1525-0012-0152 Quantitative Research - New Customer Aquisition Research Survey

1525-0012-0152 Justification OMB Request New Customer Acquisition Survey Oct 10.doc

Generic Clearance for Voluntary Surveys to Implement E.O. 12882. Implemented by Sales and Marketing Division.

1525-0012-0152 Quantitative Research - New Customer Aquisition Research Survey

OMB: 1525-0012

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I. Purpose of the Research

The primary purpose of the U.S. Mint Customer and Non-Customer quantitative research is to ascertain the potential opportunity for collectible coin sales among non-customers, and to identify possible strategies for accessing this untapped potential.

II. Sample Design and Methodology

The New Customer Acquisition Survey is designed to be an internet based survey, in order to provide a cost-effective method for collecting the breadth of information to be gathered. The survey will also be administered by telephone for those without Internet access.

The survey will include 2,000 consumers who are not currently customers of the U.S. Mint, with screening to ensure that at least 600 (30%) of those consumers currently save or set aside coins (e.g., save 50-state quarters, etc.). The base sample will be augmented with an additional 200 African American consumers, 200 Hispanic consumers, 300 Asians and 280 non-customers who purchase coins from other sources. In addition a sample of 900 of U.S. Mint customers will be included, yielding a total pool of 2,680 (base survey) to 3,580 (including customer component).

This will yield a total pool of 3,880 interviews, as outlined in Figure 1, providing an ample basis for a focused analysis of each of the underpenetrated groups identified in Figure 1.

Figure 1 -Survey Sample Allocation

Target Group


Base Sample (demographically balanced)


Augment 1 (African American)


Augment 2 (Hispanic)


Augment 3 (Asian Americans)


Augment 4 (Competitor Customers)


U.S. Mint Customers




The sample for U.S. Mint customers will be obtained from U.S. Mint customer lists. A national consumer panel will be used for the fielding the base sample and each of the consumer groups noted in Figure 1. This approach will ensure complete representation across all demographic groups and segments. In addition, a portion of the interviews (5-10%) will be completed with non-Internet equipped individuals (interviews conducted by telephone). National Analysts will code, clean, weight and tabulate data collected from the survey.

  1. New Customer Acquisition Research Survey Design

The project is designed to include a three-minute screener and a twenty-two minute Customer Acquisition Survey completed via Internet or by telephone. Questions S1-S4 in the attached survey are the “screener” questions. The New Customer Acquisition Research Survey will cover the following topics/sections:

  • Collecting behaviors/interests

  • Experiences/influences

  • Coin purchasing likelihood

  • Other lifestyles/interests

  • General purchasing behaviors

  1. Methods to Maximize Response Rates

This survey approach is designed to minimize the amount of intrusion and burden that we place on customers. Accordingly, we are not making calls to them, or taking other “intrusive” measures that normally might be used to maximize response rates. No monetary incentive will be offered and participation is voluntary.

  1. Estimate of the Burden Hours

The collection of information will involve completion of the survey via the Internet or via telephone interview with up to a maximum of 3,880 randomly selected respondents. The average interview length (including the screener) for all respondents will be approximately 25 minutes. Therefore, the total estimated burden for this survey is 1616 hours.

New Customer Acquisition Survey

All respondents


Average Interview Minutes


Burden hours


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitlePurpose of the Research
AuthorKathy Chiarello
Last Modified Byypollard
File Modified2010-10-25
File Created2010-10-21

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