator shall be 
authorized to--
����������� (1) accept from a refiner a consolidated application for all 
��������permits required from the Environmental Protection Agency, to 
��������the extent consistent with other applicable law;
����������� (2) enter into memoranda of agreement with other Federal 
��������agencies to coordinate consideration of refinery applications 
��������and permits among Federal agencies; and
����������� (3) enter into memoranda of agreement with a State, under 
��������which Federal and State review of refinery permit applications 
��������will be coordinated and concurrently considered, to the extent 
��� (c) State Assistance.--The Administrator is authorized to provide 
financial assistance to State governments to facilitate the hiring of 
additional personnel with expertise in fields relevant to consideration 
of refinery permits.
��� (d) Other Assistance.--The Administrator is authorized to provide 
technical, legal, or other assistance to State governments to facilitate 
their review of applications to build new refineries.
���������������������������� TITLE IV--COAL
���������������� Subtitle A--Clean Coal Power Initiative
��� (a) Clean Coal Power Initiative.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary to carry out the activities authorized by 
this subtitle $200,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2014, 
to remain available until expended.
��� (b) Report.--The Secretary shall submit to Congress the report 
required by this subsection not later than March 31, 2007. The report 
shall include, with respect to subsection (a), a plan containing--
����������� (1) a detailed assessment of whether the aggregate funding 
��������levels provided under subsection (a) are the appropriate funding 
��������levels for that program;
����������� (2) a detailed description of how proposals will be 
��������solicited and evaluated, including a list of all activities 
��������expected to be undertaken;
����������� (3) a detailed list of technical milestones for each coal 
��������and related technology that will be pursued; and
����������� (4) a detailed description of how the program will avoid 
��������problems enumerated in Government Accountability Office
[[Page 119 STAT. 750]]
������� reports on the Clean Coal Technology Program, including problems 
��������that have resulted in unspent funds and projects that failed 
��������either financially or scientifically.
SEC. 402. <<NOTE: 42 USC 15962.>> PROJECT CRITERIA.
��� (a) In General.--To be eligible to receive assistance under this 
subtitle, a project shall advance efficiency, environmental performance, 
and cost competitiveness well beyond the level of technologies that are 
in commercial service or have been demonstrated on a scale that the 
Secretary determines is sufficient to demonstrate that commercial 
service is viable as of the date of enactment of this Act.
��� (b) Technical Criteria for Clean Coal Power Initiative.--
����������� (1) Gasification projects.--
������������������� (A) In general.--In allocating the funds made 
����������������available under section 401(a), the Secretary shall 
����������������ensure that at least 70 percent of the funds are used 
����������������only to fund projects on coal-based gasification 
����������������technologies, including--
������������������������� (i) gasification combined cycle;
������������������������� (ii) gasification fuel cells and turbine 
����������������������combined cycle;
������������������������� (iii) gasification coproduction;
������������������������� (iv) hybrid gasification and combustion; and
������������������������� (v) other advanced coal based technologies 
����������������������capable of producing a concentrated stream of 
����������������������carbon dioxide.
������������������� (B) Technical milestones.--
������������������������� (i) Periodic determination.--
��������������������������������� ��(I) In general.--The Secretary shall 
��������������������������������periodically set technical milestones 
��������������������������������specifying the emission and thermal 
��������������������������������efficiency levels that coal gasification 
��������������������������������projects under this subtitle shall be 
��������������������������������designed, and reasonably expected, to 
����������������������������������� (II) Prescriptive milestones.--The 
��������������������������������technical milestones shall become more 
��������������������������������prescriptive during the period of the 
��������������������������������clean coal power initiative.
������������������������� (ii) 2020 goals.--The Secretary shall 
����������������������establish the periodic milestones so as to achieve 
����������������������by the year 2020 coal gasification projects able--
����������������������������������� (I) to remove at least 99 percent of 
��������������������������������sulfur dioxide;
����������������������������������� (II) to emit not more than .05 lbs 
��������������������������������of NO<INF>x</INF> per million Btu;
����������������������������������� (III) to achieve at least 95 percent 
��������������������������������reductions in mercury emissions; and
����������������������������������� (IV) to achieve a thermal efficiency 
��������������������������������of at least--
������������������������������������������� (aa) 50 percent for coal of 
����������������������������������������more than 9,000 Btu;
������������������������������������������� (bb) 48 percent for coal of 
����������������������������������������7,000 to 9,000 Btu; and
������������������������������������������ (cc) 46 percent for coal of 
����������������������������������������less than 7,000 Btu.
����������� (2) Other projects.--
������������������� (A) Allocation of funds.--The Secretary shall ensure 
����������������that up to 30 percent of the funds made available under 
����������������section 401(a) are used to fund projects other than 
����������������those described in paragraph (1).
[[Page 119 STAT. 751]]
������������������� (B) Technical milestones.--
������������������������� (i) Periodic determination.--
����������������������������������� (I) In general.--The Secretary shall 
��������������������������������periodically establish technical 
��������������������������������milestones specifying the emission and 
��������������������������������thermal efficiency levels that projects 
��������������������������������funded under this paragraph shall be 
��������������������������������designed, and reasonably expected, to 
�������������������������������� ���(II) Prescriptive milestones.--The 
��������������������������������technical milestones shall become more 
��������������������������������prescriptive during the period of the 
��������������������������������clean coal power initiative.
������������ �������������(ii) 2020 goals.--The Secretary shall set the 
����������������������periodic milestones so as to achieve by the year 
����������������������2020 projects able--
����������������������������������� (I) to remove at least 97 percent of 
��������������������������������sulfur dioxide;
����������������������������������� (II) to emit no more than .08 lbs of 
��������������������������������NO<INF>x</INF> per million Btu;
����������������������������������� (III) to achieve at least 90 percent 
��������������������������������reductions in mercury emissions; and
����������������������������������� (IV) to achieve a thermal efficiency 
��������������������������������of at least--
������������������������������������������� (aa) 43 percent for coal of 
����������������������������������������more than 9,000 Btu;
������������������������������������������� (bb) 41 percent for coal of 
����������������������������������������7,000 to 9,000 Btu; and
������������������������������������������� (cc) 39 percent for coal of 
����������������������������������������less than 7,000 Btu.
����������� (3) Consultation.--Before setting the technical milestones 
��������under paragraphs (1)(B) and (2)(B), the Secretary shall consult 
���������������� ���(A) the Administrator of the Environmental 
����������������Protection Agency; and
������������������� (B) interested entities, including--
������������������������� (i) coal producers;
������������������������� (ii) industries using coal;
������������ �������������(iii) organizations that promote coal or 
����������������������advanced coal technologies;
������������������������� (iv) environmental organizations;
������������������������� (v) organizations representing workers; and
�������������������� �����(vi) organizations representing consumers.
����������� (4) Existing units.--In the case of projects at units in 
��������existence on the date of enactment of this Act, in lieu of the 
��������thermal efficiency requirements described in paragraphs 
�������(1)(B)(ii)(IV) and (2)(B)(ii)(IV), the milestones shall be 
��������designed to achieve an overall thermal design efficiency 
��������improvement, compared to the efficiency of the unit as operated, 
��������of not less than--
������������������� (A) 7 percent for coal of more than 9,000 Btu;
������������������� (B) 6 percent for coal of 7,000 to 9,000 Btu; or
������������������� (C) 4 percent for coal of less than 7,000 Btu.
����������� (5) Administration.--
������������������� (A) Elevation of site.--In evaluating project 
����������������proposals to achieve thermal efficiency levels 
����������������established under paragraphs (1)(B)(i) and (2)(B)(i) and 
����������������in determining progress towards thermal efficiency 
����������������milestones under paragraphs (1)(B)(ii)(IV), 
����������������(2)(B)(ii)(IV), and (4), the Secretary
[[Page 119 STAT. 752]]
��������������� shall take into account and make adjustments for the 
����������������elevation of the site at which a project is proposed to 
����������������be constructed.
������������������� (B) Applicability of milestones.--In applying the 
����������������thermal efficiency milestones under paragraphs 
����������������(1)(B)(ii)(IV), (2)(B)(ii)(IV), and (4) to projects that 
����������������separate and capture at least 50 percent of the 
����������������potential emissions of carbon dioxide by a facility, the 
����������������energy used for separation and capture of carbon dioxide 
���������������shall not be counted in calculating the thermal 
������������������� (C) Permitted uses.--In carrying out this section, 
����������������the Secretary may give priority to projects that 
����������������include, as part of the project--
������������������������� (i) the separation or capture of carbon 
����������������������dioxide; or
������������������������� (ii) the reduction of the demand for natural 
����������������������gas if deployed.
��� (c) Financial Criteria.--The Secretary shall not provide financial 
assistance under this subtitle for a project unless the recipient 
documents to the satisfaction of the Secretary that--
����������� (1) the recipient is financially responsible;
����������� (2) the recipient will provide sufficient information to the 
��������Secretary to enable the Secretary to ensure that the funds are 
��������spent efficiently and effectively; and
����������� (3) a market exists for the technology being demonstrated or 
��������applied, as evidenced by statements of interest in writing from 
��������potential purchasers of the technology.
��� (d) Financial Assistance.--The Secretary shall provide financial 
assistance to projects that, as determined by the Secretary--
����������� (1) meet the requirements of subsections (a), (b), and (c); 
����������� (2) are likely--
������������������� (A) to achieve overall cost reductions in the use of 
����������������coal to generate useful forms of energy or chemical 
������������������� (B) to improve the competitiveness of coal among 
����������������various forms of energy in order to maintain a diversity 
����������������of fuel choices in the United States to meet electricity 
����������������generation requirements; and
������������������� (C) to demonstrate methods and equipment that are 
����������������applicable to 25 percent of the electricity generating 
����������������facilities, using various types of coal, that use coal 
����������������as the primary feedstock as of the date of enactment of 
����������������this Act.
��� (e) Cost-Sharing.--In carrying out this subtitle, the Secretary 
shall require cost sharing in accordance with section 988.
��� (f) Scheduled Completion of Selected Projects.--
����������� (1) In general.--In selecting a project for financial 
��������assistance under this section, the Secretary shall establish a 
��������reasonable period of time during which the owner or operator of 
��������the project shall complete the construction or demonstration 
��������phase of the project, as the Secretary determines to be 
����������� (2) Condition of financial assistance.--The Secretary shall 
��������require as a condition of receipt of any financial assistance 
��������under this subtitle that the recipient of the assistance enter
[[Page 119 STAT. 753]]
������� into an agreement with the Secretary not to request an extension 
��������of the time period established for the project by the Secretary 
��������under paragraph (1).
����������� (3) Extension of time period.--
������������������� (A) In general.--Subject to subparagraph (B), the 
����������������Secretary may extend the time period established under 
����������������paragraph (1) if the Secretary determines, in the sole 
����������������discretion of the Secretary, that the owner or operator 
����������������of the project cannot complete the construction or 
����������������demonstration phase of the project within the time 
����������������period due to circumstances beyond the control of the 
����������������owner or operator.
������������������� (B) Limitation.--The Secretary shall not extend a 
����������������time period under subparagraph (A) by more than 4 years.
��� (g) Fee Title.--The Secretary may vest fee title or other property 
interests acquired under cost-share clean coal power initiative 
agreements under this subtitle in any entity, including the United 
��� (h) Data Protection.--For a period not exceeding 5 years after 
completion of the operations phase of a cooperative agreement, the 
Secretary may provide appropriate protections (including exemptions from 
subchapter II of chapter 5 of title 5, United States Code) against the 
dissemination of information that--
����������� (1) results from demonstration activities carried out under 
��������the clean coal power initiative program; and
����������� (2) would be a trade secret or commercial or financial 
��������information that is privileged or confidential if the 
��������information had been obtained from and first produced by a non-
������� Federal party participating in a clean coal power initiative 
��� (i) Applicability.--No technology, or level of emission reduction, 
solely by reason of the use of the technology, or the achievement of the 
emission reduction, by 1 or more facilities receiving assistance under 
this Act, shall be considered to be--
����������� (1) adequately demonstrated for purposes of section 111 of 
��������the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7411);
����������� (2) achievable for purposes of section 169 of that Act (42 
��������U.S.C. 7479); or
����������� (3) achievable in practice for purposes of section 171 of 
��������that Act (42 U.S.C. 7501).
SEC. 403. <<NOTE: 42 USC 15963.>> REPORT.
��� Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and 
once every 2 years thereafter through 2014, the Secretary, in 
consultation with other appropriate Federal agencies, shall submit to 
Congress a report describing--
����������� (1) the technical milestones set forth in section 402 and 
��������how those milestones ensure progress toward meeting the 
��������requirements of subsections (b)(1)(B) and (b)(2) of section 402; 
����������� (2) the status of projects funded under this subtitle.
��� (a) In General.--As part of the clean coal power initiative, the 
Secretary shall award competitive, merit-based grants to institutions of 
higher education for the establishment of centers of excellence for 
energy systems of the future.
��� (b) Basis for Grants.--The Secretary shall award grants under this 
section to institutions of higher education that show the greatest 
potential for advancing new clean coal technologies.
[[Page 119 STAT. 754]]
������������������� Subtitle B--Clean Power Projects
��� (a) In General.--Subject to the availability of appropriations, the 
Secretary may provide loan guarantees for a project to produce energy 
from coal of less than 7,000 Btu/lb. using appropriate advanced 
integrated gasification combined cycle technology, including repowering 
of existing facilities, that--
����������� (1) is combined with wind and other renewable sources;
����������� (2) minimizes and offers the potential to sequester carbon 
��������dioxide emissions; and
������ �����(3) provides a ready source of hydrogen for near-site fuel 
��������cell demonstrations.
��� (b) Requirements.--The facility--
����������� (1) may be built in stages;
����������� (2) shall have a combined output of at least 200 megawatts 
��������at successively more competitive rates; and
����������� (3) shall be located in the Upper Great Plains.
��� (c) Technical Criteria.--Technical <<NOTE: Applicability.>> criteria 
described in section 402(b) shall apply to the facility.
��� (d) Investment Tax Credits.--
����������� (1) In general.--The loan guarantees provided under this 
��������section do not preclude the facility from receiving an 
��������allocation for investment tax credits under section 48A of the 
��������Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
����������� (2) Other funding.--Use of the investment tax credit 
��������described in paragraph (1) does not prohibit the use of other 
��������clean coal program funding.
��� (a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� (1) Borrower.--The term ``borrower'' means the owner of the 
��������clean coal technology plant.
����������� (2) Clean coal technology plant.--The term ``clean coal 
��������technology plant'' means the plant located near Healy, Alaska, 
��������constructed under Department cooperative agreement number DE-FC-
������� 22-91PC90544.
����������� (3) Cost of a direct loan.--The term ``cost of a direct 
��������loan'' has the meaning given the term in section 502(5)(B) of 
��������the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (2 U.S.C. 661a(5)(B)).
��� (b) Authorization.--Subject to subsection (c), the Secretary shall 
use amounts made available under subsection (e) to provide the cost of a 
direct loan to the borrower for purposes of placing the clean coal 
technology plant into reliable operation for the generation of 
��� (c) Requirements.--
����������� (1) Maximum loan amount.--The amount of the direct loan 
��������provided under subsection (b) shall not exceed $80,000,000.
����������� (2) Determinations by secretary.--Before providing the 
��������direct loan to the borrower under subsection (b), the Secretary 
��������shall determine that--
���������� ���������(A) the plan of the borrower for placing the clean 
����������������coal technology plant in reliable operation has a 
����������������reasonable prospect of success;
[[Page 119 STAT. 755]]
������������������� (B) the amount of the loan (when combined with 
����������������amounts available to the borrower from other sources) 
����������������will be sufficient to carry out the project; and
������������������� (C) there is a reasonable prospect that the borrower 
����������������will repay the principal and interest on the loan.
����������� (3) Interest; term.--The direct loan provided under 
��������subsection (b) shall bear interest at a rate and for a term that 
��������the Secretary determines appropriate, after consultation with 
��������the Secretary of the Treasury, taking into account the needs and 
��������capacities of the borrower and the prevailing rate of interest 
��������for similar loans made by public and private lenders.
����������� (4) Additional terms and conditions.--The Secretary may 
��������require any other terms and conditions that the Secretary 
��������determines to be appropriate.
��� (d) Use of Payments.--The Secretary shall retain any payments of 
principal and interest on the direct loan provided under subsection (b) 
to support energy research and development activities, to remain 
available until expended, subject to any other conditions in an 
applicable appropriations Act.
��� (e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated such sums as are necessary to provide the cost of a direct 
loan under subsection (b).
��� (a) In General.--Subject to the availability of appropriations, the 
Secretary shall carry out a project to demonstrate production of energy 
from coal mined in the western United States using integrated 
gasification combined cycle technology (referred to in this section as 
the ``demonstration project'').
��� (b) Components.--The demonstration project--
����������� (1) may include repowering of existing facilities;
����������� (2) shall be designed to demonstrate the ability to use coal 
��������with an energy content of not more than 9,000 Btu/lb.; and
���������� (3) shall be capable of removing and sequestering carbon 
��������dioxide emissions.
��� (c) All Types of Western Coals.--Notwithstanding the foregoing, and 
to the extent economically feasible, the demonstration project shall 
also be designed to demonstrate the ability to use a variety of types of 
coal (including subbituminous and bituminous coal with an energy content 
of up to 13,000 Btu/lb.) mined in the western United States.
��� (d) Location.--The demonstration project shall be located in a 
western State at an altitude of greater than 4,000 feet above sea level.
��� (e) Cost Sharing.--The Federal share of the cost of the 
demonstration project shall be determined in accordance with section 
��� (f) Loan Guarantees.--Notwithstanding title XIV, the demonstration 
project shall not be eligible for Federal loan guarantees.
SEC. 414. <<NOTE: 42 USC 15974.>> COAL GASIFICATION.
��� The Secretary is authorized to provide loan guarantees for a project 
to produce energy from a plant using integrated gasification combined 
cycle technology of at least 400 megawatts in capacity that produces 
power at competitive rates in deregulated
[[Page 119 STAT. 756]]
energy generation markets and that does not receive any subsidy (direct 
or indirect) from ratepayers.
��� The Secretary is authorized to provide loan guarantees for at least 
5 petroleum coke gasification projects.
 ���The Secretary shall use $5,000,000 from amounts appropriated to 
initiate, through the Chicago Operations Office, a project to 
demonstrate the viability of high-energy electron scrubbing technology 
on commercial-scale electrical generation using high-sulfur coal.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall carry out a program to evaluate 
the commercial and technical viability of advanced technologies for the 
production of Fischer-Tropsch transportation fuels, and other 
transportation fuels, manufactured from Illinois basin coal, including 
the capital modification of existing facilities and the construction of 
testing facilities under subsection (b).
��� (b) Facilities.--For the purpose of evaluating the commercial and 
technical viability of different processes for producing Fischer-Tropsch 
transportation fuels, and other transportation fuels, from Illinois 
basin coal, the Secretary shall support the use and capital modification 
of existing facilities and the construction of new facilities at--
����������� (1) Southern Illinois University Coal Research Center;
����������� (2) University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy 
��������Research; and
����������� (3) Energy Center at Purdue University.
��� (c) Gasification Products Test Center.--In conjunction with the 
activities described in subsections (a) and (b), the Secretary shall 
construct a test center to evaluate and confirm liquid and gas products 
from syngas catalysis in order that the system has an output of at least 
500 gallons of Fischer-Tropsch transportation fuel per day in a 24-hour 
��� (d) <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> Milestones.--
����������� (1) Selection of processes.--Not later than 180 days after 
��������the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall select 
��������processes for evaluating the commercial and technical viability 
��������of different processes of producing Fischer-Tropsch 
��������transportation fuels, and other transportation fuels, from 
��������Illinois basin coal.
����������� (2) Agreements.--Not later than 1 year after the date of 
��������enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall offer to enter into 
������������������� (A) to carry out the activities described in this 
����������������section, at the facilities described in subsection (b); 
������������������� (B) for the capital modifications or construction of 
����������������the facilities at the locations described in subsection 
����������� (3) Evaluations.--Not later than 3 years after the date of 
��������enactment of the Act, the Secretary shall begin, at the 
��������facilities described in subsection (b), evaluation of the 
��������technical and commercial viability of different processes of 
��������producing Fischer-Tropsch transportation fuels, and other 
��������transportation fuels, from Illinois basin coal.
[[Page 119 STAT. 757]]
����������� (4) Construction of facilities.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The Secretary shall construct the 
����������������facilities described in subsection (b) at the lowest 
����������������cost practicable.
���� ���������������(B) Grants or agreements.--The Secretary may make 
����������������grants or enter into agreements or contracts with the 
����������������institutions of higher education described in subsection 
��� (e) Cost Sharing.--The cost of making grants under this section 
shall be shared in accordance with section 988.
��� (f) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $85,000,000 for the period of 
fiscal years 2006 through 2010.
����������������� Subtitle C--Coal and Related Programs
��� (a) Amendment.--The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13201 et 
seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:
``SEC. 3101. <<NOTE: 42 USC 13571.>> PURPOSES.
��� ``The purposes of this title are to--
����������� ``(1) promote national energy policy and energy security, 
��������diversity, and economic competitiveness benefits that result 
��������from the increased use of coal;
����������� ``(2) mitigate financial risks, reduce the cost of clean 
��������coal generation, and increase the marketplace acceptance of 
��������clean coal generation and pollution control equipment and 
��������processes; and
����������� ``(3) facilitate the environmental performance of clean coal 
��� ``(a) In General.--The Secretary shall carry out a program of 
financial assistance to--
����������� ``(1) facilitate the production and generation of coal-based 
��������power, through the deployment of clean coal electric generating 
��������equipment and processes that, compared to equipment or processes 
��������that are in operation on a full scale--
������������������� ``(A) improve--
������������������������� ``(i) energy efficiency; or
������������������������� ``(ii) environmental performance consistent 
����������������������with relevant Federal and State clean air 
����������������������requirements, including those promulgated under 
����������������������the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.); and
������������������� ``(B) are not yet cost competitive; and
 �����������``(2) facilitate the utilization of existing coal-based 
��������electricity generation plants through projects that--
������������������� ``(A) deploy advanced air pollution control 
����������������equipment and processes; and
��������������� ����``(B) are designed to voluntarily enhance 
����������������environmental performance above current applicable 
����������������obligations under the
[[Page 119 STAT. 758]]
��������������� Clean Air Act and State implementation efforts pursuant 
����������������to such Act.
��� ``(b) Financial Criteria.--As determined by the Secretary for a 
particular project, financial assistance under this title shall be in 
the form of--
����������� ``(1) cost-sharing of an appropriate percentage of the total 
��������project cost, not to exceed 50 percent as calculated under 
��������section 988 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005; or
����������� ``(2) financial assistance, including grants, cooperative 
��������agreements, or loans as authorized under this Act or other 
��������statutory authority of the Secretary.
``SEC. 3103. <<NOTE: 42 USC 13573.>> GENERATION PROJECTS.
��� ``(a) Eligible Projects.--Projects supported under section 
3102(a)(1) may include--
����������� ``(1) equipment or processes previously supported by a 
��������Department of Energy program;
����������� ``(2) advanced combustion equipment and processes that the 
��������Secretary determines will be cost-effective and could 
��������substantially contribute to meeting environmental or energy 
��������needs, including gasification, gasification fuel cells, 
��������gasification coproduction, oxidation combustion techniques, 
��������ultra-supercritical boilers, and chemical looping; and
����������� ``(3) hybrid gasification/combustion systems, including 
��������systems integrating fuel cells with gasification or combustion 
��� ``(b) Criteria.--The Secretary shall establish criteria for the 
selection of generation projects under section 3102(a)(1). The Secretary 
may modify the criteria as appropriate to reflect improvements in 
equipment, except that the criteria shall not be modified to be less 
stringent. The selection criteria shall include--
����������� ``(1) prioritization of projects whose installation is 
��������likely to result in significant air quality improvements in 
��������nonattainment air quality areas;
����������� ``(2) prioritization of projects whose installation is 
��������likely to result in lower emission rates of pollution;
����������� ``(3) prioritization of projects that result in the 
��������repowering or replacement of older, less efficient units;
����������� ``(4) documented broad interest in the procurement of the 
��������equipment and utilization of the processes used in the projects 
��������by owners or operators of facilities for electricity generation;
����������� ``(5) equipment and processes beginning in 2006 through 2011 
��������that are projected to achieve a thermal efficiency of--
������������������� ``(A) 40 percent for coal of more than 9,000 Btu per 
����������������pound based on higher heating values;
������������������� ``(B) 38 percent for coal of 7,000 to 9,000 Btu per 
����������������pound passed on higher heating values; and
������������������� ``(C) 36 percent for coal of less than 7,000 Btu per 
����������������pound based on higher heating values;
������� except that energy used for coproduction or cogeneration shall 
��������not be counted in calculating the thermal efficiency under this 
��������paragraph; and
����������� ``(6) equipment and processes beginning in 2012 and 2013 
��������that are projected to achieve a thermal efficiency of--
������������������� ``(A) 45 percent for coal of more than 9,000 Btu per 
����������������pound based on higher heating values;
����� ��������������``(B) 44 percent for coal of 7,000 to 9,000 Btu per 
����������������pound passed on higher heating values; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 759]]
������������������� ``(C) 40 percent for coal of less than 7,000 Btu per 
����������������pound based on higher heating values;
������� except that energy used for coproduction or cogeneration shall 
��������not be counted in calculating the thermal efficiency under this 
��� ``(c) Program Balance and Priority.--In carrying out the program 
under section 3102(a)(1), the Secretary shall ensure, to the extent 
practicable, that--
����������� ``(1) between 25 percent and 75 percent of the projects 
��������supported are for the sole purpose of electrical generation; and
����������� ``(2) priority is given to projects that use electrical 
��������generation equipment and processes that have been developed and 
��������demonstrated and applied in actual production of electricity, 
��������but are not yet cost-competitive, and that achieve greater 
��������efficiency and environmental performance.
��� ``(d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary to carry out section 3102(a)(1)--
����������� ``(1) $250,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
����������� ``(2) $350,000,000 for fiscal year 2008;
����������� ``(3) $400,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2009 through 
��������2012; and
����������� ``(4) $300,000,000 for fiscal year 2013.
��� ``(e) Applicability.--No technology, or level of emission reduction, 
shall be treated as adequately demonstrated for purpose of section 111 
of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7411), achievable for purposes of 
section 169 of that Act (42 U.S.C. 7479), or achievable in practice for 
purposes of section 171 of that Act (42 U.S.C. 7501) solely by reason of 
the use of such technology, or the achievement of such emission 
reduction, by one or more facilities receiving assistance under section 
�� ``(a) Eligible Projects.--Projects supported under section 
3102(a)(2) shall--
����������� ``(1) utilize technologies that meet relevant Federal and 
��������State clean air requirements applicable to the unit or facility, 
��������including being adequately demonstrated for purposes of section 
��������111 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7411), achievable for 
��������purposes of section 169 of that Act (42 U.S.C. 7479), or 
��������achievable in practice for purposes of section 171 of that Act 
��������(42 U.S.C. 7501); or
����������� ``(2) utilize equipment or processes that exceed relevant 
��������Federal or State clean air requirements applicable to the unit 
��������or facilities included in the projects by achieving greater 
��������efficiency or environmental performance.
��� ``(b) Priority in Project Selection.--In making an award under 
section 3102(a)(2), the Secretary shall give priority to--
����������� ``(1) projects whose installation is likely to result in 
��������significant air quality improvements in nonattainment air 
��������quality areas or substantially reduce the emission level of 
��������criteria pollutants and mercury air emissions;
����������� ``(2) projects for pollution control that result in the 
��������mitigation or collection of more than 1 pollutant; and
����������� ``(3) projects designed to allow the use of the waste 
��������byproducts or other byproducts of the equipment.
[[Page 119 STAT. 760]]
��� ``(c) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary to carry out section 3102(a)(2)--
����������� ``(1) $300,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
����������� ``(2) $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2008;
����������� ``(3) $40,000,000 for fiscal year 2009;
����������� ``(4) $30,000,000 for fiscal year 2010; and
����������� ``(5) $30,000,000 for fiscal year 2011.
��� ``(d) Applicability.--No technology, or level of emission reduction 
under subsection (a)(2) shall be treated as adequately demonstrated for 
purpose of Section 111 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7411), achievable 
for purposes of section 169 of that Act (42 U.S.C. 7479), or achievable 
in practice for purposes of section 171 of that Act (42 U.S.C. 7501) 
solely by reason of the use of such technology, or the achievement of 
such emission reduction, by one or more facilities receiving assistance 
under section 3102(a)(2).''.
��� (b) Table of Contents Amendment.--The table of contents of the 
Energy Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. prec. 13201) is amended by adding 
at the end the following:
������� ``Sec. 3101. Purposes.
������� ``Sec. 3102. Authorization of program.
������� ``Sec. 3103. Generation projects.
������� ``Sec. 3104. Air quality enhancement program.''.
Subtitle D--Federal <<NOTE: Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 2005.>> Coal 
SEC. 431. <<NOTE: 42 USC 15801.>> SHORT TITLE.
��� This subtitle may be cited as the ``Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 
��� Section 3 of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 203) is amended--
����������� (1) in the first sentence, by striking ``Any person'' and 
��������inserting the following: ``(a)(1) Except as provided in 
��������paragraph (3), on a finding by the Secretary under paragraph 
��������(2), any person'';
����������� (2) in the second sentence, by striking ``The Secretary'' 
��������and inserting the following:
��� ``(b) The Secretary'';
����������� (3) in the third sentence, by striking ``The minimum'' and 
��������inserting the following:
��� ``(c) The minimum'';
����������� (4) in subsection (a) (as designated by paragraph (1))--
������������������� (A) by striking ``upon'' and all that follows and 
����������������inserting the following: ``secure modifications of the 
����������������original coal lease by including additional coal lands 
����������������or coal deposits contiguous or cornering to those 
����������������embraced in the lease.''; and
������������������� (B) by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(2) A finding referred to in paragraph (1) is a finding by the 
Secretary that the modifications--
����������� ``(A) would be in the interest of the United States;
����������� ``(B) would not displace a competitive interest in the 
��������lands; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 761]]
����������� ``(C) would not include lands or deposits that can be 
��������developed as part of another potential or existing operation.
��� ``(3) In no case shall the total area added by modifications to an 
existing coal lease under paragraph (1)--
����������� ``(A) exceed 960 acres; or
����������� ``(B) add acreage larger than that in the original lease.''.
��� Section 2(d)(2) of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 202a(2)) is 
����������� (1) by inserting ``(A)'' after ``(2)''; and
����������� (2) by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(B) The Secretary may establish a period of more than 40 years if 
the Secretary determines that the longer period--
����������� ``(i) will ensure the maximum economic recovery of a coal 
��������deposit; or
����������� ``(ii) the longer period is in the interest of the orderly, 
��������efficient, or economic development of a coal resource.''.
��� Section 7(b) of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 207(b)) is 
����������� (1) in the first sentence, by striking ``Each lease'' and 
��������inserting the following: ``(1) Each lease'';
����������� (2) in the second sentence, by striking ``The Secretary'' 
��������and inserting the following:
��� ``(2) The Secretary'';
����������� (3) in the third sentence, by striking ``Such advance 
��������royalties'' and inserting the following:
��� ``(3) Advance royalties described in paragraph (2)'';
����������� (4) in the seventh sentence, by striking ``The Secretary'' 
��������and inserting the following:
��� ``(6) The Secretary'';
����������� (5) in the last sentence, by striking ``Nothing'' and 
��������inserting the following:
��� ``(7) Nothing'';
����������� (6) by striking the fourth, fifth, and sixth sentences; and
����������� (7) by inserting after paragraph (3) (as designated by 
��������paragraph (3)) the following:
��� ``(4) Advance royalties described in paragraph (2) shall be 
����������� ``(A) based on--
������������������� ``(i) the average price in the spot market for sales 
����������������of comparable coal from the same region during the last 
����������������month of each applicable continued operation year; or
������������������� ``(ii) in the absence of a spot market for 
����������������comparable coal from the same region, by using a 
����������������comparable method established by the Secretary of the 
����������������Interior to capture the commercial value of coal; and
����������� ``(B) based on commercial quantities, as defined by 
��������regulation by the Secretary of the Interior.
��� ``(5) The aggregate number of years during the period of any lease 
for which advance royalties may be accepted in lieu of the condition of 
continued operation shall not exceed 20 years.
��� ``(6) The amount of any production royalty paid for any year shall 
be reduced (but not below 0) by the amount of any advance royalties paid 
under a lease described in paragraph (5) to the
[[Page 119 STAT. 762]]
extent that the advance royalties have not been used to reduce 
production royalties for a prior year.''.
��� Section 7(c) of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 207(c)) is 
amended by striking ``and not later than three years after a lease is 
������������BONUS BIDS.
��� Section 2(a) of the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 201(a)) is 
amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(4)(A) The Secretary shall not require a surety bond or any other 
financial assurance to guarantee payment of deferred bonus bid 
installments with respect to any coal lease issued on a cash bonus bid 
to a lessee or successor in interest having a history of a timely 
payment of noncontested coal royalties and advanced coal royalties in 
lieu of production (where applicable) and bonus bid installment 
��� ``(B) The Secretary may waive any requirement that a lessee provide 
a surety bond or other financial assurance to guarantee payment of 
deferred bonus bid installment with respect to any coal lease issued 
before the date of the enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 only 
if the Secretary determines that the lessee has a history of making 
timely payments referred to in subparagraph (A).
��� ``(5) <<NOTE: Deadline. Notices.>> Notwithstanding any other 
provision of law, if the lessee under a coal lease fails to pay any 
installment of a deferred cash bonus bid within 10 days after the 
Secretary provides written notice that payment of the installment is 
past due--
����������� ``(A) the lease shall automatically terminate; and
����������� ``(B) any bonus payments already made to the United States 
��������with respect to the lease shall not be returned to the lessee or 
��������credited in any future lease sale.''.
��� (a) Review of Assessments.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary of the Interior, in 
��������consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture and the 
��������Secretary, shall review coal assessments and other available 
��������data to identify--
������������������� (A) Federal lands with coal resources that are 
����������������available for development;
������������������� (B) the extent and nature of any restrictions on the 
����������������development of coal resources on Federal lands 
����������������identified under paragraph (1); and
������������������� (C) with respect to areas of such lands for which 
����������������sufficient data exists, resources of compliant coal and 
����������������supercompliant coal.
����������� (2) Definitions.--For purposes of this subsection--
������������������� (A) the term ``compliant coal'' means coal that 
����������������contains not less than 1.0 and not more than 1.2 pounds 
����������������of sulfur dioxide per million Btu; and
������������������� (B) the term ``supercompliant coal'' means coal that 
����������������contains less than 1.0 pounds of sulfur dioxide per 
����������������million Btu.
��� (b) Completion and Updating of the Inventory.--The Sec- retary--
[[Page 119 STAT. 763]]
����������� (1) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> shall complete the inventory under 
�������subsection (a) by not later than 2 years after the date of 
��������enactment of this Act; and
����������� (2) shall update the inventory as the availability of data 
��������and developments in technology warrant.
��� (c) Report.--The Secretary shall submit to the Committee on 
Resources of the House of Representatives and to the Committee on Energy 
and Natural Resources of the Senate and make publicly available--
����������� (1) a report containing the inventory under this section, by 
��������not later than 2 years after the effective date of this section; 
����������� (2) each update of such inventory.
��� The amendments made by this subtitle apply with respect to any coal 
lease issued before, on, or after the date of the enactment of this Act.
�� TITLE V--INDIAN <<NOTE: Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self-
Determination Act of 2005.>> ENERGY
SEC. 501. <<NOTE: 42 USC 15801 note.>> SHORT TITLE.
��� This title may be cited as the ``Indian Tribal Energy Development 
and Self-Determination Act of 2005''.
��� (a) In General.--Title II of the Department of Energy Organization 
Act (42 U.S.C. 7131 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the 
������������� ``office of indian energy policy and programs
��� ``Sec. 217. (a) Establishment.--There <<NOTE: 42 USC 7144e.>> is 
established within the Department an Office of Indian Energy Policy and 
Programs (referred to in this section as the `Office'). The Office shall 
be headed by a Director, who shall be appointed by the Secretary and 
compensated at a rate equal to that of level IV of the Executive 
Schedule under section 5315 of title 5, United States Code.
��� ``(b) Duties of Director.--The Director, in accordance with Federal 
policies promoting Indian self-determination and the purposes of this 
Act, shall provide, direct, foster, coordinate, and implement energy 
planning, education, management, conservation, and delivery programs of 
the Department that--
����������� ``(1) promote Indian tribal energy development, efficiency, 
��������and use;
����������� ``(2) reduce or stabilize energy costs;
����������� ``(3) enhance and strengthen Indian tribal energy and 
��������economic infrastructure relating to natural resource development 
��������and electrification; and
����������� ``(4) bring electrical power and service to Indian land and 
��������the homes of tribal members located on Indian lands or acquired, 
��������constructed, or improved (in whole or in part) with Federal 
��� (b) Conforming Amendments.--
����������� (1) The table of contents of the Department of Energy 
��������Organization Act (42 U.S.C. prec. 7101) is amended--
[[Page 119 STAT. 764]]
������������������� (A) in the item relating to section 209, by striking 
����������������``Section'' and inserting ``Sec.''; and
������������������� (B) by striking the items relating to sections 213 
����������������through 216 and inserting the following:
``Sec. 213. Establishment of policy for National Nuclear Security 
``Sec. 214. Establishment of security, counterintelligence, and 
����������intelligence policies.
``Sec. 215. Office of Counterintelligence.
``Sec. 216. Office of Intelligence.
``Sec. 217. Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs.''.
����������� (2) Section 5315 of title 5, United States Code, is amended 
��������by inserting after the item related to the Inspector General, 
��������Department of Energy the following new item:
����������� ``Director, Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs, 
��������Department of Energy.''.
��� (a) In General.--Title XXVI of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (25 
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) is amended to read as follows:
���������������������� ``TITLE XXVI--INDIAN ENERGY
``SEC. 2601. <<NOTE: 25 USC 3501.>> DEFINITIONS.
��� ``In this title:
����������� ``(1) The term `Director' means the Director of the Office 
��������of Indian Energy Policy and Programs, Department of Energy.
����������� ``(2) The term `Indian land' means--
������������������� ``(A) any land located within the boundaries of an 
����������������Indian reservation, pueblo, or rancheria;
������������������� ``(B) any land not located within the boundaries of 
����������������an Indian reservation, pueblo, or rancheria, the title 
����������������to which is held--
������������������������� ``(i) in trust by the United States for the 
����������������������benefit of an Indian tribe or an individual 
������������������������� ``(ii) by an Indian tribe or an individual 
����������������������Indian, subject to restriction against alienation 
����������������������under laws of the United States; or
������������������������� ``(iii) by a dependent Indian community; and
������������������� ``(C) land that is owned by an Indian tribe and was 
����������������conveyed by the United States to a Native Corporation 
����������������pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 
����������������U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), or that was conveyed by the United 
����������������States to a Native Corporation in exchange for such 
����������� ``(3) The term `Indian reservation' includes--
������������������� ``(A) an Indian reservation in existence in any 
����������������State or States as of the date of enactment of this 
��� ����������������``(B) a public domain Indian allotment; and
������������������� ``(C) a dependent Indian community located within 
����������������the borders of the United States, regardless of whether 
����������������the community is located--
�������� �����������������``(i) on original or acquired territory of the 
����������������������community; or
������������������������� ``(ii) within or outside the boundaries of any 
����������������������State or States.
����������� ``(4)(A) The term `Indian tribe' has the meaning given the 
��������term in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education 
��������Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b).
[[Page 119 STAT. 765]]
����������� ``(B) For the purpose of paragraph (12) and sections 
��������2603(b)(1)(C) and 2604, the term `Indian tribe' does not include 
��������any Native Corporation.
����������� ``(5) The term `integration of energy resources' means any 
��������project or activity that promotes the location and operation of 
��������a facility (including any pipeline, gathering system, 
��������transportation system or facility, or electric transmission or 
��������distribution facility) on or near Indian land to process, 
��������refine, generate electricity from, or otherwise develop energy 
��������resources on, Indian land.
����������� ``(6) The term `Native Corporation' has the meaning given 
��������the term in section 3 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 
��������(43 U.S.C. 1602).
����������� ``(7) The term `organization' means a partnership, joint 
��������venture, limited liability company, or other unincorporated 
��������association or entity that is established to develop Indian 
��������energy resources.
����������� ``(8) The term `Program' means the Indian energy resource 
��������development program established under section 2602(a).
����������� ``(9) The term `Secretary' means the Secretary of the 
����������� ``(10) The term `sequestration' means the long-term 
��������separation, isolation, or removal of greenhouse gases from the 
��������atmosphere, including through a biological or geologic method 
��������such as reforestation or an underground reservoir.
����������� ``(11) The term `tribal energy resource development 
��������organization' means an organization of two or more entities, at 
��������least one of which is an Indian tribe, that has the written 
��������consent of the governing bodies of all Indian tribes 
��������participating in the organization to apply for a grant, loan, or 
��������other assistance under section 2602.
����������� ``(12) The term `tribal land' means any land or interests in 
��������land owned by any Indian tribe, title to which is held in trust 
��������by the United States, or is subject to a restriction against 
��������alienation under laws of the United States.
��� ``(a) Department of the Interior Program.--
����������� ``(1) To assist Indian tribes in the development of energy 
��������resources and further the goal of Indian self-determination, the 
��������Secretary shall establish and implement an Indian energy 
��������resource development program to assist consenting Indian tribes 
��������and tribal energy resource development organizations in 
��������achieving the purposes of this title.
����������� ``(2) <<NOTE: Grants.>> In carrying out the Program, the 
��������Secretary shall--
������������������� ``(A) provide development grants to Indian tribes 
����������������and tribal energy resource development organizations for 
����������������use in developing or obtaining the managerial and 
����������������technical capacity needed to develop energy resources on 
����������������Indian land, and to properly account for resulting 
����������������energy production and revenues;
������������������� ``(B) provide grants to Indian tribes and tribal 
����������������energy resource development organizations for use in 
����������������carrying out projects to promote the integration of 
����������������energy resources, and to process, use, or develop those 
����������������energy resources, on Indian land;
[[Page 119 STAT. 766]]
������������������� ``(C) <<NOTE: Loans.>> provide low-interest loans to 
����������������Indian tribes and tribal energy resource development 
����������������organizations for use in the promotion of energy 
����������������resource development on Indian land and integration of 
����������������energy resources; and
������������������� ``(D) provide grants and technical assistance to an 
����������������appropriate tribal environmental organization, as 
����������������determined by the Secretary, that represents multiple 
����������������Indian tribes to establish a national resource center to 
����������������develop tribal capacity to establish and carry out 
����������������tribal environmental programs in support of energy-
��������������� related programs and activities under this title, 
������������������������� ``(i) training programs for tribal 
����������������������environmental officials, program managers, and 
����������������������other governmental representatives;
������������������������� ``(ii) the development of model environmental 
����������������������policies and tribal laws, including tribal 
����������������������environmental review codes, and the creation and 
����������������������maintenance of a clearinghouse of best 
����������������������environmental management practices; and
������������������������� ``(iii) recommended standards for reviewing 
����������������������the implementation of tribal environmental laws 
����������������������and policies within tribal judicial or other 
����������������������tribal appeals systems.
����������� ``(3) <<NOTE: Appropriation authorization.>> There are 
��������authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subsection such 
��������sums as are necessary for each of fiscal years 2006 through 
��� ``(b) Department of Energy Indian Energy Education Planning and 
Management Assistance Program.--
����������� ``(1) The Director shall establish programs to assist 
��������consenting Indian tribes in meeting energy education, research 
��������and development, planning, and management needs.
����������� ``(2) In carrying out this subsection, the Director may 
��������provide grants, on a competitive basis, to an Indian tribe or 
��������tribal energy resource development organization for use in 
��������carrying out--
������������������� ``(A) energy, energy efficiency, and energy 
����������������conservation programs;
������������������� ``(B) studies and other activities supporting tribal 
����������������acquisitions of energy supplies, services, and 
����������������facilities, including the creation of tribal utilities 
����������������to assist in securing electricity to promote 
����������������electrification of homes and businesses on Indian land;
������������������� ``(C) planning, construction, development, 
����������������operation, maintenance, and improvement of tribal 
����������������electrical generation, transmission, and distribution 
����������������facilities located on Indian land; and
������������������� ``(D) development, construction, and interconnection 
����������������of electric power transmission facilities located on 
����������������Indian land with other electric transmission facilities.
����������� ``(3)(A) The Director shall develop a program to support and 
��������implement research projects that provide Indian tribes with 
��������opportunities to participate in carbon sequestration practices 
��������on Indian land, including--
������������������� ``(i) geologic sequestration;
������������� ������``(ii) forest sequestration;
������������������� ``(iii) agricultural sequestration; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 767]]
������������������� ``(iv) any other sequestration opportunities the 
����������������Director considers to be appropriate.
����������� ``(B) The activities carried out under subparagraph (A) 
��������shall be--
������������������� ``(i) coordinated with other carbon sequestration 
����������������research and development programs conducted by the 
����������������Secretary of Energy;
��� ����������������``(ii) conducted to determine methods consistent 
����������������with existing standardized measurement protocols to 
����������������account and report the quantity of carbon dioxide or 
����������������other greenhouse gases sequestered in projects that may 
����������������be implemented on Indian land; and
������������������� ``(iii) reviewed periodically to collect and 
����������������distribute to Indian tribes information on carbon 
����������������sequestration practices that will increase the 
����������������sequestration of carbon without threatening the social 
����������������and economic well-being of Indian tribes.
����������� ``(4)(A) The Director, in consultation with Indian tribes, 
��������may develop a formula for providing grants under this 
����������� ``(B) In providing a grant under this subsection, the 
��������Director shall give priority to any application received from an 
��������Indian tribe with inadequate electric service (as determined by 
��������the Director).
����������� ``(C) In providing a grant under this subsection for an 
��������activity to provide, or expand the provision of, electricity on 
��������Indian land, the Director shall encourage cooperative 
��������arrangements between Indian tribes and utilities that provide 
��������service to Indian tribes, as the Director determines to be 
����������� ``(5) The Secretary of Energy may issue such regulations as 
��������the Secretary determines to be necessary to carry out this 
����������� ``(6) <<NOTE: Appropriation authorization.>> There is 
��������authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subsection 
��������$20,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2016.
��� ``(c) Department of Energy Loan Guarantee Program.--
����������� ``(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (4), the Secretary of 
��������Energy may provide loan guarantees (as defined in section 502 of 
��������the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (2 U.S.C. 661a)) for an 
��������amount equal to not more than 90 percent of the unpaid principal 
��������and interest due on any loan made to an Indian tribe for energy 
����������� ``(2) In providing a loan guarantee under this subsection 
��������for an activity to provide, or expand the provision of, 
��������electricity on Indian land, the Secretary of Energy shall 
��������encourage cooperative arrangements between Indian tribes and 
��������utilities that provide service to Indian tribes, as the 
��������Secretary determines to be appropriate.
����������� ``(3) A loan guarantee under this subsection shall be made 
������������������� ``(A) a financial institution subject to examination 
����������������by the Secretary of Energy; or
������������������� ``(B) an Indian tribe, from funds of the Indian 
����������� ``(4) The aggregate outstanding amount guaranteed by the 
��������Secretary of Energy at any time under this subsection shall not 
��������exceed $2,000,000,000.
[[Page 119 STAT. 768]]
����������� ``(5) <<NOTE: Appropriation authorization.>> The Secretary 
��������of Energy may issue such regulations as the Secretary of Energy 
��������determines are necessary to carry out this subsection.
����������� ``(6) There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as 
��������are necessary to carry out this subsection, to remain available 
��������until expended.
����������� ``(7) <<NOTE: Deadline. Reports.>> Not later than 1 year 
��������after the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary of 
��������Energy shall submit to Congress a report on the financing 
��������requirements of Indian tribes for energy development on Indian 
��� ``(d) Preference.--
����������� ``(1) In purchasing electricity or any other energy product 
��������or byproduct, a Federal agency or department may give preference 
��������to an energy and resource production enterprise, partnership, 
�������consortium, corporation, or other type of business organization 
��������the majority of the interest in which is owned and controlled by 
��������1 or more Indian tribes.
����������� ``(2) In carrying out this subsection, a Federal agency or 
��������department shall not--
������������������� ``(A) pay more than the prevailing market price for 
����������������an energy product or byproduct; or
������������������� ``(B) obtain less than prevailing market terms and 
��� ``(a) Grants.--The Secretary may provide to Indian tribes, on an 
annual basis, grants for use in accordance with subsection (b).
��� ``(b) Use of Funds.--Funds from a grant provided under this section 
may be used--
����������� ``(1)(A) by an Indian tribe for the development of a tribal 
��������energy resource inventory or tribal energy resource on Indian 
����������� ``(B) by an Indian tribe for the development of a 
��������feasibility study or other report necessary to the development 
��������of energy resources on Indian land;
����������� ``(C) by an Indian tribe (other than an Indian Tribe in the 
��������State of Alaska, except the Metlakatla Indian Community) for--
������������������� ``(i) the development and enforcement of tribal laws 
����������������(including regulations) relating to tribal energy 
����������������resource development; and
��������� ����������``(ii) the development of technical infrastructure 
����������������to protect the environment under applicable law; or
����������� ``(D) by a Native Corporation for the development and 
��������implementation of corporate policies and the development of 
��������technical infrastructure to protect the environment under 
��������applicable law; and
����������� ``(2) by an Indian tribe for the training of employees 
������������������� ``(A) are engaged in the development of energy 
����������������resources on Indian land; or
������������������� ``(B) are responsible for protecting the 
��� ``(c) Other Assistance.--
����������� ``(1) In carrying out the obligations of the United States 
��������under this title, the Secretary shall ensure, to the maximum 
��������extent practicable and to the extent of available resources, 
��������that on the request of an Indian tribe, the Indian tribe shall
[[Page 119 STAT. 769]]
������� have available scientific and technical information and 
��������expertise, for use in the regulation, development, and 
��������management of energy resources of the Indian tribe on Indian 
����������� ``(2) The Secretary may carry out paragraph (1)--
����������������� ��``(A) directly, through the use of Federal 
����������������officials; or
������������������� ``(B) indirectly, by providing financial assistance 
����������������to an Indian tribe to secure independent assistance.
��� ``(a) Leases and Business Agreements.--In accordance with this 
����������� ``(1) an Indian tribe may, at the discretion of the Indian 
��������tribe, enter into a lease or business agreement for the purpose 
��������of energy resource development on tribal land, including a lease 
��������or business agreement for--
������������������� ``(A) exploration for, extraction of, processing of, 
����������������or other development of the energy mineral resources of 
����������������the Indian tribe located on tribal land; or
������������������� ``(B) construction or operation of--
������������������������� ``(i) an electric generation, transmission, or 
����������������������distribution facility located on tribal land; or
������������������������� ``(ii) a facility to process or refine energy 
����������������������resources developed on tribal land; and
����������� ``(2) a lease or business agreement described in paragraph 
��������(1) shall not require review by or the approval of the Secretary 
��������under section 2103 of the Revised Statutes (25 U.S.C. 81), or 
��������any other provision of law, if--
������������������� ``(A) the lease or business agreement is executed 
����������������pursuant to a tribal energy resource agreement approved 
����������������by the Secretary under subsection (e);
������������������� ``(B) the term of the lease or business agreement 
����������������does not exceed--
������������������������� ``(i) 30 years; or
������������������������� ``(ii) in the case of a lease for the 
����������������������production of oil resources, gas resources, or 
����������������������both, 10 years and as long thereafter as oil or 
����������������������gas is produced in paying quantities; and
������������������� ``(C) the Indian tribe has entered into a tribal 
����������������energy resource agreement with the Secretary, as 
����������������described in subsection (e), relating to the development 
����������������of energy resources on tribal land (including the 
����������������periodic review and evaluation of the activities of the 
����������������Indian tribe under the agreement, to be conducted 
����������������pursuant to subsection (e)(2)(D)(i)).
��� ``(b) Rights-of-Way for Pipelines or Electric Transmission or 
Distribution Lines.--An Indian tribe may grant a right-of-way over 
tribal land for a pipeline or an electric transmission or distribution 
line without review or approval by the Secretary if--
����������� ``(1) the right-of-way is executed in accordance with a 
��������tribal energy resource agreement approved by the Secretary under 
��������subsection (e);
����������� ``(2) the term of the right-of-way does not exceed 30 years;
����������� ``(3) the pipeline or electric transmission or distribution 
��������line serves--
[[Page 119 STAT. 770]]
������������������� ``(A) an electric generation, transmission, or 
����������������distribution facility located on tribal land; or
������������������� ``(B) a facility located on tribal land that 
����������������processes or refines energy resources developed on 
����������������tribal land; and
����������� ``(4) the Indian tribe has entered into a tribal energy 
��������resource agreement with the Secretary, as described in 
��������subsection (e), relating to the development of energy resources 
��������on tribal land (including the periodic review and evaluation of 
��������the activities of the Indian tribe under an agreement described 
��������in subparagraphs (D) and (E) of subsection (e)(2)).
��� ``(c) Renewals.--A lease or business agreement entered into, or a 
right-of-way granted, by an Indian tribe under this section may be 
renewed at the discretion of the Indian tribe in accordance with this 
��� ``(d) Validity.--No lease, business agreement, or right-of-way 
relating to the development of tribal energy resources under this 
section shall be valid unless the lease, business agreement, or right-
of-way is authorized by a tribal energy resource agreement approved by 
the Secretary under subsection (e)(2).
��� ``(e) Tribal Energy Resource Agreements.--
����������� ``(1) On the date on which regulations are promulgated under 
��������paragraph (8), an Indian tribe may submit to the Secretary for 
��������approval a tribal energy resource agreement governing leases, 
��������business agreements, and rights-of-way under this section.
����������� ``(2)(A) <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> Not later than 270 days after 
��������the date on which the Secretary receives a tribal energy 
��������resource agreement from an Indian tribe under paragraph (1), or 
��������not later than 60 days after the Secretary receives a revised 
��������tribal energy resource agreement from an Indian tribe under 
��������paragraph (4)(C) (or a later date, as agreed to by the Secretary 
��������and the Indian tribe), the Secretary shall approve or disapprove 
��������the tribal energy resource agreement.
 �����������``(B) The Secretary shall approve a tribal energy resource 
��������agreement submitted under paragraph (1) if--
������������������� ``(i) the Secretary determines that the Indian tribe 
����������������has demonstrated that the Indian tribe has sufficient 
����������������capacity to regulate the development of energy resources 
����������������of the Indian tribe;
������������������� ``(ii) the tribal energy resource agreement includes 
����������������provisions required under subparagraph (D); and
������������������� ``(iii) the tribal energy resource agreement 
����������������includes provisions that, with respect to a lease, 
����������������business agreement, or right-of-way under this section--
������������������������� ``(I) ensure the acquisition of necessary 
����������������������information from the applicant for the lease, 
����������������������business agreement, or right-of-way;
������������������������� ``(II) address the term of the lease or 
����������������������business agreement or the term of conveyance of 
����������������������the right-of-way;
������������������������� ``(III) address amendments and renewals;
������������������������� ``(IV) address the economic return to the 
����������������������Indian tribe under leases, business agreements, 
����������������������and rights-of-way;
������������������������� ``(V) address technical or other relevant 
[[Page 119 STAT. 771]]
������������������������� ``(VI) establish requirements for 
����������������������environmental review in accordance with 
����������������������subparagraph (C);
������������������������� ``(VII) ensure compliance with all applicable 
����������������������environmental laws, including a requirement that 
����������������������each lease, business agreement, and right-of-way 
����������������������state that the lessee, operator, or right-of-way 
����������������������grantee shall comply with all such laws;
��������������������� ����``(VIII) identify final approval authority;
������������������������� ``(IX) provide for public notification of 
����������������������final approvals;
������������������������� ``(X) establish a process for consultation 
����������������������with any affected States regarding off-reservation 
����������������������impacts, if any, identified under subparagraph 
������������������������� ``(XI) describe the remedies for breach of the 
����������������������lease, business agreement, or right-of-way;
������������������������� ``(XII) require each lease, business 
����������������������agreement, and right-of-way to include a statement 
����������������������that, if any of its provisions violates an express 
����������������������term or requirement of the tribal energy resource 
����������������������agreement pursuant to which the lease, business 
����������������������agreement, or right-of-way was executed--
����������������������������������� ``(aa) the provision shall be null 
��������������������������������and void; and
����������������������������������� ``(bb) if the Secretary determines 
��������������������������������the provision to be material, the 
��������������������������������Secretary may suspend or rescind the 
��������������������������������lease, business agreement, or right-of-
������������������������������� way or take other appropriate action 
��������������������������������that the Secretary determines to be in 
��������������������������������the best interest of the Indian tribe;
������������������������� ``(XIII) require each lease, business 
����������������������agreement, and right-of-way to provide that it 
����������������������will become effective on the date on which a copy 
����������������������of the executed lease, business agreement, or 
����������������������right-of-way is delivered to the Secretary in 
����������������������accordance with regulations promulgated under 
����������������������paragraph (8);
������������������������� ``(XIV) include citations to tribal laws, 
����������������������regulations, or procedures, if any, that set out 
����������������������tribal remedies that must be exhausted before a 
����������������������petition may be submitted to the Secretary under 
����������������������paragraph (7)(B);
������������������������� ``(XV) specify the financial assistance, if 
����������������������any, to be provided by the Secretary to the Indian 
����������������������tribe to assist in implementation of the tribal 
����������������������energy resource agreement, including environmental 
����������������������review of individual projects; and
������������������������� ``(XVI) in accordance with the regulations 
����������������������promulgated by the Secretary under paragraph (8), 
����������������������require that the Indian tribe, as soon as 
����������������������practicable after receipt of a notice by the 
����������������������Indian tribe, give written notice to the Secretary 
����������������������������������� ``(aa) any breach or other violation 
��������������������������������by another party of any provision in a 
��������������������������������lease, business agreement, or right-of-
������ �������������������������way entered into under the tribal energy 
��������������������������������resource agreement; and
����������������������������������� ``(bb) any activity or occurrence 
��������������������������������under a lease, business agreement, or 
��������������������������������right-of-way that constitutes a 
��������������������������������violation of Federal or tribal 
��������������������������������environmental laws.
[[Page 119 STAT. 772]]
������������������� ``(C) Tribal energy resource agreements submitted 
����������������under paragraph (1) shall establish, and include 
����������������provisions to ensure compliance with, an environmental 
����������������review process that, with respect to a lease, business 
����������������agreement, or right-of-way under this section, provides 
����������������for, at a minimum--
������������������������� ``(i) the identification and evaluation of all 
����������������������significant environmental effects (as compared to 
����������������������a no-action alternative), including effects on 
����������������������cultural resources;
������������������������� ``(ii) the identification of proposed 
����������������������mitigation measures, if any, and incorporation of 
����������������������appropriate mitigation measures into the lease, 
����������������������business agreement, or right-of-way;
������������������������� ``(iii) a process for ensuring that--
����������������������������������� ``(I) the public is informed of, and 
��������������������������������has an opportunity to comment on, the 
��������������������������������environmental impacts of the proposed 
��������������������������������action; and
����������������������������������� ``(II) responses to relevant and 
��������������������������������substantive comments are provided, 
��������������������������������before tribal approval of the lease, 
��������������������������������business agreement, or right-of-way;
������������������������� ``(iv) sufficient administrative support and 
����������������������technical capability to carry out the 
����������������������environmental review process; and
������������������������� ``(v) oversight by the Indian tribe of energy 
����������������������development activities by any other party under 
����������������������any lease, business agreement, or right-of-way 
����������������������entered into pursuant to the tribal energy 
����������������������resource agreement, to determine whether the 
����������������������activities are in compliance with the tribal 
����������������������energy resource agreement and applicable Federal 
����������������������environmental laws.
������������������� ``(D) A tribal energy resource agreement between the 
����������������Secretary and an Indian tribe under this subsection 
����������������shall include--
������������������������� ``(i) provisions requiring the Secretary to 
����������������������conduct a periodic review and evaluation to 
����������������������monitor the performance of the activities of the 
����������������������Indian tribe associated with the development of 
����������������������energy resources under the tribal energy resource 
����������������������agreement; and
������������������������� ``(ii) if a periodic review and evaluation, or 
����������������������an investigation, by the Secretary of any breach 
����������������������or violation described in a notice provided by the 
����������������������Indian tribe to the Secretary in accordance with 
����������������������subparagraph (B)(iii)(XVI), results in a finding 
����������������������by the Secretary of imminent jeopardy to a 
����������������������physical trust asset arising from a violation of 
����������������������the tribal energy resource agreement or applicable 
����������������������Federal laws, provisions authorizing the Secretary 
����������������������to take actions determined by the Secretary to be 
����������������������necessary to protect the asset, including 
����������������������reassumption of responsibility for activities 
����������������������associated with the development of energy 
����������������������resources on tribal land until the violation and 
����������������������any condition that caused the jeopardy are 
������������������� ``(E) Periodic review and evaluation under 
����������������subparagraph (D) shall be conducted on an annual basis, 
����������������except that, after the third annual review and 
����������������evaluation, the Secretary and the Indian tribe may 
����������������mutually agree to amend the tribal energy resource 
����������������agreement to authorize
[[Page 119 STAT. 773]]
��������������� the review and evaluation under subparagraph (D) to be 
����������������conducted once every 2 years.
����������� ``(3) <<NOTE: Notice. Public information.>> The Secretary 
��������shall provide notice and opportunity for public comment on 
��������tribal energy resource agreements submitted for approval under 
��������paragraph (1). The Secretary's review of a tribal energy 
��������resource agreement shall be limited to activities specified by 
��������the provisions of the tribal energy resource agreement.
����������� ``(4) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> If the Secretary disapproves a 
�������tribal energy resource agreement submitted by an Indian tribe 
��������under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall, not later than 10 days 
��������after the date of disapproval--
������������������� ``(A) <<NOTE: Notification.>> notify the Indian 
����������������tribe in writing of the basis for the disapproval;
������������������� ``(B) identify what changes or other actions are 
����������������required to address the concerns of the Secretary; and
������������������� ``(C) provide the Indian tribe with an opportunity 
����������������to revise and resubmit the tribal energy resource 
����������� ``(5) If an Indian tribe executes a lease or business 
��������agreement, or grants a right-of-way, in accordance with a tribal 
��������energy resource agreement approved under this subsection, the 
��������Indian tribe shall, in accordance with the process and 
��������requirements under regulations promulgated under paragraph (8), 
��������provide to the Secretary--
������������������ ``(A) <<NOTE: Records.>> a copy of the lease, 
����������������business agreement, or right-of-way document (including 
����������������all amendments to and renewals of the document); and
������������������� ``(B) in the case of a tribal energy resource 
����������������agreement or a lease, business agreement, or right-of-
��������������� way that permits payments to be made directly to the 
����������������Indian tribe, information and documentation of those 
����������������payments sufficient to enable the Secretary to discharge 
����������������the trust responsibility of the United States to enforce 
����������������the terms of, and protect the rights of the Indian tribe 
����������������under, the lease, business agreement, or right-of-way.
������ �����``(6)(A) In carrying out this section, the Secretary shall--
������������������� ``(i) act in accordance with the trust 
����������������responsibility of the United States relating to mineral 
����������������and other trust resources; and
��������� ����������``(ii) act in good faith and in the best interests 
����������������of the Indian tribes.
����������� ``(B) Subject to the provisions of subsections (a)(2), (b), 
��������and (c) waiving the requirement of Secretarial approval of 
��������leases, business agreements, and rights-of-way executed pursuant 
��������to tribal energy resource agreements approved under this 
��������section, and the provisions of subparagraph (D), nothing in this 
��������section shall absolve the United States from any responsibility 
��������to Indians or Indian tribes, including, but not limited to, 
��������those which derive from the trust relationship or from any 
��������treaties, statutes, and other laws of the United States, 
��������Executive orders, or agreements between the United States and 
��������any Indian tribe.
����������� ``(C) The Secretary shall continue to fulfill the trust 
��������obligation of the United States to ensure that the rights and 
��������interests of an Indian tribe are protected if--
������������������� ``(i) any other party to a lease, business 
����������������agreement, or right-of-way violates any applicable 
����������������Federal law or the
[[Page 119 STAT. 774]]
��������������� terms of any lease, business agreement, or right-of-way 
����������������under this section; or
������������������� ``(ii) any provision in a lease, business agreement, 
����������������or right-of-way violates the tribal energy resource 
����������������agreement pursuant to which the lease, business 
����������������agreement, or right-of-way was executed.
����������� ``(D)(i) In this subparagraph, the term `negotiated term' 
��������means any term or provision that is negotiated by an Indian 
��������tribe and any other party to a lease, business agreement, or 
��������right-of-way entered into pursuant to an approved tribal energy 
��������resource agreement.
����������� ``(ii) Notwithstanding subparagraph (B), the United States 
��������shall not be liable to any party (including any Indian tribe) 
�������for any negotiated term of, or any loss resulting from the 
��������negotiated terms of, a lease, business agreement, or right-of-
������� way executed pursuant to and in accordance with a tribal energy 
��������resource agreement approved by the Secretary under paragraph 
����������� ``(7)(A) In this paragraph, the term `interested party' 
��������means any person (including an entity) that has demonstrated 
��������that an interest of the person has sustained, or will sustain, 
�������an adverse environmental impact as a result of the failure of an 
��������Indian tribe to comply with a tribal energy resource agreement 
��������of the Indian tribe approved by the Secretary under paragraph 
����������� ``(B) After exhaustion of any tribal remedy, and in 
��������accordance with regulations promulgated by the Secretary under 
��������paragraph (8), an interested party may submit to the Secretary a 
��������petition to review the compliance by an Indian tribe with a 
��������tribal energy resource agreement of the Indian tribe approved by 
��������the Secretary under paragraph (2).
����������� ``(C)(i) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Not later than 20 days after 
��������the date on which the Secretary receives a petition under 
��������subparagraph (B), the Secretary shall--
������������������� ``(I) <<NOTE: Records.>> provide to the Indian tribe 
����������������a copy of the petition; and
������������������� ``(II) consult with the Indian tribe regarding any 
����������������noncompliance alleged in the petition.
����������� ``(ii) <<NOTE: Deadline. Claims.>> Not later than 45 days 
��������after the date on which a consultation under clause (i)(II) 
��������takes place, the Indian tribe shall respond to any claim made in 
��������a petition under subparagraph (B).
����������� ``(iii) The Secretary shall act in accordance with 
��������subparagraphs (D) and (E) only if the Indian tribe--
������������������� ``(I) denies, or fails to respond to, each claim 
����������������made in the petition within the period described in 
����������������clause (ii); or
������������������� ``(II) fails, refuses, or is unable to cure or 
����������������otherwise resolve each claim made in the petition within 
����������������a reasonable period, as determined by the Secretary, 
����������������after the expiration of the period described in clause 
����������� ``(D)(i) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Not later than 120 days after 
��������the date on which the Secretary receives a petition under 
��������subparagraph (B), the Secretary shall determine whether the 
��������Indian tribe is not in compliance with the tribal energy 
��������resource agreement.
����������� ``(ii) The Secretary may adopt procedures under paragraph 
��������(8) authorizing an extension of time, not to exceed 120 days,
[[Page 119 STAT. 775]]
������� for making the determination under clause (i) in any case in 
��������which the Secretary determines that additional time is necessary 
��������to evaluate the allegations of the petition.
����������� ``(iii) Subject to subparagraph (E), if the Secretary 
��������determines that the Indian tribe is not in compliance with the 
��������tribal energy resource agreement, the Secretary shall take such 
��������action as the Secretary determines to be necessary to ensure 
��������compliance with the tribal energy resource agreement, 
������������������� ``(I) temporarily suspending any activity under a 
����������������lease, business agreement, or right-of-way under this 
����������������section until the Indian tribe is in compliance with the 
����������������approved tribal energy resource agreement; or
������������������� ``(II) rescinding approval of all or part of the 
����������������tribal energy resource agreement, and if all of the 
����������������agreement is rescinded, reassuming the responsibility 
����������������for approval of any future leases, business agreements, 
����������������or rights-of-way described in subsection (a) or (b).
����������� ``(E) Before taking an action described in subparagraph 
��������(D)(iii), the Secretary shall--
������������������� ``(i) make a written determination that describes 
����������������the manner in which the tribal energy resource agreement 
����������������has been violated;
������������������� ``(ii) <<NOTE: Notice.>> provide the Indian tribe 
����������������with a written notice of the violations together with 
����������������the written determination; and
����������������� ��``(iii) before taking any action described in 
����������������subparagraph (D)(iii) or seeking any other remedy, 
����������������provide the Indian tribe with a hearing and a reasonable 
����������������opportunity to attain compliance with the tribal energy 
����������������resource agreement.
����������� ``(F) An Indian tribe described in subparagraph (E) shall 
��������retain all rights to appeal under any regulation promulgated by 
��������the Secretary.
����������� ``(8) <<NOTE: Deadline. Regulations.>> Not later than 1 year 
��������after the date of enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, 
��������the Secretary shall promulgate regulations that implement this 
��������subsection, including--
�� �����������������``(A) criteria to be used in determining the 
����������������capacity of an Indian tribe under paragraph (2)(B)(i), 
����������������including the experience of the Indian tribe in managing 
����������������natural resources and financial and administrative 
����������������resources available for use by the Indian tribe in 
����������������implementing the approved tribal energy resource 
����������������agreement of the Indian tribe;
������������������� ``(B) a process and requirements in accordance with 
����������������which an Indian tribe may--
������������������������� ``(i) voluntarily rescind a tribal energy 
����������������������resource agreement approved by the Secretary under 
����������������������this subsection; and
������ �������������������``(ii) return to the Secretary the 
����������������������responsibility to approve any future lease, 
����������������������business agreement, or right-of-way under this 
������������������� ``(C) provisions establishing the scope of, and 
����������������procedures for, the periodic review and evaluation 
����������������described in subparagraphs (D) and (E) of paragraph (2), 
[[Page 119 STAT. 776]]
��������������� provisions for review of transactions, reports, site 
����������������inspections, and any other review activities the 
����������������Secretary determines to be appropriate; and
������������������� ``(D) provisions describing final agency actions 
����������������after exhaustion of administrative appeals from 
����������������determinations of the Secretary under paragraph (7).
��� ``(f) No Effect on Other Law.--Nothing in this section affects the 
application of--
����������� ``(1) any Federal environmental law;
����������� ``(2) the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 
��������(30 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.); or
����������� ``(3) except as otherwise provided in this title, the Indian 
��������Mineral Development Act of 1982 (25 U.S.C. 2101 et seq.).
��� ``(g) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary such sums as are necessary for each of 
fiscal years 2006 through 2016 to carry out this section and to make 
grants or provide other appropriate assistance to Indian tribes to 
assist the Indian tribes in developing and implementing tribal energy 
resource agreements in accordance with this section.
��� ``(a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� ``(1) The term `Administrator' means the Administrator of 
��������the Bonneville Power Administration and the Administrator of the 
��������Western Area Power Administration.
����������� ``(2) The term `power marketing administration' means--
������������������� ``(A) the Bonneville Power Administration;
������������������� ``(B) the Western Area Power Administration; and
������������������� ``(C) any other power administration the power 
����������������allocation of which is used by or for the benefit of an 
����������������Indian tribe located in the service area of the 
��� ``(b) Encouragement of Indian Tribal Energy Development.--Each 
Administrator shall encourage Indian tribal energy development by taking 
such actions as the Administrators determine to be appropriate, 
including administration of programs of the power marketing 
administration, in accordance with this section.
��� ``(c) Action by Administrators.--In carrying out this section, in 
accordance with laws in existence on the date of enactment of the Energy 
Policy Act of 2005--
����������� ``(1) each Administrator shall consider the unique 
��������relationship that exists between the United States and Indian 
����������� ``(2) power allocations from the Western Area Power 
��������Administration to Indian tribes may be used to meet firming and 
��������reserve needs of Indian-owned energy projects on Indian land;
����������� ``(3) the Administrator of the Western Area Power 
��������Administration may purchase non-federally generated power from 
��������Indian tribes to meet the firming and reserve requirements of 
��������the Western Area Power Administration; and
����������� ``(4) each Administrator shall not--
������������������� ``(A) pay more than the prevailing market price for 
����������������an energy product; or
������������������� ``(B) obtain less than prevailing market terms and 
��� ``(d) Assistance for Transmission System Use.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 777]]
����������� ``(1) An Administrator may provide technical assistance to 
��������Indian tribes seeking to use the high-voltage transmission 
��������system for delivery of electric power.
����������� ``(2) The costs of technical assistance provided under 
��������paragraph (1) shall be funded--
������������������� ``(A) by the Secretary of Energy using 
����������������nonreimbursable funds appropriated for that purpose; or
�������������� �����``(B) by any appropriate Indian tribe.
��� ``(e) Power Allocation Study.--
Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Reports.>> later than 2 years after the date of 
enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the Secretary of Energy 
shall submit to Congress a report that--
����������� ``(1) describes the use by Indian tribes of Federal power 
��������allocations of the power marketing administration (or power sold 
��������by the Southwestern Power Administration) to or for the benefit 
��������of Indian tribes in a service area of the power marketing 
��������administration; and
����������� ``(2) identifies--
������������������� ``(A) the quantity of power allocated to, or used 
����������������for the benefit of, Indian tribes by the Western Area 
����������������Power Administration;
������������������� ``(B) the quantity of power sold to Indian tribes by 
����������������any other power marketing administration; and
������������������� ``(C) barriers that impede tribal access to and use 
����������������of Federal power, including an assessment of 
����������������opportunities to remove those barriers and improve the 
����������������ability of power marketing administrations to deliver 
����������������Federal power.
��� ``(f) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $750,000, non-reimbursable, to 
remain available until expended.
��� ``(a) Study.--The Secretary of Energy, in coordination with the 
Secretary of the Army and the Secretary, shall conduct a study of the 
cost and feasibility of developing a demonstration project that uses 
wind energy generated by Indian tribes and hydropower generated by the 
Army Corps of Engineers on the Missouri River to supply firming power to 
the Western Area Power Administration.
��� ``(b) Scope of Study.--The study shall--
����������� ``(1) determine the economic and engineering feasibility of 
��������blending wind energy and hydropower generated from the Missouri 
��������River dams operated by the Army Corps of Engineers, including an 
��������assessment of the costs and benefits of blending wind energy and 
��������hydropower compared to current sources used for firming power to 
��������the Western Area Power Administration;
����������� ``(2) review historical and projected requirements for, 
��������patterns of availability and use of, and reasons for historical 
�������patterns concerning the availability of firming power;
����������� ``(3) assess the wind energy resource potential on tribal 
��������land and projected cost savings through a blend of wind and 
��������hydropower over a 30-year period;
����������� ``(4) determine seasonal capacity needs and associated 
��������transmission upgrades for integration of tribal wind generation 
��������and identify costs associated with these activities;
����������� ``(5) include an independent tribal engineer and a Western 
��������Area Power Administration customer representative as study team 
��������members; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 778]]
����������� ``(6) incorporate, to the extent appropriate, the results of 
��������the Dakotas Wind Transmission study prepared by the Western Area 
��������Power Administration.
��� ``(c) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of 
the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary, 
and the Secretary of the Army shall submit to Congress a report that 
describes the results of the study, including--
����������� ``(1) an analysis and comparison of the potential energy 
��������cost or benefits to the customers of the Western Area Power 
��������Administration through the use of combined wind and hydropower;
����������� ``(2) an economic and engineering evaluation of whether a 
��������combined wind and hydropower system can reduce reservoir 
��������fluctuation, enhance efficient and reliable energy production, 
��������and provide Missouri River management flexibility;
����������� ``(3) if found feasible, recommendations for a demonstration 
��������project to be carried out by the Western Area Power 
��������Administration, in partnership with an Indian tribal government 
��������or tribal energy resource development organization, and Western 
��������Area Power Administration customers to demonstrate the 
��������feasibility and potential of using wind energy produced on 
��������Indian land to supply firming energy to the Western Area Power 
��������Administration; and
����������� ``(4) an identification of--
������������������� ``(A) the economic and environmental costs of, or 
����������������benefits to be realized through, a Federal-tribal-
��������������� customer partnership; and
������������������� ``(B) the manner in which a Federal-tribal-customer 
����������������partnership could contribute to the energy security of 
����������������the United States.
��� ``(d) Funding.--
����������� ``(1) Authorization of appropriations.--There is authorized 
��������to be appropriated to carry out this section $1,000,000, to 
��������remain available until expended.
����������� ``(2) Nonreimbursability.--Costs incurred by the Secretary 
��������in carrying out this section shall be nonreimbursable.''.
��� (b) Conforming Amendments.--The table of contents for the Energy 
Policy Act of 1992 is amended by striking the items relating to title 
XXVI and inserting the following:
``Sec. 2601. Definitions.
``Sec. 2602. Indian tribal energy resource development.
``Sec. 2603. Indian tribal energy resource regulation.
``Sec. 2604. Leases, business agreements, and rights-of-way involving 
�����������energy development or transmission.
``Sec. 2605. Federal Power Marketing Administrations.
``Sec. 2606. Wind and hydropower feasibility study.''.
��� In carrying out this title and the amendments made by this title, 
the Secretary and the Secretary of the Interior shall, as appropriate 
and to the maximum extent practicable, involve and consult with Indian 
��� (a) Transmission Line Project.--The Dine Power Authority, an 
enterprise of the Navajo Nation, shall be eligible to receive grants and 
other assistance under section 217 of the Department of Energy 
Organization Act, as added by section 502, and section
[[Page 119 STAT. 779]]
2602 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, as amended by this Act, for 
activities associated with the development of a transmission line from 
the Four Corners Area to southern Nevada, including related power 
generation opportunities.
��� (b) Navajo Electrification.--Section 602 of Public Law 106-511 (114 
Stat. 2376) is amended--
����������� (1) in subsection (a)--
������������������� (A) in the first sentence, by striking ``5-year'' 
����������������and inserting ``10-year''; and
������� ������������(B) in the third sentence, by striking ``2006'' and 
����������������inserting ``2011''; and
����������� (2) in the first sentence of subsection (e) by striking 
��������``2006'' and inserting ``2011''.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 
shall promote energy conservation in housing that is located on Indian 
land and assisted with Federal resources through--
������ �����(1) the use of energy-efficient technologies and innovations 
��������(including the procurement of energy-efficient refrigerators and 
��������other appliances);
����������� (2) the promotion of shared savings contracts; and
����������� (3) the use and implementation of such other similar 
��������technologies and innovations as the Secretary of Housing and 
��������Urban Development considers to be appropriate.
��� (b) Amendment.--Section 202(2) of the Native American Housing and 
Self-Determination Act of 1996 (25 U.S.C. 4132(2)) is amended by 
inserting ``improvement to achieve greater energy efficiency,'' after 
����������������������� TITLE VI--NUCLEAR MATTERS
Subtitle A--Price-Anderson <<NOTE: Price-Anderson Amendments Act of 
2005.>> Act Amendments
SEC. 601. <<NOTE: 42 USC 2011 note.>> SHORT TITLE.
��� This subtitle may be cited as the ``Price-Anderson Amendments Act of 
��� (a) Indemnification of Nuclear Regulatory Commission Licensees.--
Section 170 c. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2210(c)) is 
����������� (1) in the subsection heading, by striking ``Licenses'' and 
��������inserting ``Licensees''; and
����������� (2) by striking ``December 31, 2003'' each place it appears 
��������and inserting ``December 31, 2025''.
��� (b) Indemnification of Department Contractors.--Section 170 d.(1)(A) 
of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2210(d)(1)(A)) is amended by 
striking ``December 31, 2006'' and inserting ``December 31, 2025''.
��� (c) Indemnification of Nonprofit Educational Institutions.--Section 
170 k. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2210(k)) is amended 
by striking ``August 1, 2002'' each place it appears and inserting 
``December 31, 2025''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 780]]
��� Section 170 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2210) is 
����������� (1) in the second proviso of the third sentence of 
��������subsection b.(1)--
�������� �����������(A) by striking ``$63,000,000'' and inserting 
����������������``$95,800,000''; and
������������������� (B) by striking ``$10,000,000 in any 1 year'' and 
����������������inserting ``$15,000,000 in any 1 year (subject to 
����������������adjustment for inflation under subsection t.)''; and
����������� (2) in subsection t.(1)--
������������������� (A) by inserting ``total and annual'' after ``amount 
����������������of the maximum'';
������������������� (B) by striking ``the date of the enactment of the 
����������������Price-Anderson Amendments Act of 1988'' and inserting 
����������������``August 20, 2003''; and
������������������� (C) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``such date of 
����������������enactment'' and inserting ``August 20, 2003''.
��� (a) Indemnification of Department Contractors.--Section 170 d. of 
the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2210(d)) is amended by striking 
paragraph (2) and inserting the following:
��� ``(2) In an agreement of indemnification entered into under 
paragraph (1), the Secretary--
����������� ``(A) may require the contractor to provide and maintain 
��������financial protection of such a type and in such amounts as the 
��������Secretary shall determine to be appropriate to cover public 
��������liability arising out of or in connection with the contractual 
��������activity; and
����������� ``(B) shall indemnify the persons indemnified against such 
��������liability above the amount of the financial protection required, 
��������in the amount of $10,000,000,000 (subject to adjustment for 
��������inflation under subsection t.), in the aggregate, for all 
��������persons indemnified in connection with the contract and for each 
�������nuclear incident, including such legal costs of the contractor 
��������as are approved by the Secretary.''.
��� (b) Contract Amendments.--Section 170 d. of the Atomic Energy Act of 
1954 (42 U.S.C. 2210(d)) is further amended by striking paragraph (3) 
and inserting the following--
��� ``(3) All agreements of indemnification under which the Department 
of Energy (or its predecessor agencies) may be required to indemnify any 
person under this section shall be deemed to be amended, on the date of 
enactment of the Price-Anderson Amendments Act of 2005, to reflect the 
amount of indemnity for public liability and any applicable financial 
protection required of the contractor under this subsection.''.
��� (c) Liability Limit.--Section 170 e.(1)(B) of the Atomic Energy Act 
of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2210(e)(1)(B)) is amended--
����������� (1) by striking ``the maximum amount of financial protection 
��������required under subsection b. or''; and
����������� (2) by striking ``paragraph (3) of subsection d., whichever 
��������amount is more'' and inserting ``paragraph (2) of subsection 
[[Page 119 STAT. 781]]
��� (a) Amount of Indemnification.--Section 170 d.(5) of the Atomic 
Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2210(d)(5)) is amended by striking 
``$100,000,000'' and inserting ``$500,000,000''.
��� (b) Liability Limit.--Section 170 e.(4) of the Atomic Energy Act of 
1954 (42 U.S.C. 2210(e)(4)) is amended by striking ``$100,000,000'' and 
inserting ``$500,000,000''.
��� Section 170 p. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2210(p)) 
is amended by striking ``August 1, 1998'' and inserting ``December 31, 
��� Section 170 t. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2210(t)) 
is amended--
����������� (1) by redesignating paragraph (2) as paragraph (3); and
����������� (2) by inserting after paragraph (1) the following:
��� ``(2) The Secretary shall adjust the amount of indemnification 
provided under an agreement of indemnification under subsection d. not 
less than once during each 5-year period following July 1, 2003, in 
accordance with the aggregate percentage change in the Consumer Price 
Index since--
����������� ``(A) that date, in the case of the first adjustment under 
��������this paragraph; or
����������� ``(B) the previous adjustment under this paragraph.''.
��� Section 170 b. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2210(b)) 
is amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(5)(A) For purposes of this section only, the Commission shall 
consider a combination of facilities described in subparagraph (B) to be 
a single facility having a rated capacity of 100,000 electrical 
kilowatts or more.
��� ``(B) A combination of facilities referred to in subparagraph (A) is 
two or more facilities located at a single site, each of which has a 
rated capacity of 100,000 electrical kilowatts or more but not more than 
300,000 electrical kilowatts, with a combined rated capacity of not more 
than 1,300,000 electrical kilowatts.''.
SEC. 609. <<NOTE: 42 USC 2210 note.>> APPLICABILITY.
��� The amendments made by sections 603, 604, and 605 do not apply to a 
nuclear incident that occurs before the date of the enactment of this 
��� (a) Repeal of Automatic Remission.--Section 234A b.(2) of the Atomic 
Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2282a(b)(2)) is amended by striking the 
last sentence.
��� (b) Limitation for Not-for-Profit Institutions.--Subsection d. of 
section 234A of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2282a(d)) is 
amended to read as follows:
��� ``d.(1) Notwithstanding subsection a., in the case of any not-for-
profit contractor, subcontractor, or supplier, the total amount of civil 
penalties paid under subsection a. may not exceed the total amount of 
fees paid within any 1-year period (as determined by the Secretary) 
under the contract under which the violation occurs.
[[Page 119 STAT. 782]]
��� ``(2) For purposes of this section, the term `not-for-profit' means 
that no part of the net earnings of the contractor, subcontractor, or 
supplier inures to the benefit of any natural person or for-profit 
artificial person.''.
��� (c) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 42 USC 2282a note.>> amendments 
made by this section shall not apply to any violation of the Atomic 
Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) occurring under a contract 
entered into before the date of enactment of this section.
������������������ Subtitle B--General Nuclear Matters
��� Section 103 c. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2133(c)) 
is amended by inserting ``from the authorization to commence 
operations'' after ``forty years''.
��� (a) In General.--Chapter 19 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 is 
amended by inserting after section 242 (42 U.S.C. 2015a) the following:
��� ``a. Scholarship Program.--To enable students to study, for at least 
1 academic semester or equivalent term, science, engineering, or another 
field of study that the Commission determines is in a critical skill 
area related to the regulatory mission of the Commission, the Commission 
may carry out a program to--
����������� ``(1) award scholarships to undergraduate students who--
������������������� ``(A) are United States citizens; and
���� ���������������``(B) enter into an agreement under subsection c. to 
����������������be employed by the Commission in the area of study for 
����������������which the scholarship is awarded.
��� ``b. Fellowship Program.--To enable students to pursue education in 
science, engineering, or another field of study that the Commission 
determines is in a critical skill area related to its regulatory 
mission, in a graduate or professional degree program offered by an 
institution of higher education in the United States, the Commission may 
carry out a program to--
����������� ``(1) award fellowships to graduate students who--
������������������� ``(A) are United States citizens; and
������������������� ``(B) enter into an agreement under subsection c. to 
����������������be employed by the Commission in the area of study for 
����������������which the fellowship is awarded.
��� ``c. Requirements.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--As a condition of receiving a scholarship 
��������or fellowship under subsection a. or b., a recipient of the 
��������scholarship or fellowship shall enter into an agreement with the 
��������Commission under which, in return for the assistance, the 
��������recipient shall--
������������������� ``(A) maintain satisfactory academic progress in the 
����������������studies of the recipient, as determined by criteria 
����������������established by the Commission;
������������������� ``(B) agree that failure to maintain satisfactory 
����������������academic progress shall constitute grounds on which the 
����������������Commission may terminate the assistance;
[[Page 119 STAT. 783]]
������������������� ``(C) on completion of the academic course of study 
����������������in connection with which the assistance was provided, 
����������������and in accordance with criteria established by the 
����������������Commission, engage in employment by the Commission for a 
����������������period specified by the Commission, that shall be not 
����������������less than 1 time and not more than 3 times the period 
����������������for which the assistance was provided; and
������������������� ``(D) if the recipient fails to meet the 
����������������requirements of subparagraph (A), (B), or (C), reimburse 
����������������the United States Government for--
������������������������� ``(i) the entire amount of the assistance 
����������������������provided the recipient under the scholarship or 
����������������������fellowship; and
������������������������� ``(ii) interest at a rate determined by the 
����������� ``(2) Waiver or suspension.--The Commission may establish 
��������criteria for the partial or total waiver or suspension of any 
��������obligation of service or payment incurred by a recipient of a 
��������scholarship or fellowship under this section.
��� ``d. Competitive Process.--Recipients of scholarships or fellowships 
under this section shall be selected through a competitive process 
primarily on the basis of academic merit and such other criteria as the 
Commission may establish, with consideration given to financial need and 
the goal of promoting the participation of individuals identified in 
section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act 
(42 U.S.C. 1885a, 1885b).
��� ``e. Direct Appointment.--The Commission may appoint directly, with 
no further competition, public notice, or consideration of any other 
potential candidate, an individual who has--
����������� ``(1) received a scholarship or fellowship awarded by the 
��������Commission under this section; and
����������� ``(2) completed the academic program for which the 
��������scholarship or fellowship was awarded.''.
��� (b) Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections of the Atomic 
Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. prec. 2011) is amended by adding after the 
item relating to section 242 the following:
``Sec. 243. Scholarship and fellowship program.''.
��� Section 161 w. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2201(w)) 
is amended--
����������� (1) by striking ``for or is issued'' and all that follows 
��������through ``1702'' and inserting ``to the Commission for, or is 
��������issued by the Commission, a license or certificate'';
����������� (2) by striking ``483a'' and inserting ``9701''; and
����������� (3) by striking ``, of applicants for, or holders of, such 
��������licenses or certificates''.
��� (a) In General.--Chapter 14 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 
U.S.C. 2201 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:
[[Page 119 STAT. 784]]
��� ``a. In General.--The Commission may waive the application of 
section 8344 or 8468 of title 5, United States Code, on a case-by-case 
basis for employment of an annuitant--
����������� ``(1) in a position of the Commission for which there is 
��������exceptional difficulty in recruiting or retaining a qualified 
��������employee; or
����������� ``(2) when a temporary emergency hiring need exists.
��� ``b. Procedures.--The Commission shall prescribe procedures for the 
exercise of authority under this section, including--
����������� ``(1) criteria for any exercise of authority; and
����������� ``(2) procedures for a delegation of authority.
��� ``c. Effect of Waiver.--An employee as to whom a waiver under this 
section is in effect shall not be considered an employee for purposes of 
subchapter II of chapter 83, or chapter 84, of title 5, United States 
��� (b) Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections of the Atomic 
Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. prec. 2011) is amended by adding at the 
end of the items relating to chapter 14 the following:
``Sec. 170C. Elimination of pension offset for certain rehired Federal 
��� Section 105 c. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2135(c)) 
is amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(9) Applicability.--This subsection does not apply to an 
application for a license to construct or operate a utilization facility 
or production facility under section 103 or 104 b. that is filed on or 
after the date of enactment of this paragraph.''.
��� Section 161 i. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2201(i)) 
is amended--
����������� (1) by striking ``and (3)'' and inserting ``(3)''; and
����������� (2) by inserting before the semicolon at the end the 
��������following: ``, and (4) to ensure that sufficient funds will be 
��������available for the decommissioning of any production or 
��������utilization facility licensed under section 103 or 104 b., 
��������including standards and restrictions governing the control, 
��������maintenance, use, and disbursement by any former licensee under 
��������this Act that has control over any fund for the decommissioning 
��������of the facility''.
��� Title II of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5841 et 
seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following new section:
���������������� ``limitation on legal fee reimbursement
��� ``Sec. 212. <<NOTE: 42 USC 5853.>> The Department of Energy shall 
not, except as required under a contract entered into before the date of 
enactment of this section, reimburse any contractor or subcontractor of 
the Department for any legal fees or expenses incurred with respect to a 
complaint subsequent to--
����������� ``(1) an adverse determination on the merits with respect to 
��������such complaint against the contractor or subcontractor by the 
��������Director of the Department of Energy's Office of Hearings
[[Page 119 STAT. 785]]
������� and Appeals pursuant to part 708 of title 10, Code of Federal 
��������Regulations, or by a Department of Labor Administrative Law 
��������Judge pursuant to section 211 of this Act; or
����������� ``(2) an adverse final judgment by any State or Federal 
��������court with respect to such complaint against the contractor or 
��������subcontractor for wrongful termination or retaliation due to the 
��������making of disclosures protected under chapter 12 of title 5, 
��������United States Code, section 211 of this Act, or any comparable 
��������State law,
unless the adverse determination or final judgment is reversed upon 
further administrative or judicial review.''.
��� (a) Pilot Program.--The Secretary shall establish a decommissioning 
pilot program under which the Secretary shall decommission and 
decontaminate the sodium-cooled fast breeder experimental test-site 
reactor located in northwest Arkansas, in accordance with the 
decommissioning activities contained in the report of the Department 
relating to the reactor, dated August 31, 1998.
��� (b) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section $16,000,000.
��� (a) Definition of Employer.--Section 211(a)(2) of the Energy 
Reorganization Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5851(a)(2)) is amended--
����������� (1) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``and'' at the end;
����������� (2) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period at the end 
��������and inserting a semicolon; and
����������� (3) by adding at the end the following:
������������������� ``(E) a contractor or subcontractor of the 
������������������� ``(F) the Commission; and
������������������� ``(G) the Department of Energy.''.
��� (b) De Novo Review.--Subsection (b) of such section 211 is amended 
by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(4) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> If the Secretary has not issued a 
��������final decision within 1 year after the filing of a complaint 
��������under paragraph (1), and there is no showing that such delay is 
��������due to the bad faith of the person seeking relief under this 
��������paragraph, such person may bring an action at law or equity for 
��������de novo review in the appropriate district court of the United 
��������States, which shall have jurisdiction over such an action 
��������without regard to the amount in controversy.''.
��� Section 134 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2160d) is 
����������� (1) in subsection a., by striking ``a. The Commission'' and 
��������inserting ``a. In General.--Except as provided in subsection b., 
��������the Commission'';
����������� (2) by redesignating subsection b. as subsection c.; and
������� ����(3) by inserting after subsection a. the following:
��� ``b. Medical Isotope Production.--
����������� ``(1) Definitions.--In this subsection:
������������������� ``(A) Highly enriched uranium.--The term `highly 
����������������enriched uranium' means uranium enriched to include 
����������������concentration of U-235 above 20 percent.
[[Page 119 STAT. 786]]
������������������� ``(B) Medical isotope.--The term `medical isotope' 
����������������includes Molybdenum 99, Iodine 131, Xenon 133, and other 
����������������radioactive materials used to produce a 
����������������radiopharmaceutical for diagnostic, therapeutic 
����������������procedures or for research and development.
������������������� ``(C) Radiopharmaceutical.--The term 
����������������`radiopharmaceutical' means a radioactive isotope that--
������������������������� ``(i) contains byproduct material combined 
����������������������with chemical or biological material; and
������������������������� ``(ii) is designed to accumulate temporarily 
����������������������in a part of the body for therapeutic purposes or 
����������������������for enabling the production of a useful image for 
����������������������use in a diagnosis of a medical condition.
������������������� ``(D) Recipient country.--The term `recipient 
����������������country' means Canada, Belgium, France, Germany, and the 
����������� ``(2) Licenses.--The Commission may issue a license 
��������authorizing the export (including shipment to and use at 
��������intermediate and ultimate consignees specified in the license) 
��������to a recipient country of highly enriched uranium for medical 
��������isotope production if, in addition to any other requirements of 
��������this Act (except subsection a.), the Commission determines 
������������������� ``(A) a recipient country that supplies an assurance 
����������������letter to the United States Government in connection 
����������������with the consideration by the Commission of the export 
����������������license application has informed the United States 
����������������Government that any intermediate consignees and the 
����������������ultimate consignee specified in the application are 
���������������required to use the highly enriched uranium solely to 
����������������produce medical isotopes; and
������������������� ``(B) the highly enriched uranium for medical 
����������������isotope production will be irradiated only in a reactor 
����������������in a recipient country that--
������������������������� ``(i) uses an alternative nuclear reactor 
����������������������fuel; or
������������������������� ``(ii) is the subject of an agreement with the 
����������������������United States Government to convert to an 
����������������������alternative nuclear reactor fuel when alternative 
����������������������nuclear reactor fuel can be used in the reactor.
����������� ``(3) Review of physical protection requirements.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The Commission shall review the 
����������������adequacy of physical protection requirements that, as of 
����������������the date of an application under paragraph (2), are 
����������������applicable to the transportation and storage of highly 
����������������enriched uranium for medical isotope production or 
����������������control of residual material after irradiation and 
����������������extraction of medical isotopes.
������������������� ``(B) Imposition of additional requirements.--If the 
����������������Commission determines that additional physical 
����������������protection requirements are necessary (including a limit 
����������������on the quantity of highly enriched uranium that may be 
����������������contained in a single shipment), the Commission shall 
����������������impose such requirements as license conditions or 
����������������through other appropriate means.
����������� ``(4) First report to congress.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 787]]
������������������� ``(A) NAS study.--The <<NOTE: Contracts.>> Secretary 
����������������shall enter into an arrangement with the National 
����������������Academy of Sciences to conduct a study to determine--
������������������������� ``(i) the feasibility of procuring supplies of 
����������������������medical isotopes from commercial sources that do 
����������������������not use highly enriched uranium;
������������������������� ``(ii) the current and projected demand and 
����������������������availability of medical isotopes in regular 
����������������������current domestic use;
������������������������� ``(iii) the progress that is being made by the 
����������������������Department of Energy and others to eliminate all 
����������������������use of highly enriched uranium in reactor fuel, 
���������������������reactor targets, and medical isotope production 
����������������������facilities; and
������������������������� ``(iv) the potential cost differential in 
����������������������medical isotope production in the reactors and 
����������������������target processing facilities if the products were 
����������������������derived from production systems that do not 
����������������������involve fuels and targets with highly enriched 
������������������� ``(B) Feasibility.--For the purpose of this 
����������������subsection, the use of low enriched uranium to produce 
����������������medical isotopes shall be determined to be feasible if--
������������������������� ``(i) low enriched uranium targets have been 
����������������������developed and demonstrated for use in the reactors 
����������������������and target processing facilities that produce 
����������������������significant quantities of medical isotopes to 
����������������������serve United States needs for such isotopes;
������������������������� ``(ii) sufficient quantities of medical 
����������������������isotopes are available from low enriched uranium 
����������������������targets and fuel to meet United States domestic 
����������������������needs; and
������������������������� ``(iii) the average anticipated total cost 
����������������������increase from production of medical isotopes in 
����������������������such facilities without use of highly enriched 
����������������������uranium is less than 10 percent.
������������������� ``(C) Report by the secretary.--Not later than 5 
����������������years after the date of enactment of the Energy Policy 
����������������Act of 2005, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a 
����������������report that--
������������������������� ``(i) contains the findings of the National 
����������������������Academy of Sciences made in the study under 
����������������������subparagraph (A); and
������������������������� ``(ii) discloses the existence of any 
����������������������commitments from commercial producers to provide 
����������������������domestic requirements for medical isotopes without 
����������������������use of highly enriched uranium consistent with the 
����������������������feasibility criteria described in subparagraph (B) 
����������������������not later than the date that is 4 years after the 
����������������������date of submission of the report.
����������� ``(5) Second report to congress.--If the study of the 
��������National Academy of Sciences determines under paragraph 
��������(4)(A)(i) that the procurement of supplies of medical isotopes 
��������from commercial sources that do not use highly enriched uranium 
��������is feasible, but the Secretary is unable to report the existence 
��������of commitments under paragraph (4)(C)(ii), not later than the 
��������date that is 6 years after the date of enactment of the Energy 
��������Policy Act of 2005, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a 
��������report that describes options for developing domestic supplies 
��������of medical isotopes in quantities that are
[[Page 119 STAT. 788]]
������� adequate to meet domestic demand without the use of highly 
��������enriched uranium consistent with the cost increase described in 
��������paragraph (4)(B)(iii).
����������� ``(6) Certification.--At such time as commercial facilities 
��������that do not use highly enriched uranium are capable of meeting 
��������domestic requirements for medical isotopes, within the cost 
�������increase described in paragraph (4)(B)(iii) and without 
��������impairing the reliable supply of medical isotopes for domestic 
��������utilization, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a 
��������certification to that effect.
����������� ``(7) Sunset provision.--After the Secretary submits a 
��������certification under paragraph (6), the Commission shall, by 
��������rule, terminate its review of export license applications under 
��������this subsection.''.
��� (a) Responsibility for <<NOTE: Notification.>> Activities To Provide 
Storage Facility.--The Secretary shall provide to Congress official 
notification of the final designation of an entity within the Department 
to have the responsibility of completing activities needed to provide a 
facility for safely disposing of all greater-than-Class C low-level 
radioactive waste.
��� (b) Reports and Plans.--
����������� (1) Report on permanent disposal facility.--
������������������� (A) Plan regarding cost and schedule for completion 
����������������of eis and rod.--Not later than 1 year after the date of 
����������������enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in consultation 
����������������with Congress, shall submit to Congress a report 
����������������containing an estimate of the cost and a proposed 
����������������schedule to complete an environmental impact statement 
����������������and record of decision for a permanent disposal facility 
����������������for greater-than-Class C radioactive waste.
������������������� (B) Analysis of alternatives.--Before the Secretary 
����������������makes a final decision on the disposal alternative or 
����������������alternatives to be implemented, the Secretary shall--
������������������������� (i) submit to Congress a report that describes 
����������������������all alternatives under consideration, including 
����������������������all information required in the comprehensive 
����������������������report making recommendations for ensuring the 
����������������������safe disposal of all greater-than-Class C low-
��������������������� level radioactive waste that was submitted by the 
����������������������Secretary to Congress in February 1987; and
������������������������� (ii) await action by Congress.
����������� (2) Short-term plan for recovery and storage.--
������������������� (A) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 
����������������180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the 
����������������Secretary shall submit to Congress a plan to ensure the 
����������������continued recovery and storage of greater-than-Class C 
����������������low-level radioactive sealed sources that pose a 
����������������security threat until a permanent disposal facility is 
������������������� (B) Contents.--The plan shall address estimated 
����������������cost, resource, and facility needs.
��� (a) In General.--Section 129 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 
U.S.C. 2158) is amended--
[[Page 119 STAT. 789]]
����������� (1) by inserting ``a.'' before ``No nuclear materials and 
��������equipment''; and
����������� (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection:
��� ``b.(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, including 
specifically section 121 of this Act, and except as provided in 
paragraphs (2) and (3), no nuclear materials and equipment or sensitive 
nuclear technology, including items and assistance authorized by section 
57 b. of this Act and regulated under part 810 of title 10, Code of 
Federal Regulations, and nuclear-related items on the Commerce Control 
List maintained under part 774 of title 15 of the Code of Federal 
Regulations, shall be exported or reexported, or transferred or 
retransferred whether directly or indirectly, and no Federal agency 
shall issue any license, approval, or authorization for the export or 
reexport, or transfer, or retransfer, whether directly or indirectly, of 
these items or assistance (as defined in this paragraph) to any country 
whose government has been identified by the Secretary of State as 
engaged in state sponsorship of terrorist activities (specifically 
including any country the government of which has been determined by the 
Secretary of State under section 620A(a) of the Foreign Assistance Act 
of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2371(a)), section 6(j)(1) of the Export 
Administration Act of 1979 (50 U.S.C. App. 2405(j)(1)), or section 40(d) 
of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2780(d)) to have repeatedly 
provided support for acts of international terrorism).
��� ``(2) This subsection shall not apply to exports, reexports, 
transfers, or retransfers of radiation monitoring technologies, 
surveillance equipment, seals, cameras, tamper-indication devices, 
nuclear detectors, monitoring systems, or equipment necessary to safely 
store, transport, or remove hazardous materials, whether such items, 
services, or information are regulated by the Department of Energy, the 
Department of Commerce, or the Commission, except to the extent that 
such technologies, equipment, seals, cameras, devices, detectors, or 
systems are available for use in the design or construction of nuclear 
reactors or nuclear weapons.
��� ``(3) The President may waive the application of paragraph (1) to a 
country if the President determines and certifies to Congress that the 
waiver will not result in any increased risk that the country receiving 
the waiver will acquire nuclear weapons, nuclear reactors, or any 
materials or components of nuclear weapons and--
����������� ``(A) the government of such country has not within the 
��������preceding 12-month period willfully aided or abetted the 
��������international proliferation of nuclear explosive devices to 
��������individuals or groups or willfully aided and abetted an 
��������individual or groups in acquiring unsafeguarded nuclear 
����������� ``(B) in the judgment of the President, the government of 
��������such country has provided adequate, verifiable assurances that 
��������it will cease its support for acts of international terrorism;
����������� ``(C) the waiver of that paragraph is in the vital national 
��������security interest of the United States; or
����������� ``(D) such a waiver is essential to prevent or respond to a 
��������serious radiological hazard in the country receiving the waiver 
��������that may or does threaten public health and safety.''.
��� (b) Applicability to <<NOTE: 42 USC 2158 note.>> Exports Approved 
for Transfer but Not Transferred.--Subsection b. of section 129 of 
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as added by subsection (a) of this section, 
shall apply with respect to exports that have been approved for transfer 
[[Page 119 STAT. 790]]
of the date of the enactment of this Act but have not yet been 
transferred as of that date.
��� Section 3110(a) of the USEC Privatization Act (42 U.S.C. 2297h-8(a)) 
is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
��� ``(8) Continuity of benefits.--
To <<NOTE: Deadline. Ohio. Kentucky.>> the extent appropriations are 
provided in advance for this purpose or are otherwise available, not 
later than 30 days after the date of enactment of this paragraph, the 
Secretary shall implement such actions as are necessary to ensure that 
any employee who--
����������� ``(A) is involved in providing infrastructure or 
��������environmental remediation services at the Portsmouth, Ohio, or 
��������the Paducah, Kentucky, Gaseous Diffusion Plant;
����������� ``(B) has been an employee of the Department of Energy's 
��������predecessor management and integrating contractor (or its first 
��������or second tier subcontractors), or of the Corporation, at the 
��������Portsmouth, Ohio, or the Paducah, Kentucky, facility; and
����������� ``(C) was eligible as of April 1, 2005, to participate in or 
��������transfer into the Multiple Employer Pension Plan or the 
��������associated multiple employer retiree health care benefit plans, 
��������as defined in those plans,
shall continue to be eligible to participate in or transfer into such 
pension or health care benefit plans.''.
��� (a) Demonstration Projects.--The Secretary shall provide for the 
establishment of 2 projects in geographic areas that are regionally and 
climatically diverse to demonstrate the commercial production of 
hydrogen at existing nuclear power plants.
��� (b) Economic Analysis.--Prior to making an award under subsection 
(a), the Secretary shall determine whether the use of existing nuclear 
power plants is a cost-effective means of producing hydrogen.
��� (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary for the purposes of carrying out this 
section not more than $100,000,000.
��� (a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no 
officer of the United States or of any department, agency, or 
instrumentality of the United States Government may enter into any 
contract or other arrangement, or into any amendment or modification of 
a contract or other arrangement, the purpose or effect of which would be 
to directly or indirectly impose liability on the United States 
Government, or any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United 
States Government, or to otherwise directly or indirectly require an 
indemnity by the United States Government, for nuclear incidents 
occurring in connection with the design, construction, or operation of a 
production facility or utilization facility in any country whose 
government has been identified by the Secretary of State as engaged in 
state sponsorship of terrorist activities (specifically including any 
country the government of which, as of September 11, 2001, had been 
determined by the Secretary of State under section 620A(a) of the 
[[Page 119 STAT. 791]]
Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2371(a)), section 6(j)(1) of the 
Export Administration Act of 1979 (50 U.S.C. App. 2405(j)(1)), or 
section 40(d) of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2780(d)) to have 
repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism). This 
section shall not apply to nuclear incidents occurring as a result of 
missions, carried out under the direction of the Secretary, the 
Secretary of Defense, or the Secretary of State, that are necessary to 
safely secure, store, transport, or remove nuclear materials for nuclear 
safety or nonproliferation purposes.
��� (b) Definitions.--The terms used in this section shall have the same 
meaning as those terms have under section 11 of the Atomic Energy Act of 
1954 (42 U.S.C. 2014), unless otherwise expressly provided in this 
��� There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary 
to carry out this subtitle and the amendments made by this subtitle.
��� (a) In General.--Section 6101 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation 
Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 2214) is amended--
����������� (1) in subsection (a)--
������������������� (A) by striking ``Except as provided in paragraph 
����������������(3), the'' and inserting ``The'' in paragraph (1); and
������������������� (B) by striking paragraph (3); and
����������� (2) in subsection (c)--
������������������� (A) by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph 
������������������� (B) by striking the period at the end of paragraph 
����������������(2)(A)(ii) and inserting a semicolon;
������������������� (C) by adding at the end of paragraph (2)(A) the 
����������������following new clauses:
������������������������� ``(iii) amounts appropriated to the Commission 
����������������������for the fiscal year for implementation of section 
����������������������3116 of the Ronald W. Reagan National Defense 
����������������������Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005; and
������������������������� ``(iv) amounts appropriated to the Commission 
����������������������for homeland security activities of the Commission 
����������������������for the fiscal year, except for the costs of 
����������������������fingerprinting and background checks required by 
����������������������section 149 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 
����������������������U.S.C. 2169) and the costs of conducting security 
����������������������inspections.''; and
������������������� (D) by amending paragraph (2)(B)(v) to read as 
������������������������� ``(v) 90 percent for fiscal year 2005 and each 
����������������������fiscal year thereafter.''.
��� (b) Repeal.--Section 7601 of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget 
Reconciliation Act of 1985 (42 U.S.C. 2213) is repealed.
��� (c) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 42 USC 2214 note.>> amendments made 
by this section take effect on October 1, 2006.
������������PLANT DELAYS.
��� (a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� (1) Advanced nuclear facility.--The term ``advanced nuclear 
��������facility'' means any nuclear facility the reactor design for 
��������which is approved after December 31, 1993, by the Commission 
��������(and such design or a substantially similar design of comparable 
��������capacity was not approved on or before that date).
[[Page 119 STAT. 792]]
��� ��������(2) Combined license.--The term ``combined license'' means a 
��������combined construction and operating license for an advanced 
��������nuclear facility issued by the Commission.
����������� (3) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the Nuclear 
��������Regulatory Commission.
����������� (4) Sponsor.--The term ``sponsor'' means a person who has 
��������applied for or been granted a combined license.
��� (b) Contract Authority.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary may enter into contracts 
��������under this section with sponsors of an advanced nuclear facility 
��������that cover a total of 6 reactors, with the 6 reactors consisting 
��������of not more than 3 different reactor designs, in accordance with 
��������paragraph (2).
�� ���������(2) Requirement for contracts.--
������������������� (A) Definition of loan cost.--In this paragraph, the 
����������������term ``loan cost'' has the meaning given the term ``cost 
����������������of a loan guarantee'' under section 502(5)(C) of the 
����������������Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (2 U.S.C. 661a(5)(C)).
������������������� (B) Establishment of accounts.--There is established 
����������������in the Department 2 separate accounts, which shall be 
����������������known as the--
������������������������� (i) ``Standby Support Program Account''; and
������������������������� (ii) ``Standby Support Grant Account''.
������������������� (C) Requirement.--The Secretary shall not enter into 
����������������a contract under this section unless the Secretary 
������������������������� (i) in the Standby Support Program Account 
����������������������established under subparagraph (B), funds 
����������������������appropriated to the Secretary in advance of the 
����������������������contract or a combination of appropriated funds 
����������������������and loan guarantee fees that are in an amount 
����������������������sufficient to cover the loan costs described in 
����������������������subsection (d)(5)(A); and
������������������������� (ii) in the Standby Support Grant Account 
����������������������established under subparagraph (B), funds 
����������������������appropriated to the Secretary in advance of the 
���������������������contract, paid to the Secretary by the sponsor of 
����������������������the advanced nuclear facility, or a combination of 
����������������������appropriations and payments that are in an amount 
����������������������sufficient cover the costs described in 
����������������������subparagraphs (B), (C), and (D) of subsection 
��� (c) Covered Delays.--
����������� (1) Inclusions.--Under each contract authorized by this 
��������section, the Secretary shall pay the costs specified in 
��������subsection (d), using funds appropriated or collected for the 
��������covered costs, if full power operation of the advanced nuclear 
��������facility is delayed by--
������������������� (A) the failure of the Commission to comply with 
����������������schedules for review and approval of inspections, tests, 
����������������analyses, and acceptance criteria established under the 
����������������combined license or the conduct of preoperational 
����������������hearings by the Commission for the advanced nuclear 
����������������facility; or
������������������� (B) litigation that delays the commencement of full-
��������������� power operations of the advanced nuclear facility.
����������� (2) Exclusions.--The Secretary may not enter into any 
��������contract under this section that would obligate the Secretary to 
��������pay any costs resulting from--
[[Page 119 STAT. 793]]
������������������� (A) the failure of the sponsor to take any action 
����������������required by law or regulation;
������������������� (B) events within the control of the sponsor; or
������������������� (C) normal business risks.
��� (d) Covered Costs.--
����������� (1) In general.--Subject to paragraphs (2), (3), and (4), 
��������the costs that shall be paid by the Secretary pursuant to a 
��������contract entered into under this section are the costs that 
��������result from a delay covered by the contract.
����������� (2) Initial 2 reactors.--In the case of the first 2 reactors 
��������that receive combined licenses and on which construction is 
��������commenced, the Secretary shall pay--
������������������� (A) 100 percent of the covered costs of delay; but
�������� �����������(B) not more than $500,000,000 per contract.
����������� (3) Subsequent 4 reactors.--In the case of the next 4 
��������reactors that receive a combined license and on which 
��������construction is commenced, the Secretary shall pay--
�������� �����������(A) 50 percent of the covered costs of delay that 
����������������occur after the initial 180-day period of covered delay; 
������������������� (B) not more than $250,000,000 per contract.
����������� (4) Conditions on payment of certain covered costs.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The obligation of the Secretary to 
����������������pay the covered costs described in subparagraph (B) of 
����������������paragraph (5) is subject to the Secretary receiving from 
����������������appropriations or payments from other non-Federal 
����������������sources amounts sufficient to pay the covered costs.
������������������� (B) Non-federal sources.--The Secretary may receive 
����������������and accept payments from any non-Federal source, which 
����������������shall be made available without further appropriation 
����������������for the payment of the covered costs.
����������� (5) Types of covered costs.--Subject to paragraphs (2), (3), 
��������and (4), the contract entered into under this section for an 
��������advanced nuclear facility shall include as covered costs those 
��������costs that result from a delay during construction and in 
��������gaining approval for fuel loading and full-power operation, 
������������������� (A) principal or interest on any debt obligation of 
����������������an advanced nuclear facility owned by a non-Federal 
����������������entity; and
������������������� (B) the incremental difference between--
�������������������� �����(i) the fair market price of power purchased 
����������������������to meet the contractual supply agreements that 
����������������������would have been met by the advanced nuclear 
����������������������facility but for the delay; and
������������� ������������(ii) the contractual price of power from the 
����������������������advanced nuclear facility subject to the delay.
��� (e) Requirements.--Any contract between a sponsor and the Secretary 
covering an advanced nuclear facility under this section shall require 
the sponsor to use due diligence to shorten, and to end, the delay 
covered by the contract.
��� (f) Reports.--For each advanced nuclear facility that is covered by 
a contract under this section, the Commission shall submit to Congress 
and the Secretary quarterly reports summarizing the status of licensing 
actions associated with the advanced nuclear facility.
��� (g) Regulations.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 794]]
����������� (1) In general.--Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), the 
��������Secretary shall issue such regulations as are necessary to carry 
��������out this section.
����������� (2) Interim final rulemaking.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Public 
��������information.>> later than 270 days after the date of enactment 
��������of this Act, the Secretary shall issue for public comment an 
��������interim final rule regulating contracts authorized by this 
����������� (3) Notice of final rulemaking.--
������� Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 1 year after the date of 
��������enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall issue a notice of 
��������final rulemaking regulating the contracts.
��� (h) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this section.
��� Section 170A b. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 
2210a(b)) is amended--
����������� (1) by redesignating paragraphs (1) and (2) as subparagraphs 
��������(A) and (B), respectively, and indenting appropriately;
����������� (2) by striking ``b. The Commission'' and inserting the 
��� ``b. Evaluation.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), the 
��������Nuclear Regulatory Commission''; and
����������� (3) by adding at the end the following:
����������� ``(2) Nuclear regulatory commission.--Notwithstanding any 
��������conflict of interest, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission may 
��������enter into a contract, agreement, or arrangement with the 
��������Department of Energy or the operator of a Department of Energy 
��������facility, if the Nuclear Regulatory Commission determines that--
������������������� ``(A) the conflict of interest cannot be mitigated; 
������������������� ``(B) adequate justification exists to proceed 
����������������without mitigation of the conflict of interest.''.
����������� Subtitle C--Next Generation Nuclear Plant Project
��� (a) Establishment.--The Secretary shall establish a project to be 
known as the ``Next Generation Nuclear Plant Project'' (referred to in 
this subtitle as the ``Project'').
��� (b) Content.--The Project shall consist of the research, 
development, design, construction, and operation of a prototype plant, 
including a nuclear reactor that--
����������� (1) is based on research and development activities 
��������supported by the Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems Initiative 
��������under section 942(d); and
����������� (2) shall be used--
������������������� (A) to generate electricity;
������������������� (B) to produce hydrogen; or
������������������� (C) both to generate electricity and to produce 
[[Page 119 STAT. 795]]
��� (a) Departmental Management.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Project shall be managed in the 
��������Department by the Office of Nuclear Energy, Science, and 
����������� (2) Generation iv nuclear energy systems program.--The 
��������Secretary may combine the Project with the Generation IV Nuclear 
��������Energy Systems Initiative.
����������� (3) Existing doe project management expertise.--The 
��������Secretary may utilize capabilities for review of construction 
��������projects for advanced scientific facilities within the Office of 
��������Science to track the progress of the Project.
��� (b) Laboratory Management.--
����������� (1) Lead laboratory.--The Idaho National Laboratory shall be 
��������the lead National Laboratory for the Project and shall 
��������collaborate with other National Laboratories, institutions of 
��������higher education, other research institutes, industrial 
�������researchers, and international researchers to carry out the 
����������� (2) Industrial partnerships.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The Idaho National Laboratory shall 
����������������organize a consortium of appropriate industrial partners 
����������������that will carry out cost-shared research, development, 
����������������design, and construction activities, and operate 
����������������research facilities, on behalf of the Project.
������������������� (B) Cost-sharing.--Activities of industrial partners 
����������������funded by the Project shall be cost-shared in accordance 
����������������with section 988.
������������������� (C) Preference.--Preference in determining the final 
����������������structure of the consortium or any partnerships under 
����������������this subtitle shall be given to a structure (including 
����������������designating as a lead industrial partner an entity 
����������������incorporated in the United States) that retains United 
����������������States technological leadership in the Project while 
����������������maximizing cost sharing opportunities and minimizing 
����������������Federal funding responsibilities.
����������� (3) Prototype plant siting.--The prototype nuclear reactor 
��������and associated plant shall be sited at the Idaho National 
��������Laboratory in Idaho.
����������� (4) Reactor test capabilities.--The Project shall use, if 
��������appropriate, reactor test capabilities at the Idaho National 
������ �����(5) Other laboratory capabilities.--The Project may use, if 
��������appropriate, facilities at other National Laboratories.
��� (a) Major Project Elements.--The Project shall consist of the 
following major program elements:
����������� (1) High-temperature hydrogen production technology 
��������development and validation.
����������� (2) Energy conversion technology development and validation.
����������� (3) Nuclear fuel development, characterization, and 
����������� (4) Materials selection, development, testing, and 
[[Page 119 STAT. 796]]
����������� (5) Reactor and balance-of-plant design, engineering, safety 
��������analysis, and qualification.
��� (b) Project Phases.--The Project shall be conducted in the following 
����������� (1) First project phase.--A first project phase shall be 
��������conducted to--
������������������� (A) select and validate the appropriate technology 
����������������under subsection (a)(1);
������������������� (B) carry out enabling research, development, and 
����������������demonstration activities on technologies and components 
����������������under paragraphs (2) through (4) of subsection (a);
������������������� (C) determine whether it is appropriate to combine 
����������������electricity generation and hydrogen production in a 
����������������single prototype nuclear reactor and plant; and
������������������� (D) carry out initial design activities for a 
����������������prototype nuclear reactor and plant, including 
����������������development of design methods and safety analytical 
����������������methods and studies under subsection (a)(5).
����������� (2) Second project phase.--A second project phase shall be 
��������conducted to--
������������������� (A) continue appropriate activities under paragraphs 
����������������(1) through (5) of subsection (a);
������������������� (B) develop, through a competitive process, a final 
����������������design for the prototype nuclear reactor and plant;
������������������� (C) apply for licenses to construct and operate the 
����������������prototype nuclear reactor from the Nuclear Regulatory 
����������������Commission; and
�� �����������������(D) construct and start up operations of the 
����������������prototype nuclear reactor and its associated hydrogen or 
����������������electricity production facilities.
��� (c) Project Requirements.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall ensure that the Project 
��������is structured so as to maximize the technical interchange and 
��������transfer of technologies and ideas into the Project from other 
��������sources of relevant expertise, including--
������������������� (A) the nuclear power industry, including nuclear 
����������������powerplant construction firms, particularly with respect 
����������������to issues associated with plant design, construction, 
����������������and operational and safety issues;
������������������� (B) the chemical processing industry, particularly 
����������������with respect to issues relating to--
������������������������� (i) the use of process energy for production 
����������������������of hydrogen; and
�������� �����������������(ii) the integration of technologies developed 
����������������������by the Project into chemical processing 
����������������������environments; and
������������������� (C) international efforts in areas related to the 
����������������Project, particularly with respect to hydrogen 
����������������production technologies.
����������� (2) International collaboration.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The Secretary shall seek 
����������������international cooperation, participation, and financial 
����������������contributions for the Project.
������������������� (B) Assistance from international partners.--The 
����������������Secretary, through the Idaho National Laboratory, may 
����������������contract for assistance from specialists or facilities 
����������������from member countries of the Generation IV International
[[Page 119 STAT. 797]]
��������������� Forum, the Russian Federation, or other international 
����������������partners if the specialists or facilities provide access 
����������������to cost-effective and relevant skills or test 
������������������� (C) Partner nations.--The Project may involve 
����������������demonstration of selected project objectives in a 
����������������partner country.
������������������� (D) Generation iv international forum.--The 
����������������Secretary shall ensure that international activities of 
����������������the Project are coordinated with the Generation IV 
����������������International Forum.
����������� (3) Review by nuclear energy research advisory committee.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The Nuclear Energy Research 
����������������Advisory Committee of the Department (referred to in 
����������������this paragraph as the ``NERAC'') shall--
������������������������� (i) review all program plans for the Project 
����������������������and all progress under the Project on an ongoing 
����������������������basis; and
�������������������� �����(ii) ensure that important scientific, 
����������������������technical, safety, and program management issues 
����������������������receive attention in the Project and by the 
������������������� (B) Additional expertise.--The NERAC shall 
����������������supplement the expertise of the NERAC or appoint 
����������������subpanels to incorporate into the review by the NERAC 
����������������the relevant sources of expertise described under 
����������������paragraph (1).
������������������� (C) Initial review.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later 
����������������than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, 
����������������the NERAC shall--
������������������������� (i) review existing program plans for the 
����������������������Project in light of the recommendations of the 
����������������������document entitled ``Design Features and Technology 
����������������������Uncertainties for the Next Generation Nuclear 
����������������������Plant,'' dated June 30, 2004; and
������������������������� (ii) address any recommendations of the 
����������������������document not incorporated in program plans for the 
������������������� (D) First project phase review.--On a determination 
����������������by the Secretary that the appropriate activities under 
����������������the first project phase under subsection (b)(1) are 
����������������nearly complete, the Secretary shall request the NERAC 
����������������to conduct a comprehensive review of the Project and to 
����������������report to the Secretary the recommendation of the NERAC 
����������������concerning whether the Project is ready to proceed to 
����������������the second project phase under subsection (b)(2).
������� ������������(E) Transmittal of reports to congress.--Not later 
����������������than 60 days after receiving any report from the NERAC 
����������������related to the Project, the Secretary shall submit to 
����������������the appropriate committees of the Senate and the House 
����������������of Representatives a copy of the report, along with any 
����������������additional views of the Secretary that the Secretary may 
����������������consider appropriate.
��� (a) In General.--In accordance with section 202 of the Energy 
Reorganization Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5842), the Nuclear Regulatory 
Commission shall have licensing and regulatory authority for any reactor 
authorized under this subtitle.
��� (b) Licensing Strategy.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 3 years 
after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary and the Chairman
[[Page 119 STAT. 798]]
of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission shall jointly submit to the 
appropriate committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives a 
licensing strategy for the prototype nuclear reactor, including--
����������� (1) a description of ways in which current licensing 
��������requirements relating to light-water reactors need to be adapted 
��������for the types of prototype nuclear reactor being considered by 
��������the Project;
����������� (2) a description of analytical tools that the Nuclear 
��������Regulatory Commission will have to develop to independently 
��������verify designs and performance characteristics of components, 
��������equipment, systems, or structures associated with the prototype 
��������nuclear reactor;
����������� (3) other research or development activities that may be 
��������required on the part of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in 
��������order to review a license application for the prototype nuclear 
��������reactor; and
����������� (4) an estimate of the budgetary requirements associated 
��������with the licensing strategy.
��� (c) Ongoing Interaction.--The Secretary shall seek the active 
participation of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission throughout the 
duration of the Project to--
����������� (1) avoid design decisions that will compromise adequate 
��������safety margins in the design of the reactor or impair the 
��������accessibility of nuclear safety-related components of the 
��������prototype reactor for inspection and maintenance;
����������� (2) develop tools to facilitate inspection and maintenance 
��������needed for safety purposes; and
����������� (3) develop risk-based criteria for any future commercial 
��������development of a similar reactor architectures.
��� (a) Target <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Date to Complete the First Project 
Phase.--Not later than September 30, 2011, the Secretary shall--
����������� (1) select the technology to be used by the Project for 
��������high-temperature hydrogen production and the initial design 
��������parameters for the prototype nuclear plant; or
����������� (2) <<NOTE: Reports.>> submit to Congress a report 
��������establishing an alternative date for making the selection.
��� (b) Design Competition for Second Project Phase.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary, acting through the Idaho 
��������National Laboratory, shall fund not more than 4 teams for not 
��������more than 2 years to develop detailed proposals for competitive 
��������evaluation and selection of a single proposal for a final design 
��������of the prototype nuclear reactor.
����������� (2) Systems integration.--The Secretary may structure 
��������Project activities in the second project phase to use the lead 
��������industrial partner of the competitively selected design under 
��������paragraph (1) in a systems integration role for final design and 
��������construction of the Project.
��� (c) Target <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Date to Complete Project 
Construction.--Not later than September 30, 2021, the Secretary shall--
����������� (1) complete construction and begin operations of the 
��������prototype nuclear reactor and associated energy or hydrogen 
��������facilities; or
[[Page 119 STAT. 799]]
����������� (2) <<NOTE: Reports.>> submit to Congress a report 
��������establishing an alternative date for completion.
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary for research and construction activities 
under this subtitle (including for transfer to the Nuclear Regulatory 
Commission for activities under section 644 as appropriate)--
����������� (1) $1,250,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 2006 
��������through 2015; and
����������� (2) such sums as are necessary for each of fiscal years 2016 
��������through 2021.
��������������������� Subtitle D--Nuclear Security
��� (a) Security Evaluations; Design Basis Threat Rulemaking.--
����������� (1) In general.--Chapter 14 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 
��������(42 U.S.C. 2201 et seq.) (as amended by section 624(a)) is 
��������amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``a. Security Response Evaluations.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> less 
often than once every 3 years, the Commission shall conduct security 
evaluations at each licensed facility that is part of a class of 
licensed facilities, as the Commission considers to be appropriate, to 
assess the ability of a private security force of a licensed facility to 
defend against any applicable design basis threat.
��� ``b. Force-on-Force Exercises.--(1) The security evaluations shall 
include force-on-force exercises.
��� ``(2) The force-on-force exercises shall, to the maximum extent 
practicable, simulate security threats in accordance with any design 
basis threat applicable to a facility.
��� ``(3) In conducting a security evaluation, the Commission shall 
mitigate any potential conflict of interest that could influence the 
results of a force-on-force exercise, as the Commission determines to be 
necessary and appropriate.
��� ``c. Action by Licensees.--The Commission shall ensure that an 
affected licensee corrects those material defects in performance that 
adversely affect the ability of a private security force at that 
facility to defend against any applicable design basis threat.
��� ``d. Facilities Under Heightened Threat Levels.--The Commission may 
suspend a security evaluation under this section if the Commission 
determines that the evaluation would compromise security at a nuclear 
facility under a heightened threat level.
��� ``e. Report.--Not less often than once each year, the Commission 
shall submit to the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the 
Senate and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of 
Representatives a report, in classified form and unclassified form, that 
describes the results of each security response evaluation conducted and 
any relevant corrective action taken by a licensee during the previous 
��� ``a. Rulemaking.--The <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> Commission shall--
[[Page 119 STAT. 800]]
����������� ``(1) not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of 
��������this section, initiate a rulemaking proceeding, including notice 
��������and opportunity for public comment, to be completed not later 
��������than 18 months after that date, to revise the design basis 
��������threats of the Commission; or
����������� ``(2) not later than 18 months after the date of enactment 
��������of this section, complete any ongoing rulemaking to revise the 
��������design basis threats.
��� ``b. Factors.--When conducting its rulemaking, the Commission shall 
consider the following, but not be limited to--
����������� ``(1) the events of September 11, 2001;
����������� ``(2) an assessment of physical, cyber, biochemical, and 
��������other terrorist threats;
����������� ``(3) the potential for attack on facilities by multiple 
��������coordinated teams of a large number of individuals;
����������� ``(4) the potential for assistance in an attack from several 
��������persons employed at the facility;
����������� ``(5) the potential for suicide attacks;
����������� ``(6) the potential for water-based and air-based threats;
����������� ``(7) the potential use of explosive devices of considerable 
��������size and other modern weaponry;
����������� ``(8) the potential for attacks by persons with a 
��������sophisticated knowledge of facility operations;
����������� ``(9) the potential for fires, especially fires of long 
����������� ``(10) the potential for attacks on spent fuel shipments by 
��������multiple coordinated teams of a large number of individuals;
����������� ``(11) the adequacy of planning to protect the public health 
��������and safety at and around nuclear facilities, as appropriate, in 
��������the event of a terrorist attack against a nuclear facility; and
����������� ``(12) the potential for theft and diversion of nuclear 
��������materials from such facilities.''.
����������� (2) Conforming amendment.--The table of sections of the 
��������Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. prec. 2011) (as amended by 
��������section 624(b)) is amended by adding at the end of the items 
��������relating to chapter 14 the following:
``Sec. 170D. Security evaluations.
``Sec. 170E. Design basis threat rulemaking.''.
����������� (3) Federal security coordinators.--
������������������� (A) Regional offices.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later 
����������������than 18 months after the date of enactment of this Act, 
����������������the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (referred to in this 
����������������section as the ``Commission'') shall assign a Federal 
����������������security coordinator, under the employment of the 
����������������Commission, to each region of the Commission.
������������������� (B) Responsibilities.--The Federal security 
����������������coordinator shall be responsible for--
������������������������� (i) communicating with the Commission and 
����������������������other Federal, State, and local authorities 
����������������������concerning threats, including threats against such 
����������������������classes of facilities as the Commission determines 
����������������������to be appropriate;
������������������������� (ii) monitoring such classes of facilities as 
����������������������the Commission determines to be appropriate to 
����������������������ensure that they maintain security consistent with 
����������������������the security plan in accordance with the 
����������������������appropriate threat level; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 801]]
������������������������� (iii) assisting in the coordination of 
����������������������security measures among the private security 
����������������������forces at such classes of facilities as the 
����������������������Commission determines to be appropriate and 
����������������������Federal, State, and local authorities, as 
��� (b) Backup <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Power for Certain Emergency 
Notification Systems.--For any licensed nuclear power plants located 
where there is a permanent population, as determined by the 2000 
decennial census, in excess of 15,000,000 within a 50-mile radius of the 
power plant, not later than 18 months after enactment of this Act, the 
Commission shall require that backup power to be available for the 
emergency notification system of the power plant, including the 
emergency siren warning system, if the alternating current supply within 
the 10-mile emergency planning zone of the power plant is lost.
��� (c) Additional Provisions.--
����������� (1) Provision of support to university nuclear safety, 
��������security, and environmental protection programs.--Section 31 b. 
��������of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2051(b)) is 
������������������� (A) by striking ``b. The Commission is further 
����������������authorized to make'' and inserting the following:
��� ``b. Grants and Contributions.--The Commission is authorized--
���������� ``(1) to make'';
������������������� (B) in paragraph (1) (as designated by subparagraph 
����������������(A)) by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; 
����������������and''; and
������������������� (C) by adding at the end the following:
��� ��������``(2) to provide grants, loans, cooperative agreements, 
��������contracts, and equipment to institutions of higher education (as 
��������defined in section 102 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 
��������U.S.C. 1002)) to support courses, studies, training, curricula, 
��������and disciplines pertaining to nuclear safety, security, or 
��������environmental protection, or any other field that the Commission 
��������determines to be critical to the regulatory mission of the 
����������� (2) Recruitment tools.--Chapter 14 of the Atomic Energy Act 
��������of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2201 et seq.) (as amended by subsection 
��������(a)(1)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
``SEC. 170F. <<NOTE: 42 USC 2210f.>> RECRUITMENT TOOLS.
��� ``The Commission may purchase promotional items of nominal value for 
use in the recruitment of individuals for employment.''.
����������� (3) Expenses authorized to be paid by the commission.--
������� Chapter 14 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2201 et 
��������seq.) (as amended by paragraph (2)) is amended by adding at the 
��������end the following:
������������THE COMMISSION.
��� ``The Commission may--
����������� ``(1) pay transportation, lodging, and subsistence expenses 
��������of employees who--
������������������� ``(A) assist scientific, professional, 
����������������administrative, or technical employees of the 
����������������Commission; and
������������������� ``(B) are students in good standing at an 
����������������institution of higher education (as defined in section 
����������������102 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 
����������������1002)) pursuing courses
[[Page 119 STAT. 802]]
��������������� related to the field in which the students are employed 
����������������by the Commission; and
����������� ``(2) pay the costs of health and medical services 
��������furnished, pursuant to an agreement between the Commission and 
��������the Department of State, to employees of the Commission and 
��������dependents of the employees serving in foreign countries.''.
����������� (4) Partnership program with institutions of higher 
��������������� ����(A) In general.--Chapter 19 of the Atomic Energy Act 
����������������of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2015 et seq.) (as amended by section 
����������������622(a)) is amended by inserting after section 243 the 
��� ``a. Definitions.--In this section:
����������� ``(1) Hispanic-serving institution.--The term `Hispanic-
������� serving institution' has the meaning given the term in section 
��������502(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1101a(a)).
����������� ``(2) Historically black college and university.--The term 
��������`historically Black college or university' has the meaning given 
��������the term `part B institution' in section 322 of the Higher 
��������Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1061).
����������� ``(3) Tribal college.--The term `Tribal college' has the 
��������meaning given the term `tribally controlled college or 
��������university' in section 2(a) of the Tribally Controlled College 
��������or University Assistance Act of 1978 (25 U.S.C. 1801(a)).
��� ``b. Partnership Program.--The Commission may establish and 
participate in activities relating to research, mentoring, instruction, 
and training with institutions of higher education, including Hispanic-
serving institutions, historically Black colleges or universities, and 
Tribal colleges, to strengthen the capacity of the institutions--
����������� ``(1) to educate and train students (including present or 
��������potential employees of the Commission); and
����������� ``(2) to conduct research in the field of science, 
��������engineering, or law, or any other field that the Commission 
��������determines is important to the work of the Commission.''.
����������� (5) Conforming amendments.--The table of sections of the 
��������Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. prec. 2011) (as amended by 
��������subsection (a)(2)) is amended--
������������������� (A) by adding at the end of the items relating to 
����������������chapter 14 the following:
``Sec. 170F. Recruitment tools.
``Sec. 170G. Expenses authorized to be paid by the Commission.'';
��������������� and
������������������� (B) by inserting after the item relating to section 
����������������243 the following:
``Sec. 244. Partnership program with institutions of higher 
��� (d) Radiation Source Protection.--
����������� (1) Amendment.--Chapter 14 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 
��������(42 U.S.C. 2201 et seq.) (as amended by subsection (c)(3)) is 
��������amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``a. Definitions.--In this section:
[[Page 119 STAT. 803]]
������� ����``(1) Code of conduct.--The term `Code of Conduct' means the 
��������code entitled the `Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of 
��������Radioactive Sources', approved by the Board of Governors of the 
��������International Atomic Energy Agency and dated September 8, 2003.
����������� ``(2) Radiation source.--The term `radiation source' means--
������������������� ``(A) a Category 1 Source or a Category 2 Source, as 
����������������defined in the Code of Conduct; and
������������������� ``(B) any other material that poses a threat such 
����������������that the material is subject to this section, as 
����������������determined by the Commission, by regulation, other than 
����������������spent nuclear fuel and special nuclear materials.
��� ``b. Commission Approval.--
Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Regulations.>> later than 180 days after the date 
of enactment of this section, the Commission shall issue regulations 
prohibiting a person from--
����������� ``(1) exporting a radiation source, unless the Commission 
��������has specifically determined under section 57 or 82, consistent 
��������with the Code of Conduct, with respect to the exportation, 
������������������� ``(A) the recipient of the radiation source may 
����������������receive and possess the radiation source under the laws 
����������������and regulations of the country of the recipient;
������������������� ``(B) the recipient country has the appropriate 
����������������technical and administrative capability, resources, and 
����������������regulatory structure to ensure that the radiation source 
����������������will be managed in a safe and secure manner; and
������������������� ``(C) <<NOTE: Deadline. Notification.>> before the 
����������������date on which the radiation source is shipped--
������������������������� ``(i) a notification has been provided to the 
����������������������recipient country; and
������������������������� ``(ii) a notification has been received from 
����������������������the recipient country;
��������������� as the Commission determines to be appropriate;
����������� ``(2) importing a radiation source, unless the Commission 
��������has determined, with respect to the importation, that--
������������������� ``(A) the proposed recipient is authorized by law to 
����������������receive the radiation source; and
������������������� ``(B) the shipment will be made in accordance with 
����������������any applicable Federal or State law or regulation; and
����������� ``(3) selling or otherwise transferring ownership of a 
��������radiation source, unless the Commission--
������������������� ``(A) has determined that the licensee has verified 
����������������that the proposed recipient is authorized under law to 
����������������receive the radiation source; and
������������������� ``(B) has required that the transfer shall be made 
����������������in accordance with any applicable Federal or State law 
����������������or regulation.
��� ``c. Tracking System.--(1)(A) 
Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Regulations.>> later than 1 year after the date of 
enactment of this section, the Commission shall issue regulations 
establishing a mandatory tracking system for radiation sources in the 
United States.
��� ``(B) In establishing the tracking system under subparagraph (A), 
the Commission shall coordinate with the Secretary of Transportation to 
ensure compatibility, to the maximum extent
[[Page 119 STAT. 804]]
practicable, between the tracking system and any system established by 
the Secretary of Transportation to track the shipment of radiation 
��� ``(2) The tracking system under paragraph (1) shall--
����������� ``(A) enable the identification of each radiation source by 
��������serial number or other unique identifier;
�� ���������``(B) require reporting within 7 days of any change of 
��������possession of a radiation source;
����������� ``(C) require reporting within 24 hours of any loss of 
��������control of, or accountability for, a radiation source; and
����������� ``(D) provide for reporting under subparagraphs (B) and (C) 
��������through a secure Internet connection.
��� ``d. Penalty.--A violation of a regulation issued under subsection 
a. or b. shall be punishable by a civil penalty not to exceed 
�� ``e. National <<NOTE: Deadline. Contracts.>> Academy of Sciences 
Study.--(1) Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of this 
section, the Commission shall enter into an arrangement with the 
National Academy of Sciences under which the National Academy of 
Sciences shall conduct a study of industrial, research, and commercial 
uses for radiation sources.
��� ``(2) The study under paragraph (1) shall include a review of uses 
of radiation sources in existence on the date on which the study is 
conducted, including an identification of any industrial or other 
process that--
����������� ``(A) uses a radiation source that could be replaced with an 
��������economically and technically equivalent (or improved) process 
��������that does not require the use of a radiation source; or
����������� ``(B) may be used with a radiation source that would pose a 
��������lower risk to public health and safety in the event of an 
��������accident or attack involving the radiation source.
��� ``(3) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Not later than 2 years after the date of 
enactment of this section, the Commission shall submit to Congress the 
results of the study under paragraph (1).
��� ``f. Task <<NOTE: Establishment.>> Force on Radiation Source 
Protection and Security.--(1) There is established a task force on 
radiation source protection and security (referred to in this section as 
the `task force').
��� ``(2)(A) The chairperson of the task force shall be the Chairperson 
of the Commission (or a designee).
��� ``(B) The membership of the task force shall consist of the 
����������� ``(i) The Secretary of Homeland Security (or a designee).
����������� ``(ii) The Secretary of Defense (or a designee).
����������� ``(iii) The Secretary of Energy (or a designee).
����������� ``(iv) The Secretary of Transportation (or a designee).
����������� ``(v) The Attorney General (or a designee).
����������� ``(vi) The Secretary of State (or a designee).
����������� ``(vii) The Director of National Intelligence (or a 
����������� ``(viii) The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (or 
��������a designee).
����������� ``(ix) The Director of the Federal Emergency Management 
��������Agency (or a designee).
����������� ``(x) The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation 
��������(or a designee).
[[Page 119 STAT. 805]]
����������� ``(xi) The Administrator of the Environmental Protection 
��������Agency (or a designee).
��� ``(3)(A) The task force, in consultation with Federal, State, and 
local agencies, the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, 
and the Organization of Agreement States, and after public notice and an 
opportunity for comment, shall evaluate, and provide recommendations 
relating to, the security of radiation sources in the United States from 
potential terrorist threats, including acts of sabotage, theft, or use 
of a radiation source in a radiological dispersal device.
��� ``(B) <<NOTE: Deadlines. Reports.>> Not later than 1 year after the 
date of enactment of this section, and not less than once every 4 years 
thereafter, the task force shall submit to Congress and the President a 
report, in unclassified form with a classified annex if necessary, 
providing recommendations, including recommendations for appropriate 
regulatory and legislative changes, for--
����������� ``(i) a list of additional radiation sources that should be 
��������required to be secured under this Act, based on the potential 
��������attractiveness of the sources to terrorists and the extent of 
��������the threat to public health and safety of the sources, taking 
��������into consideration--
������������������� ``(I) radiation source radioactivity levels;
������������������� ``(II) radioactive half-life of a radiation source;
������������������� ``(III) dispersability;
������������������� ``(IV) chemical and material form;
������������������� ``(V) for radioactive materials with a medical use, 
����������������the availability of the sources to physicians and 
����������������patients for medical treatment; and
������������������� ``(VI) any other factor that the Chairperson of the 
����������������Commission determines to be appropriate;
����������� ``(ii) the establishment of, or modifications to, a national 
�������system for recovery of lost or stolen radiation sources;
����������� ``(iii) the storage of radiation sources that are not used 
��������in a safe and secure manner as of the date on which the report 
��������is submitted;
����������� ``(iv) modifications to the national tracking system for 
��������radiation sources;
����������� ``(v) the establishment of, or modifications to, a national 
��������system (including user fees and other methods) to provide for 
��������the proper disposal of radiation sources secured under this Act;
����������� ``(vi) modifications to export controls on radiation sources 
��������to ensure that foreign recipients of radiation sources are able 
��������and willing to adequately control radiation sources from the 
��������United States;
����������� ``(vii)(I) any alternative technologies available as of the 
��������date on which the report is submitted that may perform some or 
��������all of the functions performed by devices or processes that 
��������employ radiation sources; and
����������� ``(II) the establishment of appropriate regulations and 
��������incentives for the replacement of the devices and processes 
��������described in subclause (I)--
������������������� ``(aa) with alternative technologies in order to 
����������������reduce the number of radiation sources in the United 
����������������States; or
������������������� ``(bb) with radiation sources that would pose a 
����������������lower risk to public health and safety in the event of 
����������������an accident or attack involving the radiation source; 
[[Page 119 STAT. 806]]
����������� ``(viii) the creation of, or modifications to, procedures 
��������for improving the security of use, transportation, and storage 
��������of radiation sources, including--
������������������� ``(I) periodic audits or inspections by the 
����������������Commission to ensure that radiation sources are properly 
����������������secured and can be fully accounted for;
������������������� ``(II) evaluation of the security measures by the 
������������������� ``(III) increased fines for violations of Commission 
����������������regulations relating to security and safety measures 
����������������applicable to licensees that possess radiation sources;
������������������� ``(IV) criminal and security background checks for 
����������������certain individuals with access to radiation sources 
����������������(including individuals involved with transporting 
����������������radiation sources);
������������������� ``(V) requirements for effective and timely 
����������������exchanges of information relating to the results of 
����������������criminal and security background checks between the 
����������������Commission and any State with which the Commission has 
����������������entered into an agreement under section 274 b.;
������������������� ``(VI) assurances of the physical security of 
����������������facilities that contain radiation sources (including 
����������������facilities used to temporarily store radiation sources 
����������������being transported); and
������������������� ``(VII) the screening of shipments to facilities 
����������������that the Commission determines to be particularly at 
����������������risk for sabotage of radiation sources to ensure that 
����������������the shipments do not contain explosives.
��� ``g. Action by Commission.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 60 
days after the date of receipt by Congress and the President of a report 
under subsection f.(3)(B), the Commission, in accordance with the 
recommendations of the task force, shall--
����������� ``(1) take any action the Commission determines to be 
��������appropriate, including revising the system of the Commission for 
��������licensing radiation sources; and
����������� ``(2) ensure that States that have entered into agreements 
��������with the Commission under section 274 b. take similar action in 
��������a timely manner.''.
����������� (2) Conforming amendment.--The table of sections of the 
��������Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. prec. 2011) (as amended by 
��������subsection (c)(5)(A)) is amended by adding at the end of the 
��������items relating to chapter 14 the following:
``Sec. 170H. Radiation source protection.''.
��� (e) Treatment of Accelerator-produced and Other Radioactive Material 
as Byproduct Material.--
����������� (1) Definition of byproduct material.--Section 11 e. of the 
��������Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2014(e)) is amended--
������������������� (A) by striking ``means (1) any radioactive'' and 
����������������inserting the following: ``means--
����������� ``(1) any radioactive''.
������������������� (B) by striking ``material, and (2) the tailings'' 
����������������and inserting the following: ``material;
����������� ``(2) the tailings''.
������������������� (C) by striking ``content.'' and inserting the 
����������������following: ``content;
����������� ``(3)(A) any discrete source of radium-226 that is produced, 
��������extracted, or converted after extraction, before, on, or after
[[Page 119 STAT. 807]]
������� the date of enactment of this paragraph for use for a 
��������commercial, medical, or research activity; or
����������� ``(B) any material that--
������������������� ``(i) has been made radioactive by use of a particle 
����������������accelerator; and
������������������� ``(ii) is produced, extracted, or converted after 
����������������extraction, before, on, or after the date of enactment 
����������������of this paragraph for use for a commercial, medical, or 
����������������research activity; and
����������� ``(4) any discrete source of naturally occurring radioactive 
��������material, other than source material, that--
������������������� ``(A) the Commission, in consultation with the 
����������������Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, 
����������������the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary of Homeland 
����������������Security, and the head of any other appropriate Federal 
����������������agency, determines would pose a threat similar to the 
����������������threat posed by a discrete source of radium-226 to the 
����������������public health and safety or the common defense and 
����������������security; and
������������������� ``(B) before, on, or after the date of enactment of 
����������������this paragraph is extracted or converted after 
����������������extraction for use in a commercial, medical, or research 
����������� (2) Agreements with governors.--Section 274 b. of the Atomic 
��������Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2021(b)) is amended by striking 
��������``State--'' and all that follows through paragraph (4) and 
��������inserting the following: ``State:
����������� ``(1) Byproduct materials (as defined in section 11 e.).
����������� ``(2) Source materials.
����������� ``(3) Special nuclear materials in quantities not sufficient 
��������to form a critical mass.''.
����������� (3) Waste disposal.--
������������������� (A) Domestic distribution.--Section 81 of the Atomic 
����������������Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2111) is amended--
������������������������� (i) by striking ``No person may'' and 
����������������������inserting the following:
��� ``a. In General.--No person may''.
������������������������� (ii) by adding at the end the following:
��� ``b. Requirements.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), 
��������byproduct material, as defined in paragraphs (3) and (4) of 
��������section 11 e., may only be transferred to and disposed of in a 
��������disposal facility that--
������������������� ``(A) is adequate to protect public health and 
����������������safety; and
������������������� ``(B)(i) is licensed by the Commission; or
������������������� ``(ii) is licensed by a State that has entered into 
����������������an agreement with the Commission under section 274 b., 
����������������if the licensing requirements of the State are 
����������������compatible with the licensing requirements of the 
����������� ``(2) Effect of subsection.--Nothing in this subsection 
��������affects the authority of any entity to dispose of byproduct 
��������material, as defined in paragraphs (3) and (4) of section 11 e., 
��������at a disposal facility in accordance with any Federal or State 
��������solid or hazardous waste law, including the Solid Waste Disposal 
��������Act (42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq.).
��� ``c. Treatment as Low-level Radioactive Waste.--Byproduct material, 
as defined in paragraphs (3) and (4) of section 11 e.,
[[Page 119 STAT. 808]]
disposed of under this section shall not be considered to be low-level 
radioactive waste for the purposes of--
����������� ``(1) section 2 of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy 
��������Act (42 U.S.C. 2021b); or
����������� ``(2) carrying out a compact that is--
������������������� ``(A) entered into in accordance with that Act (42 
����������������U.S.C. 2021b et seq.); and
������������������� ``(B) approved by Congress.''.
������������������� (B) Definition of low-level radioactive waste.--
��������������� Section 2(9) of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy 
����������������Act (42 U.S.C. 2021b(9)) is amended--
������������������������� (i) by redesignating subparagraphs (A) and (B) 
����������������������as clauses (i) and (ii), respectively, and 
����������������������indenting the clauses appropriately;
����������� ��������������(ii) in the matter preceding clause (i) (as 
����������������������redesignated by subparagraph (A)) by striking 
����������������������``The term'' and inserting the following:
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The term''; and
�������� �����������������(iii) by adding at the end the following:
������������������� ``(B) Exclusion.--The term `low-level radioactive 
����������������waste' does not include byproduct material (as defined 
����������������in paragraphs (3) and (4) of section 11 e. of the Atomic 
����������������Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2014(e)).''.
����������� (4) Final regulations.--
������������������� (A) Regulations.--
������������������������� (i) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later 
����������������������than 18 months after the date of enactment of this 
����������������������Act, the Commission, after consultation with 
����������������������States and other stakeholders, shall issue final 
����������������������regulations establishing such requirements as the 
����������������������Commission determines to be necessary to carry out 
����������������������this section and the amendments made by this 
������������������������� (ii) Inclusions.--The regulations shall 
����������������������include a definition of the term ``discrete 
����������������������source'' for purposes of paragraphs (3) and (4) of 
����������������������section 11 e. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 
����������������������U.S.C. 2014(e)) (as amended by paragraph (1)).
������������������� (B) Cooperation.--In promulgating regulations under 
����������������paragraph (1), the Commission shall, to the maximum 
����������������extent practicable--
������������������������� (i) cooperate with States; and
������������������������� (ii) use model State standards in existence on 
����������������������the date of enactment of this Act.
������������������� (C) Transition plan.--
������������������������� (i) Definition of byproduct material.--In this 
����������������������paragraph, the term ``byproduct material'' has the 
����������������������meaning given the term in paragraphs (3) and (4) 
����������������������of section 11 e. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 
����������������������(42 U.S.C. 2014(e)) (as amended by paragraph (1)).
������������������������� (ii) Preparation and publication.--To 
����������������������facilitate an orderly transition of regulatory 
����������������������authority with respect to byproduct material, the 
����������������������Commission, in issuing regulations under 
����������������������subparagraph (A), shall prepare and publish a 
����������������������transition plan for--
����������������������������������� (I) States that have not, before the 
��������������������������������date on which the plan is published, 
��������������������������������entered into an agreement with the 
��������������������������������Commission under section 274 b.
[[Page 119 STAT. 809]]
������������������������������� of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 
��������������������������������U.S.C. 2021(b)); and
����������������������������������� (II) States that have entered into 
��������������������������������an agreement with the Commission under 
��������������������������������that section before the date on which 
��������������������������������the plan is published.
������������������������� (iii) Inclusions.--The transition plan under 
����������������������clause (ii) shall include--
����������������������������������� (I) a description of the conditions 
��������������������������������under which a State may exercise 
��������������������������������authority over byproduct material; and
����������������������������������� (II) a statement of the Commission 
��������������������������������that any agreement covering byproduct 
��������������������������������material, as defined in paragraph (1) or 
��������������������������������(2) of section 11e. of the Atomic Energy 
��������������������������������Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2014(e)), entered 
��������������������������������into between the Commission and a State 
��������������������������������under section 274 b. of that Act (42 
��������������������������������U.S.C. 2021(b)) before the date of 
��������������������������������publication of the transition plan shall 
��������������������������������be considered to include byproduct 
��������������������������������material, as defined in paragraph (3) or 
��������������������������������(4) of section 11e. of that Act (42 
��������������������������������U.S.C. 2014(e)) (as amended by paragraph 
��������������������������������(1)), if the Governor of the State 
��������������������������������certifies to the Commission on the date 
��������������������������������of publication of the transition plan 
������������������������������������������� (aa) the State has a program 
����������������������������������������for licensing byproduct 
����������������������������������������material, as defined in 
����������������������������������������paragraph (3) or (4) of section 
����������������������������������������11e. of the Atomic Energy Act of 
����������������������������������������1954, that is adequate to 
����������������������������������������protect the public health and 
����������������������������������������safety, as determined by the 
����������������������������������������Commission; and
������������������������������������������� (bb) the State intends to 
����������������������������������������continue to implement the 
����������������������������������������regulatory responsibility of the 
����������������������������������������State with respect to the 
����������������������������������������byproduct material.
��� ����������������(D) Availability of radiopharmaceuticals.--In 
����������������promulgating regulations under subparagraph (A), the 
����������������Commission shall consider the impact on the availability 
����������������of radiopharmaceuticals to--
��� ����������������������(i) physicians; and
������������������������� (ii) patients the medical treatment of which 
����������������������relies on radiopharmaceuticals.
����������� (5) Waivers.--
������������������� (A) In general.--Except as provided in subparagraph 
����������������(B), the Commission may grant a waiver to any entity of 
����������������any requirement under this section or an amendment made 
����������������by this section with respect to a matter relating to 
����������������byproduct material (as defined in paragraphs (3) and (4) 
����������������of section 11 e. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 
����������������U.S.C. 2014(e)) (as amended by paragraph (1))) if the 
����������������Commission determines that the waiver is in accordance 
����������������with the protection of the public health and safety and 
����������������the promotion of the common defense and security.
������������������� (B) Exceptions.--
������������������������� (i) In general.--The Commission may not grant 
����������������������a waiver under subparagraph (A) with respect to--
����������������������������������� (I) any requirement under the 
��������������������������������amendments made by subsection (c)(1);
����������������������������������� (II) a matter relating to an 
��������������������������������importation into, or exportation from, 
��������������������������������the United States for a period
[[Page 119 STAT. 810]]
������������������������������� ending after the date that is 1 year 
��������������������������������after the date of enactment of this Act; 
����������������������������������� (III) any other matter for a period 
��������������������������������ending after the date that is 4 years 
��������������������������������after the date of enactment of this Act.
������������������������� (ii) Waivers to states.--The Commission shall 
����������������������terminate any waiver granted to a State under 
����������������������subparagraph (A) if the Commission determines 
����������������������������������� (I) the State has entered into an 
��������������������������������agreement with the Commission under 
��������������������������������section 274 b. of the Atomic Energy Act 
��������������������������������of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2021(b));
����������������������������������� (II) the agreement described in 
��������������������������������subclause (I) covers byproduct material 
��������������������������������(as described in paragraph (3) or (4) of 
��������������������������������section 11 e. of the Atomic Energy Act 
��������������������������������of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2014(e)) (as amended 
��������������������������������by paragraph (1))); and
������������������������������� ����(III) the program of the State for 
��������������������������������licensing such byproduct material is 
��������������������������������adequate to protect the public health 
��������������������������������and safety.
������������������� (C) Publication.--The <<NOTE: Federal 
����������������Register, publication. Notice.>> Commission shall 
����������������publish in the Federal Register a notice of any waiver 
����������������granted under this subsection.
��� Section 149 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2169) is 
����������� (1) in subsection a.--
������������������� (A) by striking ``a. The Nuclear'' and all that 
����������������follows through ``section 147.'' and inserting the 
��� ``a.(1)(A)(i) The Commission shall require each individual or entity 
described in clause (ii) to fingerprint each individual described in 
subparagraph (B) before the individual described in subparagraph (B) is 
permitted access under subparagraph (B).
��� ``(ii) The individuals and entities referred to in clause (i) are 
individuals and entities that, on or before the date on which an 
individual is permitted access under subparagraph (B)--
����������� ``(I) are licensed or certified to engage in an activity 
��������subject to regulation by the Commission;
����������� ``(II) have filed an application for a license or 
��������certificate to engage in an activity subject to regulation by 
��������the Commission; or
����������� ``(III) <<NOTE: Notification.>> have notified the Commission 
��������in writing of an intent to file an application for licensing, 
��������certification, permitting, or approval of a product or activity 
��������subject to regulation by the Commission.
��� ``(B) The Commission shall require to be fingerprinted any 
individual who--
����������� ``(i) is permitted unescorted access to--
������������������� ``(I) a utilization facility; or
������������ �������``(II) radioactive material or other property 
����������������subject to regulation by the Commission that the 
����������������Commission determines to be of such significance to the 
����������������public health and safety or the common defense and 
����������������security as to warrant fingerprinting and background 
����������������checks; or
����������� ``(ii) is permitted access to safeguards information under 
��������section 147.'';
[[Page 119 STAT. 811]]
������������������� (B) by striking ``All fingerprints obtained by a 
����������������licensee or applicant as required in the preceding 
����������������sentence'' and inserting the following:
��� ``(2) All fingerprints obtained by an individual or entity as 
required in paragraph (1)'';
������������������� (C) by striking ``The costs of any identification 
����������������and records check conducted pursuant to the preceding 
����������������sentence shall be paid by the licensee or applicant.'' 
����������������and inserting the following:
��� ``(3) The costs of an identification or records check under 
paragraph (2) shall be paid by the individual or entity required to 
conduct the fingerprinting under paragraph (1)(A).''; and
���������� ���������(D) by striking ``Notwithstanding any other 
����������������provision of law, the Attorney General may provide all 
����������������the results of the search to the Commission, and, in 
����������������accordance with regulations prescribed under this 
����������������section, the Commission may provide such results to 
����������������licensee or applicant submitting such fingerprints.'' 
����������������and inserting the following:
��� ``(4) Notwithstanding any other provision of law--
������� ����``(A) the Attorney General may provide any result of an 
��������identification or records check under paragraph (2) to the 
��������Commission; and
����������� ``(B) the Commission, in accordance with regulations 
��������prescribed under this section, may provide the results to the 
��������individual or entity required to conduct the fingerprinting 
��������under paragraph (1)(A).'';
����������� (2) in subsection c.--
������������������� (A) by striking ``, subject to public notice and 
����������������comment, regulations--'' and inserting ``requirements--
��������������� ''; and
������������������� (B) in paragraph (2)(B), by striking ``unescorted 
����������������access to the facility of a licensee or applicant'' and 
����������������inserting ``unescorted access to a utilization facility, 
����������������radioactive material, or other property described in 
����������������subsection a.(1)(B)'';
����������� (3) by redesignating subsection d. as subsection e.; and
����������� (4) by inserting after subsection c. the following:
��� ``d. The Commission may require a person or individual to conduct 
fingerprinting under subsection a.(1) by authorizing or requiring the 
use of any alternative biometric method for identification that has been 
approved by--
����������� ``(1) the Attorney General; and
����������� ``(2) the Commission, by regulation.''.
��� The Atomic Energy Act of 1954 is amended by inserting after section 
161 (42 U.S.C. 2201) the following:
��� ``a. Definitions.--In this section, the terms `handgun', `rifle', 
`shotgun', `firearm', `ammunition', `machinegun', `short-barreled 
shotgun', and `short-barreled rifle' have the meanings given the terms 
in section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code.
��� ``b. Authorization.--Notwithstanding subsections (a)(4), (a)(5), 
(b)(2), (b)(4), and (o) of section 922 of title 18, United States Code, 
section 925(d)(3) of title 18, United States Code, section 5844 of the 
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and any law (including regulations) of a 
State or a political subdivision of a State that prohibits the transfer, 
receipt, possession, transportation, importation, or use of a handgun, a 
rifle, a shotgun, a short-barreled shotgun, a short-
[[Page 119 STAT. 812]]
barreled rifle, a machinegun, a semiautomatic assault weapon, ammunition 
for any such gun or weapon, or a large capacity ammunition feeding 
device, in carrying out the duties of the Commission, the Commission may 
authorize the security personnel of any licensee or certificate holder 
of the Commission (including an employee of a contractor of such a 
licensee or certificate holder) to transfer, receive, possess, 
transport, import, and use 1 or more such guns, weapons, ammunition, or 
devices, if the Commission determines that--
����������� ``(1) the authorization is necessary to the discharge of the 
��������official duties of the security personnel; and
����������� ``(2) the security personnel--
������������������� ``(A) are not otherwise prohibited from possessing 
����������������or receiving a firearm under Federal or State laws 
����������������relating to possession of firearms by a certain category 
����������������of persons;
������������������� ``(B) have successfully completed any requirement 
����������������under this section for training in the use of firearms 
����������������and tactical maneuvers;
������������������� ``(C) are engaged in the protection of--
������������������������� ``(i) a facility owned or operated by a 
����������������������licensee or certificate holder of the Commission 
����������������������that is designated by the Commission; or
������������������������� ``(ii) radioactive material or other property 
����������������������owned or possessed by a licensee or certificate 
����������������������holder of the Commission, or that is being 
����������������������transported to or from a facility owned or 
����������������������operated by such a licensee or certificate holder, 
����������������������and that has been determined by the Commission to 
����������������������be of significance to the common defense and 
����������������������security or public health and safety; and
������������������� ``(D) are discharging the official duties of the 
����������������security personnel in transferring, receiving, 
����������������possessing, transporting, or importing the weapons, 
����������������ammunition, or devices.
��� ``c. Background Checks.--A person that receives, possesses, 
transports, imports, or uses a weapon, ammunition, or a device under 
subsection (b) shall be subject to a background check by the Attorney 
General, based on fingerprints and including a background check under 
section 103(b) of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (Public Law 
103-159; 18 U.S.C. 922 note) to determine whether the person is 
prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm under Federal or State 
��� ``d. Effective Date.--This section takes effect on the date on which 
guidelines are issued by the Commission, with the approval of the 
Attorney General, to carry out this section.''.
��� Section 229 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2278a) is 
����������� (1) by striking ``Sec. 229, Trespass Upon Commission 
��������Installations.--'' and inserting the following:
����������� (2) by adjusting the indentations of subsections a., b., and 
��������c. so as to reflect proper subsection indentations; and
����������� (3) in subsection a.--
������������������� (A) in the first sentence, by striking ``a. The'' 
����������������and inserting the following:
��� ``a.(1) The'';
[[Page 119 STAT. 813]]
������������������� (B) in the second sentence, by striking ``Every'' 
����������������and inserting the following:
��� ``(2) Every''; and
���������� ���������(C) in paragraph (1) (as designated by subparagraph 
������������������������� (i) by striking ``or in the custody'' and 
����������������������inserting ``in the custody''; and
������������������������� (ii) by inserting ``, or subject to the 
����������������������licensing authority of the Commission or 
����������������������certification by the Commission under this Act or 
����������������������any other Act'' before the period.
��� (a) In General.--Section 236a. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 
U.S.C. 2284(a)) is amended--
����������� (1) in paragraph (2), by striking ``storage facility'' and 
��������inserting ``treatment, storage, or disposal facility'';
����������� (2) in paragraph (3)--
������������������� (A) by striking ``such a utilization facility'' and 
����������������inserting ``a utilization facility licensed under this 
����������������Act''; and
������������������� (B) by striking ``or'' at the end;
����������� (3) in paragraph (4)--
������������������� (A) by striking ``facility licensed'' and inserting 
����������������``, uranium conversion, or nuclear fuel fabrication 
����������������facility licensed or certified''; and
��� ����������������(B) by striking the comma at the end and inserting a 
����������������semicolon; and
����������� (4) by inserting after paragraph (4) the following:
����������� ``(5) any production, utilization, waste storage, waste 
��������treatment, waste disposal, uranium enrichment, uranium 
��������conversion, or nuclear fuel fabrication facility subject to 
��������licensing or certification under this Act during construction of 
��������the facility, if the destruction or damage caused or attempted 
��������to be caused could adversely affect public health and safety 
��������during the operation of the facility;
����������� ``(6) any primary facility or backup facility from which a 
��������radiological emergency preparedness alert and warning system is 
��������activated; or
����������� ``(7) any radioactive material or other property subject to 
��������regulation by the Commission that, before the date of the 
��������offense, the Commission determines, by order or regulation 
��������published in the Federal Register, is of significance to the 
��������public health and safety or to common defense and security;''.
��� (b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 236 of the Atomic Energy Act of 
1954 (42 U.S.C. 2284) is amended by striking ``intentionally and 
willfully'' each place it appears and inserting ``knowingly''.
��� (a) Amendment.--Chapter 14 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 
U.S.C. 2201-2210b) (as amended by section 651(d)(1)) is amended by 
adding at the end the following new section:
��� ``a. <<NOTE: Procedures.>> The Commission shall establish a system 
to ensure that materials described in subsection b., when transferred or 
received in the United States by any party pursuant to an import or 
[[Page 119 STAT. 814]]
license issued pursuant to this Act, are accompanied by a manifest 
describing the type and amount of materials being transferred or 
received. Each individual receiving or accompanying the transfer of such 
materials shall be subject to a security background check conducted by 
appropriate Federal entities.
��� ``b. Except as otherwise provided by the Commission by regulation, 
the materials referred to in subsection a. are byproduct materials, 
source materials, special nuclear materials, high-level radioactive 
waste, spent nuclear fuel, transuranic waste, and low-level radioactive 
waste (as defined in section 2(16) of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 
1982 (42 U.S.C. 10101(16))).''.
��� (b) Regulations.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline. 42 USC 2210i note.>> later 
than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and from time 
to time thereafter as it considers necessary, the Nuclear Regulatory 
Commission shall issue regulations identifying radioactive materials or 
classes of individuals that, consistent with the protection of public 
health and safety and the common defense and security, are appropriate 
exceptions to the requirements of section 170D of the Atomic Energy Act 
of 1954, as added by subsection (a) of this section.
��� (c) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 42 USC 2210i note.>> amendment made 
by subsection (a) shall take effect upon the issuance of regulations 
under subsection (b), except that the background check requirement shall 
become effective on a date established by the Commission.
��� (d) Effect on Other Law.--Nothing <<NOTE: 42 USC 2210i note.>> in 
this section or the amendment made by this section shall waive, modify, 
or affect the application of chapter 51 of title 49, United States Code, 
part A of subtitle V of title 49, United States Code, part B of subtitle 
VI of title 49, United States Code, and title 23, United States Code.
��� (e) Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections of the Atomic 
Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. prec. 2011) (as amended by subsection (a)) 
is amended by adding at the end of the items relating to chapter 14 the 
``Sec. 170I. Secure transfer of nuclear materials.''.
��� Before issuing a license for a utilization facility, the Nuclear 
Regulatory Commission shall consult with the Department of Homeland 
Security concerning the potential vulnerabilities of the location of the 
proposed facility to terrorist attack.
��������������������� TITLE VII--VEHICLES AND FUELS
��������������������� Subtitle A--Existing Programs
��� Section 400AA(a)(3)(E) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 
U.S.C. 6374(a)(3)(E)) is amended to read as follows:
��� ``(E)(i) Dual fueled vehicles acquired pursuant to this section 
shall be operated on alternative fuels unless the Secretary determines 
that an agency qualifies for a waiver of such requirement for vehicles 
operated by the agency in a particular geographic area in which--
����������� ``(I) the alternative fuel otherwise required to be used in 
��������the vehicle is not reasonably available to retail purchasers
[[Page 119 STAT. 815]]
������� of the fuel, as certified to the Secretary by the head of the 
��������agency; or
����������� ``(II) the cost of the alternative fuel otherwise required 
��������to be used in the vehicle is unreasonably more expensive 
��������compared to gasoline, as certified to the Secretary by the head 
��������of the agency.
 ���``(ii) <<NOTE: Reports.>> The Secretary shall monitor compliance 
with this subparagraph by all such fleets and shall report annually to 
Congress on the extent to which the requirements of this subparagraph 
are being achieved. The report shall include information on annual 
reductions achieved from the use of petroleum-based fuels and the 
problems, if any, encountered in acquiring alternative fuels.''.
��� Section 303(c) of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13212(c)) 
is amended by striking ``may'' and inserting ``shall''.
��� (a) Alternative Compliance.--Title V of the Energy Policy Act of 
1992 (42 U.S.C. 13251 et seq.) is amended--
����������� (1) by redesignating section 514 (42 U.S.C. 13264) as 
��������section 515; and
����������� (2) by inserting after section 513 (42 U.S.C. 13263) the 
��� ``(a) Application for Waiver.--Any covered person subject to section 
501 and any State subject to section 507(o) may petition the Secretary 
for a waiver of the applicable requirements of section 501 or 507(o).
��� ``(b) Grant of Waiver.--The Secretary shall grant a waiver of the 
requirements of section 501 or 507(o) on a showing that the fleet owned, 
operated, leased, or otherwise controlled by the State or covered 
����������� ``(1) will achieve a reduction in the annual consumption of 
��������petroleum fuels by the fleet equal to--
������������������� ``(A) the reduction in consumption of petroleum that 
����������������would result from 100 percent cumulative compliance with 
����������������the fuel use requirements of section 501; or
������������������� ``(B) in the case of an entity covered under section 
����������������507(o), a reduction equal to the annual consumption by 
����������������the State entity of alternative fuels if all of the 
����������������cumulative alternative fuel vehicles of the State entity 
����������������given credit under section 508 were to use alternative 
����������������fuel 100 percent of the time; and
����������� ``(2) is in compliance with all applicable vehicle emission 
��������standards established by the Administrator of the Environmental 
��������Protection Agency under the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et 
��� ``(c) Reporting Requirement.--Not later than December 31 of a model 
year, any State or covered person granted a waiver under this section 
for the preceding model year shall submit to the Secretary an annual 
report that--
����������� ``(1) <<NOTE: Certification.>> certifies the quantity of the 
��������petroleum motor fuel reduction of the State or covered person 
��������during the preceding model year; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 816]]
����������� ``(2) projects the baseline quantity of the petroleum motor 
��������fuel reduction of the State or covered person during the 
��������following model year.
��� ``(d) Revocation of Waiver.--If a State or covered person that 
receives a waiver under this section fails to comply with this section, 
the Secretary--
����������� ``(1) shall revoke the waiver; and
����������� ``(2) may impose on the State or covered person a penalty 
��������under section 512.''.
��� (b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 511 of the Energy Policy Act of 
1992 (42 U.S.C. 13261) is amended by striking ``or 507'' and inserting 
``507, or 514''.
��� (c) Table of Contents Amendment.--The table of contents of the 
Energy Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. prec. 13201) is amended by striking 
the item relating to section 514 and inserting the following:
``Sec. 514. Alternative compliance.
``Sec. 515. Authorization of appropriations.''.
��� (a) In General.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 180 days after 
the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary shall complete a 
study to determine the effect that titles III, IV, and V of the Energy 
Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13211 et seq.) have had on--
����������� (1) the development of alternative fueled vehicle 
����������� (2) the availability of that technology in the market; and
����������� (3) the cost of alternative fueled vehicles.
��� (b) Topics.--As part of the study under subsection (a), the 
Secretary shall specifically identify--
����������� (1) the number of alternative fueled vehicles acquired by 
��������fleets or covered persons required to acquire alternative fueled 
����������� (2) the quantity, by type, of alternative fuel actually used 
��������in alternative fueled vehicles acquired by fleets or covered 
����������� (3) the quantity of petroleum displaced by the use of 
��������alternative fuels in alternative fueled vehicles acquired by 
��������fleets or covered persons;
����������� (4) the direct and indirect costs of compliance with 
��������requirements under titles III, IV, and V of the Energy Policy 
��������Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13211 et seq.), including--
������������������� (A) vehicle acquisition requirements imposed on 
����������������fleets or covered persons;
������������������� (B) administrative and recordkeeping expenses;
������������������� (C) fuel and fuel infrastructure costs;
������������������� (D) associated training and employee expenses; and
������������������� (E) any other factors or expenses the Secretary 
����������������determines to be necessary to compile reliable estimates 
����������������of the overall costs and benefits of complying with 
����������������programs under those titles for fleets, covered persons, 
����������������and the national economy;
����������� (5) the existence of obstacles preventing compliance with 
��������vehicle acquisition requirements and increased use of 
��������alternative fuel in alternative fueled vehicles acquired by 
��������fleets or covered persons; and
����������� (6) the projected impact of amendments to the Energy Policy 
��������Act of 1992 made by this title.
[[Page 119 STAT. 817]]
��� (c) Report.--Upon completion of the study under this section, the 
Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that describes the results 
of the study and includes any recommendations of the Secretary for 
legislative or administrative changes concerning the alternative fueled 
vehicle requirements under titles III, IV, and V of the Energy Policy 
Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13211 et seq.).
��� Section 310(b)(1) of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 
13218(b)(1)) is amended by striking ``1 year after the date of enactment 
of this subsection'' and inserting ``February 15, 2006''.
��� (a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� (1) Eligible entity.--The term ``eligible entity'' means--
������������������� (A) a for-profit corporation;
������������������� (B) a nonprofit corporation; or
������������������� (C) an institution of higher education.
����������� (2) Program.--The term ``program'' means a program 
��������established under subsection (b).
��� (b) Establishment.--The Secretary shall establish a program to 
improve technologies for the commercialization of--
����������� (1) a combination hybrid/flexible fuel vehicle; or
����������� (2) a plug-in hybrid/flexible fuel vehicle.
��� (c) Grants.--In carrying out the program, the Secretary shall 
provide grants that give preference to proposals that--
����������� (1) achieve the greatest reduction in miles per gallon of 
��������petroleum fuel consumption;
������� ����(2) achieve not less than 250 miles per gallon of petroleum 
��������fuel consumption; and
����������� (3) have the greatest potential of commercialization to the 
��������general public within 5 years.
��� (d) Verification.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Federal 
Register, publication. Procedures.>> later than 90 days after the date 
of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall publish in the Federal 
Register procedures to verify--
����������� (1) the hybrid/flexible fuel vehicle technologies to be 
�������demonstrated; and
����������� (2) that grants are administered in accordance with this 
��� (e) Report.--Not later than 260 days after the date of enactment of 
this Act, and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall submit to 
Congress a report that--
����������� (1) identifies the grant recipients;
����������� (2) describes the technologies to be funded under the 
����������� (3) assesses the feasibility of the technologies described 
��������in paragraph (2) in meeting the goals described in subsection 
����������� (4) identifies applications submitted for the program that 
��������were not funded; and
����������� (5) makes recommendations for Federal legislation to achieve 
��������commercialization of the technology demonstrated.
��� (f) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section, to remain available until 
����������� (1) $3,000,000 for fiscal year 2006;
[[Page 119 STAT. 818]]
������� ����(2) $7,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
����������� (3) $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2008; and
����������� (4) $20,000,000 for fiscal year 2009.
��� Section 301 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13211) is 
amended in paragraph (9)(E) by inserting before the semicolon at the end 
``, including vehicles directly used in the emergency repair of 
transmission lines and in the restoration of electricity service 
following power outages, as determined by the Secretary''.
�� Subtitle B--Hybrid Vehicles, Advanced Vehicles, and Fuel Cell Buses
������������������������ PART 1--HYBRID VEHICLES
SEC. 711. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16061.>> HYBRID VEHICLES.
��� The Secretary shall accelerate efforts directed toward the 
improvement of batteries and other rechargeable energy storage systems, 
power electronics, hybrid systems integration, and other technologies 
for use in hybrid vehicles.
��� (a) Program.--The Secretary shall establish a program to encourage 
domestic production and sales of efficient hybrid and advanced diesel 
vehicles. The program shall include grants to automobile manufacturers 
to encourage domestic production of efficient hybrid and advanced diesel 
��� (b) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary for carrying out this section such sums as 
may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 2006 through 2015.
������ �����������������PART 2--ADVANCED VEHICLES
SEC. 721. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16071.>> PILOT PROGRAM.
��� (a) Establishment.--The Secretary, in consultation with the 
Secretary of Transportation, shall establish a competitive grant pilot 
program (referred to in this part as the ``pilot program''), to be 
administered through the Clean Cities Program of the Department, to 
provide not more than 30 geographically dispersed project grants to 
State governments, local governments, or metropolitan transportation 
authorities to carry out a project or projects for the purposes 
described in subsection (b).
��� (b) Grant Purposes.--A grant under this section may be used for the 
following purposes:
����������� (1) The acquisition of alternative fueled vehicles or fuel 
��������cell vehicles, including--
������������������� (A) passenger vehicles (including neighborhood 
����������������electric vehicles); and
������������������� (B) motorized 2-wheel bicycles or other vehicles for 
����������������use by law enforcement personnel or other State or local 
����������������government or metropolitan transportation authority 
����������� (2) The acquisition of alternative fueled vehicles, hybrid 
��������vehicles, or fuel cell vehicles, including--
[[Page 119 STAT. 819]]
������������������� (A) buses used for public transportation or 
����������������transportation to and from schools;
������������������� (B) delivery vehicles for goods or services; and
������������������� (C) ground support vehicles at public airports 
����������������(including vehicles to carry baggage or push or pull 
����������������airplanes toward or away from terminal gates).
����������� (3) The acquisition of ultra-low sulfur diesel vehicles.
����������� (4) Installation or acquisition of infrastructure necessary 
��������to directly support an alternative fueled vehicle, fuel cell 
��������vehicle, or hybrid vehicle project funded by the grant, 
��������including fueling and other support equipment.
����������� (5) Operation and maintenance of vehicles, infrastructure, 
��������and equipment acquired as part of a project funded by the grant.
��� (c) Applications.--
����������� (1) Requirements.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The Secretary shall issue 
����������������requirements for applying for grants under the pilot 
������������������� (B) Minimum requirements.--At a minimum, the 
����������������Secretary shall require that an application for a 
������������������� ������(i) be submitted by the head of a State or 
����������������������local government or a metropolitan transportation 
����������������������authority, or any combination thereof, and a 
����������������������registered participant in the Clean Cities Program 
����������������������of the Department; and
������������������������� (ii) include--
����������������������������������� (I) a description of the project 
��������������������������������proposed in the application, including 
��������������������������������how the project meets the requirements 
��������������������������������of this part;
����������������������������������� (II) an estimate of the ridership or 
��������������������������������degree of use of the project;
�������������������� ���������������(III) an estimate of the air 
��������������������������������pollution emissions reduced and fossil 
��������������������������������fuel displaced as a result of the 
��������������������������������project, and a plan to collect and 
��������������������������������disseminate environmental data, related 
��������������������������������to the project to be funded under the 
��������������������������������grant, over the life of the project;
����������������������������������� (IV) a description of how the 
��������������������������������project will be sustainable without 
��������������������������������Federal assistance after the completion 
��������������������������������of the term of the grant;
����������������������������������� (V) a complete description of the 
��������������������������������costs of the project, including 
��������������������������������acquisition, construction, operation, 
��������������������������������and maintenance costs over the expected 
��������������������������������life of the project;
����������������������������������� (VI) a description of which costs of 
��������������������������������the project will be supported by Federal 
��������������������������������assistance under this part; and
�� ���������������������������������(VII) documentation to the 
��������������������������������satisfaction of the Secretary that 
��������������������������������diesel fuel containing sulfur at not 
��������������������������������more than 15 parts per million is 
��������������������������������available for carrying out the project, 
��������������������������������and a commitment by the applicant to use 
��������������������������������such fuel in carrying out the project.
����������� (2) Partners.--An applicant under paragraph (1) may carry 
��������out a project under the pilot program in partnership with public 
��������and private entities.
��� (d) Selection Criteria.--In evaluating applications under the pilot 
program, the Secretary shall--
[[Page 119 STAT. 820]]
����������� (1) consider each applicant's previous experience with 
��������similar projects; and
����������� (2) give priority consideration to applications that--
������������������� (A) are most likely to maximize protection of the 
������������������� (B) demonstrate the greatest commitment on the part 
����������������of the applicant to ensure funding for the proposed 
����������������project and the greatest likelihood that the project 
����������������will be maintained or expanded after Federal assistance 
����������������under this part is completed; and
������������������� (C) exceed the minimum requirements of subsection 
��� (e) Pilot Project Requirements.--
����� ������(1) Maximum amount.--The Secretary shall not provide more 
��������than $15,000,000 in Federal assistance under the pilot program 
��������to any applicant.
����������� (2) Cost sharing.--The Secretary shall not provide more than 
��������50 percent of the cost, incurred during the period of the grant, 
��������of any project under the pilot program.
����������� (3) Maximum period of grants.--The Secretary shall not fund 
��������any applicant under the pilot program for more than 5 years.
���������� (4) Deployment and distribution.--The Secretary shall seek 
��������to the maximum extent practicable to ensure a broad geographic 
��������distribution of project sites.
����������� (5) Transfer of <<NOTE: Procedures.>> information and 
��������knowledge.--The Secretary shall establish mechanisms to ensure 
��������that the information and knowledge gained by participants in the 
��������pilot program are transferred among the pilot program 
��������participants and to other interested parties, including other 
��������applicants that submitted applications.
��� (f) <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> Schedule.--
����������� (1) Publication.--Not <<NOTE: Federal 
��������Register, publication. Commerce Business Daily, 
��������publication.>> later than 90 days after the date of enactment of 
��������this Act, the Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register, 
��������Commerce Business Daily, and elsewhere as appropriate, a request 
��������for applications to undertake projects under the pilot program. 
��������Applications shall be due not later than 180 days after the date 
��������of publication of the notice.
����������� (2) Selection.--Not later than 180 days after the date by 
��������which applications for grants are due, the Secretary shall 
��������select by competitive, peer reviewed proposal, all applications 
��������for projects to be awarded a grant under the pilot program.
��� (g) Definitions.--For <<NOTE: Regulations.>> purposes of carrying 
out the pilot program, the Secretary shall issue regulations defining 
any term, as the Secretary determines to be necessary.
SEC. 722. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16072.>> REPORTS TO CONGRESS.
��� (a) Initial Report.--Not later than 60 days after the date on which 
grants are awarded under this part, the Secretary shall submit to 
Congress a report containing--
����������� (1) an identification of the grant recipients and a 
��������description of the projects to be funded;
����������� (2) an identification of other applicants that submitted 
�������applications for the pilot program; and
����������� (3) a description of the mechanisms used by the Secretary to 
��������ensure that the information and knowledge gained by participants 
��������in the pilot program are transferred among the pilot
[[Page 119 STAT. 821]]
������� program participants and to other interested parties, including 
��������other applicants that submitted applications.
��� (b) Evaluation.--Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment 
of this Act, and annually thereafter until the pilot program ends, the 
Secretary shall submit to Congress a report containing an evaluation of 
the effectiveness of the pilot program, including--
����������� (1) an assessment of the benefits to the environment derived 
��������from the projects included in the pilot program; and
����������� (2) an estimate of the potential benefits to the environment 
��������to be derived from widespread application of alternative fueled 
��������vehicles and ultra-low sulfur diesel vehicles.
��� There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry 
out this part $200,000,000, to remain available until expended.
������������������������ PART 3--FUEL CELL BUSES
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary 
of Transportation, shall establish a transit bus demonstration program 
to make competitive, merit-based awards for 5-year projects to 
demonstrate not more than 25 fuel cell transit buses (and necessary 
infrastructure) in 5 geographically dispersed localities.
��� (b) Preference.--In selecting projects under this section, the 
Secretary shall give preference to projects that are most likely to 
mitigate congestion and improve air quality.
��� (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section $10,000,000 for 
each of fiscal years 2006 through 2010.
�������������������� Subtitle C--Clean School Buses
��� (a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� (1) Administrator.--The term ``Administrator'' means the 
��������Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.
����������� (2) Alternative fuel.--The term ``alternative fuel'' means--
������������������� (A) liquefied natural gas, compressed natural gas, 
����������������liquefied petroleum gas, hydrogen, or propane;
������������������� (B) methanol or ethanol at no less than 85 percent 
����������������by volume; or
������������������� (C) biodiesel conforming with standards published by 
����������������the American Society for Testing and Materials as of the 
����������������date of enactment of this Act.
����������� (3) Clean school bus.--The term ``clean school bus'' means a 
��������school bus with a gross vehicle weight of greater than 14,000 
��������pounds that--
������������������� (A) is powered by a heavy duty engine; and
������������������� (B) is operated solely on an alternative fuel or 
����������������ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel.
����������� (4) Eligible recipient.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 822]]
������������������� (A) In general.--Subject to subparagraph (B), the 
����������������term ``eligible recipient'' means--
������������������������� (i) 1 or more local or State governmental 
����������������������entities responsible for--
���������������������������������� (I) providing school bus service to 
��������������������������������1 or more public school systems; or
����������������������������������� (II) the purchase of school buses;
������������������������� (ii) 1 or more contracting entities that 
����������������������provide school bus service to 1 or more public 
����������������������school systems; or
������������������������� (iii) a nonprofit school transportation 
������������������� (B) Special requirements.--In the case of eligible 
����������������recipients identified under clauses (ii) and (iii), the 
����������������Administrator shall establish timely and appropriate 
����������������requirements for notice and may establish timely and 
����������������appropriate requirements for approval by the public 
����������������school systems that would be served by buses purchased 
����������������or retrofit using grant funds made available under this 
����������� (5) Retrofit technology.--The term ``retrofit technology'' 
��������means a particulate filter or other emissions control equipment 
��������that is verified or certified by the Administrator or the 
��������California Air Resources Board as an effective emission 
��������reduction technology when installed on an existing school bus.
����������� (6) Ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel.--The term ``ultra-low 
��������sulfur diesel fuel'' means diesel fuel that contains sulfur at 
��������not more than 15 parts per million.
��� (b) Program for Retrofit or Replacement of Certain Existing School 
Buses With Clean School Buses.--
����������� (1) Establishment.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The Administrator, in consultation 
����������������with the Secretary and other appropriate Federal 
����������������departments and agencies, shall establish a program for 
����������������awarding grants on a competitive basis to eligible 
����������������recipients for the replacement, or retrofit (including 
����������������repowering, aftertreatment, and remanufactured engines) 
����������������of, certain existing school buses.
������������������� (B) Balancing.--In awarding grants under this 
����������������section, the Administrator shall, to the maximum extent 
����������������practicable, achieve an appropriate balance between 
����������������awarding grants--
������������������������� (i) to replace school buses; and
������������������������� (ii) to install retrofit technologies.
����������� (2) Priority of grant applications.--
������������������� (A) Replacement.--In the case of grant applications 
����������������to replace school buses, the Administrator shall give 
����������������priority to applicants that propose to replace school 
����������������buses manufactured before model year 1977.
������������������� (B) Retrofitting.--In the case of grant applications 
����������������to retrofit school buses, the Administrator shall give 
����������������priority to applicants that propose to retrofit school 
����������������buses manufactured in or after model year 1991.
����������� (3) Use of school bus fleet.--
������������������� (A) In general.--All school buses acquired or 
����������������retrofitted with funds provided under this section shall 
����������������be operated as part of the school bus fleet for which 
����������������the grant was made for not less than 5 years.
[[Page 119 STAT. 823]]
������������������� (B) Maintenance, operation, and fueling.--New school 
����������������buses and retrofit technology shall be maintained, 
����������������operated, and fueled according to manufacturer 
����������������recommendations or State requirements.
����������� (4) Retrofit grants.--The Administrator may award grants for 
��������up to 100 percent of the retrofit technologies and installation 
����������� (5) Replacement grants.--
������������������� (A) Eligibility for 50 percent grants.--The 
����������������Administrator may award grants for replacement of school 
����������������buses in the amount of up to one-half of the acquisition 
����������������costs (including fueling infrastructure) for--
������������������������� (i) clean school buses with engines 
����������������������manufactured in model year 2005 or 2006 that emit 
����������������������not more than--
����������������������������������� (I) 1.8 grams per brake horsepower-
������������������������������� hour of non-methane hydrocarbons and 
��������������������������������oxides of nitrogen; and
���������������������������� �������(II) .01 grams per brake horsepower-
������������������������������� hour of particulate matter; or
������������������������� (ii) clean school buses with engines 
����������������������manufactured in model year 2007, 2008, or 2009 
����������������������that satisfy regulatory requirements established 
����������������������by the Administrator for emissions of oxides of 
����������������������nitrogen and particulate matter to be applicable 
����������������������for school buses manufactured in model year 2010.
������������������� (B) Eligibility for 25 percent grants.--The 
����������������Administrator may award grants for replacement of school 
����������������buses in the amount of up to one-fourth of the 
����������������acquisition costs (including fueling infrastructure) 
������������������������� (i) clean school buses with engines 
����������������������manufactured in model year 2005 or 2006 that emit 
����������������������not more than--
����������������������������������� (I) 2.5 grams per brake horsepower-
������������������������������� hour of non-methane hydrocarbons and 
��������������������������������oxides of nitrogen; and
����������������������������������� (II) .01 grams per brake horsepower-
������������������������������� hour of particulate matter; or
������������������������� (ii) clean school buses with engines 
����������������������manufactured in model year 2007 or thereafter that 
����������������������satisfy regulatory requirements established by the 
����������������������Administrator for emissions of oxides of nitrogen 
����������������������and particulate matter from school buses 
����������������������manufactured in that model year.
����������� (6) Ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel.--
������������������� (A) In general.--In the case of a grant recipient 
����������������receiving a grant for the acquisition of ultra-low 
����������������sulfur diesel fuel school buses with engines 
����������������manufactured in model year 2005 or 2006, the grant 
����������������recipient shall provide, to the satisfaction of the 
������������������������� (i) documentation that diesel fuel containing 
����������������������sulfur at not more than 15 parts per million is 
����������������������available for carrying out the purposes of the 
����������������������grant; and
������������������������� (ii) a commitment by the applicant to use that 
����������������������fuel in carrying out the purposes of the grant.
����������� (7) Deployment and distribution.--The Administrator shall, 
��������to the maximum extent practicable--
������������������� (A) achieve nationwide deployment of clean school 
����������������buses through the program under this section; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 824]]
������������������� (B) ensure a broad geographic distribution of grant 
����������������awards, with no State receiving more than 10 percent of 
����������������the grant funding made available under this section 
����������������during a fiscal year.
����������� (8) Annual report.--
������������������� (A) In general.--Not later than January 31 of each 
����������������year, the Administrator shall submit to Congress a 
����������������report that--
������������������������� (i) evaluates the implementation of this 
����������������������section; and
������������������������� (ii) describes--
����������������������������������� (I) the total number of grant 
��������������������������������applications received;
����������������������������������� (II) the number and types of 
��������������������������������alternative fuel school buses, ultra-low 
��������������������������������sulfur diesel fuel school buses, and 
��������������������������������retrofitted buses requested in grant 
����������������������������������� (III) grants awarded and the 
��������������������������������criteria used to select the grant 
����������������������������������� (IV) certified engine emission 
��������������������������������levels of all buses purchased or 
��������������������������������retrofitted under this section;
����������������������������������� (V) an evaluation of the in-use 
��������������������������������emission level of buses purchased or 
��������������������������������retrofitted under this section; and
����������������������������������� (VI) any other information the 
��������������������������������Administrator considers appropriate.
��� (c) Education.--
����������� (1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 90 days 
��������after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall 
��������develop an education outreach program to promote and explain the 
��������grant program.
����������� (2) Coordination with stakeholders.--The outreach program 
��������shall be designed and conducted in conjunction with national 
��������school bus transportation associations and other stakeholders.
����������� (3) Components.--The outreach program shall--
������������������� (A) inform potential grant recipients on the process 
����������������of applying for grants;
������������������� (B) describe the available technologies and the 
����������������benefits of the technologies;
������������������� (C) explain the benefits of participating in the 
����������������grant program; and
������������������� (D) include, as appropriate, information from the 
����������������annual report required under subsection (b)(8).
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Administrator to carry out this section, to remain 
available until expended--
����������� (1) $55,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 and 2007; and
����������� (2) such sums as are necessary for each of fiscal years 
��������2008, 2009, and 2010.
��� (a) Establishment.--The Administrator, in consultation with the 
Secretary, shall establish a program for awarding grants on
[[Page 119 STAT. 825]]
a competitive basis to public agencies and entities for fleet 
modernization programs including installation of retrofit technologies 
for diesel trucks.
��� (b) Eligible Recipients.--A grant shall be awarded under this 
section only to a State or local government or an agency or 
instrumentality of a State or local government or of two or more State 
or local governments who will allocate funds, with preference to ports 
and other major hauling operations.
��� (c) Awards.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Administrator shall seek, to the 
��������maximum extent practicable, to ensure a broad geographic 
��������distribution of grants under this section.
����������� (2) Preferences.--In making awards of grants under this 
��������section, the Administrator shall give preference to proposals 
������������������� (A) will achieve the greatest reductions in 
����������������emissions of nonmethane hydrocarbons, oxides of 
����������������nitrogen, and/or particulate matter per proposal or per 
����������������truck; or
������������������� (B) involve the use of Environmental Protection 
����������������Agency or California Air Resources Board verified 
����������������emissions control retrofit technology on diesel trucks 
����������������that operate solely on ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel 
����������������after September 2006.
��� (d) Conditions of Grant.--A grant shall be provided under this 
section on the conditions that--
����������� (1) trucks which are replacing scrapped trucks and on which 
��������retrofit emissions-control technology are to be demonstrated--
������������������� (A) will operate on ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel 
����������������where such fuel is reasonably available or required for 
����������������sale by State or local law or regulation;
������������������� (B) were manufactured in model year 1998 and before; 
������������������� (C) will be used for the transportation of cargo 
����������������goods especially in port areas or used in goods movement 
����������������and major hauling operations;
����������� (2) grant funds will be used for the purchase of emission 
��������control retrofit technology, including State taxes and contract 
��������fees; and
����������� (3) grant recipients will provide at least 50 percent of the 
��������total cost of the retrofit, including the purchase of emission 
��������control retrofit technology and all necessary labor for 
��������installation of the retrofit, from any source other than this 
��� (e) Verification.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Federal 
Register, publication. Procedures.>> later than 90 days after the date 
of enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall publish in the Federal 
Register procedures to--
����������� (1) make grants pursuant to this section;
����������� (2) verify that trucks powered by ultra-low sulfur diesel 
��������fuel on which retrofit emissions-control technology are to be 
��������demonstrated will operate on diesel fuel containing not more 
��������than 15 parts per million of sulfur after September 2006; and
����������� (3) verify that grants are administered in accordance with 
��������this section.
��� (f) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Administrator to carry out this section, to remain 
available until expended the following sums:
����������� (1) $20,000,000 for fiscal year 2006.
����������� (2) $35,000,000 for fiscal year 2007.
[[Page 119 STAT. 826]]
����������� (3) $45,000,000 for fiscal year 2008.
����������� (4) Such sums as are necessary for each of fiscal years 2009 
��������and 2010.
��� (a) Establishment.--The Secretary shall establish a program for 
entering into cooperative agreements--
����������� (1) with private sector fuel cell bus developers for the 
��������development of fuel cell-powered school buses; and
����������� (2) subsequently, with not less than 2 units of local 
��������government using natural gas-powered school buses and such 
��������private sector fuel cell bus developers to demonstrate the use 
��������of fuel cell-powered school buses.
��� (b) Cost Sharing.--The non-Federal contribution for activities 
funded under this section shall be not less than--
����������� (1) 20 percent for fuel infrastructure development 
��������activities; and
����������� (2) 50 percent for demonstration activities and for 
��������development activities not described in paragraph (1).
��� (c) Reports to Congress.--Not later than 3 years after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall transmit to Congress a report 
����������� (1) evaluates the process of converting natural gas 
��������infrastructure to accommodate fuel cell-powered school buses; 
����������� (2) assesses the results of the development and 
��������demonstration program under this section.
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section $25,000,000 for 
the period of fiscal years 2006 through 2009.
����������������������� Subtitle D--Miscellaneous
��� (a) Establishment.--The Secretary shall (in cooperation with the 
Secretary of Transportation and the Administrator of the Environmental 
Protection Agency) establish a cost-shared, public-private research 
partnership involving the Federal Government, railroad carriers, 
locomotive manufacturers and equipment suppliers, and the Association of 
American Railroads, to develop and demonstrate railroad locomotive 
technologies that increase fuel economy, reduce emissions, and lower 
costs of operation.
��� (b) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section--
����������� (1) $15,000,000 for fiscal year 2006;
����������� (2) $20,000,000 for fiscal year 2007; and
����������� (3) $30,000,000 for fiscal year 2008.
��� (a) In General.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Reports.>> later than 180 
days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of the 
Environmental Protection Agency shall submit to Congress a report on the 
experience of the Administrator with the trading of mobile source 
emission reduction credits for use by owners and operators of stationary 
source emission sources to meet emission offset requirements within a 
nonattainment area.
��� (b) Contents.--The report shall describe--
[[Page 119 STAT. 827]]
����������� (1) projects approved by the Administrator that include the 
��������trading of mobile source emission reduction credits for use by 
��������stationary sources in complying with offset requirements, 
��������including a description of--
������������������� (A) project and stationary sources location;
������������������� (B) volumes of emissions offset and traded;
������������������� (C) the sources of mobile emission reduction 
����������������credits; and
������������������� (D) if available, the cost of the credits;
����������� (2) the significant issues identified by the Administrator 
��������in consideration and approval of trading in the projects;
����������� (3) the requirements for monitoring and assessing the air 
��������quality benefits of any approved project;
����������� (4) the statutory authority on which the Administrator has 
��������based approval of the projects;
����������� (5) an evaluation of how the resolution of issues in 
��������approved projects could be used in other projects and whether 
��������the emission reduction credits may be considered to be 
��������additional in relation to other requirements;
����������� (6) the potential, for attainment purposes, of emission 
��������reduction credits relating to transit and land use policies; and
����������� (7) any other issues that the Administrator considers 
��������relevant to the trading and generation of mobile source emission 
��������reduction credits for use by stationary sources or for other 
��� (a) In General.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 60 days after 
the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of the Federal 
Aviation Administration and the Administrator of the Environmental 
Protection Agency shall jointly initiate a study to identify--
����������� (1) the impact of aircraft emissions on air quality in 
��������nonattainment areas;
����������� (2) ways to promote fuel conservation measures for aviation 
��������to enhance fuel efficiency and reduce emissions; and
����������� (3) opportunities to reduce air traffic inefficiencies that 
��������increase fuel burn and emissions.
��� (b) Focus.--The study under subsection (a) shall focus on how air 
traffic management inefficiencies, such as aircraft idling at airports, 
result in unnecessary fuel burn and air emissions.
��� (c) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the initiation 
of the study under subsection (a), the Administrator of the Federal 
Aviation Administration and the Administrator of the Environmental 
Protection Agency shall jointly submit to the Committee on Energy and 
Commerce and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the 
House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public 
Works and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the 
Senate a report that--
����������� (1) describes the results of the study; and
����������� (2) includes any recommendations on ways in which 
��������unnecessary fuel use and emissions affecting air quality may be 
������������������� (A) without adversely affecting safety and security 
����������������and increasing individual aircraft noise; and
������������������� (B) while taking into account all aircraft emissions 
����������������and the impact of those emissions on the human health.
[[Page 119 STAT. 828]]
��� (d) Risk Assessments.--Any assessment of risk to human health and 
the environment prepared by the Administrator of the Federal Aviation 
Administration or the Administrator of the Environmental Protection 
Agency to support the report in this section shall be based on sound and 
objective scientific practices, shall consider the best available 
science, and shall present the weight of the scientific evidence 
concerning such risks.
��� (a) Definition of Tier 2 Emission Standards.--In this section, the 
term ``tier 2 emission standards'' means the motor vehicle emission 
standards that apply to passenger cars, light trucks, and larger 
passenger vehicles manufactured after the 2003 model year, as issued on 
February 10, 2000, by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection 
Agency under sections 202 and 211 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7521, 
��� (b) Diesel Combustion and After-Treatment Technologies.--The 
Secretary shall accelerate efforts to improve diesel combustion and 
after-treatment technologies for use in diesel fueled motor vehicles.
��� (c) Goals.--The Secretary shall carry out subsection (b) with a view 
toward achieving the following goals:
����������� (1) Developing and demonstrating diesel technologies that, 
��������not later than 2010, meet the following standards:
������������������� (A) Tier 2 emission standards.
������������������� (B) The heavy-duty emissions standards of 2007 that 
���������������are applicable to heavy-duty vehicles under regulations 
����������������issued by the Administrator of the Environmental 
����������������Protection Agency as of the date of enactment of this 
����������� (2) Developing the next generation of low-emission, high 
��������efficiency diesel engine technologies, including homogeneous 
��������charge compression ignition technology.
��� (a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� (1) Program.--The term ``program'' means the Conserve by 
��������Bicycling Program established by subsection (b).
����������� (2) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary 
��������of Transportation.
��� (b) Establishment.--There is established within the Department of 
Transportation a program to be known as the ``Conserve by Bicycling 
��� (c) Projects.--
����������� (1) In general.--In carrying out the program, the Secretary 
��������shall establish not more than 10 pilot projects that are--
������������������� (A) dispersed geographically throughout the United 
����������������States; and
������������������� (B) designed to conserve energy resources by 
����������������encouraging the use of bicycles in place of motor 
����������� (2) Requirements.--A pilot project described in paragraph 
��������(1) shall--
������������������� (A) use education and marketing to convert motor 
����������������vehicle trips to bicycle trips;
������������������� (B) document project results and energy savings (in 
����������������estimated units of energy conserved);
������������������� (C) facilitate partnerships among interested parties 
����������������in at least 2 of the fields of--
[[Page 119 STAT. 829]]
������������������������� (i) transportation;
������������������������� (ii) law enforcement;
������������������������� (iii) education;
������������������������� (iv) public health;
����������������������� ��(v) environment; and
������������������������� (vi) energy;
������������������� (D) maximize bicycle facility investments;
������������������� (E) demonstrate methods that may be used in other 
����������������regions of the United States; and
��������� ����������(F) facilitate the continuation of ongoing programs 
����������������that are sustained by local resources.
����������� (3) Cost sharing.--At least 20 percent of the cost of each 
��������pilot project described in paragraph (1) shall be provided from 
��������non-Federal sources.
��� (d) Energy and Bicycling Research Study.--
����������� (1) In general.--
������� Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Contracts. Reports.>> later than 2 years 
��������after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall 
��������enter into a contract with the National Academy of Sciences for, 
��������and the National Academy of Sciences shall conduct and submit to 
��������Congress a report on, a study on the feasibility of converting 
��������motor vehicle trips to bicycle trips.
����������� (2) Components.--The study shall--
������������������� (A) document the results or progress of the pilot 
����������������projects under subsection (c);
������������������� (B) determine the type and duration of motor vehicle 
����������������trips that people in the United States may feasibly make 
����������������by bicycle, taking into consideration factors such as--
������������������������� (i) weather;
������������������������� (ii) land use and traffic patterns;
��������������� ����������(iii) the carrying capacity of bicycles; and
������������������������� (iv) bicycle infrastructure;
������������������� (C) determine any energy savings that would result 
����������������from the conversion of motor vehicle trips to bicycle 
������������������� (D) include a cost-benefit analysis of bicycle 
����������������infrastructure investments; and
������������������� (E) include a description of any factors that would 
����������������encourage more motor vehicle trips to be replaced with 
����������������bicycle trips.
��� (e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section $6,200,000, to 
remain available until expended, of which--
����������� (1) $5,150,000 shall be used to carry out pilot projects 
��������described in subsection (c);
����������� (2) $300,000 shall be used by the Secretary to coordinate, 
��������publicize, and disseminate the results of the program; and
����������� (3) $750,000 shall be used to carry out subsection (d).
��� (a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� (1) Administrator.--The term ``Administrator'' means the 
��������Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.
����������� (2) Advanced truck stop electrification system.--The term 
��������``advanced truck stop electrification system'' means a 
��������stationary system that delivers heat, air conditioning, 
��������electricity, or communications, and is capable of providing 
��������verifiable and auditable evidence of use of those services, to a 
��������heavy-duty vehicle and any occupants of the heavy-duty vehicle 
��������with or
[[Page 119 STAT. 830]]
������� without relying on components mounted onboard the heavy-duty 
��������vehicle for delivery of those services.
����������� (3) Auxiliary power unit.--The term ``auxiliary power unit'' 
��������means an integrated system that--
������������������� (A) provides heat, air conditioning, engine warming, 
����������������or electricity to components on a heavy-duty vehicle; 
������������������� (B) is certified by the Administrator under part 89 
����������������of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations (or any 
����������������successor regulation), as meeting applicable emission 
����������� (4) Heavy-duty vehicle.--The term ``heavy-duty vehicle'' 
��������means a vehicle that--
������������������� (A) has a gross vehicle weight rating greater than 
����������������8,500 pounds; and
������������������� (B) is powered by a diesel engine.
����������� (5) Idle reduction technology.--The term ``idle reduction 
��������technology'' means an advanced truck stop electrification 
��������system, auxiliary power unit, or other technology that--
������������������� (A) is used to reduce long-duration idling; and
������������������� (B) allows for the main drive engine or auxiliary 
����������������refrigeration engine to be shut down.
����������� (6) Energy conservation technology.--the term ``energy 
��������conservation technology'' means any device, system of devices, 
��������or equipment that improves the fuel economy.
����������� (7) Long-duration idling.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The term ``long-duration idling'' 
����������������means the operation of a main drive engine or auxiliary 
����������������refrigeration engine, for a period greater than 15 
����������������consecutive minutes, at a time at which the main drive 
����������������engine is not engaged in gear.
������������������� (B) Exclusions.--The term ``long-duration idling'' 
����������������does not include the operation of a main drive engine or 
����������������auxiliary refrigeration engine during a routine stoppage 
����������������associated with traffic movement or congestion.
��� (b) Idle Reduction Technology Benefits, Programs, and Studies.--
����������� (1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 90 days 
��������after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator 
������������������� (A)(i) commence a review of the mobile source air 
����������������emission models of the Environmental Protection Agency 
����������������used under the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) to 
����������������determine whether the models accurately reflect the 
����������������emissions resulting from long-duration idling of heavy-
��������������� duty vehicles and other vehicles and engines; and
����������� ��������(ii) update those models as the Administrator 
����������������determines to be appropriate; and
������������������� (B)(i) commence a review of the emission reductions 
����������������achieved by the use of idle reduction technology; and
������� ������������(ii) complete such revisions of the regulations and 
����������������guidance of the Environmental Protection Agency as the 
����������������Administrator determines to be appropriate.
����������� (2) Deadline for completion.--Not later than 180 days after 
��������the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall--
������������������� (A) complete the reviews under subparagraphs (A)(i) 
����������������and (B)(i) of paragraph (1); and
������������������� (B) prepare and make publicly available one or more 
����������������reports on the results of the reviews.
[[Page 119 STAT. 831]]
����������� (3) Discretionary inclusions.--The reviews under 
��������subparagraphs (A)(i) and (B)(i) of paragraph (1) and the reports 
��������under paragraph (2)(B) may address the potential fuel savings 
��������resulting from use of idle reduction technology.
����������� (4) Idle reduction and energy conservation deployment 
������������������� (A) Establishment.--
�������� �����������������(i) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later 
����������������������than 90 days after the date of enactment of this 
����������������������Act, the Administrator, in consultation with the 
����������������������Secretary of Transportation shall, through the 
����������������������Environmental Protection Agency's SmartWay 
����������������������Transport Partnership, establish a program to 
����������������������support deployment of idle reduction and energy 
����������������������conservation technologies.
������������������������� (ii) Priority.--The Administrator shall give 
����������������������priority to the deployment of idle reduction and 
����������������������energy conservation technologies based on the 
���������������������costs and beneficial effects on air quality and 
����������������������ability to lessen the emission of criteria air 
������������������� (B) Funding.--
������������������������� (i) Authorization of appropriations.--There 
����������������������are authorized to be appropriated to the 
����������������������Administrator to carry out subparagraph (A) for 
����������������������the purpose of reducing extended idling from 
����������������������heavy-duty vehicles $19,500,000 for fiscal year 
����������������������2006, $30,000,000 for fiscal year 2007, and 
����������������������$45,000,000 for fiscal year 2008.
������������������������� (ii) Locomotives.--There are authorized to be 
����������������������appropriated to the administrator to carry out 
����������������������subparagraph (A) for the purpose of reducing 
����������������������extended idling from locomotives $10,000,000 for 
����������������������fiscal year 2006, $15,000,000 for fiscal year 
����������������������2007, and $20,000,000 for fiscal year 2008.
������������������������� (iii) Cost sharing.--Subject to clause (iv), 
����������������������the Administrator shall require at least 50 
����������������������percent of the costs directly and specifically 
����������������������related to any project under this section to be 
����������������������provided from non-Federal sources.
������������������������� (iv) Necessary and appropriate reductions.--
��������������������� The Administrator may reduce the non-Federal 
����������������������requirement under clause (iii) if the 
����������������������Administrator determines that the reduction is 
����������������������necessary and appropriate to meet the objectives 
����������������������of this section.
����������� (5) Idling location study.--
������������������� (A) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 
����������������90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the 
����������������Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary of 
���������������Transportation, shall commence a study to analyze all 
����������������locations at which heavy-duty vehicles stop for long-
��������������� duration idling, including--
������������������������� (i) truck stops;
������������������������� (ii) rest areas;
������������������������� (iii) border crossings;
������������������������� (iv) ports;
������������������������� (v) transfer facilities; and
������������������������� (vi) private terminals.
������������������� (B) Deadline for completion.--Not later than 180 
����������������days after the date of enactment of this Act, the 
����������������Administrator shall--
[[Page 119 STAT. 832]]
������������������������� (i) complete the study under subparagraph (A); 
��� ����������������������(ii) prepare and make publicly available one 
����������������������or more reports of the results of the study.
��� (c) Vehicle Weight Exemption.--Section 127(a) of title 23, United 
States Code, is amended--
����������� (1) by designating the first through eleventh sentences as 
��������paragraphs (1) through (11), respectively; and
����������� (2) by adding at the end the following:
����������� ``(12) Heavy duty vehicles.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--Subject to subparagraphs (B) and 
����������������(C), in order to promote reduction of fuel use and 
����������������emissions because of engine idling, the maximum gross 
����������������vehicle weight limit and the axle weight limit for any 
����������������heavy-duty vehicle equipped with an idle reduction 
����������������technology shall be increased by a quantity necessary to 
����������������compensate for the additional weight of the idle 
����������������reduction system.
������������������� ``(B) Maximum weight increase.--The weight increase 
����������������under subparagraph (A) shall be not greater than 400 
������������������� ``(C) Proof.--On request by a regulatory agency or 
����������������law enforcement agency, the vehicle operator shall 
����������������provide proof (through demonstration or certification) 
������������������������� ``(i) the idle reduction technology is fully 
����������������������functional at all times; and
������������������������� ``(ii) the 400-pound gross weight increase is 
����������������������not used for any purpose other than the use of 
����������������������idle reduction technology described in 
����������������������subparagraph (A).''.
��� (d) Report.--Not later than 60 days after the date on which funds 
are initially awarded under this section, and on an annual basis 
thereafter, the Administrator shall submit to Congress a report 
����������� (1) an identification of the grant recipients, a description 
��������of the projects to be funded and the amount of funding provided; 
����������� (2) an identification of all other applicants that submitted 
��������applications under the program.
��� (a) In General.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later that 180 days after 
the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall initiate a 
partnership with diesel engine, diesel fuel injection system, and diesel 
vehicle manufacturers and diesel and biodiesel fuel providers, to 
include biodiesel testing in advanced diesel engine and fuel system 
��� (b) Scope.--The program shall provide for testing to determine the 
impact of biodiesel from different sources on current and future 
emission control technologies, with emphasis on--
����������� (1) the impact of biodiesel on emissions warranty, in-use 
��������liability, and antitampering provisions;
����������� (2) the impact of long-term use of biodiesel on engine 
����������� (3) the options for optimizing these technologies for both 
��������emissions and performance when switching between biodiesel and 
��������diesel fuel; and
����������� (4) the impact of using biodiesel in these fueling systems 
��������and engines when used as a blend with 2006 Environmental
[[Page 119 STAT. 833]]
������� Protection Agency-mandated diesel fuel containing a maximum of 
��������15-parts-per-million sulfur content.
��� (c) Report.--Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary shall provide an interim report to Congress on 
the findings of the program, including a comprehensive analysis of 
impacts from biodiesel on engine operation for both existing and 
expected future diesel technologies, and recommendations for ensuring 
optimal emissions reductions and engine performance with biodiesel.
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated $5,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2010 to 
carry out this section.
��� (e) Definition.--For purposes of this section, the term 
``biodiesel'' means a diesel fuel substitute produced from nonpetroleum 
renewable resources that meets the registration requirements for fuels 
and fuel additives established by the Environmental Protection Agency 
under section 211 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7545) and that meets 
the American Society for Testing and Materials D6751-02a Standard 
Specification for Biodiesel Fuel (B100) Blend Stock for Distillate 
��� (a) Ultra-Efficient <<NOTE: Contracts.>> Engine Technology 
Partnership.--The Secretary shall enter into a cooperative agreement 
with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the 
development of ultra-efficient engine technology for aircraft.
��� (b) Performance Objective.--The Secretary shall establish the 
following performance objectives for the program set forth in subsection 
����������� (1) A fuel efficiency increase of at least 10 percent.
����������� (2) A reduction in the impact of landing and takeoff 
��������nitrogen oxides emissions on local air quality of 70 percent.
����������� (3) Exploring advanced concepts, alternate propulsion, and 
��������power configurations, including hybrid fuel cell powered 
����������� (4) Exploring the use of alternate fuel in conventional or 
��������nonconventional turbine-based systems.
��� (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary for carrying out this section $50,000,000 
for each of the fiscal years 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010.
��� Section 32905 of title 49, United States Code, is amended by adding 
the following new subsection at the end thereof:
��� ``(h) Fuel Economy Incentive Requirements.--In order for any model 
of dual fueled automobile to be eligible to receive the fuel economy 
incentives included in section 32906(a) and (b), a label shall be 
attached to the fuel compartment of each dual fueled automobile of that 
model, notifying that the vehicle can be operated on an alternative fuel 
and on gasoline or diesel, with the form of alternative fuel stated on 
the notice. <<NOTE: Applicability. Effective date.>> This requirement 
applies to dual fueled automobiles manufactured on or after September 1, 
[[Page 119 STAT. 834]]
������������������� Subtitle E--Automobile Efficiency
��� In addition to any other funds authorized by law, there are 
authorized to be appropriated to the National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration to carry out its obligations with respect to average fuel 
economy standards $3,500,000 for each of the fiscal years 2006 through 
������������FUELED VEHICLES.
��� (a) Manufacturing Incentives.--Section 32905 of title 49, United 
States Code, is amended--
����������� (1) in each of subsections (b) and (d), by striking ``1993-
������� 2004'' and inserting ``1993-2010'';
����������� (2) in subsection (f), by striking ``2001'' and inserting 
��������``2007''; and
����������� (3) in subsection (f)(1), by striking ``2004'' and inserting 
��� (b) Maximum Fuel Economy Increase.--Subsection (a)(1) of section 
32906 of title 49, United States Code, is amended--
����������� (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``the model years 1993-
������� 2004'' and inserting ``model years 1993-2010''; and
����������� (2) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``the model years 2005-
������� 2008'' and inserting ``model years 2011-2014''.
��� (a) In General.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 30 days after 
the date of the enactment of this Act, the Administrator of the National 
Highway Traffic Safety Administration shall initiate a study of the 
feasibility and effects of reducing by model year 2014, by a significant 
percentage, the amount of fuel consumed by automobiles.
��� (b) Subjects of Study.--The study under this section shall include--
����������� (1) examination of, and recommendation of alternatives to, 
��������the policy under current Federal law of establishing average 
��������fuel economy standards for automobiles and requiring each 
��������automobile manufacturer to comply with average fuel economy 
��������standards that apply to the automobiles it manufactures;
����������� (2) examination of how automobile manufacturers could 
��������contribute toward achieving the reduction referred to in 
��������subsection (a);
����������� (3) examination of the potential of fuel cell technology in 
��������motor vehicles in order to determine the extent to which such 
��������technology may contribute to achieving the reduction referred to 
��������in subsection (a); and
����������� (4) examination of the effects of the reduction referred to 
��������in subsection (a) on--
������������������� (A) gasoline supplies;
������������������� (B) the automobile industry, including sales of 
����������������automobiles manufactured in the United States;
������������������� (C) motor vehicle safety; and
������������������� (D) air quality.
[[Page 119 STAT. 835]]
��� (c) Report.--The Administrator shall submit to Congress a report on 
the findings, conclusion, and recommendations of the study under this 
section by not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this 
��� The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall 
update or revise the adjustment factors in sections 600.209-85 and 
600.209-95, of the Code of Federal Regulations, CFR Part 600 (1995) Fuel 
Economy Regulations for 1977 and Later Model Year Automobiles to take 
into consideration higher speed limits, faster acceleration rates, 
variations in temperature, use of air conditioning, shorter city test 
cycle lengths, current reference fuels, and the use of other fuel 
depleting features.
��������������� Subtitle F--Federal and State Procurement
SEC. 781. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16121.>> DEFINITIONS.
��� In this subtitle:
����������� (1) Fuel cell.--The term ``fuel cell'' means a device that 
��������directly converts the chemical energy of a fuel and an oxidant 
��������into electricity by electrochemical processes occurring at 
��������separate electrodes in the device.
����������� (2) Light-duty or heavy-duty vehicle fleet.--The term 
��������``light-duty or heavy-duty vehicle fleet'' does not include any 
��������vehicle designed or procured for combat or combat-related 
����������� (3) Stationary; portable.--The terms ``stationary'' and 
��������``portable'', when used in reference to a fuel cell, include--
������������������� (A) continuous electric power; and
������������������� (B) backup electric power.
����������� (4) Task force.--The term ``Task Force'' means the Hydrogen 
��������and Fuel Cell Technical Task Force established under section 806 
��������of this Act.
����������� (5) Technical advisory committee.--The term ``Technical 
��������Advisory Committee'' means the independent Technical Advisory 
��������Committee selected under section 807 of this Act.
��� (a) Purposes.--The purposes of this section are--
����������� (1) to stimulate acceptance by the market of fuel cell 
��������vehicles and hydrogen energy systems;
����������� (2) to support development of technologies relating to fuel 
��������cell vehicles, public refueling stations, and hydrogen energy 
��������systems; and
����������� (3) to require the Federal government, which is the largest 
��������single user of energy in the United States, to adopt those 
��������technologies as soon as practicable after the technologies are 
��������developed, in conjunction with private industry partners.
��� (b) Federal Leases and Purchases.--
����������� (1) Requirement.--
������������������� (A) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 
����������������January 1, 2010, the head of any Federal agency that 
����������������uses a light-duty or heavy-duty vehicle fleet shall 
����������������lease or purchase fuel cell vehicles
[[Page 119 STAT. 836]]
��������������� and hydrogen energy systems to meet any applicable 
����������������energy savings goal described in subsection (c).
������������������� (B) Learning demonstration vehicles.--The Secretary 
����������������may lease or purchase appropriate vehicles developed 
����������������under subsections (a)(10) and (b)(1)(A) of section 808 
����������������to meet the requirement in subparagraph (A).
����������� (2) Costs of leases and purchases.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The Secretary, in cooperation with 
����������������the Task Force and the Technical Advisory Committee, 
����������������shall pay to Federal agencies (or share the cost under 
����������������interagency agreements) the difference in cost between--
������������������������� (i) the cost to the agencies of leasing or 
����������������������purchasing fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen energy 
����������������������systems under paragraph (1); and
������������������������� (ii) the cost to the agencies of a feasible 
����������������������alternative to leasing or purchasing fuel cell 
����������������������vehicles and hydrogen energy systems, as 
����������������������determined by the Secretary.
������������������� (B) Competitive costs and management structures.--In 
����������������carrying out subparagraph (A), the Secretary, in 
����������������consultation with the agency, may use the General 
����������������Services Administration or any commercial vendor to 
������������������������� (i) a cost-effective purchase of a fuel cell 
����������������������vehicle or hydrogen energy system; or
������������������������� (ii) a cost-effective management structure of 
����������������������the lease of a fuel cell vehicle or hydrogen 
����������������������energy system.
����������� (3) Exception.--
������������������� (A) In general.--If the Secretary determines that 
����������������the head of an agency described in paragraph (1) cannot 
����������������find an appropriately efficient and reliable fuel cell 
����������������vehicle or hydrogen energy system in accordance with 
����������������paragraph (1), that agency shall be excepted from 
����������������compliance with paragraph (1).
������������������� (B) Consideration.--In making a determination under 
���������������subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall consider--
������������������������� (i) the needs of the agency; and
������������������������� (ii) an evaluation performed by--
����������������������������������� (I) the Task Force; or
��������������������������� ��������(II) the Technical Advisory 
��� (c) Energy Savings Goals.--
����������� (1) In <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> general.--
������������������� (A) Regulations.--Not later than December 31, 2006, 
����������������the Secretary shall--
������������������������� (i) in cooperation with the Task Force, 
����������������������promulgate regulations for the period of 2008 
����������������������through 2010 that extend and augment energy 
����������������������savings goals for each Federal agency, in 
����������������������accordance with any Executive order issued after 
����������������������March 2000; and
������������������������� (ii) promulgate regulations to expand the 
����������������������minimum Federal fleet requirement and credit 
����������������������allowances for fuel cell vehicle systems under 
����������������������section 303 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (42 
����������������������U.S.C. 13212).
������������������� (B) Review, evaluation, and new regulations.--Not 
����������������later than December 31, 2010, the Secretary shall--
������������������������� (i) review the regulations promulgated under 
����������������������subparagraph (A);
������������������������� (ii) evaluate any progress made toward 
����������������������achieving energy savings by Federal agencies; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 837]]
������������������������� (iii) promulgate new regulations for the 
����������������������period of 2011 through 2015 to achieve additional 
����������������������energy savings by Federal agencies relating to 
����������������������technical and cost-performance standards.
����������� (2) Offsetting energy savings goals.--An agency that leases 
��������or purchases a fuel cell vehicle or hydrogen energy system in 
��������accordance with subsection (b)(1) may use that lease or purchase 
��������to count toward an energy savings goal of the agency.
��� (d) Cooperative Program With State Agencies.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary may establish a cooperative 
��������program with State agencies managing motor vehicle fleets to 
��������encourage purchase of fuel cell vehicles by the agencies.
����������� (2) Incentives.--In carrying out the cooperative program, 
�������the Secretary may offer incentive payments to a State agency to 
��������assist with the cost of planning, differential purchases, and 
��� (e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section--
����������� (1) $15,000,000 for fiscal year 2008;
����������� (2) $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2009;
����������� (3) $65,000,000 for fiscal year 2010; and
����������� (4) such sums as are necessary for each of fiscal years 2011 
��������through 2015.
��� (a) Purposes.--The purposes of this section are--
����������� (1) to stimulate acceptance by the market of stationary, 
��������portable, and micro fuel cells; and
����������� (2) to support development of technologies relating to 
��������stationary, portable, and micro fuel cells.
��� (b) Federal Leases and Purchases.--
����������� (1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than January 
��������1, 2006, the head of any Federal agency that uses electrical 
��������power from stationary, portable, or microportable devices shall 
��������lease or purchase a stationary, portable, or micro fuel cell to 
��������meet any applicable energy savings goal described in subsection 
����������� (2) Costs of leases and purchases.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The Secretary, in cooperation with 
����������������the Task Force and the Technical Advisory Committee, 
����������������shall pay the cost to Federal agencies (or share the 
����������������cost under interagency agreements) of leasing or 
����������������purchasing stationary, portable, and micro fuel cells 
����������������under paragraph (1).
������� ������������(B) Competitive costs and management structures.--In 
����������������carrying out subparagraph (A), the Secretary, in 
����������������consultation with the agency, may use the General 
����������������Services Administration or any commercial vendor to 
������������������������� (i) a cost-effective purchase of a stationary, 
����������������������portable, or micro fuel cell; or
������������������������� (ii) a cost-effective management structure of 
����������������������the lease of a stationary, portable, or micro fuel 
����������� (3) Exception.--
������������������� (A) In general.--If the Secretary determines that 
����������������the head of an agency described in paragraph (1) cannot 
����������������find an appropriately efficient and reliable stationary, 
[[Page 119 STAT. 838]]
��������������� or micro fuel cell in accordance with paragraph (1), 
����������������that agency shall be excepted from compliance with 
����������������paragraph (1).
������������������� (B) Consideration.--In making a determination under 
����������������subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall consider--
������������������������� (i) the needs of the agency; and
������������������������� (ii) an evaluation performed by--
����������������������������������� (I) the Task Force; or
����������������������������������� (II) the Technical Advisory 
��������������������������������Committee of the Task Force.
��� (c) Energy Savings Goals.--An agency that leases or purchases a 
stationary, portable, or micro fuel cell in accordance with subsection 
(b)(1) may use that lease or purchase to count toward an energy savings 
goal described in section 808 of this Act that is applicable to the 
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section--
����������� (1) $20,000,000 for fiscal year 2006;
����������� (2) $50,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
����������� (3) $75,000,000 for fiscal year 2008;
����������� (4) $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2009;
����������� (5) $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2010; and
����������� (6) such sums as are necessary for each of fiscal years 2011 
��������through 2015.
���������������� Subtitle G--Diesel Emissions Reduction
SEC. 791. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16131.>> DEFINITIONS.
��� In this subtitle:
����������� (1) Administrator.--The term ``Administrator'' means the 
��������Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.
����������� (2) Certified engine configuration.--The term ``certified 
��������engine configuration'' means a new, rebuilt, or remanufactured 
��������engine configuration--
������������������� (A) that has been certified or verified by--
������������������������� (i) the Administrator; or
������������������������� (ii) the California Air Resources Board;
������������������� (B) that meets or is rebuilt or remanufactured to a 
����������������more stringent set of engine emission standards, as 
����������������determined by the Administrator; and
������������������� (C) in the case of a certified engine configuration 
����������������involving the replacement of an existing engine or 
����������������vehicle, an engine configuration that replaced an engine 
����������������that was--
������������������������� (i) removed from the vehicle; and
������������������������� (ii) returned to the supplier for 
����������������������remanufacturing to a more stringent set of engine 
����������������������emissions standards or for scrappage.
����������� (3) Eligible entity.--The term ``eligible entity'' means--
������������������� (A) a regional, State, local, or tribal agency or 
����������������port authority with jurisdiction over transportation or 
����������������air quality; and
������������������� (B) a nonprofit organization or institution that--
������������������������� (i) represents or provides pollution reduction 
����������������������or educational services to persons or 
����������������������organizations that own or operate diesel fleets; 
[[Page 119 STAT. 839]]
������������������������� (ii) has, as its principal purpose, the 
����������������������promotion of transportation or air quality.
����������� (4) Emerging technology.--The term ``emerging technology'' 
��������means a technology that is not certified or verified by the 
��������Administrator or the California Air Resources Board but for 
��������which an approvable application and test plan has been submitted 
��������for verification to the Administrator or the California Air 
��������Resources Board.
����������� (5) Fleet.--The term ``fleet'' means one or more diesel 
��������vehicles or mobile or stationary diesel engines.
����������� (6) Heavy-duty truck.--The term ``heavy-duty truck'' has the 
��������meaning given the term ``heavy duty vehicle'' in section 202 of 
��������the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7521).
����������� (7) Medium-duty truck.--The term ``medium-duty truck'' has 
��������such meaning as shall be determined by the Administrator, by 
����������� (8) Verified technology.--The term ``verified technology'' 
��������means a pollution control technology, including a retrofit 
��������technology, advanced truckstop electrification system, or 
��������auxiliary power unit, that has been verified by--
������������������� (A) the Administrator; or
������������������� (B) the California Air Resources Board.
��� (a) In General.--The Administrator shall use 70 percent of the funds 
made available to carry out this subtitle for each fiscal year to 
provide grants and low-cost revolving loans, as determined by the 
Administrator, on a competitive basis, to eligible entities to achieve 
significant reductions in diesel emissions in terms of--
����������� (1) tons of pollution produced; and
����������� (2) diesel emissions exposure, particularly from fleets 
��������operating in areas designated by the Administrator as poor air 
��������quality areas.
��� (b) Distribution.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Administrator shall distribute funds 
��������made available for a fiscal year under this subtitle in 
��������accordance with this section.
����������� (2) Fleets.--The Administrator shall provide not less than 
��������50 percent of funds available for a fiscal year under this 
��������section to eligible entities for the benefit of public fleets.
����������� (3) Engine configurations and technologies.--
������������������� (A) Certified engine configurations and verified 
����������������technologies.--The Administrator shall provide not less 
����������������than 90 percent of funds available for a fiscal year 
����������������under this section to eligible entities for projects 
������������������������� (i) a certified engine configuration; or
���������������� ���������(ii) a verified technology.
������������������� (B) Emerging technologies.--
������������������������� (i) In general.--The Administrator shall 
����������������������provide not more than 10 percent of funds 
����������������������available for a fiscal year under this section to 
����������������������eligible entities for the development and 
����������������������commercialization of emerging technologies.
������������������������� (ii) Application and test plan.--To receive 
����������������������funds under clause (i), a manufacturer, in 
����������������������consultation with an eligible entity, shall submit 
����������������������for verification to the Administrator or the 
����������������������California Air Resources Board
[[Page 119 STAT. 840]]
��������������������� a test plan for the emerging technology, together 
����������������������with the application under subsection (c).
��� (c) Applications.--
����������� (1) In general.--To receive a grant or loan under this 
��������section, an eligible entity shall submit to the Administrator an 
��������application at a time, in a manner, and including such 
��������information as the Administrator may require.
����������� (2) Inclusions.--An application under this subsection shall 
������������������� (A) a description of the air quality of the area 
����������������served by the eligible entity;
������������������� (B) the quantity of air pollution produced by the 
����������������diesel fleets in the area served by the eligible entity;
������������������� (C) a description of the project proposed by the 
����������������eligible entity, including--
������������������������� (i) any certified engine configuration, 
����������������������verified technology, or emerging technology to be 
����������������������used or funded by the eligible entity; and
������������������������� (ii) the means by which the project will 
����������������������achieve a significant reduction in diesel 
������������������(D) an evaluation (using methodology approved by the 
����������������Administrator or the National Academy of Sciences) of 
����������������the quantifiable and unquantifiable benefits of the 
����������������emissions reductions of the proposed project;
������������������� (E) an estimate of the cost of the proposed project;
������������������� (F) a description of the age and expected lifetime 
����������������control of the equipment used or funded by the eligible 
������������������� (G) a description of the diesel fuel available in 
����������������the areas to be served by the eligible entity, including 
����������������the sulfur content of the fuel; and
������������������� (H) provisions for the monitoring and verification 
����������������of the project.
����������� (3) Priority.--In providing a grant or loan under this 
��������section, the Administrator shall give priority to proposed 
��������projects that, as determined by the Administrator--
������������������� (A) maximize public health benefits;
������������������� (B) are the most cost-effective;
������������������� (C) serve areas--
������������������������� (i) with the highest population density;
���������������� ���������(ii) that are poor air quality areas, 
����������������������including areas identified by the Administrator 
����������������������������������� (I) in nonattainment or maintenance 
��������������������������������of national ambient air quality 
��������������������������������standards for a criteria pollutant;
����������������������������������� (II) Federal Class I areas; or
����������������������������������� (III) areas with toxic air pollutant 
������������������������� (iii) that receive a disproportionate quantity 
����������������������of air pollution from a diesel fleets, including 
����������������������truckstops, ports, rail yards, terminals, and 
����������������������distribution centers; or
������������������������� (iv) that use a community-based 
����������������������multistakeholder collaborative process to reduce 
����������������������toxic emissions;
������������������� (D) include a certified engine configuration, 
����������������verified technology, or emerging technology that has a 
����������������long expected useful life;
[[Page 119 STAT. 841]]
������������������� (E) will maximize the useful life of any certified 
����������������engine configuration, verified technology, or emerging 
����������������technology used or funded by the eligible entity;
������������������� (F) conserve diesel fuel; and
������������������� (G) use diesel fuel with a sulfur content of less 
����������������than or equal to 15 parts per million, as the 
����������������Administrator determines to be appropriate.
��� (d) Use of Funds.--
����������� (1) In general.--An eligible entity may use a grant or loan 
��������provided under this section to fund the costs of--
������������������� (A) a retrofit technology (including any incremental 
����������������costs of a repowered or new diesel engine) that 
����������������significantly reduces emissions through development and 
����������������implementation of a certified engine configuration, 
����������������verified technology, or emerging technology for--
������������������������� (i) a bus;
������������������������� (ii) a medium-duty truck or a heavy-duty 
������������������� ������(iii) a marine engine;
������������������������� (iv) a locomotive; or
������������������������� (v) a nonroad engine or vehicle used in--
����������������������������������� (I) construction;
����������������������������������� (II) handling of cargo (including at 
��������������������������������a port or airport);
����������������������������������� (III) agriculture;
����������������������������������� (IV) mining; or
����������������������������������� (V) energy production; or
����������������� ��(B) programs or projects to reduce long-duration 
����������������idling using verified technology involving a vehicle or 
����������������equipment described in subparagraph (A).
����������� (2) Regulatory programs.--
������������������� (A) In general.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), no 
����������������grant or loan provided under this section shall be used 
����������������to fund the costs of emissions reductions that are 
����������������mandated under Federal, State or local law.
����������������� ��(B) Mandated.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), 
����������������voluntary or elective emission reduction measures shall 
����������������not be considered ``mandated'', regardless of whether 
����������������the reductions are included in the State implementation 
����������������plan of a State.
��� (a) In General.--Subject to the availability of adequate 
appropriations, the Administrator shall use 30 percent of the funds made 
available for a fiscal year under this subtitle to support grant and 
loan programs administered by States that are designed to achieve 
significant reductions in diesel emissions.
��� (b) Applications.--The Administrator shall--
����������� (1) <<NOTE: Guidelines.>> provide to States guidance for use 
��������in applying for grant or loan funds under this section, 
��������including information regarding--
������������������� (A) the process and forms for applications;
������������������� (B) permissible uses of funds received; and
������������������� (C) the cost-effectiveness of various emission 
����������������reduction technologies eligible to be carried out using 
����������������funds provided under this section; and
����������� (2) <<NOTE: Procedures.>> establish, for applications 
��������described in paragraph (1)--
[[Page 119 STAT. 842]]
������������������� (A) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> an annual deadline for 
����������������submission of the applications;
������������������� (B) a process by which the Administrator shall 
����������������approve or disapprove each application; and
������������������� (C) a streamlined process by which a State may renew 
����������������an application described in paragraph (1) for subsequent 
����������������fiscal years.
��� (c) Allocation of Funds.--
����������� (1) In general.--For each fiscal year, the Administrator 
��������shall allocate among States for which applications are approved 
��������by the Administrator under subsection (b)(2)(B) funds made 
��������available to carry out this section for the fiscal year.
����������� (2) Allocation.--Using not more than 20 percent of the funds 
��������made available to carry out this subtitle for a fiscal year, the 
��������Administrator shall provide to each State described in paragraph 
��������(1) for the fiscal year an allocation of funds that is equal 
������������������� (A) if each of the 50 States qualifies for an 
����������������allocation, an amount equal to 2 percent of the funds 
����������������made available to carry out this section; or
������������������� (B) if fewer than 50 States qualifies for an 
����������������allocation, an amount equal to the amount described in 
����������������subparagraph (A), plus an additional amount equal to the 
����������������product obtained by multiplying--
������������������������� (i) the proportion that--
����������������������������������� (I) the population of the State; 
��������������������������������bears to
����������������������������������� (II) the population of all States 
��������������������������������described in paragraph (1); by
������������������������� (ii) the amount of funds remaining after each 
����������������������State described in paragraph (1) receives the 2-
������������������� ��percent allocation under this paragraph.
����������� (3) State matching incentive.--
������������������� (A) In general.--If a State agrees to match the 
����������������allocation provided to the State under paragraph (2) for 
����������������a fiscal year, the Administrator shall provide to the 
����������������State for the fiscal year an additional amount equal to 
����������������50 percent of the allocation of the State under 
����������������paragraph (2).
������������������� (B) Requirements.--A State--
������������������������� (i) may not use funds received under this 
����������������������subtitle to pay a matching share required under 
����������������������this subsection; and
������������������������� (ii) shall not be required to provide a 
����������������������matching share for any additional amount received 
����������������������under subparagraph (A).
����������� (4) Unclaimed funds.--Any funds that are not claimed by a 
��������State for a fiscal year under this subsection shall be used to 
��������carry out section 792.
��� (d) Administration.--
����������� (1) In general.--Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3) and, to 
��������the extent practicable, the priority areas listed in section 
��������792(c)(3), a State shall use any funds provided under this 
��������section to develop and implement such grant and low-cost 
��������revolving loan programs in the State as are appropriate to meet 
��������State needs and goals relating to the reduction of diesel 
[[Page 119 STAT. 843]]
����������� (2) Apportionment of funds.--The Governor of a State that 
��������receives funding under this section may determine the portion of 
��������funds to be provided as grants or loans.
������� ����(3) Use of funds.--A grant or loan provided under this 
��������section may be used for a project relating to--
������������������� (A) a certified engine configuration; or
������������������� (B) a verified technology.
��� (a) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the date on which funds 
are made available under this subtitle, and biennially thereafter, the 
Administrator shall submit to Congress a report evaluating the 
implementation of the programs under this subtitle.
��� (b) Inclusions.--The report shall include a description of--
����������� (1) the total number of grant applications received;
����������� (2) each grant or loan made under this subtitle, including 
��������the amount of the grant or loan;
����������� (3) each project for which a grant or loan is provided under 
��������this subtitle, including the criteria used to select the grant 
��������or loan recipients;
����������� (4) the actual and estimated air quality and diesel fuel 
��������conservation benefits, cost-effectiveness, and cost-benefits of 
��������the grant and loan programs under this subtitle;
����������� (5) the problems encountered by projects for which a grant 
��������or loan is provided under this subtitle; and
����������� (6) any other information the Administrator considers to be 
��� (a) Definition of Eligible Technology.--In this section, the term 
``eligible technology'' means--
����������� (1) a verified technology; or
����������� (2) an emerging technology.
��� (b) Technology Transfer Program.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Administrator shall establish a program 
�������under which the Administrator--
������������������� (A) informs stakeholders of the benefits of eligible 
����������������technologies; and
������������������� (B) develops nonfinancial incentives to promote the 
����������������use of eligible technologies.
����������� (2) Eligible stakeholders.--Eligible stakeholders under this 
��������section include--
������������������� (A) equipment owners and operators;
������������������� (B) emission and pollution control technology 
������������������� (C) engine and equipment manufacturers;
������������������� (D) State and local officials responsible for air 
����������������quality management;
������������������� (E) community organizations; and
������������������� (F) public health, educational, and environmental 
��� (c) State Implementation Plans.--
The <<NOTE: Guidelines.>> Administrator shall develop appropriate 
guidance to provide credit to a State for emission reductions in the 
State created by the use of eligible technologies through a State 
implementation plan under section 110 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 
��� (d) International Markets.--The Administrator, in coordination with 
the Department of Commerce and industry stakeholders,
[[Page 119 STAT. 844]]
shall inform foreign countries with air quality problems of the 
potential of technology developed or used in the United States to 
provide emission reductions in those countries.
SEC. 796. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16136.>> EFFECT OF SUBTITLE.
��� Nothing in this subtitle affects any authority under the Clean Air 
Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) in existence on the day before the date of 
enactment of this Act.
��� There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subtitle 
$200,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2007 through 2011, to remain 
available until expended.
TITLE <<NOTE: Spark M. Matsunaga Hydrogen Act of 2005.>> VIII--HYDROGEN
��� This title may be cited as the ``Spark M. Matsunaga Hydrogen Act of 
SEC. 802. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16151.>> PURPOSES.
��� The purposes of this title are--
�� ���������(1) to enable and promote comprehensive development, 
��������demonstration, and commercialization of hydrogen and fuel cell 
��������technology in partnership with industry;
����������� (2) to make critical public investments in building strong 
��������links to private industry, institutions of higher education, 
��������National Laboratories, and research institutions to expand 
��������innovation and industrial growth;
����������� (3) to build a mature hydrogen economy that creates fuel 
��������diversity in the massive transportation sector of the United 
����������� (4) to sharply decrease the dependency of the United States 
��������on imported oil, eliminate most emissions from the 
��������transportation sector, and greatly enhance our energy security; 
����������� (5) to create, strengthen, and protect a sustainable 
��������national energy economy.
SEC. 803. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16152.>> DEFINITIONS.
��� In this title:
����������� (1) Fuel cell.--The term ``fuel cell'' means a device that 
��������directly converts the chemical energy of a fuel, which is 
��������supplied from an external source, and an oxidant into 
��������electricity by electrochemical processes occurring at separate 
��������electrodes in the device.
����������� (2) Heavy-duty vehicle.--The term ``heavy-duty vehicle'' 
��������means a motor vehicle that--
������������������� (A) is rated at more than 8,500 pounds gross vehicle 
���������� ���������(B) has a curb weight of more than 6,000 pounds; or
������������������� (C) has a basic vehicle frontal area in excess of 45 
����������������square feet.
����������� (3) Infrastructure.--The term ``infrastructure'' means the 
��������equipment, systems, or facilities used to produce, distribute, 
��������deliver, or store hydrogen (except for onboard storage).
[[Page 119 STAT. 845]]
����������� (4) Light-duty vehicle.--The term ``light-duty vehicle'' 
��������means a motor vehicle that is rated at 8,500 or less pounds 
��������gross vehicle weight.
����������� (5) Stationary; portable.--The terms ``stationary'' and 
��������``portable'', when used in reference to a fuel cell, include--
������������������� (A) continuous electric power; and
����� ��������������(B) backup electric power.
����������� (6) Task force.--The term ``Task Force'' means the Hydrogen 
��������and Fuel Cell Technical Task Force established under section 
����������� (7) Technical advisory committee.--The term ``Technical 
��������Advisory Committee'' means the independent Technical Advisory 
��������Committee established under section 807.
SEC. 804. <<NOTE: Deadline. 42 USC 16153.>> PLAN.
��� Not later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the 
Secretary shall transmit to Congress a coordinated plan for the programs 
described in this title and any other programs of the Department that 
are directly related to fuel cells or hydrogen. The plan shall describe, 
at a minimum--
����������� (1) the agenda for the next 5 years for the programs 
��������authorized under this title, including the agenda for each 
��������activity enumerated in section 805(e);
����������� (2) the types of entities that will carry out the activities 
��������under this title and what role each entity is expected to play;
����������� (3) the milestones that will be used to evaluate the 
��������programs for the next 5 years;
����������� (4) the most significant technical and nontechnical hurdles 
��������that stand in the way of achieving the goals described in 
��������section 805, and how the programs will address those hurdles; 
����������� (5) the policy assumptions that are implicit in the plan, 
��������including any assumptions that would affect the sources of 
��������hydrogen or the marketability of hydrogen-related products.
SEC. 805. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16154.>> PROGRAMS.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary, in consultation with other Federal 
agencies and the private sector, shall conduct a research and 
development program on technologies relating to the production, 
purification, distribution, storage, and use of hydrogen energy, fuel 
cells, and related infrastructure.
��� (b) Goal.--The goal of the program shall be to demonstrate and 
commercialize the use of hydrogen for transportation (in light-duty 
vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles), utility, industrial, commercial, and 
residential applications.
��� (c) Focus.--In carrying out activities under this section, the 
Secretary shall focus on factors that are common to the development of 
hydrogen infrastructure and the supply of vehicle and electric power for 
critical consumer and commercial applications, and that achieve 
continuous technical evolution and cost reduction, particularly for 
hydrogen production, the supply of hydrogen, storage of hydrogen, and 
end uses of hydrogen that--
����������� (1) steadily increase production, distribution, and end use 
��������efficiency and reduce life-cycle emissions;
����������� (2) resolve critical problems relating to catalysts, 
��������membranes, storage, lightweight materials, electronic controls, 
��������manufacturability, and other problems that emerge from the 
[[Page 119 STAT. 846]]
����������� (3) enhance sources of renewable fuels and biofuels for 
��������hydrogen production; and
����������� (4) enable widespread use of distributed electricity 
��������generation and storage.
��� (d) Public Education and Research.--In carrying out this section, 
the Secretary shall support enhanced public education and research 
conducted at institutions of higher education in fundamental sciences, 
application design, and systems concepts (including education and 
research relating to materials, subsystems, manufacturability, 
maintenance, and safety) relating to hydrogen and fuel cells.
��� (e) Activities.--The Secretary, in partnership with the private 
sector, shall conduct programs to address--
����������� (1) production of hydrogen from diverse energy sources, 
������������������� (A) fossil fuels, which may include carbon capture 
����������������and sequestration;
������������������� (B) hydrogen-carrier fuels (including ethanol and 
���������� ���������(C) renewable energy resources, including biomass; 
������������������� (D) nuclear energy;
����������� (2) use of hydrogen for commercial, industrial, and 
��������residential electric power generation;
����������� (3) safe delivery of hydrogen or hydrogen-carrier fuels, 
������������������� (A) transmission by pipeline and other distribution 
����������������methods; and
������������������� (B) convenient and economic refueling of vehicles 
����������������either at central refueling stations or through 
����������������distributed onsite generation;
����������� (4) advanced vehicle technologies, including--
������������������� (A) engine and emission control systems;
������������������� (B) energy storage, electric propulsion, and hybrid 
������������������� (C) automotive materials; and
������������������� (D) other advanced vehicle technologies;
����������� (5) storage of hydrogen or hydrogen-carrier fuels, including 
��������development of materials for safe and economic storage in 
��������gaseous, liquid, or solid form at refueling facilities and 
��������onboard vehicles;
����������� (6) development of safe, durable, affordable, and efficient 
��������fuel cells, including fuel-flexible fuel cell power systems, 
��������improved manufacturing processes, high-temperature membranes, 
��������cost-effective fuel processing for natural gas, fuel cell stack 
��������and system reliability, low temperature operation, and cold 
��������start capability; and
����������� (7) the ability of domestic automobile manufacturers to 
��������manufacture commercially available competitive hybrid vehicle 
��������technologies in the United States.
��� (f) Program Goals.--
����������� (1) Vehicles.--For vehicles, the goals of the program are--
������������������� (A) to enable a commitment by automakers no later 
����������������than year 2015 to offer safe, affordable, and 
����������������technically viable hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in the 
����������������mass consumer market; and
������������������� (B) to enable production, delivery, and acceptance 
����������������by consumers of model year 2020 hydrogen fuel cell and 
[[Page 119 STAT. 847]]
��������������� hydrogen-powered vehicles that will have, when compared 
����������������to light duty vehicles in model year 2005--
������������������������� (i) fuel economy that is substantially higher;
������������������������� (ii) substantially lower emissions of air 
����������������������pollutants; and
������������������������� (iii) equivalent or improved vehicle fuel 
����������������������system crash integrity and occupant protection.
����������� (2) Hydrogen energy and energy infrastructure.--For hydrogen 
��������energy and energy infrastructure, the goals of the program are 
��������to enable a commitment not later than 2015 that will lead to 
��������infrastructure by 2020 that will provide--
������������������� (A) safe and convenient refueling;
������������������� (B) improved overall efficiency;
������������������� (C) widespread availability of hydrogen from 
����������������domestic energy sources through--
������������������������� (i) production, with consideration of 
����������������������emissions levels;
�� �����������������������(ii) delivery, including transmission by 
����������������������pipeline and other distribution methods for 
����������������������hydrogen; and
������������������������� (iii) storage, including storage in surface 
����������������������transportation vehicles;
������������������� (D) hydrogen for fuel cells, internal combustion 
����������������engines, and other energy conversion devices for 
����������������portable, stationary, micro, critical needs facilities, 
����������������and transportation applications; and
������������������� (E) other technologies consistent with the 
����������������Department's plan.
����������� (3) Fuel cells.--The goals for fuel cells and their 
��������portable, stationary, and transportation applications are to 
������������������� (A) safe, economical, and environmentally sound 
����������������hydrogen fuel cells;
������������������� (B) fuel cells for light duty and other vehicles; 
������������������� (C) other technologies consistent with the 
����������������Department's plan.
��� (g) Funding.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall carry out the programs 
��������under this section using a competitive, merit-based review 
��������process and consistent with the generally applicable Federal 
��������laws and regulations governing awards of financial assistance, 
��������contracts, or other agreements.
����������� (2) Research centers.--Activities under this section may be 
��������carried out by funding nationally recognized university-based or 
��������Federal laboratory research centers.
��� (h) Hydrogen Supply.--There are authorized to be appropriated to 
carry out projects and activities relating to hydrogen production, 
storage, distribution and dispensing, transport, education and 
coordination, and technology transfer under this section--
����������� (1) $160,000,000 for fiscal year 2006;
����������� (2) $200,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
����������� (3) $220,000,000 for fiscal year 2008;
����������(4) $230,000,000 for fiscal year 2009;
����������� (5) $250,000,000 for fiscal year 2010; and
����������� (6) such sums as are necessary for each of fiscal years 2011 
��������through 2020.
[[Page 119 STAT. 848]]
��� (i) Fuel Cell Technologies.--There are authorized to be appropriated 
to carry out projects and activities relating to fuel cell technologies 
under this section--
����������� (1) $150,000,000 for fiscal year 2006;
����������� (2) $160,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
����������� (3) $170,000,000 for fiscal year 2008;
����������� (4) $180,000,000 for fiscal year 2009;
����������� (5) $200,000,000 for fiscal year 2010; and
����������� (6) such sums as are necessary for each of fiscal years 2011 
��������through 2020.
��� (a) Establishment.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline. President.>> later than 
120 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the President shall 
establish an interagency task force chaired by the Secretary with 
representatives from each of the following:
����������� (1) The Office of Science and Technology Policy within the 
��������Executive Office of the President.
����������� (2) The Department of Transportation.
����������� (3) The Department of Defense.
����������� (4) The Department of Commerce (including the National 
��������Institute of Standards and Technology).
����������� (5) The Department of State.
����������� (6) The Environmental Protection Agency.
����������� (7) The National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
����������� (8) Other Federal agencies as the Secretary determines 
��� (b) Duties.--
����������� (1) Planning.--The Task Force shall work toward--
������������������� (A) a safe, economical, and environmentally sound 
����������������fuel infrastructure for hydrogen and hydrogen-carrier 
����������������fuels, including an infrastructure that supports buses 
����������������and other fleet transportation;
������������������� (B) fuel cells in government and other applications, 
����������������including portable, stationary, and transportation 
������������������� (C) distributed power generation, including the 
����������������generation of combined heat, power, and clean fuels 
����������������including hydrogen;
������������������� (D) uniform hydrogen codes, standards, and safety 
����������������protocols; and
������������������� (E) vehicle hydrogen fuel system integrity safety 
����������� (2) Activities.--The Task Force may organize workshops and 
��������conferences, may issue publications, and may create databases to 
��������carry out its duties. The Task Force shall--
������������������� (A) foster the exchange of generic, nonproprietary 
����������������information and technology among industry, academia, and 
������������������� (B) develop and maintain an inventory and assessment 
����������������of hydrogen, fuel cells, and other advanced 
����������������technologies, including the commercial capability of 
����������������each technology for the economic and environmentally 
����������������safe production, distribution, delivery, storage, and 
����������������use of hydrogen;
������������������� (C) integrate technical and other information made 
����������������available as a result of the programs and activities 
����������������under this title;
[[Page 119 STAT. 849]]
������������������� (D) promote the marketplace introduction of 
����������������infrastructure for hydrogen fuel vehicles; and
������������������� (E) conduct an education program to provide hydrogen 
����������������and fuel cell information to potential end-users.
��� (c) Agency Cooperation.--The heads of all agencies, including those 
whose agencies are not represented on the Task Force, shall cooperate 
with and furnish information to the Task Force, the Technical Advisory 
Committee, and the Department.
��� (a) Establishment.--The Hydrogen Technical and Fuel Cell Advisory 
Committee is established to advise the Secretary on the programs and 
activities under this title.
��� (b) Membership.--
����������� (1) Members.--The Technical Advisory Committee shall be 
��������comprised of not fewer than 12 nor more than 25 members. The 
��������members shall be appointed by the Secretary to represent 
��������domestic industry, academia, professional societies, government 
��������agencies, Federal laboratories, previous advisory panels, and 
��������financial, environmental, and other appropriate organizations 
��������based on the Department's assessment of the technical and other 
��������qualifications of Technical Advisory Committee members and the 
��������needs of the Technical Advisory Committee.
����������� (2) Terms.--The term of a member of the Technical Advisory 
��������Committee shall not be more than 3 years. The Secretary may 
��������appoint members of the Technical Advisory Committee in a manner 
��������that allows the terms of the members serving at any time to 
��������expire at spaced intervals so as to ensure continuity in the 
��������functioning of the Technical Advisory Committee. A member of the 
��������Technical Advisory Committee whose term is expiring may be 
����������� (3) Chairperson.--The Technical Advisory Committee shall 
��������have a chairperson, who shall be elected by the members from 
��������among their number.
��� (c) Review.--The Technical Advisory Committee shall review and make 
recommendations to the Secretary on--
����������� (1) the implementation of programs and activities under this 
����������� (2) the safety, economical, and environmental consequences 
��������of technologies for the production, distribution, delivery, 
��������storage, or use of hydrogen energy and fuel cells; and
����������� (3) the plan under section 804.
��� (d) Response.--
����������� (1) Consideration of recommendations.--The Secretary shall 
��������consider, but need not adopt, any recommendations of the 
��������Technical Advisory Committee under subsection (c).
����������� (2) Biennial report.--The Secretary shall transmit a 
��������biennial report to Congress describing any recommendations made 
��������by the Technical Advisory Committee since the previous report. 
��������The report shall include a description of how the Secretary has 
��������implemented or plans to implement the recommendations, or an 
��������explanation of the reasons that a recommendation will not be 
��������implemented. The report shall be transmitted along with the 
��������President's budget proposal.
��� (e) Support.--The Secretary shall provide resources necessary in the 
judgment of the Secretary for the Technical Advisory Committee to carry 
out its responsibilities under this title.
[[Page 119 STAT. 850]]
SEC. 808. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16157.>> DEMONSTRATION.
��� (a) In General.--In carrying out the programs under this section, 
the Secretary shall fund a limited number of demonstration projects, 
consistent with this title and a determination of the maturity, cost-
effectiveness, and environmental impacts of technologies supporting each 
project. In selecting projects under this subsection, the Secretary 
shall, to the extent practicable and in the public interest, select 
projects that--
����������� (1) involve using hydrogen and related products at existing 
��������facilities or installations, such as existing office buildings, 
��������military bases, vehicle fleet centers, transit bus authorities, 
��������or units of the National Park System;
����������� (2) depend on reliable power from hydrogen to carry out 
��������essential activities;
����������� (3) lead to the replication of hydrogen technologies and 
��������draw such technologies into the marketplace;
����������� (4) include vehicle, portable, and stationary demonstrations 
��������of fuel cell and hydrogen-based energy technologies;
����������� (5) address the interdependency of demand for hydrogen fuel 
��������cell applications and hydrogen fuel infrastructure;
����������� (6) raise awareness of hydrogen technology among the public;
����������� (7) facilitate identification of an optimum technology among 
��������competing alternatives;
����������� (8) address distributed generation using renewable sources;
����������� (9) carry out demonstrations of evolving hydrogen and fuel 
��������cell technologies in national parks, remote island areas, and on 
��������Indian tribal land, as selected by the Secretary;
����������� (10) carry out a program to demonstrate developmental 
��������hydrogen and fuel cell systems for mobile, portable, and 
��������stationary uses, using improved versions of the learning 
��������demonstrations program concept of the Department including 
��������demonstrations involving--
������������������� (A) light-duty vehicles;
������������������� (B) heavy-duty vehicles;
������������������� (C) fleet vehicles;
������������������� (D) specialty industrial and farm vehicles; and
������������������� (E) commercial and residential portable, continuous, 
����������������and backup electric power generation;
����������� (11) in accordance with any code or standards developed in a 
��������region, fund prototype, pilot fleet, and infrastructure regional 
��������hydrogen supply corridors along the interstate highway system in 
��������varied climates across the United States; and
����������� (12) fund demonstration programs that explore the use of 
��������hydrogen blends, hybrid hydrogen, and hydrogen reformed from 
��������renewable agricultural fuels, including the use of hydrogen in 
��������hybrid electric, heavier duty, and advanced internal combustion-
������� powered vehicles.
The Secretary shall give preference to projects which address multiple 
elements contained in paragraphs (1) through (12).
��� (b) System Demonstrations.--
����������� (1) In general.--As a <<NOTE: Grants.>> component of the 
��������demonstration program under this section, the Secretary shall 
��������provide grants, on a cost share basis as appropriate, to 
��������eligible entities (as determined by the Secretary) for use in--
[[Page 119 STAT. 851]]
��������������� ����(A) devising system design concepts that provide for 
����������������the use of advanced composite vehicles in programs under 
����������������section 782 that--
������������������������� (i) have as a primary goal the reduction of 
����������������������drive energy requirements;
������������������������� (ii) after 2010, add another research and 
����������������������development phase, as defined in subsection (c), 
����������������������including the vehicle and infrastructure 
����������������������partnerships developed under the learning 
����������������������demonstrations program concept of the Department; 
������������������������� (iii) are managed through an enhanced 
����������������������FreedomCAR program within the Department that 
����������������������encourages involvement in cost-shared projects by 
����������������������manufacturers and governments; and
������������������� (B) designing a local distributed energy system 
����������� ��������������(i) incorporates renewable hydrogen 
����������������������production, off-grid electricity production, and 
����������������������fleet applications in industrial or commercial 
������������������������� (ii) integrates energy or applications 
����������������������described in clause (i), such as stationary, 
����������������������portable, micro, and mobile fuel cells, into a 
����������������������high-density commercial or residential building 
����������������������complex or agricultural community; and
������������������������� (iii) is managed in cooperation with industry, 
����������������������State, tribal, and local governments, agricultural 
����������������������organizations, and nonprofit generators and 
����������������������distributors of electricity.
��� (c) Identification of New Program Requirements.--In carrying out the 
demonstrations under subsection (a), the Secretary, in consultation with 
the Task Force and the Technical Advisory Committee, shall--
����������� (1) after 2008 for stationary and portable applications, and 
��������after 2010 for vehicles, identify new requirements that refine 
��������technological concepts, planning, and applications; and
����������� (2) during the second phase of the learning demonstrations 
��������under subsection (b)(1)(A)(ii), redesign subsequent program work 
��������to incorporate those requirements.
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section--
����������� (1) $185,000,000 for fiscal year 2006;
����������� (2) $200,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
����������� (3) $250,000,000 for fiscal year 2008;
����������� (4) $300,000,000 for fiscal year 2009;
����������� (5) $375,000,000 for fiscal year 2010; and
����������� (6) such sums as are necessary for each of fiscal years 2011 
��������through 2020.
SEC. 809. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16158.>> CODES AND STANDARDS.
��� (a) In General.--The <<NOTE: Grants. Contracts.>> Secretary, in 
cooperation with the Task Force, shall provide grants to, or offer to 
enter into contracts with, such professional organizations, public 
service organizations, and government agencies as the Secretary 
determines appropriate to support timely and extensive development of 
safety codes and standards relating to fuel cell vehicles, hydrogen 
energy systems, and stationary, portable, and micro fuel cells.
[[Page 119 STAT. 852]]
��� (b) Educational Efforts.--The Secretary shall support educational 
efforts by organizations and agencies described in subsection (a) to 
share information, including information relating to best practices, 
among those organizations and agencies.
��� (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section--
����������� (1) $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2006;
����������� (2) $7,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
����������� (3) $8,000,000 for fiscal year 2008;
������ �����(4) $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2009;
����������� (5) $9,000,000 for fiscal year 2010; and
����������� (6) such sums as are necessary for each of fiscal years 2011 
��������through 2020.
SEC. 810. <<NOTE: Applicability. 42 USC 16159.>> DISCLOSURE.
 ���Section 623 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13293) shall 
apply to any project carried out through a grant, cooperative agreement, 
or contract under this title.
SEC. 811. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16160.>> REPORTS.
��� (a) Secretary.--Subject to subsection (c), not later than 2 years 
after the date of enactment of this Act, and triennially thereafter, the 
Secretary shall submit to Congress a report describing--
����������� (1) activities carried out by the Department under this 
��������title, for hydrogen and fuel cell technology;
����������� (2) measures the Secretary has taken during the preceding 3 
��������years to support the transition of primary industry (or a 
��������related industry) to a fully commercialized hydrogen economy;
���������� (3) any change made to the strategy relating to hydrogen and 
��������fuel cell technology to reflect the results of a learning 
����������� (4) progress, including progress in infrastructure, made 
��������toward achieving the goal of producing and deploying not less 
������������������� (A) 100,000 hydrogen-fueled vehicles in the United 
����������������States by 2010; and
������������������� (B) 2,500,000 hydrogen-fueled vehicles in the United 
����������������States by 2020;
����������� (5) progress made toward achieving the goal of supplying 
��������hydrogen at a sufficient number of fueling stations in the 
��������United States by 2010 including by integrating--
������������������� (A) hydrogen activities; and
������������������� (B) associated targets and timetables for the 
����������������development of hydrogen technologies;
����������� (6) any problem relating to the design, execution, or 
��������funding of a program under this title;
����������� (7) progress made toward and goals achieved in carrying out 
��������this title and updates to the developmental roadmap, including 
��������the results of the reviews conducted by the National Academy of 
��������Sciences under subsection (b) for the fiscal years covered by 
��������the report; and
����������� (8) any updates to strategic plans that are necessary to 
��������meet the goals described in paragraph (4).
��� (b) External Review.--The <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> Secretary shall enter 
into an arrangement with the National Academy of Sciences under which 
the Academy will review the programs under sections 805 and 808 every 
fourth year following the date of enactment of this Act. The Academy's 
review shall include the program priorities and
[[Page 119 STAT. 853]]
technical milestones, and evaluate the progress toward achieving them. 
The first review shall be completed not later than 5 years after the 
date of enactment of this Act. Not later than 45 days after receiving 
the review, the Secretary shall transmit the review to Congress along 
with a plan to implement the review's recommendations or an explanation 
for the reasons that a recommendation will not be implemented.
��� (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $1,500,000 for each of fiscal 
years 2006 through 2020.
��� (a) Solar Energy Technologies.--The Secretary shall--
����������� (1) prepare a detailed roadmap for carrying out the 
��������provisions in this title related to solar energy technologies 
��������and for implementing the recommendations related to solar energy 
��������technologies that are included in the report transmitted under 
��������subsection (e);
����������� (2) provide for the establishment of 5 projects in 
��������geographic areas that are regionally and climatically diverse to 
��������demonstrate the production of hydrogen at solar energy 
��������facilities, including one demonstration project at a National 
��������Laboratory or institution of higher education;
����������� (3) establish a program--
������������������� (A) to develop optimized concentrating solar power 
����������������devices that may be used for the production of both 
����������������electricity and hydrogen; and
������������������� (B) to evaluate the use of thermochemical cycles for 
����������������hydrogen production at the temperatures attainable with 
����������������concentrating solar power devices;
����������� (4) coordinate with activities sponsored by the Department's 
��������Office of Nuclear Energy, Science, and Technology on high-
������� temperature materials, thermochemical cycles, and economic 
��������issues related to solar energy;
����������� (5) provide for the construction and operation of new 
��������concentrating solar power devices or solar power cogeneration 
��������facilities that produce hydrogen either concurrently with, or 
��������independently of, the production of electricity;
����������� (6) support existing facilities and programs of study 
��������related to concentrating solar power devices; and
����������� (7) establish a program--
������������������� (A) to develop methods that use electricity from 
����������������photovoltaic devices for the onsite production of 
����������������hydrogen, such that no intermediate transmission or 
����������������distribution infrastructure is required or used and 
����������������future demand growth may be accommodated;
������������������� (B) to evaluate the economics of small-scale 
����������������electrolysis for hydrogen production; and
������������������� (C) to study the potential of modular photovoltaic 
����������������devices for the development of a hydrogen 
����������������infrastructure, the security implications of a hydrogen 
����������������infrastructure, and the benefits potentially derived 
����������������from a hydrogen infrastructure.
��� (b) Wind Energy Technologies.--The Secretary shall--
����������� (1) prepare a detailed roadmap for carrying out the 
��������provisions in this title related to wind energy technologies and 
��������for implementing the recommendations related to wind energy
[[Page 119 STAT. 854]]
������� technologies that are included in the report transmitted under 
��������subsection (e); and
����������� (2) provide for the establishment of 5 projects in 
��������geographic areas that are regionally and climatically diverse to 
��������demonstrate the production of hydrogen at existing wind energy 
��������facilities, including one demonstration project at a National 
��������Laboratory or institution of higher education.
��� (c) Program Support.--The Secretary shall support programs at 
institutions of higher education for the development of solar energy 
technologies and wind energy technologies for the production of 
hydrogen. The programs supported under this subsection shall--
����������� (1) enhance fellowship and faculty assistance programs;
����������� (2) provide support for fundamental research;
����������� (3) encourage collaborative research among industry, 
��������National Laboratories, and institutions of higher education;
����������� (4) support communication and outreach; and
����������� (5) to the greatest extent possible--
������������������� (A) be located in geographic areas that are 
����������������regionally and climatically diverse; and
������������������� (B) be located at part B institutions, minority 
����������������institutions, and institutions of higher education 
����������������located in States participating in the Experimental 
����������������Program to Stimulate Competitive Research of the 
��� (d) Institutions of Higher Education and National Laboratory 
Interactions.--In conjunction with the programs supported under this 
section, the Secretary shall develop sabbatical, fellowship, and 
visiting scientist programs to encourage National Laboratories and 
institutions of higher education to share and exchange personnel.
��� (e) Report.--The Secretary shall transmit to the Congress not later 
than 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act a report 
containing detailed summaries of the roadmaps prepared under subsections 
(a)(1) and (b)(1), descriptions of the Secretary's progress in 
establishing the projects and other programs required under this 
section, and recommendations for promoting the availability of advanced 
solar and wind energy technologies for the production of hydrogen.
��� (f) Definitions.--For purposes of this section--
����������� (1) the term ``concentrating solar power devices'' means 
��������devices that concentrate the power of the sun by reflection or 
��������refraction to improve the efficiency of a photovoltaic or 
��������thermal generation process;
����������� (2) the term ``minority institution'' has the meaning given 
��������to that term in section 365 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 
��������(20 U.S.C. 1067k);
����������� (3) the term ``part B institution'' has the meaning given to 
��������that term in section 322 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 
��������U.S.C. 1061); and
����������� (4) the term ``photovoltaic devices'' means devices that 
��������convert light directly into electricity through a solid-state, 
��������semiconductor process.
��� (g) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated such sums as are necessary for carrying out the activities 
under this section for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2020.
[[Page 119 STAT. 855]]
��� In carrying out this title, the Secretary shall carry out programs 
����������� (1) provide for the transfer of critical hydrogen and fuel 
��������cell technologies to the private sector;
����������� (2) accelerate wider application of those technologies in 
��������the global market;
����������� (3) foster the exchange of generic, nonproprietary 
��������information; and
����������� (4) assess technical and commercial viability of 
��������technologies relating to the production, distribution, storage, 
��������and use of hydrogen energy and fuel cells.
��� (a) Representation.--The Secretary may represent the United States 
interests with respect to activities and programs under this title, in 
coordination with the Department of Transportation, the National 
Institute of Standards and Technology, and other relevant Federal 
agencies, before governments and nongovernmental organizations 
����������� (1) other Federal, State, regional, and local governments 
��������and their representatives;
����������� (2) industry and its representatives, including members of 
��������the energy and transportation industries; and
����������� (3) in consultation with the Department of State, foreign 
��������governments and their representatives including international 
��� (b) Regulatory Authority.--Nothing in this title shall be construed 
to alter the regulatory authority of the Department.
SEC. 815. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16164.>> COST SHARING.
��� The costs of carrying out projects and activities under this title 
shall be shared in accordance with section 988.
SEC. 816. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16165.>> SAVINGS CLAUSE.
��� Nothing in this title shall be construed to affect the authority of 
the Secretary of Transportation that may exist prior to the date of 
enactment of this Act with respect to--
����������� (1) research into, and regulation of, hydrogen-powered 
��������vehicles fuel systems integrity, standards, and safety under 
��������subtitle VI of title 49, United States Code;
����������� (2) regulation of hazardous materials transportation under 
��������chapter 51 of title 49, United States Code;
����������� (3) regulation of pipeline safety under chapter 601 of title 
��������49, United States Code;
����������� (4) encouragement and promotion of research, development, 
��������and deployment activities relating to advanced vehicle 
��������technologies under section 5506 of title 49, United States Code;
����������� (5) regulation of motor vehicle safety under chapter 301 of 
��������title 49, United States Code;
����������� (6) automobile fuel economy under chapter 329 of title 49, 
��������United States Code; or
����������� (7) representation of the interests of the United States 
��������with respect to the activities and programs under the authority 
��������of title 49, United States Code.
[[Page 119 STAT. 856]]
TITLE IX--RESEARCH <<NOTE: Energy Research, Development, Demonstration, 
and Commercial Application Act of 2005.>> AND DEVELOPMENT
SEC. 901. <<NOTE: 42 USC 15801 note.>> SHORT TITLE.
��� This title may be cited as the ``Energy Research, Development, 
Demonstration, and Commercial Application Act of 2005''.
SEC. 902. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16181.>> GOALS.
��� (a) In General.--In order to achieve the purposes of this title, the 
Secretary shall conduct a balanced set of programs of energy research, 
development, demonstration, and commercial application with the general 
goals of--
����������� (1) increasing the efficiency of all energy intensive 
��������sectors through conservation and improved technologies;
����������� (2) promoting diversity of energy supply;
����������� (3) decreasing the dependence of the United States on 
��������foreign energy supplies;
����������� (4) improving the energy security of the United States; and
����������� (5) decreasing the environmental impact of energy-related 
��� (b) Goals.--The <<NOTE: Publication.>> Secretary shall publish 
measurable cost and performance-based goals, comparable over time, with 
each annual budget submission in at least the following areas:
����������� (1) Energy efficiency for buildings, energy-consuming 
��������industries, and vehicles.
����������� (2) Electric energy generation (including distributed 
��������generation), transmission, and storage.
����������� (3) Renewable energy technologies, including wind power, 
��������photovoltaics, solar thermal systems, geothermal energy, 
��������hydrogen-fueled systems, biomass-based systems, biofuels, and 
����������� (4) Fossil energy, including power generation, onshore and 
��������offshore oil and gas resource recovery, and transportation 
����������� (5) Nuclear energy, including programs for existing and 
��������advanced reactors, and education of future specialists.
��� (c) Public Comment.--The Secretary shall provide mechanisms for 
input on the annually published goals from industry, institutions of 
higher education, and other public sources.
��� (d) Effect of Goals.--Nothing in subsection (a) or the annually 
published goals creates any new authority for any Federal agency, or may 
be used by any Federal agency, to support the establishment of 
regulatory standards or regulatory requirements.
SEC. 903. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16182.>> DEFINITIONS.
��� In this title:
����������� (1) Departmental mission.--The term ``departmental mission'' 
��������means any of the functions vested in the Secretary by the 
��������Department of Energy Organization Act (42 U.S.C. 7101 et seq.) 
��������or other law.
����������� (2) Hispanic-serving institution.--The term ``Hispanic-
������� serving institution'' has the meaning given the term in section 
��������502(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1101a(a)).
����������� (3) Nonmilitary energy laboratory.--The term ``nonmilitary 
��������energy laboratory'' means a National Laboratory other
[[Page 119 STAT. 857]]
������� than a National Laboratory listed in subparagraph (G), (H), or 
��������(N) of section 2(3).
����������� (4) Part b institution.--The term ``part B institution'' has 
��������the meaning given the term in section 322 of the Higher 
��������Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1061).
����������� (5) Single-purpose research facility.--The term ``single-
������� purpose research facility'' means--
������������������� (A) any of the primarily single-purpose entities 
����������������owned by the Department; or
������������������� (B) any other organization of the Department 
����������������designated by the Secretary.
����������� (6) University.--The term ``university'' has the meaning 
��������given the term ``institution of higher education'' in section 
��������101 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001).
��������������������� Subtitle A--Energy Efficiency
SEC. 911. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16191.>> ENERGY EFFICIENCY.
��� (a) In General.--
����������� (1) Objectives.--The Secretary shall conduct programs of 
��������energy efficiency research, development, demonstration, and 
��������commercial application, including activities described in this 
��������subtitle. Such programs shall take into consideration the 
��������following objectives:
������������������� (A) Increasing the energy efficiency of vehicles, 
����������������buildings, and industrial processes.
������������������� (B) Reducing the demand of the United States for 
����������������energy, especially energy from foreign sources.
������������������� (C) Reducing the cost of energy and making the 
����������������economy more efficient and competitive.
������������������� (D) Improving the energy security of the United 
������������������� (E) Reducing the environmental impact of energy-
��������������� related activities.
����������� (2) Programs.--Programs under this subtitle shall include 
��������research, development, demonstration, and commercial application 
������������������� (A) advanced, cost-effective technologies to improve 
����������������the energy efficiency and environmental performance of 
����������������vehicles, including--
������������������������� (i) hybrid and electric propulsion systems;
��������������������� ����(ii) plug-in hybrid systems;
������������������������� (iii) advanced combustion engines;
������������������������� (iv) weight and drag reduction technologies;
������������������������� (v) whole-vehicle design optimization; and
��������������������� ����(vi) advanced drive trains;
������������������� (B) cost-effective technologies, for new 
����������������construction and retrofit, to improve the energy 
����������������efficiency and environmental performance of buildings, 
����������������using a whole-buildings approach, including onsite 
����������������renewable energy generation;
������������������� (C) advanced technologies to improve the energy 
����������������efficiency, environmental performance, and process 
����������������efficiency of energy-intensive and waste-intensive 
����������������industries; and
������������������� (D) advanced control devices to improve the energy 
����������������efficiency of electric motors, including those used in 
����������������industrial processes, heating, ventilation, and cooling.
[[Page 119 STAT. 858]]
��� (b) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary to carry out energy efficiency and 
conservation research, development, demonstration, and commercial 
application activities, including activities authorized under this 
����������� (1) $783,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
����������� (2) $865,000,000 for fiscal year 2008; and
����������� (3) $952,000,000 for fiscal year 2009.
��� (c) Allocations.--From amounts authorized under subsection (b), the 
following sums are authorized:
����������� (1) For activities under section 912, $50,000,000 for each 
��������of fiscal years 2007 through 2009.
����������� (2) For activities under section 915, $7,000,000 for each of 
��������fiscal years 2007 through 2009.
����������� (3) For activities under subsection (a)(2)(A)--
������������������� (A) $200,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
������������������� (B) $270,000,000 for fiscal year 2008; and
 �������������������(C) $310,000,000 for fiscal year 2009.
����������� (4) For activities under subsection (a)(2)(D), $2,000,000 
��������for each of fiscal years 2007 and 2008.
��� (d) Extended Authorization.--There are authorized to be appropriated 
to the Secretary to carry out section 912 $50,000,000 for each of fiscal 
years 2010 through 2013.
��� (e) Limitations.--None of the funds authorized to be appropriated 
under this section may be used for--
����������� (1) the issuance or implementation of energy efficiency 
����������� (2) the weatherization program established under part A of 
��������title IV of the Energy Conservation and Production Act (42 
��������U.S.C. 6861 et seq.);
����������� (3) a State energy conservation plan established under part 
��������D of title III of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 
��������U.S.C. 6321 et seq.); or
����������� (4) a Federal energy management measure carried out under 
��������part 3 of title V of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act 
��������(42 U.S.C. 8251 et seq.).
��� (a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� (1) Advanced solid-state lighting.--The term ``advanced 
��������solid-state lighting'' means a semiconducting device package and 
��������delivery system that produces white light using externally 
��������applied voltage.
����������� (2) Industry alliance.--The term ``Industry Alliance'' means 
��������an entity selected by the Secretary under subsection (d).
����������� (3) Initiative.--The term ``Initiative'' means the Next 
��������Generation Lighting Initiative carried out under this section.
����������� (4) Research.--The term ``research'' includes research on 
��������the technologies, materials, and manufacturing processes 
��������required for white light emitting diodes.
����������� (5) White light emitting diode.--The term ``white light 
��������emitting diode'' means a semiconducting package, using either 
��������organic or inorganic materials, that produces white light using 
��������externally applied voltage.
��� (b) Initiative.--The Secretary shall carry out a Next Generation 
Lighting Initiative in accordance with this section to support
[[Page 119 STAT. 859]]
research, development, demonstration, and commercial application 
activities related to advanced solid-state lighting technologies based 
on white light emitting diodes.
��� (c) Objectives.--The objectives of the Initiative shall be to 
develop advanced solid-state organic and inorganic lighting technologies 
based on white light emitting diodes that, compared to incandescent and 
fluorescent lighting technologies, are longer lasting, are more energy-
efficient and cost-competitive, and have less environmental impact.
��� (d) Industry Alliance.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 90 days 
after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall 
competitively select an Industry Alliance to represent participants who 
are private, for-profit firms, open to large and small businesses, that, 
as a group, are broadly representative of United States solid-state 
lighting research, development, infrastructure, and manufacturing 
expertise as a whole.
��� (e) Research.--
����������� (1) Grants.--The Secretary shall carry out the research 
��������activities of the Initiative through competitively awarded 
��������grants to--
������������������� (A) researchers, including Industry Alliance 
������������������� (B) small businesses;
������������������� (C) National Laboratories; and
������������������� (D) institutions of higher education.
����������� (2) Industry alliance.--The Secretary shall annually solicit 
��������from the Industry Alliance--
������������������� (A) comments to identify solid-state lighting 
����������������technology needs;
������������������� (B) an assessment of the progress of the research 
����������������activities of the Initiative; and
������������������� (C) assistance in annually updating solid-state 
����������������lighting technology roadmaps.
����������� (3) Availability to public.--The information and roadmaps 
��������under paragraph (2) shall be available to the public.
��� (f) Development, <<NOTE: Grants.>> Demonstration, and Commercial 
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall carry out a 
��������development, demonstration, and commercial application program 
��������for the Initiative through competitively selected awards.
����������� (2) Preference.--In making the awards, the Secretary may 
��������give preference to participants in the Industry Alliance.
��� (g) Cost Sharing.--In carrying out this section, the Secretary shall 
require cost sharing in accordance with section 988.
��� (h) Intellectual Property.--The Secretary may require (in accordance 
with section 202(a)(ii) of title 35, United States Code, section 152 of 
the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2182), and section 9 of the 
Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 1974 (42 
U.S.C. 5908)) that for any new invention developed under subsection 
����������� (1) that the Industry Alliance participants who are active 
��������participants in research, development, and demonstration 
��������activities related to the advanced solid-state lighting 
��������technologies that are covered by this section shall be granted 
��������the first option to negotiate with the invention owner, at least 
��������in the field of solid-state lighting, nonexclusive licenses and 
��������royalties on terms that are reasonable under the circumstances;
[[Page 119 STAT. 860]]
����������� (2)(A) that, for 1 year after a United States patent is 
��������issued for the invention, the patent holder shall not negotiate 
��������any license or royalty with any entity that is not a participant 
��������in the Industry Alliance described in paragraph (1); and
����������� (B) that, during the year described in subparagraph (A), the 
��������patent holder shall negotiate nonexclusive licenses and 
��������royalties in good faith with any interested participant in the 
��������Industry Alliance described in paragraph (1); and
����������� (3) such other terms as the Secretary determines are 
��������required to promote accelerated commercialization of inventions 
��������made under the Initiative.
��� (i) National Academy Review.--The Secretary shall enter into an 
arrangement with the National Academy of Sciences to conduct periodic 
reviews of the Initiative.
��� (a) Interagency Group.--
����������� (1) In general.--
������� Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Establishment.>> later than 90 days after 
��������the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of 
��������Science and Technology Policy shall establish an interagency 
��������group to develop, in coordination with the advisory committee 
��������established under subsection (e), a National Building 
��������Performance Initiative (referred to in this section as the 
����������� (2) Cochairs.--The interagency group shall be co-chaired by 
��������appropriate officials of the Department and the Department of 
��������Commerce, who shall jointly arrange for the provision of 
��������necessary administrative support to the group.
��� (b) Integration of Efforts.--The Initiative shall integrate Federal, 
State, and voluntary private sector efforts to reduce the costs of 
construction, operation, maintenance, and renovation of commercial, 
industrial, institutional, and residential buildings.
��� (c) Plan.--
����������� (1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 1 year 
�������after the date of enactment of this Act, the interagency group 
��������shall submit to Congress a plan for carrying out the appropriate 
��������Federal role in the Initiative.
����������� (2) Inclusions.--The plan shall include--
���������������� ���(A) research, development, demonstration, and 
����������������commercial application of energy technology systems and 
����������������materials for new construction and retrofit relating to 
����������������the building envelope and building system components;
������������������� (B) research, development, demonstration, and 
����������������commercial application of energy technology and 
����������������infrastructure enabling the energy efficient, automated 
����������������operation of buildings and building equipment; and
������������������� (C) the collection, analysis, and dissemination of 
����������������research results and other pertinent information on 
����������������enhancing building performance to industry, government 
����������������entities, and the public.
��� (d) Department of Energy Role.--Within the Federal portion of the 
Initiative, the Department shall be the lead agency for all aspects of 
building performance related to use and conservation of energy.
��� (e) Advisory Committee.--The <<NOTE: Establishment.>> Director of 
the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall establish an advisory 
committee to--
����������� (1) analyze and provide recommendations on potential private 
��������sector roles and participation in the Initiative; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 861]]
����������� (2) review and provide recommendations on the plan described 
��������in subsection (c).
��� (f) Administration.--Nothing in this section provides any Federal 
agency with new authority to regulate building performance.
��� (a) Definition of High Performance Building.--In this section, the 
term ``high performance building'' means a building that integrates and 
optimizes all major high-performance building attributes, including 
energy efficiency, durability, life-cycle performance, and occupant 
��� (b) Assessment.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Contracts.>> later than 120 
days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall enter 
into an agreement with the National Institute of Building Sciences to--
����������� (1) conduct an assessment (in cooperation with industry, 
��������standards development organizations, and other entities, as 
��������appropriate) of whether the current voluntary consensus 
��������standards and rating systems for high performance buildings are 
��������consistent with the current technological state of the art, 
��������including relevant results from the research, development and 
��������demonstration activities of the Department;
����������� (2) determine if additional research is required, based on 
��������the findings of the assessment; and
����������� (3) recommend steps for the Secretary to accelerate the 
��������development of voluntary consensus-based standards for high 
��������performance buildings that are based on the findings of the 
��� (c) Grant and Technical Assistance Program.--Consistent with 
subsection (b) and section 12(d) of the National Technology Transfer and 
Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 note), the Secretary shall 
establish a grant and technical assistance program to support the 
development of voluntary consensus-based standards for high performance 
��� (a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� (1) Battery.--The term ``battery'' means an energy storage 
��������device that previously has been used to provide motive power in 
��������a vehicle powered in whole or in part by electricity.
����������� (2) Associated equipment.--The term ``associated equipment'' 
��������means equipment located where the batteries will be used that is 
��������necessary to enable the use of the energy stored in the 
��� (b) Program.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall establish and conduct a 
��������program of research, development, demonstration, and commercial 
��������application of energy technology for the secondary use of 
��������batteries, if the Secretary finds that there are sufficient 
��������numbers of batteries to support the program.
����������� (2) Administration.--The program shall be--
������������������� (A) designed to demonstrate the use of batteries in 
����������������secondary applications, including utility and commercial 
����������������power storage and power quality;
������������������� (B) structured to evaluate the performance, 
����������������including useful service life and costs, of such 
����������������batteries in field operations, and the necessary 
����������������supporting infrastructure, including reuse and disposal 
����������������of batteries; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 862]]
���������� ���������(C) coordinated with ongoing secondary battery use 
����������������programs at the National Laboratories and in industry.
��� (c) Solicitation.--
����������� (1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 180 days 
��������after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall 
��������solicit proposals to demonstrate the secondary use of batteries 
��������and associated equipment and supporting infrastructure in 
��������geographic locations throughout the United States.
����������� (2) Additional solicitations.--The Secretary may make 
��������additional solicitations for proposals if the Secretary 
��������determines that the solicitations are necessary to carry out 
��������this section.
��� (d) Selection of Proposals.--
�������� ���(1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 90 days 
��������after the closing date established by the Secretary for receipt 
��������of proposals under subsection (c), the Secretary shall select up 
��������to five proposals that may receive financial assistance under 
��������this section once the Department receives appropriated funds to 
��������carry out this section.
����������� (2) Factors.--In selecting proposals, the Secretary shall 
������������������� (A) the diversity of battery type;
������������������� (B) geographic and climatic diversity; and
������������������� (C) life-cycle environmental effects of the 
����������� (3) Limitation.--No one project selected under this section 
�������shall receive more than 25 percent of the funds made available 
��������to carry out the program under this section.
����������� (4) Non-federal involvement.--In selecting proposals, the 
��������Secretary shall consider the extent of involvement of State or 
��������local government and other persons in each demonstration project 
��������to optimize use of Federal resources.
����������� (5) Other criteria.--In selecting proposals, the Secretary 
��������may consider such other criteria as the Secretary considers 
��� (e) Conditions.--In carrying out this section, the Secretary shall 
require that--
����������� (1) relevant information be provided to--
������������������� (A) the Department;
������������������� (B) the users of the batteries;
������������������� (C) the proposers of a project under this section; 
������������������� (D) the battery manufacturers; and
����������� (2) the costs of carrying out projects and activities under 
��������this section are shared in accordance with section 988.
��� (a) Establishment.--The Secretary shall establish an Energy 
Efficiency Science Initiative to be managed by the Assistant Secretary 
in the Department with responsibility for energy conservation under 
section 203(a)(9) of the Department of Energy Organization Act (42 
U.S.C. 7133(a)(9)), in consultation with the Director of the Office of 
Science, for grants to be competitively awarded and subject to peer 
review for research relating to energy efficiency.
��� (b) Report.--The Secretary shall submit to Congress, along with the 
annual budget request of the President submitted to Congress, a report 
on the activities of the Energy Efficiency Science Initiative, including 
a description of the process used to award the funds and an explanation 
of how the research relates to energy efficiency.
[[Page 119 STAT. 863]]
��� (a) Grants.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Establishment.>> later than 18 
months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall make 
grants to nonprofit institutions, State and local governments, or 
universities (or consortia thereof), to establish a geographically 
dispersed network of Advanced Energy Efficiency Technology Transfer 
Centers, to be located in areas the Secretary determines have the 
greatest need of the services of such Centers. In establishing the 
network, the Secretary shall consider the special needs and 
opportunities for increased energy efficiency for manufactured and site-
built housing.
��� (b) Activities.--
����������� (1) In general.--Each Center shall operate a program to 
��������encourage demonstration and commercial application of advanced 
��������energy methods and technologies through education and outreach 
��������to building and industrial professionals, and to other 
��������individuals and organizations with an interest in efficient 
��������energy use.
����������� (2) Advisory panel.--Each <<NOTE: Establishment.>> Center 
��������shall establish an advisory panel to advise the Center on how 
��������best to accomplish the activities under paragraph (1).
��� (c) Application.--A person seeking a grant under this section shall 
submit to the Secretary an application in such form and containing such 
information as the Secretary may require. The Secretary may award a 
grant under this section to an entity already in existence if the entity 
is otherwise eligible under this section.
��� (d) Selection Criteria.--The Secretary shall award grants under this 
section on the basis of the following criteria, at a minimum:
��� ��������(1) The ability of the applicant to carry out the activities 
��������described in subsection (b)(1).
����������� (2) The extent to which the applicant will coordinate the 
��������activities of the Center with other entities, such as State and 
��������local governments, utilities, and educational and research 
��� (e) Cost-Sharing.--In carrying out this section, the Secretary shall 
require cost-sharing in accordance with the requirements of section 988 
for commercial application activities.
��� (f) Advisory Committee.--The <<NOTE: Establishment.>> Secretary 
shall establish an advisory committee to advise the Secretary on the 
establishment of Centers under this section. The advisory committee 
shall be composed of individuals with expertise in the area of advanced 
energy methods and technologies, including at least one representative 
����������� (1) State or local energy offices;
����������� (2) energy professionals;
����������� (3) trade or professional associations;
����������� (4) architects, engineers, or construction professionals;
����������� (5) manufacturers;
����������� (6) the research community; and
����������� (7) nonprofit energy or environmental organizations.
��� (g) Definitions.--For purposes of this section:
����������� (1) Advanced energy methods and technologies.--The term 
��������``advanced energy methods and technologies'' means all methods 
��������and technologies that promote energy efficiency and 
��������conservation, including distributed generation technologies, and 
��������life-cycle analysis of energy use.
[[Page 119 STAT. 864]]
����������� (2) Center.--The term ``Center'' means an Advanced Energy 
��������Technology Transfer Center established pursuant to this section.
����������� (3) Distributed generation.--The term ``distributed 
��������generation'' means an electric power generation facility that is 
��������designed to serve retail electric consumers at or near the 
��������facility site.
 ���(h) Authorization of Appropriations.--In addition to amounts 
otherwise authorized to be appropriated in section 911, there are 
authorized to be appropriated for the program under this section such 
sums as may be appropriated.
������ Subtitle B--Distributed Energy and Electric Energy Systems
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall carry out programs of research, 
development, demonstration, and commercial application on distributed 
energy resources and systems reliability and efficiency, to improve the 
reliability and efficiency of distributed energy resources and systems, 
integrating advanced energy technologies with grid connectivity, 
including activities described in this subtitle. The programs shall 
address advanced energy technologies and systems and advanced grid 
reliability technologies.
��� (b) Authorization of Appropriations.--
����������� (1) Distributed energy and electric energy systems 
��������activities.--There are authorized to be appropriated to the 
��������Secretary to carry out distributed energy and electric energy 
��������systems activities, including activities authorized under this 
���������� ���������(A) $240,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
������������������� (B) $255,000,000 for fiscal year 2008; and
������������������� (C) $273,000,000 for fiscal year 2009.
����������� (2) Power delivery research initiative.--There are 
��������authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out the 
��������Power Delivery Research Initiative under subsection 925(e) such 
��������sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal years 2007 through 
��� (c) Micro-Cogeneration Energy Technology.--From amounts authorized 
under subsection (b), $20,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2007 and 2008 
shall be available to carry out activities under section 923.
��� (d) High-Voltage Transmission Lines.--From amounts authorized under 
subsection (b), $2,000,000 for fiscal year 2007 shall be available to 
carry out activities under section 925(g).
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall establish a comprehensive 
research, development, demonstration, and commercial application to 
improve the energy efficiency of high power density facilities, 
including data centers, server farms, and telecommunications facilities.
��� (b) Technologies.--The program shall consider technologies that 
provide significant improvement in thermal controls, metering, load 
management, peak load reduction, or the efficient cooling of 
[[Page 119 STAT. 865]]
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall make competitive, merit-based 
grants to consortia for the development of micro-cogeneration energy 
��� (b) Uses.--The consortia shall explore--
����������� (1) the use of small-scale combined heat and power in 
��������residential heating appliances;
����������� (2) the use of excess power to operate other appliances 
��������within the residence; and
����������� (3) the supply of excess generated power to the power grid.
��� (a) Coordinating Consortia Program.--The Secretary may provide 
financial assistance to coordinating consortia of interdisciplinary 
participants for demonstrations designed to accelerate the use of 
distributed energy technologies (such as fuel cells, microturbines, 
reciprocating engines, thermally activated technologies, and combined 
heat and power systems) in high-energy intensive commercial 
��� (b) Small-Scale Portable Power Program.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall--
������������������� (A) establish a research, development, and 
����������������demonstration program to develop working models of small 
����������������scale portable power devices; and
������������������� (B) to the fullest extent practicable, identify and 
����������������utilize the resources of universities that have shown 
����������������expertise with respect to advanced portable power 
����������������devices for either civilian or military use.
����������� (2) Organization.--The universities identified and utilized 
��������under paragraph (1)(B) are authorized to establish an 
��������organization to promote small scale portable power devices.
���������� (3) Definition.--For purposes of this subsection, the term 
��������``small scale portable power device'' means a field-deployable 
��������portable mechanical or electromechanical device that can be used 
��������for applications such as communications, computation, mobility 
��������enhancement, weapons systems, optical devices, cooling, sensors, 
��������medical devices, and active biological agent detection systems.
��� (a) Program.--The Secretary shall establish a comprehensive 
research, development, and demonstration program to ensure the 
reliability, efficiency, and environmental integrity of electrical 
transmission and distribution systems, which shall include--
����������� (1) advanced energy delivery technologies, energy storage 
��������technologies, materials, and systems, giving priority to new 
��������transmission technologies, including composite conductor 
��������materials and other technologies that enhance reliability, 
��������operational flexibility, or power-carrying capability;
����������� (2) advanced grid reliability and efficiency technology 
����������� (3) technologies contributing to significant load 
����������� (4) advanced metering, load management, and control 
����������� (5) technologies to enhance existing grid components;
[[Page 119 STAT. 866]]
����������� (6) the development and use of high-temperature 
��������superconductors to--
������������������� (A) enhance the reliability, operational 
����������������flexibility, or power-carrying capability of electric 
����������������transmission or distribution systems; or
������������������� (B) increase the efficiency of electric energy 
����������������generation, transmission, distribution, or storage 
����������� (7) integration of power systems, including systems to 
��������deliver high-quality electric power, electric power reliability, 
��������and combined heat and power;
����������� (8) supply of electricity to the power grid by small scale, 
��������distributed and residential-based power generators;
����������� (9) the development and use of advanced grid design, 
��������operation, and planning tools;
����������� (10) any other infrastructure technologies, as appropriate; 
����������� (11) technology transfer and education.
��� (b) Program Plan.--
 �����������(1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 1 year 
��������after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in 
��������consultation with other appropriate Federal agencies, shall 
��������prepare and submit to Congress a 5-year program plan to guide 
��������activities under this section.
����������� (2) Consultation.--In preparing the program plan, the 
��������Secretary shall consult with--
������������������� (A) utilities;
������������������� (B) energy service providers;
�� �����������������(C) manufacturers;
������������������� (D) institutions of higher education;
������������������� (E) other appropriate State and local agencies;
������������������� (F) environmental organizations;
������������������� (G) professional and technical societies; and
������������������� (H) any other persons the Secretary considers 
��� (c) Implementation.--The Secretary shall consider implementing the 
program under this section using a consortium of participants from 
industry, institutions of higher education, and National Laboratories.
��� (d) Report.--Not later than 2 years after the submission of the plan 
under subsection (b), the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report--
����������� (1) describing the progress made under this section; and
����������� (2) identifying any additional resources needed to continue 
��������the development and commercial application of transmission and 
��������distribution of infrastructure technologies.
��� (e) Power Delivery Research Initiative.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall establish a research, 
��������development, and demonstration initiative specifically focused 
��������on power delivery using components incorporating high 
��������temperature superconductivity.
����������� (2) Goals.--The goals of the Initiative shall be--
������������������� (A) to establish world-class facilities to develop 
����������������high temperature superconductivity power applications in 
����������������partnership with manufacturers and utilities;
������������������� (B) to provide technical leadership for establishing 
����������������reliability for high temperature superconductivity power 
����������������applications, including suitable modeling and analysis;
[[Page 119 STAT. 867]]
������������������� (C) to facilitate the commercial transition toward 
����������������direct current power transmission, storage, and use for 
����������������high power systems using high temperature 
����������������superconductivity; and
������������������� (D) to facilitate the integration of very low 
����������������impedance high temperature superconducting wires and 
����������������cables in existing electric networks to improve system 
����������������performance, power flow control, and reliability.
����������� (3) Inclusions.--The Initiative shall include--
������������������� (A) feasibility analysis, planning, research, and 
����������������design to construct demonstrations of superconducting 
����������������links in high power, direct current, and controllable 
����������������alternating current transmission systems;
������������������� (B) public-private partnerships to demonstrate 
����������������deployment of high temperature superconducting cable 
����������������into testbeds simulating a realistic transmission grid 
����������������and under varying transmission conditions, including 
����������������actual grid insertions; and
������������������� (C) testbeds developed in cooperation with National 
����������������Laboratories, industries, and institutions of higher 
����������������education to--
������������������������� (i) demonstrate those technologies;
������������������������� (ii) prepare the technologies for commercial 
����������������������introduction; and
������������������������� (iii) address cost or performance roadblocks 
����������������������to successful commercial use.
��� (f) Transmission and Distribution Grid Planning and Operations 
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall establish a research, 
��������development, and demonstration initiative specifically focused 
��������on tools needed to plan, operate, and expand the transmission 
��������and distribution grids in the presence of competitive market 
��������mechanisms for energy, load demand, customer response, and 
��������ancillary services.
����������� (2) Goals.--The goals of the Initiative shall be--
������������������� (A)(i) to develop and use a geographically 
����������������distributed center, consisting of institutions of higher 
����������������education, and National Laboratories, with expertise and 
����������������facilities to develop the underlying theory and software 
����������������for power system application; and
����������� ��������(ii) to ensure commercial development in partnership 
����������������with software vendors and utilities;
������������������� (B) to provide technical leadership in engineering 
����������������and economic analysis for the reliability and efficiency 
����������������of power systems planning and operations in the presence 
����������������of competitive markets for electricity;
������������������� (C) to model, simulate, and experiment with new 
����������������market mechanisms and operating practices to understand 
����������������and optimize those new methods before actual use; and
������������������� (D) to provide technical support and technology 
����������������transfer to electric utilities and other participants in 
����������������the domestic electric industry and marketplace.
��� (g) High-voltage <<NOTE: Grants.>> Transmission Lines.--As part of 
the program described in subsection (a), the Secretary shall award a 
grant to a university research program to design and test, in 
consultation with the Tennessee Valley Authority, state-of-the-art 
[[Page 119 STAT. 868]]
techniques for power flow through existing high voltage transmission 
��������������������� Subtitle C--Renewable Energy
SEC. 931. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16231.>> RENEWABLE ENERGY.
��� (a) In General.--
����������� (1) Objectives.--The Secretary shall conduct programs of 
��������renewable energy research, development, demonstration, and 
��������commercial application, including activities described in this 
��������subtitle. Such programs shall take into consideration the 
��������following objectives:
������������������� (A) Increasing the conversion efficiency of all 
����������������forms of renewable energy through improved technologies.
������������������� (B) Decreasing the cost of renewable energy 
����������������generation and delivery.
������������������� (C) Promoting the diversity of the energy supply.
������������������� (D) Decreasing the dependence of the United States 
����������������on foreign energy supplies.
������������������� (E) Improving United States energy security.
������������������� (F) Decreasing the environmental impact of energy-
��������������� related activities.
������������������� (G) Increasing the export of renewable generation 
����������������equipment from the United States.
����������� (2) Programs.--
������������������� (A) Solar energy.--The Secretary shall conduct a 
����������������program of research, development, demonstration, and 
���������������commercial application for solar energy, including--
������������������������� (i) photovoltaics;
������������������������� (ii) solar hot water and solar space heating;
������������������������� (iii) concentrating solar power;
������������������������� (iv) lighting systems that integrate sunlight 
����������������������and electrical lighting in complement to each 
����������������������other in common lighting fixtures for the purpose 
����������������������of improving energy efficiency;
������������ �������������(v) manufacturability of low cost, high 
����������������������quality solar systems; and
������������������������� (vi) development of products that can be 
����������������������easily integrated into new and existing buildings.
����������� ��������(B) Wind energy.--The Secretary shall conduct a 
����������������program of research, development, demonstration, and 
����������������commercial application for wind energy, including--
������������������������� (i) low speed wind energy;
������� ������������������(ii) offshore wind energy;
������������������������� (iii) testing and verification (including 
����������������������construction and operation of a research and 
����������������������testing facility capable of testing wind 
����������������������turbines); and
������������������������� (iv) distributed wind energy generation.
������������������� (C) Geothermal.--The Secretary shall conduct a 
����������������program of research, development, demonstration, and 
����������������commercial application for geothermal energy. The 
����������������program shall focus on developing improved technologies 
����������������for reducing the costs of geothermal energy 
����������������installations, including technologies for--
������������������ �������(i) improving detection of geothermal 
������������������������� (ii) decreasing drilling costs;
[[Page 119 STAT. 869]]
������������������������� (iii) decreasing maintenance costs through 
����������������������improved materials;
������������������������� (iv) increasing the potential for other 
����������������������revenue sources, such as mineral production; and
������������������������� (v) increasing the understanding of reservoir 
����������������������life cycle and management.
������������������� (D) Hydropower.--The Secretary shall conduct a 
����������������program of research, development, demonstration, and 
����������������commercial application for cost competitive technologies 
����������������that enable the development of new and incremental 
����������������hydropower capacity, adding to the diversity of the 
����������������energy supply of the United States, including:
������������������������� (i) Fish-friendly large turbines.
��������������� ����������(ii) Advanced technologies to enhance 
����������������������environmental performance and yield greater energy 
������������������� (E) Miscellaneous projects.--The Secretary shall 
����������������conduct research, development, demonstration, and 
����������������commercial application programs for--
������������������������� (i) ocean energy, including wave energy;
������������������������� (ii) the combined use of renewable energy 
����������������������technologies with one another and with other 
����������������������energy technologies, including the combined use of 
����������������������wind power and coal gasification technologies;
������������������������� (iii) renewable energy technologies for 
����������������������cogeneration of hydrogen and electricity; and
������������������������� (iv) kinetic hydro turbines.
��� (b) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary to carry out renewable energy research, 
development, demonstration, and commercial application activities, 
including activities authorized under this subtitle--
����������� (1) $632,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
����������� (2) $743,000,000 for fiscal year 2008; and
����������� (3) $852,000,000 for fiscal year 2009.
��� (c) Bioenergy.--From the amounts authorized under subsection (b), 
there are authorized to be appropriated to carry out section 932--
����������� (1) $213,000,000 for fiscal year 2007, of which $100,000,000 
��������shall be for section 932(d);
����������� (2) $251,000,000 for fiscal year 2008, of which $125,000,000 
��������shall be for section 932(d); and
����������� (3) $274,000,000 for fiscal year 2009, of which $150,000,000 
��������shall be for section 932(d).
��� (d) Solar Power.--From amounts authorized under subsection (b), 
there is authorized to be appropriated to carry out activities under 
subsection (a)(2)(A)--
����������� (1) $140,000,000 for fiscal year 2007, of which $40,000,000 
��������shall be for activities under section 935;
����������� (2) $200,000,000 for fiscal year 2008, of which $50,000,000 
��������shall be for activities under section 935; and
����������� (3) $250,000,000 for fiscal year 2009, of which $50,000,000 
��������shall be for activities under section 935.
��� (e) Administration.--Of the funds authorized under subsection (c), 
not less than $5,000,000 for each fiscal year shall be made available 
for grants to--
����������� (1) part B institutions;
[[Page 119 STAT. 870]]
��� ��������(2) Tribal Colleges or Universities (as defined in section 
��������316(b) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 
��������1059c(b))); and
����������� (3) Hispanic-serving institutions.
��� (f) Rural Demonstration Projects.--In carrying out this section, the 
Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture, shall 
demonstrate the use of renewable energy technologies to assist in 
delivering electricity to rural and remote locations including --
����������� (1) advanced wind power technology, including combined use 
��������with coal gasification;
����������� (2) biomass; and
����������� (3) geothermal energy systems.
��� (g) Analysis and Evaluation.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall conduct analysis and 
��������evaluation in support of the renewable energy programs under 
��������this subtitle. These activities shall be used to guide budget 
��������and program decisions, and shall include--
������������������� (A) economic and technical analysis of renewable 
����������������energy potential, including resource assessment;
������������������� (B) analysis of past program performance, both in 
����������������terms of technical advances and in market introduction 
����������������of renewable energy; and
������ �������������(C) any other analysis or evaluation that the 
����������������Secretary considers appropriate.
����������� (2) Funding.--The Secretary may designate up to 1 percent of 
��������the funds appropriated for carrying out this subtitle for 
��������analysis and evaluation activities under this subsection.
SEC. 932. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16232.>> BIOENERGY PROGRAM.
��� (a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� (1) Biomass.--The term ``biomass'' means--
������������������� (A) any organic material grown for the purpose of 
����������������being converted to energy;
������������������� (B) any organic byproduct of agriculture (including 
����������������wastes from food production and processing) that can be 
����������������converted into energy; or
 �������������������(C) any waste material that can be converted to 
����������������energy, is segregated from other waste materials, and is 
����������������derived from--
������������������������� (i) any of the following forest-related 
����������������������resources: mill residues, precommercial thinnings, 
����������������������slash, brush, or otherwise nonmerchantable 
����������������������material; or
������������������������� (ii) wood waste materials, including waste 
����������������������pallets, crates, dunnage, manufacturing and 
����������������������construction wood wastes (other than pressure-
��������������������� treated, chemically-treated, or painted wood 
����������������������wastes), and landscape or right-of-way tree 
����������������������trimmings, but not including municipal solid 
����������������������waste, gas derived from the biodegradation of 
����������������������municipal solid waste, or paper that is commonly 
����������� (2) Lignocellulosic feedstock.--The term ``lignocellulosic 
��������feedstock'' means any portion of a plant or coproduct from 
��������conversion, including crops, trees, forest residues, and 
��������agricultural residues not specifically grown for food, including 
��������from barley grain, grapeseed, rice bran, rice hulls, rice straw, 
��������soybean matter, and sugarcane bagasse.
[[Page 119 STAT. 871]]
��� (b) Program.--The Secretary shall conduct a program of research, 
development, demonstration, and commercial application for bioenergy, 
����������� (1) biopower energy systems;
����������� (2) biofuels;
����������� (3) bioproducts;
����������� (4) integrated biorefineries that may produce biopower, 
��������biofuels, and bioproducts;
 �����������(5) cross-cutting research and development in feedstocks; 
����������� (6) economic analysis.
��� (c) Biofuels and Bioproducts.--The goals of the biofuels and 
bioproducts programs shall be to develop, in partnership with industry 
and institutions of higher education--
����������� (1) advanced biochemical and thermochemical conversion 
��������technologies capable of making fuels from lignocellulosic 
��������feedstocks that are price-competitive with gasoline or diesel in 
��������either internal combustion engines or fuel cell-powered 
����������� (2) advanced biotechnology processes capable of making 
��������biofuels and bioproducts with emphasis on development of 
��������biorefinery technologies using enzyme-based processing systems;
����������� (3) advanced biotechnology processes capable of increasing 
��������energy production from lignocellulosic feedstocks, with emphasis 
��������on reducing the dependence of industry on fossil fuels in 
��������manufacturing facilities; and
����������� (4) other advanced processes that will enable the 
��������development of cost-effective bioproducts, including biofuels.
��� (d) Integrated Biorefinery Demonstration Projects.--
���� �������(1) In general.--The Secretary shall carry out a program to 
��������demonstrate the commercial application of integrated 
��������biorefineries. The Secretary shall ensure geographical 
��������distribution of biorefinery demonstrations under this 
��������subsection. The Secretary shall not provide more than 
��������$100,000,000 under this subsection for any single biorefinery 
��������demonstration. In making awards under this subsection, the 
��������Secretary shall encourage--
���������������� ���(A) the demonstration of a wide variety of 
����������������lignocellulosic feedstocks;
������������������� (B) the commercial application of biomass 
����������������technologies for a variety of uses, including--
������������������������� (i) liquid transportation fuels;
������������������������� (ii) high-value biobased chemicals;
������������������������� (iii) substitutes for petroleum-based 
����������������������feedstocks and products; and
������������������������� (iv) energy in the form of electricity or 
����������������������useful heat; and
������������������� (C) the demonstration of the collection and 
����������������treatment of a variety of biomass feedstocks.
����������� (2) Proposals.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 6 months 
��������after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall 
��������solicit proposals for demonstration of advanced biorefineries. 
��������The Secretary shall select only proposals that--
������������������� (A) demonstrate that the project will be able to 
����������������operate profitably without direct Federal subsidy after 
����������������initial construction costs are paid; and
������������������� (B) enable the biorefinery to be easily replicated.
��� (e) University Biodiesel Program.--The Secretary shall establish a 
demonstration program to determine the feasibility of
[[Page 119 STAT. 872]]
the operation of diesel electric power generators, using biodiesel fuels 
with ratings as high as B100, at electric generation facilities owned by 
institutions of higher education. The program shall examine--
����������� (1) heat rates of diesel fuels with large quantities of 
��������cellulosic content;
����������� (2) the reliability of operation of various fuel blends;
����������� (3) performance in cold or freezing weather;
����������� (4) stability of fuel after extended storage; and
����������� (5) other criteria, as determined by the Secretary.
��� The Secretary shall--
����������� (1) establish a research, development, and demonstration 
��������program to determine the feasibility of using hydrogen 
��������propulsion in light-weight vehicles and the integration of the 
�������associated hydrogen production infrastructure using off-the-
������� shelf components; and
����������� (2) identify universities and institutions that--
������������������� (A) have expertise in researching and testing 
����������������vehicles fueled by hydrogen, methane, and other fuels;
������������������� (B) have expertise in integrating off-the-shelf 
����������������components to minimize cost; and
������������������� (C) within 2 years can test a vehicle based on an 
����������������existing commercially available platform with a curb 
����������������weight of not less than 2,000 pounds before 
����������������modifications, that--
������������������������� (i) operates solely on hydrogen;
������������������������� (ii) qualifies as a light-duty passenger 
����������������������vehicle; and
������������������������� (iii) uses hydrogen produced from water using 
����������������������only solar energy.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall conduct a program of research 
and development to evaluate the potential for concentrating solar power 
for hydrogen production, including cogeneration approaches for both 
hydrogen and electricity.
��� (b) Administration.--The program shall take advantage of existing 
facilities to the extent practicable and shall include--
����������� (1) development of optimized technologies that are common to 
��������both electricity and hydrogen production;
����������� (2) evaluation of thermochemical cycles for hydrogen 
��������production at the temperatures attainable with concentrating 
��������solar power;
����������� (3) evaluation of materials issues for the thermochemical 
��������cycles described in paragraph (2);
����������� (4) cogeneration of solar thermal electric power and photo-
������� synthetic-based hydrogen production;
����������� (5) system architectures and economics studies; and
����������� (6) coordination with activities under the Next Generation 
��������Nuclear Plant Project established under subtitle C of title VI 
��������on high temperature materials, thermochemical cycles, and 
��������economic issues.
��� (c) Assessment.--In carrying out the program under this section, the 
Secretary shall--
����������� (1) assess conflicting guidance on the economic potential of 
��������concentrating solar power for electricity production received 
��������from the National Research Council in the report entitled
[[Page 119 STAT. 873]]
������� ``Renewable Power Pathways: A Review of the U.S. Department of 
��������Energy's Renewable Energy Programs'' and dated 2000 and 
��������subsequent reviews of that report funded by the Department; and
����������� (2) provide an assessment of the potential impact of 
��������technology used to concentrate solar power for electricity 
��������before, or concurrent with, submission of the budget for fiscal 
��������year 2008.
��� (d) Report.--Not later than 5 years after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary shall provide to Congress a report on the 
economic and technical potential for electricity or hydrogen production, 
with or without cogeneration, with concentrating solar power, including 
the economic and technical feasibility of potential construction of a 
pilot demonstration facility suitable for commercial production of 
electricity or hydrogen from concentrating solar power.
��� (a) Demonstration and Technology Transfer Program.--The Secretary 
shall establish a program for the demonstration of innovative 
technologies for solar and other renewable energy sources in buildings 
owned or operated by a State or local government, and for the 
dissemination of information resulting from such demonstration to 
interested parties.
��� (b) Limit on Federal Funding.--Notwithstanding section 988, the 
Secretary shall provide under this section no more than 40 percent of 
the incremental costs of the solar or other renewable energy source 
project funded.
��� (c) Requirements.--As part of the application for awards under this 
section, the Secretary shall require all applicants---
����������� (1) to demonstrate a continuing commitment to the use of 
��������solar and other renewable energy sources in buildings they own 
��������or operate; and
����������� (2) to state how they expect any award to further their 
��������transition to the significant use of renewable energy.
�� Subtitle D--Agricultural Biomass Research and Development Programs
������������AND DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 2000.
��� (a) Definitions.--Section 303 of the Biomass Research and 
Development Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-224; 7 U.S.C. 8101 note) is 
����������� (1) by striking paragraphs (2), (9), and (10);
����������� (2) by redesignating paragraphs (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), and 
��������(8) as paragraphs (4), (5), (7), (8), (9), and (10), 
����������� (3) by inserting after paragraph (1) the following:
����������� ``(2) Biobased fuel.--The term `biobased fuel' means any 
��������transportation fuel produced from biomass.
����������� ``(3) Biobased product.--The term `biobased product' means 
��������an industrial product (including chemicals, materials, and 
��������polymers) produced from biomass, or a commercial or industrial 
��������product (including animal feed and electric power) derived in 
��������connection with the conversion of biomass to fuel.'';
����������� (4) by inserting after paragraph (5) (as redesignated by 
��������paragraph (2)) the following:
[[Page 119 STAT. 874]]
����������� ``(6) Demonstration.--The term `demonstration' means 
��������demonstration of technology in a pilot plant or semi-works scale 
��������facility.''; and
����������� (5) by striking paragraph (9) (as redesignated by paragraph 
��������(2)) and inserting the following:
����������� ``(9) National laboratory.--The term `National Laboratory' 
��������has the meaning given that term in section 2 of the Energy 
��������Policy Act of 2005.''
��� (b) Cooperation and Coordination in Biomass Research and 
Development.--Section 304 of the Biomass Research and Development Act of 
2000 (Public Law 106-224; 7 U.S.C. 8101 note) is amended--
����������� (1) in subsections (a) and (d), by striking ``industrial 
��������products'' each place it appears and inserting ``fuels and 
��������biobased products'';
����������� (2) by striking subsections (b) and (c); and
����������� (3) by redesignating subsection (d) as subsection (b).
��� (c) Biomass Research and Development Board.--Section 305 of the 
Biomass Research and Development Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-224; 7 
U.S.C. 8101 note) is amended--
����������� (1) in subsections (a) and (c), by striking ``industrial 
��������products'' each place it appears and inserting ``fuels and 
��������biobased products'';
����������� (2) in subsection (b)--
����� ��������������(A) in paragraph (1), by striking ``304(d)(1)(B)'' 
����������������and inserting ``304(b)(1)(B)''; and
������������������� (B) in paragraph (2), by striking ``304(d)(1)(A)'' 
����������������and inserting ``304(b)(1)(A)''; and
����������� (3) in subsection (c)--
������������������� (A) in paragraph (1)(B), by striking ``and'' at the 
������������������� (B) in paragraph (2), by striking the period at the 
����������������end and inserting a semicolon; and
��������������� ����(C) by adding at the end the following:
����������� ``(3) ensure that--
������������������� ``(A) solicitations are open and competitive with 
����������������awards made annually; and
������������������� ``(B) objectives and evaluation criteria of the 
����������������solicitations are clearly stated and minimally 
����������������prescriptive, with no areas of special interest; and
����������� ``(4) ensure that the panel of scientific and technical 
��������peers assembled under section 307(g)(1)(C) to review proposals 
��������is composed predominantly of independent experts selected from 
��������outside the Departments of Agriculture and Energy.''.
��� (d) Biomass Research and Development Technical Advisory Committee.--
Section 306 of the Biomass Research and Development Act of 2000 (Public 
Law 106-224; 7 U.S.C. 8101 note) is amended--
����������� (1) in subsection (b)(1)--
������������������� (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``biobased 
����������������industrial products'' and inserting ``biofuels'';
������������������� (B) by redesignating subparagraphs (B) through (J) 
����������������as subparagraphs (C) through (K), respectively;
������������������� (C) by inserting after subparagraph (A) the 
������������������ ``(B) an individual affiliated with the biobased 
����������������industrial and commercial products industry;'';
[[Page 119 STAT. 875]]
������������������� (D) in subparagraph (F) (as redesignated by 
����������������subparagraph (B)) by striking ``an individual has'' and 
����������������inserting ``2 individuals have'';
������������������� (E) in subparagraphs (C), (D), (G), and (I) (as 
����������������redesignated by subparagraph (B)) by striking 
����������������``industrial products'' each place it appears and 
����������������inserting ``fuels and biobased products''; and
������������������� (F) in subparagraph (H) (as redesignated by 
����������������subparagraph (B)), by inserting ``and environmental'' 
����������������before ``analysis'';
����������� (2) in subsection (c)(2)--
������������������� (A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``goals'' and 
����������������inserting ``objectives, purposes, and considerations'';
������������������� (B) by redesignating subparagraphs (B) and (C) as 
����������������subparagraphs (C) and (D), respectively;
������������������� (C) by inserting after subparagraph (A) the 
������������������� ``(B) solicitations are open and competitive with 
����������������awards made annually and that objectives and evaluation 
����������������criteria of the solicitations are clearly stated and 
����������������minimally prescriptive, with no areas of special 
����������������interest;''; and
������������������� (D) in subparagraph (C) (as redesignated by 
����������������subparagraph (B)) by inserting ``predominantly from 
����������������outside the Departments of Agriculture and Energy'' 
����������������after ``technical peers''.
��� (e) Biomass Research and Development Initiative.--Section 307 of the 
Biomass Research and Development Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-224; 7 
U.S.C. 8101 note) is amended--
����������� (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``research on biobased 
��������industrial products'' and inserting ``research on, and 
��������development and demonstration of, biobased fuels and biobased 
��������products, and the methods, practices and technologies, for their 
��������production''; and
����������� (2) by striking subsections (b) through (e) and inserting 
��������the following:
��� ``(b) Objectives.--The objectives of the Initiative are to develop--
����������� ``(1) technologies and processes necessary for abundant 
��������commercial production of biobased fuels at prices competitive 
��������with fossil fuels;
����������� ``(2) high-value biobased products--
������������������� ``(A) to enhance the economic viability of biobased 
����������������fuels and power; and
������������������� ``(B) as substitutes for petroleum-based feedstocks 
����������������and products; and
����������� ``(3) a diversity of sustainable domestic sources of biomass 
��������for conversion to biobased fuels and biobased products.
��� ``(c) Purposes.--The purposes of the Initiative are--
����������� ``(1) to increase the energy security of the United States;
����������� ``(2) to create jobs and enhance the economic development of 
��������the rural economy;
����������� ``(3) to enhance the environment and public health; and
����������� ``(4) to diversify markets for raw agricultural and forestry 
��� ``(d) Technical Areas.--To advance the objectives and purposes of 
the Initiative, the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary
[[Page 119 STAT. 876]]
of Energy, in consultation with the Administrator of the Environmental 
Protection Agency and heads of other appropriate departments and 
agencies (referred to in this section as the `Secretaries'), shall 
direct research and development toward--
�������� ���``(1) feedstock production through the development of crops 
��������and cropping systems relevant to production of raw materials for 
��������conversion to biobased fuels and biobased products, including--
������������������� ``(A) development of advanced and dedicated crops 
����������������with desired features, including enhanced productivity, 
����������������broader site range, low requirements for chemical 
����������������inputs, and enhanced processing;
������������������� ``(B) advanced crop production methods to achieve 
����������������the features described in subparagraph (A);
������������������� ``(C) feedstock harvest, handling, transport, and 
����������������storage; and
������������������� ``(D) strategies for integrating feedstock 
����������������production into existing managed land;
����������� ``(2) overcoming recalcitrance of cellulosic biomass through 
��������developing technologies for converting cellulosic biomass into 
��������intermediates that can subsequently be converted into biobased 
��������fuels and biobased products, including--
������������������� ``(A) pretreatment in combination with enzymatic or 
����������������microbial hydrolysis; and
������������������� ``(B) thermochemical approaches, including 
����������������gasification and pyrolysis;
����������� ``(3) product diversification through technologies relevant 
��������to production of a range of biobased products (including 
��������chemicals, animal feeds, and cogenerated power) that eventually 
��������can increase the feasibility of fuel production in a 
��������biorefinery, including--
������������������� ``(A) catalytic processing, including thermochemical 
����������������fuel production;
������������������� ``(B) metabolic engineering, enzyme engineering, and 
����������������fermentation systems for biological production of 
����������������desired products or cogeneration of power;
������������������� ``(C) product recovery;
������������������� ``(D) power production technologies; and
������������������ ``(E) integration into existing biomass processing 
����������������facilities, including starch ethanol plants, paper 
����������������mills, and power plants; and
����������� ``(4) analysis that provides strategic guidance for the 
��������application of biomass technologies in accordance with 
��������realization of improved sustainability and environmental 
��������quality, cost effectiveness, security, and rural economic 
��������development, usually featuring system-wide approaches.
��� ``(e) Additional Considerations.--Within the technical areas 
described in subsection (d), and in addition to advancing the purposes 
described in subsection (c) and the objectives described in subsection 
(b), the Secretaries shall support research and development--
����������� ``(1) to create continuously expanding opportunities for 
��������participants in existing biofuels production by seeking 
��������synergies and continuity with current technologies and 
��������practices, such as the use of dried distillers grains as a 
��������bridge feedstock;
����������� ``(2) to maximize the environmental, economic, and social 
��������benefits of production of biobased fuels and biobased products
[[Page 119 STAT. 877]]
�� �����on a large scale through life-cycle economic and environmental 
��������analysis and other means; and
����������� ``(3) to assess the potential of Federal land and land 
��������management programs as feedstock resources for biobased fuels 
��������and biobased products, consistent with the integrity of soil and 
��������water resources and with other environmental considerations.
��� ``(f) Eligible Entities.--To be eligible for a grant, contract, or 
assistance under this section, an applicant shall be--
����������� ``(1) an institution of higher education;
����������� ``(2) a National Laboratory;
����������� ``(3) a Federal research agency;
����������� ``(4) a State research agency;
����������� ``(5) a private sector entity;
����������� ``(6) a nonprofit organization; or
����������� ``(7) a consortium of two or more entities described in 
��������paragraphs (1) through (6).
��� ``(g) Administration.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--After consultation with the Board, the 
��������points of contact shall--
������������������� ``(A) publish annually one or more joint requests 
����������������for proposals for grants, contracts, and assistance 
����������������under this section;
������������������� ``(B) require that grants, contracts, and assistance 
���������������under this section be awarded competitively, on the 
����������������basis of merit, after the establishment of procedures 
����������������that provide for scientific peer review by an 
����������������independent panel of scientific and technical peers; and
������������������� ``(C) give some preference to applications that--
������������������������� ``(i) involve a consortia of experts from 
����������������������multiple institutions;
������������������������� ``(ii) encourage the integration of 
����������������������disciplines and application of the best technical 
����������������������resources; and
������������������������� ``(iii) increase the geographic diversity of 
����������������������demonstration projects.
����������� ``(2) Distribution of funding by technical area.--Of the 
��������funds authorized to be appropriated for activities described in 
��������this section, funds shall be distributed for each of fiscal 
��������years 2007 through 2010 so as to achieve an approximate 
��������distribution of--
������������������� ``(A) 20 percent of the funds to carry out 
����������������activities for feedstock production under subsection 
������������������� ``(B) 45 percent of the funds to carry out 
����������������activities for overcoming recalcitrance of cellulosic 
����������������biomass under subsection (d)(2);
������������������� ``(C) 30 percent of the funds to carry out 
����������������activities for product diversification under subsection 
����������������(d)(3); and
������������������� ``(D) 5 percent of the funds to carry out activities 
����������������for strategic guidance under subsection (d)(4).
����������� ``(3) Distribution of funding within each technical area.--
������� Within each technical area described in paragraphs (1) through 
��������(3) of subsection (d), funds shall be distributed for each of 
��������fiscal years 2007 through 2010 so as to achieve an approximate 
��������distribution of--
������������������� ``(A) 15 percent of the funds for applied 
������������������� ``(B) 35 percent of the funds for innovation; and
������������������� ``(C) 50 percent of the funds for demonstration.
[[Page 119 STAT. 878]]
����������� ``(4) Matching funds.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--A minimum 20 percent funding 
����������������match shall be required for demonstration projects under 
����������������this title.
������������������� ``(B) Commercial applications.--A minimum of 50 
����������������percent funding match shall be required for commercial 
����������������application projects under this title.
����������� ``(5) Technology and information transfer to agricultural 
��������users.--The Administrator of the Cooperative State Research, 
��������Education, and Extension Service and the Chief of the Natural 
��������Resources Conservation Service shall ensure that applicable 
��������research results and technologies from the Initiative are 
��������adapted, made available, and disseminated through those 
��������services, as appropriate.''.
��� (f) Annual Reports.--Section 309 of the Biomass Research and 
Development Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-224; 7 U.S.C. 8101 note) is 
����������� (1) in subsection (b)--
������������������� (A) in paragraph (1)--
������������������������� (i) in subparagraph (A), by striking 
����������������������``purposes described in section 307(b)'' and 
����������������������inserting ``objectives, purposes, and additional 
����������������������considerations described in subsections (b) 
����������������������through (e) of section 307'';
������������������������� (ii) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``and'' 
����������������������at the end;
������������������������� (iii) by redesignating subparagraph (C) as 
����������������������subparagraph (D); and
������������������������� (iv) by inserting after subparagraph (B) the 
������������������� ``(C) achieves the distribution of funds described 
����������������in paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 307(g); and''; and
������������������� (B) in paragraph (2), by striking ``industrial 
����������������products'' and inserting ``fuels and biobased 
����������������products''; and
����������� (2) by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(c) Updates.--The Secretary and the Secretary of Energy shall 
update the Vision and Roadmap documents prepared for Federal biomass 
research and development activities.''.
��� (g) Authorization of Appropriations.--Section 310(b) of the Biomass 
Research and Development Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-224; 7 U.S.C. 8101 
note) is amended by striking ``title $54,000,000 for each of fiscal 
years 2002 through 2007'' and inserting ``title $200,000,000 for each of 
fiscal years 2006 through 2015''.
��(h) Repeal of Sunset Provision.--Section 311 of the Biomass Research 
and Development Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-224; 7 U.S.C. 8101 note) is 
��� (a) Purpose.--The purpose of this section is to--
����������� (1) accelerate deployment and commercialization of biofuels;
����������� (2) deliver the first 1,000,000,000 gallons in annual 
��������cellulosic biofuels production by 2015;
����������� (3) ensure biofuels produced after 2015 are cost competitive 
��������with gasoline and diesel; and
����������� (4) ensure that small feedstock producers and rural small 
��������businesses are full participants in the development of the 
��������cellulosic biofuels industry.
[[Page 119 STAT. 879]]
��� (b) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� (1) Cellulosic biofuels.--The term ``cellulosic biofuels'' 
��������means any fuel that is produced from cellulosic feedstocks.
����������� (2) Eligible entity.--The term ``eligible entity'' means a 
��������producer of fuel from cellulosic biofuels the production 
��������facility of which--
������������������� (A) is located in the United States;
������������������� (B) meets all applicable Federal and State 
����������������permitting requirements; and
������������������� (C) meets any financial criteria established by the 
��� (c) Program.--
����������� (1) Establishment.--The Secretary, in consultation with the 
��������Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Defense, and the 
��������Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, shall 
��������establish an incentive program for the production of cellulosic 
����������� (2) Basis of incentives.--Under the program, the Secretary 
��������shall award production incentives on a per gallon basis of 
��������cellulosic biofuels from eligible entities, through--
������������������� (A) set payments per gallon of cellulosic biofuels 
����������������produced in an amount determined by the Secretary, until 
����������������initiation of the first reverse auction; and
������������������� (B) reverse auction thereafter.
����������� (3) First reverse auction.--The <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> first 
��������reverse auction shall be held on the earlier of--
������������������� (A) not later than 1 year after the first year of 
����������������annual production in the United States of 100,000,000 
����������������gallons of cellulosic biofuels, as determined by the 
����������������Secretary; or
������������������� (B) not later than 3 years after the date of 
����������������enactment of this Act.
����������� (4) Reverse auction procedure.--
������������������� (A) In general.--On initiation of the first reverse 
����������������auction, and each year thereafter until the earlier of 
����������������the first year of annual production in the United States 
����������������of 1,000,000,000 gallons of cellulosic biofuels, as 
����������������determined by the Secretary, or 10 years after the date 
����������������of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall conduct a 
����������������reverse auction at which--
������������������������� (i) the Secretary shall solicit bids from 
����������������������eligible entities;
������������������������� (ii) eligible entities shall submit--
����������������������������������� (I) a desired level of production 
��������������������������������incentive on a per gallon basis; and
������������������������ �����������(II) an estimated annual production 
��������������������������������amount in gallons; and
������������������������� (iii) the Secretary shall issue awards for the 
����������������������production amount submitted, beginning with the 
����������������������eligible entity submitting the bid for the lowest 
����������������������level of production incentive on a per gallon 
����������������������basis and meeting such other criteria as are 
����������������������established by the Secretary, until the amount of 
����������������������funds available for the reverse auction is 
������������������� (B) Amount of incentive received.--An eligible 
����������������entity selected by the Secretary through a reverse 
����������������auction shall receive the amount of performance 
[[Page 119 STAT. 880]]
��������������� requested in the auction for each gallon produced and 
����������������sold by the entity during the first 6 years of 
������������������� (C) Commencement 
����������������of <<NOTE: Deadline. Contracts.>> production of 
����������������cellulosic biofuels.--As a condition of the receipt of 
����������������an award under this section, an eligible entity shall 
����������������enter into an agreement with the Secretary under which 
����������������the eligible entity agrees to begin production of 
����������������cellulosic biofuels not later than 3 years after the 
����������������date of the reverse auction in which the eligible entity 
��� (d) Limitations.--Awards under this section shall be limited to--
����������� (1) a per gallon amount determined by the Secretary during 
��������the first 4 years of the program;
��� ��������(2) a declining per gallon cap over the remaining lifetime 
��������of the program, to be established by the Secretary so that 
��������cellulosic biofuels produced after the first year of annual 
��������cellulosic biofuels production in the United States in excess of 
��������1,000,000,000 gallons are cost competitive with gasoline and 
����������� (3) not more than 25 percent of the funds committed within 
��������each reverse auction to any 1 project;
����������� (4) not more than $100,000,000 in any 1 year; and
����������� (5) not more than $1,000,000,000 over the lifetime of the 
��� (e) Priority.--In selecting a project under the program, the 
Secretary shall give priority to projects that--
����������� (1) demonstrate outstanding potential for local and regional 
��������economic development;
����������� (2) include agricultural producers or cooperatives of 
��������agricultural producers as equity partners in the ventures; and
����������� (3) have a strategic agreement in place to fairly reward 
��������feedstock suppliers.
��� (f) Authorizations of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $250,000,000.
��� (a) Federal Procurement.--
����������� (1) Definition of procuring agency.--Section 9001 of the 
��������Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (7 U.S.C. 8101) 
��������is amended--
������������������� (A) by redesignating paragraphs (4), (5), and (6) as 
����������������paragraphs (5), (6), and (7), respectively; and
������������������� (B) by inserting after paragraph (3) the following:
����������� ``(4) Procuring agency.--The term `procuring agency' means--
������������������� ``(A) any Federal agency that is using Federal funds 
����������������for procurement; or
������������������� ``(B) any person contracting with any Federal agency 
����������������with respect to work performed under the contract.''.
����������� (2) Procurement.--Section 9002 of the Farm Security and 
��������Rural Investment Act of 2002 (7 U.S.C. 8102) is amended--
������������������� (A) by striking ``Federal agency'' each place it 
����������������appears (other than in subsections (f) and (g)) and 
����������������inserting ``procuring agency'';
������������������� (B) in subsection (c)(2)--
������������������������� (i) by striking ``(2)'' and all that follows 
����������������������through ``Notwithstanding'' and inserting the 
[[Page 119 STAT. 881]]
����������� ``(2) Flexibility.--Notwithstanding'';
������������������������� (ii) by striking ``an agency'' and inserting 
����������������������``a procuring agency''; and
������������������������� (iii) by striking ``the agency'' and inserting 
����������������������``the procuring agency'';
������������������� (C) in subsection (d), by striking ``procured by 
����������������Federal agencies'' and inserting ``procured by procuring 
����������������agencies''; and
���������������� ���(D) in subsection (f), by striking ``Federal 
����������������agencies'' and inserting ``procuring agencies''.
��� (b) Capitol Complex Procurement.--Section 9002 of the Farm Security 
and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (7 U.S.C. 8102) (as amended by 
subsection (a)(2)) is amended--
����������� (1) by redesignating subsection (j) as subsection (k); and
����������� (2) by inserting after subsection (i) the following:
��� ``(j) Inclusion.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Procedures.>> later than 90 
days after the date of enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the 
Architect of the Capitol, the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate, and the 
Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives shall 
establish procedures that apply the requirements of this section to 
procurement for the Capitol Complex.''.
��� (c) <<NOTE: 42 USC 16252.>> Education.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Architect of the Capitol shall 
��������establish in the Capitol Complex a program of public education 
��������regarding use by the Architect of the Capitol of biobased 
����������� (2) Purposes.--The purposes of the program shall be--
������������������� (A) to establish the Capitol Complex as a showcase 
����������������for the existence and benefits of biobased products; and
������������������� (B) to provide access to further information on 
����������������biobased products to occupants and visitors.
��� (d) Procedure.--Requirements <<NOTE: 7 USC 8102 note.>> issued under 
the amendments made by subsection (b) shall be made in accordance with 
directives issued by the Committee on Rules and Administration of the 
Senate and the Committee on House Administration of the House of 
��� (a) In General.--Using amounts made available under subsection (g), 
the Secretary of Agriculture (referred to in this section as the 
``Secretary'') shall make available on a competitive basis grants to 
eligible entities described in subsection (b) for the biobased product 
marketing and certification purposes described in subsection (c).
��� (b) Eligible Entities.--
����������� (1) In general.--An entity eligible for a grant under this 
��������section is any manufacturer of biobased products that--
������������������� (A) proposes to use the grant for the biobased 
����������������product marketing and certification purposes described 
����������������in subsection (c); and
�������������� �����(B) has not previously received a grant under this 
����������� (2) Preference.--In making grants under this section, the 
��������Secretary shall provide a preference to an eligible entity that 
��������has fewer than 50 employees.
[[Page 119 STAT. 882]]
��� (c) Biobased Product Marketing and Certification Grant Purposes.--A 
grant made under this section shall be used--
����������� (1) to provide working capital for marketing of biobased 
��������products; and
����������� (2) to provide for the certification of biobased products 
������������������� (A) qualify for the label described in section 
����������������9002(h)(1) of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act 
����������������of 2002 (7 U.S.C. 8102(h)(1)); or
������������������� (B) meet other biobased standards determined 
����������������appropriate by the Secretary.
��� (d) Matching Funds.--
����������� (1) In general.--Grant recipients shall provide matching 
��������non-Federal funds equal to the amount of the grant received.
����������� (2) Expenditure.--Matching funds shall be expended in 
��������advance of grant funding, so that for every dollar of grant that 
��������is advanced, an equal amount of matching funds shall have been 
��������funded prior to submitting the request for reimbursement.
��� (e) Amount.--A grant made under this section shall not exceed 
��� (f) Administration.--The Secretary shall establish such 
administrative requirements for grants under this section, including 
requirements for applications for the grants, as the Secretary considers 
��� (g) Authorizations of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to make grants under this section--
����������� (1) $1,000,000 for fiscal year 2006; and
����������� (2) such sums as are necessary for each of fiscal years 2007 
��������through 2015.
��� (a) In General.--Using amounts made available under subsection (g), 
the Secretary of Agriculture (referred to in this section as the 
``Secretary'') shall make available on a competitive basis grants to 
eligible entities described in subsection (b) for the purposes described 
in subsection (c).
��� (b) Eligible Entities.--An entity eligible for a grant under this 
section is any regional bioeconomy development association, agricultural 
or energy trade association, or Land Grant institution that--
����������� (1) proposes to use the grant for the purposes described in 
��������subsection (c); and
����������� (2) has not previously received a grant under this section.
��� (c) Regional Bioeconomy Development Association Grant Purposes.--A 
grant made under this section shall be used to support and promote the 
growth and development of the bioeconomy within the region served by the 
eligible entity, through coordination, education, outreach, and other 
endeavors by the eligible entity.
��� (d) Matching Funds.--
����������� (1) In general.--Grant recipients shall provide matching 
��������non-Federal funds equal to the amount of the grant received.
����������� (2) Expenditure.--Matching funds shall be expended in 
��������advance of grant funding, so that for every dollar of grant that 
��������is advanced, an equal amount of matching funds shall have been 
��������funded prior to submitting the request for reimbursement.
[[Page 119 STAT. 883]]
��� (e) Administration.--The <<NOTE: Requirements.>> Secretary shall 
establish such administrative requirements for grants under this 
section, including requirements for applications for the grants, as the 
Secretary considers appropriate.
��� (f) Amount.--A grant made under this section shall not exceed 
��� (g) Authorizations of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to make grants under this section--
����������� (1) $1,000,000 for fiscal year 2006; and
����������� (2) such sums as are necessary for each of fiscal years 2007 
��������through 2015.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary of Agriculture (referred to in this 
section as the ``Secretary'') shall make grants available on a 
competitive basis to enterprises owned by agricultural producers, for 
the purposes of demonstrating cost-effective, cellulosic biomass 
innovations in--
����������� (1) preprocessing of feedstocks, including cleaning, 
��������separating and sorting, mixing or blending, and chemical or 
��������biochemical treatments, to add value and lower the cost of 
��������feedstock processing at a biorefinery; or
����������� (2) 1-pass or other efficient, multiple crop harvesting 
��� (b) Limitations on Grants.--
����������� (1) Number of grants.--Not more than 5 demonstration 
��������projects per fiscal year shall be funded under this section.
����������� (2) Non-federal cost share.--The non-Federal cost share of a 
��������project under this section shall be not less than 20 percent, as 
��������determined by the Secretary.
��� (c) Condition of Grant.--To be eligible for a grant for a project 
under this section, a recipient of a grant or a participating entity 
shall agree to use the material harvested under the project--
����������� (1) to produce ethanol; or
����������� (2) for another energy purpose, such as the generation of 
��������heat or electricity.
��� (d) Authorization for Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $5,000,000 for each of fiscal 
years 2006 through 2010.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary of Agriculture shall establish, 
within the Department of Agriculture or through an independent 
contracting entity, a program of education and outreach on biobased 
fuels and biobased products consisting of--
����������� (1) training and technical assistance programs for feedstock 
��������producers to promote producer ownership, investment, and 
��������participation in the operation of processing facilities; and
����������� (2) public education and outreach to familiarize consumers 
��������with the biobased fuels and biobased products.
��� (b) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $1,000,000 for each of fiscal 
years 2006 through 2010.
��� (a) Biobased Product Potential.--Not later than 1 year after the 
date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture
[[Page 119 STAT. 884]]
(referred to in this section as the ``Secretary'') shall submit to the 
Committee on Agriculture of the House of Representatives and the 
Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry of the Senate a report 
����������� (1) describes the economic potential for the United States 
��������of the widespread production and use of commercial and 
�������industrial biobased products through calendar year 2025; and
����������� (2) as the maximum extent practicable, identifies the 
��������economic potential by product area.
��� (b) Analysis of Economic Indicators.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later 
than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary 
shall submit to Congress an analysis of economic indicators of the 
biobased economy.
���������������������� Subtitle E--Nuclear Energy
SEC. 951. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16271.>> NUCLEAR ENERGY.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall conduct programs of civilian 
nuclear energy research, development, demonstration, and commercial 
application, including activities described in this subtitle. Programs 
under this subtitle shall take into consideration the following 
����������� (1) Enhancing nuclear power's viability as part of the 
��������United States energy portfolio.
����������� (2) Providing the technical means to reduce the likelihood 
��������of nuclear proliferation.
����������� (3) Maintaining a cadre of nuclear scientists and engineers.
����������� (4) Maintaining National Laboratory and university nuclear 
��������programs, including their infrastructure.
����������� (5) Supporting both individual researchers and 
��������multidisciplinary teams of researchers to pioneer new approaches 
��������in nuclear energy, science, and technology.
����������� (6) Developing, planning, constructing, acquiring, and 
��������operating special equipment and facilities for the use of 
����������� (7) Supporting technology transfer and other appropriate 
��������activities to assist the nuclear energy industry, and other 
��������users of nuclear science and engineering, including activities 
��������addressing reliability, availability, productivity, component 
��������aging, safety, and security of nuclear power plants.
����������� (8) Reducing the environmental impact of nuclear energy-
������� related activities.
��� (b) Authorization of Appropriations for Core Programs.--There are 
authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out nuclear 
energy research, development, demonstration, and commercial application 
activities, including activities authorized under this subtitle, other 
than those described in subsection (c)--
����������� (1) $330,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
����������� (2) $355,000,000 for fiscal year 2008; and
����������� (3) $495,000,000 for fiscal year 2009.
��� (c) Nuclear Infrastructure and Facilities.--There are authorized to 
be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out activities under section 
����������� (1) $135,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
����������� (2) $140,000,000 for fiscal year 2008; and
����������� (3) $145,000,000 for fiscal year 2009.
[[Page 119 STAT. 885]]
��� (d) Allocations.--From amounts authorized under subsection (a), the 
following sums are authorized:
����������� (1) For activities under section 953--
������������������� (A) $150,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
������������������� (B) $155,000,000 for fiscal year 2008; and
������������������� (C) $275,000,000 for fiscal year 2009.
����������� (2) For activities under section 954--
������������������� (A) $43,600,000 for fiscal year 2007;
������������������� (B) $50,100,000 for fiscal year 2008; and
�������� �����������(C) $56,000,000 for fiscal year 2009.
����������� (3) For activities under section 957, $6,000,000 for each of 
��������fiscal years 2007 through 2009.
��� (e) Limitation.--None of the funds authorized under this section may 
be used to decommission the Fast Flux Test Facility.
��� (a) Nuclear Energy Research Initiative.--The Secretary shall carry 
out a Nuclear Energy Research Initiative for research and development 
related to nuclear energy.
��� (b) Nuclear Energy Systems Support Program.--The Secretary shall 
carry out a Nuclear Energy Systems Support Program to support research 
and development activities addressing reliability, availability, 
productivity, component aging, safety, and security of existing nuclear 
power plants.
��� (c) Nuclear Power 2010 Program.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall carry out a Nuclear 
��������Power 2010 Program, consistent with recommendations of the 
��������Nuclear Energy Research Advisory Committee of the Department in 
��������the report entitled ``A Roadmap to Deploy New Nuclear Power 
��������Plants in the United States by 2010'' and dated October 2001.
����������� (2) Administration.--The Program shall include--
������������������� (A) use of the expertise and capabilities of 
����������������industry, institutions of higher education, and National 
����������������Laboratories in evaluation of advanced nuclear fuel 
����������������cycles and fuels testing;
������������������� (B) consideration of a variety of reactor designs 
����������������suitable for both developed and developing nations;
������������������� (C) participation of international collaborators in 
����������������research, development, and design efforts, as 
����������������appropriate; and
������������������� (D) encouragement for participation by institutions 
����������������of higher education and industry.
��� (d) Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems Initiative.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall carry out a Generation 
��������IV Nuclear Energy Systems Initiative to develop an overall 
��������technology plan for and to support research and development 
��������necessary to make an informed technical decision about the most 
��������promising candidates for eventual commercial application.
����������� (2) Administration.--In conducting the Initiative, the 
��������Secretary shall examine advanced proliferation-resistant and 
��������passively safe reactor designs, including designs that--
������������������� (A) are economically competitive with other electric 
����������������power generation plants;
������������������� (B) have higher efficiency, lower cost, and improved 
����������������safety compared to reactors in operation on the date of 
����������������enactment of this Act;
[[Page 119 STAT. 886]]
������������������� (C) use fuels that are proliferation resistant and 
����������������have substantially reduced production of high-level 
����������������waste per unit of output; and
������������������� (D) use improved instrumentation.
��� (e) Reactor Production of Hydrogen.--The Secretary shall carry out 
research to examine designs for high-temperature reactors capable of 
producing large-scale quantities of hydrogen.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary, acting through the Director of the 
Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology, shall conduct an 
advanced fuel recycling technology research, development, and 
demonstration program (referred to in this section as the ``program'') 
to evaluate proliferation-resistant fuel recycling and transmutation 
technologies that minimize environmental and public health and safety 
impacts as an alternative to aqueous reprocessing technologies deployed 
as of the date of enactment of this Act in support of evaluation of 
alternative national strategies for spent nuclear fuel and the 
Generation IV advanced reactor concepts.
��� (b) Annual Review.--The program shall be subject to annual review by 
the Nuclear Energy Research Advisory Committee of the Department or 
other independent entity, as appropriate.
��� (c) International Cooperation.--In carrying out the program, the 
Secretary is encouraged to seek opportunities to enhance the progress of 
the program through international cooperation.
��� (d) Reports.--The Secretary shall submit, as part of the annual 
budget submission of the Department, a report on the activities of the 
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall conduct a program to invest in 
human resources and infrastructure in the nuclear sciences and related 
fields, including health physics, nuclear engineering, and 
radiochemistry, consistent with missions of the Department related to 
civilian nuclear research, development, demonstration, and commercial 
��� (b) Requirements.--In carrying out the program under this section, 
the Secretary shall--
����������� (1) conduct a graduate and undergraduate fellowship program 
��������to attract new and talented students, which may include 
��������fellowships for students to spend time at National Laboratories 
��������in the areas of nuclear science, engineering, and health physics 
��������with a member of the National Laboratory staff acting as a 
����������� (2) conduct a junior faculty research initiation grant 
��������program to assist universities in recruiting and retaining new 
��������faculty in the nuclear sciences and engineering by awarding 
��������grants to junior faculty for research on issues related to 
��������nuclear energy engineering and science;
����������� (3) support fundamental nuclear sciences, engineering, and 
��������health physics research through a nuclear engineering education 
��������and research program;
����������� (4) encourage collaborative nuclear research among industry, 
��������National Laboratories, and universities; and
����������� (5) support communication and outreach related to nuclear 
��������science, engineering, and health physics.
[[Page 119 STAT. 887]]
��� (c) University-National Laboratory Interactions.--The Secretary 
shall conduct--
����������� (1) a fellowship program for professors at universities to 
��������spend sabbaticals at National Laboratories in the areas of 
��������nuclear science and technology; and
����������� (2) a visiting scientist program in which National 
��������Laboratory staff can spend time in academic nuclear science and 
��������engineering departments.
��� (d) Strengthening University Research and Training Reactors and 
Associated Infrastructure.--In carrying out the program under this 
section, the Secretary may support--
����������� (1) converting research reactors from high-enrichment fuels 
��������to low-enrichment fuels and upgrading operational 
����������� (2) consortia of universities to broaden access to 
��������university research reactors;
����������� (3) student training programs, in collaboration with the 
��������United States nuclear industry, in relicensing and upgrading 
��������reactors, including through the provision of technical 
��������assistance; and
����������� (4) reactor improvements as part of a taking into 
��������consideration effort that emphasizes research, training, and 
��������education, including through the Innovations in Nuclear 
��������Infrastructure and Education Program or any similar program.
��� (e) Operations and Maintenance.--Funding for a project provided 
under this section may be used for a portion of the operating and 
maintenance costs of a research reactor at a university used in the 
��� (f) Definition.--In this section, the term ``junior faculty'' means 
a faculty member who was awarded a doctorate less than 10 years before 
receipt of an award from the grant program described in subsection 
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall operate and maintain 
infrastructure and facilities to support the nuclear energy research, 
development, demonstration, and commercial application programs, 
including radiological facilities management, isotope production, and 
facilities management.
��� (b) Duties.--In carrying out this section, the Secretary shall--
����������� (1) develop an inventory of nuclear science and engineering 
��������facilities, equipment, expertise, and other assets at all of the 
��������National Laboratories;
����������� (2) develop a prioritized list of nuclear science and 
��������engineering plant and equipment improvements needed at each of 
��������the National Laboratories;
����������� (3) consider the available facilities and expertise at all 
��������National Laboratories and emphasize investments which complement 
��������rather than duplicate capabilities; and
����������� (4) develop a timeline and a proposed budget for the 
��������completion of deferred maintenance on plant and equipment, with 
��������the goal of ensuring that Department programs under this 
��������subtitle will be generally recognized to be among the best in 
��������the world.
��� (c) Plan.--The Secretary shall develop a comprehensive plan for the 
facilities at the Idaho National Laboratory, especially taking
[[Page 119 STAT. 888]]
into account the resources available at other National Laboratories. In 
developing the plan, the Secretary shall--
����������� (1) evaluate the facilities planning processes utilized by 
��������other physical science and engineering research and development 
��������institutions, both in the United States and abroad, that are 
��������generally recognized as being among the best in the world, and 
��������consider how those processes might be adapted toward developing 
��������such facilities plan;
����������� (2) avoid duplicating, moving, or transferring nuclear 
��������science and engineering facilities, equipment, expertise, and 
��������other assets that currently exist at other National 
����������� (3) consider the establishment of a national transuranic 
��������analytic chemistry laboratory as a user facility at the Idaho 
��������National Laboratory;
����������� (4) include a plan to develop, if feasible, the Advanced 
��������Test Reactor and Test Reactor Area into a user facility that is 
��������more readily accessible to academic and industrial researchers;
����������� (5) consider the establishment of a fast neutron source as a 
��������user facility;
����������� (6) consider the establishment of new hot cells and the 
��������configuration of hot cells most likely to advance research, 
��������development, demonstration, and commercial application in 
��������nuclear science and engineering, especially in the context of 
��������the condition and availability of these facilities elsewhere in 
��������the National Laboratories; and
����������� (7) include a timeline and a proposed budget for the 
��������completion of deferred maintenance on plant and equipment.
��� (d) Transmittal to Congress.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 1 
year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall 
transmit the plan under subsection (c) to Congress.
��� The Secretary, acting through the Director of the Office of Nuclear 
Energy, Science and Technology, shall conduct a research and development 
program on cost-effective technologies for increasing--
����������� (1) the safety of nuclear facilities from natural phenomena; 
����������� (2) the security of nuclear facilities from deliberate 
��� (a) Survey.--
����������� (1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than August 
��������1, 2006, the Secretary shall submit to Congress the results of a 
��������survey of industrial applications of large radioactive sources.
����������� (2) Administration.--The survey shall--
������������������� (A) consider well-logging sources as one class of 
����������������industrial sources;
������������������� (B) include information on current domestic and 
����������������international Department, Department of Defense, State 
����������������Department, and commercial programs to manage and 
����������������dispose of radioactive sources; and
������������������� (C) analyze available disposal options for currently 
����������������deployed or future sources and, if deficiencies are 
����������������noted for either deployed or future sources, recommend 
����������������legislative options that Congress may consider to remedy 
����������������identified deficiencies.
[[Page 119 STAT. 889]]
��� (b) Plan.--
����������� (1) In general.--In conjunction with the survey conducted 
��������under subsection (a), the Secretary shall establish a research 
��������and development program to develop alternatives to sources 
��������described in subsection (a) that reduce safety, environmental, 
��������or proliferation risks to either workers using the sources or 
��������the public.
����������� (2) Accelerators.--Miniaturized particle accelerators for 
��������well-logging or other industrial applications and portable 
��������accelerators for production of short-lived radioactive materials 
��������at an industrial site shall be considered as part of the 
��������research and development efforts.
�������� ���(3) Report.--Not later than August 1, 2006, the Secretary 
��������shall submit to Congress a report describing the details of the 
��������program plan.
����������������������� Subtitle F--Fossil Energy
SEC. 961. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16291.>> FOSSIL ENERGY.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall carry out research, 
development, demonstration, and commercial application programs in 
fossil energy, including activities under this subtitle, with the goal 
of improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and environmental 
performance of fossil energy production, upgrading, conversion, and 
consumption. Such programs take into consideration the following 
����������� (1) Increasing the energy conversion efficiency of all forms 
��������of fossil energy through improved technologies.
����������� (2) Decreasing the cost of all fossil energy production, 
��������generation, and delivery.
����������� (3) Promoting diversity of energy supply.
����������� (4) Decreasing the dependence of the United States on 
��������foreign energy supplies.
����������� (5) Improving United States energy security.
����������� (6) Decreasing the environmental impact of energy-related 
����������� (7) Increasing the export of fossil energy-related 
��������equipment, technology, and services from the United States.
��� (b) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary to carry out fossil energy research, 
development, demonstration, and commercial application activities, 
including activities authorized under this subtitle--
����������� (1) $611,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
����������� (2) $626,000,000 for fiscal year 2008; and
����������� (3) $641,000,000 for fiscal year 2009.
��� (c) Allocations.--From amounts authorized under subsection (a), the 
following sums are authorized:
����������� (1) For activities under section 962--
������������������� (A) $367,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
������������������� (B) $376,000,000 for fiscal year 2008; and
����������� ��������(C) $394,000,000 for fiscal year 2009.
����������� (2) For activities under section 964--
������������������� (A) $20,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
������������������� (B) $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2008; and
������������������� (C) $30,000,000 for fiscal year 2009.
����������� (3) For activities under section 966--
[[Page 119 STAT. 890]]
������������������� (A) $1,500,000 for fiscal year 2007; and
������������������� (B) $450,000 for each of fiscal years 2008 and 2009.
����������� (4) For the Office of Arctic Energy under section 3197 of 
��������the Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act for 
��������Fiscal Year 2001 (42 U.S.C. 7144d) $25,000,000 for each of 
��������fiscal years 2007 through 2009.
��� (d) Extended Authorization.--There are authorized to be appropriated 
to the Secretary for the Office of Arctic Energy established under 
section 3197 of the Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 2001 (42 U.S.C. 7144d) $25,000,000 for each of fiscal 
years 2010 through 2012.
��� (e) Limitations.--
����������� (1) Uses.--None of the funds authorized under this section 
��������may be used for Fossil Energy Environmental Restoration or 
��������Import/Export Authorization.
����������� (2) Institutions of higher education.--Of the funds 
��������authorized under subsection (c)(2), not less than 20 percent of 
��������the funds appropriated for each fiscal year shall be dedicated 
��������to research and development carried out at institutions of 
��������higher education.
��� (a) In General.--In addition to the programs authorized under title 
IV, the Secretary shall conduct a program of technology research, 
development, demonstration, and commercial application for coal and 
power systems, including programs to facilitate production and 
generation of coal-based power through--
����������� (1) innovations for existing plants (including mercury 
���������� (2) gasification systems;
����������� (3) advanced combustion systems;
����������� (4) turbines for synthesis gas derived from coal;
����������� (5) carbon capture and sequestration research and 
����������� (6) coal-derived chemicals and transportation fuels;
����������� (7) liquid fuels derived from low rank coal water slurry;
����������� (8) solid fuels and feedstocks;
����������� (9) advanced coal-related research;
����������� (10) advanced separation technologies; and
����������� (11) fuel cells for the operation of synthesis gas derived 
��������from coal.
��� (b) Cost and Performance Goals.--
����������� (1) In general.--In carrying out programs authorized by this 
��������section, during each of calendar years 2008, 2010, 2012, and 
��������2016, and during each fiscal year beginning after September 30, 
��������2021, the Secretary shall identify cost and performance goals 
��������for coal-based technologies that would permit the continued 
��������cost-competitive use of coal for the production of electricity, 
��������chemical feedstocks, and transportation fuels.
����������� (2) Administration.--In establishing the cost and 
��������performance goals, the Secretary shall--
������������������� (A) consider activities and studies undertaken as of 
����������������the date of enactment of this Act by industry in 
����������������cooperation with the Department in support of the 
����������������identification of the goals;
������������������� (B) consult with interested entities, including--
������������������������� (i) coal producers;
[[Page 119 STAT. 891]]
������������������������� (ii) industries using coal;
������������������������� (iii) organizations that promote coal and 
����������������������advanced coal technologies;
������������������������� (iv) environmental organizations;
������������������������� (v) organizations representing workers; and
������������������������� (vi) organizations representing consumers;
������������������� (C) <<NOTE: Deadline. Federal 
����������������Register, publication.>> not later than 120 days after 
����������������the date of enactment of this Act, publish in the 
����������������Federal Register proposed draft cost and performance 
����������������goals for public comments; and
���� ���������������(D) <<NOTE: Deadline. Reports.>> not later than 180 
����������������days after the date of enactment of this Act and every 4 
����������������years thereafter, submit to Congress a report describing 
����������������the final cost and performance goals for the 
����������������technologies that includes--
������������������������� (i) a list of technical milestones; and
������������������������� (ii) an explanation of how programs authorized 
����������������������in this section will not duplicate the activities 
����������������������authorized under the Clean Coal Power Initiative 
����������������������authorized under title IV.
��� (c) Powder River Basin and Fort Union Lignite Coal Mercury 
����������� (1) In general.--In addition to the programs authorized by 
��������subsection (a), the Secretary shall establish a program to test 
��������and develop technologies to control and remove mercury emissions 
��������from subbituminous coal mined in the Powder River Basin, and 
��������Fort Union lignite coals, that are used for the generation of 
����������� (2) Efficacy of mercury removal technology.--In carrying out 
��������the program under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall examine the 
��������efficacy of mercury removal technologies on coals described in 
��������that paragraph that are blended with other types of coal.
��� (d) Fuel Cells.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall conduct a program of 
��������research, development, demonstration, and commercial application 
��������on fuel cells for low-cost, high-efficiency, fuel-flexible, 
��������modular power systems.
����������� (2) Demonstrations.--The demonstrations referred to in 
��������paragraph (1) shall include solid oxide fuel cell technology for 
��������commercial, residential, and transportation applications, and 
��������distributed generation systems, using improved manufacturing 
��������production and processes.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall carry out a 10-year carbon 
capture research and development program to develop carbon dioxide 
capture technologies on combustion-based systems for use--
����������� (1) in new coal utilization facilities; and
����������� (2) on the fleet of coal-based units in existence on the 
��������date of enactment of this Act.
��� (b) Objectives.--The objectives of the program under subsection (a) 
shall be--
����������� (1) to develop carbon dioxide capture technologies, 
��������including adsorption and absorption techniques and chemical 
��������processes, to remove the carbon dioxide from gas streams 
��������containing carbon dioxide potentially amenable to sequestration;
[[Page 119 STAT. 892]]
����������� (2) to develop technologies that would directly produce 
��������concentrated streams of carbon dioxide potentially amenable to 
����������� (3) to increase the efficiency of the overall system to 
��������reduce the quantity of carbon dioxide emissions released from 
��������the system per megawatt generated; and
����������� (4) in accordance with the carbon dioxide capture program, 
��������to promote a robust carbon sequestration program and continue 
��������the work of the Department, in conjunction with the private 
��������sector, through regional carbon sequestration partnerships.
��� (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--From amounts authorized under 
section 961(b), the following sums are authorized for activities 
described in subsection (a)(2):
����������� (1) $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2006;
����������� (2) $30,000,000 for fiscal year 2007; and
����������� (3) $35,000,000 for fiscal year 2008.
��� (a) Establishment.--The Secretary shall carry out a program for 
research and development on coal mining technologies.
��� (b) Cooperation.--In carrying out the program, the Secretary shall 
cooperate with appropriate Federal agencies, coal producers, trade 
associations, equipment manufacturers, institutions of higher education 
with mining engineering departments, and other relevant entities.
��� (c) Program.--The research and development activities carried out 
under this section shall--
����������� (1) be guided by the mining research and development 
��������priorities identified by the Mining Industry of the Future 
��������Program and in the recommendations from relevant reports of the 
��������National Academy of Sciences on mining technologies;
����������� (2) include activities exploring minimization of 
��������contaminants in mined coal that contribute to environmental 
��������concerns including development and demonstration of 
��������electromagnetic wave imaging ahead of mining operations;
����������� (3) develop and demonstrate coal bed electromagnetic wave 
��������imaging, spectroscopic reservoir analysis technology, and 
��������techniques for horizontal drilling in order to--
������������������� (A) identify areas of high coal gas content;
������������������� (B) increase methane recovery efficiency;
������������������� (C) prevent spoilage of domestic coal reserves; and
������������������� (D) minimize water disposal associated with methane 
����������������extraction; and
����������� (4) expand mining research capabilities at institutions of 
��������higher education.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall conduct a program of research, 
development, demonstration, and commercial application of oil and gas, 
����������� (1) exploration and production;
����������� (2) gas hydrates;
����������� (3) reservoir life and extension;
����������� (4) transportation and distribution infrastructure;
����������� (5) ultraclean fuels;
����������� (6) heavy oil, oil shale, and tar sands; and
����������� (7) related environmental research.
[[Page 119 STAT. 893]]
��� (b) Objectives.--The objectives of this program shall include 
advancing the science and technology available to domestic petroleum 
producers, particularly independent operators, to minimize the economic 
dislocation caused by the decline of domestic supplies of oil and 
natural gas resources.
��� (c) Natural Gas and Oil Deposits Report.--Not later than 2 years 
after the date of enactment of this Act and every 2 years thereafter, 
the Secretary of the Interior, in consultation with other appropriate 
Federal agencies, shall submit to Congress a report on the latest 
estimates of natural gas and oil reserves, reserves growth, and 
undiscovered resources in Federal and State waters off the coast of 
Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, and Mississippi.
��� (d) Integrated Clean Power and Energy Research.--
����������� (1) Establishment of center.--The Secretary shall establish 
��������a national center or consortium of excellence in clean energy 
��������and power generation, using the resources of the Clean Power and 
��������Energy Research Consortium in existence on the date of enactment 
��������of this Act, to address the critical dependence of the United 
��������States on energy and the need to reduce emissions.
����������� (2) Focus areas.--The center or consortium shall conduct a 
��������program of research, development, demonstration, and commercial 
��������application on integrating the following 6 focus areas:
������������������� (A) Efficiency and reliability of gas turbines for 
����������������power generation.
������������������� (B) Reduction in emissions from power generation.
������������������� (C) Promotion of energy conservation issues.
������������������� (D) Effectively using alternative fuels and 
����������������renewable energy.
������������������� (E) Development of advanced materials technology for 
����������������oil and gas exploration and use in harsh environments.
������������������� (F) Education on energy and power generation issues.
��� (a) Definition of GIS.--In this section, the term ``GIS'' means 
geographic information systems technology that facilitates the 
organization and management of data with a geographic component.
��� (b) Program.--The Secretary shall establish a program of research, 
development, demonstration, and commercial application to maximize the 
productive capacity of marginal wells and reservoirs.
��� (c) Data Collection.--Under the program, the Secretary shall collect 
data on--
����������� (1) the status and location of marginal wells and oil and 
��������gas reservoirs;
����������� (2) the production capacity of marginal wells and oil and 
��������gas reservoirs;
����������� (3) the location of low-pressure gathering facilities and 
��������pipelines; and
����������� (4) the quantity of natural gas vented or flared in 
��������association with crude oil production.
��� (d) Analysis.--Under the program, the Secretary shall--
����������� (1) estimate the remaining producible reserves based on 
��������variable pipeline pressures; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 894]]
����������� (2) recommend measures that will enable the continued 
��������production of those resources.
��� (e) Study.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary may award a grant to an 
��������organization of States that contain significant numbers of 
��������marginal oil and natural gas wells to conduct an annual study of 
��������low-volume natural gas reservoirs.
����������� (2) Organization with no gis capabilities.--If an 
��������organization receiving a grant under paragraph (1) does not have 
��������GIS capabilities, the organization shall contract with an 
��������institution of higher education with GIS capabilities.
����������� (3) State geologists.--The organization receiving a grant 
��������under paragraph (1) shall collaborate with the State geologist 
��������of each State being studied.
��� (f) Public Information.--The Secretary may use the data collected 
and analyzed under this section to produce maps and literature to 
disseminate to States to promote conservation of natural gas reserves.
SEC. 967. COMPLEX <<NOTE: Establishment. 42 USC 16297.>> WELL TECHNOLOGY 
��� The Secretary, in coordination with industry leaders in extended 
research drilling technology, shall establish a Complex Well Technology 
Testing Facility at the Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center to 
increase the range of extended drilling technologies.
��� (a) In General.--The Methane Hydrate Research and Development Act of 
2000 (30 U.S.C. 1902 note; Public Law 106-193) is amended to read as 
��� ``This Act may be cited as the `Methane Hydrate Research and 
Development Act of 2000'.
��� ``Congress finds that--
����������� ``(1) in order to promote energy independence and meet the 
��������increasing demand for energy, the United States will require a 
��������diversified portfolio of substantially increased quantities of 
��������electricity, natural gas, and transportation fuels;
����������� ``(2) according to the report submitted to Congress by the 
��������National Research Council entitled `Charting the Future of 
��������Methane Hydrate Research in the United States', the total United 
��������States resources of gas hydrates have been estimated to be on 
��������the order of 200,000 trillion cubic feet;
����������� ``(3) according to the report of the National Commission on 
��������Energy Policy entitled `Ending the Energy Stalemate--A 
��������Bipartisan Strategy to Meet America's Energy Challenge', and 
��������dated December 2004, the United States may be endowed with over 
��������one-fourth of the methane hydrate deposits in the world;
����������� ``(4) according to the Energy Information Administration, a 
��������shortfall in natural gas supply from conventional and 
��������unconventional sources is expected to occur in or about 2020; 
����������� ``(5) the National Academy of Sciences states that methane 
��������hydrate may have the potential to alleviate the projected 
��������shortfall in the natural gas supply.
[[Page 119 STAT. 895]]
��� ``In this Act:
����������� ``(1) Contract.--The term `contract' means a procurement 
��������contract within the meaning of section 6303 of title 31, United 
��������States Code.
����������� ``(2) Cooperative agreement.--The term `cooperative 
��������agreement' means a cooperative agreement within the meaning of 
��������section 6305 of title 31, United States Code.
����������� ``(3) Director.--The term `Director' means the Director of 
��������the National Science Foundation.
����������� ``(4) Grant.--The term `grant' means a grant awarded under a 
��������grant agreement (within the meaning of section 6304 of title 31, 
��������United States Code).
����������� ``(5) Industrial enterprise.--The term `industrial 
��������enterprise' means a private, nongovernmental enterprise that has 
��������an expertise or capability that relates to methane hydrate 
��������research and development.
����������� ``(6) Institution of higher education.--The term 
��������`institution of higher education' means an institution of higher 
��������education (as defined in section 102 of the Higher Education Act 
��������of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1002)).
����������� ``(7) Secretary.--The term `Secretary' means the Secretary 
��������of Energy, acting through the Assistant Secretary for Fossil 
����������� ``(8) Secretary of commerce.--The term `Secretary of 
��������Commerce' means the Secretary of Commerce, acting through the 
��������Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
����������� ``(9) Secretary of defense.--The term `Secretary of Defense' 
��������means the Secretary of Defense, acting through the Secretary of 
��������the Navy.
����������� ``(10) Secretary of the interior.--The term `Secretary of 
��������the Interior' means the Secretary of the Interior, acting 
��������through the Director of the United States Geological Survey, the 
��������Director of the Bureau of Land Management, and the Director of 
�������the Minerals Management Service.
��� ``(a) In General.--
����������� ``(1) Commencement <<NOTE: Deadline.>>of program.--Not 
��������later than 90 days after the date of enactment of the Energy 
��������Research, Development, Demonstration, and Commercial Application 
��������Act of 2005, the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary 
��������of Commerce, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the 
��������Interior, and the Director, shall commence a program of methane 
��������hydrate research and development in accordance with this 
����������� ``(2) Designations.--The Secretary, the Secretary of 
��������Commerce, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the 
��������Interior, and the Director shall designate individuals to carry 
��������out this section.
����������� ``(3) Coordination.--The individual designated by the 
��������Secretary shall coordinate all activities within the Department 
��������of Energy relating to methane hydrate research and development.
����������� ``(4) Meetings.--The <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> individuals 
��������designated under paragraph (2) shall meet not later than 180 
��������days after the date
[[Page 119 STAT. 896]]
������� of enactment of the Energy Research, Development, Demonstration, 
��������and Commercial Application Act of 2005 and not less frequently 
��������than every 180 days thereafter to--
������������������� ``(A) review the progress of the program under 
����������������paragraph (1); and
������������������� ``(B) coordinate interagency research and 
����������������partnership efforts in carrying out the program.
��� ``(b) Grants, Contracts, Cooperative Agreements, Interagency Funds 
Transfer Agreements, and Field Work Proposals.--
����������� ``(1) Assistance and coordination.--In carrying out the 
��������program of methane hydrate research and development authorized 
��������by this section, the Secretary may award grants to, or enter 
��������into contracts or cooperative agreements with, institutions of 
��������higher education, oceanographic institutions, and industrial 
��������enterprises to--
������������������� ``(A) conduct basic and applied research to 
����������������identify, explore, assess, and develop methane hydrate 
����������������as a commercially viable source of energy;
������������������� ``(B) identify methane hydrate resources through 
����������������remote sensing;
������������������� ``(C) acquire and reprocess seismic data suitable 
����������������for characterizing methane hydrate accumulations;
������������������� ``(D) assist in developing technologies required for 
����������������efficient and environmentally sound development of 
����������������methane hydrate resources;
���������� ���������``(E) promote education and training in methane 
����������������hydrate resource research and resource development 
����������������through fellowships or other means for graduate 
����������������education and training;
������������������� ``(F) conduct basic and applied research to assess 
����������������and mitigate the environmental impact of hydrate 
����������������degassing (including both natural degassing and 
����������������degassing associated with commercial development);
����� ��������������``(G) develop technologies to reduce the risks of 
����������������drilling through methane hydrates; and
������������������� ``(H) conduct exploratory drilling, well testing, 
����������������and production testing operations on permafrost and non-
��������������� permafrost gas hydrates in support of the activities 
����������������authorized by this paragraph, including drilling of one 
����������������or more full-scale production test wells.
����������� ``(2) Competitive peer review.--Funds made available under 
��������paragraph (1) shall be made available based on a competitive 
��������process using external scientific peer review of proposed 
��� ``(c) Methane Hydrates Advisory Panel.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The <<NOTE: Establishment.>> Secretary 
��������shall establish an advisory panel (including the hiring of 
��������appropriate staff) consisting of representatives of industrial 
��������enterprises, institutions of higher education, oceanographic 
��������institutions, State agencies, and environmental organizations 
��������with knowledge and expertise in the natural gas hydrates field, 
������������������� ``(A) assist in developing recommendations and broad 
����������������programmatic priorities for the methane hydrate research 
����������������and development program carried out under subsection 
[[Page 119 STAT. 897]]
������������������� ``(B) provide scientific oversight for the methane 
����������������hydrates program, including assessing progress toward 
����������������program goals, evaluating program balance, and providing 
����������������recommendations to enhance the quality of the program 
����������������over time; and
������������������� ``(C) not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 2 years 
����������������after the date of enactment of the Energy Research, 
����������������Development, Demonstration, and Commercial Application 
����������������Act of 2005, and at such later dates as the panel 
����������������considers advisable, submit to Congress--
������������������������� ``(i) an assessment of the methane hydrate 
����������������������research program; and
������������������������� ``(ii) an assessment of the 5-year research 
����������������������plan of the Department of Energy.
����������� ``(2) Conflicts of interest.--In appointing each member of 
��������the advisory panel established under paragraph (1), the 
��������Secretary shall ensure, to the maximum extent practicable, that 
��������the appointment of the member does not pose a conflict of 
��������interest with respect to the duties of the member under this 
����������� ``(3) Meetings.--The advisory panel shall--
������������������� ``(A) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> hold the initial meeting 
����������������of the advisory panel not later than 180 days after the 
����������������date of establishment of the advisory panel; and
������������������� ``(B) meet biennially thereafter.
����������� ``(4) Coordination.--The advisory panel shall coordinate 
��������activities of the advisory panel with program managers of the 
��������Department of Energy at appropriate National Laboratories.
��� ``(d) Construction Costs.--None of the funds made available to carry 
out this section may be used for the construction of a new building or 
the acquisition, expansion, remodeling, or alteration of an existing 
building (including site grading and improvement and architect fees).
��� ``(e) Responsibilities of the Secretary.--In carrying out subsection 
(b)(1), the Secretary shall--
����������� ``(1) facilitate and develop partnerships among government, 
��������industrial enterprises, and institutions of higher education to 
��������research, identify, assess, and explore methane hydrate 
����������� ``(2) undertake programs to develop basic information 
��������necessary for promoting long-term interest in methane hydrate 
��������resources as an energy source;
����������� ``(3) ensure that the data and information developed through 
��������the program are accessible and widely disseminated as needed and 
����������� ``(4) promote cooperation among agencies that are developing 
��������technologies that may hold promise for methane hydrate resource 
����������� ``(5) <<NOTE: Reports.>> report annually to Congress on the 
��������results of actions taken to carry out this Act; and
����������� ``(6) ensure, to the maximum extent practicable, greater 
��������participation by the Department of Energy in international 
��������cooperative efforts.
[[Page 119 STAT. 898]]
��� ``(a) Agreement for Study.--The Secretary shall offer to enter into 
an agreement with the National Research Council under which the National 
Research Council shall--
����������� ``(1) conduct a study of the progress made under the methane 
��������hydrate research and development program implemented under this 
��������Act; and
����������� ``(2) make recommendations for future methane hydrate 
��������research and development needs.
��� ``(b) Report.--Not later than September 30, 2009, the Secretary 
shall submit to Congress a report containing the findings and 
recommendations of the National Research Council under this section.
��� ``The Secretary shall provide to the Committee on Science of the 
House of Representatives and the Committee on Energy and Natural 
Resources of the Senate copies of any report or study that the 
Department of Energy prepares at the direction of any committee of 
Congress relating to the methane hydrate research and development 
program implemented under this Act.
��� ``There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry 
out this Act, to remain available until expended--
����������� ``(1) $15,000,000 for fiscal year 2006;
����������� ``(2) $20,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
����������� ``(3) $30,000,000 for fiscal year 2008;
����������� ``(4) $40,000,000 for fiscal year 2009; and
����������� ``(5) $50,000,000 for fiscal year 2010.''.
��� (b) Reclassification.-- <<NOTE: 30 USC 2001 note.>> The Law Revision 
Counsel shall reclassify the Methane Hydrate Research and Development 
Act of 2000 (30 U.S.C. 1902 note; Public Law 106-193) to a new chapter 
at the end of title 30, United States Code.
�������������������������� Subtitle G--Science
SEC. 971. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16311.>> SCIENCE.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall conduct, through the Office of 
Science, programs of research, development, demonstration, and 
commercial application in high energy physics, nuclear physics, 
biological and environmental research, basic energy sciences, advanced 
scientific computing research, and fusion energy sciences, including 
activities described in this subtitle. The programs shall include 
support for facilities and infrastructure, education, outreach, 
information, analysis, and coordination activities.
��� (b) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary to carry out research, development, 
demonstration, and commercial application activities of the Office of 
Science, including activities authorized under this subtitle (including 
the amounts authorized under the amendment made by section 976(b) and 
including basic energy sciences, advanced scientific and computing 
research, biological and environmental research, fusion energy sciences, 
high energy physics, nuclear physics, research analysis, and 
infrastructure support)--
����������� (1) $4,153,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
����������� (2) $4,586,000,000 for fiscal year 2008; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 899]]
����������� (3) $5,200,000,000 for fiscal year 2009.
��� (c) Allocations.--From amounts authorized under subsection (b), the 
following sums are authorized:
����������� (1) For activities under the Fusion Energy Sciences program 
��������(including activities under section 972)--
������ �������������(A) $355,500,000 for fiscal year 2007;
������������������� (B) $369,500,000 for fiscal year 2008;
������������������� (C) $384,800,000 for fiscal year 2009; and
������������������� (D) in addition to the amounts authorized under 
����������������subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C), such sums as may be 
����������������necessary for ITER construction, consistent with the 
����������������limitations of section 972(c)(5).
����������� (2) For activities under the catalysis research program 
��������under section 973--
������������������� (A) $36,500,000 for fiscal year 2007;
������������������� (B) $38,200,000 for fiscal year 2008; and
������������������� (C) such sums as may be necessary for fiscal year 
����������� (3) For activities under the Systems Biology Program under 
��������section 977 such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal 
��������years 2007 through 2009.
����������� (4) For activities under the Energy and Water Supplies 
��������program under section 979, $30,000,000 for each of fiscal years 
��������2007 through 2009.
����������� (5) For the energy research fellowships programs under 
��������section 984, $40,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2007 through 
��������� ��(6) For the advanced scientific computing activities under 
��������section 976--
������������������� (A) $270,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
������������������� (B) $350,000,000 for fiscal year 2008; and
������������������� (C) $375,000,000 for fiscal year 2009.
����������� (7) For the science and engineering education pilot program 
��������under section 983--
������������������� (A) $4,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2007 and 
����������������2008; and
������������������� (B) $8,000,000 for fiscal year 2009.
��� (d) Integrated Bioenergy Research and Development.--In addition to 
amounts otherwise authorized by this section, there are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary for integrated bioenergy research and 
development programs, projects, and activities, $49,000,000 for each of 
the fiscal years 2005 through 2009. Activities funded under this 
subsection shall be coordinated with ongoing related programs of other 
Federal agencies, including the Plant Genome Program of the National 
Science Foundation. Of the funds authorized under this subsection, at 
least $5,000,000 for each fiscal year shall be for training and 
education targeted to minority and socially disadvantaged farmers and 
��� (a) Declaration of Policy.--It shall be the policy of the United 
States to conduct research, development, demonstration, and commercial 
applications to provide for the scientific, engineering, and commercial 
infrastructure necessary to ensure that the United States is competitive 
with other countries in providing fusion energy for its own needs and 
the needs of other countries, including by demonstrating electric power 
or hydrogen
[[Page 119 STAT. 900]]
production for the United States energy grid using fusion energy at the 
earliest date.
��� (b) Planning.--
����������� (1) In <<NOTE: Deadline.>> general.--Not later than 180 days 
��������after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall 
��������submit to Congress a plan (with proposed cost estimates, 
��������budgets, and lists of potential international partners) for the 
��������implementation of the policy described in subsection (a) in a 
��������manner that ensures that--
������������������� (A) existing fusion research facilities are more 
����������������fully used;
������������������� (B) fusion science, technology, theory, advanced 
����������������computation, modeling, and simulation are strengthened;
������������������� (C) new magnetic and inertial fusion research and 
����������������development facilities are selected based on scientific 
����������������innovation and cost effectiveness, and the potential of 
����������������the facilities to advance the goal of practical fusion 
����������������energy at the earliest date practicable;
������������������� (D) facilities that are selected are funded at a 
����������������cost-effective rate;
������������������� (E) communication of scientific results and methods 
����������������between the fusion energy science community and the 
����������������broader scientific and technology communities is 
������������������� (F) inertial confinement fusion facilities are used 
����������������to the extent practicable for the purpose of inertial 
����������������fusion energy research and development;
������������������� (G) attractive alternative inertial and magnetic 
����������������fusion energy approaches are more fully explored; and
������������������� (H) to the extent practicable, the recommendations 
����������������of the Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee in the 
����������������report on workforce planning, dated March 2004, are 
����������������carried out, including periodic reassessment of program 
����������� (2) Costs and schedules.--The plan shall also address the 
��������status of and, to the extent practicable, costs and schedules 
������������������� (A) the design and implementation of international 
����������������or national facilities for the testing of fusion 
����������������materials; and
������������������� (B) the design and implementation of international 
����������������or national facilities for the testing and development 
����������������of key fusion technologies.
��� (c) United States Participation in ITER.--
����������� (1) Definitions.--In this subsection:
������������������� (A) Construction.--
������������������������� (i) In general.--The term ``construction'' 
������ �����������������������������(I) the physical construction of the 
��������������������������������ITER facility; and
����������������������������������� (II) the physical construction, 
��������������������������������purchase, or manufacture of equipment or 
��������������������������������components that are specifically 
��������������������������������designed for the ITER facility.
������������������������� (ii) Exclusions.--The term ``construction'' 
����������������������does not include the design of the facility, 
����������������������equipment, or components.
������������������� (B) ITER.--The term ``ITER'' means the international 
����������������burning plasma fusion research project in which the 
����������������President announced United States participation on 
����������������January 30, 2003, or any similar international project.
[[Page 119 STAT. 901]]
����������� (2) Participation.--The United States may participate in the 
��������ITER only in accordance with this subsection.
��������� ��(3) Agreement.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The Secretary may negotiate an 
����������������agreement for United States participation in the ITER.
������������������� (B) Contents.--Any agreement for United States 
����������������participation in the ITER shall, at a minimum--
������������������������� (i) clearly define the United States financial 
����������������������contribution to construction and operating costs, 
����������������������as well as any other costs associated with a 
������������������������� (ii) ensure that the share of high-technology 
����������������������components of the ITER manufactured in the United 
����������������������States is at least proportionate to the United 
����������������������States financial contribution to the ITER;
������������������������� (iii) ensure that the United States will not 
����������������������be financially responsible for cost overruns in 
����������������������components manufactured in other ITER 
����������������������participating countries;
������������������������� (iv) guarantee the United States full access 
����������������������to all data generated by the ITER;
������������������������� (v) enable United States researchers to 
����������������������propose and carry out an equitable share of the 
����������������������experiments at the ITER;
������������������������� (vi) provide the United States with a role in 
����������������������all collective decisionmaking related to the ITER; 
������������������������� (vii) describe the process for discontinuing 
����������������������or decommissioning the ITER and any United States 
����������������������role in that process.
����������� (4) Plan.--
������������������� (A) Development.--The Secretary, in consultation 
����������������with the Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee, 
����������������shall develop a plan for the participation of United 
����������������States scientists in the ITER that shall include--
�� �����������������������(i) the United States research agenda for the 
������������������������� (ii) methods to evaluate whether the ITER is 
����������������������promoting progress toward making fusion a reliable 
����������������������and affordable source of power; and
������������������������� (iii) a description of how work at the ITER 
����������������������will relate to other elements of the United States 
����������������������fusion program.
������������������� (B) Review.--The Secretary shall request a review of 
����������������the plan by the National Academy of Sciences.
����������� (5) Limitation.-- <<NOTE: Reports. Deadlines.>> No Federal 
��������funds shall be expended for the construction of the ITER until 
��������the Secretary has submitted to Congress--
������������������� (A) the agreement negotiated in accordance with 
����������������paragraph (3) and 120 days have elapsed since that 
������������������� (B) a report describing the management structure of 
����������������the ITER and providing a fixed dollar estimate of the 
����������������cost of United States participation in the construction 
����������������of the ITER, and 120 days have elapsed since that 
������������������� (C) a report describing how United States 
����������������participation in the ITER will be funded without 
����������������reducing funding for other programs in the Office of 
����������������Science (including other fusion programs), and 60 days 
����������������have elapsed since that submission; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 902]]
������������������� (D) the plan required by paragraph (4) (but not the 
����������������National Academy of Sciences review of that plan), and 
����������������60 days have elapsed since that submission.
����������� (6) Alternative to iter.--
������������������� (A) In general.--If at any time during the 
����������������negotiations on the ITER, the Secretary determines that 
����������������construction and operation of the ITER is unlikely or 
����������������infeasible, the Secretary shall submit to Congress, 
����������������along with the budget request of the President submitted 
����������������to Congress for the following fiscal year, a plan for 
����������������implementing a domestic burning plasma experiment such 
����������������as the Fusion Ignition Research Experiment, including 
����������������costs and schedules for the plan.
������������������� (B) Administration.--The Secretary shall--
������������������������� (i) refine the plan in full consultation with 
����������������������the Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee; and
������������������������� (ii) transmit the plan to the National Academy 
����������������������of Sciences for review.
��� (a) Establishment.--The Secretary, acting through the Office of 
Science, shall support a program of research and development in 
catalysis science consistent with the statutory authorities of the 
Department related to research and development.
��� (b) Components.--The program shall include efforts to--
����������� (1) enable catalyst design using combinations of 
��������experimental and mechanistic methodologies coupled with 
��������computational modeling of catalytic reactions at the molecular 
����������� (2) develop techniques for high throughput synthesis, assay, 
��������and characterization at nanometer and subnanometer scales in-
������� situ under actual operating conditions;
����������� (3) synthesize catalysts with specific site architectures;
����������� (4) conduct research on the use of precious metals for 
��������catalysis; and
����������� (5) translate molecular understanding to the design of 
��������catalytic compounds.
��� (c) Duties of the Office of Science.--In carrying out the program, 
the Director of the Office of Science shall--
����������� (1) support both individual investigators and 
��������multidisciplinary teams of investigators to pioneer new 
��������approaches in catalytic design;
����������� (2) develop, plan, construct, acquire, share, or operate 
��������special equipment or facilities for the use of investigators in 
�������collaboration with national user facilities, such as nanoscience 
��������and engineering centers;
����������� (3) support technology transfer activities to benefit 
��������industry and other users of catalysis science and engineering; 
����������� (4) coordinate research and development activities with 
��������industry and other Federal agencies.
��� (d) Assessment.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 3 years after 
the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall enter into an 
arrangement with the National Academy of Sciences to--
����������� (1) review the catalysis program to measure--
������������������� (A) gains made in the fundamental science of 
����������������catalysis; and
������������������� (B) progress towards developing new fuels for energy 
����������������production and material fabrication processes; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 903]]
����������� (2) submit <<NOTE: Reports.>> to Congress a report 
��������describing the results of the review.
SEC. 974. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16314.>> HYDROGEN.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall conduct a program of 
fundamental research and development in support of programs authorized 
under title VIII.
��� (b) Methods.--The program shall include support for methods of 
generating hydrogen without the use of natural gas.
��� The Secretary shall conduct a program of fundamental research on 
solid state lighting in support of the Next Generation Lighting 
Initiative carried out under section 912.
������������ENERGY MISSIONS.
��� (a) Program.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall conduct an advanced 
��������scientific computing research and development program that 
��������includes activities related to applied mathematics and 
��������activities authorized by the Department of Energy High-End 
��������Computing Revitalization Act of 2004 (15 U.S.C. 5541 et seq.).
����������� (2) Goal.--The Secretary shall carry out the program with 
��������the goal of supporting departmental missions, and providing the 
��������high-performance computational, networking, advanced 
��������visualization technologies, and workforce resources, that are 
��������required for world leadership in science.
��� (b) High-Performance Computing.--Section 203 of the High-Performance 
Computing Act of 1991 (15 U.S.C. 5523) is amended to read as follows:
��� ``(a) General Responsibilities.--As part of the Program described in 
title I, the Secretary of Energy shall--
����������� ``(1) conduct and support basic and applied research in 
��������high-performance computing and networking to support fundamental 
��������research in science and engineering disciplines related to 
��������energy applications; and
����������� ``(2) provide computing and networking infrastructure 
��������support, including--
������������������� ``(A) the provision of high-performance computing 
����������������systems that are among the most advanced in the world in 
����������������terms of performance in solving scientific and 
����������������engineering problems; and
������������������� ``(B) support for advanced software and applications 
����������������development for science and engineering disciplines 
����������������related to energy applications.
��� ``(b) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary of Energy such sums as are necessary to 
carry out this section.''.
��� (a) Program.--
����������� (1) Establishment.--The Secretary shall establish a 
��������research, development, and demonstration program in microbial 
�������and plant systems biology, protein science, and computational 
��������biology to support the energy, national security, and 
��������environmental missions of the Department.
[[Page 119 STAT. 904]]
����������� (2) Grants.--The program shall support individual 
��������researchers and multidisciplinary teams of researchers through 
��������competitive, merit-reviewed grants.
����������� (3) Consultation.--In carrying out the program, the 
��������Secretary shall consult with other Federal agencies that conduct 
��������genetic and protein research.
��� (b) Goals.--The program shall have the goal of developing 
technologies and methods based on the biological functions of genomes, 
microbes, and plants that--
����������� (1) can facilitate the production of fuels, including 
����������� (2) convert carbon dioxide to organic carbon;
����������� (3) detoxify soils and water, including at facilities of the 
��������Department, contaminated with heavy metals and radiological 
��������materials; and
����������� (4) address other Department missions as identified by the 
��� (c) Plan.--
����������� (1) Development <<NOTE: Deadline.>> of plan.--Not later than 
��������1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary 
��������shall prepare and transmit to Congress a research plan 
��������describing how the program authorized pursuant to this section 
��������will be undertaken to accomplish the program goals established 
��������in subsection (b).
����������� (2) Review <<NOTE: Contracts.>> of plan.--The Secretary 
��������shall contract with the National Academy of Sciences to review 
��������the research plan developed under this 
��������subsection. <<NOTE: Deadline.>> The Secretary shall transmit the 
��������review to Congress not later than 18 months after transmittal of 
��������the research plan under paragraph (1), along with the 
��������Secretary's response to the recommendations contained in the 
��� (d) User Facilities and Ancillary Equipment.--Within the funds 
authorized to be appropriated pursuant to this subtitle, amounts shall 
be available for projects to develop, plan, construct, acquire, or 
operate special equipment, instrumentation, or facilities, including 
user facilities at National Laboratories, for researchers conducting 
research, development, demonstration, and commercial application in 
systems biology and proteomics and associated biological disciplines.
��� (e) Prohibition on Biomedical and Human Cell and Human Subject 
����������� (1) No biomedical research.--In carrying out the program 
��������under this section, the Secretary shall not conduct biomedical 
����������� (2) Limitations.--Nothing in this section shall authorize 
��������the Secretary to conduct any research or demonstrations--
������������������� (A) on human cells or human subjects; or
������������������� (B) designed to have direct application with respect 
����������������to human cells or human subjects.
��� (a) In General.--Along with the budget request of the President 
submitted to Congress for fiscal year 2007, the Secretary shall 
establish a research and development program on material science issues 
presented by advanced fission reactors and the fusion energy program of 
the Department.
[[Page 119 STAT. 905]]
��� (b) Administration.--In carrying out the program, the Secretary 
shall develop--
����������� (1) a catalog of material properties required for 
��������applications described in subsection (a);
����������� (2) theoretical models for materials possessing the required 
����������� (3) benchmark models against existing data; and
����������� (4) a roadmap to guide further research and development in 
��������the area covered by the program.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall carry out a program of 
research, development, demonstration, and commercial application to--
����������� (1) address energy-related issues associated with provision 
��������of adequate water supplies, optimal management, and efficient 
��������use of water;
����������� (2) address water-related issues associated with the 
��������provision of adequate supplies, optimal management, and 
��������efficient use of energy; and
����������� (3) assess the effectiveness of existing programs within the 
��������Department and other Federal agencies to address these energy 
��������and water related issues.
��� (b) Program Elements.--The program under this section shall 
����������� (1) arsenic treatment;
����������� (2) desalination; and
����������� (3) planning, analysis, and modeling of energy and water 
��������supply and demand.
��� (c) Collaboration.--In carrying out this section, the Secretary 
shall consult with the Administrator of the Environmental Protection 
Agency, the Secretary of the Interior, the Chief Engineer of the Army 
Corps of Engineers, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Defense, 
and other Federal agencies as appropriate.
��� (d) Facilities.--The Secretary may utilize all existing facilities 
within the Department and may design and construct additional facilities 
as needed to carry out the purposes of this program.
��� (e) Advisory <<NOTE: Establishment.>> Committee.--The Secretary 
shall establish or utilize an advisory committee to provide independent 
advice and review of the program.
��� (f) Reports.--Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report on the 
assessment described in subsection (b) and recommendations for future 
��� (a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� (1) SING.--The term ``SING'' means the Spallation Neutron 
��������Source Instruments Next Generation major item of equipment.
����������� (2) SNS power upgrade.--The term ``SNS power upgrade'' means 
��������the Spallation Neutron Source power upgrade described in the 20-
������� year facilities plan of the Office of Science of the Department.
����������� (3) SNS second target station.--The term ``SNS second target 
��������station'' means the Spallation Neutron Source second target 
��������station described in the 20-year facilities plan of the Office 
��������of Science of the Department.
[[Page 119 STAT. 906]]
����������� (4) Spallation neutron source facility.--The terms 
��������``Spallation Neutron Source Facility'' and ``Facility'' mean the 
��������completed Spallation Neutron Source scientific user facility 
��������located at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
����������� (5) Spallation neutron source project.--The terms 
��������``Spallation Neutron Source Project'' and ``Project'' means 
��������Department Project 99-E-334, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak 
��������Ridge, Tennessee.
��� (b) Spallation Neutron Source Project.--
����������� (1) In <<NOTE: Reports.>> general.--The Secretary shall 
��������submit to Congress, as part of the annual budget request of the 
��������President submitted to Congress, a report on progress on the 
��������Spallation Neutron Source Project.
����������� (2) Contents.--The report shall include for the Project--
������������������� (A) a description of the achievement of milestones;
������������������� (B) a comparison of actual costs to estimated costs; 
������������������� (C) any changes in estimated Project costs or 
��� (c) Spallation Neutron Source Facility Plan.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall develop an operational 
��������plan for the Spallation Neutron Source Facility that ensures 
��������that the Facility is employed to the full capability of the 
��������Facility in support of the study of advanced materials, 
��������nanoscience, and other missions of the Office of Science of the 
����������� (2) Plan.--The operational plan shall--
������������������� (A) include a plan for the operation of an effective 
����������������scientific user program that--
������������������������� (i) is based on peer review of proposals 
����������������������submitted for use of the Facility;
������������������������� (ii) includes scientific and technical support 
���������������������to ensure that external users, including 
����������������������researchers based at institutions of higher 
����������������������education, are able to make full use of a variety 
����������������������of high quality scientific instruments; and
������ �������������������(iii) phases in systems upgrades to ensure 
����������������������that the Facility remains at the forefront of 
����������������������international scientific endeavors in the field of 
����������������������the Facility throughout the operating life of the 
������������������� (B) include an ongoing program to develop new 
����������������instruments that builds on the high performance neutron 
����������������source and that allows neutron scattering techniques to 
����������������be applied to a growing range of scientific problems and 
����������������disciplines; and
������������������� (C) address the status of and, to the maximum extent 
����������������practicable, costs and schedules for--
������� ������������������(i) full user mode operations of the Facility;
������������������������� (ii) instrumentation built at the Facility 
����������������������during the operating phase through full use of the 
����������������������experimental hall, including the SING;
������������������������� (iii) the SNS power upgrade; and
������������������������� (iv) the SNS second target station.
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 907]]
����������� (1) Spallation neutron source project.--There is authorized 
��������to be appropriated to carry out the Spallation Neutron Source 
��������Project for the lifetime of the Project $1,411,700,000 for total 
��������project costs, of which--
������������������� (A) $1,192,700,000 shall be used for the costs of 
����������������construction; and
������������������� (B) $219,000,000 shall be used for other Project 
����������� (2) Spallation neutron source facility.--
������������������� (A) In general.--Except as provided in subparagraph 
����������������(B), there is authorized to be appropriated for the 
����������������Spallation Neutron Source Facility for--
������������������������� (i) the SING, $75,000,000 for each of fiscal 
����������������������year 2007 through 2009; and
������������������������� (ii) the SNS power upgrade, $160,000,000, to 
����������������������remain available until expended.
������������������� (B) Insufficient stockpiles of heavy water.--If 
����������������stockpiles of heavy water of the Department are 
����������������insufficient to meet the needs of the Facility, there is 
����������������authorized to be appropriated for the Facility 
����������������$12,000,000 for fiscal year 2007.
��� (a) Establishment.--The Secretary shall construct and operate a Rare 
Isotope Accelerator. The Secretary shall <<NOTE: Deadline.>> commence 
construction no later than September 30, 2008.
��� (b) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary such sums as may be necessary to carry out 
this section. The Secretary shall not spend more than $1,100,000,000 in 
Federal funds for all activities associated with the Rare Isotope 
Accelerator, prior to operation of the Accelerator.
��� The Secretary, through the Office of Scientific and Technical 
Information, shall maintain within the Department publicly available 
collections of scientific and technical information resulting from 
research, development, demonstration, and commercial applications 
activities supported by the Department.
������������PILOT PROGRAM.
��� (a) Establishment <<NOTE: Grants.>> of Pilot Program.--The Secretary 
shall award a grant to a Southeastern United States consortium of major 
research universities that currently advances science and education by 
partnering with National Laboratories, to establish a regional pilot 
program of its SEEK-16 program for enhancing scientific, technological, 
engineering, and mathematical literacy, creativity, and decision-making. 
The consortium shall include leading research universities, one or more 
universities that train substantial numbers of elementary and secondary 
school teachers, and (where appropriate) National Laboratories.
��� (b) Program Elements.--The regional pilot program shall include--
����������� (1) expanding strategic, formal partnerships among 
��������universities with strength in research, universities that train 
��������substantial numbers of elementary and secondary school teachers, 
��������and the private sector;
����������� (2) combining Department expertise with one or more National 
��������Aeronautics and Space Administration Educator Resource Centers;
[[Page 119 STAT. 908]]
����������� (3) developing programs to permit current and future 
��������teachers to participate in ongoing research projects at National 
��������Laboratories and research universities and to adapt lessons 
��������learned to the classroom;
����������� (4) designing and implementing course work;
����������� (5) designing and implementing a strategy for measuring and 
��������assessing progress under the program; and
����������� (6) developing models for transferring knowledge gained 
��������under the pilot program to other institutions and areas of the 
��������United States.
��� (c) Categorization.--A grant under this section shall be considered 
an authorized activity under section 3165 of the Department of Energy 
Science Education Enhancement Act (42 U.S.C. 7381b).
��� (d) Report.--No later than 2 years after the award of the grant, the 
Secretary shall transmit to Congress a report outlining lessons learned 
and, if determined appropriate by the Secretary, containing a plan for 
expanding the program throughout the United States.
��� (a) Postdoctoral Fellowship Program.--The Secretary shall establish 
a program under which the Secretary provides fellowships to encourage 
outstanding young scientists and engineers to pursue postdoctoral 
research appointments in energy research and development at institutions 
of higher education of their choice.
��� (b) Senior Research Fellowships.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall establish a program 
��������under which the Secretary provides fellowships to allow 
��������outstanding senior researchers and their research groups in 
��������energy research and development to explore research and 
��������development topics of their choosing for a period of not less 
��������than 3 years, to be determined by the Secretary.
����������� (2) Consideration.--In providing a fellowship under the 
��������program described in paragraph (1), the Secretary shall 
 �������������������(A) the past scientific or technical accomplishment 
����������������of a senior researcher; and
������������������� (B) the potential for continued accomplishment by 
����������������the researcher during the period of the fellowship.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary is authorized to establish a Science 
and Technology Scholarship Program to award scholarships to individuals 
that is designed to recruit and prepare students for careers in the 
Department and National Laboratories.
��� (b) Service Requirement.--The Secretary may require that an 
individual receiving a scholarship under this section serve as a full-
time employee of the Department or a National Laboratory for a fixed 
period in return for receiving the scholarship.
����������������� Subtitle H--International Cooperation
��� (a) Program.--The Secretary shall carry out a program to promote 
cooperation on energy issues with countries of the Western Hemisphere.
[[Page 119 STAT. 909]]
��� (b) Activities.--Under the program, the Secretary shall fund 
activities to work with countries of the Western Hemisphere to--
����������� (1) increase the production of energy supplies;
����������� (2) improve energy efficiency; and
����������� (3) assist in the development and transfer of energy supply 
��������and efficiency technologies that would have a beneficial impact 
��������on world energy markets.
��� (c) Participation by Institutions of Higher Education.--To the 
extent practicable, the Secretary shall carry out the program under this 
section with the participation of institutions of higher education so as 
to take advantage of the acceptance of institutions of higher education 
by countries of the Western Hemisphere as sources of unbiased technical 
and policy expertise when assisting the Secretary in--
����������� (1) evaluating new technologies;
����������� (2) resolving technical issues;
����������� (3) working with those countries in the development of new 
��������policies; and
����������� (4) training policymakers, particularly in the case of 
��������institutions of higher education that involve the participation 
��������of minority students, such as--
������������������� (A) Hispanic-serving institutions; and
������������������� (B) part B institutions.
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section--
����������� (1) $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2007;
����������� (2) $13,000,000 for fiscal year 2008; and
����������� (3) $16,000,000 for fiscal year 2009.
��� (a) Findings.--Congress finds that--
����������� (1) on February 1, 1996, the United States and Israel signed 
��������the agreement entitled ``Agreement between the Department of 
��������Energy of the United States of America and the Ministry of 
��������Energy and Infrastructure of Israel Concerning Energy 
��������Cooperation'' (referred to in this section as the 
��������``Agreement''), to establish a framework for collaboration 
��������between the United States and Israel in energy research and 
��������development activities;
����������� (2) the Agreement entered into force in February 2000;
����������� (3) in February 2005, the Agreement was automatically 
��������renewed for 1 additional 5-year period pursuant to Article X of 
��������the Agreement; and
����������� (4) under the Agreement, the United States and Israel may 
��������cooperate in energy research and development in a variety of 
��������alternative and advanced energy sectors.
��� (b) Report to Congress.--Not later than 90 days after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on 
Energy and Natural Resources and the Committee on Foreign Relations of 
the Senate and the Committee on Energy and Commerce and the Committee on 
International Relations of the House of Representatives a report that 
����������� (1) the ways in which the United States and Israel have 
��������cooperated on energy research and development activities under 
��������the Agreement;
����������� (2) projects initiated pursuant to the Agreement; and
����������� (3) plans for future cooperation and joint projects under 
��������the Agreement.
[[Page 119 STAT. 910]]
��� (c) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that energy 
cooperation between the Governments of the United States and Israel is 
mutually beneficial in the development of energy technology.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary 
of Commerce, the Secretary of the Interior, and Secretary of State, and 
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, shall coordinate training and 
outreach efforts for international commercial energy markets in 
countries with developing and restructuring economies.
��� (b) Components.--The training and outreach efforts referred to in 
subsection (a) may include--
����������� (1) production-related fiscal regimes;
����������� (2) grid and network issues;
����������� (3) energy user and demand side response;
����������� (4) international trade of energy; and
����������� (5) international transportation of energy.
��� (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $1,500,000 for each of fiscal 
years 2007 through 2010.
���������� Subtitle I--Research Administration and Operations
��� Funds authorized to be appropriated to the Department under this Act 
or an amendment made by this Act shall remain available until expended.
SEC. 988. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16352.>> COST SHARING.
��� (a) Applicability.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in 
carrying out a research, development, demonstration, or commercial 
application program or activity that is initiated after the date of 
enactment of this section, the Secretary shall require cost-sharing in 
accordance with this section.
��� (b) Research and Development.--
����������� (1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and 
��������(3) and subsection (f), the Secretary shall require not less 
��������than 20 percent of the cost of a research or development 
��������activity described in subsection (a) to be provided by a non-
������� Federal source.
����������� (2) Exclusion.--Paragraph (1) shall not apply to a research 
��������or development activity described in subsection (a) that is of a 
��������basic or fundamental nature, as determined by the appropriate 
��������officer of the Department.
�� ���������(3) Reduction.--The Secretary may reduce or eliminate the 
��������requirement of paragraph (1) for a research and development 
��������activity of an applied nature if the Secretary determines that 
��������the reduction is necessary and appropriate.
��� (c) Demonstration and Commercial Application.--
����������� (1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2) and 
��������subsection (f), the Secretary shall require that not less than
[[Page 119 STAT. 911]]
������� 50 percent of the cost of a demonstration or commercial 
��������application activity described in subsection (a) to be provided 
��������by a non-Federal source.
����������� (2) Reduction of non-federal share.--The Secretary may 
��������reduce the non-Federal share required under paragraph (1) if the 
��������Secretary determines the reduction to be necessary and 
��������appropriate, taking into consideration any technological risk 
��������relating to the activity.
��� (d) Calculation of Amount.--In calculating the amount of a non-
Federal contribution under this section, the Secretary--
����������� (1) may include allowable costs in accordance with the 
��������applicable cost principles, including--
������������������� (A) cash;
������������������� (B) personnel costs;
���� ���������������(C) the value of a service, other resource, or third 
����������������party in-kind contribution determined in accordance with 
����������������the applicable circular of the Office of Management and 
��������������� ����(D) indirect costs or facilities and administrative 
����������������costs; or
������������������� (E) any funds received under the power program of 
����������������the Tennessee Valley Authority (except to the extent 
����������������that such funds are made available under an annual 
����������������appropriation Act); and
����������� (2) shall not include--
������������������� (A) revenues or royalties from the prospective 
����������������operation of an activity beyond the time considered in 
����������������the award;
������������������� (B) proceeds from the prospective sale of an asset 
����������������of an activity; or
������������������� (C) other appropriated Federal funds.
��� (e) Repayment of Federal Share.--The Secretary shall not require 
repayment of the Federal share of a cost-shared activity under this 
section as a condition of making an award.
��� (f) Exclusions.--This section shall not apply to--
����������� (1) a cooperative research and development agreement under 
��������the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 
��������U.S.C. 3701 et seq.);
����������� (2) a fee charged for the use of a Department facility; or
����������� (3) an award under--
������������������� (A) the small business innovation research program 
����������������under section 9 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 
����������������638); or
������������������� (B) the small business technology transfer program 
����������������under that section.
��� (a) Awards.--Awards of funds authorized under this Act or an 
amendment made by this Act shall be made only after an impartial review 
of the scientific and technical merit of the proposals for the awards 
has been carried out by or for the Department.
��� (b) Competition.--Competitive awards under this Act shall involve 
competitions open to all qualified entities within one or more of the 
following categories:
����������� (1) Institutions of higher education.
����������� (2) National Laboratories.
����������� (3) Nonprofit and for-profit private entities.
[[Page 119 STAT. 912]]
����������� (4) State and local governments.
����������� (5) Consortia of entities described in paragraphs (1) 
��������through (4).
��� (c) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that research, 
development, demonstration, and commercial application activities 
carried out by the Department should be awarded using competitive 
procedures, to the maximum extent practicable.
��� (a) National Energy Research and Development Advisory Boards.--
����������� (1) Establishment.--The Secretary shall establish one or 
��������more advisory boards to review research, development, 
��������demonstration, and commercial application programs of the 
��������Department in energy efficiency, renewable energy, nuclear 
��������energy, and fossil energy.
����������� (2) Alternatives.--The Secretary may--
������������������� (A) designate an existing advisory board within the 
����������������Department to fulfill the responsibilities of an 
����������������advisory board under this section; and
������������������� (B) enter into appropriate arrangements with the 
����������������National Academy of Sciences to establish such an 
����������������advisory board.
��� (b) Use of Existing Committees.--The Secretary shall continue to use 
the scientific program advisory committees chartered under the Federal 
Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) by the Office of Science to 
oversee research and development programs under that Office.
��� (c) Membership.--Each advisory board under this section shall 
consist of persons with appropriate expertise representing a diverse 
range of interests.
��� (d) Meetings and Goals.--
����������� (1) Meetings.--Each advisory board under this section shall 
��������meet at least semiannually to review and advise on the progress 
��������made by the respective one or more research, development, 
��������demonstration, and commercial application programs.
����������� (2) Goals.--The advisory board shall review the measurable 
��������cost and performance-based goals for the programs as established 
��������under section 902, and the progress on meeting the goals.
��� (e) Periodic Reviews and Assessments.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall enter into appropriate 
��������arrangements with the National Academy of Sciences to conduct 
��������periodic reviews and assessments of--
������������������� (A) the research, development, demonstration, and 
����������������commercial application programs authorized by this Act 
����������������and amendments made by this Act;
������������������� (B) the measurable cost and performance-based goals 
����������������for the programs as established under section 902, if 
����������������any; and
������������������� (C) the progress on meeting the goals.
����������� (2) Timing.--The reviews and assessments shall be conducted 
��������every 5 years or more often as the Secretary considers 
[[Page 119 STAT. 913]]
����������� (3) Reports.--The Secretary shall submit to Congress reports 
��������describing the results of all the reviews and assessments.
��� After the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall not 
designate a facility that is not listed in section 2(3) as a National 
��� Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, 
and biennially thereafter, the Secretary shall transmit to Congress a 
report on the equal employment opportunity practices at National 
Laboratories. Such report shall include--
����������� (1) a thorough review of each National Laboratory 
��������contractor's equal employment opportunity policies, including 
��������promotion to management and professional positions and pay 
����������� (2) a statistical report on complaints and their disposition 
��������in the National Laboratories;
����������� (3) a description of how equal employment opportunity 
��������practices at the National Laboratories are treated in the 
��������contract and in calculating award fees for each contractor;
����������� (4) a summary of disciplinary actions and their disposition 
��������by either the Department or the relevant contractors for each 
��������National Laboratory;
����������� (5) a summary of outreach efforts to attract women and 
��������minorities to the National Laboratories;
����������� (6) a summary of efforts to retain women and minorities in 
��������the National Laboratories; and
���������� (7) a summary of collaboration efforts with the Office of 
��������Federal Contract Compliance Programs to improve equal employment 
��������opportunity practices at the National Laboratories.
��� (a) Facility and Infrastructure Policy.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall develop and implement a 
��������strategy for facilities and infrastructure supported primarily 
��������from the Office of Science, the Office of Energy Efficiency and 
��������Renewable Energy, the Office of Fossil Energy, or the Office of 
��������Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology Programs at all National 
��������Laboratories and single-purpose research facilities.
����������� (2) Strategy.--The strategy shall provide cost-effective 
��������means for--
������������������� (A) maintaining existing facilities and 
������������������� (B) closing unneeded facilities;
������������������� (C) making facility modifications; and
������������������� (D) building new facilities.
��� (b) Report.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall prepare and submit, 
��������along with the budget request of the President submitted to 
��������Congress for fiscal year 2008, a report describing the strategy 
��������developed under subsection (a).
[[Page 119 STAT. 914]]
����������� (2) Contents.--For each National Laboratory and single-
������� purpose research facility that is primarily used for science and 
��������energy research, the report shall contain--
������������������� (A) the current priority list of proposed facilities 
����������������and infrastructure projects, including cost and schedule 
������������������� (B) a current 10-year plan that demonstrates the 
����������������reconfiguration of its facilities and infrastructure to 
����������������meet its missions and to address its long-term 
����������������operational costs and return on investment;
������������������� (C) the total current budget for all facilities and 
����������������infrastructure funding; and
������������������� (D) the current status of each facility and 
����������������infrastructure project compared to the original baseline 
����������������cost, schedule, and scope.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall periodically review all of the 
science and technology activities of the Department in a strategic 
framework that takes into account both the frontiers of science to which 
the Department can contribute and the national needs relevant to the 
Department's statutory missions.
��� (b) Coordination Analysis and Plan.--As part of the review under 
subsection (a), the Secretary shall develop a coordination plan to 
improve coordination and collaboration in research, development, 
demonstration, and commercial application activities across Department 
organizational boundaries.
��� (c) Plan Contents.--The plan shall describe--
����������� (1) cross-cutting scientific and technical issues and 
��������research questions that span more than one program or major 
��������office of the Department;
����������� (2) how the applied technology programs of the Department 
��������are coordinating their activities, and addressing those 
����������� (3) ways in which the technical interchange within the 
��������Department, particularly between the Office of Science and the 
��������applied technology programs, can be enhanced, including ways in 
��������which the research agendas of the Office of Science and the 
��������applied programs can interact and assist each other;
����������� (4) a description of how the Secretary will ensure that the 
��������Department's overall research agenda include, in addition to 
��������fundamental, curiosity-driven research, fundamental research 
��������related to topics of concern to the applied programs, and 
��������applications in Departmental technology programs of research 
��������results generated by fundamental, curiosity-driven research.
��� (d) Plan <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> Transmittal.--Not later than 12 months 
after the date of enactment of this Act, and every 4 years thereafter, 
the Secretary shall transmit to Congress the results of the review under 
subsection (a) and the coordination plan under subsection (b).
��� None of the funds authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary by 
this title may be used to award a management and operating contract for 
a National Laboratory (excluding those named in subparagraphs (G), (H), 
(N), and (O) of section 2 (3)), unless
[[Page 119 STAT. 915]]
such contract is competitively awarded, or the Secretary grants, on a 
case-by-case basis, a waiver. <<NOTE: Reports. Deadline.>> The Secretary 
may not delegate the authority to grant such a waiver and shall submit 
to Congress a report notifying it of the waiver, and setting forth the 
reasons for the waiver, at least 60 days prior to the date of the award 
of such contract.
��� The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, in 
consultation with the State of Michigan and affected local officials, 
shall conduct a demonstration project to address the effect of 
transported ozone and ozone precursors in Southwestern Michigan. The 
demonstration program shall address projected nonattainment areas in 
Southwestern Michigan that include counties with design values for ozone 
of less than .095 based on years 2000 to 2002 or the most current 3-year 
period of air quality data. The Administrator shall assess any 
difficulties such areas may experience in meeting the 8-hour national 
ambient air quality standard for ozone due to the effect of transported 
ozone or ozone precursors into the areas. The Administrator shall work 
with State and local officials to determine the extent of ozone and 
ozone precursor transport, to assess alternatives to achieve compliance 
with the 8-hour standard apart from local controls, and to determine the 
timeframe in which such compliance could take 
place. <<NOTE: Deadline.>> The Administrator shall complete this 
demonstration project no later than 2 years after the date of enactment 
of this section and shall not impose any requirement or sanction under 
the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) that might otherwise apply 
during the pendency of the demonstration project.
��� (a) In <<NOTE: Establishment. Grants.>> General.--The Secretary of 
Transportation, in consultation with the Secretary and the United States 
Arctic Research Commission, shall provide annual grants to a university 
located adjacent to the Arctic Energy Office of the Department of 
Energy, to establish and operate a university research center to be 
headquartered in Fairbanks and to be known as the ``Arctic Engineering 
Research Center'' (referred to in this section as the ``Center'').
��� (b) Purpose.--The purpose of the Center shall be to conduct research 
on, and develop improved methods of, construction and use of materials 
to improve the overall performance of roads, bridges, residential, 
commercial, and industrial structures, and other infrastructure in the 
Arctic region, with an emphasis on developing--
����������� (1) new construction techniques for roads, bridges, rail, 
��������and related transportation infrastructure and residential, 
��������commercial, and industrial infrastructure that are capable of 
��������withstanding the Arctic environment and using limited energy 
��������resources as efficiently as practicable;
����������� (2) technologies and procedures for increasing road, bridge, 
��������rail, and related transportation infrastructure and residential, 
��������commercial, and industrial infrastructure safety, reliability, 
��������and integrity in the Arctic region;
����������� (3) new materials and improving the performance and energy 
��������efficiency of existing materials for the construction of roads, 
��������bridges, rail, and related transportation infrastructure
[[Page 119 STAT. 916]]
������� and residential, commercial, and industrial infrastructure in 
��������the Arctic region; and
����������� (4) recommendations for new local, regional, and State 
��������permitting and building codes to ensure transportation and 
��������building safety and efficient energy use when constructing, 
��������using, and occupying such infrastructure in the Arctic region.
��� (c) Objectives.--The Center shall carry out--
����������� (1) basic and applied research in the subjects described in 
��������subsection (b), the products of which shall be judged by peers 
��������or other experts in the field to advance the body of knowledge 
��������in road, bridge, rail, and infrastructure engineering in the 
��������Arctic region; and
����������� (2) an ongoing program of technology transfer that makes 
��������research results available to potential users in a form that can 
��������be implemented.
��� (d) Amount of Grant.--For each of fiscal years 2006 through 2011, 
the Secretary shall provide a grant in the amount of $3,000,000 to the 
institution specified in subsection (a) to carry out this section.
�� (e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $3,000,000 for each of fiscal 
years 2006 through 2011.
��� (a) Establishment.--The Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with 
the Secretaries of Energy and the Interior, the Director of the National 
Science Foundation, and the Administrator of the Environmental 
Protection Agency, shall establish a joint research facility in Barrow, 
Alaska, to be known as the ``Barrow Geophysical Research Facility'', to 
support scientific research activities in the Arctic.
��� (b) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretaries of Commerce, Energy, and the Interior, 
the Director of the National Science Foundation, and the Administrator 
of the Environmental Protection Agency for the planning, design, 
construction, and support of the Barrow Geophysical Research Facility, 
Subtitle J--Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Natural Gas and Other 
���������������������������Petroleum Resources
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall carry out a program under this 
subtitle of research, development, demonstration, and commercial 
application of technologies for ultra-deepwater and unconventional 
natural gas and other petroleum resource exploration and production, 
including addressing the technology challenges for small producers, safe 
operations, and environmental mitigation (including reduction of 
greenhouse gas emissions and sequestration of carbon).
��� (b) Program Elements.--The program under this subtitle shall address 
the following areas, including improving safety and minimizing 
environmental impacts of activities within each area:
[[Page 119 STAT. 917]]
����������� (1) Ultra-deepwater architecture and technology, including 
��������drilling to formations in the Outer Continental Shelf to depths 
��������greater than 15,000 feet.
����������� (2) Unconventional natural gas and other petroleum resource 
��������exploration and production technology.
����������� (3) The technology challenges of small producers.
����������� (4) Complementary research performed by the National Energy 
��������Technology Laboratory for the Department.
��� (c) Limitation on Location of Field Activities.--Field activities 
under the program under this subtitle shall be carried out only--
����������� (1) in--
������������������� (A) areas in the territorial waters of the United 
����������������States not under any Outer Continental Shelf moratorium 
����������������as of September 30, 2002;
������������������� (B) areas onshore in the United States on public 
����������������land administered by the Secretary of the Interior 
����������������available for oil and gas leasing, where consistent with 
����������������applicable law and land use plans; and
������������������� (C) areas onshore in the United States on State or 
����������������private land, subject to applicable law; and
����������� (2) with the approval of the appropriate Federal or State 
��������land management agency or private land owner.
��� (d) Activities at the National Energy Technology Laboratory.--The 
Secretary, through the National Energy Technology Laboratory, shall 
carry out a program of research and other activities complementary to 
and supportive of the research programs under subsection (b).
��� (e) Consultation With Secretary of the Interior.--In carrying out 
this subtitle, the Secretary shall consult regularly with the Secretary 
of the Interior.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall carry out the activities under 
section 999A, to maximize the value of natural gas and other petroleum 
resources of the United States, by increasing the supply of such 
resources, through reducing the cost and increasing the efficiency of 
exploration for and production of such resources, while improving safety 
and minimizing environmental impacts.
��� (b) Role of the Secretary.--The Secretary shall have ultimate 
responsibility for, and oversight of, all aspects of the program under 
this section.
��� (c) Role of the Program Consortium.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall contract with a 
��������corporation that is structured as a consortium to administer the 
��������programmatic activities outlined in this chapter. The program 
��������consortium shall--
������������������� (A) administer the program pursuant to subsection 
����������������(f)(3), utilizing program administration funds only;
������������������� (B) issue research project solicitations upon 
����������������approval of the Secretary or the Secretary's designee;
������������������� (C) make project awards to research performers upon 
����������������approval of the Secretary or the Secretary's designee;
������� ������������(D) disburse research funds to research performers 
����������������awarded under subsection (f) as directed by the 
[[Page 119 STAT. 918]]
��������������� in accordance with the annual plan under subsection (e); 
������������������� (E) carry out other activities assigned to the 
����������������program consortium by this section.
����������� (2) Limitation.--The Secretary may not assign any activities 
��������to the program consortium except as specifically authorized 
��������under this section.
����������� (3) Conflict of interest.--
������������������� (A) Procedures.--The Secretary shall establish 
������������������������� (i) to ensure that each board member, officer, 
����������������������or employee of the program consortium who is in a 
����������������������decisionmaking capacity under subsection (f)(3) 
����������������������shall disclose to the Secretary any financial 
����������������������interests in, or financial relationships with, 
����������������������applicants for or recipients of awards under this 
����������������������section, including those of his or her spouse or 
����������������������minor child, unless such relationships or 
����������������������interests would be considered to be remote or 
����������������������inconsequential; and
������������������������� (ii) to require any board member, officer, or 
����������������������employee with a financial relationship or interest 
����������������������disclosed under clause (i) to recuse himself or 
����������������������herself from any oversight under subsection (f)(4) 
����������������������with respect to such applicant or recipient.
������������������� (B) Failure to comply.--The Secretary may disqualify 
����������������an application or revoke an award under this section if 
����������������a board member, officer, or employee has failed to 
����������������comply with procedures required under subparagraph 
��� (d) Selection of the Program Consortium.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall select the program 
��������consortium through an open, competitive process.
����������� (2) Members.--The program consortium may include 
��������corporations, trade associations, institutions of higher 
��������education, National Laboratories, or other research 
��������institutions. After submitting a proposal under paragraph (4), 
��������the program consortium may not add members without the consent 
��������of the Secretary.
����������� (3) Requirement of section 501(c)(3) status.--The Secretary 
��������shall not select a consortium under this section unless such 
��������consortium is an organization described in section 501(c)(3) of 
��������the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and exempt from tax under such 
��������section 501(a) of such Code.
����������� (4) Schedule.-- <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> Not later than 90 days 
��������after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall 
��������solicit proposals from eligible consortia to perform the duties 
��������in subsection (c)(1), which shall be submitted not later than 
��������180 days after the date of enactment of this Act. The Secretary 
��������shall select the program consortium not later than 270 days 
��������after such date of enactment.
����������� (5) Application.--Applicants shall submit a proposal 
��������including such information as the Secretary may require. At a 
��������minimum, each proposal shall--
������������������� (A) list all members of the consortium;
������������������� (B) fully describe the structure of the consortium, 
����������������including any provisions relating to intellectual 
����������������property; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 919]]
������������������� (C) describe how the applicant would carry out the 
����������������activities of the program consortium under this section.
����������� (6) Eligibility.--To be eligible to be selected as the 
��������program consortium, an applicant must be an entity whose members 
��������have collectively demonstrated capabilities and experience in 
��������planning and managing research, development, demonstration, and 
��������commercial application programs for ultra-deepwater and 
��������unconventional natural gas or other petroleum exploration or 
����������� (7) Focus areas for awards.--
������������������� (A) Ultra-deepwater resources.--Awards from 
����������������allocations under section 999H(d)(1) shall focus on the 
����������������development and demonstration of individual exploration 
����������������and production technologies as well as integrated 
����������������systems technologies including new architectures for 
����������������production in ultra-deepwater.
������������������� (B) Unconventional resources.--Awards from 
����������������allocations under section 999H(d)(2) shall focus on 
����������������areas including advanced coalbed methane, deep drilling, 
����������������natural gas production from tight sands, natural gas 
����������������production from gas shales, stranded gas, innovative 
����������������exploration and production techniques, enhanced recovery 
����������������techniques, and environmental mitigation of 
����������������unconventional natural gas and other petroleum resources 
����������������exploration and production.
������������������� (C) Small producers.--Awards from allocations under 
����������������section 999H(d)(3) shall be made to consortia consisting 
����������������of small producers or organized primarily for the 
����������������benefit of small producers, and shall focus on areas 
����������������including complex geology involving rapid changes in the 
����������������type and quality of the oil and gas reservoirs across 
����������������the reservoir; low reservoir pressure; unconventional 
����������������natural gas reservoirs in coalbeds, deep reservoirs, 
����������������tight sands, or shales; and unconventional oil 
����������������reservoirs in tar sands and oil shales.
��� (e) Annual Plan.--
����������� (1) In general.--The program under this section shall be 
��������carried out pursuant to an annual plan prepared by the Secretary 
��������in accordance with paragraph (2).
�� ���������(2) Development.--
������������������� (A) Solicitation of recommendations.--Before 
����������������drafting an annual plan under this subsection, the 
����������������Secretary shall solicit specific written recommendations 
����������������from the program consortium for each element to be 
����������������addressed in the plan, including those described in 
����������������paragraph (4). The program consortium shall submit its 
����������������recommendations in the form of a draft annual plan.
������������������� (B) Submission of recommendations; other comment.--
��������������� The Secretary shall submit the recommendations of the 
����������������program consortium under subparagraph (A) to the Ultra-
��������������� Deepwater Advisory Committee established under section 
����������������999D(a) and to the Unconventional Resources Technology 
����������������Advisory Committee established under section 999D(b), 
����������������and such Advisory Committees shall provide to the 
����������������Secretary written comments by a date determined by the 
����������������Secretary. The Secretary may also solicit comments from 
����������������any other experts.
[[Page 119 STAT. 920]]
������������������� (C) Consultation.--The Secretary shall consult 
����������������regularly with the program consortium throughout the 
����������������preparation of the annual plan.
����������� (3) Publication.-- <<NOTE: Federal Register, 
��������publication.>> The Secretary shall transmit to Congress and 
��������publish in the Federal Register the annual plan, along with any 
��������written comments received under paragraph (2)(A) and (B).
����������� (4) Contents.--The annual plan shall describe the ongoing 
��������and prospective activities of the program under this section and 
��������shall include--
������������������� (A) a list of any solicitations for awards to carry 
����������������out research, development, demonstration, or commercial 
����������������application activities, including the topics for such 
����������������work, who would be eligible to apply, selection 
����������������criteria, and the duration of awards; and
������������������� (B) a description of the activities expected of the 
����������������program consortium to carry out subsection (f)(3).
����������� (5) Estimates <<NOTE: Reports.>> of increased royalty 
��������receipts.--The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of 
��������the Interior, shall provide an annual report to Congress with 
��������the President's budget on the estimated cumulative increase in 
��������Federal royalty receipts (if any) resulting from the 
��������implementation of this subtitle. The initial report under this 
��������paragraph shall be submitted in the first President's budget 
��������following the completion of the first annual plan required under 
��������this subsection.
��� (f) Awards.--
����������� (1) In general.--Upon approval of the Secretary the program 
��������consortium shall make awards to research performers to carry out 
��������research, development, demonstration, and commercial application 
��������activities under the program under this section. The program 
��������consortium shall not be eligible to receive such awards, but 
�������provided that conflict of interest procedures in section 
��������999B(c)(3) are followed, entities who are members of the program 
��������consortium are not precluded from receiving research awards as 
��������either individual research performers or as research performers 
��������who are members of a research collaboration.
����������� (2) Proposals.--Upon approval of the Secretary the program 
��������consortium shall solicit proposals for awards under this 
��������subsection in such manner and at such time as the Secretary may 
��������prescribe, in consultation with the program consortium.
����������� (3) Oversight.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The program consortium shall 
����������������oversee the implementation of awards under this 
���������������subsection, consistent with the annual plan under 
����������������subsection (e), including disbursing funds and 
����������������monitoring activities carried out under such awards for 
����������������compliance with the terms and conditions of the awards.
������������������� (B) Effect.--Nothing in subparagraph (A) shall limit 
����������������the authority or responsibility of the Secretary to 
����������������oversee awards, or limit the authority of the Secretary 
����������������to review or revoke awards.
��� (g) Administrative Costs.--
����������� (1) In general.--To compensate the program consortium for 
��������carrying out its activities under this section, the Secretary 
��������shall provide to the program consortium funds sufficient to 
��������administer the program. This compensation may include a
[[Page 119 STAT. 921]]
������� management fee consistent with Department of Energy contracting 
��������practices and procedures.
����������� (2) Advance.--The Secretary shall advance funds to the 
��������program consortium upon selection of the consortium, which shall 
��������be deducted from amounts to be provided under paragraph (1).
��� (h) Audit.--The Secretary shall retain an independent auditor, which 
shall include a review by the General Accountability Office, to 
determine the extent to which funds provided to the program consortium, 
and funds provided under awards made under subsection (f), have been 
expended in a manner consistent with the purposes and requirements of 
this subtitle. <<NOTE: Reports.>> The auditor shall transmit a report 
(including any review by the General Accountability Office) annually to 
the Secretary, who shall transmit the report to Congress, along with a 
plan to remedy any deficiencies cited in the report.
��� (i) Activities by the United States Geological Survey.--The 
Secretary of the Interior, through the United States Geological Survey, 
shall, where appropriate, carry out programs of long-term research to 
complement the programs under this section.
��� (j) Program <<NOTE: Contracts.>> Review and Oversight.--The National 
Energy Technology Laboratory, on behalf of the Secretary, shall (1) 
issue a competitive solicitation for the program consortium, (2) 
evaluate, select, and award a contract or other agreement to a qualified 
program consortium, and (3) have primary review and oversight 
responsibility for the program consortium, including review and approval 
of research awards proposed to be made by the program consortium, to 
ensure that its activities are consistent with the purposes and 
requirements described in this subtitle. Up to 5 percent of program 
funds allocated under paragraphs (1) through (3) of section 999H(d) may 
be used for this purpose, including program direction and the 
establishment of a site office if determined to be necessary to carry 
out the purposes of this subsection.
 ���(a) Demonstration Projects.--An application for an award under this 
subtitle for a demonstration project shall describe with specificity the 
intended commercial use of the technology to be demonstrated.
��� (b) Flexibility in Locating Demonstration Projects.--Subject to the 
limitation in section 999A(c), a demonstration project under this 
subtitle relating to an ultra-deepwater technology or an ultra-deepwater 
architecture may be conducted in deepwater depths.
��� (c) Intellectual Property Agreements.--If an award under this 
subtitle is made to a consortium (other than the program consortium), 
the consortium shall provide to the Secretary a signed contract agreed 
to by all members of the consortium describing the rights of each member 
to intellectual property used or developed under the award.
��� (d) Technology Transfer.--Two and one-half percent of the amount of 
each award made under this subtitle shall be designated for technology 
transfer and outreach activities under this subtitle.
��� (e) Cost Sharing Reduction for Independent Producers.--In applying 
the cost sharing requirements under section 988 to an award under this 
subtitle the Secretary may reduce or eliminate the non-Federal 
requirement if the Secretary determines that the
[[Page 119 STAT. 922]]
reduction is necessary and appropriate considering the technological 
risks involved in the project.
��� (f) Information Sharing.--All results of the research administered 
by the program consortium shall be made available to the public 
consistent with Department policy and practice on information sharing 
and intellectual property agreements.
��� (a) Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee.--
����������� (1) Establishment.-- <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Not later than 270 
��������days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary 
��������shall establish an advisory committee to be known as the Ultra-
������� Deepwater Advisory Committee.
�� ���������(2) Membership.--The Advisory Committee under this 
��������subsection shall be composed of members appointed by the 
��������Secretary, including--
������������������� (A) individuals with extensive research experience 
����������������or operational knowledge of offshore natural gas and 
����������������other petroleum exploration and production;
������������������� (B) individuals broadly representative of the 
����������������affected interests in ultra-deepwater natural gas and 
����������������other petroleum production, including interests in 
����������������environmental protection and safe operations;
������������������� (C) no individuals who are Federal employees; and
������������������� (D) no individuals who are board members, officers, 
����������������or employees of the program consortium.
����������� (3) Duties.--The Advisory Committee under this subsection 
������������������� (A) advise the Secretary on the development and 
����������������implementation of programs under this subtitle related 
����������������to ultra-deepwater natural gas and other petroleum 
����������������resources; and
������������������� (B) carry out section 999B(e)(2)(B).
����������� (4) Compensation.--A member of the Advisory Committee under 
��������this subsection shall serve without compensation but shall 
��������receive travel expenses in accordance with applicable provisions 
��������under subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5, United States Code.
��� (b) Unconventional Resources Technology Advisory Committee.--
����������� (1) Establishment.-- <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Not later than 270 
��������days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary 
��������shall establish an advisory committee to be known as the 
��������Unconventional Resources Technology Advisory Committee.
����������� (2) Membership.--The Secretary shall endeavor to have a 
��������balanced representation of members on the Advisory Committee to 
��������reflect the breadth of geographic areas of potential gas supply. 
��������The Advisory Committee under this subsection shall be composed 
��������of members appointed by the Secretary, including--
������������������� (A) a majority of members who are employees or 
����������������representatives of independent producers of natural gas 
����������������and other petroleum, including small producers;
������������������� (B) individuals with extensive research experience 
����������������or operational knowledge of unconventional natural gas 
����������������and other petroleum resource exploration and production;
[[Page 119 STAT. 923]]
������������������� (C) individuals broadly representative of the 
����������������affected interests in unconventional natural gas and 
���������������other petroleum resource exploration and production, 
����������������including interests in environmental protection and safe 
������������������� (D) individuals with expertise in the various 
����������������geographic areas of potential supply of unconventional 
����������������onshore natural gas and other petroleum in the United 
������������������� (E) no individuals who are Federal employees; and
������������������� (F) no individuals who are board members, officers, 
����������������or employees of the program consortium.
����������� (3) Duties.--The Advisory Committee under this subsection 
������������������� (A) advise the Secretary on the development and 
����������������implementation of activities under this subtitle related 
����������������to unconventional natural gas and other petroleum 
����������������resources; and
������������������� (B) carry out section 999B(e)(2)(B).
����������� (4) Compensation.--A member of the Advisory Committee under 
��������this subsection shall serve without compensation but shall 
��������receive travel expenses in accordance with applicable provisions 
��������under subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5, United States Code.
��� (c) Prohibition.--No advisory committee established under this 
section shall make recommendations on funding awards to particular 
consortia or other entities, or for specific projects.
��� An entity shall be eligible to receive an award under this subtitle 
only if the Secretary finds--
����������� (1) that the entity's participation in the program under 
��������this subtitle would be in the economic interest of the United 
��������States; and
����������� (2) that either--
������������������� (A) the entity is a United States-owned entity 
����������������organized under the laws of the United States; or
������������������� (B) the entity is organized under the laws of the 
���������������United States and has a parent entity organized under 
����������������the laws of a country that affords--
������������������������� (i) to United States-owned entities 
����������������������opportunities, comparable to those afforded to any 
����������������������other entity, to participate in any cooperative 
����������������������research venture similar to those authorized under 
����������������������this subtitle;
������������������������� (ii) to United States-owned entities local 
����������������������investment opportunities comparable to those 
����������������������afforded to any other entity; and
������������������������� (iii) adequate and effective protection for 
����������������������the intellectual property rights of United States-
��������������������� owned entities.
SEC. 999F. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16376.>> SUNSET.
��� The authority provided by this subtitle shall terminate on September 
30, 2014.
SEC. 999G. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16377.>> DEFINITIONS.
��� In this subtitle:
���� �������(1) Deepwater.--The term ``deepwater'' means a water depth 
��������that is greater than 200 but less than 1,500 meters.
����������� (2) Independent producer of oil or gas.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 924]]
������������������� (A) In general.--The term ``independent producer of 
����������������oil or gas'' means any person that produces oil or gas 
����������������other than a person to whom subsection (c) of section 
����������������613A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 does not apply 
���������������by reason of paragraph (2) (relating to certain 
����������������retailers) or paragraph (4) (relating to certain 
����������������refiners) of section 613A(d) of such Code.
������������������� (B) Rules for applying paragraphs (2) and (4) of 
����������������section 613a(d).--For purposes of subparagraph (A), 
����������������paragraphs (2) and (4) of section 613A(d) of the 
����������������Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall be applied by 
����������������substituting ``calendar year'' for ``taxable year'' each 
����������������place it appears in such paragraphs.
����������� (3) Program administration funds.--The term ``program 
��������administration funds'' means funds used by the program 
��������consortium to administer the program under this subtitle, but 
��������not to exceed 10 percent of the total funds allocated under 
��������paragraphs (1) through (3) of section 999H(d).
����������� (4) Program consortium.--The term ``program consortium'' 
��������means the consortium selected under section 999B(d).
����������� (5) Program research funds.--The term ``program research 
��������funds'' means funds awarded to research performers by the 
��������program consortium consistent with the annual plan.
����������� (6) Remote or inconsequential.--The term ``remote or 
��������inconsequential'' has the meaning given that term in regulations 
��������issued by the Office of Government Ethics under section 
��������208(b)(2) of title 18, United States Code.
����������� (7) Small producer.--The term ``small producer'' means an 
��������entity organized under the laws of the United States with 
��������production levels of less than 1,000 barrels per day of oil 
����������� (8) Ultra-deepwater.--The term ``ultra-deepwater'' means a 
��������water depth that is equal to or greater than 1,500 meters.
����������� (9) Ultra-deepwater architecture.--The term ``ultra-
������� deepwater architecture'' means the integration of technologies 
��������for the exploration for, or production of, natural gas or other 
��������petroleum resources located at ultra-deepwater depths.
����������� (10) Ultra-deepwater technology.--The term ``ultra-deepwater 
��������technology'' means a discrete technology that is specially 
��������suited to address one or more challenges associated with the 
��������exploration for, or production of, natural gas or other 
��������petroleum resources located at ultra-deepwater depths.
����������� (11) Unconventional natural gas and other petroleum 
��������resource.--The term ``unconventional natural gas and other 
��������petroleum resource'' means natural gas and other petroleum 
��������resource located onshore in an economically inaccessible 
��������geological formation, including resources of small producers.
SEC. 999H. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16378.>> FUNDING.
��� (a) Oil and Gas Lease Income.--For each of fiscal years 2007 through 
2017, from any Federal royalties, rents, and bonuses derived from 
Federal onshore and offshore oil and gas leases issued under the Outer 
Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq.) and the Mineral 
Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.) which are deposited in the Treasury, 
and after distribution of any such funds as described in subsection (c), 
$50,000,000 shall be deposited into the Ultra-Deepwater and 
Unconventional Natural Gas and
[[Page 119 STAT. 925]]
Other Petroleum Research Fund (in this section referred to as the 
``Fund''). For purposes of this section, the term ``royalties'' excludes 
proceeds from the sale of royalty production taken in kind and royalty 
production that is transferred under section 27(a)(3) of the Outer 
Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1353(a)(3)).
��� (b) Obligational Authority.--Monies in the Fund shall be available 
to the Secretary for obligation under this part without fiscal year 
limitation, to remain available until expended.
��� (c) Prior Distributions.--The distributions described in subsection 
(a) are those required by law--
����������� (1) to States and to the Reclamation Fund under the Mineral 
��������Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 191(a)); and
����������� (2) to other funds receiving monies from Federal oil and gas 
��������leasing programs, including--
������������������� (A) any recipients pursuant to section 8(g) of the 
����������������Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1337(g));
������������������� (B) the Land and Water Conservation Fund, pursuant 
����������������to section 2(c) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund 
����������������Act of 1965 (16 U.S.C. 4601-5(c));
������������������� (C) the Historic Preservation Fund, pursuant to 
����������������section 108 of the National Historic Preservation Act 
����������������(16 U.S.C. 470h); and
������������������� (D) the coastal impact assistance program 
����������������established under section 31 of the Outer Continental 
����������������Shelf Lands Act (as amended by section 384).
��� (d) Allocation.--Amounts obligated from the Fund under subsection 
(a)(1) in each fiscal year shall be allocated as follows:
����������� (1) 35 percent shall be for activities under section 
����������� (2) 32.5 percent shall be for activities under section 
����������� (3) 7.5 percent shall be for activities under section 
����������� (4) 25 percent shall be for complementary research under 
��������section 999A(b)(4) and other activities under section 999A(b) to 
��������include program direction funds, overall program oversight, 
��������contract management, and the establishment and operation of a 
��������technical committee to ensure that in-house research activities 
��������funded under section 999A(b)(4) are technically complementary 
��������to, and not duplicative of, research conducted under paragraphs 
��������(1), (2), and (3) of section 999A(b).
��� (e) Authorization of Appropriations.--In addition to other amounts 
that are made available to carry out this section, there is authorized 
to be appropriated to carry out this section $100,000,000 for each of 
fiscal years 2007 through 2016.
��� (f) Fund.--There is hereby established in the Treasury of the United 
States a separate fund to be known as the ``Ultra-Deepwater and 
Unconventional Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Research Fund''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 926]]
��� (a) Technology <<NOTE: Establishment.>> Transfer Coordinator.--The 
Secretary shall appoint a Technology Transfer Coordinator to be the 
principal advisor to the Secretary on all matters relating to technology 
transfer and commercialization.
��� (b) Qualifications.--The Coordinator shall be an individual who, by 
reason of professional background and experience, is specially qualified 
to advise the Secretary on matters pertaining to technology transfer at 
the Department.
��� (c) Duties of the Coordinator.--The Coordinator shall oversee--
����������� (1) the activities of the Technology Transfer Working Group 
��������established under subsection (d);
����������� (2) the expenditure of funds allocated for technology 
��������transfer within the Department;
����������� (3) the activities of each technology partnership ombudsman 
��������appointed under section 11 of the Technology Transfer 
��������Commercialization Act of 2000 (42 U.S.C. 7261c); and
����������� (4) efforts to engage private sector entities, including 
��������venture capital companies.
��� (d) Technology <<NOTE: Establishment.>> Transfer Working Group.--The 
Secretary shall establish a Technology Transfer Working Group, which 
shall consist of representatives of the National Laboratories and 
single-purpose research facilities, to--
����������� (1) coordinate technology transfer activities occurring at 
��������National Laboratories and single-purpose research facilities;
����������� (2) exchange information about technology transfer 
��������practices, including alternative approaches to resolution of 
��������disputes involving intellectual property rights and other 
��������technology transfer matters; and
����������� (3) develop and disseminate to the public and prospective 
��������technology partners information about opportunities and 
��������procedures for technology transfer with the Department, 
��������including opportunities and procedures related to alternative 
��������approaches to resolution of disputes involving intellectual 
�������property rights and other technology transfer matters.
��� (e) Technology Commercialization Fund.--The Secretary shall 
establish an Energy Technology Commercialization Fund, using 0.9 percent 
of the amount made available to the Department for applied energy 
research, development, demonstration, and commercial application for 
each fiscal year, to be used to provide matching funds with private 
partners to promote promising energy technologies for commercial 
��� (f) Technology Transfer Responsibility.--Nothing in this section 
affects the technology transfer responsibilities of Federal employees 
under the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 
3701 et seq.).
��� (g) Planning and Reporting.--
����������� (1) In general.--Not later than 180 days after the date of 
��������enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a 
��������technology transfer execution plan.
[[Page 119 STAT. 927]]
����������� (2) Updates.--Each year after the submission of the plan 
��������under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall submit to Congress an 
��������updated execution plan and reports that describe progress toward 
��������meeting goals set forth in the execution plan and the funds 
��������expended under subsection (e).
��� (a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� (1) Program.--The term ``Program'' means the Technology 
��������Infrastructure Program established under subsection (b).
����������� (2) Technology cluster.--The term ``technology cluster'' 
��������means a concentration of technology-related business concerns, 
��������institutions of higher education, or nonprofit institutions, 
��������that reinforce each other's performance in the areas of 
��������technology development through formal or informal relationships.
����������� (3) Technology-related business concern.--The term 
��������``technology-related business concern'' means a for-profit 
��������corporation, company, association, firm, partnership, or small 
��������business concern that--
������������������� (A) conducts scientific or engineering research;
������������������� (B) develops new technologies;
������������������� (C) manufactures products based on new technologies; 
������������������� (D) performs technological services.
��� (b) Establishment.--The Secretary shall establish a Technology 
Infrastructure Program in accordance with this section.
��� (c) Purpose.--The purpose of the Program shall be to improve the 
ability of National Laboratories and single-purpose research facilities 
to support departmental missions by--
����������� (1) stimulating the development of technology clusters that 
��������can support departmental missions at the National Laboratories 
��������or single-purpose research facilities;
����������� (2) improving the ability of National Laboratories and 
��������single-purpose research facilities to leverage and benefit from 
��������commercial research, technology, products, processes, and 
��������services; and
����������� (3) encouraging the exchange of scientific and technological 
��������expertise between--
������������������� (A) National Laboratories or single-purpose research 
����������������facilities; and
������������������� (B) entities that can support departmental missions 
����������������at the National Laboratories or single-purpose research 
����������������facilities, such as--
������������������������� (i) institutions of higher education;
������������������������� (ii) technology-related business concerns;
������������������������� (iii) nonprofit institutions; and
������������������������� (iv) agencies of State, tribal, or local 
��� (d) Projects.--The Secretary shall authorize the director of each 
National Laboratory or single-purpose research facility to implement the 
Program at the National Laboratory or facility through one or more 
projects that meet the requirements of subsections (e) and (f).
��� (e) Program Requirements.--
����������� (1) In general.--Each project funded under this section 
��������shall meet the requirements of this subsection.
����������� (2) Entities.--Each project shall include at least one of 
�������each of the following entities:
[[Page 119 STAT. 928]]
������������������� (A) A business.
������������������� (B) An institution of higher education.
������������������� (C) A nonprofit institution.
������������������� (D) An agency of a State, local, or tribal 
����������� (3) Cost-sharing.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The costs of carrying out projects 
����������������under this section shall be shared in accordance with 
����������������section 988.
����� ��������������(B) Sources.--The calculation of costs paid by the 
����������������non-Federal sources for a project shall include cash, 
����������������personnel, services, equipment, and other resources 
����������������expended on the project after the commencement of the 
������������������� (C) Research and development expenses.--Independent 
����������������research and development expenses of Government 
����������������contractors that qualify for reimbursement under section 
����������������31.205-18(e) of title 48, Code of Federal Regulations, 
����������������issued pursuant to section 25(c)(1) of the Office of 
����������������Federal Procurement Policy Act (41 U.S.C. 421(c)(1)), 
����������������may be credited towards costs paid by non-Federal 
����������������sources to a project, if the expenses meet the other 
����������������requirements of this section.
����������� (4) Competitive selection.--A project under this section 
��������shall be competitively selected using procedures determined by 
��������the Secretary.
����������� (5) Accounting.--Any participant that receives funds under 
��������this section may use generally accepted accounting principles 
��������for maintaining accounts, books, and records relating to the 
����������� (6) Duration.--No Federal funds shall be made available 
��������under this section for a construction project or for any project 
��������with a duration of more than 5 years.
��� (f) Selection Criteria.--
����������� (1) Departmental missions.--The Secretary shall allocate 
��������funds under this section only if the Director of the National 
��������Laboratory or single-purpose research facility managing the 
��������project determines that the project is likely to improve the 
��������ability of the National Laboratory or single-purpose research 
��������facility to achieve technical success in meeting departmental 
����������� (2) Other criteria.--In selecting a project to receive 
��������Federal funds, the Secretary shall consider--
������������������� (A) the potential of the project to promote the 
����������������development of a commercially sustainable technology 
����������������cluster following the period of investment by the 
����������������Department, which will derive most of the demand for its 
����������������products or services from the private sector, and which 
����������������will support departmental missions at the participating 
����������������National Laboratory or single-purpose research facility;
������������������� (B) the potential of the project to promote the use 
����������������of commercial research, technology, products, processes, 
����������������and services by the participating National Laboratory or 
����������������single-purpose research facility to achieve its mission 
����������������or the commercial development of technological 
����������������innovations made at the participating National 
����������������Laboratory or single-purpose research facility;
������������������� (C) the extent to which the project involves a wide 
����������������variety and number of institutions of higher education,
[[Page 119 STAT. 929]]
��������������� nonprofit institutions, and technology-related business 
����������������concerns that can support the missions of the 
����������������participating National Laboratory or single-purpose 
����������������research facility and that will make substantive 
����������������contributions to achieving the goals of the project;
������������������� (D) the extent to which the project focuses on 
����������������promoting the development of technology-related business 
����������������concerns that are small businesses or involves such 
����������������small businesses substantively in the project; and
������������������� (E) such other criteria as the Secretary determines 
����������������to be appropriate.
��� (g) Allocation.--In allocating funds for projects approved under 
this section, the Secretary shall provide--
����������� (1) the Federal share of the project costs; and
����������� (2) additional funds to the National Laboratory or single-
������� purpose research facility managing the project to permit the 
��������National Laboratory or single-purpose research facility to carry 
��������out activities relating to the project, and to coordinate the 
��������activities with the project.
��� (h) Report to Congress.--Not later than July 1, 2008, the Secretary 
shall submit to Congress a report on whether the Program should be 
continued and, if so, how the program should be managed.
��� (i) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary for activities under this section 
$10,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2008.
��� (a) Small Business Advocate.--The Secretary shall require the 
Director of each National Laboratory, and may require the Director of a 
single-purpose research facility, to designate a small business advocate 
����������� (1) increase the participation of small business concerns, 
��������including socially and economically disadvantaged small business 
��������concerns (as defined in section 8(a)(4) of the Small Business 
��������Act (15 U.S.C. 637(a)(4))), in procurement, collaborative 
��������research, technology licensing, and technology transfer 
��������activities conducted by the National Laboratory or single-
������� purpose research facility;
����������� (2) <<NOTE: Reports.>> report to the Director of the 
��������National Laboratory or single-purpose research facility on the 
��������actual participation of small business concerns in procurement 
��������and collaborative research along with recommendations, if 
��������appropriate, on how to improve participation;
����������� (3) make available to small business concerns training, 
��������mentoring, and information on how to participate in procurement 
��������and collaborative research activities;
����������� (4) increase the awareness inside the National Laboratory or 
��������single-purpose research facility of the capabilities and 
��������opportunities presented by small business concerns; and
����������� (5) establish <<NOTE: Guidelines. Reports.>> guidelines for 
��������the program under subsection (b) and report on the effectiveness 
��������of the program to the Director of the National Laboratory or 
��������single-purpose research facility.
��� (b) Establishment of Small Business Assistance Program.--The 
Secretary shall require the Director of each National Laboratory, and 
may require the Director of a single-purpose
[[Page 119 STAT. 930]]
research facility, to establish a program to provide small business 
concerns with--
����������� (1) assistance directed at making the small business 
��������concerns more effective and efficient subcontractors or 
��������suppliers to the National Laboratory or single-purpose research 
��������facilities; or
����������� (2) general technical assistance, the cost of which shall 
��������not exceed $10,000 per instance of assistance, to improve the 
��������products or services of the small business concern.
��� (c) Use of Funds.--None of the funds expended under subsection (b) 
may be used for direct grants to small business concerns.
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary for activities under this section 
$5,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2008.
SEC. 1004. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16394.>> OUTREACH.
��� The Secretary shall ensure that each program authorized by this Act 
or an amendment made by this Act includes an outreach component to 
provide information, as appropriate, to manufacturers, consumers, 
engineers, architects, builders, energy service companies, institutions 
of higher education, facility planners and managers, State and local 
governments, and other entities.
SEC. 1005. <<NOTE: Applicability. 42 USC 16395.>> RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER 
��� Except as otherwise provided in this Act or an amendment made by 
this Act, the Secretary shall carry out the research, development, 
demonstration, and commercial application programs, projects, and 
activities authorized by this Act or an amendment made by this Act in 
accordance with the applicable provisions of--
����������� (1) the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.);
����������� (2) the Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development 
��������Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5901 et seq.);
����������� (3) the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13201 et seq.);
����������� (4) the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 
��������(15 U.S.C. 3701 et seq.);
����������� (5) chapter 18 of title 35, United States Code (commonly 
��������known as the ``Bayh-Dole Act''); and
����������� (6) any other Act under which the Secretary is authorized to 
��������carry out the programs, projects, and activities.
SEC. 1006. <<NOTE: Government organization and employees.>> IMPROVED 
��� (a) Effective Top-Level Coordination of Research and Development 
Programs.--Section 202 of the Department of Energy Organization Act (42 
U.S.C. 7132) is amended by striking subsection (b) and inserting the 
��� ``(b)(1) There <<NOTE: President.>> shall be in the Department an 
Under Secretary for Science, who shall be appointed by the President, by 
and with the advice and consent of the Senate.
��� ``(2) The Under Secretary shall be compensated at the rate provided 
for level III of the Executive Schedule under section 5314 of title 5, 
United States Code.
��� ``(3) The Under Secretary for Science shall be appointed from among 
persons who--
[[Page 119 STAT. 931]]
����������� ``(A) have extensive background in scientific or engineering 
��������fields; and
����������� ``(B) are well qualified to manage the civilian research and 
��������development programs of the Department.
��� ``(4) The Under Secretary for Science shall--
����������� ``(A) serve as the Science and Technology Advisor to the 
����������� ``(B) monitor the research and development programs of the 
��������Department in order to advise the Secretary with respect to any 
��������undesirable duplication or gaps in the programs;
����������� ``(C) advise the Secretary with respect to the well-being 
��������and management of the multipurpose laboratories under the 
��������jurisdiction of the Department;
����������� ``(D) advise the Secretary with respect to education and 
��������training activities required for effective short- and long-term 
��������basic and applied research activities of the Department;
����������� ``(E) advise the Secretary with respect to grants and other 
��������forms of financial assistance required for effective short- and 
��������long-term basic and applied research activities of the 
����������� ``(F) advise the Secretary with respect to long-term 
��������planning, coordination, and development of a strategic framework 
��������for Department research and development activities; and
����������� ``(G) carry out such additional duties assigned to the Under 
��������Secretary by the Secretary relating to basic and applied 
��������research, including supervision or support of research 
��������activities carried out by any of the Assistant Secretaries 
��������designated by section 203 of this Act, as the Secretary 
��������considers advantageous.''.
��� (b) Additional Assistant Secretary Position.--
����������� (1) In general.--Section 203(a) of the Department of Energy 
��������Organization Act (42 U.S.C. 7133(a)) is amended in the first 
��������sentence by striking ``six Assistant Secretaries'' and inserting 
��������``7 Assistant Secretaries''.
����������� (2) Assistant secretary level.--It is the sense of Congress 
��������that the leadership for departmental missions in nuclear energy 
��������should be at the Assistant Secretary level.
��� (c) Technical and Conforming Amendments.--
����������� (1) Section 202 of the Department of Energy Organization Act 
��������(42 U.S.C. 7132) is amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(d)(1) There <<NOTE: President.>> shall be in the Department an 
Under Secretary, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with 
the advice and consent of the Senate, and who shall perform such 
functions and duties as the Secretary shall prescribe, consistent with 
this section.
��� ``(2) The Under Secretary shall be compensated at the rate provided 
for level III of the Executive Schedule under section 5314 of title 5, 
United States Code.
��� ``(e)(1) There <<NOTE: President.>> shall be in the Department a 
General Counsel, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with 
the advice and consent of the Senate, and who shall perform such 
functions and duties as the Secretary shall prescribe.
��� ``(2) The General Counsel shall be compensated at the rate provided 
for level IV of the Executive Schedule under section 5315 of title 5, 
United States Code.''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 932]]
����������� (2) Section 5314 of title 5, United States Code, is amended 
��������by striking ``Under Secretaries of Energy (2)'' and inserting 
��������``Under Secretaries of Energy (3)''.
����������� (3) Section 5315 of title 5, United States Code, is amended 
��������by striking ``Assistant Secretaries of Energy (6)'' and 
��������inserting ``Assistant Secretaries of Energy (7)''.
����������� (4) Section 209(b) of the Department of Energy Organization 
��������Act (42 U.S.C. 7139(b)) is amended by striking paragraph (6) and 
��������inserting the following:
����������� ``(6) to carry out such additional duties assigned to the 
��������Office by the Secretary.''.
��� Section 646 of the Department of Energy Organization Act (42 U.S.C. 
7256) is amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(g)(1) In addition to authority granted to the Secretary under any 
other provision of law, the Secretary may exercise the same authority to 
enter into transactions (other than contracts, cooperative agreements, 
and grants), subject to the same terms and conditions as the Secretary 
of Defense under section 2371 of title 10, United States Code (other 
than subsections (b) and (f) of that section).
��� ``(2) In applying section 2371 of title 10, United States Code, to 
the Secretary under paragraph (1)--
����������� ``(A) the term `basic' shall be replaced by the term 
����������� ``(B) the term `applied' shall be replaced by the term 
��������`development'; and
����������� ``(C) the terms `advanced research projects' and `advanced 
��������research' shall be replaced by the term `demonstration 
��� ``(3) The authority of the Secretary under paragraph (1) shall not 
be subject to--
����������� ``(A) section 9 of the Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research 
��������and Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5908); or
����������� ``(B) section 152 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 
��������U.S.C. 2182).
��� ``(4)(A) The Secretary shall use such competitive, merit-based 
selection procedures in entering into transactions under paragraph (1), 
as the Secretary determines in writing to be practicable.
��� ``(B) A transaction under paragraph (1) shall relate to a research, 
development, or demonstration project only if the Secretary determines 
in writing that the use of a standard contract, grant, or cooperative 
agreement for the project is not feasible or appropriate.
��� ``(5) The Secretary may protect from disclosure, for up to 5 years 
after the date on which the information is developed, any information 
developed pursuant to a transaction under paragraph (1) that would be 
protected from disclosure under section 552(b)(4) of title 5, United 
States Code, if obtained from a person other than a Federal agency.
��� ``(6)(A) Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Guidelines.>> later than 90 days 
after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall 
issue guidelines for transactions under paragraph (1).
��� ``(B) The <<NOTE: Federal Register, publication.>> guidelines shall 
be published in the Federal Register for public comment in accordance 
with rulemaking procedures of the Department.
[[Page 119 STAT. 933]]
��� ``(C) The Secretary shall not have authority to carry out 
transactions under paragraph (1) until the guidelines for transactions 
required under subparagraph (A) are final.
��� ``(7) The <<NOTE: Reports.>> annual report of the head of an 
executive agency under section 2371(h) of title 10, United States Code, 
shall be submitted to Congress.
��� ``(8)(A) In this paragraph, the term `nontraditional Government 
contractor' has the meaning given the term `nontraditional defense 
contractor' in section 845(f) of the National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 1994 (Public Law 103-160; 10 U.S.C. 2371 note).
��� ``(B) Not <<NOTE: Deadline. Reports.>> later than 1 year after the 
date on which the final guidelines are published under paragraph (6), 
the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to Congress a 
report describing--
����������� ``(i) the use by the Department of authorities under this 
��������section, including the ability to attract nontraditional 
��������Government contractors; and
����������� ``(ii) whether additional safeguards are necessary to carry 
��������out the authorities.
��� ``(9) The authority of the Secretary under this subsection may be 
delegated only to an officer of the Department who is appointed by the 
President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.
��� ``(10) Notwithstanding <<NOTE: Termination date.>> any other 
provision of law, the authority to enter into transactions under 
paragraph (1) shall terminate on September 30, 2010.''.
��� (a) Authority.--The Secretary may carry out a program to award cash 
prizes in recognition of breakthrough achievements in research, 
development, demonstration, and commercial application that have the 
potential for application to the performance of the mission of the 
��� (b) Competition Requirements.--The program under subsection (a) may 
include prizes for the achievement of goals articulated by the Secretary 
in a specific area through a widely advertised solicitation of 
submission of results for research, development, demonstration, or 
commercial application projects.
��� (c) Prizes for Processes and Technologies to Reduce Dependence on 
Imported Oil.--The Secretary, in cooperation with the Freedom Prize 
Foundation, shall support a program of awarding prizes, to be known as 
Freedom Prizes, to encourage and recognize the development and 
deployment of processes and technologies that serve to reduce the 
dependence of the United States on imported oil.
��� (d) Relationship to Other Authority.--The program under subsection 
(a) may be carried out in conjunction with or in addition to the 
exercise of any other authority of the Secretary to acquire, support, or 
stimulate research, development, demonstration, or commercial 
application projects.
��� (e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
����������� (1) $10,000,000 to carry out the program under subsection 
��������(a); and
����������� (2) $5,000,000 to carry out the program under subsection 
[[Page 119 STAT. 934]]
��� (a) Coal Research and Development.--
����������� (1) In general.--Public Law 86-599 (30 U.S.C. 661 et seq.) 
��������is amended--
������������������� (A) by striking the first section (30 U.S.C. 661) 
����������������and inserting the following:
��� ``Sec. 1. (a) This Act may be cited as the `Coal Research and 
Development Act of 1960'.
��� ``(b) In this Act:
����������� ``(1) The term `research' means scientific, technical, and 
��������economic research and the practical application of that 
����������� ``(2) The term `Secretary' means the Secretary of Energy.'';
������������������� (B) in section 2 (30 U.S.C. 662), by striking 
����������������``shall establish within'' and all that follows through 
����������������``such Office'';
������������������� (C) by striking sections 3, 4, and 7 (30 U.S.C. 663, 
����������������664, 667); and
������������������� (D) by redesignating sections 5, 6, and 8 (30 U.S.C. 
����������������665, 666, 668) as sections 3, 4, and 5, respectively.
����������� (2) Patents.--Section 210(a)(8) of title 35, United States 
��������Code, is amended by striking ``Coal Research Development Act of 
��������1960'' and inserting ``Coal Research and Development Act of 
��� (b) Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development.--
����������� (1) Short title; definitions.--Section 1 of the Federal 
��������Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 1974 (42 
��������U.S.C. 5902) is amended to read as follows:
��������������������� ``short title and definitions
��� ``Sec. 1. <<NOTE: 42 USC 5901 note.>> (a) This Act may be cited as 
the `Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 1974'.
��� ``(b) In this Act:
����������� ``(1) The term `Department' means the Department of Energy.
����������� ``(2) The term `Secretary' means the Secretary of Energy.''.
����������� (2) Statement of policy.--Section 3(b) of the Federal 
��������Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 1974 (42 
��������U.S.C. 5902(b)) is amended--
������������������� (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ``Energy Research 
����������������and Development Administration'' and inserting 
������������������� (B) in paragraph (2), by striking ``Administrator of 
����������������the Energy Research and Development Administration 
����������������(hereinafter in this Act referred to as the 
����������������`Administrator')'' and inserting ``Secretary''; and
������������������� (C) in paragraph (3)--
������������������������� (i) by striking ``Administrator'' and 
����������������������inserting ``Secretary''; and
������������������������� (ii) by inserting ``Demonstration'' after 
����������� (3) Duties and authorities.--Section 4 of the Federal 
��������Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 1974 (42 
��������U.S.C. 5903) is amended--
������������������� (A) by striking the section heading and inserting 
����������������the following: ``duties and authorities of the 
����������������secretary''; and
������������������� (B) in the matter preceding subsection (a), by 
����������������striking ``Administrator'' and inserting ``Secretary''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 935]]
����������� (4) Comprehensive planning and programming.--Section 6 of 
��������the Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 
��������1974 (42 U.S.C. 5905) is amended--
������������������� (A) by striking ``Administrator'' each place it 
����������������appears and inserting ``Secretary''; and
������������������� (B) in subsection (b)(3)--
������������������������ (i) in subparagraph (I), by inserting 
����������������������``Demonstration'' after ``Cooling''; and
������������������������� (ii) in subparagraph (L), by inserting 
����������������������``Energy'' after ``Solar''.
����������� (5) Forms of federal assistance.--Section 7 of the Federal 
��������Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 1974 (42 
��������U.S.C. 5906) is amended--
������������������� (A) by striking ``Administrator'' each place it 
����������������appears and inserting ``Secretary''; and
������������������� (B) in subsection (a)(4), by striking ``of the 
����������� (6) Demonstrations.--Section 8 of the Federal Nonnuclear 
��������Energy Research and Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5907) is 
������������������� (A) in subsections (a) through (c), by striking 
����������������``Administrator'' each place it appears and inserting 
������������������� (B) in subsection (d)--
������������������������� (i) in the first sentence of paragraph (1), by 
����������������������inserting ``of the Energy Research and Development 
����������������������Administration'' after ``Administrator''; and
������������������������� (ii) in paragraph (3), by striking 
����������������������``Administrator'' and inserting ``Secretary''; and
������������������� (C) in subsection (f)--
������������������������� (i) by striking ``Administrator'' each place 
����������������������it appears and inserting ``Secretary''; and
��������� ����������������(ii) in the proviso of the first sentence, by 
����������������������striking ``Administrator's'' and inserting 
����������� (7) Patent policy.--Section 9 of the Federal Nonnuclear 
��������Energy Research and Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5908) is 
������������������� (A) by striking ``Administration'' each place it 
����������������appears and inserting ``Department'';
������������������� (B) by striking ``Administrator'' each place it 
����������������appears and inserting ``Secretary''; and
������������������� (C) in subsection (c)(3), by striking 
����������������``Administration's'' and inserting ``Department's''.
����������� (8) Acquisition of essential materials.--Section 12 of the 
��������Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 1974 
��������(42 U.S.C. 5911) is amended by striking subsection (b) and 
��������inserting the following:
��� ``(b) A rule or order under subsection (a) shall be considered to be 
a major rule subject to chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code.''.
����������� (9) Water resource evaluation.--Section 13 of the Federal 
��������Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 1974 (42 
��������U.S.C. 5912) is amended by striking ``Administrator'' each place 
��������it appears and inserting ``Secretary''.
����������� (10) Authorization of appropriations.--Section 16 of the 
��������Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 1974 
��������(42 U.S.C. 5915) is amended--
������������������� (A) by striking the section heading and inserting 
����������������the following: ``authorization of appropriations'';
[[Page 119 STAT. 936]]
������������������� (B) by striking ``(a) There may be appropriated to 
����������������the Administrator'' and inserting ``There may be 
����������������appropriated to the Secretary''; and
������������������� (C) by striking subsections (b) and (c).
����������� (11) Central source of nonnuclear energy information.--
������� Section 17 of the Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research and 
��������Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5916) is amended--
������������������� (A) by striking ``Administrator'' each place it 
����������������appears and inserting ``Secretary'';
������������������� (B) in the first sentence, by striking 
������������������� (C) in the second sentence, by striking ``he'' and 
����������������inserting ``the Secretary'';
������������������� (D) in the third sentence--
������������������������� (i) in paragraph (2) of the first proviso, by 
����������������������striking ``section 1905 or title 18'' and 
����������������������inserting ``section 1905 of title 18''; and
����������������������� ��(ii) in subparagraph (B) of the second 
����������������������������������� (I) by striking ``the Federal Energy 
����������������������������������� (II) by striking ``the Federal Power 
��������������������������������Commission,'' and inserting ``the 
��������������������������������Federal Energy Regulatory Commission''; 
����������������������������������� (III) by striking ``General 
��������������������������������Accounting Office'' and inserting 
��������������������������������``Government Accountability Office''; 
������������������� (E) in the last sentence, by inserting ``or ranking 
����������������minority member'' after ``chairman''.
����������� (12) Energy information, loan guarantees, and financial 
��������support.--Sections 18 through 20 of the Federal Nonnuclear 
��������Energy Research and Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5917 
��������through 5920) are repealed.
��� (c) Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980.--Section 20 
of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 
3712) is amended by striking ``and the National Science Foundation'' and 
inserting ``, the Secretary of Energy, and the Director of the National 
Science Foundation''.
SEC. 1010. <<NOTE: Deadline. Reports.>>UNIVERSITY COLLABORATION.
��� Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the 
Secretary shall transmit to the Congress a report that examines the 
feasibility of promoting collaborations between major universities and 
other colleges and universities in grants, contracts, and cooperative 
agreements made by the Secretary for energy projects. For purposes of 
this section, major universities are schools listed by the Carnegie 
Foundation as Doctoral Research Extensive Universities. The Secretary 
shall also consider providing incentives to increase the inclusion of 
small institutions of higher education, including minority-serving 
institutions, in energy grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements.
��� It is the sense of Congress that--
����������� (1) the Secretary should develop and implement more 
��������stringent procurement and inventory controls, including controls 
��������on the purchase card program, to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse 
��������of taxpayer funds by employees and contractors of the 
��������Department; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 937]]
����������� (2) the Department's Inspector General should continue to 
��������closely review purchase card purchases and other procurement and 
��������inventory practices at the Department.
��� (a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� (1) Energy technology industry.--The term ``energy 
��������technology industry'' includes--
������������������� (A) a renewable energy industry;
������������������� (B) a company that develops or commercializes a 
����������������device to increase energy efficiency;
������������������� (C) the oil and gas industry;
������������������� (D) the nuclear power industry;
����������� ��������(E) the coal industry;
������������������� (F) the electric utility industry; and
������������������� (G) any other industrial sector, as the Secretary 
����������������determines to be appropriate.
����������� (2) Skilled technical personnel.--The term ``skilled 
��������technical personnel'' means--
������������������� (A) journey- and apprentice-level workers who are 
����������������enrolled in, or have completed, a federally-recognized 
����������������or State-recognized apprenticeship program; and
������������������� (B) other skilled workers in energy technology 
����������������industries, as determined by the Secretary.
��� (b) Workforce Trends.--
����������� (1) Monitoring.--The Secretary, in consultation with, and 
��������using data collected by, the Secretary of Labor, shall monitor 
��������trends in the workforce of--
������������������� (A) skilled technical personnel that support energy 
����������������technology industries; and
������������������� (B) electric power and transmission engineers.
����������� (2) Report on trends.--Not later than 1 year after the date 
��������of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress 
��������a report on current trends under paragraph (1), with 
��������recommendations (as appropriate) to meet the future labor 
��������requirements for the energy technology industries.
����������� (3) Report on shortage.--As soon as practicable after the 
��������date on which the Secretary identifies or predicts a significant 
��������national shortage of skilled technical personnel in one or more 
��������energy technology industries, the Secretary shall submit to 
��������Congress a report describing the shortage.
��� (c) Traineeship Grants for Skilled Technical Personnel.--The 
Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Labor, may establish 
programs in the appropriate offices of the Department under which the 
Secretary provides grants to enhance training (including distance 
learning) for any workforce category for which a shortage is identified 
or predicted under subsection (b)(2).
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $20,000,000 for each of fiscal 
years 2006 through 2008.
[[Page 119 STAT. 938]]
��� (a) Science Education Enhancement Fund.--Section 3164 of the 
Department of Energy Science Education Enhancement Act (42 U.S.C. 7381a) 
is amended by adding at the end:
��� ``(c) Science Education Enhancement Fund.--The Secretary shall use 
not less than 0.3 percent of the amount made available to the Department 
for research, development, demonstration, and commercial application for 
fiscal year 2006 and each fiscal year thereafter to carry out activities 
authorized by this part.''.
��� (b) Authorized Education Activities.--Section 3165 of the Department 
of Energy Science Education Enhancement Act (42 U.S.C. 7381b) is amended 
by adding at the end the following:
��������� ��``(14) Support competitive events for students under the 
��������supervision of teachers, designed to encourage student interest 
��������and knowledge in science and mathematics.
����������� ``(15) Support competitively-awarded, peer-reviewed programs 
��������to promote professional development for mathematics teachers and 
��������science teachers who teach in grades from kindergarten through 
��������grade 12 at Department research and development facilities.
����������� ``(16) Support summer internships at Department research and 
��������development facilities, for mathematics teachers and science 
��������teachers who teach in grades from kindergarten through grade 12.
����������� ``(17) Sponsor and assist in educational and training 
��������activities identified as critical skills needs for future 
��������workforce development at Department research and development 
��� (c) Educational Partnerships.--Section 3166(b) of the Department of 
Energy Science Education Enhancement Act (42 U.S.C. 7381c(b)) is 
����������� (1) by striking paragraph (1) and inserting the following:
����������� ``(1) loaning or transferring equipment to the 
����������� (2) in paragraph (5), by striking ``and'' at the end;
����������� (3) in paragraph (6), by striking the period at the end and 
��������inserting ``; and''; and
����������� (4) by adding at the end the following:
����������� ``(7) providing funds to educational institutions to hire 
��������personnel to facilitate interactions between local school 
��������systems, Department research and development facilities, and 
��������corporate and governmental entities.''.
��� (d) Definition of Department Research and Development Facilities.--
Section 3167(3) of the Department of Energy Science Education 
Enhancement Act (42 U.S.C. 7381d(3)) is amended by striking ``from the 
Office of Science of the Department of Energy'' and inserting ``by the 
Department of Energy''.
��� (e) Study.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary, in consultation with the 
��������Secretary of Education, shall enter into an arrangement with the 
��������National Academy of Public Administration to conduct a study of 
��������the priorities, quality, local and regional flexibility, and 
��������plans for educational programs at Department research and 
��������development facilities.
����������� (2) Inclusion.--The study shall recommend measures that the 
��������Secretary may take to improve Department-wide coordination of 
��������educational, workforce development, and critical skills 
��������development activities.
[[Page 119 STAT. 939]]
����������� (3) Report.--Not later than 2 years after the date of 
��������enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a 
��������report on the results of the study conducted under this 
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary of Labor, in consultation with the 
Secretary and in conjunction with the electric industry and recognized 
employee representatives, shall develop model personnel training 
guidelines to support the reliability and safety of the nonnuclear 
electric system.
��� (b) Requirements.--The training guidelines under subsection (a) 
shall, at a minimum--
����������� (1) include training requirements for workers engaged in the 
��������construction, operation, inspection, or maintenance of 
��������nonnuclear electric generation, transmission, or distribution 
��������systems, including requirements relating to--
������������������� (A) competency;
������������������� (B) certification; and
������������������� (C) assessment, including--
������������������������� (i) initial and continuous evaluation of 
������������������������� (ii) recertification procedures; and
������������������������� (iii) methods for examining or testing the 
����������������������qualification of an individual who performs a 
����������������������covered task; and
����������� (2) consolidate training guidelines in existence on the date 
��������on which the guidelines under subsection (a) are developed 
�������relating to the construction, operation, maintenance, and 
��������inspection of nonnuclear electric generation, transmission, and 
��������distribution facilities, such as guidelines established by the 
��������National Electric Safety Code and other industry consensus 
��� The Secretary shall support the ongoing activities of and explore 
opportunities for expansion of the National Center for Energy Management 
and Building Technologies to carry out research, education, and training 
activities to facilitate the improvement of energy efficiency, indoor 
environmental quality, and security of industrial, commercial, 
residential, and public buildings.
��� (a) Science Education Programs.--Section 3164 of the Department of 
Energy Science Education Enhancement Act (42 U.S.C. 7381a) (as amended 
by section 1102(a)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(d) Programs for Students From Under-Represented Groups.--In 
carrying out a program under subsection (a), the Secretary shall give 
priority to activities that are designed to encourage students from 
under-represented groups to pursue scientific and technical careers.''.
��� (b) Partnerships With Historically Black Colleges and Universities, 
Hispanic-Servicing Institutions, and Tribal Colleges.--The Department of 
Energy Science Education Enhancement Act (42 U.S.C. 7381 et seq.) is 
[[Page 119 STAT. 940]]
����������� (1) by redesignating sections 3167 and 3168 <<NOTE: 42 USC 
��������7381d, 7381e.>> as sections 3168 and 3169, respectively; and
��������� ��(2) by inserting after section 3166 the following:
��� ``(a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� ``(1) Hispanic-serving institution.--The term `Hispanic-
������� serving institution' has the meaning given the term in section 
��������502(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1101a(a)).
����������� ``(2) Historically black college or university.--The term 
��������`historically Black college or university' has the meaning given 
��������the term `part B institution' in section 322 of the Higher 
��������Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1061).
����������� ``(3) National laboratory.--The term `National Laboratory' 
��������has the meaning given the term in section 2 of the Energy Policy 
��������Act of 2005.
����������� ``(4) Science facility.--The term `science facility' has the 
��������meaning given the term `single-purpose research facility' in 
��������section 903 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
����������� ``(5) Tribal college.--The term `tribal college' has the 
��������meaning given the term `tribally controlled college or 
��������university' in section 2(a) of the Tribally Controlled College 
��������Assistance Act of 1978 (25 U.S.C. 1801(a)).
��� ``(b) Education Partnership.--The Secretary shall require the 
director of each National Laboratory, and may require the head of any 
science facility, to increase the participation of historically Black 
colleges or universities, Hispanic-serving institutions, or tribal 
colleges in any activity that increases the capacity of the historically 
Black colleges or universities, Hispanic-serving institutions, or tribal 
colleges to train personnel in science or engineering.
��� ``(c) Activities.--An activity described in subsection (b) 
����������� ``(1) collaborative research;
����������� ``(2) equipment transfer;
����������� ``(3) training activities carried out at a National 
��������Laboratory or science facility; and
����������� ``(4) mentoring activities carried out at a National 
��������Laboratory or science facility.
��� ``(d) Report.--Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of 
this subsection, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report 
describing the activities carried out under this section.''.
��� (a) Establishment.--The Secretary shall support the establishment of 
a National Power Plant Operations Technology and Education Center 
(referred to in this section as the ``Center''), to address the need for 
training and educating certified operators and technicians for the 
electric power industry.
��� (b) Location of Center.--The Secretary shall support the 
establishment of the Center at an institution of higher education that 
����������� (1) expertise in providing degree programs in electric power 
��������generation, transmission, and distribution technologies;
����������� (2) expertise in providing onsite and Internet-based 
��������training; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 941]]
����������� (3) demonstrated responsiveness to workforce and training 
��������requirements in the electric power industry.
��� (c) Training and Continuing Education.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Center shall provide training and 
��������continuing education in electric power generation, transmission, 
��������and distribution technologies and operations.
����������� (2) Location.--The Center shall carry out training and 
��������education activities under paragraph (1)--
������������������� (A) at the Center; and
���������� ���������(B) through Internet-based information technologies 
����������������that allow for learning at remote sites.
TITLE <<NOTE: Electricity Modernization Act of 2005.>> XII--ELECTRICITY
SEC. 1201. <<NOTE: 42 USC 15801 note.>> SHORT TITLE.
��� This title may be cited as the ``Electricity Modernization Act of 
������������������� Subtitle A--Reliability Standards
��� (a) In General.--Part II of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824 et 
seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(a) Definitions.--For purposes of this section:
����������� ``(1) The term `bulk-power system' means--
������������������� ``(A) facilities and control systems necessary for 
����������������operating an interconnected electric energy transmission 
����������������network (or any portion thereof); and
������������������� ``(B) electric energy from generation facilities 
����������������needed to maintain transmission system reliability.
������� The term does not include facilities used in the local 
��������distribution of electric energy.
����������� ``(2) The terms `Electric Reliability Organization' and 
��������`ERO' mean the organization certified by the Commission under 
��������subsection (c) the purpose of which is to establish and enforce 
��������reliability standards for the bulk-power system, subject to 
��������Commission review.
����������� ``(3) The term `reliability standard' means a requirement, 
��������approved by the Commission under this section, to provide for 
��������reliable operation of the bulk-power system. The term includes 
��������requirements for the operation of existing bulk-power system 
��������facilities, including cybersecurity protection, and the design 
��������of planned additions or modifications to such facilities to the 
��������extent necessary to provide for reliable operation of the bulk-
������� power system, but the term does not include any requirement to 
��������enlarge such facilities or to construct new transmission 
��������capacity or generation capacity.
����������� ``(4) The term `reliable operation' means operating the 
��������elements of the bulk-power system within equipment and electric 
��������system thermal, voltage, and stability limits so that 
��������instability, uncontrolled separation, or cascading failures of 
��������such system will not occur as a result of a sudden disturbance, 
��������including a cybersecurity incident, or unanticipated failure of 
��������system elements.
[[Page 119 STAT. 942]]
����������� ``(5) The term `Interconnection' means a geographic area in 
��������which the operation of bulk-power system components is 
�������synchronized such that the failure of one or more of such 
��������components may adversely affect the ability of the operators of 
��������other components within the system to maintain reliable 
��������operation of the facilities within their control.
����������� ``(6) The term `transmission organization' means a Regional 
��������Transmission Organization, Independent System Operator, 
��������independent transmission provider, or other transmission 
��������organization finally approved by the Commission for the 
��������operation of transmission facilities.
����������� ``(7) The term `regional entity' means an entity having 
��������enforcement authority pursuant to subsection (e)(4).
����������� ``(8) The term `cybersecurity incident' means a malicious 
��������act or suspicious event that disrupts, or was an attempt to 
��������disrupt, the operation of those programmable electronic devices 
��������and communication networks including hardware, software and data 
��������that are essential to the reliable operation of the bulk power 
��� ``(b) Jurisdiction and Applicability.--(1) The Commission shall have 
jurisdiction, within the United States, over the ERO certified by the 
Commission under subsection (c), any regional entities, and all users, 
owners and operators of the bulk-power system, including but not limited 
to the entities described in section 201(f), for purposes of approving 
reliability standards established under this section and enforcing 
compliance with this section. All users, owners and operators of the 
bulk-power system shall comply with reliability standards that take 
effect under this section.
��� ``(2) <<NOTE: Regulations. Deadline.>> The Commission shall issue a 
final rule to implement the requirements of this section not later than 
180 days after the date of enactment of this section.
��� ``(c) Certification.--Following the issuance of a Commission rule 
under subsection (b)(2), any person may submit an application to the 
Commission for certification as the Electric Reliability Organization. 
The Commission may certify one such ERO if the Commission determines 
that such ERO--
����������� ``(1) has the ability to develop and enforce, subject to 
��������subsection (e)(2), reliability standards that provide for an 
��������adequate level of reliability of the bulk-power system; and
����������� ``(2) has established rules that--
������������������� ``(A) assure its independence of the users and 
����������������owners and operators of the bulk-power system, while 
����������������assuring fair stakeholder representation in the 
����������������selection of its directors and balanced decisionmaking 
����������������in any ERO committee or subordinate organizational 
������������������� ``(B) allocate equitably reasonable dues, fees, and 
����������������other charges among end users for all activities under 
����������������this section;
������������������� ``(C) provide fair and impartial procedures for 
����������������enforcement of reliability standards through the 
����������������imposition of penalties in accordance with subsection 
����������������(e) (including limitations on activities, functions, or 
����������������operations, or other appropriate sanctions);
������������������� ``(D) provide for reasonable notice and opportunity 
����������������for public comment, due process, openness, and balance 
����������������of interests in developing reliability standards and 
����������������otherwise exercising its duties; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 943]]
������������������� ``(E) provide for taking, after certification, 
����������������appropriate steps to gain recognition in Canada and 
��� ``(d) Reliability Standards.--(1) The Electric Reliability 
Organization shall file each reliability standard or modification to a 
reliability standard that it proposes to be made effective under this 
section with the Commission.
��� ``(2) The Commission may approve, by rule or order, a proposed 
reliability standard or modification to a reliability standard if it 
determines that the standard is just, reasonable, not unduly 
discriminatory or preferential, and in the public interest. The 
Commission shall give due weight to the technical expertise of the 
Electric Reliability Organization with respect to the content of a 
proposed standard or modification to a reliability standard and to the 
technical expertise of a regional entity organized on an 
Interconnection-wide basis with respect to a reliability standard to be 
applicable within that Interconnection, but shall not defer with respect 
to the effect of a standard on competition. A proposed standard or 
modification shall take effect upon approval by the Commission.
��� ``(3) The Electric Reliability Organization shall rebuttably presume 
that a proposal from a regional entity organized on an Interconnection-
wide basis for a reliability standard or modification to a reliability 
standard to be applicable on an Interconnection-wide basis is just, 
reasonable, and not unduly discriminatory or preferential, and in the 
public interest.
��� ``(4) The Commission shall remand to the Electric Reliability 
Organization for further consideration a proposed reliability standard 
or a modification to a reliability standard that the Commission 
disapproves in whole or in part.
��� ``(5) The Commission, upon its own motion or upon complaint, may 
order the Electric Reliability Organization to submit to the Commission 
a proposed reliability standard or a modification to a reliability 
standard that addresses a specific matter if the Commission considers 
such a new or modified reliability standard appropriate to carry out 
this section.
��� ``(6) The final rule adopted under subsection (b)(2) shall include 
fair processes for the identification and timely resolution of any 
conflict between a reliability standard and any function, rule, order, 
tariff, rate schedule, or agreement accepted, approved, or ordered by 
the Commission applicable to a transmission organization. Such 
transmission organization shall continue to comply with such function, 
rule, order, tariff, rate schedule or agreement accepted, approved, or 
ordered by the Commission until--
����������� ``(A) the Commission finds a conflict exists between a 
��������reliability standard and any such provision;
����������� ``(B) the Commission orders a change to such provision 
��������pursuant to section 206 of this part; and
������� ����``(C) the ordered change becomes effective under this part.
If the Commission determines that a reliability standard needs to be 
changed as a result of such a conflict, it shall order the ERO to 
develop and file with the Commission a modified reliability standard 
under paragraph (4) or (5) of this subsection.
��� ``(e) Enforcement.--(1) The ERO may impose, subject to paragraph 
(2), a penalty on a user or owner or operator of the bulk-power system 
for a violation of a reliability standard approved by the Commission 
under subsection (d) if the ERO, after notice and an opportunity for a 
[[Page 119 STAT. 944]]
����������� ``(A) finds that the user or owner or operator has violated 
��������a reliability standard approved by the Commission under 
��������subsection (d); and
����������� ``(B) files notice and the record of the proceeding with the 
��� ``(2) A penalty imposed under paragraph (1) may take effect not 
earlier than the 31st day after the ERO files with the Commission notice 
of the penalty and the record of proceedings. Such penalty shall be 
subject to review by the Commission, on its own motion or upon 
application by the user, owner or operator that is the subject of the 
penalty filed within 30 days after the date such notice is filed with 
the Commission. Application to the Commission for review, or the 
initiation of review by the Commission on its own motion, shall not 
operate as a stay of such penalty unless the Commission otherwise orders 
upon its own motion or upon application by the user, owner or operator 
that is the subject of such penalty. In any proceeding to review a 
penalty imposed under paragraph (1), the Commission, after notice and 
opportunity for hearing (which hearing may consist solely of the record 
before the ERO and opportunity for the presentation of supporting 
reasons to affirm, modify, or set aside the penalty), shall by order 
affirm, set aside, reinstate, or modify the penalty, and, if 
appropriate, remand to the ERO for further proceedings. The Commission 
shall implement expedited procedures for such hearings.
��� ``(3) On its own motion or upon complaint, the Commission may order 
compliance with a reliability standard and may impose a penalty against 
a user or owner or operator of the bulk-power system if the Commission 
finds, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, that the user or 
owner or operator of the bulk-power system has engaged or is about to 
engage in any acts or practices that constitute or will constitute a 
violation of a reliability standard.
��� ``(4) <<NOTE: Regulations. Contracts.>> The Commission shall issue 
regulations authorizing the ERO to enter into an agreement to delegate 
authority to a regional entity for the purpose of proposing reliability 
standards to the ERO and enforcing reliability standards under paragraph 
(1) if--
����������� ``(A) the regional entity is governed by--
������������������� ``(i) an independent board;
������������������``(ii) a balanced stakeholder board; or
������������������� ``(iii) a combination independent and balanced 
����������������stakeholder board.
����������� ``(B) the regional entity otherwise satisfies the provisions 
��������of subsection (c)(1) and (2); and
����������� ``(C) the agreement promotes effective and efficient 
��������administration of bulk-power system reliability.
The Commission may modify such delegation. The ERO and the Commission 
shall rebuttably presume that a proposal for delegation to a regional 
entity organized on an Interconnection-wide basis promotes effective and 
efficient administration of bulk-power system reliability and should be 
approved. Such regulation may provide that the Commission may assign the 
ERO's authority to enforce reliability standards under paragraph (1) 
directly to a regional entity consistent with the requirements of this 
��� ``(5) The Commission may take such action as is necessary or 
appropriate against the ERO or a regional entity to ensure compliance 
with a reliability standard or any Commission order affecting the ERO or 
a regional entity.
[[Page 119 STAT. 945]]
��� ``(6) Any penalty imposed under this section shall bear a reasonable 
relation to the seriousness of the violation and shall take into 
consideration the efforts of such user, owner, or operator to remedy the 
violation in a timely manner.
��� ``(f) Changes in Electric Reliability Organization Rules.--The 
Electric Reliability Organization shall file with the Commission for 
approval any proposed rule or proposed rule change, accompanied by an 
explanation of its basis and purpose. The Commission, upon its own 
motion or complaint, may propose a change to the rules of the ERO. A 
proposed rule or proposed rule change shall take effect upon a finding 
by the Commission, after notice and opportunity for comment, that the 
change is just, reasonable, not unduly discriminatory or preferential, 
is in the public interest, and satisfies the requirements of subsection 
��� ``(g) Reliability Reports.--The ERO shall conduct periodic 
assessments of the reliability and adequacy of the bulk-power system in 
North America.
��� ``(h) Coordination With Canada and Mexico.--The President is urged 
to negotiate international agreements with the governments of Canada and 
Mexico to provide for effective compliance with reliability standards 
and the effectiveness of the ERO in the United States and Canada or 
��� ``(i) Savings Provisions.--(1) The ERO shall have authority to 
develop and enforce compliance with reliability standards for only the 
bulk-power system.
��� ``(2) This section does not authorize the ERO or the Commission to 
order the construction of additional generation or transmission capacity 
or to set and enforce compliance with standards for adequacy or safety 
of electric facilities or services.
��� ``(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to preempt any 
authority of any State to take action to ensure the safety, adequacy, 
and reliability of electric service within that State, as long as such 
action is not inconsistent with any reliability standard, except that 
the State of New York may establish rules that result in greater 
reliability within that State, as long as such action does not result in 
lesser reliability outside the State than that provided by the 
reliability standards.
��� ``(4) <<NOTE: Deadline. Standards.>> Within 90 days of the 
application of the Electric Reliability Organization or other affected 
party, and after notice and opportunity for comment, the Commission 
shall issue a final order determining whether a State action is 
inconsistent with a reliability standard, taking into consideration any 
recommendation of the ERO.
��� ``(5) The Commission, after consultation with the ERO and the State 
taking action, may stay the effectiveness of any State action, pending 
the Commission's issuance of a final order.
��� ``(j) <<NOTE: Establishment.>> Regional Advisory Bodies.--The 
Commission shall establish a regional advisory body on the petition of 
at least two-thirds of the States within a region that have more than 
one-half of their electric load served within the region. A regional 
advisory body shall be composed of one member from each participating 
State in the region, appointed by the Governor of each State, and may 
include representatives of agencies, States, and provinces outside the 
United States. A regional advisory body may provide advice to the 
Electric Reliability Organization, a regional entity, or the Commission 
regarding the governance of an existing or proposed regional entity 
within the same region, whether a standard
[[Page 119 STAT. 946]]
proposed to apply within the region is just, reasonable, not unduly 
discriminatory or preferential, and in the public interest, whether fees 
proposed to be assessed within the region are just, reasonable, not 
unduly discriminatory or preferential, and in the public interest and 
any other responsibilities requested by the Commission. The Commission 
may give deference to the advice of any such regional advisory body if 
that body is organized on an Interconnection-wide basis.
��� ``(k) Alaska and Hawaii.--The provisions of this section do not 
apply to Alaska or Hawaii.''.
��� (b) <<NOTE: 16 USC 824o note.>> Status of ERO.--The Electric 
Reliability Organization certified by the Federal Energy Regulatory 
Commission under section 215(c) of the Federal Power Act and any 
regional entity delegated enforcement authority pursuant to section 
215(e)(4) of that Act are not departments, agencies, or 
instrumentalities of the United States Government.
��� (c) <<NOTE: 16 USC 824o note.>> Access Approvals by Federal 
Agencies.--Federal agencies responsible for approving access to electric 
transmission or distribution facilities located on lands within the 
United States shall, in accordance with applicable law, expedite any 
Federal agency approvals that are necessary to allow the owners or 
operators of such facilities to comply with any reliability standard, 
approved by the Commission under section 215 of the Federal Power Act, 
that pertains to vegetation management, electric service restoration, or 
resolution of situations that imminently endanger the reliability or 
safety of the facilities.
��������� Subtitle B--Transmission Infrastructure Modernization
��� (a) In General.--Part II of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824 et 
seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(a) <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> Designation of National Interest Electric 
Transmission Corridors.--(1) Not later than 1 year after the date of 
enactment of this section and every 3 years thereafter, the Secretary of 
Energy (referred to in this section as the `Secretary'), in consultation 
with affected States, shall conduct a study of electric transmission 
��� ``(2) <<NOTE: Reports.>> After considering alternatives and 
recommendations from interested parties (including an opportunity for 
comment from affected States), the Secretary shall issue a report, based 
on the study, which may designate any geographic area experiencing 
electric energy transmission capacity constraints or congestion that 
adversely affects consumers as a national interest electric transmission 
��� ``(3) The Secretary shall conduct the study and issue the report in 
consultation with any appropriate regional entity referred to in section 
��� ``(4) In determining whether to designate a national interest 
electric transmission corridor under paragraph (2), the Secretary may 
consider whether--
[[Page 119 STAT. 947]]
����������� ``(A) the economic vitality and development of the corridor, 
��������or the end markets served by the corridor, may be constrained by 
��������lack of adequate or reasonably priced electricity;
����������� ``(B)(i) economic growth in the corridor, or the end markets 
��������served by the corridor, may be jeopardized by reliance on 
��������limited sources of energy; and
����������� ``(ii) a diversification of supply is warranted;
����������� ``(C) the energy independence of the United States would be 
��������served by the designation;
����������� ``(D) the designation would be in the interest of national 
��������energy policy; and
����������� ``(E) the designation would enhance national defense and 
��������homeland security.
��� ``(b) Construction Permit.--Except as provided in subsection (i), 
the Commission may, after notice and an opportunity for hearing, issue 
one or more permits for the construction or modification of electric 
transmission facilities in a national interest electric transmission 
corridor designated by the Secretary under subsection (a) if the 
Commission finds that--
����������� ``(1)(A) a State in which the transmission facilities are to 
��������be constructed or modified does not have authority to--
������������������� ``(i) approve the siting of the facilities; or
������������������� ``(ii) consider the interstate benefits expected to 
����������������be achieved by the proposed construction or modification 
����������������of transmission facilities in the State;
����������� ``(B) the applicant for a permit is a transmitting utility 
��������under this Act but does not qualify to apply for a permit or 
��������siting approval for the proposed project in a State because the 
��������applicant does not serve end-use customers in the State; or
����������� ``(C) a State commission or other entity that has authority 
��������to approve the siting of the facilities has--
������������������� ``(i) withheld approval for more than 1 year after 
����������������the filing of an application seeking approval pursuant 
����������������to applicable law or 1 year after the designation of the 
����������������relevant national interest electric transmission 
���������������corridor, whichever is later; or
������������������� ``(ii) conditioned its approval in such a manner 
����������������that the proposed construction or modification will not 
����������������significantly reduce transmission congestion in 
����������������interstate commerce or is not economically feasible;
����������� ``(2) the facilities to be authorized by the permit will be 
��������used for the transmission of electric energy in interstate 
����������� ``(3) the proposed construction or modification is 
��������consistent with the public interest;
����������� ``(4) the proposed construction or modification will 
��������significantly reduce transmission congestion in interstate 
��������commerce and protects or benefits consumers;
����������� ``(5) the proposed construction or modification is 
��������consistent with sound national energy policy and will enhance 
��������energy independence; and
����������� ``(6) the proposed modification will maximize, to the extent 
��������reasonable and economical, the transmission capabilities of 
��������existing towers or structures.
��� ``(c) Permit Applications.--(1) Permit applications under subsection 
(b) shall be made in writing to the Commission.
[[Page 119 STAT. 948]]
��� ``(2) <<NOTE: Regulations.>> The Commission shall issue rules 
����������� ``(A) the form of the application;
����������� ``(B) the information to be contained in the application; 
����������� ``(C) the manner of service of notice of the permit 
��������application on interested persons.
��� ``(d) Comments.--In any proceeding before the Commission under 
subsection (b), the Commission shall afford each State in which a 
transmission facility covered by the permit is or will be located, each 
affected Federal agency and Indian tribe, private property owners, and 
other interested persons, a reasonable opportunity to present their 
views and recommendations with respect to the need for and impact of a 
facility covered by the permit.
��� ``(e) Rights-of-Way.--(1) In the case of a permit under subsection 
(b) for electric transmission facilities to be located on property other 
than property owned by the United States or a State, if the permit 
holder cannot acquire by contract, or is unable to agree with the owner 
of the property to the compensation to be paid for, the necessary right-
of-way to construct or modify the transmission facilities, the permit 
holder may acquire the right-of-way by the exercise of the right of 
eminent domain in the district court of the United States for the 
district in which the property concerned is located, or in the 
appropriate court of the State in which the property is located.
��� ``(2) Any right-of-way acquired under paragraph (1) shall be used 
exclusively for the construction or modification of electric 
transmission facilities within a reasonable period of time after the 
��� ``(3) The practice and procedure in any action or proceeding under 
this subsection in the district court of the United States shall conform 
as nearly as practicable to the practice and procedure in a similar 
action or proceeding in the courts of the State in which the property is 
��� ``(4) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to authorize the 
use of eminent domain to acquire a right-of-way for any purpose other 
than the construction, modification, operation, or maintenance of 
electric transmission facilities and related facilities. The right-of-
way cannot be used for any other purpose, and the right-of-way shall 
terminate upon the termination of the use for which the right-of-way was 
��� ``(f) Compensation.--(1) Any right-of-way acquired pursuant to 
subsection (e) shall be considered a taking of private property for 
which just compensation is due.
��� ``(2) Just compensation shall be an amount equal to the fair market 
value (including applicable severance damages) of the property taken on 
the date of the exercise of eminent domain authority.
��� ``(g) State Law.--Nothing in this section precludes any person from 
constructing or modifying any transmission facility in accordance with 
State law.
��� ``(h) Coordination of Federal Authorizations for Transmission 
Facilities.--(1) In this subsection:
����������� ``(A) The term `Federal authorization' means any 
��������authorization required under Federal law in order to site a 
��������transmission facility.
����������� ``(B) The term `Federal authorization' includes such 
��������permits, special use authorizations, certifications, opinions, 
��������or other
[[Page 119 STAT. 949]]
������� approvals as may be required under Federal law in order to site 
��������a transmission facility.
��� ``(2) The Department of Energy shall act as the lead agency for 
purposes of coordinating all applicable Federal authorizations and 
related environmental reviews of the facility.
��� ``(3) To the maximum extent practicable under applicable Federal 
law, the Secretary shall coordinate the Federal authorization and review 
process under this subsection with any Indian tribes, multistate 
entities, and State agencies that are responsible for conducting any 
separate permitting and environmental reviews of the facility, to ensure 
timely and efficient review and permit decisions.
��� ``(4)(A) As head of the lead agency, the Secretary, in consultation 
with agencies responsible for Federal authorizations and, as 
appropriate, with Indian tribes, multistate entities, and State agencies 
that are willing to coordinate their own separate permitting and 
environmental reviews with the Federal authorization and environmental 
reviews, shall establish prompt and binding intermediate milestones and 
ultimate deadlines for the review of, and Federal authorization 
decisions relating to, the proposed facility.
��� ``(B) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> The Secretary shall ensure that, once an 
application has been submitted with such data as the Secretary considers 
necessary, all permit decisions and related environmental reviews under 
all applicable Federal laws shall be completed--
����������� ``(i) within 1 year; or
����������� ``(ii) if a requirement of another provision of Federal law 
��������does not permit compliance with clause (i), as soon thereafter 
��������as is practicable.
��� ``(C) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> The Secretary shall provide an expeditious 
pre-application mechanism for prospective applicants to confer with the 
agencies involved to have each such agency determine and communicate to 
the prospective applicant not later than 60 days after the prospective 
applicant submits a request for such information concerning--
����������� ``(i) the likelihood of approval for a potential facility; 
����������� ``(ii) key issues of concern to the agencies and public.
��� ``(5)(A) As lead agency head, the Secretary, in consultation with 
the affected agencies, shall prepare a single environmental review 
document, which shall be used as the basis for all decisions on the 
proposed project under Federal law.
��� ``(B) The Secretary and the heads of other agencies shall streamline 
the review and permitting of transmission within corridors designated 
under section 503 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (43 
U.S.C. 1763) by fully taking into account prior analyses and decisions 
relating to the corridors.
��� ``(C) The document shall include consideration by the relevant 
agencies of any applicable criteria or other matters as required under 
applicable law.
��� ``(6)(A) If any agency has denied a Federal authorization required 
for a transmission facility, or has failed to act by the deadline 
established by the Secretary pursuant to this section for deciding 
whether to issue the authorization, the applicant or any State in which 
the facility would be located may file an appeal with the President, who 
shall, in consultation with the affected agency, review the denial or 
failure to take action on the pending application.
��� ``(B) Based on the overall record and in consultation with the 
affected agency, the President may--
[[Page 119 STAT. 950]]
����������� ``(i) issue the necessary authorization with any appropriate 
��������conditions; or
����������� ``(ii) deny the application.
��� ``(C) <<NOTE: President. Deadline.>> The President shall issue a 
decision not later than 90 days after the date of the filing of the 
��� ``(D) <<NOTE: President.>> In making a decision under this 
paragraph, the President shall comply with applicable requirements of 
Federal law, including any requirements of--
����������� ``(i) the National Forest Management Act of 1976 (16 U.S.C. 
��������472a et seq.);
����������� ``(ii) the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et 
����������� ``(iii) the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 
��������1251 et seq.);
����������� ``(iv) the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 
��������U.S.C. 4321 et seq.); and
����������� ``(v) the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 
��������U.S.C. 1701 et seq.).
��� ``(7)(A) <<NOTE: Deadline. Regulations.>> Not later than 18 months 
after the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary shall issue 
any regulations necessary to implement this subsection.
��� ``(B)(i) <<NOTE: Deadline. Memorandum.>> Not later than 1 year after 
the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary and the heads of 
all Federal agencies with authority to issue Federal authorizations 
shall enter into a memorandum of understanding to ensure the timely and 
coordinated review and permitting of electricity transmission 
��� ``(ii) Interested Indian tribes, multistate entities, and State 
agencies may enter the memorandum of understanding.
��� ``(C) The head of each Federal agency with authority to issue a 
Federal authorization shall designate a senior official responsible for, 
and dedicate sufficient other staff and resources to ensure, full 
implementation of the regulations and memorandum required under this 
��� ``(8)(A) Each Federal land use authorization for an electricity 
transmission facility shall be issued--
����������� ``(i) for a duration, as determined by the Secretary, 
��������commensurate with the anticipated use of the facility; and
����������� ``(ii) with appropriate authority to manage the right-of-way 
��������for reliability and environmental protection.
��� ``(B) On the expiration of the authorization (including an 
authorization issued before the date of enactment of this section), the 
authorization shall be reviewed for renewal taking fully into account 
reliance on such electricity infrastructure, recognizing the importance 
of the authorization for public health, safety, and economic welfare and 
as a legitimate use of Federal land.
��� ``(9) In exercising the responsibilities under this section, the 
Secretary shall consult regularly with--
����������� ``(A) the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission;
������� ����``(B) electric reliability organizations (including related 
��������regional entities) approved by the Commission; and
����������� ``(C) Transmission Organizations approved by the Commission.
��� ``(i) Interstate Compacts.--(1) The consent of Congress is given for 
three or more contiguous States to enter into an interstate compact, 
subject to approval by Congress, establishing regional transmission 
siting agencies to--
[[Page 119 STAT. 951]]
����������� ``(A) facilitate siting of future electric energy 
��������transmission facilities within those States; and
����������� ``(B) carry out the electric energy transmission siting 
��������responsibilities of those States.
��� ``(2) The Secretary may provide technical assistance to regional 
transmission siting agencies established under this subsection.
��� ``(3) The regional transmission siting agencies shall have the 
authority to review, certify, and permit siting of transmission 
facilities, including facilities in national interest electric 
transmission corridors (other than facilities on property owned by the 
United States).
��� ``(4) The Commission shall have no authority to issue a permit for 
the construction or modification of an electric transmission facility 
within a State that is a party to a compact, unless the members of the 
compact are in disagreement and the Secretary makes, after notice and an 
opportunity for a hearing, the finding described in subsection 
��� ``(j) Relationship to Other Laws.--(1) Except as specifically 
provided, nothing in this section affects any requirement of an 
environmental law of the United States, including the National 
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).
��� ``(2) Subsection (h)(6) shall not apply to any unit of the National 
Park System, the National Wildlife Refuge System, the National Wild and 
Scenic Rivers System, the National Trails System, the National 
Wilderness Preservation System, or a National Monument.
��� ``(k) ERCOT.--This section shall not apply within the area referred 
to in section 212(k)(2)(A).''.
��� (b) Reports to Congress on Corridors and Rights-of-Way on Federal 
Lands.--Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, 
the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary, the Secretary of 
Agriculture, and the Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality 
shall submit to Congress a joint report identifying--
����������� (1)(A) all existing designated transmission and distribution 
��������corridors on Federal land and the status of work related to 
��������proposed transmission and distribution corridor designations 
��������under title V of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 
��������1976 (43 U.S.C. 1761 et seq.);
����������� (B) the schedule for completing the work;
����������� (C) any impediments to completing the work; and
����������� (D) steps that Congress could take to expedite the process;
����������� (2)(A) the number of pending applications to locate 
��������transmission facilities on Federal land;
����������� (B) key information relating to each such facility;
����������� (C) how long each application has been pending;
����������� (D) the schedule for issuing a timely decision as to each 
��������facility; and
����������� (E) progress in incorporating existing and new such rights-
������� of-way into relevant land use and resource management plans or 
��������the equivalent of those plans; and
����������� (3)(A) the number of existing transmission and distribution 
��������rights-of-way on Federal land that will come up for renewal 
��������within the following 5-, 10-, and 15-year periods; and
����������� (B) a description of how the Secretaries plan to manage the 
[[Page 119 STAT. 952]]
SEC. 1222. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16421.>> THIRD-PARTY FINANCE.
��� (a) Existing Facilities.--The Secretary, acting through the 
Administrator of the Western Area Power Administration (hereinafter in 
this section referred to as ``WAPA''), or through the Administrator of 
the Southwestern Power Administration (hereinafter in this section 
referred to as ``SWPA''), or both, may design, develop, construct, 
operate, maintain, or own, or participate with other entities in 
designing, developing, constructing, operating, maintaining, or owning, 
an electric power transmission facility and related facilities 
(``Project'') needed to upgrade existing transmission facilities owned 
by SWPA or WAPA if the Secretary, in consultation with the applicable 
Administrator, determines that the proposed Project--
����������� (1)(A) is located in a national interest electric 
��������transmission corridor designated under section 216(a) of the 
��������Federal Power Act and will reduce congestion of electric 
��������transmission in interstate commerce; or
����������� (B) is necessary to accommodate an actual or projected 
��������increase in demand for electric transmission capacity;
����������� (2) is consistent with--
 �������������������(A) transmission needs identified, in a transmission 
����������������expansion plan or otherwise, by the appropriate 
����������������Transmission Organization (as defined in the Federal 
����������������Power Act), if any, or approved regional reliability 
����������������organization; and
������������������� (B) efficient and reliable operation of the 
����������������transmission grid; and
����������� (3) would be operated in conformance with prudent utility 
��� (b) New Facilities.--The Secretary, acting through WAPA or SWPA, or 
both, may design, develop, construct, operate, maintain, or own, or 
participate with other entities in designing, developing, constructing, 
operating, maintaining, or owning, a new electric power transmission 
facility and related facilities (``Project'') located within any State 
in which WAPA or SWPA operates if the Secretary, in consultation with 
the applicable Administrator, determines that the proposed Project--
����������� (1)(A) is located in an area designated under section 216(a) 
��������of the Federal Power Act and will reduce congestion of electric 
��������transmission in interstate commerce; or
����������� (B) is necessary to accommodate an actual or projected 
��������increase in demand for electric transmission capacity;
����������� (2) is consistent with--
������������������� (A) transmission needs identified, in a transmission 
����������������expansion plan or otherwise, by the appropriate 
����������������Transmission Organization (as defined in the Federal 
����������������Power Act) if any, or approved regional reliability 
����������������organization; and
������������������� (B) efficient and reliable operation of the 
����������������transmission grid;
����������� (3) will be operated in conformance with prudent utility 
����������� (4) will be operated by, or in conformance with the rules 
��������of, the appropriate (A) Transmission Organization, if any, or 
��������(B) if such an organization does not exist, regional reliability 
��������organization; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 953]]
����������� (5) will not duplicate the functions of existing 
��������transmission facilities or proposed facilities which are the 
��������subject of ongoing or approved siting and related permitting 
��� (c) Other Funds.--
����������� (1) In general.--In carrying out a Project under subsection 
��������(a) or (b), the Secretary may accept and use funds contributed 
��������by another entity for the purpose of carrying out the Project.
����������� (2) Availability.--The contributed funds shall be available 
��������for expenditure for the purpose of carrying out the Project--
������������������� (A) without fiscal year limitation; and
������������������� (B) as if the funds had been appropriated 
����������������specifically for that Project.
����������� (3) Allocation of costs.--In carrying out a Project under 
��������subsection (a) or (b), any costs of the Project not paid for by 
��������contributions from another entity shall be collected through 
��������rates charged to customers using the new transmission capability 
��������provided by the Project and allocated equitably among these 
��������project beneficiaries using the new transmission capability.
��� (d) Relationship to Other Laws.--Nothing in this section affects any 
requirement of--
����������� (1) any Federal environmental law, including the National 
��������Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.);
����������� (2) any Federal or State law relating to the siting of 
��������energy facilities; or
����������� (3) any existing authorizing statutes.
��� (e) Savings Clause.--Nothing in this section shall constrain or 
restrict an Administrator in the utilization of other authority 
delegated to the Administrator of WAPA or SWPA.
��� (f) Secretarial Determinations.--Any determination made pursuant to 
subsections (a) or (b) shall be based on findings by the Secretary using 
the best available data.
��� (g) Maximum Funding Amount.--The Secretary shall not accept and use 
more than $100,000,000 under subsection (c)(1) for the period 
encompassing fiscal years 2006 through 2015.
��� (a) Definition of Advanced Transmission Technology.--In this 
section, the term ``advanced transmission technology'' means a 
technology that increases the capacity, efficiency, or reliability of an 
existing or new transmission facility, including--
����������� (1) high-temperature lines (including superconducting 
����������� (2) underground cables;
����������� (3) advanced conductor technology (including advanced 
��������composite conductors, high-temperature low-sag conductors, and 
��������fiber optic temperature sensing conductors);
����������� (4) high-capacity ceramic electric wire, connectors, and 
����������� (5) optimized transmission line configurations (including 
��������multiple phased transmission lines);
����������� (6) modular equipment;
����������� (7) wireless power transmission;
����������� (8) ultra-high voltage lines;
����������� (9) high-voltage DC technology;
����������� (10) flexible AC transmission systems;
[[Page 119 STAT. 954]]
����������� (11) energy storage devices (including pumped hydro, 
��������compressed air, superconducting magnetic energy storage, 
��������flywheels, and batteries);
����������� (12) controllable load;
����������� (13) distributed generation (including PV, fuel cells, and 
����������� (14) enhanced power device monitoring;
����������� (15) direct system state sensors;
����������� (16) fiber optic technologies;
����������� (17) power electronics and related software (including real 
��������time monitoring and analytical software);
����������� (18) mobile transformers and mobile substations; and
����������� (19) any other technologies the Commission considers 
��� (b) Authority.--In carrying out the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 
791a et seq.) and the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16 
U.S.C. 2601 et seq.), the Commission shall encourage, as appropriate, 
the deployment of advanced transmission technologies.
��� (a) Program.--The Secretary is authorized to establish an Advanced 
Power System Technology Incentive Program to support the deployment of 
certain advanced power system technologies and to improve and protect 
certain critical governmental, industrial, and commercial processes. 
Funds provided under this section shall be used by the Secretary to make 
incentive payments to eligible owners or operators of advanced power 
system technologies to increase power generation through enhanced 
operational, economic, and environmental performance. Payments under 
this section may only be made upon receipt by the Secretary of an 
incentive payment application establishing an applicant as either--
����������� (1) a qualifying advanced power system technology facility; 
����������� (2) a qualifying security and assured power facility.
��� (b) Incentives.--Subject to availability of funds, a payment of 1.8 
cents per kilowatt-hour shall be paid to the owner or operator of a 
qualifying advanced power system technology facility under this section 
for electricity generated at such facility. An additional 0.7 cents per 
kilowatt-hour shall be paid to the owner or operator of a qualifying 
security and assured power facility for electricity generated at such 
facility. Any facility qualifying under this section shall be eligible 
for an incentive payment for up to, but not more than, the first 
10,000,000 kilowatt-hours produced in any fiscal year.
��� (c) Eligibility.--For purposes of this section:
����������� (1) Qualifying advanced power system technology facility.--
������� The term ``qualifying advanced power system technology 
��������facility'' means a facility using an advanced fuel cell, 
��������turbine, or hybrid power system or power storage system to 
��������generate or store electric energy.
����������� (2) Qualifying security and assured power facility.--The 
��������term ``qualifying security and assured power facility'' means a 
��������qualifying advanced power system technology facility determined 
��������by the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland 
��������Security, to be in critical need of secure, reliable,
[[Page 119 STAT. 955]]
������� rapidly available, high-quality power for critical governmental, 
��������industrial, or commercial applications.
��� (d) Authorization.--There are authorized to be appropriated to the 
Secretary for the purposes of this section, $10,000,000 for each of the 
fiscal years 2006 through 2012.
������������ Subtitle C--Transmission Operation Improvements
��� Part II of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824 et seq.) is amended 
by inserting after section 211 (16 U.S.C. 824j) the following:
��� ``(a) Definition of Unregulated Transmitting Utility.--In this 
section, the term `unregulated transmitting utility' means an entity 
����������� ``(1) owns or operates facilities used for the transmission 
��������of electric energy in interstate commerce; and
����������� ``(2) is an entity described in section 201(f).
 ���``(b) Transmission Operation Services.--Subject to section 212(h), 
the Commission may, by rule or order, require an unregulated 
transmitting utility to provide transmission services--
����������� ``(1) at rates that are comparable to those that the 
�������unregulated transmitting utility charges itself; and
����������� ``(2) on terms and conditions (not relating to rates) that 
��������are comparable to those under which the unregulated transmitting 
��������utility provides transmission services to itself and that are 
��������not unduly discriminatory or preferential.
��� ``(c) Exemption.--The Commission shall exempt from any rule or order 
under this section any unregulated transmitting utility that--
����������� ``(1) sells not more than 4,000,000 megawatt hours of 
��������electricity per year;
����������� ``(2) does not own or operate any transmission facilities 
��������that are necessary for operating an interconnected transmission 
��������system (or any portion of the system); or
���������� ``(3) meets other criteria the Commission determines to be 
��������in the public interest.
��� ``(d) Local Distribution Facilities.--The requirements of subsection 
(b) shall not apply to facilities used in local distribution.
��� ``(e) Exemption Termination.--If the Commission, after an 
evidentiary hearing held on a complaint and after giving consideration 
to reliability standards established under section 215, finds on the 
basis of a preponderance of the evidence that any exemption granted 
pursuant to subsection (c) unreasonably impairs the continued 
reliability of an interconnected transmission system, the Commission 
shall revoke the exemption granted to the transmitting utility.
��� ``(f) Application to Unregulated Transmitting Utilities.--The rate 
changing procedures applicable to public utilities under subsections (c) 
and (d) of section 205 are applicable to unregulated transmitting 
utilities for purposes of this section.
[[Page 119 STAT. 956]]
��� ``(g) Remand.--In exercising authority under subsection (b)(1), the 
Commission may remand transmission rates to an unregulated transmitting 
utility for review and revision if necessary to meet the requirements of 
subsection (b).
��� ``(h) Other Requests.--The provision of transmission services under 
subsection (b) does not preclude a request for transmission services 
under section 211.
��� ``(i) Limitation.--The Commission may not require a State or 
municipality to take action under this section that would violate a 
private activity bond rule for purposes of section 141 of the Internal 
Revenue Code of 1986.
��� ``(j) Transfer of Control of Transmitting Facilities.--Nothing in 
this section authorizes the Commission to require an unregulated 
transmitting utility to transfer control or operational control of its 
transmitting facilities to a Transmission Organization that is 
designated to provide nondiscriminatory transmission access.''.
��� (a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� (1) Appropriate federal regulatory authority.--The term 
��������``appropriate Federal regulatory authority'' means--
������������������� (A) in the case of a Federal power marketing agency, 
����������������the Secretary, except that the Secretary may designate 
����������������the Administrator of a Federal power marketing agency to 
����������������act as the appropriate Federal regulatory authority with 
����������������respect to the transmission system of the Federal power 
����������������marketing agency; and
������������������� (B) in the case of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 
����������������the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley 
����������� (2) Federal power marketing agency.--The term ``Federal 
��������power marketing agency'' has the meaning given the term in 
��������section 3 of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 796).
����������� (3) Federal utility.--The term ``Federal utility'' means--
���� ���������������(A) a Federal power marketing agency; or
������������������� (B) the Tennessee Valley Authority.
����������� (4) Transmission organization.--The term ``Transmission 
��������Organization'' has the meaning given the term in section 3 of 
��������the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 796).
����������� (5) Transmission system.--The term ``transmission system'' 
��������means an electric transmission facility owned, leased, or 
��������contracted for by the United States and operated by a Federal 
��� (b) Transfer.--The appropriate Federal regulatory authority may 
enter into a contract, agreement, or other arrangement transferring 
control and use of all or part of the transmission system of a Federal 
utility to a Transmission Organization.
��� (c) Contents.--The contract, agreement, or arrangement shall 
����������� (1) performance standards for operation and use of the 
��������transmission system that the head of the Federal utility 
��������determines are necessary or appropriate, including standards 
��������that ensure--
������������������� (A) recovery of all of the costs and expenses of the 
����������������Federal utility related to the transmission facilities 
[[Page 119 STAT. 957]]
��������������� are the subject of the contract, agreement, or other 
������������������� (B) consistency with existing contracts and third-
��������������� party financing arrangements; and
������������� ������(C) consistency with the statutory authorities, 
����������������obligations, and limitations of the Federal utility;
����������� (2) provisions for monitoring and oversight by the Federal 
��������utility of the Transmission Organization's terms and conditions 
��������of the contract, agreement, or other arrangement, including a 
��������provision for the resolution of disputes through arbitration or 
��������other means with the Transmission Organization or with other 
��������participants, notwithstanding the obligations and limitations of 
��������any other law regarding arbitration; and
����������� (3) a provision that allows the Federal utility to withdraw 
��������from the Transmission Organization and terminate the contract, 
��������agreement, or other arrangement in accordance with its terms.
��� (d) Commission.--Neither this section, actions taken pursuant to 
this section, nor any other transaction of a Federal utility 
participating in a Transmission Organization shall confer on the 
Commission jurisdiction or authority over--
����������� (1) the electric generation assets, electric capacity, or 
��������energy of the Federal utility that the Federal utility is 
��������authorized by law to market; or
����������� (2) the power sales activities of the Federal utility.
��� (e) Existing Statutory and Other Obligations.--
����������� (1) System operation requirements.--No statutory provision 
��������requiring or authorizing a Federal utility to transmit electric 
��������power or to construct, operate, or maintain the transmission 
��������system of the Federal utility prohibits a transfer of control 
��������and use of the transmission system pursuant to, and subject to, 
��������the requirements of this section.
����������� (2) Other obligations.--This subsection does not--
������������������� (A) suspend, or exempt any Federal utility from, any 
����������������provision of Federal law in effect on the date of 
����������������enactment of this Act, including any requirement or 
����������������direction relating to the use of the transmission system 
����������������of the Federal utility, environmental protection, fish 
����������������and wildlife protection, flood control, navigation, 
����������������water delivery, or recreation; or
������������������� (B) authorize abrogation of any contract or treaty 
����������� (3) Conforming amendment.--Section 311 of the Energy and 
��������Water Development Appropriations Act, 2001 (16 U.S.C. 824n) is 
��� (a) In General.--Part II of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824 et 
seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� ``(1) The term `distribution utility' means an electric 
��������utility that has a service obligation to end-users or to a State 
��������utility or electric cooperative that, directly or indirectly, 
�������through one or more additional State utilities or electric 
��������cooperatives, provides electric service to end-users.
����������� ``(2) The term `load-serving entity' means a distribution 
��������utility or an electric utility that has a service obligation.
[[Page 119 STAT. 958]]
����������� ``(3) The term `service obligation' means a requirement 
��������applicable to, or the exercise of authority granted to, an 
��������electric utility under Federal, State, or local law or under 
��������long-term contracts to provide electric service to end-users or 
��������to a distribution utility.
����������� ``(4) The term `State utility' means a State or any 
��������political subdivision of a State, or any agency, authority, or 
��������instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing, or a 
��������corporation that is wholly owned, directly or indirectly, by any 
��������one or more of the foregoing, competent to carry on the business 
��������of developing, transmitting, utilizing, or distributing power.
��� ``(b) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> Meeting Service Obligations.--(1) 
Paragraph (2) applies to any load-serving entity that, as of the date of 
enactment of this section--
����������� ``(A) owns generation facilities, markets the output of 
��������Federal generation facilities, or holds rights under one or more 
��������wholesale contracts to purchase electric energy, for the purpose 
��������of meeting a service obligation; and
����������� ``(B) by reason of ownership of transmission facilities, or 
��������one or more contracts or service agreements for firm 
��������transmission service, holds firm transmission rights for 
��������delivery of the output of the generation facilities or the 
�������purchased energy to meet the service obligation.
��� ``(2) Any load-serving entity described in paragraph (1) is entitled 
to use the firm transmission rights, or, equivalent tradable or 
financial transmission rights, in order to deliver the output or 
purchased energy, or the output of other generating facilities or 
purchased energy to the extent deliverable using the rights, to the 
extent required to meet the service obligation of the load-serving 
��� ``(3)(A) To the extent that all or a portion of the service 
obligation covered by the firm transmission rights or equivalent 
tradable or financial transmission rights is transferred to another 
load-serving entity, the successor load-serving entity shall be entitled 
to use the firm transmission rights or equivalent tradable or financial 
transmission rights associated with the transferred service obligation.
��� ``(B) Subsequent transfers to another load-serving entity, or back 
to the original load-serving entity, shall be entitled to the same 
��� ``(4) The Commission shall exercise the authority of the Commission 
under this Act in a manner that facilitates the planning and expansion 
of transmission facilities to meet the reasonable needs of load-serving 
entities to satisfy the service obligations of the load-serving 
entities, and enables load-serving entities to secure firm transmission 
rights (or equivalent tradable or financial rights) on a long-term basis 
for long-term power supply arrangements made, or planned, to meet such 
��� ``(c) Allocation of Transmission Rights.--Nothing in subsections 
(b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) of this section shall affect any existing or 
future methodology employed by a Transmission Organization for 
allocating or auctioning transmission rights if such Transmission 
Organization was authorized by the Commission to allocate or auction 
financial transmission rights on its system as of January 1, 2005, and 
the Commission determines that any future allocation or auction is just, 
reasonable and not unduly discriminatory or preferential, provided, 
however, that if such a Transmission
[[Page 119 STAT. 959]]
Organization never allocated financial transmission rights on its system 
that pertained to a period before January 1, 2005, with respect to any 
application by such Transmission Organization that would change its 
methodology the Commission shall exercise its authority in a manner 
consistent with the Act and that takes into account the policies 
expressed in subsections (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) as applied to firm 
transmission rights held by a load-serving entity as of January 1, 2005, 
to the extent the associated generation ownership or power purchase 
arrangements remain in effect.
��� ``(d) Certain Transmission Rights.--The Commission may exercise 
authority under this Act to make transmission rights not used to meet an 
obligation covered by subsection (b) available to other entities in a 
manner determined by the Commission to be just, reasonable, and not 
unduly discriminatory or preferential.
��� ``(e) Obligation to Build.--Nothing in this Act relieves a load-
serving entity from any obligation under State or local law to build 
transmission or distribution facilities adequate to meet the service 
obligations of the load-serving entity.
��� ``(f) Contracts.--Nothing in this section shall provide a basis for 
abrogating any contract or service agreement for firm transmission 
service or rights in effect as of the date of the enactment of this 
subsection. If an ISO in the Western Interconnection had allocated 
financial transmission rights prior to the date of enactment of this 
section but had not done so with respect to one or more load-serving 
entities' firm transmission rights held under contracts to which the 
preceding sentence applies (or held by reason of ownership or future 
ownership of transmission facilities), such load-serving entities may 
not be required, without their consent, to convert such firm 
transmission rights to tradable or financial rights, except where the 
load-serving entity has voluntarily joined the ISO as a participating 
transmission owner (or its successor) in accordance with the ISO tariff.
��� ``(g) Water Pumping Facilities.--The Commission shall ensure that 
any entity described in section 201(f) that owns transmission facilities 
used predominately to support its own water pumping facilities shall 
have, with respect to the facilities, protections for transmission 
service comparable to those provided to load-serving entities pursuant 
to this section.
��� ``(h) ERCOT.--This section shall not apply within the area referred 
to in section 212(k)(2)(A).
��� ``(i) Jurisdiction.--This section does not authorize the Commission 
to take any action not otherwise within the jurisdiction of the 
��� ``(j) TVA Area.--(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), for purposes 
of subsection (b)(1)(B), a load-serving entity that is located within 
the service area of the Tennessee Valley Authority and that has a firm 
wholesale power supply contract with the Tennessee Valley Authority 
shall be considered to hold firm transmission rights for the 
transmission of the power provided.
��� ``(2) Nothing in this subsection affects the requirements of section 
��� ``(3) The Commission shall not issue an order on the basis of this 
subsection that is contrary to the purposes of section 212(j).
��� ``(k) Effect of Exercising Rights.--An entity that to the extent 
required to meet its service obligations exercises rights
[[Page 119 STAT. 960]]
described in subsection (b) shall not be considered by such action as 
engaging in undue discrimination or preference under this Act.''.
��� (b) <<NOTE: Deadline. 16 USC 824q note.>> FERC Rulemaking on Long-
Term Transmission Rights in Organized Markets.--Within 1 year after the 
date of enactment of this section and after notice and an opportunity 
for comment, the Commission shall by rule or order, implement section 
217(b)(4) of the Federal Power Act in Transmission Organizations, as 
defined by that Act with organized electricity markets.
��� (a) Study.--The Secretary, in coordination and consultation with the 
States, shall conduct a study on--
����������� (1) the procedures currently used by electric utilities to 
��������perform economic dispatch;
����������� (2) identifying possible revisions to those procedures to 
��������improve the ability of nonutility generation resources to offer 
��������their output for sale for the purpose of inclusion in economic 
��������dispatch; and
����������� (3) the potential benefits to residential, commercial, and 
��������industrial electricity consumers nationally and in each State if 
��������economic dispatch procedures were revised to improve the ability 
��������of nonutility generation resources to offer their output for 
��������inclusion in economic dispatch.
��� (b) Definition.--The term ``economic dispatch'' when used in this 
section means the operation of generation facilities to produce energy 
at the lowest cost to reliably serve consumers, recognizing any 
operational limits of generation and transmission facilities.
��� (c) Report to Congress and the States.--Not later than 90 days after 
the date of enactment of this Act, and on a yearly basis following, the 
Secretary shall submit a report to Congress and the States on the 
results of the study conducted under subsection (a), including 
recommendations to Congress and the States for any suggested legislative 
or regulatory changes.
��� Part II of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824 et seq.) is amended 
by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(a) Definition of Electric Utility or Person.--In this section, 
the term `electric utility or person' means an electric utility or 
person that--
����������� ``(1) as of the date of enactment of the Energy Policy Act 
��������of 2005 holds firm transmission rights pursuant to contract or 
��������by reason of ownership of transmission facilities; and
����������� ``(2) is located--
������������������� ``(A) in the Pacific Northwest, as that region is 
����������������defined in section 3 of the Pacific Northwest Electric 
����������������Power Planning and Conservation Act (16 U.S.C. 839a); or
������������������� ``(B) in that portion of a State included in the 
����������������geographic area proposed for a regional transmission 
����������������organization in Commission Docket Number RT01-35 on the 
����������������date on which that docket was opened.
��� ``(b) Protection of Transmission Contracts.--Nothing in this Act 
confers on the Commission the authority to require an electric utility 
or person to convert to tradable or financial rights--
[[Page 119 STAT. 961]]
����������� ``(1) firm transmission rights described in subsection (a); 
����������� ``(2) firm transmission rights obtained by exercising 
��������contract or tariff rights associated with the firm transmission 
��������rights described in subsection (a).''.
��� (a) Findings.--Congress finds that--
������� ����(1) in regard to a proposal to develop and implement a 
��������specific type of locational installed capacity mechanism in New 
��������England pending before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; 
����������� (2) the Governors of the States have objected to the 
��������proposed mechanism, arguing that the mechanism--
������������������� (A) would not provide adequate assurance that 
����������������necessary electric generation capacity or reliability 
����������������will be provided; and
������������������� (B) would impose a high cost on consumers and have a 
����������������significant negative economic impact.
��� (b) Sense of Congress.--Congress--
����������� (1) notes the concerns of the New England States to the 
��������proposed mechanism; and
����������� (2) declares that it is the sense of Congress that the 
��������Federal Energy Regulatory Commission should carefully consider 
��������the States' objections.
����������������� Subtitle D--Transmission Rate Reform
��� Part II of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824 et seq.) is amended 
by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(a) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Rulemaking Requirement.--Not later than 1 
year after the date of enactment of this section, the Commission shall 
establish, by rule, incentive-based (including performance-based) rate 
treatments for the transmission of electric energy in interstate 
commerce by public utilities for the purpose of benefitting consumers by 
ensuring reliability and reducing the cost of delivered power by 
reducing transmission congestion.
��� ``(b) Contents.--The rule shall--
����������� ``(1) promote reliable and economically efficient 
��������transmission and generation of electricity by promoting capital 
��������investment in the enlargement, improvement, maintenance, and 
��������operation of all facilities for the transmission of electric 
�������energy in interstate commerce, regardless of the ownership of 
��������the facilities;
����������� ``(2) provide a return on equity that attracts new 
��������investment in transmission facilities (including related 
��������transmission technologies);
����������� ``(3) encourage deployment of transmission technologies and 
��������other measures to increase the capacity and efficiency of 
��������existing transmission facilities and improve the operation of 
��������the facilities; and
����������� ``(4) allow recovery of--
[[Page 119 STAT. 962]]
������������������� ``(A) all prudently incurred costs necessary to 
����������������comply with mandatory reliability standards issued 
����������������pursuant to section 215; and
������������������� ``(B) all prudently incurred costs related to 
����������������transmission infrastructure development pursuant to 
����������������section 216.
��� ``(c) Incentives.--In the rule issued under this section, the 
Commission shall, to the extent within its jurisdiction, provide for 
incentives to each transmitting utility or electric utility that joins a 
Transmission Organization. The Commission shall ensure that any costs 
recoverable pursuant to this subsection may be recovered by such utility 
through the transmission rates charged by such utility or through the 
transmission rates charged by the Transmission Organization that 
provides transmission service to such utility.
��� ``(d) Just and Reasonable Rates.--All rates approved under the rules 
adopted pursuant to this section, including any revisions to the rules, 
are subject to the requirements of sections 205 and 206 that all rates, 
charges, terms, and conditions be just and reasonable and not unduly 
discriminatory or preferential.''.
��� The Commission may approve a participant funding plan that allocates 
costs related to transmission upgrades or new generator interconnection, 
without regard to whether an applicant is a member of a Commission-
approved Transmission Organization, if the plan results in rates that--
����������� (1) are just and reasonable;
����������� (2) are not unduly discriminatory or preferential; and
����������� (3) are otherwise consistent with sections 205 and 206 of 
��������the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824d, 824e).
�������������������� Subtitle E--Amendments to PURPA
 ���(a) Adoption of Standards.--Section 111(d) of the Public Utility 
Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2621(d)) is amended by adding 
at the end the following:
����������� ``(11) Net metering.--Each electric utility shall make 
��������available upon request net metering service to any electric 
��������consumer that the electric utility serves. For purposes of this 
��������paragraph, the term `net metering service' means service to an 
��������electric consumer under which electric energy generated by that 
��������electric consumer from an eligible on-site generating facility 
��������and delivered to the local distribution facilities may be used 
��������to offset electric energy provided by the electric utility to 
��������the electric consumer during the applicable billing period.
����������� ``(12) Fuel sources.--Each electric utility shall develop a 
��������plan to minimize dependence on 1 fuel source and to ensure that 
��������the electric energy it sells to consumers is generated using a 
��������diverse range of fuels and technologies, including renewable 
����������� ``(13) Fossil fuel generation efficiency.--Each electric 
��������utility shall develop and implement a 10-year plan to increase 
��������the efficiency of its fossil fuel generation.''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 963]]
��� (b) Compliance.--
����������� (1) <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> Time limitations.--Section 112(b) 
��������of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 
��������2622(b)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(3)(A) Not later than 2 years after the enactment of this 
paragraph, each State regulatory authority (with respect to each 
electric utility for which it has ratemaking authority) and each 
nonregulated electric utility shall commence the consideration referred 
to in section 111, or set a hearing date for such consideration, with 
respect to each standard established by paragraphs (11) through (13) of 
section 111(d).
��� ``(B) Not later than 3 years after the date of the enactment of this 
paragraph, each State regulatory authority (with respect to each 
electric utility for which it has ratemaking authority), and each 
nonregulated electric utility, shall complete the consideration, and 
shall make the determination, referred to in section 111 with respect to 
each standard established by paragraphs (11) through (13) of section 
����������� (2) Failure to comply.--Section 112(c) of the Public Utility 
��������Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2622(c)) is amended 
��������by adding at the end the following: ``In the case of each 
��������standard established by paragraphs (11) through (13) of section 
��������111(d), the reference contained in this subsection to the date 
��������of enactment of this Act shall be deemed to be a reference to 
��������the date of enactment of such paragraphs (11) through (13).''.
����������� (3) Prior state actions.--
������������������� (A) In general.--Section 112 of the Public Utility 
����������������Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2622) is 
����������������amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(d) Prior State Actions.--Subsections (b) and (c) of this section 
shall not apply to the standards established by paragraphs (11) through 
(13) of section 111(d) in the case of any electric utility in a State 
if, before the enactment of this subsection--
����������� ``(1) the State has implemented for such utility the 
��������standard concerned (or a comparable standard);
����������� ``(2) the State regulatory authority for such State or 
��������relevant nonregulated electric utility has conducted a 
��������proceeding to consider implementation of the standard concerned 
��������(or a comparable standard) for such utility; or
����������� ``(3) the State legislature has voted on the implementation 
��������of such standard (or a comparable standard) for such utility.''.
������������������� (B) Cross reference.--Section 124 of such Act (16 
���������������U.S.C. 2634) is amended by adding the following at the 
����������������end thereof: ``In the case of each standard established 
����������������by paragraphs (11) through (13) of section 111(d), the 
����������������reference contained in this subsection to the date of 
����������������enactment of this Act shall be deemed to be a reference 
����������������to the date of enactment of such paragraphs (11) through 
��� (a) In General.--Section 111(d) of the Public Utility Regulatory 
Policies Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2621(d)) is amended by adding at the end 
the following:
����������� ``(14) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Time-based metering and 
��������communications.--(A) Not later than 18 months after the date of 
��������enactment of this paragraph, each electric utility shall offer 
��������each of its customer
[[Page 119 STAT. 964]]
������� classes, and provide individual customers upon customer request, 
��������a time-based rate schedule under which the rate charged by the 
��������electric utility varies during different time periods and 
��������reflects the variance, if any, in the utility's costs of 
��������generating and purchasing electricity at the wholesale level. 
��������The time-based rate schedule shall enable the electric consumer 
��������to manage energy use and cost through advanced metering and 
��������communications technology.
����������� ``(B) The types of time-based rate schedules that may be 
��������offered under the schedule referred to in subparagraph (A) 
��������include, among others--
������������������� ``(i) time-of-use pricing whereby electricity prices 
����������������are set for a specific time period on an advance or 
����������������forward basis, typically not changing more often than 
����������������twice a year, based on the utility's cost of generating 
����������������and/or purchasing such electricity at the wholesale 
����������������level for the benefit of the consumer. Prices paid for 
����������������energy consumed during these periods shall be pre-
��������������� established and known to consumers in advance of such 
����������������consumption, allowing them to vary their demand and 
����������������usage in response to such prices and manage their energy 
����������������costs by shifting usage to a lower cost period or 
����������������reducing their consumption overall;
������������������� ``(ii) critical peak pricing whereby time-of-use 
����������������prices are in effect except for certain peak days, when 
����������������prices may reflect the costs of generating and/or 
����������������purchasing electricity at the wholesale level and when 
����������������consumers may receive additional discounts for reducing 
����������������peak period energy consumption;
������������������� ``(iii) real-time pricing whereby electricity prices 
����������������are set for a specific time period on an advanced or 
����������������forward basis, reflecting the utility's cost of 
����������������generating and/or purchasing electricity at the 
����������������wholesale level, and may change as often as hourly; and
������������������� ``(iv) credits for consumers with large loads who 
����������������enter into pre-established peak load reduction 
����������������agreements that reduce a utility's planned capacity 
����������� ``(C) Each electric utility subject to subparagraph (A) 
��������shall provide each customer requesting a time-based rate with a 
��������time-based meter capable of enabling the utility and customer to 
��������offer and receive such rate, respectively.
����������� ``(D) For purposes of implementing this paragraph, any 
��������reference contained in this section to the date of enactment of 
��������the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 shall be 
��������deemed to be a reference to the date of enactment of this 
����������� ``(E) In a State that permits third-party marketers to sell 
��������electric energy to retail electric consumers, such consumers 
��������shall be entitled to receive the same time-based metering and 
��������communications device and service as a retail electric consumer 
��������of the electric utility.
����������� ``(F) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Notwithstanding subsections (b) 
��������and (c) of section 112, each State regulatory authority shall, 
��������not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this 
��������paragraph conduct an investigation in accordance with section 
��������115(i) and issue a decision whether it is appropriate to 
��������implement the standards set out in subparagraphs (A) and (C).''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 965]]
��� (b) State Investigation of Demand Response and Time-Based 
Metering.--Section 115 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 
1978 (16 U.S.C. 2625) is amended as follows:
����������� (1) By inserting in subsection (b) after the phrase ``the 
��������standard for time-of-day rates established by section 
��������111(d)(3)'' the following: ``and the standard for time-based 
��������metering and communications established by section 111(d)(14)''.
����������� (2) By inserting in subsection (b) after the phrase ``are 
��������likely to exceed the metering'' the following: ``and 
����������� (3) By adding at the end the following:
��� ``(i) Time-Based Metering and Communications.--In making a 
determination with respect to the standard established by section 
111(d)(14), the investigation requirement of section 111(d)(14)(F) shall 
be as follows: Each State regulatory authority shall conduct an 
investigation and issue a decision whether or not it is appropriate for 
electric utilities to provide and install time-based meters and 
communications devices for each of their customers which enable such 
customers to participate in time-based pricing rate schedules and other 
demand response programs.''.
��� (c) Federal Assistance on Demand Response.--Section 132(a) of the 
Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2642(a)) is 
amended by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (3), striking the 
period at the end of paragraph (4) and inserting ``; and'', and by 
adding the following at the end thereof:
����������� ``(5) technologies, techniques, and rate-making methods 
��������related to advanced metering and communications and the use of 
��������these technologies, techniques and methods in demand response 
��� (d) Federal Guidance.--Section 132 of the Public Utility Regulatory 
Policies Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2642) is amended by adding the following 
at the end thereof:
��� ``(d) Demand Response.--The Secretary shall be responsible for--
����������� ``(1) educating consumers on the availability, advantages, 
��������and benefits of advanced metering and communications 
��������technologies, including the funding of demonstration or pilot 
����������� ``(2) working with States, utilities, other energy providers 
��������and advanced metering and communications experts to identify and 
��������address barriers to the adoption of demand response programs; 
����������� ``(3) <<NOTE: Deadline. Reports.>> not later than 180 days 
��������after the date of enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, 
��������providing Congress with a report that identifies and quantifies 
��������the national benefits of demand response and makes a 
��������recommendation on achieving specific levels of such benefits by 
��������January 1, 2007.''.
��� (e) <<NOTE: 16 USC 2642 note.>> Demand Response and Regional 
����������� (1) In general.--It is the policy of the United States to 
��������encourage States to coordinate, on a regional basis, State 
��������energy policies to provide reliable and affordable demand 
��������response services to the public.
����������� (2) Technical assistance.--The Secretary shall provide 
��������technical assistance to States and regional organizations formed 
��������by two or more States to assist them in--
������������������� (A) identifying the areas with the greatest demand 
����������������response potential;
[[Page 119 STAT. 966]]
������������������� (B) identifying and resolving problems in 
����������������transmission and distribution networks, including 
����������������through the use of demand response;
������������������� (C) developing plans and programs to use demand 
����������������response to respond to peak demand or emergency needs; 
������������������� (D) identifying specific measures consumers can take 
����������������to participate in these demand response programs.
����������� (3) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of 
��������enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the Commission shall 
��������prepare and publish an annual report, by appropriate region, 
��������that assesses demand response resources, including those 
��������available from all consumer classes, and which identifies and 
������������������� (A) saturation and penetration rate of advanced 
����������������meters and communications technologies, devices and 
������������������� (B) existing demand response programs and time-based 
����������������rate programs;
������������������� (C) the annual resource contribution of demand 
������������������� (D) the potential for demand response as a 
����������������quantifiable, reliable resource for regional planning 
������������������� (E) steps taken to ensure that, in regional 
����������������transmission planning and operations, demand resources 
����������������are provided equitable treatment as a quantifiable, 
����������������reliable resource relative to the resource obligations 
����������������of any load-serving entity, transmission provider, or 
����������������transmitting party; and
������������������� (F) regulatory barriers to improve customer 
����������������participation in demand response, peak reduction and 
����������������critical period pricing programs.
��� (f) Federal Encouragement of Demand Response Devices.--It is the 
policy of the United States that time-based pricing and other forms of 
demand response, whereby electricity customers are provided with 
electricity price signals and the ability to benefit by responding to 
them, shall be encouraged, the deployment of such technology and devices 
that enable electricity customers to participate in such pricing and 
demand response systems shall be facilitated, and unnecessary barriers 
to demand response participation in energy, capacity and ancillary 
service markets shall be eliminated. It is further the policy of the 
United States that the benefits of such demand response that accrue to 
those not deploying such technology and devices, but who are part of the 
same regional electricity entity, shall be recognized.
��� (g) <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> Time Limitations.--Section 112(b) of the 
Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2622(b)) is 
amended by adding at the end the following:
����������� ``(4)(A) Not later than 1 year after the enactment of this 
��������paragraph, each State regulatory authority (with respect to each 
��������electric utility for which it has ratemaking authority) and each 
��������nonregulated electric utility shall commence the consideration 
��������referred to in section 111, or set a hearing date for such 
��������consideration, with respect to the standard established by 
��������paragraph (14) of section 111(d).
����������� ``(B) Not later than 2 years after the date of the enactment 
��������of this paragraph, each State regulatory authority (with respect 
��������to each electric utility for which it has ratemaking authority),
[[Page 119 STAT. 967]]
������� and each nonregulated electric utility, shall complete the 
��������consideration, and shall make the determination, referred to in 
��������section 111 with respect to the standard established by 
��������paragraph (14) of section 111(d).''.
��� (h) Failure to Comply.--Section 112(c) of the Public Utility 
Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2622(c)) is amended by adding 
at the end the following:
��� ``In the case of the standard established by paragraph (14) of 
section 111(d), the reference contained in this subsection to the date 
of enactment of this Act shall be deemed to be a reference to the date 
of enactment of such paragraph (14).''.
��� (i) Prior State Actions Regarding Smart Metering Standards.--
����������� (1) In general.--Section 112 of the Public Utility 
��������Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2622) is amended by 
��������adding at the end the following:
��� ``(e) Prior State Actions.--Subsections (b) and (c) of this section 
shall not apply to the standard established by paragraph (14) of section 
111(d) in the case of any electric utility in a State if, before the 
enactment of this subsection--
����������� ``(1) the State has implemented for such utility the 
��������standard concerned (or a comparable standard);
����������� ``(2) the State regulatory authority for such State or 
��������relevant nonregulated electric utility has conducted a 
��������proceeding to consider implementation of the standard concerned 
��������(or a comparable standard) for such utility within the previous 
��������3 years; or
����������� ``(3) the State legislature has voted on the implementation 
��������of such standard (or a comparable standard) for such utility 
��������within the previous 3 years.''.
����������� (2) Cross reference.--Section 124 of such Act (16 U.S.C. 
��������2634) is amended by adding the following at the end thereof: 
��������``In the case of the standard established by paragraph (14) of 
��������section 111(d), the reference contained in this subsection to 
��������the date of enactment of this Act shall be deemed to be a 
��������reference to the date of enactment of such paragraph (14).''.
��� (a) Termination of Mandatory Purchase and Sale Requirements.--
Section 210 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16 
U.S.C. 824a-3) is amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(m) Termination of Mandatory Purchase and Sale Requirements.--
����������� ``(1) Obligation to purchase.--After the date of enactment 
��������of this subsection, no electric utility shall be required to 
��������enter into a new contract or obligation to purchase electric 
��������energy from a qualifying cogeneration facility or a qualifying 
��������small power production facility under this section if the 
��������Commission finds that the qualifying cogeneration facility or 
��������qualifying small power production facility has nondiscriminatory 
��������access to--
������������������� ``(A)(i) independently administered, auction-based 
����������������day ahead and real time wholesale markets for the sale 
����������������of electric energy; and (ii) wholesale markets for long-
��������������� term sales of capacity and electric energy; or
[[Page 119 STAT. 968]]
������������ �������``(B)(i) transmission and interconnection services 
����������������that are provided by a Commission-approved regional 
����������������transmission entity and administered pursuant to an open 
����������������access transmission tariff that affords 
����������������nondiscriminatory treatment to all customers; and (ii) 
����������������competitive wholesale markets that provide a meaningful 
����������������opportunity to sell capacity, including long-term and 
����������������short-term sales, and electric energy, including long-
��������������� term, short-term and real-time sales, to buyers other 
����������������than the utility to which the qualifying facility is 
����������������interconnected. In determining whether a meaningful 
����������������opportunity to sell exists, the Commission shall 
����������������consider, among other factors, evidence of transactions 
����������������within the relevant market; or
������������������� ``(C) wholesale markets for the sale of capacity and 
����������������electric energy that are, at a minimum, of comparable 
����������������competitive quality as markets described in 
����������������subparagraphs (A) and (B).
����������� ``(2) Revised purchase and sale obligation for new 
��������facilities.--(A) After the date of enactment of this subsection, 
��������no electric utility shall be required pursuant to this section 
��������to enter into a new contract or obligation to purchase from or 
��������sell electric energy to a facility that is not an existing 
��������qualifying cogeneration facility unless the facility meets the 
��������criteria for qualifying cogeneration facilities established by 
��������the Commission pursuant to the rulemaking required by subsection 
����������� ``(B) For the purposes of this paragraph, the term `existing 
��������qualifying cogeneration facility' means a facility that--
������������������� ``(i) was a qualifying cogeneration facility on the 
����������������date of enactment of subsection (m); or
������������������� ``(ii) had filed with the Commission a notice of 
����������������self-certification, self recertification or an 
����������������application for Commission certification under 18 CFR 
����������������292.207 prior to the date on which the Commission issues 
����������������the final rule required by subsection (n).
����������� ``(3) Commission review.--Any electric utility may file an 
��������application with the Commission for relief from the mandatory 
��������purchase obligation pursuant to this subsection on a service 
��������territory-wide basis. Such application shall set forth the 
��������factual basis upon which relief is requested and describe why 
��������the conditions set forth in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of 
�������paragraph (1) of this subsection have been 
��������met. <<NOTE: Notice. Deadline.>> After notice, including 
��������sufficient notice to potentially affected qualifying 
��������cogeneration facilities and qualifying small power production 
��������facilities, and an opportunity for comment, the Commission shall 
��������make a final determination within 90 days of such application 
��������regarding whether the conditions set forth in subparagraph (A), 
��������(B), or (C) of paragraph (1) have been met.
����������� ``(4) Reinstatement of obligation to purchase.--At any time 
��������after the Commission makes a finding under paragraph (3) 
��������relieving an electric utility of its obligation to purchase 
��������electric energy, a qualifying cogeneration facility, a 
��������qualifying small power production facility, a State agency, or 
��������any other affected person may apply to the Commission for an 
��������order reinstating the electric utility's obligation to purchase 
��������electric energy under this section. Such application shall set 
��������forth the factual basis upon which the application is based and 
[[Page 119 STAT. 969]]
������� why the conditions set forth in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) of 
��������paragraph (1) of this subsection are no longer 
��������met. <<NOTE: Notice. Deadline.>> After notice, including 
��������sufficient notice to potentially affected utilities, and 
��������opportunity for comment, the Commission shall issue an order 
�������within 90 days of such application reinstating the electric 
��������utility's obligation to purchase electric energy under this 
��������section if the Commission finds that the conditions set forth in 
��������subparagraphs (A), (B) or (C) of paragraph (1) which relieved 
��������the obligation to purchase, are no longer met.
����������� ``(5) Obligation to sell.--After the date of enactment of 
��������this subsection, no electric utility shall be required to enter 
��������into a new contract or obligation to sell electric energy to a 
��������qualifying cogeneration facility or a qualifying small power 
��������production facility under this section if the Commission finds 
������������������� ``(A) competing retail electric suppliers are 
����������������willing and able to sell and deliver electric energy to 
����������������the qualifying cogeneration facility or qualifying small 
����������������power production facility; and
������������������� ``(B) the electric utility is not required by State 
����������������law to sell electric energy in its service territory.
����������� ``(6) No effect on existing rights and remedies.--Nothing in 
��������this subsection affects the rights or remedies of any party 
��������under any contract or obligation, in effect or pending approval 
��������before the appropriate State regulatory authority or non-
������� regulated electric utility on the date of enactment of this 
��������subsection, to purchase electric energy or capacity from or to 
��������sell electric energy or capacity to a qualifying cogeneration 
��������facility or qualifying small power production facility under 
��������this Act (including the right to recover costs of purchasing 
��������electric energy or capacity).
����������� ``(7) Recovery of costs.--(A) The Commission shall issue and 
��������enforce such regulations as are necessary to ensure that an 
��������electric utility that purchases electric energy or capacity from 
��������a qualifying cogeneration facility or qualifying small power 
��������production facility in accordance with any legally enforceable 
��������obligation entered into or imposed under this section recovers 
��������all prudently incurred costs associated with the purchase.
����������� ``(B) A regulation under subparagraph (A) shall be 
��������enforceable in accordance with the provisions of law applicable 
��������to enforcement of regulations under the Federal Power Act (16 
��������U.S.C. 791a et seq.).
��� ``(n) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Rulemaking for New Qualifying 
Facilities.--(1)(A) Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment 
of this section, the Commission shall issue a rule revising the criteria 
in 18 CFR 292.205 for new qualifying cogeneration facilities seeking to 
sell electric energy pursuant to section 210 of this Act to ensure--
����������� ``(i) that the thermal energy output of a new qualifying 
��������cogeneration facility is used in a productive and beneficial 
��������� ��``(ii) the electrical, thermal, and chemical output of the 
��������cogeneration facility is used fundamentally for industrial, 
��������commercial, or institutional purposes and is not intended 
��������fundamentally for sale to an electric utility, taking into 
��������account technological, efficiency, economic, and variable 
��������thermal energy requirements, as well as State laws applicable to 
��������sales of electric energy from a qualifying facility to its host 
��������facility; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 970]]
����������� ``(iii) continuing progress in the development of efficient 
��������electric energy generating technology.
��� ``(B) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> The rule issued pursuant to paragraph 
(1)(A) of this subsection shall be applicable only to facilities that 
seek to sell electric energy pursuant to section 210 of this Act. For 
all other purposes, except as specifically provided in subsection 
(m)(2)(A), qualifying facility status shall be determined in accordance 
with the rules and regulations of this Act.
��� ``(2) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> Notwithstanding rule revisions under 
paragraph (1), the Commission's criteria for qualifying cogeneration 
facilities in effect prior to the date on which the Commission issues 
the final rule required by paragraph (1) shall continue to apply to any 
cogeneration facility that--
����������� ``(A) was a qualifying cogeneration facility on the date of 
��������enactment of subsection (m), or
����������� ``(B) had filed with the Commission a notice of self-
������� certification, self-recertification or an application for 
��������Commission certification under 18 CFR 292.207 prior to the date 
��������on which the Commission issues the final rule required by 
��������paragraph (1).''.
��� (b) Elimination of Ownership Limitations.--
����������� (1) Qualifying small power production facility.--Section 
��������3(17)(C) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 796(17)(C)) is 
��������amended to read as follows:
 �������������������``(C) `qualifying small power production facility' 
����������������means a small power production facility that the 
����������������Commission determines, by rule, meets such requirements 
����������������(including requirements respecting fuel use, fuel 
����������������efficiency, and reliability) as the Commission may, by 
����������������rule, prescribe;''.
����������� (2) Qualifying cogeneration facility.--Section 3(18)(B) of 
��������the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 796(18)(B)) is amended to read 
��������as follows:
������������������� ``(B) `qualifying cogeneration facility' means a 
����������������cogeneration facility that the Commission determines, by 
����������������rule, meets such requirements (including requirements 
����������������respecting minimum size, fuel use, and fuel efficiency) 
����������������as the Commission may, by rule, prescribe;''.
��� (a) Adoption of Standards.--Section 111(d) of the Public Utility 
Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2621(d)) is amended by adding 
at the end the following:
����������� ``(15) Interconnection.--Each electric utility shall make 
��������available, upon request, interconnection service to any electric 
��������consumer that the electric utility serves. For purposes of this 
��������paragraph, the term `interconnection service' means service to 
��������an electric consumer under which an on-site generating facility 
��������on the consumer's premises shall be connected to the local 
��������distribution facilities. Interconnection services shall be 
��������offered based upon the standards developed by the Institute of 
��������Electrical and Electronics Engineers: IEEE Standard 1547 for 
��������Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power 
��������Systems, as they may be amended from time to time. In addition, 
��������agreements and procedures shall be established whereby the 
��������services are offered shall promote current best practices of 
��������interconnection for distributed generation, including but not 
��������limited to practices stipulated in model codes adopted by
[[Page 119 STAT. 971]]
������� associations of state regulatory agencies. All such agreements 
��������and procedures shall be just and reasonable, and not unduly 
��������discriminatory or preferential.''.
��� (b) Compliance.--
����������� (1) <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> Time limitations.--Section 112(b) 
��������of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 
��������2622(b)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
����������� ``(5)(A) Not later than 1 year after the enactment of this 
��������paragraph, each State regulatory authority (with respect to each 
��������electric utility for which it has ratemaking authority) and each 
��������nonregulated utility shall commence the consideration referred 
��������to in section 111, or set a hearing date for consideration, with 
��������respect to the standard established by paragraph (15) of section 
����������� ``(B) Not later than two years after the date of the 
��������enactment of the this paragraph, each State regulatory authority 
��������(with respect to each electric utility for which it has 
��������ratemaking authority), and each nonregulated electric utility, 
��������shall complete the consideration, and shall make the 
��������determination, referred to in section 111 with respect to each 
��������standard established by paragraph (15) of section 111(d).''.
����������� (2) Failure to comply.--Section 112(d) of the Public Utility 
��������Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2622(c)) is amended 
��������by adding at the end the following: ``In the case of the 
��������standard established by paragraph (15), the reference contained 
��������in this subsection to the date of enactment of this Act shall be 
��������deemed to be a reference to the date of enactment of paragraph 
����������� (3) Prior state actions.--
���������� ���������(A) In general.--Section 112 of the Public Utility 
����������������Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2622) is 
����������������amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(f) Prior State Actions.--Subsections (b) and (c) of this section 
shall not apply to the standard established by paragraph (15) of section 
111(d) in the case of any electric utility in a State if, before the 
enactment of this subsection--
����������� ``(1) the State has implemented for such utility the 
�������standard concerned (or a comparable standard);
����������� ``(2) the State regulatory authority for such State or 
��������relevant nonregulated electric utility has conducted a 
��������proceeding to consider implementation of the standard concerned 
��������(or a comparable standard) for such utility; or
����������� ``(3) the State legislature has voted on the implementation 
��������of such standard (or a comparable standard) for such utility.''.
������������������� (B) Cross reference.--Section 124 of such Act (16 
����������������U.S.C. 2634) is amended by adding the following at the 
����������������end thereof: ``In the case of each standard established 
����������������by paragraph (15) of section 111(d), the reference 
����������������contained in this subsection to the date of enactment of 
����������������the Act shall be deemed to be a reference to the date of 
����������������enactment of paragraph (15).''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 972]]
Subtitle <<NOTE: Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005.>> F--Repeal 
SEC. 1261. <<NOTE: 42 USC 15801 note.>> SHORT TITLE.
��� This subtitle may be cited as the ``Public Utility Holding Company 
Act of 2005''.
SEC. 1262. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16451.>> DEFINITIONS.
��� For purposes of this subtitle:
��������� ��(1) Affiliate.--The term ``affiliate'' of a company means 
��������any company, 5 percent or more of the outstanding voting 
��������securities of which are owned, controlled, or held with power to 
��������vote, directly or indirectly, by such company.
����������� (2) Associate company.--The term ``associate company'' of a 
��������company means any company in the same holding company system 
��������with such company.
����������� (3) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the Federal 
��������Energy Regulatory Commission.
����������� (4) Company.--The term ``company'' means a corporation, 
��������partnership, association, joint stock company, business trust, 
��������or any organized group of persons, whether incorporated or not, 
��������or a receiver, trustee, or other liquidating agent of any of the 
����������� (5) Electric utility company.--The term ``electric utility 
��������company'' means any company that owns or operates facilities 
��������used for the generation, transmission, or distribution of 
��������electric energy for sale.
����������� (6) Exempt wholesale generator and foreign utility 
��������company.--The terms ``exempt wholesale generator'' and ``foreign 
��������utility company'' have the same meanings as in sections 32 and 
��������33, respectively, of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 
��������1935 (15 U.S.C. 79z-5a, 79z-5b), as those sections existed on 
��������the day before the effective date of this subtitle.
����������� (7) Gas utility company.--The term ``gas utility company'' 
��������means any company that owns or operates facilities used for 
��������distribution at retail (other than the distribution only in 
��������enclosed portable containers or distribution to tenants or 
��������employees of the company operating such facilities for their own 
��������use and not for resale) of natural or manufactured gas for heat, 
��������light, or power.
����������� (8) Holding company.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The term ``holding company'' 
������������������������� (i) any company that directly or indirectly 
����������������������owns, controls, or holds, with power to vote, 10 
����������������������percent or more of the outstanding voting 
����������������������securities of a public-utility company or of a 
����������������������holding company of any public-utility company; and
������������������������� (ii) any person, determined by the Commission, 
����������������������after notice and opportunity for hearing, to 
����������������������exercise directly or indirectly (either alone or 
����������������������pursuant to an arrangement or understanding with 
����������������������one or more persons) such a controlling influence 
����������������������over the management or policies of any public-
��������������������� utility company or holding company as to make it 
����������������������necessary or appropriate for the rate protection 
����������������������of utility customers with respect to rates that 
����������������������such person be subject to the obligations,
[[Page 119 STAT. 973]]
��������������������� duties, and liabilities imposed by this subtitle 
����������������������upon holding companies.
������������������� (B) Exclusions.--The term ``holding company'' shall 
����������������not include--
������������������������� (i) a bank, savings association, or trust 
����������������������company, or their operating subsidiaries that own, 
����������������������control, or hold, with the power to vote, public 
����������������������utility or public utility holding company 
����������������������securities so long as the securities are--
����������������������������������� (I) held as collateral for a loan;
���� �������������������������������(II) held in the ordinary course of 
��������������������������������business as a fiduciary; or
����������������������������������� (III) acquired solely for purposes 
��������������������������������of liquidation and in connection with a 
��������������������������������loan previously contracted for and owned 
��������������������������������beneficially for a period of not more 
��������������������������������than two years; or
������������������������� (ii) a broker or dealer that owns, controls, 
����������������������or holds with the power to vote public utility or 
����������������������public utility holding company securities so long 
����������������������as the securities are--
���������������������������������� (I) not beneficially owned by the 
��������������������������������broker or dealer and are subject to any 
��������������������������������voting instructions which may be given 
��������������������������������by customers or their assigns; or
�������� ���������������������������(II) acquired within 12 months in 
��������������������������������the ordinary course of business as a 
��������������������������������broker, dealer, or underwriter with the 
��������������������������������bona fide intention of effecting 
��������������������������������distribution of the specific securities 
��������������������������������so acquired.
����������� (9) Holding company system.--The term ``holding company 
��������system'' means a holding company, together with its subsidiary 
����������� (10) Jurisdictional rates.--The term ``jurisdictional 
��������rates'' means rates accepted or established by the Commission 
��������for the transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce, 
��������the sale of electric energy at wholesale in interstate commerce, 
��������the transportation of natural gas in interstate commerce, and 
��������the sale in interstate commerce of natural gas for resale for 
��������ultimate public consumption for domestic, commercial, 
��������industrial, or any other use.
����������� (11) Natural gas company.--The term ``natural gas company'' 
��������means a person engaged in the transportation of natural gas in 
��������interstate commerce or the sale of such gas in interstate 
��������commerce for resale.
����������� (12) Person.--The term ``person'' means an individual or 
����������� (13) Public utility.--The term ``public utility'' means any 
��������person who owns or operates facilities used for transmission of 
��������electric energy in interstate commerce or sales of electric 
��������energy at wholesale in interstate commerce.
����������� (14) Public-utility company.--The term ``public-utility 
��������company'' means an electric utility company or a gas utility 
����������� (15) State commission.--The term ``State commission'' means 
��������any commission, board, agency, or officer, by whatever name 
��������designated, of a State, municipality, or other political 
��������subdivision of a State that, under the laws of such State, has 
��������jurisdiction to regulate public utility companies.
[[Page 119 STAT. 974]]
����������� (16) Subsidiary company.--The term ``subsidiary company'' of 
��������a holding company means--
��� ����������������(A) any company, 10 percent or more of the 
����������������outstanding voting securities of which are directly or 
����������������indirectly owned, controlled, or held with power to 
����������������vote, by such holding company; and
��� ����������������(B) any person, the management or policies of which 
����������������the Commission, after notice and opportunity for 
����������������hearing, determines to be subject to a controlling 
����������������influence, directly or indirectly, by such holding 
����������������company (either alone or pursuant to an arrangement or 
����������������understanding with one or more other persons) so as to 
����������������make it necessary for the rate protection of utility 
����������������customers with respect to rates that such person be 
����������������subject to the obligations, duties, and liabilities 
����������������imposed by this subtitle upon subsidiary companies of 
����������������holding companies.
����������� (17) Voting security.--The term ``voting security'' means 
��������any security presently entitling the owner or holder thereof to 
��������vote in the direction or management of the affairs of a company.
��� The Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 (15 U.S.C. 79 et 
seq.) is repealed.
��� (a) In General.--Each holding company and each associate company 
thereof shall maintain, and shall make available to the Commission, such 
books, accounts, memoranda, and other records as the Commission 
determines are relevant to costs incurred by a public utility or natural 
gas company that is an associate company of such holding company and 
necessary or appropriate for the protection of utility customers with 
respect to jurisdictional rates.
��� (b) Affiliate Companies.--Each affiliate of a holding company or of 
any subsidiary company of a holding company shall maintain, and shall 
make available to the Commission, such books, accounts, memoranda, and 
other records with respect to any transaction with another affiliate, as 
the Commission determines are relevant to costs incurred by a public 
utility or natural gas company that is an associate company of such 
holding company and necessary or appropriate for the protection of 
utility customers with respect to jurisdictional rates.
��� (c) Holding Company Systems.--The Commission may examine the books, 
accounts, memoranda, and other records of any company in a holding 
company system, or any affiliate thereof, as the Commission determines 
are relevant to costs incurred by a public utility or natural gas 
company within such holding company system and necessary or appropriate 
for the protection of utility customers with respect to jurisdictional 
��� (d) Confidentiality.--No member, officer, or employee of the 
Commission shall divulge any fact or information that may come to his or 
her knowledge during the course of examination of books, accounts, 
memoranda, or other records as provided in this section, except as may 
be directed by the Commission or by a court of competent jurisdiction.
[[Page 119 STAT. 975]]
��� (a) In General.--Upon the written request of a State commission 
having jurisdiction to regulate a public-utility company in a holding 
company system, the holding company or any associate company or 
affiliate thereof, other than such public-utility company, wherever 
located, shall produce for inspection books, accounts, memoranda, and 
other records that--
����������� (1) have been identified in reasonable detail in a 
��������proceeding before the State commission;
����������� (2) the State commission determines are relevant to costs 
��������incurred by such public-utility company; and
����������� (3) are necessary for the effective discharge of the 
��������responsibilities of the State commission with respect to such 
��� (b) Limitation.--Subsection (a) does not apply to any person that is 
a holding company solely by reason of ownership of one or more 
qualifying facilities under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act 
of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.).
��� (c) Confidentiality of Information.--The production of books, 
accounts, memoranda, and other records under subsection (a) shall be 
subject to such terms and conditions as may be necessary and appropriate 
to safeguard against unwarranted disclosure to the public of any trade 
secrets or sensitive commercial information.
��� (d) Effect on State Law.--Nothing in this section shall preempt 
applicable State law concerning the provision of books, accounts, 
memoranda, and other records, or in any way limit the rights of any 
State to obtain books, accounts, memoranda, and other records under any 
other Federal law, contract, or otherwise.
��� (e) Court Jurisdiction.--Any United States district court located in 
the State in which the State commission referred to in subsection (a) is 
located shall have jurisdiction to enforce compliance with this section.
��� (a) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Rulemaking.--Not later than 90 days after 
the effective date of this subtitle, the Commission shall issue a final 
rule to exempt from the requirements of section 1264 (relating to 
Federal access to books and records) any person that is a holding 
company, solely with respect to one or more--
����������� (1) qualifying facilities under the Public Utility 
��������Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.);
����������� (2) exempt wholesale generators; or
����������� (3) foreign utility companies.
��� (b) Other Authority.--The Commission shall exempt a person or 
transaction from the requirements of section 1264 (relating to Federal 
access to books and records) if, upon application or upon the motion of 
the Commission--
����������� (1) the Commission finds that the books, accounts, 
��������memoranda, and other records of any person are not relevant to 
��������the jurisdictional rates of a public utility or natural gas 
��������company; or
����������� (2) the Commission finds that any class of transactions is 
��������not relevant to the jurisdictional rates of a public utility or 
��������natural gas company.
[[Page 119 STAT. 976]]
��� (a) Commission Authority Unaffected.--Nothing in this subtitle shall 
limit the authority of the Commission under the Federal Power Act (16 
U.S.C. 791a et seq.) to require that jurisdictional rates are just and 
reasonable, including the ability to deny or approve the pass through of 
costs, the prevention of cross-subsidization, and the issuance of such 
rules and regulations as are necessary or appropriate for the protection 
of utility consumers.
��� (b) Recovery of Costs.--Nothing in this subtitle shall preclude the 
Commission or a State commission from exercising its jurisdiction under 
otherwise applicable law to determine whether a public-utility company, 
public utility, or natural gas company may recover in rates any costs of 
an activity performed by an associate company, or any costs of goods or 
services acquired by such public-utility company from an associate 
SEC. 1268. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16456.>> APPLICABILITY.
��� Except as otherwise specifically provided in this subtitle, no 
provision of this subtitle shall apply to, or be deemed to include--
���� �������(1) the United States;
����������� (2) a State or any political subdivision of a State;
����������� (3) any foreign governmental authority not operating in the 
��������United States;
����������� (4) any agency, authority, or instrumentality of any entity 
��������referred to in paragraph (1), (2), or (3); or
����������� (5) any officer, agent, or employee of any entity referred 
��������to in paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (4) acting as such in the 
��������course of his or her official duty.
��� Nothing in this subtitle precludes the Commission or a State 
commission from exercising its jurisdiction under otherwise applicable 
law to protect utility customers.
SEC. 1270. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16458.>> ENFORCEMENT.
��� The Commission shall have the same powers as set forth in sections 
306 through 317 of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 825e-825p) to 
enforce the provisions of this subtitle.
SEC. 1271. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16459.>> SAVINGS PROVISIONS.
��� (a) In General.--Nothing in this subtitle, or otherwise in the 
Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, or rules, regulations, or 
orders thereunder, prohibits a person from engaging in or continuing to 
engage in activities or transactions in which it is legally engaged or 
authorized to engage on the date of enactment of this Act, if that 
person continues to comply with the terms (other than an expiration date 
or termination date) of any such authorization, whether by rule or by 
��� (b) Effect on Other Commission Authority.--Nothing in this subtitle 
limits the authority of the Commission under the Federal Power Act (16 
U.S.C. 791a et seq.) or the Natural Gas Act (15 U.S.C. 717 et seq.).
��� (c) Tax Treatment.--Tax treatment under section 1081 of the Internal 
Revenue Code of 1986 as a result of transactions ordered in compliance 
with the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 (15 U.S.C. 79 et 
seq.) shall not be affected in any manner due to the repeal of that Act 
and the enactment of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005.
[[Page 119 STAT. 977]]
SEC. 1272. <<NOTE: Deadline. 42 USC 16460.>> IMPLEMENTATION.
��� Not later than 4 months after the date of enactment of this 
subtitle, the Commission shall--
����������� (1) <<NOTE: Regulations.>> issue such regulations as may be 
��������necessary or appropriate to implement this subtitle (other than 
��������section 1265, relating to State access to books and records); 
����������� (2) submit to Congress detailed recommendations on technical 
��������and conforming amendments to Federal law necessary to carry out 
��������this subtitle and the amendments made by this subtitle.
SEC. 1273. TRANSFER <<NOTE: Records. 42 USC 16461.>> OF RESOURCES.
��� All books and records that relate primarily to the functions 
transferred to the Commission under this subtitle shall be transferred 
from the Securities and Exchange Commission to the Commission.
SEC. 1274. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16451 note.>> EFFECTIVE DATE.
��� (a) In General.--Except for section 1272 (relating to 
implementation), this subtitle shall take effect 6 months after the date 
of enactment of this subtitle.
��� (b) Compliance With Certain Rules.--If the Commission approves and 
makes effective any final rulemaking modifying the standards of conduct 
governing entities that own, operate, or control facilities for 
transmission of electricity in interstate commerce or transportation of 
natural gas in interstate commerce prior to the effective date of this 
subtitle, any action taken by a public-utility company or utility 
holding company to comply with the requirements of such rulemaking shall 
not subject such public-utility company or utility holding company to 
any regulatory requirement applicable to a holding company under the 
Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 (15 U.S.C. 79 et seq.).
SEC. 1275. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16462.>> SERVICE ALLOCATION.
��� (a) Definition of Public Utility.--In this section, the term 
``public utility'' has the meaning given the term in section 201(e) of 
the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824(e)).
��� (b) FERC Review.--In the case of non-power goods or administrative 
or management services provided by an associate company organized 
specifically for the purpose of providing such goods or services to any 
public utility in the same holding company system, at the election of 
the system or a State commission having jurisdiction over the public 
utility, the Commission, after the effective date of this subtitle, 
shall review and authorize the allocation of the costs for such goods or 
services to the extent relevant to that associate company.
��� (c) Effect on Federal and State Law.--Nothing in this section shall 
affect the authority of the Commission or a State commission under other 
applicable law.
��� (d) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Rules.--Not later than 4 months after the 
date of enactment of this Act, the Commission shall issue rules (which 
rules shall be effective no earlier than the effective date of this 
subtitle) to exempt from the requirements of this section any company in 
a holding company system whose public utility operations are confined 
substantially to a single State and any other class of transactions that 
the Commission finds is not relevant to the jurisdictional rates of a 
public utility.
[[Page 119 STAT. 978]]
��� There are authorized to be appropriated such funds as may be 
necessary to carry out this subtitle.
��� (a) Conflict of Jurisdiction.--Section 318 of the Federal Power Act 
(16 U.S.C. 825q) is repealed.
��� (b) Definitions.--(1) Section 201(g)(5) of the Federal Power Act (16 
U.S.C. 824(g)(5)) is amended by striking ``1935'' and inserting 
��� (2) Section 214 of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824m) is amended 
by striking ``1935'' and inserting ``2005''.
Subtitle G--Market Transparency, Enforcement, and Consumer Protection
��� Part II of the Federal Power Act is amended by adding at the end the 
��� ``(a)(1) The Commission is directed to facilitate price transparency 
in markets for the sale and transmission of electric energy in 
interstate commerce, having due regard for the public interest, the 
integrity of those markets, fair competition, and the protection of 
��� ``(2) The Commission may prescribe such rules as the Commission 
determines necessary and appropriate to carry out the purposes of this 
section. The rules shall provide for the dissemination, on a timely 
basis, of information about the availability and prices of wholesale 
electric energy and transmission service to the Commission, State 
commissions, buyers and sellers of wholesale electric energy, users of 
transmission services, and the public.
��� ``(3) The Commission may--
����������� ``(A) obtain the information described in paragraph (2) from 
��������any market participant; and
����������� ``(B) rely on entities other than the Commission to receive 
��������and make public the information, subject to the disclosure rules 
��������in subsection (b).
��� ``(4) In carrying out this section, the Commission shall consider 
the degree of price transparency provided by existing price publishers 
and providers of trade processing services, and shall rely on such 
publishers and services to the maximum extent possible. The Commission 
may establish an electronic information system if it determines that 
existing price publications are not adequately providing price discovery 
or market transparency. Nothing in this section, however, shall affect 
any electronic information filing requirements in effect under this Act 
as of the date of enactment of this section.
��� ``(b)(1) Rules described in subsection (a)(2), if adopted, shall 
exempt from disclosure information the Commission determines would, if 
disclosed, be detrimental to the operation of an effective market or 
jeopardize system security.
��� ``(2) In determining the information to be made available under this 
section and time to make the information available, the Commission shall 
seek to ensure that consumers and competitive
[[Page 119 STAT. 979]]
markets are protected from the adverse effects of potential collusion or 
other anticompetitive behaviors that can be facilitated by untimely 
public disclosure of transaction-specific information.
��� ``(c)(1) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Within 180 days of enactment of this 
section, the Commission shall conclude a memorandum of understanding 
with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission relating to information 
sharing, which shall include, among other things, provisions ensuring 
that information requests to markets within the respective jurisdiction 
of each agency are properly coordinated to minimize duplicative 
information requests, and provisions regarding the treatment of 
proprietary trading information.
��� ``(2) Nothing in this section may be construed to limit or affect 
the exclusive jurisdiction of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission 
under the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 1 et seq.).
��� ``(d) The Commission shall not require entities who have a de 
minimis market presence to comply with the reporting requirements of 
this section.
��� ``(e)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), no person shall be 
subject to any civil penalty under this section with respect to any 
violation occurring more than 3 years before the date on which the 
person is provided notice of the proposed penalty under section 316A.
��� ``(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply in any case in which the 
Commission finds that a seller that has entered into a contract for the 
sale of electric energy at wholesale or transmission service subject to 
the jurisdiction of the Commission has engaged in fraudulent market 
manipulation activities materially affecting the contract in violation 
of section 222.
��� ``(f) This section shall not apply to a transaction for the purchase 
or sale of wholesale electric energy or transmission services within the 
area described in section 212(k)(2)(A).''.
��� Part II of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824 et seq.) is amended 
by adding at the end the following:
��� ``No entity (including an entity described in section 201(f)) shall 
willfully and knowingly report any information relating to the price of 
electricity sold at wholesale or the availability of transmission 
capacity, which information the person or any other entity knew to be 
false at the time of the reporting, to a Federal agency with intent to 
fraudulently affect the data being compiled by the Federal agency.''.
��� Part II of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824 et seq.) is amended 
by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(a) In General.--It shall be unlawful for any entity (including an 
entity described in section 201(f)), directly or indirectly, to use or 
employ, in connection with the purchase or sale of electric energy or 
the purchase or sale of transmission services subject to the 
jurisdiction of the Commission, any manipulative or deceptive device or 
contrivance (as those terms are used in section 10(b) of the Securities 
Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78j(b))), in contravention
[[Page 119 STAT. 980]]
of such rules and regulations as the Commission may prescribe as 
necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of 
electric ratepayers.
��� ``(b) No Private Right of Action.--Nothing in this section shall be 
construed to create a private right of action.''.
��� (a) Complaints.--Section 306 of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 
825e) is amended--
����������� (1) by inserting ``electric utility,'' after ``Any 
��������person,''; and
����������� (2) by inserting ``, transmitting utility,'' after 
��������``licensee'' each place it appears.
��� (b) Investigations.--Section 307(a) of the Federal Power Act (16 
U.S.C. 825f(a)) is amended--
����������� (1) by inserting ``, electric utility, transmitting utility, 
��������or other entity'' after ``person'' each place it appears; and
����������� (2) in the first sentence, by inserting before the period at 
��������the end the following: ``, or in obtaining information about the 
��������sale of electric energy at wholesale in interstate commerce and 
��������the transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce''.
��� (c) Review of Commission Orders.--Section 313(a) of the Federal 
Power Act (16 U.S.C. 825l) is amended by inserting ``electric utility,'' 
after ``person,'' in the first 2 places it appears and by striking ``any 
person unless such person'' and inserting ``any entity unless such 
��� (d) Criminal Penalties.--Section 316 of the Federal Power Act (16 
U.S.C. 825o) is amended--
����������� (1) in subsection (a)--
������������������� (A) by striking ``$5,000'' and inserting 
����������������``$1,000,000''; and
������������������� (B) by striking ``two years'' and inserting ``5 
����������� (2) in subsection (b), by striking ``$500'' and inserting 
��������``$25,000''; and
����������� (3) by striking subsection (c).
��� (e) Civil Penalties.--Section 316A of the Federal Power Act (16 
U.S.C. 825o-1) is amended--
����������� (1) by striking ``section 211, 212, 213, or 214'' each place 
��������it appears and inserting ``part II''; and
����������� (2) in subsection (b), by striking ``$10,000'' and inserting 
��� Section 206(b) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824e(b)) is 
amended as follows:
����������� (1) By striking ``the date 60 days after the filing of such 
��������complaint nor later than 5 months after the expiration of such 
��������60-day period'' in the second sentence and inserting ``the date 
��������of the filing of such complaint nor later than 5 months after 
��������the filing of such complaint''.
����������� (2) By striking ``60 days after'' in the third sentence and 
��������inserting ``of''.
����������� (3) By striking ``expiration of such 60-day period'' in the 
��������third sentence and inserting ``publication date''.
����������� (4) By striking the fifth sentence and inserting the 
��������following: ``If no final decision is rendered by the conclusion 
��������of the 180-day period commencing upon initiation of a proceeding 
��������pursuant to this section, the Commission shall state the reasons
[[Page 119 STAT. 981]]
������� why it has failed to do so and shall state its best estimate as 
��������to when it reasonably expects to make such decision.''.
��� Section 206 of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824e) is amended by 
adding at the end the following:
��� ``(e)(1) In this subsection:
����������� ``(A) The term `short-term sale' means an agreement for the 
��������sale of electric energy at wholesale in interstate commerce that 
��������is for a period of 31 days or less (excluding monthly contracts 
��������subject to automatic renewal).
����������� ``(B) The term `applicable Commission rule' means a 
��������Commission rule applicable to sales at wholesale by public 
��������utilities that the Commission determines after notice and 
��������comment should also be applicable to entities subject to this 
��� ``(2) If an entity described in section 201(f) voluntarily makes a 
short-term sale of electric energy through an organized market in which 
the rates for the sale are established by Commission-approved tariff 
(rather than by contract) and the sale violates the terms of the tariff 
or applicable Commission rules in effect at the time of the sale, the 
entity shall be subject to the refund authority of the Commission under 
this section with respect to the violation.
��� ``(3) This section shall not apply to--
����������� ``(A) any entity that sells in total (including affiliates 
��������of the entity) less than 8,000,000 megawatt hours of electricity 
��������per year; or
����������� ``(B) an electric cooperative.
��� ``(4)(A) The Commission shall have refund authority under paragraph 
(2) with respect to a voluntary short term sale of electric energy by 
the Bonneville Power Administration only if the sale is at an unjust and 
unreasonable rate.
��� ``(B) The Commission may order a refund under subparagraph (A) only 
for short-term sales made by the Bonneville Power Administration at 
rates that are higher than the highest just and reasonable rate charged 
by any other entity for a short-term sale of electric energy in the same 
geographic market for the same, or most nearly comparable, period as the 
sale by the Bonneville Power Administration.
��� ``(C) In the case of any Federal power marketing agency or the 
Tennessee Valley Authority, the Commission shall not assert or exercise 
any regulatory authority or power under paragraph (2) other than the 
ordering of refunds to achieve a just and reasonable rate.''.
��� (a) Privacy.--The Federal Trade Commission may issue rules 
protecting the privacy of electric consumers from the disclosure of 
consumer information obtained in connection with the sale or delivery of 
electric energy to electric consumers.
��� (b) Slamming.--The Federal Trade Commission may issue rules 
prohibiting the change of selection of an electric utility except with 
the informed consent of the electric consumer or if approved by the 
appropriate State regulatory authority.
��� (c) Cramming.--The Federal Trade Commission may issue rules 
prohibiting the sale of goods and services to an electric consumer 
unless expressly authorized by law or the electric consumer.
[[Page 119 STAT. 982]]
��� (d) Rulemaking.--The Federal Trade Commission shall proceed in 
accordance with section 553 of title 5, United States Code, when 
prescribing a rule under this section.
��� (e) State Authority.--If the Federal Trade Commission determines 
that a State's regulations provide equivalent or greater protection than 
the provisions of this section, such State regulations shall apply in 
that State in lieu of the regulations issued by the Commission under 
this section.
��� (f) Definitions.--For purposes of this section:
����������� (1) State regulatory authority.--The term ``State regulatory 
��������authority'' has the meaning given that term in section 3(21) of 
��������the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 796(21)).
����������� (2) Electric consumer and electric utility.--The terms 
��������``electric consumer'' and ``electric utility'' have the meanings 
��������given those terms in section 3 of the Public Utility Regulatory 
��������Policies Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2602).
��� Section 314 of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 825m) is amended by 
adding at the end the following:
��� ``(d) In any proceedings under subsection (a), the court may 
prohibit, conditionally or unconditionally, and permanently or for such 
period of time as the court determines, any individual who is engaged or 
has engaged in practices constituting a violation of section 221 (and 
related rules and regulations) from--
����������� ``(1) acting as an officer or director of an electric 
��������utility; or
����������� ``(2) engaging in the business of purchasing or selling--
������������������� ``(A) electric energy; or
������������������� ``(B) transmission services subject to the 
����������������jurisdiction of the Commission.''.
��� (a) In General.--Section 203(a) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 
824b(a)) is amended to read as follows:
��� ``(a)(1) No public utility shall, without first having secured an 
order of the Commission authorizing it to do so--
������������������� ``(A) sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of the whole 
����������������of its facilities subject to the jurisdiction of the 
����������������Commission, or any part thereof of a value in excess of 
������������������� ``(B) merge or consolidate, directly or indirectly, 
����������������such facilities or any part thereof with those of any 
����������������other person, by any means whatsoever;
������������������� ``(C) purchase, acquire, or take any security with a 
����������������value in excess of $10,000,000 of any other public 
����������������utility; or
������������������� ``(D) purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire an 
����������������existing generation facility--
������������������������� ``(i) that has a value in excess of 
����������������������$10,000,000; and
������������������������� ``(ii) that is used for interstate wholesale 
����������������������sales and over which the Commission has 
����������������������jurisdiction for ratemaking purposes.
����������� ``(2) No holding company in a holding company system that 
��������includes a transmitting utility or an electric utility shall 
��������purchase, acquire, or take any security with a value in excess
[[Page 119 STAT. 983]]
������� of $10,000,000 of, or, by any means whatsoever, directly or 
��������indirectly, merge or consolidate with, a transmitting utility, 
��������an electric utility company, or a holding company in a holding 
��������company system that includes a transmitting utility, or an 
��������electric utility company, with a value in excess of $10,000,000 
��������without first having secured an order of the Commission 
��������authorizing it to do so.
 �����������``(3) <<NOTE: Notice.>> Upon receipt of an application for 
��������such approval the Commission shall give reasonable notice in 
��������writing to the Governor and State commission of each of the 
��������States in which the physical property affected, or any part 
��������thereof, is situated, and to such other persons as it may deem 
����������� ``(4) After notice and opportunity for hearing, the 
��������Commission shall approve the proposed disposition, 
��������consolidation, acquisition, or change in control, if it finds 
��������that the proposed transaction will be consistent with the public 
��������interest, and will not result in cross-subsidization of a non-
������� utility associate company or the pledge or encumbrance of 
��������utility assets for the benefit of an associate company, unless 
��������the Commission determines that the cross-subsidization, pledge, 
��������or encumbrance will be consistent with the public interest.
����������� ``(5) <<NOTE: Regulations. Procedures.>> The Commission 
��������shall, by rule, adopt procedures for the expeditious 
��������consideration of applications for the approval of dispositions, 
��������consolidations, or acquisitions, under this section. Such rules 
��������shall identify classes of transactions, or specify criteria for 
��������transactions, that normally meet the standards established in 
��������paragraph (4). The Commission shall provide expedited review for 
�������such transactions. <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> The Commission shall 
��������grant or deny any other application for approval of a 
��������transaction not later than 180 days after the application is 
��������filed. If the Commission does not act within 180 days, such 
��������application shall be deemed granted unless the Commission finds, 
��������based on good cause, that further consideration is required to 
��������determine whether the proposed transaction meets the standards 
��������of paragraph (4) and issues an order tolling the time for acting 
��������on the application for not more than 180 days, at the end of 
��������which additional period the Commission shall grant or deny the 
����������� ``(6) For purposes of this subsection, the terms `associate 
��������company', `holding company', and `holding company system' have 
��������the meaning given those terms in the Public Utility Holding 
��������Company Act of 2005.''.
��� (b) <<NOTE: 16 USC 824b note.>> Effective Date.--The amendments made 
by this section shall take effect 6 months after the date of enactment 
of this Act.
��� (c) Transition Provision.--The amendments made by subsection (a) 
shall not apply to any application under section 203 of the Federal 
Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824b) that was filed on or before the date of 
enactment of this Act.
��� (a) Application.--This section applies to any contract entered into 
the Western Interconnection prior to June 20, 2001, with a seller of 
wholesale electricity that the Commission has--
����������� (1) found to have manipulated the electricity market 
��������resulting in unjust and unreasonable rates; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 984]]
����������� (2) revoked the seller's authority to sell any electricity 
��������at market-based rates.
��� (b) Relief.--Notwithstanding section 222 of the Federal Power Act 
(as added by section 1262), any provision of title 11, United States 
Code, or any other provision of law, in the case of a contract described 
in subsection (a), the Commission shall have exclusive jurisdiction 
under the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 791a et seq.) to determine 
whether a requirement to make termination payments for power not 
delivered by the seller, or any successor in interest of the seller, is 
not permitted under a rate schedule (or contract under such a schedule) 
or is otherwise unlawful on the grounds that the contract is unjust and 
unreasonable or contrary to the public interest.
��� (c) Applicability.--This section applies to any proceeding pending 
on the date of enactment of this section involving a seller described in 
subsection (a) in which there is not a final, nonappealable order by the 
Commission or any other jurisdiction determining the respective rights 
of the seller.
������������������������ Subtitle H--Definitions
��� (a) <<NOTE: 42 USC 16481.>> Commission.--In this title, the term 
``Commission'' means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
��� (b) Amendment.--Section 3 of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 796) 
is amended--
����������� (1) by striking paragraphs (22) and (23) and inserting the 
����������� ``(22) Electric utility.--(A) The term `electric utility' 
��������means a person or Federal or State agency (including an entity 
��������described in section 201(f)) that sells electric energy.
����������� ``(B) The term `electric utility' includes the Tennessee 
��������Valley Authority and each Federal power marketing 
����������� ``(23) Transmitting utility.--The term `transmitting 
��������utility' means an entity (including an entity described in 
��������section 201(f)) that owns, operates, or controls facilities used 
��������for the transmission of electric energy--
������������������� ``(A) in interstate commerce;
������������������� ``(B) for the sale of electric energy at 
����������������wholesale.''; and
����������� (2) by adding at the end the following:
����������� ``(26) Electric cooperative.--The term `electric 
��������cooperative' means a cooperatively owned electric utility.
����������� ``(27) RTO.--The term `Regional Transmission Organization' 
��������or `RTO' means an entity of sufficient regional scope approved 
��������by the Commission--
������������������� ``(A) to exercise operational or functional control 
����������������of facilities used for the transmission of electric 
����������������energy in interstate commerce; and
������������������� ``(B) to ensure nondiscriminatory access to the 
����������� ``(28) ISO.--The term `Independent System Operator' or `ISO' 
��������means an entity approved by the Commission--
������������������� ``(A) to exercise operational or functional control 
����������������of facilities used for the transmission of electric 
����������������energy in interstate commerce; and
������������������� ``(B) to ensure nondiscriminatory access to the 
[[Page 119 STAT. 985]]
������ �����``(29) Transmission organization.--The term `Transmission 
��������Organization' means a Regional Transmission Organization, 
��������Independent System Operator, independent transmission provider, 
��������or other transmission organization finally approved by the 
��������Commission for the operation of transmission facilities.''.
��� (c) Applicability.--Section 201(f) of the Federal Power Act (16 
U.S.C. 824(f)) is amended by striking ``political subdivision of a 
state,'' and inserting ``political subdivision of a State, an electric 
cooperative that receives financing under the Rural Electrification Act 
of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 901 et seq.) or that sells less than 4,000,000 
megawatt hours of electricity per year,''.
 ������������Subtitle I--Technical and Conforming Amendments
��� (a) Section 201 of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824) is 
����������� (1) in subsection (b)(2)--
������������������� (A) in the first sentence--
������������������������� (i) by striking ``The'' and inserting 
����������������������``Notwithstanding section 201(f), the''; and
������������������������� (ii) by striking ``210, 211, and 212'' and 
����������������������inserting ``203(a)(2), 206(e), 210, 211, 211A, 
����������������������212, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, and 222''; 
������������������� (B) in the second sentence--
������������������������� (i) by inserting ``or rule'' after ``any 
���������������������order''; and
������������������������� (ii) by striking ``210 or 211'' and inserting 
����������������������``203(a)(2), 206(e), 210, 211, 211A, 212, 215, 
����������������������216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, or 222''; and
����������� (2) in subsection (e), by striking ``210, 211, or 212'' and 
��������inserting ``206(e), 206(f), 210, 211, 211A, 212, 215, 216, 217, 
��������218, 219, 220, 221, or 222''.
��� (b) Section 206 of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824e) is 
������ �����(1) in the first sentence of subsection (a), by striking 
��������``hearing had'' and inserting ``hearing held''; and
����������� (2) in the seventh sentence of subsection (b), by striking 
��������``the public utility to make''.
��� (c) Section 211 of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824j) is 
����������� (1) in subsection (c)--
������������������� (A) by striking ``(2)'';
������������������� (B) by striking ``(A)'' and inserting ``(1)''
������������������� (C) by striking ``(B)'' and inserting ``(2)''; and
������������������� (D) by striking ``termination of modification'' and 
����������������inserting ``termination or modification''; and
����������� (2) in the second sentence of subsection (d)(1), by striking 
��������``electric utility'' the second place it appears and inserting 
��������``transmitting utility''.
��� (d) Section 315(c) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 825n(c)) is 
amended by striking ``subsection'' and inserting ``section''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 986]]
����������������� ����Subtitle J--Economic Dispatch
��� Part II of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 824 et seq.) is amended 
by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(a) <<NOTE: Establishment.>> In General.--The Commission shall 
convene joint boards on a regional basis pursuant to section 209 of this 
Act to study the issue of security constrained economic dispatch for the 
various market regions. The Commission shall designate the appropriate 
regions to be covered by each such joint board for purposes of this 
��� ``(b) Membership.--The Commission shall request each State to 
nominate a representative for the appropriate regional joint board, and 
shall designate a member of the Commission to chair and participate as a 
member of each such board.
��� ``(c) Powers.--The sole authority of each joint board convened under 
this section shall be to consider issues relevant to what constitutes 
`security constrained economic dispatch' and how such a mode of 
operating an electric energy system affects or enhances the reliability 
and affordability of service to customers in the region concerned and to 
make recommendations to the Commission regarding such issues.
��� ``(d) Report to the Congress.--Within 1 year after enactment of this 
section, the Commission shall issue a report and submit such report to 
the Congress regarding the recommendations of the joint boards under 
this section and the Commission may consolidate the recommendations of 
more than one such regional joint board, including any consensus 
recommendations for statutory or regulatory reform.''.
 TITLE <<NOTE: Energy Tax Incentives Act of 2005.>> XIII--ENERGY POLICY 
��� (a) <<NOTE: 26 USC 1 note.>> Short Title.--This title may be cited 
as the ``Energy Tax Incentives Act of 2005''.
��� (b) <<NOTE: 26 USC 1 et seq.>> Amendment of 1986 Code.--Except as 
otherwise expressly provided, whenever in this title an amendment or 
repeal is expressed in terms of an amendment to, or repeal of, a section 
or other provision, the reference shall be considered to be made to a 
section or other provision of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
���������������� Subtitle A--Electricity Infrastructure
��� (a) <<NOTE: 26 USC 45.>> 2-Year Extension for Certain Facilities.--
Section 45(d) (relating to qualified facilities) is amended--
����������� (1) by striking ``January 1, 2006'' each place it appears in 
��������paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (5), (6), and (7) and inserting 
��������``January 1, 2008'', and
[[Page 119 STAT. 987]]
����������� (2) by striking ``January 1, 2006'' in paragraph (4) and 
��������inserting ``January 1, 2008 (January 1, 2006, in the case of a 
��������facility using solar energy)''.
��� (b) <<NOTE: 26 USC 45.>> Increase in Credit Period.--Section 
45(b)(4)(B) (relating to credit period) is amended--
����������� (1) by inserting ``or clause (iii)'' after ``clause (ii)'' 
��������in clause (i), and
����������� (2) by adding at the end the following:
������������������������� ``(iii) Termination.--Clause (i) shall not 
���������������������apply to any facility placed in service after the 
����������������������date of the enactment of this clause.''.
��� (c) Expansion of Qualified Resources to Certain Hydropower.--
����������� (1) In general.--Section 45(c)(1) (defining qualified energy 
��������resources) is amended by striking ``and'' at the end of 
��������subparagraph (F), by striking the period at the end of 
��������subparagraph (G) and inserting ``, and'', and by adding at the 
��������end the following new subparagraph:
������������������� ``(H) qualified hydropower production.''.
����������� (2) Credit rate.--Section 45(b)(4)(A) (relating to credit 
��������rate) is amended by striking ``or (7)'' and inserting ``(7), or 
����������� (3) Definition of resources.--Section 45(c) (relating to 
��������qualified energy resources and refined coal) is amended by 
��������adding at the end the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(8) Qualified hydropower production.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The term `qualified hydropower 
����������������production' means--
������������������������� ``(i) in the case of any hydroelectric dam 
����������������������which was placed in service on or before the date 
����������������������of the enactment of this paragraph, the 
����������������������incremental hydropower production for the taxable 
����������������������year, and
������������������������� ``(ii) in the case of any nonhydroelectric dam 
����������������������described in subparagraph (C), the hydropower 
����������������������production from the facility for the taxable year.
������������������� ``(B) Determination of incremental hydropower 
������������������������� ``(i) In general.--For purposes of 
����������������������subparagraph (A), incremental hydropower 
����������������������production for any taxable year shall be equal to 
����������������������the percentage of average annual hydropower 
����������������������production at the facility attributable to the 
����������������������efficiency improvements or additions of capacity 
����������������������placed in service after the date of the enactment 
����������������������of this paragraph, determined by using the same 
����������������������water flow information used to determine an 
����������������������historic average annual hydropower production 
����������������������baseline for such facility. Such percentage and 
����������������������baseline shall be certified by the Federal Energy 
����������������������Regulatory Commission.
������������������������� ``(ii) Operational changes disregarded.--For 
����������������������purposes of clause (i), the determination of 
����������������������incremental hydropower production shall not be 
����������������������based on any operational changes at such facility 
����������������������not directly associated with the efficiency 
����������������������improvements or additions of capacity.
������������������� ``(C) Nonhydroelectric dam.--For purposes of 
����������������subparagraph (A), a facility is described in this 
����������������subparagraph if--
[[Page 119 STAT. 988]]
������������������������� ``(i) the facility is licensed by the Federal 
����������������������Energy Regulatory Commission and meets all other 
����������������������applicable environmental, licensing, and 
����������������������regulatory requirements,
������������������������� ``(ii) the facility was placed in service 
����������������������before the date of the enactment of this paragraph 
����������������������and did not produce hydroelectric power on the 
����������������������date of the enactment of this paragraph, and
������������������������� ``(iii) turbines or other generating devices 
����������������������are to be added to the facility after such date to 
����������������������produce hydroelectric power, but only if there is 
����������������������not any enlargement of the diversion structure, or 
����������������������construction or enlargement of a bypass channel, 
����������������������or the impoundment or any withholding of any 
����������������������additional water from the natural stream 
����������� (4) Facilities.--Section 45(d) <<NOTE: 26 USC 
��������45.>> (relating to qualified facilities) is amended by adding at 
��������the end the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(9) Qualified hydropower facility.--In the case of a 
��������facility producing qualified hydroelectric production described 
��������in subsection (c)(8), the term `qualified facility' means--
������������������� ``(A) in the case of any facility producing 
����������������incremental hydropower production, such facility but 
����������������only to the extent of its incremental hydropower 
����������������production attributable to efficiency improvements or 
����������������additions to capacity described in subsection (c)(8)(B) 
����������������placed in service after the date of the enactment of 
����������������this paragraph and before January 1, 2008, and
������������������� ``(B) any other facility placed in service after the 
����������������date of the enactment of this paragraph and before 
����������������January 1, 2008.
��������� ����������``(C) Credit period.--In the case of a qualified 
����������������facility described in subparagraph (A), the 10-year 
����������������period referred to in subsection (a) shall be treated as 
����������������beginning on the date the efficiency improvements or 
����������������additions to capacity are placed in service.''.
��� (d) Indian Coal.--
����������� (1) Production facilities.--Subsection (e) of section 45 
��������(relating to definitions and special rules) is amended by adding 
�������at the end the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(10) Indian coal production facilities.--
������������������� ``(A) Determination of credit amount.--In the case 
����������������of a producer of Indian coal, the credit determined 
����������������under this section (without regard to this paragraph) 
����������������for any taxable year shall be increased by an amount 
����������������equal to the applicable dollar amount per ton of Indian 
������������������������� ``(i) produced by the taxpayer at an Indian 
����������������������coal production facility during the 7-year period 
����������������������beginning on January 1, 2006, and
������������������������� ``(ii) sold by the taxpayer--
����������������������������������� ``(I) to an unrelated person, and
����������������������������������� ``(II) during such 7-year period and 
��������������������������������such taxable year.
������������������� ``(B) Applicable dollar amount.--
������������������������� ``(i) In general.--The term `applicable dollar 
����������������������amount' for any taxable year beginning in a 
����������������������calendar year means--
[[Page 119 STAT. 989]]
����������������������������������� ``(I) $1.50 in the case of calendar 
��������������������������������years 2006 through 2009, and
����������������������������������� ``(II) $2.00 in the case of calendar 
��������������������������������years beginning after 2009.
������������������������� ``(ii) Inflation adjustment.--In the case of 
����������������������any calendar year after 2006, each of the dollar 
����������������������amounts under clause (i) shall be equal to the 
����������������������product of such dollar amount and the inflation 
����������������������adjustment factor determined under paragraph 
����������������������(2)(B) for the calendar year, except that such 
����������������������paragraph shall be applied by substituting `2005' 
����������������������for `1992'.
������������������� ``(C) Application of rules.--Rules similar to the 
����������������rules of the subsection (b)(3) and paragraphs (1), (3), 
����������������(4), and (5) of this subsection shall apply for purposes 
����������������of determining the amount of any increase under this 
������������������� ``(D) <<NOTE: Effective date.>> Treatment as 
����������������specified credit.--The increase in the credit determined 
����������������under subsection (a) by reason of this paragraph with 
����������������respect to any facility shall be treated as a specified 
����������������credit for purposes of section 38(c)(4)(A) during the 4-
��������������� year period beginning on the later of January 1, 2006, 
����������������or the date on which such facility is placed in service 
����������������by the taxpayer.''.
����������� (2) <<NOTE: 26 USC 45.>> Resource.--Subsection (c) of 
��������section 45 (relating to qualified energy resources and refined 
��������coal), as amended by this Act, is amended by adding at the end 
��������the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(9) Indian coal.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The term `Indian coal' means coal 
����������������which is produced from coal reserves which, on June 14, 
������������������������� ``(i) were owned by an Indian tribe, or
������������������������� ``(ii) were held in trust by the United States 
����������������������for the benefit of an Indian tribe or its members.
������������������� ``(B) Indian tribe.--For purposes of this paragraph, 
����������������the term `Indian tribe' has the meaning given such term 
����������������by section 7871(c)(3)(E)(ii).''.
����������� (3) Indian coal production facility.--Subsection (d) of 
��������section 45, as amended by this Act, is amended by adding at the 
��������end the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(10) Indian coal production facility.--The term `Indian 
��������coal production facility' means a facility which is placed in 
��������service before January 1, 2009.''.
����������� (4) Conforming amendment.--The heading for section 45(c) is 
��������amended by striking ``Qualified Energy Resources and Refined 
��������Coal'' and inserting ``Resources''.
��� (e) Technical Amendment Related to Trash Combustion Facilities.--
Section 45(d)(7) (relating to trash combustion facilities) is amended by 
adding at the end the following: ``Such term shall include a new unit 
placed in service in connection with a facility placed in service on or 
before the date of the enactment of this paragraph, but only to the 
extent of the increased amount of electricity produced at the facility 
by reason of such new unit.''.
��� (f) Additional Technical Amendments Related to Section 710 of the 
American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.--
����������� (1) Clause (ii) of section 45(b)(4)(B) is amended by 
��������striking ``the date of the enactment of this Act'' and inserting 
��������``January 1, 2005,''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 990]]
����������� (2) <<NOTE: 26 USC 45.>> Clause (ii) of section 45(c)(3)(A) 
�������is amended by inserting ``or any nonhazardous lignin waste 
��������material'' after ``cellulosic waste material''.
����������� (3) Subsection (e) of section 45 is amended by striking 
��������paragraph (6).
����������� (4)(A) Paragraph (9) of section 45(e) is amended to read as 
����������� ``(9) Coordination with credit for producing fuel from a 
��������nonconventional source.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The term `qualified facility' 
����������������shall not include any facility which produces 
����������������electricity from gas derived from the biodegradation of 
����������������municipal solid waste if such biodegradation occurred in 
����������������a facility (within the meaning of section 29) the 
����������������production from which is allowed as a credit under 
����������������section 29 for the taxable year or any prior taxable 
������������������� ``(B) Refined coal facilities.--The term `refined 
����������������coal production facility' shall not include any facility 
����������������the production from which is allowed as a credit under 
����������������section 29 for the taxable year or any prior taxable 
����������� (B) Subparagraph (C) of section 45(e)(8) is amended by 
��������striking ``and (9)''.
����������� (5) <<NOTE: 26 USC 168.>> Subclause (I) of section 
��������168(e)(3)(B)(vi) is amended to read as follows:
����������������������������������� ``(I) is described in subparagraph 
��������������������������������(A) of section 48(a)(3) (or would be so 
��������������������������������described if `solar and wind' were 
��������������������������������substituted for `solar' in clause (i) 
��������������������������������thereof and the last sentence of such 
��������������������������������section did not apply to such 
����������� (6) Paragraph (4) of section 710(g) of the American Jobs 
��������Creation Act of 2004 <<NOTE: 26 USC 45 note.>>is amended by 
��������striking ``January 1, 2004'' and inserting ``January 1, 2005''.
��� (g) <<NOTE: 26 USC 45 note.>> Effective Dates.--
����������� (1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), the 
��������amendments made by this section shall take effect of the date of 
��������the enactment of this Act.
����������� (2) Technical amendments.--The amendments made by 
��������subsections (e) and (f) shall take effect as if included in the 
��������amendments made by section 710 of the American Jobs Creation Act 
��������of 2004.
��� (a) In General.--Section 45(e) (relating to definitions and special 
rules), as amended by this Act, is amended by adding at the end the 
����������� ``(11) Allocation of credit to patrons of agricultural 
������������������� ``(A) Election to allocate.--
������������������������� ``(i) In general.--In the case of an eligible 
����������������������cooperative organization, any portion of the 
����������������������credit determined under subsection (a) for the 
����������������������taxable year may, at the election of the 
����������������������organization, be apportioned among patrons of the 
����������������������organization on the basis of the amount of 
����������������������business done by the patrons during the taxable 
[[Page 119 STAT. 991]]
������������������� ������``(ii) Form and effect of election.--An 
����������������������election under clause (i) for any taxable year 
����������������������shall be made on a timely filed return for such 
����������������������year. Such election, once made, shall be 
����������������������irrevocable for such taxable year. Such election 
����������������������shall not take effect unless the organization 
����������������������designates the apportionment as such in a written 
����������������������notice mailed to its patrons during the payment 
����������������������period described in section 1382(d).
������������������� ``(B) Treatment of organizations and patrons.--The 
����������������amount of the credit apportioned to any patrons under 
����������������subparagraph (A)--
������������������������� ``(i) shall not be included in the amount 
����������������������determined under subsection (a) with respect to 
����������������������the organization for the taxable year, and
������������������������� ``(ii) shall be included in the amount 
����������������������determined under subsection (a) for the first 
����������������������taxable year of each patron ending on or after the 
����������������������last day of the payment period (as defined in 
����������������������section 1382(d)) for the taxable year of the 
����������������������organization or, if earlier, for the taxable year 
����������������������of each patron ending on or after the date on 
����������������������which the patron receives notice from the 
����������������������cooperative of the apportionment.
������������������� ``(C) Special rules for decrease in credits for 
����������������taxable year.--If the amount of the credit of a 
����������������cooperative organization determined under subsection (a) 
����������������for a taxable year is less than the amount of such 
����������������credit shown on the return of the cooperative 
����������������organization for such year, an amount equal to the 
����������������excess of--
������������������������ ``(i) such reduction, over
������������������������� ``(ii) the amount not apportioned to such 
����������������������patrons under subparagraph (A) for the taxable 
��������������� shall be treated as an increase in tax imposed by this 
����������������chapter on the organization. Such increase shall not be 
����������������treated as tax imposed by this chapter for purposes of 
����������������determining the amount of any credit under this chapter.
������������������� ``(D) Eligible cooperative defined.--For purposes of 
����������������this section the term `eligible cooperative' means a 
����������������cooperative organization described in section 1381(a) 
����������������which is owned more than 50 percent by agricultural 
����������������producers or by entities owned by agricultural 
����������������producers. For this purpose an entity owned by an 
����������������agricultural producer is one that is more than 50 
����������������percent owned by agricultural producers.''.
��� (b) Conforming Amendment.--The last sentence of section 55(c)(1) 
is <<NOTE: 26 USC 55.>> amended by inserting ``45(e)(11)(C),'' after 
��� (c) <<NOTE: 26 USC 45 note.>> Effective Date.--The amendments made 
by this section shall apply to taxable years of cooperative 
organizations ending after the date of the enactment of this Act.
��� (a) In General.--Part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 (relating to 
credits against tax) is amended by adding at the end the following new 
[[Page 119 STAT. 992]]
����� ``Subpart H--Nonrefundable Credit to Holders of Certain Bonds
``Sec. 54. Credit to holders of clean renewable energy bonds.
��� ``(a) Allowance of Credit.--If a taxpayer holds a clean renewable 
energy bond on one or more credit allowance dates of the bond occurring 
during any taxable year, there shall be allowed as a credit against the 
tax imposed by this chapter for the taxable year an amount equal to the 
sum of the credits determined under subsection (b) with respect to such 
��� ``(b) Amount of Credit.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The amount of the credit determined under 
��������this subsection with respect to any credit allowance date for a 
��������clean renewable energy bond is 25 percent of the annual credit 
��������determined with respect to such bond.
����������� ``(2) Annual credit.--The annual credit determined with 
��������respect to any clean renewable energy bond is the product of--
������������������� ``(A) the credit rate determined by the Secretary 
����������������under paragraph (3) for the day on which such bond was 
����������������sold, multiplied by
������������������� ``(B) the outstanding face amount of the bond.
����������� ``(3) Determination.--For purposes of paragraph (2), with 
��������respect to any clean renewable energy bond, the Secretary shall 
��������determine daily or cause to be determined daily a credit rate 
��������which shall apply to the first day on which there is a binding, 
��������written contract for the sale or exchange of the bond. The 
��������credit rate for any day is the credit rate which the Secretary 
��������or the Secretary's designee estimates will permit the issuance 
��������of clean renewable energy bonds with a specified maturity or 
��������redemption date without discount and without interest cost to 
��������the qualified issuer.
����������� ``(4) Credit allowance date.--For purposes of this section, 
��������the term `credit allowance date' means--
������������������� ``(A) March 15,
������������������� ``(B) June 15,
����������� ��������``(C) September 15, and
������������������� ``(D) December 15.
������� Such term also includes the last day on which the bond is 
����������� ``(5) Special rule for issuance and redemption.--In the case 
��������of a bond which is issued during the 3-month period ending on a 
��������credit allowance date, the amount of the credit determined under 
��������this subsection with respect to such credit allowance date shall 
��������be a ratable portion of the credit otherwise determined based on 
��������the portion of the 3-month period during which the bond is 
��������outstanding. A similar rule shall apply when the bond is 
��������redeemed or matures.
��� ``(c) Limitation Based on Amount of Tax.--The credit allowed under 
subsection (a) for any taxable year shall not exceed the excess of--
����������� ``(1) the sum of the regular tax liability (as defined in 
��������section 26(b)) plus the tax imposed by section 55, over
[[Page 119 STAT. 993]]
����������� ``(2) the sum of the credits allowable under this part 
��������(other than subpart C and this section).
��� ``(d) Clean Renewable Energy Bond.--For purposes of this section--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The term `clean renewable energy bond' 
��������means any bond issued as part of an issue if--
������������������� ``(A) the bond is issued by a qualified issuer 
����������������pursuant to an allocation by the Secretary to such 
����������������issuer of a portion of the national clean renewable 
����������������energy bond limitation under subsection (f)(2),
������������������� ``(B) 95 percent or more of the proceeds of such 
����������������issue are to be used for capital expenditures incurred 
����������������by qualified borrowers for one or more qualified 
������������������� ``(C) the qualified issuer designates such bond for 
����������������purposes of this section and the bond is in registered 
����������������form, and
������������������� ``(D) the issue meets the requirements of subsection 
����������� ``(2) Qualified project; special use rules.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The term `qualified project' 
����������������means any qualified facility (as determined under 
����������������section 45(d) without regard to paragraph (10) and to 
����������������any placed in service date) owned by a qualified 
������������������� ``(B) Refinancing rules.--For purposes of paragraph 
����������������(1)(B), a qualified project may be refinanced with 
����������������proceeds of a clean renewable energy bond only if the 
����������������indebtedness being refinanced (including any obligation 
����������������directly or indirectly refinanced by such indebtedness) 
����������������was originally incurred by a qualified borrower after 
����������������the date of the enactment of this section.
������������������� ``(C) <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> Reimbursement.--For 
����������������purposes of paragraph (1)(B), a clean renewable energy 
����������������bond may be issued to reimburse a qualified borrower for 
����������������amounts paid after the date of the enactment of this 
����������������section with respect to a qualified project, but only 
���������� ���������������``(i) prior to the payment of the original 
����������������������expenditure, the qualified borrower declared its 
����������������������intent to reimburse such expenditure with the 
����������������������proceeds of a clean renewable energy bond,
������������������������� ``(ii) not later than 60 days after payment of 
����������������������the original expenditure, the qualified issuer 
����������������������adopts an official intent to reimburse the 
����������������������original expenditure with such proceeds, and
������������������������� ``(iii) the reimbursement is made not later 
����������������������than 18 months after the date the original 
����������������������expenditure is paid.
������������������� ``(D) Treatment of changes in use.--For purposes of 
����������������paragraph (1)(B), the proceeds of an issue shall not be 
����������������treated as used for a qualified project to the extent 
����������������that a qualified borrower or qualified issuer takes any 
����������������action within its control which causes such proceeds not 
����������������to be used for a qualified project. The Secretary shall 
����������������prescribe regulations specifying remedial actions that 
����������������may be taken (including conditions to taking such 
����������������remedial actions) to prevent an action described in the 
����������������preceding sentence from causing a bond to fail to be a 
����������������clean renewable energy bond.
[[Page 119 STAT. 994]]
��� ``(e) Maturity Limitations.--
����������� ``(1) Duration of term.--A bond shall not be treated as a 
��������clean renewable energy bond if the maturity of such bond exceeds 
��������the maximum term determined by the Secretary under paragraph (2) 
��������with respect to such bond.
����������� ``(2) Maximum term.--During each calendar month, the 
��������Secretary shall determine the maximum term permitted under this 
��������paragraph for bonds issued during the following calendar month. 
��������Such maximum term shall be the term which the Secretary 
��������estimates will result in the present value of the obligation to 
��������repay the principal on the bond being equal to 50 percent of the 
��������face amount of such bond. Such present value shall be determined 
��������without regard to the requirements of subsection (l)(6) and 
��������using as a discount rate the average annual interest rate of 
��������tax-exempt obligations having a term of 10 years or more which 
��������are issued during the month. If the term as so determined is not 
��������a multiple of a whole year, such term shall be rounded to the 
��������next highest whole year.
��� ``(f) Limitation on Amount of Bonds Designated.--
����������� ``(1) National limitation.--There is a national clean 
��������renewable energy bond limitation of $800,000,000.
����������� ``(2) Allocation by secretary.--The Secretary shall allocate 
��������the amount described in paragraph (1) among qualified projects 
��������in such manner as the Secretary determines appropriate, except 
��������that the Secretary may not allocate more than $500,000,000 of 
��������the national clean renewable energy bond limitation to finance 
��������qualified projects of qualified borrowers which are governmental 
��� ``(g) Credit Included in Gross Income.--Gross income includes the 
amount of the credit allowed to the taxpayer under this section 
(determined without regard to subsection (c)) and the amount so included 
shall be treated as interest income.
��� ``(h) Special Rules Relating to Expenditures.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--An issue shall be treated as meeting the 
��������requirements of this subsection if, as of the date of issuance, 
��������the qualified issuer reasonably expects--
������������������� ``(A) at least 95 percent of the proceeds of such 
����������������issue are to be spent for one or more qualified projects 
����������������within the 5-year period beginning on the date of 
����������������issuance of the clean energy bond,
������������������� ``(B) a binding commitment with a third party to 
����������������spend at least 10 percent of the proceeds of such issue 
����������������will be incurred within the 6-month period beginning on 
����������������the date of issuance of the clean energy bond or, in the 
����������������case of a clean energy bond the proceeds of which are to 
����������������be loaned to two or more qualified borrowers, such 
����������������binding commitment will be incurred within the 6-month 
����������������period beginning on the date of the loan of such 
����������������proceeds to a qualified borrower, and
������������������� ``(C) such projects will be completed with due 
����������������diligence and the proceeds of such issue will be spent 
����������������with due diligence.
����������� ``(2) Extension of period.--Upon submission of a request 
��������prior to the expiration of the period described in paragraph 
��������(1)(A), the Secretary may extend such period if the qualified
[[Page 119 STAT. 995]]
������� issuer establishes that the failure to satisfy the 5-year 
��������requirement is due to reasonable cause and the related projects 
��������will continue to proceed with due diligence.
����������� ``(3) Failure to spend required amount of bond proceeds 
��������within 5 years.--To the extent that less than 95 percent of the 
��������proceeds of such issue are expended by the close of the 5-year 
��������period beginning on the date of issuance (or if an extension has 
��������been obtained under paragraph (2), by the close of the extended 
��������period), the qualified issuer shall redeem all of the 
��������nonqualified bonds within 90 days after the end of such period. 
�������For purposes of this paragraph, the amount of the nonqualified 
��������bonds required to be redeemed shall be determined in the same 
��������manner as under section 142.
��� ``(i) Special Rules Relating to Arbitrage.--A bond which is part of 
an issue shall not be treated as a clean renewable energy bond unless, 
with respect to the issue of which the bond is a part, the qualified 
issuer satisfies the arbitrage requirements of section 148 with respect 
to proceeds of the issue.
��� ``(j) Cooperative Electric Company; Qualified Energy Tax Credit Bond 
Lender; Governmental Body; Qualified Borrower.--For purposes of this 
����������� ``(1) Cooperative electric company.--The term `cooperative 
��������electric company' means a mutual or cooperative electric company 
��������described in section 501(c)(12) or section 1381(a)(2)(C), or a 
��������not-for-profit electric utility which has received a loan or 
��������loan guarantee under the Rural Electrification Act.
����������� ``(2) Clean renewable energy bond lender.--The term `clean 
��������renewable energy bond lender' means a lender which is a 
��������cooperative which is owned by, or has outstanding loans to, 100 
��������or more cooperative electric companies and is in existence on 
��������February 1, 2002, and shall include any affiliated entity which 
��������is controlled by such lender.
����������� ``(3) Governmental body.--The term `governmental body' means 
��������any State, territory, possession of the United States, the 
��������District of Columbia, Indian tribal government, and any 
��������political subdivision thereof.
����������� ``(4) Qualified issuer.--The term `qualified issuer' means--
������������������� ``(A) a clean renewable energy bond lender,
������������������� ``(B) a cooperative electric company, or
������������������� ``(C) a governmental body.
����������� ``(5) Qualified borrower.--The term `qualified borrower' 
������������������� ``(A) a mutual or cooperative electric company 
����������������described in section 501(c)(12) or 1381(a)(2)(C), or
������������������� ``(B) a governmental body.
��� ``(k) Special Rules Relating to Pool Bonds.--No portion of a pooled 
financing bond may be allocable to any loan unless the borrower has 
entered into a written loan commitment for such portion prior to the 
issue date of such issue.
��� ``(l) Other Definitions and Special Rules.--For purposes of this 
����������� ``(1) Bond.--The term `bond' includes any obligation.
����������� ``(2) Pooled financing bond.--The term `pooled financing 
��������bond' shall have the meaning given such term by section 
[[Page 119 STAT. 996]]
����������� ``(3) Partnership; s <<NOTE: Applicability.>>corporation; 
��������and other pass-thru entities.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--
��������������� Under <<NOTE: Regulations.>> regulations prescribed by 
����������������the Secretary, in the case of a partnership, trust, S 
����������������corporation, or other pass-thru entity, rules similar to 
����������������the rules of section 41(g) shall apply with respect to 
����������������the credit allowable under subsection (a).
������������������� ``(B) No basis adjustment.--In the case of a bond 
����������������held by a partnership or an S corporation, rules similar 
����������������to the rules under section 1397E(i) shall apply.
����������� ``(4) Bonds <<NOTE: Procedures.>> held by regulated 
��������investment companies.--If any clean renewable energy bond is 
��������held by a regulated investment company, the credit determined 
��������under subsection (a) shall be allowed to shareholders of such 
��������company under procedures prescribed by the Secretary.
����������� ``(5) Treatment for estimated tax purposes.--Solely for 
��������purposes of sections 6654 and 6655, the credit allowed by this 
��������section (determined without regard to subsection (c)) to a 
��������taxpayer by reason of holding a clean renewable energy bond on a 
��������credit allowance date shall be treated as if it were a payment 
��������of estimated tax made by the taxpayer on such date.
����������� ``(6) Ratable principal amortization required.--A bond shall 
��������not be treated as a clean renewable energy bond unless it is 
��������part of an issue which provides for an equal amount of principal 
��������to be paid by the qualified issuer during each calendar year 
��������that the issue is outstanding.
����������� ``(7) Reporting.--Issuers of clean renewable energy bonds 
��������shall submit reports similar to the reports required under 
��������section 149(e).
��� ``(m) Termination.--This section shall not apply with respect to any 
bond issued after December 31, 2007.''.
��� (b) Reporting.--Subsection (d) of section 6049 (relating to returns 
regarding payments of interest) is amended by adding at the end the 
following new paragraph:
����������� ``(8) Reporting of credit on clean renewable energy bonds.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--For purposes of subsection (a), 
����������������the term `interest' includes amounts includible in gross 
����������������income under section 54(g) and such amounts shall be 
����������������treated as paid on the credit allowance date (as defined 
����������������in section 54(b)(4)).
������������������� ``(B) Reporting to corporations, etc.--Except as 
����������������otherwise provided in regulations, in the case of any 
����������������interest described in subparagraph (A), subsection 
����������������(b)(4) shall be applied without regard to subparagraphs 
����������������(A), (H), (I), (J), (K), and (L)(i) of such subsection.
������������������� ``(C) Regulatory authority.--The Secretary may 
����������������prescribe such regulations as are necessary or 
����������������appropriate to carry out the purposes of this paragraph, 
����������������including regulations which require more frequent or 
����������������more detailed reporting.''.
��(c) Conforming Amendments.--
����������� (1) The table of subparts for part IV of subchapter A of 
��������chapter 1 is amended by adding at the end the following new 
[[Page 119 STAT. 997]]
��� ``subpart h. nonrefundable credit to holders of certain bonds.''.
����������� (2) Section 1397E(c)(2) is amended by inserting ``, and 
��������subpart H thereof'' after ``refundable credits''.
����������� (3) Subsection (h) of section 1397E is amended to read as 
��� ``(h) Credit Treated as Nonrefundable Bondholder Credit.--For 
purposes of this title, the credit allowed by this section shall be 
treated as a credit allowable under subpart H of part IV of subchapter A 
of this chapter.''.
����������� (4) Section 6401(b)(1) is amended by striking ``and G'' and 
��������inserting ``G, and H''.
��� (d) Issuance of Regulations.--The <<NOTE: Deadline. 26 USC 54 
note.>> Secretary of the Treasury shall issue regulations required under 
section 54 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as added by this 
section) not later than 120 days after the date of the enactment of this 
��� (e) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 54 note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall apply to bonds issued after December 31, 2005.
��� (a) Elimination of Sunset on Treatment of Income From Open Access 
and Nuclear Decommissioning Transactions.--Section 501(c)(12)(C) is 
amended by striking the last sentence.
��� (b) Elimination of Sunset on Treatment of Income From Load Loss 
Transactions.--Section 501(c)(12)(H) is amended by striking clause (x).
��� (c) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 501 note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this 
��� (a) In General.--Section 451(i)(3) (defining qualifying electric 
transmission transaction) is amended by striking ``2007'' and inserting 
��� (b) Technical Amendment Related to Section 909 of the American Jobs 
Creation Act of 2004.--Clause (ii) of section 451(i)(4)(B) is amended by 
striking ``the close of the period applicable under subsection (a)(2)(B) 
as extended under paragraph (2)'' and inserting ``December 31, 2007''.
��� (c) Effective <<NOTE: 26 USC 451 note.>> Dates.--
����������� (1) In general.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall 
��������apply to transactions occurring after the date of the enactment 
��������of this Act.
����������� (2) Technical amendment.--The amendment made by subsection 
��������(b) shall take effect as if included in the amendments made by 
��������section 909 of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.
��� (a) In General.--Subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 
(relating to business related credits) is amended by adding after 
section 45I the following new section:
[[Page 119 STAT. 998]]
��� ``(a) General Rule.--For purposes of section 38, the advanced 
nuclear power facility production credit of any taxpayer for any taxable 
year is equal to the product of--
����������� ``(1) 1.8 cents, multiplied by
����������� ``(2) the kilowatt hours of electricity--
������������������� ``(A) produced by the taxpayer at an advanced 
����������������nuclear power facility during the 8-year period 
����������������beginning on the date the facility was originally placed 
����������������in service, and
������������������� ``(B) sold by the taxpayer to an unrelated person 
����������������during the taxable year.
��� ``(b) National Limitation.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The amount of credit which would (but for 
��������this subsection and subsection (c)) be allowed with respect to 
��������any facility for any taxable year shall not exceed the amount 
��������which bears the same ratio to such amount of credit as--
������������������� ``(A) the national megawatt capacity limitation 
����������������allocated to the facility, bears to
������������������� ``(B) the total megawatt nameplate capacity of such 
����������� ``(2) Amount of national limitation.--The national megawatt 
��������capacity limitation shall be 6,000 megawatts.
����������� ``(3) Allocation of limitation.--The Secretary shall 
��������allocate the national megawatt capacity limitation in such 
��������manner as the Secretary may prescribe.
����������� ``(4) Regulations.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 6 
��������months after the date of the enactment of this section, the 
��������Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary 
��������or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this subsection. 
��������Such regulations shall provide a certification process under 
��������which the Secretary, after consultation with the Secretary of 
��������Energy, shall approve and allocate the national megawatt 
��������capacity limitation.
��� ``(c) Other Limitations.--
����������� ``(1) Annual limitation.--The amount of the credit allowable 
��������under subsection (a) (after the application of subsection (b)) 
��������for any taxable year with respect to any facility shall not 
��������exceed an amount which bears the same ratio to $125,000,000 as--
������������������� ``(A) the national megawatt capacity limitation 
����������������allocated under subsection (b) to the facility, bears to
������������������� ``(B) 1,000.
����������� ``(2) Other limitations.--Rules similar to the rules of 
��������section 45(b)(1) shall apply for purposes of this section.
��� ``(d) Advanced Nuclear Power Facility.--For purposes of this 
����������� ``(1) In general.--The term `advanced nuclear power 
��������facility' means any advanced nuclear facility--
������������������� ``(A) which is owned by the taxpayer and which uses 
���������������nuclear energy to produce electricity, and
������������������� ``(B) which is placed in service after the date of 
����������������the enactment of this paragraph and before January 1, 
����������� ``(2) Advanced nuclear facility.--For purposes of paragraph 
��������(1), the term `advanced nuclear facility' means any nuclear 
��������facility the reactor design for which is approved after December 
��������31, 1993, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
[[Page 119 STAT. 999]]
������ (and such design or a substantially similar design of comparable 
��������capacity was not approved on or before such date).
��� ``(e) Other Rules To Apply.--Rules similar to the rules of 
paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) of section 45(e) shall apply for 
purposes of this section.''.
��� (b) Credit Treated as Business Credit.--Section 38(b), as amended by 
the Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users, is amended by 
striking ``plus'' at the end of paragraph (19), by striking the period 
at the end of paragraph (20) and inserting ``, plus'', and by adding at 
the end the following:
����������� ``(21) the advanced nuclear power facility production credit 
��������determined under section 45J(a).''.
��� (c) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for subpart D of part 
IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 is amended by adding at the end the 
``Sec. 45J. Credit for production from advanced nuclear power 
��� (d) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 38 note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall apply to production in taxable years beginning 
after the date of the enactment of this Act.
��� (a) In General.--Section 46 (relating to amount of credit) is 
amended by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (1), by striking the 
period at the end of paragraph (2), and by adding at the end the 
following new paragraphs:
����������� ``(3) the qualifying advanced coal project credit, and
����������� ``(4) the qualifying gasification project credit.''.
��� (b) Amount of Credits.--Subpart E of part IV of subchapter A of 
chapter 1 (relating to rules for computing investment credit) is amended 
by inserting after section 48 the following new sections:
��� ``(a) In General.--For purposes of section 46, the qualifying 
advanced coal project credit for any taxable year is an amount equal 
����������� ``(1) 20 percent of the qualified investment for such 
��������taxable year in the case of projects described in subsection 
��������(d)(3)(B)(i), and
����������� ``(2) 15 percent of the qualified investment for such 
��������taxable year in the case of projects described in subsection 
��� ``(b) Qualified Investment.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--For purposes of subsection (a), the 
��������qualified investment for any taxable year is the basis of 
��������eligible property placed in service by the taxpayer during such 
��������taxable year which is part of a qualifying advanced coal 
������������������� ``(A)(i) the construction, reconstruction, or 
����������������erection of which is completed by the taxpayer, or
������������������� ``(ii) which is acquired by the taxpayer if the 
����������������original use of such property commences with the 
����������������taxpayer, and
������������������� ``(B) with respect to which depreciation (or 
����������������amortization in lieu of depreciation) is allowable.
 �����������``(2) Special rule for certain subsidized property.--Rules 
��������similar to section 48(a)(4) shall apply for purposes of this 
����������� ``(3) Certain qualified progress expenditures rules made 
��������applicable.--Rules similar to the rules of subsections (c)(4) 
��������and (d) of section 46 (as in effect on the day before
[[Page 119 STAT. 1000]]
������� the enactment of the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1990) shall 
��������apply for purposes of this section.
��� ``(c) Definitions.--For purposes of this section--
����������� ``(1) Qualifying advanced coal project.--The term 
��������`qualifying advanced coal project' means a project which meets 
��������the requirements of subsection (e).
��������� ��``(2) Advanced coal-based generation technology.--The term 
��������`advanced coal-based generation technology' means a technology 
��������which meets the requirements of subsection (f).
����������� ``(3) Eligible property.--The term `eligible property' 
������������������� ``(A) in the case of any qualifying advanced coal 
����������������project using an integrated gasification combined cycle, 
����������������any property which is a part of such project and is 
����������������necessary for the gasification of coal, including any 
����������������coal handling and gas separation equipment, and
������������������� ``(B) in the case of any other qualifying advanced 
����������������coal project, any property which is a part of such 
����������� ``(4) Coal.--The term `coal' means anthracite, bituminous 
��������coal, subbituminous coal, lignite, and peat.
����������� ``(5) Greenhouse gas capture capability.--The term 
��������`greenhouse gas capture capability' means an integrated 
��������gasification combined cycle technology facility capable of 
��������adding components which can capture, separate on a long-term 
��������basis, isolate, remove, and sequester greenhouse gases which 
��������result from the generation of electricity.
����������� ``(6) Electric generation unit.--The term `electric 
��������generation unit' means any facility at least 50 percent of the 
��������total annual net output of which is electrical power, including 
��������an otherwise eligible facility which is used in an industrial 
����������� ``(7) Integrated gasification combined cycle.--The term 
��������`integrated gasification combined cycle' means an electric 
��������generation unit which produces electricity by converting coal to 
��������synthesis gas which is used to fuel a combined-cycle plant which 
��������produces electricity from both a combustion turbine (including a 
��������combustion turbine/fuel cell hybrid) and a steam turbine.
��� ``(d) Qualifying <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> Advanced Coal Project 
����������� ``(1) Establishment.--Not later than 180 days after the date 
��������of enactment of this section, the Secretary, in consultation 
��������with the Secretary of Energy, shall establish a qualifying 
��������advanced coal project program for the deployment of advanced 
��������coal-based generation technologies.
����������� ``(2) Certification.--
������������������� ``(A) Application period.--Each applicant for 
����������������certification under this paragraph shall submit an 
����������������application meeting the requirements of subparagraph 
����������������(B). An applicant may only submit an application during 
����������������the 3-year period beginning on the date the Secretary 
����������������establishes the program under paragraph (1).
������������������� ``(B) Requirements for applications for 
����������������certification.--An application under subparagraph (A) 
����������������shall contain such information as the Secretary may 
����������������require in order to make a determination to accept or 
����������������reject an application for certification as meeting the 
����������������requirements under subsection (e)(1). <<NOTE: Trade 
����������������secrets. Confidential information.>> Any information 
����������������contained in the
[[Page 119 STAT. 1001]]
��������������� application shall be protected as provided in section 
����������������552(b)(4) of title 5, United States Code.
������������������� ``(C) Time to act upon applications for 
����������������certification.--The Secretary shall issue a 
����������������determination as to whether an applicant has met the 
����������������requirements under subsection (e)(1) within 60 days 
����������������following the date of submittal of the application for 
������������������� ``(D) Time to meet criteria for certification.--Each 
����������������applicant for certification shall have 2 years from the 
����������������date of acceptance by the Secretary of the application 
����������������during which to provide to the Secretary evidence that 
����������������the criteria set forth in subsection (e)(2) have been 
������������������``(E) Period of issuance.--An applicant which 
����������������receives a certification shall have 5 years from the 
����������������date of issuance of the certification in order to place 
����������������the project in service and if such project is not placed 
����������������in service by that time period then the certification 
����������������shall no longer be valid.
����������� ``(3) Aggregate credits.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The aggregate credits allowed 
����������������under subsection (a) for projects certified by the 
����������������Secretary under paragraph (2) may not exceed 
������������������� ``(B) Particular projects.--Of the dollar amount in 
����������������subparagraph (A), the Secretary is authorized to 
������������������������� ``(i) $800,000,000 for integrated gasification 
����������������������combined cycle projects, and
������������������������� ``(ii) $500,000,000 for projects which use 
����������������������other advanced coal-based generation technologies.
����������� ``(4) Review and redistribution.--
������������������� ``(A) Review.--Not later than 6 years after the date 
����������������of enactment of this section, the Secretary shall review 
����������������the credits allocated under this section as of the date 
����������������which is 6 years after the date of enactment of this 
������������������� ``(B) Redistribution.--The Secretary may reallocate 
���������������credits available under clauses (i) and (ii) of 
����������������paragraph (3)(B) if the Secretary determines that--
������������������������� ``(i) there is an insufficient quantity of 
����������������������qualifying applications for certification pending 
����������������������at the time of the review, or
������������������������� ``(ii) any certification made pursuant to 
����������������������subsection paragraph (2) has been revoked pursuant 
����������������������to subsection paragraph (2)(D) because the project 
����������������������subject to the certification has been delayed as a 
����������������������result of third party opposition or litigation to 
����������������������the proposed project.
������������ �������``(C) Reallocation.--If the Secretary determines 
����������������that credits under clause (i) or (ii) of paragraph 
����������������(3)(B) are available for reallocation pursuant to the 
����������������requirements set forth in paragraph (2), the Secretary 
����������������is authorized to conduct an additional program for 
����������������applications for certification.
��� ``(e) Qualifying Advanced Coal Projects.--
����������� ``(1) Requirements.--For purposes of subsection (c)(1), a 
��������project shall be considered a qualifying advanced coal project 
��������that the Secretary may certify under subsection (d)(2) if the 
��������Secretary determines that, at a minimum--
������������������� ``(A) the project uses an advanced coal-based 
����������������generation technology--
������������������������� ``(i) to power a new electric generation unit; 
[[Page 119 STAT. 1002]]
������������������������� ``(ii) to retrofit or repower an existing 
����������������������electric generation unit (including an existing 
����������������������natural gas-fired combined cycle unit);
������������������� ``(B) the fuel input for the project, when 
����������������completed, is at least 75 percent coal;
������������������� ``(C) the project, consisting of one or more 
����������������electric generation units at one site, will have a total 
����������������nameplate generating capacity of at least 400 megawatts;
������������������� ``(D) the applicant provides evidence that a 
����������������majority of the output of the project is reasonably 
����������������expected to be acquired or utilized;
������������������� ``(E) the applicant provides evidence of ownership 
����������������or control of a site of sufficient size to allow the 
����������������proposed project to be constructed and to operate on a 
����������������long-term basis; and
������������������� ``(F) the project will be located in the United 
����������� ``(2) Requirements for certification.--For the purpose of 
��������subsection (d)(2)(D), a project shall be eligible for 
��������certification only if the Secretary determines that--
������������������� ``(A) the applicant for certification has received 
����������������all Federal and State environmental authorizations or 
����������������reviews necessary to commence construction of the 
����������������project; and
������������������� ``(B) the applicant for certification, except in the 
����������������case of a retrofit or repower of an existing electric 
����������������generation unit, has purchased or entered into a binding 
����������������contract for the purchase of the main steam turbine or 
����������������turbines for the project, except that such contract may 
����������������be contingent upon receipt of a certification under 
����������������subsection (d)(2).
����������� ``(3) Priority for integrated gasification combined cycle 
��������projects.--In determining which qualifying advanced coal 
��������projects to certify under subsection (d)(2), the Secretary 
������������������� ``(A) certify capacity, in accordance with the 
����������������procedures set forth in subsection (d), in relatively 
����������������equal amounts to--
����� ��������������������``(i) projects using bituminous coal as a 
����������������������primary feedstock,
������������������������� ``(ii) projects using subbituminous coal as a 
����������������������primary feedstock, and
������������������������� ``(iii) projects using lignite as a primary 
����������������������feedstock, and
������������������� ``(B) give high priority to projects which include, 
����������������as determined by the Secretary--
������������������������� ``(i) greenhouse gas capture capability,
������������������������� ``(ii) increased by-product utilization, and
������������������������� ``(iii) other benefits.
��� ``(f) Advanced Coal-Based Generation Technology.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--For the purpose of this section, an 
��������electric generation unit uses advanced coal-based generation 
��������technology if--
������������������� ``(A) the unit--
������������������������� ``(i) uses integrated gasification combined 
����������������������cycle technology, or
�������������� �����������``(ii) except as provided in paragraph (3), 
����������������������has a design net heat rate of 8530 Btu/kWh (40 
����������������������percent efficiency), and
[[Page 119 STAT. 1003]]
������������������� ``(B) the unit is designed to meet the performance 
����������������requirements in the following table:
Performance characteristic:�������� Design level for project:
SO2 (percent removal)...........99 percent
NOx (emissions)................. 0.07 lbs/MMBTU
PM* (emissions).................0.015 lbs/MMBTU
Hg (percent removal)............90 percent
����������� ``(2) Design net heat rate.--For purposes of this 
��������subsection, design net heat rate with respect to an electric 
��������generation unit shall--
������������������� ``(A) be measured in Btu per kilowatt hour (higher 
����������������heating value),
������������������� ``(B) be based on the design annual heat input to 
����������������the unit and the rated net electrical power, fuels, and 
����������������chemicals output of the unit (determined without regard 
����������������to the cogeneration of steam by the unit),
������������������� ``(C) be adjusted for the heat content of the design 
����������������coal to be used by the unit--
������������������������� ``(i) if the heat content is less than 13,500 
����������������������Btu per pound, but greater than 7,000 Btu per 
����������������������pound, according to the following formula: design 
����������������������net heat rate = unit net heat rate x [1-[((13,500-
��������������������� design coal heat content, Btu per pound)/1,000)* 
����������������������0.013]], and
������������������������� ``(ii) if the heat content is less than or 
����������������������equal to 7,000 Btu per pound, according to the 
����������������������following formula: design net heat rate = unit net 
����������������������heat rate x [1-[((13,500-design coal heat content, 
����������������������Btu per pound)/1,000)* 0.018]], and
������� ������������``(D) be corrected for the site reference conditions 
������������������������� ``(i) elevation above sea level of 500 feet,
������������������������� ``(ii) air pressure of 14.4 pounds per square 
����������������������inch absolute,
������������������������� ``(iii) temperature, dry bulb of 63F,
������������������������� ``(iv) temperature, wet bulb of 54F, and
������������������������� ``(v) relative humidity of 55 percent.
����������� ``(3) Existing units.--In the case of any electric 
��������generation unit in existence on the date of the enactment of 
��������this section, such unit uses advanced coal-based generation 
��������technology if, in lieu of the requirements under paragraph 
��������(1)(A)(ii), such unit achieves a minimum efficiency of 35 
��������percent and an overall thermal design efficiency improvement, 
��������compared to the efficiency of the unit as operated, of not less 
������������������� ``(A) 7 percentage points for coal of more than 
����������������9,000 Btu,
������������������� ``(B) 6 percentage points for coal of 7,000 to 9,000 
����������������Btu, or
������������������� ``(C) 4 percentage points for coal of less than 
����������������7,000 Btu.
��� ``(g) Applicability.--No use of technology (or level of emission 
reduction solely by reason of the use of the technology), and no 
achievement of any emission reduction by the demonstration of any 
technology or performance level, by or at one or more facilities with 
respect to which a credit is allowed under this section, shall
[[Page 119 STAT. 1004]]
be considered to indicate that the technology or performance level is--
����������� ``(1) adequately demonstrated for purposes of section 111 of 
�������the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7411);
����������� ``(2) achievable for purposes of section 169 of that Act (42 
��������U.S.C. 7479); or
����������� ``(3) achievable in practice for purposes of section 171 of 
��������such Act (42 U.S.C. 7501).
��� ``(a) In General.--For purposes of section 46, the qualifying 
gasification project credit for any taxable year is an amount equal to 
20 percent of the qualified investment for such taxable year.
��� ``(b) Qualified Investment.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--For purposes of subsection (a), the 
��������qualified investment for any taxable year is the basis of 
��������eligible property placed in service by the taxpayer during such 
��������taxable year which is part of a qualifying gasification 
������������������� ``(A)(i) the construction, reconstruction, or 
����������������erection of which is completed by the taxpayer, or
������������������� ``(ii) which is acquired by the taxpayer if the 
����������������original use of such property commences with the 
����������������taxpayer, and
������������������� ``(B) with respect to which depreciation (or 
����������������amortization in lieu of depreciation) is allowable.
����������� ``(2) Special rule for certain subsidized property.--Rules 
��������similar to section 48(a)(4) shall apply for purposes of this 
����������� ``(3) Certain qualified progress expenditures rules made 
��������applicable.--Rules similar to the rules of subsections (c)(4) 
��������and (d) of section 46 (as in effect on the day before the 
��������enactment of the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1990) shall apply 
��������for purposes of this section.
��� ``(c) Definitions.--For purposes of this section--
����������� ``(1) Qualifying gasification project.--The term `qualifying 
��������gasification project' means any project which--
������������������� ``(A) employs gasification technology,
������������������� ``(B) will be carried out by an eligible entity, and
������������������� ``(C) any portion of the qualified investment of 
����������������which is certified under the qualifying gasification 
����������������program as eligible for credit under this section in an 
����������������amount (not to exceed $650,000,000) determined by the 
����������� ``(2) Gasification technology.--The term `gasification 
��������technology' means any process which converts a solid or liquid 
��������product from coal, petroleum residue, biomass, or other 
��������materials which are recovered for their energy or feedstock 
��������value into a synthesis gas composed primarily of carbon monoxide 
��������and hydrogen for direct use or subsequent chemical or physical 
����������� ``(3) Eligible property.--The term `eligible property' means 
��������any property which is a part of a qualifying gasification 
��������project and is necessary for the gasification technology of such 
����������� ``(4) Biomass.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The term `biomass' means any--
������������������������� ``(i) agricultural or plant waste,
������������������������� ``(ii) byproduct of wood or paper mill 
����������������������operations, including lignin in spent pulping 
����������������������liquors, and
[[Page 119 STAT. 1005]]
������������������������� ``(iii) other products of forestry 
������������������� ``(B) Exclusion.--The term `biomass' does not 
����������������include paper which is commonly recycled.
����������� ``(5) Carbon capture capability.--The term `carbon capture 
��������capability' means a gasification plant design which is 
��������determined by the Secretary to reflect reasonable consideration 
��������for, and be capable of, accommodating the equipment likely to be 
��������necessary to capture carbon dioxide from the gaseous stream, for 
��������later use or sequestration, which would otherwise be emitted in 
��������the flue gas from a project which uses a nonrenewable fuel.
����������� ``(6) Coal.--The term `coal' means anthracite, bituminous 
��������coal, subbituminous coal, lignite, and peat.
����������� ``(7) Eligible entity.--The term `eligible entity' means any 
��������person whose application for certification is principally 
��������intended for use in a domestic project which employs domestic 
��������gasification applications related to--
�������� �����������``(A) chemicals,
������������������� ``(B) fertilizers,
������������������� ``(C) glass,
������������������� ``(D) steel,
������������������� ``(E) petroleum residues,
������������������� ``(F) forest products, and
������������������� ``(G) agriculture, including feedlots and dairy 
����������� ``(8) Petroleum residue.--The term `petroleum residue' means 
��������the carbonized product of high-boiling hydrocarbon fractions 
��������obtained in petroleum processing.
��``(d) Qualifying Gasification Project Program.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 180 
��������days after the date of the enactment of this section, the 
��������Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Energy, shall 
��������establish a qualifying gasification project program to consider 
��������and award certifications for qualified investment eligible for 
��������credits under this section to qualifying gasification project 
��������sponsors under this section. The total amounts of credit that 
��������may be allocated under the program shall not exceed $350,000,000 
��������under rules similar to the rules of section 48A(d)(4).
����������� ``(2) Period of issuance.--A <<NOTE: Deadline.>> certificate 
��������of eligibility under paragraph (1) may be issued only during the 
��������10-fiscal year period beginning on October 1, 2005.
����������� ``(3) Selection criteria.--The Secretary shall not make a 
��������competitive certification award for qualified investment for 
��������credit eligibility under this section unless the recipient has 
��������documented to the satisfaction of the Secretary that--
������������������� ``(A) the award recipient is financially viable 
����������������without the receipt of additional Federal funding 
����������������associated with the proposed project,
������������������� ``(B) the recipient will provide sufficient 
����������������information to the Secretary for the Secretary to ensure 
����������������that the qualified investment is spent efficiently and 
������������������� ``(C) a market exists for the products of the 
����������������proposed project as evidenced by contracts or written 
����������������statements of intent from potential customers,
������������������� ``(D) the fuels identified with respect to the 
����������������gasification technology for such project will comprise 
����������������at least 90 percent of the fuels required by the project 
����������������for the production
[[Page 119 STAT. 1006]]
��������������� of chemical feedstocks, liquid transportation fuels, or 
����������������coproduction of electricity,
������������������� ``(E) the award recipient's project team is 
����������������competent in the construction and operation of the 
����������������gasification technology proposed, with preference given 
����������������to those recipients with experience which demonstrates 
����������������successful and reliable operations of the technology on 
����������������domestic fuels so identified, and
������������������� ``(F) the award recipient has met other criteria 
����������������established and published by the Secretary.
��� ``(e) Denial of Double Benefit.--A credit shall not be allowed under 
this section for any qualified investment for which a credit is allowed 
under section 48A.''.
��� (c) Conforming Amendments.--
����������� (1) Section 49(a)(1)(C) is amended by striking ``and'' at 
��������the end of clause (ii), by striking clause (iii), and by adding 
��������after clause (ii) the following new clauses:
������������������������� ``(iii) the basis of any property which is 
����������������������part of a qualifying advanced coal project under 
����������������������section 48A, and
������������������������� ``(iv) the basis of any property which is part 
����������������������of a qualifying gasification project under section 
����������� (2) The table of sections for subpart E of part IV of 
��������subchapter A of chapter 1 is amended by inserting after the item 
��������relating to section 48 the following new items:
``Sec. 48A. Qualifying advanced coal project credit.
``Sec. 48B. Qualifying gasification project credit.''.
��� (d) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 46 note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall apply to periods after the date of the enactment 
of this Act, under rules similar to the rules of section 48(m) of the 
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as in effect on the day before the date 
of the enactment of the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1990).
��� (a) In General.--Subparagraph (E) of section 168(e)(3) (relating to 
classification of certain property) is amended by striking ``and'' at 
the end of clause (v), by striking the period at the end of clause (vi) 
and inserting ``, and'', and by adding at the end the following new 
������������������������� ``(vii) any section 1245 property (as defined 
����������������������in section 1245(a)(3)) used in the transmission at 
����������������������69 or more kilovolts of electricity for sale and 
����������������������the original use of which commences with the 
����������������������taxpayer after April 11, 2005.''.
��� (b) Alternative System.--The table contained in section 168(g)(3)(B) 
(relating to special rule for certain property assigned to classes) is 
amended by inserting after the item relating to subparagraph (E)(vi) the 
following new item:
``(E)(vii).................................................������� 30''.
��� (c) Effective <<NOTE: 26 USC 168 note.>> Date.--
����������� (1) In general.--The amendments made by this section shall 
��������apply to property placed in service after April 11, 2005.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1007]]
����������� (2) Exception.--The amendments made by this section shall 
��������not apply to any property with respect to which the taxpayer or 
��������a related party has entered into a binding contract for the 
��������construction thereof on or before April 11, 2005, or, in the 
��������case of self-constructed property, has started construction on 
��������or before such date.
������������SERVICE AFTER 1975.
��� (a) Eligibility of Post-1975 Pollution Control Facilities.--
Subsection (d) of section 169 (relating to definitions) is amended by 
adding at the end the following:
����������� ``(5) Special rule relating to certain atmospheric pollution 
��������control facilities.--In the case of any atmospheric pollution 
��������control facility which is placed in service after April 11, 
��������2005, and used in connection with an electric generation plant 
��������or other property which is primarily coal fired--
������������������� ``(A) paragraph (1) shall be applied without regard 
����������������to the phrase `in operation before January 1, 1976', and
������������������� ``(B) this section shall be applied by substituting 
����������������`84' for `60' each place it appears in subsections (a) 
����������������and (b).''.
��� (b) Treatment as New Identifiable Treatment Facility.--Subparagraph 
(B) of section 169(d)(4) is amended to read as follows:
������������������� ``(B) Certain facilities placed in operation after 
����������������april 11, 2005.--In the case of any facility described 
����������������in paragraph (1) solely by reason of paragraph (5), 
����������������subparagraph (A) shall be applied by substituting `April 
����������������11, 2005' for `December 31, 1968' each place it appears 
��� (c) Conforming Amendment.--The heading for section 169(d) is amended 
by inserting ``and Special Rules'' after ``Definitions''.
��� (d) Technical Amendment.--Section 169(d)(3) is amended by striking 
``Health, Education, and Welfare'' and inserting ``Health and Human 
��� (e) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 169 note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall apply to facilities placed in service after April 
11, 2005.
��� (a) Repeal of Limitation on Deposits Into Fund Based on Cost of 
Service; Contributions After Funding Period.--Subsection (b) of section 
468A (relating to special rules for nuclear decommissioning costs) is 
amended to read as follows:
��� ``(b) Limitation on Amounts Paid Into Fund.--The amount which a 
taxpayer may pay into the Fund for any taxable year shall not exceed the 
ruling amount applicable to such taxable year.''.
��� (b) Treatment of Certain Decommissioning Costs.--
����������� (1) In general.--Section 468A is amended by redesignating 
��������subsections (f) and (g) as subsections (g) and (h), 
��������respectively, and by inserting after subsection (e) the 
��������following new subsection:
��� ``(f) Transfers Into Qualified Funds.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Notwithstanding subsection (b), any 
��������taxpayer maintaining a Fund to which this section applies with 
��������respect to a nuclear power plant may transfer into such Fund not 
��������more than an amount equal to the present value of the
[[Page 119 STAT. 1008]]
������� portion of the total nuclear decommissioning costs with respect 
��������to such nuclear power plant previously excluded for such nuclear 
��������power plant under subsection (d)(2)(A) as in effect immediately 
��������before the date of the enactment of this subsection.
����������� ``(2) Deduction for amounts transferred.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--Except as provided in 
����������������subparagraph (C), the deduction allowed by subsection 
����������������(a) for any transfer permitted by this subsection shall 
����������������be allowed ratably over the remaining estimated useful 
����������������life (within the meaning of subsection (d)(2)(A)) of the 
����������������nuclear power plant beginning with the taxable year 
����������������during which the transfer is made.
������������������� ``(B) Denial of deduction for previously deducted 
����������������amounts.--No deduction shall be allowed for any transfer 
����������������under this subsection of an amount for which a deduction 
����������������was previously allowed to the taxpayer (or a 
����������������predecessor) or a corresponding amount was not included 
���������������in gross income of the taxpayer (or a predecessor). For 
����������������purposes of the preceding sentence, a ratable portion of 
����������������each transfer shall be treated as being from previously 
����������������deducted or excluded amounts to the extent thereof.
������������������� ``(C) Transfers of qualified funds.--If--
������������������������� ``(i) any transfer permitted by this 
����������������������subsection is made to any Fund to which this 
����������������������section applies, and
������������������������� ``(ii) such Fund is transferred thereafter,
��������������� any deduction under this subsection for taxable years 
����������������ending after the date that such Fund is transferred 
����������������shall be allowed to the transferor for the taxable year 
����������������which includes such date.
������������������� ``(D) Special rules.--
������������������������� ``(i) Gain or loss not recognized on transfers 
����������������������to fund.--No gain or loss shall be recognized on 
����������������������any transfer described in paragraph (1).
������������������������� ``(ii) Transfers of appreciated property to 
����������������������fund.--If appreciated property is transferred in a 
����������������������transfer described in paragraph (1), the amount of 
����������������������the deduction shall not exceed the adjusted basis 
����������������������of such property.
����������� ``(3) New ruling amount required.--Paragraph (1) shall not 
��������apply to any transfer unless the taxpayer requests from the 
��������Secretary a new schedule of ruling amounts in connection with 
��������such transfer.
����������� ``(4) No basis in qualified funds.--Notwithstanding any 
��������other provision of law, the taxpayer's basis in any Fund to 
��������which this section applies shall not be increased by reason of 
��������any transfer permitted by this subsection.''.
����������� (2) New ruling amount to take into account total costs.--
������� Subparagraph (A) of section 468A(d)(2) (defining ruling amount) 
��������is amended to read as follows:
������������������� ``(A) fund the total nuclear decommissioning costs 
����������������with respect to such power plant over the estimated 
����������������useful life of such power plant, and''.
��� (c) New Ruling Amount Required Upon License Renewal.--Paragraph (1) 
of section 468A(d) (relating to request required) is amended by adding 
at the end the following new sentence: ``For purposes of the preceding 
sentence, the taxpayer shall request a schedule of ruling amounts upon 
each renewal of the operating license of the nuclear powerplant.''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1009]]
��� (d) Conforming Amendment.--Section 468A(e)(3) (relating to review of 
amount) is amended by striking ``The Fund'' and inserting ``Except as 
provided in subsection (f), the Fund''.
��� (e) Technical Amendments.--Section 468A(e)(2) (relating to taxation 
of Fund) is amended--
����������� (1) by striking ``rate set forth in subparagraph (B)'' in 
��������subparagraph (A) and inserting ``rate of 20 percent'',
����������� (2) by striking subparagraph (B), and
����������� (3) by redesignating subparagraphs (C) and (D) as 
��������subparagraphs (B) and (C), respectively.
��� (f) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 468A note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 
31, 2005.
��� Paragraph (1) of section 172(b) (relating to net operating loss 
carrybacks and carryovers) is amended by adding at the end the following 
new subparagraph:
������������������� ``(I) Transmission property and pollution control 
������������������������� ``(i) In general.--At the election of the 
����������������������taxpayer in any taxable year ending after December 
����������������������31, 2005, and before January 1, 2009, in the case 
����������������������of a net operating loss in a taxable year ending 
����������������������after December 31, 2002, and before January 1, 
����������������������2006, there shall be a net operating loss 
����������������������carryback to each of the 5 years preceding the 
����������������������taxable year of such loss to the extent that such 
����������������������loss does not exceed 20 percent of the sum of 
����������������������electric transmission property capital 
����������������������expenditures and pollution control facility 
����������������������capital expenditures of the taxpayer for the 
����������������������taxable year preceding the taxable year in which 
����������������������such election is made.
������������������������� ``(ii) Limitations.--For purposes of this 
����������������������������������� ``(I) not more than one election may 
��������������������������������be made under clause (i) with respect to 
��������������������������������any net operating loss in a taxable 
��������������������������������year, and
����������������������������������� ``(II) an election may not be made 
��������������������������������under clause (i) for more than 1 taxable 
��������������������������������year beginning in any calendar year.
������ �������������������``(iii) Coordination with ordering rule.--For 
����������������������purposes of applying subsection (b)(2), the 
����������������������portion of any loss which is carried back 5 years 
����������������������by reason of clause (i) shall be treated in a 
����������������������manner similar to the manner in which a specified 
����������������������liability loss is treated.
������������������������� ``(iv) Application <<NOTE: Deadline.>> for 
����������������������adjustment.--In the case of any portion of a net 
����������������������operating loss to which an election under clause 
����������������������(i) applies, an application under section 6411(a) 
����������������������with respect to such loss shall not fail to be 
����������������������treated as timely filed if filed within 24 months 
����������������������after the due date specified under such section.
������������������������� ``(v) Special rules relating to refund.--For 
����������������������purposes of a net operating loss to which an 
����������������������election under clause (i) applies, references in 
����������������������sections 6501(h), 6511(d)(2)(A), and 6611(f)(1) to 
����������������������the taxable year in which such net operating loss 
����������������������arises or result in a
[[Page 119 STAT. 1010]]
��������������������� net loss carryback shall be treated as references 
����������������������to the taxable year in which such election occurs.
������������������������� ``(vi) Definitions.--For purposes of this 
����������������������������������� ``(I) Electric transmission property 
��������������������������������capital expenditures.--The term 
��������������������������������`electric transmission property capital 
�������������������������������expenditures' means any expenditure, 
��������������������������������chargeable to capital account, made by 
��������������������������������the taxpayer which is attributable to 
��������������������������������electric transmission property used by 
��������������������������������the taxpayer in the transmission at 69 
��������������������������������or more kilovolts of electricity for 
��������������������������������sale. Such term shall not include any 
��������������������������������expenditure which may be refunded or the 
��������������������������������purpose of which may be modified at the 
��������������������������������option of the taxpayer so as to cease to 
��������������������������������be treated as an expenditure within the 
��������������������������������meaning of such term.
����������������������������������� ``(II) Pollution control facility 
��������������������������������capital expenditures.--The term 
��������������������������������`pollution control facility capital 
��������������������������������expenditures' means any expenditure, 
��������������������������������chargeable to capital account, made by 
��������������������������������an electric utility company (as defined 
��������������������������������in section 2(3) of the Public Utility 
��������������������������������Holding Company Act (15 U.S.C. 79b(3)), 
��������������������������������as in effect on the day before the date 
��������������������������������of the enactment of the Energy Tax 
��������������������������������Incentives Act of 2005) which is 
��������������������������������attributable to a facility which will 
��������������������������������qualify as a certified pollution control 
�������������������������������facility as determined under section 
��������������������������������169(d)(1) by striking `before January 1, 
��������������������������������1976,' and by substituting `an 
��������������������������������identifiable' for `a new identifiable'. 
��������������������������������Such term shall not include any 
��������������������������������expenditure which may be refunded or the 
��������������������������������purpose of which may be modified at the 
��������������������������������option of the taxpayer so as to cease to 
��������������������������������be treated as an expenditure within the 
��������������������������������meaning of such term.''.
��������������� Subtitle B--Domestic Fossil Fuel Security
��� (a) In General.--Section 29 (relating to credit for producing fuel 
from a nonconventional source) is amended by adding at the end the 
following new subsection:
��� ``(h) Extension for Facilities Producing Coke or Coke Gas.--
Notwithstanding subsection (f)--
����������� ``(1) In general.--In the case of a facility for producing 
��������coke or coke gas which was placed in service before January 1, 
��������1993, or after June 30, 1998, and before January 1, 2010, this 
��������section shall apply with respect to coke and coke gas produced 
��������in such facility and sold during the period--
������������������� ``(A) beginning on the later of January 1, 2006, or 
����������������the date that such facility is placed in service, and
������������������� ``(B) ending on the date which is 4 years after the 
����������������date such period began.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1011]]
����������� ``(2) Special rules.--In determining the amount of credit 
��������allowable under this section solely by reason of this 
������������������� ``(A) Daily limit.--The amount of qualified fuels 
����������������sold during any taxable year which may be taken into 
����������������account by reason of this subsection with respect to any 
����������������facility shall not exceed an average barrel-of-oil 
����������������equivalent of 4,000 barrels per day. Days before the 
����������������date the facility is placed in service shall not be 
����������������taken into account in determining such average.
������������������� ``(B) Extension period to commence with unadjusted 
����������������credit amount.--For purposes of applying subsection 
����������������(b)(2) to the $3 amount in subsection (a), in the case 
����������������of fuels sold after 2005, subsection (d)(2)(B) shall be 
����������������applied by substituting `2004' for `1979'.
������������������� ``(C) Denial of double benefit.--This subsection 
����������������shall not apply to any facility producing qualified 
����������������fuels for which a credit was allowed under this section 
����������������for the taxable year or any preceding taxable year by 
����������������reason of subsection (g).''.
��� (b) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 29 note.>> amendment made by 
this section shall apply to fuel produced and sold after December 31, 
2005, in taxable years ending after such date.
��� (a) Treatment as Business Credit.--
����������� (1) Credit moved to subpart relating to business related 
��������credits.--The Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by 
��������redesignating section 29 as section 45K and by moving section 
��������45K (as so redesignated) from subpart B of part IV of subchapter 
��������A of chapter 1 to the end of subpart D of part IV of subchapter 
��������A of chapter 1.
����������� (2) Credit treated as business credit.--Section 38(b), as 
��������amended by this Act, is amended by striking ``plus'' at the end 
��������of paragraph (20), by striking the period at the end of 
��������paragraph (21) and inserting ``, plus'', and by adding at the 
��������end the following:
����������� ``(22) the nonconventional source production credit 
��������determined under section 45K(a).''.
����������� (3) Conforming amendments.--
������������������� (A) Section 30(b)(3)(A) is amended by striking 
����������������``sections 27 and 29'' and inserting ``section 27''.
������������������� (B) Sections 43(b)(2), 45I(b)(2)(C)(i), and 
����������������613A(c)(6)(C) are each amended by striking ``section 
����������������29(d)(2)(C)'' and inserting ``section 45K(d)(2)(C)''.
������������������� (C) Section 45(e)(9), as added by this Act, is 
������������������������� (i) by striking ``section 29'' each place it 
����������������������appears and inserting ``section 45K'', and
��������������� ����������(ii) by inserting ``(or under section 29, as 
����������������������in effect on the day before the date of enactment 
����������������������of the Energy Tax Incentives Act of 2005, for any 
����������������������prior taxable year)'' before the period at the end 
������������������� (D) Section 45I is amended--
������������������������� (i) in subsection (c)(2)(A) by striking 
����������������������``section 29(d)(5))'' and inserting ``section 
����������������������45K(d)(5))'', and
[[Page 119 STAT. 1012]]
������������������������� (ii) in subsection (d)(3) by striking 
����������������������``section 29'' both places it appears and 
����������������������inserting ``section 45K''.
������������������� (E) Section 45K(a), as redesignated by paragraph 
����������������(1), is amended by striking ``There shall be allowed as 
����������������a credit against the tax imposed by this chapter for the 
����������������taxable year'' and inserting ``For purposes of section 
����������������38, if the taxpayer elects to have this section apply, 
����������������the nonconventional source production credit determined 
����������������under this section for the taxable year is''.
�������������� �����(F) Section 45K(b), as so redesignated, is amended 
����������������by striking paragraph (6).
������������������� (G) Section 53(d)(1)(B)(iii) is amended by striking 
����������������``under section 29'' and all that follows through ``or 
����������������not allowed''.
������������������� (H) Section 55(c)(3) is amended by striking 
������������������� (I) Subsection (a) of section 772 is amended by 
����������������inserting ``and'' at the end of paragraph (9), by 
����������������striking paragraph (10), and by redesignating paragraph 
����������������(11) as paragraph (10).
������������������� (J) Paragraph (5) of section 772(d) is amended by 
����������������striking ``the foreign tax credit, and the credit 
����������������allowable under section 29'' and inserting ``and the 
����������������foreign tax credit''.
������������������� (K) The table of sections for subpart B of part IV 
����������������of subchapter A of chapter 1 is amended by striking the 
����������������item relating to section 29.
������������������� (L) The table of sections for subpart D of part IV 
����������������of subchapter A of chapter 1 is amended by inserting 
����������������after the item relating to section 45I the following new 
``Sec. 45K. Credit for producing fuel from a nonconventional source.''.
��� (b) Amendments Conforming to the Repeal of the Natural Gas Policy 
Act of 1978.--
����������� (1) In general.--Section 29(c)(2)(A) (before redesignation 
��������under subsection (a) and as amended by section 1321) is 
������������������� (A) by inserting ``(as in effect before the repeal 
����������������of such section)'' after ``1978'', and
������������������� (B) by striking subsection (e) and redesignating 
����������������subsections (f), (g), and (h) as subsections (e), (f), 
����������������and (g), respectively.
����������� (2) Conforming amendments.--Section 29(g)(1) (before 
��������redesignation under subsection (a) and paragraph (1) of this 
��������subsection) is amended--
������������������� (A) in subparagraph (A) by striking ``subsection 
����������������(f)(1)(B)'' and inserting ``subsection (e)(1)(B)'', and
������������������� (B) in subparagraph (B) by striking ``subsection 
����������������(f)'' and inserting ``subsection (e)''.
��� (c) Effective <<NOTE: 26 USC 29 note.>> Dates.--
����������� (1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), the 
��������amendments made by this section shall apply to credits 
��������determined under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 for taxable 
��������years ending after December 31, 2005.
����������� (2) Subsection (b).--The amendments made by subsection (b) 
��������shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1013]]
��� (a) In General.--Part VI of subchapter B of chapter 1 is amended by 
inserting after section 179B the following new section:
��� ``(a) Treatment as Expenses.--A taxpayer may elect to treat 50 
percent of the cost of any qualified refinery property as an expense 
which is not chargeable to capital account. Any cost so treated shall be 
allowed as a deduction for the taxable year in which the qualified 
refinery property is placed in service.
��� ``(b) Election.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--An election under this section for any 
��������taxable year shall be made on the taxpayer's return of the tax 
��������imposed by this chapter for the taxable year. Such election 
��������shall be made in such manner as the Secretary may by regulations 
����������� ``(2) Election irrevocable.--Any election made under this 
��������section may not be revoked except with the consent of the 
��� ``(c) Qualified Refinery Property.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The term `qualified refinery property' 
��������means any portion of a qualified refinery--
������������������� ``(A) the original use of which commences with the 
������������������� ``(B) which is placed in service by the taxpayer 
����������������after the date of the enactment of this section and 
����������������before January 1, 2012,
������������������� ``(C) in the case any portion of a qualified 
����������������refinery (other than a qualified refinery which is 
����������������separate from any existing refinery), which meets the 
����������������requirements of subsection (e),
������������������� ``(D) which meets all applicable environmental laws 
����������������in effect on the date such portion was placed in 
������������������� ``(E) no written binding contract for the 
����������������construction of which was in effect on or before June 
����������������14, 2005, and
������������������� ``(F)(i) the construction of which is subject to a 
����������������written binding construction contract entered into 
����������������before January 1, 2008,
������������������� ``(ii) which is placed in service before January 1, 
����������������2008, or
������������������� ``(iii) in the case of self-constructed property, 
����������������the construction of which began after June 14, 2005, and 
����������������before January 1, 2008.
����������� ``(2) Special rule for sale-leasebacks.--For purposes of 
��������paragraph (1)(A), if property is--
������������������� ``(A) originally placed in service after the date of 
����������������the enactment of this section by a person, and
������������������� ``(B) sold and leased back by such person within 3 
����������������months after the date such property was originally 
����������������placed in service,
������� such property shall be treated as originally placed in service 
��������not earlier than the date on which such property is used under 
��������the leaseback referred to in subparagraph (B).
����������� ``(3) Effect of waiver under clean air act.--A waiver under 
��������the Clean Air Act shall not be taken into account in
[[Page 119 STAT. 1014]]
������� determining whether the requirements of paragraph (1)(D) are 
��� ``(d) Qualified Refinery.--For purposes of this section, the term 
`qualified refinery' means any refinery located in the United States 
which is designed to serve the primary purpose of processing liquid fuel 
from crude oil or qualified fuels (as defined in section 45K(c)).
��� ``(e) Production Capacity.--The requirements of this subsection are 
met if the portion of the qualified refinery--
����������� ``(1) enables the existing qualified refinery to increase 
��������total volume output (determined without regard to asphalt or 
��������lube oil) by 5 percent or more on an average daily basis, or
����������� ``(2) enables the existing qualified refinery to process 
��������qualified fuels (as defined in section 45K(c)) at a rate which 
��������is equal to or greater than 25 percent of the total throughput 
��������of such qualified refinery on an average daily basis.
��� ``(f) Ineligible Refinery Property.--No deduction shall be allowed 
under subsection (a) for any qualified refinery property--
����������� ``(1) the primary purpose of which is for use as a topping 
��������plant, asphalt plant, lube oil facility, crude or product 
��������terminal, or blending facility, or
����������� ``(2) which is built solely to comply with consent decrees 
��������or projects mandated by Federal, State, or local governments.
��� ``(g) Election to Allocate Deduction to Cooperative Owner.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--If--
������������������� ``(A) a taxpayer to which subsection (a) applies is 
����������������an organization to which part I of subchapter T applies, 
������������������� ``(B) one or more persons directly holding an 
����������������ownership interest in the taxpayer are organizations to 
����������������which part I of subchapter T apply,
������� the taxpayer may elect to allocate all or a portion of the 
��������deduction allowable under subsection (a) to such persons. Such 
��������allocation shall be equal to the person's ratable share of the 
��������total amount allocated, determined on the basis of the person's 
��������ownership interest in the taxpayer. The taxable income of the 
��������taxpayer shall not be reduced under section 1382 by reason of 
��������any amount to which the preceding sentence applies.
����������� ``(2) Form and effect of election.--An election under 
��������paragraph (1) for any taxable year shall be made on a timely 
��������filed return for such year. Such election, once made, shall be 
��������irrevocable for such taxable year.
����������� ``(3) Written notice to owners.--If any portion of the 
��������deduction available under subsection (a) is allocated to owners 
��������under paragraph (1), the cooperative shall provide any owner 
��������receiving an allocation written notice of the amount of the 
��������allocation. <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Such notice shall be provided 
��������before the date on which the return described in paragraph (2) 
��������is due.
��� ``(h) Reporting.--No deduction shall be allowed under subsection (a) 
to any taxpayer for any taxable year unless such taxpayer files with the 
Secretary a report containing such information with respect to the 
operation of the refineries of the taxpayer as the Secretary shall 
��� (b) Conforming Amendments.--
����������� (1) Section 1245(a) is amended by inserting ``179C,'' after 
��������``179B,'' both places it appears in paragraphs (2)(C) and 
[[Page 119 STAT. 1015]]
����������� (2) Section 263(a)(1) is amended by striking ``or'' at the 
��������end of subparagraph (H), by striking the period at the end of 
��������subparagraph (I) and inserting ``, or'', and by inserting after 
��������subparagraph (I) the following new subparagraph:
������������������� ``(J) expenditures for which a deduction is allowed 
����������������under section 179C.''.
����������� (3) Section 312(k)(3)(B) is amended by striking ``179 179A, 
��������or 179B'' each place it appears in the heading and text and 
��������inserting ``179, 179A, 179B, or 179C''.
����������� (4) The table of sections for part VI of subchapter B of 
��������chapter 1 is amended by inserting after the item relating to 
��������section 179B the following new item:
``Sec. 179C. Election to expense certain refineries.''.
��� (c) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 179C note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall apply to properties placed in service after the 
date of the enactment of this Act.
��� (a) In General.--Section 179B (relating to deduction for capital 
costs incurred in complying with Environmental Protection Agency sulfur 
regulations) is amended by adding at the end the following new 
��� ``(e) Election to Allocate Deduction to Cooperative Owner.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--If--
������������������� ``(A) a small business refiner to which subsection 
����������������(a) applies is an organization to which part I of 
����������������subchapter T applies, and
������������������� ``(B) one or more persons directly holding an 
����������������ownership interest in the refiner are organizations to 
����������������which part I of subchapter T apply,
������� the refiner may elect to allocate all or a portion of the 
��������deduction allowable under subsection (a) to such persons. Such 
��������allocation shall be equal to the person's ratable share of the 
��������total amount allocated, determined on the basis of the person's 
��������ownership interest in the taxpayer. The taxable income of the 
��������refiner shall not be reduced under section 1382 by reason of any 
��������amount to which the preceding sentence applies.
����������� ``(2) Form and effect of election.--An election under 
��������paragraph (1) for any taxable year shall be made on a timely 
��������filed return for such year. Such election, once made, shall be 
��������irrevocable for such taxable year.
����������� ``(3) Written notice to owners.--If any portion of the 
��������deduction available under subsection (a) is allocated to owners 
��������under paragraph (1), the cooperative shall provide any owner 
��������receiving an allocation written notice of the amount of the 
��������allocation. <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Such notice shall be provided 
��������before the date on which the return described in paragraph (2) 
��������is due.''.
��� (b) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 179B note.>> amendment made 
by this section shall take effect as if included in the amendment made 
by section 338(a) of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1016]]
��� (a) In General.--Section 168(e)(3)(E) (defining 15-year property), 
as amended by this Act, is amended by striking ``and'' at the end of 
clause (vi), by striking the period at the end of clause (vii) and by 
inserting ``, and'', and by adding at the end the following new clause:
������������������������� ``(viii) any natural gas distribution line the 
����������������������original use of which commences with the taxpayer 
����������������������after April 11, 2005, and which is placed in 
����������������������service before January 1, 2011.''.
��� (b) Alternative System.--The table contained in section 168(g)(3)(B) 
(relating to special rule for certain property assigned to classes), as 
amended by this Act, is amended by inserting after the item relating to 
subparagraph (E)(vii) the following new item:
``(E)(viii)................................................������� 35''.
��� (c) Effective <<NOTE: 26 USC 168 note.>> Date.--
����������� (1) In general.--The amendments made by this section shall 
��������apply to property placed in service after April 11, 2005.
����������� (2) Exception.--The amendments made by this section shall 
��������not apply to any property with respect to which the taxpayer or 
��������a related party has entered into a binding contract for the 
��������construction thereof on or before April 11, 2005, or, in the 
��������case of self-constructed property, has started construction on 
��������or before such date.
��� (a) In General.--Subparagraph (C) of section 168(e)(3) (relating to 
classification of certain property) is amended by striking ``and'' at 
the end of clause (iii), by redesignating clause (iv) as clause (v), and 
by inserting after clause (iii) the following new clause:
������������������������� ``(iv) any natural gas gathering line the 
����������������������original use of which commences with the taxpayer 
����������������������after April 11, 2005, and''.
��� (b) Natural Gas Gathering Line.--Subsection (i) of section 168 is 
amended by inserting after paragraph (16) the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(17) Natural gas gathering line.--The term `natural gas 
��������gathering line' means--
������������������� ``(A) the pipe, equipment, and appurtenances 
����������������determined to be a gathering line by the Federal Energy 
����������������Regulatory Commission, and
������������������� ``(B) the pipe, equipment, and appurtenances used to 
����������������deliver natural gas from the wellhead or a commonpoint 
����������������to the point at which such gas first reaches--
������������������������� ``(i) a gas processing plant,
������������������������� ``(ii) an interconnection with a transmission 
����������������������pipeline for which a certificate as an interstate 
����������������������transmission pipeline has been issued by the 
����������������������Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
[[Page 119 STAT. 1017]]
����� ��������������������``(iii) an interconnection with an intrastate 
����������������������transmission pipeline, or
������������������������� ``(iv) a direct interconnection with a local 
����������������������distribution company, a gas storage facility, or 
����������������������an industrial consumer.''.
��� (c) Alternative System.--The table contained in section 168(g)(3)(B) 
(relating to special rule for certain property assigned to classes), as 
amended by this Act, is amended by inserting after the item relating to 
subparagraph (C)(iii) the following new item:
``(C)(iv)..................................................������� 14''.
��� (d) Alternative Minimum Tax Exception.--Subparagraph (B) of section 
56(a)(1) is amended by inserting before the period the following: ``, or 
in section 168(e)(3)(C)(iv)''.
��� (e) Effective <<NOTE: 26 USC 56 note.>> Date.--
����������� (1) In general.--The amendments made by this section shall 
��������apply to property placed in service after April 11, 2005.
����������� (2) Exception.--The amendments made by this section shall 
��������not apply to any property with respect to which the taxpayer or 
��������a related party has entered into a binding contract for the 
��������construction thereof on or before April 11, 2005, or, in the 
��������case of self-constructed property, has started construction on 
��������or before such date.
��� (a) In General.--Subsection (b) of section 148 (relating to higher 
yielding investments) is amended by adding at the end the following new 
����������� ``(4) Safe harbor for prepaid natural gas.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The term `investment-type 
����������������property' does not include a prepayment under a 
����������������qualified natural gas supply contract.
������������������� ``(B) Qualified natural gas supply contract.--For 
����������������purposes of this paragraph, the term `qualified natural 
����������������gas supply contract' means any contract to acquire 
����������������natural gas for resale by a utility owned by a 
����������������governmental unit if the amount of gas permitted to be 
����������������acquired under the contract by the utility during any 
����������������year does not exceed the sum of--
������������������������� ``(i) the annual average amount during the 
����������������������testing period of natural gas purchased (other 
����������������������than for resale) by customers of such utility who 
����������������������are located within the service area of such 
����������������������utility, and
������������������������� ``(ii) the amount of natural gas to be used to 
����������������������transport the prepaid natural gas to the utility 
����������������������during such year.
������������������� ``(C) Natural gas used to generate electricity.--
��������������� Natural gas used to generate electricity shall be taken 
����������������into account in determining the average under 
����������������subparagraph (B)(i)--
������������������������� ``(i) only if the electricity is generated by 
����������������������a utility owned by a governmental unit, and
[[Page 119 STAT. 1018]]
����� ��������������������``(ii) only to the extent that the electricity 
����������������������is sold (other than for resale) to customers of 
����������������������such utility who are located within the service 
����������������������area of such utility.
������������������``(D) Adjustments <<NOTE: Contracts.>> for changes 
����������������in customer base.--
������������������������� ``(i) New business customers.--If--
����������������������������������� ``(I) after the close of the testing 
��������������������������������period and before the date of issuance 
��������������������������������of the issue, the utility owned by a 
��������������������������������governmental unit enters into a contract 
��������������������������������to supply natural gas (other than for 
��������������������������������resale) for a business use at a property 
��������������������������������within the service area of such utility, 
����������������������������������� ``(II) the utility did not supply 
��������������������������������natural gas to such property during the 
��������������������������������testing period or the ratable amount of 
��������������������������������natural gas to be supplied under the 
��������������������������������contract is significantly greater than 
��������������������������������the ratable amount of gas supplied to 
��������������������������������such property during the testing period,
��������������������� then a contract shall not fail to be treated as a 
����������������������qualified natural gas supply contract by reason of 
����������������������supplying the additional natural gas under the 
����������������������contract referred to in subclause (I).
������������������������� ``(ii) Lost customers.--The average under 
����������������������subparagraph (B)(i) shall not exceed the annual 
����������������������amount of natural gas reasonably expected to be 
����������������������purchased (other than for resale) by persons who 
����������������������are located within the service area of such 
����������������������utility and who, as of the date of issuance of the 
����������������������issue, are customers of such utility.
������������������� ``(E) Ruling requests.--The Secretary may increase 
����������������the average under subparagraph (B)(i) for any period if 
����������������the utility owned by the governmental unit establishes 
����������������to the satisfaction of the Secretary that, based on 
����������������objective evidence of growth in natural gas consumption 
����������������or population, such average would otherwise be 
����������������insufficient for such period.
������������������� ``(F) Adjustment for natural gas otherwise on 
������������������������� ``(i) In general.--The amount otherwise 
����������������������permitted to be acquired under the contract for 
����������������������any period shall be reduced by--
����������������������������������� ``(I) the applicable share of 
��������������������������������natural gas held by the utility on the 
��������������������������������date of issuance of the issue, and
����������������������������������� ``(II) the natural gas (not taken 
��������������������������������into account under subclause (I)) which 
��������������������������������the utility has a right to acquire 
��������������������������������during such period (determined as of the 
��������������������������������date of issuance of the issue).
������������������������� ``(ii) Applicable share.--For purposes of the 
����������������������clause (i), the term `applicable share' means, 
����������������������with respect to any period, the natural gas 
����������������������allocable to such period if the gas were allocated 
����������������������ratably over the period to which the prepayment 
������������������� ``(G) Intentional acts.--Subparagraph (A) shall 
����������������cease to apply to any issue if the utility owned by the 
����������������governmental unit engages in any intentional act to 
����������������render the volume of natural gas acquired by such 
����������������prepayment to be in excess of the sum of--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1019]]
����������������� ��������``(i) the amount of natural gas needed (other 
����������������������than for resale) by customers of such utility who 
����������������������are located within the service area of such 
����������������������utility, and
������������������������� ``(ii) the amount of natural gas used to 
����������������������transport such natural gas to the utility.
������������������� ``(H) Testing period.--For purposes of this 
����������������paragraph, the term `testing period' means, with respect 
����������������to an issue, the most recent 5 calendar years ending 
����������������before the date of issuance of the issue.
������������������� ``(I) Service area.--For purposes of this paragraph, 
����������������the service area of a utility owned by a governmental 
����������������unit shall be comprised of--
������������������������� ``(i) any area throughout which such utility 
����������������������provided at all times during the testing period--
����������������������������������� ``(I) in the case of a natural gas 
��������������������������������utility, natural gas transmission or 
��������������������������������distribution services, and
����������������������������������� ``(II) in the case of an electric 
��������������������������������utility, electricity distribution 
������������������������� ``(ii) any area within a county contiguous to 
����������������������the area described in clause (i) in which retail 
����������������������customers of such utility are located if such area 
����������������������is not also served by another utility providing 
����������������������natural gas or electricity services, as the case 
����������������������may be, and
������������������������� ``(iii) any area recognized as the service 
����������������������area of such utility under State or Federal 
��� (b) Private Loan Financing Test Not to Apply to Prepayments for 
Natural Gas.--Paragraph (2) of section 141(c) (providing exceptions to 
the private loan financing test) is amended by striking ``or'' at the 
end of subparagraph (A), by striking the period at the end of 
subparagraph (B) and inserting ``, or'', and by adding at the end the 
following new subparagraph:
������������������� ``(C) is a qualified natural gas supply contract (as 
����������������defined in section 148(b)(4)).''.
��� (c) Exception for Qualified Electric and Natural Gas Supply 
Contracts.--Section 141(d) is amended by adding at the end the following 
new paragraph:
����������� ``(7) Exception for qualified electric and natural gas 
��������supply contracts.--The term `nongovernmental output property' 
��������shall not include any contract for the prepayment of electricity 
��������or natural gas which is not investment property under section 
��� (d) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 141 note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall apply to obligations issued after the date of the 
enactment of this Act.
��� (a) In General.--Paragraph (4) of section 613A(d) (relating to 
limitations on application of subsection (c)) is amended to read as 
����������� ``(4) Certain refiners excluded.--If the taxpayer or one or 
��������more related persons engages in the refining of crude oil, 
��������subsection (c) shall not apply to the taxpayer for a taxable 
�������year if the average daily refinery runs of the taxpayer and such 
��������persons for the taxable year exceed 75,000 barrels. For purposes 
��������of this paragraph, the average daily refinery runs
[[Page 119 STAT. 1020]]
������� for any taxable year shall be determined by dividing the 
��������aggregate refinery runs for the taxable year by the number of 
��������days in the taxable year.''.
��� (b) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 613A note.>> amendment made 
by this section shall apply to taxable years ending after the date of 
the enactment of this Act.
��� (a) In General.--Section 167 (relating to depreciation) is amended 
by redesignating subsection (h) as subsection (i) and by inserting after 
subsection (g) the following new subsection:
��� ``(h) Amortization of Geological and Geophysical Expenditures.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Any geological and geophysical expenses 
��������paid or incurred in connection with the exploration for, or 
��������development of, oil or gas within the United States (as defined 
��������in section 638) shall be allowed as a deduction ratably over the 
��������24-month period beginning on the date that such expense was paid 
��������or incurred.
����������� ``(2) Half-year convention.--For purposes of paragraph (1), 
��������any payment paid or incurred during the taxable year shall be 
��������treated as paid or incurred on the mid-point of such taxable 
����������� ``(3) Exclusive method.--Except as provided in this 
��������subsection, no depreciation or amortization deduction shall be 
��������allowed with respect to such payments.
����������� ``(4) Treatment upon abandonment.--If any property with 
��������respect to which geological and geophysical expenses are paid or 
��������incurred is retired or abandoned during the 24-month period 
��������described in paragraph (1), no deduction shall be allowed on 
��������account of such retirement or abandonment and the amortization 
��������deduction under this subsection shall continue with respect to 
��������such payment.''.
��� (b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 263A(c)(3) is amended by 
inserting ``167(h),'' after ``under section''.
��� (c) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 167 note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall apply to amounts paid or incurred in taxable years 
beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.
������� Subtitle C--Conservation and Energy Efficiency Provisions
��� (a) In General.--Part VI of subchapter B of chapter 1 (relating to 
itemized deductions for individuals and corporations), as amended by 
this Act, is amended by inserting after section 179C the following new 
��� ``(a) In General.--There shall be allowed as a deduction an amount 
equal to the cost of energy efficient commercial building property 
placed in service during the taxable year.
��� ``(b) Maximum Amount of Deduction.--The deduction under subsection 
(a) with respect to any building for any taxable year shall not exceed 
the excess (if any) of--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1021]]
��������� ��``(1) the product of--
������������������� ``(A) $1.80, and
������������������� ``(B) the square footage of the building, over
����������� ``(2) the aggregate amount of the deductions under 
��������subsection (a) with respect to the building for all prior 
��������taxable years.
��� ``(c) Definitions.--For purposes of this section--
����������� ``(1) Energy efficient commercial building property.--The 
��������term `energy efficient commercial building property' means 
�������������� �����``(A) with respect to which depreciation (or 
����������������amortization in lieu of depreciation) is allowable,
������������������� ``(B) which is installed on or in any building which 
������������������������� ``(i) located in the United States, and
������������������������� ``(ii) within the scope of Standard 90.1-2001,
������������������� ``(C) which is installed as part of--
������������������������� ``(i) the interior lighting systems,
������������������������� ``(ii) the heating, cooling, ventilation, and 
����������������������hot water systems, or
������������������������� ``(iii) the building envelope, and
������������������� ``(D) which is certified in accordance with 
����������������subsection (d)(6) as being installed as part of a plan 
����������������designed to reduce the total annual energy and power 
����������������costs with respect to the interior lighting systems, 
����������������heating, cooling, ventilation, and hot water systems of 
����������������the building by 50 percent or more in comparison to a 
����������������reference building which meets the minimum requirements 
����������������of Standard 90.1-2001 using methods of calculation under 
����������������subsection (d)(2).
����������� ``(2) Standard 90.1-2001.--The term `Standard 90.1-2001' 
��������means Standard 90.1-2001 of the American Society of Heating, 
��������Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers and the 
��������Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (as in effect 
��������on April 2, 2003).
��� ``(d) Special Rules.--
����������� ``(1) Partial allowance.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--Except as provided in subsection 
����������������(f), if--
������������������������� ``(i) the requirement of subsection (c)(1)(D) 
����������������������is not met, but
������������������������� ``(ii) there is a certification in accordance 
����������������������with paragraph (6) that any system referred to in 
����������������������subsection (c)(1)(C) satisfies the energy-savings 
����������������������targets established by the Secretary under 
����������������������subparagraph (B) with respect to such system,
��������������� then the requirement of subsection (c)(1)(D) shall be 
����������������treated as met with respect to such system, and the 
����������������deduction under subsection (a) shall be allowed with 
����������������respect to energy efficient commercial building property 
����������������installed as part of such system and as part of a plan 
����������������to meet such targets, except that subsection (b) shall 
����������������be applied to such property by substituting `$.60' for 
������������������� ``(B) Regulations.--The Secretary, after 
����������������consultation with the Secretary of Energy, shall 
����������������establish a target for each system described in 
����������������subsection (c)(1)(C) which, if such targets were met for 
����������������all such systems, the building would meet the 
����������������requirements of subsection (c)(1)(D).
[[Page 119 STAT. 1022]]
����������� ``(2) Methods of calculation.--
������� The <<NOTE: Regulations.>> Secretary, after consultation with 
��������the Secretary of Energy, shall promulgate regulations which 
��������describe in detail methods for calculating and verifying energy 
��������and power consumption and cost, based on the provisions of the 
��������2005 California Nonresidential Alternative Calculation Method 
��������Approval Manual.
���������� ``(3) Computer software.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--Any calculation under paragraph 
����������������(2) shall be prepared by qualified computer software.
������������������� ``(B) Qualified computer software.--For purposes of 
����������������this paragraph, the term `qualified computer software' 
����������������means software--
������������������������� ``(i) for which the software designer has 
����������������������certified that the software meets all procedures 
����������������������and detailed methods for calculating energy and 
����������������������power consumption and costs as required by the 
������������������������� ``(ii) which provides such forms as required 
����������������������to be filed by the Secretary in connection with 
����������������������energy efficiency of property and the deduction 
����������������������allowed under this section, and
������������������������� ``(iii) which provides a notice form which 
����������������������documents the energy efficiency features of the 
����������������������building and its projected annual energy costs.
����������� ``(4) Allocation of deduction for public property.--In the 
��������case of energy efficient commercial building property installed 
��������on or in property owned by a Federal, State, or local government 
��������or a political subdivision thereof, the Secretary shall 
��������promulgate a regulation to allow the allocation of the deduction 
��������to the person primarily responsible for designing the property 
��������in lieu of the owner of such property. Such person shall be 
��������treated as the taxpayer for purposes of this section.
����������� ``(5) Notice to owner.--Each certification required under 
��������this section shall include an explanation to the building owner 
��������regarding the energy efficiency features of the building and its 
��������projected annual energy costs as provided in the notice under 
��������paragraph (3)(B)(iii).
����������� ``(6) Certification.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The Secretary shall prescribe the 
����������������manner and method for the making of certifications under 
����������������this section.
������������������� ``(B) Procedures.--The Secretary shall include as 
����������������part of the certification process procedures for 
����������������inspection and testing by qualified individuals 
����������������described in subparagraph (C) to ensure compliance of 
����������������buildings with energy-savings plans and targets. Such 
����������������procedures shall be comparable, given the difference 
����������������between commercial and residential buildings, to the 
����������������requirements in the Mortgage Industry National 
����������������Accreditation Procedures for Home Energy Rating Systems.
������������������� ``(C) Qualified individuals.--Individuals qualified 
����������������to determine compliance shall be only those individuals 
����������������who are recognized by an organization certified by the 
����������������Secretary for such purposes.
��� ``(e) Basis Reduction.--For purposes of this subtitle, if a 
deduction is allowed under this section with respect to any energy 
efficient commercial building property, the basis of such property shall 
be reduced by the amount of the deduction so allowed.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1023]]
��� ``(f) Interim Rules for Lighting Systems.--Until such time as the 
Secretary issues final regulations under subsection (d)(1)(B) with 
respect to property which is part of a lighting system--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The lighting system target under 
��������subsection (d)(1)(A)(ii) shall be a reduction in lighting power 
��������density of 25 percent (50 percent in the case of a warehouse) of 
��������the minimum requirements in Table or Table (not 
��������including additional interior lighting power allowances) of 
��������Standard 90.1-2001.
����������� ``(2) Reduction in deduction if reduction less than 40 
������ �������������``(A) In general.--If, with respect to the lighting 
����������������system of any building other than a warehouse, the 
����������������reduction in lighting power density of the lighting 
����������������system is not at least 40 percent, only the applicable 
����������������percentage of the amount of deduction otherwise 
����������������allowable under this section with respect to such 
����������������property shall be allowed.
������������������� ``(B) Applicable percentage.--For purposes of 
����������������subparagraph (A), the applicable percentage is the 
����������������number of percentage points (not greater than 100) equal 
����������������to the sum of--
������������������������� ``(i) 50, and
������������������������� ``(ii) the amount which bears the same ratio 
����������������������to 50 as the excess of the reduction of lighting 
����������������������power density of the lighting system over 25 
����������������������percentage points bears to 15.
������������������� ``(C) Exceptions.--This subsection shall not apply 
����������������to any system--
������������������������� ``(i) the controls and circuiting of which do 
����������������������not comply fully with the mandatory and 
����������������������prescriptive requirements of Standard 90.1-2001 
����������������������and which do not include provision for bilevel 
����������������������switching in all occupancies except hotel and 
����������������������motel guest rooms, store rooms, restrooms, and 
����������������������public lobbies, or
������������������������� ``(ii) which does not meet the minimum 
����������������������requirements for calculated lighting levels as set 
����������������������forth in the Illuminating Engineering Society of 
����������������������North America Lighting Handbook, Performance and 
����������������������Application, Ninth Edition, 2000.
��� ``(g) Regulations.--The Secretary shall promulgate such regulations 
as necessary--
����������� ``(1) to take into account new technologies regarding energy 
��������efficiency and renewable energy for purposes of determining 
��������energy efficiency and savings under this section, and
����������� ``(2) to provide for a recapture of the deduction allowed 
��������under this section if the plan described in subsection (c)(1)(D) 
��������or (d)(1)(A) is not fully implemented.
��� ``(h) Termination.--This section shall not apply with respect to 
property placed in service after December 31, 2007.''.
��� (b) Conforming Amendments.--
����������� (1) Section 1016(a) is amended by striking ``and'' at the 
��������end of paragraph (30), by striking the period at the end of 
��������paragraph (31) and inserting ``, and'', and by adding at the end 
��������the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(32) to the extent provided in section 179D(e).''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1024]]
����������� (2) Section 1245(a), as amended by this Act, is amended by 
��������inserting ``179D,'' after ``179C,'' both places it appears in 
��������paragraphs (2)(C) and (3)(C).
����������� (3) Section 1250(b)(3) is amended by inserting before the 
��������period at the end of the first sentence ``or by section 179D''.
����������� (4) Section 263(a)(1), as amended by this Act, is amended by 
��������striking ``or'' at the end of subparagraph (I), by striking the 
��������period at the end of subparagraph (J) and inserting ``, or'', 
��������and by inserting after subparagraph (J) the following new 
������������������� ``(K) expenditures for which a deduction is allowed 
����������������under section 179D.''.
����������� (5) Section 312(k)(3)(B), as amended by this Act, is amended 
��������by striking ``179, 179A, 179B, or 179C'' each place it appears 
��������in the heading and text and inserting ``179, 179A, 179B, 179C, 
��������or 179D''.
��� (c) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for part VI of 
subchapter B of chapter 1, as amended by this Act, is amended by 
inserting after section 179C the following new item:
������� ``Sec. 179D. Energy efficient commercial buildings deduction.''.
��� (d) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 179D note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall apply to property placed in service after December 
31, 2005.
��� (a) In General.--Subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 
(relating to business related credits), as amended by this Act, is 
amended by adding at the end the following new section:
��� ``(a) Allowance of Credit.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--For purposes of section 38, in the case 
��������of an eligible contractor, the new energy efficient home credit 
��������for the taxable year is the applicable amount for each qualified 
��������new energy efficient home which is--
������������������� ``(A) constructed by the eligible contractor, and
������������������� ``(B) acquired by a person from such eligible 
����������������contractor for use as a residence during the taxable 
����������� ``(2) Applicable amount.--For purposes of paragraph (1), the 
��������applicable amount is an amount equal to--
������������������� ``(A) in the case of a dwelling unit described in 
����������������paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (c), $2,000, and
������������������� ``(B) in the case of a dwelling unit described in 
����������������paragraph (3) of subsection (c), $1,000.
��� ``(b) Definitions.--For purposes of this section--
����������� ``(1) Eligible contractor.--The term `eligible contractor' 
������������������� ``(A) the person who constructed the qualified new 
����������������energy efficient home, or
������������������� ``(B) in the case of a qualified new energy 
����������������efficient home which is a manufactured home, the 
����������������manufactured home producer of such home.
����������� ``(2) Qualified new energy efficient home.--The term 
��������`qualified new energy efficient home' means a dwelling unit--
������������������� ``(A) located in the United States,
[[Page 119 STAT. 1025]]
������������������� ``(B) the construction of which is substantially 
����������������completed after the date of the enactment of this 
����������������section, and
������������������� ``(C) which meets the energy saving requirements of 
����������������subsection (c).
����������� ``(3) Construction.--The term `construction' includes 
��������substantial reconstruction and rehabilitation.
����������� ``(4) Acquire.--The term `acquire' includes purchase.
��� ``(c) Energy Saving Requirements.--A dwelling unit meets the energy 
saving requirements of this subsection if such unit is--
����������� ``(1) certified--
������������������� ``(A) to have a level of annual heating and cooling 
����������������energy consumption which is at least 50 percent below 
����������������the annual level of heating and cooling energy 
����������������consumption of a comparable dwelling unit--
������������������������� ``(i) which is constructed in accordance with 
����������������������the standards of chapter 4 of the 2003 
����������������������International Energy Conservation Code, as such 
����������������������Code (including supplements) is in effect on the 
����������������������date of the enactment of this section, and
������������������������� ``(ii) for which the heating and cooling 
����������������������equipment efficiencies correspond to the minimum 
����������������������allowed under the regulations established by the 
����������������������Department of Energy pursuant to the National 
����������������������Appliance Energy Conservation Act of 1987 and in 
����������������������effect at the time of completion of construction, 
������������������``(B) to have building envelope component 
����������������improvements account for at least \1/5\ of such 50 
����������� ``(2) a manufactured home which conforms to Federal 
��������Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (section 
��������3280 of title 24, Code of Federal Regulations) and which meets 
��������the requirements of paragraph (1), or
����������� ``(3) a manufactured home which conforms to Federal 
��������Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (section 
��������3280 of title 24, Code of Federal Regulations) and which--
������������������� ``(A) meets the requirements of paragraph (1) 
����������������applied by substituting `30 percent' for `50 percent' 
����������������both places it appears therein and by substituting `\1/
��������������� 3\' for `\1/5\' in subparagraph (B) thereof, or
������������������� ``(B) meets the requirements established by the 
����������������Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency 
����������������under the Energy Star Labeled Homes program.
��� ``(d) Certification.--
����������� ``(1) Method of certification.--A certification described in 
��������subsection (c) shall be made in accordance with guidance 
��������prescribed by the Secretary, after consultation with the 
��������Secretary of Energy. Such guidance shall specify procedures and 
��������methods for calculating energy and cost savings.
����������� ``(2) Form.--Any certification described in subsection (c) 
��������shall be made in writing in a manner which specifies in readily 
��������verifiable fashion the energy efficient building envelope 
��������components and energy efficient heating or cooling equipment 
��������installed and their respective rated energy efficiency 
[[Page 119 STAT. 1026]]
��� ``(e) Basis Adjustment.--For purposes of this subtitle, if a credit 
is allowed under this section in connection with any expenditure for any 
property, the increase in the basis of such property which would (but 
for this subsection) result from such expenditure shall be reduced by 
the amount of the credit so determined.
��� ``(f) Coordination With Investment Credit.--For purposes of this 
section, expenditures taken into account under section 47 or 48(a) shall 
not be taken into account under this section.
��� ``(g) Termination.--This section shall not apply to any qualified 
new energy efficient home acquired after December 31, 2007.''.
��� (b) Credit Made Part of General Business Credit.--Section 38(b) 
(relating to current year business credit), as amended by this Act, is 
amended by striking ``plus'' at the end of paragraph (21), by striking 
the period at the end of paragraph (22) and inserting ``, plus'', and by 
adding at the end the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(23) the new energy efficient home credit determined under 
��������section 45L(a).''.
��� (c) Basis Adjustment.--Subsection (a) of section 1016, as amended by 
this Act, is amended by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (31), 
by striking the period at the end of paragraph (32) and inserting ``, 
and'', and by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(33) to the extent provided in section 45L(e), in the case 
��������of amounts with respect to which a credit has been allowed under 
��������section 45L.''.
��� (d) Deduction for Certain Unused Business Credits.--Section 196(c) 
(defining qualified business credits) is amended by striking ``and'' at 
the end of paragraph (11), by striking the period at the end of 
paragraph (12) and inserting ``, and'', and by adding after paragraph 
(12) the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(13) the new energy efficient home credit determined under 
��������section 45L(a).''.
��� (e) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for subpart D of part 
IV of subchapter A of chapter 1, as amended by this Act, is amended by 
adding at the end the following new item:
������� ``Sec. 45L. New energy efficient home credit.''.
��� (f) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 38 note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall apply to qualified new energy efficient homes 
acquired after December 31, 2005, in taxable years ending after such 
��� (a) In General.--Subpart A of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 
(relating to nonrefundable personal credits) is amended by inserting 
after section 25B the following new section:
��� ``(a) Allowance of Credit.--In the case of an individual, there 
shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this chapter for 
the taxable year an amount equal to the sum of--
����������� ``(1) 10 percent of the amount paid or incurred by the 
��������taxpayer for qualified energy efficiency improvements installed 
��������during such taxable year, and
����������� ``(2) the amount of the residential energy property 
��������expenditures paid or incurred by the taxpayer during such 
��������taxable year.
��� ``(b) Limitations.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1027]]
����������� ``(1) Lifetime limitation.--The credit allowed under this 
��������section with respect to any taxpayer for any taxable year shall 
��������not exceed the excess (if any) of $500 over the aggregate 
��������credits allowed under this section with respect to such taxpayer 
��������for all prior taxable years.
����������� ``(2) Windows.--In the case of amounts paid or incurred for 
��������components described in subsection (c)(3)(B) by any taxpayer for 
��������any taxable year, the credit allowed under this section with 
��������respect to such amounts for such year shall not exceed the 
��������excess (if any) of $200 over the aggregate credits allowed under 
��������this section with respect to such amounts for all prior taxable 
����������� ``(3) Limitation on residential energy property 
��������expenditures.--The amount of the credit allowed under this 
��������section by reason of subsection (a)(2) shall not exceed--
������������������� ``(A) $50 for any advanced main air circulating fan,
������������������� ``(B) $150 for any qualified natural gas, propane, 
����������������or oil furnace or hot water boiler, and
������������������� ``(C) $300 for any item of energy-efficient building 
��� ``(c) Qualified Energy Efficiency Improvements.--For purposes of 
this section--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The term `qualified energy efficiency 
��������improvements' means any energy efficient building envelope 
��������component which meets the prescriptive criteria for such 
��������component established by the 2000 International Energy 
��������Conservation Code, as such Code (including supplements) is in 
��������effect on the date of the enactment of this section (or, in the 
��������case of a metal roof with appropriate pigmented coatings which 
��������meet the Energy Star program requirements), if--
������������������� ``(A) such component is installed in or on a 
����������������dwelling unit located in the United States and owned and 
����������������used by the taxpayer as the taxpayer's principal 
����������������residence (within the meaning of section 121),
������������������� ``(B) the original use of such component commences 
����������������with the taxpayer, and
������������������� ``(C) such component reasonably can be expected to 
����������������remain in use for at least 5 years.
����������� ``(2) Building envelope component.--The term `building 
��������envelope component' means--
������������������� ``(A) any insulation material or system which is 
����������������specifically and primarily designed to reduce the heat 
����������������loss or gain of a dwelling unit when installed in or on 
����������������such dwelling unit,
������������������� ``(B) exterior windows (including skylights),
������������������� ``(C) exterior doors, and
������������������� ``(D) any metal roof installed on a dwelling unit, 
����������������but only if such roof has appropriate pigmented coatings 
����������������which are specifically and primarily designed to reduce 
����������������the heat gain of such dwelling unit.
����������� ``(3) Manufactured homes included.--The term `dwelling unit' 
��������includes a manufactured home which conforms to Federal 
��������Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (section 
��������3280 of title 24, Code of Federal Regulations).
��� ``(d) Residential Energy Property Expenditures.--For purposes of 
this section--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1028]]
����������� ``(1) In general.--The term `residential energy property 
��������expenditures' means expenditures made by the taxpayer for 
��������qualified energy property which is--
������������������� ``(A) installed on or in connection with a dwelling 
����������������unit located in the United States and owned and used by 
����������������the taxpayer as the taxpayer's principal residence 
����������������(within the meaning of section 121), and
������������������� ``(B) originally placed in service by the taxpayer.
������� Such term includes expenditures for labor costs properly 
��������allocable to the onsite preparation, assembly, or original 
��������installation of the property.
����������� ``(2) Qualified energy property.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The term `qualified energy 
����������������property' means--
������������������������� ``(i) energy-efficient building property,
������������������������� ``(ii) a qualified natural gas, propane, or 
����������������������oil furnace or hot water boiler, or
������������������������� ``(iii) an advanced main air circulating fan.
������������������� ``(B) Performance and quality standards.--Property 
����������������described under subparagraph (A) shall meet the 
����������������performance and quality standards, and the certification 
����������������requirements (if any), which--
������������������������� ``(i) have been prescribed by the Secretary by 
����������������������regulations (after consultation with the Secretary 
����������������������of Energy or the Administrator of the 
����������������������Environmental Protection Agency, as appropriate), 
������������������������� ``(ii) are in effect at the time of the 
����������������������acquisition of the property, or at the time of the 
����������������������completion of the construction, reconstruction, or 
����������������������erection of the property, as the case may be.
������ �������������``(C) Requirements for standards.--The standards and 
����������������requirements prescribed by the Secretary under 
����������������subparagraph (B)--
������������������������� ``(i) in the case of the energy efficiency 
����������������������ratio (EER) for central air conditioners and 
����������������������electric heat pumps--
����������������������������������� ``(I) shall require measurements to 
��������������������������������be based on published data which is 
��������������������������������tested by manufacturers at 95 degrees 
��������������������������������Fahrenheit, and
����������������������������������� ``(II) may be based on the certified 
��������������������������������data of the Air Conditioning and 
��������������������������������Refrigeration Institute that are 
��������������������������������prepared in partnership with the 
��������������������������������Consortium for Energy Efficiency, and
������������������������� ``(ii) in the case of geothermal heat pumps--
 �����������������������������������``(I) shall be based on testing 
��������������������������������under the conditions of ARI/ISO Standard 
��������������������������������13256-1 for Water Source Heat Pumps or 
��������������������������������ARI 870 for Direct Expansion GeoExchange 
��������������������������������Heat Pumps (DX), as appropriate, and
����������������������������������� ``(II) shall include evidence that 
��������������������������������water heating services have been 
��������������������������������provided through a desuperheater or 
��������������������������������integrated water heating system 
��������������������������������connected to the storage water heater 
����������� ``(3) Energy-efficient building property.--The term `energy-
������� efficient building property' means--
������������������� ``(A) an electric heat pump water heater which 
����������������yields an energy factor of at least 2.0 in the standard 
����������������Department of Energy test procedure,
[[Page 119 STAT. 1029]]
������������������� ``(B) an electric heat pump which has a heating 
����������������seasonal performance factor (HSPF) of at least 9, a 
����������������seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) of at least 15, 
����������������and an energy efficiency ratio (EER) of at least 13,
������������������� ``(C) a geothermal heat pump which--
������������������������� ``(i) in the case of a closed loop product, 
����������������������has an energy efficiency ratio (EER) of at least 
����������������������14.1 and a heating coefficient of performance 
����������������������(COP) of at least 3.3,
������������������������� ``(ii) in the case of an open loop product, 
����������������������has an energy efficiency ratio (EER) of at least 
����������������������16.2 and a heating coefficient of performance 
����������������������(COP) of at least 3.6, and
������������������������� ``(iii) in the case of a direct expansion (DX) 
����������������������product, has an energy efficiency ratio (EER) of 
����������������������at least 15 and a heating coefficient of 
����������������������performance (COP) of at least 3.5,
������������������� ``(D) a central air conditioner which achieves the 
����������������highest efficiency tier established by the Consortium 
����������������for Energy Efficiency, as in effect on January 1, 2006, 
������������������� ``(E) a natural gas, propane, or oil water heater 
����������������which has an energy factor of at least 0.80.
����������� ``(4) Qualified natural gas, propane, or oil furnace or hot 
��������water boiler.--The term `qualified natural gas, propane, or oil 
��������furnace or hot water boiler' means a natural gas, propane, or 
��������oil furnace or hot water boiler which achieves an annual fuel 
��������utilization efficiency rate of not less than 95.
����������� ``(5) Advanced main air circulating fan.--The term `advanced 
��������main air circulating fan' means a fan used in a natural gas, 
��������propane, or oil furnace and which has an annual electricity use 
��������of no more than 2 percent of the total annual energy use of the 
��������furnace (as determined in the standard Department of Energy test 
��� ``(e) Special Rules.--For purposes of this section--
����������� ``(1) Application of rules.--Rules similar to the rules 
��������under paragraphs (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), and (9) of section 
��������25D(e) shall apply.
����������� ``(2) Joint ownership of energy items.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--Any expenditure otherwise 
����������������qualifying as an expenditure under this section shall 
����������������not be treated as failing to so qualify merely because 
����������������such expenditure was made with respect to two or more 
����������������dwelling units.
������������������� ``(B) Limits applied separately.--In the case of any 
����������������expenditure described in subparagraph (A), the amount of 
����������������the credit allowable under subsection (a) shall (subject 
����������������to paragraph (1)) be computed separately with respect to 
����������������the amount of the expenditure made for each dwelling 
��� ``(f) Basis Adjustments.--For purposes of this subtitle, if a credit 
is allowed under this section for any expenditure with respect to any 
property, the increase in the basis of such property which would (but 
for this subsection) result from such expenditure shall be reduced by 
the amount of the credit so allowed.
��� ``(g) Termination.--This section shall not apply with respect to any 
property placed in service after December 31, 2007.''.
��� (b) Conforming Amendments.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1030]]
����������� (1) Subsection (a) of section 1016, as amended by this Act, 
��������is amended by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (32), by 
��������striking the period at the end of paragraph (33) and inserting 
��������``, and'', and by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
 �����������``(34) to the extent provided in section 25C(e), in the case 
��������of amounts with respect to which a credit has been allowed under 
��������section 25C.''.
����������� (2) The table of sections for subpart A of part IV of 
��������subchapter A of chapter 1 is amended by inserting after the item 
��������relating to section 25B the following new item:
������� ``Sec. 25C. Nonbusiness energy property.''.
��� (c) Effective Dates.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 25C note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall apply to property placed in service after December 
31, 2005.
��� (a) In General.--Subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 
(relating to business-related credits), as amended by this Act, is 
amended by adding at the end the following new section:
��� ``(a) General Rule.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--For purposes of section 38, the energy 
��������efficient appliance credit determined under this section for any 
��������taxable year is an amount equal to the sum of the credit amounts 
��������determined under paragraph (2) for each type of qualified energy 
��������efficient appliance produced by the taxpayer during the calendar 
��������year ending with or within the taxable year.
����������� ``(2) Credit amounts.--The credit amount determined for any 
��������type of qualified energy efficient appliance is--
������������������� ``(A) the applicable amount determined under 
����������������subsection (b) with respect to such type, multiplied by
������������������� ``(B) the eligible production for such type.
��� ``(b) Applicable Amount.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--For purposes of subsection (a)--
������������������� ``(A) Dishwashers.--The applicable amount is the 
����������������energy savings amount in the case of a dishwasher 
������������������������� ``(i) is manufactured in calendar year 2006 or 
����������������������2007, and
���������������� ���������``(ii) meets the requirements of the Energy 
����������������������Star program which are in effect for dishwashers 
����������������������in 2007.
������������������� ``(B) Clothes washers.--The applicable amount is 
����������������$100 in the case of a clothes washer which--
������������������������� ``(i) is manufactured in calendar year 2006 or 
����������������������2007, and
������������������������� ``(ii) meets the requirements of the Energy 
����������������������Star program which are in effect for clothes 
����������������������washers in 2007.
������������������� ``(C) Refrigerators.--
������������������������� ``(i) 15 percent savings.--The applicable 
����������������������amount is $75 in the case of a refrigerator 
����������������������������������� ``(I) is manufactured in calendar 
��������������������������������year 2006, and
����������������������������������� ``(II) consumes at least 15 percent 
��������������������������������but not more than 20 percent less 
��������������������������������kilowatt hours per year than the 2001 
��������������������������������energy conservation standards.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1031]]
������������������������� ``(ii) 20 percent savings.--The applicable 
����������������������amount is $125 in the case of a refrigerator 
����������������������������������� ``(I) is manufactured in calendar 
��������������������������������year 2006 or 2007, and
����������������������������������� ``(II) consumes at least 20 percent 
��������������������������������but not more than 25 percent less 
��������������������������������kilowatt hours per year than the 2001 
��������������������������������energy conservation standards.
������������������������ ``(iii) 25 percent savings.--The applicable 
����������������������amount is $175 in the case of a refrigerator 
����������������������������������� ``(I) is manufactured in calendar 
��������������������������������year 2006 or 2007, and
����������������������������������� ``(II) consumes at least 25 percent 
��������������������������������less kilowatt hours per year than the 
��������������������������������2001 energy conservation standards.
����������� ``(2) Energy savings amount.--For purposes of paragraph 
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The energy savings amount is the 
����������������lesser of--
������������������������� ``(i) the product of--
����������������������������������� ``(I) $3, and
����������������������������������� ``(II) 100 multiplied by the energy 
��������������������������������savings percentage, or
������������������������� ``(ii) $100.
������������������� ``(B) Energy savings percentage.--For purposes of 
����������������subparagraph (A), the energy savings percentage is the 
����������������ratio of--
������������������������� ``(i) the EF required by the Energy Star 
����������������������program for dishwashers in 2007 minus the EF 
����������������������required by the Energy Star program for 
����������������������dishwashers in 2005, to
������������������������� ``(ii) the EF required by the Energy Star 
����������������������program for dishwashers in 2007.
��� ``(c) Eligible Production.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraphs (2), the 
��������eligible production in a calendar year with respect to each type 
��������of energy efficient appliance is the excess of--
������������������� ``(A) the number of appliances of such type which 
����������������are produced by the taxpayer in the United States during 
����������������such calendar year, over
������������������� ``(B) the average number of appliances of such type 
����������������which were produced by the taxpayer (or any predecessor) 
����������������in the United States during the preceding 3-calendar 
����������������year period.
����������� ``(2) Special rule for refrigerators.--The eligible 
��������production in a calendar year with respect to each type of 
��������refrigerator described in subsection (b)(1)(C) is the excess 
������������������� ``(A) the number of appliances of such type which 
����������������are produced by the taxpayer in the United States during 
����������������such calendar year, over
���������� ���������``(B) 110 percent of the average number of 
����������������appliances of such type which were produced by the 
����������������taxpayer (or any predecessor) in the United States 
����������������during the preceding 3-calendar year period.
��� ``(d) Types of Energy Efficient Appliance.--For purposes of this 
section, the types of energy efficient appliances are--
����������� ``(1) dishwashers described in subsection (b)(1)(A),
����������� ``(2) clothes washers described in subsection (b)(1)(B),
[[Page 119 STAT. 1032]]
����������� ``(3) refrigerators described in subsection (b)(1)(C)(i),
����������� ``(4) refrigerators described in subsection (b)(1)(C)(ii), 
����������� ``(5) refrigerators described in subsection (b)(1)(C)(iii).
��� ``(e) Limitations.--
����������� ``(1) Aggregate credit amount allowed.--The aggregate amount 
��������of credit allowed under subsection (a) with respect to a 
��������taxpayer for any taxable year shall not exceed $75,000,000 
��������reduced by the amount of the credit allowed under subsection (a) 
��������to the taxpayer (or any predecessor) for all prior taxable 
����������� ``(2) Amount allowed for 15 percent savings refrigerators.--
������� In the case of refrigerators described in subsection 
��������(b)(1)(C)(i), the aggregate amount of the credit allowed under 
��������subsection (a) with respect to a taxpayer for any taxable year 
��������shall not exceed $20,000,000.
����������� ``(3) Limitation based on gross receipts.--The credit 
��������allowed under subsection (a) with respect to a taxpayer for the 
��������taxable year shall not exceed an amount equal to 2 percent of 
��������the average annual gross receipts of the taxpayer for the 3 
��������taxable years preceding the taxable year in which the credit is 
����������� ``(4) Gross receipts.--For <<NOTE: Applicability.>> purposes 
��������of this subsection, the rules of paragraphs (2) and (3) of 
��������section 448(c) shall apply.
��� ``(f) Definitions.--For purposes of this section--
����������� ``(1) Qualified energy efficient appliance.--The term 
��������`qualified energy efficient appliance' means--
������������������� ``(A) any dishwasher described in subsection 
���������� ���������``(B) any clothes washer described in subsection 
����������������(b)(1)(B), and
������������������� ``(C) any refrigerator described in subsection 
����������� ``(2) Dishwasher.--The term `dishwasher' means a residential 
��������dishwasher subject to the energy conservation standards 
��������established by the Department of Energy.
����������� ``(3) Clothes washer.--The term `clothes washer' means a 
��������residential model clothes washer, including a residential style 
��������coin operated washer.
����������� ``(4) Refrigerator.--The term `refrigerator' means a 
��������residential model automatic defrost refrigerator-freezer which 
��������has an internal volume of at least 16.5 cubic feet.
����������� ``(5) EF.--The term `EF' means the energy factor established 
��������by the Department of Energy for compliance with the Federal 
��������energy conservation standards.
����������� ``(6) Produced.--The term `produced' includes manufactured.
����������� ``(7) 2001 energy conservation standard.--The term `2001 
��������energy conservation standard' means the energy conservation 
��������standards promulgated by the Department of Energy and effective 
��������July 1, 2001.
��� ``(g) Special Rules.--For purposes of this section--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Rules <<NOTE: Applicability.>> similar to 
��������the rules of subsections (c), (d), and (e) of section 52 shall 
����������� ``(2) Controlled group.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--All persons treated as a single 
����������������employer under subsection (a) or (b) of section 52 or 
����������������subsection (m) or (o) of section 414 shall be treated as 
����������������a single producer.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1033]]
���������� ���������``(B) Inclusion of <<NOTE: Applicability.>> foreign 
����������������corporations.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), in 
����������������applying subsections (a) and (b) of section 52 to this 
����������������section, section 1563 shall be applied without regard to 
����������������subsection (b)(2)(C) thereof.
����������� ``(3) Verification.--No amount shall be allowed as a credit 
��������under subsection (a) with respect to which the taxpayer has not 
��������submitted such information or certification as the Secretary, in 
��������consultation with the Secretary of Energy, determines 
��� (b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 38(b) (relating to general 
business credit), as amended by this Act, is amended by striking 
``plus'' at the end of paragraph (22), by striking the period at the end 
of paragraph (23) and inserting ``, plus'', and by adding at the end the 
following new paragraph:
����������� ``(24) the energy efficient appliance credit determined 
��������under section 45M(a).''.
��� (c) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for subpart D of part 
IV of subchapter A of chapter 1, as amended by this Act, is amended by 
adding at the end the following new item:
������� ``Sec. 45M. Energy efficient appliance credit.''.
��� (d) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 38 note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall apply to appliances produced after December 31, 
��� (a) In General.--Subpart A of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 
(relating to nonrefundable personal credits), as amended by this Act, is 
amended by inserting after section 25C the following new section:
��� ``(a) Allowance of Credit.--In the case of an individual, there 
shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this chapter for 
the taxable year an amount equal to the sum of--
����������� ``(1) 30 percent of the qualified photovoltaic property 
��������expenditures made by the taxpayer during such year,
����������� ``(2) 30 percent of the qualified solar water heating 
��������property expenditures made by the taxpayer during such year, and
����������� ``(3) 30 percent of the qualified fuel cell property 
��������expenditures made by the taxpayer during such year.
��� ``(b) Limitations.--
����������� ``(1) Maximum credit.--The credit allowed under subsection 
��������(a) for any taxable year shall not exceed--
������������������� ``(A) $2,000 with respect to any qualified 
����������������photovoltaic property expenditures,
������������������� ``(B) $2,000 with respect to any qualified solar 
����������������water heating property expenditures, and
������������������� ``(C) $500 with respect to each half kilowatt of 
����������������capacity of qualified fuel cell property (as defined in 
����������������section 48(c)(1)) for which qualified fuel cell property 
����������������expenditures are made.
����������� ``(2) Certification of solar water heating property.--No 
��������credit shall be allowed under this section for an item of 
��������property described in subsection (d)(1) unless such property is 
��������certified for performance by the non-profit Solar Rating 
��������Certification Corporation or a comparable entity endorsed by the 
��������government of the State in which such property is installed.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1034]]
��� ``(c) Carryforward of Unused Credit.--If the credit allowable under 
subsection (a) exceeds the limitation imposed by section 26(a) for such 
taxable year reduced by the sum of the credits allowable under this 
subpart (other than this section), such excess shall be carried to the 
succeeding taxable year and added to the credit allowable under 
subsection (a) for such succeeding taxable year.
��� ``(d) Definitions.--For purposes of this section--
����������� ``(1) Qualified solar water heating property expenditure.--
������� The term `qualified solar water heating property expenditure' 
��������means an expenditure for property to heat water for use in a 
��������dwelling unit located in the United States and used as a 
��������residence by the taxpayer if at least half of the energy used by 
��������such property for such purpose is derived from the sun.
����������� ``(2) Qualified photovoltaic property expenditure.--The term 
��������`qualified photovoltaic property expenditure' means an 
��������expenditure for property which uses solar energy to generate 
��������electricity for use in a dwelling unit located in the United 
��������States and used as a residence by the taxpayer.
����������� ``(3) Qualified fuel cell property expenditure.--The term 
��������`qualified fuel cell property expenditure' means an expenditure 
��������for qualified fuel cell property (as defined in section 
��������48(c)(1)) installed on or in connection with a dwelling unit 
��������located in the United States and used as a principal residence 
��������(within the meaning of section 121) by the taxpayer.
��� ``(e) Special Rules.--For purposes of this section--
����������� ``(1) Labor costs.--Expenditures for labor costs properly 
��������allocable to the onsite preparation, assembly, or original 
��������installation of the property described in subsection (d) and for 
��������piping or wiring to interconnect such property to the dwelling 
��������unit shall be taken into account for purposes of this section.
����������� ``(2) Solar panels.--No expenditure relating to a solar 
��������panel or other property installed as a roof (or portion thereof) 
��������shall fail to be treated as property described in paragraph (1) 
��������or (2) of subsection (d) solely because it constitutes a 
��������structural component of the structure on which it is installed.
����������� ``(3) Swimming pools, etc., used as storage medium.--
������� Expenditures which are properly allocable to a swimming pool, 
��������hot tub, or any other energy storage medium which has a function 
��������other than the function of such storage shall not be taken into 
��������account for purposes of this section.
����������� ``(4) Dollar amounts in case of joint occupancy.--In the 
��������case of any dwelling unit which is jointly occupied and used 
��������during any calendar year as a residence by two or more 
��������individuals the following rules shall apply:
������������������� ``(A) The amount of the credit allowable, under 
����������������subsection (a) by reason of expenditures (as the case 
����������������may be) made during such calendar year by any of such 
����������������individuals with respect to such dwelling unit shall be 
����������������determined by treating all of such individuals as 1 
����������������taxpayer whose taxable year is such calendar year.
������������������� ``(B) There shall be allowable, with respect to such 
����������������expenditures to each of such individuals, a credit under 
����������������subsection (a) for the taxable year in which such 
����������������calendar year ends in an amount which bears the same 
����������������ratio to
[[Page 119 STAT. 1035]]
��������������� the amount determined under subparagraph (A) as the 
����������������amount of such expenditures made by such individual 
����������������during such calendar year bears to the aggregate of such 
����������������expenditures made by all of such individuals during such 
����������������calendar year.
������������������� ``(C) Subparagraphs (A) and 
����������������(B) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> shall be applied separately 
����������������with respect to expenditures described in paragraphs 
����������������(1), (2), and (3) of subsection (d).
����������� ``(5) Tenant-stockholder in cooperative housing 
��������corporation.--In the case of an individual who is a tenant-
������� stockholder (as defined in section 216) in a cooperative housing 
��������corporation (as defined in such section), such individual shall 
��������be treated as having made his tenant-stockholder's proportionate 
��������share (as defined in section 216(b)(3)) of any expenditures of 
��������such corporation.
����������� ``(6) Condominiums.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--In the case of an individual who 
����������������is a member of a condominium management association with 
����������������respect to a condominium which the individual owns, such 
����������������individual shall be treated as having made the 
����������������individual's proportionate share of any expenditures of 
����������������such association.
������������������� ``(B) Condominium management association.--For 
����������������purposes of this paragraph, the term `condominium 
����������������management association' means an organization which 
����������������meets the requirements of paragraph (1) of section 
����������������528(c) (other than subparagraph (E) thereof) with 
����������������respect to a condominium project substantially all of 
����������������the units of which are used as residences.
����������� ``(7) Allocation in certain cases.--If less than 80 percent 
��������of the use of an item is for nonbusiness purposes, only that 
��������portion of the expenditures for such item which is properly 
��������allocable to use for nonbusiness purposes shall be taken into 
����������� ``(8) When expenditure made; amount of expenditure.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--Except as provided in 
����������������subparagraph (B), an expenditure with respect to an item 
����������������shall be treated as made when the original installation 
����������������of the item is completed.
������������������� ``(B) Expenditures part of building construction.--
��������������� In the case of an expenditure in connection with the 
����������������construction or reconstruction of a structure, such 
����������������expenditure shall be treated as made when the original 
����������������use of the constructed or reconstructed structure by the 
����������������taxpayer begins.
����������� ``(9) Property financed by subsidized energy financing.--For 
��������purposes of determining the amount of expenditures made by any 
��������individual with respect to any dwelling unit, there shall not be 
��������taken into account expenditures which are made from subsidized 
��������energy financing (as defined in section 48(a)(4)(C)).
��� ``(f) Basis Adjustments.--For purposes of this subtitle, if a credit 
is allowed under this section for any expenditure with respect to any 
property, the increase in the basis of such property which would (but 
for this subsection) result from such expenditure shall be reduced by 
the amount of the credit so allowed.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1036]]
��� ``(g) Termination.--The credit allowed under this section shall not 
apply to property placed in service after December 31, 2007.''.
��� (b) Conforming Amendments.--
����������� (1) Section 23(c) is amended by striking ``this section and 
��������section 1400C'' and inserting ``this section, section 25D, and 
��������section 1400C''.
����������� (2) Section 25(e)(1)(C) is amended by striking ``this 
��������section and sections 23 and 1400C'' and inserting ``other than 
��������this section, section 23, section 25D, and section 1400C''.
����������� (3) Section 1400C(d) is amended by striking ``this section'' 
��������and inserting ``this section and section 25D''.
����������� (4) Section 1016(a), as amended by this Act, is amended by 
��������striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (33), by striking the 
��������period at the end of paragraph (34) and inserting ``, and'', and 
��������by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(35) to the extent provided in section 25D(f), in the case 
��������of amounts with respect to which a credit has been allowed under 
��������section 25D.''.
����������� (5) The table of sections for subpart A of part IV of 
��������subchapter A of chapter 1, as amended by this Act, is amended by 
��������inserting after the item relating to section 25C the following 
��������new item:
������� ``Sec. 25D. Residential energy efficient property.''.
��� (c) Effective Dates.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 23 note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall apply to property placed in service after December 
31, 2005, in taxable years ending after such date.
��� (a) In General.--Section 48(a)(3)(A) (defining energy property) is 
amended by striking ``or'' at the end of clause (i), by adding ``or'' at 
the end of clause (ii), and by inserting after clause (ii) the following 
new clause:
������������������������� ``(iii) qualified fuel cell property or 
����������������������qualified microturbine property,''.
��� (b) Qualified Fuel Cell Property; Qualified Microturbine Property.--
Section 48 (relating to energy credit) is amended by adding at the end 
the following new subsection:
��� ``(c) Qualified Fuel Cell Property; Qualified Microturbine 
Property.--For purposes of this subsection--
����������� ``(1) Qualified fuel cell property.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The term `qualified fuel cell 
����������������property' means a fuel cell power plant which--
������������������������� ``(i) has a nameplate capacity of at least 0.5 
����������������������kilowatt of electricity using an electrochemical 
����������������������process, and
������������������������� ``(ii) has an electricity-only generation 
����������������������efficiency greater than 30 percent.
����� ��������������``(B) Limitation.--In the case of qualified fuel 
����������������cell property placed in service during the taxable year, 
����������������the credit otherwise determined under paragraph (1) for 
����������������such year with respect to such property shall not exceed 
����������������an amount equal to $500 for each 0.5 kilowatt of 
����������������capacity of such property.
������������������� ``(C) Fuel cell power plant.--The term `fuel cell 
����������������power plant' means an integrated system comprised of
[[Page 119 STAT. 1037]]
��������������� a fuel cell stack assembly and associated balance of 
����������������plant components which converts a fuel into electricity 
����������������using electrochemical means.
������������������� ``(D) Special rule.--The first sentence of the 
����������������matter in subsection (a)(3) which follows subparagraph 
����������������(D) thereof shall not apply to qualified fuel cell 
����������������property which is used predominantly in the trade or 
����������������business of the furnishing or sale of telephone service, 
����������������telegraph service by means of domestic telegraph 
����������������operations, or other telegraph services (other than 
����������������international telegraph services).
������������������� ``(E) Termination.--The term `qualified fuel cell 
����������������property' shall not include any property for any period 
����������������after December 31, 2007.
����������� ``(2) Qualified microturbine property.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The term `qualified microturbine 
����������������property' means a stationary microturbine power plant 
������������������������� ``(i) has a nameplate capacity of less than 
����������������������2,000 kilowatts, and
������������������������� ``(ii) has an electricity-only generation 
����������������������efficiency of not less than 26 percent at 
����������������������International Standard Organization conditions.
�������� �����������``(B) Limitation.--In the case of qualified 
����������������microturbine property placed in service during the 
����������������taxable year, the credit otherwise determined under 
����������������paragraph (1) for such year with respect to such 
����������������property shall not exceed an amount equal $200 for each 
����������������kilowatt of capacity of such property.
������������������� ``(C) Stationary microturbine power plant.--The term 
����������������`stationary microturbine power plant' means an 
����������������integrated system comprised of a gas turbine engine, a 
����������������combustor, a recuperator or regenerator, a generator or 
����������������alternator, and associated balance of plant components 
����������������which converts a fuel into electricity and thermal 
����������������energy. Such term also includes all secondary components 
����������������located between the existing infrastructure for fuel 
����������������delivery and the existing infrastructure for power 
����������������distribution, including equipment and controls for 
����������������meeting relevant power standards, such as voltage, 
����������������frequency, and power factors.
������������������� ``(D) Special rule.--The first sentence of the 
����������������matter in subsection (a)(3) which follows subparagraph 
����������������(D) thereof shall not apply to qualified microturbine 
����������������property which is used predominantly in the trade or 
����������������business of the furnishing or sale of telephone service, 
����������������telegraph service by means of domestic telegraph 
����������������operations, or other telegraph services (other than 
����������������international telegraph services).
������������������� ``(E) Termination.--The term `qualified microturbine 
����������������property' shall not include any property for any period 
����������������after December 31, 2007.''.
��� (c) Energy Percentage.--Section 48(a)(2)(A) (relating to energy 
percentage) is amended to read as follows:
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The energy percentage is--
������������������������� ``(i) in the case of qualified fuel cell 
����������������������property, 30 percent, and
������������������������� ``(ii) in the case of any other energy 
����������������������property, 10 percent.''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1038]]
��� (d) Conforming Amendment.--Section 48(a)(1) is amended by inserting 
``except as provided in paragraph (1)(B) or (2)(B) of subsection (d),'' 
before ``the energy''.
��� (e) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 48 note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall apply to periods after December 31, 2005, in 
taxable years ending after such date, under rules similar to the rules 
of section 48(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as in effect on 
the day before the date of the enactment of the Revenue Reconciliation 
Act of 1990).
��� (a) Increase in Energy Percentage.--Section 48(a)(2)(A) (relating to 
energy percentage), as amended by this Act, is amended to read as 
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The energy percentage is--
������������������������� ``(i) 30 percent in the case of--
����������������������������������� ``(I) qualified fuel cell property,
������������������� ����������������``(II) energy property described in 
��������������������������������paragraph (3)(A)(i) but only with 
��������������������������������respect to periods ending before January 
��������������������������������1, 2008, and
���������������� �������������������``(III) energy property described in 
��������������������������������paragraph (3)(A)(ii), and
������������������������� ``(ii) in the case of any energy property to 
����������������������which clause (i) does not apply, 10 percent.''.
��� (b) Hybrid Solar Lighting Systems.--Subparagraph (A) of section 
48(a)(3) is amended by striking ``or'' at the end of clause (i), by 
redesignating clause (ii) as clause (iii), and by inserting after clause 
(i) the following new clause:
����������� ��������������``(ii) equipment which uses solar energy to 
����������������������illuminate the inside of a structure using fiber-
��������������������� optic distributed sunlight but only with respect 
����������������������to periods ending before January 1, 2008, or''.
��� (c) Limitation on Use of Solar Energy to Heat Swimming Pools.--
Clause (i) of section 48(a)(3)(A) is amended by inserting ``excepting 
property used to generate energy for the purposes of heating a swimming 
pool,'' after ``solar process heat,''.
��� (d) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 48 note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall apply to periods after December 31, 2005, in 
taxable years ending after such date, under rules similar to the rules 
of section 48(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as in effect on 
the day before the date of the enactment of the Revenue Reconciliation 
Act of 1990).
������ Subtitle D--Alternative Motor Vehicles and Fuels Incentives
��� (a) In General.--Subpart B of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 
(relating to foreign tax credit, etc.) is amended by adding at the end 
the following new section:
��� ``(a) Allowance of Credit.--There shall be allowed as a credit 
against the tax imposed by this chapter for the taxable year an amount 
equal to the sum of--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1039]]
����������� ``(1) the new qualified fuel cell motor vehicle credit 
��������determined under subsection (b),
����������� ``(2) the new advanced lean burn technology motor vehicle 
��������credit determined under subsection (c),
����������� ``(3) the new qualified hybrid motor vehicle credit 
��������determined under subsection (d), and
����������� ``(4) the new qualified alternative fuel motor vehicle 
��������credit determined under subsection (e).
��� ``(b) New Qualified Fuel Cell Motor Vehicle Credit.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--For purposes of subsection (a), the new 
��������qualified fuel cell motor vehicle credit determined under this 
��������subsection with respect to a new qualified fuel cell motor 
��������vehicle placed in service by the taxpayer during the taxable 
��������year is--
������������������� ``(A) $8,000 ($4,000 in the case of a vehicle placed 
����������������in service after December 31, 2009), if such vehicle has 
����������������a gross vehicle weight rating of not more than 8,500 
������������������� ``(B) $10,000, if such vehicle has a gross vehicle 
����������������weight rating of more than 8,500 pounds but not more 
����������������than 14,000 pounds,
������������������� ``(C) $20,000, if such vehicle has a gross vehicle 
����������������weight rating of more than 14,000 pounds but not more 
����������������than 26,000 pounds, and
������������������� ``(D) $40,000, if such vehicle has a gross vehicle 
����������������weight rating of more than 26,000 pounds.
����������� ``(2) Increase for fuel efficiency.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The amount determined under 
����������������paragraph (1)(A) with respect to a new qualified fuel 
����������������cell motor vehicle which is a passenger automobile or 
����������������light truck shall be increased by--
�������������� �����������``(i) $1,000, if such vehicle achieves at 
����������������������least 150 percent but less than 175 percent of the 
����������������������2002 model year city fuel economy,
������������������������� ``(ii) $1,500, if such vehicle achieves at 
���������������������least 175 percent but less than 200 percent of the 
����������������������2002 model year city fuel economy,
������������������������� ``(iii) $2,000, if such vehicle achieves at 
����������������������least 200 percent but less than 225 percent of the 
����������������������2002 model year city fuel economy,
������������������������� ``(iv) $2,500, if such vehicle achieves at 
����������������������least 225 percent but less than 250 percent of the 
����������������������2002 model year city fuel economy,
������������������������� ``(v) $3,000, if such vehicle achieves at 
����������������������least 250 percent but less than 275 percent of the 
����������������������2002 model year city fuel economy,
�������������������� �����``(vi) $3,500, if such vehicle achieves at 
����������������������least 275 percent but less than 300 percent of the 
����������������������2002 model year city fuel economy, and
������������������������� ``(vii) $4,000, if such vehicle achieves at 
���������������������least 300 percent of the 2002 model year city fuel 
������������������� ``(B) 2002 model year city fuel economy.--For 
����������������purposes of subparagraph (A), the 2002 model year city 
����������������fuel economy with respect to a vehicle shall be 
����������������determined in accordance with the following tables:
������������������������� ``(i) In the case of a passenger automobile:
[[Page 119 STAT. 1040]]
����������������������������� The 2002 model year city..................
��������� ``If vehicle inertiafuel economy is:..........................
��� class is:
������������� 1,500 or 1,750 lbs����������������������������� 45.2 mpg
��������������2,000 lbs������������������������������������ ��39.6 mpg
��������������2,250 lbs�������������������������������������� 35.2 mpg
��������������2,500 lbs�������������������������������������� 31.7 mpg
��������������2,750 lbs�������������������������������������� 28.8 mpg
��������������3,000 lbs ��������������������������������������26.4 mpg
��������������3,500 lbs�������������������������������������� 22.6 mpg
��������������4,000 lbs�������������������������������������� 19.8 mpg
��������������4,500 lbs������������������������������������� 17.6 mpg
��������������5,000 lbs�������������������������������������� 15.9 mpg
��������������5,500 lbs�������������������������������������� 14.4 mpg
��������������6,000 lbs�������������������������������������� 13.2 mpg
��������������6,500 lbs�������������������������������������12.2 mpg
��������������7,000 to 8,500 lbs���������������������������� 11.3 mpg.
������������������������� ``(ii) In the case of a light truck:
����������������������������� The 2002 model year city..................
��������� ``If vehicle inertiafuel economy is:..........................
��� class is:
������������� 1,500 or 1,750 lbs����������������������������� 39.4 mpg
��������������2,000 lbs�������������������������������������� 35.2 mpg
��������������2,250 lbs�������������������������������������� 31.8 mpg
��������������2,500 lbs�������������������������������������� 29.0 mpg
��������������2,750 lbs�������������������������������������� 26.8 mpg
��������������3,000 lbs��������������������������������� �����24.9 mpg
��������������3,500 lbs�������������������������������������� 21.8 mpg
��������������4,000 lbs�������������������������������������� 19.4 mpg
��������������4,500 lbs�������������������������������������� 17.6 mpg
��������������5,000 lbs�������������������������������������� 16.1 mpg
��������������5,500 lbs�������������������������������������� 14.8 mpg
��������������6,000 lbs�������������������������������������� 13.7 mpg
��������������6,500 lbs���������������������������������� ����12.8 mpg
��������������7,000 to 8,500 lbs���������������������������� 12.1 mpg.
������������������� ``(C) Vehicle inertia weight class.--For purposes of 
����������������subparagraph (B), the term `vehicle inertia weight 
����������������class' has the same meaning as when defined in 
����������������regulations prescribed by the Administrator of the 
����������������Environmental Protection Agency for purposes of the 
����������������administration of title II of the Clean Air Act (42 
����������������U.S.C. 7521 et seq.).
����������� ``(3) New qualified fuel cell motor vehicle.--For purposes 
��������of this subsection, the term `new qualified fuel cell motor 
��������vehicle' means a motor vehicle--
������������������� ``(A) which is propelled by power derived from 1 or 
����������������more cells which convert chemical energy directly into 
����������������electricity by combining oxygen with hydrogen fuel which 
����������������is stored on board the vehicle in any form and may or 
����������������may not require reformation prior to use,
������������������� ``(B) which, in the case of a passenger automobile 
����������������or light truck, has received on or after the date of the 
����������������enactment of this section a certificate that such 
����������������vehicle meets or exceeds the Bin 5 Tier II emission 
����������������level established in regulations prescribed by the 
����������������Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency 
����������������under section 202(i) of the Clean Air Act for that make 
����������������and model year vehicle,
������������������� ``(C) the original use of which commences with the 
[[Page 119 STAT. 1041]]
������������������� ``(D) which is acquired for use or lease by the 
����������������taxpayer and not for resale, and
������������������� ``(E) which is made by a manufacturer.
��� ``(c) New Advanced Lean Burn Technology Motor Vehicle Credit.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--For purposes of subsection (a), the new 
��������advanced lean burn technology motor vehicle credit determined 
��������under this subsection for the taxable year is the credit amount 
��������determined under paragraph (2) with respect to a new advanced 
��������lean burn technology motor vehicle placed in service by the 
��������taxpayer during the taxable year.
����������� ``(2) Credit amount.--
������������������� ``(A) Fuel economy.--
������������������������� ``(i) In general.--The credit amount 
����������������������determined under this paragraph shall be 
����������������������determined in accordance with the following table:
``In the case of a vehicle whiThe credit amount is--....................
��� achieves a fuel economy (expressed 
����as a percentage of the 2002 model 
����year city fuel economy) of--
At least 125 percent but less than 150����������������������������� $400
��� percent
At least 150 percent but less than 175����������������������������� $800
��� percent
At least 175 percent but less than 200��������������������������� $1,200
��� percent
At least 200 percent but less than 225��������������������������� $1,600
��� percent
At least 225 percent but less than 250��������������������������� $2,000
��� percent
At least 250 percent�� ������������������������������������������$2,400.
������������������������� ``(ii) 2002 model year city fuel economy.--For 
����������������������purposes of clause (i), the 2002 model year city 
����������������������fuel economy with respect to a vehicle shall be 
����������������������determined on a gasoline gallon equivalent basis 
����������������������as determined by the Administrator of the 
����������������������Environmental Protection Agency using the tables 
����������������������provided in subsection (b)(2)(B) with respect to 
����������������������such vehicle.
������������������� ``(B) Conservation credit.--The amount determined 
����������������under subparagraph (A) with respect to a new advanced 
����������������lean burn technology motor vehicle shall be increased by 
����������������the conservation credit amount determined in accordance 
����������������with the following table:
``In the case of a vehicle whiThe conservation credit amount is--.......
��� achieves a lifetime fuel savings 
����(expressed in gallons of gasoline) 
At least 1,200 but less than 1,800��������������������������������� $250
At least 1,800 but less than 2,400��������������������������������� $500
At least 2,400 but less than 3,000���������������������� �����������$750
At least 3,000�������������������������������������������������� $1,000.
����������� ``(3) New advanced lean burn technology motor vehicle.--For 
��������purposes of this subsection, the term `new advanced lean burn 
��������technology motor vehicle' means a passenger automobile or a 
��������light truck--
������������������� ``(A) with an internal combustion engine which--
������������������������� ``(i) is designed to operate primarily using 
����������������������more air than is necessary for complete combustion 
����������������������of the fuel,
������������������������� ``(ii) incorporates direct injection,
������������������������� ``(iii) achieves at least 125 percent of the 
����������������������2002 model year city fuel economy,
[[Page 119 STAT. 1042]]
������������������������� ``(iv) for 2004 and later model vehicles, has 
����������������������received a certificate that such vehicle meets or 
����������������������������������� ``(I) in the case of a vehicle 
��������������������������������having a gross vehicle weight rating of 
��������������������������������6,000 pounds or less, the Bin 5 Tier II 
��������������������������������emission standard established in 
��������������������������������regulations prescribed by the 
��������������������������������Administrator of the Environmental 
��������������������������������Protection Agency under section 202(i) 
��������������������������������of the Clean Air Act for that make and 
��������������������������������model year vehicle, and
����������������������������������� ``(II) in the case of a vehicle 
��������������������������������having a gross vehicle weight rating of 
��������������������������������more than 6,000 pounds but not more than 
��������������������������������8,500 pounds, the Bin 8 Tier II emission 
��������������������������������standard which is so established,
������������������� ``(B) the original use of which commences with the 
������������������� ``(C) which is acquired for use or lease by the 
����������������taxpayer and not for resale, and
������������������� ``(D) which is made by a manufacturer.
����������� ``(4) Lifetime fuel savings.--For purposes of this 
��������subsection, the term `lifetime fuel savings' means, in the case 
��������of any new advanced lean burn technology motor vehicle, an 
��������amount equal to the excess (if any) of--
������������������� ``(A) 120,000 divided by the 2002 model year city 
����������������fuel economy for the vehicle inertia weight class, over
������������������� ``(B) 120,000 divided by the city fuel economy for 
����������������such vehicle.
��� ``(d) New Qualified Hybrid Motor Vehicle Credit.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--For purposes of subsection (a), the new 
��������qualified hybrid motor vehicle credit determined under this 
��������subsection for the taxable year is the credit amount determined 
��������under paragraph (2) with respect to a new qualified hybrid motor 
��������vehicle placed in service by the taxpayer during the taxable 
����������� ``(2) Credit amount.--
������������������� ``(A) Credit amount for passenger automobiles and 
����������������light trucks.--In the case of a new qualified hybrid 
����������������motor vehicle which is a passenger automobile or light 
����������������truck and which has a gross vehicle weight rating of not 
����������������more than 8,500 pounds, the amount determined under this 
����������������paragraph is the sum of the amounts determined under 
����������������clauses (i) and (ii).
������������������������� ``(i) Fuel economy.--The amount determined 
����������������������under this clause is the amount which would be 
����������������������determined under subsection (c)(2)(A) if such 
����������������������vehicle were a vehicle referred to in such 
������������������������� ``(ii) Conservation credit.--The amount 
����������������������determined under this clause is the amount which 
����������������������would be determined under subsection (c)(2)(B) if 
����������������������such vehicle were a vehicle referred to in such 
������������������� ``(B) Credit amount for other motor vehicles.--
������������������������� ``(i) In general.--In the case of any new 
����������������������qualified hybrid motor vehicle to which 
����������������������subparagraph (A) does not apply, the amount 
����������������������determined under this paragraph is the amount 
����������������������equal to the applicable percentage of the 
����������������������qualified incremental hybrid cost of the vehicle 
����������������������as certified under clause (v).
[[Page 119 STAT. 1043]]
��������� ����������������``(ii) Applicable percentage.--For purposes of 
����������������������clause (i), the applicable percentage is--
����������������������������������� ``(I) 20 percent if the vehicle 
��������������������������������achieves an increase in city fuel 
��������������������������������economy relative to a comparable vehicle 
��������������������������������of at least 30 percent but less than 40 
����������������������������������� ``(II) 30 percent if the vehicle 
��������������������������������achieves such an increase of at least 40 
��������������������������������percent but less than 50 percent, and
����������������������������������� ``(III) 40 percent if the vehicle 
��������������������������������achieves such an increase of at least 50 
������������������������� ``(iii) Qualified incremental hybrid cost.--
��������������������� For purposes of this subparagraph, the qualified 
����������������������incremental hybrid cost of any vehicle is equal to 
����������������������the amount of the excess of the manufacturer's 
����������������������suggested retail price for such vehicle over such 
����������������������price for a comparable vehicle, to the extent such 
����������������������amount does not exceed--
����������������������������������� ``(I) $7,500, if such vehicle has a 
��������������������������������gross vehicle weight rating of not more 
��������������������������������than 14,000 pounds,
����������������������������������� ``(II) $15,000, if such vehicle has 
��������������������������������a gross vehicle weight rating of more 
��������������������������������than 14,000 pounds but not more than 
��������������������������������26,000 pounds, and
����������������������������������� ``(III) $30,000, if such vehicle has 
��������������������������������a gross vehicle weight rating of more 
��������������������������������than 26,000 pounds.
������������������������� ``(iv) Comparable vehicle.--For purposes of 
����������������������this subparagraph, the term `comparable vehicle' 
����������������������means, with respect to any new qualified hybrid 
����������������������motor vehicle, any vehicle which is powered solely 
����������������������by a gasoline or diesel internal combustion engine 
����������������������and which is comparable in weight, size, and use 
����������������������to such vehicle.
������������������������� ``(v) Certification.--A certification 
����������������������described in clause (i) shall be made by the 
����������������������manufacturer and shall be determined in accordance 
����������������������with guidance prescribed by the Secretary. Such 
����������������������guidance shall specify procedures and methods for 
����������������������calculating fuel economy savings and incremental 
����������������������hybrid costs.
����������� ``(3) New qualified hybrid motor vehicle.--For purposes of 
��������this subsection--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The term `new qualified hybrid 
����������������motor vehicle' means a motor vehicle--
������������������������� ``(i) which draws propulsion energy from 
����������������������onboard sources of stored energy which are both--
�������������� ���������������������``(I) an internal combustion or heat 
��������������������������������engine using consumable fuel, and
����������������������������������� ``(II) a rechargeable energy storage 
���������������� ���������``(ii) which, in the case of a vehicle to 
����������������������which paragraph (2)(A) applies, has received a 
����������������������certificate of conformity under the Clean Air Act 
����������������������and meets or exceeds the equivalent qualifying 
����������������������California low emission vehicle standard under 
����������������������section 243(e)(2) of the Clean Air Act for that 
����������������������make and model year, and
����������������������������������� ``(I) in the case of a vehicle 
��������������������������������having a gross vehicle weight rating of 
��������������������������������6,000 pounds or less, the Bin 5 Tier II 
��������������������������������emission standard established in 
��������������������������������regulations prescribed by the 
��������������������������������Administrator of the Environmental 
��������������������������������Protection Agency under section
[[Page 119 STAT. 1044]]
������������������������������� 202(i) of the Clean Air Act for that 
��������������������������������make and model year vehicle, and
����������������������������������� ``(II) in the case of a vehicle 
��������������������������������having a gross vehicle weight rating of 
��������������������������������more than 6,000 pounds but not more than 
��������������������������������8,500 pounds, the Bin 8 Tier II emission 
��������������������������������standard which is so established,
������������������������� ``(iii) which has a maximum available power of 
����������������������at least--
����������������������������������� ``(I) 
��������������������������������4 <<NOTE: Applicability.>> percent in 
��������������������������������the case of a vehicle to which paragraph 
��������������������������������(2)(A) applies,
 �����������������������������������``(II) 10 percent in the case of a 
��������������������������������vehicle which has a gross vehicle weight 
��������������������������������rating of more than 8,500 pounds and not 
��������������������������������more than 14,000 pounds, and
����������������������������������� ``(III) 15 percent in the case of a 
��������������������������������vehicle in excess of 14,000 pounds,
������������������������� ``(iv) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> which, in the 
����������������������case of a vehicle to which paragraph (2)(B) 
����������������������applies, has an internal combustion or heat engine 
����������������������which has received a certificate of conformity 
����������������������under the Clean Air Act as meeting the emission 
����������������������standards set in the regulations prescribed by the 
����������������������Administrator of the Environmental Protection 
����������������������Agency for 2004 through 2007 model year diesel 
����������������������heavy duty engines or ottocycle heavy duty 
����������������������engines, as applicable,
������������������������� ``(v) the original use of which commences with 
����������������������the taxpayer,
������������������������� ``(vi) which is acquired for use or lease by 
����������������������the taxpayer and not for resale, and
������������������������� ``(vii) which is made by a manufacturer.
��������������� Such term shall not include any vehicle which is not a 
����������������passenger automobile or light truck if such vehicle has 
����������������a gross vehicle weight rating of less than 8,500 pounds.
������������������� ``(B) Consumable fuel.--For purposes of subparagraph 
����������������(A)(i)(I), the term `consumable fuel' means any solid, 
����������������liquid, or gaseous matter which releases energy when 
����������������consumed by an auxiliary power unit.
������������������� ``(C) Maximum <<NOTE: Applicability.>> available 
��������������� ����������``(i) Certain passenger automobiles and light 
����������������������trucks.--In the case of a vehicle to which 
����������������������paragraph (2)(A) applies, the term `maximum 
����������������������available power' means the maximum power available 
����������������������from the rechargeable energy storage system, 
����������������������during a standard 10 second pulse power or 
����������������������equivalent test, divided by such maximum power and 
����������������������the SAE net power of the heat engine.
������������������������� ``(ii) Other motor vehicles.--In the case of a 
����������������������vehicle to which paragraph (2)(B) applies, the 
����������������������term `maximum available power' means the maximum 
����������������������power available from the rechargeable energy 
����������������������storage system, during a standard 10 second pulse 
����������������������power or equivalent test, divided by the vehicle's 
����������������������total traction power. For purposes of the 
����������������������preceding sentence, the term `total traction 
����������������������power' means the sum of the peak power from the 
����������������������rechargeable energy storage system and the heat 
����������������������engine peak power of the vehicle, except that if 
����������������������such storage system is the sole means by which the 
[[Page 119 STAT. 1045]]
��������������������� can be driven, the total traction power is the 
����������������������peak power of such storage system.
��� ``(e) New Qualified Alternative Fuel Motor Vehicle Credit.--
����������� ``(1) Allowance of credit.--Except as provided in paragraph 
��������(5), the new qualified alternative fuel motor vehicle credit 
��������determined under this subsection is an amount equal to the 
��������applicable percentage of the incremental cost of any new 
��������qualified alternative fuel motor vehicle placed in service by 
��������the taxpayer during the taxable year.
����������� ``(2) Applicable percentage.--For purposes of paragraph (1), 
��������the applicable percentage with respect to any new qualified 
��������alternative fuel motor vehicle is--
������������������� ``(A) 50 percent, plus
������������������� ``(B) 30 percent, if such vehicle--
������������������������� ``(i) has received a certificate of conformity 
����������������������under the Clean Air Act and meets or exceeds the 
����������������������most stringent standard available for 
����������������������certification under the Clean Air Act for that 
����������������������make and model year vehicle (other than a zero 
����������������������emission standard), or
������������������������� ``(ii) has received an order certifying the 
����������������������vehicle as meeting the same requirements as 
����������������������vehicles which may be sold or leased in California 
����������������������and meets or exceeds the most stringent standard 
����������������������available for certification under the State laws 
����������������������of California (enacted in accordance with a waiver 
����������������������granted under section 209(b) of the Clean Air Act) 
����������������������for that make and model year vehicle (other than a 
����������������������zero emission standard).
������� For purposes of the preceding sentence, in the case of any new 
��������qualified alternative fuel motor vehicle which weighs more than 
��������14,000 pounds gross vehicle weight rating, the most stringent 
��������standard available shall be such standard available for 
��������certification on the date of the enactment of the Energy Tax 
��������Incentives Act of 2005.
����������� ``(3) Incremental cost.--For purposes of this subsection, 
��������the incremental cost of any new qualified alternative fuel motor 
��������vehicle is equal to the amount of the excess of the 
��������manufacturer's suggested retail price for such vehicle over such 
��������price for a gasoline or diesel fuel motor vehicle of the same 
��������model, to the extent such amount does not exceed--
������������������� ``(A) $5,000, if such vehicle has a gross vehicle 
����������������weight rating of not more than 8,500 pounds,
������������������� ``(B) $10,000, if such vehicle has a gross vehicle 
����������������weight rating of more than 8,500 pounds but not more 
����������������than 14,000 pounds,
������������������� ``(C) $25,000, if such vehicle has a gross vehicle 
����������������weight rating of more than 14,000 pounds but not more 
����������������than 26,000 pounds, and
������������������� ``(D) $40,000, if such vehicle has a gross vehicle 
����������������weight rating of more than 26,000 pounds.
����������� ``(4) New qualified alternative fuel motor vehicle.--For 
��������purposes of this subsection--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The term `new qualified 
����������������alternative fuel motor vehicle' means any motor 
������������������������� ``(i) which is only capable of operating on an 
����������������������alternative fuel,
[[Page 119 STAT. 1046]]
������������������������� ``(ii) the original use of which commences 
����������������������with the taxpayer,
������������������������� ``(iii) which is acquired by the taxpayer for 
����������������������use or lease, but not for resale, and
������������������������� ``(iv) which is made by a manufacturer.
������������������� ``(B) Alternative fuel.--The term `alternative fuel' 
����������������means compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, 
����������������liquefied petroleum gas, hydrogen, and any liquid at 
����������������least 85 percent of the volume of which consists of 
����������� ``(5) Credit for mixed-fuel vehicles.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--In the case of a mixed-fuel 
����������������vehicle placed in service by the taxpayer during the 
����������������taxable year, the credit determined under this 
����������������subsection is an amount equal to--
���������������������� ���``(i) in the case of a 75/25 mixed-fuel 
����������������������vehicle, 70 percent of the credit which would have 
����������������������been allowed under this subsection if such vehicle 
����������������������was a qualified alternative fuel motor vehicle, 
������������������������� ``(ii) in the case of a 90/10 mixed-fuel 
����������������������vehicle, 90 percent of the credit which would have 
����������������������been allowed under this subsection if such vehicle 
����������������������was a qualified alternative fuel motor vehicle.
������������������� ``(B) Mixed-fuel vehicle.--For purposes of this 
����������������subsection, the term `mixed-fuel vehicle' means any 
����������������motor vehicle described in subparagraph (C) or (D) of 
����������������paragraph (3), which--
������������������������� ``(i) is certified by the manufacturer as 
����������������������being able to perform efficiently in normal 
����������������������operation on a combination of an alternative fuel 
����������������������and a petroleum-based fuel,
������������������������� ``(ii) either--
����������������������������������� ``(I) has received a certificate of 
��������������������������������conformity under the Clean Air Act, or
����������� ������������������������``(II) has received an order 
��������������������������������certifying the vehicle as meeting the 
��������������������������������same requirements as vehicles which may 
��������������������������������be sold or leased in California and 
��������������������������������meets or exceeds the low emission 
��������������������������������vehicle standard under section 88.105-94 
��������������������������������of title 40, Code of Federal 
��������������������������������Regulations, for that make and model 
��������������������������������year vehicle,
������������������������� ``(iii) the original use of which commences 
����������������������with the taxpayer,
������������������������� ``(iv) which is acquired by the taxpayer for 
����������������������use or lease, but not for resale, and
������������������������� ``(v) which is made by a manufacturer.
������������������� ``(C) 75/25 mixed-fuel vehicle.--For purposes of 
����������������this subsection, the term `75/25 mixed-fuel vehicle' 
����������������means a mixed-fuel vehicle which operates using at least 
����������������75 percent alternative fuel and not more than 25 percent 
����������������petroleum-based fuel.
������������������� ``(D) 90/10 mixed-fuel vehicle.--For purposes of 
����������������this subsection, the term `90/10 mixed-fuel vehicle' 
����������������means a mixed-fuel vehicle which operates using at least 
����������������90 percent alternative fuel and not more than 10 percent 
���������������petroleum-based fuel.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1047]]
��� ``(f) Limitation on Number of New Qualified Hybrid and Advanced 
Lean-Burn Technology Vehicles Eligible for Credit.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--In the case of a qualified vehicle sold 
��������during the phaseout period, only the applicable percentage of 
��������the credit otherwise allowable under subsection (c) or (d) shall 
��������be allowed.
����������� ``(2) Phaseout period.--For purposes of this subsection, the 
��������phaseout period is the period beginning with the second calendar 
��������quarter following the calendar quarter which includes the first 
��������date on which the number of qualified vehicles manufactured by 
��������the manufacturer of the vehicle referred to in paragraph (1) 
��������sold for use in the United States after December 31, 2005, is at 
��������least 60,000.
����������� ``(3) Applicable percentage.--For purposes of paragraph (1), 
��������the applicable percentage is--
������������������� ``(A) 50 percent for the first 2 calendar quarters 
����������������of the phaseout period,
������������������� ``(B) 25 percent for the 3d and 4th calendar 
����������������quarters of the phaseout period, and
������������������� ``(C) 0 percent for each calendar quarter 
����������� ``(4) Controlled groups.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--For purposes of this subsection, 
����������������all persons treated as a single employer under 
����������������subsection (a) or (b) of section 52 or subsection (m) or 
����������������(o) of section 414 shall be treated as a single 
������������������� ``(B) Inclusion of <<NOTE: Applicability.>> foreign 
����������������corporations.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), in 
����������������applying subsections (a) and (b) of section 52 to this 
����������������section, section 1563 shall be applied without regard to 
����������������subsection (b)(2)(C) thereof.
����������� ``(5) Qualified vehicle.--For purposes of this subsection, 
��������the term `qualified vehicle' means any new qualified hybrid 
��������motor vehicle (described in subsection (d)(2)(A)) and any new 
��������advanced lean burn technology motor vehicle.
��� ``(g) Application With Other Credits.--
����������� ``(1) Business credit treated as part of general business 
��������credit.--So much of the credit which would be allowed under 
��������subsection (a) for any taxable year (determined without regard 
��������to this subsection) that is attributable to property of a 
��������character subject to an allowance for depreciation shall be 
��������treated as a credit listed in section 38(b) for such taxable 
��������year (and not allowed under subsection (a)).
 �����������``(2) Personal credit.--The credit allowed under subsection 
��������(a) (after the application of paragraph (1)) for any taxable 
��������year shall not exceed the excess (if any) of--
������������������� ``(A) the regular tax reduced by the sum of the 
����������������credits allowable under subpart A and sections 27 and 
����������������30, over
������������������� ``(B) the tentative minimum tax for the taxable 
��� ``(h) Other Definitions and Special Rules.--For purposes of this 
����������� ``(1) Motor vehicle.--The term `motor vehicle' has the 
��������meaning given such term by section 30(c)(2).
����������� ``(2) City fuel economy.--The city fuel economy with respect 
��������to any vehicle shall be measured in a manner which is 
��������substantially similar to the manner city fuel economy is 
��������measured in accordance with procedures under part 600 of
[[Page 119 STAT. 1048]]
������� subchapter Q of chapter I of title 40, Code of Federal 
��������Regulations, as in effect on the date of the enactment of this 
����������� ``(3) Other terms.--The terms `automobile', `passenger 
��������automobile', `medium duty passenger vehicle', `light truck', and 
��������`manufacturer' have the meanings given such terms in regulations 
��������prescribed by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection 
��������Agency for purposes of the administration of title II of the 
��������Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7521 et seq.).
����������� ``(4) Reduction in basis.--For purposes of this subtitle, 
��������the basis of any property for which a credit is allowable under 
��������subsection (a) shall be reduced by the amount of such credit so 
��������allowed (determined without regard to subsection (g)).
����������� ``(5) No double benefit.--The amount of any deduction or 
��������other credit allowable under this chapter--
������������������� ``(A) for any incremental cost taken into account in 
����������������computing the amount of the credit determined under 
����������������subsection (e) shall be reduced by the amount of such 
����������������credit attributable to such cost, and
������������������� ``(B) with respect to a vehicle described under 
����������������subsection (b) or (c), shall be reduced by the amount of 
����������������credit allowed under subsection (a) for such vehicle for 
����������������the taxable year.
����������� ``(6) Property used by tax-exempt entity.--In the case of a 
��������vehicle whose use is described in paragraph (3) or (4) of 
��������section 50(b) and which is not subject to a lease, the person 
��������who sold such vehicle to the person or entity using such vehicle 
��������shall be treated as the taxpayer that placed such vehicle in 
��������service, but only if such person clearly discloses to such 
��������person or entity in a document the amount of any credit 
��������allowable under subsection (a) with respect to such vehicle 
��������(determined without regard to subsection (g)).
������ �����``(7) Property used outside united states, etc., not 
��������qualified.--No credit shall be allowable under subsection (a) 
��������with respect to any property referred to in section 50(b)(1) or 
��������with respect to the portion of the cost of any property taken 
��������into account under section 179.
����������� ``(8) Recapture.--The <<NOTE: Regulations.>> Secretary 
��������shall, by regulations, provide for recapturing the benefit of 
��������any credit allowable under subsection (a) with respect to any 
��������property which ceases to be property eligible for such credit 
��������(including recapture in the case of a lease period of less than 
��������the economic life of a vehicle).
����������� ``(9) Election to not take credit.--No credit shall be 
��������allowed under subsection (a) for any vehicle if the taxpayer 
��������elects to not have this section apply to such vehicle.
����������� ``(10) Interaction with air quality and motor vehicle safety 
��������standards.--Unless otherwise provided in this section, a motor 
��������vehicle shall not be considered eligible for a credit under this 
��������section unless such vehicle is in compliance with--
������������������� ``(A) the applicable provisions of the Clean Air Act 
����������������for the applicable make and model year of the vehicle 
����������������(or applicable air quality provisions of State law in 
����������������the case of a State which has adopted such provision 
����������������under a waiver under section 209(b) of the Clean Air 
����������������Act), and
������������������� ``(B) the motor vehicle safety provisions of 
����������������sections 30101 through 30169 of title 49, United States 
��� ``(i) Regulations.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1049]]
������ �����``(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), the 
��������Secretary shall promulgate such regulations as necessary to 
��������carry out the provisions of this section.
����������� ``(2) Coordination in prescription of certain regulations.--
������� The Secretary of the Treasury, in coordination with the 
��������Secretary of Transportation and the Administrator of the 
��������Environmental Protection Agency, shall prescribe such 
��������regulations as necessary to determine whether a motor vehicle 
��������meets the requirements to be eligible for a credit under this 
��� ``(j) Termination.--This section shall not apply to any property 
purchased after--
����������� ``(1) in the case of a new qualified fuel cell motor vehicle 
��������(as described in subsection (b)), December 31, 2014,
����������� ``(2) in the case of a new advanced lean burn technology 
��������motor vehicle (as described in subsection (c)) or a new 
��������qualified hybrid motor vehicle (as described in subsection 
��������(d)(2)(A)), December 31, 2010,
����������� ``(3) in the case of a new qualified hybrid motor vehicle 
��������(as described in subsection (d)(2)(B)), December 31, 2009, and
����������� ``(4) in the case of a new qualified alternative fuel 
��������vehicle (as described in subsection (e)), December 31, 2010.''.
��� (b) Conforming Amendments.--
����������� (1) Section 38(b), as amended by this Act, is amended by 
��������striking ``plus'' at the end of paragraph (23), by striking the 
��������period at the end of paragraph (24) and inserting ``, and'', and 
��������by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(25) the portion of the alternative motor vehicle credit 
��������to which section 30B(g)(1) applies.''.
����������� (2) Section 1016(a), as amended by this Act, is amended by 
��������striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (34), by striking the 
��������period at the end of paragraph (35) and inserting ``, and'', and 
��������by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(36) to the extent provided in section 30B(h)(4).''.
����������� (3) Section 55(c)(2), as amended by this Act, is amended by 
��������inserting ``30B(g)(2),'' after ``30(b)(2),''.
����������� (4) Section 6501(m) is amended by inserting ``30B(h)(9),'' 
��������after ``30(d)(4),''.
����������� (5) The table of sections for subpart B of part IV of 
��������subchapter A of chapter 1 is amended by inserting after the item 
��������relating to section 30A the following new item:
``Sec. 30B. Alternative motor vehicle credit.''.
��� (c) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 30B note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall apply to property placed in service after December 
31, 2005, in taxable years ending after such date.
��� (a) In General.--Subpart B of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 
(relating to other credits), as amended by this Act, is amended by 
adding at the end the following new section:
��� ``(a) Credit Allowed.--There shall be allowed as a credit against 
the tax imposed by this chapter for the taxable year an amount equal to 
30 percent of the cost of any qualified alternative
[[Page 119 STAT. 1050]]
fuel vehicle refueling property placed in service by the taxpayer during 
the taxable year.
��� ``(b) Limitation.--The credit allowed under subsection (a) with 
respect to any alternative fuel vehicle refueling property shall not 
����������� ``(1) $30,000 in the case of a property of a character 
��������subject to an allowance for depreciation, and
����������� ``(2) $1,000 in any other case.
��� ``(c) Qualified Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), the 
��������term `qualified alternative fuel vehicle refueling property' has 
��������the meaning given to such term by section 179A(d), but only with 
��������respect to any fuel--
������������������� ``(A) at least 85 percent of the volume of which 
����������������consists of one or more of the following: ethanol, 
����������������natural gas, compressed natural gas, liquefied natural 
����������������gas, liquefied petroleum gas, or hydrogen, or
������������������� ``(B) any mixture of biodiesel (as defined in 
����������������section 40A(d)(1)) and diesel fuel (as defined in 
����������������section 4083(a)(3)), determined without regard to any 
���������������use of kerosene and containing at least 20 percent 
����������� ``(2) Residential property.--In the case of any property 
��������installed on property which is used as the principal residence 
��������(within the meaning of section 121) of the taxpayer, paragraph 
��������(1) of section 179A(d) shall not apply.
��� ``(d) Application With Other Credits.--
����������� ``(1) Business credit treated as part of general business 
��������credit.--So much of the credit which would be allowed under 
��������subsection (a) for any taxable year (determined without regard 
��������to this subsection) that is attributable to property of a 
��������character subject to an allowance for depreciation shall be 
��������treated as a credit listed in section 38(b) for such taxable 
��������year (and not allowed under subsection (a)).
����������� ``(2) Personal credit.--The credit allowed under subsection 
��������(a) (after the application of paragraph (1)) for any taxable 
��������year shall not exceed the excess (if any) of--
������������������� ``(A) the regular tax reduced by the sum of the 
����������������credits allowable under subpart A and sections 27, 30, 
����������������and 30B, over
������������������� ``(B) the tentative minimum tax for the taxable 
��� ``(e) Special Rules.--For purposes of this section--
����������� ``(1) Basis reduction.--The basis of any property shall be 
��������reduced by the portion of the cost of such property taken into 
��������account under subsection (a).
����������� ``(2) Property used by tax-exempt entity.--In the case of 
��������any qualified alternative fuel vehicle refueling property the 
��������use of which is described in paragraph (3) or (4) of section 
��������50(b) and which is not subject to a lease, the person who sold 
��������such property to the person or entity using such property shall 
��������be treated as the taxpayer that placed such property in service, 
��������but only if such person clearly discloses to such person or 
��������entity in a document the amount of any credit allowable under 
��������subsection (a) with respect to such property (determined without 
��������regard to subsection (d)).
����������� ``(3) Property used outside united states not qualified.--No 
��������credit shall be allowable under subsection (a) with
[[Page 119 STAT. 1051]]
������� respect to any property referred to in section 50(b)(1) or with 
��������respect to the portion of the cost of any property taken into 
��������account under section 179.
����������� ``(4) Election not to take credit.--No credit shall be 
��������allowed under subsection (a) for any property if the taxpayer 
��������elects not to have this section apply to such property.
����������� ``(5) Recapture rules.--
������� Rules <<NOTE: Applicability.>> similar to the rules of section 
��������179A(e)(4) shall apply.
��� ``(f) Regulations.--The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations 
as necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.
��� ``(g) Termination.--This section shall not apply to any property 
placed in service--
����������� ``(1) in the case of property relating to hydrogen, after 
��������December 31, 2014, and
����������� ``(2) in the case of any other property, after December 31, 
��� (b) Conforming Amendments.--
����������� (1) Section 38(b), as amended by this Act, is amended by 
��������striking ``plus'' at the end of paragraph (24), by striking the 
��������period at the end of paragraph (25) and inserting ``, and'', and 
��������by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(26) the portion of the alternative fuel vehicle refueling 
��������property credit to which section 30C(d)(1) applies.''.
����������� (2) Section 1016(a), as amended by this Act, is amended by 
��������striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (35), by striking the 
��������period at the end of paragraph (36) and inserting ``, and'', and 
��������by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(37) to the extent provided in section 30C(f).''.
����������� (3) Section 55(c)(2), as amended by this Act, is amended by 
��������inserting ``30C(d)(2),'' after ``30B(g)(2),''.
����������� (4) Section 6501(m) is amended by inserting ``30C(e)(5),'' 
��������after ``30B(h)(9),''.
����������� (5) The table of sections for subpart B of part IV of 
��������subchapter A of chapter 1, as amended by this Act, is amended by 
��������inserting after the item relating to section 30B the following 
��������new item:
``Sec. 30C. Clean-fuel vehicle refueling property credit.''.
��� (c) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 30C note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall apply to property placed in service after December 
31, 2005, in taxable years ending after such date.
��� (a) In General.--Paragraph (2) of section 4081(a) is amended by 
adding at the end the following:
������������������� ``(D) Diesel-water fuel emulsion.--
��������������In <<NOTE: Applicability.>> the case of diesel-water 
����������������fuel emulsion at least 14 percent of which is water and 
����������������with respect to which the emulsion additive is 
����������������registered by a United States manufacturer with the 
����������������Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to section 211 
����������������of the Clean Air Act (as in effect on March 31, 2003), 
����������������subparagraph (A)(iii) shall be applied by substituting 
����������������`19.7 cents' for `24.3 cents'. The preceding sentence 
����������������shall not apply to the removal, sale, or use of diesel-
��������������� water fuel emulsion unless the person so removing, 
����������������selling, or using such fuel is registered under section 
��� (b) Special Rules for Diesel-Water Fuel Emulsions.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1052]]
����������� (1) Refunds for tax-paid purchases.--Section <<NOTE: 26 USC 
��������6427.>> 6427 is amended by redesignating subsections (m) through 
��������(p) as subsections (n) through (q), respectively, and by 
��������inserting after subsection (l) the following new subsection:
��� ``(m) Diesel Fuel Used to Produce Emulsion.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Except as provided in subsection (k), if 
��������any diesel fuel on which tax was imposed by section 4081 at the 
��������regular tax rate is used by any person in producing an emulsion 
��������described in section 4081(a)(2)(D) which is sold or used in such 
��������person's trade or business, the Secretary shall pay (without 
��������interest) to such person an amount equal to the excess of the 
��������regular tax rate over the incentive tax rate with respect to 
��������such fuel.
 �����������``(2) Definitions.--For purposes of paragraph (1)--
������������������� ``(A) Regular tax rate.--The term `regular tax rate' 
����������������means the aggregate rate of tax imposed by section 4081 
����������������determined without regard to section 4081(a)(2)(D).
������������������� ``(B) Incentive tax rate.--The term `incentive tax 
����������������rate' means the aggregate rate of tax imposed by section 
����������������4081 determined with regard to section 4081(a)(2)(D).''.
����������� (2) Later separation of fuel.--Section 4081 (relating to 
��������imposition of tax) is amended by inserting after subsection (b) 
��������the following new subsection:
��� ``(c) Later Separation of Fuel From Diesel-Water Fuel Emulsion.--If 
any person separates the taxable fuel from a diesel-water fuel emulsion 
on which tax was imposed under subsection (a) at a rate determined under 
subsection (a)(2)(D) (or with respect to which a credit or payment was 
allowed or made by reason of section 6427), such person shall be treated 
as the refiner of such taxable fuel. The amount of tax imposed on any 
removal of such fuel by such person shall be reduced by the amount of 
tax imposed (and not credited or refunded) on any prior removal or entry 
of such fuel.''.
����������� (3) Credit claims.--Paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 
��������6427(i) are both amended by inserting ``(m),'' after ``(l),''.
��� (c) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 4081 note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall take effect on January 1, 2006.
��� (a) In General.--Sections 40A(e), 6426(c)(6), and 6427(e)(4)(B) are 
each amended by striking ``2006'' and inserting ``2008''.
��� (b) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 40A note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this 
��� (a) In General.--Subsection (a) of section 40A (relating to 
biodiesel used as a fuel) is amended to read as follows:
��� ``(a) General Rule.--For purposes of section 38, the biodiesel fuels 
credit determined under this section for the taxable year is an amount 
equal to the sum of--
����������� ``(1) the biodiesel mixture credit, plus
����������� ``(2) the biodiesel credit, plus
����������� ``(3) in the case of an eligible small agri-biodiesel 
��������producer, the small agri-biodiesel producer credit.''.
��� (b) Small Agri-Biodiesel Producer Credit Defined.--Section 40A(b) 
(relating to definition of biodiesel mixture credit and
[[Page 119 STAT. 1053]]
biodiesel credit) is amended by adding at the end the following new 
����������� ``(5) Small agri-biodiesel producer credit.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The small agri-biodiesel producer 
����������������credit of any eligible small agri-biodiesel producer for 
����������������any taxable year is 10 cents for each gallon of 
����������������qualified agri-biodiesel production of such producer.
������������������� ``(B) Qualified agri-biodiesel production.--For 
����������������purposes of this paragraph, the term `qualified agri-
��������������� biodiesel production' means any agri-biodiesel 
����������������(determined without regard to the last sentence of 
����������������subsection (d)(2)) which is produced by an eligible 
����������������small agri-biodiesel producer, and which during the 
����������������taxable year--
������������� ������������``(i) is sold by such producer to another 
����������������������������������� ``(I) for use by such other person 
��������������������������������in the production of a qualified 
��������������������������������biodiesel mixture in such other person's 
��������������������������������trade or business (other than casual 
��������������������������������off-farm production),
����������������������������������� ``(II) for use by such other person 
��������������������������������as a fuel in a trade or business, or
����������������������������������� ``(III) who sells such agri-
������������������������������� biodiesel at retail to another person 
��������������������������������and places such agri-biodiesel in the 
��������������������������������fuel tank of such other person, or
������������������������� ``(ii) is used or sold by such producer for 
����������������������any purpose described in clause (i).
������������������� ``(C) Limitation.--The qualified agri-biodiesel 
����������������production of any producer for any taxable year shall 
����������������not exceed 15,000,000 gallons.''.
��� (c) Definitions and Special Rules.--Section 40A is amended by 
redesignating subsection (e) as subsection (f) and by inserting after 
subsection (d) the following new subsection:
��� ``(e) Definitions and Special Rules for Small Agri-Biodiesel 
Producer Credit.--For purposes of this section--
����������� ``(1) Eligible small agri-biodiesel producer.--The term 
��������`eligible small agri-biodiesel producer' means a person who, at 
��������all times during the taxable year, has a productive capacity for 
��������agri-biodiesel not in excess of 60,000,000 gallons.
����������� ``(2) Aggregation rule.--For purposes of the 15,000,000 
��������gallon limitation under subsection (b)(5)(C) and the 60,000,000 
��������gallon limitation under paragraph (1), all members of the same 
��������controlled group of corporations (within the meaning of section 
��������267(f)) and all persons under common control (within the meaning 
��������of section 52(b) but determined by treating an interest of more 
��������than 50 percent as a controlling interest) shall be treated as 1 
����������� ``(3) Partnership, s <<NOTE: Applicability.>> corporation, 
��������and other pass-thru entities.--In the case of a partnership, 
��������trust, S corporation, or other pass-thru entity, the limitations 
��������contained in subsection (b)(5)(C) and paragraph (1) shall be 
��������applied at the entity level and at the partner or similar level.
����������� ``(4) Allocation.--For purposes of this subsection, in the 
��������case of a facility in which more than 1 person has an interest, 
��������productive capacity shall be allocated among such persons in 
��������such manner as the Secretary may prescribe.
����������� ``(5) Regulations.--The Secretary may prescribe such 
��������regulations as may be necessary--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1054]]
������������������� ``(A) to prevent the credit provided for in 
����������������subsection (a)(3) from directly or indirectly benefiting 
����������������any person with a direct or indirect productive capacity 
����������������of more than 60,000,000 gallons of agri-biodiesel during 
����������������the taxable year, or
������������������� ``(B) to prevent any person from directly or 
����������������indirectly benefiting with respect to more than 
����������������15,000,000 gallons during the taxable year.
����������� ``(6) Allocation of small agri-biodiesel credit to patrons 
��������of cooperative.--
������������������� ``(A) Election to allocate.--
������������������������� ``(i) In general.--In the case of a 
����������������������cooperative organization described in section 
����������������������1381(a), any portion of the credit determined 
����������������������under subsection (a)(3) for the taxable year may, 
����������������������at the election of the organization, be 
����������������������apportioned pro rata among patrons of the 
����������������������organization on the basis of the quantity or value 
����������������������of business done with or for such patrons for the 
����������������������taxable year.
������������������������� ``(ii) Form and effect of election.--An 
����������������������election under clause (i) for any taxable year 
����������������������shall be made on a timely filed return for such 
����������������������year. Such election, once made, shall be 
����������������������irrevocable for such taxable year. Such election 
����������������������shall not take effect unless the organization 
����������������������designates the apportionment as such in a written 
����������������������notice mailed to its patrons during the payment 
����������������������period described in section 1382(d).
������������������� ``(B) Treatment of organizations and patrons.--
������������������������� ``(i) Organizations.--The amount of the credit 
����������������������not apportioned to patrons pursuant to 
����������������������subparagraph (A) shall be included in the amount 
����������������������determined under subsection (a)(3) for the taxable 
����������������������year of the organization.
������������������������� ``(ii) Patrons.--The amount of the credit 
����������������������apportioned to patrons pursuant to subparagraph 
����������������������(A) shall be included in the amount determined 
����������������������under such subsection for the first taxable year 
����������������������of each patron ending on or after the last day of 
����������������������the payment period (as defined in section 1382(d)) 
����������������������for the taxable year of the organization or, if 
����������������������earlier, for the taxable year of each patron 
����������������������ending on or after the date on which the patron 
����������������������receives notice from the cooperative of the 
������������������������� ``(iii) Special rules for decrease in credits 
����������������������for taxable year.--If the amount of the credit of 
����������������������the organization determined under such subsection 
����������������������for a taxable year is less than the amount of such 
����������������������credit shown on the return of the organization for 
����������������������such year, an amount equal to the excess of--
����������������������������������� ``(I) such reduction, over
����������������������������������� ``(II) the amount not apportioned to 
��������������������������������such patrons under subparagraph (A) for 
��������������������������������the taxable year, shall be treated as an 
��������������������������������increase in tax imposed by this chapter 
��������������������������������on the organization. Such increase shall 
��������������������������������not be treated as tax imposed by this 
��������������������������������chapter for purposes of determining the 
��������������������������������amount of any
[[Page 119 STAT. 1055]]
������������������������������� credit under this chapter or for 
��������������������������������purposes of section 55.''.
��� (d) Conforming Amendments.--
����������� (1) Paragraph (4) of section 40A(b) is amended by striking 
��������``this section'' and inserting ``paragraph (1) or (2) of 
��������subsection (a)''.
����������� (2) The heading of subsection (b) of section 40A is amended 
��������by striking ``and Biodiesel Credit'' and inserting ``, Biodiesel 
��������Credit, and Small Agri-biodiesel Producer Credit''.
����������� (3) Paragraph (3) of section 40A(d) is amended by 
��������redesignating subparagraph (C) as subparagraph (D) and by 
��������inserting after subparagraph (B) the following new subparagraph:
������������������� ``(C) Producer credit.--If--
��������������� ����������``(i) any credit was determined under 
����������������������subsection (a)(3), and
������������������������� ``(ii) any person does not use such fuel for a 
����������������������purpose described in subsection (b)(5)(B), then 
����������������������there is hereby imposed on such person a tax equal 
����������������������to 10 cents a gallon for each gallon of such agri-
��������������������� biodiesel.''.
��� (e) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 40A note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall apply to taxable years ending after the date of 
the enactment of this Act.
��� (a) In General.--Section 40A (relating to biodiesel used as fuel), 
as amended by this Act, is amended by redesignating subsection (f) as 
subsection (g) and by inserting after subsection (e) the following new 
��� ``(f) Renewable Diesel.--For purposes of this title--
����������� ``(1) Treatment in the same manner as biodiesel.--Except as 
��������provided in paragraph (2), renewable diesel shall be treated in 
��������the same manner as biodiesel.
����������� ``(2) Exceptions.--
������������������� ``(A) Rate of <<NOTE: Applicability.>> credit.--
��������������� Subsections (b)(1)(A) and (b)(2)(A) shall be applied 
���������������with respect to renewable diesel by substituting `$1.00' 
����������������for `50 cents'.
������������������� ``(B) Nonapplication of certain credits.--
��������������� Subsections (b)(3) and (b)(5) shall not apply with 
����������������respect to renewable diesel.
����������� ``(3) Renewable diesel defined.--The term `renewable diesel' 
��������means diesel fuel derived from biomass (as defined in section 
��������45K(c)(3)) using a thermal depolymerization process which 
���������������� ���``(A) the registration requirements for fuels and 
����������������fuel additives established by the Environmental 
����������������Protection Agency under section 211 of the Clean Air Act 
����������������(42 U.S.C. 7545), and
������������������� ``(B) the requirements of the American Society of 
����������������Testing and Materials D975 or D396.''.
��� (b) Clerical Amendments.--
����������� (1) The heading for section 40A is amended by inserting 
��������``and renewable diesel'' after ``biodiesel''.
����������� (2) The item in the table of contents for subpart D of part 
��������IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 relating to section 40A is 
��������amended to read as follows:
``Sec. 40A. Biodiesel and renewable diesel used as fuel.''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1056]]
��� (c) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 40A note.>> amendment made 
by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to fuel sold or used after 
December 31, 2005.
��� (a) Definition of Small Ethanol Producer.--Section 40(g) (relating 
to definitions and special rules for eligible small ethanol producer 
credit) is amended by striking ``30,000,000'' each place it appears and 
inserting ``60,000,000''.
��� (b) Written Notice of Election to Allocate Credit to Patrons.--
Section 40(g)(6)(A)(ii) (relating to form and effect of election) is 
amended by adding at the end the following new sentence: ``Such election 
shall not take effect unless the organization designates the 
apportionment as such in a written notice mailed to its patrons during 
the payment period described in section 1382(d).''.
��� (c) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 40 note.>> amendments made 
by this section shall apply to taxable years ending after the date of 
the enactment of this Act.
��� Subsection (f) of section 179A (relating to termination) is amended 
by striking ``December 31, 2006'' and inserting ``December 31, 2005''.
������������� Subtitle E--Additional Energy Tax Incentives
��� (a) Credit for Expenses Attributable to Certain Collaborative Energy 
Research Consortia.--
����������� (1) In general.--Section 41(a) (relating to credit for 
��������increasing research activities) is amended by striking ``and'' 
��������at the end of paragraph (1), by striking the period at the end 
��������of paragraph (2) and inserting ``, and'', and by adding at the 
��������end the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(3) 20 percent of the amounts paid or incurred by the 
��������taxpayer in carrying on any trade or business of the taxpayer 
��������during the taxable year (including as contributions) to an 
��������energy research consortium.''.
����������� (2) Energy research consortium defined.--Section 41(f) 
��������(relating to special rules) is amended by adding at the end the 
��������following new paragraph:
����������� ``(6) Energy research consortium.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The term `energy research 
����������������consortium' means any organization--
������������������������� ``(i) which is--
����������������������������������� ``(I) described in section 501(c)(3) 
��������������������������������and is exempt from tax under section 
��������������������������������501(a) and is organized and operated 
��������������������������������primarily to conduct energy research, or
����������������������������������� ``(II) organized and operated 
��������������������������������primarily to conduct energy research in 
��������������������������������the public interest (within the meaning 
��������������������������������of section 501(c)(3)),
������������������������� ``(ii) which is not a private foundation,
[[Page 119 STAT. 1057]]
������������������������� ``(iii) to which at least 5 unrelated persons 
����������������������paid or incurred during the calendar year in which 
����������������������the taxable year of the organization begins 
����������������������amounts (including as contributions) to such 
����������������������organization for energy research, and
������������������������� ``(iv) to which no single person paid or 
����������������������incurred (including as contributions) during such 
����������������������calendar year an amount equal to more than 50 
����������������������percent of the total amounts received by such 
����������������������organization during such calendar year for energy 
������������������� ``(B) Treatment of persons.--All persons treated as 
����������������a single employer under subsection (a) or (b) of section 
����������������52 shall be treated as related persons for purposes of 
����������������subparagraph (A)(iii) and as a single person for 
����������������purposes of subparagraph (A)(iv).''.
����������� (3) Conforming amendment.--Section 41(b)(3)(C) is amended by 
��������inserting ``(other than an energy research consortium)'' after 
��� (b) Repeal of Limitation on Contract Research Expenses Paid to Small 
Businesses, Universities, and Federal Laboratories.--Section 41(b)(3) 
(relating to contract research expenses) is amended by adding at the end 
the following new subparagraph:
������������������� ``(D) Amounts paid to eligible small businesses, 
����������������universities, and federal laboratories.--
������������������������� ``(i) In general.--In the case of amounts paid 
����������������������by the taxpayer to--
����������������������������������� ``(I) an eligible small business,
����������������������������������� ``(II) an institution of higher 
��������������������������������education (as defined in section 
��������������������������������3304(f)), or
����������������������������������� ``(III) 
��������������������������������an <<NOTE: Applicability.>> organization 
��������������������������������which is a Federal laboratory,
��������������������� for qualified research which is energy research, 
����������������������subparagraph (A) shall be applied by substituting 
����������������������`100 percent' for `65 percent'.
������������������������� ``(ii) Eligible small business.--For purposes 
����������������������of this subparagraph, the term `eligible small 
����������������������business' means a small business with respect to 
����������������������which the taxpayer does not own (within the 
����������������������meaning of section 318) 50 percent or more of--
������������������� ����������������``(I) in the case of a corporation, 
��������������������������������the outstanding stock of the corporation 
��������������������������������(either by vote or value), and
����������������������������������� ``(II) in the case of a small 
��������������������������������business which is not a corporation, the 
��������������������������������capital and profits interests of the 
��������������������������������small business.
������������������������� ``(iii) Small business.--For purposes of this 
����������������������������������� ``(I) In general.--The term `small 
��������������������������������business' means, with respect to any 
��������������������������������calendar year, any person if the annual 
��������������������������������average number of employees employed by 
��������������������������������such person during either of the 2 
��������������������������������preceding calendar years was 500 or 
��������������������������������fewer. For purposes of the preceding 
��������������������������������sentence, a preceding calendar year may 
��������������������������������be taken into account only if the person 
��������������������������������was in existence throughout the year.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1058]]
����������������������������������� ``(II) Startups, controlled groups, 
��������������������������������and predecessors.--Rules similar to the 
��������������������������������rules of subparagraphs (B) and (D) of 
��������������������������������section 220(c)(4) shall apply for 
��������������������������������purposes of this clause.
������������������������� ``(iv) Federal laboratory.--For purposes of 
����������������������this subparagraph, the term `Federal laboratory' 
����������������������has the meaning given such term by section 4(6) of 
����������������������the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 
����������������������1980 (15 U.S.C. 3703(6)), as in effect on the date 
����������������������of the enactment of the Energy Tax Incentives Act 
����������������������of 2005.''.
��� (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply 
to amounts paid or incurred after the date of the enactment of this Act, 
in taxable years ending after such date.
������������AND REPORT.
��� (a) Study.--Not <<NOTE: Contracts.>> later than 60 days after the 
date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Treasury shall 
enter into an agreement with the National Academy of Sciences under 
which the National Academy of Sciences shall conduct a study to define 
and evaluate the health, environmental, security, and infrastructure 
external costs and benefits associated with the production and 
consumption of energy that are not or may not be fully incorporated into 
the market price of such energy, or into the Federal tax or fee or other 
applicable revenue measure related to such production or consumption.
��� (b) Report.--Not later than 2 years after the date on which the 
agreement under subsection (a) is entered into, the National Academy of 
Sciences shall submit to Congress a report on the study conducted under 
subsection (a).
��� (a) Study.--The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the 
Secretary of Energy, shall conduct a study--
����������� (1) to determine and quantify the energy savings achieved 
��������through the recycling of glass, paper, plastic, steel, aluminum, 
��������and electronic devices, and
����������� (2) to identify tax incentives which would encourage 
��������recycling of such material.
��� (b) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment 
of this Act, the Secretary of the Treasury shall submit to Congress a 
report on the study conducted under subsection (a).
���������������� Subtitle F--Revenue Raising Provisions
��� Section 4611(f) (relating to application of oil spill liability 
trust fund financing rate) is amended to read as follows:
��� ``(f) Application of Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund Financing 
����������``(1) In general.--Except <<NOTE: Effective date.>> as 
��������provided in paragraphs (2) and (3), the Oil Spill Liability 
��������Trust Fund financing rate under subsection (c) shall apply on 
��������and after April 1, 2006, or if later, the date which is 30 days 
��������after the last day of any calendar quarter for which the 
��������Secretary estimates that, as of the close of that quarter, the 
��������unobligated balance in the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund is 
��������less than $2,000,000,000.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1059]]
����������� ``(2) Fund balance.--The Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund 
��������financing rate shall not apply during a calendar quarter if the 
��������Secretary estimates that, as of the close of the preceding 
��������calendar quarter, the unobligated balance in the Oil Spill 
��������Liability Trust Fund exceeds $2,700,000,000.
����������� ``(3) Termination.--The Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund 
��������financing rate shall not apply after December 31, 2014.''.
������������FINANCING RATE.
��� (a) In General.--Paragraph (3) of section 4081(d) (relating to 
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund financing rate) is amended 
by striking ``2005'' and inserting ``2011''.
��� (b) No Exemptions From Tax Except for Exports.--
����������� (1) In general.--Section 4082(a) (relating to exemptions for 
��������diesel fuel and kerosene) is amended by inserting ``(other than 
��������such tax at the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund 
��������financing rate imposed in all cases other than for export)'' 
��������after ``section 4081''.
����������� (2) Amendments relating to section 4041.--
������������������� (A) Subsections (a)(1)(B), (a)(2)(A), and (c)(2) of 
����������������section 4041 are each amended by inserting ``(other than 
����������������such tax at the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust 
����������������Fund financing rate)'' after ``section 4081''.
������������������� (B) Section 4041(b)(1)(A) is amended by striking 
����������������``or (d)(1))''.
������������������� (C) Section 4041(d) is amended by adding at the end 
����������������the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(5) Nonapplication of exemptions other than for exports.--
������� For purposes of this section, the tax imposed under this 
��������subsection shall be determined without regard to subsections 
��������(f), (g) (other than with respect to any sale for export under 
��������paragraph (3) thereof), (h), and (l).''.
����������� (3) No refund.--
������������������� (A) In general.--Subchapter B of chapter 65 is 
����������������amended by adding at the end the following new section:
��� ``No refunds, credits, or payments shall be made under this 
subchapter for any tax imposed at the Leaking Underground Storage Tank 
Trust Fund financing rate, except in the case of fuels destined for 
���� ���������������(B) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections for 
����������������subchapter B of chapter 65 is amended by adding at the 
����������������end the following new item:
``Sec. 6430. Treatment of tax imposed at Leaking Underground Storage 
�����������Tank Trust Fund financing rate.''.
��� (c) Certain Refunds and Credits Not Charged to LUST Trust Fund.--
Subsection (c) of section 9508 (relating to Leaking Underground Storage 
Tank Trust Fund) is amended to read as follows:
��� ``(c) Expenditures.--Amounts in the Leaking Underground Storage Tank 
Trust Fund shall be available, as provided in appropriation Acts, only 
for purposes of making expenditures to carry out section 9003(h) of the 
Solid Waste Disposal Act as in effect
[[Page 119 STAT. 1060]]
on the date of the enactment of the Superfund Amendments and 
Reauthorization Act of 1986.''.
��� (d) Effective <<NOTE: 26 USC 4041 note.>> Dates.--
����������� (1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), the 
��������amendments made by this section shall take effect on October 1, 
����������� (2) No exemption.--The amendments made by subsection (b) 
��������shall apply to fuel entered, removed, or sold after September 
��������30, 2005.
��� (a) In General.--Subsection (b) of section 1245 (relating to gain 
from dispositions of certain depreciable property) is amended by adding 
at the end the following new paragraph:
����������� ``(9) Disposition of amortizable section 197 intangibles.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--If a taxpayer disposes of more 
����������������than 1 amortizable section 197 intangible (as defined in 
����������������section 197(c)) in a transaction or a series of related 
����������������transactions, all such amortizable 197 intangibles shall 
����������������be treated as 1 section 1245 property for purposes of 
����������������this section.
������������������� ``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply 
����������������to any amortizable section 197 intangible (as so 
����������������defined) with respect to which the adjusted basis 
����������������exceeds the fair market value.''.
��� (b) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 1245 note.>> amendment made 
by this section shall apply to dispositions of property after the date 
of the enactment of this Act.
��� (a) In General.--Section 4072(e) (defining super single tire) is 
amended by adding at the end the following: ``Such term shall not 
include any tire designed for steering.''
��� (b) Effective Date.--The <<NOTE: 26 USC 4072 note.>> amendment made 
by this section shall take effect as if included in section 869 of the 
American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.
��� (c) Study.--
����������� (1) In general.--With <<NOTE: Effective date.>> respect to 
��������the 1-year period beginning on January 1, 2006, the Secretary of 
��������the Treasury shall conduct a study to determine--
������������������� (A) the amount of tax collected during such period 
����������������under section 4071 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 
����������������with respect to each class of tire, and
������������������� (B) the number of tires in each such class on which 
����������������tax is imposed under such section during such period.
����������� (2) Report.--Not later than July 1, 2007, the Secretary of 
��������the Treasury shall submit to Congress a report on the study 
��������conducted under paragraph (1).
[[Page 119 STAT. 1061]]
����������������������� TITLE XIV--MISCELLANEOUS
������������������������ Subtitle A--In General
��� Subtitle B of title XXX of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 is amended 
by adding at the end the following new section:
``SEC. 3022. <<NOTE: 42 USC 13557.>> SENSE OF CONGRESS ON RISK 
��� ``It is the sense of Congress that Federal agencies conducting 
assessments of risks to human health and the environment from energy 
technology, production, transport, transmission, distribution, storage, 
use, or conservation activities shall use sound and objective scientific 
practices in assessing such risks, shall consider the best available 
science (including peer reviewed studies), and shall include a 
description of the weight of the scientific evidence concerning such 
��� (a) In General.--A State may provide to any entity--
����������� (1) a credit against any tax or fee owed to the State under 
��������a State law, or
����������� (2) any other tax incentive,
determined by the State to be appropriate, in the amount calculated 
under and in accordance with a formula determined by the State, for 
production described in subsection (b) in the State by the entity that 
receives such credit or such incentive.
��� (b) Eligible Entities.--Subsection 
(a) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> shall apply with respect to the production 
in the State of electricity from coal mined in the State and used in a 
facility, if such production meets all applicable Federal and State laws 
and if such facility uses scrubbers or other forms of clean coal 
��� (c) Effect on Interstate Commerce.--Any action taken by a State in 
accordance with this section with respect to a tax or fee payable, or 
incentive applicable, for any period beginning after the date of the 
enactment of this Act shall--
����������� (1) be considered to be a reasonable regulation of commerce; 
����������� (2) not be considered to impose an undue burden on 
��������interstate commerce or to otherwise impair, restrain, or 
��������discriminate, against interstate commerce.
��� Notwithstanding any other provision of law, or rule promulgated by 
the Environmental Protection Agency, vegetable oil made from soybeans 
and used in electric transformers as thermal insulation shall not be 
regulated as an oil identified under section 2(a)(1)(B) of the Edible 
Oil Regulatory Reform Act (33 U.S.C. 2720(a)(1)(B)).
��� (a) Establishment.--The Secretary shall conduct a study of direct 
and significant health impacts to persons resulting from living in 
proximity to petrochemical and oil refinery facilities. The Secretary 
shall consult with the Director of the National Cancer Institute and 
other Federal Government bodies with expertise in
[[Page 119 STAT. 1062]]
the field it deems appropriate in the design of such study. The study 
shall be conducted according to sound and objective scientific practices 
and present the weight of the scientific evidence. The Secretary shall 
obtain scientific peer review of the draft study.
��� (b) Report to Congress.--The Secretary shall transmit the results of 
the study to Congress within 6 months of the enactment of this section.
��� (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary for activities under this section such 
sums as are necessary for the completion of the study.
��� (a) Designation of National Priority Projects.--
����������� (1) In general.--There is established the National Priority 
��������Project Designation (referred to in this section as the 
��������``Designation''), which shall be evidenced by a medal bearing 
��������the inscription ``National Priority Project''.
����������� (2) Design and materials.--The medal shall be of such design 
��������and materials and bear such additional inscriptions as the 
��������President may prescribe.
��� (b) Making <<NOTE: President.>> and Presentation of Designation.--
����������� (1) In general.--The President, on the basis of 
��������recommendations made by the Secretary, shall annually designate 
��������organizations that have--
������������������� (A) advanced the field of renewable energy 
����������������technology and contributed to North American energy 
����������������independence; and
������������������� (B) <<NOTE: Certification.>> been certified by the 
����������������Secretary under subsection (e).
����������� (2) Presentation.--The President shall designate projects 
��������with such ceremonies as the President may prescribe.
����������� (3) Use of designation.--An organization that receives a 
��������Designation under this section may publicize the Designation of 
��������the organization as a National Priority Project in advertising.
����������� (4) Categories in which the designation may be given.--
������� Separate Designations shall be made to qualifying projects in 
��������each of the following categories:
������������������� (A) Wind and biomass energy generation projects.
������������������� (B) Photovoltaic and fuel cell energy generation 
������������������� (C) Energy efficient building and renewable energy 
������������������� (D) First-in-Class projects.
��� (c) Selection Criteria.--
����������� (1) In general.--Certification and selection of the projects 
��������to receive the Designation shall be based on criteria 
��������established under this subsection.
����������� (2) Wind, biomass, and building projects.--In the case of a 
��������wind, biomass, or building project, the project shall 
��������demonstrate that the project will install not less than 30 
��������megawatts of renewable energy generation capacity.
����������� (3) Solar photovoltaic and fuel cell projects.--In the case 
��������of a solar photovoltaic or fuel cell project, the project shall 
��������demonstrate that the project will install not less than 3 
��������megawatts of renewable energy generation capacity.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1063]]
����������� (4) Energy efficient building and renewable energy 
��������projects.--In the case of an energy efficient building or 
��������renewable energy project, in addition to meeting the criteria 
��������established under paragraph (2), each building project shall 
��������demonstrate that the project will--
������������������� (A) comply with third-party certification standards 
����������������for high-performance, sustainable buildings;
������������������� (B) use whole-building integration of energy 
����������������efficiency and environmental performance design and 
����������������technology, including advanced building controls;
������������������� (C) use renewable energy for at least 50 percent of 
����������������the energy consumption of the project;
������������������� (D) comply with applicable Energy Star standards; 
������������������� (E) include at least 5,000,000 square feet of 
����������������enclosed space.
����������� (5) First-in-class use.--Notwithstanding paragraphs (2) 
��������through (4), a new building project may qualify under this 
��������section if the Secretary determines that the project--
������������������� (A) represents a First-In-Class use of renewable 
����������������energy; or
������������������� (B) otherwise establishes a new paradigm of building 
����������������integrated renewable energy use or energy efficiency.
��� (d) Application.--
����������� (1) Initial applications.--No <<NOTE: Deadline. Federal 
��������Register, publication. Guidelines.>> later than 120 days after 
��������the date of enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, the 
��������Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register an invitation 
��������and guidelines for submitting applications, consistent with this 
����������� (2) Contents.--The application shall describe the project, 
��������or planned project, and the plans to meet the criteria 
��������established under subsection (c).
��� (e) Certification.--
����������� (1) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 60 days 
��������after the application period described in subsection (d), and 
��������annually thereafter, the Secretary shall certify projects that 
��������are reasonably expected to meet the criteria established under 
��������subsection (c).
����������� (2) Certified projects.--The Secretary shall designate 
��������personnel of the Department to work with persons carrying out 
��������each certified project and ensure that the personnel--
������������������� (A) provide each certified project with guidance in 
����������������meeting the criteria established under subsection (c);
������������������� (B) identify programs of the Department, including 
����������������National Laboratories and Technology Centers, that will 
����������������assist each project in meeting the criteria established 
����������������under subsection (c); and
������������������� (C) ensure that knowledge and transfer of the most 
����������������current technology between the applicable resources of 
����������������the Federal Government (including the National 
����������������Laboratories and Technology Centers, the Department, and 
����������������the Environmental Protection Agency) and the certified 
����������������projects is being facilitated to accelerate 
����������������commercialization of work developed through those 
��� (f) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this section for 
each of fiscal years 2006 through 2010.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1064]]
��� (a) Study.--The Secretary shall conduct a study of the application 
of radiation to petroleum at standard temperature and pressure to refine 
petroleum products, whose objective shall be to increase the economic 
yield from each barrel of oil.
��� (b) Goals.--The goals of the study shall include--
����������� (1) increasing the value of our current oil supply;
����������� (2) reducing the capital investment cost for cracking oil;
����������� (3) reducing the operating energy cost for cracking oil; and
����������� (4) reducing sulfur content using an environmentally 
��������responsible method.
��� (c) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $250,000 for fiscal year 2006.
SEC. 1407. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16494.>> OXYGEN-FUEL.
��� (a) Program.--The Secretary shall establish a program on oxygen-fuel 
systems. If feasible, the program shall include renovation of at least 
one existing large unit and one existing small unit, and construction of 
one new large unit and one new small unit.
��� (b) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary for carrying out this section--
����������� (1) $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2006;
����������� (2) $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2007; and
����������� (3) $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2008.
��� (c) Definitions.--For purposes of this section--
����������� (1) the term ``large unit'' means a unit with a generating 
��������capacity of 100 megawatts or more;
����������� (2) the term ``oxygen-fuel systems'' means systems that 
��������utilize fuel efficiency benefits of oil, gas, coal, and biomass 
��������combustion using substantially pure oxygen, with high flame 
��������temperatures and the exclusion of air from the boiler, in 
��������industrial or electric utility steam generating units; and
����������� (3) the term ``small unit'' means a unit with a generating 
��������capacity in the 10-50 megawatt range.
����������� Subtitle B--Set <<NOTE: Set America Free Act of 
2005. Canada. Mexico.>> America Free
��� This subtitle may be cited as the ``Set America Free Act of 2005'' 
or the ``SAFE Act''.
��� The purpose of this subtitle is to establish a United States 
commission to make recommendations for a coordinated and comprehensive 
North American energy policy that will achieve energy self-sufficiency 
by 2025 within the three contiguous North American nation area of 
Canada, Mexico, and the United States.
��� (a) Establishment.--There is hereby established the United States 
Commission on North American Energy Freedom (in this subtitle referred 
to as the ``Commission''). The Federal Advisory
[[Page 119 STAT. 1065]]
Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.), except sections 3, 7, and 12, does not 
apply to the Commission.
��� (b) <<NOTE: President.>> Membership.--
�� ���������(1) Appointment.--The Commission shall be composed of 16 
��������members appointed by the President from among individuals 
��������described in paragraph (2) who are knowledgeable on energy 
��������issues, including oil and gas exploration and production, crude 
��������oil refining, oil and gas pipelines, electricity production and 
��������transmission, coal, unconventional hydrocarbon resources, fuel 
��������cells, motor vehicle power systems, nuclear energy, renewable 
��������energy, biofuels, energy efficiency, and energy conservation. 
��������The membership of the Commission shall be balanced by area of 
��������expertise to the extent consistent with maintaining the highest 
��������level of expertise on the Commission. Members of the Commission 
��������may be citizens of Canada, Mexico, or the United States, and the 
��������President shall ensure that citizens of all three nations are 
��������appointed to the Commission.
����������� (2) Nominations.--The <<NOTE: Deadline.>> President shall 
��������appoint the members of the Commission within 60 days after the 
��������effective date of this Act, including individuals nominated as 
������������������� (A) Four members shall be appointed from amongst 
����������������individuals independently determined by the President to 
����������������be qualified for appointment.
������������������� (B) Four members shall be appointed from a list of 
����������������eight individuals who shall be nominated by the majority 
����������������leader of the Senate in consultation with the chairman 
����������������of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the 
������������������� (C) Four members shall be appointed from a list of 
����������������eight individuals who shall be nominated by the Speaker 
����������������of the House of Representatives in consultation with the 
����������������chairmen of the Committees on Energy and Commerce and 
����������������Resources of the House of Representatives.
������������������� (D) Two members shall be appointed from a list of 
����������������four individuals who shall be nominated by the minority 
����������������leader of the Senate in consultation with the ranking 
����������������Member of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources 
����������������of the Senate.
������������������� (E) Two members shall be appointed from a list of 
����������������four individuals who shall be nominated by the minority 
����������������leader of the House in consultation with the ranking 
����������������Members of the Committees on Energy and Commerce and 
����������������Resources of the House of Representatives.
����������� (3) Chairman.--The chairman of the Commission shall be 
��������selected by the President. The chairman of the Commission shall 
��������be responsible for--
������������������� (A) the assignment of duties and responsibilities 
����������������among staff personnel and their continuing supervision; 
�� �����������������(B) the use and expenditure of funds available to 
����������������the Commission.
����������� (4) Vacancies.--Any vacancy on the Commission shall be 
��������filled in the same manner as the original incumbent was 
�� (c) Resources.--In carrying out its functions under this section, 
the Commission--
����������� (1) is authorized to secure directly from any Federal agency 
��������or department any information it deems necessary to carry
[[Page 119 STAT. 1066]]
���� ���out its functions under this Act, and each such agency or 
��������department is authorized to cooperate with the Commission and, 
��������to the extent permitted by law, to furnish such information 
��������(other than information described in section 552(b)(1)(A) of 
��������title 5, United States Code) to the Commission, upon the request 
��������of the Commission;
����������� (2) may enter into contracts, subject to the availability of 
��������appropriations for contracting, and employ such staff experts 
��������and consultants as may be necessary to carry out the duties of 
��������the Commission, as provided by section 3109 of title 5, United 
��������States Code; and
����������� (3) <<NOTE: Establishment.>> shall establish a 
��������multidisciplinary science and technical advisory panel of 
��������experts in the field of energy to assist the Commission in 
��������preparing its report, including ensuring that the scientific and 
��������technical information considered by the Commission is based on 
��������the best scientific and technical information available.
��� (d) Staffing.--The chairman of the Commission may, without regard to 
the civil service laws and regulations, appoint and terminate an 
executive director and such other additional personnel as may be 
necessary for the Commission to perform its duties. The executive 
director shall be compensated at a rate not to exceed the rate payable 
for Level IV of the Executive Schedule under chapter 5136 of title 5, 
United States Code. The chairman shall select staff from among qualified 
citizens of Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America.
��� (e) Meetings.--
����������� (1) Administration.--All meetings of the Commission shall be 
��������open to the public, except that a meeting or any portion of it 
��������may be closed to the public if it concerns matters or 
��������information described in section 552b(c) of title 5, United 
��������States Code. Interested persons shall be permitted to appear at 
��������open meetings and present oral or written statements on the 
��������subject matter of the meeting. The Commission may administer 
��������oaths or affirmations to any person appearing before it.
����������� (2) Notice; minutes; public availability of documents.--
������������������� (A) Notice.--All open meetings of the Commission 
����������������shall be preceded by timely public notice in the Federal 
����������������Register of the time, place, and subject of the meeting.
������������������� (B) Minutes.--Minutes of each meeting shall be kept 
����������������and shall contain a record of the people present, a 
����������������description of the discussion that occurred, and copies 
����������������of all statements filed. Subject to section 552 of title 
����������������5, United States Code, the minutes and records of all 
����������������meetings and other documents that were made available to 
����������������or prepared for the Commission shall be available for 
����������������public inspection and copying at a single location in 
����������������the offices of the Commission.
����������� (3) Initial meeting.--The <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Commission 
��������shall hold its first meeting within 30 days after all 16 members 
��������have been appointed.
��� (f) Report.--Within 12 months after the effective date of this Act, 
the Commission shall submit to Congress and the President a final report 
of its findings and recommendations regarding North American energy 
[[Page 119 STAT. 1067]]
��� (g) Administrative Procedure for Report and Review.--Chapter 5 and 
chapter 7 of title 5, United States Code, do not apply to the 
preparation, review, or submission of the report required by subsection 
 ���(h) Termination.--The Commission shall cease to exist 90 days after 
the date on which it submits its final report.
��� (i) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this chapter a total of $10,000,000 for the 2 
fiscal-year period beginning with fiscal year 2005, such sums to remain 
available until expended.
SEC. 1424. <<NOTE: Deadline. President.>> NORTH AMERICAN ENERGY FREEDOM 
��� Within 90 days after receiving and considering the report and 
recommendations of the Commission under section 1423, the President 
shall submit to Congress a statement of proposals to implement or 
respond to the Commission's recommendations for a coordinated, 
comprehensive, and long-range national policy to achieve North American 
energy freedom by 2025.
�������������������� Subtitle A--General Provisions
��� (a) In General.--Section 211 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7545) 
is amended--
����������� (1) by redesignating subsection (o) as subsection (r); and
����������� (2) by inserting after subsection (n) the following:
��� ``(o) Renewable Fuel Program.--
����������� ``(1) Definitions.--In this section:
������������������``(A) Cellulosic biomass ethanol.--The term 
����������������`cellulosic biomass ethanol' means ethanol derived from 
����������������any lignocellulosic or hemicellulosic matter that is 
����������������available on a renewable or recurring basis, including--
������������������������� ``(i) dedicated energy crops and trees;
������������������������� ``(ii) wood and wood residues;
������������������������� ``(iii) plants;
������������������������� ``(iv) grasses;
������������������������� ``(v) agricultural residues;
������������������������� ``(vi) fibers;
������������������������� ``(vii) animal wastes and other waste 
����������������������materials; and
������������������������� ``(viii) municipal solid waste.
��������������� The term also includes any ethanol produced in 
����������������facilities where animal wastes or other waste materials 
����������������are digested or otherwise used to displace 90 percent or 
����������������more of the fossil fuel normally used in the production 
����������������of ethanol.
������������������� ``(B) Waste derived ethanol.--The term `waste 
����������������derived ethanol' means ethanol derived from--
������������������������� ``(i) animal wastes, including poultry fats 
����������������������and poultry wastes, and other waste materials; or
������������������������� ``(ii) municipal solid waste.
������������������� ``(C) Renewable fuel.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1068]]
������������������������� ``(i) In general.--The term `renewable fuel' 
����������������������means motor vehicle fuel that--
����������������������������������� ``(I)(aa) is produced from grain, 
��������������������������������starch, oilseeds, vegetable, animal, or 
��������������������������������fish materials including fats, greases, 
��������������������������������and oils, sugarcane, sugar beets, sugar 
��������������������������������components, tobacco, potatoes, or other 
��������������������������������biomass; or
����������������������������������� ``(bb) is natural gas produced from 
��������������������������������a biogas source, including a landfill, 
��������������������������������sewage waste treatment plant, feedlot, 
��������������������������������or other place where decaying organic 
�������������������������������material is found; and
����������������������������������� ``(II) is used to replace or reduce 
��������������������������������the quantity of fossil fuel present in a 
��������������������������������fuel mixture used to operate a motor 
������������������������� ``(ii) Inclusion.--The term `renewable fuel' 
����������������������������������� ``(I) cellulosic biomass ethanol and 
��������������������������������`waste derived ethanol'; and
����������������������������������� ``(II) biodiesel (as defined in 
��������������������������������section 312(f) of the Energy Policy Act 
��������������������������������of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13220(f))) and any 
��������������������������������blending components derived from 
��������������������������������renewable fuel (provided that only the 
��������������������������������renewable fuel portion of any such 
��������������������������������blending component shall be considered 
��������������������������������part of the applicable volume under the 
��������������������������������renewable fuel program established by 
��������������������������������this subsection).
������������������� ``(D) Small refinery.--The term `small refinery' 
����������������means a refinery for which the average aggregate daily 
����������������crude oil throughput for a calendar year (as determined 
����������������by dividing the aggregate throughput for the calendar 
����������������year by the number of days in the calendar year) does 
����������������not exceed 75,000 barrels.
����������� ``(2) Renewable fuel program.--
������������������� ``(A) Regulations.--
������������������������� ``(i) In general.--
��������������������� Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 1 year after 
����������������������the date of enactment of this paragraph, the 
����������������������Administrator shall promulgate regulations to 
����������������������ensure that gasoline sold or introduced into 
����������������������commerce in the United States (except in 
����������������������noncontiguous States or territories), on an annual 
����������������������average basis, contains the applicable volume of 
����������������������renewable fuel determined in accordance with 
����������������������subparagraph (B).
������������������������� ``(ii) Noncontiguous state opt-in.--
����������������������������������� ``(I) In general.--On the petition 
��������������������������������of a noncontiguous State or territory, 
��������������������������������the Administrator may allow the 
��������������������������������renewable fuel program established under 
��������������������������������this subsection to apply in the 
��������������������������������noncontiguous State or territory at the 
��������������������������������same time or any time after the 
��������������������������������Administrator promulgates regulations 
��������������������������������under this subparagraph.
����������������������������������� ``(II) Other actions.--In carrying 
��������������������������������out this clause, the Administrator may--
������������������������������������������� ``(aa) issue or revise 
����������������������������������������regulations under this 
������������������������������������������� ``(bb) establish applicable 
����������������������������������������percentages under paragraph (3);
[[Page 119 STAT. 1069]]
������������������������������������������� ``(cc) provide for the 
����������������������������������������generation of credits under 
����������������������������������������paragraph (5); and
������������������������������������������� ``(dd) take such other 
����������������������������������������actions as are necessary to 
����������������������������������������allow for the application of the 
����������������������������������������renewable fuels program in a 
����������������������������������������noncontiguous State or 
������������������������� ``(iii) Provisions of regulations.--Regardless 
����������������������of the date of promulgation, the regulations 
����������������������promulgated under clause (i)--
���������������������������� �������``(I) shall contain compliance 
��������������������������������provisions applicable to refineries, 
��������������������������������blenders, distributors, and importers, 
��������������������������������as appropriate, to ensure that the 
��������������������������������requirements of this paragraph are met; 
����������������������������������� ``(II) shall not--
������������������������������������������� ``(aa) restrict geographic 
����������������������������������������areas in which renewable fuel 
����������������������������������������may be used; or
������������������������������������������� ``(bb) impose any per-gallon 
����������������������������������������obligation for the use of 
����������������������������������������renewable fuel.
������������������������� ``(iv) Requirement in case of failure to 
����������������������promulgate regulations.--If the Administrator does 
����������������������not promulgate regulations under clause (i), the 
���������������������percentage of renewable fuel in gasoline sold or 
����������������������dispensed to consumers in the United States, on a 
����������������������volume basis, shall be 2.78 percent for calendar 
����������������������year 2006.
������ �������������``(B) Applicable volume.--
������������������������� ``(i) Calendar years 2006 through 2012.--For 
����������������������the purpose of subparagraph (A), the applicable 
����������������������volume for any of calendar years 2006 through 2012 
����������������������shall be determined in accordance with the 
����������������������following table:
����������������������������� Applicable volume of renewable fuel.......
��������������� ``Calendar yea(in billions of gallons):.................
�� �������������2006������������������������������������������������ 4.0
��������������� 2007������������������������������������������������ 4.7
��������������� 2008������������������������������������������������ 5.4
��������������� 2009������������������� �����������������������������6.1
��������������� 2010������������������������������������������������ 6.8
��������������� 2011������������������������������������������������ 7.4
��������������� 2012����������������������������������������������� 7.5.
�� �����������������������``(ii) Calendar year 2013 and thereafter.--
��������������������� Subject to clauses (iii) and (iv), for the 
����������������������purposes of subparagraph (A), the applicable 
����������������������volume for calendar year 2013 and each calendar 
����������������������year thereafter shall be determined by the 
����������������������Administrator, in coordination with the Secretary 
����������������������of Agriculture and the Secretary of Energy, based 
����������������������on a review of the implementation of the program 
����������������������during calendar years 2006 through 2012, including 
����������������������a review of--
����������������������������������� ``(I) the impact of the use of 
��������������������������������renewable fuels on the environment, air 
��������������������������������quality, energy security, job creation, 
��������������������������������and rural economic development; and
����������������������������������� ``(II) the expected annual rate of 
��������������������������������future production of renewable fuels, 
��������������������������������including cellulosic ethanol.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1070]]
������������������������� ``(iii) Minimum quantity derived from 
����������������������cellulosic biomass.--For calendar year 2013 and 
����������������������each calendar year thereafter--
����������������������������������� ``(I) the applicable volume referred 
��������������������������������to in clause (ii) shall contain a 
��������������������������������minimum of 250,000,000 gallons that are 
��������������������������������derived from cellulosic biomass; and
����������������������������������� ``(II) the 2.5-to-1 ratio referred 
��������������������������������to in paragraph (4) shall not apply.
������������������������� ``(iv) Minimum applicable volume.--For the 
����������������������purpose of subparagraph (A), the applicable volume 
����������������������for calendar year 2013 and each calendar year 
����������������������thereafter shall be equal to the product obtained 
����������������������by multiplying--
����������������������������������� ``(I) the number of gallons of 
��������������������������������gasoline that the Administrator 
��������������������������������estimates will be sold or introduced 
��������������������������������into commerce in the calendar year; and
����������������������������������� ``(II) the ratio that--
������������������������������������������� ``(aa) 7,500,000,000 gallons 
����������������������������������������of renewable fuel; bears to
������������������������������������������� ``(bb) the number of gallons 
����������������������������������������of gasoline sold or introduced 
����������������������������������������into commerce in calendar year 
����������� ``(3) Applicable <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> percentages.--
������������������� ``(A) Provision of estimate of volumes of gasoline 
����������������sales.--Not later than October 31 of each of calendar 
����������������years 2005 through 2011, the Administrator of the Energy 
����������������Information Administration shall provide to the 
����������������Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency an 
����������������estimate, with respect to the following calendar year, 
����������������of the volumes of gasoline projected to be sold or 
����������������introduced into commerce in the United States.
������������������� ``(B) Determination of applicable percentages.--
������������������������� ``(i) In general.--Not later than November 30 
����������������������of each of calendar years 2005 through 2012, based 
����������������������on the estimate provided under subparagraph (A), 
����������������������the Administrator of the Environmental Protection 
����������������������Agency shall determine and publish in the Federal 
����������������������Register, with respect to the following calendar 
����������������������year, the renewable fuel obligation that ensures 
����������������������that the requirements of paragraph (2) are met.
������������������������� ``(ii) Required elements.--The renewable fuel 
����������������������obligation determined for a calendar year under 
����������������������clause (i) shall--
����������������������������� ������``(I) be applicable to refineries, 
��������������������������������blenders, and importers, as appropriate;
����������������������������������� ``(II) be expressed in terms of a 
��������������������������������volume percentage of gasoline sold or 
��������������������������������introduced into commerce in the United 
��������������������������������States; and
����������������������������������� ``(III) subject to subparagraph 
��������������������������������(C)(i), consist of a single applicable 
��������������������������������percentage that applies to all 
��������������������������������categories of persons specified in 
��������������������������������subclause (I).
������������������� ``(C) Adjustments.--In determining the applicable 
����������������percentage for a calendar year, the Administrator shall 
����������������make adjustments--
������������������������� ``(i) to prevent the imposition of redundant 
����������������������obligations on any person specified in 
����������������������subparagraph (B)(ii)(I); and
[[Page 119 STAT. 1071]]
������������������������� ``(ii) to account for the use of renewable 
����������������������fuel during the previous calendar year by small 
����������������������refineries that are exempt under paragraph (9).
����������� ``(4) Cellulosic biomass ethanol or waste derived ethanol.--
������� For the purpose of paragraph (2), 1 gallon of cellulosic biomass 
��������ethanol or waste derived ethanol shall be considered to be the 
��������equivalent of 2.5 gallons of renewable fuel.
����������� ``(5) Credit program.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The regulations promulgated under 
����������������paragraph (2)(A) shall provide--
������������������������� ``(i) for the generation of an appropriate 
����������������������amount of credits by any person that refines, 
����������������������blends, or imports gasoline that contains a 
����������������������quantity of renewable fuel that is greater than 
����������������������the quantity required under paragraph (2);
������������������������� ``(ii) for the generation of an appropriate 
����������������������amount of credits for biodiesel; and
������������������������� ``(iii) for the generation of credits by small 
����������������������refineries in accordance with paragraph (9)(C).
������������������� ``(B) Use of credits.--A person that generates 
����������������credits under subparagraph (A) may use the credits, or 
����������������transfer all or a portion of the credits to another 
����������������person, for the purpose of complying with paragraph (2).
������������������� ``(C) Duration of credits.--A credit generated under 
����������������this paragraph shall be valid to show compliance for the 
����������������12 months as of the date of generation.
������������������� ``(D) Inability to generate or purchase sufficient 
����������������credits.--The regulations promulgated under paragraph 
����������������(2)(A) shall include provisions allowing any person that 
����������������is unable to generate or purchase sufficient credits to 
����������������meet the requirements of paragraph (2) to carry forward 
����������������a renewable fuel deficit on condition that the person, 
����������������in the calendar year following the year in which the 
����������������renewable fuel deficit is created--
������������������������� ``(i) achieves compliance with the renewable 
����������������������fuel requirement under paragraph (2); and
������������������������� ``(ii) generates or purchases additional 
����������������������renewable fuel credits to offset the renewable 
����������������������fuel deficit of the previous year.
����������� ``(6) Seasonal variations in renewable fuel use.--
������������������� ``(A) Study.--For each of calendar years 2006 
����������������through 2012, the Administrator of the Energy 
����������������Information Administration shall conduct a study of 
����������������renewable fuel blending to determine whether there are 
����������������excessive seasonal variations in the use of renewable 
������������������� ``(B) Regulation of excessive seasonal variations.--
��������������� If, for any calendar year, the Administrator of the 
����������������Energy Information Administration, based on the study 
����������������under subparagraph (A), makes the determinations 
����������������specified in subparagraph (C), the Administrator of the 
����������������Environmental Protection Agency shall promulgate 
����������������regulations to ensure that 25 percent or more of the 
����������������quantity of renewable fuel necessary to meet the 
����������������requirements of paragraph (2) is used during each of the 
����������������2 periods specified in subparagraph (D) of each 
����������������subsequent calendar year.
������������������� ``(C) Determinations.--The determinations referred 
����������������to in subparagraph (B) are that--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1072]]
�������� �����������������``(i) less than 25 percent of the quantity of 
����������������������renewable fuel necessary to meet the requirements 
����������������������of paragraph (2) has been used during 1 of the 2 
����������������������periods specified in subparagraph (D) of the 
����������������������calendar year;
������������������������� ``(ii) a pattern of excessive seasonal 
����������������������variation described in clause (i) will continue in 
����������������������subsequent calendar years; and
���� ���������������������``(iii) promulgating regulations or other 
����������������������requirements to impose a 25 percent or more 
����������������������seasonal use of renewable fuels will not prevent 
����������������������or interfere with the attainment of national 
����������������������ambient air quality standards or significantly 
����������������������increase the price of motor fuels to the consumer.
������������������� ``(D) Periods.--The 2 periods referred to in this 
����������������paragraph are--
������������������������� ``(i) April through September; and
������������������������� ``(ii) January through March and October 
����������������������through December.
������������������� ``(E) Exclusion.--Renewable fuel blended or consumed 
����������������in calendar year 2006 in a State that has received a 
����������������waiver under section 209(b) shall not be included in the 
����������������study under subparagraph (A).
������������������� ``(F) State exemption from seasonality 
����������������requirements.--Notwithstanding any other provision of 
����������������law, the seasonality requirement relating to renewable 
����������������fuel use established by this paragraph shall not apply 
����������������to any State that has received a waiver under section 
����������������209(b) or any State dependent on refineries in such 
����������������State for gasoline supplies.
����������� ``(7) Waivers.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The Administrator, in 
����������������consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture and the 
����������������Secretary of Energy, may waive the requirements of 
����������������paragraph (2) in whole or in part on petition by one or 
����������������more States by reducing the national quantity of 
����������������renewable fuel required under paragraph (2)--
������������������������� ``(i) based on a determination by the 
����������������������Administrator, after public notice and opportunity 
����������������������for comment, that implementation of the 
����������������������requirement would severely harm the economy or 
����������������������environment of a State, a region, or the United 
����������������������States; or
������������������������� ``(ii) based on a determination by the 
����������������������Administrator, after public notice and opportunity 
����������������������for comment, that there is an inadequate domestic 
������������������� ``(B) Petitions for waivers.--
��������������� The <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Administrator, in consultation 
����������������with the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of 
����������������Energy, shall approve or disapprove a State petition for 
����������������a waiver of the requirements of paragraph (2) within 90 
����������������days after the date on which the petition is received by 
����������������the Administrator.
������������������� ``(C) Termination of waivers.--A waiver granted 
����������������under subparagraph (A) shall terminate after 1 year, but 
����������������may be renewed by the Administrator after consultation 
����������������with the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of 
����������� ``(8) Study and waiver for initial year of program.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1073]]
������������ �������``(A) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later 
����������������than 180 days after the date of enactment of this 
����������������paragraph, the Secretary of Energy shall conduct for the 
����������������Administrator a study assessing whether the renewable 
����������������fuel requirement under paragraph (2) will likely result 
����������������in significant adverse impacts on consumers in 2006, on 
����������������a national, regional, or State basis.
������������������� ``(B) Required evaluations.--The study shall 
����������������evaluate renewable fuel--
������������������������� ``(i) supplies and prices;
������������������������� ``(ii) blendstock supplies; and
������������������������� ``(iii) supply and distribution system 
������������������� ``(C) Recommendations by the secretary.--Based on 
����������������the results of the study, the Secretary of Energy shall 
����������������make specific recommendations to the Administrator 
����������������concerning waiver of the requirements of paragraph (2), 
����������������in whole or in part, to prevent any adverse impacts 
����������������described in subparagraph (A).
������������������� ``(D) Waiver.--
������������������������� ``(i) In general.--
������ ���������������Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 270 days after 
����������������������the date of enactment of this paragraph, the 
����������������������Administrator shall, if and to the extent 
����������������������recommended by the Secretary of Energy under 
����������������������subparagraph (C), waive, in whole or in part, the 
����������������������renewable fuel requirement under paragraph (2) by 
����������������������reducing the national quantity of renewable fuel 
����������������������required under paragraph (2) in calendar year 
������������������������� ``(ii) No effect on waiver authority.--Clause 
����������������������(i) does not limit the authority of the 
����������������������Administrator to waive the requirements of 
����������������������paragraph (2) in whole, or in part, under 
����������������������paragraph (7).
����������� ``(9) Small refineries.--
������������������� ``(A) Temporary exemption.--
������������������������� ``(i) In general.--The requirements of 
����������������������paragraph (2) shall not apply to small refineries 
����������������������until calendar year 2011.
������������������������� ``(ii) Extension of exemption.--
����������������������������������� ``(I) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Study by 
��������������������������������secretary of energy.--Not later than 
��������������������������������December 31, 2008, the Secretary of 
��������������������������������Energy shall conduct for the 
��������������������������������Administrator a study to determine 
��������������������������������whether compliance with the requirements 
��������������������������������of paragraph (2) would impose a 
��������������������������������disproportionate economic hardship on 
��������������������������������small refineries.
����������������������������������� ``(II) Extension of exemption.--In 
��������������������������������the case of a small refinery that the 
��������������������������������Secretary of Energy determines under 
��������������������������������subclause (I) would be subject to a 
��������������������������������disproportionate economic hardship if 
��������������������������������required to comply with paragraph (2), 
��������������������������������the Administrator shall extend the 
��������������������������������exemption under clause (i) for the small 
��������������������������������refinery for a period of not less than 2 
��������������������������������additional years.
������������������� ``(B) Petitions based on disproportionate economic 
������������������������� ``(i) Extension of exemption.--A small 
����������������������refinery may at any time petition the 
����������������������Administrator for an extension of the exemption 
����������������������under subparagraph (A) for the reason of 
����������������������disproportionate economic hardship.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1074]]
������������������������� ``(ii) Evaluation of petitions.--In evaluating 
����������������������a petition under clause (i), the Administrator, in 
����������������������consultation with the Secretary of Energy, shall 
����������������������consider the findings of the study under 
����������������������subparagraph (A)(ii) and other economic factors.
��������������� ����������``(iii) Deadline for action on petitions.--The 
����������������������Administrator shall act on any petition submitted 
����������������������by a small refinery for a hardship exemption not 
����������������������later than 90 days after the date of receipt of 
����������������������the petition.
������������������� ``(C) Credit program.--If a small refinery notifies 
����������������the Administrator that the small refinery waives the 
����������������exemption under subparagraph (A), the regulations 
����������������promulgated under paragraph (2)(A) shall provide for the 
����������������generation of credits by the small refinery under 
����������������paragraph (5) beginning in the calendar year following 
����������������the date of notification.
������������������� ``(D) Opt-in for small refineries.--A small refinery 
����������������shall be subject to the requirements of paragraph (2) if 
����������������the small refinery notifies the Administrator that the 
����������������small refinery waives the exemption under subparagraph 
����������� ``(10) Ethanol market concentration analysis.--
������������������� ``(A) Analysis.--
������������������������� ``(i) In general.--
���������������� �����Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 180 days after 
����������������������the date of enactment of this paragraph, and 
����������������������annually thereafter, the Federal Trade Commission 
����������������������shall perform a market concentration analysis of 
����������������������the ethanol production industry using the 
����������������������Herfindahl-Hirschman Index to determine whether 
����������������������there is sufficient competition among industry 
����������������������participants to avoid price-setting and other 
����������������������anticompetitive behavior.
������������������������� ``(ii) Scoring.--For the purpose of scoring 
����������������������under clause (i) using the Herfindahl-Hirschman 
����������������������Index, all marketing arrangements among industry 
����������������������participants shall be considered.
������������������� ``(B) Report.--Not later than December 1, 2005, and 
����������������annually thereafter, the Federal Trade Commission shall 
����������������submit to Congress and the Administrator a report on the 
����������������results of the market concentration analysis performed 
����������������under subparagraph (A)(i).''.
��� (b) Penalties and Enforcement.--Section 211(d) of the Clean Air Act 
(42 U.S.C. 7545(d)) is amended--
����������� (1) in paragraph (1)--
������������������� (A) in the first sentence, by striking ``or (n)'' 
����������������each place it appears and inserting ``(n), or (o)''; and
������������������� (B) in the second sentence, by striking ``or (m)'' 
����������������and inserting ``(m), or (o)''; and
����������� (2) in the first sentence of paragraph (2), by striking 
��������``and (n)'' each place it appears and inserting ``(n), and 
��� (c) Exclusion From Ethanol Waiver.--Section 211(h) of the Clean Air 
Act (42 U.S.C. 7545(h)) is amended--
����������� (1) by redesignating paragraph (5) as paragraph (6); and
����������� (2) by inserting after paragraph (4) the following:
����������� ``(5) Exclusion from ethanol waiver.--
������������������� ``(A) Promulgation 
����������������of <<NOTE: Notification.>> regulations.--Upon 
����������������notification, accompanied by supporting documentation, 
����������������from the Governor of a State that the Reid vapor 
����������������pressure limitation established by paragraph (4) will 
����������������increase emissions that contribute to air pollution in 
����������������any area in the State, the
[[Page 119 STAT. 1075]]
��������������� Administrator shall, by regulation, apply, in lieu of 
����������������the Reid vapor pressure limitation established by 
����������������paragraph (4), the Reid vapor pressure limitation 
����������������established by paragraph (1) to all fuel blends 
����������������containing gasoline and 10 percent denatured anhydrous 
����������������ethanol that are sold, offered for sale, dispensed, 
����������������supplied, offered for supply, transported, or introduced 
����������������into commerce in the area during the high ozone season.
������������������� ``(B) Deadline for promulgation.--The Administrator 
����������������shall promulgate regulations under subparagraph (A) not 
����������������later than 90 days after the date of receipt of a 
����������������notification from a Governor under that subparagraph.
������������������� ``(C) Effective date.--
������������������������� ``(i) In general.--With respect to an area in 
����������������������a State for which the Governor submits a 
����������������������notification under subparagraph (A), the 
����������������������regulations under that subparagraph shall take 
����������������������effect on the later of--
����������������������������������� ``(I) the first day of the first 
��������������������������������high ozone season for the area that 
��������������������������������begins after the date of receipt of the 
��������������������������������notification; or
����������������������������������� ``(II) 1 year after the date of 
��������������������������������receipt of the notification.
������������������������� ``(ii) Extension of effective date based on 
����������������������determination of insufficient supply.--
����������������������������������� ``(I) In general.--
������������������������� ������If, <<NOTE: Regulations.>> after receipt 
��������������������������������of a notification with respect to an 
��������������������������������area from a Governor of a State under 
��������������������������������subparagraph (A), the Administrator 
��������������������������������determines, on the Administrator's own 
��������������������������������motion or on petition of any person and 
��������������������������������after consultation with the Secretary of 
��������������������������������Energy, that the promulgation of 
��������������������������������regulations described in subparagraph 
��������������������������������(A) would result in an insufficient 
��������������������������������supply of gasoline in the State, the 
��������������������������������Administrator, by regulation--
������������������������������������������� ``(aa) shall extend the 
����������������������������������������effective date of the 
����������������������������������������regulations under clause (i) 
����������������������������������������with respect to the area for not 
����������������������������������������more than 1 year; and
������������������������������������������� ``(bb) may renew the 
����������������������������������������extension under item (aa) for 
����������������������������������������two additional periods, each of 
����������������������������������������which shall not exceed 1 year.
����������������������������������� ``(II) Deadline for action on 
��������������������������������petitions.--The Administrator shall act 
��������������������������������on any petition submitted under 
��������������������������������subclause (I) not later than 180 days 
��������������������������������after the date of receipt of the 
��� (d) Survey <<NOTE: 47 USC 7545 note.>> of Renewable Fuel Market.--
����������� (1) Survey and report.--Not later than December 1, 2006, and 
��������annually thereafter, the Administrator of the Environmental 
��������Protection Agency (in consultation with the Secretary acting 
��������through the Administrator of the Energy Information 
��������Administration) shall--
������������������� (A) conduct, with respect to each conventional 
����������������gasoline use area and each reformulated gasoline use 
����������������area in each State, a survey to determine the market 
����������������shares of--
������������������������� (i) conventional gasoline containing ethanol;
������������������������� (ii) reformulated gasoline containing ethanol;
������������������������� (iii) conventional gasoline containing 
����������������������renewable fuel; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 1076]]
������������������������� (iv) reformulated gasoline containing 
����������������������renewable fuel; and
������������������� (B) submit to Congress, and make publicly available, 
����������������a report on the results of the survey under subparagraph 
����������� (2) Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.--The 
��������Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency 
��������(hereinafter in this subsection referred to as the 
��������``Administrator'') may require any refiner, blender, or importer 
��������to keep such records and make such reports as are necessary to 
��������ensure that the survey conducted under paragraph (1) is 
��������accurate. The Administrator, to avoid duplicative requirements, 
��������shall rely, to the extent practicable, on existing reporting and 
��������recordkeeping requirements and other information available to 
��������the Administrator including gasoline distribution patterns that 
��������include multistate use areas.
����������� (3) Applicable law.--Activities carried out under this 
��������subsection shall be conducted in a manner designed to protect 
��������confidentiality of individual responses.
SEC. 1502. <<NOTE: 42 USC 7545 note.>> FINDINGS.
��� Congress finds that--
����������� (1) since 1979, methyl tertiary butyl ether (hereinafter in 
��������this section referred to as ``MTBE'') has been used nationwide 
��������at low levels in gasoline to replace lead as an octane booster 
��������or anti-knocking agent;
����������� (2) Public Law 101-549 (commonly known as the ``Clean Air 
��������Act Amendments of 1990'') (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) established a 
��������fuel oxygenate standard under which reformulated gasoline must 
��������contain at least 2 percent oxygen by weight; and
����������� (3) the fuel industry responded to the fuel oxygenate 
��������standard established by Public Law 101-549 by making substantial 
��������investments in--
������������������� (A) MTBE production capacity; and
������������������� (B) systems to deliver MTBE-containing gasoline to 
����������������the marketplace.
��� Claims and legal actions filed after the date of enactment of this 
Act related to allegations involving actual or threatened contamination 
of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) may be removed to the appropriate 
United States district court.
��� (a) Elimination.--
����������� (1) In general.--Section 211(k) of the Clean Air Act (42 
��������U.S.C. 7545(k)) is amended--
������������������� (A) in paragraph (2)--
������������������������� (i) in the second sentence of subparagraph 
����������������������(A), by striking ``(including the oxygen content 
����������������������requirement contained in subparagraph (B))'';
������������������������� (ii) by striking subparagraph (B); and
������������������������� (iii) by redesignating subparagraphs (C) and 
����������������������(D) as subparagraphs (B) and (C), respectively;
������������������� (B) in paragraph (3)(A), by striking clause (v); and
������������������� (C) in paragraph (7)--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1077]]
������������������������� (i) in subparagraph (A)--
����������������������������������� (I) by striking clause (i); and
��������������������������� ��������(II) by redesignating clauses (ii) 
��������������������������������and (iii) as clauses (i) and (ii), 
��������������������������������respectively; and
������������������������� (ii) in subparagraph (C)--
����������������������������������� (I) by striking clause (ii); and
����������������������������������� (II) by redesignating clause (iii) 
��������������������������������as clause (ii).
����������� (2) Applicability.--The <<NOTE: Effective dates. 42 USC 7545 
��������note.>> amendments made by paragraph (1) apply--
������������������� (A) in the case of a State that has received a 
����������������waiver under section 209(b) of the Clean Air Act (42 
����������������U.S.C. 7543(b)), beginning on the date of enactment of 
����������������this Act; and
������������������� (B) in the case of any other State, beginning 270 
����������������days after the date of enactment of this Act.
��� (b) Maintenance of Toxic Air Pollutant Emission Reductions.--Section 
211(k)(1) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7545(k)(1)) is amended--
����������� (1) by striking ``Within 1 year after the enactment of the 
��������Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990,'' and inserting the following:
������������������� ``(A) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later 
����������������than November 15, 1991,''; and
����������� (2) by adding at the end the following:
������������������� ``(B) Maintenance of toxic air pollutant emissions 
����������������reductions from reformulated gasoline.--
������������������������� ``(i) Definition of padd.--In this 
����������������������subparagraph the term `PADD' means a Petroleum 
����������������������Administration for Defense District.
������������������������� ``(ii) 
����������������������Regulations <<NOTE: Deadline.>> concerning 
����������������������emissions of toxic air pollutants.--Not later than 
����������������������270 days after the date of enactment of this 
����������������������subparagraph, the Administrator shall establish by 
����������������������regulation, for each refinery or importer (other 
����������������������than a refiner or importer in a State that has 
����������������������received a waiver under section 209(b) with 
����������������������respect to gasoline produced for use in that 
���������������������State), standards for toxic air pollutants from 
����������������������use of the reformulated gasoline produced or 
����������������������distributed by the refiner or importer that 
����������������������maintain the reduction of the average annual 
����������������������aggregate emissions of toxic air pollutants for 
����������������������reformulated gasoline produced or distributed by 
����������������������the refiner or importer during calendar years 2001 
����������������������and 2002 (as determined on the basis of data 
����������������������collected by the Administrator with respect to the 
����������������������refiner or importer).
������������������������� ``(iii) Standards applicable to specific 
����������������������refineries or importers.--
����������������������������������� ``(I) Applicability of standards.--
������������������������������� For any calendar year, the standards 
��������������������������������applicable to a refiner or importer 
��������������������������������under clause (ii) shall apply to the 
��������������������������������quantity of gasoline produced or 
��������������������������������distributed by the refiner or importer 
��������������������������������in the calendar year only to the extent 
��������������������������������that the quantity is less than or equal 
��������������������������������to the average annual quantity of 
��������������������������������reformulated gasoline produced or 
��������������������������������distributed by the refiner or importer 
��������������������������������during calendar years 2001 and 2002.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1078]]
����������������������������������� ``(II) Applicability of other 
��������������������������������standards.--For any calendar year, the 
��������������������������������quantity of gasoline produced or 
��������������������������������distributed by a refiner or importer 
��������������������������������that is in excess of the quantity 
��������������������������������subject to subclause (I) shall be 
��������������������������������subject to standards for emissions of 
��������������������������������toxic air pollutants promulgated under 
��������������������������������subparagraph (A) and paragraph (3)(B).
������������������������� ``(iv) Credit program.--The Administrator 
����������������������shall provide for the granting and use of credits 
����������������������for emissions of toxic air pollutants in the same 
����������������������manner as provided in paragraph (7).
������������������������� ``(v) Regional protection of toxics reduction 
����������������������������������� ``(I) In general.--
������������������������������� Not <<NOTE: Deadlines. Federal 
��������������������������������Register, publication. Reports.>> later 
��������������������������������than 60 days after the date of enactment 
��������������������������������of this subparagraph, and not later than 
��������������������������������April 1 of each calendar year that 
��������������������������������begins after that date of enactment, the 
��������������������������������Administrator shall publish in the 
��������������������������������Federal Register a report that 
��������������������������������specifies, with respect to the previous 
��������������������������������calendar year--
������������������������������������������� ``(aa) the quantity of 
����������������������������������������reformulated gasoline produced 
����������������������������������������that is in excess of the average 
����������������������������������������annual quantity of reformulated 
����������������������������������������gasoline produced in 2001 and 
����������������������������������������2002; and
������������������������������������������� ``(bb) the reduction of the 
����������������������������������������average annual aggregate 
����������������������������������������emissions of toxic air 
����������������������������������������pollutants in each PADD, based 
����������������������������������������on retail survey data or data 
����������������������������������������from other appropriate sources.
����������������������������������� ``(II) Effect of failure to maintain 
��������������������������������aggregate toxics reductions.--If, in any 
��������������������������������calendar year, the reduction of the 
��������������������������������average annual aggregate emissions of 
��������������������������������toxic air pollutants in a PADD fails to 
��������������������������������meet or exceed the reduction of the 
��������������������������������average annual aggregate emissions of 
��������������������������������toxic air pollutants in the PADD in 
��������������������������������calendar years 2001 and 2002, the 
��������������������������������Administrator, not later than 90 days 
��������������������������������after the date of publication of the 
��������������������������������report for the calendar year under 
��������������������������������subclause (I), shall--
������������������������������������������� ``(aa) identify, to the 
����������������������������������������maximum extent practicable, the 
����������������������������������������reasons for the failure, 
����������������������������������������including the sources, volumes, 
����������������������������������������and characteristics of 
����������������������������������������reformulated gasoline that 
����������������������������������������contributed to the failure; and
������������������������������������������� ``(bb) <<NOTE: Effective 
����������������������������������������dates. Regulations.>> promulgate 
����������������������������������������revisions to the regulations 
����������������������������������������promulgated under clause (ii), 
����������������������������������������to take effect not earlier than 
����������������������������������������180 days but not later than 270 
����������������������������������������days after the date of 
����������������������������������������promulgation, to provide that, 
����������������������������������������notwithstanding clause 
����������������������������������������(iii)(II), all reformulated 
����������������������������������������gasoline produced or distributed 
����������������������������������������at each refiner or importer 
����������������������������������������shall meet the standards 
����������������������������������������applicable under clause (iii)(I) 
����������������������������������������beginning not later than April 1 
����������������������������������������of the calendar year following 
����������������������������������������publication of the report under 
����������������������������������������subclause (I) and in each 
����������������������������������������calendar year thereafter.
������������������������� ``(vi) <<NOTE: Deadline. Regulations.>> Not 
����������������������later than July 1, 2007, the Administrator shall 
����������������������promulgate final regulations to control hazardous
[[Page 119 STAT. 1079]]
��������������������� air pollutants from motor vehicles and motor 
����������������������vehicle fuels, as provided for in section 80.1045 
����������������������of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations (as in 
����������������������effect on the date of enactment of this 
����������������������subparagraph), and as authorized under section 
����������������������202(1) of the Clean Air Act. If the Administrator 
���������������������promulgates by such date, final regulations to 
����������������������control hazardous air pollutants from motor 
����������������������vehicles and motor vehicle fuels that achieve and 
����������������������maintain greater overall reductions in emissions 
����������������������of air toxics from reformulated gasoline than the 
����������������������reductions that would be achieved under section 
����������������������211(k)(1)(B) of the Clean Air Act as amended by 
����������������������this clause, then sections 211(k)(1)(B)(i) through 
����������������������211(k)(1)(B)(v) shall be null and void and 
����������������������regulations promulgated thereunder shall be 
����������������������rescinded and have no further effect.''.
 ���(c) Consolidation in <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Reformulated Gasoline 
Regulations.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall 
revise the reformulated gasoline regulations under subpart D of part 80 
of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, to consolidate the regulations 
applicable to VOC-Control Regions 1 and 2 under section 80.41 of that 
title by eliminating the less stringent requirements applicable to 
gasoline designated for VOC-Control Region 2 and instead applying the 
more stringent requirements applicable to gasoline designated for VOC-
Control Region 1.
��� (d) Savings <<NOTE: 42 USC 7545 note.>> Clause.--
����������� (1) In general.--Nothing in this section or any amendment 
��������made by this section affects or prejudices any legal claim or 
��������action with respect to regulations promulgated by the 
��������Administrator before the date of enactment of this Act 
������������������� (A) emissions of toxic air pollutants from motor 
����������������vehicles; or
������������������� (B) the adjustment of standards applicable to a 
����������������specific refinery or importer made under those 
����������� (2) Adjustment of standards.--
������������������� (A) Applicability.--The Administrator may apply any 
����������������adjustments to the standards applicable to a refinery or 
����������������importer under subparagraph (B)(iii)(I) of section 
����������������211(k)(1) of the Clean Air Act (as added by subsection 
����������������(b)(2)), except that--
������������������������� (i) the Administrator shall revise the 
����������������������adjustments to be based only on calendar years 
����������������������1999 and 2000;
������������������������� (ii) any such adjustment shall not be made at 
����������������������a level below the average percentage of reductions 
����������������������of emissions of toxic air pollutants for 
����������������������reformulated gasoline supplied to PADD I during 
����������������������calendar years 1999 and 2000; and
������������������������� (iii) in the case of an adjustment based on 
����������������������toxic air pollutant emissions from reformulated 
����������������������gasoline significantly below the national annual 
����������������������average emissions of toxic air pollutants from all 
����������������������reformulated gasoline--
����������������������������������� (I) the Administrator may revise the 
��������������������������������adjustment to take account of the scope 
��������������������������������of the prohibition on methyl tertiary 
��������������������������������butyl ether imposed by a State; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 1080]]
����������������������������������� (II) any such adjustment shall 
��������������������������������require the refiner or importer, to the 
��������������������������������maximum extent practicable, to maintain 
��������������������������������the reduction achieved during calendar 
��������������������������������years 1999 and 2000 in the average 
��������������������������������annual aggregate emissions of toxic air 
��������������������������������pollutants from reformulated gasoline 
��������������������������������produced or distributed by the refiner 
��������������������������������or importer.
��� Section 211(b) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7545(b)) is amended--
����������� (1) in paragraph (2)--
������������������� (A) by striking ``may also'' and inserting ``shall, 
����������������on a regular basis,''; and
������������������� (B) by striking subparagraph (A) and inserting the 
������������������� ``(A) to conduct tests to determine potential public 
����������������health and environmental effects of the fuel or additive 
����������������(including carcinogenic, teratogenic, or mutagenic 
����������������effects); and''; and
����������� (2) by adding at the end the following:
����������� ``(4) Study on certain fuel additives and blendstocks.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later 
����������������than 2 years after the date of enactment of this 
����������������paragraph, the Administrator shall--
������������������������� ``(i) conduct a study on the effects on public 
����������������������health (including the effects on children, 
����������������������pregnant women, minority or low-income 
����������������������communities, and other sensitive populations), air 
����������������������quality, and water resources of increased use of, 
����������������������and the feasibility of using as substitutes for 
����������������������methyl tertiary butyl ether in gasoline--
����������������������������������� ``(I) ethyl tertiary butyl ether;
����������������������������������� ``(II) tertiary amyl methyl ether;
����������������������������������� ``(III) di-isopropyl ether;
����������������������������������� ``(IV) tertiary butyl alcohol;
����������������������������������� ``(V) other ethers and heavy 
��������������������������������alcohols, as determined by then 
��������� ��������������������������``(VI) ethanol;
����������������������������������� ``(VII) iso-octane; and
����������������������������������� ``(VIII) alkylates; and
������������������������� ``(ii) conduct a study on the effects on 
����������������������public health (including the effects on children, 
����������������������pregnant women, minority or low-income 
����������������������communities, and other sensitive populations), air 
����������������������quality, and water resources of the adjustment for 
����������������������ethanol-blended reformulated gasoline to the 
����������������������volatile organic compounds performance 
����������������������requirements that are applicable under paragraphs 
����������������������(1) and (3) of section 211(k); and
������������������������� ``(iii) <<NOTE: Reports.>> submit to the 
����������������������Committee on Environment and Public Works of the 
����������������������Senate and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of 
����������������������the House of Representatives a report describing 
����������������������the results of the studies under clauses (i) and 
[[Page 119 STAT. 1081]]
������������������� ``(B) Contracts for study.--In carrying out this 
����������������paragraph, the Administrator may enter into one or more 
����������������contracts with nongovernmental entities such as--
������������������������� ``(i) the national energy laboratories; and
������������������������� ``(ii) institutions of higher education (as 
����������������������defined in section 101 of the Higher Education Act 
����������������������of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001)).''.
��� Section 211 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7545) is amended by 
inserting after subsection (p) the following:
��� ``(q) Analyses of <<NOTE: Publication.>> Motor Vehicle Fuel Changes 
and Emissions Model.--
����������� ``(1) Anti-backsliding analysis.--
������������������� ``(A) Draft analysis.--Not <<NOTE: Public 
����������������information.>> later than 4 years after the date of 
����������������enactment of this paragraph, the Administrator shall 
����������������publish for public comment a draft analysis of the 
����������������changes in emissions of air pollutants and air quality 
����������������due to the use of motor vehicle fuel and fuel additives 
����������������resulting from implementation of the amendments made by 
����������������the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
������������������``(B) Final analysis.--After providing a reasonable 
����������������opportunity for comment but not later than 5 years after 
����������������the date of enactment of this paragraph, the 
����������������Administrator shall publish the analysis in final form.
����������� ``(2) Emissions model.--For the purposes of this section, 
��������not later than 4 years after the date of enactment of this 
��������paragraph, the Administrator shall develop and finalize an 
��������emissions model that reflects, to the maximum extent 
��������practicable, the effects of gasoline characteristics or 
��������components on emissions from vehicles in the motor vehicle fleet 
��������during calendar year 2007.
����������� ``(3) Permeation effects study.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--Not later than 1 year after the 
����������������date of enactment of this paragraph, the Administrator 
����������������shall conduct a study, and report to Congress the 
����������������results of the study, on the effects of ethanol content 
����������������in gasoline on permeation, the process by which fuel 
����������������molecules migrate through the elastomeric materials 
����������������(rubber and plastic parts) that make up the fuel and 
����������������fuel vapor systems of a motor vehicle.
������������������� ``(B) Evaporative emissions.--The study shall 
����������������include estimates of the increase in total evaporative 
����������������emissions likely to result from the use of gasoline with 
����������������ethanol content in a motor vehicle, and the fleet of 
����������������motor vehicles, due to permeation.''.
��� Section 211(k)(6) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7545(k)(6)) is 
����������� (1) by striking ``(6) Opt-in areas.--(A) Upon'' and 
��������inserting the following:
����������� ``(6) Opt-in areas.--
������������������� ``(A) Classified areas.--
������������������������� ``(i) In general.--Upon'';
��������� ��(2) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``(B) If'' and 
��������inserting the following:
[[Page 119 STAT. 1082]]
������������������������� ``(ii) Effect of insufficient domestic 
����������������������capacity to produce reformulated gasoline.--If'';
��� ��������(3) in subparagraph (A)(ii) (as redesignated by paragraph 
������������������� (A) in the first sentence, by striking 
����������������``subparagraph (A)'' and inserting ``clause (i)''; and
������������������� (B) in the second sentence, by striking ``this 
����������������paragraph'' and inserting ``this subparagraph''; and
����������� (4) by adding at the end the following:
������������������� ``(B) Ozone <<NOTE: Deadlines.>> transport region.--
������������������������� ``(i) Application of prohibition.--
����������������������������������� ``(I) In general.--On application of 
��������������������������������the Governor of a State in the ozone 
��������������������������������transport region established by section 
��������������������������������184(a), the Administrator, not later 
��������������������������������than 180 days after the date of receipt 
��������������������������������of the application, shall apply the 
��������������������������������prohibition specified in paragraph (5) 
��������������������������������to any area in the State (other than an 
��������������������������������area classified as a marginal, moderate, 
��������������������������������serious, or severe ozone nonattainment 
��������������������������������area under subpart 2 of part D of title 
��������������������������������I) unless the Administrator determines 
��������������������������������under clause (iii) that there is 
��������������������������������insufficient capacity to supply 
��������������������������������reformulated gasoline.
����������������������������������� ``(II) Publication 
��������������������������������of <<NOTE: Federal 
��������������������������������Register, publication.>> application.--
����������������������� ��������As soon as practicable after the date of 
��������������������������������receipt of an application under 
��������������������������������subclause (I), the Administrator shall 
��������������������������������publish the application in the Federal 
������������������������� ``(ii) Period of applicability.--Under clause 
����������������������(i), the prohibition specified in paragraph (5) 
����������������������shall apply in a State--
������������������� ����������������``(I) commencing as soon as 
��������������������������������practicable but not later than 2 years 
��������������������������������after the date of approval by the 
��������������������������������Administrator of the application of the 
��������������������������������Governor of the State; and
����������������������������������� ``(II) ending not earlier than 4 
��������������������������������years after the commencement date 
��������������������������������determined under subclause (I).
������������������������� ``(iii) Extension of commencement date based 
����������������������on insufficient capacity.--
����������������������������������� ``(I) In general.--If, after receipt 
��������������������������������of an application from a Governor of a 
��������������������������������State under clause (i), the 
��������������������������������Administrator determines, on the 
��������������������������������Administrator's own motion or on 
��������������������������������petition of any person, after 
��������������������������������consultation with the Secretary of 
��������������������������������Energy, that there is insufficient 
��������������������������������capacity to supply reformulated 
��������������������������������gasoline, the Administrator, by 
������������������������������������������� ``(aa) shall extend the 
����������������������������������������commencement date with respect 
����������������������������������������to the State under clause 
����������������������������������������(ii)(I) for not more than 1 
����������������������������������������year; and
������������������������������������������� ``(bb) may renew the 
����������������������������������������extension under item (aa) for 2 
����������������������������������������additional periods, each of 
����������������������������������������which shall not exceed 1 year.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1083]]
����������������������������������� ``(II) Deadline for action on 
��������������������������������petitions.--The Administrator shall act 
��������������������������������on any petition submitted under 
��������������������������������subclause (I) not later than 180 days 
��������������������������������after the date of receipt of the 
��� Section 205 of the Department of Energy Organization Act (42 U.S.C. 
7135) is amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(m) Renewable Fuels Survey.--(1) <<NOTE: Publication.>> In order 
to improve the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of the Nation's 
renewable fuels mandate, the Administrator shall conduct and publish the 
results of a survey of renewable fuels demand in the motor vehicle fuels 
market in the United States monthly, and in a manner designed to protect 
the confidentiality of individual responses. In conducting the survey, 
the Administrator shall collect information both on a national and 
regional basis, including each of the following:
����������� ``(A) The quantity of renewable fuels produced.
����������� ``(B) The quantity of renewable fuels blended.
����������� ``(C) The quantity of renewable fuels imported.
����������� ``(D) The quantity of renewable fuels demanded.
����������� ``(E) Market price data.
����������� ``(F) Such other analyses or evaluations as the 
��������Administrator finds are necessary to achieve the purposes of 
��������this section.
��� ``(2) The Administrator shall also collect or estimate information 
both on a national and regional basis, pursuant to subparagraphs (A) 
through (F) of paragraph (1), for the 5 years prior to implementation of 
this subsection.
��� ``(3) This subsection does not affect the authority of the 
Administrator to collect data under section 52 of the Federal Energy 
Administration Act of 1974 (15 U.S.C. 790a).''.
��� (a) Study.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Administrator of the Environmental 
��������Protection Agency and the Secretary shall jointly conduct a 
��������study of Federal, State, and local requirements concerning motor 
��������vehicle fuels, including--
������������������� (A) requirements relating to reformulated gasoline, 
����������������volatility (measured in Reid vapor pressure), oxygenated 
����������������fuel, and diesel fuel; and
������������������� (B) other requirements that vary from State to 
����������������State, region to region, or locality to locality.
����������� (2) Required elements.--The study shall assess--
������������������� (A) the effect of the variety of requirements 
����������������described in paragraph (1) on the supply, quality, and 
����������������price of motor vehicle fuels available to the consumer;
������������������� (B) the effect of the requirements described in 
����������������paragraph (1) on achievement of--
������������������������� (i) national, regional, and local air quality 
����������������������standards and goals; and
������������������������� (ii) related environmental and public health 
����������������������protection standards and goals (including the 
����������������������protection of children, pregnant women, minority 
����������������������or low-income communities, and other sensitive 
������������������� (C) the effect of Federal, State, and local motor 
����������������vehicle fuel regulations, including multiple motor 
����������������vehicle fuel requirements, on--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1084]]
������������������������� (i) domestic refiners;
������������������������� (ii) the fuel distribution system; and
������������������������� (iii) industry investment in new capacity;
������������������� (D) the effect of the requirements described in 
����������������paragraph (1) on emissions from vehicles, refiners, and 
����������������fuel handling facilities;
������������������� (E) the feasibility of developing national or 
����������������regional motor vehicle fuel slates for the 48 contiguous 
����������������States that, while protecting and improving air quality 
����������������at the national, regional, and local levels, could--
������������������������� (i) enhance flexibility in the fuel 
����������������������distribution infrastructure and improve fuel 
������������������������� (ii) reduce price volatility and costs to 
����������������������consumers and producers;
������������������������� (iii) provide increased liquidity to the 
����������������������gasoline market; and
������������������������� (iv) enhance fuel quality, consistency, and 
������������������� (F) the feasibility of providing incentives, and the 
����������������need for the development of national standards 
����������������necessary, to promote cleaner burning motor vehicle 
����������������fuel; and
������������������� (G) the extent to which improvements in air quality 
����������������and any increases or decreases in the price of motor 
����������������fuel can be projected to result from the Environmental 
����������������Protection Agency's Tier II requirements for 
����������������conventional gasoline and vehicle emission systems, on-
������������ ���road and off-road diesel rules, the reformulated 
����������������gasoline program, the renewable content requirements 
����������������established by this subtitle, State programs regarding 
����������������gasoline volatility, and any other requirements imposed 
����������������by the Federal Government, States or localities 
����������������affecting the composition of motor fuel.
��� (b) Report.--
����������� (1) In general.--Not later than June 1, 2008, the 
��������Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and the 
��������Secretary shall submit to Congress a report on the results of 
��������the study conducted under subsection (a).
����������� (2) Recommendations.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The report shall contain 
����������������recommendations for legislative and administrative 
����������������actions that may be taken--
������������������������� (i) to improve air quality;
������������������������� (ii) to reduce costs to consumers and 
����������������������producers; and
������������������������� (iii) to increase supply liquidity.
������������������� (B) Required considerations.--The recommendations 
����������������under subparagraph (A) shall take into account the need 
����������������to provide advance notice of required modifications to 
����������������refinery and fuel distribution systems in order to 
����������������ensure an adequate supply of motor vehicle fuel in all 
����������� (3) Consultation.--In developing the report, the 
��������Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and the 
��������Secretary shall consult with--
������������������� (A) the Governors of the States;
������������������� (B) automobile manufacturers;
����������������� ��(C) State and local air pollution control 
������������������� (D) public health experts;
������������������� (E) motor vehicle fuel producers and distributors; 
������������������� (F) the public.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1085]]
��� (a) Definition of Municipal Solid Waste.--In this section, the term 
``municipal solid waste'' has the meaning given the term ``solid waste'' 
in section 1004 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6903).
��� (b) Establishment of Program.--The Secretary shall establish a 
program to provide guarantees of loans by private institutions for the 
construction of facilities for the processing and conversion of 
municipal solid waste and cellulosic biomass into fuel ethanol and other 
commercial byproducts.
��� (c) Requirements.--The Secretary may provide a loan guarantee under 
subsection (b) to an applicant if--
����������� (1) without a loan guarantee, credit is not available to the 
��������applicant under reasonable terms or conditions sufficient to 
��������finance the construction of a facility described in subsection 
����������� (2) the prospective earning power of the applicant and the 
��������character and value of the security pledged provide a reasonable 
��������assurance of repayment of the loan to be guaranteed in 
��������accordance with the terms of the loan; and
����������� (3) the loan bears interest at a rate determined by the 
��������Secretary to be reasonable, taking into account the current 
��������average yield on outstanding obligations of the United States 
��������with remaining periods of maturity comparable to the maturity of 
��������the loan.
��� (d) Criteria.--In selecting recipients of loan guarantees from among 
applicants, the Secretary shall give preference to proposals that--
����������� (1) meet all applicable Federal and State permitting 
����������� (2) are most likely to be successful; and
����������� (3) are located in local markets that have the greatest need 
��������for the facility because of--
������������������� (A) the limited availability of land for waste 
������������������� (B) the availability of sufficient quantities of 
����������������cellulosic biomass; or
������������������� (C) a high level of demand for fuel ethanol or other 
����������������commercial byproducts of the facility.
��� (e) Maturity.--A loan guaranteed under subsection (b) shall have a 
maturity of not more than 20 years.
��� (f) Terms and Conditions.--The loan agreement for a loan guaranteed 
under subsection (b) shall provide that no provision of the loan 
agreement may be amended or waived without the consent of the Secretary.
��� (g) Assurance of Repayment.--The Secretary shall require that an 
applicant for a loan guarantee under subsection (b) provide an assurance 
of repayment in the form of a performance bond, insurance, collateral, 
or other means acceptable to the Secretary in an amount equal to not 
less than 20 percent of the amount of the loan.
��� (h) Guarantee Fee.--The recipient of a loan guarantee under 
subsection (b) shall pay the Secretary an amount determined by the 
Secretary to be sufficient to cover the administrative costs of the 
Secretary relating to the loan guarantee.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1086]]
��� (i) Full Faith and Credit.--The full faith and credit of the United 
States is pledged to the payment of all guarantees made under this 
section. Any such guarantee made by the Secretary shall be conclusive 
evidence of the eligibility of the loan for the guarantee with respect 
to principal and interest. The validity of the guarantee shall be 
incontestable in the hands of a holder of the guaranteed loan.
��� (j) Reports.--Until each guaranteed loan under this section has been 
repaid in full, the Secretary shall annually submit to Congress a report 
on the activities of the Secretary under this section.
��� (k) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this section.
��� (l) Termination of Authority.--The authority of the Secretary to 
issue a loan guarantee under subsection (b) terminates on the date that 
is 10 years after the date of enactment of this Act.
��� The Clean Air Act is amended by inserting after section 211 (42 
U.S.C. 7411) the following:
``SEC. 212. <<NOTE: 42 USC 7546.>> RENEWABLE FUEL.
��� ``(a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� ``(1) Municipal solid waste.--The term `municipal solid 
��������waste' has the meaning given the term `solid waste' in section 
��������1004 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6903).
����������� ``(2) RFG state.--The term `RFG State' means a State in 
��������which is located one or more covered areas (as defined in 
��������section 211(k)(10)(D)).
����������� ``(3) Secretary.--The term `Secretary' means the Secretary 
��������of Energy.
��� ``(b) Cellulosic Biomass Ethanol and Municipal Solid Waste Loan 
Guarantee Program.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Funds may be provided for the cost (as 
��������defined in the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (2 U.S.C. 661 
��������et seq.)) of loan guarantees issued under title XIV of the 
��������Energy Policy Act to carry out commercial demonstration projects 
��������for celluosic biomass and sucrose-derived ethanol.
����������� ``(2) Demonstration projects.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The Secretary shall issue loan 
����������������guarantees under this section to carry out not more than 
����������������4 projects to commercially demonstrate the feasibility 
����������������and viability of producing cellulosic biomass ethanol or 
����������������sucrose-derived ethanol, including at least 1 project 
����������������that uses cereal straw as a feedstock and 1 project that 
����������������uses municipal solid waste as a feedstock.
������������������� ``(B) Design capacity.--Each project shall have a 
����������������design capacity to produce at least 30,000,000 gallons 
����������������of cellulosic biomass ethanol each year.
����������� ``(3) Applicant assurances.--An applicant for a loan 
��������guarantee under this section shall provide assurances, 
��������satisfactory to the Secretary, that--
������������������� ``(A) the project design has been validated through 
����������������the operation of a continuous process facility with a 
����������������cumulative output of at least 50,000 gallons of ethanol;
������������������� ``(B) the project has been subject to a full 
����������������technical review;
[[Page 119 STAT. 1087]]
������������������� ``(C) the project is covered by adequate project 
����������������performance guarantees;
������������������� ``(D) the project, with the loan guarantee, is 
����������������economically viable; and
������������������� ``(E) there is a reasonable assurance of repayment 
����������������of the guaranteed loan.
����������� ``(4) Limitations.--
������������������� ``(A) Maximum guarantee.--Except as provided in 
����������������subparagraph (B), a loan guarantee under this section 
����������������may be issued for up to 80 percent of the estimated cost 
����������������of a project, but may not exceed $250,000,000 for a 
������������������� ``(B) Additional guarantees.--
������������������������� ``(i) In general.--The Secretary may issue 
����������������������additional loan guarantees for a project to cover 
����������������������up to 80 percent of the excess of actual project 
����������������������cost over estimated project cost but not to exceed 
����������������������15 percent of the amount of the original 
������������������������� ``(ii) Principal and interest.--Subject to 
����������������������subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall guarantee 
����������������������100 percent of the principal and interest of a 
����������������������loan made under subparagraph (A).
����������� ``(5) Equity contributions.--To be eligible for a loan 
��������guarantee under this section, an applicant for the loan 
��������guarantee shall have binding commitments from equity investors 
��������to provide an initial equity contribution of at least 20 percent 
��������of the total project cost.
����������� ``(6) Insufficient amounts.--If the amount made available to 
��������carry out this section is insufficient to allow the Secretary to 
��������make loan guarantees for 3 projects described in subsection (b), 
��������the Secretary shall issue loan guarantees for one or more 
��������qualifying projects under this section in the order in which the 
��������applications for the projects are received by the Secretary.
����������� ``(7) Approval.--An <<NOTE: Deadline.>> application for a 
��������loan guarantee under this section shall be approved or 
��������disapproved by the Secretary not later than 90 days after the 
��������application is received by the Secretary.
��� ``(c) Authorization 
of <<NOTE: Mississippi. Oklahoma.>> Appropriations for Resource 
Center.--There is authorized to be appropriated, for a resource center 
to further develop bioconversion technology using low-cost biomass for 
the production of ethanol at the Center for Biomass-Based Energy at the 
Mississippi State University and the Oklahoma State University, 
$4,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2005 through 2007.
��� ``(d) Renewable Fuel Production Research and Development Grants.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The Administrator shall provide grants 
��������for the research into, and development and implementation of, 
��������renewable fuel production technologies in RFG States with low 
��������rates of ethanol production, including low rates of production 
��������of cellulosic biomass ethanol.
����������� ``(2) Eligibility.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The entities eligible to receive 
����������������a grant under this subsection are academic institutions 
����������������in RFG States, and consortia made up of combinations of 
����������������academic institutions, industry, State government 
����������������agencies, or local government agencies in RFG States, 
����������������that have
[[Page 119 STAT. 1088]]
��������������� proven experience and capabilities with relevant 
������������������� ``(B) Application.--To be eligible to receive a 
����������������grant under this subsection, an eligible entity shall 
����������������submit to the Administrator an application in such 
����������������manner and form, and accompanied by such information, as 
����������������the Administrator may specify.
����������� ``(3) Authorization of appropriations.--There is authorized 
��������to be appropriated to carry out this subsection $25,000,000 for 
��������each of fiscal years 2006 through 2010.
��� ``(e) Cellulosic Biomass Ethanol Conversion Assistance.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The Secretary may provide grants to 
��������merchant producers of cellulosic biomass ethanol in the United 
��������States to assist the producers in building eligible production 
��������facilities described in paragraph (2) for the production of 
��������cellulosic biomass ethanol.
����������� ``(2) Eligible production facilities.--A production facility 
��������shall be eligible to receive a grant under this subsection if 
��������the production facility--
������������������� ``(A) is located in the United States; and
������������������� ``(B) uses cellulosic biomass feedstocks derived 
����������������from agricultural residues or municipal solid waste.
����������� ``(3) Authorization of appropriations.--There is authorized 
��������to be appropriated to carry out this subsection--
������������������� ``(A) $250,000,000 for fiscal year 2006; and
������������������� ``(B) $400,000,000 for fiscal year 2007.''.
��� Section 211 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7545) is amended by 
adding at the end the following:
��� ``(r) Conversion Assistance for Cellulosic Biomass, Waste-Derived 
Ethanol, Approved Renewable Fuels.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The Secretary of Energy may provide 
��������grants to merchant producers of cellulosic biomass ethanol, 
��������waste-derived ethanol, and approved renewable fuels in the 
��������United States to assist the producers in building eligible 
��������production facilities described in paragraph (2) for the 
��������production of ethanol or approved renewable fuels.
��������� ��``(2) Eligible production facilities.--A production facility 
��������shall be eligible to receive a grant under this subsection if 
��������the production facility--
������������������� ``(A) is located in the United States; and
������������������� ``(B) uses cellulosic or renewable biomass or waste-
��������������� derived feedstocks derived from agricultural residues, 
����������������wood residues, municipal solid waste, or agricultural 
����������� ``(3) Authorization of appropriations.--There are authorized 
��������to be appropriated the following amounts to carry out this 
������������������� ``(A) $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2006.
������������������� ``(B) $250,000,000 for fiscal year 2007.
������� ������������``(C) $400,000,000 for fiscal year 2008.
����������� ``(4) Definitions.--For the purposes of this subsection:
������������������� ``(A) The term `approved renewable fuels' are fuels 
����������������and components of fuels that have been approved by the 
����������������Department of Energy, as defined in section 301 of the 
[[Page 119 STAT. 1089]]
��������������� Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13211), which have been 
����������������made from renewable biomass.
������� ������������``(B) The term `renewable biomass' is, as defined in 
����������������Presidential Executive Order 13134, published in the 
����������������Federal Register on August 16, 1999, any organic matter 
����������������that is available on a renewable or recurring basis 
����������������(excluding old-growth timber), including dedicated 
����������������energy crops and trees, agricultural food and feed crop 
����������������residues, aquatic plants, animal wastes, wood and wood 
����������������residues, paper and paper residues, and other vegetative 
����������������waste materials. Old-growth timber means timber of a 
����������������forest from the late successional stage of forest 
��� Section 211 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7545) is amended by 
adding at the end the following:
��� ``(s) Blending of Compliant Reformulated Gasolines.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Notwithstanding subsections (h) and (k) 
��������and subject to the limitations in paragraph (2) of this 
��������subsection, it shall not be a violation of this subtitle for a 
��������gasoline retailer, during any month of the year, to blend at a 
��������retail location batches of ethanol-blended and non-ethanol-
������� blended reformulated gasoline, provided that--
������������������� ``(A) each batch of gasoline to be blended has been 
����������������individually certified as in compliance with subsections 
����������������(h) and (k) prior to being blended;
������������������� ``(B) the retailer notifies the Administrator prior 
����������������to such blending, and identifies the exact location of 
����������������the retail station and the specific tank in which such 
����������������blending will take place;
������������������� ``(C) the retailer retains and, as requested by the 
����������������Administrator or the Administrator's designee, makes 
����������������available for inspection such certifications accounting 
���������������for all gasoline at the retail outlet; and
������������������� ``(D) the retailer does not, between June 1 and 
����������������September 15 of each year, blend a batch of VOC-
��������������� controlled, or `summer', gasoline with a batch of non-
��������������� VOC-controlled, or `winter', gasoline (as these terms 
����������������are defined under subsections (h) and (k)).
����������� ``(2) Limitations.--
������������������� ``(A) Frequency limitation.--A retailer shall only 
����������������be permitted to blend batches of compliant reformulated 
����������������gasoline under this subsection a maximum of two blending 
����������������periods between May 1 and September 15 of each calendar 
������������������� ``(B) Duration of blending period.--Each blending 
����������������period authorized under subparagraph (A) shall extend 
����������������for a period of no more than 10 consecutive calendar 
����������� ``(3) Surveys.--A sample of gasoline taken from a retail 
��������location that has blended gasoline within the past 30 days and 
��������is in compliance with subparagraphs (A), (B), (C), and (D) of 
��������paragraph (1) shall not be used in a VOC survey mandated by 40 
��������CFR Part 80.
����������� ``(4) State implementation plans.--A State shall be held 
��������harmless and shall not be required to revise its State 
��������implementation plan under section 110 to account for the 
��������emissions from blended gasoline authorized under paragraph (1).
[[Page 119 STAT. 1090]]
����������� ``(5) Preservation of state law.--Nothing in this subsection 
������������������� ``(A) preempt existing State laws or regulations 
����������������regulating the blending of compliant gasolines; or
������������������� ``(B) prohibit a State from adopting such 
����������������restrictions in the future.
����������� ``(6) Regulations.--
������� The <<NOTE: Notice. Deadline.>> Administrator shall promulgate, 
��������after notice and comment, regulations implementing this 
��������subsection within 1 year after the date of enactment of this 
����������� ``(7) Effective date.--This subsection shall become 
��������effective 15 months after the date of its enactment and shall 
��������apply to blended batches of reformulated gasoline on or after 
��������that date, regardless of whether the implementing regulations 
��������required by paragraph (6) have been promulgated by the 
��������Administrator by that date.
������� ����``(8) Liability.--No person other than the person 
��������responsible for blending under this subsection shall be subject 
��������to an enforcement action or penalties under subsection (d) 
��������solely arising from the blending of compliant reformulated 
��������gasolines by the retailers.
����������� ``(9) Formulation of gasoline.--This subsection does not 
��������grant authority to the Administrator or any State (or any 
��������subdivision thereof) to require reformulation of gasoline at the 
��������refinery to adjust for potential or actual emissions increases 
��������due to the blending authorized by this subsection.''.
��� (a) In General.--Subject to the availability of appropriations under 
subsection (d), the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency 
shall, in consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture and the Biomass 
Research and Development Technical Advisory Committee established under 
section 306 of the Biomass Research and Development Act of 2000 (Public 
Law 106-224; 7 U.S.C. 8101 note), establish a program, to be known as 
the ``Advanced Biofuel Technologies Program'', to demonstrate advanced 
technologies for the production of alternative transportation fuels.
��� (b) Priority.--In carrying out the program under subsection (a), the 
Administrator shall give priority to projects that enhance the 
geographical diversity of alternative fuels production and utilize 
feedstocks that represent 10 percent or less of ethanol or biodiesel 
fuel production in the United States during the previous fiscal year.
��� (c) Demonstration Projects.--
����������� (1) In general.--As part of the program under subsection 
��������(a), the Administrator shall fund demonstration projects--
������������������� (A) to develop not less than 4 different conversion 
����������������technologies for producing cellulosic biomass ethanol; 
������������������� (B) to develop not less than 5 technologies for 
����������������coproducing value-added bioproducts (such as 
����������������fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides) resulting from 
����������������the production of biodiesel fuel.
����������(2) Administration.--Demonstration projects under this 
��������subsection shall be--
������������������� (A) conducted based on a merit-reviewed, competitive 
����������������process; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 1091]]
������������������� (B) subject to the cost-sharing requirements of 
����������������section 988.
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $110,000,000 for each of fiscal 
years 2005 through 2009.
��� Section 312(f)(1) of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 
13220(f)(1)) is amended--
����������� (1) by striking `` `biodiesel' means'' and inserting the 
��������following: `` `biodiesel'--
������������������� ``(A) means''; and
����������� (2) in subparagraph (A) (as designated by paragraph (1)) by 
��������striking ``and'' at the end and inserting the following:
������������������� ``(B) includes biodiesel derived from--
������������������������� ``(i) animal wastes, including poultry fats 
����������������������and poultry wastes, and other waste materials; or
������������������������� ``(ii) municipal solid waste and sludges and 
����������������������oils derived from wastewater and the treatment of 
����������������������wastewater; and''.
��� (a) In General.--Funds may be provided for the cost (as defined in 
section 502 of the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (2 U.S.C. 661a)) of 
loan guarantees issued under title XIV to carry out commercial 
demonstration projects for ethanol derived from sugarcane, bagasse, and 
other sugarcane byproducts.
��� (b) Demonstration Projects.--The Secretary may issue loan guarantees 
under this section to projects to demonstrate commercially the 
feasibility and viability of producing ethanol using sugarcane, 
sugarcane bagasse, and other sugarcane byproducts as a feedstock.
��� (c) Requirements.--An applicant for a loan guarantee under this 
section may provide assurances, satisfactory to the Secretary, that--
����������� (1) the project design has been validated through the 
��������operation of a continuous process facility;
����������� (2) the project has been subject to a full technical review;
����������� (3) the project, with the loan guarantee, is economically 
��������viable; and
����������� (4) there is a reasonable assurance of repayment of the 
��������guaranteed loan.
��� (d) Limitations.--
����������� (1) Maximum guarantee.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), 
��������a loan guarantee under this section--
������������������� (A) may be issued for up to 80 percent of the 
����������������estimated cost of a project; but
������������������� (B) shall not exceed $50,000,000 for any 1 project.
����������� (2) Additional guarantees.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The Secretary may issue additional 
����������������loan guarantees for a project to cover--
������������������������� (i) up to 80 percent of the excess of actual 
����������������������project costs; but
������������������������� (ii) not to exceed 15 percent of the amount of 
����������������������the original loan guarantee.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1092]]
������������������� (B) Principal and interest.--Subject to subparagraph 
����������������(A), the Secretary shall guarantee 100 percent of the 
����������������principal and interest of a loan guarantee made under 
����������������subparagraph (A).
Subtitle B--Underground <<NOTE: Underground Storage Tank Compliance 
Act.>> Storage Tank Compliance
SEC. 1521. <<NOTE: 42 USC 6901 note.>> SHORT TITLE.
��� This subtitle may be cited as the ``Underground Storage Tank 
Compliance Act''.
��� (a) In General.--Section 9004 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 
U.S.C. 6991c) is amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(f) Trust Fund Distribution.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--
������������������� ``(A) Amount and permitted uses of distribution.--
��������������� The Administrator shall distribute to States not less 
����������������than 80 percent of the funds from the Trust Fund that 
����������������are made available to the Administrator under section 
����������������9014(2)(A) for each fiscal year for use in paying the 
����������������reasonable costs, incurred under a cooperative agreement 
����������������with any State for--
������������������������� ``(i) corrective actions taken by the State 
����������������������under section 9003(h)(7)(A);
������������������������� ``(ii) necessary administrative expenses, as 
����������������������determined by the Administrator, that are directly 
����������������������related to State fund or State assurance programs 
����������������������under subsection (c)(1); or
������������������������� ``(iii) enforcement, by a State or a local 
����������������������government, of State or local regulations 
����������������������pertaining to underground storage tanks regulated 
����������������������under this subtitle.
������������������� ``(B) Use of funds for enforcement.--In addition to 
����������������the uses of funds authorized under subparagraph (A), the 
����������������Administrator may use funds from the Trust Fund that are 
����������������not distributed to States under subparagraph (A) for 
����������������enforcement of any regulation promulgated by the 
����������������Administrator under this subtitle.
������������������� ``(C) Prohibited uses.--Funds provided to a State by 
����������������the Administrator under subparagraph (A) shall not be 
����������������used by the State to provide financial assistance to an 
����������������owner or operator to meet any requirement relating to 
����������������underground storage tanks under subparts B, C, D, H, and 
����������������G of part 280 of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations 
����������������(as in effect on the date of enactment of this 
����������� ``(2) Allocation.--
������������������� ``(A) Process.--Subject to subparagraphs (B) and 
����������������(C), in the case of a State with which the Administrator 
����������������has entered into a cooperative agreement under section 
����������������9003(h)(7)(A), the Administrator shall distribute funds 
����������������from the Trust Fund to the State using an allocation 
����������������process developed by the Administrator.
������������������� ``(B) Diversion of state funds.--The Administrator 
����������������shall not distribute funds under subparagraph (A)(iii) 
����������������of subsection (f)(1) to any State that has diverted 
����������������funds from
[[Page 119 STAT. 1093]]
��������������� a State fund or State assurance program for purposes 
����������������other than those related to the regulation of 
����������������underground storage tanks covered by this subtitle, with 
����������������the exception of those transfers that had been completed 
����������������earlier than the date of enactment of this subsection.
������������������� ``(C) Revisions to process.--The Administrator may 
����������������revise the allocation process referred to in 
����������������subparagraph (A) after--
������������������������� ``(i) consulting with State agencies 
����������������������responsible for overseeing corrective action for 
����������������������releases from underground storage tanks; and
������������������������� ``(ii) taking into consideration, at a 
����������������������minimum, each of the following:
����������������������������������� ``(I) The number of confirmed 
��������������������������������releases from federally regulated 
��������������������������������leaking underground storage tanks in the 
���� �������������������������������``(II) The number of federally 
��������������������������������regulated underground storage tanks in 
��������������������������������the States.
����������������������������������� ``(III) The performance of the 
��������������������������������States in implementing and enforcing the 
����������������������������������� ``(IV) The financial needs of the 
����������������������������������� ``(V) The ability of the States to 
��������������������������������use the funds referred to in 
��������������������������������subparagraph (A) in any year.
����������� ``(3) Distributions to state agencies.--Distributions from 
��������the Trust Fund under this subsection shall be made directly to a 
��������State agency that--
������������������� ``(A) enters into a cooperative agreement referred 
����������������to in paragraph (2)(A); or
������������������� ``(B) is enforcing a State program approved under 
����������������this section.''.
��� (b) Withdrawal of Approval of State Funds.--Section 9004(c) of the 
Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6991c(c)) is amended by inserting 
the following new paragraph at the end thereof:
����������� ``(6) Withdrawal of approval.--After an opportunity for good 
��������faith, collaborative efforts to correct financial deficiencies 
��������with a State fund, the Administrator may withdraw approval of 
��������any State fund or State assurance program to be used as a 
��������financial responsibility mechanism without withdrawing approval 
��������of a State underground storage tank program under section 
��� (c) Ability to Pay.--Section 9003(h)(6) of the Solid Waste Disposal 
Act (42 U.S.C. 6591a(h)(6)) is <<NOTE: 42 USC 6991b.>> amended by adding 
the following new subparagraph at the end thereof:
������������������� ``(E) Inability or limited ability to pay.--
������������������������� ``(i) In general.--In determining the level of 
����������������������recovery effort, or amount that should be 
����������������������recovered, the Administrator (or the State 
����������������������pursuant to paragraph (7)) shall consider the 
����������������������owner or operator's ability to pay. An inability 
����������������������or limited ability to pay corrective action costs 
����������������������must be demonstrated to the Administrator (or the 
����������������������State pursuant to paragraph (7)) by the owner or 
������������������������� ``(ii) Considerations.--In determining whether 
����������������������or not a demonstration is made under clause (i), 
����������������������the Administrator (or the State pursuant to 
����������������������paragraph (7)) shall take into consideration the 
����������������������ability of the
[[Page 119 STAT. 1094]]
��������������������� owner or operator to pay corrective action costs 
����������������������and still maintain its basic business operations, 
����������������������including consideration of the overall financial 
����������������������condition of the owner or operator and 
����������������������demonstrable constraints on the ability of the 
����������������������owner or operator to raise revenues.
������������������������� ``(iii) Information.--An owner or operator 
����������������������requesting consideration under this subparagraph 
����������������������shall promptly provide the Administrator (or the 
����������������������State pursuant to paragraph (7)) with all relevant 
����������������������information needed to determine the ability of the 
����������������������owner or operator to pay corrective action costs.
������������������������� ``(iv) Alternative payment methods.--The 
����������������������Administrator (or the State pursuant to paragraph 
����������������������(7)) shall consider alternative payment methods as 
����������������������may be necessary or appropriate if the 
����������������������Administrator (or the State pursuant to paragraph 
����������������������(7)) determines that an owner or operator cannot 
����������������������pay all or a portion of the costs in a lump sum 
������������������������� ``(v) Misrepresentation.--If an owner or 
����������������������operator provides false information or otherwise 
����������������������misrepresents their financial situation under 
����������������������clause (ii), the Administrator (or the State 
����������������������pursuant to paragraph (7)) shall seek full 
����������������������recovery of the costs of all such actions pursuant 
����������������������to the provisions of subparagraph (A) without 
����������������������consideration of the factors in subparagraph 
��� (a) Inspection Requirements.--Section 9005 of the Solid Waste 
Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6991d) is amended by inserting the following new 
subsection at the end thereof:
��� ``(c) Inspection Requirements.--
����������� ``(1) Uninspected tanks.--In <<NOTE: Deadline.>> the case of 
��������underground storage tanks regulated under this subtitle that 
��������have not undergone an inspection since December 22, 1998, not 
��������later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this 
��������subsection, the Administrator or a State that receives funding 
��������under this subtitle, as appropriate, shall conduct on-site 
��������inspections of all such tanks to determine compliance with this 
��������subtitle and the regulations under this subtitle (40 CFR 280) or 
��������a requirement or standard of a State program developed under 
��������section 9004.
����������� ``(2) Periodic inspections.--After completion of all 
��������inspections required under paragraph (1), the Administrator or a 
��������State that receives funding under this subtitle, as appropriate, 
��������shall conduct on-site inspections of each underground storage 
��������tank regulated under this subtitle at least once every 3 years 
��������to determine compliance with this subtitle and the regulations 
��������under this subtitle (40 CFR 280) or a requirement or standard of 
��������a State program developed under section 9004. The Administrator 
��������may extend for up to one additional year the first 3-year 
��������inspection interval under this paragraph if the State 
��������demonstrates that it has insufficient resources to complete all 
��������such inspections within the first 3-year period.
����������� ``(3) Inspection authority.--Nothing in this section shall 
��������be construed to diminish the Administrator's or a State's 
��������authorities under section 9005(a).''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1095]]
��� (b) Study of <<NOTE: Reports. Deadline.>> Alternative Inspection 
Programs.--The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, in 
coordination with a State, shall gather information on compliance 
assurance programs that could serve as an alternative to the inspection 
programs under section 9005(c) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 
U.S.C. 6991d(c)) and shall, within 4 years after the date of enactment 
of this Act, submit a report to the Congress containing the results of 
such study.
��� (a) In General.--Section 9010 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 
U.S.C. 6991i) is amended to read as follows:
��� ``(a) <<NOTE: Deadline. Notification. Public 
information. Publication.>> Guidelines.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Not later than 2 years after the date of 
��������enactment of the Underground Storage Tank Compliance Act, in 
��������consultation and cooperation with States and after public notice 
��������and opportunity for comment, the Administrator shall publish 
��������guidelines that specify training requirements for--
������������������� ``(A) persons having primary responsibility for on-
��������������� site operation and maintenance of underground storage 
����������������tank systems;
������������������� ``(B) persons having daily on-site responsibility 
����������������for the operation and maintenance of underground storage 
����������������tanks systems; and
������������������� ``(C) daily, on-site employees having primary 
����������������responsibility for addressing emergencies presented by a 
����������������spill or release from an underground storage tank 
����������� ``(2) Considerations.--The guidelines described in paragraph 
��������(1) shall take into account--
������������������ ``(A) State training programs in existence as of the 
����������������date of publication of the guidelines;
������������������� ``(B) training programs that are being employed by 
����������������tank owners and tank operators as of the date of 
����������������enactment of the Underground Storage Tank Compliance 
������������������� ``(C) the high turnover rate of tank operators and 
����������������other personnel;
������������������� ``(D) the frequency of improvement in underground 
����������������storage tank equipment technology;
������������������� ``(E) the nature of the businesses in which the tank 
����������������operators are engaged;
������������������� ``(F) the substantial differences in the scope and 
����������������length of training needed for the different classes of 
����������������persons described in subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of 
����������������paragraph (1); and
������������������� ``(G) such other factors as the Administrator 
����������������determines to be necessary to carry out this section.
��� ``(b) State <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Programs.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Not later than 2 years after the date on 
��������which the Administrator publishes the guidelines under 
��������subsection (a)(1), each State that receives funding under this 
��������subtitle shall develop State-specific training requirements that 
��������are consistent with the guidelines developed under subsection 
����������� ``(2) Requirements.--State requirements described in 
��������paragraph (1) shall--
������������������� ``(A) be consistent with subsection (a);
[[Page 119 STAT. 1096]]
������������������� ``(B) be developed in cooperation with tank owners 
����������������and tank operators;
��� ����������������``(C) take into consideration training programs 
����������������implemented by tank owners and tank operators as of the 
����������������date of enactment of this section; and
������������������� ``(D) be appropriately communicated to tank owners 
����������������and operators.
����������� ``(3) Financial incentive.--The Administrator may award to a 
��������State that develops and implements requirements described in 
��������paragraph (1), in addition to any funds that the State is 
��������entitled to receive under this subtitle, not more than $200,000, 
��������to be used to carry out the requirements.
��� ``(c) Training.--All persons that are subject to the operator 
training requirements of subsection (a) shall--
����������� ``(1) meet the training requirements developed under 
��������subsection (b); and
����������� ``(2) repeat the applicable requirements developed under 
��������subsection (b), if the tank for which they have primary daily 
��������on-site management responsibilities is determined to be out of 
��������compliance with--
������������������� ``(A) a requirement or standard promulgated by the 
����������������Administrator under section 9003; or
������������������� ``(B) a requirement or standard of a State program 
����������������approved under section 9004.''.
��� (b) State Program Requirement.--Section 9004(a) of the Solid Waste 
Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6991c(a)) is amended by striking ``and'' at the 
end of paragraph (7), by striking the period at the end of paragraph (8) 
and inserting ``; and'', and by adding the following new paragraph at 
the end thereof:
����������� ``(9) State-specific training requirements as required by 
��������section 9010.''.
��� (c) Enforcement.--Section 9006(d)(2) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 6991e) 
is amended as follows:
����������� (1) By striking ``or'' at the end of subparagraph (B).
����������� (2) By adding the following new subparagraph after 
��������subparagraph (C):
����������� ``(D) the training requirements established by States 
��������pursuant to section 9010 (relating to operator training); or''.
��� (d) Table of Contents.--The item relating to section 9010 in the 
table of contents for the Solid Waste Disposal Act is amended to read as 
``Sec. 9010. Operator training.''.
��� Section 9003(h) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6991b(h)) 
is amended as follows:
����������� (1) In paragraph (7)(A)--
������������������� (A) by striking ``paragraphs (1) and (2) of this 
����������������subsection'' and inserting ``paragraphs (1), (2), and 
����������������(12)''; and
������������������� (B) by striking ``and including the authorities of 
����������������paragraphs (4), (6), and (8) of this subsection'' and 
����������������inserting ``and the authority under sections 9011 and 
����������������9012 and paragraphs (4), (6), and (8),''.
����������� (2) By adding at the end the following:
����������� ``(12) Remediation of oxygenated fuel contamination.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1097]]
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The Administrator and the States 
����������������may use funds made available under section 9014(2)(B) to 
����������������carry out corrective actions with respect to a release 
����������������of a fuel containing an oxygenated fuel additive that 
����������������presents a threat to human health or welfare or the 
������������������� ``(B) Applicable authority.--
��������������� The <<NOTE: Contracts.>> Administrator or a State shall 
����������������carry out subparagraph (A) in accordance with paragraph 
����������������(2), and in the case of a State, in accordance with a 
����������������cooperative agreement entered into by the Administrator 
����������������and the State under paragraph (7).''.
��� (a) Release Prevention and Compliance.--Subtitle I of the Solid 
Waste Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6991 et seq.) is amended by adding at the 
end the following:
������������AND COMPLIANCE.
��� ``Funds made available under section 9014(2)(D) from the Trust Fund 
may be used to conduct inspections, issue orders, or bring actions under 
this subtitle--
����������� ``(1) by a State, in accordance with a grant or cooperative 
��������agreement with the Administrator, of State regulations 
��������pertaining to underground storage tanks regulated under this 
��������subtitle; and
����������� ``(2) by the Administrator, for tanks regulated under this 
��������subtitle (including under a State program approved under section 
��� (b) Government-Owned Tanks.--Section 9003 of the Solid Waste 
Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6991b) is amended by adding at the end the 
��� ``(i) Government-Owned Tanks.--
����������� ``(1) State compliance report.--(A) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Not 
��������later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this 
��������subsection, each State that receives funding under this subtitle 
��������shall submit to the Administrator a State compliance report 
������������������� ``(i) lists the location and owner of each 
����������������underground storage tank described in subparagraph (B) 
����������������in the State that, as of the date of submission of the 
����������������report, is not in compliance with section 9003; and
������������������� ``(ii) specifies the date of the last inspection and 
����������������describes the actions that have been and will be taken 
����������������to ensure compliance of the underground storage tank 
����������������listed under clause (i) with this subtitle.
����������� ``(B) An underground storage tank described in this 
�������subparagraph is an underground storage tank that is--
������������������� ``(i) regulated under this subtitle; and
������������������� ``(ii) owned or operated by the Federal, State, or 
����������������local government.
����������� ``(C) The Administrator shall make each report, received 
��������under subparagraph (A), available to the public through an 
��������appropriate media.
����������� ``(2) Financial incentive.--The Administrator may award to a 
��������State that develops a report described in paragraph (1), in 
��������addition to any other funds that the State is entitled to 
��������receive under this subtitle, not more than $50,000, to be used 
��������to carry out the report.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1098]]
����������� ``(3) Not a safe harbor.--This subsection does not relieve 
��������any person from any obligation or requirement under this 
��� (c) Public Record.--Section 9002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 
U.S.C. 6991a) is amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(d) Public Record.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The Administrator shall require each 
��������State that receives Federal funds to carry out this subtitle to 
��������maintain, update at least annually, and make available to the 
��������public, in such manner and form as the Administrator shall 
��������prescribe (after consultation with States), a record of 
��������underground storage tanks regulated under this subtitle.
����������� ``(2) Considerations.--To the maximum extent practicable, 
��������the public record of a State, respectively, shall include, for 
��������each year--
������������������� ``(A) the number, sources, and causes of underground 
����������������storage tank releases in the State;
������������� ������``(B) the record of compliance by underground 
����������������storage tanks in the State with--
������������������������� ``(i) this subtitle; or
������������������������� ``(ii) an applicable State program approved 
����������������������under section 9004; and
������������������� ``(C) data on the number of underground storage tank 
����������������equipment failures in the State.''.
��� (d) Incentive for Performance.--Section 9006 of the Solid Waste 
Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6991e) is amended by adding at the end the 
��� ``(e) Incentive for Performance.--Both of the following may be taken 
into account in determining the terms of a civil penalty under 
subsection (d):
����������� ``(1) The compliance history of an owner or operator in 
��������accordance with this subtitle or a program approved under 
��������section 9004.
����������� ``(2) Any other factor the Administrator considers 
��� (e) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for such subtitle I is 
amended by adding the following new item at the end thereof:
``Sec. 9011. Use of funds for release prevention and compliance.''.
��� (a) In General.--Subtitle I of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 
U.S.C. 6991 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:
``SEC. 9012. <<NOTE: 42 USC 6991k.>> DELIVERY PROHIBITION.
��� ``(a) Requirements.--
����������� ``(1) Prohibition <<NOTE: Effective date.>> of delivery or 
��������deposit.--Beginning 2 years after the date of enactment of this 
��������section, it shall be unlawful to deliver to, deposit into, or 
��������accept a regulated substance into an underground storage tank at 
��������a facility which has been identified by the Administrator or a 
��������State implementing agency to be ineligible for such delivery, 
��������deposit, or acceptance.
����������� ``(2) Guidance.--Within 1 <<NOTE: Deadline.>> year after the 
��������date of enactment of this section, the Administrator shall, in 
��������consultation with the States, underground storage tank owners, 
��������and product delivery industries, publish guidelines detailing 
��������the specific
[[Page 119 STAT. 1099]]
������processes and procedures they will use to implement the 
��������provisions of this section. The processes and procedures 
��������include, at a minimum--
������������������� ``(A) the criteria for determining which underground 
����������������storage tank facilities are ineligible for delivery, 
����������������deposit, or acceptance of a regulated substance;
������������������� ``(B) the mechanisms for identifying which 
����������������facilities are ineligible for delivery, deposit, or 
����������������acceptance of a regulated substance to the underground 
����������������storage tank owning and fuel delivery industries;
������������������� ``(C) the process for reclassifying ineligible 
����������������facilities as eligible for delivery, deposit, or 
����������������acceptance of a regulated substance;
������������������� ``(D) one or more processes for providing adequate 
����������������notice to underground storage tank owners and operators 
����������������and supplier industries that an underground storage tank 
����������������has been determined to be ineligible for delivery, 
����������������deposit, or acceptance or a regulated substance; and
������������������� ``(E) a delineation of, or a process for 
����������������determining, the specified geographic areas subject to 
����������������paragraph (4).
����������� ``(3) Compliance.--States that receive funding under this 
��������subtitle shall, at a minimum, comply with the processes and 
��������procedures published under paragraph (2).
����������� ``(4) Consideration.--
������������������� ``(A) Rural and remote areas.--Subject to 
����������������subparagraph (B), the Administrator or a State may 
����������������consider not treating an underground storage tank as 
����������������ineligible for delivery, deposit, or acceptance of a 
����������������regulated substance if such treatment would jeopardize 
����������������the availability of, or access to, fuel in any rural and 
����������������remote areas unless an urgent threat to public health, 
����������������as determined by the Administrator, exists.
������������������� ``(B) Applicability.--Subparagraph (A) shall apply 
����������������only during the 180-day period following the date of a 
����������������determination by the Administrator or the appropriate 
����������������State under subparagraph (A).
��� ``(b) Effect on State Authority.--Nothing in this section shall 
affect or preempt the authority of a State to prohibit the delivery, 
deposit, or acceptance of a regulated substance to an underground 
storage tank.
��� ``(c) Defense to Violation.--A person shall not be in violation of 
subsection (a)(1) if the person has not been provided with notice 
pursuant to subsection (a)(2)(D) of the ineligibility of a facility for 
delivery, deposit, or acceptance of a regulated substance as determined 
by the Administrator or a State, as appropriate, under this section.''.
��� (b) Enforcement.--Section 9006(d)(2) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 
6991e(d)(2)) is amended as follows:
����������� (1) By adding the following new subparagraph after 
��������subparagraph (D):
����������� ``(E) the delivery prohibition requirement established by 
��������section 9012,''.
����������� (2) By adding the following new sentence at the end thereof: 
��������``Any person making or accepting a delivery or deposit of a 
��������regulated substance to an underground storage tank at an 
��������ineligible facility in violation of section 9012 shall also be 
��������subject to the same civil penalty for each day of such 
[[Page 119 STAT. 1100]]
��� (c) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for such subtitle I is 
amended by adding the following new item at the end thereof:
``Sec. 9012. Delivery prohibition.''.
��� Section 9007 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6991f) is 
amended to read as follows:
``SEC. 9007. <<NOTE: Penalties. Exemptions.>> FEDERAL FACILITIES.
��� ``(a) In General.--Each department, agency, and instrumentality of 
the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the Federal 
Government (1) having jurisdiction over any underground storage tank or 
underground storage tank system, or (2) engaged in any activity 
resulting, or which may result, in the installation, operation, 
management, or closure of any underground storage tank, release response 
activities related thereto, or in the delivery, acceptance, or deposit 
of any regulated substance to an underground storage tank or underground 
storage tank system shall be subject to, and comply with, all Federal, 
State, interstate, and local requirements, both substantive and 
procedural (including any requirement for permits or reporting or any 
provisions for injunctive relief and such sanctions as may be imposed by 
a court to enforce such relief), respecting underground storage tanks in 
the same manner, and to the same extent, as any person is subject to 
such requirements, including the payment of reasonable service charges. 
The Federal, State, interstate, and local substantive and procedural 
requirements referred to in this subsection include, but are not limited 
to, all administrative orders and all civil and administrative penalties 
and fines, regardless of whether such penalties or fines are punitive or 
coercive in nature or are imposed for isolated, intermittent, or 
continuing violations. The United States hereby expressly waives any 
immunity otherwise applicable to the United States with respect to any 
such substantive or procedural requirement (including, but not limited 
to, any injunctive relief, administrative order or civil or 
administrative penalty or fine referred to in the preceding sentence, or 
reasonable service charge). The reasonable service charges referred to 
in this subsection include, but are not limited to, fees or charges 
assessed in connection with the processing and issuance of permits, 
renewal of permits, amendments to permits, review of plans, studies, and 
other documents, and inspection and monitoring of facilities, as well as 
any other nondiscriminatory charges that are assessed in connection with 
a Federal, State, interstate, or local underground storage tank 
regulatory program. Neither the United States, nor any agent, employee, 
or officer thereof, shall be immune or exempt from any process or 
sanction of any State or Federal Court with respect to the enforcement 
of any such injunctive relief. No agent, employee, or officer of the 
United States shall be personally liable for any civil penalty under any 
Federal, State, interstate, or local law concerning underground storage 
tanks with respect to any act or omission within the scope of the 
official duties of the agent, employee, or officer. An agent, employee, 
or officer of the United States shall be subject to any criminal 
sanction (including, but not limited to, any fine or imprisonment) under 
any Federal or State law concerning underground storage tanks, but no 
department, agency, or instrumentality of the executive, legislative, or 
judicial branch of the Federal Government shall be subject to any
[[Page 119 STAT. 1101]]
such sanction. The President may exempt any underground storage tank of 
any department, agency, or instrumentality in the executive branch from 
compliance with such a requirement if he determines it to be in the 
paramount interest of the United States to do so. No such exemption 
shall be granted due to lack of appropriation unless the President shall 
have specifically requested such appropriation as a part of the 
budgetary process and the Congress shall have failed to make available 
such requested appropriation. Any exemption shall be for a period not in 
excess of 1 year, but additional exemptions may be granted for periods 
not to exceed 1 year upon the President's making a new 
determination. <<NOTE: President. Reports.>> The President shall report 
each January to the Congress all exemptions from the requirements of 
this section granted during the preceding calendar year, together with 
his reason for granting each such exemption.
��� ``(b) Review of and Report on Federal Underground Storage Tanks.--
����������� ``(1) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Review.--Not later than 12 months 
��������after the date of enactment of the Underground Storage Tank 
��������Compliance Act, each Federal agency that owns or operates one or 
��������more underground storage tanks, or that manages land on which 
��������one or more underground storage tanks are located, shall submit 
��������to the Administrator, the Committee on Energy and Commerce of 
��������the United States House of Representatives, and the Committee on 
��������the Environment and Public Works of the Senate a compliance 
��������strategy report that--
������������������� ``(A) lists the location and owner of each 
����������������underground storage tank described in this paragraph;
������������������� ``(B) lists all tanks that are not in compliance 
����������������with this subtitle that are owned or operated by the 
����������������Federal agency;
������������������� ``(C) specifies the date of the last inspection by a 
����������������State or Federal inspector of each underground storage 
����������������tank owned or operated by the agency;
������������������� ``(D) lists each violation of this subtitle 
����������������respecting any underground storage tank owned or 
����������������operated by the agency;
������������������� ``(E) describes the operator training that has been 
����������������provided to the operator and other persons having 
����������������primary daily on-site management responsibility for the 
����������������operation and maintenance of underground storage tanks 
����������������owned or operated by the agency; and
������������������� ``(F) describes the actions that have been and will 
����������������be taken to ensure compliance for each underground 
����������������storage tank identified under subparagraph (B).
����������� ``(2) Not a safe harbor.--This subsection does not relieve 
��������any person from any obligation or requirement under this 
��� (a) In General.--Subtitle I of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 
U.S.C. 6991 et seq.) is amended by adding the following at the end 
``SEC. 9013. <<NOTE: 42 USC 6991l.>> TANKS ON TRIBAL LANDS.
��� ``(a) Strategy.--The <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Administrator, in 
coordination with Indian tribes, shall, not later than 1 year after the 
date of enactment of this section, develop and implement a strategy--
����������� ``(1) giving priority to releases that present the greatest 
��������threat to human health or the environment, to take necessary
[[Page 119 STAT. 1102]]
������corrective action in response to releases from leaking 
��������underground storage tanks located wholly within the boundaries 
������������������� ``(A) an Indian reservation; or
������������������� ``(B) any other area under the jurisdiction of an 
����������������Indian tribe; and
����������� ``(2) to implement and enforce requirements concerning 
��������underground storage tanks located wholly within the boundaries 
������������������� ``(A) an Indian reservation; or
�� �����������������``(B) any other area under the jurisdiction of an 
����������������Indian tribe.
��� ``(b) Report.--Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of 
this section, the Administrator shall submit to Congress a report that 
summarizes the status of implementation and enforcement of this subtitle 
in areas located wholly within--
����������� ``(1) the boundaries of Indian reservations; and
����������� ``(2) any other areas under the jurisdiction of an Indian 
The Administrator <<NOTE: Public information.>> shall make the report 
under this subsection available to the public.
��� ``(c) Not a Safe Harbor.--This section does not relieve any person 
from any obligation or requirement under this subtitle.
��� ``(d) State Authority.--Nothing in this section applies to any 
underground storage tank that is located in an area under the 
jurisdiction of a State, or that is subject to regulation by a State, as 
of the date of enactment of this section.''.
��� (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for such subtitle I is 
amended by adding the following new item at the end thereof:
``Sec. 9013. Tanks on Tribal lands.''.
��� (a) In General.--Section 9003 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 
U.S.C. 6991b) is amended by adding the following new subsection at the 
��� ``(i) Additional Measures to Protect Groundwater From 
Contamination.--The Administrator shall require each State that receives 
funding under this subtitle to require one of the following:
����������� ``(1) Tank and piping secondary containment.--(A) Each new 
��������underground storage tank, or piping connected to any such new 
��������tank, installed after the effective date of this subsection, or 
��������any existing underground storage tank, or existing piping 
��������connected to such existing tank, that is replaced after the 
��������effective date of this subsection, shall be secondarily 
��������contained and monitored for leaks if the new or replaced 
��������underground storage tank or piping is within 1,000 feet of any 
��������existing community water system or any existing potable drinking 
��������water well.
����������� ``(B) In the case of a new underground storage tank system 
��������consisting of one or more underground storage tanks and 
��������connected by piping, subparagraph (A) shall apply to all 
��������underground storage tanks and connected pipes comprising such 
�� ���������``(C) In the case of a replacement of an existing 
��������underground storage tank or existing piping connected to the 
��������underground storage tank, subparagraph (A) shall apply only to 
��������the specific underground storage tank or piping being replaced,
[[Page 119 STAT. 1103]]
������� not to other underground storage tanks and connected pipes 
��������comprising such system.
����������� ``(D) Each installation of a new motor fuel dispenser 
��������system, after the effective date of this subsection, shall 
��������include under-dispenser spill containment if the new dispenser 
��������is within 1,000 feet of any existing community water system or 
��������any existing potable drinking water well.
����������``(E) This paragraph shall not apply to repairs to an 
��������underground storage tank, piping, or dispenser that are meant to 
��������restore a tank, pipe, or dispenser to operating condition.
����������� ``(F) As used in this subsection:
��� ����������������``(i) The term `secondarily contained' means a 
����������������release detection and prevention system that meets the 
����������������requirements of 40 CFR 280.43(g), but shall not include 
����������������under-dispenser spill containment or control systems.
������������������� ``(ii) The term `underground storage tank' has the 
����������������meaning given to it in section 9001, except that such 
����������������term does not include tank combinations or more than a 
����������������single underground pipe connected to a tank.
������������������� ``(iii) The term `installation of a new motor fuel 
����������������dispenser system' means the installation of a new motor 
����������������fuel dispenser and the equipment necessary to connect 
����������������the dispenser to the underground storage tank system, 
����������������but does not mean the installation of a motor fuel 
����������������dispenser installed separately from the equipment need 
����������������to connect the dispenser to the underground storage tank 
����������� ``(2) Evidence of financial responsibility and 
������������������� ``(A) Manufacturer and installer financial 
����������������responsibility.--A person that manufactures an 
����������������underground storage tank or piping for an underground 
����������������storage tank system or that installs an underground 
����������������storage tank system is required to maintain evidence of 
����������������financial responsibility under section 9003(d) in order 
����������������to provide for the costs of corrective actions directly 
����������������related to releases caused by improper manufacture or 
����������������installation unless the person can demonstrate 
����������������themselves to be already covered as an owner or operator 
����������������of an underground storage tank under section 9003.
������������������� ``(B) Installer certification.--The Administrator 
����������������and each State that receives funding under this 
����������������subtitle, as appropriate, shall require that a person 
����������������that installs an underground storage tank system is--
������������������������� ``(i) certified or licensed by the tank and 
����������������������piping manufacturer;
������������������������� ``(ii) certified or licensed by the 
����������������������Administrator or a State, as appropriate;
������������������������� ``(iii) has their underground storage tank 
����������������������system installation certified by a registered 
����������������������professional engineer with education and 
����������������������experience in underground storage tank system 
������������������������� ``(iv) has had their installation of the 
����������������������underground storage tank inspected and approved by 
����������������������the Administrator or the State, as appropriate;
������������������������� ``(v) compliant with a code of practice 
����������������������developed by a nationally recognized association 
����������������������or independent
[[Page 119 STAT. 1104]]
��������������������� testing laboratory and in accordance with the 
����������������������manufacturer's instructions; or
������������������������``(vi) compliant with another method that is 
����������������������determined by the Administrator or a State, as 
����������������������appropriate, to be no less protective of human 
����������������������health and the environment.
������������������� ``(C) Savings clause.--Nothing in subparagraph (A) 
����������������alters or affects the liability of any owner or operator 
����������������of an underground storage tank.''.
��� (b) Effective Date.--This <<NOTE: 42 USC 6991b note.>> subsection 
shall take effect 18 months after the date of enactment of this 
��� (c) Promulgation of <<NOTE: 42 USC 6991b note.>> Regulations or 
Guidelines.--The Administrator shall issue regulations or guidelines 
implementing the requirements of this subsection, including guidance to 
differentiate between the terms ``repair'' and ``replace'' for the 
purposes of section 9003(i)(1) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act.
��� (d) Penalties.--Section 9006(d)(2) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 
6991e(d)(2)) is amended as follows:
����������� (1) By striking ``or'' at the end of subparagraph (B).
����������� (2) By inserting ``; or'' at the end of subparagraph (C).
����������� (3) By adding the following new subparagraph after 
��������subparagraph (C):
������������������``(D) the requirements established in section 
��� (a) In General.--Subtitle I of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 
U.S.C. 6991 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``There are authorized to be appropriated to the Administrator the 
following amounts:
����������� ``(1) To carry out subtitle I (except sections 9003(h), 
��������9005(c), 9011, and 9012) $50,000,000 for each of fiscal years 
��������2005 through 2009.
����������� ``(2) From the Trust Fund, notwithstanding section 
��������9508(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986--
������������������� ``(A) to carry out section 9003(h) (except section 
����������������9003(h)(12)) $200,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2005 
����������������through 2009;
������������������� ``(B) to carry out section 9003(h)(12), $200,000,000 
����������������for each of fiscal years 2005 through 2009;
������������������� ``(C) to carry out sections 9003(i), 9004(f), and 
����������������9005(c) $100,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2005 
����������������through 2009; and
������������������� ``(D) to carry out sections 9010, 9011, 9012, and 
����������������9013 $55,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2005 through 
��� (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for such subtitle I is 
amended by adding the following new item at the end thereof:
``Sec. 9014. Authorization of appropriations.''.
��� (a) In General.--Section 9001 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 
U.S.C. 6991) is amended as follows:
����������� (1) By striking ``For the purposes of this subtitle--'' and 
��������inserting ``In this subtitle:''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1105]]
����������� (2) By redesignating paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), 
��������(6), (7), and (8) as paragraphs (10), (7), (4), (3), (8), (5), 
��������(2), and (6), respectively.
����������(3) By inserting before paragraph (2) (as redesignated by 
��������paragraph (2) of this subsection) the following:
����������� ``(1) Indian tribe.--
������������������� ``(A) In general.--The term `Indian tribe' means any 
����������������Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or 
����������������community that is recognized as being eligible for 
����������������special programs and services provided by the United 
����������������States to Indians because of their status as Indians.
������������������� ``(B) Inclusions.--The term `Indian tribe' includes 
����������������an Alaska Native village, as defined in or established 
����������������under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 
����������������1601 et seq.); and''.
����������� (4) By inserting after paragraph (8) (as redesignated by 
��������paragraph (2) of this subsection) the following:
����������� ``(9) Trust fund.--The term `Trust Fund' means the Leaking 
��������Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund established by section 9508 
��������of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.''.
��� (b) Conforming Amendments.--The Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 
6901 and following) is amended as follows:
����������� (1) Section 9003(f) (42 U.S.C. 6991b(f)) is amended--
������������������� (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ``9001(2)(B)'' and 
����������������inserting ``9001(7)(B)''; and
������������������� (B) in paragraphs (2) and (3), by striking 
����������������``9001(2)(A)'' each place it appears and inserting 
����������� (2) Section 9003(h) (42 U.S.C. 6991b(h)) is amended in 
��������paragraphs (1), (2)(C), (7)(A), and (11) by striking ``Leaking 
��������Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund'' each place it appears and 
�������inserting ``Trust Fund''.
����������� (3) Section 9009 (42 U.S.C. 6991h) is amended--
������������������� (A) in subsection (a), by striking ``9001(2)(B)'' 
����������������and inserting ``9001(7)(B)''; and
������������������� (B) in subsection (d), by striking ``section 9001(1) 
����������������(A) and (B)'' and inserting ``subparagraphs (A) and (B) 
����������������of section 9001(10)''.
��� The Solid Waste Disposal Act is amended as follows:
����������� (1) Section 9001(4)(A) (42 U.S.C. 6991(4)(A)) is amended by 
��������striking ``sustances'' and inserting ``substances''.
����������� (2) Section 9003(f)(1) (42 U.S.C. 6991b(f)(1)) is amended by 
��������striking ``subsection (c) and (d) of this section'' and 
��������inserting ``subsections (c) and (d)''.
����������� (3) Section 9004(a) (42 U.S.C. 6991c(a)) is amended by 
��������striking ``in 9001(2) (A) or (B) or both'' and inserting ``in 
��������subparagraph (A) or (B) of section 9001(7)''.
���������� (4) Section 9005 (42 U.S.C. 6991d) is amended--
������������������� (A) in subsection (a), by striking ``study taking'' 
����������������and inserting ``study, taking'';
������������������� (B) in subsection (b)(1), by striking ``relevent'' 
����������������and inserting ``relevant''; and
������������������� (C) in subsection (b)(4), by striking 
����������������``Evironmental'' and inserting ``Environmental''.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1106]]
���������������������� Subtitle C--Boutique Fuels
��� (a) Temporary Waivers During Supply Emergencies.--Section 
211(c)(4)(C) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7545(c)(4)(C)) is amended 
by inserting ``(i)'' after ``(C)'' and by adding the following new 
clauses at the end thereof:
��� ``(ii) The Administrator may temporarily waive a control or 
prohibition respecting the use of a fuel or fuel additive required or 
regulated by the Administrator pursuant to subsection (c), (h), (i), 
(k), or (m) of this section or prescribed in an applicable 
implementation plan under section 110 approved by the Administrator 
under clause (i) of this subparagraph if, after consultation with, and 
concurrence by, the Secretary of Energy, the Administrator determines 
����������� ``(I) extreme and unusual fuel or fuel additive supply 
��������circumstances exist in a State or region of the Nation which 
��������prevent the distribution of an adequate supply of the fuel or 
��������fuel additive to consumers;
����������� ``(II) such extreme and unusual fuel and fuel additive 
��������supply circumstances are the result of a natural disaster, an 
��������Act of God, a pipeline or refinery equipment failure, or another 
��������event that could not reasonably have been foreseen or prevented 
��������and not the lack of prudent planning on the part of the 
��������suppliers of the fuel or fuel additive to such State or region; 
����������� ``(III) it is in the public interest to grant the waiver 
��������(for example, when a waiver is necessary to meet projected 
��������temporary shortfalls in the supply of the fuel or fuel additive 
��������in a State or region of the Nation which cannot otherwise be 
��������compensated for).
��� ``(iii) If the Administrator makes the determinations required under 
clause (ii), such a temporary extreme and unusual fuel and fuel additive 
supply circumstances waiver shall be permitted only if--
����������� ``(I) the waiver applies to the smallest geographic area 
��������necessary to address the extreme and unusual fuel and fuel 
��������additive supply circumstances;
����������� ``(II) the waiver is effective for a period of 20 calendar 
��������days or, if the Administrator determines that a shorter waiver 
��������period is adequate, for the shortest practicable time period 
��������necessary to permit the correction of the extreme and unusual 
��������fuel and fuel additive supply circumstances and to mitigate 
��������impact on air quality;
����������� ``(III) the waiver permits a transitional period, the exact 
��������duration of which shall be determined by the Administrator (but 
��������which shall be for the shortest practicable period), after the 
��������termination of the temporary waiver to permit wholesalers and 
��������retailers to blend down their wholesale and retail inventory;
����������� ``(IV) the waiver applies to all persons in the motor fuel 
��������distribution system; and
����������� ``(V) the Administrator has given public notice to all 
��������parties in the motor fuel distribution system, and local and 
��������State regulators, in the State or region to be covered by the 
The term `motor fuel distribution system' as used in this clause shall 
be defined by the Administrator through rulemaking.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1107]]
��� ``(iv) <<NOTE: Regulations. Deadline.>> Within 180 days of the date 
of enactment of this clause, the Administrator shall promulgate 
regulations to implement clauses (ii) and (iii).
��� ``(v) Nothing in this subparagraph shall--
����������� ``(I) limit or otherwise affect the application of any other 
��������waiver authority of the Administrator pursuant to this section 
��������or pursuant to a regulation promulgated pursuant to this 
��������section; and
����������� ``(II) subject any State or person to an enforcement action, 
��������penalties, or liability solely arising from actions taken 
��������pursuant to the issuance of a waiver under this subparagraph.''.
��� (b) Limit on Number of Boutique Fuels.--Section 211(c)(4)(C) of the 
Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7545(c)(4)(C)), as amended by subsection (a), 
is further amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(v)(I) The Administrator shall have no authority, when considering 
a State implementation plan or a State implementation plan revision, to 
approve under this paragraph any fuel included in such plan or revision 
if the effect of such approval increases the total number of fuels 
approved under this paragraph as of September 1, 2004, in all State 
implementation plans.
��� ``(II) <<NOTE: Deadline. Federal Register, publication. Public 
information.>> The Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary of 
Energy, shall determine the total number of fuels approved under this 
paragraph as of September 1, 2004, in all State implementation plans and 
shall publish a list of such fuels, including the States and Petroleum 
Administration for Defense District in which they are used, in the 
Federal Register for public review and comment no later than 90 days 
after enactment.
��� ``(III) The Administrator shall remove a fuel from the list 
published under subclause (II) if a fuel ceases to be included in a 
State implementation plan or if a fuel in a State implementation plan is 
identical to a Federal fuel formulation implemented by the 
Administrator, but the Administrator shall not reduce the total number 
of fuels authorized under the list published under subclause (II).
��� ``(IV) Subclause (I) shall not limit the Administrator's authority 
to approve a control or prohibition respecting any new fuel under this 
paragraph in a State implementation plan or revision to a State 
implementation plan if such new fuel--
����������� ``(aa) completely replaces a fuel on the list published 
��������under subclause (II); or
����������� ``(bb) does not increase the total number of fuels on the 
��������list published under subclause (II) as of September 1, 2004.
In the <<NOTE: Supply. Federal Register, publication.>> event that the 
total number of fuels on the list published under subclause (II) at the 
time of the Administrator's consideration of a control or prohibition 
respecting a new fuel is lower than the total number of fuels on such 
list as of September 1, 2004, the Administrator may approve a control or 
prohibition respecting a new fuel under this subclause if the 
Administrator, after consultation with the Secretary of Energy, 
publishes in the Federal Register after notice and comment a finding 
that, in the Administrator's judgment, such control or prohibition 
respecting a new fuel will not cause fuel supply or distribution 
interruptions or have a significant adverse impact on fuel producibility 
in the affected area or contiguous areas.
��� ``(V) The Administrator shall have no authority under this 
paragraph, when considering any particular State's implementation
[[Page 119 STAT. 1108]]
plan or a revision to that State's implementation plan, to approve any 
fuel unless that fuel was, as of the date of such consideration, 
approved in at least one State implementation plan in the applicable 
Petroleum Administration for Defense District. However, the 
Administrator may approve as part of a State implementation plan or 
State implementation plan revision a fuel with a summertime Reid Vapor 
Pressure of 7.0 psi. In no event shall such approval by the 
Administrator cause an increase in the total number of fuels on the list 
published under subclause (II).
��� ``(VI) Nothing in this clause shall be construed to have any effect 
regarding any available authority of States to require the use of any 
fuel additive registered in accordance with subsection (b), including 
any fuel additive registered in accordance with subsection (b) after the 
enactment of this subclause.''.
��� (c) Study and Report to Congress on Boutique Fuels.--
����������� (1) Joint study.--The Administrator of the Environmental 
��������Protection Agency and the Secretary shall undertake a study of 
��������the effects on air quality, on the number of fuel blends, on 
��������fuel availability, on fuel fungibility, and on fuel costs of the 
��������State plan provisions adopted pursuant to section 211(c)(4)(C) 
��������of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7545(c)(4)(C)).
����������� (2) Focus of study.--The primary focus of the study required 
��������under paragraph (1) shall be to determine how to develop a 
��������Federal fuels system that maximizes motor fuel fungibility and 
��������supply, addresses air quality requirements, and reduces motor 
��������fuel price volatility including that which has resulted from the 
��������proliferation of boutique fuels, and to recommend to Congress 
��������such legislative changes as are necessary to implement such a 
��������system. The study should include the impacts on overall energy 
��������supply, distribution, and use as a result of the legislative 
��������changes recommended.
����������� (3) Conduct of study.--In <<NOTE: Science and 
��������technology.>> carrying out their joint duties under this 
��������section, the Administrator and the Secretary shall use sound 
��������science and objective science practices, shall consider the best 
��������available science, shall use data collected by accepted means 
��������and shall consider and include a description of the weight of 
��������the scientific evidence. The Administrator and the Secretary 
��������shall coordinate the study required by this section with other 
��������studies required by the Act.
����������� (4) Responsibility of administrator.--In carrying out the 
��������study required by this section, the Administrator shall 
��������coordinate obtaining comments from affected parties interested 
��������in the air quality impact assessment portion of the study.
����������� (5) Responsibility of secretary.--In carrying out the study 
��������required by this section, the Secretary shall coordinate 
��������obtaining comments from affected parties interested in the fuel 
��������availability, number of fuel blends, fuel fungibility, and fuel 
��������costs portion of the study.
����������� (6) Report to congress.--
������� The <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Administrator and the Secretary jointly 
��������shall submit the results of the study required by this section 
��������in a report to the Congress not later than 12 months after the 
��������date of the enactment of this Act, together with any recommended 
��������regulatory and legislative changes. Such report shall be 
��������submitted to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the United 
��������States House of Representatives and the Committees on Energy and 
��������Natural Resources and on Environment and Public Works of the 
[[Page 119 STAT. 1109]]
����������� (7) Authorization of appropriations.--There is authorized to 
��������be appropriated jointly to the Administrator and the Secretary 
��������$500,000 for the completion of the study required under this 
��� (d) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� (1) The term ``Administrator'' means the Administrator of 
��������the Environmental Protection Agency.
����������� (2) The term ``fuel'' means gasoline, diesel fuel, and any 
��������other liquid petroleum product commercially known as gasoline 
��������and diesel fuel for use in highway and nonroad motor vehicles.
����������� (3) The term ``a control or prohibition respecting a new 
��������fuel'' means a control or prohibition on the formulation, 
��������composition, or emissions characteristics of a fuel that would 
��������require the increase or decrease of a constituent in gasoline or 
��������diesel fuel.
����������������������� TITLE XVI--CLIMATE CHANGE
������� Subtitle A--National Climate Change Technology Deployment
��� Title XVI of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13381 et seq.) 
is amended by adding at the end the following:
��� ``(a) Definitions.--In this section:
����������� ``(1) Advisory committee.--The term `Advisory Committee' 
��������means the Climate Change Technology Advisory Committee 
��������established under subsection (f)(1).
���������� ``(2) Carbon sequestration.--The term `carbon sequestration' 
��������means the capture of carbon dioxide through terrestrial, 
��������geological, biological, or other means, which prevents the 
��������release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
��� ��������``(3) Committee.--The term `Committee' means the Committee 
��������on Climate Change Technology established under subsection 
����������� ``(4) Developing country.--The term `developing country' has 
��������the meaning given the term in section 1608(m).
����������� ``(5) Greenhouse gas.--The term `greenhouse gas' means--
������������������� ``(A) carbon dioxide;
������������������� ``(B) methane;
������������������� ``(C) nitrous oxide;
������������������� ``(D) hydrofluorocarbons;
������������������� ``(E) perfluorocarbons; and
������������������� ``(F) sulfur hexafluoride.
����������� ``(6) Greenhouse gas intensity.--The term `greenhouse gas 
��������intensity' means the ratio of greenhouse gas emissions to 
��������economic output.
����������� ``(7) National laboratory.--The term `National Laboratory' 
��������has the meaning given the term in section 3(3) of the Energy 
��������Policy Act of 2005.
��� ``(b) Committee on <<NOTE: Establishment. Deadline.>> Climate Change 
[[Page 119 STAT. 1110]]
����������� ``(1) In general.--Not later than 180 days after the date of 
��������enactment of this section, the President shall establish a 
��������Committee on Climate Change Technology to--
������������������� ``(A) integrate current Federal climate reports; and
������������������� ``(B) coordinate Federal climate change technology 
����������������activities and programs carried out in furtherance of 
����������������the strategy developed under subsection (c)(1).
����������� ``(2) Membership.--The Committee shall be composed of at 
��������least 7 members, including--
������������������� ``(A) the Secretary, who shall chair the Committee;
������������������� ``(B) the Secretary of Commerce;
������������������� ``(C) the Chairman of the Council on Environmental 
������������������� ``(D) the Secretary of Agriculture;
������������������� ``(E) the Administrator of the Environmental 
����������������Protection Agency;
������������������� ``(F) the Secretary of Transportation;
������������������� ``(G) the Director of the Office of Science and 
����������������Technology Policy; and
������������������� ``(H) other representatives as may be determined by 
����������������the President.
�������� ���``(3) Staff.--The members of the Committee shall provide 
��������such personnel as are necessary to enable the Committee to 
��������perform its duties.
��� ``(c) National <<NOTE: Research and development. Deadline.>> Climate 
Change Technology Policy.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Not later than 18 months after the date 
��������of enactment of this section, the Committee shall, based on 
��������applicable Federal climate reports, submit to the Secretary and 
��������the President a national strategy to promote the deployment and 
��������commercialization of greenhouse gas intensity reducing 
��������technologies and practices developed through research and 
��������development programs conducted by the National Laboratories, 
��������other Federal research facilities, institutions of higher 
��������education, and the private sector.
����������� ``(2) Updates.--The Committee shall--
������������������� ``(A) <<NOTE: Public information.>> at the time of 
����������������submission of the strategy to the President under 
����������������paragraph (1), also make the strategy available to the 
����������������public; and
������������������� ``(B) update the strategy every 5 years, or more 
����������������frequently as the Committee determines to be necessary.
��� ``(d) Climate <<NOTE: Establishment. Deadline.>> Change Technology 
Program.--Not later than 180 days after the date on which the Committee 
is established under subsection (b)(1), the Secretary, in consultation 
with the Committee, shall establish within the Department of Energy the 
Climate Change Technology Program to--
����������� ``(1) assist the Committee in the interagency coordination 
��������of climate change technology research, development, 
��������demonstration, and deployment to reduce greenhouse gas 
��������intensity; and
����������� ``(2) carry out the programs authorized under this section.
��� ``(e) Technology Inventory.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The <<NOTE: Public 
��������information.>> Secretary shall conduct and make public an 
��������inventory and evaluation of greenhouse gas intensity reducing 
��������technologies that have been developed, or are under development, 
��������by the National Laboratories, other Federal research facilities, 
��������institutions of higher education, and the private sector to 
��������determine which technologies are suitable for commercialization 
��������and deployment.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1111]]
����������� ``(2) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the completion 
��������of the inventory under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall submit 
��������to Congress a report that includes the results of the completed 
��������inventory and any recommendations of the Secretary.
����������� ``(3) Use.--The Secretary shall use the results of the 
��������inventory as guidance in the commercialization and deployment of 
��������greenhouse gas intensity reducing technologies.
����������� ``(4) Updated inventory.--The Secretary shall--
������������������� ``(A) periodically update the inventory under 
����������������paragraph (1), including when determined necessary by 
����������������the Committee; and
������������������� ``(B) make the updated inventory available to the 
��� ``(f) Climate Change Technology Advisory Committee.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The Secretary, in consultation with the 
��������Committee, may establish under section 624 of the Department of 
��������Energy Organization Act (42 U.S.C. 7234) a Climate Change 
��������Technology Advisory Committee to identify statutory, regulatory, 
��������economic, and other barriers to the commercialization and 
��������deployment of greenhouse gas intensity reducing technologies and 
��������practices in the United States.
����������� ``(2) Composition.--The Advisory Committee shall be composed 
��������of the following members, to be appointed by the Secretary, in 
��������consultation with the Committee:
������������������� ``(A) 1 representative shall be appointed from each 
����������������National Laboratory.
������������������� ``(B) 3 members shall be representatives of energy-
��������������� producing trade organizations.
������������������� ``(C) 3 members shall represent energy-intensive 
����������������trade organizations.
������������������� ``(D) 3 members shall represent groups that 
����������������represent end-use energy and other consumers.
������������������� ``(E) 3 members shall be employees of the Federal 
����������������Government who are experts in energy technology, 
����������������intellectual property, and tax.
������������������� ``(F) 3 members shall be representatives of 
����������������institutions of higher education with expertise in 
����������������energy technology development that are recommended by 
����������������the National Academy of Engineering.
����������� ``(3) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of 
��������enactment of this section and annually thereafter, the Advisory 
��������Committee shall submit to the Committee a report that 
������������������� ``(A) the findings of the Advisory Committee; and
������������������� ``(B) any recommendations of the Advisory Committee 
����������������for the removal or reduction of barriers to 
����������������commercialization, deployment, and increasing the use of 
����������������greenhouse gas intensity reducing technologies and 
��� ``(g) Greenhouse Gas Intensity Reducing Technology Deployment.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--Based on the strategy developed under 
��������subsection (c)(1), the technology inventory conducted under 
��������subsection (e)(1), the greenhouse gas intensity reducing 
��������technology study report submitted under subsection (e)(2), and 
��������reports under subsection (f)(3), if any, the Committee shall 
��������develop recommendations that would provide for the removal of
[[Page 119 STAT. 1112]]
������� domestic barriers to the commercialization and deployment of 
��������greenhouse gas intensity reducing technologies and practices.
����������� ``(2) Requirements.--In developing the recommendations under 
��������paragraph (1), the Committee shall consider in the aggregate--
������������������� ``(A) the cost-effectiveness of the technology;
������������������� ``(B) fiscal and regulatory barriers;
������������������� ``(C) statutory and other barriers; and
������������������� ``(D) intellectual property issues.
����������� ``(3) Demonstration projects.--In developing recommendations 
��������under paragraph (1), the Committee may identify the need for 
��������climate change technology demonstration projects.
����������� ``(4) Report.--Not later than 18 months after the date of 
��������enactment of this section, the Committee shall submit to the 
��������President and Congress a report that--
������������������� ``(A) identifies, based on the report submitted 
����������������under subsection (f)(3), any barriers to, and commercial 
����������������risks associated with, the deployment of greenhouse gas 
����������������intensity reducing technologies; and
������������������� ``(B) includes a plan for carrying out demonstration 
����������� ``(5) Updates.--The Committee shall--
������������������� ``(A) <<NOTE: Public information.>> at the time of 
����������������submission of the report to Congress under paragraph 
����������������(4), also make the report available to the public; and
������������������� ``(B) update the report every 5 years, or more 
����������������frequently as the Committee determines to be necessary.
��� ``(h) Procedures for <<NOTE: Notification. Public 
information.>> Calculating, Monitoring, and Analyzing Greenhouse Gas 
Intensity.--The Secretary, in collaboration with the Committee and the 
National Institute of Standards and Technology, and after public notice 
and opportunity for comment, shall develop standards and best practices 
for calculating, monitoring, and analyzing greenhouse gas intensity.
��� ``(i) Demonstration Projects.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall, subject to the 
��������availability of appropriations, support demonstration projects 
������������������� ``(A) increase the reduction of the greenhouse gas 
����������������intensity to levels below that which would be achieved 
����������������by technologies being used in the United States as of 
����������������the date of enactment of this section;
������������������� ``(B) maximize the potential return on Federal 
������������������� ``(C) demonstrate distinct roles in public-private 
������������������� ``(D) produce a large-scale reduction of greenhouse 
����������������gas intensity if commercialization occurred; and
������������������� ``(E) support a diversified portfolio to mitigate 
����������������the uncertainty associated with a single technology.
����������� ``(2) Cost sharing.--In supporting a demonstration project 
��������under this subsection, the Secretary shall require cost-sharing 
��������in accordance with section 988 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
����������� ``(3) Authorization of appropriations.--There are authorized 
��������to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this 
[[Page 119 STAT. 1113]]
��� ``(j) Cooperative Research and Development Agreements.--In carrying 
out greenhouse gas intensity reduction research and technology 
deployment activities under this subtitle, the Secretary may enter into 
cooperative research and development agreements under section 12 of the 
Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3710a).''.
Subtitle B--Climate Change Technology Deployment in Developing Countries
��� The Global Environmental Protection Assistance Act of 1989 (Public 
Law 101-240; 103 Stat. 2521) is amending by adding at the end the 
``SEC. 731. <<NOTE: 22 USC 7901.>> DEFINITIONS.
��� ``In this part:
����������� ``(1) Carbon sequestration.--The term `carbon sequestration' 
��������means the capture of carbon dioxide through terrestrial, 
��������geological, biological, or other means, which prevents the 
��������release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
����������� ``(2) Greenhouse gas.--The term `greenhouse gas' means 
��������carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, 
��������perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride.
����������� ``(3) Greenhouse gas intensity.--The term `greenhouse gas 
��������intensity' means the ratio of greenhouse gas emissions to 
��������economic output.
��� ``(a) Lead Agency.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The Department of State shall act as the 
��������lead agency for integrating into United States foreign policy 
��������the goal of reducing greenhouse gas intensity in developing 
����������� ``(2) Reports.--
������������������� ``(A) Initial report.--Not later than 180 days after 
����������������the date of enactment of this part, the Secretary of 
����������������State shall submit to the appropriate authorizing and 
����������������appropriating committees of Congress an initial report, 
����������������based on the most recent information available to the 
����������������Secretary from reliable public sources, that identifies 
����������������the 25 developing countries that are the largest 
����������������greenhouse gas emitters, including for each country--
������������������������� ``(i) an estimate of the quantity and types of 
����������������������energy used;
������������������������� ``(ii) an estimate of the greenhouse gas 
����������������������intensity of the energy, manufacturing, 
����������������������agricultural, and transportation sectors;
������������������������� ``(iii) a description the progress of any 
����������������������significant projects undertaken to reduce 
����������������������greenhouse gas intensity;
[[Page 119 STAT. 1114]]
������������������������� ``(iv) a description of the potential for 
����������������������undertaking projects to reduce greenhouse gas 
������������������������� ``(v) a description of any obstacles to the 
����������������������reduction of greenhouse gas intensity; and
������������������������� ``(vi) a description of the best practices 
����������������������learned by the Agency for International 
����������������������Development from conducting previous pilot and 
����������������������demonstration projects to reduce greenhouse gas 
������������������``(B) Update.--Not later than 18 months after the 
����������������date on which the initial report is submitted under 
����������������subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall submit to the 
����������������appropriate authorizing and appropriating committees of 
����������������Congress, based on the best information available to the 
����������������Secretary, an update of the information provided in the 
����������������initial report.
������������������� ``(C) Use.--
������������������� ������``(i) Initial report.--The Secretary of State 
����������������������shall use the initial report submitted under 
����������������������subparagraph (A) to establish baselines for the 
����������������������developing countries identified in the report with 
����������������������respect to the information provided under clauses 
����������������������(i) and (ii) of that subparagraph.
������������������������� ``(ii) Annual reports.--The Secretary of State 
����������������������shall use the annual reports prepared under 
����������������������subparagraph (B) and any other information 
����������������������available to the Secretary to track the progress 
����������������������of the developing countries with respect to 
����������������������reducing greenhouse gas intensity.
��� ``(b) Projects.--The Secretary of State, in coordination with 
Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, 
shall (directly or through agreements with the World Bank, the 
International Monetary Fund, the Overseas Private Investment 
Corporation, and other development institutions) provide assistance to 
developing countries specifically for projects to reduce greenhouse gas 
intensity, including projects to--
����������� ``(1) leverage, through bilateral agreements, funds for 
��������reduction of greenhouse gas intensity;
����������� ``(2) increase private investment in projects and activities 
��������to reduce greenhouse gas intensity; and
����������� ``(3) expedite the deployment of technology to reduce 
��������greenhouse gas intensity.
��� ``(c) Focus.--In providing assistance under subsection (b), the 
Secretary of State shall focus on--
����������� ``(1) promoting the rule of law, property rights, contract 
��������protection, and economic freedom; and
����������� ``(2) increasing capacity, infrastructure, and training.
��� ``(d) Priority.--In providing assistance under subsection (b), the 
Secretary of State shall give priority to projects in the 25 developing 
countries identified in the report submitted under subsection (a)(2)(A).
��� ``(a) In General.--The Secretary of Energy, in coordination with the 
Secretary of State and the Secretary of Commerce, shall conduct an 
inventory of greenhouse gas intensity reducing technologies that are 
developed, or under development in the United States, to identify 
technologies that are suitable for transfer to, deployment in, and 
commercialization in the developing countries identified in the report 
submitted under section 732(a)(2)(A).
[[Page 119 STAT. 1115]]
��� ``(b) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the completion of the 
inventory under subsection (a), the Secretary of State and the Secretary 
of Energy shall jointly submit to Congress a report that--
����������� ``(1) includes the results of the completed inventory;
����������� ``(2) identifies obstacles to the transfer, deployment, and 
��������commercialization of the inventoried technologies;
����������� ``(3) includes results from previous Federal reports related 
��������to the inventoried technologies; and
����������� ``(4) includes an analysis of market forces related to the 
��������inventoried technologies.
��� ``(a) In General.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 1 year after 
the date of enactment of this part, the United States Trade 
Representative shall (as appropriate and consistent with applicable 
bilateral, regional, and mutual trade agreements)--
����������� ``(1) identify trade-relations barriers maintained by 
��������foreign countries to the export of greenhouse gas intensity 
��������reducing technologies and practices from the United States to 
��������the developing countries identified in the report submitted 
��������under section 732(a)(2)(A); and
����������� ``(2) negotiate with foreign countries for the removal of 
��������those barriers.
��� ``(b) Annual Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date on which 
a report is submitted under subsection (a)(1) and annually thereafter, 
the United States Trade Representative shall submit to Congress a report 
that describes any progress made with respect to removing the barriers 
identified by the United States Trade Representative under subsection 
��� ``(a) In General.--There is <<NOTE: Establishment.>> established an 
interagency working group to carry out a Greenhouse Gas Intensity 
Reducing Technology Export Initiative to--
����������� ``(1) promote the export of greenhouse gas intensity 
��������reducing technologies and practices from the United States;
����������� ``(2) identify developing countries that should be 
��������designated as priority countries for the purpose of exporting 
��������greenhouse gas intensity reducing technologies and practices, 
��������based on the report submitted under section 732(a)(2)(A);
����������� ``(3) identify potential barriers to adoption of exported 
��������greenhouse gas intensity reducing technologies and practices 
��������based on the reports submitted under section 734; and
����������� ``(4) identify previous efforts to export energy 
��������technologies to learn best practices.
��� ``(b) Composition.--The working group shall be composed of--
����������� ``(1) the Secretary of State, who shall act as the head of 
��������the working group;
����������� ``(2) the Administrator of the United States Agency for 
��������International Development;
����������� ``(3) the United States Trade Representative;
����������� ``(4) a designee of the Secretary of Energy;
����������� ``(5) a designee of the Secretary of Commerce; and
����������� ``(6) a designee of the Administrator of the Environmental 
��������Protection Agency.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1116]]
��� ``(c) Performance Reviews and Reports.--Not later than 180 days 
after the date of enactment of this part and each year thereafter, the 
interagency working group shall--
����������� ``(1) conduct a performance review of actions taken and 
��������results achieved by the Federal Government (including each of 
��������the agencies represented on the interagency working group) to 
��������promote the export of greenhouse gas intensity reducing 
��������technologies and practices from the United States; and
����������� ``(2) submit to the appropriate authorizing and 
��������appropriating committees of Congress a report that describes the 
��������results of the performance reviews and evaluates progress in 
��������promoting the export of greenhouse gas intensity reducing 
��������technologies and practices from the United States, including any 
��������recommendations for increasing the export of the technologies 
��������and practices.
��� ``(a) In General.--The Secretary of State, in coordination with the 
Secretary of Energy and the Administrator of the United States Agency 
for International Development, shall promote the adoption of 
technologies and practices that reduce greenhouse gas intensity in 
developing countries in accordance with this section.
��� ``(b) Demonstration Projects.--
����������� ``(1) In general.--The Secretaries and the Administrator 
��������shall plan, coordinate, and carry out, or provide assistance for 
��������the planning, coordination, or carrying out of, demonstration 
��������projects under this section in at least 10 eligible countries, 
��������as determined by the Secretaries and the Administrator.
����������� ``(2) Eligibility.--A country shall be eligible for 
��������assistance under this subsection if the Secretaries and the 
��������Administrator determine that the country has demonstrated a 
��������commitment to--
����������� ��������``(A) just governance, including--
������������������������� ``(i) promoting the rule of law;
������������������������� ``(ii) respecting human and civil rights;
������������������������� ``(iii) protecting private property rights; 
������������������������� ``(iv) combating corruption; and
������������������� ``(B) economic freedom, including economic policies 
������������������������� ``(i) encourage citizens and firms to 
����������������������participate in global trade and international 
����������������������capital markets;
������������������������� ``(ii) promote private sector growth and the 
����������������������sustainable management of natural resources; and
������������������������� ``(iii) strengthen market forces in the 
����������� ``(3) Selection.--In determining which eligible countries to 
��������provide assistance to under paragraph (1), the Secretaries and 
��������the Administrator shall consider--
������������������� ``(A) the opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas 
����������������intensity in the eligible country; and
������������������� ``(B) the opportunity to generate economic growth in 
����������������the eligible country.
����������� ``(4) Types of projects.--Demonstration projects under this 
��������section may include--
������������������� ``(A) coal gasification, coal liquefaction, and 
����������������clean coal projects;
������������������� ``(B) carbon sequestration projects;
������������������``(C) cogeneration technology initiatives;
[[Page 119 STAT. 1117]]
������������������� ``(D) renewable projects; and
������������������� ``(E) lower emission transportation.
��� ``The Secretary of State, in coordination with the Secretary of 
Energy, the Secretary of Commerce, and the Administrator of the 
Environmental Protection Agency, shall carry out fellowship and exchange 
programs under which officials from developing countries visit the 
United States to acquire expertise and knowledge of best practices to 
reduce greenhouse gas intensity in their countries.
��� ``There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary 
to carry out this part.
``SEC. 739. <<NOTE: 22 USC 7901 note.>> EFFECTIVE DATE.
��� ``Except as otherwise provided in this part, this part takes effect 
on October 1, 2005.''.
SEC. 1701. <<NOTE: 22 USC 16511.>> DEFINITIONS.
��� In this title:
����������� (1) Commercial technology.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The term ``commercial technology'' 
����������������means a technology in general use in the commercial 
������������������� (B) Inclusions.--The term ``commercial technology'' 
����������������does not include a technology solely by use of the 
����������������technology in a demonstration project funded by the 
����������� (2) Cost.--The term ``cost'' has the meaning given the term 
��������``cost of a loan guarantee'' within the meaning of section 
��������502(5)(C) of the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (2 U.S.C. 
����������� (3) Eligible project.--The term ``eligible project'' means a 
��������project described in section 1703.
����������� (4) Guarantee.--
������������������� (A) In general.--The term ``guarantee'' has the 
����������������meaning given the term ``loan guarantee'' in section 502 
����������������of the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (2 U.S.C. 
������������������� (B) Inclusion.--The term ``guarantee'' includes a 
����������������loan guarantee commitment (as defined in section 502 of 
����������������the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (2 U.S.C. 661a)).
����������� (5) Obligation.--The term ``obligation'' means the loan or 
��������other debt obligation that is guaranteed under this section.
SEC. 1702. <<NOTE: 22 USC 16512.>> TERMS AND CONDITIONS.
��� (a) In General.--Except for division C of Public Law 108-324, the 
Secretary shall make guarantees under this or any other Act for projects 
on such terms and conditions as the Secretary determines, after 
consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, only in accordance with 
this section.
��� (b) Specific Appropriation or Contribution.--No guarantee shall be 
made unless--
����������� (1) an appropriation for the cost has been made; or
[[Page 119 STAT. 1118]]
����������� (2) the Secretary has received from the borrower a payment 
��������in full for the cost of the obligation and deposited the payment 
��������into the Treasury.
��� (c) Amount.--Unless otherwise provided by law, a guarantee by the 
Secretary shall not exceed an amount equal to 80 percent of the project 
cost of the facility that is the subject of the guarantee, as estimated 
at the time at which the guarantee is issued.
��� (d) Repayment.--
����������� (1) In general.--No guarantee shall be made unless the 
��������Secretary determines that there is reasonable prospect of 
��������repayment of the principal and interest on the obligation by the 
����������� (2) Amount.--No guarantee shall be made unless the Secretary 
��������determines that the amount of the obligation (when combined with 
��������amounts available to the borrower from other sources) will be 
��������sufficient to carry out the project.
��� ��������(3) Subordination.--The obligation shall be subject to the 
��������condition that the obligation is not subordinate to other 
��� (e) Interest Rate.--An obligation shall bear interest at a rate that 
does not exceed a level that the Secretary determines appropriate, 
taking into account the prevailing rate of interest in the private 
sector for similar loans and risks.
��� (f) Term.--The term of an obligation shall require full repayment 
over a period not to exceed the lesser of--
����������� (1) 30 years; or
����������� (2) 90 percent of the projected useful life of the physical 
��������asset to be financed by the obligation (as determined by the 
��� (g) Defaults.--
����������� (1) Payment by secretary.--
������������������� (A) In general.--If a borrower defaults on the 
����������������obligation (as defined in regulations promulgated by the 
����������������Secretary and specified in the guarantee contract), the 
����������������holder of the guarantee shall have the right to demand 
����������������payment of the unpaid amount from the Secretary.
������������������� (B) Payment required.--Within such period as may be 
����������������specified in the guarantee or related agreements, the 
���������������Secretary shall pay to the holder of the guarantee the 
����������������unpaid interest on, and unpaid principal of the 
����������������obligation as to which the borrower has defaulted, 
����������������unless the Secretary finds that there was no default by 
����������������the borrower in the payment of interest or principal or 
����������������that the default has been remedied.
������������������� (C) Forbearance.--Nothing in this subsection 
����������������precludes any forbearance by the holder of the 
����������������obligation for the benefit of the borrower which may be 
����������������agreed upon by the parties to the obligation and 
����������������approved by the Secretary.
����������� (2) Subrogation.--
������������������� (A) In general.--If the Secretary makes a payment 
����������������under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall be subrogated 
����������������to the rights of the recipient of the payment as 
����������������specified in the guarantee or related agreements 
����������������including, where appropriate, the authority 
����������������(notwithstanding any other provision of law) to--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1119]]
������������������������� (i) complete, maintain, operate, lease, or 
����������������������otherwise dispose of any property acquired 
����������������������pursuant to such guarantee or related agreements; 
������������������������� (ii) permit the borrower, pursuant to an 
����������������������agreement with the Secretary, to continue to 
����������������������pursue the purposes of the project if the 
����������������������Secretary determines this to be in the public 
������������������� (B) Superiority of rights.--The rights of the 
����������������Secretary, with respect to any property acquired 
����������������pursuant to a guarantee or related agreements, shall be 
����������������superior to the rights of any other person with respect 
����������������to the property.
������������������� (C) Terms and conditions.--A guarantee agreement 
����������������shall include such detailed terms and conditions as the 
����������������Secretary determines appropriate to--
������������������������� (i) protect the interests of the United States 
����������������������in the case of default; and
������������������������� (ii) have available all the patents and 
����������������������technology necessary for any person selected, 
����������������������including the Secretary, to complete and operate 
����������������������the project.
����������� (3) Payment of principal and interest by secretary.--With 
��������respect to any obligation guaranteed under this section, the 
��������Secretary may enter into a contract to pay, and pay, holders of 
��������the obligation, for and on behalf of the borrower, from funds 
��������appropriated for that purpose, the principal and interest 
��������payments which become due and payable on the unpaid balance of 
��������the obligation if the Secretary finds that--
������������������� (A)(i) the borrower is unable to meet the payments 
����������������and is not in default;
������������������� (ii) it is in the public interest to permit the 
����������������borrower to continue to pursue the purposes of the 
����������������project; and
�� �����������������(iii) the probable net benefit to the Federal 
����������������Government in paying the principal and interest will be 
����������������greater than that which would result in the event of a 
������������������� (B) the amount of the payment that the Secretary is 
����������������authorized to pay shall be no greater than the amount of 
����������������principal and interest that the borrower is obligated to 
����������������pay under the agreement being guaranteed; and
������������������� (C) the borrower agrees to reimburse the Secretary 
����������������for the payment (including interest) on terms and 
����������������conditions that are satisfactory to the Secretary.
����������� (4) Action by attorney general.--
������������������� (A) Notification.--If the borrower defaults on an 
����������������obligation, the Secretary shall notify the Attorney 
����������������General of the default.
������������������� (B) Recovery.--On notification, the Attorney General 
���������������shall take such action as is appropriate to recover the 
����������������unpaid principal and interest due from--
������������������������� (i) such assets of the defaulting borrower as 
����������������������are associated with the obligation; or
������������������������� (ii) any other security pledged to secure the 
��� (h) Fees.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall charge and collect fees 
��������for guarantees in amounts the Secretary determines are 
��������sufficient to cover applicable administrative expenses.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1120]]
����������� (2) Availability.--Fees collected under this subsection 
������������������� (A) be deposited by the Secretary into the Treasury; 
������������������� (B) remain available until expended, subject to such 
����������������other conditions as are contained in annual 
����������������appropriations Acts.
��� (i) Records; Audits.--
����������� (1) In general.--A recipient of a guarantee shall keep such 
��������records and other pertinent documents as the Secretary shall 
��������prescribe by regulation, including such records as the Secretary 
��������may require to facilitate an effective audit.
����������� (2) Access.--The Secretary and the Comptroller General of 
��������the United States, or their duly authorized representatives, 
��������shall have access, for the purpose of audit, to the records and 
��������other pertinent documents.
��� (j) Full Faith and Credit.--The full faith and credit of the United 
States is pledged to the payment of all guarantees issued under this 
section with respect to principal and interest.
SEC. 1703. <<NOTE: 42 USC 16513.>> ELIGIBLE PROJECTS.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary may make guarantees under this 
section only for projects that--
����������� (1) avoid, reduce, or sequester air pollutants or 
��������anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases; and
����������� (2) employ new or significantly improved technologies as 
��������compared to commercial technologies in service in the United 
��������States at the time the guarantee is issued.
��� (b) Categories.--Projects from the following categories shall be 
eligible for a guarantee under this section:
����������� (1) Renewable energy systems.
����������� (2) Advanced fossil energy technology (including coal 
��������gasification meeting the criteria in subsection (d)).
����������� (3) Hydrogen fuel cell technology for residential, 
��������industrial, or transportation applications.
����������� (4) Advanced nuclear energy facilities.
����������� (5) Carbon capture and sequestration practices and 
��������technologies, including agricultural and forestry practices that 
��������store and sequester carbon.
����������� (6) Efficient electrical generation, transmission, and 
��������distribution technologies.
����������� (7) Efficient end-use energy technologies.
����������� (8) Production facilities for fuel efficient vehicles, 
��������including hybrid and advanced diesel vehicles.
����������� (9) Pollution control equipment.
����������� (10) Refineries, meaning facilities at which crude oil is 
��������refined into gasoline.
��� (c) Gasification Projects.--The Secretary may make guarantees for 
the following gasification projects:
����������� (1) Integrated gasification combined cycle projects.--
������� Integrated gasification combined cycle plants meeting the 
��������emission levels under subsection (d), including--
������������������� (A) projects for the generation of electricity--
������������������������� (i) for which, during the term of the 
����������������������������������� (I) coal, biomass, petroleum coke, 
��������������������������������or a combination of coal, biomass, and 
��������������������������������petroleum coke will
[[Page 119 STAT. 1121]]
������������������������������� account for at least 65 percent of 
��������������������������������annual heat input; and
����������������������������������� (II) electricity will account for at 
��������������������������������least 65 percent of net useful annual 
��������������������������������energy output;
������������������������� (ii) that have a design that is determined by 
����������������������the Secretary to be capable of accommodating the 
����������������������equipment likely to be necessary to capture the 
����������������������carbon dioxide that would otherwise be emitted in 
����������������������flue gas from the plant;
������������������������� (iii) that have an assured revenue stream that 
����������������������covers project capital and operating costs 
����������������������(including servicing all debt obligations covered 
����������������������by the guarantee) that is approved by the 
����������������������Secretary and the relevant State public utility 
����������������������commission; and
������������������������� (iv) on which construction commences not later 
����������������������than the date that is 3 years after the date of 
����������������������the issuance of the guarantee;
������������������� (B) a project to produce energy from coal (of not 
����������������more than 13,000 Btu/lb and mined in the western United 
����������������States) using appropriate advanced integrated 
����������������gasification combined cycle technology that minimizes 
����������������and offers the potential to sequester carbon dioxide 
����������������emissions and that--
������������������������� (i) may include repowering of existing 
������������������������� (ii) may be built in stages;
������������������������� (iii) shall have a combined output of at least 
����������������������100 megawatts;
�������������������� �����(iv) shall be located in a western State at an 
����������������������altitude greater than 4,000 feet; and
������������������������� (v) shall demonstrate the ability to use coal 
����������������������with an energy content of not more than 9,000 Btu/
��������������������� lb;
������������������� (C) a project located in a taconite-producing region 
����������������of the United States that is entitled under the law of 
����������������the State in which the plant is located to enter into a 
����������������long-term contract approved by a State public utility 
����������������commission to sell at least 450 megawatts of output to a 
������������������� (D) facilities that--
������������������������� (i) generate one or more hydrogen-rich and 
����������������������carbon monoxide-rich product streams from the 
����������������������gasification of coal or coal waste; and
������������������������� (ii) use those streams to facilitate the 
����������������������production of ultra clean premium fuels through 
����������������������the Fischer-Tropsch process; and
������������������� (E) a project to produce energy and clean fuels, 
����������������using appropriate coal liquefaction technology, from 
����������������Western bituminous or subbituminous coal, that--
������������������������� (i) is owned by a State government; and
������������������������� (ii) may include tribal and private coal 
����������� (2) Industrial gasification projects.--Facilities that 
��������gasify coal, biomass, or petroleum coke in any combination to 
��������produce synthesis gas for use as a fuel or feedstock and for 
��������which electricity accounts for less than 65 percent of the 
��������useful energy output of the facility.
����������� (3) Petroleum coke <<NOTE: Loans.>> gasification projects.--
������� The Secretary is encouraged to make loan guarantees under this 
��������title available for petroleum coke gasification projects.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1122]]
����������� (4) Liquefaction project.--Notwithstanding any other 
��������provision of law, funds awarded under the clean coal power 
��������initiative under subtitle A of title IV for coal-to-oil 
��������liquefaction projects may be used to finance the cost of loan 
��������guarantees for projects awarded such funds.
��� (d) Emission Levels.--In addition to any other applicable Federal or 
State emission limitation requirements, a project shall attain at 
����������� (1) total sulfur dioxide emissions in flue gas from the 
��������project that do not exceed 0.05 lb/MMBtu;
����������� (2) a 90-percent removal rate (including any fuel 
��������pretreatment) of mercury from the coal-derived gas, and any 
��������other fuel, combusted by the project;
����������� (3) total nitrogen oxide emissions in the flue gas from the 
��������project that do not exceed 0.08 lb/MMBtu; and
����������� (4) total particulate emissions in the flue gas from the 
��������project that do not exceed 0.01 lb/MMBtu.
��� (e) Qualification of Facilities Receiving Tax Credits.--A project 
that receives tax credits for clean coal technology shall not be 
disqualified from receiving a guarantee under this title.
��� (a) In General.--There are authorized to be appropriated such sums 
as are necessary to provide the cost of guarantees under this title.
��� (b) Use of Other Appropriated Funds.--The Department may use amounts 
awarded under the clean coal power initiative under subtitle A of title 
IV to carry out the project described in section 1703(c)(1)(C), on the 
request of the recipient of such award, for a loan guarantee, to the 
extent that the amounts have not yet been disbursed to, or have been 
repaid by, the recipient.
������������������������� TITLE XVIII--STUDIES
��� (a) Definition.--For purposes of this section ``petroleum'' means 
crude oil, motor gasoline, jet fuel, distillates, and propane.
��� (b) Study.--The Secretary shall conduct a study on petroleum and 
natural gas storage capacity and operational inventory levels, 
nationwide and by major geographical regions.
��� (c) Contents.--The study shall address--
����������� (1) historical normal ranges for petroleum and natural gas 
��������inventory levels;
����������� (2) historical and projected storage capacity trends;
����������� (3) estimated operation inventory levels below which 
��������outages, delivery slowdown, rationing, interruptions in service, 
��������or other indicators of shortage begin to appear;
����������� (4) explanations for inventory levels dropping below normal 
��������ranges; and
����������� (5) the ability of industry to meet United States demand for 
��������petroleum and natural gas without shortages or price spikes, 
��������when inventory levels are below normal ranges.
��� (d) Report to Congress.--Not later than 1 year after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit a report
[[Page 119 STAT. 1123]]
to Congress on the results of the study, including findings and any 
recommendations for preventing future supply shortages.
��� The Secretary shall contract with the National Academy of Sciences 
for a study, to be completed within 1 year after the date of enactment 
of this Act, to examine whether the goals of energy efficiency standards 
are best served by measurement of energy consumed, and efficiency 
improvements, at the actual site of energy consumption, or through the 
full fuel cycle, beginning at the source of energy 
production. <<NOTE: Reports.>> The Secretary shall submit the report to 
��� (a) Study Required.--The Secretary, in consultation with the 
Commission, the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, the 
Administrator of General Services, and the Administrator of NTIA, shall 
conduct a study of the energy conservation implications of the 
widespread adoption of telecommuting by Federal employees in the United 
��� (b) Required Subjects of Study.--The study required by subsection 
(a) shall analyze the following subjects in relation to the energy 
saving potential of telecommuting by Federal employees:
����������� (1) Reductions of energy use and energy costs in commuting 
��������and regular office heating, cooling, and other operations.
����������� (2) Other energy reductions accomplished by telecommuting.
����������� (3) Existing regulatory barriers that hamper telecommuting, 
��������including barriers to broadband telecommunications services 
����������� (4) Collateral benefits to the environment, family life, and 
��������other values.
��� (c) Report Required.--The Secretary shall submit to the President 
and Congress a report on the study required by this section not later 
than 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act. Such report shall 
include a description of the results of the analysis of each of the 
subjects described in subsection (b).
��� (d) Definitions.--As used in this section:
����������� (1) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the Federal 
��������Communications Commission.
����������� (2) NTIA.--The term ``NTIA'' means the National 
��������Telecommunications and Information Administration of the 
��������Department of Commerce.
����������� (3) Telecommuting.--The term ``telecommuting'' means the 
��������performance of work functions using communications technologies, 
��������thereby eliminating or substantially reducing the need to 
��������commute to and from traditional worksites.
����������� (4) Federal employee.--The term ``Federal employee'' has the 
��������meaning provided the term ``employee'' by section 2105 of title 
��������5, United States Code.
��� Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the 
Secretary of Health and Human Services shall transmit to Congress a 
report on how the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program could be 
used more effectively to prevent loss of
[[Page 119 STAT. 1124]]
life from extreme temperatures. In preparing such report, the Secretary 
shall consult with appropriate officials in all 50 States and the 
District of Columbia.
��� The Secretary and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection 
Agency shall--
����������� (1) conduct a joint study of the benefits of oil bypass 
��������filtration technology in reducing demand for oil and protecting 
��������the environment;
����������� (2) examine the feasibility of using oil bypass filtration 
��������technology in Federal motor vehicle fleets; and
����������� (3) include in such study, prior to any determination of the 
��������feasibility of using oil bypass filtration technology, the 
��������evaluation of products and various manufacturers.
��� The Secretary shall--
����������� (1) conduct a study of the benefits of total integrated 
��������thermal systems in reducing demand for oil and protecting the 
��������environment; and
����������� (2) examine the feasibility of using total integrated 
��������thermal systems in Department of Defense and other Federal motor 
��������vehicle fleets.
������������LATIN AMERICA.
��� The Secretary shall submit an annual report to the Committee on 
Energy and Commerce of the United States House of Representatives and to 
the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate concerning 
the status of energy export development in Latin America and efforts by 
the Secretary and other departments and agencies of the United States to 
promote energy integration with Latin America. <<NOTE: Mexico.>> The 
report shall contain a detailed analysis of the status of energy export 
development in Mexico and a description of all significant efforts by 
the Secretary and other departments and agencies to promote a 
constructive relationship with Mexico regarding the development of that 
nation's energy capacity. In particular this report shall outline 
efforts the Secretary and other departments and agencies have made to 
ensure that regulatory approval and oversight of United States/Mexico 
border projects that result in the expansion of Mexican energy capacity 
are effectively coordinated across departments and with the Mexican 
��� (a) Study.--The <<NOTE: Grants.>> Secretary shall make a grant to an 
organization of oil and gas producing States, specifically those 
containing significant numbers of marginal oil and natural gas wells, 
for conducting an annual study of low-volume natural gas reservoirs. 
Such organization shall work with the State geologist of each State 
being studied.
��� (b) Contents.--The studies under this section shall--
����������� (1) determine the status and location of marginal wells and 
��������gas reservoirs;
����������� (2) gather the production information of these marginal 
��������wells and reservoirs;
����������� (3) estimate the remaining producible reserves based on 
��������variable pipeline pressures;
[[Page 119 STAT. 1125]]
����������� (4) locate low-pressure gathering facilities and pipelines;
����������� (5) recommend incentives which will enable the continued 
��������production of these resources;
����������� (6) produce maps and literature to disseminate to States to 
��������promote conservation of natural gas reserves; and
����������� (7) evaluate the amount of natural gas that is being wasted 
��������through the practice of venting or flaring of natural gas 
��������produced in association with crude oil well production.
��� (c) Data Analysis.--Data development and analysis under this section 
shall be performed by an institution of higher education with GIS 
capabilities. If the organization receiving the grant under subsection 
(a) does not have GIS capabilities, such organization shall contract 
with one or more entities with--
����������� (1) technological capabilities and resources to perform 
��������advanced image processing, GIS programming, and data analysis; 
����������� (2) the ability to--
������������������� (A) process remotely sensed imagery with high 
����������������spatial resolution;
������������������� (B) deploy global positioning systems;
������������������� (C) process and synthesize existing, variable-format 
����������������gas well, pipeline, gathering facility, and reservoir 
������������������� (D) create and query GIS databases with 
����������������infrastructure location and attribute information;
������������������� (E) write computer programs to customize relevant 
����������������GIS software;
������������������� (F) generate maps, charts, and graphs which 
����������������summarize findings from data research for presentation 
����������������to different audiences; and
������������������� (G) deliver data in a variety of formats, including 
����������������Internet Map Server for query and display, desktop 
���������������computer display, and access through handheld personal 
����������������digital assistants.
��� (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to the Secretary for carrying out this section--
����������� (1) $1,500,000 for fiscal year 2006; and
����������� (2) $450,000 for each of the fiscal years 2007 through 2010.
��� (e) Definitions.--For purposes of this section, the term ``GIS'' 
means geographic information systems technology that facilitates the 
organization and management of data with a geographic component.
��� (a) Investigation.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 90 days after 
the date of enactment of this Act, the Federal Trade Commission shall 
conduct an investigation to determine if the price of gasoline is being 
artificially manipulated by reducing refinery capacity or by any other 
form of market manipulation or price gouging practices.
��� (b) Evaluation and Analysis.--The Secretary shall direct the 
National Petroleum Council to conduct an evaluation and analysis to 
determine whether, and to what extent, environmental and other 
regulations affect new domestic refinery construction and significant 
expansion of existing refinery capacity.
��� (c) Reports to Congress.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1126]]
����������� (1) Investigation.--On completion of the investigation under 
��������subsection (a), the Federal Trade Commission shall submit to 
��������Congress a report that describes--
��������������� ����(A) the results of the investigation; and
������������������� (B) any recommendations of the Federal Trade 
����������� (2) Evaluation and analysis.--On completion of the 
��������evaluation and analysis under subsection (b), the Secretary 
��������shall submit to Congress a report that describes--
������������������� (A) the results of the evaluation and analysis; and
������������������� (B) any recommendations of the National Petroleum 
SEC. 1810. <<NOTE: Reports. Deadlines. 42 USC 16523.>> ALASKA NATURAL 
������������GAS PIPELINE.
��� Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, and 
every 180 days thereafter until the Alaska natural gas pipeline 
commences operation, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission shall 
submit to Congress a report describing--
����������� (1) the progress made in licensing and constructing the 
��������pipeline; and
����������� (2) any issue impeding that progress.
SEC. 1811. <<NOTE: State listing.>> COAL BED METHANE STUDY.
��� (a) Study.--
����������� (1) In general.--The <<NOTE: Contracts.>> Secretary of the 
��������Interior, in consultation with the Administrator of the 
��������Environmental Protection Agency, shall enter into an arrangement 
�������under which the National Academy of Sciences shall conduct a 
��������study on the effect of coal bed natural gas production on 
��������surface and ground water resources, including ground water 
��������aquifiers, in the States of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New 
��������Mexico, North Dakota, and Utah.
����������� (2) Matters to be addressed.--The study shall address the 
��������effectiveness of--
������������������� (A) the management of coal bed methane produced 
�������� �����������(B) the use of best management practices; and
������������������� (C) various production techniques for coal bed 
����������������methane natural gas in minimizing impacts on water 
��� (b) Data Analysis.--The study shall analyze available hydrologic, 
geologic and water quality data, along with--
����������� (1) production techniques, produced water management 
��������techniques, best management practices, and other factors that 
��������can mitigate effects of coal bed methane development;
����������� (2) the costs associated with mitigation techniques;
����������� (3) effects on surface or ground water resources, including 
��������drinking water, associated with surface or subsurface disposal 
��������of waters produced during extraction of coal bed methane; and
����������� (4) any other significant effects on surface or ground water 
��������resources associated with production of coal bed methane.
��� (c) Recommendations.--The study shall analyze the effectiveness of 
current mitigation practices of coal bed methane produced water handling 
in relation to existing Federal and State laws and regulations, and make 
recommendations as to changes, if any, to Federal law necessary to 
address adverse impacts to surface or ground water resources associated 
with coal bed methane development.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1127]]
��� (d) Completion of Study.--The <<NOTE: Public information.>> National 
Academy of Sciences shall submit the findings and recommendations of the 
study to the Secretary of the Interior and the Administrator of the 
Environmental Protection Agency within 12 months after the date of 
enactment of this Act, and shall upon completion make the results of the 
study available to the public.
��� (e) Report to Congress.--The Secretary of the Interior and the 
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, after consulting 
with States, shall report to the Congress within 6 months after 
receiving the results of the study on--
����������� (1) the findings and recommendations of the study;
����������� (2) the agreement or disagreement of the Secretary of the 
��������Interior and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection 
��������Agency with each of its findings and recommendations; and
�� ���������(3) any recommended changes in funding to address the 
��������effects of coal bed methane production on surface and ground 
��������water resources.
��� (a) Study.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall conduct a study of the 
��������effect of obtaining and maintaining liquid and other fuel backup 
��������capability at--
������������������� (A) gas-fired power generation facilities; and
������������������� (B) other gas-fired industrial facilities.
����������� (2) Contents.--The study under paragraph (1) shall address--
������������������� (A) the costs and benefits of adding a different 
����������������fuel capability to a power gas-fired power generating or 
����������������industrial facility, taking into consideration regional 
������������������� (B) methods of the Federal Government and State 
����������������governments to encourage gas-fired power generators and 
����������������industries to develop the capability to power the 
����������������facilities using a backup fuel;
������������������� (C) the effect on the supply and cost of natural gas 
������������������������� (i) a balanced portfolio of fuel choices in 
����������������������power generation and industrial applications; and
������������������������� (ii) State regulations that permit agencies in 
����������������������the State to carry out policies that encourage the 
����������������������use of other backup fuels in gas-fired power 
����������������������generation; and
������������������� (D) changes required in the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 
����������������7401 et seq.) to allow natural gas generators to add 
����������������clean backup fuel capabilities.
��� (b) Report to Congress.--Not later than 1 year after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report 
on the results of the study under subsection (a), including 
recommendations regarding future activity of the Federal Government 
relating to backup fuel capability.
��� (a) Study.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary and the Secretary of the 
��������Interior (referred to in this section as the ``Secretaries'') 
��������shall jointly conduct a study of issues regarding energy rights-
������� of-way on tribal land (as defined in section 2601 of the Energy 
��������Policy Act of 1992 (as amended by section 503)) (referred to in 
��������this section as ``tribal land'').
[[Page 119 STAT. 1128]]
����������� (2) Consultation.--In conducting the study under paragraph 
��������(1), the Secretaries shall consult with Indian tribes, the 
��������energy industry, appropriate governmental entities, and affected 
��������businesses and consumers.
��� (b) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretaries shall submit to Congress a report on the 
findings of the study, including--
����������� (1) an analysis of historic rates of compensation paid for 
��������energy rights-of-way on tribal land;
����������� (2) recommendations for appropriate standards and procedures 
��������for determining fair and appropriate compensation to Indian 
��������tribes for grants, expansions, and renewals of energy rights-of-
������� way on tribal land;
����������� (3) an assessment of the tribal self-determination and 
��������sovereignty interests implicated by applications for the grant, 
��������expansion, or renewal of energy rights-of-way on tribal land; 
����������� (4) an analysis of relevant national energy transportation 
��������policies relating to grants, expansions, and renewals of energy 
��������rights-of-way on tribal land.
SEC. 1814. <<NOTE: Reports. Deadline.>> MOBILITY OF SCIENTIFIC AND 
��� Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this section, 
the Secretary shall transmit to Congress a report that--
����������� (1) identifies any policies or procedures of a contractor 
��������operating a National Laboratory or single-purpose research 
��������facility that create disincentives to the temporary or permanent 
��������transfer of scientific and technical personnel among the 
��������contractor-operated National Laboratories or contractor-operated 
��������single-purpose research facilities; and
����������� (2) provides recommendations for improving interlaboratory 
��������exchange of scientific and technical personnel.
��� (a) Task Force.--There is <<NOTE: Establishment.>> established an 
inter-agency task force, to be known as the ``Electric Energy Market 
Competition Task Force'' (referred to in this section as the ``task 
force''), consisting of five members--
����������� (1) one of whom shall be an employee of the Department of 
��������Justice, to be appointed by the Attorney General of the United 
����������� (2) one of whom shall be an employee of the Federal Energy 
��������Regulatory Commission, to be appointed by the Chairperson of 
��������that Commission;
����������� (3) one of whom shall be an employee of the Federal Trade 
�������Commission, to be appointed by the Chairperson of that 
����������� (4) one of whom shall be an employee of the Department, to 
��������be appointed by the Secretary; and
����������� (5) one of whom shall be an employee of the Rural Utilities 
��������Service, to be appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture.
��� (b) Study and Report.--
����������� (1) Study.--The task force shall conduct a study and 
��������analysis of competition within the wholesale and retail market 
��������for electric energy in the United States.
����������� (2) Report.--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1129]]
������������������� (A) Final report.--Not later than 1 year after the 
����������������date of enactment of this Act, the task force shall 
����������������submit to Congress a final report on the findings of the 
����������������task force under paragraph (1).
������������������� (B) Public comment.--Not later than the date that is 
����������������60 days before a final report is submitted to Congress 
����������������under subparagraph (A), the task force shall--
������������������������� (i) <<NOTE: Federal 
����������������������Register, publication.>> publish in the Federal 
����������������������Register a draft of the report; and
�������������������� �����(ii) provide an opportunity for public comment 
����������������������on the report.
��� (c) Consultation.--In conducting the study under subsection (b), the 
task force shall consult with and solicit comments from any advisory 
entity of the task force, the States, representatives of the electric 
power industry, and the public.
��� (a) Study.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall conduct a study of the 
��������benefits of using mobile transformers and mobile substations to 
��������rapidly restore electrical service to areas subjected to 
��������blackouts as a result of--
������������������� (A) equipment failure;
������������������� (B) natural disasters;
������������������� (C) acts of terrorism; or
������������������� (D) war.
����������� (2) Contents.--The study under paragraph (1) shall contain 
��������an analysis of--
������������������� (A) the feasibility of using mobile transformers and 
����������������mobile substations to reduce dependence on foreign 
����������������entities for key elements of the electrical grid system 
����������������of the United States;
������������������� (B) the feasibility of using mobile transformers and 
����������������mobile substations to rapidly restore electrical power 
������������������������� (i) military bases;
������������������������� (ii) the Federal Government;
������������������������� (iii) communications industries;
������������������������� (iv) first responders; and
������������������������� (v) other critical infrastructures, as 
����������������������determined by the Secretary;
������������������� (C) the quantity of mobile transformers and mobile 
����������������substations necessary--
���� ���������������������(i) to eliminate dependence on foreign sources 
����������������������for key electrical grid components in the United 
������������������������� (ii) to rapidly deploy technology to fully 
����������������������restore full electrical service to prioritized 
����������������������Governmental functions; and
������������������������� (iii) to identify manufacturing sources in 
����������������������existence on the date of enactment of this Act 
����������������������that have previously manufactured specialized 
����������������������mobile transformer or mobile substation products 
����������������������for Federal agencies.
��� (b) Report.--
����������� (1) In general.--Not later than 1 year after the date of 
��������enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the 
��������President and Congress a report on the study under subsection 
[[Page 119 STAT. 1130]]
����������� (2) Inclusion.--The report shall include a description of 
��������the results of the analysis under subsection (a)(2).
��� (a) Study.--
����������� (1) In general.--
������������������� (A) Potential benefits.--The Secretary, in 
����������������consultation with the Federal Energy Regulatory 
����������������Commission, shall conduct a study of the potential 
����������������benefits of cogeneration and small power production.
������������������� (B) Recipients.--The benefits described in 
����������������subparagraph (A) include benefits that are received 
����������������directly or indirectly by--
������������������������� (i) an electricity distribution or 
����������������������transmission service provider;
������ �������������������(ii) other customers served by an electricity 
����������������������distribution or transmission service provider; and
������������������������� (iii) the general public in the area served by 
����������������������the public utility in which the cogenerator or 
����������������������small power producer is located.
����������� (2) Inclusions.--The study shall include an analysis of--
������������������� (A) the potential benefits of--
������������������������� (i) increased system reliability;
������������������������� (ii) improved power quality;
������������������������� (iii) the provision of ancillary services;
������������������������� (iv) reduction of peak power requirements 
����������������������through onsite generation;
������������������������� (v) the provision of reactive power or volt-
��������������������� ampere reactives;
������������������������� (vi) an emergency supply of power;
������������������������� (vii) offsets to investments in generation, 
����������������������transmission, or distribution facilities that 
����������������������would otherwise be recovered through rates;
������������������������� (viii) diminished land use effects and right-
��������������������� of-way acquisition costs; and
������������������������� (ix) reducing the vulnerability of a system to 
����������������������terrorism; and
������������������� (B) any rate-related issue that may impede or 
����������������otherwise discourage the expansion of cogeneration and 
����������������small power production facilities, including a review of 
����������������whether rates, rules, or other requirements imposed on 
����������������the facilities are comparable to rates imposed on 
����������������customers of the same class that do not have 
����������������cogeneration or small power production.
����������� (3) Valuation of benefits.--In carrying out the study, the 
��������Secretary shall determine an appropriate method of valuing 
��������potential benefits under varying circumstances for individual 
��������cogeneration or small power production units.
��� (b) Report.--Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary shall--
����������� (1) complete the study;
����������� (2) <<NOTE: Public information.>> provide an opportunity for 
��������public comment on the results of the study; and
����������� (3) submit to the President and Congress a report 
������������������� (A) the results of the study; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 1131]]
������������������� (B) information relating to the public comments 
����������������received under paragraph (2).
��� (c) Publication.--After submission of the report under subsection 
(b) to the President and Congress, the Secretary shall publish the 
��� (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment 
of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report on natural 
gas supplies and demand.
��� (b) Purpose.--The purpose of the report under subsection (a) is to 
develop recommendations for achieving a balance between natural gas 
supply and demand in order to--
����������� (1) provide residential consumers with natural gas at 
��������reasonable and stable prices;
����������� (2) accommodate long-term maintenance and growth of domestic 
��������natural gas-dependent industrial, manufacturing, and commercial 
����������� (3) facilitate the attainment of national ambient air 
�������quality standards under the Clean Air Act (43 U.S.C. 7401 et 
����������� (4) achieve continued progress in reducing the emissions 
��������associated with electric power generation; and
����������� (5) support the development of the preliminary phases of 
��������hydrogen-based energy technologies.
��� (c) Comprehensive Analysis.--The report shall include a 
comprehensive analysis of, for the period beginning on January 1, 2004, 
and ending on December 31, 2015, natural gas supply and demand in the 
United States, including--
����������� (1) estimates of annual domestic demand for natural gas, 
��������taking into consideration the effect of Federal policies and 
��������actions that are likely to increase or decrease the demand for 
��������natural gas;
����������� (2) projections of annual natural gas supplies, from 
��������domestic and foreign sources, under Federal policies in 
��������existence on the date of enactment of this Act;
����������� (3) an identification of estimated natural gas supplies that 
��������are not available under those Federal policies;
����������� (4) scenarios for decreasing natural gas demand and 
��������increasing natural gas supplies that compare the relative 
��������economic and environmental impacts of Federal policies that--
������������������� (A) encourage or require the use of natural gas to 
����������������meet air quality, carbon dioxide emission reduction, or 
����������������energy security goals;
������������������� (B) encourage or require the use of energy sources 
����������������other than natural gas, including coal, nuclear, and 
����������������renewable sources;
������������������� (C) support technologies to develop alternative 
����������������sources of natural gas and synthetic gas, including coal 
����������������gasification technologies;
������������������� (D) encourage or require the use of energy 
����������������conservation and demand side management practices; and
������������������� (E) affect access to domestic natural gas supplies; 
����������� (5) recommendations for Federal actions to achieve the 
��������purposes described in subsection (b), including recommendations 
[[Page 119 STAT. 1132]]
 �������������������(A) encourage or require the use of energy sources 
����������������other than natural gas, including coal, nuclear, and 
����������������renewable sources;
������������������� (B) encourage or require the use of energy 
����������������conservation or demand side management practices;
������������������� (C) support technologies for the development of 
����������������alternative sources of natural gas and synthetic gas, 
����������������including coal gasification technologies; and
��� ����������������(D) would improve access to domestic natural gas 
��� (d) Consultation.--In preparing the report under subsection (a), the 
Secretary shall consult with--
����������� (1) experts in natural gas supply and demand; and
����������� (2) representatives of--
������������������� (A) State and local governments;
������������������� (B) tribal organizations; and
������������������� (C) consumer and other organizations.
��� (e) Hearings.--In preparing the report under subsection (a), the 
Secretary may hold public hearings and provide other opportunities for 
public comment, as the Secretary considers appropriate.
��� Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the 
Secretary shall submit to Congress a report evaluating methodologies to 
ensure the widest participation practicable in setting goals and 
milestones under the hydrogen program of the Department, including 
international participants.
��� (a) Study.--
����������� (1) In general.--The Secretary shall carry out a study of 
��������the likely effects of a transition to a hydrogen economy on 
��������overall employment in the United States.
����������� (2) Contents.--In completing the study, the Secretary shall 
��������take into consideration--
������������������� (A) the replacement effects of new goods and 
������������������� (B) international competition;
������������������� (C) workforce training requirements;
������������������� (D) multiple possible fuel cycles, including usage 
����������������of raw materials;
������������������� (E) rates of market penetration of technologies; and
������������������� (F) regional variations based on geography.
��� (b) Report.--Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report describing the 
findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the study under subsection 
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall enter into an arrangement with 
the National Academy of Public Administration under which the Academy 
shall conduct a study to assess management practices for research, 
development, and demonstration programs at the Department.
��� (b) Scope of the Study.--The study shall consider--
����������� (1) management practices that act as barriers between the 
��������Office of Science and offices conducting mission-oriented 
[[Page 119 STAT. 1133]]
����������� (2) recommendations for management practices that would 
��������improve coordination and bridge the innovation gap between the 
��������Office of Science and offices conducting mission-oriented 
����������� (3) the applicability of the management practices used by 
��������the Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to 
��������research programs at the Department;
����������� (4) the advisability of creating an agency within the 
��������Department modeled after the Department of Defense Advanced 
��������Research Projects Agency;
����������� (5) recommendations for management practices that could best 
��������encourage innovative research and efficiency at the Department; 
����������� (6) any other relevant considerations.
��� (c) Report.--Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report on the study 
conducted under this section.
SEC. 1822. <<NOTE: Contracts. Deadline.>> EFFECT OF ELECTRICAL 
��� Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the 
Secretary shall enter into a contract with the National Academy of 
Sciences under which the National Academy of Sciences shall determine 
the effect that electrical contaminants (such as tin whiskers) may have 
on the reliability of energy production systems, including nuclear 
��� (a) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment 
of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress reports on the 
potential for each of biodiesel and hythane to become major, 
sustainable, alternative fuels.
��� (b) Biodiesel Report.--The report relating to biodiesel submitted 
under subsection (a) shall--
����������� (1) provide a detailed assessment of--
������������������� (A) potential biodiesel markets and manufacturing 
����������������capacity; and
������������������� (B) environmental and energy security benefits with 
����������������respect to the use of biodiesel;
����������� (2) identify any impediments, especially in infrastructure 
��������needed for production, distribution, and storage, to biodiesel 
��������becoming a substantial source of fuel for conventional diesel 
��������and heating oil applications;
����������� (3) identify strategies to enhance the commercial deployment 
��������of biodiesel; and
����������� (4) include an examination and recommendations, as 
��������appropriate, of the ways in which biodiesel may be modified to 
��������be a cleaner-burning fuel.
��� (c) Hythane Report.--The report relating to hythane submitted under 
subsection (a) shall--
����������� (1) provide a detailed assessment of potential hythane 
��������markets and the research and development activities that are 
��������necessary to facilitate the commercialization of hythane as a 
��������competitive, environmentally friendly transportation fuel;
����������� (2) address--
������������������� (A) the infrastructure necessary to produce, blend, 
����������������distribute, and store hythane for widespread commercial 
����������������purposes; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 1134]]
������������������� (B) other potential market barriers to the 
����������������commercialization of hythane;
����������� (3) examine the viability of producing hydrogen using 
��������energy-efficient, environmentally friendly methods so that the 
��������hydrogen can be blended with natural gas to produce hythane; and
����������� (4) include an assessment of the modifications that would be 
��������required to convert compressed natural gas vehicle engines to 
��������engines that use hythane as fuel.
��� (d) Grants for Report Completion.--The Secretary may use such sums 
as are available to the Secretary to provide, to one or more colleges or 
universities selected by the Secretary, grants for use in carrying out 
research to assist the Secretary in preparing the reports required to be 
submitted under subsection (a).
��� The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) shall--
����������� (1) seek to conclude its investigation into the unjust or 
��������unreasonable charges incurred by California during the 2000-2001 
��������electricity crisis as soon as possible;
����������� (2) <<NOTE: California.>> seek to ensure that refunds the 
��������Commission determines are owed to the State of California are 
��������paid to the State of California; and
����������� (3) <<NOTE: Reports. Deadline.>> submit to Congress a report 
��������by December 31, 2005, describing the actions taken by the 
��������Commission to date under this section and timetables for further 
��� (a) In General.--As <<NOTE: Contracts.>> soon as practicable after 
the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall enter into a 
contract with the National Academy of Sciences and the National Research 
Council to carry out a study of fuel cell technologies that provides a 
budget roadmap for the development of fuel cell technologies and the 
transition from petroleum to hydrogen in a significant percentage of the 
vehicles sold by 2020.
��� (b) Requirements.--In carrying out the study, the National Academy 
of Sciences and the National Research Council shall--
����������� (1) establish as a goal the maximum percentage practicable 
��������of vehicles that the National Academy of Sciences and the 
��������National Research Council determines can be fueled by hydrogen 
��������by 2020;
����������� (2) determine the amount of Federal and private funding 
��������required to meet the goal established under paragraph (1);
����������� (3) determine what actions are required to meet the goal 
��������established under paragraph (1);
����������� (4) examine the need for expanded and enhanced Federal 
��������research and development programs, changes in regulations, grant 
��������programs, partnerships between the Federal Government and 
��������industry, private sector investments, infrastructure investments 
��������by the Federal Government and industry, educational and public 
��������information initiatives, and Federal and State tax incentives to 
��������meet the goal established under paragraph (1);
����������� (5) consider whether other technologies would be less 
��������expensive or could be more quickly implemented than fuel cell 
��������technologies to achieve significant reductions in carbon dioxide 
����������� (6) take into account any reports relating to fuel cell 
��������technologies and hydrogen-fueled vehicles, including--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1135]]
������������ �������(A) the report prepared by the National Academy of 
����������������Engineering and the National Research Council in 2004 
����������������entitled ``Hydrogen Economy: Opportunities, Costs, 
����������������Barriers, and R&D Needs''; and
���������� ���������(B) the report prepared by the U.S. Fuel Cell 
����������������Council in 2003 entitled ``Fuel Cells and Hydrogen: The 
����������������Path Forward'';
����������� (7) consider the challenges, difficulties, and potential 
��������barriers to meeting the goal established under paragraph (1); 
����������� (8) with respect to the budget roadmap--
������������������� (A) specify the amount of funding required on an 
����������������annual basis from the Federal Government and industry to 
���������������carry out the budget roadmap; and
������������������� (B) specify the advantages and disadvantages to 
����������������moving toward the transition to hydrogen in vehicles in 
����������������accordance with the timeline established by the budget 
��� (a) Definition of Passive Solar Technology.--In this section, the 
term ``passive solar technology'' means a passive solar technology, 
including daylighting, that--
����������� (1) is used exclusively to avoid electricity use; and
����������� (2) can be metered to determine energy savings.
��� (b) Study.--The Secretary shall conduct a study to determine--
����������� (1) the range of levelized costs of avoided electricity for 
�������passive solar technologies;
����������� (2) the quantity of electricity displaced using passive 
��������solar technologies in the United States as of the date of 
��������enactment of this Act; and
����������� (3) the projected energy savings from passive solar 
��������technologies in 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 years after the date of 
��������enactment of this Act if--
������������������� (A) incentives comparable to the incentives provided 
����������������for electricity generation technologies were provided 
����������������for passive solar technologies; and
������������������� (B) no new incentives for passive solar technologies 
����������������were provided.
��� (c) Report.--Not later than 120 days after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that describes 
the results of the study under subsection (b).
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall enter into an arrangement with 
the National Academy of Sciences under which the Academy shall conduct a 
study to assess the implications on energy use and efficiency of land 
development patterns in the United States.
��� (b) Scope.--The study shall consider--
����������� (1) the correlation, if any, between land development 
��������patterns and increases in vehicle miles traveled;
����������� (2) whether petroleum use in the transportation sector can 
��������be reduced through changes in the design of development 
����������� (3) the potential benefits of--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1136]]
������������������� (A) information and education programs for State and 
����������������local officials (including planning officials) on the 
����������������potential for energy savings through planning, design, 
����������������development, and infrastructure decisions;
������������������� (B) incorporation of location efficiency models in 
����������������transportation infrastructure planning and investments; 
������������������� (C) transportation policies and strategies to help 
����������������transportation planners manage the demand for the number 
����������������and length of vehicle trips, including trips that 
����������������increase the viability of other means of travel; and
����������� (4) such other considerations relating to the study topic as 
��������the National Academy of Sciences finds appropriate.
��� (c) Report.--Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the National Academy of Sciences shall submit to the Secretary 
and Congress a report on the study conducted under this section.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary (in consultation with the National 
Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, the Commandant of the Coast Guard, 
affected recreational and commercial fishing industries, and affected 
energy and transportation stakeholders) shall carry out a study and 
compile existing science (including studies and data) to determine the 
risks or benefits presented by cumulative impacts of multiple offshore 
liquefied natural gas facilities reasonably assumed to be constructed in 
an area of the Gulf of Mexico using the open-rack vaporization system.
��� (b) Accuracy.--In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary shall 
verify the accuracy of available science and develop a science-based 
evaluation of significant short-term and long-term cumulative impacts, 
both adverse and beneficial, of multiple offshore liquefied natural gas 
facilities reasonably assumed to be constructed in an area of the Gulf 
of Mexico using or proposing the open-rack vaporization system on the 
fisheries and marine populations in the vicinity of the facility.
��� (a) In General.--The Architect of the Capitol, as part of the 
process of updating the Master Plan Study for the Capitol complex, 
����������� (1) carry out a study to evaluate the energy infrastructure 
��������of the Capitol complex to determine how to augment the 
��������infrastructure to become more energy efficient--
������������ �������(A) by using unconventional and renewable energy 
������������������� (B) by--
������������������������� (i) incorporating new technologies to 
����������������������implement effective green building solutions;
��������� ����������������(ii) adopting computer-based building 
����������������������management systems; and
������������������������� (iii) recommending strategies based on end-
��������������������� user behavioral changes to implement low-cost 
����������������������environmental gains; and
[[Page 119 STAT. 1137]]
������������������� (C) in a manner that would enable the Capitol 
����������������complex to have reliable utility service in the event of 
����������������power fluctuations, shortages, or outages;
����������� (2) carry out a study to explore the feasibility of 
��������installing energy and water conservation measures on the rooftop 
��������of the Dirksen Senate Office Building, including the area 
��������directly above the food service facilities in the center of the 
��������building, including the installation of--
������������������� (A) a vegetative covering area, using native species 
����������������to the maximum extent practicable, to--
������������������������� (i) insulate and increase the energy 
����������������������efficiency of the building;
������������������������� (ii) reduce precipitation runoff and conserve 
����������������������water for landscaping or other uses;
������������������������� (iii) increase, and provide more efficient use 
����������������������of, available outdoor space through management of 
����������������������the rooftop of the center of the building as a 
����������������������park or garden area for occupants of the building; 
 �������������������������(iv) improve the aesthetics of the building; 
������������������� (B) onsite renewable energy and other state-of-the-
��������������� art technologies to--
������������������������� (i) improve the energy efficiency and energy 
����������������������security of the building or the Capitol complex by 
����������������������providing additional or backup sources of power in 
����������������������the event of a power shortage or other emergency;
������������ �������������(ii) reduce the use of resources by the 
����������������������building; or
������������������������� (iii) enhance worker productivity; and
������������������� (C) <<NOTE: Reports. Deadline.>> not later than 180 
����������������days after the date of enactment of this Act, submit to 
����������������Congress a report describing the findings and 
����������������recommendations of the study under subparagraph (B).
��� (b) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be 
appropriated to the Architect of the Capitol to carry out this section 
$2,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2010.
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary shall enter into an arrangement with 
the National Academy of Sciences under which the National Academy of 
Sciences shall conduct a study of the short-term and long-term 
availability of skilled workers to meet the energy and mineral security 
requirements of the United States.
��� (b) Inclusions.--The study shall include an analysis of--
����������� (1) the need for and availability of workers for the oil, 
��������gas, and mineral industries;
����������� (2) the availability of skilled labor at both entry level 
��������and more senior levels; and
����������� (3) recommendations for future actions needed to meet future 
��������labor requirements.
��� (c) Report.--Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that describes 
the results of the study.
��� (a) In General.--Not <<NOTE: Deadline.>> later than 180 days after 
the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary shall complete a 
study to determine the effect that titles III, IV, and V of the Energy 
Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13211 et seq.) have had on--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1138]]
����������� (1) the development of alternative fueled vehicle 
����������� (2) the availability of that technology in the market; and
����������� (3) the cost of alternative fueled vehicles.
��� (b) Topics.--As part of the study under subsection (a), the 
Secretary shall specifically identify--
����������� (1) the number of alternative fueled vehicles acquired by 
��������fleets or covered persons required to acquire alternative fueled 
����������� (2) the quantity, by type, of alternative fuel actually used 
��������in alternative fueled vehicles acquired by fleets or covered 
����������� (3) the quantity of petroleum displaced by the use of 
��������alternative fuels in alternative fueled vehicles acquired by 
��������fleets or covered persons;
����������� (4) the direct and indirect costs of compliance with 
��������requirements under titles III, IV, and V of the Energy Policy 
��������Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13211 et seq.), including--
������������������� (A) vehicle acquisition requirements imposed on 
����������������fleets or covered persons;
������������������� (B) administrative and recordkeeping expenses;
������������������� (C) fuel and fuel infrastructure costs;
������������������� (D) associated training and employee expenses; and
������������������� (E) any other factors or expenses the Secretary 
����������������determines to be necessary to compile reliable estimates 
����������������of the overall costs and benefits of complying with 
����������������programs under those titles for fleets, covered persons, 
����������������and the national economy;
����������� (5) the existence of obstacles preventing compliance with 
��������vehicle acquisition requirements and increased use of 
��������alternative fuel in alternative fueled vehicles acquired by 
��������fleets or covered persons; and
����������� (6) the projected impact of amendments to the Energy Policy 
��������Act of 1992 made by this title.
��� (c) Report.--Upon completion of the study under this section, the 
Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that describes the results 
of the study and includes any recommendations of the Secretary for 
legislative or administrative changes concerning the alternative fueled 
vehicle requirements under titles III, IV and V of the Energy Policy Act 
of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 13211 et seq.).
��� (a) Study.--The Secretary, in coordination and consultation with the 
States, shall conduct a study on--
����������� (1) the procedures currently used by electric utilities to 
��������perform economic dispatch;
����������� (2) identifying possible revisions to those procedures to 
��������improve the ability of nonutility generation resources to offer 
��������their output for sale for the purpose of inclusion in economic 
��������dispatch; and
����������� (3) the potential benefits to residential, commercial, and 
��������industrial electricity consumers nationally and in each state if 
��������economic dispatch procedures were revised to improve the ability 
��������of nonutility generation resources to offer their output for 
��������inclusion in economic dispatch.
��� (b) Definition.--The term ``economic dispatch'' when used in this 
section means the operation of generation facilities to produce
[[Page 119 STAT. 1139]]
energy at the lowest cost to reliably serve consumers, recognizing any 
operational limits of generation and transmission facilities.
��� (c) Report to Congress and the States.--Not later than 90 days after 
the date of enactment of this Act, and on a yearly basis following, the 
Secretary shall submit a report to Congress and the States on the 
results of the study conducted under subsection (a), including 
recommendations to Congress and the States for any suggested legislative 
or regulatory changes.
��� (a) National <<NOTE: Contracts. Deadline.>> Academy of Sciences 
Study.--Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, 
the Secretary of the Interior shall enter into a contract with the 
National Academy of Sciences under which the National Academy of 
Sciences shall--
����������� (1) study the potential of developing wind, solar, and ocean 
��������energy resources (including tidal, wave, and thermal energy) on 
��������Federal land available for those uses under current law and the 
��������outer Continental Shelf;
����������� (2) assess any Federal law (including regulations) relating 
��������to the development of those resources that is in existence on 
��������the date of enactment of this Act; and
����������� (3) recommend statutory and regulatory mechanisms for 
��������developing those resources.
��� (b) Submission to Congress.--Not later than 2 years after the date 
of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall submit to 
Congress the results of the study under subsection (a).
��� (a) In General.--The Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary, and 
the Secretary of the Army shall jointly conduct a study of the potential 
for increasing electric power production capability at federally owned 
or operated water regulation, storage, and conveyance facilities.
��� (b) Content.--The study under this section shall include 
identification and description in detail of each facility that is 
capable, with or without modification, of producing additional 
hydroelectric power, including estimation of the existing potential for 
the facility to generate hydroelectric power.
��� (c) Report.--The Secretaries shall submit to the Committees on 
Energy and Commerce, Resources, and Transportation and Infrastructure of 
the House of Representatives and the Committee on Energy and Natural 
Resources of the Senate a report on the findings, conclusions, and 
recommendations of the study under this section by not later than 18 
months after the date of the enactment of this Act. The report shall 
include each of the following:
����������� (1) The identifications, descriptions, and estimations 
��������referred to in subsection (b).
����������� (2) A description of activities currently conducted or 
��������considered, or that could be considered, to produce additional 
��������hydroelectric power from each identified facility.
����������� (3) A summary of prior actions taken by the Secretaries to 
��������produce additional hydroelectric power from each identified 
������ �����(4) The costs to install, upgrade, or modify equipment or 
��������take other actions to produce additional hydroelectric power
[[Page 119 STAT. 1140]]
������� from each identified facility and the level of Federal power 
��������customer involvement in the determination of such costs.
����������� (5) The benefits that would be achieved by such 
��������installation, upgrade, modification, or other action, including 
��������quantified estimates of any additional energy or capacity from 
��������each facility identified under subsection (b).
����������� (6) A description of actions that are planned, underway, or 
��������might reasonably be considered to increase hydroelectric power 
��������production by replacing turbine runners, by performing generator 
��������upgrades or rewinds, or construction of pumped storage 
����������� (7) The impact of increased hydroelectric power production 
��������on irrigation, water supply, fish, wildlife, Indian tribes, 
��������river health, water quality, navigation, recreation, fishing, 
��������and flood control.
����������� (8) Any additional recommendations to increase hydroelectric 
��������power production from, and reduce costs and improve efficiency 
��������at, federally owned or operated water regulation, storage, and 
��������conveyance facilities.
��� (a) Review.--In consultation with affected private surface owners, 
oil and gas industry, and other interested parties, the Secretary of the 
Interior shall undertake a review of the current policies and practices 
with respect to management of Federal subsurface oil and gas development 
activities and their effects on the privately owned surface. This review 
shall include--
����������� (1) a comparison of the rights and responsibilities under 
��������existing mineral and land law for the owner of a Federal mineral 
��������lease, the private surface owners and the Department;
����������� (2) a comparison of the surface owner consent provisions in 
��������section 714 of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 
��������1977 (30 U.S.C. 1304) concerning surface mining of Federal coal 
��������deposits and the surface owner consent provisions for oil and 
��������gas development, including coalbed methane production; and
����������� (3) recommendations for administrative or legislative action 
��������necessary to facilitate reasonable access for Federal oil and 
��������gas activities while addressing surface owner concerns and 
��������minimizing impacts to private surface.
��� (b) Report.--The Secretary of the Interior shall report the results 
of such review to Congress not later than 180 days after the date of 
enactment of this Act.
��� (a) Review.--The <<NOTE: Wyoming. Montana.>> Secretary of the 
Interior shall review Federal and State laws in existence on the date of 
enactment of this Act in order to resolve any conflict relating to the 
Powder River Basin in Wyoming and Montana between--
����������� (1) the development of Federal coal; and
����������� (2) the development of Federal and non-Federal coalbed 
��� (b) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall submit to Congress a 
report that--
[[Page 119 STAT. 1141]]
 �����������(1) describes methods of resolving a conflict described in 
��������subsection (a); and
����������� (2) identifies a method preferred by the Secretary of the 
��������Interior, including proposed legislative language, if any, 
��������required to implement the method.
��� (a) Study.--The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of 
Defense and Secretary of Homeland Security, shall conduct a study of the 
growing energy requirements of the People's Republic of China and the 
implications of such growth on the political, strategic, economic, or 
national security interests of the United States, including--
����������� (1) an assessment of the type, nationality, and location of 
��������energy assets that have been sought for investment by entities 
��������located in the People's Republic of China;
����������� (2) an assessment of the extent to which investment in 
��������energy assets by entities located in the People's Republic of 
��������China has been on market-based terms and free from subsidies 
��������from the People's Republic of China;
����������� (3) an assessment of the effect of investment in energy 
��������assets by entities located in the People's Republic of China on 
��������the control by the United States of dual-use and export-
������� controlled technologies, including the effect on current and 
��������future access to foreign and domestic sources of rare earth 
��������elements used to produce such technologies;
����������� (4) an assessment of the relationship between the Government 
��������of the People's Republic of China and energy-related businesses 
��������located in the People's Republic of China;
����������� (5) an assessment of the impact on the world energy market 
��������of the common practice of entities located in the People's 
��������Republic of China of removing the energy assets owned or 
��������controlled by such entities from the competitive market, with 
��������emphasis on the effect if such practice expands along with the 
��������growth in energy consumption of the People's Republic of China;
����������� (6) an examination of the United States energy policy and 
��������foreign policy as it relates to ensuring a competitive global 
��������energy market;
����������� (7) an examination of the relationship between the United 
��������States and the People's Republic of China as it relates to 
��������pursuing energy interests in a manner that avoids conflicts; and
����������� (8) a comparison of the appropriate laws and regulations of 
��������other nations to determine whether a United States company would 
��������be permitted to purchase, acquire, merge, or otherwise establish 
��������a joint relationship with an entity whose primary place of 
��������business is in that other nation, including the laws and 
��������regulations of the People's Republic of China.
��� (b) Report and Recommendations.--Not later than 120 days after the 
date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in consultation with 
the Secretary of Defense, shall report to the President and the Congress 
on the findings of the study described in subsection (a) and any 
recommendations the Secretaries consider appropriate.
[[Page 119 STAT. 1142]]
��� (c) Regulatory Effect.--Notwithstanding <<NOTE: President. Effective 
date.>> any other provision of law, any instrumentality of the United 
States vested with authority to review a transaction that includes an 
investment in a United States domestic corporation may not conclude a 
national security review related to an investment in the energy assets 
of a United States domestic corporation by an entity owned or controlled 
by the government of the People's Republic of China for 21 days after 
the report to the President and the Congress, and until the President 
certifies that he has received the report described in subsection (b).
��� The Secretary, in consultation with the Administrator of the 
Environmental Protection Agency, shall undertake a study of the energy 
and environmental benefits of the re-refining of used lubricating oil 
and report to Congress within 90 days after enactment of this Act 
including recommendations of specific steps that can be taken to improve 
collections of used lubricating oil and increase re-refining and other 
beneficial re-use of such oil.
��� Within 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the 
Secretary and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission shall study and 
report to Congress on the steps which must be taken to establish a 
system to make available to all transmission system owners and Regional 
Transmission Organizations (as defined in the Federal Power Act) within 
the Eastern and Western Interconnections real-time information on the 
functional status of all transmission lines within such 
Interconnections. In such study, the Commission shall assess technical 
means for implementing such transmission information system and identify 
the steps the Commission or Congress must take to require the 
implementation of such system.
��� (a) Report Requirement.--Not later than 90 days after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the 
Bureau of Reclamation, shall submit to the Committee on Resources of the 
House of Representatives and the Committee on Energy and Natural 
Resources of the Senate a report identifying and describing the status 
of potential hydropower facilities included in water surface storage 
studies undertaken by the Secretary for projects that have not been 
completed or authorized for construction.
��� (b) Report Contents.--The report shall include the following:
����������� (1) Identification of all surface storage studies authorized 
��������by Congress since the enactment of the Reclamation Project Act 
��������of 1939 (43 U.S.C. 485 et seq.).
����������� (2) The purposes of each project included within each study 
��������identified under paragraph (1).
 �����������(3) The status of each study identified under paragraph (1), 
��������including for each study--
������������������� (A) whether the study is completed or, if not 
����������������completed, still authorized;
������������������� (B) the level of analyses conducted at the 
����������������feasibility and reconnaissance levels of review;
[[Page 119 STAT. 1143]]
������������������� (C) identifiable environmental impacts of each 
����������������project included in the study, including to fish and 
����������������wildlife, water quality, and recreation;
������������������� (D) projected water yield from each such project;
������������������� (E) beneficiaries of each such project;
������������������� (F) the amount authorized and expended;
������� ������������(G) projected funding needs and timelines for 
����������������completing the study (if applicable);
������������������� (H) anticipated costs of each such project; and
������������������� (I) other factors that might interfere with 
����������������construction of any such project.
����������� (4) An identification of potential hydroelectric facilities 
��������that might be developed pursuant to each study identified under 
��������paragraph (1).
����������� (5) Applicable costs and benefits associated with potential 
��������hydroelectric production pursuant to each study.
��� Approved August 8, 2005.
HOUSE REPORTS: No. 109-190 (Comm. of Conference).
����������� Apr. 20, 21, considered and passed House.
����������� June 14-16, 20-23, 28, considered and passed Senate, 
����������� July 28, House agreed to conference report.
����������� July 29, Senate agreed to conference report.
����������� Aug. 8, Presidential remarks and statement.
��������������������������������� <all>
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